Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland

Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland

14.10.2013 21:36:51
Version 1.9
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This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (grayfox_2510@hotmail.com).

You must agree these terms in order to read/put on a page this document:

1) You make no credit for this, this work is a result of many hours of gameplay and writting, so
please do not steal.

2) You keep this document exactly as it is, you must NOT change anything, font, number,

3) If you do wish to put this in your web page, you must contact me first saying so.

4) You may use some info of this document as long as I give you permision to do so, but only a
small paragraph.

5) If you think or know someone stole from this, please contact me, as I said, this is the
result, of someone's hard work and a lot of time, so please, don't steal.

6) If you feel I missed something in this or you have a suggestion, contact me, but I will not
accept hate-mail, I will just problably ban your e-mail adress if you do so.

7) I will respond most questions concerning this game, as long as IT IS _NOT_ detailed in here,
so please check first, if the question is detailed here, i will just problably erase the
mail, if didn't respond it was problably because the question was already detailed here, if
you insist I will ban you, and don't try making another account and keep asking!!!!

Please, read them.


2.-Story (Beggining)
4.-Character Bios (Need Help!)
10.-Flute Notes
11.-Time List
14.-Item Find List
15.-Power Berries
17.-Weather Chart
19.-Ending List (Need Help!)



---Moves your character in the direction pressed.
---Choose an option in the menu

-X Button
---Confirm a selection
---Examine objects
---Pick up objects
---Throws objects when holding one
---Talk or give object (In hand) to person in front

-Square Button
---Use Tool equipped
---Eat item in hand if possible

-Circle Button
---Cancel a selection

-Triangle Button
---Moves the camera to your back

-R1 Button
---Opens fast-selection item menu, scroll right with R1 and left L1
---Stores objects in your rucksack

-R2 Button
---Opens fast-selection

-L1 Button
---Wistle to call your Dog

-L2 Button
---Wistle to call your Horse


-Square Button
---Take the Flute out when equipped

-X Button + D-Pad, R1, R2, L1, L2
---Plays the Flute (Keep holding the X Button)


-Square Button
---Take out the Fishing Rod near the Shore

-X Button
---Hold down to throw
---Hold down to reel in

-Left Analog
---Moves the Bait in 4 directions
---Move to the direction that flashes while reeling in something...

2.-Story (Beggining)

You grandfather Tony has passed away. And all he left was a Farm...

You will be at the town, you will receive a letter from your father which tells you to pick up
the stuff your grandfather left at his farm, you will then hear that the Village will be turned
into a Theme Park in 1 year if nothing is done to prevent it...

You will then decide to take over the Farm to try to stop the building of the Theme Park by
making a lot of money or finding any other way, and you have only 1 year...


-Dog: You won't start with a dog, you must get one... (Further explained on Section 7. Animals)

-Marry: You won't be able to marry at this game, neither have a baby...

-Girfriends: No, there are no girlfriends, still, you should befriend with them...

-Cows: There is no Bell, you must move them yourself or use your dog...

-Cleaning: Your Farm is clean when you start...

-Wood, Rocks: There aren't wood stumps or rocks, so no more Hammer and Axe.

-Expansions: You can't really add a lot, just a Kitchen and a Dog House...

-Seeds: They only sow 1 space but all 4 will grow from Spring to Fall.

-Seasons: Not Spring and those, inside those 4 Seasons, there are 3 seasons... Weird... There
are Mild, which is normal, there are Gloomy days which are a 50/50 % of Rain or Sun
and there are variatons for each Season, there is Rainy, which mostly will be rain,
you shouldn't plant anything at this time or it might get washed up, also, when rain
hits really hard (You'll notice) it WILL wash away one plant at random, and there is
Dry, where your Vegetables might wither even if you miss 1 watering day...

-Clinics: If you work past midnight or work too much in rainy days or if it's to late you might
get sick, you will then have to rest the WHOLE day because there are no clinics...

-Weather: There are 3 kinds of day:
Sunny: 0% chance of rain.
Gloomy: 50% (Spring), 20% (Summer), 40% (Fall) chance of rain.
Rainy: 80% (Spring), 60% (Summer), 70% (Fall) chance of rain.
If 100% on Rainy, it will be the STRONG type, these might blow a crop...

-Water: You have a well just to the right of the house with a unlimited source of water.

-Horse: You can't get a Horse easily this time (Further explained in Section 7. Animals).

-Rucksack: Your rucksack holds a GREAT number of different items, so you can carry a lot of them

-Buy/Sell: To buy or sell you must go to the correct store and check the little notepad.

-Grass/Fodder: You also have a LOT of grass already planted, but you must cut 3 pieces of grass
to get 1 piece of Fodder.

-Hot Spring: There aren't, so you can't relax anymore at those things...

-Mistakes: When you have equipped the Brush, Milker or Chicken Feed and if you press the Square
Button, a "buzz" will sound, this means you can't use the tool there...

-Mayor: There is no mayor too, so this means there aren't festivals either.

-TV: Your TV has 3 Channels now.

-Food/Flowers: They appear at the Forest and in Clove's Villa, but you must wait until they ripe
or bloom to pick them up.

-Time: Time in HM: SH is WAY faster than in any other games, so plan your moves carefully, and
time doesn't move when inside a building.

4.-Character Bios
HELP! If you were to contribute with a character profile I don't have, send the WHOLE info that
appears on that character's profile.
|You (Give him a name) \
|Birthday: 1st of Spring |
|Age: 21 |
|Height: 5"5' |
|Weight: 123 Lbs |
|Likes: Dogs, Horses, Cows, Chickens |
|Dislikes: Bad Cooking |
| |
|He is very curious. |
|He is a good listener, and others like to ask him for |
| advice or help. |
|Sometimes he listen to people even when he doesn't even|
| mean to. |
|Lyla \
|Birthday: 27th of Spring |
|Age: 22 |
|Height: 5"3' |
|Weight: 115 Lbs |
|Likes: Reading, Baking Cakes |
|Dislikes: Conceited people |
| |
|A mild-mannered cheerful woman who is always smilling. |
|But be warned! |
|Just because she is smiling, id doesn't necessarily |
| means she's not angry. |
|Gwen \
|Birthday: 8th of Summer |
|Age: 18 |
|Height: 5"6' |
|Weight: 110 Lbs |
|Likes: Herseback riding, Animals, Fruits |
|Dislikes: Spoiled people |
| |
|A strong-minded, powerful woman. |
|Altough she may seem cold, she likes to take care of |
| others. |
|She is unforgiving towards those who mistreats animals.|
|Joe \
|Birthday: 10th of Summer |
|Age: 23 |
|Height: 5"10' |
|Weight: 159 Lbs |
|Likes: Fishing, Eating Fish |
|Dislikes: Yogurt |
| |
|He is cheery, very friendly and sociable. |
|Since he likes girls and he is always nice to them, he |
| might appear frivolous. |
|He loves to fish but he's not to good at it. |
|Louis \
|Birthday: 2nd of Fall |
|Age: 24 |
|Height: 5"6' |
|Weight: 119 Lbs |
|Likes: Observing and Experimenting, Omelets |
|Dislikes: Exercising |
| |
|Prefers reading and other quiet activities. |
|He is kind of earnest. |
|He is bashful and get nervous rather easily. |
|He is usually lost in his own toughts. |
|Tim \
|Birthday: 12th of Fall |
|Age: 12 |
|Height: 4"8' |
|Weight: 86 Lbs |
|Likes: Adventures, Bugs, Cakes |
|Dislikes: Spicy foods |
| |
|He is a boy who dreams about going on adventures around|
| the world. |
|He is always full of energy, and nothing ever gets him |
| down. |
|He has great respect for his older brother, Bob. |
|Woody \
|Birthday: 2nd of Winter |
|Age: 60 |
|Height: 5"5' |
|Weight: 139 Lbs |
|Likes: Drinking |
|Dislikes: Potatoes and other tubers |
| |
|He is stern but rather gentle. |
|To hid apprentices, he is both strict and kind. |
|He loves his granddaughter Gwen very much, and is |
| concerned for her future. |
|Nic \
|Birthday: Unknown |
|Age: Unknown |
|Height: 0"13' |
|Weight: 6 Lbs |
|Likes: Mushrooms, Dancing |
|Dislikes: Dangerous creatures |
| |
|He is something like the leader of the Harvest Sprites,|
| but he is not so authoritative. |
|He likes festivals and other eciting events. |
|Nak \
|Birthday: Unknown |
|Age: Unknown |
|Height: 0"11' |
|Weight: 5 Lbs |
|Likes: Mushrooms, Cooking |
|Dislikes: Dangerous foods |
| |
|He is the youngest Harvest Sprite, and the most |
| childlike. |
|He is able to get himself out of difficult situations |
| by crying or laughing. |
|Flak \
|Birthday: Unknown |
|Age: Unknown |
|Height: 0"12' |
|Weight: 7 Lbs |
|Likes: Mushrooms, Napping |
|Dislikes: Getting up early, Being hungry |
| |
|He is the most laid-back Harvest Sprite, but he has a |
| sharp tongue and sometimes makes cutting comments. |
|He likes to nap on sunny days. |


Hoe: Start with.
Use it to dig up good soil so you can plant seeds.

Sickle: Start with.
Use it to cut a piece of Grass, 3 pieces is 1 Fodder.

Watering Can: Start with.
Use it to water your crops.
Can be used 99 times after filling it up.

Old Fishing Rod: Befriend with Joe, 1 time when you enter the Lake, a cutscene will occur, Joe
will then give you his old Fishing Rod.
Use it to catch fish, but you won't get many good things with this one.

Super Fishing Rod: After some time Joe gives you his old Fihing Rod, and you enter the Lake, he
will be there, another cutscene, Louis will then have a Fishing Rod in sale.
Use to catch better fish.
Sold at the Tool Shop for 4500G.

Milker: Louis will sell this one from the start of the game.
Use it to milk your cows.
Sold at the Tool Shop for 1800G.

Brush: Louis will sell this one from the start of the game.
Use it to brush your Cows and your Horse.
Sold at the Tool Shop for 300G.

A.P. Medicine: Louis will also sell this from the start of the game.
Use it to ease some fatigue.
Sold at the Tool Shop for 1000G.

Super Sickle: Louis will also sell this from the start of the game.
The cutting range is 3 times larger.
Sold at the Tool Shop for 4500G.

Chicken Feed: Bob will sell this from the beggining of the game.
Use it to feed your chickens, this is the only way to feed them.
Sold at the Farmers' Shop for 10G each. Up to 99 max.

Cow Miracle Potion: Bob will sell this from the beggining of the game.
Use it to make a Cow pregnant.
Sold at the Farmers' Shop for 2000G.

Animal Medicine: Bob will sell this from the beggining of the game.
Use to cure a sick animal.
Sold at the Farmers' Shop for 500G.

"Sell at" is where YOU sell that item, "Buy at" is where YOU buy that item.
|Item Name | Sell at | Sell for | Buy at | Buy for |
|A. Cheese | | | Bar | 500G |
|Blue Berry | Bar | 30G | | |
| | Supermarket | | | |
|Cranberry | Bar | 20G | | |
| | Supermarket | | | |
|Fish Meal | | | Bar | 500G |
|F. Fries | | | Bar | 400G |
|Herb Wine | | | Bar | 350G |
|Large Fish | Bar | 120G | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
|Medium Fish | Bar | 120G | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
|Milk | | | Bar | 150G |
|Mushrooms | Bar | 20G | | |
|Nut Wine | | | Bar | 220G |
|Sauted Dish | | | Bar | 400G |
|Tomato Salad | | | Bar | 400G |
|Walnut | Bar | 20G | | |
|Water | | | Bar | 150G |
|Wheat Wine | | | Bar | 250G |
|Blue Berry Jam | Cafe | 120G | | |
|Cranberry Jam | Cafe | 100G | | |
|Mixed Berry Jam | Cafe | 80G | | |
|Very Berry Jam | Cafe | 80G | | |
|Herb Tea | | | Cafe | 200G |
|Milk Tea | | | Cafe | 200G |
|Tea | | | Cafe | 150G |
|Cake | | | Cafe | 300G |
|Cheese Cake | | | Cafe | 350G |
|Cookies | | | Cafe | 250G |
|Muffin | | | Cafe | 250G |
|Pancake | | | Cafe | 300G |
|Milk Small | Cafe | 150G | Supermarket | 150G |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Milk Medium | Cafe | 200G | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Milk Large | Cafe | 300G | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Milk Gold | Cafe | 400G | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Potato | Supermarket | 60G | | |
| | Flower Shop | | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Bar | | | |
|Tomato | Supermarket | 80G | | |
| | Flower Shop | | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Bar | | | |
|Corn | Supermarket | 120G | | |
| | Flower Shop | | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
| | Bar | | | |
|Bread Fruit | Supermarket | 100G | | |
| | Flower Shop | | | |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
|Very Berry | Bar | 10G | | |
| | Supermarket | | | |
|Rice Ball | | | Supermarket | 200G |
|Soft Bread | | | Supermarket | 150G |
|Sandwich | | | Supermarket | 250G |
|Cheese | Supermarket | 500G | Supermarket | 500G |
| | Cafe/Bar | | | |
|Honey | | | Supermarket | 200G |
|Egg | Cafe | 50G | Supermarket | 50G |
| | Clove's Villa | | | |
|Yogurt | Supermarket | 350G | | |
|Pink-Cat-Mint Flower | Flower Shop | 20G | | |
|Moondrop Flower | Flower Shop | 10G | | |
|Herb | Flower Shop | 10G | | |
| | Cafe | | | |
|Copper Ore | Carpenter Shop| 40G | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Iron Ore | Carpenter Shop| 60G | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Limestone | Carpenter Shop| 40G | | |
| | Flower Shop | | | |
|Blue Rock | Carpenter Shop| 90G | | |
|Moonlight Stone | Tool Shop | 100G | | |
|Rare Metal | Carpenter Shop| 180G | | |
| | Tool Shop | | | |
|Medical Herb | Tool Shop | 30G | | |
|Pontana Root | Tool Shop | 80G | | |
|Fodder | | | Farmers' Shop | 30G |
|Full Moon Berry | | | | |


Dog: You can only have 1 of the two dogs running around. To get one, put food (A Weed is good)
and when the dog likes you, you will be able to pick up one (Choose between Blue or Red),
then give him a good name. He is very intelligent and can do tricks with the help of a
Flute, he can also herd the cows. Whenever is gonna rain, get him inside your house, but
put him out on sunny days. DON'T forget to feed him. To see how he is, pick him up and
press the Select Button, if he gets sick, use an A. Medicine.

1 Heart: He is starting to like me.
2 Heart: He comes to me when I whistle.
3 Heart: I think he's starting to run faster now.
4 Heart: He is getting smarter and listens to what I say.
5 Heart: A man's best friend. He is my buddy.

Horse: You can also only have 1 horse in the game. To get one, do Bob part-time work a couple of
times, and brush all animals and milk the cow and talk to all of them, Bob will start to
trust, one day, he'll be at your farm and will give you one. You must Brush your Horse.
Don't get him out in the rain or forget to feed him. The more hearts, the faster he is.
Take him out on sunny days. If you press the X Button from the side, you will ride him
(If you can), and if you press it in front of him, you will talk to him.

1 Heart: We are getting along better.
2 Heart: He can run now.
3 Heart: He is running faster now.
4 Heart: Top speed. He runs like the wind.
5 Heart: He is confident he won't lose anymore.

Cows: You can have up to 5 cows. To get the first you must buy it at the Farmers' Shop for 2500G
you can then use the Cow Miracle Potion to make a mature cow give birth to a calf in 10
days. Put her inside the stable when is gonna rain or she'll get sick, don't forget to
feed her, talk to and brush her every day, if it's sunny take her out, you won't have to
feed her and she'll be happier. Depending on the Cow's class is the Milk she gives: Small,
Medium, Large and possibly Gold, they sell for 150G, 200G, 300G and 400G. If they get sick
use an A. Medicine to cure them. And, weird enough, you can sell a mature cow (2nd class
and above) for 3000G, 500G extra, I know it's not much, but is weird!

1st Class: Too young, can't produce Milk.
2nd Class: Starts to produce Small Milk.
3rd Class: Produces Medium Milk.
4th Class: Produces Large Milk.
5th Class: MIGHT produce Gold Milk but only if she is outside on sunny days.

Chicken: You should only buy the first one for 500G and just fill up the barn with the eggs your
chicken gives you, or you can buy an egg for 50G in the Supermarket and put it in the
incubator... To feed them inside the barn you must use Chicken Feed -10G each-, or you
can also put them outside, but you will have to carry them in and out, if you put them
outside, put them in a corner so they won't get lost for you... Use an A. Medicine if
they get sick... Chicks and sick Chickens can't be sold, only healthy Chickens for 300G

1st Class: Lays normal Eggs
2nd Class: Lays Golden Eggs


| Seed Name | Cost | Harvest Time | Regrow Time | Profit x1 | Month Profit x1|
| Potato | 20G | 4 Days | Don't regrow| 60G | 420G |
| Tomato | 30G | 6 Days | 3 Days | 80G | 720G |
| Corn | 30G | 7 Days | 3 Days | 120G | 960G |
| Breadfruit | 40G | 7 Days | 4 Days | 100G | 600G |


Kitchen: Costs 10000G. You can actually cook now! It comes with an oven, a pot, and a frying pan
A Fridge is included, too. A Bathroom and a toilet come included. You can cook many
recipes with the help of the things that come with your kitchen.

Dog House: You can build this for 5000G. Not much use of this one, but it will make your dog

10.-Flute Notes

There are only 6 commands, sometimes, your dog might not do one, just keep trying, that the dog
do this commands depends on his love to you...

Sit: Up- Left- Down Makes the dog sit.
Lay: Up- Down- Down He will lay down, if done twice, he will open his mouth.
Heel: Left- Right- Right He will keep running after you, until you pick him up.
Run: Right- Left- Right Herd the cows when outside to get them inside the barn.
Jump: Left- Up- Right He will make a little jump forward.
Up: Down- Up- Up He will stand on his rear legs and kinda beg at you.

11.-Time List

What I mean by this, is how much time will pass since something happens...

-A Potato Harvest: 4 Days

-A Tomato Harvest: 6 Days
--A Tomato regrows: 3 Days

-A Corn Harvest: 7 Days
--A Corn regrows: 3 Days

-A Breadfruit Harvest: 7 Days
--A Breadfruit regrows: 4 Days

-Foraging items (Fruits and Flowers) Ripe/Bloom: 4 Days

-An egg hatches: 4 Days

-A chick grows into a Chicken: 6 Days

-A pregnant cow gives birth to a calf: 10 Days

-A calf matures into a cow: 7 Days with proper care.

-A cow changes her milk size (Small -> Medium -> Large): 11 Days with proper care.

-Completion of expansions (Kitchen, Dog House): 1 Day


Ronald's Supermarket
Opens from 8 AM to 6 PM
Closed on Sundays
| Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Rice Ball | 200G | Potato | 60G |
| Sandwich | 250G | Tomato | 80G |
| Soft Bread | 150G | Corn | 120G |
| Honey | 200G | Breadfruit | 100G |
| Cheese | 500G | Very Berry | 10G |
| Milk Small | 150G | Cranberry | 20G |
| Egg | 50G | Blueberry | 30G |
| | | Cheese | 500G |
| | | Yogurt | 350G |

Lyla's Flower Shop
Opens from 9 Am to 5 PM
Closed on Sundays

| Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Potato Seed | 10G | Potato | 60G |
| Tomato | 20G | Tomato | 80G |
| Corn | 20G | Corn | 120G |
| Breadfruit Seed| 30G | Moondrop Flower| 10G |
| | | Cat-Mint Flower| 20G |
| | | Herb | 10G |
| | | Limestone | 40G |

Louis' Tool Shop
Opens from 10 AM to 6 PM
Closed on Wednesday and Saturday

| Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Brush | 300G | Moonlight Stone| 100G |
| Medicine | 1800G | Rare Metal | 180G |
| A. P. Medicine | 1000G | Iron Ore | 60G |
| Super Sickle | 4500G | Copper Ore | 40G |
| S. Fishing Rod | 4500G | Pontana Root | 80G |
| Silk Thread | 3000G | Medical Herb | 30G |
| | | Milk Small | 150G |
| | | Milk Medium | 200G |
| | | Milk Large | 300G |
| | | Milk Gold | 400G |

Carpenter's Shop
Opens from Early to Night
Closed on Tuesday and Thursday

| Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Kitchen Exp. | 10000G | Blue Rock | 90G |
| Dog House Exp. | 5000G | Rare Metal | 180G |
| | | Iron Ore | 60G |
| | | Copper Ore | 40G |
| | | Limestone | 40G |

Bob's Farmer's Shop
Opens from 8 AM to 5 PM
Closed on Thursday

|Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Fodder | 30G x1 | Cow | 3000G |
| Chicken Feed | 10G x1 | Chicken | 300G |
| C. M. Potion | 2000G | | |
| A. Medicine | 500G | | |
| Cow | 2500G | | |
| Chicken | 500G | | |

Opens from Afternoon to 5 PM
Closed on Mondays

| Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Wheat Wine | 250G | Very Berry | 10G |
| Nut Wine | 200G | Cranberry | 20G |
| Water | 50G | Blueberry | 30G |
| Milk | 150G | Walnut | 20G |
| Fish Meal | 500G | Mushroom | 20G |
| H. Wine | 350G | Medium Fish | 80G |
| Suted Dish | 400G | Large Fish | 120G |
| Tomato Salad | 400G | Cheese | 500G |
| A. Cheese | 500G | Potato | 60G |
| F. Fries | 400G | Tomato | 80G |
| | | Corn | 120G |

Opens from 6 PM to Midnight
Closed on Monday

| Buy Items | Buy Price | Sell Items | Sell Price |
| Tea | 150G | Herb | 10G |
| Herb Tea | 200G | Breadfruit | 100G |
| Milk Tea | 200G | Egg | 50G |
| Cookies | 250G | Milk Small | 150G |
| Muffin | 250G | Milk Medium | 200G |
| Cake | 300G | Milk Large | 300G |
| Cheesecake | 350G | Milk Gold | 400G |
| Pancake | 300G | Cheese | 500G |
| | | Yogurt | 350G |
| | | Very Berry Jam | 80G |
| | | Cran Berry Jam | 100G |
| | | Blue Berry Jam | 150G |
| | | Mixed Berry Jam| 80G |


Instrument: 1st Ingredient + 2nd Ingredient + 3rd Ingredient = Result

Oven Egg + Milk Small + Bread Fruit = Simple Cake
Oven Egg + Milk Large + Bread Fruit = Cake
Oven Egg + Milk Gold + Bread Fruit = Cheese Cake
Oven Egg + Any Milk = Flan
Oven Egg + Very Berry + Any Milk = Fruit Flan
Oven Egg + Honey + Bread Fruit = Honey Cake

Pot Very Berry + Very Berry + Very Berry = Very Berry Jam
Pot Blueberry + Blueberry + Blueberry = Blueberry Jam
Pot Cranberry + Cranberry + Cranberry = Cranberry Jam
Pot 2 or 3 different berries = Mixed Berry Jam
Pot Milk Small = Hot Milk
Pot Milk Medium = Yogurt
Pot Milm Large = Cheese
Pot Milk Gold = Special Cheese
Pot Mushroom + Any Milk = Simple Mushroom Soup
Pot Tomato + Any Milk = Cream of Tomato Soup
Pot Corn + Any Milk = Corn Soup
Pot Tomato + Fish = Bouillabaisse
Pot Potato + Milk Large = Creamy Soup
Pot Egg = Boiled Egg

Frying Pan Egg = Sunny Side Up
Frying Pan Egg + Any Milk = Omelette
Frying Pan Egg + Cheese = Cheese Omelette
Frying Pan Egg + Any vegetable = Mixed Omelette
Frying Pan Egg + Any fruit = Fruit Omelette
Frying Pan Herb + Large Fish + Any Milk = Special Fish
Frying Pan Small Fish = Cooked Fish
Frying Pan Egg + Breadfruit + Any Milk = Pancake

14.-Item Find List

-Fruits places:
---Outside Clove's Villa
---Outside the Cafe/Bar
---Outside the Carpenter's Shop
---Around the Harvest Goddess Lake

-Herb places:
---Outside Clove's Villa
---Around the Harvest Goddess Lake
---Outside the Cafe/Bar
---Around the Carpenter's Shop

-Flower place:
---On the Harvest Goddess Lake, around the tree
---Outside the Carpenter's Shop, around where Kurt works
---Just entering the Maple Lake from the Carpenter's Area
---On the road to the Harvest Goddess Lake
---Outside Clove's Villa

15.-Power Berries

1.-Appears when cutting your Grass.
2.-Nic, Nak and Flak will give it to you.
3.-Appears when fishing.
4.-Appears when tilling your soil.
5.-Digging the soil in the Prairia Forest (Sacred Land).
6.-Given to you by the Goddess.

General: ___________
|___ | A: Harvest Sprites House
________________ | L | ___| B: Ronald's Supermarket
| ______ __ | Maple |___| / C: Ronald's Chicken Coop
___________ | | I | |__|| Lake |Town 5| D: Lyla's Flower Shop
| | | |______| | / \___ D1: Lyla's House
| H | |______ ______| / \ E: Louis' Tool Shop
|___ ____| | | /++__________++\ E1: Louis' House
|++| |______ ______| /++/___ \++\________________ F: Farmer's Shop
|++| |++| /_____ \ | _____ __ | G: Bob's ant Tim's House
___|++|___________ |++| __________/ / | | | |K | | H: Brownie's Racetrack
|_____ O | || |++| / / | | J | |__| | I: Clove's Mansion
| | | G || |++| | Harvest | | |_____| | J: Carpenter's Shop
| F | |____||_|++| | Goddess | | | K: Apprentices Shack
|_____| Town 3 +____| | Lake / | Town 4 | L: Cafe/Bar
| | \_________/ | ________________| __
|________ ______| /++/ / \
|++| /++/ | A |
________|++|__________ _____________________/++/ \ /
|______ | | | | | / _____________________||_
| | | | | C | | / | _____ | | | | |
| D | | | |____|---| / | | | | |___| |____| |
|______| Town 2 | | / | |__| |_ O |
| | |__| | ___| |__|_| |
| D1 | _++| Town 1 \ /+__+ __ ___|
|______| ___ ___ ||+| ____ \/+/ | Farm | |
| | | | | ||+| | | +/ | | |
| |E1 | | E | ||_+ |-- | B | / | | |
|_________|___|__|___|_| |_____|___|____|______| |________________|_______|

Farm: To Harvest Sprites Cave
______________________________| |______
| _________ | G | __ | A. Your House
| | | | |____| | | | B. Your Kitchen
| | B | | _ | |______ | C. Fertile Soil
| |___| A |_ |F| |I | H | | D. Pasture
___| |_____|E| |__|______| | E. Dog House
Town 1 | F. Well
___ | G. Chicken Coop
| ______ ______ ____ __________| H. Barn
| |______| |______| | | I. Silo
| ______ C ______ | |
| |______| |______| | D |
| ______ ______ | |
| |______| |______| | |
| ______ ______ | |
| |______| |______| | |

Town 1: Town 4
_______________________________________/ / / /
| ______ / / /
| | |+++++ __ / / / A. Ronald's Supermarket/Food Store
| | | + |C | _/ / / B. Ronald's Chicken Coop
| | B | + |__| / _/ / C. Well
| | | + | | |
| |______|+++++ / / /
| \ \ / / /
| \ \____________________/ / /
| | ____________ ____ \
| / / | | \ \ \
| / / ___|_|__ \ \____|__
| / / ++ | | \________
| | | + | A | |
| | | ++++|________| |
|____ | | ____________________________|
| | | |
Town 2

Town 2:

Town 3
________________| |_______________
| +++++ | | | A. Louis' Tool Shop
| + + | | | B. Louis' House
| +++++ | | | C. Lyla's House
| _____ ___/ \___ | D. Lyla's Flower Store
| | |___/ \__ | E. Harvest Sprites Spot
| | D |___ \ |
| |_____| | \__ |
| | |___| \___|___
| | C |___ ______ Town 1
| |_____| \_ ______ ______/ |
| | | | | |
| ___|_|_ _| |___ |
| | | | | |
| E | B | | A | |
| |_______| |_______| |

Town 3:
| _ ________+++++|
__|___________ |C| | | A. Bob's Farmer's Shop
Brownie's _____________ \ | B | | B. Bob's and Tim's House
Racetrack/ | \ \ |________| | C. Well
Farm House | ______ \ \_________| |________|__
| | |__\ ____ ____________ Clove's
| | A |__ / | | | Mansion
| | | \ / / \ |
| |______| | | | | |
| | | \___/ |
|_____________| |__________________|
| |
Town 2

Town 4:
Town 5
__\ \______________________
| \ \ D __ _|
| \ \ _____ | | |C| A. Carpenter's Shop
| | \__| | |B | | B. Apprentices Shack
| | __| A | |__| | C. Toilet
| | / | | | D. Harvest Sprites Spot
\ | | |_____| |
| | | |
/ | | |
| | | |
| | | _ _|
| | | | |
\ | | _ | |
\__| |________/ \_____|_|
| |
Town 1

Town 5:
+++++++++++++++| D \
+ | _______ \__
+ | | | | A. Cafe/Bar
+ |C| A | | B. Maple Lake
+ |_|_______| | C. A Full Moon Berry will grow here in Fall
+ B | / D. Harvest Sprites Spot
+ / /
+ \ |
+ | |
+ | \_
+ +++++ / \_
++++++++_____/ ___ |
Harvest _____________/ \__________ |
Goddess Lake \ \
Town 4

Harvest Goddess Lake:
/_ \
/X/ \ A. Harvest Goddess Lake
| \ B. Harvest Sprites Spot
|_____ \ X. Plant the Blue Mist Seed here
| A \____ ______|_
|__________| |_______ \
| \ \__
| \__ \
| B \ \
\_____________________ _\ \
\ \
Town 5

Brownie's Racetrack/Farmhouse:

|/ \| A. Stable
| ++++++++++++++++++++ | B. Horses
| + B + | C. Cows
| + B B + |
| + C B + |
| + B + + |
| +++++++ ++++++++++ |
|\ _____/|
|+++++++++++ +++++++| |
| | A |
|___________ _______|______|
| |________
|__________ Town 3

Clove's Villa

| |_______ |
| _________ | B | E | A. Clove's Mansion
| | | |___|_____| B. Depot
| | A | +++++| C. Fountain
| |_________| ++++++ | D. Harvest Sprite Spot
| + C + | E. Unreachable Area
|++++++++++++ +++++++++++ |
| D |
| |
| | | |
|___________| |_________ |
| | \_____|
Town 3
17.-Weather Chart
This will tell from which day to which day will be in that weather (Mild, Dry, Rainy)...
|Season | Mild Season | Rainy Season | Dry Season |
|Spring | 1st to 16th | 17th to 21st | 22nd to 30th |
|Summer | 5th to 20th | 21st to 26th | 1st to 4th |
| | | | 27th to 30th |
|Fall | 1st to 19th | 20th to 24th | 25th to 30th |
|Winter | 8th to 16th | 17th to 21st | 1st to 7th |
| | 22nd to 30th | | |


1.-If you throw a Chicken into the Maple Lake, and if you get a can, if will be a Chicken of The
Sea Tuna Can...
2.-Throw your dog into the Maple Lake, if you get a fish, it will be a dogfish...
3.-When you finish the game, you can start another year wit all you had... But, people won't
know you, think of it like you came to the farm the same day your grandpa died and all his
animals where there...
4.-You can steal Fodder while doing the part-time work
5.-To get the Old Fishing Rod, befriend with Joe, when you enter the Maple Lake a scene will
occur and Joe will give it to you...
6.-After getting 3 or more FISHES, when you enter the Maple Lake, Joe will ask about your
Fishing Rod, after that, Louis will sell a S. Fishing Rod fro 4500G...
7.-To get the Flute, befriend with Louis, when you enter the Maple Lake he will be there with
birds around him, he will then give you a Flute.
8.-Not actually a secret but... Your dog CAN DIE!!! Yes, when I was trying to get to Winter from
the 15th day of Fall (Just to see the calendary...) I checked my status, the 5 Hearts of my
dog were gone! I went out and the scene that happens with any other animal that dies occured
but Gwen was there, she will then ask you a question, respond "I can't" and she will slap you
19.-Ending List
HELP! If you want to contribute to this, send me the "Instructions" on how to get it, but no

1.-Azure Swallowtail
-Befrien Lyla, Kurt and Parsley.
-Enter the Carpenters Area, you might get a scene with Kurt looking for a special butterfly.
-Go to Lyla's Flower Shop. You will tell her about this.
-One day, in your Farm, Lyla and Parsley will appear, Parsley will then look for the Blue
Mist seeds.
-A little while later, Lyla and Parsley will appear again, Parsley will give you th seeds.
-Plant the seeds at the brown spot in the Harvest Goddes Lake, try at Spring or early Summer
but be fast to get it!
-DON'T forget to water it, if it blooms, the butterfly will appear, after a couple of days,
you will get the ending...

-Befriend Louis
-One day he will be at the Maple Lake with a Flute surrounded by birds. He will give you a
-Keep practicing with the Flute, and give gifts to Louis (Eggs).
-One day, when you enter the Maple Lake, he will be there, and tell you something about a
Blue Bird.
-In a couple of days, he will ask you to sinf with the Flute with him, say yes, you will
appear at Maple Lake, try your best, until the Blue Bird appears, it will drop a Feather,
Louis will then go.
-He will then send the Blue Feather to someone...
-Talk to the Harvest Goddess.
-After a while, you will ge the ending...

-Befriend Gwen, Louis and the Harvest Sprites
-One day, when you wake up, the Harvest Sprites will tell you something about they being
attacked by a "giant" animal. You will get an event with Snowball, Gwen's "pet".
-Keep being friendly with Gwen, she will then decide to take a picture of Snowball to save
the town, meet her at the Harvest Goddess Lake at 7 PM, but she won't take the picture.
-Keep talking to her, you will be asked to meet her again at the Harvest Goddess Lake at 7 PM
but this time she will take the picture, she will then send it.
-Talk to the Harvest Goddess.
-A few days later, you will ge the ending...

4.-The Goddess Robe
-Befriend Dia, Gina, Katie and Louis.
-After a while, Gina will appear at your farm and tell you about making a Robe for the
festival as it might save the town...
-If friends with Katie, she will then go to your farm other day and ask you about the Robe.
-Go to the Harvest Goddess Lake and talk to the Goddess, she will then ask you for Silk, you
can buy the Silk Thread for 3000G at Louis' Shop, give it to the Goddess...
-A few days later she will give you the Rainbow Robe or whatever it is called (Im writing
this from memory...), give it to Gina.
-She will then enter the contest a few days later, if your friendship with her is high enough
she will win and the town will be saved...

5.-The Horse Race
-Befriend Gwen and Bob.
-Sooner or later you will get a Horse from Bob, feed it, brush it, take it outside when sunny
until you can ride it, Bob will then appear at your farm and a scene occurs...
-When you can make it run, Bob will appear and another scene happens...
-Finally (This IS NOT the last step), when your horse reaches 5 Hearts, Bob might appear (If
good friends) and will chalenge you to a race, if you lose, reset and reload the data you
were using, by any means do not lose, try until you win...
-If you beat him, Gwen might appear (Again, if good friends) and she will challenge you to a
race against her, win (Again, reload if you lost), and you will represent the town in the
"National Horse Race"...
-If you win at the race, the town will be saved...

6.-The Silver Fish
-Befriend Joe, Woody and Kurt
-When Joe gives you the Old Fishing Rod, try to get about 3 fishes or more, Joe will tell you
about a legendary fish...
-Keep fishing, he will then tell you about a New Fishing Rod at Louis' Shop, buy it...
-Keep fishing, you will then have a talk with Woody about the Silver Fish...
-Go to the Maple Lake at night, if Joe is there you will have a scene (If good friends) where
the Silver Fish will appear...
-If good friends with Kurt, he might remodel your "New" Fishing Rod, give him about 10 Herbs
or so, he will then give you a better Fishing Rod.
-Go again to Maple Lake at night, if Joe is there, you will have another scene, the Harvest
Sprites will appear this time and tell you the Silver Fish only appears on Full Moon Days
(14th, 15th, 29th and 30th)...
-Go on any of those 4 days and try to catch the Silver Fish, if you get it, you will receive
the Silver Scale, give it to Joe, he will tell someone about this, and you will get the
ending pretty soon...

7.-Cake Contest (Thanks to Paige, Nicks_honey21@hotmail.com)
-Befriend Katie, Dia and any other girl.
-One day, when you enter the Cafeteria, Katie will ask you for you grandmother's recipe,
go to your house and search in your house for it. Then give it to Katie.
-She will then need a Gold Egg, Gold Milk, and Moon Drop Dew.
-Keep visiting to try her "try-outs".
*-If you are friends with Dia, go to her house and she might give you a "magic" book, give it
to Katie.
*-She will then set you up with a girl (Your best female friend, except Katie) on some sort
of date near the Harvest Goddess Spring, you will make Moon Drop Dew.
*-Give her the Gold Egg and Gold Milk.
-She will then come to your farm and said she won and you'll get the ending.
*: Can be done in any order.



-To some people at the Gamefaqs Message Board
---About 40% of the recipes.

---Cake Contest Ending

-To me (Alan Quirino)
---For writing this.


This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (grayfox_2510@hotmail.com).

You must agree these terms in order to read/put on a page this document:

1) You make no credit for this, this work is a result of many hours of gameplay and writting, so
please do not steal.

2) You keep this document exactly as it is, you must NOT change anything, font, number,

3) If you do wish to put this in your web page, you must contact me first saying so.

4) You may use some info of this document as long as I give you permision to do so, but only a
small paragraph.

5) If you think or know someone stole from this, please contact me, as I said, this is the
result, of someone's hard work and a lot of time, so please, don't steal.

6) If you feel I missed something in this or you have a suggestion, contact me, but I will not
accept hate-mail, I will just problably ban your e-mail adress if you do so.

7) I will respond most questions concerning this game, as long as IT IS _NOT_ detailed in here,
so please check first, if the question is detailed here, i will just problably erase the
mail, if didn't respond it was problably because the question was already detailed here, if
you insist I will ban you, and don't try making another account and keep asking!!!!

Please, read them.

This Guide/FAQ is copyright of Alan Quirino.

Any suggestion, co-operation or commentary you have, feel free to mail it to:

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