

17.10.2013 21:57:39
This document is copyright
HCGamer 2002

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This guide will tell you how to get all 30 spaceship parts in 30
days, strategies on how to get the individual spaceship parts, and a
complete enemy list. It will also give information on all five levels.
My e-mail is at the top of the page if you have any comments, if I made
any mistakes, or if you have any miscellaneous info for me. Now sit
back, relax, and let me tell you how to beat one of the best games for
the GCN.








Version 1.3

Added two sites to the LEGAL section.

Version 1.2

Added Polly Woggles to the Level Information section, and fixed a couple
of strategies on the Walkthrough.

Version 1.1

Added the days on which you find Mamuta and Goolix and fixed a typo in
the Walkthrough introduction.

Version 1.0
Microsoft Word

This is the first version (obviously). Finished characters, controls,
tactics, walkthrough, individual part strategies/information, level
information and enemy field guide.




-Captain Olimar: This is the person you control. His home planet is
Planet Hocotate. He crash landed on a strange planet
while on vacation, and has to find all 30 of his
spaceship parts before his Life Support runs out in
30 days.

-Red Pikmin: These are the first things you encounter on the planet.
They live in a red Onion. Their attacks are more powerful
than that of their differently-colored brethren, and they
are invulnerable to fire. Interestingly enough, they are
the only Pikmin with noses...

-Yellow Pikmin: These are the second Pikmin that you discover. They
live in a yellow Onion. Because of their large ears,
Captain Olimar can throw them twice as high as any other
Pikmin. They are also quite skilled in the usage of
explosive bomb-rocks. Uh-oh...

-Blue Pikmin: The third type of Pikmin you discover. They live in a
blue Onion. Because they are blessed with gills, they
are the only type of Pikmin that can survive in the water.
Another interesting trait of Blues is that they can save
drowning Pikmin. If you surround them and press X, your
Blues will throw the drowning Pikmin on to the shore.
Useful, no?

-Purple Pikmin: You can not control these Pikmin, and the only way to
get them is to infect them with the poisonous gas of a
Puffstool. They have mushrooms on their heads, and
their only purpose in life is to attack Olimar. So
basically, you don't want to get Purples. To drain the
evilness out of Purple Pikmin, have some normal ones
attack them.

That's it for characters. Every other creature in the game has one
purpose: to eat Pikmin and kill Olimar. How do you like those odds?




Control Stick - moves Olimar
scroll through menus

C Stick - controls Pikmin as a group

A - picks Pikmin out of the ground (tap repeatedly to move faster).
throws Pikmin at cursor (hold A to hold the Pikmin and separate
your Pikmin into color groups)
when no Pikmin with you, punches enemies
confirms menu selections

B - calls Pikmin to you with your whistle (hold B to call more)
cancel menu selection

X - dismiss and separate Pikmin by color that are with you
delete file

Y - bring up monitor (during gameplay)
view journal entries (at level select screen)
copy file

L - rotate camera

R - toggle camera between three zoom views

Z - toggle camera angle

D-Pad - press down to make Pikmin carry you back to your ship

Start - pause the game




Written here are strategies for accomplishing certain mandatory
objectives in the game.

Battling - This is a very important skill to learn. When you fight
enemies, you can usually do one (or both) of two things...
1. You can swarm the enemy. Just push the C Stick towards
the enemy and let your Pikmin go to work. This works
best when you have a lot of Pikmin and the enemy is only
a minor one.
2. You can throw your Pikmin on the enemy with A. Most
enemies are vulnerable on their backs, so that is an
ideal place to throw your Pikmin. Also, you can throw
your Pikmin at a faster rate if you push the C Stick in
such a way that your Pikmin swarm around you. This will
allow you to throw Pikmin twice as fast, and kill the
enemy twice as fast.

Working - Two words: multi-task. Although you can send a lot of Pikmin
to do one job at a time, it is much more efficient to divide
your Pikmin up into groups and assign each group to a task.
For example, 25 Pikmin could be carrying a spaceship part back
to your ship, 25 more could be building a bridge, and another
50 could be battling an enemy with you. This strategy will
help you get multiple spaceship parts in one day.

Gardening - The most important task in Pikmin (other than getting
spaceship parts) is to grow lots of the little guys.
The best way to do this is match the color of your Pikmin
with the colors of pellets. For example, let red Pikmin
have all the red pellets. Also, when you beat an enemy, 99%
of the time you are going to want to bring that enemy back
to your Onions. The WORST thing you can do is beat a boss
and then let its carcass rot overnight. ALWAYS ALWAYS
ALWAYS bring back boss bodies, as they will produce many
many Pikmin. Other than that, just remember, "To the victor
go the spoils."




This is probably the section you've been waiting for. The immortal
walkthrough. Written here is my best completion score for Pikmin.
Incidentally, it is the fourth time I've beat it, so don't feel bad if
your scores don't match mine and this is your first time playing. If
you are a veteran, you should have no trouble matching or beating my
scores. If you need more reference, be sure to check the Level
Information and Individual Part strategies as well. And now... the

THE STORY (taken directly from the Instruction Booklet)

My name is Captain Olimar. On my homeworld of Hocotate, I am a well-
known navigator of the stars. I use my faithful ship, the Dolphin, to
carry small freight and deep-space minerals from planet to planet. It
is a job of no small importance, and I take it seriously.

For a long time I had been working too hard, a tendency of mine, so I
decided to take some time off by myself to recuperate. The night before
I left, my wife prepared my favorite soup. This soup is a famous dish
on my planet, made with three large onions and hundreds of miniature
red, yellow, and blue carrots. Once I had my fill of this delicious
dinner, I climbed into my warm bed and began to think of the leisurely
vacation that would start the next morning. I finally fell into a deep,
peaceful sleep.

The journey began well. With no set destination in mind, I simply
allowed the sleek Dolphin to make its own efficient way throughout the
vast reaches of space. A strange feeling came over me... I then felt a
premonition that my short trip would soon be become an epic adventure.
I dismissed the thought as foolishness from my overactive brain, then
switched the Dolphin to autopilot and stood up from the control seat to
make a hot cup of tea. Just then, a massive jolt shook the Dolphin!
For a brief moment, my mind reeled with the possibilities of what might
have happened, but I had little time to react. I was thrown against the
control panel, and I blacked out.

When I came to, I found that the Dolphin had crashed on a strange
planet, in a place whose name and location I could not guess. I thanked
the laws of chaos that I was at least, for the time, safe. After some
inspection, I noticed that the Dolphin was so shaken during the reentry
that several of her pieces had been jarred loose, probably scattered
around the planet. To make matters worse, my space suit's sensors
indicated that the planet's atmosphere contained oxygen, an element
incredibly deadly to my people. Fortunately, the life-support system
built into my suit seemed unharmed, but I knew that it had only enough
remaining battery power to function for another 30 days. If only I
could find the engine, then at least I could fly within this planets
atmosphere to search for the other parts...

Will I be able to find the missing parts for my spaceship? Will I be
able to return safely to my have and family? I must steel myself
against fear and loneliness if I am ever to see them again.

I have decided to record all of my observations and experiences in my
journal until I am able to leave this forbidding planet. My only hope
lies in the promise of two strange encounters that I had today. The
first was the discovery of a large object, similar to the onions on my
planet. But it was enormous, and it rested on three legs. The other
was the appearance of a small life-form eerily similar in appearance to
my planet's miniature carrots. I have decided to name this small life-

Day 1: The Impact Site
Parts Collected: 1

When you first start out, walk around until you find the Red Onion.
It will pop up and release a Pikmin seed. Now just wait until it
sprouts up. When it does, pick it with A. You now have 1 Pikmin. Yay.
Lead it around collecting all the pellets you can. You can also destroy
the flowers to collect the pellets they hold. Also, don't miss the 5
pellet on the stone ledge. When you have at least 10 Pikmin, lead them
over to the brown box and make them push it away (use the C Stick or
throw them towards it). Call them to you, and observe the engine. You
need 20 Pikmin to carry it, so you can't get it yet. Instead, lead your
little army up across the bridge that the box now makes and collect all
the pellets that are in there. Don't miss the one that's up high. If
you collected every pellet, you should now have 25 red Pikmin. Lead
them over to the engine and have them carry it back to your ship. You
have now completed Day 1.

Sprouted: 25 Lost: 0 Left: 0

Day 2: The Forest of Hope
Parts Collected: 1

Now's when things start to get exciting. Take out all your reds,
and have them break down the white stick gate. While they are doing
this, have one Pikmin harvest the red pellet. NOTE: leave ALL yellow
pellets alone. They are for the yellow Pikmin. Don't let your reds get
greedy. Now, when the wall is down, get ready for your first battle.
Lead all 25 of your Pikmin out and to the left towards the Dwarf
Bulborbs. The best way to beat them is to lure them towards you and
then throw Pikmin on their heads. Bring their bodies back to base,
along with any red pellets. Now with your strengthened army, go over
towards the Spotty Bulborbs to the right of your camp. Sneak around
behind them and throw Pikmin on their backs. When it is dead, kill all
the other enemies in this area. Now, you can carry that high-tech
looking thing, which happens to be the Eternal Fuel Dynamo, back to your
ship, along with the red 10 pellet. Use the rest of your reds to carry
your spoils and break down the gate at the far end of this area. If
you've been playing right, you should now have around 80 Pikmin. Make
them all work on breaking down that gate. When it is gone, lead them in
and kill the Dwarfs first, followed by the Spottys. NOTE: Do not have
your reds carry any enemies back to the Onion for the rest of this day!
All enemies killed in here are for the yellows. Now, when all the
enemies are dead, lead your reds to just outside the gate and leave them
there. Now walk over to the yellow Onion. Pick the Yellow that it
spits out, and have it harvest all the yellow pellets in this area.
When you have enough, collect the enemies too. You should now have
about 20 yellows, since they stop coming out when your Pikmin in the
field reach 100. Lead them over to the bomb rocks, either in a can or
next to a big stone gate, and have them break down both white gates in
this area. It should now be around sunset, so get all your Pikmin
together and stick 'em back in their Onions.

Sprouted: 108 Lost: 4 Left:0

Day 3: The Forest of Hope
Parts Collected: 3

Take out all your yellow. Walk out the stick gate and curve to the
right. If there are any enemies, avoid fighting them. March them over
to the can and have them pick up the bomb rocks. Take them back to camp
and have them break down the stone gate. Now put all your yellows in
the Onion, and take them out again. This will cause them to drop their
bomb rocks without detonating them. Lead them just past the gate and
collect the 20 pellet up on the stump. Now take out all your reds and
march them over the gate. Kill all of the enemies past it, then turn
left and walk through the grass. You should come upon some Sheargrubs
and larva. Kill them all, and lead your Pikmin a little farther until
you can see the Whimsical Radar on a ledge. Throw 20 Pikmin up to it
and have them carry it back. Take your spoils back to camp, and take
control of your yellows again. Make them pick up their forgotten bomb
rocks and lead them over to where the Radar was. Break down the stone
gate, and then walk back through the tall grass and straight ahead to
the stick gate. Blow that up too. You can break it with normal Pikmin,
but bombs are faster. You don't need any more bomb rocks, so throw all
your Pikmin and call them back to you to get rid of the bombs. Lead
them back over to where the stone gate was and collect the Extraordinary
Bolt with 30 yellows. Put the rest of your yellows backin their Onions,
and take out 70 reds. Take them to the stick gate that you blew up with
bombs. Kill all of the enemies beyond it, starting with the Dwarfs
since they are already awake. When all of the enemies are dead, carry
your spoils and the Nova Blaster, which lies beyond them, back to camp
and finish the day.

Sprouted: 95 Lost: 3 Left: 0

Day 4: The Forest Navel
Parts Collected: 2

First take out all your reds. Have about 20 of them start to break
down the stick gate that's right next to your camp. Now lead the rest
to the path beyond it and make them build the stick bridge over to the
Automatic Gear. 15 Pikmin is all you need to carry it, so take the rest
of your Pikmin and go left onto the beach a little bit. All you need to
do is kill all the bugs and larva. Now go back up to camp and collect
the Pikmin that were working on the gate (it should be down. If not,
break it really quickly). Regroup and head back to camp. Now go and
start breaking the Pellet Posys, but DON'T collect the pellets. They
are for luring the Breadbug to you. When he grabs one or comes near,
throw Pikmin on him until he has lost about 1/8 of his health. Wait for
him to grab a pellet. When he does, throw two Pikmin on the pellet, and
watch as they drag him up to the Onion. When the Onion tries to suck
him up he will die and leave behind the Space Float. Take it to your
ship. Now get 100 reds and go straight ahead and build the two ramps
that will lead you down to the beach. Kill all the Fiery Blowhogs on
the beach and take all of them except one back to your camp. Just be
sure to attack them on the side away from the water so they don't get
blown into it. If the Wollywog attacks you, kill it too. Now the beach
should be cleared except for one dead Blowhog and a few pellets. Take
all your Pikmin back to the Onion and put them in it. Go over to near
where the Automatic Gear was and you should see the Blue Onion. Take
the blue Pikmin that it spits out and use it to gather as many blues as
possible before the day is done. Be sure to get the 5 pellet, the
Blowhog on the beach, and any grubs that your reds killed. Now the day
should be over.

Sprouted: 78 Lost: 17 Left: 0

Day 5: The Impact Site
Parts Collected: 1

First take out 10 yellows, 20 reds, and all your blues. Collect
some of the pellets, but pay special attention to the 10 pellets on top
of the tree stump. To get to them, have your Pikmin break open the
geyser near its base in the tall grass. Then build the stick ladder and
have you Pikmin climb up it. Color code your Pikmin and carry them all
back to your camp. Now take out Pikmin until you have 100 in the field,
so all the Pikmin you gather will just stay in the Onions and you don't
have to bother with picking them. Now gather all the blues you have,
along with the 10 yellows and 20 reds you started with, and go over to
where the engine was. Use reds to get the 20 pellet, then dismiss all
your Pikmin and get only yellows in your group. Pick up the bomb rocks
that are inside the box and blow up the stone gate that's in the area
over the box. Go back to the Onions now and collect your 20 reds again.
Now take all your Pikmin and enter the beach area. Walk left first and
break down the gate. Then put your reds and yellows on the 20 red
pellet, making sure there are more reds than yellows carrying it. Now
take your blue Pikmin and go over to the blue 20 pellet. Have them
carry it away. Now walk up to the Pearly Clamclamp with the green thing
in it. That is the Positron Generator. To get it, throw all the blue
Pikmin you have onto the Clamclamp's protective bubble inside it. Call
them all back to you when it is just about to open all the way. That
should allow plenty of time for your Pikmin to escape before they are
shut in. Just repeat this process until the Generator falls out. Go
back to your camp and get all the blues that you have. Lead them all
the way back up to the beach and assign 20 of them to carry the
Generator back to your ship. Now attack both of the Clams one at a time
in order to get their pearls. They are worth 50 Pikmin each! You can
do what you want, but I always give both of them to my blue Pikmin.
Make 6 carry it just so it goes faster, and when you have both the day
should be just about done. Make sure all you Pikmin are out of the
ground, since you won't be coming back here again.

Sprouted: 172 Lost: 0 Left: 0

Day 6: The Forest of Hope
Parts Collected: 3

First take out 30 blues and 70 reds. Lead your army outside
through the stick gate and kill any dwarfs in the immediate area.
Ignore all the monsters off to the right. Dismiss your Pikmin, and grab
your blues. Walk through the water across to the island on the other
side. If you stand on the little ledge, you should be able to throw all
30 on to the bridge. They should start building it. Now go back to
your reds. Call 30 of them, and have them work on the bridge on this
side of the lake. Now walk over to the left of the bridge with the
other 40 reds and you should see a ledge. Throw them onto it. Now walk
back to the stick gate, and turn right just before you enter it. You
should come to a little puddle. Walk up the tree root and turn right,
and you should see the Shock Absorber. Ignore it for now, and walk
quietly past the monsters so as not to wake them up. Once you are past
them, you can meet up with your reds again. Call them all, and then
kill all the enemies in this area. Once they are dead, assign 30 of
them to carry the Shock Absorber and have the rest carry your spoils.
Your bridge builders should be about done by now. Walk across both
bridges, calling your 30 reds and 30 blues as you do so. Once across,
you should now be on the island with the Sagittarius. Have 20 Pikmin
carry it (prefferably reds, you'll see why in a second) back to camp.
Here's where things start to get tricky. You're going to want to take
out as many blues as you can, so put any reds that are in camp away for
the moment. Once you have a lot of blues, around 80, go out the stone
gate. Kill any enemies in here, and turn right at your first chance.
Then immediatly turn left, and you should be in this little puddle.
Have all you Pikmin work on breaking the gate down. The Sagittarius
should be in your ship by now, so put all those reds back and take out
10 yellows. Go around the level collecting as many bomb rocks as you
can, and then return to camp. Go out the stone gate and walk straight
ahead. Throw all your yellows onto the ledge and go back to your blues,
who should be done. Walk through the gate, but don't collect any blues.
Now turn left and WALK INTO your yellows. If you call them, they will
drop their bombs. Now turn around and destroy the black stick gate with
the bombs. Now go call your blues and return to camp. Put all your
Pikmin in their Onions, and call out 100 reds. Go back out the stone
gate, and throw them all on the ledge you threw the yellow on. Now walk
through the puddle, call them all back to you, and enter the arena with
the Armored Cannon Beetle. To avoid dying, stay away from the front of
it. Just throw Pikmin at the hole in its head, and when he sucks one
in, run around behind him and throw Pikmin on its exposed back. Do this
once or twice and you should beat him. Now you should have just enough
daylight left to bring the carcass and the Radiation Canopy, which is in
the back of the arena, back to your camp.

Sprouted: 113 Lost: 18 Left: 0

Day 7: Forest of Hope
Parts Collected: 1

Oh, goody. Today we get to fight another boss battle!!! Take out
85 reds and 15 blues. Go out the stick gate to where the yellow Onion
was when you first found it, killing any enemies along the way. Once
you enter the area, turn almost completely around and enter the area
that your yellows unblocked the first day you found them. There are a
couple of Bulborbs in here, so kill them first. Now dismiss all your
Pikmin, making sure they don't go and carry anything, and get only
blues. Walk into the water and throw them at the far side of the box.
Once it is out of the way, call all your Pikmin to you. Now throw them
all in the middle of the bridge where the box was, making sure none fall
in the water. Once they are all there, walk through them so you have
about 20. Go over the bridge and deposit them DIRECTLY to the right and
as close to the water as possible. Any farther away and you'll wake up
the boss. Repeat this until all of them are across (you do this weird
thing to prevent any Pikmin from drowning when you go across the bridge.
You can use blue Pikmin to fight the boss, but their attacks hurt less).
Now walk slowly into the arena until the Burrowing Snagret pops its head
up. Immediatly retreat so it can't reach you. Just don't walk farther
up, or you'll wake another Snagret. When it goes underground again,
walk slowly around until it pops up again. If its whole neck is above
the ground, retreat again. Repeat this until it only sticks its head up
above the ground. This is your cue to swarm it with all your Pikmin on
its head. If you do this correctly, you should be able to kill it in
one hit. Repeat this strategy two more times on the other Snagrets, and
you'll be rewarded with the Geiger Counter. Carry this, and all the
enemies you killed earlier, back to camp.

Sprouted: 89 Lost: 13 Left: 0

Day 8: The Forest Navel
Parts Collected: 3

Score. Another 3-part day. You're basically going to want 100
blues on this one, unless there are any Fiery Blowhogs on the beach. If
there are, use reds to beat them as quickly as possible. When you have
100 blues with you, walk out of camp into the water areas to the right,
and you should see a big golden thing that looks like a cup. This is
the #1 Ionium Jet. Assign 15 Pikmin to carry it and run over to the
beach. Walk straight into the water and go fight the Wollywogs, one at
a time. There are two ways to beat them, and you can read about it in
the Enemy Field Guide. Anyway, once they're dead, you will have a clear
road to the Anti-Dioxin Filter. 40 Pikmin can carry it back to camp.
Now walk all the way over to the left of the lake you are in and you
should see a little ledge with a blue spring on it. This is the Gravity
Jumper. Put about 1/2 of your Pikmin on the ramp to the right of it,
and walk over to the left. You will see a ramp on top of the little
ledge. Thow all you Pikmin up there, and use the geyser to meet up with
them again. Now just command them to build the other ramp. When all
your Pikmin are done, assign as many as you can to carry the Gravity
Jumper and head back to camp. If you have time, collect the bodies of
the Wollywogs as well.

Sprouted: 36 Lost: 43 Left: 0

Day 9: The Forest Navel
Parts Collected: 1

All right, one of the two bosses in this level. First take out 100
reds. Go over to where you found the Gravity Jumper and turn left.
Enter the area with all the blue lights. Keep going and you should come
upon what looks like a giant mushroom on legs. Well, it IS a giant
mushroom on legs. This is a Puffstool. Just charge it and have all
your Pikmin attack its legs until it trips. Then call them all over to
you and throw them as fast as you can onto its soft underbelly. If it
dies, cool. If it flips back up, call all your Pikmin away QUICKLY!!!
It's about to use its gas attack which changes all you Pikmin into
purple Pikmin. If any do get caught in the gas, just attack them with
normal Pikmin to get them back to normal. If ALL your Pikmin get caught
in the gas, then your in trouble. Just start the day over. Once it
does the attack, do the tripping thing again until it dies. It will
drop the Omega Stabilizer. Carry that and the Puffstool back to camp.
I would advise giving the Puffstool to your yellows, since you will need
a lot in the battle tomorrow. Now, take out about 15 yellows. Lead
them all to bomb rocks. There are some by where the Gravity Jumper and
#1 Ionium Engine were. Now look at your map with Y. See the star
that's off by itself in that arena looking thing? Go over there. You
will see many stone walls. Destroy as many as you can, but just make
sure you unblock the arena as well. Now just grow some of the little
dudes (again, preferably yellow) until the day is over.

Sprouted: 103 Lost: 13 Left: 0

Day 10: The Forest Navel
Parts Collected: 1

This is my least favorite part in the game to get, because I always
lose about half my yellows (not that you use them much anyway, but you
get the point). Lead all your yellows over to the rock walls that you
destroyed yesterday and into the arena. A big spider looking thing will
drop down. This is Beady Long Legs. It is the devil. Just throw your
yellows onto that big sphere in the middle of its body (well, it IS its
body) and use the C Stick to steer your Pikmin away from its feet to
avoid making any more Pikmin pancakes than necessary. Once it is dead,
Take your yellows and put them back in their Onion. DO NOT try to take
back the Guard Sattelite with yellows, as they will be burned by the
flame geysers. Use reds to collect the part and any other spoils to be
found in the arena. Now you can do one of two things. You can try to
build your poor yellows back up to strength, or you can take 100 Pikmin
over to the far right side of the beach and break down the stick wall.
This will aid you in getting tomorrow's parts. NOW build up your sorry
yellow army.

Sprouted: 58 Lost: 57 Left: 0

Day 11: The Forest Navel
Parts Collected: 2

All right!!! This is your last day in the Forest Navel!!! I
really hate this level... Take 60 reds, 20 yellows, and 20 blues. Go
over to the stick wall that I described on the previous day, and break
it down if you have not already done so. Lead all you Pikmin in, and
push the C Stick so that your Pikmin get as close to the wall as
possible. You don't want ANY to get burned. Once you are past the
first flame geysers, you should be in a place with a bridge on the left.
Dismiss you Pikmin, and have your reds and yellows work on the bridge.
Take your 20 blues and travel through the rest of the flame geysers,
using the same strategy applied on the previous ones. You should now be
in an area with a little pool. Lead your blues in and have them carry
the Analog Computer out, but not into the flame geysers. Once it is out
of the water, leave it there and take your blues back to the rest of
your Pikmin. When the bridge is complete, bring 20 reds back over the
flames to the Computer and have them carry it back to camp. Now have
your blues go into the puddle on the other side of the bridge and break
open the geyser. Throw all your yellows onto the ledge above you, and
use the geyser to meet up with them again. Throw them up the rest of
the way and they will retrieve the Libra. As soon as they bring it down
to the rest of your Pikmin, have the rest of your reds ONLY carry it
back to camp. Now bring your remaining blues and yellows out the rest
of the way, using the wall-hug stratagy once more. Now just garden
until the day is over. And the Forest Navel is complete! Yay!

Sprouted: 15 Lost: 1 Left: 0

Day 12: The Distant Spring
Parts Collected: 2

My favorite level. Ah, bliss. Take out 100 blues. Go over onto
the little area with the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with
its partner, and carry their bodies back to camp. Now go straight ahead
across the beach and into the water. Now go over to where the bridge is
and have them kill the little bugs that are there. When they are dead,
assign some Pikmin to build the bridge. Now take the rest of your
Pikmin (about 20) back to camp. Collect the ones that were carrying the
Yellow Wollywogs. You see that little path extending into the water,
and ending with a tower with a spinning thing on top? That's the
Repair-type Bolt. To get it, throw all 30 Pikmin onto the ledge to the
left of the path. Now things get tricky. Go on the path and call them
to you, so they are walking towards the barrier on the ledge that they
are on. Now walk along on the path, and they should follow. When they
reach the tower with the Bolt on it, shove the C Stick towards it, and
at least 20 should grab on and take it to your ship. Take the rest of
your Pikmin over to the bridge builders, who should be done. Lead all
of them over to the far side of the bridge. You will see an enemy that
looks like a black Spotty Bulborb. This is a Spotty Bulbear. He's just
a little tougher than Bulborbs. Use the same strategy to beat him and
take his body back to camp. Have the rest of your Pikmin carry the
Massage Machine that was behind him to your ship as well. If you still
have any time left in the day, walk in the direction parallel to the
lake until you come upon a Yellow Wollywog. Kill it with 100 blues. If
you don't have time, kill it sometime before day 15, as it will help you

Sprouted: 105 Lost: 24 Left: 0

Day 13: Distant Spring
Parts Collected: 1

Today you will fight one of the coolest enemies in the game. Make
sure you have no Pikmin sprouts in the ground. Now take 100 blues and
walk into the giant lake. Use your map: it's the BIG lake. Go over to
the chain of islands that form a circle, and you should see a giant egg
on them. Break open the egg, and RUN RUN RUN back to camp and deposite
all your blues. Don't wait for the THING to chase you. You shouldn't
have any Pikmin out now. When the monstrosity enters your camp, take
out 10, and only 10, reds. Throw them on his face, and keep doing this
until he dies. For a better description on how to beat him, check the
Enemy Field Guide. Once he is dead, he will leave behind a nut that is
worth 100 Pikmin!!! I usually give it to blues, but the choice is
yours. Now go back to the chain of islands and go farther this time.
You will see some Water Dumples and a Puffy Blowhog in the water. Kill
the first 3 Dumples, then kill the Blowhog, who is holding the
Interstellar Radio. Have 20 Pikmin carry it, and then watch which way
they are going. Follow them, and protect them from any Water Dumples or
Yellow Wollywogs that will try to kill them with the rest of your
Pikmin. By the time the Radio reaches your ship, it will be almost
night. Really quick take out 10 yellows and go across the bridge you
built on the first day. There will be some bomb rocks in the skulls
here. Get a few and head back to camp. You should have just enough
time to blow up the stone gate right next to your camp before the sun

Sprouted: 147 Lost: 46 Left: 0

Day 14: Distant Spring
Parts Collected: 1

Take out 100 blues and go through the stone gate you blew up
yesterday. While avoiding waking up the Bulbears, kill the Puffy
Blowhog. Now kill the two Bulbears and bring everything back to the
Onions. NOTE: If you try killing the Bulbears first, you may get double
or triple teamed by the Blowhog and/or other Bulbear, which will result
in death and mourning. So kill Puffy first. Now put the blues back in
their Onion and take out 100 reds. Walk through the gate and go past
the first puddle, then turn left. Kill any more enemies you find here,
then break down the white stick gate which is near the yellow 10 pellet.
After it's down, throw them up on the ledge and build the ramp. Now
bring your spoils back to camp and return everything to their Onions.
The day should be almost done. Get 20 yellows out and go through the
stone gate. Turn right and you will see a big ledge with a pit in the
middle. Throw all 20 to the right of the pit. Now walk left and go up
the stone ramp, circle around, and go down to your yellows. Gather them
all and throw them in the stone indention on the ledge above you. Now
go up the ramp again and call your yellows once more, making sure none
fall off with the C Stick. Now its just a simple matter of throwing
them up to the UV Lamp. It only takes 10, but have as many as possible
bring it back to your ship and finish the day.

Sprouted: 57 Lost: 36 Left: 0

Day 15: Distant Spring
Parts Collected: 2

All right, the only boss in this level. Take out 100 reds and go
in the direction parallel to the big lake. You will come upon a
Bulbear, if you haven't killed it yet. Do so now. In the hollow stump
it was guarding, there is a closed geyser behind the skull. Break it
open. Now exit the skull and go a little left and you will see a stick
ladder that needs building. Build it. Have all your Pikmin go up, then
meet up with them using the geyser. Take all 100 and enter the arena
with the Armored Cannon Beetle. Use the same strategy against him that
you used in the Forest of Hope. Once he is dead, have 30 Pikmin carry
the Bowsprit and a couple carry the Beetle. They will walk through the
area you cleared out yesterday, in case you were wondering. Now take
the rest of your reds and go back out to where the stick ladder was.
Walk straight ahead to the bridge and start building it with about 25
Pikmin. NOTE: You should have already killed the Yellow Wollywog here
during a previous day, as written in the day 12 strategy. Deposit the
rest in the Onion, and take out as many blues as possible. Go back to
your red bridge builders and enter the pool. Go to the other side and
build the bridge from the other direction once you kill the bugs. When
both bridges are complete, you can get the heaviest part in the game:
the Gluon Drive. It takes 50 Pikmin. Spend the rest of the day

Sprouted: 62 Lost: 59 Left: 0

Day 16: Distant Spring
Parts Collected: 4

Four parts in one day!? You're probably thinking I'm crazy, but
it's actually really easy. First take out 100 blues. Go through the
stone gate next to your camp, and walk over to the stick gate you broke
open with your reds on day 14. Kill any enemies along the way. Don't
enter it the gate, though. Go a little bit past it and go to the other
stick gate. Break it open. Kill the two Yellow Wollywogs that are in
this area. Now break the other stick gate, then enter it. You will
find the Zirconium Roter. Assign 30 Pikmin to it. Now go out the
second gate you broke and turn left so you are walking through the
water. Just turn right a little and follow your map and you will come
upon the Pilot's Seat. It takes 25 Pikmin. Make sure you are still
left with AT LEAST 35 Pikmin. If not, go back to your Onion for
reinforcements. Now, starting from the area with the Pilot's Seat, go
back to the little river and turn right. You will emerge in this little
lake. Kill any Water Dumples, but ignore the Wollywogs. Walk forward
and left and you should come upon the #2 Ionium Jet. To get it, walk to
the far left of the stone ledge and throw 20 Pikmin up onto it, then use
the geyser to get up yourself. Lead them all as close to the Jet as you
can, then throw them the rest of the way. As soon as your Pikmin bring
it down, make sure there are ONLY 15 on it. Now go to the far corner of
the little lake you are in and throw the rest of your blues up onto the
little island with the yellow flower (this is a Candypop Bud). Use the
geyser to get up there, then throw all your Pikmin into the Bud. It
will transform your blues into yellows. As soon as you have all
yellows, throw them all into the sandy corner with the blue flower. Now
go to the beach yourself. Call them to you and toss them up to the
part, which you will find to be the Chronos Reactor. As soon as they
bring it down, transform all your yellows back into blues using the Bud.
Now have all your blues carry the last part of this level back to your
ship. Use the rest of the day to bring back any enemies you killed.

Sprouted: 66 Lost: 7 Left: 0

Day 17: The Final Trial
Parts Collected: 1

This is it: the final level. Take out 90 blues and 10 reds. Walk
over next to the water and dismiss all your Pikmin. Get only blues and
walk into the water. Throw 45 blues towards each bridge on either side
of the stone gate so that they start building them. Now go back to your
reds. Get them and walk to the left side of the water. Throw them onto
the ledge with all the fire geysers on it. Now go into the water next
to the ledge and whistle to them so they are trying to get at you but
are still on the fire ledge. Walk forward so they will follow you.
Keep going until they reach the box. When they are next to it, dismiss
them and they will automatically push it. Now wait for the blues to
complete both bridges and stick them back in their Onion. now take out
10 yellows. Walk with them to the right of the water and throw them on
the island. Go onto it yourself and call them to you. Now walk up on
the stony cliff and throw them onto the ledge across the gap, making
sure none fall and drown, of course. Now use a geyser to get up to
them. Call them, and throw them in and around the can on the ledge
above you until at least five Pikmin have bomb rocks. Now just get them
back to dry land the same way you got them here, except for one detail.
To get them under your control, don't whistle. If you do, they will
drop their bomb rocks and kill themselves. Instead, just touch them.
Lead them across the first bridge and bomb the gate three times to knock
it down. Now go across the second bridge and use a single bomb to blow
up the white stick gate. Now lead them into the arena. NOTE: DO NOT
BATTLE!!! and you don't want that. Bomb the white stick gate on the
other side of the arena, and lead you yellows back out to where your 10
reds are. Dismiss them. At this point, if this is your first time
playing, I would advise you to gather your Pikmin, select GO TO SUNSET
from the pause menu, and save the game. That way you will have a whole
day to fight the final boss, Emperor Bulblax. If you have already beat
him a few times, you should try to fight him AND do all the stuff in a
single day. If you want to do this, you should have at least half a day
left to fight him. That's what I did, and it saved me a whole extra
day. Either way, use this strategy to beat him. Go to your Onions and
take out 80 reds and 20 yellows. Lead them all over to just outside of
the arena. Take the yellows only and go through the arena and out the
other side without waking up Emperor Bulblax. Now go up to the cans and
have all 20 collect bomb rocks. There are multiple cans spread along
the outside of the arena. Now return to your reds and dismiss ALL your
Pikmin. Walk into the arena by yourself and wake up the boss by
touching him. Now leave and walk SLOWLY into your yellows until only
one is under your control. Press and hold A so you have picked him up
and now walk into your reds until you have about 50 or so. Now walk
into the arena (still holding A) and wait until he opens his mouth to do
his tongue-attack. Throw the yellow Pikmin in is mouth and run off to
the side. The bomb will explode and stun him, and that is your cue to
throw as many reds as you can onto his fat saggy cheeks. When he wakes
up, take all your reds and run outside the arena, where he can't hurt
you. Repeat this process until he has about 1/2 health left. Now he
will start doing a new attack: he will jump up really high and land on
your Pikmin that are with you in the arena, killing them all. To avoid
this, just stay on the move and use the C Stick to pull your Pikmin away
from where he will land. Once you've beaten the boss, you can get the
Secret Safe!!! If you have time, you can harvest the pellets he drops,
but it only gets you around 20 more Pikmin. The Secret Safe takes 40
Pikmin to carry, but you can use up to 90 to speed up the process. And
that's the last part!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've beat the game!!!
Here are my final scores...

Parts/Days: 30/17
Total Survivors: 951
Total Lost: 391

Compare yours to mine and see how well you did!!!

THE (happy) END




This section will give you a detailed step-by-step guide on how to get
each individual part and information about it. NOTE: This is not
necessarily the most efficient way to get all the parts...

The Description of each part is taken directly from the game and it is
what Olimar says when he finds a part and it is beamed up into his ship.


N = a part you need to leave the planet
O = a part you don't need to leave the planet
$ = a part that physically appears on the ship when it is beamed up

1. Engine: N,$ weight: 20 Location: The Impact Site
Description: Amazing! There is no mistaking it! My ship's engine
rests before my very eyes! By a stroke of pure luck, I have already
stumbled upon the most important piece of my damaged craft! Fate has
smiled upon me! But... How will I get it back to the Dolphin?
It was pure luck that I found this piece first. With this I can at
least lift off!

Strategy: As soon as you have 10 Pikmin, push the big brown box.
Note the position of the engine. Harvest any pellets in the next area
on top of the tree stump, and keep growing until you have 20. Then just
have your Pikmin pick up the engine.

2. Eternal Fuel Dynamo: N,$ weight: 40 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: It has an unlimited energy supply! I wont have to
worry about saving electricity anymore! This will make my fight for
survival a bit easier...
This should light things up. No more candles for me!

Strategy: Take as many Pikmin as you can and break down the stick
gate in you landing area. Walk outside and left and kill any enemies
there. Then go right and kill all the Dwarf and Spotty Bulborbs. Note
the position of the Eternal Fuel Dynamo. Use the monster's bodies to
make more Pikmin, and when you have 40, just pick the part up.

3. Whimsical Radar: N,$ weight: 20 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: With this, I'll be able to see all nearby ship parts
in a single glance--I just press Y to check it. This find fills me with
great hope.
This important part can detect the location of the other missing
parts. The radar will be added to my moniter, which I can press Y to
view. C zooms in and out. This will surely help me in my search for
the missing parts!

Strategy: First go through the stick wall. Now take 10 yellows
and, being careful not to wake any enemies, walk around the right side
of the lake and get some bomb rocks from inside the can. Now go and
bomb the stone gate at your landing site. Take some reds and walk
through and kill any enemies you find. Walk left through the tall grass
and kill all the bugs. The Radar is on a ledge just a little beyond
that point.

4. Extraordinary Bolt: N weight: 30 Location: The Forest of Hope.
Description: I bought this incredible bolt because the salesman
told me it is of extraordinary quality that is indiscernible to the
average person. Exactly what makes it so extraordinary is a secret.
But just look at it! Extraordinary!
This bolt's bolt holds the kind of value that only a true
connoisseur can understand.

Strategy: First go through the stick wall. Now take 10 yellows
and, being careful not to wake any enemies, walk around the right side
of the lake and get some bomb rocks from inside the can. Now go and
bomb the stone gate at your landing site. Take some reds and walk
through and kill any enemies you find. Walk left through the tall grass
and kill all the bugs. Now go get your yellows agian. Have them bomb
the rock wall to the right of your reds. The Bolt is inside.

5. Nova Blaster: O weight: 30 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: This emits a dazzling burst of light capable of
destroying almost anything! I'm not exactly sure about this, but the
promotional brochure claims that its blasts can travel in the currents
of space-time, smashing through stars and into the rifts of space.
This is a weapon of such incredible destructive force that it can
blast stars into tiny pieces...
It has a strange allure.

Strategy: First go through the stick wall. Now take 10 yellows
and, being careful not to wake any enemies, walk around the right side
of the lake and get some bomb rocks from inside the can. Now go and
bomb the stone gate at your landing site. Take some reds and walk
through and kill any enemies you find. Now turn right and break down
the black stick wall. When you've done that, walk through it and kill
any enemies in this area. The Blaster is at the far end of this area.

6. Automatic Gear: N weight: 15 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: This thing chugs along at its own pace. it makes
piloting much easier, giving me time to concentrate on the finer points
of space travel.
It has thin cracks running through it. I tried to fill them with
dirt... I hope it will be alright.

Strategy: Just take 15 Pikmin of any color and fall off the landing
area towards where you found the blue Onion. Have them build the stick
bridge to the Gear, and they will automatically grab it and take it back
to the Dolphin.

7. Space Float: O weight: 25 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: This float is an absolute necessity for any pilot who
lacks skill at swimming in space.
An excellent swimmer like me has no need for something like this,
but my motto is "always be prepared." Really. It's just for

Strategy: Take some Pikmin and find the Breadbug walking around
near your landing site. Throw Pikmin on him until he has lost about 1/8
health. Now pick all the Pellet Posys around the area until he grabs
one. Have two Pikmin latch on to the pellet the Breadbug is trying to
steal, and watch as he is dragged into an Onion and killed. When he
dies, he will drop the Float. Now just pick it up.

8. Positron Generator: N weight: 20 Location: The Impact Site
Description: By combining batteries with solar cells, this machine
can generate incredible amounts of electricity. What a timely find!
Those Instant Space Noodles will taste better heated up.
This electric generator is so powerful that if you approach it
carelessly, you'll get an electric shock!

Strategy: Take 10 yellows and push the box away. Then go and look
inside: there are some bomb rocks. Collect them and bomb the stone gate
that is in the area on top of the stump across from the box. Now get
100 blues and enter this beach area. Go up to the Pearly Clamclamp with
the green thing inside it. Throw all the blue Pikmin you have onto the
Clamclamp's protective bubble inside it. Call them all back to you when
it is just about to open all the way. That should allow plenty of time
for your Pikmin to escape before they are shut in. Just repeat this
process until the Generator falls out.

9. Shock Absorber: N weight: 30 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: This apparatus counteracts the shaking and saying that
normally occurs during flight. It's smooth sailing with this in
place... Usually.
This nifty little device counteracts the shaking and swaying
experienced in typical space flight.

Strategy: Take 50 reds and break down the stick gate. Walk out to
the lake and then turn left. Kill any enemies you encounter. Go
straight and throw all your Pikmin up onto the ledge. Now turn left and
go into the puddle and walk up the tree root. Turn right and you will
see the Shock Absorber. Sneak past the enemies and call all your reds
to you. Now kill all the monsters and the Shock Absorber is yours for
the taking.

10. Sagittarius: N,$ weight: 20 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: My son gave this to me as a present. It brings to
mind visions of my son back at home on Planet Hocotate. Oh, to be back
there right now!
This was a gift from my son. He must be very worried about me...

Strategy: Take out 100 blues and break down the stick gate. Walk
straight ahead and to the left. Kill any enemies you find. Have 50
Pikmin build the bridge that you see. Now enter the lake and go to the
little island with the Sagittarius on it. Stand on the ledge and throw
the rest of your Pikmin towards the second bridge. When both bridges
are complete, have 20 blues carry it to your ship.

11. Radiation Canopy: N,$ weight: 30 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: This turns the harsh radiatoion of deep space into
soft, infrared rays that are easy on the body. I'll sleep like a baby
once I get this back to the ship!
I'll have to inspect it later to make sure it hasn't cracked. I'll
be in for even more trouble if I have any radiation leaks.

Strategy: Take 80 reds and break down the stick gate. Take 10
yellows and exit and have them collect bomb rocks from the can to the
right of the lake. Now bomb the stone gate near your ship. Take your
reds and kill any enemies in this area. Use bomb rocks to destroy the
gate on the right, then throw them you reds and yellows on the ledge
straight ahead. Take 10 blues and walk through the gate you just blew
up and then turn left. Have them open the gate in the puddle. When
it's down, go through and call your yellows, and use as many bombs as
you have left to open the black stick gate. When you run out, just hit
it with your 100 Pikmin. When it's down, enter the arena with the
Armored Cannon Beetle. To avoid dying, stay away from the front of it.
Just throw Pikmin at the hole in its head, and when he sucks one in, run
around behind him and throw Pikmin on its exposed back. Do this once or
twice and you should beat him. Now just take the Radiaton Canopy from
the far end of the arena.

12. Geiger Counter: N,$ weight: 15 Location: The Forest of Hope
Description: Every spaceship needs one of these, but I don't
actually know what it's for. Every once in a while, it goes wild and
lets out a lot of noise, but I never pay much attention to it, so it
doesn't do me much good. I really should read that manuel one of these
This noisy guage is always letting off spontaneous clicks and
buzzes. It can be kind of annoying.

Strategy: Take out 75 reds, 15 blues, and 10 yellows. Go out the
stick gate to where the can with bomb rocks, and have your yellows load
up. Now go to where the yellow Onion was when you first found it,
killing any enemies along the way. Once you enter the area, turn almost
completely around and use bomb rocks on that gate. There are a couple
of Bulborbs in here, so kill them first. Now dismiss all your Pikmin,
making sure they don't go and carry anything, and get only blues. Walk
into the water and throw them at the far side of the box. Once it is
out of the way, call all your Pikmin to you. Now throw them all in the
middle of the bridge where the box was, making sure none fall in the
water. Once they are all there, walk through them so you have about 20.
Go over the bridge and deposit them DIRECTLY to the right and as close
to the water as possible. Any farther away and you'll wake up the boss.
Repeat this until all of them are across (you do this weird thing to
prevent any Pikmin from drowning when you go across the bridge. You can
use blue Pikmin to fight the boss, but their attacks hurt less). Now
walk slowly into the arena until the Burrowing Snagret pops its head up.
Immediatly retreat so it can't reach you. Just don't walk farther up,
or you'll wake another Snagret. When it goes underground again, walk
slowly around until it pops up again. If its whole neck is above the
ground, retreat again. Repeat this until it only sticks its head up
above the ground. This is your cue to swarm it with all your Pikmin on
its head. If you do this correctly, you should be able to kill it in
one hit. Repeat this strategy two more times on the other Snagrets, and
you'll be rewarded with the Geiger Counter. Carry it back to the

13. #1 Ionium Jet: N,$ weight: 15 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: Unfortunately, this puts out a slightly odiferous
exaust, but it does propel me to escape velocity in an instant. The
stench is a small price to pay for such performance!
If this is damaged, I'll be in dire straights. I will have to run
a system check as soon as I can.

Strategy: Take 15 blues and walk off the right of the platform you
are on towards where the blue Onion was when you found it. Turn right a
little so you are facing the small pool area. Fall in, and the Jet
should be right in front of you.

14. Anti-Dioxin Filter: N,$ weight: 40 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: This fits over the rocket's exhaust port and filters
out all disease-causing agents from the ships exhaust. That means I'll
be able to move around without polluting the planet's atmosphere! I
feel worlds better!
The laws of deep space require all ships to eliminate all

Strategy: Take 100 reds and walk straight down. Build both ramps
and go down to the beach. Kill ALL the Fiery Blowhogs here. Now put
all 100 back and take out 100 blue. Walk down to the beach and into the
lake. Kill both Wollywogs, then get the Filter in the deepest part of
the water.

15. Gravity Jumper: N weight: 25 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: By manipulating the forces of gravity, this key
component gives me the final boost I need to make the jump to light
speed. Good thing I found it.
This anti-gravity device allows the Dolphin to swim gracefully
through the sea of stars like... a dolphin.

Strategy: Take 100 reds and walk straight down. Build both ramps
and go down to the beach. Kill ALL the Fiery Blowhogs here. Now put
all 100 back and take out 100 blue. Walk down to the beach and into the
lake. Kill both Wollywogs. Now walk all the way to the left of the
lake and you will see a ledge with the Jumper on it. Go to the other
side of this ledge and throw the all of your Pikmin up to the ramp, and
use the geyser to meet up with them. Command them to build this ramp.
Once the ramp is completed, just pick up the part.

16. Omega Stabilizer: N,$ weight: 30 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: I absolutely must have this piece if my battered ship
is ever to fly straight again. It has steered me through countless deep
space storms. That, and it looks rather cool.
This is the Dolphin's fin. It is a little beaten up, but it should
still function. I've made great strides in repairing the Dolphin! With
this, I should be able to fly again--even if I don't recover all 30

Strategy: Take out 100 reds. Go over to where you found the
Gravity Jumper and turn left. Enter the area with all the blue lights.
Keep going and you should come upon what looks like a giant mushroom on
legs. Well, it IS a giant mushroom on legs. This is a Puffstool. Just
charge it and have all your Pikmin attack its legs until it trips. Then
call them all over to you and throw them as fast as you can onto its
soft underbelly. If it dies, cool. If it flips back up, call all your
Pikmin away QUICKLY!!! It's about to use its gas attack which changes
all your Pikmin into purple Pikmin. If any do get caught in the gas,
just attack them with normal Pikmin to get them back to normal. If ALL
your Pikmin get caught in the gas, then your in trouble. Just start the
day over. Once it does the attack, do the tripping thing again until it
dies. It will drop the Omega Stabilizer. Bring it on back.

17. Guard Satellite: N,$ weight: 20 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: Deep space is filled dangers. This automated
satellite does its part to help guard both me and my spaceship. I'll
sleep better at night once this little satellite is back on duty.
This has protected me from space pirates many, many times.

Strategy: Take 20 yellow Pikmin and go to the area with the puddles
to the right of your camp. There is a thin layer of sand on the far
left with a can on it. Drop down there. First, build the stick ladder.
Then have as many yellows as possible pick up some bombs. Have them
climb up or throw them up onto the ledge above you that the stick ladder
leads to. Go around and meet up with them, and lead them back to camp.
Now look at your map. See the star in the area that is shaped like an
arena? Go there and bomb as many rock walls as possible. Now get 100
yellows and enter the arena. A big spider looking thing will drop down.
This is Beady Long Legs. Just throw your yellows onto that big sphere
in the middle of its body (well, it IS its body) and use the C Stick to
steer your Pikmin away from its feet to avoid making any more Pikmin
pancakes than necessary. Once it is dead, Take your yellows and put
them back in their Onion. DO NOT try to take back the Guard Sattelite
with yellows, as they will be burned by the flame geysers. Use reds to
collect the part and any other spoils to be found in the arena.

18. Analog Computer: N weight: 20 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: This computer conveys the kind of vague data that
falls outside the range of ones and zeros. Actually, to be honest, it's
a little too vague, so it isn't very helpful.
This strengthens the outward emotions of the Dolphin's computer.
While it does make the computer smart, it also makes it quick to anger.
It's just like my boss.

Strategy: Take 80 reds and 20 blues. Go down from your camp and
build both ramps. Dismiss you Pikmin and get only reds. Go kill all
the Fiery Blowhogs. Now call your Pikmin and go to the far right of the
lake. There should be a black stick wall. Break it down. Lead all
your Pikmin in, and push the C Stick so that your Pikmin get as close to
the wall as possible. You don't want ANY to get burned. Once you are
past the first flame geysers, you should be in a place with a bridge on
the left. Dismiss you Pikmin, and lead your blues the rest of the way,
using the same wall strategy. Once you reach the water, have your blues
carry the Computer out of the pool, and drop it once its on dry land.
Have reds carry it the rest of the way.

19. Libra: N,$ weight: 15 Location: The Forest Navel
Description: My daughter gave this to me. It's named after her
astrological sign. My sweet little girl... I wonder what she's doing
right at this moment...
My daughter gave this to me. My late return must have her very

Strategy: Take 75 reds, 15 yellows, and 10 blues. Go down from
your camp and build both ramps. Dismiss you Pikmin and get only reds.
Go kill all the Fiery Blowhogs. Now call your Pikmin and go to the far
right of the lake. There should be a black stick wall. Break it down.
Lead all your Pikmin in, and push the C Stick so that your Pikmin get as
close to the wall as possible. You don't want ANY to get burned. Once
you are past the first flame geysers, you should be in a place with a
bridge on the left. Use all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When it
is done, cross and have your blues open the geyser in the little pool on
the left. Now throw all your yellows up onto the ledge. Use the geyser
to get up there yourself, then throw them up to the Libra. When they
bring it down, have reds carry it back to the Dolphin.

20. Repair-type Bolt: N weight: 20 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: This robotic marvel can fix just about anything in the
ship that's broken. That's good, because I get terribly bored fixing
little glitches.
This looks like an ordinary bolt, but it is actually a repair

Strategy: Take out 30 blues. You see that little path extending
into the water, and ending with a tower with a spinning thing on top?
That's the Repair-type Bolt. To get it, throw all 30 Pikmin onto the
ledge to the left of the path. Now things get tricky. Go on the path
and call them to you, so they are walking towards the barrier on the
ledge that they are on. Now walk along on the path, and they should
follow. When they reach the tower with the Bolt on it, shove the C
Stick towards it, and at least 20 should grab on and take it to your

21. Massage Machine: O weight: 30 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: Put this right down in the lower back area and let it
go to work. I can't wait until I get it installed again, as my lower
lumbar region has been paining me ever since the crash. Ahh, sweet
I've been walking so much lately--I'm really looking forward to
using this...

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, go across it. You will see an enemy that looks like a
black Spotty Bulborb. This is a Spotty Bulbear. He's just a little
tougher than Bulborbs. Use the same strategy to beat him. Have the
rest of your Pikmin carry the Massage Machine that was behind him to
your ship.

22. Interstellar Radio: N,$ weight: 20 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: Not only does it emit a constant S.O.S. signal, it
also broadcasts voices from space that will brighten up my moments of
boredom. The Dolphin, while comfortble, becomes quite a lonely place in
the depths of the night...
This part will send out a daily S.O.S. signal. I have so little
time remaining, though, that I have no option but to continue my search
rather than waiting for a rescue party. Having to collect every part is
a bit overwhelming... but I get the impression not all the parts are
needed to fly the ship.

Strategy: Take 100 blues and go forward to the chain of islands
formed in a circle in the big lake. Keep going. You will see some
Water Dumples and a Puffy Blowhog in the water. Kill the first 3
Dumples, then kill the Blowhog, who is holding the Interstellar Radio.
Have 20 Pikmin carry it, and then watch which way they are going.
Follow them, and protect them from any Water Dumples or Yellow Wollywogs
that will try to kill them with the rest of your Pikmin.

23. UV Lamp: O weight: 10 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: The only problem with this handheld light is that it
can be too bright at times. I have to remember to wear my sun visor
whenever I look into it.
This handy light is great for tanning... but it doesn't seem to
have any relation to the Dolphin's flight capabilities. I doubt that it
will affect my escape from this planet. Perhaps there are other parts
like this as well.

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, put them back in the blue Onion. Get 20 yellows out and
go over the bridge you built and get the bomb rocks that are in the
skulls. Go back to camp and blow up the stone gate that is right next
to it. Go through and turn right and you will see a big ledge with a
pit in the middle. Throw all 20 to the right of the pit. Now walk left
and go up the stone ramp, circle around, and go down to your yellows.
Gather them all and throw them in the stone indention on the ledge above
you. Now go up the ramp again and call your yellows once more, making
sure none fall off with the C Stick. Now its just a simple matter of
throwing them up to the UV Lamp. It only takes 10, but have as many as
possible bring it back to your ship.

24. Bowsprit: N,$ weight: 30 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: With this piece installed, my ship should regain some
of its sleek shape.
The so-called face of the Dolphin. In point of fact, I designed

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, put them back in the blue Onion. Get 20 yellows out and
go over the bridge you built and get the bomb rocks that are in the
skulls. Go back to camp and blow up the stone gate that is right next
to it. Now take out 100 reds and go in the direction parallel to the
big lake. You will come upon a Bulbear, if you haven't killed it yet.
Do so now. In the hollow stump it was guarding, there is a closed
geyser behind the skull. Break it open. Now exit the skull and go a
little left and you will see a stick ladder that needs building. Build
it. Have all your Pikmin go up, then meet up with them using the
geyser. Take all 100 and enter the arena with the Armored Cannon
Beetle. Use the same strategy against him that you used in the Forest
of Hope. Once he is dead, exit the arena and turn right. Build the
ramp, then break down the gate. Go out and forward and kill any enemies
between here and your camp: mostly Puffy Blowhogs and Spotty Bulborbs.
Now return to the arena and get the part.

25. Gluon Drive: N,$ weight: 50 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: Using the quark-binding metaphysical properties of
gluons, this device... Well, it's... very scientific, and I don't fully
understand it myself, but it was very expensive...
I have no idea how this works, but it means the Dolphin will again
lift off with it's characteristic roar!

Strategy: Take 100 blues and go in the direction parallel to the
lake and kill any enemies along the way. When you reach the stone gate,
turn left and kill the Yellow Wollywog. Now assign half your Pikmin on
each bridge, and when they are complete, grab the Gluon Drive.

26. Zirconium Rotor: N weight: 30 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: This is made from rust-proof zirconium, which is
particularly suited to making spaceship parts. I had to pay a lot extra
to have this installed, and I suspect the mechanic overcharged me.
Made of rust-proof zirconium, it is as shiny as new, despite being
left out in this planet's harsh elements.

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, put them back in the blue Onion. Get 20 yellows out and
go over the bridge you built and get the bomb rocks that are in the
skulls. Go back to camp and blow up the stone gate that is right next
to it. Now get 100 blues again, and walk through the gate. Kill all
the enemies you see. Go straight and a little left and you will see a
white gate that leads to the Armored Cannon Beetle arena. Just go a
little farther until you come upon another gate. Break it down and kill
both Yellow Wollywogs in this area. Now break down the second gate and
walk in. The Rotor is right there.

27. Pilot's Seat: N weight: 25 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: Once I get this installed, my cockpit will finally be
back in order. Soon, my ship will be starting to look more and more
like the Dolphin of old. Ah, the memories...
Picturing this in the cockpit, images of me lifting off into space
begin to fill my tired brain. It fills me with inspiration once agian!

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, put them back in the blue Onion. Get 20 yellows out and
go over the bridge you built and get the bomb rocks that are in the
skulls. Go back to camp and blow up the stone gate that is right next
to it. Now get 100 blues again, and walk through the gate. Kill all
the enemies you see. Go straight and a little left and you will see a
white gate that leads to the Armored Cannon Beetle arena. Just go a
little farther until you come upon another gate. Break it down and kill
both Yellow Wollywogs in this area. Now walk to the right and curve
around the wall on the right until you find the Seat.

28. #2 Ionium Jet: N,$ weight: 15 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: It's easy on the eyes, and its fuel efficiency is easy
on the budget.
The ads for these jets boast that "with excellent mileage that's
easy on the family budget, this jet will keep your wife smiling and
propel you to a happy love life!"

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, put them back in the blue Onion. Get 20 yellows out and
go over the bridge you built and get the bomb rocks that are in the
skulls. Go back to camp and blow up the stone gate that is right next
to it. Now get 100 blues again, and walk through the gate. Kill all
the enemies you see. Go straight ahead and you will come to a small
lake. Kill all the Water Dumples in here then turn left. You will see
the Jet on a ledge. To get it, walk to the far left of the stone ledge
and throw 20 Pikmin up onto it, then use the geyser to get up yourself.
Lead them all as close to the Jet as you can, then throw them the rest
of the way. They should automatically grab it and take it back to the

29. Chronos Reactor: N,$ weight: 20 Location: The Distant Spring
Description: Using strange new technology, this machine is able to
warp the space-time continuum and turn it into energy. I am constantly
amazed at how many mysteries are locked inside the parts of my ship...
This reactor changes permutations in the space-time continuum into
pure energy... Basically, it's like a big rubber band.

Strategy: Take out 100 blues. Go over onto the little area with
the Yellow Wollywog on it, and kill it, along with its partner. Now go
straight ahead across the beach and into the water. Now go over to
where the bridge is and have them kill the little bugs that are there.
When they are dead, assign all your Pikmin to build the bridge. When
they are done, put them back in the blue Onion. Get 20 yellows out and
go over the bridge you built and get the bomb rocks that are in the
skulls. Go back to camp and blow up the stone gate that is right next
to it. Now get 100 blues again, and walk through the gate. Kill all
the enemies you see. Go straight ahead and you will come to a small
lake. Kill all the Water Dumples in here. Now go to the far right
corner of the little lake you are in and throw 20 of your blues up onto
the little island with the yellow flower (this is a Candypop Bud). Use
the geyser to get up there, then throw all 20 Pikmin into the Bud. It
will transform your blues into yellows. As soon as you have all 20
yellows, throw them all into the sandy corner with the blue flower. Now
go to the beach yourself. Call them to you and toss them up to the
part, which you will find to be the Chronos Reactor. As soon as they
bring it down, transform all your yellows back into blues using the Bud.
Now have all your blues carry the part back to your ship.

30. The Secret Safe: O weight: 40 Location: The Final Trial
Description: At long last... I've finally found the final part...
my Secret Safe! And it's as full as ever! How glad I am that I have
persisted in my search without losing hope... Now I can leave this
planet without any regrets. Maybe I'll even stop and pick up some
souvenirs for my wife and kids back on Planet Hocotate!
At last I have found it--my most prized possession! I am so
releived... It's as heavy as ever.

Strategy: Take out 90 blues and 10 reds. Walk over next to the
water and dismiss all your Pikmin. Get only blues and walk into the
water. Throw 45 blues towards each bridge on either side of the stone
gate so that they start building them. Now go back to your reds. Get
them and walk to the left side of the water. Throw them onto the ledge
with all the fire geysers on it. Now go into the water next to the
ledge and whistle to them so they are trying to get at you but are still
on the fire ledge. Walk forward so they will follow you. Keep going
until they reach the box. When they are next to it, dismiss them and
they will automatically push it. Now wait for the blues to complete
both bridges and stick them back in their Onion. now take out 10
yellows. Walk with them to the right of the water and throw them on the
island. Go onto it yourself and call them to you. Now walk up on the
stony cliff and throw them onto the ledge across the gap, making sure
none fall and drown, of course. Now use a geyser to get up to them.
Call them, and throw them in and around the can on the ledge above you
until at least five Pikmin have bomb rocks. Now just get them back to
dry land the same way you got them here, except for one detail. To get
them under your control, don't whistle. If you do, they will drop their
bomb rocks and kill themselves. Instead, just touch them. Lead them
across the first bridge and bomb the gate three times to knock it down.
Now go across the second bridge and use a single bomb to blow up the
white stick gate. Now lead them into the arena. NOTE: DO NOT TOUCH
you don't want that. Bomb the white stick gate on the other side of the
arena, and lead you yellows back out to where your 10 reds are. Dismiss
them. Go to your Onions and take out Pikmin so you have 80 reds and 20
yellows. Lead them all over to just outside of the arena. Take the
yellows only and go through the arena and out the other side without
waking up Emperor Bulblax. Now go up to the cans and have all 20
collect bomb rocks. There are multiple cans spread along the outside of
the arena. Now return to your reds and dismiss ALL your Pikmin. Walk
into the arena by yourself and wake up the boss by touching him. Now
leave and walk SLOWLY into your yellows until only one is under your
control. Press and hold A so you have picked him up and now walk into
your reds until you have about 50 or so. Now walk into the arena (still
holding A) and wait until he opens his mouth to do his tongue-attack.
Throw the yellow Pikmin in is mouth and run off to the side. The bomb
will explode and stun him, and that is your cue to throw as many reds as
you can onto his fat saggy cheeks. When he wakes up, take all your reds
and run outside the arena, where he can't hurt you. Repeat this process
until he has about 1/4 health left. Now he will start doing a now
attack: he will jump up really high and land on your Pikmin that are
with you in the arena, killing them all. To avoid this, just stay on
the move and use the C Stick to pull your Pikmin away from where he will
land. NOTE: I am not completely sure if he starts this attack when he
gets 1/4 health; it could depend on the time of day. If anyone knows
for sure, please tell me. When he dies, just grab the Secret Safe: the
final part.




This section will give you miscellaneous information about each level.

The numbers next to each part name refer to the number they are listed
under in the previous section.

Level 1: The Impact Site

1. Engine
8. Positron Generator

Iridescent Flint Beetle
Pearly Clamclamp

Level 2: The Forest of Hope

2. Eternal Fuel Dynamo
3. Whimsical Radar
4. Extraordinary Bolt
5. Nova Blaster
9. Shock Absorber
10. Sagittarius
11. Radiation Canopy
12. Geiger Counter

Iridescent Flint Beetle
Dwarf Bulborb
Spotty Bulborb
Armored Cannon Beetle
Burrowing Snagret
Polly Woggle

3. The Forest Navel

6. Automatic Gear
7. Space Float
13. #1 Ionium Jet
14. Anti-dioxin Filter
15. Gravity Jumper
16. Omega Stabilizer
17. Guard Satellite
18. Analog Computer
19. Libra

Iridescent Flint Beetle
Fiery Blowhog
Beady Long Legs

Level 4: The Distant Spring

20. Repair-type Bolt
21. Massage Machine
22. Interstellar Radio
23. UV Lamp
24. Bowsprit
25. Gluon Drive
26. Zirconium Rotor
27. Pilot's Seat
28. #2 Ionium Jet
29. Chronos Reactor

Iridescent Flint Beetle
Yellow Wollywog
Dwarf Bulbear
Spotty Bulbear
Puffy Blowhog
Water Dumple
Armored Cannon Beetle
Smoky Progg

Level 5: The Final Trial

30. The Secret Safe

Emperor Bulblax




This section has a list of all the monsters in alphabetical order, along
with how heavy they are (N/A means they can not be carried) and
stratagies on how to beat them. It also says what levels they appear
in, and how many Pikmin you get for harvesting them.

B - a boss enemy. you usually fight them to get a part
R - a rare enemy. there are only three of these
M - a minor enemy. all other enemies are these

1. Armored Cannon Beetle: B
Seeds Produced: 50
Weight: 30
Location: Forest of Hope, Distant Spring
Strategy: Stay away from the front of it; that's where he shoots
boulders at you. Just throw Pikmin at the hole in its head, and when he
sucks one in, run around behind him and throw Pikmin on its exposed
back. Do this once or twice and you should beat him.

2. Beady Long Legs: B
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Forest Navel
Strategy: Just throw your yellows onto that big sphere in the
middle of its body (well, it IS its body) and use the C Stick to steer
your Pikmin away from its feet to avoid making any more Pikmin pancakes
than necessary.

3. Breadbug: M
Seeds Produced: 3
Weight: 3
Location: Forest Navel
Strategy: Throw 2 Pikmin onto a pellet that it has stolen, and it
will get sucked into and Onion and lose 7/8 of its health. Do this once
more or throw Pikmin on its back to kill it the rest of the way.

4. Burrowing Snagret: B
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Forest of Hope
Strategy: Walk slowly around the arena until the Burrowing Snagret
pops its head up. Immediatly retreat so it can't reach you. Just don't
walk farther up, or you'll wake another Snagret. When it goes
underground again, walk slowly around until it pops up again. If its
whole neck is above the ground, retreat again. Repeat this until it
only sticks its head up above the ground. This is your cue to swarm it
with all your Pikmin on its head. If you do this correctly, you should
be able to kill it in one hit. Repeat this strategy two more times on
the other Snagrets.

5. Dwarf Bulbear: M
Seeds Produced: 5
Weight: 3
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: Throw Pikmin on its back: usually kills it in one or two
hits, or you can swarm it if you have lots of Pikmin. If left alone, it
will change into a Spotty Bulbear after a few days.

6. Dwarf Bulborb: M
Seeds Produced: 4
Weight: 3
Location: Forest of Hope
Strategy: Throw Pikmin on its back: usually kills it in one or two
hits, or you can swarm it if you have lots of Pikmin.

7. Emperor Bulblax: B
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Final Trial
Strategy: Go to your Onions and take out 80 reds and 20 yellows.
Lead them all over to just outside of the arena. Take the yellows only
and go through the arena and out the other side without waking up
Emperor Bulblax. Now go up to the cans and have all 20 collect bomb
rocks. There are multiple cans spread along the outside of the arena.
Now return to your reds and dismiss ALL your Pikmin. Walk into the
arena by yourself and wake up the boss by touching him. Now leave and
walk SLOWLY into your yellows until only one is under your control.
Press and hold A so you have picked him up and now walk into your reds
until you have about 50 or so. Now walk into the arena (still holding
A) and wait until he opens his mouth to do his tongue-attack. Throw the
yellow Pikmin in is mouth and run off to the side. The bomb will
explode and stun him, and that is your cue to throw as many reds as you
can onto his fat saggy cheeks. When he wakes up, take all your reds and
run outside the arena, where he can't hurt you. Repeat this process
until he has about 1/4 health left. Now he will start doing a now
attack: he will jump up really high and land on your Pikmin that are
with you in the arena, killing them all. To avoid this, just stay on
the move and use the C Stick to pull your Pikmin away from where he will
land. NOTE: I am not completely sure if he starts this attack when he
gets 1/4 health; it could depend on the time of day. If anyone knows
for sure, please tell me. When he stops jumping, do the bomb stratagy
again until he is dead.

8. Fiery Blowhog: M
Seeds Produced: 8
Weight: 7
Location: Forest Navel
Strategy: Swarm it with red Pikmin, since they are invulnerable to
its fire. Just make sure you swarm them on the side away from the lake,
so they don't get blown into it.

9. Goolix: R
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Impact Site: Day 8-30 on odd-numbered days
Strategy: Throw blue Pikmin at the hard part of its body inside the
watery membrane, and keep Olimar out of the way.

10. Honeywisp: M
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Impact Site, Forest of Hope, Forest Navel, Distant Spring
Strategy: Throw a Pikmin up and hit it to make it drop its nectar.

11. Iridescant Flint Beetle: M
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Impact Site, Distant Spring
Strategy: Throw Pikmin on its back to flip it and make it drop

12. Mamuta: R
Seeds Produced: 15
Weight: 8
Location: Impact Site: Day 8-30 on even-numbered days
Strategy: This guy is pretty straightforward. Just throw Pikmin on
him until he dies. If he smashes too many Pikmin into the ground, just
pull them out again. He can't kill them.

13. Pearly Clamclamp: M
Seeds Produced: 50
Weight: 3
Location: Impact Site
Strategy: Throw blue Pikmin onto the Clamclamp's protective bubble
inside it. Call them all back to you when it is just about to open all
the way. That should allow plenty of time for your Pikmin to escape
before they are shut in. Just repeat this process until the pearl falls

14. Puffstool: B
Seeds Produced: 30
Weight: 10
Location: Forest Navel
Strategy: Just charge it and have all your Pikmin attack its legs
until it trips. Then call them all over to you and throw them as fast
as you can onto its soft underbelly. If it dies, cool. If it flips
back up, call all your Pikmin away QUICKLY!!! It's about to use its gas
attack which changes all you Pikmin into purple Pikmin. If any do get
caught in the gas, just attack them with normal Pikmin to get them back
to normal. If ALL your Pikmin get caught in the gas, then your in
trouble. Just start the day over. Once it does the attack, do the
tripping thing again until it dies.

15. Puffy Blowhog: M
Seeds Produced: N/A
Weight: N/A
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: Throw any color Pikmin on it and make sure none get blown
away by staying behind it. When it gets too heavy and falls to the
ground, swarm it with Pikmin.

16. Sheargrub: M
Seeds Produced: Male: 3 Female: 2
Weight: 1
Location: Forest of Hope, Forest Navel, Distant Spring
Strategy: Swarm it until it dies.

17. Shearwig: M
Seeds Produced: 4
Weight: 1
Location: Forest of Hope, Forest Navel, Distant Spring
Strategy: Swarm it. When it flys off, throw Pikmin at it.

18. Smoky Progg: R
Seeds Produced: 100
Weight: 3
Location: Distant Spring: Day 1-15
Strategy: Take some blue Pikmin and walk out into the lake. Break
open the egg and run back to camp and put all you Pikmin away: even ones
underground. Take out 10 reds. When it enters your camp, throw all
your reds onto its face. Avoid the poisen slime on its back and where
it walks, it will instantly kill your Pikmin. When your 10 Pikmin die,
get 10 more out and repeat. If it goes in the water, use 10 blues at a
time. Eventually it will die and leave behind a nut.

19. Spotty Bulbear: M
Seeds Produced: 15
Weight: 10
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: Sneak up behind it when it is sleeping and throw Pikmin
as fast as you can on its back. If it starts charging towards you, run
away and wait for it to fall to sleep again.

20. Spotty Bulborb: M
Seeds Produced: 12
Weight: 10
Location: Forest of Hope
Strategy: Sneak up behind it when it is sleeping and throw Pikmin
as fast as you can on its back. If it starts charging towards you, run
away and wait for it to fall to sleep again.

21. Swooping Snitchbug: M
Seeds Produced: 4
Weight: 3
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: Throw Pikmin at it until it falls down, then swarm it.

22. Water Dumple: M
Seeds Produced: 5
Weight: 5
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: Swarm it. They usually travel in groups of three.

23. Wogpole: M
Seeds Produced: 1
Weight: 1
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: Corner it and swarm it with blue Pikmin.

24. Wollywog: M
Seeds Produced: 8
Weight: 7
Location: Forest Navel
Strategy: 1. Swarm it with 100 Pikmin and hope it will be too heavy
to get in the air. If it does, be prepared to lose many Pikmin. 2.
Swarm it, then call your Pikmin back after it loses some health. Let it
go in the air and drop, making sure there are no Pikmin under him.
Repeat this until it is dead.

25. Yellow Wollywog: M
Seeds Produced: 8
Weight: 7
Location: Distant Spring
Strategy: 1. Swarm it with 100 Pikmin and hope it will be too heavy
to get in the air. If it does, be prepared to lose many Pikmin. 2.
Swarm it, then call your Pikmin back after it loses some health. Let it
go in the air and drop, making sure there are no Pikmin under him.
Repeat this until it is dead.




Thanks too..........

Nintendo - for making the most innovative game of the year!

GameFAQs - for having a great site to put my creative outlets on.

Protodude - for letting me use his enemy information on how many seeds
the monsters produce, and the Weight of Armored Cannon
Beetle, Goolix, Mamuta, and Puffstool.

General Guy - for info on the Bulblax strategy, a cautionary note in
the Distant Spring, and the addition of
Pollywoggles to the Forest of Hope.




This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright HCGamer 2002. Under no
circumstances may anyone use this guide to make money. You may email me
at djmacd1@earthlink.net and ask permission to use part or all of it. I
will probably say yes, but please ask first.

Sites with permission to use this FAQ:

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