Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong

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|| D O N K E Y K O N G F A Q V 2.0 ||

Donkey Kong for the NES FAQ V 2.0
Written by Justin Bailey
/ F I L E I N D E X \
| ________________________________________________|
| / \
|| Title of Game: Donkey Kong |
|| Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System |
|| Publisher: Nintendo |
|| FAQ Author: Justin Bailey aka Michael Galosi |
|| Last Updated: August, Seventeenth, 2001 |
|| |

This work is written and copyrighted 2000 - Mike Galosi

This FAQ is written and intended for personal and non-business use only.
Only those with express written permission may post this FAQ on their
website except for . This FAQ is not to be reproduced
without permission for personal or public use in any way shape or form.
This includes other websites, magazines, or any other type of published
article without express written permission. FAQ created, owned, and
maintained by Mike Galosi aka Justin Bailey .
All copyrights are acknowledged and respected in this FAQ.

This FAQ can only appear on the following websites: and their partners

If you wish to use my FAQ on your website, please email me and I will
more than likely say yes.

Donkey Kong is (c) of Nintendo - 1979, 1985

"Whenever I find myself in a difficult situation,
I just think, "What would Donkey Kong do?" So far,
it works fine, as long as I'm standing next to a
pile of barrels on top of a weird ladder-structure."
-Todd Loushine

|Table of Contents|

I. Version History

II. Introduction

III. Walkthrough

A. Level One
B. Level Two
C. Level Three

IV. Tips & Tricks

V. Enemies

VI. Cheat Codes

VII. Frequently Asked Questions

VIII. Special Thanks

|| V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ||

Version 1.0 - Initial FAQ and Walkthrough created through encouragement
from Dingo Jellybean, Thanks! ^_^ (July 04, 2000)

Version 1.1 - After pondering why my FAQ wasn't posted, decided to look
at it without wordwrap, and found my problem. (July 12, 2000)

Version 1.2 - Added some FAQ's and info about where my FAQ can appear.
(June 30, 2000)

Version 1.21 - Changed who can host this FAQ. (June 30, 2000)

Version 1.3 - Reorganized the Tips section. Added difficulty rating to
each level. (June 31, 2000)

Version 1.31 - Changed who can host this FAQ. (Augest 2, 2000)

Version 1.5 - Added a quote I found to the top of the FAQ. Added a new
enemy to the Enemies list (Firefish). (Augest 2, 2000)

Version 1.7 - Added more Tips and more FAQs. Added another host for
the FAQ. (Augest 3, 2000)

Version 1.8 - Reorganized, thought I'd clean up the FAQ a bit. Also
one new host for the FAQ. (December 3, 2000)

Version 1.85 - Another host for this FAQ. (December 5, 2000)

Version 1.86 - Tidied the place up a bit. (Decemeber 6, 2000)

Version 2.0 - Revamped the layout a bit, added File Index.
(August 17, 2001)

|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

Our favorite Italian plumber from New York, Mario (Jump Man back in the
day), find's his darling girlfriend Pauline captured one day. Little
did he know she was taken by his disgruntled pet ape, Donkey Kong.
You're mission is to help Mario run through three construction sites
to reach Pauline and punish the evil monkey Donkey Kong.

Donkey Kong, published in 1979 in the arcades and then in 1985 on the
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), it has been a cult classic since
it debuted. Spawning several NES/Arcade sequels, three Super Nintendo
adventure games, and a very expansive Nintendo 64 game along with
several guest appearances on a vast number of games, Donkey Kong is
perhaps one of the most popular and recognized videogames of all time
(can someone say Pong?).

|| W A L K T H R O U G H ||

Level One:

=== |
DK |
| |
| |
| |
* |

* = Start

The classic Donkey Kong level known world round for the barrel jumping
and hammer swinging fun it possesses. You're basic point of entry
should be to run to the first ladder on the right, climb to the second
floor and proceed left. Now, depending on where the barrels are you
will probably want to go up the first ladder, unless a barrel is
coming down, which of course you should wait and jump and then proceed
to the third tier. Run immediately to the fourth level before any
barrels come barreling down (no pun intended.. well maybe a small one).
On the fourth tier wait a few round of barrels, jumping then as they
come, then make a dash for the last two ladders and up to Pauline.

Difficulty: [1234(5)67890] - Jumping barrels can be tricky.

Level Two:

DK -----
| | | --
- - | -- |
| | -- |
--- | --- | -- --- |
| | || | |
| - || - -----
| | || | -- |
| | --- | -- |
| | | --
*| - - --
--- | | |
| | | ---
| | | --
--- | | --

* = Start

Jumping level, takes some skill. Grab the parasol and go to the bottom
tier. Wait for the fire to go halfway up the ladder and jump to the
moving belts. Jump over to the two ladders and then proceed to do the
same for the second set of moving belts, but watch one when you jump,
a significant jump will crush Mario on impact. Jump up the staircase
and watch out for the bouncing thing-a-ma-mobs ^_^. Wait below the
ladder till the flame passes up, then run up the steps and to the top
of the ladder. Stand here until a bouncing thing jumps over you and
then dash for Pauline. Congratulations, one more level left. One more
note: The bottom might look like a floor, but let's just say it's
electryfied, if you go down there you die.

Difficulty: [12(3)4567890] - Definitly the easiest of the trio.

Level Three:

| | | |
| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
------ ---------------------
| | |
| * | |

* = Start

The rivet level, my personal favorite. Donkey Kong doesn't throw
anything on this level, no barrels or bouncing springs. But, there
are a number of flames to contend with, but the hammers provide
significant defense, as does the someone dumb AI. This level is
kind of unfair because if two flames corner you, there's nothing
you can do unless you have a hammer. Start out by going up the left
ladder and running straight across to the right knocking out the two
rivets, then do the same on the next tier. On the third and top
levels, do the left side first, then the right, by climbing up the
ladder and getting the top rivet then the bottom. Don't touch Donkey
Kong on the top level or Mario will die. Repeat for the right side
and *JOY*, Donkey Kong falls and bops his head on the metal beams as
Mario and Pauline get it on up top ^_^.

Difficulty: [123456(7)890] - Those flames can ruin a good strategy.

|| T I P S & T R I C K S ||

A few tips from an experienced Donkey Kong fan such as myself.

-Never try to jump a flame, it just can't be done ^_^.

-If you know two barrels are traveling relatively close together, as
to be unable to be jumped, grab a hammer.

-Don't always go for the hammer, it slows you down as you can't climb
up ladders or jump with it.

-Watch where you jump, if Mario jumps more than his height and a half,
SPLAT!, no more Mario.

-If you're going for a high score, level one is a good place to rack
up points, you can stand on the third tier and jump barrels at a
pretty steady rate to rack up a nice score.

-Also try to grab the extra items (parasol and purse) for a few more
points, although barrel jumping is the true key.

-If you don't make it through at least two rounds (all three levels)
without losing a life, forget about getting a real high score.

-You get extra bonuses for speed, so don't waste too much time jumping
a few extra barrels. You can make up for it in speed bonuses.

-Follow the patern that the barrels follow in level one and make sure
you don't climb up the ladder when one is supposed to come down.

-The springs in level two always fall in the same path, so note it and
they are very easy to avoid.

-You get an extra life for every 1,000,000 points you score.

|| E N E M I E S ||

Name: Donkey Kong
Appearance: A giant brown monkey throwing stuff at you!
Level(s): All
Strategy: In the first two levels you must avoid the things he
throws at you. In the last level however he just sits there and
acts dumb, but don't touch him, you'll die that way.

Name: Fireball
Appearance: A red flame running around the level.
Level(s): Level 1, Level 2
Strategy: Avoid at all costs, bottom line. Unless of course you can
smack it with a hammer.

Name: Firefish
Apperance: A fiery fish that chases after you.
Level(s): Level 3
Strategy: Run away! Run away! These can't be jumped so don't try. The
only way to rid the level of them is to smack them with the hammer.

Name: OIL Barrel
Appearance: Blue barrel with "OIL" on the front.
Level(s): Level 1
Strategy: Just don't touch it, VERY easy to avoid, as it stays
still. If a barrel hits it, the first two will turn into fireballs.

Name: Barrel
Appearance: Brown barrels with blue/red rims.
Level(s): Level 1
Strategy: Jump over them or smack em with a hammer.

Name: Springboard thingy
Appearance: Blue spring boards with white springs.. wow.
Level(s): Level 2
Strategy: Thrown in the same pattern, very easy to avoid.

|| C H E A T C O D E S ||

Game Genie (c) Codes (Courtesy of GameSages)

SXNGOZVG Infinite lives

PENKNPLA Start with 1 life

PENKNPLE Start with 9 lives

If you know of any other cheat codes (Game Genie or whatnot) please
e-mail them to me at all credit will be given to
the first person that sends them to me.

|| F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ||

Q: Are there any hidden games within Donkey Kong?
A: No.

Q: Where's Donkey Kong's trademark tie?
A: That didn't appear until Donkey Kong Country.

Q: Why do you die when you hit the ground in level 2?
A: It's electrified or something..

Q: Why does Pauline have a bucket?
A: It's a purse.

Q: How do I turn into Super/Flying/Fire Mario?
A: *Smacks himself in the forehead* You can't.

Q: Can you play as Luigi?
A: No.

Q: Who made those awesome ASCII maps?
A: Dingo "Call Me Daddy" Jellybean

Q: Can you get extra lives, more than 3?
A: You can get an extra life for every 1 million points.

Q: Can I use your FAQ(s) on my website?
A: Just ask for permission first and I will most likely say yeppers.

|| S P E C I A L T H A N K S ||
-My mom and family for buying me my first NES at that early age and
getting me hooked on videogames.
-Dingo Jellybean for the very wonderful ASCII Maps, thanks!
-CJayC for finally uploading my FAQ..
-GameFAQs chat crew for the encouragement and good times.
-GameSages for the Donkey Kong Game Genie (c) codes.
-Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto for creating such a wonderful game.
-And most of all, you, for taking you're time to look at my work
(my first walkthrough, can you tell?)

Any feedback (positive or negative) can be sent to

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[=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- E N D -=- O F -=- D O C U M E N T -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=]
-Copyright 2000, 2001 - Michael Galosi aka Justin Bailey-
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