Freedom Force

Freedom Force

17.10.2013 05:09:46
Ok,let's see. This FAQ is for the game Freedom Force. It includes a general
over-view of the lesser known features of the game and character information.
I'll pass on what I know as I find it out.


1. Game/guide overview:
Character creating
2. Characters:
Core characters
Optional characters
3. Level guides
4. Enemies:
5. Contact info

1. Game/guide overview:

Freedom Force is a real time strategy game with RPG elements and a pause
time feature. What all that means is,generally,the game takes place in real
time (as real life time passes,so does game time) and relies on your strategic
abilities to see the heroes through the missions. The RPG elements are that
your heroes gain new powers and abilities as they gain experience by going
through the levels. The pause time feature means you can pause the game and
issue orders to your team,but nothing happens til you unpause it. The game also
quick pauses when you use the right click menu with a character and unpauses
when you make a selection from said menu unless you used the main pause
feature. If you hold down the right mouse button,you can move the menu around
with the mouse til it highlights what you want. You can find out more about the
game's features as you play the first few missions which have lots of
information on features and game play.


As I said,the in-game tutorials offer a pretty in depth review of your
controls and what your characters can do. So right here,at least for now,I'm
going to go over a glossary of terms so you can understand this guide better
and some basic strats. If you have any questions about game play,feel free to
e-mail me at the address below and I'll see about adding it here.

The right click menu/power level menu - Refers to the menu that pops up when
you right click with a character selected. This menu lists availible,compatible
powers for what you've got it clicked over. For example,right clicking on a
boulder will show the same options for attacking as well as the option to pick
it up if the character is strong enough. The menu that pops up when you right
click on a power listed in the right click menu is refered to as the power
level menu.

Overpower and overcharging - Overpower refers to when someone with the Hot
Head trait preforms a more powerful than usual attack. It's basically the same
as overcharging,only it's random. I also don't know if getting an overpower
attack will push it higher than level 3. Overcharging refers to when you select
a power from the right click menu and right click again to set it's power
level. I refer to these levels as underpowered (the lowest option),normal (the
default setting),level 2 (the one above normal),and level 3 (the highest
setting). Thus,when I say,a level 3 overcharged Tongues of Flame,I mean the
Tounges of Flame skill set with the power level menu's highest setting.

Canisters - Energy X canisters are found in pretty much every level. They
come in 4 flavors: Experience,prestige,health,and energy. Energy is the most
common,it allows you to use your special powers more often as your EP meter
refills faster as well as giving you a full tank right off. Prestige gives you
a prestige bonus of 100 points per canister. Health gives you a full health
meter. And experience gives you an experience bonus.

CP,XP,HP,and EP - Character points (CP) are points awarded to your character
at a level up that can be used to buy new powers and abilities. You get 600 CP
per level. XP is experience points. You got a set amount per mission. 300 for
active team members,200 for non-squad members,and you can gain bonus points by
finding experience canisters in the missions,worth 300 experience points *to
the team member who picked up the canister*. You need 600 XP to level up.

Hit points (HP) tells you what your character's condiction is. The lower the
HP bar,the less he has. You can get an exact amount,in numbers,of HP a hero has
by holding the cursor over the hero. HP can be replished by special
abilities,health canisters,and Heroic Deeds. EP,energy points,is what your
heroes use to do their heroic thang. Each power has an EP cost. Low power
skills,like a basic melee attack,cost little or no energy. High power
skills,which can really put the hurtin' on someone,can cost your entire EP
meter. You can check EP cost against your current EP meter by using the right
click menu. If the EP meter on the left side of the menu flashes red when you
put the cursor on a power or power level,you don't have the EP to use it. You
can still force your hero to use the power,but you take a chance that the power
won't work or,worse,leave the hero stunned. The more power you need to use a
skill safely,the greater the chance it'll leave you defenseless.

The EP meter refills over time,so as long as you don't tax your powers too
much,you've nothing to worry about. Flying characters should note that while
airborne,their EP meters refill slower. So if you need your meter to refill
faster,find a safe place to land and recharge.

Heroic Deeds - See that medal on Minute Man's portrait on the bottom left of
the screen? That's not a knot-tying badge,that's how many Heroic Deeds he can
perform. A Heroic Deed is a special action your characters can take to do
something far beyond his normal abilities. 1 medal = 1 Heroic Deed. The more
medals you have,the more Heroic Deeds you can perform. You usually get more
Heroic Deeds by having the "Heroic" and "Extra Heroic" traits. The "Unheroic"
trait takes away one of your medals. Heroic Deeds break down into 3 choices:
Heroic Recovery,Heroic Remedy,and Heroic Revival. Remedy heals your character
back to full health,like they'd picked up an health canister. Recovery removes
any statis effects your character might be suffering from like stasis,stun,or
acid burn. Revival refills your EP meter instantly. Don't ask me,I didn't name

Basic strategy - It's always a good idea,when starting a new level,to pause
it and look the level over. Although enemies will not appear until your heroes
get to a certain distance from them,canisters and other items are always
visible. You can also think about how you're going to approach the level and
set up your troops. After you've done pretty much everything else,it's also a
good idea to sweep a level for any stray bad guys to help pump up your
prestige. Some canisters are in hard to get to places because of some unseen
flaw in the map. You may have to destroy something to get to them or come at
them from a different direction. Also,never assume a member of your team's
doing his/her job. Pause and check on them occasionally to make sure they're
doing their part if they have to split up.

Also,for characters who use grenades,like Ant and Liberty Lad,it's best to
target the ground about halfway between the character throwing the grenade and
the place you want it to explode. This has worked very well from me and turned
LL and Ant into my main group stompers. Try it,you'll like it.

Character creating:

Freedom Force offers a very nice character editor that allows you to make
your favorite comic book heroes for use in FF or create all new heroes and
maybe some villians. ;) You can also load up new skins and models for use with
these new characters. To put new models in,simply make a new folder,or
directory for us old school comp geeks,in the data\art\custom_characters
directory in your Freedom Force directory with the name of your new model. In
this directory should be the model files and a "skins" subdirectory. This
directory is where you put the directories for the various skins the model
uses. All models need a standard directory for the default skin. All skin files
for a single skin go into a directory under the skins directory in the model's

So,to add a new model,you'd open the Freedom Force directory,go to
data\art\custom_characters,make a new directory with the new model's name and
put your files in that. To add a new skin,you'd go to
data\art\custom_characters\(model's name)\skins\ and make a new directory there
and place the new skin files in the new directory. It's simple once you know
where to put everything.

After that,it's a simple matter of choosing powers,traits,and attributes.
You can custom name powers if you want,but remember to choose traits for their
effect,not their name. But the best way to make a good character is to see how
the game makers set up their characters to better understand how it all comes
together. That's in the next section. For right now,let's just look at the
options availible.


Attributes determine a character's universal skills and abilities.
Strength,speed,agility,endurance,and energy. Strength covers lifting
ability,throwing damage,smack down damage,and melee attack damage. Speed
determines running speed. Believe me,a slow character can be really hard to
work with if s/he doesn't have a distance attack. Agility determines dodging. A
high agility can make a character all but untouchable. It's also a factor in
how often you hit someone. Endurance largely covers hit points. Energy is how
fast your energy meter recharges. A fast recharge rate can help alot with high
energy cost powers.


Traits add new powers or give your characters weaknesses. Weakness inducing
traits can give your characters,well,character,as well as lowering their
prestige cost. You'll just have to read up on what each trait does.


Your character's powers are the other special abilities,attacks,and defenses
they have. Because there's so many and you can make your own custom powers,I'm
not going to bother to list them all. But it's a good idea to look them over as
they're used in the characters Irrational made.

2. Characters:

Freedom Force has 2 kinds of characters built into the campagin. Core
characters and optional characters. Core characters are characters you will be
given by the game at no cost. Optional characters,like player created ones,are
bought with prestige points,but you don't have to have them. Optional
characters do have special scenes in the game,so if you want to see all of
them,you have to get the character. It should be noted you can do what I
did,level up all your characters evenly,or train a certain set of characters to
be your strong arm. Either way has it's drawbacks. Mine won't let you see the
final set of powers on most of the characters,but the other leaves you pretty
screwed if one of your powerhouses can't join the party. Still,all your
characters get XP,whether they're in the squad or not once they join the
team,so you'll probably not have to worry too much about being saddled with a
loser as long as you power up the right abilities.

Core characters: (in order of appearance)

Minuteman: Dressed as a Colonial trooper,Minuteman has a very Captain
America look to him. And,also like him,Minuteman is mainly a melee fighter who
works best up close. Though he has a distance attack,the Minute Missle,he's
largely useless at long range and not a good choice with foes who are hard to
get close to or engage in melee combat. But make no mistake,few can match MM at
melee combat,being as he's able to take out a thug,or even a number of thugs,in
one hit. Throw in special abilities like 300 percenter (triples damage) and
you've got a nasty little powerhouse. I suggest following the game's advice and
getting him the Minute Missle ASAP. He also has the disciplined,heroic,and
extra heroic traits,but the last 2 aren't really necessary. I'd suggest using
the points for those to pump up his skills.

Mentor: If Minuteman is the quintessentual meleeist,Mentor is the
quintessentual support character. His only offensive power starting
off,psyche-slash,takes a bit to start up. With an unhindered foe,he's going to
take damage if he's not knocked out of doing the slash altogether. As such,it's
best to use his slash as a last resort or after you've hit the enemy with
cortical suppression or have them stunned by a teammate. His electron beam
attack,which you can get later,is a good,if EP expensive,ranged attack. It's
especially powerful against Shadow's darkmen. In stages with lots of
enemies,instinct dominance can cut down their numbers or at least slow them
down. Outside of that,I didn't have much use for Mentor as all his attacks use
alot of EP or have some kind of requirements. Also note I never got him to
where he can use his modulating beam,so I don't know how good that is. If you
do take Mentor into the later levels,it'd be a good idea to give him levitate
and partner him with someone with the ability to transfer EP or accelorate his
EP regeneration.

El Diablo: Somewhere between Minuteman's melee abilities and Mentor's long
distance attacks lies El Diablo. Though he leans more towards Mentor with his
melee abilities somewhat on the sucky side,he makes up for this with extremely
high powered long range attacks. Though Tongues of Flame is a decent
skill,Inferno and Hellfire are where the real damage is. Inferno alone will
have him dominating most battlefields single handed. Like Mentor,this can drain
his power reserves quickly,so a walking battery like Man-bot or another
character who can speed up his EP regen is most welcome. Just be careful in
places where civilians like to get in the way as his higher power skills have a
wide blast radius. His swift punch attack is quick to hit,but takes a while
between punches,so hit and run is the best way to use it if at all and be sure
to overcharge it to get rid of weak foes quicker.

Man-bot: A goofy name,but a useful hero. He's slow,his Focus beam attack is
hard to hit with at longer ranges,and his Wallop tends to miss alot too. But
get this boy a lamp post and LOOK OUT! I don't call him "big daddy smack down"
for nothing. He'll slam dinos,clones,most anything goes flying when he takes
the big swing. And Focus can be used on robots for a nice confusion attack in
addition to it's damage. He also has various EP recharging skills,making him a
walking,or if you buy the trait,flying,battery for fast burning characters like
El Diablo and Mentor. Just try to avoid going at it bare handed with anything
other than robots.

Alchemiss: With explinitives like "Peaches an' cream!",Alchemiss soon grated
on my nerves. Still,she's got some nice support skills and her arcane bolts do
a goodly amount of damage to most things. She's pretty lacking in melee
skills,but you probably shouldn't be going melee with someone who panics when
hit anyway. Use repulsion to keep enemies at a distance and pound 'em from
there. In later levels,you can use aloft to do some good damage while she makes
a run for it.

The Ant: Ah,the Ant. He's an odd one,but properly used,can take on whole
levels by himself. His shove attack,though undamaging in itself,can hurt
enemies by sending them flying off cliffs and from fall damage. The acid bombs
hurt and usually kill multiple enemies and his later melee attacks just beat
ass. There's little this guy can't do,properly used.

Warning! The Ant has a bug in his "burrow" skill that,if you click on
another character while he's under,you won't get the "emerge" option,instead
getting "move to". And it will be the only option availible. Although Ant can
still activate various things,like interrogate a thug,activate a switch,etc,he
can't attack or do anything else. He will be stuck this way until a cutscene or
the end of the level. Let's hope Irrational's working on a patch. :)

Liberty Lad: He pops up just after the Ant makes the team. Another
multi-talented guy,LL's stun grenades and fast damaging "one-two" melee attack
can cut through most low end goons pretty quick. For the higher end
nasties,there's the energy bomb,which hits multiple targets. LL isn't a stand
up fighter,but he dodges like nobody's business. Like the Ant,he softens up the
enemy with grenades,then moves in for the kill.

Microwave: The end all bestest character in the whole game. Simply put,he
clones himself. Up to 6 clones,with a couple of energy canisters,he can make an
army of himself. Considering the damage one can do,well,even with half hit
points,they kick ass. That's current hit points,not max hit points. Outside of
that,his radiation based attacks do great damage against most flesh based bad
guys,excepting for clones. However,he's a distance attacker and the closest he
gets to a multiple target attack is rad bolts. Still,when you consider he can
make multiple copies of himself,that's a bit less a problem. Just remember the
clones act on their own and mindlessly attack the enemy,regardless of who's
between them.

Eve: Eve is a unique character as she can only fight from long range. Her
only close range attack,nature's kiss,doesn't do damage. Lucky,her arrow attack
does great damage,requires very little EP,and hits reliably at long ranges. She
also has various arrow types and some statis attacks to slow down persuers.
Basically,Eve's a sniper. Play her as such and you'll find her quite powerful.
If you must go hand to hand,try picking up something to hit with.

Optional characters:

Man o' War: Probably the most balanced character in the game. A good melee
attack coupled with a powerful distance attack and a variety of special
abilities makes Man o' War a great guy to have around. Try to get the flight
ability before you take on Mr. Mechanical's giant robot and you'll have a much
easier time with him.

Sea Urchin: Sea Urchin,like Liberty Lad and the Ant,is a high maintence
character,requiring almost constant supervision to be used effectively. Her
melee attacks aren't spectacular,but they'll get the job done. Her acidic
bubble swarm attack,though useful,has the annoying drawback of not caring who
it targets. It's multi-targeting and sends bubbles not only after the guy you
targeted,but anyone in front of her. While this is handy,it also targets
civilians and allies. So be careful of how you use it.

Law and Order: Ok,these characters are put together for one simple reason.
They go together. Buy one,get the other free. Assign one to the mission and you
can't put in the other one as they can't be in the same place at the same time.
However,the one assigned to the mission gets the squad 300 XP while the one not
choosen gets the non-squad 200 XP. This,however,can be balanced out by letting
the non-squad one get an XP canister which will give that character the XP
bonus. For example,choose Order,transform into Law,and have her grab the XP
bonus from the level,and she'll have 500 XP at the end of it. Personally,I'd
always choose Order to be the offical team member as he has a load of hit
points and they have to get by on whatever hit points the offical team member

As far as game play goes,Law and Order can do some good for your team as
either a front liner or a support character. Law can give up her hit points to
heal more needed characters and Order can go toe to toe with a T-Rex,just
trading hits,and walk away with well over half his hit points. However,there's
nothing they can do that can't be done better by other characters,so if you
want to use them or not is up to you.

Bullet: One of my favorite characters,he is,unfortunatly,also high
maintence. But he hits hard,hits fast,and can put a beat down on most enemies
faster than they realize it's happened. His whirlwind attack hits airborne
enemies and can send people flying. Throw in solid skeleton and fast healing
and he's nearly unstoppable. Just keep an eye on his energy meter as it can
drain quickly.

3. Level guides:
As other FAQ makers have pretty good run downs of the levels going,I'm just
going to include levels with stuff they missed.

Level 1: Came a Hero!
This is more a training mission than anything. Just follow the signs and
you'll find most of the enemies and bonuses. One that's easy to miss,though,is
the prestige canister in the dumpster by the gangster. He's in the alley in the
first block on the far right as you leave the park. Once you see,and deal
with,him,just break or pick up the dumpster and there's the prestige bonus.
Before interogating O'Conner,save the game so you can come back and sweep up
any thugs you missed if you didn't get them all. There's a thug inside the park
on the right as you're leaving the park that's easily missed.

Strange Visitors
In this level,you have to find Suhkov in the warehouse area. The most
complained about part of this level is they give you 2 secondary objectives
that take alot of luck and good planning to pull off together. If you want to
complete both objectives,your best bet is to stun,then whack the guy who runs
to activate the alarms. If they aren't heading for you,they're going to trip
the alarms,making them your target. This is hardest right at the start where
you have to stop 2 runners at the same time. Whack the one nearest to you and
take down the second ASAP. However,unless you want bragging rights or just want
to have a good reason to be thankful they didn't make those 2 secondary
objectives primary ones,it's interesting to note you get more prestige for
beating up the extra thugs that come out after the alarm is sounded (about 150
prestige) than fulfilling the secondary objective of not alerting the guards
(80 prestige). Of course,that's only if the alarm is tripped at every guard
post and every thug is then defeated.

Skating on Thin Ice.
Ah,winter in the park. In the middle of summer. Well,once Minuteman says his
line and busts open the gates,you'll be attacked by 2 ice warriors. They
shouldn't be too tough as Mentor's instinct dominance can keep them busy til
Minuteman sends them to dream land. Once they're done,you can unfreeze the
citizen or leave him for now. Either way,head into the park. Head straight in
to find a woman being mugged by a very large gang. Deal with the first 4
thugs,then move up to deal with 4 more. Once that's done,she's safe and you can
take care of the ice warriors around the park. Use instinct dominance to keep
them confused and Minuteman to bash their heads and the ice warriors won't be
too much trouble. Leave the citizens frozen,though,as they can wander into more
ice warriors and cost you prestige. Don't forget the 2 thugs on the far end of
the park on the other side of the fence. Once all that's done,unfreeze the
citizens and trigger the appearence of the ice queen and a couple more ice
warriors. They shouldn't be too much,especially if you enrage the ice queen so
she attacks her own troops. Once she's beaten,you can sweep the park again or
just interrogate her and move on. If you run low on health,there's a health
canister hidden in the fountain near the frozen lake.

4. Enemies:
Minions are the basic bad guys found in the levels. Villians are unique
characters and act as bosses for some levels.


Thugs: Thugs come in several varieties. Regular,gangsters,and clones. Cloned
thugs will be covered in the clones section.

Regular thugs: These guys have 20 hit points,are armed with bats and guns
and don't have any super human abilities. They're hurt by just about
anything,so don't be picky. The ones armed with guns wear brown jackets and
green hats and will try to keep some distance between you and them. Bat
weilding thugs wear black vests,white or red shirts,and hold their weapons
where you can see them. They have no distance attacks and will try to close
quickly. Neither kind of regular thug is dangerous on his own unless you're
really low on hit points,however,they can be annoying in groups.

Ganster thugs: They look like regular thugs,but have more hit points and/or
weapons. Hitmen are just like thugs with guns except they seen to have better
aim and 35 hit points. Traitorous grendiers are just like thugs with bats
except they have low power grenades. Although they don't do alot of damage as
grenades go,it adds up and can hurt more than one hero. They also seem to be
able to stun better when they hit with their bats. Gangsters are the last of
the gangster thugs. They wear light colored suits and hats and weild tommy
guns. Their aim isn't great,but they get multiple shots and have a nasty slap
attack,though it doesn't do much damage,it seems to hit well. At 55 hit
points,they're the toughest thugs on the street and are often near or with
other thugs.

Nuclear Winter's frozen hordes: What's worse than a no-good commie? A
no-good commie with super powers. And what's worse than that? A no-good commie
with super powers and an army of like powered minions. Disclaimer: I said a
*no-good* commie. If you're not a no-good commie,then you shouldn't be
offended. In fact,any communists who are offended by that,probably wouldn't
enjoy Freedom Force anyway as it parodies the cold war anti-communist
propaganda by using it extensivly in the game,much like an actual comic book
from the 60s. Thusly,the above comment was made in the same spirit as that
parody. If you're still offended by my comment,you really need to lighten up a
little before you give yourself a heart attack.

Ice Warriors: These are the first to fight,and fall to,Freedom Force. Armed
with a rifle that fires low damage ice bullets,they also have a freeze beam
that can freeze you solid. Although it's only temporary and you can't be hurt
while frozen,it's annoying and can leave your other heroes without a major part
of their offensive. At 20 hit points,they aren't much trouble to take out,so
there's that. On their own,they're not bad,but when coupled with other,more
powerful minions,they can freeze a hero and have him surrounded by the time he
thaws. They wear dark grey trenchcoats and those furry Russian hats.

Ice Queens: Ice queens are female agents of NW that have been given super
human powers. Though they don't have a distance attack themselves,their heavy
lifter traits mean they can pick up most anything and send it flying for heavy
damage. Their ice slashing double attack does about 10 points per hit and can
hurt,or,if vulnerable to ice,kill,a hero pretty quick. Their jumper trait means
you can run,but you can't hide. And with 55 HP,they can take a beating. They
seem to have it in for El Diablo,especially if he's flying,but a good hard
whack from Minuteman will send these frozen femmes to the cooler. They also
work well when they fall victim to Mentor's instinct dominence. They wear white
snow suits with short capes.

Frost Warriors: Though they look like ice warriors in red coats,frost
warriors are much tougher (35 HP). Their rifles fire powerful beams that do
good damage,at least nearly 10 points a shot,and can knock a hero on his back.
It's worse if the hero is flying. As the beam is ice based as well,these guys
are very dangerous to El Diablo if left unhindered. However,a few thrown items
from Minuteman or a little mental confusion from Mentor and they're easier

Dinosaurs: They don't play a big role in the game,but they're very annoying
and often numberous. They also have a taste for civilians,so be sure to protect
everyone you can. Radiation attacks work very well against all dinosaurs.

Raptors: The bulk of the dinosaur population you'll face is the variety of
raptors they have. Regular (green),wild (yellow),and tough (blue). All of them
have a nasty bite,10 HP easy,the jumper trait,and an annoying tendancy to
attack you when your back is turned. Regular and wild raptors have 20 hit
points,while tough raptors have 35. Mystical and fire attacks don't work well
against them,so power those up when you can. Wild raptors also have the
berserker trait and tend to turn on civilians when enraged.

T-Rex: These guys are the first really big guys you fight,with 100+ hit
points,high damage attacks,and the fact they do damage just by walking,you'll
be glad they're rare. T-Rex are best handled from a distance and by characters
with radiation attacks like Microwave. Outside of that,the only way to stop
them is an all out assault with whatever distance attacks you have or just have
Order go at it with that hammer of his.

Giant Ants: It'd take a pretty big magnifying glass to fry these ants.
Fortunatly,they're pretty easily dealt with using arcane bolts and the
exploding mushrooms found in the level. There are 2 kinds of ants,workers and
soldiers. Soldiers,though only having 20 HP,are very dangerous because of their
acid spray attack. Once acid burned,you either have to tough it out or,if
you've got a low HP character,use a heroic deed. Kill these quickly and hope
they miss. Worker ants have 55 HP and won't usually attack you on their
own,however,if they do,they may do it by picking up and throwing large rocks.
If they do,take cover. Those things hit hard and fast. Both kinds of ants have
a bite attack,but the soldier ant's bite is worse.

Darkmen: These guys come in 2 flavors,blue and purple. Blue darkmen use an
electrical field that surrounds them and stuns enemies,so don't let them get
close,especially to a group of your heroes. It also does some nasty
damage,especially to Man-bot. Purple darkmen use a direct distance attack that
hits for low damage. Both darkmen are weak against Mentor's electron
beam,making him very useful in the levels that have darkmen. They also don't
stand up too well against the Ant's acid. But whether you should charge in or
keep your distance depends on the color of their robes.

Clones: There are several types of clones in the game. Clones are super
powered copies of other characters you've met. All clones are resistant to
radiation,but not impervious,so think twice before taking Microwave into a
clone fight. They also seem to share the glass bones weakness.

Cloned thugs: Cloned thugs are just like their gangster-level
counterparts,but with added powers. Both have the jumper trait and even though
the thugs with bats don't have grenades,they run a little faster and hit a
little harder with better stun.

Cloned civilians: Cloned civilians come in both male and female versions,as
well as a police clone. Not only can you tell them from the real civilians by
holding the mouse over them (the caption reads "An unusual inhabiant" or
"Defender of the wicked"),they also have some visible differences. Female
clones always wear pink dresses and look a little slouched. They also walk
funny. Male clones always wear brown suits,don't carry a briefcase like every
other guy in the city does,and also slouch and walk funny. I don't think the
clone cops look any different from real cops,though. All three kinds of clones
are very annoying and dangerous.

Clone cops and females both have the fast healing trait which allows them to
recover from damage,so once you start in,try not to leave them alone or they'll
come back at full strength. All of them have a means to follow your heroes just
about anywhere. Males have wall crawling,females have jumper,and cops have
flying. The females attack with a screech that can rob you of your EP. While
this is not a lethal attack itself,it can be very hard to fight several clones
with no energy. They also have a scratching attack for decent damage. The most
dangerous trait they have,however,is they have the beautiful trait,which makes
even attacking them dangerous. Still,it's a low chance of taking effect,only
happened once out of several encounters,but if it does,have another hero hit
him and knock him out of it. Male clones have a powerful punch with a lot of
knock back. This ability alone can make them dangerous as a knocked down hero
can't fight back. They also explode either when you talk to them or when they
run out of HP,so don't fight them near any real civilians. Cloned cops are
annoying because they fly away as soon as you get close. As such,it's best to
hit them with distance attacks or somehow stun them,hit them really fast,or use
a persistant stasis attack like acid burn from Ant or Sea Urchin. During the
clone levels,it's best to have your heroes either all together or in 2 man
teams with one distance attacker and one brawler.

Robots: There are 2 kinds of robots. The yellow mech men and the larger,red
flame mechs. Mech men have no distance attack,but do have powerful wrecking
ball arms. As they were made for knocking down buildings,not heroes,they have
no defense against air attacks. As such,it's best to hit them from the air when
you can. Grounded heroes should keep their distance if they can as the wrecking
balls do good damage and have a high knock-down,so hit and run and at a
distance is the way to go. Flame mechs attack with a flame thrower arm and can
hit airborne targets. For this reason,they should be prime targets for all your
flyers. Both robots have 55 hit points and are resistant to radiation and
crushing attacks. They are,however,weak against lightning attacks and can be
stunned by them and anything that hits has a chance to make them take on the
blank statis effect,but don't count on it in the later Mr. Mech levels.

Aliens: Mentor's race,which looks nothing like him,is made up of 2 kinds of
fighters,warriors and sargents. Both have beam weapons and shields. Shields
protect for a certain ammount of damage and the beam weapons do a good bit of
that too. However,both are weak against physical attacks,but resistant to
mystical and radiation damage. Try to swarm them and don't let them regroup if
you can. Keep pounding on the shield with your low end melee attack and then
hit 'em with the heavy stuff when they come out. Both aliens have 20 HP. Alien
sargents can also fly. You can also hurt them in groups with acid bombs or
bubble swarm and Bullet can give 'em all a red ass beat down.

Slyphs: These bimboes *will* get on your nerves. They have *the* most
annoying voice packs in the whole game. I swear,it's like someone went to the
local high school,found the most annoying hippie/stoner girl there,and had her
record the base voices. Game play wise,they're a pain,but nothing a band of
mighty,mighty heroes can't take down. Each Slyph has an elemental kind of
theme. Silver slyphs use lightning attacks,red ones fire,and green ones,wood.
Watch out for the green ones,they have acid spears and a stasis attack. Though
you can capitolize on the elemental theme,they're all vulerable to radiation
and a good old fashion fist beating,except the green slyphs. They're pretty
resistant to fist beatings,so if you take that route with them,get someone who
hits hard (MM,Order) or fast (Bullet,Liberty Lad) with overcharged attacks.
Otherwise,El Diablo or Microwave should burn them down.


O'Conner: Outside of being a spy,he's not much trouble. He's armed with a
pistol and behaves like a thug with a gun. Once his running crew is out of the
picture,he's toast when Minuteman gets to him.

Suhkov: At 80 HP,Suhkov is pretty tough. He has an average punch and a 3
shot pistol. Just run up and whack him with an over-charged smash if you have
the HP. Otherwise,try to get Mentor to cordical suppress him.

Nuclear Winter: Old Nukie's a tough nut to crack if he's got troops with
him,so try to take them out seperatly and get him alone. I don't really know
what all his attacks do,as he pretty much just ice shelled when Man-bot focused
on him. After that,just keep pounding til he comes out of his shell and he'll
drop pretty fast to El Diablo's flames.

Evil Ant: He has the Ant's abilities,including sonic squeal,so don't let him
get close. At 66 HP,he's not as tough as the real Ant,fortunatly. Use exploding
mushrooms and overpowered electron beams from Mentor to take him out quick.
Also,if the Ant comes with you on the last mission,he'll mention he can "get
rid of" the giant ants by himself. Then the Evil Ant shows up. Makes you wonder
if Shadow was friends with Deja Vu,don't it. He's just like he was in the
underground city and shouldn't be too much of a problem. Hold the giant ants
off while you acid bomb the Evil Ant,then beat him down with whatever is handy.

Shadow: She's a pain,but Ant's acid bombs should keep her at bay while the
rest of your team deals with the darkmen,prestige canisters,and pillars. Once
the pillars are down,one last acid bomb should finish her off. Her main attacks
are a weak shuriken and a blinding grenade.

Deja Vu: A pain in the ass who has a pretty weak beam attack and makes
clones of himself. Although the clones have half his hit points,they also have
his beam attacks. Deja himself starts with 80,but a well-placed acid
bomb,energy bomb,or blast will whittle that down quick. Take out the real one
and the clones are gone too.

Mr. Mechanical: His giant robot has about 1000 hit points,powerful
attacks,and can walk through buildings. All this leads up to one nasty little
city destroyer. Man O' War,with flying,can easily keep up with,get away
from,and take this guy down with his storm bolts. So get that trait and power
up his bolts and Mr. Mech's going to be a junk dealer before long.

Preator: Basically,he's just a tougher version (100+ HP) of the other
aliens. And he's just as susceptible to Bullet's flying fists o' justice and
face rearranging. Throw a little acid on him,then let Bullet do his thing while
Alchemiss sneaks around and closes the portal and he'll be lucky to remember
his name.

Pan: His flute attack hypnotyses and he's fast with a kick and lightning
bolt. However,get someone with knock back on him and he's helpless. He also
doesn't like Microwave's radition damage. Still,you can't beat him without Eve.
Since Pan turned her into a green slyph,treat her as such and she'll soon be
unconcious and then back to normal. After than,either start a Microwave clone
assault or whack him with a microwave beam and let Bullet sneak up and sucker
punch him. Repeatedly.

Lord Dominion: Dominion isn't as all-powerful as the game has lead you to
believe. Though his beam attacks are nastier,he only has 55 HP and he's usually
too busy trying to hurt someone to put up his shields. You might not even
notice it's Lord Dominion you've just told Bullet to wipe the floor with til
after it's done.

Timemaster: All the versions of Timemaster,temporial twin or giant economy
sized,fall prey to Microwave's cloned army as there's lots of energy canisters
around in both fights. Have Microwave keep him and his time-displaced twins
busy and the rest of the team doing whatever needs to be done and he'll be out
of time in no time.

5. Contact info:

Freedom Force is made by Irrational Games. Their website has lots of
community links and the offical sites. You can go there to get directions to
new skins,models,and news as well as the stuff they make for the game.

This FAQ was made by me. If you want to post this FAQ somewhere,use
information contained therein in a website or FAQ,or have corrections to what
I've got here,feel free to e-mail me at:

This document is copyright 2002 Curtis Burt.

For freedom!

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