Inca - The last grand Inca

Inca - The last grand Inca

17.10.2013 20:14:29


Great game, this, being widely ignored mainly because of no
advance publicity and the fact that it if a large download.
Plus, in our area, the first zip had a file called all.ask
missing which prevented the installation program from
completing. Anyway, after I got that file I ran it, and since
it was the european product, it came up in italian which
probably scared some people off too. No big deal, I ran
incax.exe, which saved a configuration file including english
as the language so I could start it with go.bat and it still
came up english. I also used a fix file which provided a file
called savex.exe, I dunno if this is messing up the save
codes, but I will talk about that later.

Up came the intro....awesome, definitely recommend watching it
all the way through as least once, especially if you have a
decent sound card. Then you get the speech from the gold
bubble, also pretty good. When that is through, there are
several things in the room with you. Hitting the gold bubble
recycles the speech you just got. To the right is a music
machine. I fooled with it, have no idea what it actually
does. To the left of the gold bubble is old Tumi, who mainly
seems to be there to hang on to the gems you gather. Further
to the left with the almost sexual figures are a bunch of
definitions. I went through them once, then bailed out with
the top green square. Again, seem to have little to do with
game play. Finally left of all that is the door, press on the
arrow or the door and you are ready for some killer arcade

"Welcome Abord, El Dorado. I hope you enjoy the flight".
Love that voice. Anyway right button is acceleration, left is
to fire as you go towards the green planet (also indicated by
the red dot in the radar screen for you heavy footed types who
get blown off course). With reasonable caution, and letting
your laser recharge, you should be able to blast the
meteorites to nice white fuzzballs all the way to the planet.
Take this one seriously though it is good practice for
fighting the bad guys ships in later arcade sequences.

Here is the first save code. These things mystify me. I have
more of them then you can imagine, all of them seem to work
but in different games they take me different places. Which
is good, or I would have never finished the game. Bad because
I dunno if I have seen all of the game. I will give the ones
I had as I go along and a list of others at the end. First is
786754, the last two digits are irrelevant, I usually put in
8s. Click on the circle to initiate, / to clear.

Anyway, when you get to the planet you will get an animated
sequence straight out of Star Wars and the Death Star. Name
of the game here is to blast the bad guys (about 5) or beat
them to the exit. Get blasted or one of them gets there first
and you will learn about the five lives you have to win the
game. Generally, if one or more is behind you go left and
right, then let off the right button and fire up as they pass
over you. Then hit the acceleration hard cause it is a close

Next code. 764554 for one game, 767354 for a second with the
same first save code. Go figure. Alright, at the door, click
on the stones just to the left and right bottom of the door.
Ker Klank. Ok, now click on the hole itself until you get
five lines on the gold ball. About 3 clicks I think. Now
click on the gold ball and put it in the hole. Shazam. Now
click on the control panel on your ship, which is actually the
little box on the side of the ship, not where you would think.
It should open part way, revealing a red, green and blue
stone. Click around on the two buttons until the vanes open
all the way. Now pick up the balls, putting them in the holes
in the same order from left to right. Red, green and blue.
Now click on the gold pin, then click with the right button
which will put it up in inventory. (Just move the mouse to
the top of the screen to retreive inventory items and also to
get help from the old man. Personnally I found him pretty
obfuscating and rarely if ever did he actually help.) Now
click on the door, and welcome to the first of several mazes.
I will draw this as best I can with xs and os, but hey
wandering around is fun. I think after the first bad guys the
rest of them show up at random so I have only marked the first
bad guys. left mouse is to go forward, right gives you a
automap showing your location and direction. When arcade
starts, left is to fire. obviously you must stop the energy
bolts or die, generally I try to keep the cursor at about
their eye level and in the center, that way I could normally
catch their shot rather than have to wander around the screen
tracking it down. Again, indiscriminate firing results in
inadequate firepower, so fire often but at good targets.

X Start
X X - - - - X X I
X X - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - X* X
X - - -X X
* bad guys

The star is where the first bad guys are, Bamboo is where the
first puzzle is and puzzle is the second puzzle. There may be
other parts to the maze, if so I didn't go there. The Bamboo
Get the gold pin from inventory. Click on the left and right
knots to undo them. Click on the center of the bamboo piece
until it splits into two parts. Click right button to put pin
back in inventory and take bamboo and gold piece. Click left
now to move forward. Click on lower middle screen so that
door appears. Put one piece of bamboo on the shelf on the
left, one piece on the shelf on the right., with the gold
thing in the middle connecting it all. Click on the gold
star, it will turn into an ear of golden corn. Get the pin
from inventory and click around the bottom of the corn until
it goes up into the bottom of the corn. Click on the corn now
and the ghost fellow will chat with you. Now get the gold
coin from inventory and click it on the round hole over the
guys head. Now move forward till you can't go any further.
Putting the mouse in the left hand part of your field of
vision produces an arrow, do this and click on it to turn
left. First click is to one of the columns, second is a gold
panel. Click on the panel. Take the gold star. Click on the
star hole to close it (otherwise you don't seem to be able to
move). Turn left again to second column. Click on it with
the gold star. Take the quipu. For those of you who are
actually thinking and not reading with this in your left hand
and clicking the mouse with the right hand, this is the clue
to the next puzzle, the number of beads being the number of
clicks on the directional star. Took my son and I a while to
figure this one. Anyway put the quipu in inventory and click
on the peg it hung on (shades of the girls hat in
Fascination). The panel will flip and you can take a dark
star. Click on the hole to close the panel and go back to the
first panel and click on it. Insert the dark star in the star
hole. Get the gold coin from inventory and click it on the
golden blob where the star hole just was. Now on the arrows
on the directional star, click carefully, hitting the middle
will erase. From the quipu, the numbers are:
5 3
When you have that many dots on each arrow, you will be
automatically taken to the fertilization screen. This puzzle
where very frustrating till we accidentally clicked on the
floor and the blue thing rose up. Till then all the balls do
is break. Click on the guy for a ball then on the girl. If
a Blue ball, it produces a blue egg on left or if the first is
a red, it produces a red egg on the right. Whatever, you need
one of each so wait till the left figure produces the right
color egg, letting the rest drop and break by not sending out
a red from the right figure. When you have a blue and a red
egg, click on the pot on top and get the green jewel. Codes
here were 824554 and 827354.

Next up as an arcade fight with 5 red fighters. Not too
tough. However, their white buddies come after you next and
I have never beat them. Same with the green wave later. So
I dunno what comes after this. However I once entered a code
and got back to Tumi with a green stone in his hand...code was who knows....I have also seen a sequence with a
maid, with shades of brown. She gives me a stone, then the
bad guy on his ship sends out yep, two waves of fighters and
well, kiss my ass goodbye all five times. Such is
life....Anyway, if you try enough of the codes listed at the
end of this you will get to what I think is the next part,
which is your ship goes into a three door entrance and you are
in front of a carving of a guy standing on two animals. Three
holes are on the wall to the left. So if you ever get there,
here is what to do next. If you wind up somewhere I have
never been, well, good luck.

Click on the three circles on the left. Gold balls will then
fall into the rack on the bottom of the statue. The timing on
getting the balls in place in time was a real pain. Often I
couldn't get them out of inventory and into the eye hole in
time. But all I can do is write up the solve for you, not do
it for you. Three squares down the right and three down the
left. Click on the upper left and bottom right and put the
green ball in the flashing eye (animal on left). Then click
on the bottom left and upper right and put the red ball in the
second animal's eye. Finally, click on both middle squares
and put the blue ball in the man's eye. Take the gold disk.
Click on the three circles on the left again and presto, it is
maze time again.

Eventually you will get to what I call the quarry puzzle. The
maze is below, but hey wander around, blast bad guys and have
some fun. Quit reading and PLAY.

Well that was a quick two minutes and here you are again.
Anyway, pick up the five quarry gold pieces,called Tumi's
blade. Now from the bottom slide the stones (by clicking on
them and dragging them) from the bottom up until you expose
the upper middle part, from which a ray will appear. Put
Tumis's blade pieces down on this now. Weirdness. Now put
the gold coin on top of it. hey even weirder. Pick up the
blue crystal. Pick up the gold coin. Put blue crystal down
where you picked up the coin. Truly weird. Ok pattern is
real simple but remembering six tones gets a little tough. if
you guess wrong you start with two tones, then four(?), then
six. If you do NOT guess at say a six toner, it gives you
another six toner and you don't have to start over. The
pattern is
Purple crystals= Press Red ball
Blue crystals = Press Yellow ball
Green crystals = press Green ball
Yellow crystals= Press Blue ball
Red Crystals = Press Purple ball
We found that two people working together with one watching
the screen and reading off the colors while the other marked
the order on a paper that had the above written on it, and
then teh second person reading off the colors to be pushed to
the first made it real easy. Doing it by yourself was pretty
tricky, the timing made it very hard. Anyway after you do the
six tones, a door will open, you just click on it.

When you get to the bamboo stick, just pick it up. Then move
on to one of the best puzzle sequences in the game.

The maze, again I may not have been everywhere.

X X--------------X X
X X--------------X
X--------X--------X---------X X
I start X

So, you made it to the moon puzzle. This one really had me
going. First part is easy, just jump balls to eliminate them
like the old puzzle you find in the restaurants, object is to
have the last ball in the six o'clock position. For you
Marines, that is the bottom circle. At this point the moon
shows up. This one really baffled me for a while, but a good
puzzle. Put the gold coin on the circle. You will get light.
Remove it. Figured it out yet...I doubt it.

ah well, I gave you all this and most of you couldn't figure
it out if your GED depended on it, so here it is anyway. Move
the white ball to the three o'clock position. No, screw you
Marines, go get your mother to help you. Put the gold disk
back in and then take it out....ah the old phases of the moon
thing.....ok, put the white ball at 12 o'clock. Put the gold
disk in, put the gold disk old, do the hokey pokey...whoops.
Take the red crystal and the gold disk and meet a real
challenging puzzle.

Seriously, try this one on your own. WEll, not you Marines,
God only gives you one lifetime.

I'll try this one with really is good.

Green backdrop is spring, golden is summer, brown is fall and
blue is winter. All you have in inventory is the bamboo and
the gold coin.

The green crystal changes the seasons. The blue I surmise
represents the oceans and water, and floods and such. The red
represents energy and the sun. Your job, Jim, should you
choose to accept it, is to grow the bamboo and create a boat
to float away on. This file will self destruct at the end of
this reading....whoops.

REally, try it. I did. Over and over. Ship sank, coin
dropped in the water when it defrosted....haha.....why should
it be so easy for you if I spent so long solving it? But I
did love it, a good puzzle, based on Logic and quite
solveable. ahwell, here you are.

Use the green crystal (on the gold disk above the alter thing)
to get spring. Use blue for a flood, and note the earth
around the first column. Now put the bamboo in the earth.
Now use the red crystal. Shazam, the boo grows. Use green again
up until winter. Now click on the bamboo. Presto, two
pieces! Now the next I am unclear in my notes. Either
I put the bamboo down and the gold piece between it and then
clicked to summer or I clicked to summer and put them all
down. Well one will work and one won't. Any way, at summer,
click on red crystal on the gold over the alter and the boat
will grow and you are off to the bad guys ship.

At this point I got another code number it was 378115. If I
died at intermediate points in the above I got other numbers.
On the ship be prepared to fire. Guy shows up A LOT. After
doing this sequence three times, I found the maze is
irrelevant. After waxing his guys, he shows up after so many
screens in any case no matter where you are. Then at a
certain point you open a room and poof the ship explodes and
you win. One guy on the net was knocking this game (asshole)
and said it dropped him straight to dos. Given his attitude,
highly commendable. Maybe it is intelligent software. If so,
it will kick Lance Romance's ass out even earlier (haha,
always have to get ONE dig in). For me I got this multi
squared screen, with shots of inca civilization that seemed to
go on forever.

As promised here are ALL the codes I got. Lord knows what
they will bring up in your game.


Hmm...looking at the whole list one sees a lot of repeats,
looking at them by three digits at a time....what does it all
mean. Beats the shit out of me EL DORADO. Having tried ALL
of those codes in a couple games, I believe all I missed was
the end of the two arcade actions with the white ships and the
green ships. I might even beat those sequence some day.

All in all a great game. From reading the Sierra rag,
Interaction, I assume that Sierra is buying this one and will
market in the US a la Zeliard. So Sierra, me and God all
think that asshole was an asshole.

Greets to Ghost Wind (ah do we miss rev or what?) Boba Fet
(my favorite sysop still in business), Razor Zodact (hey, why
don't you knock on my door at midnight any more?),
Nostradamus, Mr. Oofus, Dark Knight, Hawker (don't we need to
talk?), the Huckster (honest, they do have mail boxes in my
neighberhood), Gank Master - the Psycho/Nark guys since they
fell out, John Snow, Stallion, anyone else on the local scene
I forgot and greetings to Lan....La....Lan..
..La.....Lannnnnn...... to that flaming liberal asshole, you

Brumus Bear 12/92

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