Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

15.10.2013 01:07:52
Date: 29th March 2002
GameFAQ's User name: DemonSLAYER
Game type: PAL
Version: 2.5

Hello everyone, and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons
of Liberty. This is like the 4th FAQ I've written for GameFAQs, so I'm still in
the process of perfecting my technique shall we say. Anyway this guide is desig
-ned to help you readers and gamers get the very most from your game. By the
time it's finished it _should_ contain just about everything there is to know,
see and do throughout the entire game. Well that's the plan at least, I'll have
to see how it goes.

I got this game on launch day in Europe, which was back in early March, I can't
remember the exact date to be honest, but that was quite a day for me. This
game is revolutionary, it contains unparalled attention to detail, graphics,
and a stunning plot. It's the most playable game I've come accross in quite a
while too, and I have literally played it to death, this guide is the result. I
think a PAL guide (or two as it is now) was definately needed as the game seems
to differ so much from the NTSC version, with more Dog Tags, more guards, an
extra difficulty level and all the extra specials, not to mention the making
of DVD. I'd like to thank CJayC here and now for letting me write this guide.

This piece of work is important to me. I don't know why I write, I have no
guarantee that people will read this guide apart from the few that email me.
This guide is also somewhat overshadowed by all the other quality guides for
MGS2 on GameFAQs by some of the most successful and prolific writers that the
site has seen, but I write on. When it's finished, which should be soon, I will
regard this guide as my best work. And due to that I want to protect the guide,
please read the copyright notice below.

Anyway I have ranted enough here, but sometimes we need a place to vent, and
this seemed as high a profile place as I could think of. So read on good gamers
and please enjoy.

--- EMAIL STUFF ------------------------

If you find anything wrong with the FAQ, like/dislike the FAQ, find something I
have left out of it, want to tell me how great it is :P or just want to plainly
discuss the game; please feel free to mail me at
I guarantee a quick reply.

And here are just some quick rules about emailing me. I know these appear in a
lot of FAQs, and I'm sure you think we're just being really bitchy, but hows
about I start mailing you with annoying and sometimes stupid questions. See
how you like it.

My email address is Feel free to email me about most
anything to do with this game. If I know the answer I will tell you. But please
please please put that the mail is about MGS2 as the subject. Its annoying some
-times to get mails with no subject. Or maybe thats just me being bitchy. But
anyway, don't use any bad language, or I won't reply. Don't wite like this...
hi i red ur fak it rox... need I go on... that stuff just pisses me off. Also
if the question you ask is already answered in the FAQ, the chances are I won't
write back. That would be a waste of my time, and most probably your time too.
And don't ask stupid questions either. And don't even bother asking for Game-
Shark codes, because I know them not. And the lack of a GameShark on my part
doesn't help, and you could probably look them up yourself anyway. So thats
thats the end of my little rant. If you're sensible you'll get a reply. And I
don't think a little sensibility is too much to ask...

--- COPYRIGHT STUFF --------------------

And also, here's my little copyright notice. After all the work on this guide I
put in it would be a terrible shame to have it ripped off or stolen on me.

Copyright protected.
This FAQ is for personal use only, and may not be recreated, re-produced or re-
edited in any way, shape or form. It may not be used to make a profit in any
way and may not be published. It also may not be used on any site but GameFAQ's
with out my permission. If you ask I'll gladly say yes, as long as you keep it
updated and don't change it at all. And don't make it into HTML either.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1) Version History

2) Playing the Game
- Controls
- Different Views
- Basic Moves
- Gauges
- The Codec
- The Radar

3) Weapons/Items Lists

4) Walkthrough
- Difficulty Levels
- Chapter 1: Tanker
- Chapter 2: Plant

5) Bosses

6) Dog Tags

7) Thanks, etc

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Version History <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Version 1
29th March 2002

Today, this guide was born. Maybe you think I'm mad doing it when there are
already enough guides, but this special one is for PAL. And I asked first. So
it ain't too mad. Anyway this is only the very first version, so it's bound to
get better. I'll just do the walkthrough and stuff like that. In fact 90% of
the guide is in the walkthrough. Well it is the most important part. Expect
updates, because everything else is pure crap at the moment.

Version 2
16th April 2002

The Dog Tag bit is pretty much complete, all I have to do is tell you people
how to procure the harder to get ones, no biggy though. Anyway there is still
a lot of work to be done on this guide like Item/Weapon lists, stuff about the
PAL version, and a lot of the stuff before the walkthrough is in serious need
of a good old-fashioned re-writing. Anyway I'm just delighted the tag bit is
over, it was quite monotonous writing it all out. So look out for more updates
that will be soon to come, thanks :)

Version 2.5

This version only adds a section for weapons and items, it's only 2.5 because
the other .5 will be in the locations of hard to get dog tags, which is a work
in progress at the moment. It will be ready soon though. Also note my rant at
the start has changed, and a few other minor things. I might throw in some
character bio's if I'm bored later on too. The section on the PAL extras is on
its way soon too, I've somewhat neglected it so far.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Playing the Game <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


|Square |Use Weapon/Throw Enemy/Choke Enemy/Skip Codec |
| |Conversation |
|Triangle |Open Door/Climb on Boxes/Access Node/Swing on |
| |Railing |
|Circle |Punch/Kick/Knock on Wall/Call Codec Frequency |
| |Confirm in all menus |
|X |Crouch/Roll(when running)/Manually skip Codec |
| |Transmission/Abort on all menus |
|L1 |Lock on to Enemy,Shoot while running/Block with |
| |High Frequency Blade |
|L2 |View Items/Select or un-select Item(tap button) |
| |Strafe left while hanging/back to wall |
|R1 |First Person View Mode |
| | |
|R2 |View Weapons/Select or un-select Weapon(tap |
| |(button)/Strafe Right(see L2) |
|Left Analogue Stick |Move Character/Move Menu Cursor |
| | |
|Right Analogue Stick |Corner View/Turn when in Water/Attack with High |
| |Frequency Blade |
|Start |Pause Game/Skip movies or scenes |
| | |
|Select |Open and close Codec Menu |
| | |


There is a main view in this game, you will generally look down on your char-
acterf from a height. The camera will follow you obediently as you move about.
There are a few other perspectives though that you will encounter during your
adventure. They are the following.

As soon as you press yourself up against a wall or obstacle you will enter
corner view. You have to hold the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK in the direction of the
wall to maintain this view. You will see yourself in the centre of the picture
and the area to your immediate left and right. Use the RIGHT ANALOGUE STICK to
move the camera around. You can use the L2 and R2 buttons to strafe along the
wall. Make sure you hold the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK towards the wall for the whole
time, or you will exit Corner View. When you reach a corner use the R2 or L2
buttons to look around the corner, depending on which side of you the corner is
on. You risk being spotted when you do this.

Use R1 to enter First Person View. You can't move when in this view mode. You
can look in all directions while in this mode though. You can see your field of
vision represented by a green cone on your Radar. While in this mode press the
R2 button to lean right, L2 to lean left and the both buttons together to
stretch upwards. This mode is also good for fighting in. Press SQAURE to hold
up your selected weapon, and the LEFT ANALOGUE STCIK to aim. It is through this
view that you can hit enemies in the head, instantly killing or knocking uncon
-scious. You can also punch and kick while in this view, but it isn't the most
effective form of attack though.

While in a locker, you have a very limited view. If you hit the R1 button you
can enter First Person View mode, but again, this is very limited. You can only
see out through the grille in the locker door. You can't look behind you or
very far to either side. Press the CIRCLE button to knock on the inside of a

When you crawl into a ventilation shaft or under an object, you enter Intrusion
View. Your Radar goes off-line but you can move in all directions. You general
-ly won't meet any enemies while you are hidden in shafts or under objects. You
can equip a weapons in this view.


These are jump various moves that will help you in the game. Getting used to
and mastering them is definitely a good idea. They range from so easy it's
silly, to some more complex moves.

WALKING - To walk instead of run, just hold the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK lightly
instead of heavily. By walking, you will not make any noise while running over
metal grates.

ROLL FORWARD - Run using the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK, then press X while running.
Hold down the X button through-out to go into a crouching position from the

PRESSING AGAINST WALLS - Hold the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK in the direction of the
wall when you are adjacent to it. You will press your back to the wall. You
can do this to most solid objects. You can also do this while crouching.

KNOCKING ON A WALL - While you are pressed against the wall, hit the CIRCLE
button. You will knock on the wall, making noise. This will lure near-by guards
from their postitions to you.

CLIMBING - Stand in front of waist-high objects(any higher won't work), and
press the TRIANGLE button. You will jump up on to the object. This also applies
for standing in front of ladders.

JUMP OVER RAILS - Press your back to a railing, then hit the TRIANGLE button.
You will jump over the rail, and hang on underneath. Your grip gauge will
deplete however. Press the TRIANGLE button again to jump back over the rail.
Press the R2/L2 buttons while hung over the edge to move Right and Left
respectively. Press X to let go of the ledge.

DROPPING TO ANOTHER LEDGE - If you swing over a rail, you can press X to let
go. If there is another ledge directly below, tap the TRIANGLE button as you
fall to grab the ledge below. Do this 10 times and your Grip Gauge will go up
a level.

PULL-UPS - Press R2 and L2 together at the same time to do a Pull-Up. Do this
100 times and you will gain a Grip Level. Your Grip Gauge will deplete quicker
if you do Pull-Ups.

SWIMMING - Simply use the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK to swim. Like with moving on
land, the harder you press the Stick, the quicker you move. This way only
applies for swimming on the surface of the water.

SWIMMING UNDERWATER- This is a lot tougher than it may seem. While on the
surface, press CIRCLE. You will dive under-water. Now hit the CIRCLE button
repeatedly to propell yourself and use the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK to steer. I
would advise you get used to this properly before undertaking any great under-
water tasks.

CONSERVING OXYGEN - While under-water, rapidly press the TRIANGLE button to
conserve Oxygen.

FIRST PERSON VIEW MODE - Press R1 to enter First Person View. You can't move
while in this mode. You can, however look around. Use the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK
to move around the camera. Press L2 to lean left, press R2 to lean right,
press L2 and R2 together tostand on your toes. These are pressure sensitive,
so the harder you press, the futher you'll lean.

CORNER VIEW - Press yourself against a wall or solid object and use the Right
Analogue Stick to change the view. You can get a peek at what is behind the
object your pressed against.

LOOK AROUND CORNER - While pressed against a wall, and near a corner, use the
L2 and R2 buttons to look around the corner. Use L2 if you want to look left,
R2 if you want to look right obviously. You risk getting seen when you do this
so be careful!

THROW AN ENEMY - To throw an enemy, un-equip all weapons, then get close to
him and press SQUARE and the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK in the direction your facing
at the same time to throw the enemy over your shoulder.

ROLL AT ENEMY - Run at your Enemy, and just before you hit him press the X
button. This will work best if you're undetected. The enemy will definitely
get knocked over, and maybe even knocked out.

HUMAN SHILED - Get and enemy in a Choke Hold by pressing SQUARE behind him.
Now hold the SQUARE button(!) and use the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK to drag him
around with you. You will move slower, but all shots fired at you from the
front will hit your shield. You will be open to attack from the back. If your
shield starts to struggle and treis to break free, just press the SQUARE

SHOOTING WHILE RUNNING - Equip a weapon. Then run. While running hit the L1
button and hold it. Now hold down the SQUARE button too, and you will be
running along holding up your weapon. Simply release the SQUARE button to fire
at an enemy. Aiming like this can be tough sometimes.

HOLDING UP ENEMIES - Sneak up on an Enemy. That's the most important bit. Now
as long as you haven't been seen, and are very close to him enter FIRST PERSON
VIEW and press SQAURE to aim your weapon at him. You will yell Freeze!, and
the guard will hold up his hands. Now move around to the front of him, and re
-enter FIRST PERSON VIEW and aim your weapon at him again. If you aim at his
head or crotch, he should get scared and drop a DOG TAG. If he starts talking
to you, get out your SOCOM or USP, and shoot him in the arm or leg. Bad guard!
Now re-aim at his head or crotch, and he will drop his DOG TAG. If you don't
yet have a pistol, wait till you get one, then return to the guard to get his

SUPRISE ATTACK - Lean against a wall, and move to the corner. Get as close to
the corner as you can. Make sure you have a weapon equipped. Tap the SQUARE
button to jump out and fire a quick shot at an enemy. Hold down the SQUARE
button if you want to stay out and fire multiple shots at your enemy.

SHAKE/DRAG ENEMY - To shake down an enemy for items, simply go up to his un-
conscious body, and press the SQUARE button. You will pick him up by his head
or his legs, depending on which part you're standing closest to. To drag an
enemy away, press and hold the SQUARE button, then use the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK
to move around. It's wise to hide unconscious bodies out of the way of prying

HINDING IN LOCKERS/HIDE AN ENEMY IN LOCKER - To hide in a Locker, press the
TRAINGLE button while standing in front of the locker. The locker will open,
so just walk inside and you should turn and close the door automoatically. To
put an enemy in a locker, drag him to the locker. Drop him, and open upm the
locker. Now pick him back up and drag him inside the locker. You will put him
in and close the door automatically. Enemies hidden in lockers will not wake
up under normal circumstances.

ATTACK/BLOCK WITH SWORD - There are four ways to attack with the Sword. The
first is to Press the RIGHT ANALOGUE STICK(R3). This wil make you lunge at and
stab the enemy. The second is to move the RIGHT ANALOGUE STICK from side to
side, resulting in a horizontal slash. The third is to move the RIGHT ANALOGUE
STICK up and down, resulting in a verticle slash. The fourth is to move the
stcik in a 306 degree circle, resulting in a spinning slash. To block, simply
press the L1 button. You can reverse the sword from sharp edge to blunt edge
by pressing the SQUARE button.


There are many types of gauge in this game. This is just a brief run through
of all of them and what they represent.

LIFE GAUGE - This is how much life you have left. It will be reduced by being
shot, hit with grendes, falling long distances etc. It should be green. If it
turns orange, that means you're in trouble, and your health is getting low. If
it turns red, your screwed. You will start to lose blood and your health wil
slowly decrease all on it own. Use a bandage, quick!

GRIP GAUGE - If you jump over a rail to hide etc, you will be hanging on to a
ledge. And I'm afraid you can only hang on for a very finite amout of time.
This gauge will tell you how long you can hold on for. The gauge will decrease
quicker if your Life Gauge is depleted in any way. You start on Grip Level 1,
and you can go uup to Level 3. To increase your Grip Level, do 100 Pull-Ups.
Yes, this would be tedious, but it's worth it.

O2 GAUGE - This gauge shows how much Oxygen you have left whil underwater. If
this guage depletes fully, youe Life Gauge wil then start to deplete. If you
don't reach some Oxygen before your Life Gauge depletes, you die. Swimming
quickly takes up more Oxygen than swimming slowly. Rapidly hit the TRIANGLE
button to conserve Oxygen.

ENEMY LIFE/STUN GAUGE - When you fight a boss, you can see their Life and
Stun gauge. If you use a gun you will deplete their Life Gauge, and if you
use the M9 Tranquiliser Darts you will deplete their Stun Gauge. No matter
which one you deplete first the end result is the same. If you want to improve
your ranking at the end of the game you can't kill any enemies, so you have to
use the Tranquilisers.


The Codec is a super high-tech communication device. Only you can hear the
transmissions you receive. You will get called on your Codec quite frequently
during you adventure. Some calls are optional. These will flash up green on
the screen, and you just have to press SELECT to answet them. Other calls are
compulsory, you must take them. These flash up red on the screen, and will be
answered automatically.

During a conversation, you can hear everything that is said. If you get bored
of listening, or have heard it bofore, press the X button to interrupt the
conversation. You can now just read the text, so keep hitting the X button.
Once you do this though you won't be able to hear any more of that conver-
sation. To completely skip a Codec Transmission altogether, hit the SQUARE
button. The whole conversation will fly by in a matter of seconds.

To activate the Codec yourself, hit the SELECT button to open the Codec menu.
Select a frequency to call, or pick someone to call off your contact list.
These people can often give useful information if you are stuck.

During a Codec conversation if you press R1 or R2 you can hear the secret
thoughts of the people talking. R1 lets you hear positive thoughts, R2 lets
you hear negative thoughts. These can often be quite funny. If you move around
the LEFT ANALOGUE STICK the character face on the left will move around, and
if you press it you can zoom in on the characters face. The exact same applies
for the RIGHT ANALOGUE STICK. Try zooming in on Campbell's skull face. Creepy!


The key to being successful in this game is to use your Radar well. On the
Radar display you can see your own postion along with the position of all the
guards surrounding you, as well as their field of vision. However the Radar can
be disabled at certain times, like ALERT MODE, and when you use a CHAFF GREDADE
etc. You can also see cameras and their fields of vision.

You'll see enemies as red dots on the Radar. If they have a BLUE cone surround
-ing them it means they are aptrolling normally and suspect nothing. This cone
is the enemies field of vision, and if you enter it you will be spotted. If the
cone turns YELLOW, it means the guard is suspicious. He has noticed something
that is not normal, but has not found you yet. If you knock on a wall near a
guard, or if you throw a clip near him, anything to make a noise, and he will
investigate. This will also happen if you shoot him with the M9 but he doesn't
get knock out right away. Once he investigates and doesn't see you, his field
of vision will go BLUE again, and he will return to patrolling as normal. If
the guard has a RED cone around him it means he's seen you, and is looking for
you. Once this happens he will normally radio in to his command centre, and
ALERT MODE will ensue. Your Radar will be disabled, and a back-up squad will be
sent to the area immediately. To prevent this from happening either kill or
knock out the guard before he can finish his transmission, or shoot his radio.

There are a few other thing you can see on the Radar. When under-water you'll
see big blue smudges on the screen, these are places where you can surface for
Oxygen. If you equip SENSOR A, and there's a bomb near-by you'll see a big
yellow smudge, the bomb is somewhere in this area. When your MINE DETECTOR is
equipped and you're near a mine you'll see a yellow cone on the screen, if you
enter this cone the mine will blow up. Crawl into this cone and you can pick
up the mine.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) WEAPONS/ITEMS LISTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

There is an arsenal of weapons in this game, each designed to inflict lots and
lots of damage on the enemy. Here is a list of each and evey weapon, along with
a brief description of that weapon.

| M9 |
A Barretta M-92F that has been modified to shoot tranquilizer darts instead of
bullets. It has a laser pointer and a supressor, making it excellent for silent
infiltration. When a dart hits a person they are injected with the tranquilizer
which takes different amount of times to work depending on where you hit. A
direct hit to the head or heart will knock out enemies intantly, where as hitt
-ing an extremity will take a lot longer. It will take out lights as-well, but
is not fatal and won't shoot out control boxes for C4 or cameras.

| USP |
Stading for Universal Self-Loading Pistol, the USP is a very vesatille and
widely used waepon. It allows a supressor to be attatched, and is the first
weapon you can procure in the game that can kill enemies. The gun is equipped
with a light and a laser pointer, the light makes it very hard to take enemies
by suprise. It will take out cameras and C4 cntrol boxes.

Getting it's name from Special Operations Command, the SOCOM is another type
of handgun, similar to the USP. It has more-or-less all the same features
except the flashlight, which isn't essential. It can be fitted with a supp
-ressor and has a laser pointer. An excellent all round weapon when the supp
-ressor is equipped.

| AKS-74u |
A Russian Kalashnikov, used by the guards who guard the Shell 1 Core in the Big
Shell. Very accurate and reliable, Raiden needs on to infiltrate the Shell 1
Core. It fires 30 rounds per magazine, and can even be fitted with a suppressor
to muffle shots. When it's silenced this thing becomes a very deadly weapon, a
machine gun that can't be heard by enemies. Yes please...

| M4 |
The rifle used by Special Operations Command troops. It's called the M4 because
it is the fourth version of the rifle, the earliest dating back to World War 1.
Like the Aks-74u, it takes 30 bullets per magazine, but it takes slightly long
-er to reload. It's better than the AKS-74u at penetrating bullet proof shields
so is idea for taking on shock troops if you find yourself in such a situation.
It can't equip a suppressor which is a disadvantage so it's not very good for
operating stealthily.

| PSG1 |
A Sniper rifle, considered the best one of it's kind. It's semi-automatic so
you don't have to reload after each and every shot. Very accurate as you would
expect, but due to it's size, and Raidens unsteady hand, it tends to shake
about somewhat while you aim. It can be fired from standing, crouching, or
lying postition and the telescopic sight can zoom in and out.

| PSG1-T |
Another type of Sniper rifle, it suit tranquilizer darts instead of bullets.
It has been modified like the M9, and is equipped with a silencer. It's the
exact same as the PSG1 except it can't take out Cyphers, cameras, etc. It's
useful if you're going for one of those no kills games, you need this to get
the "Big Boss" ranking as well.

This bad boy fires remote controlled missiles. Once you fire you'll switch to
the FIRST PERSON VIEW of the missile, and you have to control it until you hit
something or it runs out of fuel. The amount of fuel each missile can hold
restricts range, turning wastes more fuel than just flying straight. The rocket
will blow as soon as it hits something. You can fly up of down, but very minor
changes in height will be compensated for automatically.

Surface-to-air heat seaking missile launcher. When equipped you can't move, but
all targets can be seen with a green square around them, you can even use it to
"see" enemies through walls and solid objects. When you've locked on you'll
hear a beep and the target will have a red square around it. You can only have
one missile in the air at a time, you'll have to wait for the missile you've
fired to explode before you can fire another. Chaff grenades will disrupt this
weapon's targeting system.

| RGB6 |
This thing looks like a huge revolver that fires grenades instead of bullets.
It can hold 6 grenades at a time, which detonate on impact. This is a very good
weapon, ammo is very scarce for it though. You can hit enemies hiding behind
objects. It's a lot more accurate and reliable than throwing grenades by hand.

Anti-personel grenades, if you hit someone with one they're gone. This is a lot
harder than it sounds though, aiming and judging distance is tough and time
consuming to boot. After you pull the pin you have 5 seconds to get rid of the
grenade. I don't care much for grenades, only use them as a last resort.

Temoparily disables pretty much every electric or battery operated device you
can think of for a short amount of time. Small slivers of metal are released
when the grenade detonates, which disrupt most things like cameras, Cyphers,
radios, you Radar and tracking systems on mechanical enemies. Aim doesn't
really matter with these things, and they do no damage at all to people. I
think that these thing are maybe the most under-rated weapon in the game.

Temporarily stun enemies with a large flash of light and a very loud bang. Like
the other types of grenades you have 5 seconds from when you pull the pin. If
you miss with these just about every single guard withing a 5 miles radius will
be alerted, so they're a last resort too.

Anti-personnel landmines. Equipped with stealth, they can't be seen by the
naked eye, only on the Radar when the MINE DETECTOR(see below) is equipped. The
mines have a "field of vision" too, and will only explode if you walk in a
certain area in front of the mine. If you crawl along when mines are present
they will be rendered comletely useless, and you will be able to pick up the
mines. If you equip the THERMAL GOGGLES you can also see the mines, and they
can be blow up by shooting them with the PSG1.

| C4 |
Pastic explosives that can be remotely detonated. You can plant them anywhere
you want, even on people. They're stable, so won't detonate unless you use the
detonater or you shoot them. For some missions you have to shoot out the con
-trol boxes for C4 planted by the enemy, shooting the C4 itself can and will
result in a catastophe.

High tech sword that's given to you by Snake as a pressie from the Ninja. It's
a very good and strong weapon, but as it's a sword it has no range. It can
deflect bullets, which is always nice, use the L1 button to do this. The blade
has a blunt and a sharp side, you can switch with the SQUARE button. The blunt
edge will knock out enemies instead of damaginging them permanently, and need
-less to say the sharp edge will kill.

Not really a weapon as such, they can't do damage. Once you've fired off all
the bullets in a magazine, you can use it to distract guards by throwing it.
Once the guard has gone to investigate the noise you can run by him when his
back is turned, a helpful infiltration item.

A microphone needed to find a pacemaker, it is that damn sensitive. It can pick
up the smallest and quietest of noises and transmits them to you via an ear
-phone. While you have the mic equipped you'll go into FIRST PERSON VIEW, and
you will become immobile. Aim at whatever you want to listen to, and listen
away. You'll see the text of whats being said at the bottom of the screen, it
will become bigger the nearer the source you get.


A spray given to you by Peter Stillman, it's purpose is to defuse C4 bombs. It
becomes a gel as soon as it's released into the air, and sticks to nearby
objects, like the C4 bombs, and feezes them. It can only spray a couple of
metres, but it has a virtually unlimited supply, you'll never need to reload.
It can also repel insects, wake up sleeping guards, or put out some fires. If
you're very very stuck you can spray an enemy in the face, it acts a bit like
pepper spray I suppose temporarily blinding the unluck recipient.

| BOOK |
A book or magazine (couldn't be called a magazine because there already is a
different type of them)to be picky that's full of pictures of semi-naked young
women. No, it isn't there for your enjoyment, you can't read it. If you put it
on the ground it's sure to attract some attention, and the pervert who finds it
will most likely be distracted for quite a while bent over staring at the
pictures, and uh... reading the articles inside. If you stick a CLAYMORE or a
C4 next to the book you can have some fun. Once you use a book once, it's gone.

Now onto the many items of the game.

Military Food rations that restore your LIFE GAUGE. Both long lasting and light
these rations are perfect for missions such as yours. They provide carbohydrate
and stuff like that, and rest in your items menu. If you lie down with those
bugs you see crawling around periodically they will invade your rations, so
that isn't a good idea. If you keep the rations equipped they'll be used auto
-matically once your health drops to zero.

This stops a cold dead. If you spend very long outside in the rain, get hit
with the discharge from a fire extinquisher, or with flour from the pantry,
you'll start to sneeze. This will attract unwanted attention which is never
helpful, so use a medicine. They can only be used once, if you re-catch your
cold you'll need more.

Stops bleeding and speeds up the healing process with flesh wounds. It absorbs
blood and aids coagulation. These things are fairly essential as if your health
drops somewhat and you start to bleed not only will your life gauge start to
drop, you'll also leave a nice trail of blood behind you which will alert the
enemy. You could let the Nanomachines do it for you, but a bandage works faster
than anything else. Very helpful items.

This is an anti-depressant and relaxant. No, you won't have depression attacks
during your mission, but you will need to relax, especially when sniping. Pop
one of these babies and your hand will stay as still as stone, albeit only for
a while, allowing you to pull off tough shots. Examples when these things are
supremely handy is during the second fight with Vamp. Good luck without them at

Stands for Anti-Personnel Sensor, it vibrates when an enemy comes near you, so
long as you have vibration turned on anyway. The heavier the vibration, the
nearer the enemy. This thing only really comes into it's own with the Radar
turned off, with it on you can see people coming more easily.

A sensor made by Peter Stillman designed to detect the "scent" of the bombs
made by Fatman using Ion Mobilty Spectrometer Technology. A mouthful, yes, but
you would be quite screwed without this little gadget. It shows up a big yellow
smudgy thing on the Radar, the bomb is in this area, usually near the middle.
Of course you have to have it equipped for it to work.

Another bomb detector created by Peter Stillman, this one using a Neutron
Scintillator, to find Fatmans bombs that are odourless. These ones can't be
seen on the Radar. but you'll hear a beeping noise coming from the bomb when
you get near. The closer together the beeps, the nearer the bomb.

Detects CLAYMORE MINES that are equipped with slealth, and thus can't be seen
with the naked eye, and displays them on the Radar. You'll see a yellow cone
shape on the Radar, if you stand inside the cone the mine will go off. You can
crawl into the cone though safely. As it isn't a metal detector, and it only
detects certain things, it will only detect the mines. It will only wokr while
equipped, and if the Radar goes it won't work.

A sturdy pair of military binoculars, they can zoom in and out and will auto
-matically focus for you. Use these regulary once you enter an area to find out
the positions of enemies, especially when outdoors. A very handly and helpful
item, you're immobile when these are equipped.

They use heat distribution to project a visual image. This picture will always
be in red though. You can see stuff like CLAYMORE MINES, lasers on the C4 traps
and all people stand out a mile. If you look at a person you can see whether
they have a Dog Tag too. They don't impair mobility, so don't worry about that.
They work well in the dark and stuff like that.

These just magnify all light they pick up to give a clear picture when things
get dark. The picture is green though. They let you move freely just like the
THERMAL GOGGLES. As there are no parts of the game with Raiden where you have
to move about in the dark (more or less), the usefulness of the goggles is some
-what limited to say the least. You don't need these.

A digital camera that can zoom in and focuses automatically. This is just an
item that is there for your own fun, you can take pictures of whatever you want
and save them. There are plenty of photo opportunities troughout the game, you
can take pics of all the posters and so forth. Each photo does take up a bit of
space on your Memory Card though, so don't go too mad.

A camera given to Snake designed for the sole purpose of getting those elusive
pictures of Metal Gear RAY. The camera can store a total of 6 photos only, so
don't bither picturing anything else. You can't move when it's equipped so be
careful when taking your pictures, old unneeded pictures can be over-written.

A suppressor, or silencer as they are also known, is designed to stop noise by
stopping exit gasses from a gun, and reducing the light emmited to an absolute
minimum. To equip a suppressor to a gun just equip it in the items menu and
then equip the corresponding weapon in the weapons menu. The rest will be done
automatically. These things are one of the most vital tools to infiltrating
enemy strongholds. Being able to silently engage the enemy is quite a bonus.

Security key cards given to Big Shell personnel to let them move through the
security doors to reach other parts of the Shell. If you have the right level
card, as soon as you approach a door it will open, you don't even need to equip
the card. The security system that employs these cards was originally desinged
by Otacon.

Snake thinks these things are brilliant and hiding in a box is somewhat a trade
-mark move for him. When you equip one you'll literally get under the box, as
long as you make sure the box doesn't look out of place you'll get away with
-out the guard finding you. Boxes offer no protecting at all, they can also be
burned up.

Shame on Konami! Trying to promote bad habits. Joking of course, cigarettes
serve multiple purposes apart from sapping you health. If you equip a smoke in
the dark you'll be giving yourself away too. They let you see infra-red beams
though, and will do the same job as PENTAZEMIN while sniping. If you lost as
much health in real life by smoking as you do in the game the word would have
about 3 people left in it.

Given to you by Ninja, the phone is equipped with vibration alert and can rec
-eive emails. I think text messages would have been better, but maybe that's
just a European thing. Anyway you'll get helpful emails now and again through
the game, just bring up the phone in the items menu to read them. Remember to
say thank you Ninja.

What the hell does MO stand for? But anyway this is what looks like a larger
version of a MiniDisc given to you by President Johnson, it contains a virus
or "worm cluster" as Emma calls it. It's purpose is to target certain parts of
****SPOLERS**** Arsenal Gears AI, the GW system, and mess it up somehow. The
virus is based on FOXDIE, a virus which selectively kills people based on their
genes. Anyway you'll get it and give it away at certain points of the game, you
can't do a thing with it.

Worn by soldiers so they can be identified if they are killed in action. Your
name and soe personal details are on the tag. You can hold people up and steal
their tags all the way through the game, they have a different purpose than
identification for us. Collect enough and you'll unlock some nifty bonus items
that you can use the next time you play through the game. They're stored in the
items menu, but during the game you can't do anything but look at them blankly.

This is only found in the Big Shell on Hard and Extreme difficulties and serves
the most useless purpose of the entire game. You give it to Pliskin the first
time you meet him, and he'll look clean shaven later on. Yipee I'd say, this is
a top razor, won't leave any stubble.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) WALKTHROUGH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

There are 6 difficulty levels in this game. This is a brief run through of all
of them, and how they differ. I would advise you start on Easy. It lets you get
a good idea of the game and what it is all about. You can move onto the tougher
levels from there.

VERY EASY - This is the easiest difficulty level. There are the fewest number
of guards patrolling, you can carry the maximum capacity of items, items are
found all over the place and they regenerate. The enemies you come accross cant
see and hear as well as in more difficult modes. Enemies die or get knocked out
very easily. Guards carry a rediculous amount of items that can be pilfered
when you shake thm down. The alarm stops when you change section. You don't
have to download maps of the Big Shell from Nodes. You also take very little
damage when you get hit. If you die, you suck.

EASY - This is just a tiny bit harder than Very Easy. Guards still go down
easily, you take a little more damage, you can carry fewer items. The alarm
still stops when you change section. Enemies vision and hearing is slightly
sharpened. You have to download maps of the big shell from nodes. This is a
bit harder than Very Easy, but it's still easy. Items still regenerate. The
name says it all.

NORMAL - This is the regular normal average difficulty. The walkthrough will be
based on this difficulty, but there will be extra notes for the tougher levels.
You won't need extra help for the easier ones. You can carry less items, takes
more to kill enemies, you take more damage, the guards drop fewer items etc.
It sounds a lot tougher but it's nothing you can't handle. Don't worry.

HARD - Now it starts to get tough. Quite tough indeed. There are noticeably
more guards patrolling than before. They have heigtened hearing and vision, and
it's far tougher to kill them. They can also deal a lot more damage. It took so
long to beat this mode for me. The guards drop very few items, there are very
few items hanging around spare. You'll need a bit of skill, and a lot of luck
to get through this. The option of having a game over when spotted becomes
open to you.

EXTREME - Here we go. This mode will have you crying for mercy. It's so bloody
hard. There are **** all items to pick up, and guards drop so few. The option
of game over when spotted because if you get in a shoot out you _will_ lose.
Bosses become nightmares. 2 or 3 shots and it's game over. You have to be a
master in stealthy infiltration to beat this bad boy.

EUROPEAN EXTEME - Just when you thought it couldn't get much harder, it does.
Euro-extreme is for the hardest of the hardcore. There are NO rations at all.
Guards don't drop a single item. If you get hit just once by a boss, you die.
This difficulty level does not want you to live. Make sure your up to the
challenge before even considering trying this level. Because once you do, you
can't re-start a new game on a different difficulty until you clear this level.
Make sure you know what your up to, you crazy, crazy person.

Now onto the main walkthrough itself. It's written for the NORMAL difficulty
level, but with notes for the harder levels. It should help you get through
the game. It will be comprehensive once it's fully finished. And of course, as
it's a walkthrough, it will contain some so you have been warned.

**NOTE**: In this walkthrough, I won't tell you to get Dog Tags. You can do
that yourself, and just check the Dog Tag section of the FAQ to see
where all the tags are.


The game begins on a rainy night on the George Washington Bridge. You'll see a
guy in a rain coat having a smoke walking along the bridge. Just watch the
scene and be amazed by the graphics and stuff. Watch all the movies and pay
attention to the Codec conversations too. You can pick up some good information
from them. You'll be atlking to your partner in crime(or Philanthropy), Otacon.

Just wait until all the movies stuff is over, and take control of Snake. Take
a quick moment to get used to the controls and the like. Run through all your
equipment and weapons just to see what you have, and make sure you know what
everything does.


This is where the adventure begins. There are a total of three guards patroling
the area. All you have to do here is make your way inside the ship though. But
we nay as well gather some items on the way. They may just come in handy.

Snake will start hidden behind a nice big something sticking out of the deck.
It hides you, so don't complain. There is a guard up on the catwalk in to your
North. He will see you if you venture too far out from your hiding place. So
there's nothing for it, but to knock him out. Come out a little from your
shelter, and enter FIRST PERSON VIEW mode. Now equip your M9, and aim at the
guard. If you can't see him, look for him with your CAMERA. You should be able
to see his light from miles away. Anyway, aim for his head for maximum
efficiency. No matter if you get him somewhere else, just wait for him to go
down. Remember, he isn't dead. He will wake up.

First, lets comb the level you're on for items. There is a guard on the Port
side of the deck. This is the left for all you non sea-faring land-lubbers. He
has a very definite patrol route. His back will be truned to you for much of
this patrol. Use this time to either shoot him with the M9, or CHOKE him to
death. This will conserve ammo. Once he's down, shake him down for items. Take
the bounty, now pick up the guards body. Drag him over to where the lifeboats
are. You should see a little whit rectangle on the ground. Walk into this area
while dragging the guard to fling him overboard. How incredibly nice of you.
Head up to the dead end here, and pick up a RATION on the left hand side. It's
kind of tucked away behind a boat. Make sure you nab it.

Now head back out to the area you started in. Head round to the right hand side
and get a PENTAZEMIN from a similar place to the other ration. Just on the
other side of the boat. Once again head back to the area you started in. Just
a bit to the left hand side there should be a small staicase, which you should
ascend. Just over the crates using the TRIANGLE button, and claim the BANDAGE.
Go up the stairs on the opposite side to get CHAFF GRENADE from a similar spot.
Go back down the stairs, and go round to the STARBOARD(the one that isn't the
PORT side) side now. You'll see a door quite close to where the guard was
patrolling previously. You'll get a Codec call if you stand near it. Otacon
will tell you to go in the door to get to the ship's interior. But we don't
want to do that yet.

There should be a stairs right beside the door, so head up. There should be a
guard patrolling right in front of you. Quicky and silently whip out your M9
and knock him out. Shake him down for Items. Once you have, head towards the
top of the screen, and you should hit a dead end. Tucked in to the right here
is a BANDAGE, which will come in handy sooner or later.

You're now set to head inside the ship. We're closer to the STARBOARD door, so
it's only logical to go in there. Stand in front of the door and press TRIANGLE
repeatedly to enter.


In HARD and EXTREME mode you can only enter the ship via the PORT door. The
STARBOARD door is locked. This is so you have to encounter more guards on your
way into the ship.

****END OF NOTE****


Head down the tight corridor, and notice you leave big wet footprints behind
you as you run. Follow the passage until you reach an automatic door on your
left hand side, you may as well go in. You'll find yourself in the locker room
of the ships crew. There are about 8 lockers, and some have things hidden in
them. The first locker on the left as you come in holds a RATION (It isn't
there on Extreme mode). The locker beside it has the poster of a scantily clad
woman on the inside door. You can knock the door off by punching and kicking.
You now have the poster of a scantily clad woman on the floor.

Head over to the far side of the room. Try to stay away from the door, because
if it opens the guard who is patrolling near-by may come and investigate. In
the locker on the right, there is some ammo for your M9. There is also another
poster of a half naked woman on the inside of the locker next to the one with
the Ammo. Now leave the locker room.

There is a guard patrolling the corridor next to the exit. Press yourself
against the little bit of wall between the door of the Locker Room and the
corner. Once the guard turns and begins to walk off, either choke him or shoot
him with the M9. Don't forget to shake him down for items. Now head through
the door into the next area.


On Extreme Mode the guard will have a much longer patrol route. To get by with
-out wasting any ammo, follow him closely until he reaches a corner. Once he
turns to go around the corner, nip in behind him. He should now see your foot-
prints, and go follow them in the other dirction to investigate. You can now
easily head round to the exit.

****END OF NOTE****


This is just a lounge and bar area for the crew of the ship. As soon as you
enter you should see a guard patrolling on front of you. There will be a stairs
heading down to your right, so go down here to collect some STUN GRENADES. Now
go back up, it's time to deal with the guards in the area. There is a guard in
the lounge area, and another guard who is patrolling the corridor outside it.
Wait until the guard in the lounge is turned away, and take down the guard in
the corridor with the M9. Now take down the guard in the lounge too. Shake both
down for items. There is some M9 AMMO in behind the bar. Spin around here and
look at the wall to see another raunchy pic. Now go down to the other end of
the lounge to find a tasty RATION just to the back right of the little coffee

Now head out of the bar and go out into the corridor again. At the Port side of
this areatere is another set of stairs going down. There is a guard here
surrounded by a swarm of flies, I wonder why? He is guarding a boxof USP AMMO,
but since we don't have to USP yet, there isn't any point in bothering him yet.
He nods off to sleep every now and again.


There are a couple of pointless things you can do in this area just for the fun
of it. It also demonstrates the thought and detail put into the uber-realistic

- Shoot the bottles behind the bar. They smash from the point you shoot them.
- Shoot the magazines at the other end of the bar. They can be severly messed
- Shoot the Champagne cooler at the sink of the bar. Ice will fall out. Wait a
while and the ice will slowly melt.
- The guard at the bottom of the stairs must have a hygiene problem as he's
surrounded by a crap load of flies. If you stand next to him for long, the
flies will decide to attack you instead. You will see them swarimg around
you when you enter FPV. They leave when you change section.
- Stand in front of the plasma screen near the magazines you shot up. It's
broadcasting images of the new Metal Gear prototype. Contact Otacon via the
Codec for an interesting conversation.


Now mosey on back out to the main corridor in this area and head up the wide
flight of stairs. The door on your right is locked or broken, so you'll have to
go to go out the door on the left, it brings you to a new area.


What you just want to do here is make your way upstairs to the next level. This
won't be so easy though as there are a pair of guards who have other plans.
You _will_ encounter at least one of them on your way to the stairs. There are
a couple of items in this area too which you should look into aquiring.

First of all, there is some M9 AMMO near-by the door you just came in. Head
towards the top fo the screen. A little cut-scene will ensue showing you the
postion of a guard, he is given away by his shadow. Now head right and you'll
come to a satirway. You can't go up them, as they're blocked off at the top,
but grab the M9 AMMO from here anyway. Now head back to the door you came in
through and keep going south. Follow the corridor, and in the first little
alcove in the wall you see there's a RATION. Just around the corner here there
is a guard patrolling. Wait until he has his back turned, and knock him out
with either the M9, or grab him by the neck using the SQUARE button, and then
tap the SQUARE button 4-5 times. He should go unconscious. If you kill him it
will effect your end ranking. If you don't care about your end ranking kill him

There's a locker in another alcove in the wall here, so open it to find some
USP AMMO. Once again, you can't pick it up yet, but remember where it is, and
you can come back for it later. Now follow the passage round to the other side
and once you see a left turn, take it. Go up the stairs.


You'll meet your very first Surveillance Camera in this area. Ooooh, Scary!!!
It's quite easy to get by though on Normal. All you have to do is either cling
to the wall, and go under it, or throw a CHAFF GRENADE to disrupt it. Either
way it isn't hard to get by.

Once your by the Camera, there are a couple of items to pick up. Head to the
very end of the passage. Down in the bottom right hand side of this little
room there is a shaft, so duck down and crawl into it. You will find a RATION,
also notice this is a good place to hide if you get seen by a guard or the
surveilance camera while infiltrating this area. Now head back to the stairs.
In the locker to the left of the stairs you'll find a CHAFF GRENADE, which may
come in handy. Now go up the stairs.


This area is patrolled by three guards and watched over by a single camera. On
top of that the way is guarded by Infra-Red censors strapped to some C4, and a
new guard will appear if you enter the pantry. If you trip the censors, you're
gone. As you come up the steps you'll see a door on Snake's right, and another
passage way on the left. There's a gaurd to the left as well, so tranquilize
him. Go over to his body, and shake it down for items. You have to hide him
now, so you'll see a door in the dead-end North of where the guard was posted,
this leads to the Pantry. Bring in the guard and hide him at the very back of
the room.

Get the CARBOARD BOX 1 from this room. There are also a box of of M9 AMMO.
When you enter here, you will notice on your radar another guard appears,
and heads towards the pantry. When he enters he will yawn and hesitate, and
park himself in front of the shelves in the centre of the room. He will occa-
sionally drift into sleep as well. Do what you will with him, just don't let
him see the other unconscious guard, and don't be seen yourself. Now head back
to the stairs. You'll probably get a Codec call from Otacon letting you know
about the C4.

Head in the door mentioned earlier beside the stairs. There is a lone guard and
a camera in here. Stand in the door frame, and take out the guard with the M9.
make sure he is out of the camera's field of vision, if it see's him fall it
will alert more guards. Now check under the two tables at the bottom of the
room for M9 AMMO, there's USP AMMO under the other one, so later for that. Now
cling to the wall and head out the door guarded by the camera. There is a guard
in the next hallway, so wait until his back is turned too. When the camera is
pointing to Snake's right, move through the door and up the stairs on the left.


- The pots hanging from the kitchen can be shot and punched to make noise. Each
one makes a different sound however near-by sentries may hear.
- The assortment of condiments on the canteen tables won't last if you shoot at
them with your M9. You can spill ketchup and stuff all over the table. Also
notice the physics when the glass breaks, they break from the point you shoot
- The plates and lights in the Canteen can also be shot out, just for the fun
of it.



Watch the little scene as you enter the bridge. I'm sure you won't be able to
help but notice all the crew up here are dead. Must be a computer guiding the
ship? You'll send Otacon your co-ordinates via Codec, and find out where the
ship is heading. The plan now is to go to the holds for those photo's of the
new Metal Gear prototype, but a woman ouside ctahes Snake's eye. Get ready for
your first real fight, because she's your fist boss. Look out for her hairy


The very first thing I would do in this fight is to shoot out that light at the
back of the arena. You can't get up there, so you'll have to do the whole fight
with the M9. Olga can't be killed, only tranquilised, and she takes a hell of a
lot more tranquilising than most guards.

Anyway, take out that light. It'll do you good later on in the fight, trust me.
If you're running low on supplies, there will be a RATION in the very bottom
left corner of the arena, and some M9 AMMO in the bottom right. There is also
some M9 AMMO in between the two sets of crates in front of the area Olga moves
about in. Olga has two main attacks, one with her USP, the other with Grenades.
I would use the set of crates on the right as my main shelter.

The best thing to defensively is to try and keep out of Olga's sight, and shoot
her when she thinks you are else where. She will also hide behind structures on
the deck so when she is hidden and not watching, leave your hiding place and
behind another set of crates. The best way to move is to ROLL, so hit X while
you are running.

The best way to deal with Olga offensively, is to hide behind the crates, equip
your gun, and fool Olga into thinking you're somewhere else. Now while she is
wasting bullets firing at where she thinks you are, nip out of your hiding
place and fire a quick shot at Olga. Aim for the vital areas, such as the head.
Once she's down to about 50% of her health, she will loosen the tarpaulin on
the storage container, and obscure your view. Shoot at the little white ropes
at the bottom corner of this to release it. Now she will point the floodlight
at you, thus blinding you when you aim. Remeber I told you to shoot it out
earlier, I hope you listened! Well try your best to shoot it out now. Once this
is done repeat the previous strategy of hiding and shooting, she will fall
sooner or later. This isn't too hard a battle, but just be careful. If you
manage to hit Olga in the head every time you shhot her it will only take 4
shots to bring her down.


On Hard this battle won't be too much different from Normal. It's tough, but
still very manageable. You have to keep an eye on your health more, only shoot
at her if you're sure enough you'll hit, and try not to put yourself at risk
too much.

On Extreme, it's a whole new ball game. Olga becomes a nightmarish creature who
just won't die. She becomes rediculously accurate, and on top of that, she will
only have to shoot you twice, yes twice, for you to die. Of course if you take
a RATION you will survive a bit longer. Make sure you have 2 RATIONS and with
some luck you'll have a BANDAGE too.

So the battle starts. It is _imperative_ that you don't get shot before she
shines the light in your eyes. Oh yes, did I mention you can't shoot it out.
You'll be firing blind for the end of the fight, and going to have to rely on
pot luck for lots of the fight. Right, here we go. Use the right hand set of
crates as your main base. What you have to do is position yourself very close
to the edge of the crates. Make sure your facing them, don't let Snake put his
back to them. Equip your gun, and hold it up. Now use the SQUARE button to lean
out to the left or right and pop a few quick shots at Olga. Keep moving back
and forth between the crates on the left and right when she isn't looking.

Once just over half her health is gone, she release the tarpaulin. Now just
use the same method buit _ONLY_ fire 1 shot at a time because she will blow the
crap out of you if you stay out for too long. Once she lets go of the tarpaulin
she'll start with the light. Now stay at the right hand side set of crates.
Position yourself at the very left, just so shots can't hit you. Olga follows
an attack pattern now, which is two vollies of shots, about 6 shots in totol,
followed by a single grenade. She'll alternate her attacks from behind the
crates on the deck, and out in the open under the light.

So here's how you finish her. Wait for her to finish firing at you, then use
L2 to strafe left, and fire about 2-3 shots at her. It will be sheer luck as to
whether you hit her or not. Now get out of FPV and run away, as there is sure
to be a live grenade right up your ass. If just one grenade goes off near you
it means good-night, and your starting the fight again from scratch. Just
repeat the above method and Olga will go down eventually. Once I actually
formulized that strategy I beat her straight away. Good luck!!

A few notes on European-Extreme will be added in the next update.


You'll get the USP from this fight, you can now kill enemies from a distance if
you are so inclined. Don't go back inside yet, go to the top of the screen and
jump down off the little platform to get a RATION. Jump back up and search Olga
for items.


- Shoot Olga after the fight with the M9. Otacon will go crazy at you.
- Look at her in FPV after the fight then call Otacon by Codec.
- Fill her face full of Tranquilizer Darts with the M9, it makes a nice photo.
- Lie on Olga to hear her breath.



Now head around the other side of the ship, on the way climb a set of stairs.
Climb up the ladder, at the very top of the mast you can find a nice pair of
THERMAL GOGGLES. If it's your second time through the game you'll find a USP
SUPRESSOR on the second from top platform of the mast, which comes in extremely
handy. Now go back down the mast, down the stairs and head around to the right,
you'll see a guard emerge from the previously locked door to Deck-E. Take him
down using whatever means you want.

Go up the small set of stairs, and grab the WET CARDBOARD BOX from this area.
Now head back into the Bridge.


Take the USP AMMO and the RATION from this area. I wouldn't advise using the
USP at all for now, it's so loud it will attrect just about every guard within
a five mile radius. It will come in quite handy later on, I guarantee, just
don't use it yet. Putting people to sleep does you fine. Now go down the stairs
to the lower level.


Just get through this floor without being seen, and resist the urge to send
peoples insides sailing across the room. As you come down the stairs there
will be a guard in the canteen area, and another in the corridor opposite you.
The best route would be to head round just in front of the C4 trap and knock
out the patrolling guard. The shoot the Fire Extinguisher to see where you can
get underneath the Infra-Red censors, crawl through, and your home-free.

But on the other hand there is some USP ammo in the Canteen, so if you insist.
Stand in the door frame and knock out the guard in here. You can now get the
USP ammo under the right hand table. If you really want you can shoot the
surveilance camera with your USP since all the guards in the vacinity are lying
on their backs. Now get the other box of USP ammo from where the camera prev-
iously guarded. Now it's time to go back down stairs.


- This is most likely the most useless thing you can do, and you could even
end up dead, but it will be cool. Lead some guards into the pantry, like let
yourself be seen, then run in. You can then have a big gunfight in here, and
notice that every singel thing on the shelves can be smashed or shot in some
way. So basically just get some guards in here and go nuts! To escape just
kill everyone in the room and quickly hide yourself under the shelves. Then
any other guards who come in won't know where you are, and just wait for all
the extra guards to leave and your Radar to go back to normal. Now proceed...



There's a new guard patrolling this area. Wait until his back is turned and
knock him out. Just don't do it while the camera is on him. His patrol route
takes him well away from the camera, so do it then. Shake him down for stuff,
then just let him be. Put him in the locker beside the stairs if you want. Now
go under that camera the same way you did before, or use a CHAFF GRENADE if you
have one. Run past the camera and go down-stairs.


You can only get through this section bt passing _at least_ 1 guard. You can
go by both of them if you really want, but that wouldn't be too clever to be
honest. I would just go for the guard at the top of the section as you don't
have to go as far. His patrol route is as simple as they come, just backwards
and forwards. He will, therefore have his back to you at some point. Now since
this is such a narrow corridor it's clearly gonna be hard to get by completely
undetected, so knock him out with the M9. Now go round to the right and head
through the door into the crew's lounge. This should all be familiar territory
to you now.


You'll emerge at the top of the wide flight of stairs. All you have to do is
get down, and head down the stairway on the right hand side. I wouldn't even
bother engaging the guards in here. There is no point, if you can do it un-
detected you should. It will save a bit of ammo too. There are still two gaurds
here, one in the lounge area, and one just outside it. Simply wait for the guy
outside the lounge area to pass you by heading away from where you want to go,
and just make a break for it. Go down the steps, your mission on the top-side
of the ship is pretty much finished now.


You are now about to navigate your way through the cavernous Engine Room. There
are plenty of guards to deal with, and items to collect. Start off by heading
straight by the door you see on your left. Snake will see a huge sillhouette
on the wall that looks like... Vulcan Raven!!! But it isn't really him, just a
doll with a light shining on it to make a big shadow. Scared you thouugh, huh?
Grab the USP bullets from on top of the small crate, now head back to that door
we passed on the left. Go in, and you'll immediately see a guard standing right
in front of you. Luckily he has his back turned, so you can just ignore him.
Run straight by, and go down the stairs.

There is a patrolling guard here, the only way past is to knock him out, so do
so. Search him for items if you wish, then continue on. Go down the stairs, and
you'll see a guard standing just to the left at the bottom. He doesn't move any
-where, but he is looking about himself all the time. Knock him out with the M9
and head towards the top of the screen. You'll see a little bridge on your left
but go by it, and at the very end of the catwalk is some M9 AMMO. Now go back
across the little bridge, turn right and run to get a RATION. Now head back in
the other direction. You'll come to a fork in the road of sorts, one leads up
a flight of steps, the other heads straight on at ground level. It doesn't
matter which one you choose, as ultimately you will end up in the same place.

First of all, go up the steps. Turn right to see a guard, looking out with a
pair of binoculars. He also has a very short patrol route and you should either
just ignore him or knock him out with the M9. Now head left, turn left at the
top, and left quickly again. There are a couple of little alcoves in the wall
here, in the second one you'll find some USP AMMO. Now head on, turn right.
There are stairs leading up, and down also here. We'll go for the ones going
down for now, jst to get some items we missed. As soon as you get down the
stairs you'll see a big container or something in the way. To the back of it
you'll get some GRENADES. Now head to the catwalk that is round to the left of
the bottom of the stairs. There is a guard patrolling here, and his route is
quite long. Instead of waiting, just knock him out. Now go to the very end of
this catwalk and pick up some USP AMMO hidden in a little niche on the left
hand side.

Now head back to where you picked up the GRENADES because it's time to finally
get out of the Engine Room. At the top of the stairs, there is a guard on look-
out. Wait until his patrol route takes him close to the edge, aim up in FPV
with the M9, and knock him out. Now just go up the stairs, and go through the

When you enter the area turn right, an proceed. You'll see a short scene with
a guard entering the area, and he's going to patrol the room you're now in. You
should just jump into a locker and wait for him to leave. Now you have to deal
with another one of those traps with Semtex stuck to Infra-Red censors. For the
first control box, jump up onto the crate on the extreme right. Stand on your
toes by holing the L2 and R2 buttons in FPV, you should see the control box. It
is the bit with the flashin green light. Equip the TERMAL GOGGLES and it will
show up bright red. Shoot it out with the USP. Leave the goggles on so you can
see the Infra-Red lines. Shoot out the other two control boxes, and once you
have go to the door, open it, and leave the Engine Room for good.


- Take a photo of the Vulcan Raven figure. Also close the door of the open
locker and photo that. If you show the photo to Otacon he will question your
- Shoot the light beside Raven to break it, then shoot the Raven doll itself.
It will start making noise and firing it's mini-gattling gun.
- Open the locker on the very left and a body will fall out.
- For the very first guard you see, knock him over the rails immediately and
he will land on top of his comrade.
- Jump over the rail to the right of where the guard is to find a rope, you'll
be able to swing on it.
- Go to the lowest level, and find the M9 AMMO. Look toward the left hand wall
from here, to see another poster of a woman. If you shoot it it will blow up
and the alarm will go off.
- In the room with the explosive trap close the locker doors and shoot the
photo on the locker. Otacon willl Codec you and pass-remark.



Your objective here is just to make your way around to the enterance to the
Holds. You have to go through tow sections to get there, this is the first.
There are a number of little side-rooms to this long passage, and they contain
a fair few items to collect. There is also a guard patrolling the passage, and
another two once you reach the top.

In the first side-room, get a RATION. Now head out, and reach the second room.
There is a dead body here, so shake it down for some USP AMMO. Then take the
other box of USP AMMO from here too. Now hide in here until the guard comes
down, when he turns and heads off in the other direction knock him out. Now
head for the third little room, but pass it by as there aren't any items in
here. Once you reach the top you'll see a guard doing some funky dance with his
head. He has a pair of ear-phones in, and is listening to some rather loud
music. You can try and slip past him when he reaches the end of his patrol and
you can get round his back, but it's safer to knock him out. Due to the very
good light conditions in here he can see for miles, so it isn't worth being

Now head down this passage, and you'll see on your radar another guard. He does
not move, and drifts into sleep every now and again. Simply wait for him to nod
off, then run by, easy-peasy. Now head to the door at the end and go through.


As soon as you get through the door you'll see a box of bullets behind some
pipes. Just put your back to the wall and gon in behind the pipes to get the
M9 AMMO. Head on and take the USP AMMO also. Turn right, and once you meet the
little room on the left hand side, take the USP AMMO and the RATION. Head on
and you'll see a short scene with lots of guards looking for an intruder. You
will now find yourself under siege by many, many guards. You have to get rid of
them all to proceed to the Holds. I find here the best form of defense is to
just attack. Move forward to behind the furthest crate, stay stading up and
enter FPV. Now use either the M9 or the USP to take down the guards. If you
decide to use the M9 make sure you aim for the head.

If you find youself running out of supplies run back as far as you can go to
find ywo boxes of USP AMMO, and a RATION. I'm pretty sure these regenerate too,
so you shouldn't have too much trouble. There is one guard who always positions
himself behind a crate, and so has protection. He has the nasty nabit of throw
-ing grenades at you, so make him your top priority. Take him out before all
the others. If a grenade lands beside you, needless to say, get the hell away
from it. Once you finish the battle, you will automatically be taken to the


We have finally reached the Holds, the final destination for the Tanker chapter
of the game. As you can see, the Holds are quite full of Marines you are obliv-
ious to the fact the ship has been hijacked. There are 3 seperate ways to get
through the Holds. The first is plain old fashioned running and hiding. The
second is to crawl through the vents, and the third is to hang off the balcony
and swing through to Hold No.3. You will have to have at least a GRIP LEVEL of
2 to employ this method.

ROUTE 1, THE FLOOR - Climb down the two ladders. Head to the left, and once you
hit the projector simply crawl right under it. Go around the back of the guard
standing there, and now you have to head to Snakes right to make it out of Hold
1. There are a couple of metal grates on the floor, so either walk or roll
across them, DO NOT RUN! You'll attract the attention of guards and be caught.
There are tow of these grates, so be careful, and once you reach the top of
Hold, go in through the door.

ROUTE 2, THE VENTS - Start off the same way as before, run left, go under the
projector, and by the guard. This time though, in the very left hand corner
you'll notice a hatch in the floor. Open it and you'll climb in automatically.
Now simply crawl through the shaft until you reach the top right hand corner
of the room. The door to Hold No.2 is just behind the big crate in front of you
so go in to reach the second Hold.

ROUTE 3, THE BALCONIES - You can only use this method if you have increased
your GRIP LEVEL to 2. Climb down the first ladder. Now instead of climbing down
the second ladder, put your back to the rail and jump over. Now move to the
left as fast as you can. Once you reach the other side of the room, you'll see
another balcony you can jump up on to. There is a guard up here, but he won't
see you, so knock him out with the M9. If you use the USP on him it's game over
but once he's down just go through the door. No matter which route you took,
you'll now be in Hold No.2.


ROUTE 1, THE FLOOR - You'll come out the door at the bottom left. You have to
make your way to the right, and then up to the door at the top right. Head to
your right. You'll notice a pair of projectors here. Crawl underneath them, and
head right. Once you reach the wall, you have to run up, towards the top of the
room. If you run while the projector on the right is on you'll be seen though,
becuase all the Marines will be facing right. You'll have to Roll over some
metal grates again so your not heard as well. The door at the top right is also
behind some big crates, so go in behind to reach the final Hold.

ROUTE 2, THE VENTS - There shold be a vent right in front of you as you come in
the door. Open it up and jump in. Follow the shaft until it starts to rise, a
clip from one of the Marines guns will fall through the grille on the floor.
Just stop where you are for now, because if you move out to where the clip is
the Marine will see you. Wait until the projector changes and then move. You'll
leave the wider area and go back into a narrow shaft. This shaft will bring you
directly to the final Hold.

ROUTE 3, THE BALCONIES - This is exactly the same as the last time, excpet the
guard isn't there, so it makes it easier. Just swing through thw Hold until you
reach the other side, jump up on to the balcony and go through the door.


ROUTE 1, THE FLOOR - You should enter Hold 3 through the bottom right hand door
of you've gone the way described. You'll have to take the three photos of Metal
Gear RAY in here. For the first one, simply move in between the camera tower
and the big crate to the right of it, and take a photo. Aim up a bit with the
camera and get as much of RAY as you can in the picture. For the next photo run
round to the left, past the camera tower and behind the Marines. You need to
take a picture from in between the two camera towers, there is a line on the
floor which is a good indicator as to where you should take the picture from.
For the next picture, stand in between the camera tower on the left and the
crate near it, similar to the other side. Get as much of RAY in the picture as
you can. For the final picture, run towards the top of the screen. There is a
guard up here, but you can just run behind him and he won't detect you. Go in
to the left of RAY, and on the side of it you should see MARINES written. Take
the photo, and head back to the computer terminal in the bottom right, near the
door you came in.

ROUTE 2, THE VENTS - Follow the vent until you reach a ladder, which reaches a
pole, so slide down. You'll be at the back right of RAY, so take the photo of
the MARINE emblem. Now just run back towards the bottom of the screen, staying
away from the guard who occasionally falls asleep, and use the method described
above to get the rest of the pictures.

ROUTE 3, THE BALCONIES - As soon as you enter the third and final Hold you'll
see a guard standing right in front of you. Tranquilize him, and run past him
until you see some poles going through a hole in the floor on the right. Slide
down the pole. You'll be fairly near the MARINE emblem on the right hand side
of RAY, so photo that first, then use the above methods to get the rest of the

Now watch the long, but very entertaining movie, and brace yourself for the
Second Chapter.


- In Hold No.1, there is a Marine near the front with no trousers on. Take a
photo of him from the vents for Otacon.
- Throw a Stun Grenade in the middle of the soldiers for the fun of it. You'll
be caught though, so only do it if you don't care about that.
- You can tranquilize the soldiers from behind.
- Kick a soldier in the back middle of the hall, and watch him knock over all
his comrades like dominoes. You'll be caught though.
- In Hold No.2, take a photo of the right hand screen. Theres a 30% chance the
ghost of Hideo Kojima, the man behind Metal Gear Solid 2, will appear. Show
it to Otacon and he'll get scared.
- Stand beside the two projectors and press the TRAINGLE button. You can switch
the screen the Marines are looking at. Do it several times and a movie show
-ing a Japanese model will come up. Keep doing it and the movie will come up
on both screens. You'll be discovered if you do this though.
- In Hold No.3, show all your weird photos to Otacon before you show him the
pictures of RAY.
- In Hold No.3, you can climb up behind the camera men on thier towers.
- If you came into the third Hold through the ventillation shafts, climb up on
the rasie platform and look out at the hall. You'll see an oddly dressed man.
Take a photo for Oatcon.
- If you knock out every single soldier with the M9, you can go up on the plat
-form and take a snap-shot of the Commandant. He'll also be delivering his
speech to a load of sleeping Marines.
- The second time you play through the game, none of the Marines except the
Commandant ill have any trousers on. Quite humorous, take a photo.



Here we go, the second chapter. Watch the movies and listen to the Codec con
-versations. Our old friend Colonel Campbell is back. You'll also notice Snake
sounds a bit different, could it be... no, a different person!!! You'll also
be assigned the new codename "Raiden". You have to infiltrate the "Big Shell"
offshore clean-up plant to stop the terrorist group Dead Cell. They have the
President of the USA held hostage.


Once you finally get control of the character, you'll find yourself in the Deep
Sea Dock. Run ahead to sea a little stairway going up, but to the right of it
there is a shaft to crwl into. It's surrounded by creepy-crawly insects. Zoom
in one one with you scope. In the shaft turn right, and get a RATION. Now head
back out and jump in the water. In the right hand corner about half way to the
bottom you can find a handy paur of THERMAL GOGGLES. Now re-surface and head
for the little fight of stairs. In the middle locker in front of you find an
-other RATION. There is a box of M9 AMMO on a crate to the right, but we havent
got the M9 yet. Now head through the door. Run through the corridor. As soon as
you enter the next area you'll notice a pair of guards who have been knocked
out, and a mysterious man looking very like Solid Snake going up in the lift.
You now have to log into a Node. You have to download the Radar maps from the
Node. Just go up to it and press TRIANGLE. Poor Raiden will take a bit fo a
shock, but he'll survive. Now you have to wait for the lift to come back down.
Over on the right hand side on some boxes you can find a RATION. Hide here, and
when the guard on the left wakes up his patrol route will go straight by you.
Once the lift arrives, and the guard has gone by you, dart into the lift as
quick as you can.

You'll finally see the man behind the mask, you'll get your first glimpse of
Raidens lovely face. And his nice white hair, can't forget that. but anyway,
listen to all the Codec converstaions and learn about the situation. The lift
is making for the roof, your next desination.


- Lie beside all the little insects for a while, and they will jump on you and
begin to eat your rations. It will take 20 mins for one to eat a ration, and
it will leave after eating 3 rations. To shake it off hold L2 and move your
LEFT ANALOGUE STICK quickly up and down.
- When entering your name into the Node, if you use the names of certain Konami
employees e.g. Hideo Kojima, you'll see their personal details.
- The name you enter in the Node will be seen on Raidens Dog Tag at the very
end of the game.
- If you enter todays date in the Node, it will think it's you brithday and
congratualte you.



Your objective here is just to make it into the main section of Strut-A. There
are a couple of items on the roof though. In the bottom left corner there's a
box of M9 AMMO, but we haven't got an M9. There's a BANDAGE on some crates in
the middle of the area. There's some CHAFF GRENADES in behind a locked gate on
the right, we can get those later. Head over to the left gate. Round to the
side of the locked door there's a hole in the fence, so crawl through. Now just
go in through the door.


Here your temporary objective is to get by the guard and log into the Node.
Remember we don't have a Radar here until we access the Node, so it won't be as
easy as it seems. Here's what do do though. There are a pair of partition walls
in front of the area the guard patrols. Press yourself against the one on the
left. Once the guard is all the way over on the right, knock on the wall. The
guard will come to investigate, now you just run around the left of the wall,
and straight over to the Node and download the Radar. There are a couple of
items in this area too, but there's only one you can pick up for now. You'll
notice a stairway on the right of the area. In the right hand locker beside the
stairs, there's a RATION to be found. Now climb the stairs and go out to get
the CHAFF GRENADES. Be careful though, as there's a guard on the roof now. You
now have to go to the AB Connecting Bridge. Just go out the door on the left
of the Node. The door to the right leads to the FA Connecting Bridge, so don't
go there.


There are a pair of guards keeping watch over this bridge, and you have to find
a way by them. Remember you're unarmed, so combat is not an option. The way to
go is swing over the rail and move to the other side by swinging left. It's
easier to get by the guard on the left hand side. So run down to the left hand
corner once the guard turns around and heads back the other way, and jump over
the rail. Now swing left as far as you can go. Once the guard heads back the
other direction on his patrol, jump back up to the bridge and head for Strut-B,
but be careful, you have to cross a grille on the ground on your way. Either
walk of jump over it. Now enter Strut-B.


As soon as you enter Strut-B and take but a few steps in, you'll see a _lot_
of blood all over the place, and muffled screams of desperate men. Watch the
movie as the super-human Vamp, a knife wielding uber-acrobatic lunatic, deci
-mates the SEAL team. He then turns his attention to you, nimbly jumping right
over your head, preparing to suck your blood. Could this be the untimely demise
of Raiden? Nah, The man who looks very like Solid Snake saves you. He calls
himself Iriquois Pliskin, and tells you he's a SEAL. He also tells you that he
entered the Big Shell via chopper, but the insect that scuttles awat from under
his leg suggests he came in the same way you did. He gives you a packet of
CIGARETTES, and a SOCOM. Finally, a weapon!

Your new objective now is to head for Strut-C. Before you do this, log into the
Node to get the Radar map of the Area. Take the SOCOM AMMO from beside the Node
and notice how Pliskin drifts in and out of an uneasy sleep. Now just head for
the BC Connecting Bridge.


- Aim your gun at Pliskin and see his response. He even responds like this if
you do it to him while he sleeps.
- You can shoot him or punch and kick him, but he will retaliate.
- Want to get a look into Pliskins head? If you Codec him when he's asleep, you
will be able to see his nightmares.
- If you have shoot Pliskin or attacked him in any way, and he has attcked
back, call the Colonel by Codec to receive a lecture.



This event is pretty just a movie, and you don't really have to take much of
an active role. You'll be introduced to "Lady Luck", or Fortune. She, for some
unknown reason, can't be hit by a bullet, they swerve around her. She also
carries a Rail Gun, similar to the one on Metal Gear REX from Metal Gear Solid.
With a few well aimed shot from this she takes out the SEAL team, along with
half of the bridge. Vamp comes out and takes away a man who was unconscious at
Fortunes feet, he turns out to be the President himself. Once the scene is over
and you have control of Raiden again, go to the spot where the bridge was des
-troyed and take the CHAFF GRENADES. Now go straight into Strut-C.


There'll be a little flower arrangement in front of you as you enter Strut-C,
and a bathroom on the left and another on the right.In the bathroom on the
left, check the middle cubicle for some SOCOM AMMO. In the bathroom on the
right, the very left cubicle holds a PENTAZEMIN, while the very right cubicle
holds M9 AMMO. We can get that later.

Head out of the bathroom and down the corridor. The first door you come across
is locked, so head in the second one you see. You'll meet explosives expert
Peter Stillman. Raiden is suspicious of him at first, but Pliskin arrives and
tells Raiden he's an ally. Pliskin will tell you how Fatman, comrade of Vamp
and Fortune in Dead Cell, has planted several bombs around the Big Shell. You
and Pliskin will now have to disarm the bombs to save the Big Shell from being
blown sky high. Stillman gives you the SENSOR A, the COOLANT SPRAY, and a CARD
KEY LEVEL 1 to help you find and disarm the bombs. He'll explain you have to
freeze the bombs with the COOLANT to put them out of action. You have to tackle
the bombs on Shell 1, while Pliskin heads for Shell 2.

If you press the START button you'll see an overview of the Big Shell. There
will be quite a large "B" on the struts that still have armed bombs in them, so
you know where you have to go. The SENSOR A will show up a large yellow area
on the Radar, the bomb is in this area. Once you get close to the bomb you'll
hear a beebing noise, so once you hear this noise look around in FPV in all

Now just go find the Node in this area. It's over on the left hand side of the
Dining Hall, make sure to download the Radar map before you go search for the
bomb in this strut. You wouldn't want to have to search for a bomb in the dark
now would you.

The first bomb is in one of the toilets we explored earlier. It's the left hand
toilet, and the bomb is situated on the wall just above the mirrors. Stand to
the very left of the mirror, equip the COOLANT SPRAY and look up. Fire the
spray at the bomb, you should see it's little flashing green light turn orange,
and then red. The bomb will also clearly freeze over. Now it's time to search
the rest of Shell 1 for bombs.


- In the mens toilet, stand in front of a urinal for a few moments, the leave.
It will flush automatically. If you stand in front of the dryer it will also
trun on by itself.
- Use the COOLANT to spray insects around the light, and use it to spray the
mirrors as well. The insects will leave, and the mirrors will frost over.
- If you shoot the mirrors, they will shatter, and chunks of glass will fall
out from where the bullet hit.
- Go into the womens toilet and contact Pliskin via Codec.
- Equip a RATION and contact Pliskin. Do this many times, he'll give you some
info and Raiden will make an interestinf confession.
- In the kitchen area, all the pots and pans can be clanged, and all the cond
-iments can be shot.
- Go up to the door the Stillman nas hidden behind and knock on it a few times
to annoy him.
- Within one minute of regaining control after meeting Stillman get to the CD
Connecting bridge. You'll see an unconscious guard and Pliskin making his
way across the bridge. Try shooting him.



You will encounter your first Cypher on this bridge. You have to shoot them
down really, because not only will they attract unwanted attention, they will
also shoot at you themselves. The Cypher in question here only has a short
patrol route, moving up and down the left hand side of the bridge. Just equip
your SOCOM and shoot at the base of the Cypher. It will blow up, so that's
always helpful. You can also use a CHAFF GRENADE to temporarily disable it. I
would just shoot it though. Now just head for Strut-B, it's plain sailing.


The bomb here is pretty tough to get at bacause there are a pair of guards
watching over this area. I wouldn't advise shooting either of the guards, the
noise will just alert more guards. It would be wiser to choke the guards to
death if they get in the way. If you don't want to kill them, grab them by the
neck and press the SQUARE button about 5 times and the guard will fall down,
unconscious, but not dead.

When you enter the area, you'll be in a corridor that goes around the Trans
-former room. Choke the guard in the corridor when his patrol route takes him
away from you and his back is turned. Now take either door into the Transform
-er room, but look out for the guard patroling. His route takes him all the
way around the room, going full circle, so it shouldn't be very hard to sneak
up on him. The bomb is situated in the very top right of the room. It is behind
the open door of some sort of cupboard, just close the door to find the bomb.
Spray it with the COOLANT to be on your merry way. Head for the AB Connecting,
go out the top door of the Transformer room and it should be just to the left.


Both guards move now, remember one stayed still and looked around before? The
way to get by is the same as earlier, you have to jump over the rail and swing
by. When the guards are at the far end, away from you, just jump over and start
to swing right. Once you reach the other end, or are in behind the guards, jump
back up and make a break for Strut-A. Once again watch out for the metal grille
that will make noise if you run on it. Just walk over.


There are a pair of guards watching over this area. The one we encountered
earlier on, and another in the room with the bomb in it. The door you want to
get in is opposite the stairs on the right. There's a guard in here, so take
him down with a choke hold. Go all the way to the small flight of stairs on the
right, and crawl under some pipes to claim CARDBOARD BOX 1. Now head for the
small set of steps on the right. You'll see the bomb is somewhere in the middle
of this mess of pipes, so begin to make your way towards the middle. You'll
find a BANDAGE towards the left hand side of the area, now go back until you
see a brown pipe. Crawl towards the bottom of the screen, under the pipe to
gain access to the bomb. I wonder how Fatman fit in here... hmmmm... But anyway
freeze the bomb and head back out of this area. Now head for the FA Connecting
bridge, it's to the right of the Node.


This bridge is protected by a Cypher and a patrolling guard. The bridge is also
on two seperate levels, the guard is on the bottom, and the Cypher is on the
top. The guards patrol route takes him to the top very briefly though. The way
to go is go down to the bottom at the first set of steps. Wait under cover here
until until the guard's patrol route takes him back to the upper level, and run
to Strut-F. If you want to take your time there are some CHAFF GRENADES on the
lower level, you just have to go left when you get down the stairs.


The first thing you'll want to do here is to access the Node to bring up the
Radar map. If you came through the lower level, the Node is in a room to the
right, away from the main Warehouse area. First of all, go into corner view at
the boxes right in foront of you as you come in. Watch the guards from here and
wait for the guard to come down from the lower level to check that everything
is ok. Once he's gone back up, and the guard patrolling the lower level has his
back turned, and run into the small passageway to the right. There are a pair
of doors here, the one on the left contains the Node. Along with the Node there
is a PENTAZEMIN in a locker, a BOOK, and the CARDBOARD BOX 2. There is also a
little ventilation shaft in this room, so crawl in. Follow it around a few
corners and when you come out, get the SOCOM AMMO, and the SOCON SUPRESSOR.
Equip the SOCOM SUPRESSOR right away, you can now shoot things quietly! Crawl
back through the shaft and go out the door. At the bottom of the little passage
are some CHAFF GRENADES, now head in the other door. Take the MINE DETECTOR,
there is also some M9 AMMO under the shelves, but we have no M9 yet.

Now that the Radar is back online, we can go for the bomb. I would advise you
kill or knock out the guard patrolling here with the SOCOM or a choke-hold. He
is just a nuisance. You can also find SOCOM AMMO and STUN GRENADES in the main
lower area, The grenades are surrounded on three sides by boxes near the top
of the screen, the ammo is on top of a box on the left hand side. The bomb it
-self is behind a fortress of crates on the lower level, all the way over to
the right hand side. You can't access it from the lower level, so you'll have
to go to the higher level and jump down. Wait for the guard whose patrol route
takes him to the lower level comes down, and just follow him back up the stairs
quietly. You can't knock out this guard because he makes regular contact with
the command centre, they will send re-inforcements if he's late with his check

Wait at the first corner and look for the other guard on the top level with
the Radar. Once you find him, feel free to kill him or knock him out. Make sure
you hide his body though away from the eyes of his comrade. Now you have to go
for the bomb. You see the big metal bar hanging across the top of the room? It
might be a crane, I dunno, but go to the very left hand side of it. From here
jump over the rail, and hit the X button to let go. You should be on top of the
crates surrounding the bomb, so just jump down and freeze the bomb. If you go
back up to the top and use the same method you can get to a BOOK. Back up on
the top level you may notice a pair of rooms at the very south of the area. The
right room in locked but in the left room you can find the M9 and some M9 AMMO,
finally you can knock out guards from a distance! Now just head for the EF
Connecting bridge, the door is on the upper level.


This bridge is guarded by a lot of CLAYMORES, and a guard. The guard is up
above the level of the bridge, and he watches the bridge with a scope. What you
have to do is knock him out, so shoot him with the M9. Look at him with your
SCOPE first to be sure of him postition. Once he's knocked out run towards the
towards the middle of the bridge. A person calling themself "Mr. X" will call
you on the Codec telling you there are mines on the bridge. Equip your MINE
DETECTOR and just crawl over the mines to pick them up. You can get seven CLAY
-MORE MINES from the bridge. Now just head through the other side to get to


A pair of guards watch over this area. What we want to do first is get to the
Node, but it shouldn't be hard to get to without being seen. The Node is posi
-tioned along the northern wall of the Parcel Room, over on the right hand side
so go there first. There is another box of SOCOM AMMO just to the left of the
Node so you might want to take that as well. Just south of the Node, on a small
platform you can find CARDBOARD BOX 5, it has a Zone of the Enders logo on it.
There is another box of SOCOM AMMO in the top left corner of the room, the
other side of the room from the Node. As for the guard to the bottom of the
room, you can knock him out. There is a box of M9 AMMO just to the left of the
boxes in the middle of the room, and some STUN GRENADES under the conveyor belt
to the north.

Now to look for the bomb. On your way into the middle of the room, you passed
a flight of stairs. Head for them and go up.


- Once you get the CARDBOARD BOX 5, go to the very bottom of the room. You'll
see attatched to the conveyor belt on the left. Jump up here and equip your
box. The conveyor belt will slowly stop. Once it does, jump on, still with
the box equipped. You'll be brought to a room which you would need a Level 5
security card to get to, in here you'll find a DIGITAL CAMERA.
- In this room there is also a mini Easter Island statue, go in between the
conveyor belt and the crates, and face the top of the room in FPV. Use R2 to
lean left, and you should see it in between the crates and the wall. Take a



As you enter the Heliport you'll see Olga, and hear her talk about a man who
she saw dressed in a Ninja suit. You'll try and stop her, but she pulls off a
little flip over the rails and dissappears.

There are three guards up here, and between them they have the roof pretty much
covered. The containers offer good hiding though, you can go around any side of
them to avoid enemy eyes, or you go go underneath them if you want. From the
top of the stairs CARDBOARD BOX 3 is waiting for you over to the right beside
a container. I would advise you to knock out all the guards in the area, just
so you can move about freely. There is ample cover so this shouldn't be too
tough. Once you have that done equip the MINE DETECTOR because there are some
CLAYMORE MINES up here, so just crawl over them to pick them up.

Now onto the search for the bomb. It's situated under the Harrier at the north
-ern end of the Heliport. Equip SENSOR A to see this. The bomb can be found
around the middle of the Harrier underneath it so you'll have to crawl on the
ground to get to it. Once it's put out of action, just get up and head back to
the Parcel Room.


- You can throw guards over the edge into the sea, it isn't automatic though.
Just get close to the edge and turn around so the guard is pointing towards
the edge. If you're close enough he should go over the edge.



You just need to get to the DE Connecting bridge now, which is in the top left
of the Parcel Room. The safest way is to just crawl towards the top of the room
so you're covered from the guards. Once you reach the door just go out to reach
the bridge.


This bridge is watched over by a guard on high with a pair of binoculars, and
another guard patrols near the far end of the bridge. Wait for the guard who
is just watching to look away from the bridge, and go down the first set of
stairs you come to. Go back in the direction you enetered the bridge from to
find some SOCOM AMMO and a box of STUN GRENADES. Now wait for the guard who is
patrolling at the far end to come back to the lower part of the bridge and send
him to sleep with the M9. Now run to the far end of the bridge and access Strut
-D through the lower door.


By coming in through the lower door you should be right beside the Node when
you enter the Sediment Pool. Download the Radar map, and equip SENSOR A. There
are a trio of guards patrolling the area, the one on the lowest level contacts
the command centre every now and again so if you knock him out or kill him they
will send re-inforcements, so don't touch him. The other two you can kill or do
whatever you want. The bomb is way over on the fall side of the hall. Once you
come across a hatch in the floor Colonel Campbell will contact you and tell you
that you can open these, giveing you a clue as to where the bomb might be. Just
get over to the far side of the hall, the bomb is under a hatch on the lowest
level. Go up a level from the bomb, and just a bit further on from where you
found it you can get some SOCOM AMMO. In the central platform you can find a
RATION. There is some PSG1 AMMO beside the Node, but you don't have the PSG1.
There is also some M9 AMMO on the lowest level just behind a stairway near the
bomb. You now have to exit the area from the CD Connecting bridge as you can't
open the other door. The exit is the door furthest from where you entered.

You will have learned by now that Fatman has planted another bomb that really
has the potential to take down the Big Shell. Stillman tells you he has left
another sensor, SENSOR B, in the pantry where he was hiding. That's your next


There is a surveillance camera directly above you to the right as you enter the
next area. Whip out your SOCOM and shoot it out. There's a soldier on the top
path of this bridge, so rather than go near him lets just take the lower path.
The plates in the floor will fall into the sea s you run over them, so don't
hesitate. Once you get across, go up the stairs and go back into Strut-C.


There are two guards here that weren't there before, one patrols the dining
area, the other around the bathrooms and the corridor outside the dining area.
Both have very long patrol routes, so they shouldn't be too hard to tackle. Go
straight into the dining area where you were before, and look in the pantry
Stillman hid in. You'll find CENSOR B. As soon as you get it you'll have a
Codec conversation with Stillman and Pliskin, and a count-down will start. You
have 400 seconds to reach the Deep Sea Dock in Strut-A. Start off by going
for the BC Connecting Bridge. There's a box of M9 AMMO in the bathroom on the
right in the extreme right cubicle. Knock out the guard or whatever you want
down here, and go out to the bridge.


There is just a Cypher watching this bridge, so shoot it down with the SOCOM
and head for the other end of the bridge, and into Strut-B.


All you want to do here is get to the AB Connecting bridge. There is a guard in
the Transformer Room itself, and another in the corridor outside. Just knock
out the one in the corridor with your M9, run down the corridor, turn at the
bottom and go through the door. It couldn't be much easier.


Take a few steps onto the bridge, and get a good look at either one of the
guards. Make sure you're out of view, and shoot one in the head with the M9.
Now just run around the side of the bridge with the knocked out guard and go
straight into Strut-A.


Run through the Pump Room towards the stairs to the roof. Make sure the guard
in the computer area doesn't see you. Now go up the stairs to reach the roof.


Another piss easy section, wait until the guard patrolling up here is looking
somewhere else and run onto the lift. It should activate automatically and
bring you down to the Deep Sea Dock.


Equip SENSOR B as soon as you get down here. You won't be able to see the bomb
on the Radar, but you will hear a beep if you get near it. You should have
loads of time now before the bomb explodes, so we can quickly look for some
items. There is a RATION to the right of the room as you come down in the lift,
some SOCOM AMMO to the left opposite the ration, and some more SOCOM AMMO in
behind the group of crates in the centre of the room.

Now go through the door in the bottom left, through the passage-way, and into
the next area. The bomb is attatched to the bottom of the little submarine. It
can be a bit hard to get at if you don't know what your doing, so here's what
to do. Approach the little pool, and make your way around the far side of it.
You'll see a gap in the rails on the far side. Move as close to the edge of the
water as you can, but be careful, if you go to close Raiden will jump in. Once
you're close to the edge kneel down using the X button. You should see the bomb
stuck to the bottom of the sub, so equip the COOLANT SPRAY, and spray it till
it goes offline. Now you have to head back for the lift to reach the upper
level of Strut-A. Once you get into the area with the lift Fortune will descend
looking for Pliskin. She finds you instead, and starts a fight. Get ready for
the second boss.

**** HARD NOTE ****

I have got a huge number of mails about this, so it's time to clear things up.
On Hard mode, the bomb moves to the rear of the submarine, and instead of being
underneath the sub it's on the side. Some people seem to have a bit of trouble
reaching this, but it isn't hard if you think about it.

What you have to do is get into the area that houses the deep sea diving suits,
so press yourself against the rail at the edge of the water, and flip over. Now
swing right into the caged off area, Raidens legs will trail in the water while
you swing. Now hop up, go round to the little steps, go close to the edge, and
spray away.

**** END OF HARD NOTE ****


This fight is unique, as you can't hurt Fortune, the objective here is simply
to survive. Fortunes life bar is tiny, only a shot or two would bring her down,
but she's immune to any attack you throw at her. Fortune seems bent on blowing
things up, and the crates and boxes in the area can and will hev the crap blown
out of them by her huge Rail Gun (like Metal Gear REX's one).

Use the big container on the right and the stack of crates on the right as your
main cover. The best bet is to move back and forth between them. If Fortune
manages to hit one of the metal barrels a flammable liquid will start to spread
on the ground. If your near it when the next shot is fired it will burst into
flames, and so will you. There isn't too much to say about this fight except
don't stay in the same place for too long as your cover will be destroyed. Keep
moving between the crates on the left and right. If the top of a crate is des
-troyed, crouch down for a few shots, and then get up and move to the other
side. Eventually the lift will come down, and the Colonel will contact you via
Codec, signalling the end of the fight.


The fight is slightly harder in these difficulties because it takes far fewer
shots to take out crates and boxes. Start off by using the right hand crate
exclusively. Wait until the top of it is completely gone, if there is an oil
spill on the ground make sure you move away from it. Once the top of crate is
gone then crouch down and wait for the bottom of the crate to be destroyed.
When it's gone, move to the left hand set of crates and do the exact same thing
until the left hand crates are gone. When all the cover is gone, just keep
running back and forth between the right and left hand wall rolling all the
time. Eventually the lift will come down, and the Colonel will contact you via


Watch the scene at the end of the fight, you'll manage to shoot Vamp right in
the forehead, albeit by accident. You'll head back up in the lift only to be
landed on by another countdown. Apparently Fatman, the mad bomber, has asked
for you personally to get to the roof of Strut-E within 500 seconds or esle he
will blow up the Big Shell. So get in the lift and go to the Strut-A roof.


The enterances to the Pump Room have been booby trapped with CLAYMORES, so no
matter which one you go to simply crawl to the door from the open gates to
collect a pair of CLAYMORE MINES. It's quicker to go to the door on the right
because you have to go to the FA Connecting Bridge.


There are two guards watching this area. One is in the way of the door to the
FA Connecting Bridge. Just knock him out with the M9 when his back is turned
and go by his sleeping body to the door.


A single guard patrols this two leveled bridge, his patrol route takes him onto
both levels. As soon as you get on the bridge go down the first set of steps,
and run down the bridge when the guard goes up to the top level.


You just have to get through the warehouse to the EF Connecting Bridge. There
are 3 guards patrolling the area, and have fairly long patrol routes. Go right
across the lower level as soon as you come in, making sure you stay out of the
view of the soldier on this level. Go up the stairs and staying away from enemy
eyes go for the door to the EF Bridge.


It will be extremely handy if you have already done away with all the CLAYMORE
MINES on the bridge, they can only hinder your progress now. Like before, get
rid of the guard who is looking down on the bridge, find out where he is using
your scope and then tranquilize him. Now you should have a clear path to the
other side, if the mines are still there just crawl across. You should have
ample time.


Just leg it straight to the stairs here to get to the Heliport. If you don't
feel comfortable doing this, tranquilize the guard near to the stairway, and
then run up. Either way you should reach the Heliport with loads of time left
on that clock.


As soon as you get up the stairs to the Heliport you should see some SOCOM AMMO
lying on the gorung right in front of you. Grab it, and now head for the C4
bomb that has been planted on the ground at the northern end of the Heliport.
Note that the Harrier is gone, how ominous. Anyway, freeze the bomb to be int
-roduced to the source of your explosive woes, Fatman himself.


Listen to Fatmans little rant about how he wants to go down in history as the
man who beat Peter Stillman. Raiden pisses him off by calling him a common
criminal, and that he was nothing compared to Stillman, go Raiden! But anyway
Fatman decides to play a little game with you, where he plants a bomb, and you
find and disarm it before it goes off in your face. This guy really will bring
down the Big Shell. It also seems he has been kept in the dark by the rest of
the Dead Cell team and is working on his own. Anyway, to the fight...

For the first part of the fight have SENSOR A and the COOLANT SPRAY equipped.
Use the R2 button to quickly equip and un-equip the COOLANT, as you can't
move with it equipped. Now just run around after Fatman and disarm the bombs
he sets. He will set about 4, and they usually go on the side of containers.
The big yellow smudge on the Radar gives you a fair idea as to where they are.

Eventually he will stop planting his bombs, and take out a gun. It fires pretty
quickly, so normally a couple of bullets will hit you at a time. Now whip out
your SOCOM and chase him. He moves quite quickly, and his suit protects him
from bullets, but he tires out quite easily, and will stop to catch his breath
every now and again. Once he stops, go up to him and shoot him as much as you
can and he should fall over. Once he gets back up onto his hands and knees run
up close to him and shoot him in the head to do lots of damage.

When Fatman starts to fire at you start jumping around by using the X button
while running to dodge the best part of it. This is also a good way to dodge
when the fat bastard tries to run you over. Every now and again Fatman will try
to set down another bomb, so it is wise to keep the SENSOR A equipped. If you
stay close to him he won't have too much of a chance to lay down bombs.


This fight isn't all that different, Fatman will still use the same type of
attacks, but he will lay a few more bombs down. You should also use CLAYMORE
MINES to throw him off his skates. If you manage to shoot him in the skates
he will fall over and give you an excellent chance to shoot him in the head.
It's a lot more important to dodge his gunfire this time because it will do so
much more damage to you. Just chase after him with the SOCOM and you should do
fine. Always be on the move.


Once the fight is over he will waffle some more, and then set another bomb's
timer going. You have 140 seconds to find the bomb, but luckily for you it's
very close by. All you have to do is pick up Fatman by hitting the SQUARE
button beside him, and drag him away. The bomb is underneath him, so feeze it
quickly, and all your bomb troubles are over, pheeeew.


- If you shoot any seagulls out of the sky, Fatman can fall over their dead
- If Fatman stops moving the gulls land on his head, it looks quite funny.


After the fight go back down the stairs and you'll encounter a new character,
the man who called himself "Mr. X". He looks remarkably like the Ninja from
MGS, but he died, so who could this mysterious character be? Anyway he gives
you some useful info, not to mention some good items too. You now have to find
a person called Ames, who was with the president. He's being held hostage in
the Shell 1 Core. The Ninja also gives you the B.D.U. (Body Disguise Uniform)
so you can dress as an enemy soldier, a CARD KEY LEVEL 2, and a PHONE. It's now
time to make your way to the Shell 1 Core. Start off by going back to the lower
level of Strut-E.


You'll find youself back in the Parcel Room again, it's exactly the same as it
was the last time you were here except you can find some AKS-74u AMMO in bet
-ween the conveyor belt at the bottom and the stack of boxes in the middle. You
don't have that weapon yet however. So leave through the EF Connecting Bridge.


This is the bridge you use to access the core of Shell 1, but before we do that
let's head to the Warehouse in Strut F, that CARD KEY LEVEL 2 lets you access a
lot more of the area, and get a lot more items.


In the room upstairs nearest the stairs heading down you can find three lots
of C4 EXPLOSIVES, and some CLAYMORE MINES on crates and in lockers, so take the
lot. In the very right hand room upstairs you can get an M4, and tow lots of
M4 AMMO. This room has a C4 trap in it though, so shoot the control box, it's
on top of a locker to the left.

Now downstairs there's a lot more stuff to get. In the large room in the very
north of the lower level you can find (as you go in the right hand door) some
M4 AMMO in front of you as you enter, the AKS-74u in the top right hand corner,
Some SOCOM AMMO in the top centre of the room, AKS-74u AMMO in the top left
corner, and two more boxes of AKS-74u AMMO in the lower central part of the
room, in between two large crates on the ground. Now you can head for the
Core, through the EF Connecting Bridge.


Equip yourself with the B.D.U. and the AKS-74u and you'll be able to move about
free as the breeze. All the guards will just think you're one of them. You'll
come up a small flight of steps as you enter the first floor, turn to the left
here. Go through thr door to see a partition wall on the right. In behind here
there's a Node in the top right corner, some CHAFF GRENADES on the crates in
the middle of the room, and some M4 and M9 AMMO on the crates in the left hand
side of the room. Now go back out and look in the lockers opposite this little
area. In the right hand locker you'll find some C4, and a BOOK in the locker
neside it. Then skip a locker, and in the next one you'll find some CLAYMORE
MINES. Now head on through the next door, follow the corridor to the right, and
when you see a turn to the left, go down to find dome SOCOM AMMO. Now head out
and follow the passage around to the elevator. Choose to go to the floor B2,
and the elevator will bring you down.


- If there is a guard near you, knock on a locker to lure him over, then leave,
and watch.
- If you hide in a locker you will you will attract the attention of a guard,
but the alarm won't go off.
- Call the Colonel many times on the Codec to see what happens.
- Call Pliskin a couple of times as you enter, he'll comment on a few things
and you'll be reminded of Meryl.



You don't really have to worry about the guards in this area, as you are basic
-ally on of them. All you have to do is get the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE and go
back to B1. There are a couple of other items to collect though. First of all
when you come out of the elevator go round to Raidens right hand side. Go in
through the door and down the steps, and down the passage beside the Computer
Room. You'll see some lockers on the right, the one on the right holds a box of
M4 AMMO. The second locker from the left holds some SOCOM AMMO, and the locker
on the extreme right has some BOOKS on top of it, simply attack the locker with
your fists to get them down. Now head round to the opposite side of the area
and find the M9 AMMO in a locker.

Now go back into the Computer Room itself. There's a bandage under the central
table, and the CARDBOARD BOX 4 and some AKS-74u AMMO in the little room in the
top right. You'll also find a Node here too. Over in the top left of the room
you'll find the coveted DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE. You can now mosey back up to
level B1.


- There are posters of Konami games such as "Policenauts", "Zone of the Enders"
and "Metal Gear - Ghost Babel" in the Computer Room.
- Try firing a few shots at the Parrots cage, it seems to have the same defense
as Fortune does, bullets can't get near it.
- Fire the COOLANT SPRAY at the Parrot to make it talk.
- Aim the DIERECTIONAL MICROPHONE at the bird, and press TRIANGE. Raiden will
ask it a question. Do this over and over again and the Parrot will eventually
repeat the question you ask it.
- Look at the Parrot in FPV and call Rose on the Codec.
- The guard in the bottom of the room is running back and forth between some
computers, follow him and see what he's looking at.



Go in the door to the right of the lift to find the Node, and a RATION in the
left hand locker. Run round to the little room at the other end of the area
to find some SOCOM AMMO in the third from right locker, and some STUN GRENADES
in the extreme right locker. You can see a Charlies Angels poster on the wall
of this room, a guard is staring at it. There is also some M4 AMMO out in the
hall. On your way round you would have seen the guard stuck his face in the
retinal scanner to access the B1 Hall, so when the guard comes round on patrol
go up behind him and grab him by the neck in a choke hold, and drag him over to
the scanner. If he starts to struggle, just hit the SQUARE button to apply a
bit more pressure. You'll automatically put his head into the scanner, and the
door into the hall will open. Now to find Ames...


This hall holds about 25 hostages and one patrolling guard. Don't knock him out
or anything because he calls back to the command centre every few seconds.
Re-inforcements will be sent immediately if you do anything to him. Placing a
BOOK on the ground works very well though to divert his attention, so try that
if you want. You can find a RATION in the bottom right corner of the room, a
BANDAGE in the bottom left, and the THERMAL GOGGLES will be upon the platform
to the left of the room if you haven't already aquired them. Now to find Ames.

You can find Ames in the bottom left hand corner of the room. He is sitting
with his back to one fo the little tables, and there are no other people around
him. When you point the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE at him you should hear his heart
beat along with a little beeping noise. Once you hear that hit the TRIANGLE
button to talk to him.

Ames gives you a lot of information considering the "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo", and how
he was sent by them to keep the president uder tabs. As it turns out the Pres
-ident is cooperating with the terrorists who have taken over the Big Shell,
and they intent to launch a Nuke at Manhatten. He also reveals to you that the
Tanker incident two years ago was staged just to set up the Big Shell, which is
actually being used to develop a new Metal Gear. You'll now use your D.MIC to
eavesdrop on a converstaion between Revolver Ocelot and the man who claims to
be Solid Snake. You can see their outline through the wall, so keep moving the
D.MIC around to keep the volume up. Once the conversation is over Ocelot will
come into the hall Ames will give you the CARD KEY LEVEL 3, and Ocelot will
come into the hall. You'll have about 10 seconds to equip your AKS-74u.

Ames will promply die of what seems to be a heart attack, but he manages to
squeeze out a few last words about how he understands now. Ocleot will order
you to be unmasked now, it looks like you've been found out! But the Ninja will
drop from the ceiling to save you ass, and you can make an escape.


- Equip SENSOR A, and look for a big red smudge on the Radar, it should be in
the top right corner. As this censor picks up smells, I wonder what this
place might be? The toilet...?! No!
- Spray the COOLANT at the hostages and they'll get scared, the same will
heppen if you attack them.
- There is a hostage in the bottom right of the room, he's a man, if you walk
to close to him he will trip you up.
- There is only one woman in the whol bunch who you could call young, find her,
you can have great fun with her...
- If you point the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE at her and press the L3 button,
Raiden will start calling out some numbers, he's guessing her measurements.
- If you press the TRIANGLE button, Raiden will also find out her name, the
only other hostage you can name except Ames.
- If you watch her you'll notice that she opens her legs every now and again,
if you crawl under the table she'll close them. Shoot her with the M9, and
she'll open them again after a while. Take a photo or something you pervert.
- While listening in on Ocelot and "Solid Snake" through the wall, turn the
mic. towards the bathroom.



You have to get to Shell-2 now to find the President, but first you have to get
out of the Shell-1 Core. When you come out of the Hall, the area outside the
lift is guarded by only a single guard, so ait until he has gone by the lift
and run over, call the lift, and go up to 1F.


You just have to make your way back to the door you came in from, and out
across the bridge. The easiset thing to do is take the direct route there, and
any guards who get in the way should just be tranquilized. Now just head for
the door, there's some SOCOM AMMO and M9 AMMO on the way, be sure to grab it.


You have been on this bridge many, many times before, so you should now what
to do. All the plates in the floor that fell out the last time you ran across
should be back now, but they will fall out again. All the CLAYMORE MINES on the
main part of the bridge should be long gone, so don't worry about them. The
guard above watching with the binoculars is still there, so knock him out with
the M9. Now head for Strut-F.


Now that you've obatined the CARD KEY LEVEL 3 you can finally empty out the
Warehouse. It holds a load of new weapons for you, more powerful than any you
have now. Since you've cleared out the lower level, head to the upper one.
As you come up the stairs follow the passage around, and there are doors on
the right and left. The on on the right has a CLAYMORE MINE, while the one on
the left has the RGB6, which is a grenade launcher, and two boxes of RGB6 AMMO.
It also has a box of PSG1-T AMMO, but we'll come back for that in a minute.
From the right room head down, and turn to Raidens right. In the room here
you can find two boxes of M4 AMMO. In the room on the opposite side of the area
from this one you can find a PSG1 (sniper rifle, wuhoo!), and two boxes of PSG1
AMMO, check the lockers. There's also a little shaft on the right hand side, it
contains a PSG1-T, a sniper rifle which tranquilizes enemies. Its also equipped
with a supressor, which the PSG1 isn't. Now you can go back up for the PSG1-T
AMMO we couldn't pick up earlier if you want. Now go to the very south of the
area, and in the room on the left you can find some PSG1 AMMO, PSG1-T AMMO and
three boxes of GRENADES. Now it's time to be on our way to Shell-2. Go for the
EF Connecting Bridge again, and run across it, couldn't be easier.


Just wait for the guards to look away and run by them. Make sure you get any
items left in this room, as I don't think you'll be back here for a while. Most
of the items are in the centre of the room, so stun the guard in here and look
around. Once you've done this just crawl to the door for the DE Connecting
Bridge and exit. For this bridge, both guards are on the lower level so just
run across unnoticed.


There are three doors on this area, the one you're looking for is the one in
the middle, between the two other doors. The route should be perfectly clear
on Normal mode, so run stright there and your shiney nex CARD KEY LEVEL 3 will
get you in. I would advise you to save your game here.


This bridge has been absolutely laced with Semtex, and if you trip even one of
the Sensors guarding the bridge, it means bye-bye. You'll have to shoot out a
total of 10 control boxes that are strapped to the explosives before it's safe
to move out on to the bridge. So equip your PSG1, and have your PENTAZEMIN at
hand, it gives you a steadier hand while shooting.

The first two boxes are just at the bottom of the stairs in front of you, they
are given away by the green flashing light, so take them both out. The third is
above the door you came in, how cunningly hidden. The fourth is on the big tank
right in front of you, and the fifth is on the wall to the left of the door on
the very far side. The next on is on a Cypher flying about above you, this can
be a bit hard to get. If you shoot the Cypher itself by accident it's game over
so be careful. There's another to the right of the door to Strut-G, and another
on the left hand branch of the bridge. The second last one is behind a "Sons
of Liberty" flag over to the left of the door, and the last one is covered by
some gulls on the right hand side. Fire at the wall or something to get rid of
the birds.

Once you've gotten rid of all of the control boxes Pliskin and his partner
Otacon will show up in a helicopter they've robbed to get the hostages off the
Big Shell. After they leave you'll see a man standing in the doorway of Strut-F
who tell's you he's Solid Snake. Pliskin now returns in a rage, and tries to
kill this man from the helicopter, you'll now see he's actually Solidus Snake,
brother of Liquid and Solid Snake. He adresses Pliskin as "brother", is Pliskin
is Pliskin really who he say he is? Anyway Vamp will now arrive in the Harrier
that went missing earlier, and Pliskin throws you the STINGER MISSILE LAUNCHER
and some STINGER AMMO. You have to shoot that Harrier down...


Quickly equip yourself with the STINGER LAUNCHER. What you have to do here is
to shoot the Harrier down before it can kill you or kill the chopper Pliskin
and Otacon are in. The Harrier is represented by a little red arrow on the
Radar, always look for this and point yourself towards it. Once you're locked
on, shoot. Once you've doe this, run. The Harrier has a number of different
attacks, here are some descriptions.

CLOSE RANGE MACHINE GUN FIRE - If he comes quite close you and hovers a bit
away from the bridge he's getting ready to attack from close range with his
guns. Move to the lower level of the bridge to avoid.

LONG RANGE MACHINE GUN FIRE - This is like a fly-by shooting, he will start
very far away from the bridge and constantly fire at you until he passes you
by. You should be able to get a quick shot in with the STINGER here, once your
donw run around and flip lots.

MISSILES WITH WARNING - If you hear a beeping noise, and the jet is pretty
far away from you you should go staright to the lower level to dodge.

MISSILES WITHOUT WARNING - You'll see a flash when it fires these missiles,
turnin the direction of the Harrier and you should be able to shoot them down.
Try to get a shot in at the Harrier now too.

ENGINE BURNING ATTACK - He'll hover above you in the Harrier, because that's
what Harriers can do, and try and burn you with the engines. Not a very good
move on his part at all, so you should get about 3 hits in on him here, all
from close range for a bit of extra damage I suppose.

HUGE MISSILE ATTACK - This is the most powerful attack in the jet's arsenal,
and he will attack with it when his health drops by about half. There will be
a little film when he's about to do it, once you see this get down to the lower
level to dodge the best part of it.

Basically try to dodge as many of the attacks as you can, use the above guide
to know when the attacks are comeing, and fire whenever you get a free shot.
Always move about too, use the L2 button to quickly un-equip the STINGER, and
move to a new location. You'll win eventually, make sure to have RATIONS handy
as well.


- The "Sons of Liberty" flag can be turned around, put the controller in the
second port on your PS2, and quickly press the L1 button a few times.
- Leave and return to the bridge 7 times before you disarm the bombs, and on
the eighth time you do it you'll briefly see the locations of the control
boxes on the Radar.
- Shoot at the Helicopter and prepare for the backlash.
- Call Snake after the fight to find out why he chose the name "Pliskin" to go
by while infiltrating the Big Shell.



After the fight Metal Gear RAY will come out of the water and save the damaged
Harrier. Once you regain control you'll be on the connecting bridge, but it
will be broken. You'll have to find an alternative means to get across to the
second Shell. If you approach the fire to the left of the bridge you'll get an
email on your phone saying the fire can be extunguished using the COOLANT. Do
this if you wish, then run down the stairs to get a RATION. Do _not_ waste any
time going up or down the stairs though because they will fall into the sea
after a while, and take you with them if you hang around. Now to cross over to
the next Strut.

There are tow separate ways, bith are dangerous, but one yields some items.
First I'll go through the longer more boring way though, and there are no items
to be found going this way either.

ROUTE 1: SWINGING - You see the rail over to the right of the bridge? Well go
up to it and jump over, ahnging onto the other side. Now swing to the left, out
onto the bar. You have to jump down onto the pipe below, so use the FPV to look
down and check when you are over it. Once you are let go, and start to make
your way towards the top of the pipe. I would advise against running, also look
out for the bird droppings on the pipe, they will make you fall off. When you
come across them simply walk around them. Once you reach the other side jump
up to the right, and move ever so slightly right, giving yourslef a short run
up. Now try and jump over to the other side. Put out the flames and find the
AK SUPRESSOR and accompanying stuff.

ROUTE 2: THE SCARY JUMP - As you may have guessed, you can jump over to the
other side. There is a bit of broken bridge to the top right, it juts out some
-what. This is where you have to jump from, you can get to the other side if
you time it properly. If you don't, you're sleeping with the fishes. Once you
reach the other side, find the PSG1 bullets. Mosey on up the stairs to find an
AK SUPRESSOR, and some PSG1-T AMMO. Now jump down the little ledge to the right
jump up on the other side. Watch the bridge spontaneously combust on the other
side, these flames are un-extinguishable.

Now run to th right, the plates in the floor below will fall down beneath you,
so don't stop. Once you get to the end, flip over the rail and jump down to the
catwalk below. Now run across the bridge, and jump over the bg hole when you
come to it. The next hole can't be jumped, but you can go over the rail and
swing to the other side, and go to the ladder. Once you go up here, you'll be
on another catwalk, and there's a guard patrolling beside it. He can see you
through some windows, so be carful. There are two plates in the floor loose,
so once you get across these I would advise you just crawl to the other side.

The next obstacle you have to pass is a very thin ledge, with a thingy sticking
out of the wall at about head height. You have to crouch, then press yourself
against the wall, and then make yourway across the bridge. This can be a bit
daunting, but you'll get across eventually. Around then next corner you'll see
a guard doing something odd, but ignore him and keep going. Now just swing your
-self to the KL Connecting Bridge.


- If you manage to reach a certain point without being seen, you'll see a guard
above you who needs to pee. He will do so, and you can stand in the stream if
you're so inclined. Look up in FPV and the screen will be splashed. While get
-ting urinated on contact any of your comrades.



You have to make your way to the Shell-2 Core, but there are 4 Cyphers guard
-ing the way. On the lower level of this little bridge you can find a RATION
at one end, and AKS-74u AMMO at the other. At the door to the north you can
find PSG1 AMMO and CHAFF GRENADES, in the south door there's some SOCOM AMMO.
All you have to do is either shoot out all the Cyphers, of throw a CHAFF. I
would shoot them down because then they won't be there on the way back. With
this done you have to negotiate the bridge to the Core, which has a few holes
in it. You can jump or swing across the holes, or press yourself against the
right hand rail to move slowly across. Either way, you'll reach the Core.


You'll see Olga have a conversation on her radio as you enter here, follow her
about with the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE to hear everything. Once she leaves you
have to find a remote control missile launcher to take out the circuit pannel
in the room the President is hiding in for the purpose of knocking out the
current in the electrified floor. Ring any bells? Anyway there arent any guards
watching the area so you can move about with ease for now. As you enter the
area, turn left, and head down the stairs.

You'll find some SOCOM AMMO on the crate as you come down, now head on.
There's some M9 AMMO to the left of the stairs, now head up. There's a door on
your right here, but ignore it for now, instead look across to the left of the
door to find a RATION. Down the passage a little on you'll find CHAFF GRENADES,
and in the little canteen further on you'll find some M4 AMMO, and the Node.
Now head round the corner to the right and enter the lift.


- Equip a CARDBOARD BOX and step onto the electrified floor. It will look quite
cool, but you'll lose the box.
- Throw a magazine onto the electrified floor to see it fried. Then shoot at it
to repeat the process. Do this over and again as much as you want.
- In the room with the Node, press yourself against the wall beside the Pres
-idents room, and knock on the wall. The President will come over, now keep
doing it until he gets fed up.
- You can destroy all the bars inside the vent system, just hit them with a



Come down in the left, and as you come out access the Node. Make your way to
the flight of stairs, I'm sure you won't be able to hlep but notice this area
is flooded. You now have to swim around until you find the NIKITA LAUNCHER.
You'll see bright blue spots on the Radar, these are palces you can surface and
re-fill your O2 gauge. Anyway this is how you reach the launcher.

Start off by heading down the steps and take the first right. Keep going to the
end of the passage and turn left, then take the first left you come to again.
Now take the first right, the Nikita will be in front of you here, you just
have to swim forward a bit to get to it. Swim up to the places you can re-fill
the O2 gauge whenever you can or need to, and take the same route back to the
stairs. Now head back up in the lift, it's time to liberate the president.


Remember the place where you found the SOCOM AMMO earlier, on top of the crate?
Well this is where you have to go to free the President. The little room that
we ignored earlier holds some NIKITA AMMO, but is guarded by a pair of cameras.
Shoot them with the SOCOM, and take the ammo. Now go to the crate you need to
shoot from, and to the right of it beside the stairs is some more NIKITA AMMO.
Now jump up onto the crate. Fire the NIKITA into the vent in front of you, just
follow it with the NIKITA into the Presidents room. Once you're in go diagonal
-ly to the left, and make sure you don't him the President. Hit the circuit
pannel and the charge in the floor around the other side will go. Now head
around, through the door, and meet the President.

There's a pretty long scene here in which you'll learn a lot about the Patriots
and the plans of the terrorists. You'll receive a DISC and a KEY CARD LEVEL 4,
you have to get the disc to Emma Emmerich, who will use it to disable Arsenal
Gear. She is in the Shell-2 Core, you'll have to swim to reach her. The swim
can b a bit daunting, but just don't panic, and follow the following route to
get through. What you should do to keep your breath is to surface whenever you
see a big blue smudge on the Radar when you're near one or it's in your path.

Ok so here goes. Jump in the water, and take the first right. Head to the end
and turn left, then quickly turn left again, then take the first right. You'll
come to a fork in the road, you can either turn left or right, take the left
path. This corridor has a few mines in it, so try to dodge them, you'll be lead
into a little flooded room. Surface here, and orientate yourself by looking
around in FPV. You have to open a door by turning the handle, like the ones on
the Tanker. Once you do this re-surface for air. The room behind the door has
collapsed scaffolding or something in it, making it quite hard to navigate

Make your way from surfacing point to point, and then to the exit. To get to
the first one swm as high as you can, straight ahead. Go to the surface point
to get your O2 back. Now swim down about mid depth, straight to the left, once
you reach the wall turn right. You should get through this part of the fallen
scaffold, turn right again and re-surface. Now head toward the door out, and
stay very high, you'll go over the scaffold. Go out the door and surface, go to
the stairs now, the first leg of your swim is over, you get to fight Vamp now
though, which is never helpful.


Vamp will rant on about the injustices done to Dead Cell etc, then initiate
the fight.


This fight isn't overly difficult. Vamp jumps about like a monkey and throws
knoves at you, and when he's nearly defeated he'll glow red and become a lot
faster and stronger. There are ammo refils in the four corners of the room,
you'll find SOCOM AMMO in the bottom left, M9 AMMO in the top left, M4 AMMO,
a RATION, and RGB6 AMMO in the top right, and another RATION in the bottom

First of all, use STINGERS against Vamp to great effect. If he's prancing
about on the balcony above yuo, just aim at him and fire. It works like a charm
and you can do it over and over again. When Vamp hurls his knoves at you from
high above dodge them by crouching down, or shooting them. You can also just
run out of the way of them. Keep going like this until Vamp is down to about a
quarter of his health. He will start to glow red and move very fast. To beat
him now, equip your C4 and place it right in the middle of the floor while Vamp
is up on the balcony. Now jump over the rail and hang off the other side, half
in the water. When Vamp comes over to you detonate the C4. Do this a few times
and he's gone. If you have no C4, use the STINGER or any automatic weapon and
always keep on the move. Vamp isn't too hard at all.


- Fire a STINGER or the RGB6 in the water when Vamp is swimming, his O2 gauge
will drop.
- During the fight look for the place Vamp surfaces fo the very first time.
Now go here and you'll see a window, look in to see Emma.
- Once your in the locker room with Emma point your DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE at
Emma through the locker door to hear her heartbeat.
- Point the DIRECTINAL MICROPHONE at Emma once you regain control, and then
knock her out with the M9 and do the same.
- Emma will go mad and take an allergic reaction if you spray her with the
- Run off on Emma and get miles away from her, then call her on the Codec.
- You can stick C4 on Emma.
- Walk through Emma several times until she falls, the lie on top of her. Now
call her up on the Codec. Get her in a chokehold and then do the same.


After the fight, go through the door that's in the top right, and get ready for
another swim. It's a lot shorter than the last one and Emma is at the end of it
so it's not all bad. Anyway go down the stairs and start to swim. Go round the
u-turn and take the first left. There are two left turns up here, the second
one leads to a dead end, but there's BODY ARMOUR down there, so grab it if you
want. Now go back to the previous left turn, and head round and up the stairs.

Go in the door and you'll notice lots of double doored lockers. The first one
you see in front of you as you come in the door contains a BOOK, skip the next
locker, the one after that contains two boxes of C4. On the other side you'll
find the TERMAL GOGGLES if you haven't taken one of the two previous chances to
get them.

Now go to the middle door of the middle set of lockers to find a scared Emma.
She'll come with you eventually, and tell you some more about the Patriots,
Arsenal Gear, and the supressing of digital information. You'll eventually
regain control and have to swim with Emma back through the areas you just came
through, you need to bring her to the Shell-1 Core.

Dive into the water, and go right. At the end here turn right again, and at the
end you'll have to go around the 180 degree turn and up the steps. Once you get
back to the room you fought Vamp in, Emma will begin to reminisce about her
brother and how he abandoned her. She seems angry at him, who could blame her
though. Once you regain control equip your MINE DETECTOR, there have been some
mines planted in here. Either crawl over them to pick them up, or just go the
other way around. Now it's time to swim again. This one will be tougher than
the last because it's far longer. Anyway, time to get on.


First you have to go through the scaffolding room. Like before, make your way
from surfacing point to surfacing point, for the first one swim high to get to
it, then swim at mid-hieght and go right from the surfacing point, once you
reach the wall go 180 degrees round to the left. Now go to the next surfacing
point, catch your breath, and go for the door out. Once you get out of the
scaffold room there's a surfaceing point which you should use. Now go left and
take the first right, this is where you found the NIKITA LAUNCHER. Now head for
the first left, then go right, right again, and you'll come to the stairs. Take
all the surfacing points on the way, and you should escape the watery trap.
Head for the left, and go up to level 1F.


This area is now patrolled by 5 gaurds, so it won't be too easy to get through.
Especially if you have to bring Emma through, that's why I would advise you
knock all the guards out before you move on. There's a guard who patrols around
the elevator and round the corner to the left. Move to Raidens left, and wait
for the guard to come round, then knock him out when he comes round the corner.
Move about and use your Radar to come up behind all the guards and knock them
out. Leave Emma behind in the corner beside the left for now as she will only
slow you down. There are a couple of items to collect in here too. There's some
SOCOM AMMO in the corner as you turn right out of the lift, more SOCOM AMMO in
the little passage as you turn the corner from the lift, a PENTAZEMIN in the
corner before the stairs down to where you used the NIKITA to get to the room
the President was in, and some ASK-74u in the room the President was in, it's
just opposite the destroyed circuit pannel. Now once the guards are down and
you have the items, take Emma back to the KL Connecting Bridge.


There are a pair of Cyphers and a single guard keeping an eye on this bridge.
It is _imperative_ that you don't get seen, if Emma gets killed it's game over.
and that isn't good. First of all take out the two Cyphers, destroy them with
the SOCOM. Now equip your PSG1 and find the guard, and kill him. Sounds harsh,
but it's necessary. The gaps in the bridge have been covered so you don't need
to worry about them anymore. Run to the lower level of the bridge (leave Emma
behind), and take the SOCOM and M4 AMMO from both ends.

Now go back and get Emma, and look for a fire on the bridge. Approach it and
put it out with your COOLANT SPRAY. Now head on to the door, only to find out
you need a KEY CARD LEVEL 5 to get through. A dead end? Of course not, Emma
has the card we need, so head through the door.


There are a pair of guards in this tiny area, and once again you can't afford
to get seen. Take the SOCOM AMMO in front of you, now get to work on the two
guards. Move into the passage between the area you're in, and the place the
guards are, just a few steps, and equip either a waepon that tanquilizes, or
one that has a supressor. Wait until the nearest guard comes into view, and
shoot him in the head. Now do the same to the further guard. Now go back and
get Emma, and make your way around to the door on the other side, it will take
you to the Oil Fence.


This is the madatory sniping part of the game, and man is sniping fun. Emma has
to make her way across the oil fence back to Shell 1 because all the other ways
are sealed off. There are some CLAYMORE MINES on the bridge she has to traverse
so shoot them with your PSG1. Keep a sharp eye on the strut Emma is heading
towards, because guards will appear on it every now and again. Also keep on the
look-out for Cyphers, they will attack Emma mercilessly. Use PENTAZEMIN to keep
a steady hand if you need to pull off a tough shot. Once Emma reaches the first
little strut Pliskin will offer his assistence, which I would gladly take. He
will help you out when sniping stuff, you pretty much won't have to worry about
the Cyphers anymore. Once Emma is nearly over the far side of the bridge our
good friend Vamp will re-appear, (what will it take to get rid of this bastard)
and take Emma hostage. You have to save her, but this isn't really a boss fight
as such. You shouldn't have any problems, just shoot him in the head a couple
of times. Pliskin will now go and get Emma and bring her to the Core. You have
to follow, you're free of Emma now. You'll end up in Strut-E.


- Point the DIRECTINAL MICROPHONE at Emma while she's on the bridge, you'll
notice that she talks to herself.
- When Emma is hidden behind the first strut, point the DIRECTIONAL MICROPHONE
at her and she'll critique Raiden's looks.
- When she's hidden behind the second strut Emma will encounter the guy you
heard in the bathroom of the Shell-1 Core.
- Find Snake, he's to your right. You can shoot him if you want, but he'll fire
back at you. You can get in a lot of fights with Snake can't you?



You now have 300 seconds to reach the Shell-1 Core Computer Room, I guess if
you get there too late Emma will die. You'll be in a small compartment of the
Parcel Room, it will be like the one you had to knock out the two guards to get
Emma through. There is SOCOM AMMO around the far side of the room, and head out
he door in the centre. There's a door to the right, with a guard in it, so just
go by. Go up the stairs into the Parcel Room proper, there's one guard on the
look-out in here. If you go straight for the door to the EF Connecting Bridge
he shouldn't see you.


Once you get out here shoot down the Cypher, and head for the bridge to the
Core. All the CLAYMORE MINES that were ever here are gone for good now, but
the plates in the bridge to the Core are still loose, so don't stall while
running across. You should get over without a hitch.


Go staright for the lift. This could not be much simpler or easy to comprehend,
you clock would probably be running low by now, so run!!! Run little man, go!!!


You finally made it, whew! Emma and Otacon have a nice little re-union, and
you upload the virus to Arsenal Gear. It's just our luck though that the
counter stops when 90%of the birus has been deployed. Will it still work? Only
time can tell... Solidus is now preparing to lauch Arsenal Gear, so you have to
get on it quick. You can't destroy it so the only job is to take out the people
who control it. Poor Emma bits the bullet though and Otacons emotional frailty
shines through in all it's glory.

Raiden and Snake go to take out Arsenal Gear while Otacon goes to rescue the
hostages. Watch out for the Armageddon style shot of all three walking resill
-iantly towards the camera, poignant stuff indeed. However things aren't all
as they appear, once Otacon is gone the Ninja appears, it turns out to be Olga!
Snake and her now seem to turn on you.


You're now in the final leg of the game, inside Arsenal Gear. When you come to
you'll be very naked and tortured, stuck to a torture table thingy, like in
MGS. Solidus will be there, and will reveal much of Raiden's past. As it turns
out he isn't the inexperienced rookie he claimed to be. At one stage Solidus
will use the big snakey things on his back to choke you, hit the TRIANGLE but
-ton rapidly to conserve your O2. After Ocleot and Solidus leave Olga will come
in and tell you that they only pretended to turn on you, it was all a ploy to
get you inside Arsenal Gear. As it turns out Snake has all your gear, and all
you have to do is get to him. Olga will give you a dig in the stomach as she
leaves, for the realistic effect. She'll also release the clamps that were bind
-ing your arms and legs. You are now free, naked, but free. Press yourself back
against the torture rack, it looks pretty funny. Too bad you can't photo this.

You'll find a RATION and a MEDICINE in the torture room, take the MEDICINE as
soon as you can. Nudy Raiden is susceptible to colds.There is only one way to
go here, out the open door. Access the Node, then head out the next door.


You'll receive an awful lot of odd Codec calls from Campbell here, so just
ignore them. He'll tell you to turn off the console at one stage, the wise
ones among you definatley won't. But ignore him ramblings, they mean nothing.

Three guards and two cameras are your opposition in here, and you're in no
position to go fighting. Stealth is your only option. Start off by hiding
behind the crate in front of you and when the guard comes round on patrol slip
quickly by him on his right. Now run by the soldier on right, move slightly to
the left while you're running and he shouldn't spot you. There is a flight of
stairs on the right, nip up them before the third and final guard turns around.

Once your up the top you'll notice a camera across from you, wait until it's
turned away and the guard is facing the other way, and run across the little
bridge. Hide behind the crate to the left, and wait for the guard to come down.
Once he leaves get up, run south and turn to Raiden's right. Go through the
door, and you're out of the woods, for now.


The colonel will continue with his severly odd transmissions, so ignore him
again. Run to the very south of the corridor to find a tasty RATION. When you
finally return Snake should be waiting for you. He'll give you backk all your
things, and a HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE along with them. This is the sword that the
Ninja used. Now the two of you will team up, so head for the door to the very
north of the passage.


You have to fight your way through a hall of soldiers here, but trusty Snake is
by your side, so it shouldn't be too bad. Guards drop down from the ceiling,
and some will stay up on bridges and fire down on you. Have plenty of RATIONS
at hand, and use your STINGER MISSILES to get the guys on the bridges. Remember
if Snake dies, it's game over, so don't delay in killing enemies. Now isn't the
time to try out that HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE either. Crouch yourself down behind
crates for the first few attacks, and kill all the soldiers who drop to the
floor first. Now equip the STINGER and take out the guys on the bridges. If
Snake's health gets very low, knock himmout with the M9 to draw all the enemy
fire. You should get through eventually, and enter the next area where you'll
just be in for more of the same.


You and Snake will now be in the centre of a circular hall, surrounded by mean
enemies who want you dead. The best thing to do here is to equip the HIGH FRE
-QUENCY BLADE and stick near Snake. You can't afford to let him get attacked.
He's also a pretty good shot, and will take out most of the opponenets who are
far away. If anyone even comes near you, go for them with the blade, use the
thrust attacks or the slash attacks, don't waste time going for the spinning
attack. This fight isn't as hard as the last one though, and even though the
screen will go weird a few times and tell you "Fission Mailed", don be phases,
the screen in the corner will still show all the action. Eventually when the
fight ends, Fortune will show up and want a show-down with Snake, she thinks
he killed her father. Snake tells Raiden to go on, which you do.


This is the second last fight of the entire game. You'll encounter Solidus
again here when you enter the area he'll start talking to you, we don't know
where he is though. You're on a big fancy platform, but you can't fall off.
Solidus, beig the nice man he is, will set a load of mass produced Metal Gear
RAYS on you, you'll have to fight 7 of them in total.


Ok, here we go. This is the second last fight, and it's a toughie. You though
I Metal Gear REX was tough, have 7 Metal Gear RAYS. They have four main attacks
and here they are.

LASER ATTACK - The RAY will open it's face up (can you call it a mouth?) and
fire a blue thingy at you. Needless to say it hurts somewhat, but if you run
away and jump a bit you should be able to dodge.

MISSILE ATTACK - The RAYS fire missiles at you, only the ones who aren't on the
platform will attack with this. You'll be able to hear it coming, and when you
do drop everything else and run.

STAMP ATTACK - Pretty self explanitory, the RAY will try to stamp on you. You
can avaoid by running, after it tries this is the perfect chance to fire in a
quick STINGER missile.

MACHINE GUN FIRE - The RAY will shake it's head about before this attack, and
when it executes it you can didge by running and jumping. If you want to be
adventurous you can equip your HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE and try to block some of
the fire. Not a very good idea though.

It will take a total of 4 shots in the head with the STINGER to take a RAY down
but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Hit it wherever you have the chance, and
_NEVER_ stay still for too long. Use CHAFF GRENADES to disrupt it's targetting
if you want, then go for it with STINGERS. This fight won't cause you as much
trouble as you might think if you play it safe and don't take chances. Use the
L2 button to quickly equip and un-equip your weapon, and eventually you will

After the fight all the holes in the story will be filled in, and I won't spoil
any of it here for you. And plus theres way to much to write, this game has a
very complex story line. It's quite riveting though, so pay close attention.
You'll soon find yourself face to face with Solidus, he'll throw you a sword,
and the final duel will commence.


You can only use the HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE for this fight, "cool, a sword fight"
you might say, but Solidus has two of them, and a crap load of body armour, so
it will be tough. But what could you expect from the final boss?

The jump maneuver will save your ass in this fight, you can dodge pretty much
every attack Solidus has with it. Have your BODY ARMOUR equipped for this fight
if you have it, if not just have your RATIONS at hand. You'll find another
RATION in one of the corners of the platform you're on. Here are Solidus's
attacks for the first part of the fight.

TENTACLE ATTACK - Solidus has two large mechanical tentacles hanging out of his
back, he will grab you and choke you. Tap the TRIANGLE button to conseve your
O2. You can see this attack coming a mile off, so you should be able to dodge.

MISSILE ATTACK - Solidus can fire missiles from his tentacles, they cause huge
damage. They are quite the inacurate though, so you should be able to dodge. If
that isn't working just pull out your sword and hit them.

FIRE ATTACK - Solidus can fly across the ground, the friction causes a trail
of fire in his wake. If your caught in this, you will catch fire. Try to flip
away from this is you can, if you get caught on fire then jump to put it out

SWORD ATTACK - He will try to hit you with his pair of swords, once again you
should be able to dodge, it's a pretty slow attack. Jump jab him with the R3
button to cancel the attack.

BIG JUMPING TENTACLE ATTCK - Solidus will cling to the side of the building
with his tentacles, jump up into the air, and try and land on you. If you get
hit with this you must be a melon. You have about 10 minutes warning, once he
takes to the skies, run away.

All you have to do is try and keep close to him, and use the jab attack with
the sword a lot. Don't bother with the spinning attack, it's too slow. He is
blind on his left side, so try to get around the left of him. If you can you
should be able to get about 2 or 3 good hits in. Once he drops about half his
health he'll kick things up a notch, and start using a new set of attacks. On
the plus side he will drop his tentacles though.

CIRCLE OF FIRE - He'll use his FIRE ATTACK three times in a row, encircling you
in fire. It's pretty hard to escape this one, once he starts it just flip about
like mad. He also has a fire attack where he aims straight for you. Flip, flip
good man to dodge.

SWORD ATTACKS - Use L1 to block most of these, they're quite quick so dodging
will be hard. On the plus side once he's done with an attack he's vulnerable
for a while, use this time to attack a few times. If you want to be cheap you
can run over to the edge, jump off and automatically hold on. As soon as he
comes over and stabds still, jump up to avoid his attack. You'll now have a
second to hit him.

Eventually he'll go down. Sit back and watch the ending now, and enjoy. Find
out the startling information on the Patriots at the end, roll on MSG3...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5) Bosses <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


The very first thing I would do in this fight is to shoot out that light at the
back of the arena. You can't get up there, so you'll have to do the whole fight
with the M9. Olga can't be killed, only tranquilised, and she takes a hell of a
lot more tranquilising than most guards.

Anyway, take out that light. It'll do you good later on in the fight, trust me.
If you're running low on supplies, there will be a RATION in the very bottom
left corner of the arena, and some M9 AMMO in the bottom right. There is also
some M9 AMMO in between the two sets of crates in front of the area Olga moves
about in. Olga has two main attacks, one with her USP, the other with Grenades.
I would use the set of crates on the right as my main shelter.

The best thing to defensively is to try and keep out of Olga's sight, and shoot
her when she thinks you are else where. She will also hide behind structures on
the deck so when she is hidden and not watching, leave your hiding place and
behind another set of crates. The best way to move is to ROLL, so hit X while
you are running.

The best way to deal with Olga offensively, is to hide behind the crates, equip
your gun, and fool Olga into thinking you're somewhere else. Now while she is
wasting bullets firing at where she thinks you are, nip out of your hiding
place and fire a quick shot at Olga. Aim for the vital areas, such as the head.
Once she's down to about 50% of her health, she will loosen the tarpaulin on
the storage container, and obscure your view. Shoot at the little white ropes
at the bottom corner of this to release it. Now she will point the floodlight
at you, thus blinding you when you aim. Remeber I told you to shoot it out
earlier, I hope you listened! Well try your best to shoot it out now. Once this
is done repeat the previous strategy of hiding and shooting, she will fall
sooner or later. This isn't too hard a battle, but just be careful. If you
manage to hit Olga in the head every time you shhot her it will only take 4
shots to bring her down.


On Hard this battle won't be too much different from Normal. It's tough, but
still very manageable. You have to keep an eye on your health more, only shoot
at her if you're sure enough you'll hit, and try not to put yourself at risk
too much.

On Extreme, it's a whole new ball game. Olga becomes a nightmarish creature who
just won't die. She becomes rediculously accurate, and on top of that, she will
only have to shoot you twice, yes twice, for you to die. Of course if you take
a RATION you will survive a bit longer. Make sure you have 2 RATIONS and with
some luck you'll have a BANDAGE too.

So the battle starts. It is _imperative_ that you don't get shot before she
shines the light in your eyes. Oh yes, did I mention you can't shoot it out.
You'll be firing blind for the end of the fight, and going to have to rely on
pot luck for lots of the fight. Right, here we go. Use the right hand set of
crates as your main base. What you have to do is position yourself very close
to the edge of the crates. Make sure your facing them, don't let Snake put his
back to them. Equip your gun, and hold it up. Now use the SQUARE button to lean
out to the left or right and pop a few quick shots at Olga. Keep moving back
and forth between the crates on the left and right when she isn't looking.

Once just over half her health is gone, she release the tarpaulin. Now just
use the same method buit _ONLY_ fire 1 shot at a time because she will blow the
crap out of you if you stay out for too long. Once she lets go of the tarpaulin
she'll start with the light. Now stay at the right hand side set of crates.
Position yourself at the very left, just so shots can't hit you. Olga follows
an attack pattern now, which is two vollies of shots, about 6 shots in totol,
followed by a single grenade. She'll alternate her attacks from behind the
crates on the deck, and out in the open under the light.

So here's how you finish her. Wait for her to finish firing at you, then use
L2 to strafe left, and fire about 2-3 shots at her. It will be sheer luck as to
whether you hit her or not. Now get out of FPV and run away, as there is sure
to be a live grenade right up your ass. If just one grenade goes off near you
it means good-night, and your starting the fight again from scratch. Just
repeat the above method and Olga will go down eventually. Once I actually
formulized that strategy I beat her straight away. Good luck!!

A few notes on European-Extreme will be added in the next update.


You'll get the USP from this fight, you can now kill enemies from a distance if
you are so inclined. Don't go back inside yet, go to the top of the screen and
jump down off the little platform to get a RATION. Jump back up and search Olga
for items.


This fight is unique, as you can't hurt Fortune, the objective here is simply
to survive. Fortunes life bar is tiny, only a shot or two would bring her down,
but she's immune to any attack you throw at her. Fortune seems bent on blowing
things up, and the crates and boxes in the area can and will hev the crap blown
out of them by her huge Rail Gun (like Metal Gear REX's one).

Use the big container on the right and the stack of crates on the right as your
main cover. The best bet is to move back and forth between them. If Fortune
manages to hit one of the metal barrels a flammable liquid will start to spread
on the ground. If your near it when the next shot is fired it will burst into
flames, and so will you. There isn't too much to say about this fight except
don't stay in the same place for too long as your cover will be destroyed. Keep
moving between the crates on the left and right. If the top of a crate is des
-troyed, crouch down for a few shots, and then get up and move to the other
side. Eventually the lift will come down, and the Colonel will contact you via
Codec, signalling the end of the fight.


The fight is slightly harder in these difficulties because it takes far fewer
shots to take out crates and boxes. Start off by using the right hand crate
exclusively. Wait until the top of it is completely gone, if there is an oil
spill on the ground make sure you move away from it. Once the top of crate is
gone then crouch down and wait for the bottom of the crate to be destroyed.
When it's gone, move to the left hand set of crates and do the exact same thing
until the left hand crates are gone. When all the cover is gone, just keep
running back and forth between the right and left hand wall rolling all the
time. Eventually the lift will come down, and the Colonel will contact you via



Listen to Fatmans little rant about how he wants to go down in history as the
man who beat Peter Stillman. Raiden pisses him off by calling him a common
criminal, and that he was nothing compared to Stillman, go Raiden! But anyway
Fatman decides to play a little game with you, where he plants a bomb, and you
find and disarm it before it goes off in your face. This guy really will bring
down the Big Shell. It also seems he has been kept in the dark by the rest of
the Dead Cell team and is working on his own. Anyway, to the fight...

For the first part of the fight have SENSOR A and the COOLANT SPRAY equipped.
Use the R2 button to quickly equip and un-equip the COOLANT, as you can't
move with it equipped. Now just run around after Fatman and disarm the bombs
he sets. He will set about 4, and they usually go on the side of containers.
The big yellow smudge on the Radar gives you a fair idea as to where they are.

Eventually he will stop planting his bombs, and take out a gun. It fires pretty
quickly, so normally a couple of bullets will hit you at a time. Now whip out
your SOCOM and chase him. He moves quite quickly, and his suit protects him
from bullets, but he tires out quite easily, and will stop to catch his breath
every now and again. Once he stops, go up to him and shoot him as much as you
can and he should fall over. Once he gets back up onto his hands and knees run
up close to him and shoot him in the head to do lots of damage.

When Fatman starts to fire at you start jumping around by using the X button
while running to dodge the best part of it. This is also a good way to dodge
when the fat bastard tries to run you over. Every now and again Fatman will try
to set down another bomb, so it is wise to keep the SENSOR A equipped. If you
stay close to him he won't have too much of a chance to lay down bombs.


This fight isn't all that different, Fatman will still use the same type of
attacks, but he will lay a few more bombs down. You should also use CLAYMORE
MINES to throw him off his skates. If you manage to shoot him in the skates
he will fall over and give you an excellent chance to shoot him in the head.
It's a lot more important to dodge his gunfire this time because it will do so
much more damage to you. Just chase after him with the SOCOM and you should do
fine. Always be on the move.


Once the fight is over he will waffle some more, and then set another bomb's
timer going. You have 140 seconds to find the bomb, but luckily for you it's
very close by. All you have to do is pick up Fatman by hitting the SQUARE
button beside him, and drag him away. The bomb is underneath him, so feeze it
quickly, and all your bomb troubles are over, pheeeew.


Quickly equip yourself with the STINGER LAUNCHER. What you have to do here is
to shoot the Harrier down before it can kill you or kill the chopper Pliskin
and Otacon are in. The Harrier is represented by a little red arrow on the
Radar, always look for this and point yourself towards it. Once you're locked
on, shoot. Once you've doe this, run. The Harrier has a number of different
attacks, here are some descriptions.

CLOSE RANGE MACHINE GUN FIRE - If he comes quite close you and hovers a bit
away from the bridge he's getting ready to attack from close range with his
guns. Move to the lower level of the bridge to avoid.

LONG RANGE MACHINE GUN FIRE - This is like a fly-by shooting, he will start
very far away from the bridge and constantly fire at you until he passes you
by. You should be able to get a quick shot in with the STINGER here, once your
donw run around and flip lots.

MISSILES WITH WARNING - If you hear a beeping noise, and the jet is pretty
far away from you you should go staright to the lower level to dodge.

MISSILES WITHOUT WARNING - You'll see a flash when it fires these missiles,
turnin the direction of the Harrier and you should be able to shoot them down.
Try to get a shot in at the Harrier now too.

WEAK MACHINE GUN FIRE - He will hover right above your head and shoot at you
with the weakest weapon on the jet. This is an excellent chance to blow the
crap out of him. You would want to get at least 4-5 shots in when he does this.

HUGE MISSILE ATTACK - This is the most powerful attack in the jet's arsenal,
and he will attack with it when his health drops by about half. There will be
a little film when he's about to do it, once you see this get down to the lower
level to dodge the best part of it.

Basically try to dodge as many of the attacks as you can, use the above guide
to know when the attacks are comeing, and fire whenever you get a free shot.
Always move about too, use the L2 button to quickly un-equip the STINGER, and
move to a new location. You'll win eventually, make sure to have RATIONS handy
as well.


This fight isn't overly difficult. Vamp jumps about like a monkey and throws
knoves at you, and when he's nearly defeated he'll glow red and become a lot
faster and stronger. There are ammo refils in the four corners of the room,
you'll find SOCOM AMMO in the bottom left, M9 AMMO in the top left, M4 AMMO,
a RATION, and RGB6 AMMO in the top right, and another RATION in the bottom

First of all, use STINGERS against Vamp to great effect. If he's prancing
about on the balcony above yuo, just aim at him and fire. It works like a charm
and you can do it over and over again. When Vamp hurls his knoves at you from
high above dodge them by crouching down, or shooting them. You can also just
run out of the way of them. Keep going like this until Vamp is down to about a
quarter of his health. He will start to glow red and move very fast. To beat
him now, equip your C4 and place it right in the middle of the floor while Vamp
is up on the balcony. Now jump over the rail and hang off the other side, half
in the water. When Vamp comes over to you detonate the C4. Do this a few times
and he's gone. If you have no C4, use the STINGER or any automatic weapon and
always keep on the move. Vamp isn't too hard at all.


Ok, here we go. This is the second last fight, and it's a toughie. You though
I Metal Gear REX was tough, have 7 Metal Gear RAYS. They have four main attacks
and here they are.

LASER ATTACK - The RAY will open it's face up (can you call it a mouth?) and
fire a blue thingy at you. Needless to say it hurts somewhat, but if you run
away and jump a bit you should be able to dodge.

MISSILE ATTACK - The RAYS fire missiles at you, only the ones who aren't on the
platform will attack with this. You'll be able to hear it coming, and when you
do drop everything else and run.

STAMP ATTACK - Pretty self explanitory, the RAY will try to stamp on you. You
can avaoid by running, after it tries this is the perfect chance to fire in a
quick STINGER missile.

MACHINE GUN FIRE - The RAY will shake it's head about before this attack, and
when it executes it you can didge by running and jumping. If you want to be
adventurous you can equip your HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE and try to block some of
the fire. Not a very good idea though.

It will take a total of 4 shots in the head with the STINGER to take a RAY down
but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Hit it wherever you have the chance, and
_NEVER_ stay still for too long. Use CHAFF GRENADES to disrupt it's targetting
if you want, then go for it with STINGERS. This fight won't cause you as much
trouble as you might think if you play it safe and don't take chances. Use the
L2 button to quickly equip and un-equip your weapon, and eventually you will


You can only use the HIGH FREQUENCY BLADE for this fight, "cool, a sword fight"
you might say, but Solidus has two of them, and a crap load of body armour, so
it will be tough. But what could you expect from the final boss?

The jump maneuver will save your ass in this fight, you can dodge pretty much
every attack Solidus has with it. Have your BODY ARMOUR equipped for this fight
if you have it, if not just have your RATIONS at hand. You'll find another
RATION in one of the corners of the platform you're on. Here are Solidus's
attacks for the first part of the fight.

TENTACLE ATTACK - Solidus has two large mechanical tentacles hanging out of his
back, he will grab you and choke you. Tap the TRIANGLE button to conseve your
O2. You can see this attack coming a mile off, so you should be able to dodge.

MISSILE ATTACK - Solidus can fire missiles from his tentacles, they cause huge
damage. They are quite the inacurate though, so you should be able to dodge. If
that isn't working just pull out your sword and hit them.

FIRE ATTACK - Solidus can fly across the ground, the friction causes a trail
of fire in his wake. If your caught in this, you will catch fire. Try to flip
away from this is you can, if you get caught on fire then jump to put it out

SWORD ATTACK - He will try to hit you with his pair of swords, once again you
should be able to dodge, it's a pretty slow attack. Jump jab him with the R3
button to cancel the attack.

BIG JUMPING TENTACLE ATTCK - Solidus will cling to the side of the building
with his tentacles, jump up into the air, and try and land on you. If you get
hit with this you must be a melon. You have about 10 minutes warning, once he
takes to the skies, run away.

All you have to do is try and keep close to him, and use the jab attack with
the sword a lot. Don't bother with the spinning attack, it's too slow. He is
blind on his left side, so try to get around the left of him. If you can you
should be able to get about 2 or 3 good hits in. Once he drops about half his
health he'll kick things up a notch, and start using a new set of attacks. On
the plus side he will drop his tentacles though.

CIRCLE OF FIRE - He'll use his FIRE ATTACK three times in a row, encircling you
in fire. It's pretty hard to escape this one, once he starts it just flip about
like mad. He also has a fire attack where he aims straight for you. Flip, flip
good man to dodge.

SWORD ATTACKS - Use L1 to block most of these, they're quite quick so dodging
will be hard. On the plus side once he's done with an attack he's vulnerable
for a while, use this time to attack a few times. If you want to be cheap you
can run over to the edge, jump off and automatically hold on. As soon as he
comes over and stabds still, jump up to avoid his attack. You'll now have a
second to hit him.

Eventually he'll go down.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6) DOG TAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

To get a DOG TAG from a guard, you have to sneak up behind him and use a weapon
to hold him up. You can collect these tags in all levels _except_ European
-Extreme. To see if a guard has a tag or not, look at him with the THERMAL
GOGGLES, and you'll see a tag shaped black spot on his chest. The other way to
find out is to hold him up. This is how you hold up guards.

You have to creep up behind a guard, don't enter his field of vision. As soon
as you get close to him, switch into FIRST PERSON VIEW and point your gun at
him. Your character will shout "Freeze!" and the soldier being held up will
hold up both his arms. Now quickly move around to the front of the soldier and
re-aim your gun at him. Aim at his head, heart, or crotch and he'll get scared
and start to shake, dropping the tag in the process. Some guards try to be all
tough on you though, if they start to talk shoot them in the hand or leg. You
can only get tags of these gaurds once you have a deadly weapon, the M9 will
_not_ suffice. Also try to make sure that the deadly weapon in question has a
supressor equipped, as you'll attract unwanted attention without one. If you
use s huge weapon like the STINGER you should get the tag no matter where you
aim at him.

Now onto a list onf every single tag in the entire game. There are quite a few
of them, yes, but you'll be rewarded for collecting enough tags. See below the
lists for items you can unlock.


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Olga Gurlukovic |0923 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|001|Ross E Bowman |0616 | B |Aft Deck |
|002|Abraham Carrillo |0704 | ? |Aft Deck |
|003|Kaissar Ag Agnouche |0120 | O |Aft Deck |
|004|Arnaud Delauny |0430 | O |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|005|Ryoiji Makimura |1206 | B |Deck-A, Crew's Quarters |
|006|Kumi Sato |0513 | B |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|007|Kevin S Purvis |1114 | B |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|008|Yasuhiro Miyamoto |0225 | AB|Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|009|Michael C Anthony |0307 | O |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|010|Carlos Garci Garcie |0230 | A |Deck-D, Crews Quarters |
|011|Mineshi Kimura |0618 | AB|Deck-D, Crews Quarters |
|012|Johnathon Hancock |0228 | AB|Deck 2, Port |
|013|Bryn T Kershaw |0304 | O |Deck 2, Port |
|014|Michael Hurkmans |1205 | B |Deck 2, Port |
|015|Ken Ogasawara |0630 | B |Engine Room |
|016|Petro Kyrylenko |0218 | ? |Engine Room |
|017|Aaron F Kopf |0624 | AB|Engine Room |
|018|James P Fitzgibbons |0513 | ? |Engine Room |
|019|Alexander Strigl |0403 | A |Engine Room |
|020|Dave Cox |0803 | O |Hold No. 1 |
|021|Cory A Noll |0406 | AB|Hold No. 1 |
|022|Andreas Ebeler |0323 | AB|Hold No. 3 |
|023|Gary J Davidsen |0712 | O |Hold No. 3 |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Olga Gurlukovich |0923 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|001|Nicholas M Capone |1217 | O |Aft Deck |
|002|Donald L Gilliland |1228 | O |Aft Deck |
|003|Joe T Holdren |0915 | AB|Aft Deck |
|004|Shaun P Wilson |0513 | O |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|005|Jeff K Hui |1031 | B |Deck-A, Crew's Quarters |
|006|Nobuyoshi Nishimura |0218 | A |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|007|Tonomi Kato |0101 | AB|Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|008|Anders E Leiro |1122 | ? |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|009|Skraktus Mercio |0209 | O |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|010|Gavin S Nash |1206 | B |Deck-D Crew's, Quarters |
|011|David S Eastwick |1108 | A |Deck-D Crew's, Quarters |
|012|Kozaka Kh Henri |0502 | ? |Deck 2, Port |
|013|Gackt |0704 |AAA|Deck 2, Port |
|014|Thomas P Dohm |0207 | AB|Deck 2, Port |
|015|Enrique Camacho |0513 | O |Engine Room |
|016|Takashi Ohari |0512 | A |Engine Room |
|017|Max C Wood |0210 | ? |Engine Room |
|018|John W Flemming |1123 | AB|Engine Room |
|019|Edward B Elston |0108 | B |Engine Room |
|020|Christopher D Dadah |0303 | O |Engine Room |
|021|Rodrigo Spinetti |0918 | A |Hold No. 1 |
|022|Frank Gther |1109 | B |Hold No. 1 |
|023|James N Jankovsky |0504 | O |Hold No. 3 |
|024|Abigail G Sanchez |1017 | O |Hold No. 3 |
|025|Rafael Estaregue |1113 | B |Hold No. 3 |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Olga Gurlukovich |0923 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|001|Kazuya Ikeno |1025 | A |Aft Deck |
|002|Kim K Christensen |0928 | AB|Aft Deck |
|003|Toshio Noguchi |1021 | ? |Aft Deck |
|004|Chul Kwon |0727 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|005|Hiroosuke Moritomo |0829 | O |Deck-C, Crew's Quarters |
|006|Kishiko Kamata |0423 | A |Deck-A, Crew's Quarters |
|007|Marco G Brunato |0330 | ? |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|008|Jeses Bibian Jr. |0116 | ? |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|009|Jordi C Aldea |0508 | ? |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|010|Sadaaki Kaneyoshi |0517 | A |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|011|Anthony D Callaghan |0407 | ? |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|012|Craig M Weldon |0426 | AB|Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|013|Daizo Shikama |1229 | B |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|014|Shinta Nojiri |0408 | A |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|015|Jun Tanaka |0812 | B |Deck 2, Port |
|016|Bernard A Reeves |1221 | O |Deck 2, Port |
|017|Evan M Martin |1120 | A |Deck 2, Port |
|018|Bruno A Montenegro |1123 | B |Engine Room |
|019|Almerindo Lemke |0909 | A |Engine Room |
|020|Satoshi Hirano |0211 | A |Engine Room |
|021|Justin C Cumley |0625 | O |Engine Room |
|022|Kristian Lindin |0930 | ? |Engine Room |
|023|Mike Abe |0602 | A |Engine Room |
|024|Tatsuya Takada |0731 | O |Engine Room |
|025|Pawel Majewski |0208 | O |Hold No. 1 |
|026|Mark W Bruce |0806 | O |Hold No. 1 |
|027|Youssef Fassi-Fihri |0817 | O |Hold No. 1 |
|028|Christian Nordstr |0726 | B |Hold No. 2 |
|029|Hiro Miyajima |0510 | AB|Hold No. 2 |
|030|Nathaniel Lord |0604 | O |Hold No. 3 |
|031|Carlos Kiho |1229 | O |Hold No. 3 |
|032|Tim U Chan |0619 | ? |Hold No. 3 |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Olga Gurlukovich |0923 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|001|Markus A Lindqvist |0209 | ? |Aft Deck |
|002|Kenichi Takashima |0103 | O |Aft Deck |
|003|Thaigo S Parra |0801 | O |Aft Deck |
|004|Chris J Matzdorf |0819 | ? |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|005|Adriaan B Schlovinck |0102 | A |Deck-C, Crew's Quarters |
|006|Julius Jun |0228 | B |Deck-A, Crew's Quarters |
|007|Kazuki Nisimura |0302 | A |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|008|Zhang Chao |1030 | ? |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|009|Vishal Kapur |1007 | O |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|010|Victor A Cruz |0107 | B |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|011|Larry D Lionberger |0301 | O |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|012|Celeste D Sauls |0602 | O |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|013|Danielle E Ford |0714 | O |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|014|Jennifer A Mauck |0925 | O |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|015|Daniel A Olsson |0624 | O |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|016|Achim Amann |0821 | A |Deck 2, Port |
|017|Sean P Cullen |0315 | ? |Deck 2, Port |
|018|Tommy Blunt |0101 | O |Deck 2, Port |
|019|David Chau |1230 | B |Engine Room |
|020|Phillipe A Mouritzen |0102 | A |Engine Room |
|021|Yoko Niiyama |0315 | B |Engine Room |
|022|John V Teves |0128 | B |Engine Room |
|023|Shintaro Naka |0330 | O |Engine Room |
|024|Natsuyo Tanaka |0814 | A |Engine Room |
|025|Yuji Korekado |1222 | A |Engine Room |
|026|Bryan D Scheibe |0331 | ? |Hold No. 1 |
|027|Yukho Wong |0123 | B |Hold No. 1 |
|028|Lars Crama |0525 | AB|Hold No. 1 |
|029|Jonathan Murphy |1230 | AB|Hold No. 2 |
|030|Gary K Yong |0309 | ? |Hold No. 2 |
|031|Yuki Miyata |1011 | O |Hold No. 3 |
|032|Evan A Ball |0213 | B |Hold No. 3 |
|033|Jason B Wray |0530 | A |Hold No. 3 |
|034|Andrew J Baker |0316 | ? |Hold No. 3 |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Olga Gurlukovich |0923 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|001|Sanae Shintani |1221 | A |Aft Deck |
|002|Aki Hitachi |1024 | O |Aft Deck |
|003|Matthieu Trepanier |0609 | B |Aft Deck |
|004|Yoshinori Onodera |0909 | A |Navigational Deck, Wing |
|005|Joshua D Casnocha |0429 | ? |Deck-C, Crew's Quarters |
|006|Louis K Stevenson |1031 | O |Deck-A, Crew's Quarters |
|007|Michael D Rogers |0818 | O |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|008|Gianluca Peruzzo |1121 | A |Deck-B, Crew's Quarters |
|009|Travis J Lujan |1230 | A |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|010|Brendan M Randall |1014 | B |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|011|Chris D Bernd |1029 | O |Deck-A, Crew's Lounge |
|012|Chantelle M Blair |1224 | B |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|013|Eduard V Fernandez |1031 | A |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|014|Yoji Shinkawa |1225 | AB|Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|015|Niko Ionixx Horn |0215 | B |Deck-D, Crew's Quarters |
|016|Adnan Hadzic |0403 | B |Deck 2, Port |
|017|Shu Tajima |0928 | O |Deck 2, Port |
|018|Stuart J Batchelar |0307 | ? |Deck 2, Port |
|019|Masataka Nishiyama |0402 | O |Engine Room |
|020|Michael M Wong |0307 | ? |Engine Room |
|021|Manabu Nakamura |0327 | A |Engine Room |
|022|Simon P Sargent |0601 | A |Engine Room |
|023|Yosuke Kamezaki |1225 | O |Engine Room |
|024|Clarke A Baldwi |0531 | O |Engine Room |
|025|Hideki Sasaki |1116 | AB|Engine Room |
|026|Hlo Yeung Tsang |0215 | AB|Hold No. 1 |
|027|Ulf T Lundh |0803 | B |Hold No. 1 |
|028|Christopher A Uzdanovic|0908 | A |Hold No. 2 |
|029|Alex C Wilson |0810 | ? |Hold No. 2 |
|030|Michael A Hare |1222 | O |Hold No. 3 |
|031|Andrew C Bartlett |0406 | AB|Hold No. 3 |
|032|Iiro Karvine |0713 | A |Hold No. 3 |
|033|Marcin A Cieslinski |0630 | A |Hold No. 3 |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Iriquois Pliskin | ??? | ? |Arsenal Gear-Ascending Colon |
|001|Hiro Takada |0414 | A |Strut A Deep Sea Dock |
|002|Clinton J Heileman Jr |0324 | O |Strut A Deep Sea Dock |
|003|Mike J Newman |1213 | B |Strut A Roof |
|004|Rayyan A Said |0417 | AB|Strut A Pump Room |
|005|Shigeo Okajima |0130 | A |Strut A Pump Room |
|006|Cord B Smith |0918 | O |AB Connecting Bridge |
|007|Mario C Lopez |0816 | ? |AB Connecting Bridge |
|008|Shuhei Tanaka |0425 | O |Strut B Transformer Room |
|009|Momoko Kawai |0327 | ? |Strut B Transformer Room |
|010|Kengo Iwata |1129 | AB|BC Connecting Bridge |
|011|Daniel Modol |0624 | ? |Strut C Dining Hall |
|012|Noriyuki Katsumura |0128 | O |Strut C Dining Hall |
|013|Tetsuro Sueyoshi |0131 | O |CD Connecting bridge |
|014|Tony J Ylaranta |0420 | O |CD Connecting bridge |
|015|Paul R Martin |0611 | O |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|016|Leandro M Cardoso |0314 | ? |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|017|Al J Josef |0929 | A |DE Connecting Bridge |
|018|Kyoko Hariyama |1227 | A |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|019|Barna K Olvedi |1109 | AB|Strut E Parcel Room |
|020|Yuta Kanibu |1205 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|021|Daniel C Bell |0620 | ? |Strut E Heliport |
|022|Takahiro Omori |0419 | O |Strut E Heliport |
|023|Nadim Daban |0829 | AB|Strut F Warehouse |
|024|Timothy J Kane |0809 | AB|Strut F Warehouse |
|025|Allen J Chang |0609 | B |FA Connecting Bridge |
|026|Jean Luc Cougar |0720 | A |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|027|Luis A Fernandes |0721 | AB|Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|028|Yuta Kiguchi |0813 | A |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|029|Masafumi Okuta |0707 | B |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|030|Matthew R Bartz |0925 | O |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|031|Kunio Takabe |0718 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|032|Joey Simkins |0409 | AB|Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|033|Sve G Westli |0627 | A |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|034|Sam M Shrimpton |0131 | O |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|035|Norihiko Hibino |0903 | O |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|036|Erik R Christy |0308 | ? |KL Connecting Bridge |
|037|Jason C Patino |0920 | O |Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility |
|038|Maarten Van Der Zwan |0107 | A |Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility |
|039|Motoyuki Yoshioka |0708 | B |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|040|Adrian Thien |0524 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|041|Yuki Higuchi |0416 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|042|Peter Stillman |1116 | A |Strut E Heliport |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Meryl Silverburgh | ??? | A |Arsenal Gear-Ascending Colon |
|001|Thomas G Cardner |0806 | A |Strut A Deep Sea Dock |
|002|Matthew R Vogel |0714 | AB|Strut A Deep Sea Dock |
|003|Megumi Nakaniihara |0716 | A |Strut A Roof |
|004|Matthew A Bullock |0326 | O |Strut A Pump Room |
|005|Addam J Drew |0902 | B |Strut A Pump Room |
|006|Yasuke Takada |0403 | ? |AB Connecting Bridge |
|007|Miles D Ashley |0505 | ? |AB Connecting Bridge |
|008|Mark E Francis |0326 | O |Strut B Tranformer Room |
|009|Kazuki Muraoka |0309 | O |Strut B Tranformer Room |
|010|Tom A Hutchinson |0828 | ? |BC Connecting Bridge |
|011|Corey E Louden |0211 | A |Strut C Dining Hall |
|012|Ian J Andrews |0605 | O |Strut C Dining Hall |
|013|Tim V Veldboom |1109 | ? |CD Connecting Bridge |
|014|David C Ratanaseangsaun|0202 | B |BC Connecting Bridge |
|015|Shiro Mukaide |0813 | O |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|016|Rie Niskiki |0923 | AB|Strut D Sediment Pool |
|017|Mariko Nakamura |0109 | A |DE Connecting Bridge |
|018|Emily Britt |0819 | O |DE Connecting Bridge |
|019|Daniel A Longworth |0613 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|020|Caroline M L Gibson |0605 | ? |Strut E Parcel Room |
|021|Yuki Sawada |0324 | A |Strut E Heliport |
|022|Daijiro Takeshima |0206 | A |Strut E Heliport |
|023|Msatoshi Uehara |0611 | O |Strut F Warehouse |
|024|Ikki Sakakibara |0813 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|025|Juergen Jur Goessnitzer|0320 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|026|Yuko Yano |0106 | B |FA Connecting Bridge |
|027|Rick Naylor |0812 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|028|Jeremy A Davis |0826 | ? |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|029|Zephan G Kirkpatrick |1025 | ? |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|030|Kenneth Wong |1220 | O |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|031|Michael D Craft |0321 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|032|Stephen D Haynes |0502 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|033|Joshua A Crandall |0711 | AB|Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|034|Hiroyuki Inoue |0627 | A |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|035|Adrew J Walker |1012 | ? |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|036|Kazunobu Uehara |0721 | B |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|037|Thomas Szedlak |0522 | A |KL Connecting Bridge |
|038|Shuichi Hata |0627 | A |Strut L sewage Facility |
|039|Frank A Morales |1117 | O |Strut L sewage Facility |
|040|Lee P French |1025 | AB|Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|041|Marcos A Gomez |1103 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|042|Scott K Cleary |0402 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|043|Peter Stillman |1116 | A |Strut E Heliport |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Solid Snake | ??? | ? |Arsenal Gear-Ascending Colon |
|001|Sotaro Tojima |0708 | A |Strut A Roof |
|002|Christophe L Lallemand |0420 | O |Strut Pump Room |
|003|Hurell F Lyons |0905 | O |Strut A Roof |
|004|Juntaro Saito |0418 | O |AB Connecting Bridge |
|005|So Toyota |0707 | A |AB Connecting Bridge |
|006|Robert J Bryk |1123 | ? |Strut B Transformer Room |
|007|Scott A Morgan |0210 | O |Strut B Transformer Room |
|008|George T Joseph |0717 | O |BC Connecting Bridge |
|009|Vahe V Varujan |0611 | A |Strut C Dining Hall |
|010|Mark Mugendi |0813 | A |Strut C Dining Hall |
|011|Irene C Carvalho |0405 | O |CD Connecting Bridge |
|012|Jools Watsham |0328 | O |CD Connecting Bridge |
|013|Adam J Schick |0822 | ? |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|014|Takayoshi Ogawa |1130 | O |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|015|Jamie A Trumper |1119 | ? |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|016|Sergio Carranza |0205 | ? |DE Connecting Bridge |
|017|Michiko Arai |0930 | O |DE Connecting Bridge |
|018|Takashi Horikawa |0704 | B |Strut E Parcel Room |
|019|Christian Cr Renner |1221 | O |Strut E Parcel Room |
|020|Andy B Gilder |0617 | ? |Strut E Parcel Room |
|021|Takashi Horikawa |1212 | A |Strut E Heliport |
|022|Kevin T Petty |0504 | A |Strut E Heliport |
|023|Guilherme K Saran |0218 | ? |Strut E Heliport |
|024|Chen Yen Wen |0916 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|025|Caroline Frechette |0115 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|026|Daisuke Mogi |0319 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|027|Tomokazu Fukushima |1228 | A |FA Connecting Bridge |
|028|Monte S Tate |0915 | ? |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|029|Stephanie Hattenberger |0617 | A |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|030|Koichi Nakano |0225 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|031|Matt T Federspiel |0112 | ? |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|032|Sachiko Hara |0423 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|033|Ray A Holdren |0922 | B |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|034|Carlos I Siu |0325 | O |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|035|Eric G Macway |0618 | O |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|036|Ian J Roberts |1020 | O |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|037|Alexandre Bertrand |0707 | A |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|038|Peter D McCarthy |0630 | ? |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|039|Ichiro Kurtome |0908 | O |KL Connecting Bridge |
|040|Yutaka Negishi |0523 | B |Strut L, Sewage Treatment Facility |
|041|Renate N Csio |0831 | ? |Strut L, Sewage Treatment Facility |
|042|Tony J Case |0101 | O |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|043|Paul M Blacketer |0318 | O |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|044|Dennis J Krimpelbein |0128 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|045|Stanley A Garcia |0612 | O |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|046|Charles P Quivers |0928 | B |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|047|Sevak N Fair |0323 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|048|Peter Stillman |1116 | A |Strut E Heliport |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Liquid Snake | ??? | ? |Arsenal Gear-Ascending Colon |
|001|Yamato Hagiwara |0406 | O |Strut A Roof |
|002|Chris Walker |0909 | ? |Strut A Pump Room |
|003|Brain D Hagermann |0704 | O |Strut A Pump Room |
|004|Makoto Sonoyama |0821 | B |AB Connecting Bridge |
|005|Yoshikazu Matsuhana |0906 | AB|AB Connecting Bridge |
|006|Justin D Ebersole |0820 | ? |Strut B Transformer Room |
|007|William A Catacutan |0120 | ? |Strut B Transformer Room |
|008|Natalie Yip |1016 | O | BC Connecting Bridge |
|009|Kelsy L Clarke |0506 | ? |Strut C Dining Hall |
|010|Bjoern Heide |0421 | AB|Strut C Dining Hall |
|011|Daniel Y Kato |0705 | A |CD Connecting Bridge |
|012|Alexandre Reis C Dantas|0106 | O |CD Connecting Bridge |
|013|Jason Enos |0730 | ? |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|014|Josiah F Thorne |0715 | ? |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|015|Yoshikazu Matsuhana |0803 | O |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|016|Claudia Cd Deissner |0408 | A |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|017|Hiroyuki Tsuchida |0803 | A |DE Connecting Bridge |
|018|Devan V Tailor |0804 | A |DE Connecting Bridge |
|019|Chris Kramer |1018 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|020|Ikuya Nakamura |0205 | B |Strut E Parcel Room |
|021|Takaaki Kitamura |1008 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|022|Ryoko Yoshimura |0902 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|023|Yoshiteru Kobayashi |0617 | O |Strut E Heliport |
|024|Chris M Flohr |1001 | A |Strut E Heliport |
|025|Nicholas J Schreiber |0608 | O |Strut E Heliport |
|026|Kenichiro Kano |0117 | O |Strut F Warehouse |
|027|Horoki Satayoshi |0509 | O |Strut F Warehouse |
|028|Shuyo Murata |1230 | B |Strut F Warehouse |
|029|Futoshi Satou |0721 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|030|Shinpei Murakami |1207 | A |FA Connecting Bridge |
|031|David A Lesslie |0307 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|032|Brian R Strack |0813 | B |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|033|Skip M Murray |1120 | A |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|034|Axel R Zijderveld |0929 | ? |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|035|Kamran Keenan |0212 | ? |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|036|Tomonori Morita |0210 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|037|Julien Jd Dort |1120 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|038|Steven Schmitt |0918 | AB|Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|039|Michael O Kress |0703 | AB|Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|040|Stephane Tudela |0408 | B |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|041|Yoriko Shimizu |0323 | O |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|042|Yun-Ho Kim |0322 | A |KL Connecting Bridge |
|043|Jun Sukegawa |1010 | AB|Strut L, Sewage Treatment Facility |
|044|Joey P Gonzalez |0105 | A |Strut L, Sewage Treatment Facility |
|045|Christopher Heck |1117 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|046|Martin Kukowka |1211 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|047|Alex N Martinez |1223 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|048|Satoru Kobayashi |0316 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|049|Giovanni Cavalliere |0913 | O |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|050|Gabriel Freitas Peres |1125 | O |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|051|Peter Stillman |1116 | A |Strut E Heliport |


|No.|Name |D.O.B|Bld|Postition |
|000|Hideo Kojima |0824 | A |Arsenal Gear-Ascending Colon |
|001|Takeshi Sato |0731 | O |Strut A Roof |
|002|Shinji Yamashita |0801 | B |Strut A Pump Room |
|003|Ryan T Cronkright |1119 | AB|Strut A Pump Room |
|004|Josef Karsch |0813 | A |AB Connecting Bridge |
|005|Emmanuel Y L Passian |1130 | O |AB Connecting Bridge |
|006|Lee M McCowen |1027 | O |Strut B Transformer Room |
|007|Hironobu Matsui |0510 | AB|Strut B Transformer Room |
|008|Drew J Elmer |0101 | ? |BC Connecting Bridge |
|009|Toru Kawakami |0330 | A |Strut C Dining Hall |
|010|Adam J Sarpolis |0205 | AB|Strut C Dining Hall |
|011|Jyunpei Hirano |1207 | A |CD Connecting Bridge |
|012|Kyle S Carrigan |1126 | A |CD Connecting Bridge |
|013|Matt J Van Leeuwen |0921 | AB|Strut D Sediment Pool |
|014|Matthew B Boyett |1104 | O |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|015|Collis R Williams |0910 | ? |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|016|Nobumitsu Tanaka |0109 | B |Strut D Sediment Pool |
|017|Matthew C Miller |0712 | B |DE Connecting Bridge |
|018|Masashi Wanatabe |0810 | ? |DE Connecting Bridge |
|019|Yoshiyuki Koido |1219 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|020|Tsunehiko Shibata |0606 | B |Strut E Parcel Room |
|021|Ryan C Sheffler |0313 | O |Strut E Parcel Room |
|022|Carlos X Luna |1205 | A |Strut E Parcel Room |
|023|Dabid A Ginepri |0717 | ? |Strut E Parcel Room |
|024|Emmanuel Phung |0814 | O |Strut E Heliport |
|025|Ryosaku Ueno |1222 | O |Strut E Heliport |
|026|Alan J Harries |0615 | O |Strut E Heliport |
|027|Marco O Scherrer |0728 | AB|Strut F Warehouse |
|028|Edmond V To |0727 | O |Strut F Warehouse |
|029|Chevrinais Thomas |0421 | O |Strut F Warehouse |
|030|Hiroshi Yokote |0703 | A |Strut F Warehouse |
|031|Berl B Pottstam |0103 | ? |Strut F Warehouse |
|032|Kenichiro Shigeno |0110 | B |FA Connecting Bridge |
|033|Kaori Yamada |0808 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|034|Ryan J Crane |0803 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|035|Gareth J Lewis |0126 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|036|Andreas R Ramsauer |1228 | O |Shell 1 Core, 1F |
|037|Justin A Cagle |0614 | B |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|038|Christopher S Korte |0602 | B |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|039|Masahiro Yoshinaga |0410 | B |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|040|Daisuke Nishimura |0816 | A |Shell 1 Core, B1 |
|041|Viana Siles Mauricette |0128 | O |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|042|Chen Yung Kok |0429 | AB|Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|043|Anthony J Barritt |0524 | AB|Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|044|Kaori Yae |0520 | A |Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room |
|045|Isao A Sato |0105 | B |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|046|Ryan J Schettle |0401 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|047|Andy Lam |1016 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|048|Horaoki Yoshiiki |1013 | O |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|049|Cedric Krolikowski |0314 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|050|Sebastian J Pitman |0210 | ? |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|051|Mark A Matuszewski |0831 | AB|Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|052|Xavier R Garcia |0306 | A |Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification Room |
|053|Peter Stillman |1116 | A |Strut E Heliport |

For the Tanker Chapter, Snake can get the additional items STEALTH, and the
BANDANA. You can get STEALTH once you collect 50% of the tags in the Tanker,
or 77 Tags in total. You can get the BANDANA by collecting 30%, or 46 tags.

In the Plant Chapter you can unlock the BROWN WIG, STEALTH, WIG A, AND WIG B.
The BROWN WIG offers unlimited ammo, WIG A gives you unlimited O2 for under-
water parts of the game, and the WIG B makes sure your grip gauge will never
deplete. The BROWN WIG can be attained by collecting 30% or 73 tags in the
Plant, the STEALTH can be unlocked by getting 50%, or 121 Tags, the WIG A needs
70% or 170 tags, and the WIG B needs a whooping 90%, or 218 tags.

You might need to play through some difficulty levels a few times to get all
the Dog Tags, but it's worth it. You'll get a clear code at the end once you
get every single tag that lets you get into a new section of the Konami site
and lets you download some MGS2 wallpapers and thing like that. Anyway, be
meticulous when gettin tags, and happy hunting :)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7) Thanks <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

- Thanks to CJayC for his site.

- Thanks to my mommy for being cool, and donating the cash for me to buy this

- Thanks to Konami and Sony for their games and consoles respectively, all the
names in here and stuff are owned by Konami.

- Piggyback, for some of the info.

- Me for writing the FAQ.

- Everyone who has emailed me about this game and guide.

- Finally I'd like to thank Pop from the FAQ contib board for giving this a
good old fashioned critiqueing (is that a word?), and telling me to fix up
the format, which I will do in time.

Well, that's the end of the FAQ, hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed
writing. I wrote this thing in a week, and I'm tired. If it isn't accepted I'm
actually going to cry. Anyway you avid gamers, enjoy!

On a completely unrelated topic I'd like to use this space to tell you that So
Solid Crew are evil, and should be brabded with a burning stick every time they
offend the publics hearing and right to no noise pollution by trying to sing.

Copyright protected, 2002, by DemonSLAYER (
All rights reserved.

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14.Octombrie 2013

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Script (Tanker Chapter)

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