Disciples 2 - Dark Prophecy

Disciples 2 - Dark Prophecy

17.10.2013 19:33:27
- Disciples 2 - The Dark Prophecy FAQ -

= Author: DG Dobrev =
= E-mail: iron_feather@mail.bg =
= Date: 15.04.2002 =
= Version: 1.0 =


Part One. Introduction

- A few words from the author:


Believe it or not, I got Disciples just a week age and it already
became my current favorite game. I completely forgot about Heroes
of Might and Magic IV, Diablo II - Lord of Destruction and a few
more well know games I was playing at that time.

- A little FAQ :-)

You might ask: What attracted me to this game?
I'll answer: The graphics, the music and the gameplay. I'm a
Might and Magic series fan from quite a time and though I have
never used the turn-based fight mode, this game made me wish I
had... I mean if the screen could blink for a sec and show up
like the Disciple's fighting scene. This would be awesome!
The second thing - most of the strategy games do not offer more
than 2 or 3 different races, most likely with different potential
meaning one is better than the other. This game had 4, one very
different from another.

You might ask: Which is your favorite race?
I'll answer: The Mountain Clans... Although I have great
preferences towards the Undead Hordes. I really like the
Necromancy (since Heroes 2 and Diablo 2) and the Undeads are my
second favorite race.

You might ask: Why exactly the Mountain Clans?
I'll answer: I played my first campaign with the Mountain Clans,
not with the Empire. They were interesting to watch and develop,
and had interesting units. I grew to love the Tenderfoot, who,
upgraded either to Alchemist or Archdruidess was essential for
the success of my games. Some of my friends swear to the Empire
and defy the Clans, for they were weak. Well, I don't think so!

- End of FAQ :-)

- Some peronal information:

This is the first time I give personal info :-) read if you wish,
otherwise feel free to scroll down.

Country: Bulgaria
City: Warna (port city on the Black Sea)
Age: 21
Education: 3rd year in the Warna University of Economics
Currently Studying: Tourism
Initiative: I'm planning to make a game show on the TV... Wish me
luck :-)

Part Two: Heroes' Descriptions

In Disciples, there are three types of party Leaders: Warriors
(Warrior Lord), Magicians (Mage Lord) and Guildmasters. Another
two types: the Champions and Thieves, cannot be picked up as a
starting characters.

- Base information:
-->Warrior Lord: Units in party regenerate 15% of the lost HP
each day, but magic research is limited to level 4.
-->Mage Lord: He can research all spells (including level 5) and
cast them twice a day. The Mage Lord starts with a Magic Tower
already built in town.
-->Guildmaster: The Thief class can perform more actions, all
non-capital cities cost 50% less gold to grow, but spell
research is limited to level 4.

Now, I'll give more detailed info for each race:

The Empire

1. Warrior Lord - Pegassus Knight
HP: 150 (+15/Level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Long Sword
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 50 (+10/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 50
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Artifact Lore

The Pegassus Knight is a noble fighter, whose wings carry him
high above forests and seas.

2. Mage Lord - Archmage
HP: 65 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Lightning
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 30 (+5/level)
Source: Air
Initiative: 40
Reach: Any Unit
Targets: 6
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Staffs and Scrolls
Use Orbs

Master of the arcane, an Archmage is the only Leader who can use
staffs and scrolls.

3. Guildmaster - Ranger
HP: 90 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Falcon Arrow
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 40 (+5/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 60
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 1
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Travel Boots

Travelling quickly troughout the realm, the Ranger is often sent
on scouting missions by the king.

4. Champion - Arch-Angel
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
HP: 100 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Healing
Chance: 100%
Heal: 40 (+5/level)
Source: Life
Initiative: 10
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 1
Leadership: 1
Abilities: Plant Rod

The Archangel claims land for the Empire by planting Rods. The
ground surrounding the rod magically transforms into Empire soil.

5. Thief
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
- Must build a Guild to recruit him!
HP: 100
Armor: 0
Attack: Daggers
Chance: 80%
Damage: 30
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 60
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 0

Thieves are adept at mischief, and can snek behind enemy lies to
secure info, important to the Empire's cause.

The Undead Hordes

1. Warrior Lord - Death Knight
HP: 150 (+15/Level)
Armor: 0
Immune: Death
Attack: Undead Blade
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 50 (+10/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 50
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Artifact Lore

Death Knight's ferocityin battle is unmatched. His high
leadership and flying abilities are his greatest assets.

2. Mage Lord - Lich Queen
HP: 65 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Immune: Death
Attack: Fire Storm
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 30 (+5/level)
Source: Fire
Initiative: 40
Reach: Any Unit
Targets: 6
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Staffs and Scrolls
Use Orbs

Female Necromancers live after death as the dreadful LIch Queens.
Their unholy knowledge allows them to use staffs and scrolls.

3. Guildmaster - Nosferat
HP: 90 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Immune: Death
Attack: Drain Life
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 10 (+5/level)
Source: Death
Initiative: 60
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 6
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Travel Boots

Nosferats drian life from their enemies in battle, weakening
opponents whilefeeding their own evil souls.

4. Champion - Banshee
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
HP: 100 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Paralyze
Chance: 70%
Damage: 0
Source: Mind
Initiative: 20
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 1
Leadership: 1
Abilities: Plant Rod

Banshee plants rods on living soil to create from it a barren

5. Thief
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
- Must build a Guild to recruit him!
HP: 100
Armor: 0
Attack: Daggers
Chance: 80%
Damage: 30
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 60
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 0

A Thief is sent by the King to enemy cities. There he uses his
craft to outwit the enemy.

The Legions of the Damned

1. Warrior Lord - Duke
HP: 150 (+15/Level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Infernal Sword
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 50 (+10/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 50
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Artifact Lore

The Duke's watlike spirit leads demons into battle, sword in hand.

2. Mage Lord - Archdevil
HP: 65 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Flame Burst
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 30 (+5/level)
Source: Fire
Initiative: 40
Reach: Any Unit
Targets: 6
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Staffs and Scrolls
Use Orbs

The Archdevil is the master of the arcane; he has knowledge of
staffs and scrolls.

3. Guildmaster - Counselor
HP: 90 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Crossbow
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 40 (+5/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 60
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 1
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Travel Boots

The Counselor leads the vanguard of the Legions. He travels at
high speed troughout the lands.

4. Champion - Baroness
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
HP: 100 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Fear
Chance: 80%
Damage: 0
Source: Mind
Initiative: 20
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 1
Leadership: 1
Abilities: Plant Rod

Under he Baroness' control the realm transforms to a fury

5. Thief
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
- Must build a Guild to recruit him!
HP: 100
Armor: 0
Attack: Daggers
Chance: 80%
Damage: 30
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 60
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 0

The Thief is valued for his skill in subterfuge.

The Mountain Clans

1. Warrior Lord - King's Guard
HP: 225 (+15/Level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Battle Axe
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 60 (+10/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 40
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Artifact Lore

As warlike leaders, the King's guard are sent to quell any danger
that treatens the Dwarven Lands.

2. Mage Lord - Loremaster
HP: 95 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Earth Fall
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 30 (+5/level)
Source: Earth
Initiative: 30
Reach: Any Unit
Targets: 6
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Staffs and Scrolls
Use Orbs

The Loremaster collects ancestral wisdom of Clans and has the
ability to use staffs and scrolls.

3. Guildmaster - Engineer
HP: 135 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Crossbow
Chance to hit: 80% (+1/level)
Damage: 40 (+5/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 60
Reach: Any unit
Targets: 6
Leadership: 3
Abilities: Use Travel Boots

Engineers travel far and wide, keeping the High King informed of
happenings in the Dwarven Lands.

4. Champion - Dwarf Champion
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
HP: 150 (+10/level)
Armor: 0
Attack: Axe
Chance: 80%
Damage: 40 (+10/level)
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 30
Reach: Adjacent units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 1
Abilities: Plant Rod

Chosen by Wotan to transform the land, the Dwarf Champion plants
rods to expand high King's territory.

5. Thief
- Cannot be picked as a starting character!
- Must build a Guild to recruit him!
HP: 150
Armor: 0
Attack: Daggers
Chance: 80%
Damage: 40
Source: Weapon
Initiative: 50
Reach: Adjacent Units
Targets: 1
Leadership: 0

The Thief has many tricks in his disposal that he employs to
further High King's cause.

These are the characters you may use in the game. You can start
with either Warrior, Mage or Guildmaster, but as the game
advances, you are free to pick another character. The game is
really pleasurable with a Champion (who gains levels quickly and
transforms land like crazy, collecting resources for you in the
meantime), but is extremely hard to gain victory... Unless you can
count on the spells you have and the resources you have stolen.

Part Three: Skill descriptions

There are 25 (on my account) skills in Disciples 2. I will quickly
give the pros and cons for each skill.
The ranks I give :-) are taken from military units... They are:
Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Commodore, Admiral. I just
wanted to skip the simple grade system... Not in my style :-)

1. Use Staffs and Scrolls - this is a skill, only usable by Mage
Lords. It is useful, since the staffs and scrolls you'll come upon
contain useful spells.
Rank: Admiral

2. Artifact Lore - allows the Leader to use artifacts. If your
chosen character doesn't have this skill, learn it right away!
Rank: Admiral

3. Banner Bearer - banners help in battle, either protecting or
helping your party to deal higher damage. It is useful, but you
may clearly go without it.
Rank: Captain

4. Pathfinding - increases leader's movement by 20%. You won't
even feel it at early levels. However, it is useful for all units,
that do not posess the "Flying" ability. I recommend to leave this
skill alone and go for the Advanced Pathfinding.
Rank: Private

5. Leadership - allows to take one more unit with you. EXTREMELY
Rank: Admiral

6. Travel Lore - Allows your leader to wear magical boots. These
botts' attributes almost diminish the effect of Pathfinding (giving
from 20 to 40% bonus, which means better than the skill itself)
skill. Nice! If you combine this with Advanced Pathfinding you may
go well over the 60 movement points line.
Rank: Commodore

7. Arcane Lore - Use Orbs in battle. It is very rare to find obrs
that contain formidable "allies" inside and the fact that the
effect is only during the battle made me hate this skill. However,
if you feel underpowered, this thing may save your life.
Rank: Sergeant

8. Might - your leader does +25% more damage. Useful for all types
of leaders, but especially for Warriors. Learn this skill as fast
as you can. Magi will also appreciate this.
Rank: Commodore

9. Natural Armor - your leader absorbs 20% of the damage his
receives. It is nice skill, but not that critical. I think it is
very useful for low-HP characters, like the Mage. Other may well
skip it.
Rank: Captain

10. (Advanced) Leadership - I put "advanced" into brackets, because
you can learn this skill once again and have 5 people aiding you
in your quest. Again, learn it right away.
Rank: Admiral

11. Advanced Pathfinding - increases movement by 25%. Useful if you
don't have any good boots to boost you movement. Otherwise, there
are better places to invest... However, if you want to travel
quickly and tresspass the land like crazy, use the Pathfinding +
Advanced Pathfinding + 40% Movement Bonus boots. This is almost
double movement than your starting value.
Rank: Lieutenant (maybe Captain)

12. Arcane Power - I can the same about it as I said about the
orbs, since good talismans are very rare to find. Your call on
this one...
Rank: Captain

13. Weapon Master - all units in the Leader's party will gain +25%
more exerience in battle. I love this skill! Having this, you can
quickly raise your (and you men's) XP. Great at early stages and
when fighting tough opponents. The bad thing about it is the fact
that you may well go without it...
Rank: Commodore

14. Accuracy - gives +20% chance to hit the enemy ONLY to your
leader. Hm, I never found great use of it, since you always get
+1 chance per each level gained and... The maximum is 100%, so
you get lower utility for it. But if you're tired of seeing the
yellow flash and "Miss" line, I'm sure you'll choose this one...
Rank: Sergeant

15. Keen-sight - allows your leader to see further in the fog of
war. I completely skipped this skill. I'd better save mana for
spells like "True Sight", "Sybil's Vision" or "Daylight" to remove
the fog than using such skill.
Rank: Private

16. Toughness - your leader gains +20% more HP. Great skill for all
types of characters. More HP mean that you won't die after a few
strikes. Magi should get this ASAP, since they start low on HP.
Rank: Commodore

17. Natural Healing - leader regains 15% of his HP each day. You
may find this skill useful if you play the Mage or the Guildmaster.
Otherwise, don't use it, since the Warriors have natural regeneration of 15% (afflicting the party in the same time!).
Rank: Sergeant for Warriors/Captain if else!

18. Incorruptible - incorruptible for Thieves. This skill is useful
only if you play against human players! The AI doesn't do much use
of the info...
Rank: Lieutenant

19. Water Ward - renders you immune to the first Water-based attack
in battle. You decide if you are willing to invest in it.
Rank: Captain

20. Forestwalk - no moving penalty in forests. Useless, in my
Rank: Private

21. Earth Ward - renders you immune to the first Earth-based attack
in battle. You decide if you are willing to invest in it. Earth
spells are less common (not if you play against the Dwarf Mages!).
Rank: Luietenant

22. First Strike - you leader gains +50% initiative. EXTREMELY
useful. No matter what kind of leader you are, you must have this
skill! Nothing better than striking first in combat!
Rank: Admiral

23. Fire Ward - renders you immune to the first Fire-based attack
in battle. You decide if you are willing to invest in it. Fire
spells are common for the Legions, so if you play against them,
you might reconsider its usefulness.
Rank: Captain

24. Air Ward - renders you immune to the first Air-based attack
in battle. You decide if you are willing to invest in it.
Rank: Lieutenant

25. Arcane Knowledge - read and use tomes. You may find it useful,
I din't since tomes are hard to find and almost all of them give
protection from the first fire/air/water/earth based spell...
Rank: Sergeant

Well, that's all about the skills. You'll be able to learn mo more
than 14-15 of them (in the best case, when you level up ONLY your
character), so chose wisely.
Just for comparison, I got a character up to 15th level just as a
result of waiting and collecting money, which I invested in training.
This was in the Mountain Clans campaign, so far I couldn't find a
trainer in the Empire Campaign and just beginning the Undead Hordes, so... Be prepared to stay around the 10-12th level.

Part Four: Choosing a Leader.

There are three leaders available in the game: a Warrior, a Mage
and a Guildmaster.

THE WARRIOR - he is a pure fighter, can do the most damage of all,
and has the most HP. For the Empire, the Undead Hordes and the
Legions of the Damned, this type of leader can "Fly" (meaning that
he is either able to fly by himself, or is riding a flying horse -
for example - the Pegasus Knight). The Flying ability is extremely
useful, since you will easily cross the map without taking forest
and water crossing penalties.

Tips about the Warrior:
--> The following skills are essential for him: Leadership x2,
Banner Bearer, Weapon Master, Might, First Strike, Travel Lore. The
rest is up to you.
--> To gain levels faster, you may consider starting a game with a
Warrior and just a healer to replenish the lost HP. Thus you'll
raise both character's level quickly. However, this tactic is
almost impossible on the later levels, since the monsters get
tougher and you'll need to raise your party's levels quickly and
surely want them all in place right away.

THE GUILDMASTER - he is a ranged attacker. His arrows are powerful
and his movement points are very high. You may well consider
starting a character like this than a Warrior. He is a bit low on
HP and may easily die from a couple of ranged attacks. For most of
the races he can't fly, so the movement is increased to compensate
for this "inconvenience".
The Guildmaster begins with a Guild already built in town. Also,
he allows the Thief to perform more actions.

Tips about the Guildmaster:
--> The following skills are essential for him: Artifact Lore,
Leadership x2, Might, Natural Armor, Weapon Master, Natural
Healing, Toughness, Banner Bearer. You may add Advanced Pathfinding
and another skills to this pool.
--> The Guildmaster requires heavy backup from front-line fighters.
To compensate for this, he is able to kill enemies with just a
single shot. However, this is very nice, since you may have three
really powerful party members in front (like 3 Holy Avengers).

THE MAGE - this is the weakest of them all. Well... weakest if
speaking about HP. Keep an eye on him all the time, since he easily
loses all his HP with one or two strikes. BUT! Here comes the nice
stuff :-) He is able to inflict enormous amounts of damage (for a
spellcaster) to all six (probably) enemy units on the battlefield!
My first game was started with a Mage and I never regretted that
decision. You may easily compute: 30 damage at level 1 + 5 per each
level gained. Check out yourself how much damage you'll be
inflicting at level 10-12. NICE!
Starts with a Magic Tower already built in town.

Tips about the Mage:
--> The following skills are essential for him: Artifact Lore,
Leadership x2, Might, Natural Armor, Weapon Master, Natural
Healing, Toughness. I also add Arcane Power (for tomes), Advanced
Pathfinding, Travel Lore and a few other skills.
--> If you decide to use orbs in battle, know this: useful orbs are
really difficult to find. All orbs, which contain monsters, are
used only for battle being. Using talismans is also useful, but the
problems here are the same.
--> If you choose a Mage, always keep a good healer in party and
develop him as a pure single healer, nit a mass healer (for example:
Priest ---> .... ---> Hierophant, not Cleric ---> Matriarch and
such). You will need his healing to replenish you mage's HP quickly,
or otherwise, he may easily die. This is not critical, but you'll
lose his all-powerful damaging spells.
--> having a mage is crucial! The Undeads can recruit Werewolves,
which are physical immune (oops, this came from Diablo II, sorry),
meaning no weapon will deal damage on them. Only magic. So, if you
don't start a mage, be sure you have one already in your army.

Part Five: The big question...


1. You'll get more experience for your primary leader's party and,
respectfully, for himself. This means you'll kill all monsters on
the map and get their experience only for yourself.
2. Using this strategy, you may well go over the 10th level. Egoism
is somewhat good in this game... Use other leaders just for
protection and support. They will gain levels by fighting solely the
3. Gaining levels quickly means that if you play against a human
opponent, you'll be more powerful for the first fight, if he is
using the multiple-leaders strategy.

1. You will create one Superman and lots of other lesser leaders.
The lesser leaders stand almost no chance against leaders, developed
using multiple-leaders strategy.
2. Multiple-leaders strategy means that your cities will be better
protected and is less common to fall in enemy hands. This means
you'll keep all the resources around them for your personal use at
all the time.
3. A Superman-Leader will not be unbeatable! If he suffers 2+
attacks from lesser leaders and then is hit by the strongest enemy
leader, he will most likely lost the battle. This means you may as
well lose this Superman-Leader and with his loss - lose the entire
game too...


- First, it is a matter of personal preference.

- Second, all of my friends, who play this game, including myself,
work with the Superman-Leader strategy. At least against the AI in
the game.

- Third, you are not required to follow exactly the tips I gave you
here. You may as well use your own strategy: it may prove to be even

Part Six. Unit descriptions.

This part will be upgraded in the next version. I have a term project to write now, in University, so expect an upgrade in about two to four
weeks. I apologize for this, but there's nothing I can do.

Part Seven. Campaign Walkthrough.

This part will be upgraded last. I have quite a things to compile
here. However, I am yet not sure whether it shall be consisting minor
spoilers, or just give a complete walkthrough of tips for easier win.
I suppose it shall be the first... yet, not very sure!

If you have opinion on this, I would appreciate a mail or a post in the GameFAQs forums.

Part Eight. Final words.

I want to thank Diyan, who game me this game. I got attracted to it
really fast, and this FAQ is partly his ... say... "fault" :-)
I want to thank all the people who posted in the Disciples 2 forum.
Due to their interest, I noticed that there is a reason to write an
FAQ about this game.



by DG Dobrev
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