Castle Of Dragon

Castle Of Dragon

15.10.2013 00:07:33
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 23:45:43 -0500 (EST)
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by Wilson Lau

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Wilson Lau

This faq is best viewed in Courier, 10 point font. This faq may be
distributed FREELY so long as it remains unaltered. It is intended for
PRIVATE USE may NOT be reproduced for commercial purposes by mechanical,
electronic, or any other means. Do not try to sell it even if no profit is
made off this work. Email any changes, typos, etc. to me at

Castle of Dragon is (c) 1989 Seta USA, Inc.

You may find this faq and all future revisions at:
Dark Toshi's Home Page (me)

World of Nintendo
Game Genie codes and manual information.

Game Genie codes.

I. Faq History
II. Story
III. Controls
IV. Life, Experience, and Continues
V. Equipment and the Four Relics
VI. Enemies
VII. Locations
VIII. Walkthrough
IX. The Ending
X. Tips and Codes
XI. Credits
XII. Disclaimer

Version 1.05 (2/09/00)
Added official story
Added names of monsters
Revised faq

Version 1.00 (10/18/99)
Initial release

The Dragon Master, DARKLARZA, has been laying siege to Offeria for two
decades. King Boros has been forced to live in exile in the mountainous
region of Menlary. Geraden, Duke of Menlary, has successfully defended his
castle from the hideous Legions of the Undead, but Darklarza's forces are
growing in numbers and confidence.

King Boros has offered the hand of his lovely daughter Princess Amoreena to
Geraden but the duke has vowed never to marry while Offeria is under the
Dragon Master's control.

Under the cover of darkness, Darklarza's horde has assaulted Castle Menlary,
a bold but futile attempt to seize the last stronghold of the living. As
Geraden is fighting his way to the Death Stalker leading the attack, he
learns that the entire battle was only a diversion.

Dragon Cub, the wicked offspring of Darklarza, has dispatched the royal
guards and kidnapped the Princess, mortally wounding King Boros. Geraden's
fate is now clear. He must fight his way to Darklarza Castle to do battle
with the Dragon Master himself.

But Darklarza's power makes him virtually invincible. The duke will need
many items to help him defeat the scourge on Offeria. The only things that
cannot be destroyed by the dragon's fiery breath are the scales that cover
its body.

The Dragon Master's dark magic is unbelievable. Part of his magical strength
comes from a crystal ball that once belonged to Geraden's mother, Offeria's
greatest sorceress.

Darklarza also holds King Boro's golden suit of armor. The duke will need
this to protect himself from the crushing blows of the dragon's massive tail.

Only one weapon in all of Offeria is strong enough to pierce the flesh of the
Dragon Master. Even so, the DRAGON SLAYER is not long enough to do any
damage except where the skin is the thinnest.

Even after twenty years of fighting, Geraden is still not ready to take on
his arch enemy. Darklarza knows this and that is why he has stolen the
princess. The duke must now hope that the experience he gains in fighting
his way to the castle will be enough to protect him from the Dragon Master's

There will be one experience that Geraden cannot prepare himself for. Before
he can face the Dark Lord he must first face his most dangerous

Most important, Geraden needs your help to fight through the never ending
onslaught of the Legion of the Undead. It will be your skill and wisdom that
will guide him through the perils that await.

For Amoreena, for the honor of the house of Menlary! FOR ALL OF OFFERIA!

Up : Move up on the map
Down : Crouch and raise shield/Move down on the map
Left/Right: Move left or right on the screen or the map
A button : Jump
B button : Attack
Select : Pause/Resume game
Start : Start game/Switch weapons

The orange bar in the upper left corner of the screen is your life meter.
You start off with 16 bars of Health. You only get one life but the meter
may be increased to a maximum of 32 bars. Armor also adds another full bar
of health so you can get up to 64 bars of health.

The blue bar in the upper left corner of the screen is the experience meter.
It will increase whenever you kill an enemy. When it fills completely, your
life meter will increase (up to 32 bars max).

While you have no continues you'll restart the game with the same life meter
and weapons as when you died.

Sword : Duke's basic weapon. Medium damage.
Throwing Knife : Doesn't inflict much damage but is very quick. Can be
used to hit distant enemies.
Mace : Powerful and hits multiple times but is heavy. Takes a
lot of energy to swing. It can also hurt you too.
Sonic Sword : (orange sword icon) Emits deadly sound wave damaging
anything in its path. Lasts for a short time only.
Lightning Sword : (blue sword icon) Temporarily focuses electrical
energy through Geraden's sword.
Armor : (blue icon) Provides some protection. Adds another
bar of health equal to your current maximum life.

Four Relics
Golden Armor : (orange icon) Deflects Dragon Master's spells and
lessens physical damage.
Crystal Ball : Source of great mystical power. Essential to victory.
Prevents Darklarza's resurrection.
Dragon Scale Shield: Only material that will stop Darklarza's flames.
Dragon Slayer : Replaces duke's sword. Awesome weapon, if used

Amphorg Creature of the deep forced to live on land by Darklarza.
Bloodbats Razor-sharp saberlike fangs can penetrate the duke's
Chess Knights Created from King's chessboard. They play a deadly game.
Cyclops One eyed giant slings burning spheres.
Darklarza Geraden's arch enemy.
Death Stalker Cloaked specter that throws out balls of ghostly energy.
Dragon Cub Darklarza's offspring. Lacks only his father's magic and
Dragon Wisp They will try to find a hole in dukes armor to sting him.
Fairies The fairies are the souls of Darklarza's victims that
have escaped his enslavement. They are the only friends
Geraden will bring him the precious gift of life!
Falcoren Once Geraden's hunting falcon, transformed by dark spell.
Fireballs Tortured souls of Darklarza's soldiers who have
displeased him.
Ghost Knight Possessed suit of armor.
Guardian Dragon Guards exit from game room. Will try to crush the duke.
Iguanados Reptilian warrior from the Isle of Zaraos
Malogs Forced to roam dry land when Darklarza burned the swamp.
Man-O-War Salamander's Henchman. Lives in damp, dark places.
Medusa Serpent-haired witch. Her gaze can turn a man to stone.
Minotauros Axe wielding giant half man and half bull. All mean!
Quetzalcoatl Mythological creature brought to life by evil
Salamander Spits acid strong enough to eat through Geraden's armor.
Skeletal Knights Erected from skeletons in the Crypt of Darklarza.
Sphinx Animated statues from ramparts of Darklarza Castle.
The Undead Hideous zombies that rise from their graves
Zombie Knights Mindless victims of the Dragon Master's horrible spell.

The Wenlary Castle : Your castle
The Heresy Forest : Home of many foul dark creatures
The Darklarza Castle: The enemy's fortress

The Wenlary Castle (level 1)
You'll start the level fighting a skeletal knight. Defeat it by crouching
and slashing. Continue forward past the groups of 2 and 3 bloodbats. You'll
face a zombie. Slash it once or twice and jump away. Then slash again.
Repeat until its dead. You'll get a sonic sword for defeating it. Now
charge ahead past the groups of 2 and 3 fireballs. You'll see another
skeletal knight. Use the sonic sword to kill it. Now continue forward past
the groups 2 and 3 bloodbats. You'll now fight 10 white ghost knights who
attack you from both sides. Quickly use your sonic sword to kill them. If
it ran out already, then just slash the ghost knights. They only take 1
slash to kill anyway. After defeating them, continue ahead past the 3
fireballs. Then you'll see a fairy come down from the sky. DON'T KILL IT!
Touch it and your energy will be replenished. Now continue forward and
you'll meet the boss of the level.

Boss: Death Stalker
This enemy uses a spread fireball on you so your best tactic would be to
slash the death stalker until it's dead without worrying about your health.
If you grabbed the fairy, it will die before you die. Just make sure you
don't take extra damage by touching the death stalker. You'll receive armor
for winning.

The Heresy Forest (level 2-3)

The Heresy Forest 1
You'll start the level fighting a blue zombie similar to the one you fought
in the last level. Use the same hit and run tactic from before. Now
continue forward past the groups of 2 and 3 fireballs and you'll face a
skeletal knight. Just slash it and continue forward past the 2 yellow malogs
and you'll see a fairy. Heal up and face the boss of the level.

Boss: Cyclops
This boss also uses a spread fireball attack like the death stalker so just
get up close and slash until it's dead. If you healed, you should win.
You'll receive the knives for winning.

The Heresy Forest 2
You'll start the level fighting Falcoren, your former hunting falcon. It'll
try to touch you so use a hit and run tactic to defeat it. Make sure you
crouch and slash because a standing slash will miss it. You'll get the
lightning sword for winning. Now continue forward past the groups of 2 and 3
bloodbats and you will fight a skeletal knight. One lightning sword slash
will kill it. Now quickly move forward past the groups of 3 and 2 green
malogs and you'll fight an iguanados. 2 or 3 lightning sword slashes will
kill it. You'll get armor for winning. Up ahead is another fairy. Heal up
and you'll fight a death stalker. Use the same tactic you used on the
previous death stalker. You'll get the sonic sword for winning. Now you'll
see a pit with 2 platforms that go up and down. Be careful not to fall in
the pit and jump when the first platform is at the lowest position. Now do
the same for the second platform, but make sure the platform you are standing
on is high enough so you don't miss the second platform. Once you pass the
pit, you'll fight an orange zombie. A few sonic sword slashes and it'll die.
Now continue forward past the green malog and the 3 yellow malogs and you'll
face the boss of the level.

Boss: Minotauros
This guy will charge back and forth across the screen so you'll want to slash
it a few times and then jump out of its way and slash it again. Repeat until
it's dead. You'll get the mace for winning.

The Darklarza Castle

| Roof |
| Main hall |
| Final Area |
| Fire pits |
| Caverns |

The castle is divided into 5 areas. You can freely select any level you
want. While you can enter the final battle now, you will die immediately
because you do not have the 4 relics needed to win. The top 2 floors have 2
additional bosses to fight while the lower 2 do not so you might want to
enter the lower levels first.

You'll start the level fighting a zombie knight. Just attack with the mace.
You'll get a sonic sword for winning. Continue forward past the groups of 3
bloodbats and you'll fight a sphinx next to a pit. Move to the right side of
the screen and use the sonic sword to hit the sphinx from afar. If it runs
out, then wait for the sphinx to get close and use your mace. Continue
forward past the groups of 3 dragon wisps and you'll fight another zombie
knight. Use the same tactic as before and you'll get armor for winning. Now
continue forward past the groups of 3 fireballs and you'll see another pit
and another sphinx. Like before, just stay on the right side and attack it
when it gets close. Continue forward past the bloodbats and you will see
some more pits. After jumping onto the second pillar, you'll fight another
sphinx. Be careful not to get pushed off the pillar and attack the sphinx
when it gets near. Now continue forward and you'll see another rising
platform like the ones in the Heresy Forest. Jump across and you'll see a
fairy. Heal up and fight the boss.

Boss: Dragon Cub
This monster will fly in the air, raining a fireball spread down on you. It
will also land and shoot fireballs too. You can avoid the air fireballs by
staying under it. Your best strategy would be to concentrate mostly on
attacking while dodging the fireballs whenever possible. You'll get the
first relic for winning. However it's not over yet. You have to fight
another boss.

Boss: Quetzalcoatl
This monster will shoot 3 fireballs and then jump forward in a triangular
pattern. Just stand in between two fireballs and jump and slash its head
with the mace. Be careful not to touch Quetzalcoatl. After 7-9 slashes,
it'll die. Use can also use the throwing knives to attack from a distance.

Main hall
You'll start the level fighting a death stalker. Use the same tactic as on
other death stalkers. Continue past the groups of 3 fireballs and you'll
encounter 10 white ghost knights like the ones in the Wenlary Castle. Just
slash them all and continue forward past the groups of 3 chess knights.
You'll then fight an armored white ghost knight. He fights like the zombie
knights so just duck and mace him to death. You'll get the sonic sword for
winning. Continue past the groups of 3 fireballs and you'll fight another 10
white ghost knights. After the white ghost knights are two more groups of 3
chess knights and then a purple death stalker. The death stalker is just
like the death stalkers you've been fighting so far so just get up close and
mace away. You'll get armor for winning. Now continue ahead past the two
groups of 3 fireballs and you'll fight another zombie knight. Defeat him and
after the next group of 3 chess knights, you'll face the boss of the level.

Boss: Medusa
It will charge at you and shoot a paralyze ball when it gets close enough.
So don't let it get too close by crouching and macing. You should be able to
mace the medusa fast enough so it can't get close enough to use the paralyze
ball. After 8-10 hits it'll die and you'll receive the second relic for
winning. Like the roof level, you'll now face another boss.

Boss: Guardian Dragon
This monster uses a jump attack similar to Quetzalcoatl's only it will jump 2
short hops instead of one big jump that Quetzalcoatl does. It might not jump
sometimes too. You can easily get 2 or 3 good hits when this happens.
Unlike Quetzalcoatl, the Guardian Dragon does not shoot fireballs so its only
damage to you is through contact. Knowing this, just stand a step in front
of the dragon. Then, as it jumps forward at you, move towards it, being
careful not to touch it. Then when it jumps back, move back. Then jump and
slash it in the head. Repeat until it's dead.

Fire pits
You'll start the level fighting a zombie knight. Defeat it like the other
ghost knights and continue forward past the 3 dragon wisps. You'll now see 2
platforms moving up and down above a fire pit. Try jumping on the platform
only when it is rising out of the fire so you don't get hurt. While you
won't die if you touch the fire, it's better to avoid taking damage whenever
possible. After crossing the platforms, you'll face an orange skeletal
knight. Defeat it like you did the other skeletons. You'll get a lightning
sword. Now proceed ahead quickly past the 3 dragon wisps and the 3 fireballs
and you'll face a purple death stalker. 2 lightning sword slashes should do
the trick. Now keep moving quickly ahead past the 3 dragon wisps and the 3
fireballs and you'll fight a green cyclops. 2 lightning sword slashes will
kill it if you still have it. Otherwise, just get close and attack with the
mace. You'll get armor. Now you'll see another fire pit and another moving
platform. Like the platforms before this, just wait for it to rise out of
the fire before jumping. After crossing, there will be a fairy. Heal up and
face the boss of the level.

Boss: Orange Salamander
This guy fights like the death stalker only it will release the fireballs
when it is close enough. Therefore, use the same rapid attack strategy that
you used against the medusa. Several hits should finish it off. You'll
receive the third relic.

You'll start the level fighting a blue salamander. Use the same strategy you
used on the red salamander. You'll get a sonic sword. Now walk forward past
the groups of 2 and 3 man-o-wars. Now you'll face amphorg, the creature of
the deep. Let it move halfway across the screen and then let it have a few
sonic sword slashes. 3 should kill it. Now keep moving ahead past the
groups of 3 bloodbats and you'll reach a pit. Carefully jump across,
avoiding the groups of 2 and 3 man-o-wars. After crossing the last pit,
you'll fight another blue salamander. Defeat it and you'll get armor. Move
ahead past the groups of 3 bloodbats and you'll fight a zombie. Like the
zombies from before, just mace it to death. Now charge ahead past 3 man-o-
war and you'll fight another amphorg. After that, you'll pass a bloodbat and
another group of 3 bloodbats before fighting the boss of the level.

Boss: Green Minotauros
Like its predecessor, this guy moves quickly back and forth across the
screen. With the mace, you can hit it multiple times which slows its
approach at you so 13-15 hits should kill it.

Final Area
If you didn't win the four relics from the four levels, then you'll
immediately face and eventually lose to Darklarza.

If you won the four relics, then you'll enter a hall with mirrors on the
wall. When you come to the third mirror, your reflection will emerge and
block your path. It mirrors all your moves so whatever you do, it does too.
It will disappear when you have only half your life left without armor. You
can slowly attack it or just walk into it and let it damage you by contact.
After it disappears, you'll get armor. Then just ahead, you will see 3
fairies. Heal up and switch your weapon to the sword by pressing START until
you're holding the sword. Now prepare to enter the final battle.

Boss: Darklarza, the Red Dragon
This dragon is tough. That is if you don't know what to do. First, make
sure you have the sword equipped because the other weapons will not hurt him.
Second, the dragon uses 2 attacks. The first is a triple fireball breath
similar to Quetzalcoatl's attack only its more powerful. The second attack
is the dragon's tail which will hit you if you get too close. Third, while
you take less damage by having the 4 relics, you do have a limited life. If
you lose your armor, the fight is over, so you have to win with 1 meter of

Begin the fight by getting close to the dragon but at the same time avoiding
the tail. While you can't avoid the fireballs entirely, try your best to
avoid taking too much damage from them and concentrate on attacking the
dragon's head. If you jump too close to its head, the dragon will retract
its head. If you're quick, you can get 2 quick hits for every jump. It will
take about 13-15 hits to kill it.

After killing Darklarza, you're walking in a brightly lit hall of mirrors and
then Princess Amoreena comes out. The screen switches to a view of the
castle much like the one in the introduction with the exception that the
skies are now clear. Then the credits play.


Producer Sakae Nakamura
Director Zensuc
Planner/Designer Undead Tamai
Composer Sho
Sound Editor K. Red
Thanks Sayuri M.
Special Thanks Tomboy

Thank you for playing

The End

01. Certain creatures move slower when Geraden is jumping.
02. Darklarza is not the only scale covered dragon.
03. The shield is effective against swords.
04. Throwing knives are very effective on Quetzalcoatl and Guardian Dragon.
05. Try not to push characters off screen. From there they can attack you,
but you cannot inflict damage on them.
06. Four relics, each guarded by the bosses of the four levels of the
Darklarza Castle, are required to defeat Darklarza. You'll receive
them in the following order, regardless of the order of the level

Golden Armor : You can fight Darklarza but can't hurt him.
Dragon Scale Shield: You can hurt Darklarza now.
Dragon Slayer : You'll take 1/6 the damage from before so you can
kill Darklarza but he will "resurrect" afterwards
infinitely many times.
Crystal Ball : Prevents Darklarza's "resurrection" so you can
finally win.

Game Genie Codes
PEVPULAP Stop skeletons from fighting
GEOGYZPA Enemies and you each fight faster
ZPSLONLP Super strong monsters
SZVUSNVK No harm from most monster attacks
YNOLSYAE Infinite energy
NYXKLAGE Super energy
ZAXGLAAA Start with knives
LAXGLAAA Start with knives and mace
EAXGLAAA Start with armor
UAXGLAAA Start with armor, knives, and mace

World of Nintendo
Game Genie codes and manual information.

Game Genie codes.

This faq is neither affiliated nor endorsed by Seta USA, Inc. It may be
distributed FREELY so long as it remains unaltered. It is intended for
PRIVATE USE and may NOT be reproduced for commercial purposes by mechanical,
electronic, or any other means. Do not try to sell it even if no profit is
made off this work. Email any changes, typos, etc. to me at

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Wilson Lau.
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