Blood: The Last Vampire

Blood: The Last Vampire

17.10.2013 10:30:15
Blood: the Last Vampire FAQ v1.00 by Gene (6/20/01)
Blood: the Last Vampire <ãŠª> (PS2)
1 Player
1 Disc
Genre: Adventure (AVG)
Memory: 166 kb

Blood: the Last Vampire <‰ºŠª> (PS2)
1 Player
1 Disc
Genre: Adventure (AVG)
Memory: 166 kb

1) Introduction
2) Frequently Asked Questions
3) How to Play
3.1) Game Menus
3.2) Controls
3.3) Screen Layout
4) Game System
4.1) Blood Level
4.1) Blood Search System
5) Characters
5.1) Character List
6) Game Walkthrough
7) The Blood Project
8) Secrets / Presents
9) Miscellaneous / Et Cetera

1) Introduction
This is actually one game released as two separate chapters: the first chapter
and the final chapter. Both chapters were released on December 21, 2000. They
are basically one game that is sold separately as two discs for 5800yen each.
I don't know why Sony decided to release the game in such a way, other than to
basically force consumers to pay 11600yen for one game. I've decided to combine
both chapters into one FAQ, as it is basically one continuous story and you
continue your game from the first to the final chapter.

2) Frequently Asked Questions
Q) Can I play it without much knowledge of Japanese?
A) Oh yeah! I will give you all the Japanese choices you need to make. All you
have to do is match the responses.

Q) What is the game like?
A) It is basically like watching an anime with you as the character. You
control the main character and his actions at various parts of the anime.
It is really quite interesting because there are four different paths for the
story to take. If you liked the movie, buy this game!

Q) I've seen the movie. Is the game any different?
A) Yes! Completely different! See the Blood Project section.

Q) Do I need to buy both versions?
A) No, you don't. But, you will only see half of the story otherwise. But, you
can play the second chapter without playing the first, and vice versa. It is
like playing only one disc of a 2-disc RPG!

Q) I can only afford one. Which chapter should I get?
A) Buy the first one, it is a bit longer than the second one and has more to it.
But, if think that you might like the music, you could buy the second one
because you can listen to the BGM in the Presents section.

3) How to play
You control the main character at various times during the game. At crucial
times, you choose his actions to alter the story in different ways. The game
uses the playstation joystick to control the character's actions.

3.1) Game Menus
There are six options at the main menu:

New Game - starts the game from the start
Data Load - loads saved information from memory
Continue - continue a saved game from the first chapter (final chapter only)
Replay - lets you watch a full saved game from start to finish
Option - changes options (vibration, screen display, and game manual)
Presents - view endings, design drawings, listen to BGM, etc.
Exit - returns to the opening movie

During the game, you can access the Pause menu:
Continue - returns to the game
Save - saves the game data to memory
Option - changes options
Game End - exit the game and return to the main menu

** A note about saving the game. You can save the game as many times as you
wish, but your location in the game determines your save. So, if you save
twice in the same location your new save will have no effect. You can tell
the location by the Japanese words and the picture that is placed in the save
window. Try and save every time you go to a new location. If you load, you
will always start at the start of that location. Be careful about saving at
the end because you can save an ending where you it's too late to save
yourself and you will have to start a new game.

3.2) Controls
Start button pauses and brings up the Pause menu
Circle - used for selecting conversation choices and selecting menu options
X - skips ahead during the game and cancels menu options
Triange - initiate a Blood Search
Square - Looks at the Log of your actions
L1 - same as Circle
L2 - same as X
R1,R2 - move between conversation choices
You can soft reset by holding L1, L2, R1, R2, Select and Start

** You can only skip past parts that you have seen before. The first time
through a new area or conversation, you cannot skip.

3.3) Screen Layout
The screen has three components:
The Game window - here you can view the events of the game
The Text window - here you can see the scrolling text
The Blood Search bar - the colored bar below the Game window

4) Game System
The game system is fairly simple. You make choices in conversations that
generally affect your actions and the reactions of the characters in the game.
You can also change the story by activating Blood Searches. Your character
possesses extraordinary abilities. But, those abilities come with a price.
If you use your abilites too often, you will lose control of your powers. But,
if you do not use your abilities enough, you will not possess enough power to
overcome some situations.

4.1) Blood Level
Your Blood Level is the color of the Blood Search bar. As your Blood Level
rises, the color of the bar changes from green to orange, yellow and red. Your
Blood Level increases from unsuccessful Blood Searches and also depends on the
choices that you make along your journey. As your Blood Level increases, you
become stronger. It is necessary to have a certain Blood Level at times to
avoid death. But, being stronger means that you have less control of your
actions. If your Blood Level reaches full, it can lead to a bad ending and game

4.2) Blood Search System
The Blood Search System is the system to greatly change your actions. Using
your empathic abilities, you can change your actions greatly. For example, you
can avoid being attacked by choosing the correct path, etc. The game manual is
fairly vague about the origin of your powers. To activate a Blood Search, press
the triangle button. For a short period of time, your abilities will be
activated so that in certain cases, you will change the events of the game.
However, immediately after an unsuccessful Blood Search, you cannot search again
until the bar fully recharges.

5) Characters
You control the main character in the game. He is an unknown 17 year old high
school student. He's heard a terrifying voice since he was in Junior high
school. He also has been plagued by terrible dreams. You will find out more
about him and his past during the game.

5.1) Character List
The only 'original' believed to exist. She wears a school uniform as a disguise
but she is a vicious hunter of the Teraptorids. She is tracks her prey, waiting
for the perfect opportunity to strike. Her hunting is funded by large,
mysterious corporations that provide her funds, weapons--whatever she needs to

Toko is an eighteen year-old girl of asian descent. But, her personal history
remains shrouded in mystery.

She is a sixteen year-old girl. When she was young, both of her parents killed
themselves. She doesn't have a steady job and lives only for the moment.

Masaka is the father of the main character. He declined to have a regular job
and instead works at home editing magaizines, documents and various other

Sachiko is the mother of the main character. She is a designer at an
architectural firm. She has won many awards for excellence in her work.

Ohka is an unknown relation to the Blood Project. He is a reporter that came
across evidence of the Immortality project by chance. He has a picture an old
picture of Saya and has conducted interviews with Teraptorids.

—ƒŽè@The Teraptorids
The Teraptorids look like normal human beings, but they can change into vicious
beasts when agitated. In human form they have supernatural abilities like
increased strength, unnatural speed, the ability to charm weaker animals; to
name a few. In beastial form, they are impervious to normal weapons and can
only be killed by a single, powerful stroke of a exceptional blade or similar
weapon. These creatures feed off human blood, and require it for sustenance.
They exist outside of time and are ageless.

6) Game Walkthrough
There are four main scenarios that you can play in the game and probably
hundreds of different paths that you could take during the game. I will
concentrate on the four main scenarios and leave the extra paths for you to
explore. The extra paths do not lead to any positive endings, but lead instead
to your death, usually in gruesome detail. The scenarios do not follow any
order and they are totally independent. Feel free to play them in any order.
I will give a short translation in the spoiler section for each scenario in case
you are still confused after playing. Just match the selections here with the
ones in the game, but make sure that the text is set on so that you can see
their conversations.
The numbered sections are conversation choices. BS is a Blood Search. Some of
the BS choices are a bit difficult. Sometimes they occur during conversations,
but others you have to look for visual clues. I've tried to give you enough
hints. For the Blood Searches, press the triangle button when I've described
here. Finally, there are a couple of instances of (BL) Blood Level checks
where you have to have a high Blood Level to survive the situation. If your BL
is at maximum when you take the disk in the underground area, it will lead to a
bad ending.
One final note: I had to give you the Japanese here to match with those on the
screen. Unlike Sakura Taisen and many other games, the order of the
conversation responses changes randomly, so I can't think of any other way to
provide you with the correct answers.

Scenario 1:@“”Žq•Ò
At home:
1)@“š‚¦‚È‚¢ (Don't answer)

2)@–l‚Í‹C‚É“ü‚Á‚Ä‚é (power up?)

On the street:
3)@Š¦‚¢@(It's cold)

4)@‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤ (Thanks)

5)@ˆ¥ŽA‚·‚é@(Greet them)

6)@ƒƒ“ƒO‚ÌŽq‚ªD‚݁@iI like the tall girl)

7)@‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤ (Thanks)

8)@‚¤‚ñ (Yes)

BS * ‚ ‚È‚½BBBl‚ðŽE‚µ‚½–²AŒ©‚½‚±‚Æ‚ ‚éH@
(Have you ever killed anyone in your dreams?)

BS * s‚«‚Ü‚µ‚傤@(Let's go)

9)@‚¢‚âA‚»‚ñ‚È‚±‚Æ‚È‚¢‚¯‚Ç (It's not that, but...)

10)@‚Ç‚¤‚µ‚Ä‚Á‚ÄŒ¾‚í‚ê‚Ä‚àBBB (You even said why)

At BLOOD Restaurant:
BS * ‚Ç‚¤‚©‚µ‚½‚́H@iwhat happened?)@

11)@—‚ÌŽq‚Æ“ñl‚«‚è‚Ɂ@iIt is only the two of us)

12)@‚¨• ‚ª‹ó‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚é‚悤‚ÉŒ©‚¦‚½‚Ì‚©‚ȁ@iYou should eat..)

13)@ŠÃ‚¢@(It tastes bitter)

14)@‚»‚¤‚©‚ȁ@(I guess so)


16)@‚ ‚Ì“úH@(That day?)

During your dream:
17)@•|‚¢‚ÆŽv‚Á‚½@(I was scared)

18)@–l‚ª‚â‚Á‚½‚́H@(I did it?)

19)@‹­‚­‚È‚ñ‚ĂȂ肽‚­‚È‚¢ @(I don't want to become strong)

At BLOOD Restaurant:
20)@–l‚ÌŒû‚ɂ͍‡‚í‚È‚©‚Á‚½@(Don't put it to your lips)

21)@˜b‚· (Talk about it)

Subroute 1
22A)@Œ™‚È‹C•ª‚¾‚Á‚½@(Feeling of dread)

BS * –°‚©‚Á‚½‚́H@(Are you tired?)

In the park:

22C)@ˆ«‚¢‚¯‚ǁBBB (That's bad, but..)

BS * ‚ ‚È‚½BBB‚¨‚¢‚µ‚»‚¤@(You look delicious!)

22D)@ŒN‚ªBBB•|‚¢‚ñ‚¾@(You're scaring me)

22E)@•Ï‚í‚é‚Á‚āBBB (What do you mean, changed?)
end subroute go to 23)

Subroute 2

BS * –°‚©‚Á‚½‚́H (Are you tired?)

BS * Search after pulling away the dead Teraptorid

22B)@“”Žq‚³‚ñ‚́BBB (Toko..)

end subroute go to 23

At home:

BS * ‚»‚ë‚»‚남• ‚à‹ó‚¢‚½@(You must be hungry)


25)@‚»‚ñ‚ÈŽ–‚Ç‚¤‚¾‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚¢‚æ@(It wasn't that!)

26)@‹ŠÔ‚É–ß‚é@(Return to the living room)

In the church:
BS * ‘Ì‚ÌŽ©—R‚ªŒø‚©‚È‚¢BB@(No control of your body.. it's useless to resist)

BS * ‚ ‚È‚½‚ÌŒŒ‚¨•ª‚¯—^‚¦‚ā@(Give me your blood)
end ãŠª

At Sakuragaoka:
BS * —~‚µ‚¢‚́H@(Do you want it?)

BS * Ž„‚É‚Æ‚Á‚āA‚·‚ׂĂ͂±‚Ì“y’n‚©‚çŽn‚Ü‚Á‚½‚ñ‚¾@iFor me, it all starts here)

In the streets:
BS * l‚¦‚Ä‚Ý‚ê‚΁BB@(If I think about it..)

27)@•ƒ‚³‚ñA‚±‚±‚́H@(Father, is it here?)

BS * Search at the end of ‚±‚±‚Í‘æ“ñŽŸ‘åí––Šú@
(The second apocolypse is coming, and you will be part of it)

BS * Search before the big doors, when your Father says "un"

28)@‚Ü‚Á‚·‚®‚¾@(Go straight)

29)@•”‰®‚ðo‚é@(Leave the room)

30)@¶‚¾@(Go left)

BS * Ž×–‚‚·‚éŽÒ‚ðÁ‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¦‚΂¢‚¢‚í@iTime to destroy this annoying girl)

31)@–l‚̈ӎvH@(My motive?)


BS * –Ú‚ðŠo‚Ü‚·‚ñ‚¾@(Remember the eyes)

BL ** Blood Level Check - need BL > 80

33)@‰¡‚É”ò‚ԁ@(Jump away)

BS * Search when you stand up with Saya's sword, after leaping away

Scenario 2:@ˆÅ‚̉¤•Ò
At home:
1)@“š‚¦‚é@(Answer your father)

On the street:
BS * ‚¿‚å‚Á‚Æ‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ–l‚́@iit's a trifle thing)

2)@_“c‚ɍs‚±‚¤@(I am going to Kanda)

On the train:
3)@‚Å‚à¡‚͐l¬‚Ý‚Ì•û‚ª—Ž‚¿’…‚­@(I need to calm down)

BS * Search after leaving train, and seeing vision of Ohka

In the streets:
4)@BBŠ¦‚¢BB (It's cold)

5)@‚¦H (What?)

6)@‰ö‚µ‚ށ@(I doubt it)@

7)@‚È‚ñ‚¾‚©“é‚ê“é‚ꂵ‚¢@(get used to what?)



In the convenience store:
BS * ‚Å‚às‚«æ‚Í‚Ü‚¾‹³‚¦‚Ä‚­‚ê‚È‚¢@(but, this way he didnt show us)

10)@–lA—pŽ–‚ ‚é‚ñ‚¾‚¯‚ǁ@(I have a plan, but)

At Rulia's apartment:
11)@‚»A‚»‚¤‚¾‚ˁ@(I see)


13)@‚ ‚̐§•ž‚ÌŽq@(That girl in the school uniform)

During your dream:
14)@•|‚¢‚ÆŽv‚Á‚½@(I was scared)

15)@—Ú—žˆŸ‚ª’m‚é‚킯‚È‚¢‚©@(Rulia doesn't know about it)

16)@–l‚¶‚á‚È‚¢I@(It wasn't me!)

At Rulia's apartment:
17)@‚ ‚̐º‚ªŽx‚¦‚É‚È‚Á‚½@(That voice paralyzed me)

BS * —V‚тɍs‚±‚¤@(Let's go have fun!)

In Shibuya:
18)@Ã‚©‚È‚Æ‚±‚낪‚¢‚¢‚ȁ@(A quiet place would be best)

At home:
19)@‚»‚Á‚Æ“ü‚é (Enter)

BS * ‚»‚ë‚»‚남• ‚à‹ó‚¢‚½@(You must be hungry)


21)@‚»‚ñ‚ÈŽ–A‚Ç‚¤‚¾‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚¢‚æ@(What happened was okay)

22)@‹ŠÔ‚É–ß‚é@(Return to the living room)

In the church:
BS * ‘Ì‚ÌŽ©—R‚ªŒø‚©‚È‚¢BB@(No control of your body.. it's useless to resist)

BS * ‚ ‚È‚½‚ÌŒŒ‚¨•ª‚¯—^‚¦‚ā@(Give me your blood)

BS * Šo‚¦‚Ä‚é‚Å‚µ‚傤H (Do you remember?)

23)@ŒŒ‚ðˆù‚ށ@(Drink the blood)

24)@‚Å‚«‚È‚¢@(I can't!)
end ãŠª

During the attack:
BS * ‚ BB‚ ‚ê‚́BB (That...)

With Saya:
25)@‚¤BB‚¤‚ñ (Yes)

26)@–l‚Í‚ ‚̐º‚É‹¯‚¦‚½@(That voice is scaring me)

In the streets:
27)@–l‚͉½‚ð‚µ‚Ä‚é‚ñ‚¾@(What am I doing?)

28)@–l‚́BB–߂肽‚¢@(I want to return)

BS * –l‚Í‚Ü‚¾lŠÔ‚Å‚¢‚½‚¢‚ñ‚¾@(I want to become a normal person again)



31)@ˆá‚¤BBBI@(No way!)

32)@‚ ‚̐º‚¾‚¯‚ª—Bˆê‚Ì‹~‚¢‚©‚à‚µ‚ê‚È‚¢@(That voice is salvation)

BS * Search tunnel after flashbacks

33)@—Ú—žˆŸBB (Rulia..)

34)@ƒJ‚ªBBB‚Ù‚µ‚¢@(I need more power)

35)@‹ƒ‚­ (Cry)

At Sakuragaoka:
36)@–l‚Í‚±‚±‚ð’m‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚éBBI@(I know this place!)


38)@¶‘¤‚̉º‚ðŒ©‚é (look down the left side)

BS * Ž„‚É‚Æ‚Á‚āA‚·‚ׂĂ͂±‚Ì“y’n‚©‚çŽn‚Ü‚Á‚½‚ñ‚¾@iFor me, it all starts here)


In the streets:
BS * l‚¦‚Ä‚Ý‚ê‚΁BB@(If I think about it..)

40)@•ƒ‚³‚ñA‚±‚±‚́H (Father, is this it?)

BS * Search at the end of ‚±‚±‚Í‘æ“ñŽŸ‘åí––Šú@
(The second apocolypse is coming, and you will be part of it)

BS * Search before the big doors, when your Father says "un"

41)@¶‚¾@(It's left)

42)@ƒf²ƒXƒN‚ðŽæ‚é@(Take the disk)

43)@‚Ü‚Á‚·‚®‚¾@(It's straight)

BS * Search when before you see your father's jacket

BS * Search when searching his jacket

44)@•ƒ‚³‚ñBBB (Father...)

45)@‹ì‚¯Šñ‚é@(Run up to him)

BS * Ž×–‚‚·‚éŽÒ‚ðÁ‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¦‚΂¢‚¢‚í@iTime to destroy this annoying girl)

46)@–l‚̈ӎvH@(My motive?)

BL Blood Level Check - need BL 100

47)@“¬‚Á‚Ä“¹‚ðŠJ‚­‚ñ‚¾@(Fight back)

Scenario 3:@‹†–¾•Ò

At home:
1)@“š‚¦‚é@(Answer your father)

BS * Search during the last half of Žq—£‚ꂵ‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢•ƒe‚Á‚Ä
@@(Seperated from his children)

2)@_“c‚܂ōs‚­‚æ@(I am going to Kanda)

BS * ‚¨Žç‚è‚Ý‚½‚¢‚È‚à‚Ì‚¾‚µ‚ˁ@(It's just a lucky charm)

On the street:
BS * ‚¿‚å‚Á‚Æ‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ–l‚́@(It's a trifling thing)

3)@‚»‚¤‚¢‚¦‚΍à•z‚ð–Y‚ꂽ‚悤‚È (I forgot my wallet!)

BS * ‚¢‚¯‚È‚¢A–Y‚ꂽ‚Ý‚½‚¢ (I can't go..)

BS * ‹ßŠ‚É‚ ‚ñ‚ÈŽqBB@(She's not from here..)

On the train:
4)@‚Å‚à¡‚͐l¬‚Ý‚Ì•û‚ª—Ž‚¿’…‚­@(I need to calm down)

BS * Search when you see close up of Ohka

5)@¶‚ðŒ©‚é@(Look left)

BS * Search immediately after choosing last choice.

On the street:
6)@Š¦‚¢@(It's cold)

BS * Search when you are shaking after flashing signal

7)@‰E‚ðŒ©‚é@(Look right)

BS * BBB—邪–‚Á‚½@(Bell rings)

8)@‰E‚É‹È‚ª‚Á‚Ă݂傤@(Follow right)

In the side street:
BS * ‚È‚ñ‚¾‚Á‚½‚ñ‚¾@(What just happened?)

During your dream:
9)@•|‚¢‚ÆŽv‚Á‚½@(I was scared)

10)@–l‚¶‚á‚È‚¢I@(It wasn't me!)

In the streets:
11)@–邪D‚«‚¾@(I like the nighttime)

BS * Search at the end of ‚¢‚‚̍ ‚©‚ç‚©–é‚Ì•û‚ªZ‚ݐS’n‚æ‚­BB@
(From what time@BB)

12)@‹CŽ‚¿ˆ«‚¢@(I've got a bad feeling)

At home:

BS * Search when you see the water draining from the sink


In the church:
BS * ‚³‚ BBB•ê‚³‚ñ‚ƈꏏ‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚傤@(Become one with your mother)

BS * ‚ ‚È‚½‚ÌŒŒ‚𕪂¯—^‚¦‚ā@(Give me your power)

BS * Search about 1 second after you jump out the window

15)@•¨’u‚ɉB‚ê‚悤 (Try to hide in the tool shed)

BS * Search when she steps towards you after pulling you out of the shed
end ãŠª

During the attack:
BS * ‚ BBB‚ ‚ê‚́BB (That..)

With Saya:

17)@–l‚Í‚ ‚̐º‚É‹¯‚¦‚é@(That voice scares me)

In the streets:
18)@–l‚͉½‚ð‚µ‚Ä‚é‚ñ‚¾@(What am I doing?)

19)@–l‚́BBB–߂肽‚¢@(I want to return)

BS * –l‚Í‚Ü‚¾lŠÔ‚Å‚¢‚½‚¢‚ñ‚¾@(I want to become a normal person again)

20)@‚»‚¤‚¾‚ˁBBB (Yes)


22)@ˆá‚¤BBBI@(No way!)

23)@‚ ‚̐º‚¾‚¯‚ª—Bˆê‚Ì‹~‚¢‚©‚à‚µ‚ê‚È‚¢@(That voice is your salvation)

At Ohka's place:
24)@ˆø‚«o‚µ‚ðŠJ‚¯‚Ä‚Ý‚é@(Open the drawer)

25)@ŽÊ^‚ðŒ©‚Ä‚Ý‚é@(Look at the picture)

26)@•‚¢ƒe[ƒv‚¾@(Black tape)

BL ** Blood Level Check - need BL > 80

27)@”ò‚э~‚ê‚é@(Jump out the window)

At Sakuragaoka:
BS * Ž„‚É‚Æ‚Á‚āA‚·‚ׂĂ͂±‚Ì“y’n‚©‚ç@(For me, it all starts here)

In the streets:
BS * Search during the 3rd picture of the streets, right after train


BS * Search before the big doors, when your Father says "un"

29)@¶‚¾@(It's left)

30)@ƒf²ƒXƒN‚ðŽæ‚é@(Take the disk)

31)@¶‚¾@(It's left)

32)@•”‰®‚ðo‚é@(Leave the room)

33)@¶‚¾@(It's left)

BS * Ž×–‚‚·‚éŽÒ‚ðÁ‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚Ü‚¦‚΂¢‚¢‚í@iTime to destroy this annoying girl)

34)@–l‚̈ӎvH@(My motive?)

35)@ƒJƒbƒcI (Katz!)

BL ** Blood Level Check - need BL > 80

36)@‰¡‚É”ò‚ԁ@(Jump away)

BS * Search when standing up with Saya's sword after leaping away

On the train tracks:
BS * ‚ ‚È‚½‚ÍŽ„‚Ì’†‚ŁBBB@(You are in me..)

Scenario 4:@—Ú—žˆŸ•Ò
There is an extra feature specific to this scenario. There are points where you
can earn Rulia Points (RP). They are obtained by choosing the correct
conversation choice at various points. There is a maximum of 8 RPs available
in this scenario. You need to have more than 6 in the park with her. If you do
not have sufficient points, it will lead to a bad ending and game over.

At home:
1)@“š‚¦‚é@(Answer your father)

BS * During the last half of Žq—£‚ꂵ‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢•ƒe‚Á‚ā@
@@(Separated from his children)

2)@_“c‚܂ōs‚­‚æ@(I am going to Kanda)

On the street:
BS * ‚¿‚å‚Á‚Æ‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ–l‚́@(It's a trifling thing)

3)@‚»‚¤‚¢‚¦‚΍à•z‚ð–Y‚ꂽ‚悤‚ȁ@(I forgot my wallet)

BS * ‚¢‚¯‚È‚¢A–Y‚ꂽ‚Ý‚½‚¢@(I can't go)

BS * ‹ßŠ‚É‚ ‚ñ‚ÈŽqBB@(She's not from around here..)

On the train:
4)@‚Å‚à¡‚͐l¬‚Ý‚Ì•û‚ª—Ž‚¿’…‚­@(I need to calm down)

BS * When you see a close up of Ohka

5)@¶‚ðŒ©‚é (Look left)

On the street:
BS * BBBs‚©‚È‚¢‚æ@(I can't go)

6)@ŽQl‘”ƒ‚¢‚½‚¢‚ñ‚¾@(I want to go to a bookstore)

In the bookstore:
BS * ‚à‚¤‚ ‚½‚µ‚É‚ÍŠÖŒW‚È‚¢@(There's a difference between us) >>RP+1<<

BS * ‹zŒŒ‹S‚Ì–{H@(A vampire book?)

7)@‹»–¡‚ ‚é‚ñ‚¾@(I am interested)

BS * ‚Ç‚¤‚µ‚āH@(What?)

8)@‰ï‚¢‚½‚­‚Í‚È‚¢‚ȁ@(I don't want to meet)

9)@‚©‚Ü‚í‚È‚¢‚¯‚ǁ@(I don't mind, but..)

10)@‹°‚낵‚¢‚à‚Ì‚¾@(That's a terrible thing)

At the Amusement park:
BS * ‚¨‚¢‚Å‚æ@(Hurry up!) >>RP+1<<

11)@BB‚»‚¤‚¶‚á‚È‚¯‚ǁ@(It's not that, but..)

BS * ‚¦BBBH@ (What?)

12)@’p‚¸‚©‚µ‚¢@(This is embarrassing)

BS * ‚¨‚¢‚µ‚¢BB@(Delicious!)

BS * Search after the closeup of the bell

13)@‚¤‚ñ@(Yes) >>RP+1<<

14)@•·‚«‚½‚¢Ž–‚ª‚ ‚Á‚Ä‚³@(I wanted to listen) >>RP+1<<

At Rulia's apartment:


17)@ˆêl‚Ŏ₵‚­‚È‚¢H@(Are you lonely here?) >>RP+1<<

During your dream:
18)@•|‚¢‚ÆŽv‚Á‚½@(I was scared)

19)@—Ú—žˆŸ‚ª’m‚é‚킯‚È‚¢‚©@(Rulia doesn't know)

20)@–l‚¶‚á‚È‚¢I@(It wasn't me!)

At Rulia's apartment:
21)@‚ ‚̐º‚ªŽx‚¦‚É‚È‚Á‚½@(That voice paralyzed me)

22)@•|‚¢‚æ‚ˁ@(That's scary)

23)@‚¢‚¢‚æ@(It's okay)

BS * —V‚тɍs‚±‚¤@(Let's go have fun)

In Shibuya:
BS * ‚È‚ñ‚Å‚±‚ñ‚È‚É‚½‚­‚³‚ñ‚̐l‚ª‚¢‚é‚ñ‚¾‚낤‚ˁH@
@@@(Why is this train so packed?) >>RP+1<<

24)@‚Ö‚ñ‚È‚Æ‚±‚ë‚ÍŒ™‚¢‚¾‚æ@(I don't like strange places)

25)@‚â‚ß‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢A‚¨Žo‚³‚ñI@(Please stop..)




29)@‚È‚É‚µ‚Ä‚é‚́H@(What are you doing?) >>RP+1<<

In the park:
30)@‚¢‚¢‚æA‚»‚ñ‚È‚¨‚µ‚—ç‚È‚ñ‚ā@(It's okay, it was nothing)

31)@‚ÌŒ´ˆö@(Is that why she's in pain?)

BS * –{“–‚É•ª‚©‚荇‚¦‚»‚¤‚Ȑl‚Ɂ@(I think you are a nice person) >>RP+1<<

32)@˜b‚µ‚Ä‚Ý‚½@(Try to speak)

33)@•|‚­‚Đk‚¦‚é‚Ä‚­‚é‚ñ‚¾@(I shook with fear)

At home:
34)@‚½‚¾‚¢‚܁@(I'm home!)

BS * ‚»‚ë‚»‚남• ‚à‹ó‚¢‚½@(You must be hungry)


36)@‚»‚ñ‚ÈŽ–A‚Ç‚¤‚¾‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚¢‚æ@(It's nothing)

37)@‹ŠÔ‚É–ß‚é@(Return to the living room)

In the church:
BS * ‚ ‚ñ‚½‚̐¶–½‚ªBBB@(Your soul is...)
end ãŠª

On the street:
BS * Search after looking at Rulia, after your dream

At Sakuragaoka:

39)@‚Ç‚¤‚µ‚Ä—ƒŽè‚É‚È‚Á‚½‚́H@(Why did you become a Teraptorid)

BS * Ž©•ª‚ªŽã‚©‚Á‚½‚©‚çBB@(Because I was weak)

BS * ‚ ‚ñ‚½‚ª‚¢‚Ä‚­‚ê‚é‚©‚ç..@(Now, you're involved..)

BS * BB‚¤‚ñ@(Yes)

40)@—Ú—žˆŸ‚ð•ø‚­@(Hug Rulia)

41)@—Ú—žˆŸ‚ƈꏏ‚É‚¢‚ç‚ê‚é‚Ì‚©‚ç@(I'm here to stay with you)

In the tunnel:
42)@‰ä–‚µ‚āI@(Get a hold of yourself, pull through it!)

BS * Search when you see your face with blood, trying to get up

At Sakuragaoka:

At Rulia's apartment:
44)@ƒ}ƒbƒ`‚ðŒ©‚é@(Look at the matchbook)

BS * —Ú—žˆŸBBB‚à‚µ‚©‚µ‚½‚çBB@(Maybe she's already changed)

At Sakuragaoka:
BS * ‚Ç‚¯II@(Get out of the way!)

BS * ‚¢‚ÁBB‚¢‚âBBII@(No! No!)

BS * Šy‚µ‚Ä‚â‚é@(Try to relax)

7) The Blood Project
Blood: the Last Vampire was released in selected theatres in Japan and around
the world as an anime. The same version was also later released on video, and
regular and special edition DVD formats. However, the anime takes place before
the game, in Yokota Air Force Base during the Vietnam war. So, although the
titles are the same, they entirely different stories following Saya at different
times. When I bought the PS2 game, I thought that it might be a bit different
from the anime, giving a bit more background to the characters, etc. But, I was
shocked to find out that it takes place in modern day Tokyo instead and
introduces many new characters. There are also novels and comics released in
Japan concerning the Blood Project.

Here is the history of the Blood Project:

1806 Napolean conquers Europe. From the confusion, powerful organizations rise.
The name Saya appears for the first time in the records of these
organizations. The existence of a young, black-haired defender is
confirmed. The Blood Project begins. It is recorded in the records of the
secret organizations.

1892 In France, Saya's portrait appears. Saya's blood sample is secretly taken.

1900@Evidence is found that Saya's blood was transfused into young babies.

1914 A photograph of Saya appears in the records of the secret organizations.

1923 The Great Kanto Earthquake. The teraptorids begin to invade Japan.

1944 World War Two. The Japanese people begin to be agitated by the

1946 After the war, the murder rate begins to rise. Strange murders become
more frequent. The teraptorids begin to increase their activities.

1964 During the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, Saya is spotted among
the spectators on film.

1965 The beginning of the Vietnam War.

1966 Saya is reported to have battled Teraptorids at Yokota base. The army
denies the co-operation and existence of Saya and anyone related to her.
Reportedly, Saya fought three Teraptorids at the base, but no evidence was
ever found besides eyewitness reports. (movie: Blood the Last Vampire)

1969 Near Tokyo, a student protest arises over the strange instances. The
Immortality project is investigated further. (novel: Night of the Beast)

1973 The Vietnam war ends.

1989 Flood of X city in Tokyo, the young boy (you) becomes lost. He is
seriously injured and a temporary measure is administered to keep him

1995 After the crash of Japan's bubble economy, Sakuragaoka becomes a slum.
Ohka begins contact with the remaining Teraptorids.

2000 In Tokyo, Saya and the Teraptorids are spotted in several areas.
(comic: Blood the Last Vampire 2000, novel: Seduction of Blood)

8) Secrets / Presents
There are presents for each chapter that you can view after unlocking them:

ãŠª (First Chapter)
1- Ending List
2- Design drawings of the main character
3- Design drawings of the main character
4- Design drawings of Rulia
5- Design drawings of the supporting cast
6- Design drawings of Saya
7- Design drawings of the supporting cast
8- Design drawings of Rulia
9- Design drawings of mother and father
10- Design drawings of Toko
11- Design drawings of Toko
12- Design drawings of Saya
13- Design drawings of the main character
14- Design drawings of the supporting cast
15- Design drawings of Rulia
16- Design drawings of the entire cast
17- Color design drawings of the main character, Saya and the teroptorids
18- Color design drawings of Toko and the main character
19- Color design drawings of Rulia, mother and the supporting cast
20- Color design drawings of Ohka, Lenz and father

‰ºŠª (Final Chapter)
1- Ending List
2- BGM #1,2
3- BGM #3,4
4- BGM #5,6
5- BGM #7,8
6- BGM #9,10
7- BGM #11,12
8- BGM #13,14
9- BGM #15,16
10- BGM #17,18
11- BGM #19,20
12- BGM #21,22
13- BGM #23,24
14- BGM #25,26
15- BGM #27,28
16- BGM #29,30
17- BGM #31,32
18- BGM #33,34
19- BGM #35,36
20- BGM #37,38
21- BGM #39,40
22- BGM #41,42
23- BGM #43-46
24- BGM Main Theme, #47-50
25- BGM #51-55
26- BGM #56-60
27- BGM #61-65
28- BGM Medley, #66-69

9) Miscellaneous / Et Cetera
Production I.G websites:
Blood the Last Vampire movie reviews:

Thanks to Sony for making this awesome game.
Thanks to Production I.G for making a great anime and an awesome game.
This FAQ is not associated with Production I.G, Sony, or any of their products
either software, hardware or video. The respective companies retain all
copyrights of their products mentioned in this FAQ.

Sorry, but I had to use Japanese in this FAQ! It is best viewed with Japanese
Wordpad, but any Japanese-capable viewer should work too.

Feel free to email any advice or suggestions! Due to time constraints, do
not expect a reply on email.

Other FAQs written by me:
- Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura: Eternal Heart (PS)
- The Typing of the Dead (DC)
- The Great Khan Game (Card game)
- Hundred Swords (DC)
- Advanced World War (DC)
- Gaiamaster (PS)
- Culdcept Expansion (PS)
- Dioramos (PS)
-- 6/20/01 Gene(

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