

14.10.2013 13:09:52
For Playstation2

FAQ/Wetsuit Locations
Written by AbsurdSnyper and aekorso

Contact us at: WeaponX@satx.rr.com (AbsurdSnyper on GameFAQs)
Sccatcher20@aol.com (aekorso on GameFAQs)

3-25-02 (Version 1.1)
3-26-02 (Version 1.2)
3-28-02 (Version 1.3)
4-6-02 (Version 1.4)
4-25-02 (Version 1.5)
5-20-02 (Version 1.6)
6-25-02 (FINAL Version)

**=-Table of Contents-=**

1) Introduction
Gets you started on what it is we are doing.
2) Controls
Learn the basic, as well as the advanced techniques.
3) Course Listing
Get the listing of every course on the game.
4) Trick Listing
Every trick, and methods to perform them.
5) Wetsuit Locations
What you all came here for!
6) Secrets
Unlockable secrets and codes.
7) Credits
Everyone who helped make this possible, and legal info.

1) **=-Introduction-=**

Splashdown is one of the greatest games we have ever purchased for the
Playstation 2. No other game comes close to the realism of the sport this game
brings you. The gameplay is magnificent, the game controls very nicely, and most
of all, the graphics are the best we have ever seen. For more information on
this, please check out AbsurdSnyper's review, posted at www.GameFAQs.com.

This FAQ was created totally from the combined efforts of AbsurdSnyper and
aekorso. We split the findings 50/50, so we each deserve credit. We also
gathered info from BigDogLuke, Iceman, Poopman, Turkish13 (who found the last
one I needed), and everybody else at the Splashdown message boards at GameFAQs.

This guide will provide the locations for the many different wetsuits available
for each character that are spread across the 21 tracks. There are icons you
will find along them, some visible, and others that require comprehensive
searching. You can use any mode (besides Countdown and CopyCat) to search the
tracks for these hidden icons. You can even search in 2-player, and you and a
friend can search for them. It also will depend on what difficulty you play the
track on, since track layouts differ from Easy/Normal and Hard. This means that
you will find the same icons if you play Easy or Normal, but will not find those
in hard, and will have to search for a whole new set. So, Easy and Normal have
its own set of wetsuits, and Hard has its own set. We recommend trying to find
as many as possible before resorting to this FAQ, because most of them you can
see from the track, and also because it is fun to go exploring around the track
on Free Ride to search for them. Once you are stuck, come to this FAQ and you
will find the locations on every single wetsuit.

2) **=-Controls-=**

*Note: These controls are based on the default control setting, and are straight
out of the Instruction Manual. Try the Training Mode for a demonstration of
harder techniques. It even allows you to try them yourself.

Basic Watercraft Controls

Left Analog Stick/D-Pad -Steer/Lean
X -Throttle
L2 -Stunt 1
R1 -Stunt 2
R2 -Stunt 3
Select -Reset to Track
Start -Pause/Options

Camera Controls

Triangle -Preset camera views
Right Analog Stick -Adjust Camera
L1 -Look Back
Square -Thrill Cam (airborne only)
Press and hold Left -Dolly Camera
Analog Stick and move
Right Analog Stick UP
or DOWN to dolly in and

Advanced Controls and Techniques

Hydroplaning is one of the most important things to do in a race. This technique
helps pick the nose of your Sea-Doo out of the water, and helps you gain more
speed. To perform this, make sure you are at a speed of about 40-50 mph. Then,
pull back on the left analog stick to travel at a faster speed. You cannot
perform this at low speeds, as it can make you crash. You must also not
hydroplane in turns, because it makes them dangerous. When coming out of turns,
wait until you gain a little speed before hydroplaning. Go even faster by
building up the performance meter! (See Trick List)

To make tighter turns at high speeds, move the left analog stick forward a bit,
and also in the direction of the turn. Don't dive into the water, but just
barely go into the water. Some of the racers on the game have better handling
than others, and this technique isn't needed as much. Experiment with all of the

Another advanced control is the Submarine. Some hidden areas and shortcuts force
you to submarine below the water to reach them. To do this, you need to have a
little speed, above 30 mph is good. While riding, push forward on the left
analog stick to submerge your watercraft. Then, release the analog stick and you
will come back up to the surface. The technique is great for dodging the
cylinder, red buoys found all around the tracks.

An extension of the Submarine is the Bunny Hop. This is performed to jump small
obstacles on the tracks. Perform this by pushing the left analog stick to
submerge (just like the submarine. But instead of releasing it, pull back on the
left analog stick and you will come straight out of the water. The longer you
push forward on the left analog stick, the higher you will jump. Try doing a
very small bunny hop to keep speed, but at the same time jumping the obstacle.

An even further extension of the Bunny Hop is the Invert, better known as the
back flip. This is not needed for racing, and actually slows you down
significantly. But, it is very cool for when you are ahead in a race, and also
can be used if you need major points for your performance meter for quick speed.
Just push forward on the left analog stick to submerge. Then (making sure you go
down far enough, but not too far), pull back on the left analog stick to come
out of the water. Keep holding it until you do a complete back flip. Remember;
don't perform this in a race. You lose valuable time. Just use it as a quick way
to get more points on the performance meter (which it does!). This is explained
further in the Trick List.

3) **=-Course Listing-=**

This section will provide you with the listing of all of the tracks, and the
information about how the wetsuits are distributed.

This course list is in the order from the game (1-21).

1) Maui, USA
2) Everglades, USA
3) Three Rivers, USA
4) Madrid, Spain
5) Mission Bay, USA
6) Rhine River, Germany
7) Barrier Reef, Australia
8) Seoul, South Korea
9) Lake Quilotoa, Ecuador
10) Nice, France
11) Lochness, Scotland
12) Madrid 2, Spain
13) Kuta Beach, Bali
14) Tokyo, Japan
15) Nile River, Egypt
16) Seoul 2, South Korea
17) Venice, Italy
18) Bering Straight, USA
19) Amazon River, Brazil
20) Lake Havasu, USA
21) Bermuda Triangle

*In order to unlock most of these tracks, you must play in Career Mode and beat
these levels. More information on this can be found in Section 6 (Secrets).

Now, one of the best things about this game is the track layouts, and how they
differ from difficulty to difficulty. (You must beat Career Mode on Hard in
order to play them on Hard). Easy and Normal both have the same course layouts,
and the only difference in those two difficulties is the AI of the computer
players. But, courses when played on Hard are laid out a little different.
Remember to check out Section 6 (Secrets) for information on all of the secrets
on the game.

4) **=-Trick Listing-=**

This section provides you with a listing of all of the tricks contained in the
game, and the ways to perform them. Each character also has their own Character
Specific Trick that can only be performed by that character.

Tricks, usually, do not d anything for you in racing games. But, in Splashdown,
tricks build up you "Performance Meter." This meter is near your speedometer,
and has two sections, a large, and a small. The small section is at the top, and
this is called the "Overflow Zone." If you are in this area, you increase the
time your Sea-Doo will stay at peak performance. The higher your performance
meter is, the faster you will accelerate, and the higher your top speed will be.

I have listed the tricks in the way the book has, by "Tiers." The tricks get
harder to perform in Tier 2 and Tier 3, but build up the Performance Meter
faster. The Character Specific Tricks also build it up fast. You can also hold
tricks (by holding down the shoulder button after performing the trick) to
multiply its value.

The easiest way to perform these is to hold down the corresponding shoulder
button (either L2, R1, or R2) and move the digital pad (or left analog stick) in
the correct way, as stated. If it consists of more than one direction of the
left analog stick (i.e. L2 + Up-Down-Up), you must hold L2 the whole time, and
press Up-Down-Up very quickly.

**In these tricks, diagonals are named by the two directions it is closest to.
For example, diagonal Up/Right is named by UR. Diagonal Down/Left is DL. Some
tricks must be performed in one fluid motion. So, if you see Up-UR-Right-DR-
Down, you must move the left analog stick from Up, over to the right, and then
down, never returning to the middle, (the original position of the stick). This
might be hard to understand, so if you are having trouble, visit
www.gosplashdown.com, and click on Hints for their trick listing.

Tier I:

L2 + Up -Cordova
L2 + Down -Lazy Boy
L2 + Left -Heart Attack
L2 + Right -Double Can Can
R1 + Up -Spade
R1 + Down -Rollover
R1 + Left -Saran Wrap
R1 + Right -Seat Surf
R2 + Up -Handlebar Handstand
R2 + Down -Superman
R2 + Left -Nac Nac
R2 + Right -Shin Grab

Tier II:

L2 + Up-Down-Up -Air Walk
R2 + Down-Up-Down -Cliffhanger
R2 + Up-Up-Down -Rack
R1 + R2 + Up-UL-Left-DL-Down-DR-Right-UR-Up -Whirlybird
R1 + R2 + Up-Down-Up -Kiss of Death
R2 + Left-DL-Down-DR-Right -Metronome
R1 + Right-UR-Up-UL-Left -Roundhouse
R1 + Down-Up-UL-Left-DL-Down -Tumbleweed
L2 + Left-DL-Down-DR-Right -Tornado
R2 + Right-Left-Right -Double Double Can Can
R1 + R2 + Down-Up-Down -Rear Handstand
R2 + Right-Left-DL-Down-DR-Right -Bicycle Kick

Tier III:

R1 + R2 + Down-Up-UR-Right-DR-Down-DL-Left-UL-Up -Backflip
R1 + Right-Left-Right-UR-Up-UL-Left-DL-Down-DR-Right -Pummel Horse
R2 + Up-Down-Up-UL-Left-DL-Down-DR-Right-UR-Up -Wu Ping Crane

Signature Stunts:
*These must be performed by the corresponding character*

R1 + R2 + Up-Down-Up-UR-Right-DR-Down-DL-Left-UL-Up -Cyclone (Andy)
R1 + (allx2)Up-UR-Right-DR-Down-DL-Left-UL-Up(allx2) -Sirocco (Amman Ra)
L2 + Down-Right-Left-Right -Flailing Gibbon (Rafael)
R1 + R2 + Left-Right-Left-DL-Down-DR-Right -Ferris Wheel (Haily)
R1 + Up-Down-Up-UR-Right-DR-Down -Das Moonsault (Sebastian)
L2 + Up-Up-Down-DR-Right-UR-Up-UL-Left-DL-Down -Swan Ton Plancha (Juana)
R2 + (allx2)Up-UL-Left-DL-Down-DR-Right-UR-Up(allx2) -Top Spin (Jeremy)
L2 + Up-Up-Down-Up -Hanging Orchid (Kyoko)
R2 + Up-Down-Down-Up -Crawling Terror (Steve)

5) **=-Wetsuit Locations-=**

Okay, this is the bulk of our FAQ. This provides you with the exact locations of
the different colored wetsuits for each character.

** If you don't know what they are, read this before going on. **
Every character has 2 default wetsuits when the game begins. But, more colors
can be found by locating their "icons" along the tracks. Once you grab one, exit
the level, save, and it will be forever stored. The new colors available for
each character are Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Icons will be
represented by the picture of the corresponding character. Outside of it, the
color it will unlock will be twirling around it. All you need to do is drive
into them, and a message will say you have received it. If you prefer to search
yourself, keep in mind that the four Challenge Courses (Madrid, Spain, Seoul,
South Korea, Madrid 2, Spain, and Seoul 2, South Korea) do not have any
wetsuits. But the bonus level, Bermuda Triangle, does.

Now, they are found along the tracks, but, as explained in the Course Listing
Section, track layouts differ each difficulty. Easy and Normal have the same
layouts, but Hard has different layouts. It is the same thing with these. Easy
and Normal both have the same wetsuits. So, if you play on Easy, you will find
an icon in the same place as you would find it on Normal. Hard has its own set
of wetsuits. For example, if there is a wetsuit on a certain ramp on a certain
course on Easy, you can grab it. If you are playing on Normal (since track
layouts are the same on Easy and Normal), you find it in the EXACT same spot. If
you play it on Hard, it will not be there, since track layouts are different. In
essence, wetsuits can be found on Easy and Normal in the same spots, while Hard
carries its own set of them in different places. We will notify which difficulty
to play on when we give you the locations.

In addition to this, every character has a secret wetsuit, or swimsuit. Don't
worry, this is unlocked after getting all 5 of the wetsuits for a rider. So, you
don't have to do anything extra to get this one.

Also, some of them require you to do Advanced Techniques. If we use a word you
don't understand, refer back to the "Controls" section. There, you will find a
detailed explanation of them.

Now, we have divided these into sections by Characters. This way, if you are
missing one of a character, you can find it easily (make sure to use the Blimp
View while searching, as this helps a lot).
Let the hunting begin!!!

*****Andy Pierce*****

Bio: This golden boy's got the charm and all-around skills to compete with the
best. Andy seems like he's had too much sun over the years, but he's much
sharper and focused than you might think.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Maui, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: Using the in-game map, go to the opposite side of the map from the
starting line. Drive through the course until you reach this point where there
is a boat (on your right) before the path splits in two. When you see the boat,
turn to the left and submarine under those towers. Then go left, and follow the
water. Then bunny hop, or use the sand as a ramp, to reach it.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Amazon River, Brazil
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is easy, but concealed. Just ride the course until you drive
off the small waterfall (the one where it sends you into rocks). Drive off it,
and turn around to go under it. It's under there.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Three Rivers, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is difficult to explain. Use the blimp view if necessary.
After reaching the "industrial part" (the area with buildings, and cranes),
there are two cranes. After jumping off the ramp right after you pass the 2nd
crane, you should be exiting the area. Before you do, turn around to go
backwards. You see the ramp you just went over? There should be a skinny ramp
next to it. Take that at full speed.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Venice, Italy
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: If you know the shortcut involving the pool, go there and it is there.
If not, use the map to go to the top left part that sticks out on the map (like
a leg). Bunny hop into a small pool of water (it actually is a pool, with chairs
by it, and tables). It's in there.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Nice, France
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: As soon as you start, do a U-turn and go left through the yellow
buoys. Go to the left side of the concrete and there is a ramp, and right in
front is his wetsuit under a tarp by some fruit.

*****Haily Hollister*****

Bio: This little Aussie firecracker is one hot number - and she knows it! Daddy
takes care of the bills so she's got plenty of time to ride. Pretty strong
skills all around.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Everglades, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: Using the map in game, there should be a long straightaway on the
right side of the map. After the U-turn at the beginning of it is a jump. Her
wetsuit is in midair of the ramp on the right.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Kuta Beach, Bali
Difficulty: Hard
Location: When you get to the large ramp over the first set of jagged rocks, go
backwards. You should spot a ramp on the left. Use that to get into the next
area. In here, use the next ramp.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Lake Havasu, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is hard to explain, but you should be able to spot it from
the course. It is toward the end of the course. The level goes from a
"supercross" type of area to an area with no bouys and is all land around you,
and then back into the "supercross" part. Near the end of the course is a
monstrous ramp (the biggest, you should recognize it) that goes back onto the
"supercross" area. After you hit this jump and land in the water, the next turn
should be a left U-turn (180 degrees). But, only go halfway onto the turn (90
degrees) and go straight. You should immediately come to a small boat. You
should be able to see the icon in the boat. Bunny hop into the icon to get it.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Barrier Reef, Australia
Difficulty: Hard
Location: This one might take some exploring on your part, since you must go off
the track to reach it. Using the map in game, go to the top of it (North) and go
off the course and start heading left. Try to find a wooden boat sticking up
halfway out of the water. Small islands and trees should surround it. (This is
all off track). Go around to the other side of the boat and use the side as a
ramp to fall inside the actual boat. It's right in there.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Venice, Italy
Difficulty: Hard
Location: At the start of the race, do a U-turn and start racing backwards and
weave through the piers. You should see a ramp hidden behind a sign (the sign
points left). Then go left through the yellow round buoys. You will have to go
through some blue and white poles. Find the ramp, and hit it!

*****Rafael Martin*****

Bio: A successful businessman, Rafael handles his ride with grace and precision,
as with everything else in his life. A familiar sight on the French Riviera, he
can afford to do his thrill seeking around the world.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Barrier Reef, Australia
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: At the top left of the in-game map, there are two paths you can take.
Take the left one, and when they meet up again, go off the course to the left
and you should see it. (Remember to use the blimp view if necessary). If you
need to bunny hop, do so too.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Everglades, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is on top of the shack. If you know where that is, go get it.
If you don't, notice on the right side of the in-game map is a long
straightaway. At the end of it is a dock with a shack to the right of it. There
is a ramp to the right of the shack. Use that to reach it.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Mission Bay, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: On the right side of the in-game map, after the small U-turn, take the
ramp at full speed (building up your performance meter wouldn't hurt, or using
Steve) and aim a little to the right. You should have no problem.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Barrier Reef, Australia
Difficulty: Hard
Location: At the very beginning of the race, before you even go forward, do a
complete 180 degree turn (U-turn) and go right a little ways over some sand. Do
another U-turn and you should see a ramp. Don't hit it too fast, but fast enough
to reach it.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Nile River, Egypt
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Right before the first ramp in the course, turn left through the
yellow buoys. In the boat is the wetsuit. Bunny hop to get it. Or, an
alternative way to get it is to use the second ramp in the course. Go fairly
slow to get it.

*****Kyoko Takahashi*****

Bio: Low-key and pleasant most of the time, Kyoko's personality explodes once
she gets out onto the water. With her showy style and outrageous stunts, she's a
great crowd-pleaser.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Tokyo, Japan
Difficulty: Hard
Location: After hitting the first ramp in the course, you should see a brick
wall to the left. At the end of it, do a U-turn, and find the ramp. Go to the
other end, turn around, and hit it.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Three Rivers, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: This is one of the harder ones to explain, although it is in a simple
location. We both have a way to get it, so follow whichever. The first
explanation is this: As soon as you enter the industrial part, there is a little
pond. Go straight towards it and bunny hop into it (the blimp view helps a whole
lot!). If you are having trouble, don't worry. Read this next part. After taking
a left U-turn (on the left side of the map, there are 3 things that stick out,
and we are talking about the middle one), take the next right, but not the next
one. Instead, go straight and bunny hop into the well concealed pool of water.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Lake Quilotoa, Ecuador
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Go to the middle of the course (or middle of the in-game map) to the
crashed plane. It is on the nose of the plane. Use bunny hop to reach it.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Bermuda Triangle
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: The one and only wetsuit in the Bermuda Traingle, poses no difficulty
to receive (to unlock the Bermuda Triangle, see the Secrets section of our FAQ).
Race the course as normal until you reach the second set of 3 ramps side by
side, all leading to a different UFO. The left UFO clearly has one on top of it.
Use the (left) ramp to reach it.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Maui, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: The first time the course splits onto two roads, take the left path.
Near the end when the road it about to join back together, there will be a sign
that points right. Go past it over some sand slowly to a little pool of water.
It should be in there.

*****Juana Lopez*****

Bio: Juana could smack you down, but she'd never do that. Bold and lively, this
onetime bodybuilder now prefers the thrill of the open water to the gym. And she
takes her thrills at top speed.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Mission Bay, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: Almost at the end of the course near the aircraft carrier, there is a
small boat in front of it. You must bunny hop to it to get this one.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Barrier Reef, Australia
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: After the path rejoins after splitting up, continue to the fairly
large ramp. Don't take it, but instead look to the left of it to the large ship
that is crashed into the island. It is on top of that. Bunny hop from the other
side of the ship.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Venice, Italy
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is very simple, but the ramp can be tricky. On the actual
path of the track, near the end, is the one and only skinny ramp between sets of
poles. Use the ramp to go through the opening that contains the wetsuit.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Kuta Beach, Bali
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: At the beginning of the race, you should see the icon in the big
tower. Go around to the other side, and hit the ramp towards it to get it.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Lochness, Scotland
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: At the top middle of the in-game map, the course should have towers on
one side of the track and small floating black and yellow buoys. Go under the
buoys, and go extremely fast on the ramp to get the wetsuit on top of the

*****Sebastian Kleinemann*****

Bio: Once a powerhouse rowing champion, Sebastian's found a new sport and he
hasn't touched an oar since. A brute force on the water, he'll barrel right
through you - but he'll be sure to apologize later!

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Tokyo, Japan
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: When you hit the huge ramp (the very last one in the metal area), hit
it fast to get just inside the wooden area. Steve works well, or maximum
performance is also recommended. Just keep trying, you'll make it!

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Amazon River, Brazil
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: You can't miss this one. Find the tiki statues before the last huge
ramp near the end. No advanced technique needed, no speed needed, just drive
into it.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Lake Quilotoa, Ecuador
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: Go to the plane (in the middle of the map) and it should be in the
back of the front half of the plane, not the tail of the plane.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Bering Strait, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: From the beginning of the race, go towards the first ramp, but don't
jump over it. Turn right and jump over the ice, just right of the metal tower to
get to the other side. Once there, go right, and then left a little bit to find
some ice that appears more blue than the rest. It is on the other side of that.
Slowly jump over that, and turn around to get it. (Special thanks to Turkish13).

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Rhine River, Germany
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is hard to explain, so bear with us. Go to the area with a
lot of brick walls staggered out in all directions. There should be a brown log
around that area. If you can't find it, head towards the ramp that would take
you out of the area, but don't use it. Instead, turn around and go under the arc
and use the log a ramp. Go about 25-30 mph and you should land in a little are
with water, where the wetsuit is.

*****Jeremy Wallace*****

Bio: A pretty rough character in his younger days, Jeremy's focused on racing
now. Brash and reckless, he goes all out with his wild stunts. Yeah, he's
starved for attention - but you still can't stop watching.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Bering Strait, USA
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: When racing through the ice sheets in the middle of the track, you
should spot a high cliff to the left. Keep on riding until you are about to
reach the next ramp (a fairly large one over ice). Take a left before you do,
and bunny hop over one of the small icebergs to another area with water. Find a
skinny ramp, build speed as best you can, and hit it.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Bering Strait, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: After racing through the ice sheets in the middle of the track,
continue to the next ramp (the fairly large one over the ice). After clearing
that, go left through the yellow buoys and find the skinny ramp. Take it slow,
yet fast to get into a small hole with water. It is in there.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Rhine River, Germany
Difficulty: Hard
Location: At the beginning of the race, go left under the pier and signs. Find
the skinny ramp under the pier that points back to the track. Take it at full

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Amazon River, Brazil
Difficulty: Hard
Location: When racing through the many trees on the long straightaway, you
should see it hovering in the air. Use a bunny hop to reach it.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Nice, France
Difficulty: Hard
Location: At the beginning of the race, do a U-turn and go left through the
yellow buoys and stay on the left side and you will see a ramp to the right of
the row of towers. Use it to get the wetsuit.

*****Amman Ra*****

Bio: When not touring, this smooth-as-silk Egyptian pop star unwinds on the
water. Taking his name from the gods, Amman Ra is far from modest, and he's not
the most graceful loser.

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Lochness, Scotland
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Follow the course until you get to the brown bridge with buildings on
either side of it. Go left over the hill, and you should spot a ramp to your
left. Hit it at full speed and the wetsuit will be on top of the left building.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Kuta Beach, Bali
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: When you come to a part in the track where you can go left or right
(right has a ramp), go left. In a real race, you are supposed to go right, but
go left. Go to the ramp on the right and hit it.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Venice, Italy
Difficulty: Hard
Location: On a long straightaway, there is a shortcut that is a hard right
before you take the normal right turn. It is in there. Bunny hop to get it. Or,
if you know where the shortcut involving the pool, go there, but don't use it.
Instead, go backwards through the track and you shouldn't miss it.

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Lake Havasu, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Race as normal through the course, and count ramps until you get to
the third one (the third ramp is actually two ramps, a left and right one). Take
the left ramp and aim for the towers on the right where there is a line of them.
It is in the first tower.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Nile River, Egypt
Difficulty: Easy/Normal
Location: This one is easily visible from the course, but it is easier said than
done on ho to get it. There is a part in the track where you can go left or
right. Going right is the easier path, but takes longer. The left path is a ramp
that shoots you between buildings. After clearing either of the sides (you
choose), you should some to a row of buildings on your left. The wetsuit is high
on top of the right building. You can't get it from here, so continue on. Then,
when you get to a hard left turn in the track, go straight instead through the
yellow buoys. You should spot a ramp. You must hit this ramp very fast. We
recommend using Steve with full Performance Meter (do a few Inverts to build it
up easily).


Bio: Who, or what, is Steve? A top-ranked racer who met with a pool of toxic
waste? Poseidon manifested? Whatever the case, he's here to shred the waves and
eat some fish. And he's almost all outta fish...

Wetsuit: Red
Course: Everglades, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Looking at the left side of the in-game map, there is a straightaway.
At the end of it, there are 3 rows of balls and bars. After passing them, there
should be a torn sign pointing left. Look a little ways to the left of the sign
and there is a very small piece of grass at the border of the land and the water
(it is protruding from the land, it is very small). Build up speed and hit that
spot of grass and if you are going fast enough, you will go to another part of
water. Once there, go left and in the middle of the water is an island, and the
wetsuit is on that. You can't miss it. The hard part is getting over the strip
of land.

Wetsuit: Yellow
Course: Everglades, USA
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Go to the right side of the in-game map. At the end of the long
straightaway, there will be a shack. Ride under the pier and you will see 2
ramps. Use the ramp on the right and you will shoot into his wetsuit.

Wetsuit: Green
Course: Rhine River, Germany
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Near the bottom-middle of the in-game map is the area with a lot of
brick walls coming out of the water. Instead of going trough them and hitting
the ramp at the end, go through the yellow buoys near the beginning of the brick
area. There should be a ramp back there. You must hit it very fast to reach the

Wetsuit: Blue
Course: Tokyo, Japan
Difficulty: Hard
Location: Race the race as normal until you get to the part with little things
sticking out of the water everywhere, and if you were racing, you would have to
dodge them. Actually, there are 2 parts like this. It is very hard to explain
which one, so if you can tell you are in the wrong one, go into the other one.
As soon as you get there, start going backwards and you should see a ramp. It
will put you into a big lake. Bunny hop the small wall, and follow it around to
the wetsuit.

Wetsuit: Purple
Course: Lochness, Scotland
Difficulty: Hard
Location: At the start of the race, go diagonally straight and right to a large
hill where the lochness monster would appear right in front. The large hill is
by the sign that points left. Ride up that hill to another area, and his wetsuit
is in there. If you have trouble getting up the hill, race until you cross the
finish line for the second lap, and the monster will appear, and you can use it
a ramp.

6) **=-Secrets-=**

If you are having trouble beating the game, or need information on what you can
unlock in Splashdown, search no further. Here, we have codes and unlockables.


In order to fully beat Splashdown, there are many things to accomplish. You must
do a lot of things to get everything, and this section tells about all of the
unlockable things throughout the game.

Unlocking Tracks
Several of the courses are not open to play in Arcade Mode or Vs. Mode at the
beginning of the game. To unlock them, beat Career Mode and reach that track to
get it in Arcade/Vs. But, some are available in Easy and Normal, but not Hard.
To unlock the track in Hard, you must play that track on hard difficulty in
Career Mode. An easy way to unlock them is to beat Career Mode on Normal, and on
Hard. (When we say beat, we mean place first overall in the Standings).

Unlocking Characters
To unlock characters for play in Arcade and Vs. Mode, you must beat them in a
Challenge Round in Career Mode. There are 4 challenge rounds in Career Mode, and
you can choose which racer you will race. If you win, they are on your team in
career Mode, and you can use them whenever you want. But if the character was
locked in Arcade and Vs. mode, they are now unlocked.

Bermuda Triangle
This secret track is unlocked by finishing first overall in Career Mode on Hard.
Once this is accomplished, it is available in Arcade and Vs. Modes.

To unlock Steve, you do the same thing as for the Bermuda Triangle. Beat Career
Mode on Hard. Steve has maxed out stats, and is a very fast rider. Use him for
hard wetsuits where you need speed.

Different colored wetsuits are available for each character, including Steve. To
unlock them, find the corresponding icons found throughout the courses. Easy and
Normal have the same set of wetsuits, but Hard (having track layouts different)
has its own set. If having trouble finding them, go to my Wetsuit Locations
section for the location of each and every wetsuit. In addition to them, if you
find all 5 wetsuits for a character, it will give you their swimsuit.

Each character has his or her own ending movie. These are received by completing
Career Mode (any difficulty) with that racer. You can also view movies you have
gotten in the Options-Movies Menu. Remember, even though it doesn't have Steve
on there, he has one as well.


These have all been tested and work perfectly. If for some reason you do have
trouble, e-mail either of us and we will help you out.

All of the following codes must be inputted at the Cheat Menu screen. To reach
that menu, input the following code:

Go to the Options Menu, and hold R2 while pressing the following: Up, Up, Down,
Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Square, O. The Cheat Menu will
appear. Enter the following names to get the corresponding cheat.
*They are case-sensitive*

Code: Cheat:
Passport All courses and Steve unlocked.
AllChar All characters unlocked.
LaPinata All wetsuits unlocked.
Festival All ending movies unlocked.
PMeterGo Maximum performance meter.
TopBird AI cannot knock you off your Sea-Doo.
AllOutAI The AI races their best (same as Hard).
Hobble Normal AI (same as Normal).
IBelieve Time Trials against a UFO.
F18 Time Trials against an F-18.

7) **=-Credits-=**

Well, that's our FAQ. We hope this helps you out in your hunting for every
wetsuit in the game.

Thanks to BigDogLuke, Poopman, Iceman, Turkish13, and everybody else at the
Splashdown message boards located at GameFAQs.

Special Thanks to Rainbow Studios for developing and Atari and Infogrames for
producing the best game for PlayStation2 we have ever played! Keep 'em coming!

The music in Splashdown is performed by:
Smashmouth - All Star
Sum 41 - Rhythms
Sum 41 - All She's Got
SR-71 - Right Now
Man or Astroman? - Mouthful of Exhaust
Blink 182 - The Rock Show
Groovie Ghoulies - Chupacabra
Groovie Ghoulies - Graceland
The Donnas - You've got a Crush on Me
KMFDM - Son of a Gun
Otis - Hold Your Breath
The Dude - Rock Da' Juice


Questions? Comments? Did we make a mistake in our FAQ?

If you need anything about Splashdown, e-mail either AbsurdSnyper
(WeaponX@satx.rr.com) or aekorso (Sccatcher20@aol.com).

If you have question about the FAQ or an error we didn't catch, e-mail

At the GameFAQs message boards, we are AbsurdSnyper and aekorso. You can also
try to contact us there.

This FAQ is Copyright 2002, B. Simler and B. Reidy.

This FAQ cannot be presented, stored, or used on any other servers besides
GameFAQs at www.GameFAQs.com with its affiliates, Cheat Code Central at
www.cheatcc.com, Cheat Codes at www.CheatCodes.com, and PSX Codez at

The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs.

Any other copying, reproduction, editing, or changing of this document is
prohibited. This FAQ is for personal use only.

Splashdown(r) is a registered trademark of Infogrames. Sea-Doo(r) is a registered
trademark of Sea-Doo. Ownership by us is not implied. If you have any questions
over this, please contact either one of us.
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FAQ/Wetsuit Locations

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