Tekken 4

Tekken 4

17.10.2013 11:33:07


Author: Kent Dela Pena
Email: diamond_dela_pena@hotmail.com
Version 1.5

This FAQ is copyrighted (c) Kent Dela Pena 2001. All rights reserved.

I can't really believe I have to say this, but this work is not to be used for
profit and doing so bequeaths you the title of poor sad loser who must find a
real job. Really, there's better ways to make money out there.

Do not try to reproduce this and write it off as yours. You'll never amount to
anything in life if you're out there copying FAQs and saying it's yours. There
are better and more important things to plagiarize. Do not go out there
claiming to be me either, or an FAQ writer for that matter. Although I know
these moves, I am not the greatest player, nor should I recommend living my
life. It's something you don't wanna do. If you knew me, you wouldn't wanna
be me.

This FAQ is in English and the only foreign language I can speak is French.
I'm sorry if you can't understand it or get any of the jokes (there's jokes?)
Please do not email me in languages other than French or English. Those will
be deleted immediately. Also put "King FAQ" as the subject.

This FAQ should be posted on www.gamefaqs.com unless you ask me for permission
to post it on your site (chances are, I'll say yes, especially if you baked

This FAQ can also be found on the following sites:


*Table of Contents*

1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Legend
4. Who is this Masked Man?
5. Move list
6. In depth moves
7. The Game
8. Chain throws
9. Credits
10. Main Contributors
11. Final Words

*Version History*

1.0 - Aug 31, 2001 - The birth of my 2nd FAQ.
1.1 - Sep 12, 2001 - Added some extra comments
Added the Change position throw
Added the Back Brain Kick name
Moved Version History section
Added a Main Contributors section
Added pre fight to The Game section
Added Pokes/Custom strings to The Game section
1.2 - Sep 18, 2001 - Fixed some spelling mistakes and typos
More comments added
Removed the Disgraceful kick combo
1.3 - Sep 26, 2001 - Added the Chain throws section
Added SS to The Game section
Added a few more moves
Added Guaranteed Stuff to The Game section
Fixed a juggle
Renovated the launchers section in the Game section
Changed move names so there's no reference to the WWF
unless I couldn't find the proper name.
As always, more comments added
1.4 - Oct 10, 2001 - Fixed an error on the Arm Breaker Chain Throw
Removed the Jaguar hook due to its futility
Fixed the Reverse Arm Drag command
Fixed the last of Chain throw errors
Added a Mashing sequence for chain throws
Always have to add comments. Removed some too
1.5 - Oct 22, 2001 - Added more comments
Added the Tornado Clothesline
Removed Mashing sequence


This FAQ is for all those players who use King or want to learn to use him.
We all have our reasons, so just continue reading and see what's up with him
in his latest Tekken adventure.

I made this FAQ and my previous FAQs mainly for myself. I used it as a guide
for which moves to use under various conditions. I've always believed in
sharing my wealth so I would like to pass on this knowledge to anybody else
who wishes to learn King. If there are errors, holes, or strats, you are more
than welcome to kindly send an email.


I'm assuming that you know the conventions such as 1_2 and so on. Here's just
a rundown on all the buttons and directions. I think the illustration below
insults your intelligence, but if ya stil need them...

1P 2P

\|/ (1) (2) \|/ (1) (2)
/|\ (3) (4) /|\ (3) (4)

I'm guessing that you're aware of the PS2 buttons, so I won't use an illustration
here. Plus, everyone has their own button layout. Here are some other terms used
in the FAQ:

u,d,f,b: Tap direction U,D,F,B: Hold direction
CD: Crouch Dash (f,N,d,df N: Neutral(no joystick direction)
WS: While Standing from crouch FC: Full Crouch
BT: Back Towards opponent >: Move is delayable
KND: Face Up Feet Towards CH: Counter Hit (interrupt opp's move)
~: Input the next command immediately SS: Side step (u_d)
qcf: Quarter circle forward (d,df,f)
qcb: Quarter circle back (d,db,b) hcf: Half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f)
1: Left Punch 2: Right punch
3: Left Kick 4: Right Kick
ALL: Must I explain?

*Who is this Masked Man?*

King is a Mexican pro wrestler. That's all you need to know. Do you really
care about his story? What is this? The King's Story FAQ? Read for it somewhere
else. Given his fighting style, you know King won't be depending on fancy kicks and
punches, but devastating throws and holds. Actually, he can use both aspects, just
like in wrestling, just don't expect fancy strings and juggles with him. You'll be
setting up or retaliating with throws and simple powershots.

*Move list*

Okay, maybe not. There is no movelist on this FAQ. If you need one that badly,
check out www.tekkenzaibatsu.com; www.tekkencentral.com; and many other FAQs that
lists King's moves (Specifically Catlord's. You do know Catlord, don't you?).
Tekken websites also gives you frame rates, damage properties, and such detailed info
as well. Please check there if you need it that badly. I'm just assuming you know
all of King's moves and just want to know how to play him (or at least how I do).

*In depth moves*

The following are moves I use the majority of my matches. If some moves I find are
pretty useless, I won't mention it, unless it's so bad I gotta say why. In no
particular order, here are King's moves that I use a lot during his fights.

Jab Strings (1,2; 1,2,1; 2,1)

King's primary poke strings. When you're not throwing or punishing, you'll
probably be annoying your opponent using these. With the 1,2; 1,2,1; and f+2,1
strings, you can immediately do into a throw by pressing 2+4. If you think your
opponent will duck the throw attempt, crouch throw them with d+2+4. Since Tekken 4
has become a jab fest, you'll be using these as retaliation. Jabs are also a primary
source for setting up throws and your offense.

Low Jab Uppercut (d+1~N+2)

Another great poke string for King. Good vs. jabbers as well since King's 1st hit
has him ducking. Since Namco toned down d+1, this golden string doesn't shine as
much as it did back in TTT, but it's still useful and serves many purposes. Don't
abuse this as much as you may have done in TTT. This is a good way to fill-in
your custom strings.

Elbow Sting (df+1>2)

Another useful poke string. Can be used for many more as well. If you catch the
elbow on a CH, your opponent will be knocked down, setting him up for okizeme.
You may also use this against crouching opponents and some special stances.

Low Drop Kick (db+4)

This is effective vs. newbies and obvious turtlers. Can also be used in okizeme.
I find this also useful when running up to an opponent and whipping this out.
Hits countless times. The bad part of this move is this oddly enough, can
interrupted by a jab. You'll probably stop using this when your friends are
familiar with its windup...if you have friends.

Hop kick (ub_uf+4)

This is King's primary juggle starter. I mix this up along with King's
throws. When people duck in anticipation of a throw, a hopkick will knock them
into the air resulting in a juggle. Be warned, this is no longer guaranteed
after a low parry. Use the ub version of the hop kick as an escape tactic vs.
pitbulls. Though it won't do much damage, it'll keep you nice and safe.

Clothesline (f+1+2)

Mid range punisher. Nice and quick. Same as Armor King's back in TTT,
but nothing is guaranteed afterwards unfortunately. Also a lightning quick
alternative to closing the gap to the knuckle bomb. If your opponent blocks this,
they get guard stunned and knocked further back, keeping you safe from retaliation.
Be warned, this move can be ducked, so try not to be predictable with it.

Konvict kick (f,f+4)

I use this move only for punishing and keeping opponents at bay. If you catch
this on a CH, this move becomes a DDT. Anything into a throw is cool.

Shoulder tackle (f+2+3)

If I'm not CDing in, I use this to close the gap between myself and my opponent.
You'll find this move hits a lot since Tekken 4 has become more offense oriented
and the majority of your opponents will pitbull you. In order to do that, they
have to run up to you, thus putting their guard down. This is also effective
vs. Steve Fox's sways.

Elbow Drop (d+1+2)

Use this move only for okizeme. If your opponent likes to lie down, drop this on
them as punishment. Catch your opponent on a crumple stun or wall stun, and they
fall to the ground, you've got a sweet followup here.

Knucklebomb (uf+1+2)

A midrange substitute to the Shoulder Tackle. Come flying in at your opponent in
a few short frames. This move also serves well in okizeme. Bust this out when
you know your opponent will roll backwards.

Black Bomb (CD+1+2)

A mid hitting non-flying knucklebomb. Slower than the flying knee, but a useful
substitute. If you're lucky, you can catch this as a CH and get a free bounce

Sucker punch (SS+2)

Nothing like a quick punisher after successfully SSing a move. The stun after
creates time to CD into your opponent or whatever.

Back Brain Kick (SS+3+4)

Alternative to the Sucker punch and one hell of a punisher. It is duckable
though and that's bad.

European Uppercut (WS+1+2)

Part of the FC mix up. This move always has great results. Hard to punish if
blocked, causes a crumple stun if this move hits normally, and a juggle launcher
if this is a CH which can happen a lot.

Blind Kick (BT 3)

Use this to protect yourself if you find yourself BT. Can be used to follow up
a Muscle Buster. It's not guaranteed after a Disgraceful kick anymore. On a CH,
this move causes a crumple stun, which happens when your opponent thinks they've
got a free shot on your back. Set that up by pressing 1+2. If you caught your
opponent on a regular hit and your opponent is close enough, press 1+2 and King
will do a Neck Breaker throw. This is a Just Frame move and really hard to get.
The damage isn't worth the effort, but you can always try. It looks really cool.

Tornado Clothesline (BT 1+2)

This lethal unblockable should be used sparingly. If you find yourself BT, this
can help if your opponent is expecting a Blind Kick. Set it up by pressing 1+2
or a blocked b+4. They'll probably be using a standing block to defend against
the Blind Kick. Whip them down! This move will probably work once an opponent
a day.

Moonsault (1+4_f+1+4) Can be done while BT

If this move isn't abused, this has a "deer-in-headlights" effect. Many people
freeze when King does this flip in the air. I use right after a muscle buster
and an argentine back breaker (2+4 on your opponent's left side).

Flying Cross Body (f,f+2+3_b,b,ub [off a wall])

A great move to catch techrollers. Surprise people by jumping off the wall as
well. Watch out though, this move doesn't pin your opponent to the ground on a
normal hit anymore. That means your opponent is still standing while you're
lying on the ground. Jump off the wall if you need to escape from a corner.

Flying knee (CD+4)

King is known for having 2 devastating chain throws after his crouch dash. Mix
up King's CD game by using this flying knee used by Armor King in TTT. Good
damage and the opponent flies back, hopefully knocking them into a wall.

Inziguri Kick (df+3~4)

A cool looking move that is done like Lee. Although it's easier to do than
Lee's version, the 2nd kick can be blocked, ducked, and jabbed out of. If you
catch this on a CH though, the 2nd kick is guaranteed. The 1st kick is useful
during your custom strings. Anyways, this is always useful for showing off,
unless the crowd has seen it thousands of times.

Spinning knife hand (1+2,1)

One of my favourite moves. If the 1st hit connects, the 2nd one is guaranteed.
There are so many uses for this move. This can be used as part of juggles,
punishers (the best part is, the 1st hit is irreversable which means bad news
vs reversal scrubs), and ending custom strings. You also have the option of
doing the first part of the move, leaving you BT. From here, you can go for
a Blind Kick to catch your opponent by surprise. If your opponent is too
close, but expecting a Blind Kick, surprise them with the Tornado Clothesline
unblockable by pressing 1+2. That trick will only work once per opponent.

Rolling sobat (f+4)

A simple jumping spin kick that has its uses. Give yourself breathing room by
using this or finish your custom strings. Hmm...I guess that's it. Simple
yet effective.

Frankensteiner (df+3+4)

The damage isn't the same anymore. Oh well...if your opponent, who isn't that
good, is being too defensive and is visibly walking backwards, whip out the move
Scott Steiner invented. You can use this in okizeme as well, especially after the
Screwdriver throw (2+4~B).

Disgraceful Kick (b+4)

Strictly a punishing move and not to be thrown out at random. You'll find scrubs
doing this move a lot. Long reach and easy to chicken. Leaves you BT so if you're
fast enough and your opponent tries rolling backwards, you can land that BT 3. On
a clean hit, your opponent will drop straight to the ground. If not, they'll be
sent rolling back.

Super kick (b+3)

Another move taken from Armor King. Use this if the Disgraceful kick won't reach
and also as a juggle ender. That's all this move is useful for. Sends your
opponent fairly far back, which is good around walls.

Stagger kicks (d+3+4,4,4,[4,4 on a CH])

A move that was once guaranteed in okizeme. But in Tekken 4, nothing's guaranteed
so don't be too eager to throw this out. You can also use this for King's low game,
but it looks very scrubby. If the first stagger kick connects on a CH, King can do
up to 2 more kicks as well, but they're all not guaranteed.

Stagger kick to uppercut (d+3+4,2)

If you're fighting a slow opponent that is used to the 3 low stagger kicks, mix it
up by throwing out an uppercut. On a CH, you can do up to 3 stagger kicks before
the uppercut. This move is also nice in okizeme when your opponent rolls back. If
they do, both hits are guaranteed. If your opponent opts to lie still, only the
stagger kick will connect.

Ankle Swipe (FC,df+1)

You should only use this move under one circumstance. After doing a sweep from KND
and you've successfully knocked your opponent on their ass, use this. This
connects 88% of the time.

Regular throws (2+4_f+2+4_2+4~B)

A throw is a throw and it's essential in every Tekken game. If you don't have
enough time to use a command throw, go for one of these. Be warned, okizeme isn't
guaranteed after these throws. Now that really screwed King over.

Side Body Clutch Slam (FC,db,d,DB+1+2)

With the abuse of 1,2 in Tekken 4, I personally find this throw great vs. those
scrubs. King ducks under those jabs then rises into the Rock's finisher. Though
it is good when mastered, nothing is guaranteed after it. Try and get used to
doing the motion and you've just developed an invaluable tool in your game. This
throw is meant to be set up not thrown at random. Yes, this is called the Rock
Bottom, but I hate that name.

Giant Swing (f,hcf+1)

Now that the majority of throws in Tekken 4 are broken using 2 or 1+2, the
Giant Swing has gotten much more effective this time around because of its
different break. What makes this throw even better is if it's been tech rolled,
your opponent takes 45 damage, which is more than half the damage of the GS and
that's more than most other throws. If you toss an opponent into a wall or
structured object, that's even more golden.

Tombstone (db,f+2)

This is King's most powerful throw excluding a non techrolled Giant Swing (but who
can't tech out of that?). The triple ground throw isn't guaranteed anymore.
Always looks cool. This is a throw I like buffering before a round starts.

Muscle Buster (qcb+1+2)

Same old throw from T3 and TTT. The guessing game after it is guaranteed as well.
If your opponent lies still, go for a moonsault. If your opponent attempts to roll
backwards or to the side, go for the Blind Kick.

Kneelift (WR_f,f,f+2+4)

Although this name sounds weak, it looks a lot better than it really is. This is
effective vs. wall techs and turtles. Unfortunately, nothing is guaranteed after
the throw.

Jumping powerbomb (d+2+4)

King will only land this on 3 of your opponent's positions. Off a crouch, off a
tech roll, and after parrying a low kick. This is effective in a tech roll trap.
If your opponent has great reaction or reads you like a book, this move is useless
since it's breakable.

Ground throws (db_df_DB_DF+2+4)

Obviously, this is something done in Okizeme. There are no more guaranteed
ground throws after throws like the Tombstone and right kick reversal anymore.
You'll get this if your opponent stupidly stays on the ground for too long. At
least this time, ground throws land more often and you don't whiff even if you're
just a single sprite away from your opponent. You can catch side rolling opponents.

Kick reversal (b+2+4) On a Right Kick, press 3+4 for a Figure Four Leglock

King is blessed with having an irreversable kick reversal. Take advantage of it
vs. kick happy players such as Hwoarang scrubs or predictable Christie strings
(which shouldn't happen). An elbow drop is guaranteed after a left kick
reversal and if you press 3+4 during the right kick reversal animation, King will
give his opponent a figure four leg lock. The figure four is a Just Frame input.

Change position (1+3+f_b_u_d)

Something new added in Tekken 4. Get yourself out of a corner and put your
opponent into one by forcing a side switch with this command. You may shove your
opponent into a wall by pushing them into one. Your opponent is stunned briefly
which can set you up for a quick jab or some throws.

Chain throws (See the Chain throws section)

Do not neglect this part of the game. There is a reason why King has them. This
was why I picked King in the first place. Perhaps others did as well. (Yeah, 'twas
scrubby!!) Strike fear into other people's hearts by doing them or threatening to
do them. Just don't abuse it. When you find out about the uses of King's other
moves, you'll be using this less and less...but I didn't say not at all.

*The Game*

As you fight, you'll be put into various situations. Here are some moves that I've
suggested during each scenario.

Pre fight - What you do right off the bat can determine the outcome and flow of the
match. Now that can move before throwing out moves, it's good to get
some good positioning before duking it out.

Before the announcer says fight:

- SSing - A good idea to move yourself into open area and not close to a wall.
Also a setup to some SS buffered moves
- F dash - Show your aggressiveness before a fight. Also an indication that
you'll go for a throw. Watch out for jabs and throws when the fight begins.
- B dash - Shows defensiveness and turtling. Try B dashing repeatedly by doing
qcb,qcb...this is a way to buffer a Tombstone before fighting.
- Hop over opp. - If you can time it right, you'll find yourself behind your
opponent just as the announcer starts the fight.
- FC - Assume this position and have your opponent guess what you'll be doing.
See the FC aspect of the game to find out your options from here.
- WD - Repeated CDs can scare your opponent into guessing between a chain throw
or flying knee.

When the announcer says "fight":

- Throw - Command throw, regular throw, or CDed throw, if you've caught your
opponent turtling at the start of the match, here's some good instant damage.
A buffered Tombstone's my fave here.
- Jabs/pokes - Use some annoying but quick tick damage to start the match. Your
opponent would've probably have done the same. Perhaps you could set up a
throw from here too.
- Hopkick - Juggles are always nice.
- Spinning knifehand - Good vs. reversal scrubs plus if the 1st hit connects,
the 2nd is guaranteed. Can't be punished if the move is blocked. Sounds like
a good start.
- FC mix up - See the FC section about your options.
- CD moves - See the CD section about your options. Start a deadly guessing
game this way.
- Idle - Stand still, block, then retaliate. Starting on defense can be
rewarding at times. There's no risk of receiving a CHed attack from your
opponent and you have the opportunity to read some tendencies and patterns in
one string or series. Watch out for throws.

Pokes/custom strings - Now that everybody fights without a partner, ticking and
chipping away at your opponent's life is more important than
ever. Poking and jabbing is a big part of King's game since
he doesn't have any long strings. Here are a few quick
strings I use when playing. Put these in combination to make
your own custom strings:

- Jabs (1,2,[1]) - Standard poke for everybody. The first 2 hits high so you're
kinda screwed if your opponent is crouching. You have the option to the a
throw after the 2nd or 3rd jab. This string also moves you forward.
- Jab uppercut (2,1) - My favourite little string. The 2nd hit strikes mid and
King moves forward a bit. My favourite jab setup for the Giant Swing.
- Low jab to Uppercut (d+1~N+2) - This move has lost its priority from TTT.
Still a good string anyways since you duck on the 1st hit. Nothing is
guaranteed after the 2nd hit and a quick jab is what you'll get in return if
your opponent blocks it.
- Elbow sting (df+1>2) - Both hits mid and if the 1st elbow is a CH, your
opponent hits the ground. Bait your opponent into a Spinning knife hand
after using this string.
- Ankle kick (df+4) - Quick low kick. Something useful in poking. Low kicks
keep your opponent from high parrying or reversing by throwing this out once in
a while.
- Thigh kick (df+3) - The 1st kick in King's new Inziguri kick move. You don't
always have to use the Inziguri all the time. This move has always been
effective in poking. When your opponent is used to seeing other poke/custom
strings after this, whip out the 2nd kick and that'll be the last time they try
interrupting with their heads up.
- Stagger kicks (d+3+4...) - A cheesy and most common way to hit low. Other than
the ankle kick, King doesn't have any quick hitting low shots, unless you count
throws which I believe are like low hits. Vary the amount of kicks you use so
that the chances of getting punished is reduced. Just hope they all connect or
else you will be screwed.

Whiff punisher - If your opponent does a move from too far and completely misses,
you've successfully dodged it, or you blocked a move with lots of
recovery, try these:

- Command throws - Usually devastating and spirit breaking
- Hopkick to juggle - When opponents always react by ducking, since they think
they're gonna get thrown, which is natural against King.
- Disgraceful kick (b+4) - Just a powershot now. I bet you're asking, why didn't
you add the BT 3 after it? The reason is, if you get caught with the initial
kick, all you have to do is mash 2, recover straight up, and you'll block the
Blind kick. So, that combo isn't guaranteed anymore. Doesn't mean you shouldn't
try it though. Hey! If you get lucky, you could get a Neck breaker after the
blind kick.
- Super kick (b+3) - For times when the Disgraceful kick can't reach. Will
guarantee to send the opponent rolling back.
- Konvict kick (f,f+4) - Knock them back and if your opponent tries to interrupt,
you've got a CH DDT.
- Rolling sobat (f+4) - Quick and easy if you're feeling brainless. If you
messed on your timing and your opponent blocks, you're safe from retaliation.
- Clothesline (f+1+2) - Be like a real pro wrestler and punish with clotheslines
- Knuckle bomb (uf+1+2) - Knock an opponent on their ass and follow it up
immediately with an elbow drop for great damage.
- Shoulder tackle (f+2+3) - With an opponent rolling back from the blow, there's
a chance to knock them into a wall. Better if you're at long range.
- Spinning knifehand (1+2,1) - Decent damage. If the 1st hit connects, the 2nd
hit is guaranteed. The 1st hit is irreversable so that means people who reverse
by reaction will get nailed.
- CD mixup - Since your opponent will be on the defensive, make them worry about
what they'll be eating when King comes CDing in.
- Throw setups - Using one of your favourite throw setups will increase chances
of landing a throw. Sometimes, players duck on reaction after whiffing or
recovering. Use setups to keep them standing before throwing.

Okizeme - In this version of Tekken, nothing is guaranteed in okizeme anymore. No
character gets a free hit. This doesn't mean you can't hit them while
they're down. Okizeme is more of a guessing game now rather than
guaranteed ground beating. These are the moves that I use in okizeme and
their situations:

- Elbow Drop (d+1+2) - If your opponent lies still. Guaranteed after a kick
reversal if you're quick.
- Ground Throws (db_DB_df_DF+2+4) - If your opponent lies still for too long.
- Stagger Kick (d+3+4) - Will always nail your opponent.
- Knuckle Bomb (uf+1+2) - If your opponent rolls backwards.
- Stagger Kick to uppercut (d+3+4,2) - If your opponent rolls backwards.
- Flying Knee (CD+4) - If your opponent rolls backwards and you're close enough.
- Moonsault (1+4_f+1+4) - If you're in BT and your opponent lies still. Works
right after the Argentine Back Breaker or an opponent lying still after eating
a Muscle Buster.
- Low Drop Kick (db+4) - Good tracking low hitting move. Why shouldn't it be
used here?
- Ankle Swipe (FC,df+1) - Use this only after landing a KND 3 or a Low Drop Kick
while your opponent is lying still.
- Hop over, Blind kick (BT 3) - If your opponent likes to lie still and use
wake ups vs. you.
- Shoulder Tackle (f+2+3) - If your opponent rolls back. Can be more reliable
than the Knuckle Bomb since it doesn't require a diagonal.

Throw setups - This is a big part of King's game. Being a wrestler, he needs to
use throws to win fights. The main throws you'd like to land are the
Giant Swing, Tombstone, Muscle Buster, and the Side Body Clutch Slam.
Here are a few common setups:

- f+1,hcf+1 - If you are new to King and the concept of throw setups. I that
suggest that you begin learning the concept of throw setups by doing this simple
setup. All you are simply doing is a single jab, buffered into a Giant Swing.
- Jab strings - Kinda self explanatory. My favourite is the Giant Swing tick
(2,1,Giant Swing)
- WS+4 - Goes well into a Giant Swing
- d+1,SBCS - d+1 gets you into a FC. Then from there, it's Side Body Clutch
- KND b_f,f+1+2,SBCS - Another setup into a Side Body Clutch Slam. This one's
better to do if your opponent blocked your cross chop from knock down position.
- f+1+3, Giant Swing - You can buffer the f-change position into a Giant Swing.
Amazing results.

Note: If your opponent if familiar with your setups and ducks, mix up the throw
with a Hopkick, Rolling Sobat, or Spinning Knife Hand.

SSing - Side Stepping has become even more important than ever in Tekken 4. This
is an effective way to evade attacks and punish. King also has moves that
he can do off a SS. Here they are:

- Sucker Punch (SS+2) - King will do the same punch as Armor King did back in
TTT. This punch is nice and quick and it also knocks the opponent back,
setting you up for a CD.
- Back Brain Kick (SS+3+4) - Use this to cover a lot of ground vs. SSers.
This move is vicious if it lands and takes off quite a lot of energy. Be
careful though, if this whiffs, you're prone on the ground.
- Gory Guerrero Special (SS+2+4) - A common way King started one of his Chain
throws back in the previous Tekkens. This is the scrub's choice for Chain
throws, but it can still be deadly.
- GGS cancel (SS+2+4~b) - When people see the wind up for the SS+2+4, they will
always duck on reaction to avoid the throw. Well, lucky for you, King can
cancel this throw and end up in FC. Actually, I prefer using a hopkick to a
juggle when my opponents tried ducking in order to avoid the GGS.
- Spinning knifehand (1+2,1) - Cancelling a SS into this is just real sweet.
It works on so many levels. You can catch a crouching opponent who thought
you'll go for a SS+2+4 a little too early. This also serves as a good punisher
for a move you've freshly SSed. As long as you don't whiff both hits, you're
pretty safe.

FC mix ups - A crouching opponent can be a dangerous opponent. Just look at Ling
and Craig. King can become a serious threat while he's ducking. Some
people like to start the FC by simply ducking, while others use d+1 or
d+4 before getting into the crouch. Holding D after diving moves will
leave King in FC. Here are some useful moves from the crouch position:

- Rising Kick (WS+4) - A nice simple yet effective while rising kick. You can
use this to set up a Giant Swing or other moves. This leaves you relatively
safe from retaliation if blocked.
- European Uppercut (WS+1+2) - If this connects, great! Leaves you safe if
blocked as well.
- SBCS (FC,db,d,DB+1+2) - Good damaging throw and sort of like a low hit
- Stagger kicks (FC,df+4,...) - Kinda scrubby but a quick low hit alternative.

CD mix ups - King's CD is even faster than ever. To my observation though, the
range of the crouch dash is shorter. Anyways, here are some good
options upon attacking from a CD:

- Chain throws (CD+1+4_2+3) - Something King's known for doing. Please see the
Chain throws section.
- Flying knee (CD+4) - Stronger than ever and knocks your opponent pretty far
back and hopefully into a wall.
- Hop kick (uf+4) - Nothing like a launcher buffered from a CD.
- Konvict kick (CD,f+4) - A buffered Konvict kick can be useful if your
opponent ducks a lot when they see King CDing.
- Black bomb (CD+1+2) - An alternative to the flying knee. If you're lucky and
catch this on a CH, your opponent will bounce, thus resulting in a juggle.

Launchers - King only has 1 reliable launcher to start juggles. It's not too
powerful which was probably why his juggles have never been that damaging.
He has a few other launchers, but they aren't that good. Anyways, here
they are:

- Hopkick (uf+4) - King's best launcher out there. Hits mid so ducking enemies
aren't safe. Comes out quick and has a lot of priority.
- CH European uppercut (WS+1+2) - Useful after ducking in a FC game.
- Dynamite Uppercut (FC,df+2) - Only useful after blocking a low move with lots
of recovery.
- CH Jaguar Uppercut (f,f+2) - Not that reliable. If this move is blocked, lots
of punishment will be coming your way.
- CH Black Bomb (CD+1+2) - This will result in a cool looking bounce juggle.
Once again, don't depend on this since the bounce only occurs on a CH.

If you want to be successful with juggles, you have to have the mentality that all
your launchers will connect. That way when you see your opponent in the air,
you won't be caught off guard.

Juggles - King isn't a strong juggler like Kazuya. He does possess the ability
though. Juggles have been toned down in T4, but you need to be able to do
them with King in order to create an effective mix-up in throw setups. If
your opponent ducks a lot, do not hesitate to launch them in the air. Here
are a few that I use (these are juggles after the launcher):

- f,2,1,1+2,1 - This is a common juggle since T3. You'll have to wait a bit
this time in order to connect with the 2,1. You have to move forward first so
the 1+2,1 can reach. Classic TTT King juggle.
- 2,1,d+3+4,2 - In case you were going for the previous juggle, but the 2,1
knocked your opponent a little far for the 1+2, the stagger kick to uppercut
will reach.
- 2,1,b+4_b+3_f+4 - A simple juggle that ends with one of King's various power
- f+1+2~f+1,d+3+4,2 - Clothesline juggles are probably the best way to juggle
now since juggles have been toned down.

Tech roll traps - Kind of a juggle, but these work (in their ways) if your
opponent techrolls when they fall, they will be caught with the
last hit. Here are a few that I know after a launcher:

- 1,2,f,f+2+3 - Classic TTT King tech roll trap. Watch out though, you're
prone to okizeme because the flying cross body doesn't pin your opponent to
the ground.
- 1+2,1,dash,d+2+4 - Go for this if you think your opponent will tech roll.
If they don't, go for the stagger kick to uppercut.
- uf+4,F,d+2+4 - Again, if you don't think your opponent will tech roll, go
for the stagger kick to uppercut.

Guaranteed stuff - These aren't juggles exactly, but after doing these moves,
their followups are guaranteed. Here's stuff King can do in

- FC,df+1,WS+4,d+3+4,2 - If you can read, if you knocked down an opponent from
the Ankle swipe, the followups are guaranteed.
- Left kick reversal, d+3+4 - If you're fast enough, you can replace d+3+4 with
- FC,db,d,DB+1+2, d+3+4
- uf+1+2,d+1+2
- 2+4 on opponent's left side,f+1+4
- KND 3,FC,df+1 - Not exactly guaranteed if your opponent is on an incline or
if you didn't catch the sweep deep enough.

Walls - With the addition of walls, Tekken has taken an interesting twist.
Punishing your cornered opponent seems to be the focus of this Tekken.
Catching somebody beside a wall or structured object can be so much fun.
Slamming them into one is even more fun. Here are some useful moves given
in certain situations:

- Stagger Kick (d+3+4) - If your opponent falls to the ground from a wall stun,
this kick will float them back up and into the wall again. Try not to use
other followups since a wall tech will leave you open. That doesn't mean you
shouldn't try it out.
- Knee lift (f,f,f+2+4) - Use this throw if your opponent wall techs
- Spinner (1+2) - Mid hitting and irreversable. Leaves you BT which can be a
good thing in this case. Doing the knife hand is optional, but if your
opponent wall teched, you're in for a lot of trouble.
- Elbow Sting (df+1>2) - Guaranteed hits. This is always a safe way to go.
- Elbow Drop (d+1+2) - If your opponent fell to the ground, just drop this on
- Moonsault (1+4) - Works if your opponent is down or hopefully, you'll get the
"freeze" effect.
- Shoulder Tackle (f+2+3) - If you're too far from a standing stunned opponent.
- Command throws - If your opponent is standing after a powershot wall stun or
wall tech, they'll instinctively go for a standing block (except for the stun,
they can't do a thing about it). This is where command throws come in handy.
- Ground throws - Allow your opponent to drop to the ground and use whatever
ground throw will be granted to you. After a while, this will scare your
opponent into rolling backwards, thus setting them up for more damage with

*Chain throws*

This is something King is known for doing. Hell, this was a main reason why I
picked him in the first place, aside from the fact that he looked different from
everybody else because he wore a mask. Chain throws are an easy yet cool way
to deliver high amounts of damage to your opponent. They also give you that
psychological advantage as well. I really hope you didn't skip all the
way down to this section. I demand that you read everything before this
section in order to use King effectively.

Before I begin, this is how the links to each throw will be charted.

Throw Chart (Starter name(A))

| | |
| | |
F-- B D

Throw A initiates the chain. Throw A can be followed by throw B or throw C.
Throw C can be followed by throw E or throw D. Throw F is an optional starter.
These series can be mashed. I will provide a Mashing chart to indicate the
order each throw comes in when all 4 buttons are mashed.

Now for the chains...

Throw Chart (Reverse Armdrag Take Down or Gory Guerrero Special)

| |
| ---J
| |
| ---J

Note: Throw D will not link to throw C.

A. Reverse Arm Drag Take Down (DF+1+3_2+4) Escape: 1_2 depending on command

This may be familiar to all you Tekken 2 vets out there. This path leads you to
King's longest and most damaging chain, but it isn't really a good series. If your
opponent tried to break the initial start up, chances are, they'll escape the next
throw. If you used 1+3 to initiate the throw, the escape was 1 and the same for
the next link. I can't really do the throw and it's one I stay away from. It
looks a lot like Paul's shoulder throw. If you will be using this, at least use
the 1+3 one since most of the other chains are broken with 2.

B. Gory Guerrero Special (SS+2+4_df+1+2_df,DF+2+4) Escape: 2_1+2 for df+1+2

Probably the multi-throw starter you'll see most often, especially the
side step version. You'll see scrubs do that most often. The side step
version is cancellable by tapping b, which ironically, can be more useful
than the actual throw. The (df,DF+2+4) will only catch a crouching opponent.
On a side note, this is a real move invented by Gory Guerrero.

C. Backdrop (2,1,1+2) Escape: 1_2 same as A

If your opponent couldn't escape the Reverse Arm Drag, all they have to do is tap
the other punch button to escape. In other words, it's the same escape as the
Reverse Arm Drag. Looks like the suplex counter off a side headlock on tv.

D. Cannonball (2,2,1+2) Escape: 2 only after Backdrop

This move is guaranteed after you do it from the GGS. Not much to say here.
Buffer the move to increase the chances of doing it. Tap 2 twice and hold it then
tap 1. You'll get this move if you tried a SS GGS, but caught them on the side or
from behind.

E. Inverted Atomic Drop (3+4,1+2,1+2+4) Escape: 2

Common move you see in wrestling. Taking this path results in greater damage, but
this is one sequence most vets know, actually, they should know them all.

F. German Suplex (3+4,1+2) Escape: 1

It looks better on TV and by Chris Benoit. Can't comment much 'cause I've never
done it in a match. At least it's follow up is inescapable when you use this.

G. Powerbomb (1,2,3+4) Escape: 1 only after Cannonball

Nice standard wrestling powerbomb. More damaging than the Inverted Atomic Drop,
but only 1 follow up after that.

H. Sit-down Powerbomb (1,2,3+4,1+2) No escape

Different looking powerbomb, but at least it's inescapable. This and the Inverted
Atomic Drop adds up to more damage than the Powerbomb, plus it has one more move to

I. Giant Swing (2,1,3,4) Escape: 1

A weaker version of the command throw. Not as much damage as the other follow up,
plus it can be tech rolled. To make matters worst, this is the most common
follow-up and the one scrubs use most often. Do it only when your opponent escapes
the Muscle Buster often, expects a Muscle Buster, or just taps 2 when caught in a
chain throw.

J. Muscle Buster (3,1,2,3+4,ALL) Escape: 2

Most damaging final move of this series. Looks cool and you can follow it up with
a Moonsault or a Blind kick. I normally go for this move, but there are times when
people will break it. I haven't seen this yet on TV, but then again, I don't get
to watch the real Mexican wrestling.

Throw Chart (Jaguar Driver [a weird looking Pedigree-like maneuver])


A. Jaguar Driver (qcf+1) Escape: 1_3+4 during throw animation

What an awful move. Less damage than a standard King throw and a late escape.
One to stay away from. I only do this by accident when trying a Giant Swing

B. Face slam (1+2 during A.) Escape: Same as A.

Instead of slamming the opponent on the back of their neck, King changes the throw
into a Pedigree variation. So it's 5 more points just to change the throw, but a
standard King throw does more. Stay away!

C. Boston Crab (1+2,3,4,1+2 after 1 sec. of throw animation) No Escape

It adds 25 more, so if you get caught doing A, go for this one.

Throw Chart (Standing Heel Hold)


A. Standing Heel Hold (CD+2+3) Escape: 2

My personal favourite of the chain throws. Decent initial damage and the follow
ups will guarantee you at least 60 damage in total if you get one them. The only
setback is, if the followups are escaped, you will eat 10 points in damage. Do it
and you'll see why it's the preferred throw.

B. Indian Death Lock (1+2,1,3,1+2) Escape: 1+2

Nice lock, adds up to 60 damage, double button escape, and there's one inescapable
move to go. Great move, but don't do this too often or your opponent might get
smart about it. If you've first caught a vet with move A, don't try using this
link yet.

C. STF (1,2,3,1+2) Escape: 1_1+2 to reverse

Looks nice, least damaging follow up though. I only use it when I know one more
follow up will finish the guy. Good for mix ups too. The reverse window is really
small, so you shouldn't worry much about it.

D. Scorpion Death Lock (1+2,3,1,1+3) Escape: 2

Of the follow ups from A, this is the most damaging, but it ends here. I use this
when I don't feel like doing the STF, but the 2nd lock will finish the opponent.
If your opponent keeps tapping the 1+2 buttons during hold A, switch up to this one.

E. Romero Special (1,3,4,1+2,3+4) No Escape

Looks awfully painful, most damaging, and inescapable. There's no reason why you
shouldn't do this move, unless link B kills them.

Throw Chart (Arm Breaker)

| |
| ----F

A. Arm Breaker (CD+1+4) Escape: 1

Name says it all. I only do this move if my opponent escapes the Standing Heel
Hold repeatedly. This move has gotten better now that the majority of throws are
broken with the 2 button. Having a 1 button escape is now even better. Other
than that, I don't try this often, unless I'm gonna show off as well.

B. Cross Face Chicken Wing (2,1,1+2+3) Escape: 1+2

Decent move, double button escape, and has most damaging follow up. It's really
easy to do if you buffer. Hold 2, hold 1, tap 3. It's that simple. Too bad it's
a well known prerequisite for a well known move.

C. Side Russian Legsweep (1+2,4,2+4) Escape: 2

Looks cool and it's follow up is inescapable. I'm not sure if people know about
this move since the majority of the time, you'll see a Cross Face Chicken Wing.
Honestly, of this series, I go for this unless I'm playing a guy who has absolutely
no idea about the Rolling Death Cradle.

D. Triple Arm Breaker (1+2,1+2) Escape: 1

Stay away. Looks bad, plus it's just as easy to do link B and it does the same
damage, but there's no follow up for that move. This is more useful now that most
of King's throws uses 2 for escapes..

E. Dragon Sleeper Hold (2,1,3,1+2+4,1+2+4) Escape: 1

Nice follow up and guarantees you one more shot at your grounded opponent. Do this
when your opponent will try and break a Rolling Death Cradle. Which means they just
mash 2 during chains.

F. Rolling Death Cradle (1+3,3+4,2+4,1+2,1+2+3) Escape: 2

Coolest looking move and most damage in the least amount of moves. Unfortunately,
this is a well known move. Every expert in the Tekken community knows about this
move and can break it. This can really difficult to execute because of it's
sequence. I can get it about 3/4 of the time with my own sequence. Here's how I
do it: I press 1+3 with my index finger and thumb, 3+4 with my index and middle
finger, 2+4 with index and thumb, 1+2 with the index and middle and hold it so I
can just press 3 with my thumb. This takes a lot of practice to do it. What's
really pissing me off now, is the RDC can be mashed. So now, you don't even have
to bother with the above. Damn!!!

G. Arm Crucifixion (4,3,4,3+4,1+2) No Escape

I can't see why you shouldn't go for it since it's inescapable.

Throw Chart (Ultimate Tackle)

| |
| ---C--E
| |
| ---D--F

A. Ultimate Tackle (FC,d+1+2_WR) Escape: 2_1+2 upon hitting the ground to reverse

A move I'm not too fond of doing since it can be reversed leaving you at your
opponent's mercy.

B. Punches (1,2,1_2,1,2) Escape: 1 if started with 2_2 if started with 1

Not much to stay, just a standard mount and punch. I prefer to stay away from this
move since it's easily blocked. Do it only if you know your opponent will try to
escape link C or D. If done from behind, these punches are inescapable.

C. Cross Arm Lock (1+2) Escape: 1+2,2,2,2,2[,2 to reverse]

Standard arm submission. Easy to do, but can be reversed by those with an arm lock
followup which are Jin, Paul, Nina, Craig, and King.

D. Cross Leg Lock (3+4) Escape: 1+2,1,1,1,1[,1 to reverse]

Same as C, but you're doing this to a leg. I prefer this one since no one really
sees it and it has a really cool follow up.

E. Arm Lock (1+2,1+2) No Escape

Just like all inescapable followups, you should always do this.

F. Arm Coil to Cross Face (1+2) No Escape

Same as E but a bit harder to do. The way I do it is while King's starts going for
link D, tap 1+2, but hold 2 and keep tapping 1. Looks cool too. Basically a Just
Frame move.

G. More punches (1,2_2,1) Escape: Same as A

It's the same as A. Refer to that.

Throw Chart (Irish Whip)


A. Irish Whip (b+1+2) No Escape

This throw doesn't do any damage, but is inescapable. Even though the followups
are weak, they may serve a purpose. This move is the same throw that wrestlers
use to throw people into the ropes. In Tekken 4, there are no ropes, but there
are walls. If you'er facing a wall, there's not better way to get a stun than by
throwing your opponent into a wall. You don't have to use any of the followups
and use the Shoulder Tackle.

B. Ground smash (3+4) Escape: 3+4

This throw doesn't guarantee ground throws now that Tekken 4 reduced the recovery
on the ground.

C. Knockdown (2+4) Escape: 2

King skips his opponent off the ground. Would be useful if the opponent skipped
into a wall...

D. Turnaround fake (1+2) Escape: 1+2

Another useless link. Don't even bother.

E. Fake out (1+3) Escape: 1

Nothing really useful can be done here. Basically just fakes the whip and leaves
your opponent in the same position before you chucked him.

That's all for the chain throws. I really hope you don't depend on these during
your matches. People say that you should never do them because they're easy to
break. Well, that's all up to the King user and the opponent if he chooses to
look at your hands. Anyways, getting caught in them always pisses people off and
throws them off their game. That's why you should do them. Remember, the object
of a Chain throw isn't to do as much damage as possible, but to complete as many
successful links as you can during each series.

I know that chain throws can be accomplished by mashing the buttons. Though it
is possible, I strongly suggest you do not do this.


I would like to thank the following:

Anybody who's made a King FAQ - Showing me moves, sequences, and most importantly,
how to play effectively (at least decently) with
King in previous Tekkens.
Avex Honda NSX - Giving me those mercy rounds so I could practice on campus.
It's a real pity that you've left the Tekken scene. Well, life
Pity you've "retired" retired from Tekken. Life goes on.
Every opponent - Challenging me. Nobody likes to play the CPU all the time.
This is the only way we get better.
Game sites - Posting this up.
Me - Need I explain?
Namco - Making a great game to a great series with a great character
Pascal - See Avex Honda NSX and also for getting me into Tekken (Is that good?)
Pro wrestling - Without you, there'd be no King
Tekkencentral - Having that forum for Canadian players and other useful info.
Hilarious posts...you should read some of the stuff I've posted.
Tekkenzaibatsu - Information on move lists and such.
Tekken_Toronto - Like Tekkencentral but with Canadians only. Funny yet useful
stuff. Maybe not useful if you don't live in T.O.
T_T Crew - Showing me that there are many people better than me in Toronto.
Video Amusements - For having this game and for being 15 minutes away from my
York University - Having this game on campus so that I could find some time to
play when I'm not studying or getting drunk on campus. But no
thanks for charging us a loonie to play!
You, the reader - Giving a purpose for this FAQ

*Main Contributors*

These guys had some major input when it came to this FAQ. Although I started writing
this, these people helped out on some strats regarding King:

Xero483 - Reminding me that the Shoulder Tackle okizeme can be used in okizeme.
Akiva Sklar - Groundthrows at the wall game, ub hopkick escape tactic
Darkmanx - Making a rival King FAQ so that I can steal some of your strats. Hee hee
Check out his FAQ at the following site:

*Final Words*

This FAQ wasn't that difficult to write, just long. Unless I get real bored and
start using someone else or have reached my maximum potential with King, this FAQ
will never be finished. Always feel free to write (email's at the top of the page)
and you will receive credit for any worthwhile contributions. Just because I am
teaching others out there how to use King doesn't mean that I won't learn anything

I only listed and suggested moves to use during each aspect of play. Some King
players perfer to set up their opponents using throws. Others may like to mix up a
CD and FC game. There are many ways to play him. Well, in the end, the best play
similarly. Right now, Tekken 4 is fairly new. There's so much to experiment and
no fighter fights the same back in TTT.

If you want some character specific strats and other types of strats, I suggest
that you check out Darkmanx's FAQ. The website is listed on the previous section.
Though his style may differ from mine, he has found success with King his own way.

If you ever catch a guy in a multi-throw and you see them going mad on the
stick, please tell them that doing that is useless and to stop it. Nobody likes
to play with damaged joysticks.

I am not the greatest King player in the world or even in Toronto for that
matter. I can't even do his moves 100% of the time (especially when you've got
awful sticks). I'm sure there are some readers out there who can beat me using
King. In the Tekken Central, GameFAQs, Toronto_Tekken, Tekkenzaibatsu, and any
Tekken related forums my screen name is Mini King. If you're from Toronto and you
know Avex, Pascal, or any of the Tekken Crew, then they can tell you who I am.
If I ever come across an establishment with this game, I'll be there playing.
Currently, my source for Tekken 4 has been on Campus Cove at York University.
From time to time, I play Craig Marduk as well.
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