King's Quest 5 - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder

King's Quest 5 - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder

16.10.2013 17:55:35
Version: Final.
Complete with step-by-step solutions, event point values, and area

And now, complete with copy documentation so that you can push the
boat at the beach out into the ocean with no fuss!

Written by Snow Dragon (C) 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

I. Updates
II. Intro and Notes
III. Documentation Symbols
IV. Walkthroughs for All Areas
1) Serenia
2) The Desert
3) Back in Serenia
4) The Dark Forest
5) The Last of Serenia
6) Mountains
7) Beach/Harpy Island
8) Mordack's Island and Castle
V. Credits and Copyrights

3-12-02: In comparison to my newer walkthroughs, some of my older ones
appear outmoded and contain erroneous information that is
desperately in need of correction. This version is meant to be
a major facelift. I would have gotten around to this sooner,
but I have a life outside the computer. Anything wrong with
this walkthrough in terms of contact information or anything
else that is otherwise misleading has been corrected. Some
formatting issues were addressed as well.

2-13-03: Yes! Finally, after literally a year of begging and badgering,
I have gotten the documentation for this game that won't let
you past some of the trickier parts, and the section containing
them can now be found in this walkthrough after the Intro and
Notes. Never again will that tricky boat be a problem! And so
now I'm taking the time to make this the final version of the
guide, as with the documentation in place there is now no need
for further updates.
Thanks goes out to the marvelous Andrew Schultz, one of the
best writers for GameFAQs, a magnificent reviewer, and an all-
around nice guy. He's the one you should all be bowing to in
terms of the documentation. I can never thank this guy enough
for this invaluable info.

Before you start King's Quest V, there are a few things you should
know, both about the game itself and, if you're using it, this
walkthrough. They will be listed below, one by one, with two asterisks
marking each new note.

** There is a score for King's Quest V. It is sort of the predecessor
to the idea of exploring every nook and cranny of an action
platformer game today and getting 100% of all the items. Although
this is an outdated system (this game was made in 1991), not
achieving the maximum score will probably have you replaying the
game, sniffing out every single area looking for something that you
didn't find or do. Worry not - I will clearly indicate when a thing
you do or find gives you points. Unfortunately, by you looking
through this and me writing down event point values (my term for how
many points you get for performing a certain action), I am flushing
any potential replay value down the pot.

** The maximum score for King's Quest V is 260 points.

** SAVE OFTEN! By often I mean every time you're about to do something
that is even slightly potentially dangerous. That is to say, about
every two screens or so. Also save after a major event takes place.

** Event point values will be indicated like so: (+P) where P is the
number of points you get for doing something. You can get anywhere
from two to five points for an event.

** The order of information for an area in this walkthrough will be
important characters first, followed by a map, and then the
walkthrough, unless it is a section where you are returning to
Serenia, in which case there will only be the walkthrough.

** If you're the kind of person that has to fool around with every
single pixel of the screen to see if there's anything special or
secret, I've got your number. In certain areas I will post a list of
Time Wasters that may or may not have an effect on the game but are
fun to do anyway. I will clearly indicate if you need to save your
game before testing a Time Waster.

** Remember the old Final Fantasy tip - "Talk to everyone..."

** Since the game is copy-protected, every now and then you'll have to
enter a code to advance further throughout the game. Refer to
whatever came with the game for the code, and don't lose it, since
without it you can't go any farther than the beach. Prior to that
area, some copy-protection spots are randomly activated and can be
bypassed by reloading until you don't have to enter the code. See
the Documentation Symbols section for descriptions if you've lost
your copy.

** If you need to contact me about anything related to this walkthrough
or any of my others, the address to reach me at is
. I answer all my mail in time, so it can't
hurt to ask!

** That should be all, so have fun playing King's Quest V!

Thanks to the great and mighty Andrew Schultz, we now all have the
blessing of documentation to get us through the game. If you get stuck
at a certain place in the game with a message that pops up asking you
to insert the proper symbols, refer to this section. It should allow you
to find the symbols you're looking for. Since they're kind of hard to
depict accurately in ASCII, I've given thorough descriptions of them all
in the hope that you won't get totally confused by the wording. Use this
section if you are asked for the symbols in an area such as the bandits'
camp, the dark forest, or (most often) the beach. Enjoy!

Translations of symbols are listed alphabetically. I assume you have
enough of a grasp of the alphabet to understand what's going on.

A - Arrow
The symbol for the letter A just looks like an arrow pointing to the
right. It has sort of a diamond tip where the pointy end would be.

B - Downward Right Facing Arrow
The other distinguishing characteristic about this arrow, other than it
faces down and to the right, is that it has two lines going through the
tail end of it.

C - Six-Point Star
The six points of the star have flat ends, making it look like a capital
I with an X going through it.

D - Space Alien
An elongated hexagon with two prongs and a black dot sticking out of the
top and two prongs and an upside-down T sticking out of the bottom.

E - Rectangle
An empty lengthwise rectangle.

F - Thin Long X Rectangle
A lengthwise rectangle with an X going through it. Do not confuse this
with the symbol for the letter Y, which looks the exact same as this
symbol but is comprised of thicker lines.

G - Menorah
This symbol looks sort of like the famous Jewish candelabra with three
spots for candles in the top.

H - Bull's Head
It's a circle with two hornlike curved lines sticking out of the top. A
pretty good comparison, if you ask me.

I - Fancy M
It looks sort of like the letter M with some fancy touches on it, like
two black dots adorning the upper left and right corners of it and an
empty circle at the end of the middle vertical line. The two outside
vertical lines also flare out at the ends.

J - Parallel Half Notes
Looks like two musical notes lying on top of each other.

K - V/J Mix with a Degree Symbol
This one is hard to describe, looking like a melty conglomerate of the
letters V and J, but it can be distinguished from the pack with the tiny
circle in the upper right corner which looks like the symbols for
degrees Fahrenheit/Celsius.

L - Thick H
This one looks like the letter H with the line in the middle being set
very very low. There are also four triangles sticking outside the
vertical lines. Do not confuse this with the symbol for the letter V,
which is comprised of thinner lines.

M - Scrapbook Rectangle
A lengthwise rectangle with diagonal lines in the corners, giving it
the appearance of an old page from a scrapbook.

N - Crosshairs
A circle with a cross intersecting it at the four compass directions.
Anyone who's played a first-person shooter will be familiar with this

O - Plus Sign
Probably the easiest symbol to identify along with the one for the
letter E. It is exactly what it looks like.

P - Thick Half-Crosshairs
Similar in appearance to the symbol for the letter N, but it is made of
thicker lines and the crosshair lines only touch the outside edge of
edge (they don't go through the middle of it).

Q - Tambourine
A circle with buds coming out of the edge at northwest, northeast,
southwest, and southeast. The northeast bud is not a complete line.

R - Parallel Hump
Two lines, the one on the bottom perfectly straight, the one on the top
with a hill in the middle of it.

S - Crescent
Looks like the quarter-full phase of the moon. If you don't know what a
crescent looks like, there's probably a picture in any reputable desk

T - Crooked Horseshoe
A horseshoe turned upside-down. The right side reaches farther down
than the left side.

U - M/R Mix
Looks like an amalgam of fancy mixtures of the letters M and R. The far
right vertical line of the M is also the vertical line of the R.

V - Thin H
A letter H with the middle line set very low. Four triangles poke out
of the sides of the H. Do not confuse this with the symbol for the
letter L, which is exactly the same but is comprised of thicker lines.

W - Thin Window Rectangle
A lengthwise rectangle cut into equal fourths so that it looks a lot
like a window pane. Don't confuse this with the symbol for the letter
Z, which is comprised of thicker lines.

X - Tall X Rectangle
A rectangle standing vertically with an X going through it. Do not get
it confused with the symbols for the letters F or Y, both of which have
an X going through them, but are oriented horizontally instead of

Y - Thick Long X Rectangle
This looks like the symbol for the letter F, but is made of a thicker
point line than its twin.

Z - Thick Window Rectangle
This looks like the symbol for the letter W, but is made of a thicker
point line than its twin. (Ha! Twinkie paragraphs!)

That should be all the help you need in that section. Enjoy the rest of
the game once your boat's out in the ocean!


I. Characters

CRISPIN: The old wizard. He gave you your wand and your ability to talk
to animals. Now he's useless to you.

CEDRIC: Your little owl friend who goes everywhere you do (almost). If
you talk to him while you're in Serenia he can tell you where
everything is located. He is very cowardly and won't go
anywhere he thinks is dangerous. Occasionally you will have to
save Cedric's life when he gets in trouble.

SNAKE: Lives south of Crispin's house. He blocks the entrance to the

MAN FIXING WAGON: You can offer to help him, but he won't accept. If
you leave town and go back in, you can pick up a
silver coin that he drops.

TAILOR: Has a cloak that Graham really likes, but you have to find his
golden needle to get it. If you hang around, there's a rude
customer in the back who yells out some pretty funny things.

TOY MAN: Has a sled that Graham thinks is cool. Give him the gnome
grandson's marionette to obtain it.

SHOESHOP COUPLE: These people are dead broke. They don't have a single
pair of shoes to sell, and they would love you forever
and ever if you could find them a pair of shoes to
sell. You can't take the boots off your own feet and
give them to the couple out of generosity, so get the
shoes from the elf in the Dark Forest instead.

CAT AND RAT: Outside the bakery, once you have either the shoe or the
stick, a cat will be chasing a rat. Chunk either item at
the cat to save the rat's life.

BAKER BROTHERS: Guys with pies for sale. Fork over a silver coin and
you can have one.

SAD PRINCE: He's sitting on a log bemoaning his girlfriend's fate.
After you talk to him he walks away.

WILLOW TREE: Strums sadly on her harp all day. Find her golden heart in
the forest and return it to her to make her human again.

GNOMES: The old grandpa wants his spinning wheel back. You can grab it
in the forest once you've infiltrated the witch's house.

INNKEEPER: Rough and tough guy with two rough and tough pals. Don't
talk to these guys until you're equipped with a few things.

BEES: West of the inn is a hive that's bee-ing (sorry, couldn't resist)
invaded by a bear. Give the bear a fish to divert his attention.

ANTS: North of the beehive, some ants are experiencing the destruction
of their colony due to a stray dog that's got nothing better to
do. Maybe the dog would like a stick instead, or perhaps even a

GYPSIES: Some Bohemian travelers have set up camp here, and one of them
is a fortuneteller. It costs one gold coin to have your
fortune told.

II. Map
D Camp Tree Entrance House
E | | | |
S | | | |
E <---Anthill---Gnomes----Prince-----Snake---> MOUNTAINS
R | | | |
T | | | |
<---Beehive---Inn and---Bakery----Outside----Inside
Haystack Town Town

III. Walkthrough

You start out outside Crispin's house. You can either head south to the
town, or you can try out some of my Time Wasters.

** Go back in his house. He'll kick you out, and you can't go back in
after that.
** Fool around with the funny-looking gizmo in the front yard.
** Drink from the pond (choose the hand cursor and click on the pond).
** Try to open the cellar.

Go south one screen and you'll meet up with the snake. He'll kill you
with his venomous bite, but if you want to pet him and die for the heck
of it, save your game first.

When you go south one more screen you're outside the town. Go in.
Cedric'll stay behind on this one.

Talk to the man fixing the wagon. Even though you offer your
assistance, he politely refuses. That's just as well - he never fixes
it anyway. After talking to him, leave town.

Go back in the town. There should be a silver glint where the man was.
It is a silver coin. Use the hand cursor and click on the coin to get
it (+2).

Click the eye cursor on the barrel in the corner to look into it. There
is a dead fish inside. Use the hand cursor to obtain it (+2). If you
wish, look inside all the shops and talk to everyone as you please.
Right now, there's nothing else to do in town, so leave. Once outside
the town, go west once.

Go inside the bakery. You'll get the "hold" icon busted out on you,
which means there is some action taking place, but you can still use
items, talk, etc. In fact, you can do anything during the hold period
except walk around.

** During the hold period, talk to the lady and her son.
** Mess around with the cat.
** Try to take a pie.

When the hold period is over, give the silver coin to the baker to
purchase a custard pie (+2).

At the beehive there is a bear rifling through it. He's looking for
honey, but you've got a fish that he'd like to have too. Throw the fish
to the bear (+4). The queen bee thanks you and then allows you to take
a honeycomb as a symbol of her gratitude. Reach in and grab one (+2).
They won't sting you.

** If you don't have the fish yet and the bear's not there, go near the
beehive and they'll sting you to death. SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE

Pick up the stick lying on the ground around the beehive (+2).

Go north to the anthill. Throw the stick at the dog to distract him
(+4). The ants will thank you and offer their help to you whenever you
need it.

** Go up to the dog without throwing him the stick - he'll growl at
** Approach the anthill when the dog is gone and Graham will do what
Cedric calls the "BUG-a-loo." Pretty corny, yes, but that's what
Graham gets for walking too close to an ant castle.

Go east one screen and south one screen (or vice versa) and dig through
the haystack using the hand cursor. While you're digging, the ants will
help you find the needle. Once you have it, go give it to the tailor to
get the cloak (+4).

There's nothing else to do in Serenia for now, so you had best head on
to the desert.

I. Characters

BANDITS: They have the staff that Graham needs to open up the temple.
Graham needs to do a few things first though, and he needs to
be really fast and quiet to get the staff.

SKELETON: He isn't going anywhere anytime soon...

II. Map
D=Desert O=Oasis C=Camp S=Skeleton B=Brushland *=Hole in Cliffs

Inside Temple
E <---D---D---D---*---D---D---D---D---D---D---B---Gypsy
N | | | | | | | | | | | |
D <---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---B---Anthill
L | | | | | | | | | | | |
E <---D---D---D---D---D---D---O---D---D---D---B---Beehive
S | | | | | | | | | | |
S <---D---O---D---D---S---D---D---D---D---B-
| | | | | | | | | | (If you go in this area,
D <---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---D---B- you will die of a nasty
E | | | | | | | | | | scorpion bite. There is
S <---D---D---D---D---O---D---D---D---D---B- no reason to ever enter
E | | | | | | | | | | this area.)
R <---C---D---D---D---D---D---D---O---D---B-
T | | | | | | | | | |

When you try to go into the desert, Cedric will launch into a tirade
about the desert being an extremely dangerous place and he'd never go
there if his life depended on it, and so on, ad nauseum ... just ignore

Enter the desert from the anthill for the easiest results. If you go
too long without drinking from an oasis, Graham will pass out from
dehydration. Refer to the map above for where the oases are located. To
get you started, from the brushland west of the anthill, go four
screens west and one screen south. Drink from the oasis (+2). You will
only get points for drinking from an oasis the first time you do it, so
don't run around sipping from every single oasis in the desert. Save
after you quench your thirst.

When you get to the skeleton, pick up the shoe (+2).

Make it safely to the bandits' camp (+3). You can only get points for
discovering it the first time. Drink from the clay jar and move on, or
you can do some good old-fashioned quality Time Wasting... ;)

** Drink from the clay jar a whole lot. (Don't worry, this is the
desert - you won't retain water.)
** Play with the embers.
** Try to wake up the unconscious drunkard on the ground.
** Try to talk to the unconscious drunkard on the ground.
** Try to take things from the unconscious drunkard on the ground.
** Go in the small tent and look around.
** Try to go in the large tent. Save your game first though - they'll
kill you the minute you step in the door.
** Look at the camels.

Once you've found the bandits' hideout, you can go north to the temple.
Be sure to drink at the oasis along the way.

You'll earn some points for discovering the temple (+3). When you get
there, you'll have a little bit of time to drink from the oasis, but
not much. What you need to do is hide behind the large rock next to the
oasis and wait on the bandits to get there. While you're hiding,
they'll go up to the temple and tap the staff lightly on the door to
open it, and then they will leave. Now that you've hidden from the
bandits and observed how to open the temple door (+2), you need to go
back to the bandit camp. If you didn't hide well enough the bandits
will engage in a little ride-by killing, so save after you drink from
the oasis.

Back at the bandits' camp, you need to go into the small tent. This is
one of the areas where the game's copy protection may go into effect,
so have your documentation ready.

Inside the tent, walk around the slumbering burglar and snatch the
staff from its resting spot (+2). This would be a good time to max out
the game's speed, and if you don't know how, go to the row of icons at
the top of the screen and choose the one that looks like a slide bar.
Click on it and max out the speed control, as this is certainly a
situation where it helps to move swiftly.

If you talk to the bandit, he will kill you. If you touch him while
walking around him, he will kill you. If you take too long getting the
staff, he will wake up and kill you. If you dilly-dally at all while
you're trying to get your job done, you will die. End of story. Get in
and get out.

Go back north to the temple and rap the staff on the door (+2). Since
Graham doesn't handle it delicately enough, it breaks and can't be used
anymore, so, as with the robber's tent, you'll have to do what you need
to do and not do anything more. In fact, save before you open the
temple door to be safe.

Once inside, quickly switch to the hand cursor and pick up the gold
coin (+2) and the brass bottle (+2). Do not touch the massive pile of
treasure. It is cursed, and touching it will kill you. This area may be
excessively difficult for you if you have an affinity for shiny

The temple door will close behind you when you leave. Leave the desert
the way you came.


With you back and Cedric glad to see you, go to the gypsy camp and give
the man outside your gold coin (+3). He'll let you in to see the
fortune teller.

You will see a vision in her crystal ball of Mordack interrogating
Graham's son Alexander. You finally figure out that Mordack wants his
cat turned back into a human, because his cat is really his brother
Manannan! Since Alexander is the one that made Manannan a cat, he's the
only one that can reverse the spell, but he doesn't remember how, so
Mordack is just going to keep their shrunken castle in a bottle until
Graham's family dies. How horrible! Before you leave, the fortune
teller gives you an amulet that protects you from "all but the
strongest magic (+2)." Equip it when you get outside by choosing the
amulet icon from the item menu and clicking it on Graham.

Now just wander around a lot and come back to the gypsy camp after a
while. They will be gone, but there should be a tambourine where they
were. Pick it up and take it (+2).

Go to the screen where you found the prince and go south to the bakery.
saved your game, walk south, and right when you see the cat chasing the
rat, move up to the row of icons, get out your shoe, and move the
cursor down really fast and chunk it at the cat (+4). You have to do
this quickly, and if you don't do it, you can't go on very far at all.

That's all you can do in Serenia for now, so head up to the Dark

I. Characters

WITCH: Presides over the entire dark forest. She will turn you into a
toad if you are not equipped with the amulet the fortune teller
gave you. She has quite a few people's possessions hidden
throughout her forest, and gets to be quite annoying as once you
survive her magic blast she follows you everywhere and keeps you
from leaving the forest.

ELVES: The elves are only in one part of the forest, but they are
hiding behind some very dense foliage. You need to have a few
things in your inventory before you can get them to come out of
their safe place.

II. Map

Elves' <---Forest-----Foliage-----Witch's-----Tree with
Hideout Clearing (Elves) House Heart
| | |
| | |
Path to-----Path to-----Path to N
N and E Witch's and W
\ House /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
Fork to East and West
Back to Serenia

III. Walkthrough

Before entering the Dark Forest, you need to make sure you have a few
things. Make sure you have the following:
** The amulet from the fortuneteller. Also make sure that it is
** The brass bottle from the desert temple.
** The honeycomb from the beehive.

When you are ready, enter the forest (+2, first time only). You will
get many more items while in this forest.

Take the east path at the fork - from here, you cannot leave until you
accomplish everything you are supposed to. Eventually the witch will
appear. She can appear as early as the first screen after the entrance
or as late as when you make it to her house. Not being able to toad-ify
you will make her angry, and if you try to go anywhere she will start
following you. To rid yourself of her, give her the brass bottle (+4).
She will release the genie inside, who is now free. He will then make
her captive inside the bottle, which will then disappear.

Now that you're rid of the witch, you can go in her house, which may or
may not be another copy protection point, so be prepared.

There are three things to get in the witch's house, so whip out the
hand cursor and listen up. Click on the incense burner that is
suspended from the ceiling to get a small key (+2). Open the drawer and
get the pouch filled with emeralds (+2). Open the trunk to get a
spinning wheel (+2). Those are the only items of interest in this

Outside the witch's house, go east once and go up the winding path to
the tree with the door in it. Use the small key you just got to unlock
the door in the tree (+3). Once it's open, grab the golden heart inside

Now go west two screens to the foliage with the eyes peeking out.
Squeeze the honeycomb from the beehive onto the ground (+4).

Go up to your item menu and use the hand cursor on the pouch to open
it. You now have three emeralds at your disposal. Have Graham throw one
emerald out onto the ground (+2); he will throw it past the honey on
the ground and the elf will go get it and take it back into the
foliage. Toss out a second jewel (+2); Graham will throw it a little
closer to the honey this time. When you bait the elf with the third
emerald (+2), Graham will drop it in the honey, causing the elf to get
his feet stuck. Since you caught him, he will show you the path to his
elven hideaway.

Go into the clearing and crawl into the tunnel (+2, first time only).

When you are in the elves' cave, go and talk to the elf you caught. As
a reward for catching him, he will give you an exquisite pair of finely
crafted shoes (+2). You can leave the Dark Forest by climbing the
ladder to the far right.

** Revisit the elves' hideaway after leaving the forest. It will be
empty the second time around, and there is a pit you can fall in, so
be careful. Different music plays when you visit the second time,
** Try to give the witch objects other than the brass bottle.


It's time to give the items you got in the witch's house back to their
rightful owners. After escaping the forest, head west to the willow

When you give the weeping willow back her heart (+4), a scene will
commence in which the human princess and her elated boyfriend are
reunited. Pick up the harp she leaves behind (+2).

Go south to the old gnome's house and give him his spinning wheel. In
exchange, the grandfather gnome will give you his grandson's marionette
(+4), at which time they will go off to find wood to carve another

** Try to open the gnome's front door with the key that opened the tree
door in the Dark Forest.

Go to town and go in the toy man's shop. Give him the marionette in
exchange for the sled on the wall (+4).

Head on over to the couple at the shoe shop and give them the fine
shoes you got from the elf in the forest (+4). The cobbler and his wife
will leave the store to sell them for a ridiculous amount of money and
retire. As a token of thanks, he will give you his cobbler's hammer.

You are finally well enough equipped to take on the man at the country
inn and his mischief-making hooligan cohorts. Take a deep breath and
save your game before you go in.

Either try to move past or talk to the innkeeper. His associates will
hold your arms back as he jars your brain loose with a metal bar. When
you wake up, you will be tied up in his cellar, which is heavily locked
down in case you try to escape. If you were a good adventurer and saved
the rat back at the bakery, she will come out and gnaw through the rope
for you. When she is done chewing through the rope, pick it up and take
it with you (+2).

You can't escape yet because the door is held shut with a padlock. Use
the cobbler's hammer to break it (+4).

Once you get it you will be in the inn's kitchen. Whatever you do, do
not go back into the main room from here. The innkeeper will beat you
silly again, except this time it spells game over for you. If you think
curiosity might get the best of you, save here.

What you need to do is use the hand cursor on the cupboard to open it.
Inside is a leg of lamb that you will need later on in the mountains.
Get it (+2), then exit the door to the left and never go back in the
country inn again.

Go to where you saw the snake just south of Crispin's house now. Use
the tambourine that you got from the gypsies to scare off the snake,
thereby clearing a path to the mountains (+3). This will be the last
that you ever see of Serenia - save here, then head off into the

I. Characters

WOLVES: The wolves are going to be quite pesky in the mountains.
They're going to capture Cedric first, and then they're going
to kill you if you don't act fast enough in the Ice Queen's

QUEEN ICEBELLA: Not a particularly funny pun, but it gets its point
across. This is one hardhearted lady, but King Graham
always has something up his sleeve. You gotta be able
to do something to make her feel the love again...

EAGLE: There is a starving eagle outside the queen's castle. Feed him
half your leg of lamb to get him going again.

YETI: Near the Ice Queen's palace, in a large cave, lives a yeti.
She'll spare Cedric's life and your own if you can get rid of

ROC: Just when you think you've passed every obstacle in this stinking
range of mountains, a roc (that is, a two-headed bird) comes and
captures Graham, thinking it will make a great meal for its baby
who is about to hatch.

II. Map

T Rock-----Slope-----Icy-------Outside
O Jump Pit the Castle
| /
S | /
E Mountain Jutting ICE QUEEN'S-----
R <------> Path -------- Rock CASTLE
E /
N /
I ------
A /
Path Behind--------Near the------Cave
Ice Castle Cave
Path to------Roc's
Roc's Nest Nest

(flown to beach)

III. Walkthrough

Put on the cloak as soon as you get into the mountains (+4). If you
don't put it on you will freeze to death at the next screen. Also, use
the leg of lamb on Graham to stave off hunger (+4). It's not like
Graham has ever had a problem with hunger up until now. It must just be
the atmosphere that makes his hunger pangs twitch. You will only eat
half the leg of lamb when you use it. DO NOT EAT THE CUSTARD PIE OR THE

At the next screen you will come to a frozen waterfall, and you have to
get to the top. Use the rope you got from the inn cellar, but DO NOT
THROW THE ROPE ONTO THE BRANCH. It will break under your weight and
kill you if you do this. Instead, click the rope on the jutting rock so
that Graham will make a lariat and be able to climb up to the jutting
rock (+5). Once at the top, it is imperative that you SAVE YOUR GAME.

There is a series of rocks leading to the other side of the waterfall
at this point. Some of the rocks are perfectly stable; others will
crumble under your feet. To hop across to each rock, click the hand
cursor on the rock you want to jump onto. If a rock breaks and you
freefall to your death, start over. You'll earn a few points for
successfully making it across (+2, first time only). Walk across the
log to the next screen. Cedric will get captured by a wolf, don't worry
about him.

From this screen, board your sled by clicking on the hill and speed
down over the icy pit (+5). The reason you need to sled over it is that
the small ice bridge will break if you try to walk over it. Once over
the pit, the sled breaks upon the impact of the fall, causing Graham to
utter a mild interjection.

Stroll on over to the next screen to see the starving eagle. Give him
the rest of your leg of lamb (+3) and then approach the castle. The
wolves will then take you in to see the Ice Queen, Icebella (+2).

The queen is ready to condemn you to a grisly death by the hand - er,
fang - of her wolves. You won't be able to convince her of anything, so
she'll sic her dogs on you, starting up the hold period. During this
hold period, you need to VERY QUICKLY go up to your item menu, choose
the harp, and click on either Graham or the Ice Queen. The beautiful
music will soften her hard heart (+4), and she will give you a chance
to redeem yourself. She wants the yeti in the nearby crystal cave
eliminated, and it's up to you to go and do it.

You have one screen's leeway to save before you go face the monstrous
yeti. When you do go and see him, he will lumber slowly out of his
hiding place, giving you more than enough time to do your job. It's a
good thing you didn't eat the custard pie from the bakery (you didn't
eat the pie, did you?), as it's the perfect tool to dispose of the
yeti. Click the pie icon on the yeti to throw it in his face. He will
stumble around until eventually he meanders off the cliff (+4).

Before departing, go into the crystal cave and break off a piece of
crystal using the same cobbler's hammer that you broke the padlock with

Having defeated the evil yeti, Queen Icebella will release Cedric and
allow the two of you to continue on your quest. Go south from where you
saved before you gave the pie in the face to the yeti to get to a
twisty path. Walk all the way to the top, and you will be captured by a
roc (+2).

You have to act quickly in the roc's nest - there is one thing to get
while you're here. Do you see the golden shiny object? It's a locket
that someone lost. You need to pick it up (+2) before the eagle that
you fed comes and saves you from being turned into baby food. If you
didn't feed the eagle before entering the Ice Queen's Castle, he won't
save you and you'll be eaten by the baby roc. If he does save you
though, you'll be taken to a quiet beach area, where Cedric will meet

I. Characters

OLD MAN: He can't hear a word you're saying and he'll keep telling you
to go away until you actually do. You can't do anything for
him yet, but you will be able to later once you have a conch

HARPIES: Evil creatures with women's bodies and birds' talons and
wings. They eat men, and Graham is a man. Did you do the math? There is
a word that you can make from the first four letters in their name, and
it is coincidentally also an item you have on you. See how you're gonna
deal with them now? Huh?

SEA MONSTER: A huge monstrosity that keeps you from sailing out into
the sea forever and ever. It will tear up your boat and
eat Graham.

II. Map
O=Ocean H=Harpy Island

| | | | | S
| | | | | E
Waterfall------O------O------O------O------O------ A
| | | | |
From | | | | | M
Roc's------->Start------O------O------O------H------O------ O
Nest | | | | | N
| | | | | S
Hermit's House------O------O------O------O------O------ T
| | | | | E
| | | | | R

III. Walkthrough

** Walk off the rock hanging over the sand.
** Keep ringing the old man's bell.
** Walk right into the waterfall.
** Try to push the boat out to sea without fixing the leak.
** Try to swim to Harpy Island.

The first thing you want to do is pick up the iron bar lying on the
beach (+2). As with everything, you'll need it later. Unless you feel
like wasting time, leave the hermit alone and go north to the broken

It has a hole in it. Fix it by plugging it up with the beeswax left
over from the honeycomb in the forest (+5). When the boat is fixed, you
can push it out to sea ... but wait! Copy protection is back to thwart
you! And this time it won't leave you alone. You have to have your
documentation to go any farther in the game. Once you've done away with
that, you can go on. Refer to the ever-helpful Documentation Symbols
section that's new to this final update if you've lost your copy of the
documentation - you basically can't go on without it from this point.

When you have the boat in the water, go south one screen, then go right
until you run into an island. This island is Harpy Island (+3).

When the harpies surround you, play the harp that you played for Queen
Icebella (+4). They love the sound of the harp more than eating a man,
so they will take it from you and scamper off and play it the rest of
the day.

There are three objects here for you to get - a fishhook (+2), a
seashell on the Harpy Island beach (+2), and ... what? Cedric (+3)?
Yes, it seems poor Cedric got hurt in his short stint on Harpy Island.
You actually have two options here. You can leave Cedric for dead and
go on to the end of the game, which is a pretty shallow thing to do to
a friend, or you can take him with you to let him recuperate. Either
way will get you to the end, and each will affect the outcome of the
game differently.

To get back to the beach, just retrace your steps. In other words, if
you went south once and east four times to get to Harpy Island, you
need to go west four times and north once to get back to the beach.

Go to the old man's house and give him the seashell you found on Harpy
Island (+4). It will act as a hearing aid, and the old man will then be
able to help you in the way of making it to Mordack's island with his
lovely mute mermaid assistant named Pearl.

I. Characters

MORDACK: The evil wizard who shrunk Graham's castle and family and
encased them in a glass bottle. He pops up occasionally in the
castle at random intervals. If he pops up and annihilates you
with his magic, start over from your last save point.

MANANNAN: The resident cat in the castle who is also Mordack's brother.
(Manannan was turned into a cat by Graham's son Alexander in
King's Quest III.) If he sees you, he'll tell Mordack you're
in the castle, and since you don't want that, you're going to
have to find a way to shut him up.

BLUE BEAST: A large blue beast will attempt to catch you and throw you
in the dungeon sometime during your stay in the castle. You
need to let him catch you once, because getting caught once
allows you to reach an item in another part of the castle.
Only get caught once, though!

DINK: The dumb monster living in the labyrinth. He is very excitable,
and would probably like something to play with.

CASSIMA: The sweet princess who's been reduced to working as a slave
for the evil Mordack. She's missing something of hers, and she
would probably help you out if you knew what it was and you
gave it back to her.

II. Maps
NOTE: There are maps for Mordack's island for outside, under, and
inside the castle. I will display them as you come to each area that
they apply to.

III. Walkthrough

Pearl will guide you to Mordack's island herself, so you won't have to
do any of the steering of the boat - it moves automatically, tracing
Pearl's path. Once you make it to Mordack's island, you cannot turn
back - the boat wrecks on the island (+3) and is broken beyond repair.

On the shore of the island, pick up the dead fish you find (+2).

Be careful at the stone serpent gates - the statues can shoot lethal
lasers at you from their eyes. To destroy the statues, hold up the
crystal that you obtained in the yeti's cave to make the lasers bounce
back to the statues (+5).

Entrance to-------Castle
Labyrinth Gate
| |
| |
| |
| Serpent
| Gate
| |
| |
| |
| Island
| Beach
down to |
labyrinth |
| |
| View of
| Island
| entrance
| to pantry
| /
| /
LABYRINTH--------Dungeon Cell

You can't enter the castle through the front gate, so go west to the
other side of the castle to find a grate. This grate will lead you to
Mordack's underground labyrinth. You can't open it with your bare hands
though; to get through it, you will have to pry it open with the iron
bar you found on the beach (+4).

If you're having trouble with the labyrinth, you can do one of two
things: 1) refer to my map below, or 2) click the eye cursor on the
black part outside the labyrinth. It will reveal a compass that will
tell you which direction you are going. Keep in mind that when you turn
a corner you will be facing a new direction, so if you ever get
confused, click the eye in the black area to find out which direction
you're facing.

Labyrinth Map * O D
D=Dink H=Hole C=Cell *=Path O=Door ** ****
** * *
* ** ***
**H **
*** *C
D * ***
***** *D

As you can see, Dink has three different places where he can hide. He
is the one who is going to get you out of this labyrinth. Find Dink at
any of his hiding places and give him the tambourine (+3). He will play
it excitedly and tromp off elsewhere. Pick the hairpin up off the
ground (+2) - it is actually the key that unlocks the door to the
labyrinth. Once you have the hairpin key, go to the door and unlock it

Map Inside the Castle

Kitchen----Downstairs----Dining Hall
| Hallway |
| |
Pantry to Upstairs |
| Hallway |
| | |
| | |
| Foyer-------Dining Hall
to labyrinth


Mordack's----Upstairs----Laboratory w/
Bedroom Hallway Machine
| |
| to Downstairs
| Hallway

Once in the pantry, you need to get a bag of peas from the cupboard
(+2). You will use it twice. After you get the peas, save before going
any further. The things you do here need to have a specific order to

After the pantry comes the kitchen. Princess Cassima is in here toiling
away at her work. Give her the locket that you found in the roc's nest
(+4), as it belongs to her. She will thank you, and help you out when
you get in a jam here in just a little bit. Save before going into the
next room.

Upon entering the next screen a blue beast should come at you. Let him
catch you (+2, first time only) and throw you in the cell. There is an
item in the cell that you need to get. Not only do you rack up points
for letting the beast nab you, but you actually need to do this to beat
the game. So, while you're in the dungeon cell, check out the
mousehole. Inside is a piece of cheese that is just beyond your
fingers' reach. Use the fishhook from Harpy Island to extend your reach
enough to snag it (+4). Around this time the princess whose locket you
returned will come by and surreptitiously let you out of prison. Be
careful from now on, as this is the only time she will do this for you.
If you get caught again she'll let you rot in the cell and die.

Go back and encounter the beast a second time. This time, instead of
letting him catch you, spill the bag of peas on the floor. The beast
will slip on the peas and be knocked unconscious (+3). You no longer
have to worry about the beast; it's the cat you have to focus on now.

Whenever you run into Manannan, preoccupy him with the fish you found
on the beach some time ago. When he's distracted by the fish, get him
with the empty pea bag so he can't go off and rat you out to Mordack

** Play the organ (but save your game first - Mordack will hear the
noise and do away with you).

Once you're upstairs, go into Mordack's library (it's left one screen
and down one screen, in case you're unaware). There's nothing to do in
his bedroom - yet.

Kick around in the library for a while, keeping out of Mordack's line
of sight through the doorway. While you're in here, you need to do
something. There should be a book of spells lying open on a table. Look
through it (+3) and observe the spells in it carefully. After waiting
around in his library long enough, you will see him go into his bedroom
and go to sleep. This is what you've been waiting for. Go into his
bedroom and take his golden wand off his nightstand (+3).

Now go into the laboratory all the way to the right. A funky machine is
in here. What does it do, you ask? Well, basically, it sucks the energy
from one object and puts all that energy into another object. There are
two trays on the machine that makes this possible. First, put Crispin's
powerless wand on one of the trays (+4). Then place Mordack's charged-
up wand on the other tray (+4). There's no "on" switch on this machine,
unfortunately, so you're going to have to find a different way to turn
it on. You have something in your inventory that turns the energy
transferrence contraption on - cheese. Put the cheese in the machine to
crank it up (+5). Hey hey! You've got a cool wand now!

Mordack will then appear in his laboratory. This marks the beginning of
the final battle, and staying true to adventure game form, the most
useless item in the game ends up being the one thing that is so
powerful it could offset a massive Armageddon and destroy everybody.
Grab up Crispin's now-awesome wand (+4) and let the magic battle
commence! Oh, wait, no ... did you read the spell book in his library?
If you didn't, you've got no magic and it's time to die.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is where it matters whether you saved Cedric at
Harpy Island or not. If you did, Mordack will hit Cedric with a blast
of magic instead of you, and that gives you time to retaliate. However,
not saving Cedric results in not having a "shield" for you, as it were,
and Mordack will instantly zap you to kingdom come. So yes, it paid to
help out your owl buddy Cedric way back on Harpy Island.

Get ready for the battle. You should already have your wand in your
hand. This is where the spells in the book make themselves available to
you. First off, Mordack will transform himself into a really ugly
flying monster. What to do? Ah yes, the spells. Choose the spell that
looks kind of like a tiger (+4) to combat his flying ugly creature.

After his ugly flying beast form, he decides to transform into a
dragon. For some reason, the people at Sierra are inclined to believe
that a rabbit can stomp all over a dragon. I am not quite sure of the
logic behind this, but use the rabbit spell to go up against his dragon
spell (+4).

Now Mordack will take on the form of a cobra. Science teaches us that
the mongoose is a natural cobra-butt-kicking machine. You ought to have
a spell that resembles a mongoose. If you don't know what a mongoose
looks like, it's a ferret-like creature with a long, slender body and a
long tail. What would you do without me? :) Take out Cobra Mordack with
Mongoose Graham (+4).

Finally, Mordack turns into a scary flame hoop. If you still had the
tiger spell, you could have a little bit of circus-type fun and Mordack
and Graham could go into business together as circus freak pals ... or
not. Get in gear and use your last spell - the rain cloud (+4). Graham
will rain all over Mordack and extinguish his flame, thereby
annihilating him completely and resulting in you beating the game! Now
you can sit back and watch the concluding cinema.

Since this walkthrough has undergone a lot of renovation, it stands to
reason that this section has also been changed quite a bit. Here's the
new version as it is now, starting with the people I would like to

** Sierra for making a very cool, very in-depth game.

** Shame on me! I didn't give credit where it was due the first time in
this area. I took the ASCII map designs from the offical KQ5 hint
book by Sierra. They provide great help for this game. The maps I
created are essentially ASCII-ized versions of those found in the
hint book, and are such great help aids that I decided to adopt them
in a more text file-friendly form here for those lost souls that
needed them. Plus, the hint book is very hard to come by these days,
and when in doubt ..... use the Internet!

** Andrew Schultz, who is the person responsible for relaying me the
documentation symbols that you now see in this walkthrough. I can
never thank him enough, and am forever indebted to him. He's a
great FAQ/review writer - I urge everyone to check out his works

** GameFAQs or any other site who has my permission for posting this

** Neal Lundberg, who got me involved in all this FAQ business.

** My dad for letting me use his old laptop for my FAQ writing needs.

** Anyone who has helped develop my writing talents.

Things you should not do with this document include plagiarizing it and
taking it as your own, using it without my permission, altering it if I
do give you permission to use it, and selling it for money. Free
distribution I allow, however. If you do use it, don't, as I said,
alter or modify the text in any manner, though I allow the addition of
pictures as a visual aid.

If I missed something and you feel the need to point it out to me, you
can mail all your suggestions, complaints, and requests to me
personally at . Since this is the final
version of this walkthrough, however, no more material will be added or
deleted. You may still ask questions regarding the gameplay, but I will
not field e-mails that have to do with sticking in previously omitted
info. With the inclusion of the documentation symbols, there is now no
need for further updates.

This version of this walkthrough (Final) is (C) February 13, 2003 by
Snow Dragon. The latest version of this walkthrough can always be found
at GameFAQs and the FAQ channel on

Other than that, have a nice day and enjoy King's Quest V!

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