A Boy And His Blob

A Boy And His Blob

17.10.2013 07:40:37
SeanKelson's A Boy and His Blob Walkthrough
~Full Version~


By SeanKelson

Copyright, 2001 SeanKelson

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Table Of Contents
2---"Quick" Walkthrough
A. Night World
B. Day World
3---Detailed Walkthrough
A. Night World
B. Day World
A. Jelly Beans
B. Other Items
5---Other Information
A. Author's Note
B. Contact Information
C. Future Versions
D. Credits & Copyright
---File Summary---

Note: If you find an error, please report it to me.

Section 1: Introduction

This walkthrough is over the Nintendo game A Boy and His Blob. It was
released in 1989. The game features the hero, a boy, and his sidekick, his blob.
The blob transforms ino different items when you feed it different flavored
jelly beans. These items help you overcome the obstacles in the game as well as
navigate through the game.
Now, before you read any further, I will warn everybody that this
walkthrough will spoil parts of the game for you. I reccomend only using it if
you need to.

Section 2: "Quick" Walkthrough

If you don't need details, just look at this section. It overviews the
entire game very briefly in a simple list.

\ A: Night World /

1. Leave your house and go down into the subway.
2. Drop down through a hole to the lower ledge of the subway. Go left and use a
ladder to reach the treasure. Go to the screen with the "Absolute Avenue"
sign and drop down a screen with a hole on the left side of that screen to
get another treasure.
3. Go right until you reach a ledge. Fall with an umbrella and get another
4. Go left, burning the web with a blow torch and avoiding the falling rocks
with an umbrella.
5. Build a bridge across the gap to get another treasure.
6. Fall down the pit the bridge went over and go right until you see a screen
with a gem on it. Fall a screen down and use a trampoline to get to the
7. Put a hole on the left side of the screen the trampoline is on. Fall down
the hole. Go left to get the treasure.
8. Fall down the pit to your right. Go to the far left. Use ladders to
climb up to the treasure.
9. Fall back down to the bottom. Go to the far left and make a pit.
10. Fall down the pit. Go left to the ledge. Make the blob a bubble and go
inside the bubble. Fall down into the water and go underwater, down a
screen from the surface of the water.
11. Go left one screen and get a gem.
12. Go to the far right, picking up six gems along the way.
13. Go left two screens, then down one. Grab the treasure.
14. Go back to the surface of the water again and to the far left. Use a
ladder to climb up a screen, then cross the gap with a bridge.
15. Go right one screen. Use a trampoline to jump up a screen. Go left and
get the treasure, then return to where the trampoline is.
16. Go right one screen. Use a trampoline to jump up one screen and get on the
ledge. Use a humming bird or ketchup jelly bean to get your blob up with
you. Go to the far right, make a hole, and fall through.
17. Go right one screen. Use a trampoline in the middle and jump up as high as
you can go, then land on the ledge on your left. Get your blob up with
you with a ketchup bean or hummining bird.
18. Go left one screen and get the treasure. Drop down a screen with a hole
and get another treasure. Drop down again for another.
19. Anywhere on the bottom ledge of the screen you're on, make a hole and
drop down to get a treasure.
20. Fall down the pit a screen left of you with an umbrella, then repeat steps
15 and 16.
21. Bridge across the gap on the screen to the left this time. Go two screens
left. There will be a gem in the air. Drop down a screen and use the
trampoline to get up to it.
22. Go to the screen to the right of the screen with the gem and climb up onto
the ledge with a ladder.
23. Use ladders up the ledges until you cannot go up any more. Go one screen
to the left and collect your last treasure.
24. Go to the right and bridge across the gap. Use the jack to pop the sewer
lid open. Climb up the manhole with a ladder and go right. Use a
hummingbird or ketchup jelly bean to get your blob up with you if it
doesn't come up our of the sewers with you.
25. Go far right and into the health foods store to pick up some stuff.
26. Leave the store and turn the blob into a rocket. Use the rocket to enter
the Day World.

\ B: Day World /

1. Feed the blob a coconut jelly bean. Pick up the coconut and walk to the
edge of the screen. When you're about there, throw the coconut with your
running start. Don't whistle until the coconut is at the corn fields.
2 . Go right and into the factory.
3. Use a trampoline to jump a screen up and get on the candy cane. Go a screen
left and press the switch. Get your blob up to you with a hummingbird or
ketchup jelly bean. Turn him into an umbrella and fly down to the screen to
the right of the screen with the switch.
4. Repeat step 3, as these next screens are the same.
5. Go right into the cave.
6. Go right. Watch the teeth carefully so you can run through them one at a
time for the next two screens of teeth.
7. Make your blob a hole in the middle of the screen after the teeth. Drop
down, go right, and hit the switch to turn off the cauldren.
8. Use a trampoline to get up to the screen above you. Use a hummingbird or
ketchup jelly bean to get your blob up.
9. Go to the right and through the two screens of fast moving teeth.
10. Go right until you see a large keyhole. Turn your blob into a key and
unlock the door.
11. Now the blob is in a cage. Whistle, then throw it an apple jelly bean,
getting a running head start. Blob will knock down the jar of vitamins and
eliminate the evil from Blobolonia!

Section 3: Detailed Walkthrough

If there isn't enough detail in the "Quick" Walkthrough for you, then this
section goes into details. Each paragraph is numbered though, describing the
same step above in the quick walkthrough, but in greater detail.

\ A: Night World /

Step 1: You start the game by your house. Go left two screens, and you will
see stairs leading down to the subway. Go down the stairs by holding down as
you walk right.

Step 2: Once you're at the bottom of the stairs, feed the blob a punch jelly
bean to create a hole. Fall down the hole, move out of the way, and whistle.
Lead your blob to the screen to the left. Position the blob under the platform
with the treasure. Feed your blob a licorice jelly bean to create a ladder. Go
up the ladder to get the treasure. Whistle. Jump down from the platform. Go
left two screens. Position the blob on the left side of the screen. Use a
punch jelly bean to create a hole. Fall down the hole then call your blob down.
Get the treasure the worm is hopping over . Make sure you don't hit the worm.

Step 3: Go right three screens. On the third screen, there is a platform
only on the left side. Feed your blob a vanilla jelly bean and grab the
umbrella, as it is a long way down. Jump off the ledge. When you land two
screens down, there will be a treasure on the right side of the screen.

Step 4: Turn your blob into a blow torch with a cinnamon jelly bean. Pick
up the blow torch and walk left to burn the web. Then, turn blob into an
umbrella with a vanilla jelly bean. Pick up the umbrella and go one screen left
of the screen with the web. When the falling coks hit the umbrella, they will
crumble. However, if you walk into a rock, it will kill you. Make your way
through two screens of rocks.

Step 5: In the screen after the rocks, get blob to the edge of the ledge by
setting the umbrella down when the worm is not on your side. Whistle to blob,
then feed it a strawberry jelly bean, making sure it doesn't move. It will
build a bridge across the gap. Walk across the gap, making sure not to get hit
by the worm. Grab the treasure on the left side of the gap.

Step 6: Whistle to blob so you can jump down the put. An umbrella is not
necessary. From where you land, go right two screens. There will be a gem
floating in the air on the screen you're on now. Jump off the ledge to land a
screen below the gem. Feed blob a tangerine jelly bean when it is in the middle
of this screen. Use the trampoline it makes to jump up to the gem.

Step 7: Whistle to blob then lead him to the left side of the screen the
trampoline was on. Feed it a punch jelly bean and fall down the hole it makes.
You'll land on a ledge. Go to the left and get the treasure. Whistle to blob.

Step 8: Go right one screen from the treasure. Jump down the pit, then go
left two screens. Position the blob under the platform and give it a licorice
jelly bean to turn it into a ladder. Climb up the ladder and whistle to the
blob. Use ladders like this two more times to get to the platform with treasure
on it.

Step 9: Fall down the ledges you just climbed up. Once you're at the bottom,
take your blob as far left as you can. Feed it a punch jelly bean to turn it
into a hole.

Step 10: Fall down the hole to land a screen below. Go left two screens and
you'll be on a ledge. Feed the blob a cola jelly bean, and it will turn into a
bubble. Get in the bubble and move off the ledge. You'll fall a screen down
then plop into water. Press down and go underwater, down the opening in the
floor beneath the water. Go down one screen.

Step 11: Without going down or up a screen, go one screen left and pick up
the gem near the top of the screen.

Step 12: Without going down or up a screen, ride your bubble right five
screens. Hug the bottom of the screen to avoid spikes along the way. In the
screen you arrive in, there are three gems near the top. Grab them then go one
screen to the right. In this screen, there are three more gems. Grab the gems.

Step 13: Move two screens left in your bubble. Now go down one screen.
There is a treasure in this area, but it's surrounded by spikes. Go towards the
treasure from the right side of the spikes. As long as your careful, you should
be able to grab the treasure without popping your bubble.

Step 14: Move up out of the spikes onto the next screen. Go left three
screens, then go up the opening a screen to the surface of the water. Ride your
bubble two screens left. On this screen, there is land on the left side. Ride
left and you'll jump out of the water onto the land. Position the bubble
beneath the edge of the ledge above you. Whistle to change the blob back. Feed
the blob a licorice jelly bean to create a ladder. Climb the ladder up. As
soon as you go up a screen, come back down to avoid the worm jumping on your
head. Once you go down once, you can go back up and get off the ladder to the
left. Whistle. Feed your blob strawberry jelly bean to create a bridge.
Cross the bridge, being sure not to get hit by the worm.

Step 15: Go right one screen and whistle. Get the blob near the middle of
the screen and feed it a tangerine jelly bean to create a trampoline. Jump up
one screen and land on the ledge. Go left one screen and pick up the bag of
jelly beans. Go right one screen and jump down the ledge.

Step 16: Lead your blob one screen to the right. Feed it a tangerine jelly
bean. Use the trampoline to jump up one screen and land on the ledge. Whistle.
Now you can either throw a honey jelly bean down a screen or throw a ketchup
jelly bean onto the ledge. A honey jelly bean will make the blob a humming bird
and let it fly up to you. A ketchup jelly bean makes the blob appear where it
lands. Once the blob is with you, take it to the right of the screen. Feed it
a punch jelly bean to turn it into a hole. Fall through to land on a ledge.

Step 17: Walk right one screen. Position your blob in the center of the
screen. Feed it a tangerine jelly bean to create a trampoline. Jump on the
trampoline. Jump up as high as you can (five screens up). On a jump at maximum
hight, go left at the peak of the jump. After landing on a ledge the screen
below the highest one you got to with the trampoline, whistle to your blob.
Throw a honey jelly bean to it to make the blob a hummingbird or use a ketchup
jelly bean to make it appear where the jelly bean lands.

Step 18: Go left one screen. Drop down into the small pit with the worm.
Make sure you don't get hit by the worm. Grab the treasure, then feed your blob
a punch jelly bean to turn it into a hole. Jump down to the next screen and
grab the treasure to the left. Position yourself under where the hole was and
whistle, without moving. You'll fall down to the bottom of the screen. Go left
and grab the treasure.

Step 19: Position yourself under the hole above you. Do not move as you
whistle. You'll drop down the hole to the next screen, where you can grab
another treasure. Whistle to the blob, making sure you aren't under where the
hole is.

Step 20: Go one screen to the left. Turn the blob into an umbrella with a
vanilla jelly bean. Grab the umbrella and jump down the screen. Go as far down
as you can go without going left or right. Once you reach the bottom, the place
should look familiar. Now repeat steps 15 and 16.

Step 21: Go one screen left. You'll see the pit with the worm again. This
time instead of falling down into the pit, you'll cross over it. Get the blob
by the edge of the pit and feed it a strawberry jelly bean to create a bridge
across the gap. Cross the bridge and go two screens to the left. You'll see a
gem in the air. Jump down one screen and position the blob in the middle of the
screen. Feed it a tangerine jelly bean to create a trampoline. Jump up and
grab the gem. Land on the screen with the trampoline and whistle to your blob.

Step 22: Position your blob on the right of the screen and feed it a
licorice jelly bean to create a ladder. Climb up a screen and whistle to the
blob. Go one screen to the right and position the blob on the right side of the
screen. Feed it a licorice jelly bean to create a ladder. Climb up the ladder
and whistle to the blob.

Step 23: Position your blob on the left side of the ledge you are on. Feed
it a licorice jelly bean to create a ladder that will let you climb up to the
next screen. Whistle. Feed the blob another licorice jelly bean after moving
it to the center of the screen to create a ladder that will allow you to climb
up to the next ledge. Whistle and use another licorice jelly bean to create
another ladder. Climb up the ladder to the next screen. Position the blob on
the left side of the screen. Feed it another licorice jelly bean to create
another ladder that will let you climb to the next ledge up. Whistle to your
blob. Go left one screen and pick up the bag of jellybeans. This bag contains
orange and lime jelly beans, two new types that you have not seen before. Now
you should have all the treasures.

Step 24: Go one screen to the right. Position the blob on the edge of the
ledge you're on. Feed the blob a strawberry jelly bean to create a bridge.
Cross the bridge. Whistle to the blob and position it under the gap in the
cealing. Feed the blob an apple jelly bean to create a jack. The blob will pop
the manhole open, allowing you to get out of the sewers. Whiste and feed the
blob a licorice jelly bean to create a ladder. At the top of the ladder, get
off to the right and whistle for your blob. If your blob accidentally falls
into the mahole after turning from a ladder to a blob, you can either use a
honey jelly bean to turn it into a hummingbird or a ketchup jelly bean to make
it appear where the jelly bean lands.

Step 25: Go right six screens from the manhole. You'll come to a store. Go
in the store and you'll buy vitamins (ammo) for your Vitablaster (created by
orange jelly beans).

Step 26: Your job in the Night World is now complete. Feed the blob a root
beer jelly bean to turn it into a rocket. Jump on the rocket, and you'll soar
over to the Day World.

\ B: Day World /

Step 1: Whistle to the blob so it isn't a rocket anymore. Feed the blob a
coconut jelly bean to turn it into a coconut. Pick up the coconut and go to the
far left of the screen. Run to the right. Before you go off the screen, throw
the coconut. As long as the coconut goes onto the next screen before it hits
the ground, the camera will follow the coconut. It will roll past all the
obstacles. Once the coconut goes into the corn fields, you can whistle to the

Step 2: Go right to the cornfields. As you go through the cornfields, there
will be bouncing popcorn similar to the worms in the Night World. Move right
past the popcorn, making sure it doesn't hit you. You'll go out of the
cornfields and into a building.

Step 3: Position the blob near the left side of the center of the screen.
Feed the blob a tangerine jelly bean to turn it into a trampoline. Jump on the
trampoline and go up one screen. There will be a candy cane you can get onto.
Whistle to your blob then get it up to you with a honey jelly bean, which will
turn it into a hummingbird, or a ketchup jelly bean, which will make the blob
appear where the jelly bean lands. Go right one screen and walk past the switch.
You'll turn the machine below you off. Feed the blob a vanilla jelly bean to
turn it into an umbrella. Pick up the umbrella and walk one screen to the right.
You'll fall down one screen.

Step 4: The screen you're on will look quite familiar, as it is the same as
the screen two screens to the left. Repeat step 3 again to get past this part.

Step 5: Go right two screens to enter a cave.

Step 6: Go right one screen and you'll find mashing teeth. Carefully run
through the four teeth and go right one screen. You'll find another set of
mashing teeth. Run through this one as well and go right one screen.

Step 7: Position your blob in the center of the screen. Feed it a punch
jelly bean to turn it into a hole. You'll fall down one screen. Whistle to
your blob then go right one screen. There will be a cauldren and another switch.
Walk by the switch to turn it to off, then jump down to the base of the cauldren.

Step 8: Position your blob on the right side of the screen. Feed it a
tangerine jelly bean to create a trampoline. Whistle to the blob. Use a honey
jelly bean, which will turn the blob into a hummingbird, or a ketchup jelly bean,
which will make the blob appear where it lands, to get your blob up to you.

Step 9: Go right two screens. There will be another set of teeth. This
time they move faster. After you go through the first set, fo right one screen
and you'll get to go through another set of teeth.

Step 10: Now walk right. You'll come to a room with a large keyhole. Feed
the blob a lime jellybean to turn it into a key. Run to the keyhole while
holding the key and go into the next room.

Step 11: Time for the final encounter. The blob is trapped in a cage. Look
carefully, and you'll see a jar of vitamins above the cage. Whistle to the blob.
Feed the blob an apple jelly bean. You'll need to run as you throw the jelly
bean as you did with the coconut in step 1 of the Day World. The blob will move
to the right of the cage and turn into a jack. The blob will knock the jar of
vitamins down, and save Blobolonia.

Section 4: Lists

This section has a list of items.

\ A: Jelly Beans /

| Jelly Bean's Flavor | Blob transforms into: | Purpose of Blob's Form |
| Licorice | Ladder | Climb up ledges |
| Strawberry | Bridge | Cross gaps |
| Coconut | Coconut | The camera follows a |
| | | rolling coconut |
| | | Use to look ahead |
| Cola | Bubble | Go underwater |
| Cinnamon | Blow Torch | Burn webs |
| Apple | Jack | Move objects above blob |
| Lime | Key | Unlock doors |
| Vanilla | Umbrella | Block falling objects and|
| | | fall slowly |
| Tangerine | Trampoline | Jump up great heights |
| Root Beer | Rocket | Move between worlds |
| Honey | Hummingbird | Lets blob fly up to you |
| Ketchup | N/A | Blob appears where thrown|
| Punch | Hole | Fall through floors |
| Orange | Vitablaster | Shoots vitamins |

\ B: Other Items /

| Item Name | Purpose |
| Jellybean Bag | Contains jelly beans |
| Treasure | Buys items at Health Foods Store |
| Vitamins | Shoot from Vitablaster |

Section 5: Other Information

This section includes contact information and copyright information. This
section does not have any information pertaining to A Boy and His Blob, only to
information about my walkthrough and me.

\ A: Author's Note /

The first site I contributed to is www.gamefaqs.com. Thanks to their
great site, other sites have also accepted my walkthroughs. All of my
walkthroughs can be found at GameFAQs.

Walkthroughs written by me:

NES (Nintendo):
A Boy and His Blob Walkthrough
Deadly Towers Walkthrough
The Legend of Zelda Walkthrough
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms Walkthrough

PSX (Playstation):
Chrono Cross Walkthrough
Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough
Legend of Mana Walkthrough
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Walkthrough

SNES (Super Nintendo):
Earthbound Walkthrough
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Walkthrough
Metal Marines Walkthrough
Secret of Evermore Walkthrough

Send any suggestions for new FAQs to me, please, and I will consider writing

Please place the site you found this FAQ on in any e-mail you send to me.

\ B: Contact /
\ Information /

My e-mail is SeanKelson@aol.com. I read all my e-mail, and attempt to
reply to all of it as soon as possible. I appreciate it if you don't ask a
question that is answered in the walkthrough, but I will answer all questions,
since it isn't always easy to find things in an FAQ.

I don't like advertisements in my e-mail. The:
FREE E-mail at hotmail.com
that your e-mail service puts is OK, I just don't want 100%
advertisement e-mail. No ads.

Please include the address of the site you found this on in your e-mail.

\ C: Future Versions /

There will be no future versions of this walkthrough. Unless somebody tells
me about something not in the walkthrough, I will not update the walkthrough.

\ D: Credits and /
\ Copyright /

Thanks to Nintendo for the NES console and production of A Boy and His Blob.
Thanks to David Crane for creation of A Boy and His Blob.
Thanks to GameFAQs for being a great site.

The rest:
My e-mail:

SenKelson's A Boy and His Blob Walkthrough Copyright 2001
You must adhere to all the mumbo-jumbo copyrights give.
You've probably heard it before, but...
You can't sell this or any of that stuff, this is my work!!! Not yours.
OK? Good.

The following sites have permission to use this walkthrough as of 12/21/01:
** NOTICE **
Occasionally, I forget to add sites to this list. Just e-mail me and I'll
fix this.
** ------ **
Game Sages : http://www.gamesages.com
Game FAQs (GameFAQs): http://www.gamefaqs.com

---File Summary---
Pages: 11
Words: 4773
Lines: 576
Characters (w/o spaces): 22378
Characters (w/spaces): 29868
Size: 29.9 KB
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