Battle Realms

Battle Realms

17.10.2013 08:49:02
Battle Realms
Kenji's Edge Walkthrough
Version 1.2 June 23, 2002
By Griever

Author's Note
This walkthrough is intended to help everyone on how to play Battle
Realms. This document will guide your way on Kenji's Journey on both
Dragon and Serpent's Path. Addition to this documents are the basic
and advance info on the other clans aside from the Dragon and Serpent
which is the Lotus and the Wolf clans for the skirmish and network games.

This document is free and may be distributed or reproduced in any
way, shape or form whether it may be electronical or not, providing the
content of this document may not be altered in any way. This document
should not be used for profitable purposes and may not be posted in any
website without my permisson. This FAQ was created and is owned by
Griever (Francis Cariazo) All other unspecifically
mentioned copyrights in this FAQ are acknowledged. Battle Realms and all
its characters and logos are copyright ©2001 Crave Entertainment, Inc.
Battle Engine ©2001 Developed by Liquid Entertainment, LLC. Co-published
by Ubi Soft Entertainment Entertainment.

Authorized Sites
The following are the only websites of my knowledge that has this
document posted. If ever that your site is not mentioned it means that
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it if you do.

Table of Contents
I. Version History
II. Introduction
III. Controls
IV. Kenji's Journey
A. Dragon's Path
B. Serpent's Path
V. Heroes of Kenji's Journey
VI. Clan Strategies
VII. General Info and Gameplay FAQ's
VIII.Clan Info
A. Dragon Clan
- Buildings
- Units
- Unit Upgrade
- Dragon Clan Battlegear
- Heroes
B. Serpent Clan
- Buildings
- Units
- Unit Upgrade
- Serpent Clan Battlegear
- Zen Warriors
C. Lotus Clan
- Buildings
- Units
- Unit Upgrade
- Lotus Clan Battlegear
- Zen Warriors
D. Wolf Clan
- Buildings
- Units
- Unit Upgrade
- Wolf Clan Battlegear
- Zen Warriors
IX. Advance Clan Info
X. Cheats & Hints
XI. Want to Contribute
XII. Credits

| I. Version History |
Version 1.0 - 4/10/2002 - First Version

Version 1.1 - 4/28/2002 - Added the version history
- Added more on Kenji's Serpent path walkhtrough
- Finished Dragon and Serpent's clan unfinished
- Added Clan info for the other clans
- Added the Cheats and Tips section
- Change Zen Warriors to Heroes
- Remove some minor errors

Version 1.2 - 6/23/2002 - Return Zen Warriors from Heroes
- Added Clan Strategy from Ubisoft
- Added Counter Unit List
- Added story of the game and info from
- Remove the building aquisition in exchange for
the building tree
- Edited the buildings info and post up
- Added the each Clan's building tree
- Finished Cheat and Hints
- Change the width of the document
- Made the document more readable
- Added General Info and Gameplay FAQ's from
the Battle Realms Forum
- Added the Advance Clan Info section
- Added the Zen Warriors you will get in the
missions in Kenji's Journey and Added them
in Heroes of Kenji's Journey Part
- Added more Serpent's Path Mission Walktrough
- Got new ASCII for this document
- Further editing
- Added more new cheats from E-mail and from
my friends.
- Finished everything that was added in this
- We'll Whatta Update. He He He :)

| II. Introduction |
Battle Realms has one game that differs from the other strategy
games because right now its the best. Base on gameplay, storyline and
graphics, Battle Realms has remake what strategy games should be. In
Battle Realms you control a warior named Kenji and follow his path to
victory whether to be the leader or the Dragon clan or a Serpent clan.
But wait, you should have a good PC with a killer video graphics card
to go with it if you wanna play this great game.

| III. Controls |
Controls are set in the options menu of Battle Realms. The controls
can be configured by the user. But here some hotkeys that you should
know early for a more faster and efficient gaming.

I - Select an idle Peasant
C - Goes to combat
F - Toggles units force attack
Space - Go to most recent Combat, Fire or Idle Peasant events
Ctrl+F - Toggles On and Off the "Follow Unit Camera."
Disable by clicking on the Mini-Map
Ctrl+A - Selects all units on the screen

| IV. Kenji's Journey |
In Kenji's journey you will assume the role of Kenji as he develop a
village of Peasants into powerful Warriors who will all fight for you to
the death. Follow his path to glory as he become a Hero or a Menace to

**Note: The Missions are done in the normal difficulty and no cheat is
made in the Missions so that the tactics and strategies works on both
cheat users and non-cheat user players.

**Note: The Story has no title or whatsoever so I just put the titles
based on the story and mission description.

| Dragon's Path |

Mission 1 - The Decisive Choices
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Kill all Enemies
Zen Warrior - Otomo
- This will be easy as you decide to choose which side you'll be,
to be a Dragon or a Serpent. If you want to be in the Dragon side
attack Shinja's men who are attacking the village if not attack the
Peasants. Of course we are following the Dragon's Path so kill those
bandits. After you have helped the villagers and finish the mission
Otomo will soon join your party.

Mission 2 - Shinja's Forces (East Area)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Kill all Enemies
Units - Spearmen
Max Units - 20
- There is already a Peasant hut standing here so wait for a
Peasant to come out and make him build a Peasant hut near the pond.
After he built it let one Peasant get the water and two or three to
gather rice. After your resources are enough have your idle Peasants
build the Dojo. And train all of them into spearmen. If you got 6 or
more spearmen combine them with your two heroes and move east and look
for enemies. As your first batch are looking for Shinja's thugs just keep
on training your Peasants to spearmen for back up. Don't attack their
base yet if you got only six of spearmen with your heroes because if
Kenji dies game over so to play it safe let him wait to your base. After
you killed every last one of them then onward to the next battle.

Mission 2.1 - Shinja's Fort (West Area)
Difficulty - Medium
Condition - Destroys Shinja's Fort
Units - Spearmen
Max Units - 20
- This mission is when you chose the left part of the map which is
attacking Shinja's Fort. Its quite hard because you'll be battling with
only just your spearmen and your enemies have Archer, Dragon Warriors,
etc. have your Peasant build a Peasant hut near the rice and another
near the water. Have three to four of them to gather rice and one or two
to get some water. Make it as fast as you can to build a Dojo because
your enemies will your base really soon. Have the new Peasants to be
trained as spearmen wait for enemies to come to you as you build your
army. Collect Yang as you battle to upgrade your spearmens strenght and
health. Until your units are max and trained all available Peasants send
ten of them without your heroes north just to destroy Dragon enemy
buildings and enemies near your base. Mostly your spearmen will be crush
by those Archers and Dragon Warriors. If your units died without
destroYing those buildings and enemy units send another batch of ten
spearmen to do the job. After the buildings are destroyed max all your
units and trained them all and go to the north area and find Shinja's
Fort kill all enemies here and destroy his fort.

Mission 3 - Defeat Shinja
Dificulty - Medium
Condition - Defeat Shinja
New Buildings - Target Range
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Shinja
- This mission will only be available after Mission 2. Have your
Peasant build your Peasant hut there. Train eight Archers and eight
Dragon Warriors and combine your two heroes with them you might want to
leave Kenji at your base because you might be ambush by a lot of Shinja's
men in his base. The remaining troups will stay and guard the base.
Shinja's base is in north, kill all his units and destroy his fort for
him to show up. Defeat him and Shinja will join you.

Mission 3.1 - Getting Shinja
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Defeat Shinja
New Buildings - Target Range
Max Units - 20
Zen Warrior - Shinja
- This mission will be available after Mission 2.1. Have all your
starting units go a little bit south to small rice field and have your
Peasant build your Peasant hut there. Have Kenji and Otomo search the
area for enemies near that area. Train eight Archers and 4 Dragon
Warriors and combine your two heroes with them. The remaining troups
will stay and guard the base. Shinja's base is in the northeast he's in
a watchtower kill all his units and destroy all his buildings or just
attack the watchtower where Shinja is and defeat him. After this Shinja
will join the group.

Mission 4 - The Town of Riverside (Centre Route)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Stables
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Garrin
- You start with your three heroes Kenji, Otomo and Shinja. Just
follow the road going west and kill all those wolves that will attack
you. You will eventually meet a Peasant. Follow the path going east and
you'll be meeting those Lotus wizards. After you defeat them the
Peasants will join your cause and you will meet Garrin's messenger
Vetkin. Now you command a base southwest. A few minute Garrin will show
up furious about Vetkin. Build all the buildings and train eight Archer
and six Dragon Warriors. Attack the Wolf Clan's base in the western area
it should be easy. After this Garrin will join your party.

Mission 4.1 - The Wolf Clan (West Route)
Difficulty - Medium
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Stables
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Arah
- At the start you will see Arah fighting the Wolf soldiers help
her. And she will beacome a healpful allyThe Wolf Clan's base is just
north. Have your Peasants build a Peasant hut in the river where there
is some rice. have three of them gather rice and two to collect water.
Build a Dojo and a Target range from where your stable stands. Build a
watchtower and put Arah there she is reall effective Archer when shes on
a watchtower. Build your defense as the Wolf clan attack every once in a
while. When you got eight Archers, four spearmen and four Dragon Warrior
you can attack their base up north. They have some Peasants hut built at
the northwest. Destroy every last one of them. After this Arah Will join
your party.

Mission 4.2 - The Lotus Clan (East Route)
Difficulty - Medium
Condition - Kill the Master Warlock
New Buildings - Stables
Max Units - 30
- You don't have any rice or water but there are buildings standing
but are damaged and can be easily destroyed. Have one of your Peasants
repair the buildings one Peasant go a little to the north where there is
water and build a Peasant hut near it. Train four spearmen to the area
where you build your Peasant hut near the pond to protect it. Once you
have enough of rice and water, build a Target range. and train eight
Archers four Dragon Warriors and the remaining to guard the base. Have
your units go east and eliminate when you see a Lotus unit. After you
have gone west go north there you'll see a Warlock's tower and a Warlock.
Just kill and you'll be on your way.

Mission 5 - The Swan's Pool
Difficulty - Medium
Condition - Protect the The Building/Kill all attacking units
Zen Warrior - Kazan
- Not much to say about in this mission just head a little the to
north where the Swan's pool is and protect it you will meet Kazan who
protects the women there. Just protect the building and don't let Kenji
die. Use their battlegear for more firepower and you can control those
Geisha to heal your troups. This will be an equal fight for both parties.
Just wait for enemies to go near to you never leave the Swan's pool.
After this Kazan will join you.

Mission 6 - Wipe Out The Lotus
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Bathhouse, Town Square, Well, Shrine
Max Units - 30
- This area is the same as in Mission 4.2. The same map, the same
enemy buildings where it stands. The thing that's different here is the
condition that you kill all enemies and that you have rice and water
but no buildings yet standing not like in mission 4.2. Just like in
mission 4.2 build a Peasant hut in a pond up north and train four
spearmen to the area where you build your Peasant hut near the pond to
protect it. Once you have enough of rice and water, build a Target range
and train eight Archers four Dragon Warriors and the remaining to guard
the base. And if you have much resources and you can build a well you
can leave your Peasant hut that you have built near the pond and let him
gather the water in the well send those spearmen back to the base for
defense. When you got have build a powerful troup send them to battle
and kill each and everyone.

Mission 7 - A Battle for Serpentholm
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Alcemist Hut
Max Units - 30
- This mission will be hard because of the early attacks of the
Lotus and the Wolf clans. Have your base in the middle near the river
and quickly build a Peasant hut and a Dojo and set up your defense as
fast as you can to withstand the attacks. Have three to gather rice and
two to collect water. And if you have built a Dojo and a Target range
train six spearmen and eight Archers for the meantime. As you get your
first Yang upgrade your spearmen's health at the Dojo then after you
have two Yangs upgrade your Archer's attack (Zen Accuracy). After you
have a good defense build a bathhouse and train two or three Geisha. Get
two more Yangs and upgrade your Geisha's healing abilities (Art of
Healing). Now get one more to get your Geisha's health upgrade (Spider
Silk). Now you can upgrade those spearmen to Dragon Warriors and Kabuki
Warriors. Don't attack yet wait full enemies to come and stack up those
Yang and when you have three get the Dragon's Fire upgrade for your
Kabuki, Dragon and Samurai Warriors extra health. Now if you have enough
rice and water to build a town square build one to have two more
watchtowers. Build two watchtowers near the river where the enemy
crosses and build one of them south of your base. Train three cannoneers
and put them on those watchtowers. Now just be patient and don't attack
yet try to get four Yangs to get the Tempered Steel upgrade for more
firepower. Now if got the Tempered Steel train four Dragon Warriors with
Chi Shield, four Samurai with Yang blade, four Geisha and eight Archers.
Now it's time to attack. First head up north and crush those Lotus
Wizard and after that head east for the main base of the Lotus destroy
all of them. Now for those Wolfs, their base is in the southeast they
will be more easier than the Lotus. After that search the area for those
runaway Peasants and what else kill them. The key here is patience as
you upgrade your units so they will not just be killed as you plan your
attack. Everything will be easy as long as your units are upgraded.

Mission 8 - Destroy the Wolf Mines (The North Route)
Difficulty - Medium
Condition - Destroy the three shale mines and The Cairn
New Buildings - Keep, Fireworks Factory
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Gaihla
- You have two options to set up your base which is in the upper
right and in the lower middle in the hill. If you chose the upper right
it you will have a hard time for defending the base. But if you chose
the lower middle of the map you have a real good defense because there
is only one opening and that is the only part that you will be setting
up your defense but the area is small and there is no water. I chose the
lower part because of defense that first should be established. Set up a
Peasant hut here and another near the river for water build and build
until you can build a well so you can leave the Peasant hut near the
river. This has only a small area so try to adjust your buildings near
to each other as posible to save some space. Wait for attacks and start
to upgrade your Archers first, then your Geishas and then you Warriors.
You can get a new hero here Gaihla shes in the middle of the map partly
west of the river. Just help her kill those savage Wolf. She is really
helpful on heling your units. If all are OK then have four samurai with
Dragon skin, four Kabuki with Flash Powder, four Dragon Warriors with
two of them has Chi Shield and the other have flaming sword, have eight
Archers with Fire Arrows and four Geisha with fire Shield and bring your
heroes with them the other units will be left in the base for defense.
Your goal here is to destroy the three shale mines which is in the
eastern area in the hills and the Cairn which is in the most northeast
area. Kill all attacking units nearing your base first so they will not
be attacking the base. You don't have to kill everyone just destroy
those mines and the cairn and get on with it. In the end Shinja will
betray you and kill Otomo. Gaihla will only be in this mission and will
not be not available for your further missions.

Mission 8.1 - The Wolf Swamps (The West Route)
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Keep, Fireworks Factory
Max Units - 30
- This is hard, it will be hard because if the Wolf attack so early
but if your fast it will be just a medium difficulty. Go west and go and
near the rice near the rice build your first Peasant hut and send two of
your Peasant to go east to build another Peasant hut to gather some
water. Gather in this Peasant hut until you have built a well to gather
your water, because their lives are in danger if they keep to gather
water here. This is the only area for you to build your base because all
are swarming with Wolf Clan. Just like in the other mission it will be
good if you establised a good defense. One by one build watchtowers and
send your Archers and your hero Arah. Cut the trees that's in the line
of site of your watchtowers because they can't see who might be there
and the Wolf's might use those trees as camouflage against you. Just
have your unit to force attack those trees. Have two Dragon Warriors and
two Kabuki with Flash Powder to guard the base and have a Geisha with
them. The other will do the attacking. Don't attack yet if you havent
upgraded your Warriors health (Dragon's Fire upgrade) this is needed for
less casualties on your side. If ever you have casualties have those new
Peasants to be train and send them to battle as back up for those
casualties. First go to west part of the map and look for enemy units
and buildings there and head up northwest for their first base. Then go
back to base and get those back up soldiers and go to the eastern area
for another base then the last base will be in the northern part. After
this search for those MIA Peasants that run from your attack. This is
not that hard for those fast players. In the end Shinja will betray you
and kill Otomo.

Mission 8.2 - Wipe Out the Lotus Part 2 (The East Route)
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Keep, Fireworks Factory
Max Units - 30
- This mission is hard because there is no good place to set up a
base. The map is big and a lot of path that will be hard to look for
enemies. The only good area is in the most northwest (top left) of the
map but some lotus are already set a base there so run there and destroy
everything and have your Peasants build a Peasant hut as your Warriors
kill the occupants, in this way you'll get a early two Yangs. Have them
built a Peasant hut near the rice and near the pond. Set up a Dojo or a
Target range early for Lotus attacks. Build and Train until you have all
of the buildings try to save some space for every building this area is
not that big you know. Have those two early Yangs upgrade your Archer's
attack damage for more defense. Build two watchtowers in the opening of
the area and put Arah and a cannoneer up there. Now train your units
just like from the past missions. Its good to have a lot of Kabuki with
Flash Powder and some Geisha to heal your troups. There are two main
base here guarded by two Lotus heroes. One in the north which is guarded
by Koril. The other is in the southwest where Issyl is. Just destroy
this two mainbase and find the the other smaller ones. It will be hard
finding them because of the large map. In the end Shinja will betray you
and kill Otomo.

Mission 9 - The Dragon Spire
Difficulty - Easy/Medium
Condition - Reach the mountainpeak
- You only have eight units here but its enough. Don't bother to
waste your time on those Lotus buildings. But if you are really mad at
the Lotus go ahead. Just go down south and be ready for enemies. Always
use Kenji's battlegear for less casualties on your side of course.
Always rest and heal your wounded units and never move if your Geisha
has no stamina left to heal units. After you head south, move a little
to the east and you'll be in the foot of the mountain. You will trigger
a sequence and a challenge from the Dragon. When you are in the foot of
the mountain and your in the path going up the mountain. Have select a
spearman as bait for those falling boulders and let your other units
wait in the back because after a Dragon Warrior will push the boulder
to smash you after that he should come down and attack you. Just do this
up to the top. Just don't let Kenji be smash by those boulders or it
will be game over for you.

Mission 10 - Road Back to Serpentholm
Difficulty - Very Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Dragon's Monument
Max Units - 30
- You have no Peasants with you but there is a village in the east
area just follow Peasant. That village will be your base. This mission
is really hard but its possible for you to finish it just gather rice
and water as fast as you can have four Peasants to harvest the rice and
two to three to get some water. Build your first watchtower north of
your base and put your Archer there. Build a Dojo and a Target range
and train three Archers and three Dragon Warriors. Have them ready for
the early Lotus attacks. Always use Kenji's battlegear its really
helpful to wipe down those attackers. Now build a bathhouse and train
two Geisha. I think you have two Yangs by now and upgrade your Archer's
attack damage or your Geishas healing skills you pick which one. Now
just guard the base until you can build a town square. After building a
town square, build another watchtower south of your base and another
northwest of the base and send your two Archers up there. Just stack up
and upgrade as usual for every Yang that you got. You can't destroy the
lotus that esily in just one full attack. If you attack their base, you
should stay attacking their keep to get rid of their heroes like Zymeth
and those Monks. Zymeth is a pain in the butt if you don't destroy the
Lotus keep, Zymeth will just keep on coming and thats not good. If you
kill Zymeth and destroy their Keep after that the battle won't be that
hard after all.

Mission 11 - Kill the Traitor
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
Max Units - 30
- There are two tactics in here to lessen the difficulty. The one
is the same old stay in the base and upgrade units and depend it. The
next is eliminate the Serpent in the start of the game. How you do that
is have your Peasant build your base as usual and have your attacking
units to run north as fast as you can to find the Serpent base. Your
mission here to destroy all Peasant hut and all Peasants. You should
not let any Peasants or Peasant hut remain or your effort is no sense
at all. Don't bother to destroy the other buildings because the Lotus
may come and kill your heroes. Have your heroes back to base for defense
for the first attack of the Lotus. There are no water near you so have
two of your Peasants to build a Peasant hut near the the river to gather
some water until you aven't got a well yet at your base. If you could
handle the Lotus attacks then this won't be that hard anymore. But on
the second or third wave of attack of the Lotus you should have Dragon
Warriors with Chi Shield battlegear and Kabuki's with Flash Powder and
of course a lot of Archer. Have two three Geisha's to heal the wounded.
Have those Dragon Warriors Chi Shield activated once their HP goes on
critical and use your Kabuki's Flash Powder to blind your enemy. The
Lotus will just keep on coming also those Yangs will keep on stacking.
Upgrade all your units health, attacks and abilities soon you'll be
ready to attack the Lotus. And always leave a few of your men to guard
the base you don't know what might happen if you leave the base
unprotected. This battle should be over soon. I don't think Zymeth's
will be around here though.

Mission 12 - The Monks
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies/ Protect the Monastery
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Monk
- This area will be hard if your not careful on what to build first.
Have your Peasants run to the lower right area of the map where there's
rice to gather. And have your attacking units including your heroes
directly to the monastery in the east. Build a Peasant hut here. Have
three of them gather rice and two to gather water. Get one Peasant
to go to the monastery to repair it and let him stay there in case.
Then build as fast as possible a Target range, not a Dojo nor a
Alchemist but a Target range. Why? Because you need Archers to protect
the monastery. When you have two. Have them go to the monastery
immediately. Gather your Yang and when you have two upgrade your
Archer's damage (Zen Accuracy) this will help a lot on those who are
attacking the monastery then wait for another two Yangs and upgrade
their attack range (Arrow Crafsmanship). Have only six to eight Archers
in the monastery as protection and one Geisha for healing. Just as usual
when you see that no units are betting near the monastery. It's time to
build everything. Now don't let your base unprotected have four Kabuki
with Flash Powder stay on your base and one Geisha for healing. Have a
watchtower in the opening of your base and put Arah there. Build two on
both path that leads to the monastery build it near the monastery and
put two connoneer one for each. Now that everything is secured train
whatever units that you want to attack their base but I prefer a lot of
Kabuki with Flash Powder a few Dragon Warriors and two or three Geishas.
Their base is in the northwest (upper left). This won't be hard once you
kill all those Warlocks on their base.

Mission 12.1 - The Soul Flame
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy the Soul Flame
Zen Warrior - Ninja, Tao
- You will meet Tao at the start of a mission, and he will tell you
about the Ninjas. He will tell you that the Ninjas are bound by a
mysterious Soul Flame. The Soul Flame is located west of the area. You
should fight a few Ninja around around the area and a few guards the
Soul Flame. Just destroy it and the Ninjas will join you. Tao will also
join the party after this. Its really easy.

Mission 13 - The Last Province
Difficulty - Very Hard
Condition - Kill all enemies
Max Units - 40
- Just like in the past mission your goal here is to established a
well defensive base. This mission is tough and require a lot of time to
accomplised and its really challenging it just gather rice and water as
fast as you can have four Peasants to harvest the rice and two to three
to get some water. Build your first watchtower north of your base and put
an Archer there. Build a Dojo and a Target range and train three Archers
and three Dragon Warriors. Have them ready for the first wave of Lotus
attack. Always use Kenji's battlegear its really helpful to wipe down
those attackers. Now build your bathhouse and train two Geisha. I think
you have two Yangs by now and upgrade your Archer's attack damage or your
Geishas healing skills you pick which one. If you have built a shrine
have your Dragon Warrior get the Chi Shield battlegear and have them
placed in a distance from your other units but just in the attack range
of your Archers. When Lotus attacked your Dragon Warriors immediately
use their Chi Shield Battlegear and have your Archer's Kill those whoever
is attacking your Dragon Warriors do this fast or the Chi Shield will wear
off if your Dragon Warriors stamina is gone. This tecnique requires a lot
of Archers for a lot of enemies. Just Do this technique until you have
learned all the unit upgrades and built all is needed. Just built more
watchtowers an put Archer's and Arah there. They have three base here, in
the north, northwest and east. Attack the north area first and regroup
back to your base and when you think its the right time to attack, attack
the northeast first. The west base is the toughest of the three so be
careful and always save before you leave your base or they may attacked
the base with your guard down. Just be cool in this mission or you'll
gonna lose it and always save on every attacked you'll gonna do.

Mission 14 - Final Battle
Difficulty - Very Hard
Condition - Kill Zymeth & Kill Nightvol
Max Units - 50
- Have your Peasant run south and build a Peasant hut near the rice
have your attacking units destroy the Lotus watchtower that stands near
the river after that have them to your base for defense. You should be
quick in training some spearmen and Archers because there are really some
fast attacks from the lotus. There are two options here the hard way or
the easy way. The hard way is build up your defense and attack the lotus
little by little until you find Zymeth and kill him. The easy way is using
Ninjas to track down Zymeth because the option here is to find where is
Zymeth and trigger his dialog. Zymeth's with the orb around the top right
corner of the map. But if you don't have ninjas just have a group of around
ten to go where Zymeth is. The path is north and then east. There are not
much of enemies that you will encounter until where Zymeth is lYing around.
You'll be just fighting those watchtowers with leaf disciples. It will be
hard if you encounter some roaming Warlocks. If you have triggered Zymeth's
dialog you just wait in your base and he'll be coming there and you just
have to kill him. After that just kill those darklings for the boss to
arrive. You don't have to leave your base to kill darklings and the boss.
Just stay on your base and wait.

| Serpent's Path |

Mission 1 - The Decisive Choices
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Kill all Peasants
- This will be easy as you decide to choose which side you'll be,
to be a Dragon or a Serpent. If you want to be in the Dragon side
attack Shinja's men who are attacking the village if not attack the
Peasants. Now that we wanna be on the side of the Serpent kill those
puny Peasants.

Mission 2 - Shinja's Keep (West Route)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy Shinja's Fort
Units - Swordsman
Buildings - Tavern
Max Units - 20
- Set up your base and build immediately a Peasant hut. Build one
near the rice and another near the pond this will optimize your rice
and water gathering. As soon as your able to build a Tavern have one
Peasant to build it and start training some swordsman to be ready for
your first attack. This area is the same as the mission in the Dragon's
Path which is the mission 2.1 Shinja's Fort. The conditions are the same
the only thing that is different is that you have two enemies the Dragon
Clan in the control of Shinja. Now if you have ten or more Swordsman you
may go north to attack the Dragon Clan small base in the area and as
soon as you got a Yin point upgrade your Swordsmen attack (Drunken
Revelry) which cause one Yin point. This will make the battle more
easier and you will have less casualties. After you've destroyed the
Dragon Clan's base you should now have three Yin points which you need
for the Fortified Ale upgrades for your Swordsmen which add up more
health to them. Now trained all units that you can and gather them in
the hills on the north near Shinja's Fort. Destroy everything you see
here and destroy Shinja's Fort.

Mission 2.1 - Otomo's Mercenaries (East Route)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy and kill all Enemies
Units - Swordsman
Buildings - Tavern
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Otomo
- Set up base on the north area and build Peasant hut near the
ricefields and build another near the pond for fast gathering. Have
one to get the water and three to gather the rice. Build immediately
a Tavern to train Swordsmen. As soon as you have twenty or more you can
attack the enemy base in the east where there is a small patch of rice.
As you go to that base you will encounter some enemies, kill them and
have your Yin point that you acquire on that encounter to get the
Drunken Revelry upgrade for your swordsman for a more easier enemy kill.
When you reach the base destroy and kill everything there and search
the whole map area for other units. As you kill them all the mission
will be finished. After that you will soon get Otomo to join you.

Mission 3 - Hunt for Shinja
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Defeat Shinja
Units - Crossbowman, Bandit
New Buildings - Sharpshooter's Guild, Watchtower
Max Units - 30
Zen Warriors - Otomo, Shinja
- This mission is after Mission 2 which you chose the west route.
At the start of the mission you will be talking to Otomo after that
chat he will join your party. Now find an area to set up your base
don't go east yet coz there is where Shinja is hiding. Choose between
the two patch of rice in the southern area there is a small and a medium
size but I recommend the the larger one for a more easier rice and water
gathering. Set up your base and have one to gather water and three
Peasants to gather rice. Build your buildings and start to train some
units. You may want to build a watchtower and put a Crossbowman up there
for defensive measures. You may combine units at your disposal and when
you have twenty of combinational (ex. four Bandits, six Crossbowmen, ten
Sworsmen) units you may attack Shinja's base in the east area of the map
where the is a small white patch of rice. If you got a Yin you may want
to do some unit upgrades. When you atack Shinja's base you will
immediately see Shinja in a watchtower. Kill those Dragon and Kabuki
Warrior first and attack the watchtower where Shinja is and just defeat
him to finished the mission. After that you will have Shinja in your

Mission 3.1 - Shinja's Fort
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy Shinja's Keep/Defeat Shinja
Units - Crossbowman, Bandit
New Buildings - Sharpshooter's Guild, Watchtower
Max Units - 20
Zen Warriors - Shinja
- This Mission is only available after Mission 2.1 when you chose
the east route to attack Otomo's Mercenaries. Its the same as Shinja's
Keep in Mission 2 the difference is that you start in the east side and
not in the south, and you have a new building to build which is the
Sharpshooter's Guild and a Watchtower. Now you can train Crossbowmen
and Bandits. Set up your base and have three or four to gather rice and
one or two to get some water. I recommend two to get the water and four
to harvest the rice to make it fast and build your buildings and train
your Peasants. I recommend four Bandits, four Crossbowmen and six
Swordsman and the rest will gather a few more rice in case that there
are some casualties. Now go east you should have Kenji and Otomo lead
the pack and attack the small Dragon Clan base in the area, be careful
because there are some Archers and Dragon Warriors in the area. When you
battle and acquire a Yin point go to your Tavern immmediately and get
the Drunken Revelry upgrade for your Swordsman for more firepower.
Destroy and kill everything as usual. You now should got three Yin
points to have the Fortified Ale upgrade. Train all of your Peasants
and gather them in the north area where the opening path for Shinja's
base is. Now attack the area and kill everyone you can leave the other
buildings there and concentrate your attack at Shinja's Keep. Once you
have destroyed it Shinja will soon come out and when he is defeated he
will be yours to command.

Mission 4 - The Town of Riverside (Centre Route)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Kill Garrin,Destroy & Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Stables
Max Units - 30
Zen Warrior - Vetkin
- This is You start with your three heroes Kenji, Otomo and Shinja.
Just follow the road going west, youb should be welcome by some wolves
in the woods kill them and be on your way. You should now have 1 Yin
point save you'll need this for the Drunken Revelry upgrade. You will
eventually be in the village and trigger a event that the villagers are
afraid of the Butcher. I don't know if you're the one they're calling
the Butcher or Vetkin I think its Vetkin. After the conversation Vetkin
will join you. You now have a built base for you, but there's no rice
and water. Have all your Peasants to get the rice in the east for you to
be able to build a Peasant hut near the rice have two to get water from
the well. Build your buildings and train as usual and have a few of them
to ride horses I should decide which will ride the horses but I chose
the Bandits if you have a twenty units go north and you'll be meeting
some Wolf Clan units kill them and a few seconds Garrin will show up.
Now destroy the village in the center of the Map. After that go to where
you saw Garrin kill him and destroy his Keep. Don't leave your base
unattended train the left Peasant there and wait for the attack coming
from the east and a few Peasants from the north. When you are done with
Garrin's Keep go east there should be a small base destroy it and you
should be done in this Mission. After this Vetkin will join your party.

Mission 4.1 - The Wolf Clan Shanties (West Route)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy and kill all enemies
New Buildings - Stables
Max Units - 30
- This mission is when you chose the West path to the Swan's Pool.
You have some building already standing but there is no rice and water
near to gather. Have one of your Peasant go to the west area near the
river to build a Peasant hut and have two to get the water and three or
four to gather rice have one Peasant to catch some horses for the party.
Once your ready to build a Tavern build it immediately as the Wolf Clan
may attack. If you have a few Swordsman about five or six go a little to
north to find a Wolf watchtower and a few Wolf units, kill them and wait
for more Wolfs to come this will have you to gather some Yin points.
Upgrade your units and train all that you can and go a little bit to the
north and destroy the Wolf base there. Once you clear that area you can
go to the most northestern area and you will find a Peasant hut and a
few Peasants. Just clear everything and be on your way to the Swan's

Mission 4.2 - The Lotus Clan (East Route)
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy and kill all enemies
New Buildings - Stables
Max Units - 25
- This mission is taking the east route to the Swan's Pool. Start by
having one of your Peasants to repair the buildings and another to go to
the east area where there is a small pond, I recommend to assisting that
Peasant with two of your heroes or that Peasant will perish because
there's a Lotus Peasant Hut with Peasants gathering their water and a
few Blade Acolyte guarding the area. I sent Kenji and Otomo with the
Peasant and I made my Peasant build a Peasant Hut near the pond and have
Kenji and Otomo clear the area. I let Kenji and Otomo guard the my
Peasants there by doing this I acquired two early Yin points. On the
Peasant Hut in the pond have only two Peasants to gather water and
disable the toggle Peasant generate. Now back to your base I have three
Peasants to harvest the rice and built a Tavern and trained Swordsman
and got the Drunken Revelry upgrade from the Yin points I acquired
earlier. I had one Peasant catch some horses for my units. Now build the
other buildings and train some Crossbowmen and Bandits and ready to
attack the enemy. Now go to the north area where there is a large pond.
There are some enemy there but it will be a cinch because they're only a
bunch of Peasants and a few Blade Acolytes and Leaf Disciples. Clear the
area and rest to heal the wounded units. Now have your idle Peasants on
your be trained for back-up. Now go north after clearing that have the
party go east to clear some more Lotus. Now after that searh the area for
other Lotus. This area will be a in a easy to medium difficulty but I
think its easy as long as you attack in a large group and have the units

Mission 5 - The Swan's Pool
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Protect the Swan's Pool
- You start the mission with 3 Crossbowmen, 1 Bandit and your three
Zen Warriors. Immediatelly get the Battlegear of your unit in the
Thieves' Guild near you. After that go north and protect the Swan's Pool
for attackers. A few minutes a Geisha will come out and join you protect
the Swan's Pool for more attackers. Soon a ninja will came out of the
Swan's Pool building. After that You will hear Koril voice commanding to
attack the Swan's Pool.The key to this Mission to make it a lot easier
is always using your Geisha to heal your units and don't let her be
attacked. Always use your Zen Warriors BG and your Crossbowmen BG to
make the battle more easier after a long that long battle it should be

Mission 6 - The Wolf Miners
Diificulty - Easy
Condition - Destroy and kill all enemies
New Buildings - Bathhouse, Town Square, Well, Metal Shop
New Unit - Geisha
Max Unit - 30
- Have your party to go north to build your base and have your Peasant
to build a Peasant hut. After that have him and two more to gather rice
and two more Peasant to get the water. Once you have a few resources to
build a Tavern have one of your Peasants to build it and train of your two
Peasant to Swordsman to help in combat. Once your able to build a Stable,
build it for you to have some horses and so you can build a well that will
make the water gathering faster. Just train andstay in the base for a while
to have the upgrades for your Geisha's and Swordsmen. Once you have all of
the buildings built train four Fan Geisha, four Bandits, four Crossbowman,
and six Swordsman and let the rest stay in the Watchtowers and guard the
base for attackers. Now attack the Wolf watchtower west of your base and
another watchtower on the north of that area. The main Wolf base is on the
center north of the map. If you got a few Yin points from attacking the
watchtowers get the upgrades for your units. Now attack the Wolf main base
after that there is a Peasant hut in the most northwest area and another in
the east area this should be easy if you attack in full force and in a large

Mission 7 - Fight for Serpentholm
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Destroy and kill all enemies
New Buildings - Alchemist Hut
New Unit - Musketeer, Ronin, Connoneer
Max Unit - 30
- With your starting units go up north and build a peasant hut near
the rice field and another near the river. Be quick in this mission or
it 'll be game over for you. Once you built the huts, build the Tavern
and train some Swordsmen to help out on battle. I put two peasants in
water gathering and three to harvest rice. If you have sufficient
resources build a bathhouse and train at least two Fan Geisha to heal
units that will be holding up the battle. Build the Alchemist Hut if
the Lotus or Wolf haven't Attacked yet and train two or three Musketeers.
Now the first wave of attack might be from the Lotus or Wolf so hold
defend and always use Kenji, Shinja and Otomo's Battlegears. And have
your Geisha ready for healing those in need of medical assistance. Now
that you sustained the attack build a Watchtower near the river crossing
you can build at least two if you already have a Town Square. You should
build another in the south area of your base for detecting attacker. I
recommend sending Cannoneers or Raiders on top of that Watchtowers but
if you like just ordinary Crossbowman or Musketeer its your call. If you
got 2 Yin points from the enemy attack Get the Art of Love upgrade for
your Geisha or the Drunken Revelry for your Swordsman again its your
call. Build the Sharpshooter's Guild so you can have Ronins for your
next line of defense.I stayed in the base and just waited for attacks
while i'm waiting for more Peasants to be generated and to be trained.
I mostly used Ronins as my melee attack, Cannoneers for Ranged and
Raiders for burning down buildings. I stayed in the base until I reach
the unit capacity. I had trained eight Ronins, four Cannoneers, four
Raider and four Fan Geishas. I made my Zen Warriors, three Ronins and
two Geisha as my base defense. In my watchtowers I putted a Cannoneer
because they are really good at that place. Now with my group I attack
the Lotus base just north. That base is not that defensive but it got
hard when they had back up units from the east Lotus base. While your
destroying that base don't forget your base for attackers and train
those Peasants to replace those casualties. After you have destroyed
that base rest for a while and heal those wounded. Now that you're ready.
Have the party go east and attack another Lotus base. This area is quite
hard. They had a lot of watchtowers and a lot of trained soldiers plus
they have the Lotus Brothers guarding up the base. But with your highly
trained and upgraded units this won't be that hard. And when you're
destroying buildings when you have seen it in fire don't bother finishing
it up because the fire will eat that up. Search for more building up
north. Now at you're base as usual trained those peasants coming out
from those huts and have them join your attacking party. Now the last
of your enemies the Wolf Clan had their base in the Southeast area.
They are easier compared to the Lotus. Just kill first those soldiers
and then those Peasants while your Raiders burn their buildings down.

Mission 8 - The Shale Mines (North Area)
Difficulty - Medium/Hard
Condition - Destroy the Three Shale Mines and The Cairn
New Buildings - Keep, Thieves' Guild
Max Unit - 30
- You have two option to build a base one near the river north
of you and another in the hills just a few meters to east where you
are standing. If you chose in the area north of you, the place is
quite nice for a base but you'll have a problem in your defense. And
if you chose the east area, this area is the best for your defense
but lacks the space for your buildings. I both tried this two options
to build a base and the area that works for me is in the east area.
But you should save every little space for you. In that area i built
everything but I didn't find any space for the Keep. So I played the
game only with Kenji in my party.
Start the game by going to the east area and set up base. have
one of your peasants to build the first hut near the rice and the
other peasant to go in the east to collect the water. Be fast about
this because your first option is to build a stable to have the well
for the base. I put up two peasants to gather water and three
peasants to gather rice some of my peasants are trained as Swordsman
and another two were building the Stables to be able to built a well.
You have to build the we'll because the wolf will soon attack and
its hard to get water far from your base, theat is why we need that
well early in the game. Now Build as usual and train Swordsman and
Geisha early so you can have a line of defense when the Wolf Clan sends
their first wave of attack. Ready your units in the entance path to your
base. That is the only area that the the Wolf will attack. When they
attack always use Kenji's Battlegear and never leave that area, just
always wait for them to come to you. Just do that strategy to earn Yin
points you'll need for upgrades. Now for more defensive strategies set
up you watchtowers and put up Cannoneers up there. Now if you want you
should train your Swordsmen to Ronins for more attacking power. Now
ready your attacking units to destroy those Shale Mines and the Cairn.
For my party the Raiders are really great at burning up those buildings
and Ronins for combat. Train eight Ronins, four Fan Geishas, four
Raiders and four Cannoneers. I trained five Ronins and a Geisha at base
for defense. Its good if you could have each of them a BG. Leave Kenji
at base for a more powerful base defense. Now with your attacking unit,
the Shale Mines and Cairn are located at the northeast area. The area
isn't that defensive, there are a couple of Berserkers that tranforms
into a Werewolf and a few Wolf watchtowers that are the only quite
challenge my pack. The Shale Mines are built in the hills in the area
and they are quite easy to burn down with your Raiders. And the Cairn is
in the most northeastern area so when you destroyed the three Shale
Mines and the Cairn the mission will be over immediately without killing
all the Wolf in the Area.

Mission 8.1 - The Wolf Swamps (West Area)
Difficulty - Medium/Hard
Condition - Destroy and Kill all Enemies
New Buildings - Keep, Thieves' Guild
Max Unit - 30
Zen Warrior - Utara
- Now this area if quite a lot of trees. And you have two options
to build your base. One in the east and the other at the west area. The
west area is clear and no sign Wolf Clan. At first you will think that
the area is great but what bad about this area is that the water is in
the east and quite far from the rice field and that area is quite hard
to defend because the enemies are coming from all sides. Now the east
area has some Wolf but can be beaten easily by using Kenji's BG. This
area is quite easy to defend because the Wolf mostly attck from the
north. There's a few Wolf Peasant Huts that I think will give you at
least two Yin points. Now have you peasants build up one peasant hut
near the pond and another near the rice fields. Put two peasants in the
water collecting and three peasants to gather the rice. Build as usual
and train all those idle peasants. When you build a Keep its really
a big help if you could call Otomo. Now for your final attacking unit
train eight Ronin, four Fan Geisha, four Raiders and Four Cannoneer and
have Otomo with them for a more powerful attack. Have these units their
own BG for more power. At the base setup the watchtowers and put two in
the north and another two at the east area and have Cannoneers for them.
I leave Kenji a Geisha and a few Ronins to guard the base. Now with your
attacking units have them to go north first and destroy anything that is
Wolf related (I think i'm quite harst to the Wolf). After that you can
have a Zen Warrior if you attck the Wolf Keep located in the center north
of the map. Have your units go west and go southwest for more Wolfs.
You can search the area for more runaway Wolf Peasant and Wolfs. This
area isn't that difficult if you set up a good base and defense.

Mission 8.2 - Annahilate the Lotus (East Area)
Difficulty - Hard
Condition - Destroy and Kill all enemies
New Buildings - Keep, Thieves' Guild
Max Unit - 30
Zen Warrior - Koril
- This area is really hard because of the lack of area for a base.
So the only thing to do to have a good base is to attack the Lotus
base in the northwest. This is in a top corner left of the map. The
base is not well defensive and can be defeated by my starting units.
So at the start of the mission have your starting units run to that
area and kill and destroy the lotus there. When your soldiers are
fighting those Lotus have your peasants to build your Huts one near the
ricefield and another near the pond. With my starting units fighting
and destroying the Lotus I acquired three to four Yin points. Have
two peasants in the water gathering and three to harvest the rice.
Build you Tavern and Alchemist Hut to train Swordsmen and Musketeers to
help in battle for more Lotus attacks. Build your first watchtower
at the opening path of you base and send any unit of your liking up
there. Now train at least two Raiders with Caltrops BG and two
Cannoneers with Mines BG. Have those units use those BG at the opening
of your base. This tactics will not only help you know that there are
enemies coming but having them lose a few hit point and making them
more easily to be killed. Now for setting up the base defense just do
the above tactics and replenish those used Mines and Caltrops everytime.
Have two Ronins and two Geisha guard the base. For your attacking units,
its not good if you will only used Ronins because most of your enemies
are quite hard. I recommend you use four Ronins which have Bloodbond
and use the Bloodbond on Otomo if you already summoned him through the
Keep. Have Otomo be guarded at least two Fan Geishas, and have Otomo
just be in the base. In your attacking units have four Geisha with Razor
Fan BG and a four Cannoneers and at least three Raiders to destroy
buildings in no time. You can add any other units if you want. Before
you attack don't attack if your units haven't updated their armors and
Hit Points upgrades yet or you'll be in a lot of trouble. Now let's get
our hero for this map. Koril is in the Northeast of your area it's just
a few meters to the east. Just send your units that i recommended, have
Kenji be in your party just in case. Just defeat her and she will join
you. After that destroy the remaining building and enemies in Koril's
area. Now let's kill Zymeth. Zymeth can be found in the east area, near
the large water(sea). On your way on that area their are really a lot of
enemies that you will be encountering. Zymeth will be near a ship (I
think he is taking a vacation). Zymeth is not well defended by his troops
just have Kenji use his BG on Zymeth and he will be eating the dust in no
time. Now in your base have those Peasants always be trained so you can
replenish your lost units. Now the last base will be Issyl's. His base is
in the lower left of the map (southwest) be careful in this area coz if
you attack in small groups you can be having problem destroying the base.
After that you just hunt for those other units in every part of the map.
I think that is why it is one hard mission. Everytime there is a Lotus
Peasants run away he will most likely build another base so don't let
any Peasants run away from you. Now let's get to our next mission.

Mission 9 - The Necromancer
Difficulty - Easy
Condition - Reach the Mountainpeak
- This mission start with Shinja and a few soldiers but its enough
for the whole mission don't bother destroying those dragon buildings
on that area coz you'll just wasting your strenght on them. I didn't
bother myself killing those Zombie because they can't catch up with
you when you run. So I recommend to run all the way southeast up to
the foot of the mountain. The entrance has a face statue. But don't too
close yet on that area or you'll be fighting some really nasty Spirit
Warriors. This is the hard part of this mission is when you stepped put
in that mountain path the Spirit Warriors just keep on coming. I
recommend to rest and when your stamina is full have your team get near
that area by walking and kill those Spirit Warriors that is on the foot
of the mountain. After that when your in the road up, run like hell up
to the top and don't bother looking back and don't bother to engaged in
battle because your main goal is to reach the top. The mission is not
about killing every monster there but to whoever reach the top just get
any of your units up there and end that mission. I finished that area
about five minutes by just running up to the mountaintop. After that
you'll meet the Necromancer.

Mission 10 - Otomo's Rebels
Difficulty - Medium
Condition - Destroy and Kill all enemies
- Start the mission by using you Necromancer's BG to create three
Spirit Warriors. Now you have two options on attacking. Attack only
by using Spirit Warriors or attacking with all your units. I suggest
both and how to do that is. Create spirit Warriors as usual but have
them attck first so you could see what units you will be fighting in
that area. Now if you think its safe to have your other units to
battle in that area so have them battle. The main thing here is not
letting of your units die especially your Fan Geishas. Now if you think
you can't battle in that area the best thing is to do the Hit and Run
tactic. Just have any of your unit be seen by one or two enemy unit
and run to your main party, so in that way you'll be just battling one
or two Dragon enemies. But always have your main party near that unit
but not too near the enemy. One more thing if you attack just using your
Spirit Warriors always attack in groups of three and have your Necromancer
regain all his stamina so he can replenish those Spirtit Warriors in no
time. Now the first area to attack is in the north area where there is a
Dragon Watchtower. Have your Spirit Warriors search the area for possible
enemies and when you see them do the Hit and Run. After you clear the
enemies and destroyed the the watchtower have your party go to north where
there is a circular patches of rice. You can have all your units attack
this base because it is not that well defended and most units are just
Peasant. There will be also a Fireworks factory building in the northwest
near the cliff. After you destroyed all buildings in that area the next
Dragon base will be in the east area where there is a small pond and a
small patch of rice. Have all your units go there. You could attack this
area firstly if you are having trouble with watchtower area earlier. Just
clear this area and you will be finished here.

The Betrayal of Otomo
Difficulty - Very Hard
Condition - Destroy and Kill all enemies
Max Unit - 30
- This is the most difficult mission in the whole journey. The first
thing that is hard is to have a base that is easy to defend. You start
with a worthless base and what you should do is how to defend it. Now you
have a problem.

This Missions and the next missions will all be finished in the next
version update. :(

| V. Heroes of Kenji's Journey |

Dragon's Path

- He's the hero of the story. He should be there.
- You will get him after you kill those attacking the Peasants in
the village in your first mission.
- You will get him after you destroyed his fort and defeated him.
- You will get Arah only if you chose the West Route to attack the
Wolf Clan when you have to choose from the three paths to the
Swan's Pool. At that mission you will see Arah fighting the Wolf
Clan help her and she will eventually join the party.
- You will get Garrin in the Center Route of the road to the Swan's
Pool. Just help him get rid of the Wolf in the area. You can have
him summoned through the Keep.
- You will get him automatically when your in the Swan's Pool
Mission. But he will rejoin you after Shinja betrays you.

- Gaihla will be available only on the Shale mine mission fighting
some wolf in middle of the map. Help her and she will join you.

- ???

- You can acquire Tao if you choose to seek the help of the Ninjas.

- When choose to seek the help of the Monks rather than the Ninjas.
This is in Mission 12 - The Monks.

- They can be acquired by destroying the Soul Flame that bound the
Ninjas. The Soul Flame is located at the east area. This mission
is when you chose the help of the Ninjas rather than the Monks.
This is in Mission 12.1 - The Soul Flame.

Serpent's Path

- Same as in the Dragon's Path.
- He will be available after Mission 2.1 or in the start of
Mission 3.
- Same as the Dragon's Path.
- You will acquire Vetkin when you chose the Center route to the
Swan's Pool. He will be in the village in the western area. You
will get him automatically by going there.
- Destroy the Wolf Clan Keep in Mission 8.1 - The Wolf Swamps to
acquire Utara. The Location of the Keep is in the center north
of the Map. She will come out of the Keep after you destroyed it.

- ???
- Koril will be acquired in Mission 8.2 - Annahilate the Lotus.
She's in the center and northernmost area of the map. Just
defeat her and she will be your ally.
- ???
- ???
- ???

| VI. Clan Strategies |
Here's some strategies you could try out in single and multiplayer
battle this strategies are taken from the Battle Realms at

| General Strategy |

Two is Better Than One
- It's always best to build watchtowers in pairs. If a lone watchtower's
base is attacked, that watchtower is helpless. However, with two towers
in the area, the second watchtower is able to pick off Warriors attacking
the base of the first one.

Add More Peasant Huts
- Multiple Peasant huts decreases the time it takes for new Peasants to
generate. Always build a few Peasant huts around your rice field.

Location, Location, Location
- Always build a Peasant hut away from your main town, preferably near
another rice field. If you find that your town is destroyed, you'll have
a backup Peasant hut ready to generate Peasants and attempt to build a
new town.

Variety is Good
- Always have a variety of units within your war party. Building all
3rd-tier units or all of one type of unit is never a good idea. Variety
is key in Battle Realms. You always want units that will counter
whatever your opponent may have in his army.

Combat Techniques
- Send units to attack early and often. Yin/Yang points are vital to
the game. They allow you to purchase techniques which make your units
more powerful. Also, the more Yin/Yang points you have, the more
powerful your Zen Masters will be on the attack. Yin/Yang points can
only be gained by battle. So, get out there and do some damage to your

Unveil the Spy!
- Having trouble seeing those pesky, invisible Ninjas spYing on your
town? This tactic should help you sniff them out (if you're lacking
monks). Go to a section of your town. Move your cursor to one corner
of the screen, left-click and hold, and move the cursor down to the
opposite corner. This will create a large selection box over the screen.
You will be able to see the health and stamina bars of any units within
this area while it is selected. Take a close look…if you see any health
and stamina bars floating in the air with no visible unit above it, more
than likely you've just found yourself an invisible Ninja. Command any
nearby units to attack him and get rid of your enemy's spYing eye!

Gathering Resources for Allies
- It is possible to harvest rice and collect water for your allies.
Send a Peasant to your ally's town and begin harvesting rice or
collecting water. When your Peasant has enough resources and begins
walking back to your base, select him and right-click on your ally's
Peasant hut. The Peasant will return the resources to his hut! Once
you do this, the Peasant will automatically return the resources to
your ally's hut every time he gathers rice or collects water.

Saving Your Healers
- If you don't want your healing units (Channelers, Geisha, Fan Geisha)
running into the thick of battle, don't group them with your attacking
army. Instead, instruct each healer to guard a Warrior in your army
(hotkey G). Wherever your army moves, your healers will follow. Not only
will they heal whichever Warriors you instructed them to, but they'll
also keep an eye on any other Warriors that happen to be in the vicinity.

Optimizing Resource Gathering
- Always place Peasant huts close to resources. The less your Peasants
have to walk to get resources, the faster resources will accumulate.

Peasant Hut Alarm
- Have you always been suprise by the attacks of your opponents.
Want to now where the enemy will be coming? We'll this will sure
help you out. Build a Peasant hut a bit far from your base and
click on that building to disable the the toggle Peasant creation.
once it its built you will have a line of sight on that area and you
will know that they'll be coming from that area. The computer will
start to attack that building and you willl have time to be ready for
their attack. This is effective against on both human and computer

- The map of Battle Realms have quite a few of trees in the area.
This will have a disadvantage on your part if the trees are near
your base. It will have a really big difference if you have built a
watchtower near those trees. To solve tihs have one of your attacking
units force attack those trees near your base by pressing F and click
on a tree to chop. It will cut that tree and have your watchtowers
greater line of sight to see those enemies. But you should watch out
for environmentalist though, for cutting those trees. :)

| Dragon Clan Strategy |

Combo With Serpent Clan
- If you're allied with a player using the Serpent Clan, try this combination:
Have your ally send the Necromancer at the enemy. Once he starts to engage
Warriors, call forth the Dragon's Spirit to the area. The Necromancer will
then turn the surrounding corpses into zombies...instant army generation!

Earning Yang Points
- The Dragon Clan relies a lot on Yang points for a number of reasons which
include improving Samurai attacks with Yang Blade, keeping the Dragon Monument
ready to attack, and of course purchasing a variety of techniques. Try this
to earn Yang points early in the game. Build a Town Square as soon as possible,
all the while amassing a small army of 5 Powder Keg Cannoneers, 3 Samurai, and
2 Dragon Warriors. Send this army to your enemy's town. While the Samurai and
Dragon Warriors take on your enemy's Warriors (using various Battle Gears),
have your Cannoneers attack the nearby structures. When the dust settles, you
should find yourself with 3-4 Yang points at your disposal...a good head start
of your opponent.

Allied With Wolf Clan? Try This Out...
- If you're allied with a player using the Wolf Clan, support him with a
group of Geisha. The Wolf Clan relies on its natural healing ability and has
no healers of its own. The Dragon Geisha will be a welcome addition to your
ally's arsenal.

Here's another helpful tip for when you're allied with a Wolf Clan player.
Try using Otomo with Sledgers armed with Stun Slam. Otomo's innate ability
will keep their stamina charged so that they can use the Battle Gear over
and over again.

Dragon Warrior Rush
- Send a group of Dragon Warriors with Flaming Sword accompanied by Kabuki
with Flash Powder to your enemy's town. Blind the enemy units with Flash
Powder and run your Dragon Warriors past them and deep into the base, and
start setting the structures ablaze.

Arah/Watchtower Strategy
- Arah in a watchtower defending your town is quite effective. However, this
tactic is also quite effective offensively. Try building a watchtower very
close to your enemy's town and guard it heavily with melee units. Then,
place Arah in the tower. Depending on where your watchtower was placed,
she'll take out unsuspecting Warriors inside the town, or even Peasants
harvesting in the field…quite annoYing to your opponent indeed!

Cannoneers/Dragon Warriors Combo
- A large group of Powder Keg Cannoneers with Shrapnel Kegs paired up with
a Dragon Warrior and Chi Shield will decimate any oncoming raid. Simply run
the Dragon Warrior ahead and turn on the Shield. While the enemy is engaging
the indestructible Warrior, use Shrapnel Kegs to destroy them. Shrapnel Kegs
in groups are devastating.

Dragon's Spirit
- Calling the Dragon's Spirit is excellent for both offense and defense. On
the offensive, use it right when your army begins to attack the enemy. It'll
weaken the tougher units, kill the lesser units, and have no effect an any of
your Warriors. On defense, use it against enemies attacking your town when you
don't have any Warriors defending. It will slow the enemy down while you hurry
to get your Warriors back home to defend.

Late Game Tactic
- Late in the game, after all of the horses in your area have already been
collected, use Garrin's Call Horse Battle Gear to call a horse from the
other side of the map. Not only will you be taking away a horse from your
enemy's territory, but the horse will give you line-of-sight as he runs to
Garrin, acting as a scout.

Dragon Combo
- Split your forces as follows: 2 Dragon Warriors with Chi Shield in Front,
2 Kabuki Warriors with Stardust behind them, 2-4 Sumo Cannoneers with Super
Keg closely following, followed by the primary force of your group (can
consist of a few samurai coupled with Geisha). Send in the Dragon Warriors
first. As soon as they engage, switch on Chi Shield. When the enemy forces
surround them, Super Keg them all with your Sumo Cannoneers while Stardusting
them for any missile-counterattack. After that, clean-up should be easy. This
usually results in the enemy losing its entire group with you losing 1-2 units
at most -- very effective.

Indirect Fire and Zen Arrow
- The Sumo Cannoneer obtains Indirect Fire as a Battle Gear from the Shrine.
The Archer recieves the Zen Arrow power from the Shrine as well.

Indirect Fire allows the Sumo to increase his attack range. If he has a spotter
unit to reveal areas beyond the fog of war, he can be very effective from long
distances and higher ground.

Zen Arrow allows the Archer to fire an arrow at great distances and reveal the
line of sight from wherever it lands. This can be used as an effective method
of "spotting" for the Sumo without putting any other units in harm's way. Other
clans have units, such as the ninja or bandit, which make good spotters. These
could be used in conjunction with the Sumo to produce favorable results as well.

| Serpent Clan Strategy |

Vetkin's "Bravado"
- The Vetkin's Bravado Battle Gear robs stamina from all nearby units,
so it is especially useful for disabling the life-giving abilities of
the Geisha for a short time. It is also useful for robbing melee units
of their running ability. If Vetkin does this and leads them back to
nearby missile units, they'll get extra shots off before the enemy can
close in.

Hit & Run
- Develop a force of about 10 Musketeers with Sniper Scope, Cannoneers
with Mines, and 3 Raiders with Caltrops, then get a few Ronin and a few
Fan Geisha to use as your primary offensive force. Park your force away
from your enemy's main base. Lay down a minefield leading from you to
the edge of their line of sight. Then take your Caltrop-Raiders and run
them to the base (going through the mine-field, of course). Hit the
first building you see a few times, to get their troops rallied against
you. Immediately switch on the Caltrops and dart to your main force,
through the minefield. Switch on the Musketeer Sniper Scopes. As the
enemy approaches you, they're faced with Caltrops and Mines. Ff they get
through all that, they still need to get past the Snipers, which should
blow them to pieces. Once this force is dispatched, send in your Raiders
to burn everything down.

Necromancer Safe Haven
- Put a Necromancer in a watchtower and he'll raise zombies from the
dead corpses around him while still maintaining a safe distance from
enemy units that can directly attack him.

The Power of the Raider
- This isn't a killer combo but more of an informative strategy on how
to most effectively use a Raider. The Raider, at first glance, seems like
weak unit. He is fast, even for a Serpent Clan Warrior, and has the
ability to burn down buildings. A Raider's ability to perform hit-and-run
tactics is second to none. They are most efficient when used with the
Brushfire Battle Gear or the Caltrop Battle Gear.

By using the Raider to simply attack one building until its gone and
moving onto the next simply doesn't utilize the unit to its fullest
potential. Move your Raider(s) to a new Target as soon as the building
has caught fire. The building will fall on its own and you'll still have
time to light up other buildings as well. Burning buildings will hurt
nearby enemy units and other buildings so hitting multiple structures
can create have devastating results.

A Raider with Brushfire has numerous good uses. You can clear out
forests, thus preventing surprise attacks, and you can also destroy
enemy rice fields. This is particularly effective since it slows down
the Peasants' ability to harvest rice. So while your running around the
enemy town burning things, take some time hinder resources as well.

Caltrops are also quite effective, if used properly. They can damage
objects that are behind the Raider as he moves from a location. Used
in conjunction with hit-and-run tactic, this style of attack can put
a good hurt on your enemy. You can light a few buildings on fire, and
when you see the enemy coming to get you, run away and leave caltrops
behind. If the enemy attempts to follow, they will likely be wounded
by the caltrops. This would be a good time to have melee units ready
to help fend off anyone that chases after the Raider. (This can be
quite fun when you set up a minefield of deadly caltrops and lead the
enemy into them).

| Lotus Clan Strategy |

Dual-Lotus Attack
- This strategy is great for 2 players plaYing on the same team who
are both the Lotus Clan. Keep your Warriors together and make sure you
each have Issyl in your war parties. When it comes to fighting time, one
of you activates Issyl's Haste Battle Gear to speed up your Warriors.
Once the effect wears off, the other player activates his Issyl's Haste,
increasing the time your Warriors are sped up. Hasted fighting units are
devastating to your opponent. However, don't try to use haste one on top
of the other. The effect will not be compounded.

Trouble With Enemy WatchTowers? Not Anymore...
- Having trouble taking out enemy watchtowers that are packed closely
together? Have your Brothers bless a couple of Staff Adepts with Dark
Canopy and send them into the fray. This Battle Gear will protect your
units from any projectile weapons that are fired upon them. However,
make sure you activate it once you're close to the towers. The Staff
Adept will become immobile, and you'll want him close enough to his
allies to protect them while they hack away at the enemy towers

Dragon/Lotus Combo
- If you're plaYing as the Lotus Clan and you're allied with someone
who is the Dragon Clan, try this out. Send a few Blade Acolytes with
Inner Strength to attack with your ally's Otomo. As they fight, keep
an eye on your units' health. When you see them getting low, activate
that unit's Inner Strength to regain health. The best part about this is
while Otomo fights alongside them, his innate ability will continually
replenish the stamina of the nearby Blade Acolytes. This will allow them
to use Inner Strength over and over again.

- Teleport Koril to your enemy's rice field (it may be a good idea to
scope the area out first with the use of a Ninja). Koril will make short
work of any nearby Peasants, slowing your opponent's harvesting. Also,
any nearby enemies with projectile weapons will find it nearly impossible
to hit Koril. However, be careful. You will need to find somewhere to
rest Koril for a few seconds so he may regain enough stamina to teleport
out again. If you find that Koril continually runs to attack nearby
buildings and won't stay put in order to rest, simply press "N" to make
him stand his ground and not move. It's a tricky strategy, but the
bragging rights are enormous. Another option is to accompany Koril in
the rice field with Death Sentry. That way, any melee units that swarm
in to attack Koril will be hit by its effects.

The Height Advantage
- Some of the maps in Battle Realms have elevated ridges near the rice
fields. Have an Unclean One eat one of your Peasants to give him the
Death Sentry Battle Gear. Then, move him to the ridge that overlooks
your opponent's rice field. Activate the Battle Gear and toss the
Death Sentry into the rice field. This will slow your opponent's
resource gathering by either A) killing his Peasants as they try to
harvest or B) forcing your opponent to move his Peasants away from the
rice field for a moment while he uses a Warrior to force-attack the
Death Sentry to get rid of it. Plus, if your opponent has no idea that
he is able to destroy it on his own, he may actually wait for it to
disappear before resuming the harvesting process, and by that time,
you'll have another Death Sentry ready to be thrown into his rice field
once more.

- Have your Brothers bless a group of Infested Ones with Rebirth. Mount
the Infested Ones on Shadow Steeds and send them off to war. When they
engage in battle, the enemy will have to first get the steed out from
under each of them before concentrating their full attack on the Infested
Ones. Also, when these units are dismounted, their Rebirth Battle Gear
will be ready. After killing them once, the enemy will have to kill them
a second time after each of their Rebirth Battle Gears kick in. Your
opponent will swear these Warriors never die!


Have your Brothers bless a group of Infested Ones with Rebirth. Have the
Brothers follow these units into battle. As they fight, keep an eye on
your Infested Ones. When you see one of them use his Rebirth, have one
of the Brothers bless him with Rebirth again! Your opponent will have to
go after the Brothers before concentrating their efforts on any of the
Infested Ones.

Teleport Trick
- Build a watchtower inside of your town, then build a second watchtower
relatively close to your opponent's town. It's a good idea to place this
second tower where the enemy will not accidentally stumble upon it (such
as the very edge of the map). You may also want to place a few units
around it for protection. Select the watchtower in your town by left-clicking
it, then set its waypoint to the second watchtower by right-clicking the
second watchtower. Make sure this first watchtower is empty when setting
the waypoint. Also, set a waypoint for the second tower a small distance
away from it. When you send your Warriors to attack your enemy's town,
keep up your production of new Warriors. If you find your attacking
forces being depleted or completely wiped out send any new Warriors you
have in your town to the nearby watchtower. They will automatically move
one by one from one tower to the next through teleportation and will all
gather at the second watchtower's waypoint. This tactic cuts down your
units' travel time amazingly, plus you won't be giving your opponent any
time to build up new forces while your units walk across the map.

Group Battle Tactic
- Create 4 Unclean Ones with Death Sentry, 1 Staff Adept with Whirling
Staff, 1 Leaf Disciple with Scrye Leaves, 2 Channelers, and a whole bunch
of Warlocks, and if you can, summon Issyl. Use the Scrye Leaves to scout
out ahead of you. When you're about to engage the enemy, deploy all four
Death Sentries. Get your Staff Adept in the middle of your forces and
turn on the Whirling Staff. This will protect your forces from all
missile fire. Use Issyl's Haste to nearly double your attack rate. Make
sure your Channelers protect your Warlocks, and watch the destruction

Zymeth Defense
- Summon Zymeth, call a storm, then put Zymeth in a watchtower as base

Death Sentry/Spreading Goo
- Death Sentry is the Battle Gear that the Unclean One gets for eating
a Peasant. Spreading Goo is the upgrade he gets from the Brothers. Death
Sentry is a skull that the Unclean One hurls at the enemy. It floats in
the air and does damage to all enemies who pass by it. Spreading Goo slows
down all enemies who walk through it. With some skillful management, you
can trap units in the Spreading Goo and then Death Sentry them. If used
properly, this is another deadly combination.

| Wolf Clan Strategy |

Combat Support
- Greyback and Gaihla play good support. Both of these guys are pretty
good in combat, but work more effectively when used for support in combat.
Gaihla's rechargeable heal bomb can save many units, or just prepare them
for a second round of combat while they gather stamina. The additional
damage from Greyback is handy in giving your men that sought after "edge"
over your opponent.

Offensive Pitch Slinger
- Instead of using the Pitch Slinger's Scorched Earth ability for
defensive purposes, try using it on the offensive. Throw the pitch mine
into the middle of a battle. It will explode on impact, doing area of
effect damage on all nearby enemy Warriors.

Use Shale Armor!
- While the Wolf Clan has fairly scattered resistances to help develop
a rounded army, shale armor is still going to be very effective on
anyone you don't plan on giving the blessing Battle Gear to. This
strategy is also effective for primary damage units even if you are
using the other Battle Gear. You can use the men with Shale Armor to
buffer those with none in order to pull off other Battle Gear, some of
which take a moment or two to operate. This is also effective early on
since the Shalery is relatively low on the tech tree, and it will make
your units that much harder to kill when your opponent doesn't have any
techniques or Battle Gear yet.

Siege Units
- Use siege units effectively. Much of the Wolf Clan's power comes in
the form of siege units (a siege unit is one which does lots of damage
to buildings). If you are having a tough time with an opponent's
defensive line, there's nothing like sledgers, maulers, and pitch
lingers with shale armor to take down those towers. Also, once you have
access to the Shale Lord, no one takes down buildings like this guy. If
you are using a siege strategy I would also recommend getting the
upgrade to damage for sledgers (Petrified Wood).

Switch Battle Gears
- Don't underestimate other Battle Gear. Many people will, after
witnessing a nice improvement in combat performance, tend to stick with
Shale Armor. Try using the other Battle Gear. While your units might not
be quite as tough, effective use of things like Wrecking Ball and Totem
can be equally effective. Stun Slam is very effective to give you some
time to use other Battle Gear or just wail on some of the tougher units.
Scorched Earth reveals a huge line of sight (more than most units will)
and is therefore an effective scouting tool. If they aren't paYing
attention they might step on it and take some damage as well. Totem is
very handy for defense. You can just set one up next to a tower, then
add in the slow effect of the tower and units for defense and its pretty
nasty. When the enemy outnumbers you, Wrecking Ball works well since you
hit multiple opponents as they surround you to attack.

Free Units
- The Wolf Clan actually has two ways to get free units for its army.
First is the Lycanthropy Battle Gear which, if used correctly when a
berserker is about to die, will instead replace what would otherwise be
a corpse with a brand new werewolf. The other way is through using
wolves. Any wolf unit can have wolves following it. Werewolves and
heroes get 2, the Packmaster gets 3, and others all get 1. The wolves
will fight alongside your men and provide many extra Targets for the
enemy to attack. They might not do a ton of damage, but there's nothing
like watChing four or five swordsmen waste glass swords on a couple of

Heal Your Wolves
- Once you buy the "Herbalists" technique from the Vitality Garden,
pull your damaged Wolf units out of combat. They'll heal to 100% health
if they stand still for a short period of time.

Early Rush Tactic
- As soon as possible, build a Wolves' Den and get 2 Peasants to catch
horses. Build up a force of 4 Packmasters each with 3 Wolves (total of
16 units, trained in the time it takes to train 4 first-tier units).
Rush the enemy and engage them. This probably won't kill off your
opponent, but it will severely damage his production ability, thus
giving you the opportunity to build some bigger units (Sledgers, Hurlers
with lava rock, etc.).

The Power of Wolves
- Wolves should never be underestimated. Wolves are raised in the
Wolves' Den on fresh horse meat. To raise Wolves,order one of your
Peasants to gather wild horses. Gathered horses will be deposited
into the Wolves' Den and used to raise wolf cubs. To give a Wolf to
one of your units, send the unit into the Wolves' Den. Most Wolf Clan
units can only have one Wolf pet at a time. However, the Packmaster
can have up to three Wolves and the Werewolf can have up to two.
Peasants cannot have Wolves, and will instead train into Packmasters
upon entering the Wolves' Den. That pet will fight and die for the
its master. This makes Wolves a great source of protection for all your
units,especially your Peasants, Druidesses, and long range units.
Although not very tough, Wolves add melee damage potential to all units.
They can be very effective when used with fighting Druidesses since a
Druidess has the ability to entangle an enemy, thus giving the Wolf
free attacks on the opponent. Also, The Pack Master is another good
unit that gets trained in the Wolves' Den. So, as a building, the
Wolves' Den has two primary uses (as opposed to the Stables in other
Clans which are only used for horses). Lastly, each horse you bring in
will give you two wolves.

| VII. General Info and Gameplay FAQ's |
| General Info |
Minimum Requirements:
- 400 MHz Celeron or equivalent
- Windows 98/2K/ME/XP
- 64 MB RAM
- DirectX 8 compliant 16MB VRAM 3D AGP accelerated video card
- DirectX 8 compliant sound card
- DirectX 8 or higher
- 4X CD ROM Drive
- 600 MBs free hard drive space
- Keyboard and Mouse

Recommended Requirements:
- PIII 750 MHz or equivalent
- Windows 98/00/ME/XP
- 128 MB RAM
- DirectX 8 compliant 32MB VRAM 3D AGP accelerated video card
- DirectX 8 compliant sound card
- DirectX 8 or higher
- 4X CD ROM Drive
- 600 MBs free hard drive space
- Keyboard and Mouse

| Game Info |

What is Battle Realms?
- Battle Realms is a fantasy real-time strategy game from Liquid
Entertainment, the development studio headed by former Command and
Conquer producer Ed Del Castillo. Armed with a rich story and a robust
3D engine, Battle Realms combines the unique Living Resource System with
a detailed combat model to bring the strategy back to real-time Strategy

What is the story behind Battle Realms?
- After seven years of exile, Kenji returns to his war-torn homeland.
Will he rise above his bitterness and liberate the land under the Dragon
Clan flag, or will he give in to his darker side and conquer it as his
father's Serpent Clan did so many years ago? Regardless of Kenji's
choice, his actions will force him into conflict with the sinister Lotus
Clan, the noble Wolf Clan and a mysterious foe from the past.

How many clans will Battle Realms offer?
- Four: the noble Dragon Clan, the unpredictable Serpent Clan, the
untamed Wolf Clan and the sinister Lotus Clan. Each clan is very
different from the others, both in terms of looks and the strategies
they employ.

How many different units are there in the game?
- There are roughly 50 unique units and 18 Zen Masters.

How many single player scenarios are there?
- There are two distinct storylines that unfold over 26 scenarios.
While each side's core campaign contains 14 scenarios, the player is
presented with a number of choices as he progresses towards victory.

What is the Living Resource System?
- Our project mantra from day one has been "The world is alive." Our
goal is to retain the simple, addictive gameplay that made RTS games
popular, but add a level of depth that players have never seen before.

- For example, horses are a resource - you can capture them and train
mounted soldiers, or let a Peasant use the horse as a pack animal so he
can carry more rice. Peasants, another resource, train to become
Warriors, and then train again to become better or different Warriors.
Water is used not only to train troops and build buildings, but also to
put out fires and make crops grow faster. All of these things are the
Living Resource System in action, and are a crucial component of the
Battle Realms' world experience.

What is Line of Sight?
- Line of Sight is a unit's visual awareness, our answer to the Fog of
War or shroud mechanisms in other real-time strategy games. Instead of
being a simple circle around the enemy, a unit's Line of Sight is
affected by the terrain - forests, hills and valleys all present the
player with distinct visibility advantages or disadvantages.

What are the supported screen resolutions?
- Battle Realms will support 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768.

Will environmental and positional sounds be supported?
- Yes - Battle Realms utilizes stereo positional sound. This alerts the
player when a battle is taking place nearby off screen.

What is Yin and Yang?
- Battle Realms keeps a close eye on each player's actions in both
single and multiplayer games. Each clan has a preset Yin or Yang
designation, and performing good acts can earn a player Yang points,
while turning to evil earns Yin points. However, most of these points
will be accrued through battle.

What are the uses of Yin and Yang?
- Both Yin and Yang can be spent on upgrades, or saved up to make Zen
Master heroes more powerful. Each clan uses either Yin or Yang, but not
both, so "role-plaYing" your chosen clan is strongly encouraged by the
resource system. Since combat plays a major role in increasing your Yin
and Yang stockpiles, players that run from battle and "hunker down" will
find themselves at a disadvantage when confronting a battle proven

Battle Realms uses a 3D engine, but will you have any control over the
- We will offer a limited range of camera zoom, but have chosen to lock
camera rotation for a number of reasons.

How many players can be in a multiplayer game?
- Eight!

How long will multiplayer games usually last?
- We expect multiplayer games to last between 30 to 60 minutes,
possibly longer for advanced players.

Will Battle Realms include game recording?
- No. Battle Realms does not come with a game recording feature.

Will there be different difficulty levels for Single-player and
- Of course - For single player, we have easy, medium, and hard. For
Skirmish and Multiplayer, there are handicap settings for each player.

Are there any cinematics in Battle Realms?
- Yes. The single player storyline unfolds with cinematics created in
the game engine, allowing seamless transitions from gameplay to

How many CD's will Battle Realms ship on?
- One.

What are Zen Masters, and how do they work?
- "Zen Masters" are the herculean main characters of Battle Realms'
storyline, each capable of single-handedly turning the tide of a battle.
Some Zen Master's inherent abilities increase the effectiveness of the
units around then, while others can summon devastating magical attacks.
Yin and Yang further increase their abilities, making them as versatile
as they are powerful.

How do Zen Masters differ from one another?
- Zen Masters are as varied as the clans they hail from - some are
simple powerhouses, while others have ingenious means of enhancing

How many Zen Masters can you use at one time?
- In single-player, you are introduced to each hero as the story line
unfolds, and can employ a maximum of six at a time. During a multiplayer
game, each player can summon up to four Zen Masters, provided they have
the resources.

Can you carry Zen Masters from one scenario to the next?
- Yes. In the single player storyline, you guide the fate of the hero
Kenji, the prince of the fallen Serpent Empire. During his quest, he
will ally with a variety of Zen Masters to help liberate (or subjugate)
this war-torn land.

How will the terrain affect combat?
- Terrain impacts combat in many ways. When heading up a hill or
incline, units run and walk more slowly. Units on higher ground inflict
more damage on the units below them. Terrain also affects your Line of
Sight, allowing you to use natural landmarks, such as valleys and
forests, to conceal your units from your opponents when launChing a
sneak attack. A well-timed boulder pushed over cliff can wreak havoc on
a column of enemy invaders.

Can units cross water?
- Yes, but only water that is not too deep.

Will you have weather effects in the game?
- Yes. Weather is an intricate part of Battle Realms' Living World.
Weather can be a friend or a foe. For example, a good downpour can
stimulate a nearly-depleted rice field, but will make it harder to set
your enemy's buildings ablaze.

What is BattleGear?
- BattleGear is a special type of upgrade that alters the use of the
unit, usually providing it with additional versatility on the
battlefield. Each unit has two different BattleGear available to it,
but only one can be active at a time. The power and function of
BattleGear varies from unit to unit.

How do I acquire BattleGear?
- BattleGear are acquired through a number of different means. The
Dragon and Serpent Clans simply purchase them from buildings. However,
the Wolf and Lotus Clan have entirely different means all their own.
The Lotus Clan summons its BattleGear through a variety of bizarre
necromantic rites, while the Wolf Clan's druidess unit bestows
BattleGear upon her Children.

What are Techniques?
- Techniques are upgrades that increase a unit's core stats - health,
strength, and stamina for example. You purchase techniques by spending
Yin or Yang at training buildings. Unlike BattleGear, which provides
an upgrade for an individual unit, Techniques retroactively affect all
units of a specific class on the map plus all units of that class. This
"stat boost" upgrade makes your units stronger, tougher and more
powerful. Since you need Yin and Yang for Techniques, you have to pay
your dues on the battlefield to earn these powerful upgrades.

Will upgrades change the appearance of units?
- Yes. In some cases the appearance of the unit will change. For
example, Wolf Clan units can don shale armor to increase their
resistance to certain attacks.

Can different clans ally?
- Yes, different clans can ally in multiplayer.

Will all units be available in single player and Multiplayer?
- All units and all but two Zen Masters will be available in both
single and multiplayer.

Will you be able to re-map or reconfigure your keyboard hotkeys?
- Yes.

Will it be possible to put units in formation?
- Battle Realms does not support formations, only team grouping.

Is there a unit cap?
- Yes. The unit cap can be set to either 20, 30 or 40 units.

What resources are available to the player?

- The world of Battle Realms centers around two key resources, rice and
water. Rice and water are necessary to train new soldiers and feed the
Peasants who construct your buildings. Rice is the most important, but
rice fields will be difficult to defend. Water is more easily obtained
almost any river or pond can supply fresh water.

- What makes rice and water more than just standard resources is the way
they interact with each other and with the world. Players can stimulate
their rice production yields by having Peasants water nearby rice fields.
Water is also necessary to put out fires, and the longer a fire burns;
the more water will be needed. Build your structures too far from a
river, and you leave it vulnerable to raids.

What do Peasants do?
- Who's doing all the watering, harvesting, building, and fire-
extinguishing? The humble Peasant, of course! Not only are Peasants
tasked with harvesting and toting water, but they also serve as the
foundation for all of the game's military units. Even the smelliest
Peasant can become a mighty Samurai or nefarious Warlock - all it takes
is some training, water and rice. Every soldier in battle is an
ex-Peasant who isn't harvesting rice, and every Peasant on fire-
fighting duty is one that isn't fighting the enemy.

How do you train units?
- You train units by sending them to specific training buildings
to learn new combat skills. Newly trained units can either enter other
training buildings to further their abilities or go straight to the
battlefield. A unit can be trained in up to three different buildings.
Not all units use buildings to develop their skills or powers - some
evolve into greater beings by magical means, sacrifice or their will to

Can I turn a soldier back into a Peasant?
- No.

How are horses used?
- Horses run free on the fields of Battle Realms, and it is the
Peasant's job to catch wild horses and bring the back to the stable to
be domesticated. Once trained, a horse can be mounted by a unit or used
as pack animal. When used in combat situations, horses can run faster,
offer its rider a more powerful attack and increase the unit's
survivability by taking hits intended for the rider.

What kind of interactions will players have with buildings?
- In Battle Realms, all units are trained and upgraded in buildings.
Peasants originate from Peasant Huts and are trained in the game's
various military buildings. Every building has Gather Points to instruct
units where to go. To speed production of high-end units, these Gather
Points can be placed on another training building. Additionally,
harvesting can be automated by placing your Peasant Hut's gather point
in a rice field or on a lake or well.

What kind of defensive structures will Battle Realms have?
- The primary defensive structure is the Watchtower. Almost any unit
can man a Watchtower, but this feature is best exploited by missile
units. Towers provide their staffers additional line of sight and damage,
but also access to a clan-specific special ability. For example, Lotus
Watchtowers can singe attackers with lightning bolts and teleport units
between towers.

Will any unit with an attack be able to damage buildings, or will it
require special siege units?
- Any unit can damage a building, but some are more effective than
others. Many BattleGear can be used to improve a unit's effectiveness
against structures. For example, a standard Archer's arrows bounce off
enemy structures, but are quite effective when upgraded to fire arrows
via the Dragon Clan's Fireworks Factory structure.

Do any units have both melee and missile attacks?
- Yes, many units have both melee and missile attacks. Usually one is a
primary attack and one is a secondary attack. For example, Archers fire
arrows from a distance, but must resort to hand-to-hand combat if the
enemy engages him close up. Archers aren't well-suited for melee combat,
however, so it's wise to keep them at a distance. Samurai, on the other
hand, prefer melee combat but is available in a supporting role as a
missile unit.

Will units heal themselves?
- Yes. Injured units gradually regenerate their health over time, but
most units can't regenerate all of their health. In order to fully
recover, most units will require the aid of a Geisha or similar healing

What is stamina used for?
- Each unit has a limited amount of stamina, which is used up as the
unit exerts himself. Units burn stamina by running and using their
special attacks. When idle, units rest and regain stamina.

| VIII. Clan Info |

A. Dragon Clan

Buildings are built by your Peasants. At the start of the game only
the Peasant hut is only available to be built. Some buildings require
rice and water. Some buildings require other structures to be built first
to become available.

Peasant Hut
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Dojo Alchemist Target Range Bathhouse Stables +1Watchtower
150/50 Hut 125/75 100/200 150/150 75/0
| 100/100 | | |
| | | | Well
| | | | 200/0
Shrine Fireworks | |
150/75 Factory | Town Square---
150/100n | 200/300 |
| | |
------------ |
| +2 Watchtowers
| 75/0
Target Range +
Town Square
+1 Watchtower-------Keep
75/0 650/550
Dragon's Monument

Your units will be coming from your Peasant huts. Peasant when
trained in training area (buildings) will produced different types of
| Units | Trained in Building | Rice/Water Needed |
| Peasant | N/A | N/A |
| Spearman | Dojo | 30 / 30 |
| Archer | Target Range | 30 / 30 |
| Chemist | Alchemist Hut | 30 / 30 |
| Geisha | Bathhouse | 30 / 30 |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Target Range & Alchemist Hut | 30 / 30 |
| Dragon Warrior | Dojo & Target Range | 30 / 30 |
| Kabuki Warrior | Dojo & Alchemist Hut | 30 / 30 |
| Samurai Warrior | Dojo & Target Range & | 30 / 45 |
| | Alchemist Hut | |

Unit Upgrade
When you select a building you will see upgrade icons. These icons
upgrades your units abilities. This upgrades needs certain amount of Yin
or Yang. Yin and Yang are acquired when you do battle.

| Building | Upgrades | Yang Need | Upgrade Info |
| Dojo | Dragon's Strength | 2 | Spearmen do more damage |
| |============================================================|
| | Dragon's Heart | 1 | Spearmen have more health |
| |============================================================|
| | Dragon's Fire | 3 | Kabuki, Dragon Warrior |
| | | | Samurai have more health |
| Target Range | Zen Accuracy | 2 | Archers do more damage |
| |============================================================|
| | Arrow Craftsmanship| 2 | Archers have a longer |
| | | | range |
| |============================================================|
| | Calisthenics | 2 | Powder Keg Cannoneers |
| | | | have more health |
| Alchemist Hut | Phosporous Powder | 2 | Chemist do area-of-effect |
| | | | damage and become more |
| | | | effective against building|
| |============================================================|
| | Pressurized Kegs | 2 | Cannoneers do more damage |
| |============================================================|
| | Tempered Steel | 4 | Kabuki, Dragon Warrior, |
| | | | Samurai do more damage |
| Bathhouse | Art of Massage | 2 | Geisha use less stamina |
| | | | when healing allies |
| |============================================================|
| | | | Increases the natural |
| | Meditation | 4 | healing rate of all |
| | | | soldiers |
| |============================================================|
| | Spider silk | 1 | Geisha have more health |
| Stables | Animal Bonding | 3 | Trained horses have more |
| | | | health |
| |============================================================|
| | Horse Shoes | 1 | Horses can run further |
| |============================================================|
| | Stirrups | 2 | Soldiers cannot be |
| | | | dismounted unless the |
| | | | horse dies |

Dragon Clan Battlegear
Battlegears are special abilities for your units. The Dragon clan acquires
their battlegear when they enter the Shrine or the Fireworks Factory. Each unit
can acquire only just one battlegear. So if your unit has already a Battlegear
and you want to change it you can get another by just getting his Battlegear in
the other building.

| Shrine Battlegears |
| Unit | Battlegear | Rice/Water | Battlegear Info |
| Spearman | Stun Strike | 25/10 |Stuns opponent at the cost|
| | | | of stamina |
| Archer | Zen Arrows | 15/5 |See enemies at a distance;|
| | | | Immobilizes Archer and |
| | | |continually drains stamina|
| Chemist | Mandrake Spores | 25/10 | Enfeebles all adjacent |
| | | | enemies for a short time |
| | | | at the cost of stamina |
| Geisha | Sacrifice | 25/10 | Surrenders the Geisha's |
| | | | life to completely heal |
| | | | nearby allies |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Indirect Fire | 25/10 | Increases attack range, |
| | | | but reduces line of site;|
| | | |continually drains stamina|
| Dragon Warrior | Chi Shield | 25/10 | Makes the Warrior immune |
| | | | to damage but immobilizes|
| | | | him; draining stamina |
| Kabuki Warrior | Stardust | 25/10 |Prevent enemies from using|
| | | | missile weapons at the |
| | | | cost of stamina |
| Samurai Warrior | Yang Blade | 40/20 |Attacks generate Yang,with|
| | | |damage increasing as Yang |
| | | | does; continually drains |
| | | | stamina |

| Fireworks Factory Battlegears |
| Unit | Battlegear | Rice/Water | Battlegear Info |
| Spearman | Whirling Spear | 25/10 | All adjacent attackers |
| | | | are damaged at the cost |
| | | | of stamina |
| Archer | Fire Arrows | 30/10 | Flaming Arrows;Effective |
| | | | against building |
| Chemist |Starburst Rockets| 25/10 | Cascading rockets deal |
| | | | fire damage to a large |
| | | | area; Limit three |
| Geisha | Fire Shield | 25/10 | Damages enemies with fire|
| | | | during melee combat; |
| | | |continually drains stamina|
| Sumo Cannoneer | Scrapnel Keg | 25/10 | Expolosion pierses units |
| | | |in a large area with sharp|
| | | | flechettes; limit one |
| Dragon Warrior | Flaming Sword | 35/15 | Swords burn with fire to |
| | | | effectively damage |
| | | | building |
| Kabuki Warrior | Flash Powder | 25/10 |Blinds nearby enemies with|
| | | | incandecent Powder;limit |
| | | | three |
| Samurai Warrior | Dragon Skin | 25/10 | The Samurai takes no |
| | | | damage from missile |
| | | | weapons; continually |
| | | | drains stamina |

| Dragon Clan Zen Warriors |
| Zen Warriors | Yang | Rice/Water | Hero Info |
| Otomo | 1 | 300/100 | Kenji's loyal retainer, Otomo support |
| | | | allies in battle |
| Kazan | 1 | 400/150 | A tough Monk skilled with fire. Kazan |
| | | | burns buildings with ease |
| Arah | 2 | 250/100 | A world=renowned Archer. Arah's arrow |
| | | | fly with skill and strength |
| Garrin | 2 | 500/250 | While a skilled fighter all=around. |
| | | | Garrin excels on horseback |
| Tao | 1 | 150/400 | Master of balance. Tao is able fighter |
| | | | and can enlist two additional Monks or |
| | | | Ninja |
| Monk | 1 | 50/50 | |

| Hero Battlegear |
| Zen Warriors | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Otomo | Battlecry | Nearby allies gain a temporarily |
| | | damage bonus; cost stamina |
| Kazan | Flame Breath | Drink a homemade brew to blast fire |
| | | on opponents at the cost of stamina |
| Arah |Sight Beyond Sight | Extend vision by concentrating on |
| | | arrows; drains stamina when moving |
| Garrin | Call Horse | Whistle to summon friendly horse to |
| | | your side; cost stamina |
| Tao |Reversal of Fortune| Reflects a portion of all melee damage |
| | |onto attackers;continually drains stamina|
| Monk | Zen Trance | Motionlessly meditate to quikly regain |
| | | health and stamina, but greatly lowers |
| | | armor |

B. Serpent Clan

Buildings are built by your Peasants. At the start of the game only the
Peasant hut is only available to be built. Some buildings require water and
rice. Some buildings require other than rice and water.

Peasant Hut
| | | | |
| | | | |
Tavern Sharpshooter's Alchemist Hut Bathhouse +1 Watchtower
50/100 Guild 75/75 75/150 100/0
| 100/50 | |
|----------------| | |
| | | |
Stables Metal Shop --Thieves'------Town----+2 Watchtowers
100/125 150/100 | Guild Square 100/0
| | 200/0 150/75
| | |
| | Thieve's Guild +
Well Necromancer's Town Square
150/0 Throne |
400/300 |
Keep--------+1 Watchtower
500/550 100/0

Your units will be coming from your Peasant huts. Peasant when trained in
training area (buildings) will produced different types of units.
| Units | Trained in Building | Rice & Water Needed |
| Peasant | N/A | N/A |
| Swordsman | Tavern | 30 / 30 |
| Crossbowman | Sharpshooter's Guild | 30 / 30 |
| Musketeer | Alchemist Hut | 30 / 30 |
| Fan Geisha | Bathhouse | 30 / 30 |
| Powder Keg Cannoneer | Sharps. Guild & Alchem. Hut | 30 / 30 |
| Bandit |Tavern & Sharpshooter's Guild | 30 / 30 |
| Raider | Tavern & Alchemist Hut | 30 / 30 |
| Ronin | Tavern & Alchemist Hut | 30 / 45 |
| | Sharpshooter's Guild | |

Unit Upgrade
When you select a building you will see upgrade icons. These icons upgrades
your units abilities. This upgrades needs certain amount of Yin or Yang. Yin
and Yang are acquired when you do battle.
| Building | Upgrades | Yin Needed | Upgrade Info |
| Tavern | Fortified Ale | 3 | Swordsman, Bandits and |
| | | | Raiders have more health |
| |===========================================================|
| | Drunken Revelry | 1 | Swordsman do more damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | Darts | 2 | Raiders hurls torches |
| | | | further |
| Sharpshooter's | Vital Points | 4 | Musketeers do more damage|
| Guild |===========================================================|
| | Cannon Sights | 2 | Cannoneers have a longer |
| | | | range |
| |===========================================================|
| | Steel Cannonball | 3 | Cannoneers do more damage|
| | | | against buildings |
| Alchemist Hut | Magnesium Torches | 2 | Raiders torches do more |
| | | | damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | | 4 | Crossbowman and Bandit |
| | Poisoned Weapons | | weapons are poisonous |
| | | | and do more damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | Reinforced Plating| 4 | Musketeer and Ronin take |
| | | |less damage from blunt and|
| | | | piercing weapons |
| Bathhouse | The Art of Love | 2 | Fan Geisha use less magic|
| | | | to heal allies |
| |===========================================================|
| | Flexibility | 1 | Fan Geisha have more |
| | | | health |
| |===========================================================|
| | Pressure Points | 2 |Fan Geisha do more damage |
| Stables | Whips and Spurs | 1 | Trained horses can run |
| | | | further |
| |===========================================================|
| | Hobbling | 2 |Peasants catch horses more|
| | | | quickly |
| |===========================================================|
| | Glue Factory | 2 | Horse's trample attacks |
| | | | take less stamina |

Serpent Clan Battlegear
Battlegears are special abilities for your units. The Serpent clan acquires
their battlegear when they enter the Thieve's Guild or the Metal Shop. Each unit
can acquire only just one battlegear. So if your unit has already a Battlegear
and you want to change it you can get another by just getting his Battlegear in
the other building.

| Thieve's Guild Battlegears |
| Unit | Battlegear | Rice/Water | Battlegear Info |
| Swordsman | Mugging | 25/15 | Pilpers Battlegear from all|
| | | | nearby enemies but does no |
| | | | damage |
| Crossbowman | Weakness Bolts | 25/10 | Weakens your opponent's |
| | | | armor, making them more |
| | | | susceptible to attack |
| Musketeer | Sniper Scope | 50/75 | Stops the Musketeer, adding|
| | | | range and damage to shots; |
| | | | effective against mounted |
| | | | units |
| Fan Geisha | Dark Pact | 25/10 | Nearby allies give up |
| | | |health to gain better damage|
| | | | resistance at the cost of |
| | | | stamina |
| Cannoneer | Smoke Bombs | 25/10 | Temporarily blinds enemies |
| | | | in an area, weakening their|
| | | | attacks; limit four |
| Bandit | Stealth | 25/10 |Move about invisibly; broken|
| | | | by attacks or attacking; |
| | | | continually drains stamina |
| Raider | Brush Fire | 25/10 |Burns any rice or trees near|
| | | | the Raider at the cost of |
| | | | stamina |
| Ronin | Blood Bond | 30/15 | Bond with an allied soldier|
| | | | and he will take damage in |
| | | | your place |

| Metal Shop Battlegears |
| Unit | Battlegear | Rice/Water | Battlegear Info |
| Swordsman | Glass Sword | 50/50 |A powerful one time attack|
| | | | that instantly kills a |
| | | | non=hero opponent but |
| | | | damages the user |
| Crossbowman |Phosphorous Bolts| 15/5 | Reveals line of sight |
| | | | where it lands; up to |
| | | | three may be active |
| Musketeer | Blast Shots | 25/10 | Fires explosive, |
| | | | area=effect projectiles |
| Fan Geisha | Razor Fans | 25/10 | Nearby allies gain health|
| | | | with each attack; |
| | | |continually drains stamina|
| Cannoneer | Mines | 25/10 | Hide a bomb that explodes|
| | | | when enemies get near. |
| | | | Unit can carry 3, and up |
| | | | to 20 per team can be |
| | | | active |
| Bandit | Paralysis Darts | 25/10 | Toxin-tipped crossbow |
| | | | darts stun enemies; |
| | | | limit six |
| Raider | Caltrops | 25/10 | The Raider drops sharp |
| | | | spikes behind him as he |
| | | | runs; limit 10 per unit, |
| | | | 30 per team |
| Ronin | Yin Blade | 35/15 |Damage from magical blades|
| | | | drains enemies stamina to|
| | | | create Yin; continually |
| | | | drains user's stamina |

| Serpent Clan Zen |
| Zen Warriors | Yang | Rice/Water | Hero Info |
| Shinja | 1 | 250/250 | A fearsome Warrior. Shinja slays enemies|
| | | | with twin poisoned blades |
| Budo | 1 | 400/0 |A lumbering Slave driver.Budo "encourages"|
| | | | Peasants with sharp whip and tongue |
| Utara | 2 | 300/150 | Lithe Geisha of the dark. Utara's beaty |
| | | | and voice Spell doom for her enemy |
| Vetkin | 1 | 150/400 | A corrupt and athletic womanizer, both |
| | | | Vetkin and his sai are fast and deadly |
| Ninja | 1 | 50/50 | |

| Serpent Clan Special Hero |
| Hero | In Building | Cost | Hero Info |
| Necromancer | Necromancer Throne | 4 Ronins | ? |
| | | | |

| Hero Battlegear |
| Zen Warriors | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Shinja | Intimidation | Reduces the amount of damages nearby |
| | | enemies can inflict; costs stamina |
| Budo | Slave Driver | Whip crack "encourages" nearby Peasants|
| | | to work faster at the cost of stamina |
| Utara | Song of Sorrow | Nearby enemies are hurt by a magical |
| | | dirge; costs stamina |
| Vetkin | Bravado | Drains all stamina from nearby enemies;|
| | | cost stamina |
| Necromancer | Spirit Warrior | Expend stamina to summon an ancient |
| | | Warrior to your side; up to three can |
| | | active at a time |
| Ninja | Shadow Skills | Move about invisibly broken by attacks |
| | | or attacking |

C. Lotus Clan

Buildings are built by your Peasants. At the start of the game only the
Peasant hut is only available to be built. Some buildings require water and
rice. Some buildings require other than rice and water.

Peasant Hut
| | | |
| | | |
Blade Garden Forge Training Yard +1 Watchtower
50/150 100/100 150/50 100/0
| | |
| Blade Garden + |
-------------- Forge + Training -------------
| |
| |
------- Town ---- --- Crypt
| Square | | of the
+2 Watchtower 200/300 | | Brothers
100/0 -------| --Crypt+Town-- 250/50
| | Square |---------
| Keep | | |
Well | | | |
200/0 | Warlock's Tower Aviary Stables
+1 Watchtower 600/200 150/150 150/150

Your units will be coming from your Peasant huts. Peasant when trained in
training area (buildings) will produced different types of units.
| Units | Trained in Building | Rice & Water Needed |
| Peasant | N/A | N/A |
| Blade Acolyte | Forge | 30 / 30 |
| Leaf Disciple | Blade Garden | 30 / 30 |
| Staff Adept | Training Yard | 30 / 30 |
| Channeler | Aviary | 30 / 30 |
| Diseased One | Forge+Training Yard | 30 / 30 |
| Infested One | Blade Garden+Forge | 30 / 30 |
| Unclean One | Training Yard+Blade Garden | 30 / 30 |
| Warlock | Forge+Training Yard+ | 30 / 45 |
| | Blade Garden | |
| Master Warlock | Warlock's Tower | |

Unit Upgrade
When you select a building you will see upgrade icons. These icons upgrades
your units abilities. This upgrades needs certain amount of Yin or Yang. Yin
and Yang are acquired when you do battle.
| Building | Upgrades | Yin Needed | Upgrade Info |
| Forge | Silvered Steel | 1 | Blade Acolytes do more |
| | | | damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | Way of the Root | 4 | Blade Acolytes, Diseased,|
| | | | Infested have more Health|
| |===========================================================|
| | Leprosy | 3 | Diseased and Infested do |
| | | | more damage |
| Training Yard | Strength of the | 4 |Staff Adepts, Diseased, & |
| | Trunk | | Unclean have more health |
| |===========================================================|
| | Heavy Iron Staves | 2 | Staff Adepts do more |
| | | | damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | Glut of Corruption| 2 | The Unlean One's attack |
| | | | is more powerful |
| Blade Garden | Leafbite | 2 | Leaf Disciples do more |
| | | | damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | | 2 | Leaf Disciples, Infested,|
| | Leafstep | | and Unclean can run |
| | | | further |
| |===========================================================|
| | Bond of Pestilence| 2 | The Infested One's attack|
| | | | has a greater area of |
| | | | effect |
| Aviary | Carrion | 1 | The Channeler's ravens do|
| | | |more damage when attacking|
| |===========================================================|
| | Darksong | 2 | Reduces training time for|
| | | | Channelers |
| |===========================================================|
| | Foul Nest | 1 | Channelers recover ravens|
| | | | more quickly |
| Stables | Brimstone | 2 | Shadow Steeds do more |
| | | | damage |
| |===========================================================|
| | Horse Anatomy | 2 | Shadow Steeds have more |
| | | | health |
| |===========================================================|
| | Demonic Kinship | 3 | Shadow Steed's Infernal |
| | | | Breath uses less stamina |

| Lotus Brothers |
| Brother | Rice/Water | Yin Cost |
| Brother Lythis | 0/0 | 1 Yin |
| Brother Sehk | 0/0 | 1 Yin |
| Brother Tausil | 0/0 | 1 Yin |

Lotus Clan Battlegear
The Lotus Clan takes their battlegear from the ability of the three
brothers to give dark powers to the units. The Lotus Clan Brothers will
bestow abilities to the units with the cost of their stamina rather than
water or rice.

| Dark Power Battlegear |
| Unit | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Blade Acolyte | Inner Strength | Spend stamina to regain health |
| Leaf Desciple | Scrye Leaves | Flings leaves in all directions to see |
| | | distant enemies at the cost of stamina |
| Staff Adept | Dark Canopy | Prevent damage by projectiles to nearby |
| | | allies, but immobilizes the caster |
| Diseased One |Projectile Vomit| Sprays damaging vomit at the cost of |
| | | stamina |
| Unclean One | Spreading Goo | Creates a pool of tar, trapping enemies |
| | | and making them more flammable at the |
| | | cost of stamina |
| Infested One | Rebirth | The Infested One automatically springs |
| | | back to life when killed; can only be |
| | | used once |

The Warlock and Master Warlock will gain different battlegear abilities from
each of the three brothers. Each brother shall bestow an ability to the Warlock
and Master Warlock with the cost of their stamina.

| Dark Power From Lythis |
| Unit | Battlegear From Lythis | Battlegear Info |
| Warlock | Lythis' Dark Arson | Expend stamina to immolate |
| | | buildings |
| Master Warlock | Lythis' Soul Thresher | Black energy globe damages by |
| | | slowly passing through opponents;|
| | | costs stamina |

| Dark Power From Sehk |
| Unit | Battlegear From Sehk | Battlegear Info |
| Warlock | Sehk's Soul Chill | Attacks enemies in a wide area |
| | | with icy blades at the cost of |
| | | stamina |
| Master Warlock | Sehk's Ephemeral | Instantly appear a short distance|
| | Corridor | for a stamina cost |

| Dark Power From Tausil |
| Unit | Battlegear From Tausil | Battlegear Info |
| Warlock | Tausil's Life Siphon | Regenerate by draining life from |
| | | allied units; costs stamina |
| Master Warlock | Tausil's Unlife | Resurrects the nearby corpses of |
| | | nearby allies at a significant |
| | | stamina cost |

Consumed Battlegear
This Battegear is the most odd thing to acquire, this is done only by
this three which are the Diseased One, Unclean One, and Infested One. This
can be acquire by letting this three units eat one of your Peasants. We'll
I think that will really give them power if they eat a human meat. :)

| Consumed Battlegear |
| Unit | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Diseased One | Death Wail | TerrifYing screech dismounts nearby |
| | | riders and drains enemy stamina at the |
| | | cost of stamina |
| Unclean One | Death Sentry | Creates a scremming skull to serve as a |
| | | watcher and attacker; only one maybe |
| | | active at a time |
| Infested One | Famine |The Infested One releases a maggoty blight|
| | | to destroy rice at the cost of stamina |

| Lotus Clan Zen Warriors |
| Zen Warriors | Yang | Rice/Water | Hero Info |
| Zymeth | 2 | 500/200 | Master of the Lotus. Zymeth calls rain |
| | | | to his fields and lightning to his foes |
| Soban | 1 | 150/400 | A scholar of matter. Soban can build |
| | | | helpful Golems from stone and mud |
| Koril | 1 | 250/250 | A scholar of space. Koril can teleport |
| | | | anywhere with ease |
| Issyl | 1 | 500/0 | A scholar of time. Issyl hastens his |
| | | | allies with his dark magic |
| Ninja | 1 | 50/50 | |

| Hero Battlegear |
| Zen Warriors | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Zymeth | Heavy Rain |Uses stamina to conjure a powerful storm,|
| | | allowing Zymeth to call lightning onto |
| | | his foes |
| Soban | Create Golems | Uses stamina to build a golem; up to |
| | | three can be active at a time |
| Koril | Teleport | Expend all stamina to move anywhere in |
| | | the region instantly |
| Issyl | Haste | Magically accelerate nearby allies at |
| | | the cost of stamina |
| Ninja | Shadow Skills | Move about invisibly; broken by attacks |
| | | or attacking |

D. Wolf Clan

Buildings are built by your Peasants. At the start of the game only
thePeasant hut is only available to be built. Some buildings require
water and rice. Some buildings require other than rice and water.

Peasant Hut
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Combat Pit Well---------Quarry-----Vitality Ballistics +1
125/50 125/0 150/25 Garden Ground Watchtower
| | | 50/150 75/125 50/0
| | | | |
| ------------------------------------
| | |
| Well+Quarry Quarry+Vitality
| | Garden
| | |
Wolves' Den Shalery--------Cairn
100/200 250/100 | 100/200
| |
| Shalery+Cairn
| |
| |
Wolfball----+2 Watchtower Keep--------+1 Watchtower
Court 50/0 600/350 50/0

Your units will be coming from your Peasant huts. Peasant when trained in
training area (buildings) will produced different types of units.
| Units | Trained in Building | Rice & Water Needed |
| Peasant | N/A | N/A |
| Brawler | Combat Pit | 30 / 40 |
| Mauler | Quarry | 30 / 40 |
| Hurler | Ballistics Ground | 30 / 40 |
| Druidess | Vitality Garden | 30 / 30 |
| Pack Master | Wolves' Den | 30 / 30 |
| Pitch Slinger | Ballistics Ground + Quarry | 30 / 50 |
| Ballistaman | Combat Pit+Ballistics Ground | 30 / 30 |
| Sledger | Quarry+Combat Pit | 30 / 50 |
| Berserker | Combat Pit+Ballistics Ground | 30 / 60 |
| | +Quarry | |

| Unit Upgrade |
| Building | Upgrades | Yang Need | Upgrade Info |
| Combat Pit | Wolfball League | 2 | Brawlers and Hurlers can |
| | | | run further |
| |========================================================|
| | Grooming | 2 | Reduces the Combat Pit's |
| | | | training cost |
| |========================================================|
| | Fight Crew | 3 | Peasants have more health|
| Quarry | Petrified Wood | 2 | Sledgers do more damage |
| |========================================================|
| | Miner's Union | 1 | Maulers do more damage |
| |========================================================|
| | Blast Furnace | 2 | Maulers, Pitch Slingers, |
| | | | and Sledgers take less |
| | | | damage from explosives |
| Ballistics Grounds| Eagle's Eye | 3 | Hurlers, Pitch Slingers, |
| | | | and Ballistamen have a |
| | | | longer range |
| |========================================================|
| | King of the | 2 | Hurlers, Pitch Slingers, |
| | Mountain | | and Ballistamen do more |
| | | |damage from higher ground |
| |========================================================|
| | Dodging | 1 | Brawlers and Hurlers are |
| | | | likely to be hit by |
| | | | projectiles |
| Vitality Garden | Forest Blessing | 3 | Druidesses recieve two |
| | | | additional Blessing |
| | | | charges from the Cairn |
| |========================================================|
| | Herbalist | 4 | Increases the rate of |
| | | | natural healing |
| |========================================================|
| | Mother Earth | 2 |Druidess Entanglement has |
| | | | a longer range |
| Wolves' Den | Wolves Among | 1 | Tamed wolves have more |
| | Sheep | | health |
| |========================================================|
| | Freedom's Howl | 3 | Pack Master, Berserkers, |
| | | | and Werewolves do more |
| | | | damage |
| |========================================================|
| | Foraging | 1 | Pack Masters have more |
| | | | health |

| Shalery Battlegear |
| Unit | Battlegear | Rice/Water | Battlegear Info |
| Brawler | | | |
|-----------------| | | |
| Mauler | | | |
|-----------------| | | |
| Hurler | | | |
|-----------------| | | |
| Druidess | | | |
|-----------------| | | Sturdy armor hewn from the |
| Pack Master | Shale Armor | 30 / 15 | hills protects the units, |
|-----------------| | | especially against magic |
| Pitch Slinger | | | |
|-----------------| | | |
| Ballistaman | | | |
|-----------------| | | |
| Sledger | | | |
|-----------------| | | |
| Berserker | | | |

Wolf Clan's Blessing Battlegear
The Wolf units can get their other Battlegear from the blessing of a
Druidess. The Druidess acquires this ability to bless units when she
enters the Cairn. The Druidess will have three of the blessings to bestow
but to acquire five you should get the Forest Blessing Battlegear which
costs three Yangs.

| Cairn Blessings |
| Unit | Rice/Water Need | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Druidess | 100 / 50 | Blessing | Bestow new powers upon wolf |
| | | |units; Get more from the Cairn|
| | | | starting limit of three |
| | | | charges |

| Blessing Battlegears |
| Unit | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Brawler | Zen Counterpunch | A one time attack severely damages an |
| | | enemy or instantly kills a Zen Master |
| Mauler | Wrecking Ball |The Mauler spins to damage all adjacent|
| | | enemies; continually drains stamina |
| Hurler | Lava Rock | Thrown rocks now do area-effect |
| | | explosive damage |
| Pack Master | Howl | Call wolves from the Wolve's Den to |
| | | your side |
| Pitch Slinger | Scorched Earth | Throw a sight-extending pitch mine to |
| | | the Targeted location; one per unit, |
| | | limit of six per team |
| Ballistaman | Totem | Fires a carved totem that slows nearby|
| | | enemies and improves the fighting |
| | | abilities of Wolf units |
| Sledger | Stun Slam | Strike the ground to stun nearby |
| | | enemies at the cost of stamina |
| Berserker | Lycantrophy | Berserker transforms into a Werewolf |
| Werewolf | Wolf's Bite | Next attack does critical damage at |
| | | cost of stamina. If the Target dies |
| | | he transforms into a wolf |

| Wolf Clan Zen Warriors |
| Zen Warriors | Yang | Rice/Water | Hero Info |
| Grayback | 2 | 600/200 | Leader of the Wolf Clan. Grayback is a |
| | | | noble and resilient Warrior |
| Longtooth | 1 | 250/250 | Armed with a bladed boomerang, nimble |
| | | | Longtooth raveges enemies near and far |
| | | | alike |
| Gaihla | 1 | 150/350 |A beautiful forest nymph. Gaihla blesses |
| | | | both flora and fauna with nature's magic|
|The Shale Lord| 2 | 500/150 | An angry fusion of shale and man. The |
| | | | Shale Lord smashes buildings and armor |
| | | | allies |
| Monk | 1 | 50/50 | |

| Hero Battlegear |
| Zen Warriors | Battlegear | Battlegear Info |
| Grayback | Lupine Rage | Nearby allies gain a temporary damage |
| | | bonus; costs stamina |
| Longtooth | Razor-Edged | Boomerang passes through units and |
| | Boomerang | buildings; continually drains stamina |
| Gaihla | Chant of Life | All nearby allies are healed at the |
| | | cost of stamina |
| The Shale Lord | Armored Friend | Protects an ally with Shale Armor at |
| | | the cost of health |
| Monk | Zen Trance | Motionlessly meditate to quikly regain |
| | | health and stamina, but greatly lowers |
| | | armor |

| IX. Advance Clan Info |
The following information are taken from the Battle Realms website
( and was permitted to be used in this document
some info are edited for use in this document.

| Battle Reference |
Armor Rating

Ex - Excelent
Good - Good
Ave - Average
Min - Minimal
Poor - Poor

Damage Type: (Armor Vs.)

Pi - Pierce
Cut - Cutting
Blu - Blunt
Mag/Magic - Magical
Exp - Explosive
Fire - Flame/Fire
PW - Pack Wolf

| Dragon Clan |
| | Attack | Armor Vs. |
| Dragon Unit |------------------------------------------------------|
| | Melee | Range | Cut | Pi | Blu | Exp | Magic | Fire |
| Archer | Blu | Pi | min | min | ave | min | good | ex |
| Chemist | Blu | Exp | min |good |poor |good | good | ex |
| Dragon Warrior | Cut | Mag | min | min |good | min | ex | ex |
| Geisha | Blu | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Kabuki Warrior | Mag | Mag |good | min | min | ex | poor | ex |
| Dragon Peasant | Pi | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Blu | Exp |poor | min | ex | min | good | ex |
| Samurai | Cut | Pi | ex | ave |good |poor | min | min |
| Spearman | Pi | N/A |good | min | min | ave | poor | ex |
| Arah (Hero) | Cut | Pi | min | ex |poor | ex | min | poor |
| Garrin (Hero) | Pi | N/A | ex | ave |good |poor | poor | poor |
| Kazan (Hero) | Blu | Fire |good |poor |poor | ex | poor | ex |
| Otomo (Hero) | Cut | N/A | ex |good | ex |poor | ex | poor |
| Tao (Hero) | Blu | N/A | ave | ave | ave | ave | ave | ave |

| Serpent Clan |
| | Attack | Armor Vs. |
| Serpent Unit |------------------------------------------------------|
| | Melee | Range | Cut | Pi | Blu | Exp | Magic | Fire |
| Bandit | Pi | Pi |good | min | min | ex | min | ex |
| Cannoneer | Blu | Blu | min | min |poor | ex | good | ex |
| Crossbowman | Pi | Pi | min | min |good | min | ex | ex |
| Fan Geisha | Cut | N/A | min |good | min |good | ex | ex |
| Musketeer | Blu | Exp |good | ave |good | min | min | ex |
| Necromancer | Mag | N/A | ex | ex | ex | ex | ave | poor |
| Serpent Peasant| Pi | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Raider | Fire | Fire |poor | min | ex | ave | ex | ex |
| Ronin | Cut | N/A | ex | ave |good |poor | min | min |
| Spirit Warrior | Mag | N/A | min |good | min | ex | ex | ex |
| Swordsman | Cut | N/A |good | min | min |good | min | ex |
| Zombie | Cut | N/A | min |good |good | min | ex | poor |
| Budo (Hero) | Blu | N/A |poor |good | ex | ave | good | min |
| Shinja (Hero) | Cut | N/A |good |good |good |poor | ex | poor |
| Utara (Hero) | Pi | N/A | min |poor | min | min | ex | ave |
| Vetkin (Hero) | Pi | N/A |good | ex |poor | ex | min | poor |

| Wolf Clan |
| | Attack | Armor Vs. |
| Wolf Unit |------------------------------------------------------|
| | Melee | Range | Cut | Pi | Blu | Exp | Magic | Fire |
| Ballistaman | Pi | Pi | min | min | ex |poor | good | min |
| Berserker | Cut | N/A | ex | ave | min | ex | min | ex |
| Brawler | Cut | N/A |good | min |good | min | min | min |
| Druidess | Mag | Mag | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Hurler | Blu | Blu | min |good | min | ex | good | ex |
| Mauler | Blu | N/A | min | min |good | min | ex | ex |
| Pack Master | Blu | PW |good |good |good | min | good | ave |
| Pack Wolf | Pi | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | min |
| Wolf Peasant | Cut | Pi | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Pitch Slinger | Fire | Exp | ex | min | min |good | poor | ex |
| Sledger | Blu | N/A |good | min | min | ex | poor | ex |
| Werewolf | Pi | N/A |good | ave | ex | min | min | poor |
| Gaihla (Hero) | Cut | N/A | min | ex | ex | min | ex | poor |
| Grayback (Hero)| Pi | N/A |good | ex |good |poor | poor | min |
| Longtooth(Hero)| Mag | Mag |good |good |good |poor | poor | min |
| The Shale Lord | Blu | N/A | ex | ave | ex |poor | poor | ex |

| Lotus Clan |
| | Attack | Armor Vs. |
| Lotus Unit |------------------------------------------------------|
| | Melee | Range | Cut | Pi | Blu | Exp | Magic | Fire |
| Blade Acolyte | Cut | N/A |good | min | min |good | min | ex |
| Brother Lythis | Cut | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | min |
| Brother Sehk | Blu | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | min |
| Brother Tausil | Pi | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | min |
| Channeller | Pi | Pi | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Diseased One | Mag | N/A | ex | min |good |poor | poor | ex |
| Infested One | Pi | N/A | min | min | ex | min | good | ex |
| Leaf Disciple | Pi | Pi | min |good | min | ex | good | ex |
| Master Warlock | Cut | Exp | ex |good | min |good | min | poor |
| Lotus Peasant | Pi | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | ex |
| Staff Adept | Blu | N/A |good | ave |good | min | poor | min |
| Unclean One | Blu | Mag |poor | min |poor | ex | good | ex |
| Warlock | Mag | Exp | min | min | min |good | ex | ex |
| Issyl (Hero) | Mag | N/A | min |good |poor | ex | ex | ex |
| Koril (Hero) | Cut | N/A | min | min | min | min | ex | min |
| Soban (Hero) | Blu | N/A |poor |good |poor | min | ex | good |
| Zymeth (Hero) | Mag | Exp | ex |poor |good | ex | ex | min |

| Miscellaneous |
| | Attack | Armor Vs. |
| Unit |------------------------------------------------------|
| | Melee | Range | Cut | Pi | Blu | Exp | Magic | Fire |
| Hordeling | Pi | N/A | min | min | min | ex | ex | min |
| Horse | Blu | N/A | min |poor | min | min | min | min |
| Kenji | Cut | N/A |good |good | ave | ave | ave | good |
| Lotus Steed | Fire | N/A | min | min | min | min | min | min |
| Musket Kenji | Cut | Exp | ave | ave | min | ave | ave | good |
| Monk | Blu | N/A | min | ave |good | min | good | ex |
| Ninja | Cut | Pi | min | min | min |good | good | ex |

**NOTE: Some match-ups require the usage of certain tactics to maximize
their effect, such as Battle Gear or distraction by another unit.

| Battle Strategy |
The following information are taken from the Battle Realms website
( and was permitted to be used in this document
some info are edited for use in this document.

| Dragon Clan Unit Counter |

| Dragon Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Archer | Chemist, Samurai |
| Chemist | Monk, Dragon Warrior |
| Dragon Warrior | Spearman, Samurai |
| Geisha | Any Unit |
| Kabuki Warrior | Archer, Monk |
| Dragon Peasant | Any Unit |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Spearman, Chemist |
| Samurai | Kabuki, Sumo Cannoneer |
| Spearman | Kabuki |
| Arah (Hero) | Monk, Archer |
| Garrin | Kabuki |
| Kazan | Monk, Archer |
| Otomo | Dragon Warrior(Flame Sword BG) |
| Tao | Sumo Cannoneer, Dragon Warrior |

| Serpent Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Bandit | Archer, Chemist |
| Cannoneer | Archer, Dragon Warrior |
| Crossbowman | Chemist, Samurai |
| Fan Geisha | Samurai, Monk |
| Musketeer | Chemist, Kabuki |
| Necromancer | Dragon Warrior(Flame Sword BG) |
| Serpent Peasant | Any Unit |
| Raider | Spearman, Archer |
| Ronin | Kabuki, Sumo Cannoneer |
| Spirit Warrior | Dragon Warrior |
| Swordsman | Spearman, Kabuki |
| Zombie | Samurai |
| Budo | Dragon Warrior, Samurai |
| Shinja | Dragon Warrior(Flame Sword BG) |
| Utara | Archer, Chemist |
| Vetkin | Kabuki, Monk |

| Wolf Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Ballistaman | Chemist, Samurai |
| Berserker | Kabuki, Monk |
| Brawler | Spearman, Kabuki |
| Druidess | Dragon Warrior |
| Hurler | Dragon Warrior, Samurai |
| Mauler | Sumo Cannoneer, Dragon Warrior |
| Pack Master | Sumo Cannoneer |
| Pack Wolf | Samurai |
| Wolf Peasant | Any Unit |
| Pitch Slinger | Kabuki, Monk |
| Sledger | Archer, Monk |
| Werewolf | Kabuki, Geisha (Fire Shield BG) |
| Gaihla | Samurai |
| Grayback | Kabuki |
| Longtooth | Sumo Cannoneer |
| The Shale Lord | Sumo Cannoneer |

| Lotus Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Blade Acolyte | Spearman, Kabuki |
| Brother Lythis | Kabuki, Samurai |
| Brother Sehk | Sumo Cannoneer, Dragon Warrior |
| Brother Tausil | Chemist, Samurai |
| Channeler | Any Unit |
| Diseased One | Chemist, Sumo Cannoneer |
| Infested One | Chemist, Samurai |
| Leaf Disciple | Samurai |
| Master Warlock | Spearman, Kabuki |
| Lotus Peasant | Any Unit |
| Staff Adept | Sumo Cannoneer, Kabuki |
| Unclean One | Archer, Dragon Warrior |
| Warlock | Spearman, Monk |
| Issyl | Dragon Warrior |
| Koril + Samurai |
| Soban | Dragon Warrior |
| Zymeth | Archer |

| Miscellaneous Enemy | Counter With |
| Horse | Archer |
| Lotus Shadow Steed| Archer |
| Monk | Archer |
| Ninja | Spearman, Monk |

| Serpent Clan Unit Counter |

| Dragon Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Archer | Musketeer, Fan Geisha |
| Chemist | Swordsman, Cannoneer |
| Dragon Warrior | Swordsman, Ronin |
| Geisha | Any Unit |
| Kabuki Warrior | Crossbowman, Cannoneer |
| Dragon Peasant | Any Unit |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Swordsman, Bandit |
| Samurai | Musketeer, Necromancer |
| Spearman | Cannoneer |
| Arah (Hero) | Musketeer, Ronin |
| Garrin | Necromancer, Spirit Warrior |
| Kazan | Ronin (Yin Blade BG) |
| Otomo | Raider |
| Tao | Bandit (Paralysis Darts BG) |

| Serpent Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Bandit | Cannoneer, Spirit Warrior |
| Cannoneer | Crossbowman, Ronin |
| Crossbowman | Musketeer, Ronin |
| Fan Geisha | Swordsman, Ronin |
| Musketeer | Spirit Warrior, Crossbowman |
| Necromancer | Raider |
| Serpent Peasant | Any Unit |
| Raider | Crossbowman, Bandit |
| Ronin | Musketeer, Necromancer |
| Spirit Warrior | Cannoneer, Fan Geisha |
| Swordsman | Bandit, Necromancer |
| Zombie | Musketeer, Bandit |
| Budo | Raider, Ronin |
| Shinja | Bandit (Paralysis Darts BG) |
| Utara | Crossbowman, Cannoneer |
| Vetkin | Spirit Warrior, Cannoneer |

| Wolf Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Ballistaman | Ronin, Fan Geisha |
| Berserker | Cannoneer, Spirit Warrior |
| Brawler | Musketeer, Bandit |
| Druidess | Fan Geisha |
| Hurler | Ronin, Swordsman |
| Mauler | Crossbowman, Musketeer |
| Pack Master | Musketeer |
| Pack Wolf | Fan Geisha, Ronin |
| Wolf Peasant | Any Unit |
| Pitch Slinger | Cannoneer, Spirit Warrior |
| Sledger | Crossbowman, Necromancer |
| Werewolf | Musketeer, Spirit Warrior |
| Gaihla | Swordsman, Ronin |
| Grayback | Musketeer, Spirit Warrior |
| Longtooth | Raider |
| The Shale Lord | Musketeer, Necromancer |

| Lotus Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Blade Acolyte | Bandit, Necromancer |
| Brother Lythis | Swordsman, Bandit |
| Brother Sehk | Crossbowman, Raider |
| Brother Tausil | Cannoneer, Ronin |
| Channeler | Any Unit |
| Diseased One | Spirit Warrior, Musketeer |
| Infested One | Musketeer, Fan Geisha |
| Leaf Disciple | Cannoneer, Fan Geisha |
| Master Warlock | Bandit, Raider |
| Lotus Peasant | Any Unit |
| Staff Adept | Musketeer, Raider |
| Unclean One | Crossbowman, Cannoneer |
| Warlock | Swordsman, Fan Geisha |
| Issyl | Cannoneer |
| Koril | Ronin |
| Soban | Cannoneer, Ronin |
| Zymeth | Raider, Bandit |

| Miscellaneous Enemy | Counter With |
| Horse | Crossbowman |
| Lotus Shadow Steed| Crossbowman |
| Monk | Crossbowman, Necromancer |
| Ninja | Cannoneer, Spirit Warrior |

| Wolf Clan Unit Counter |

| Dragon Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Archer | Berserker, Werewolf |
| Chemist | Hurler, Sledger |
| Dragon Warrior | Brawler, Sledger |
| Geisha | Any Unit |
| Kabuki Warrior | Hurler, Mauler |
| Dragon Peasant | Any Unit |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Berserker, Brawler |
| Samurai | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| Spearman | Hurler, Druidess |
| Arah (Hero) | Mauler, Berserker |
| Garrin | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| Kazan | Werewolf, Druidess |
| Otomo | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| Tao | Mauler, Ballistaman |

| Serpent Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Bandit | Hurler, Werewolf |
| Cannoneer | Brawler, Mauler |
| Crossbowman | Berserker, Brawler |
| Fan Geisha | Brawler, Sledger |
| Musketeer | Werewolf, Pack Master |
| Necromancer | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| Serpent Peasant | Any Unit |
| Raider | Berserker |
| Ronin | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| Spirit Warrior | Hurler, Mauler |
| Swordsman | Sledger, Werewolf |
| Zombie | Brawler, Pitch Slinger |
| Budo | Brawler |
| Shinja | Pitch Slinger |
| Utara | Ballistaman |
| Vetkin | Sledger, Pitch Slinger |

| Wolf Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Ballistaman | Pitch Slinger, Berserker |
| Berserker | Sledger, Pack Master |
| Brawler | Pitch Slinger, Werewolf |
| Druidess | Mauler, Pack Master |
| Hurler | Brawler, Mauler |
| Mauler | Brawler, Ballistaman |
| Pack Master | Pitch Slinger |
| Pack Wolf | Pitch Slinger |
| Wolf Peasant | Any Unit |
| Pitch Slinger | Hurler, Druidess |
| Sledger | Mauler, Werewolf |
| Werewolf | Pitch Slinger |
| Gaihla | Brawler, Berserker |
| Grayback | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| Longtooth | Pitch Slinger, Druidess |
| The Shale Lord | Ballistaman, Druidess |

| Lotus Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Blade Acolyte | Sledger, Werewolf |
| Brother Lythis | Sledger, Pitch Slinger |
| Brother Sehk | Brawler, Mauler |
| Brother Tausil | Hurler, Berserker |
| Channeler | Any Unit |
| Diseased One | Ballistaman, Druidess |
| Infested One | Brawler, Werewolf |
| Leaf Disciple | Brawler, Pack Master |
| Master Warlock | Pitch Slinger, Sledger |
| Lotus Peasant | Any Unit |
| Staff Adept | Druidess, Pitch Slinger |
| Unclean One | Mauler, Ballistaman |
| Warlock | Hurler, Berserker |
| Issyl | Mauler, Hurler |
| Koril | Brawler (Zen Counterpunch BG) |
| Soban | Mauler, Brawler |
| Zymeth | Pitch Slinger |

| Miscellaneous Enemy | Counter With |
| Horse | Ballistaman, Werewolf |
| Lotus Shadow Steed| Ballistaman, Werewolf |
| Monk | Mauler, Ballistaman |
| Ninja | Hurler, Pack Master |

| Lotus Clan Unit Counter |

| Dragon Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Archer | Leaf Disciple, Infested One |
| Chemist | Blade Acolyte, Staff Adept |
| Dragon Warrior | Blade Acolyte, Master Warlock |
| Geisha | Any Unit |
| Kabuki Warrior | Unclean One, Infested One |
| Dragon Peasant | Any Unit |
| Sumo Cannoneer | Leaf Disciple, Warlock |
| Samurai | Diseased One, Master Warlock |
| Spearman | Staff Adept, Unclean One |
| Arah (Hero) | Staff Adept, Shadow Steed |
| Garrin | Warlock, Shadow Steed |
| Kazan | Infested, Leaf Disciple |
| Otomo | Master Warlock, Shadow Steed |
| Tao | Infested One, Diseased One |

| Serpent Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Bandit | Staff Adept, Diseased One |
| Cannoneer | Staff Adept, Infested One |
| Crossbowman | Leaf Disciple, Warlock |
| Fan Geisha | Blade Acolyte, Staff Adept |
| Musketeer | Unclean One, Warlock |
| Necromancer | Unclean One, Shadow Steed |
| Serpent Peasant | Any Unit |
| Raider | Blade Acolyte, Infested One |
| Ronin | Diseased One, Master Warlock |
| Spirit Warrior | Blade Acolyte |
| Swordsman | Staff Adept, Diseased One |
| Zombie | Blade Acolyte, Staff Adept |
| Budo | Diseased one, Shadow Steed |
| Shinja | Master Warlock, Shadow Steed |
| Utara | Leaf Disciple, Warlock |
| Vetkin | Staff Adept, Shadow Steed |

| Wolf Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Ballistaman | Leaf Disciple, Warlock |
| Berserker | Staff Adept, Diseased One |
| Brawler | Diseased One, Master Warlock |
| Druidess | Infested One |
| Hurler | Staff Adept, Infested One |
| Mauler | Infested One, Master Warlock |
| Pack Master | Warlock, Master Warlock |
| Pack Wolf | Leaf Disciple, Warlock |
| Wolf Peasant | Any Unit |
| Pitch Slinger | Diseased One, Unclean One |
| Sledger | Diseased One, Infested One |
| Werewolf | Warlock, Shadow Steed |
| Gaihla | Blade Acolyte, Master Warlock |
| Grayback | Unclean One, Master Warlock |
| Longtooth | Unclean One, Master Warlock |
| The Shale Lord | Diseased One |

| Lotus Enemy Sends | Counter With |
| Blade Acolyte | Staff Adept, Diseased One |
| Brother Lythis | Staff Adept, Diseased One |
| Brother Sehk | Staff Adept, Infested One |
| Brother Tausil | Leaf Disciple, Unclean One |
| Channeler | Any Unit |
| Diseased One | Warlock, Unclean One |
| Infested One | Leaf Disciple, Warlock |
| Leaf Disciple | Staff Adept |
| Master Warlock | Leaf Disciple, Unclean |
| Lotus Peasant | Any Unit |
| Staff Adept | Diseased One, Warlock |
| Unclean One | Leaf Disciple, Infested One |
| Warlock | Infested One, Ninja |
| Issyl | Unclean One, Infested One |
| Koril | Master Warlock |
| Soban | Infested One, Master Warlock |
| Zymeth | Leaf Disciple, Shadow Steed |

| Miscellaneous Enemy | Counter With |
| Horse | Infested One |
| Lotus Shadow Steed| Infested One |
| Monk | Staff Adept, Infested One |
| Ninja | Leaf Disciple, Staff Adept |

**NOTE: Some match-ups require the usage of certain tactics to maximize
their effect, such as Battle Gear or distraction by another unit.

| X. Cheats & Hints |

Rain 4 Rice
Want to water your rice fields in an instant. We'll this is for
the Lotus Clan only. Just call upon Zymeth at the keep and use his
Battlegear Heavy Rain. And your fields will be watered immediately
and and your rice will grow really fast.But beware the other Clans
will also experience the rain in their area and their fields are
watered just like yours. :(

Ctrl+D Bug
This cheat is only available only in version 1.0 of the game.
This keyboard shorcut is a command for demolishing your building
by pressing Ctrl+D twice. The bug is that it also works on enemy
buildings. On how to do it is when you see an enemy building just
click on that building to select it and press Ctrl+D twice. You'll
see that building destroyed instantly.

Lotus Illegal Logging
Summon any of the two Brothers Lythis or Tausil (I recommend Lythis)
in the Crypt of the Brother for one Yin point. Have him attack a tree
by pressing 'F' key and right-click on the tree you want to cut and your
Yin points starts to build up. Repeat this on another tree for more Yin
point. This only works in version 1.0 of the game.

Lotus Water Training
Summon either of the two Brothers, Brother Lythis or Brother
Tausil. Select them and then press the 'F' key and attack the
water (pond), watch your Yin point build-up. Works only in version
1.0 of the game.

Serpent Illegal Logging
Train one of your unit into a Ronin and have him learn Yin Blade
battlegear in the Metal Shop for 35 rice and 15 water. Attack have
your Ronin attack a tree by pressing the 'F' key, while attacking the
tree activate his Yin Blade battlegear. Repeat the process when your
Ronin regain his stamin back to use his battlegear.

Serpent Water Training
Same as the Serpent Illegal Logging but rather than attacking a
tree you attack the water. Quite useful in maps where trees are
quite few.

Brotherly Duplicate
Build three Watchtowers, one for each of the Brothers. Build Crypt
of the Brothers and call upon any of the three. Send the three Brothers
on those Watchtowers that you built. Now destroy your Crypt of the
Brothers and build a new one. Once built, you can call again three new
Brothers and replace the ones in the Watchtowers. Do this method over
and over again and can overreach the unit limit of the game. Quite
useful yet costly.

One Hit Kill
This requires a lot of Yin points to execute. Summon either
Koril or Issyl to do this trick. Use the Water Training cheat to build
up your Yin points. To make it more fast use Tausil and Lythis to do
the Water Training Cheat at the same time. For a more faster Yin
generation but it'll cost you, use the Brotherly Duplication Cheat
summon the Two brothers over and over again and have them do the Water
Training Trick. Now if you have stack up a few Yin points now summon
the two heroes. The needed Yin point to kill a unit is as follows.
40-50 - Peasants & Geisha (Druidess)
90 - Monk/Ninja/1st Level Long Range
130 - 1st Level Short Range
150-160 - 2nd Level Short Range/2nd Level Long Range
170 - Arah, Gaihla
180 - Warlocks
220 - Samurai/Ronin/Berserker
250-300 - Master Warlock/Werewolf

Some units will take less damage depending on their VS. Armor Stat.
so some are harder to be killed in one hit. An example is the Pitch
Slinger that have and excelent armor against cutting weapons so
Koril which attack's with a cutting weapon will have a hard time
killing him. It will take 270 yin points for Koril to kill him but
Issyl which is a Magic attacker will only take 150-160 points to have
the one hit kill. So if you can't kill it with one hit with Koril you
should use Issyl as an alternative.

Lotus Unlimited Ninjas
Summon all the Ninjas in you Lotus Keep until you reach the limit
of four Ninjas. To bypass the limit you'll need two Warlocks and a
Master Warlock to do the cheat. The two warlock should be blessed by
Tausil to get the Tausil's Life Siphon and for your Master Warlock have
him be be blessed also by Tausil to get the Tausil's Unlife. Now to do
this the Ninja, Master Warlock, and the Two Warlocks should be near to
each one. First use the Life Siphon of one of your Warlocks on the Ninja.
After that the other Warlock should use the Life Siphon BG as well on
the Ninja. If the Ninja didn't die on your first and second Life Siphon
do it again for the third time until the Ninja dies. If the Ninja dies
don't worry coz the Master Warlock will do the last process. So after
you see the Ninja die use your Master Warlock's Unlife before the body
of the Ninja disappear. You'll see the Ninja be resurrected by the
Master Warlock. Now visit your Keep you'll notice that you can summon
another Ninja. Repeat the process but beware that every Ninja resurrected
will count as a unit so do the cheat if you have reach you unit limit but
if you want to use the Ninjas you can do this as many as you like.

Serpent Unlimited Ninjas
Summon all the Ninjas in your Keep for 50 rice and 50 water and
one Yin point. Now train a Ronin which have the Bloodbond BG which
can be get through the Thieves Guild and use it in one of your Ninjas.
Have the Bloodbonded Ninja to be put into a watchtower. Now have your
Ronin who used the Bloodbond BG on the Ninja be killed by your enemies.
Now go to your Keep, you will notice that you can summon four more
Ninjas in your keep while the other ninjas are still alive. Do this
over and over again and everytime you do the Bloodbond trick you can
summon four more Ninjas for just the same requirements and before you
notice you'll have a army of Ninjas. But the summon Ninjas will be
counted as normal units and not as Zen Warriors.

Build a Necromancer's Throne and train four Ronins to call upon the
the Necromancer. Now train another Ronin and get the Bloodbond BG
through the Thieves Guild. Use the Bloodbond battlegear on the Ronin
which you recently summoned. Now put the bloodbonded Necro on one of
your watchtowers. Remember the Ronin who used the Bloodbond BG have him
be killed be killed by your enemies, you'll notice that the Necro who is
in top of the watchtower will loss all his hit points but didn't die.
Now train four more Ronin and have them enter the Necromancer's Throne
and you'll see that a new Necro will come out. Now have the new Necro be
Bloodbonded by one of your Ronin who has the Bloodbond BG and replaced
the Necro who is in top of the watchtower and just like before have the
Ronin who used the BG be killed by your enemies for you to Summon a new
Necro. Now you are thinking it cost too much to summon a Necro over and
over again. What good about this cheat is that every Necro summoned can
create three Spirit Warriors. So if you have summoned ten Necromancers
you'll have 30 Spirit Warriors which only cost just your Necromancers
stamina and when that spirit warrior killed it's just a click away to
be replaced.

This cheat only works if all of the Hit Points of your Necromancers
will reach zero. Sometimes one Ronin is not enough so have two Ronin
do the Bloodbond on the Necromancer at the same time. Also you don't
have your Ronins to be killed in doing this the goal is just to have
the Necromancer's Hit points reach Zero. To do that have a Fan Geisha
with your Ronin. An example is to have three Ronins do the Bloodbond
on the Necromancer at the same time and have two Fan Geisha to came
along with your three Ronin and set that as a team.

| XI. Want to Contribute |
We'll I need all the help I can get to have this document at its
best. If you have a strategy on the missions or for the Clans I will
surely in need of them just and if you have informations on the heroes
that you can get in the Kenji's Journey just send them at my E-mail add
at All contributors will be regarded in any
way that I can. We'll I can have you in my credits section. :)

| XII. Credits |
- For a great site where I first post this FAQ.
- For letting me use their strategy and game infos and for a great game

- For plaYing with me in the network your such a great ally and for
teaching me the new cheats about the Serpent and the Lotus.

- For the Necromancer Cheat the he taught me.

- For the One hit kill and other cheats that he sent me.

- For reading this FAQ.

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Trainer für Wasser, Reis und 10 Yangs

17.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013
Serpent Clan FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013
Kenjis Fähigkeiten verbessert

17.Octombrie 2013
Wege zum Zen-Meister

17.Octombrie 2013
Kenji's Edge Walkthrough by Griever
Engl. Lösung

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013
Reis- und Wasser-Trainer (für die Demoversion)

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

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Für dt. Version

17.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
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