Blaster Master Blasting Again

Blaster Master Blasting Again

11.10.2013 04:39:48
Blaster Master : Blasting again

Rovest Yakuto A.k.a. KawaiiTsunoTiger
Tiger Of the wind
Version Final
Started 24 May, 2002
6:55 p.m. (central time)
Latest update was : May, 2002
: .m.

This FAQ can be printed or seen on the internet for private and personal use
ONLY. This FAQ may not be placed in a magazine, CD, diskette, sold for a price,
copied or anything else than above. Any questions or corrections, please e-mail
me at or ICQ me, my ICQ number is 13902804.
1. Updates
2. Controls
3. Story Walk through
4. Boss Tactics
5. Item Listing
6. Sophia Modification
7. Credits

2. Controls

The controls are a bit hard at first but with bit of training you'll be Mastering
the Game in no time. I find using the analog better then Normal Directional pad.
When shooting just hold the shooting button down for a constant fire.

Button Sophia J-7 Roddy Control
circle Extra Shot Napalm
X Jump Jump
Triangle Extra Move Hypersonic
Square Shoot Shoot
Start Sub Window Sub Window
Select Get out Get in
L1 & R1 Side Jump Side Jump
L2 & R2 Change weapon Turn view Point

These are the Default controls.

Radar is Very Helpful For it will show enemies and Which exit you should use. A exit
that is shaded in yellow is the Exits. A exit that has a Yellow Ball on it is where
you entered the room. Green are Switches. And remember this.

East West

The sub window will show map and Elfie can and Will contact you through this menu.

To save just Find a Square Platform with a blue Barrier, Enter it, and press Start.
These places also Heal you.
3. Story Walk through

This will explain what you need to do Room by Room and Each will be numbered
and will have stats of what you will find in them. Since I cannot draw a map
you will have to work with Numbers here. Some rooms will have names too but
only important ones. But it should be easy enough to follow.
Name Number
Story Scene/What you need to do.
And sometimes The Enemies/which exit to use.

Remember to explore EVERY room AFTER beating the boss. If you explore Before then you may get
lost in place of where you are in the guide instructions.

Room 000
The staring place of your adventure.
4 Flying Robots. Take the east Exit.

Warp gate1 001
2 Machine Platforms that make Laser tanks And 1 Jet Robot. There
is a Save spot near a Warp. Take the Warp Gate.

Room 002
You'll get a warning of a High energy source.
3 Laser tanks and two Mobile Missile Bot. North Exit.

Tunnel 003
6 Tick Bots.

Room 004
Shoot the Flying Switch near the bridge. Then you'll find another Switch, shoot it too.
Then you'll see 1 of 4 barrier turn off.
2 Mobile Missile Bot, 2 Jet bot. Take the West Exit.

Tunnel 005
6 Ticks

Room 006
Another Switch on the top of this level that turns off another on of the 4 Barriers.
1 Missile Launcher, 3 Plasma Cannons. Take the West Exit.

Room 007
2 Stingray. Take the South Exit.

Tankbot 008
Here Is the Bot in control of the Gate to the next room. So Now you have to beat it to move on.
Then continue south.

Room 009
Shoot the flying Switch.
1 Mobile Missile bot, 4 Flying bot. Exit North.

Tankbot 008
Head North.

Room 007
Find the switch and see the 3rd Barrier go. Then take the North exit.

Barrier Room 010
Here is the Barrier gate.
5 Tick bots. Take the West exit.

Room 011
Take the elevator to the switch. And activate it to turn off the 4th Barrier.
1 Mobile Missile bot, 2 laser tank. The head back to the Barrier Room 010.

Barrier Room 010
Now you will have to get out of Sophia J-7 to enter the room.

Roddy's first Room 012
Now you can explore the base.
Machine Platform that makes Hover bots. Head west.

Tunnel Room 013
2 Hover bots. Head north.

Bats Room 014
Defeat the Bats to be able to leave.
8 bats. Head East.

Spike room 015
Here there are spike traps. Timing is needed.
2 shooting spider

Generator Room 016
Shoot the Glass of the Huge machine to stop a energy field. Then head back
to Spike room 14 then north.

Acid Room 017
Here you must make your way past the Acid pit.
Hover bot. Head North.

Crystal Room 018
Here you will get one of two needed power crystals. Now you will need to explore
to find the other crystal head back to Tunnel room 013 and Head west.

Storage room 019
Here you will find Box's with Energy and Gun Power ups. To kill everything that is
trapped in the circle of box's with out releasing them. Just jump over and Use Napalm.
Then head back to Roddy's first Room 012 and head north.

Elevator room 020
Here you will be able to move you to the floor that has a Power source.

Elevator room 021
Head north.

Hover Room 022
Head west.
4 Hover bots

Crystal #2 room 023
Get the second Power crystal. Then Head back to the last room and head east.

Room 024
Here get the Power ups and destroy everything. Then head to the last room and
Head North

Room 025
Here just enter and leave. We need to build a map in case of later need. Then Get back to
Sohpia J-7 in Barrier Room 010 and head to the west Exit

Room 009
Shoot the flying Switch.
1 Mobile Missile bot, 4 Flying bot. Exit the Red gate.

Save Room 026
Save then move on.

Jumping room 027
If you fall you land in room 27. But if you make it you will find the boss!

Drop room 028
Here you'll find A room full of enemies we should just run from and activate the
Switch then leave

Stairs room 029
Jump to the top. And you'll end up in Room 011.

Boss Room 030
Here you'll find Dragonic Fly. Read the Tactic to beat it. You'll find a Teleported after its
been Blasted. Movie Scene.

Warp gate1 001
Move to the Save spot. Then take the East exit.

Room 031
6 Plasma Cannons. Head to the south Exit.

WarpGate#2 room 032
After the Scene of the Next Warp gate opening. Enter it.

Water Cave Room 033
You'll have to find the Power source with out a Marker.
2 Flying Bot, 2 Bass bots. Head to the North exit

Room 034
5 bass bots. Head to the west exit.

Room 035
4 Pod bombs, 3 mobile Missile bots. Head to The Upper west exit.

Room 036
Here you'll find out if you fall you land in the route to the next three rooms.
Jump the Ice and attack the switch. And we see the Barrier weaken.

Room 037
3 Laser Tank, 2 mobile Missile bots. Exit East.

Room 038
6 Tick bots. Hit the switch and it will activate the switch in the next room for future
use. But for now go east

Room 039
Head Up south. And you'll end up in Room 032.

Room 040
Take the Red north door to save room 041. Then Jumping the platform is tricky but
you can do it. Take the South West exit

Save Room 041
Save here then Exit it.

Tick Trap Tunnel 042
Here you will find Floor traps. Blast the switch.
6 Ticks.

Room 043
IF you fall here you'll flow threw the next room and fall in to another and make your way
back to room 037. If you make it over the Cliff to the Base where Roddy has to explore you'll
get to room 046
4 Jet bots.

Flow Room 044
Wow. Some current to pull a tank this big.

Jump Training 045
Here you must make your way UP the walls by jumping from one platform to the next.
5 Fire Plants

Room 046
2 Machine Platforms, and 4 hover bots. head south.

Cross tunnel 047
2 Hover. Head south.

Bats room 048
Here are Bad bats.
8 Bats. Head south.

Generator Room 049
Destroy it. Then head back to the Cross Tunnel. And head east.

Acid Bats Room 050
Here you need to take it slow and lay Napalm alot. Head North

Storage Room 051
Here you can get power ups. Head back to Acid bats room 050 and head south.

Generator #2 052
And take this one out too. Then head back to the Cross Tunnels 047 and head west. Charge
the power field to get threw.

Elevator room 053
Time to head down

Elevator room 054
Exit the room

Spider room 055
Here you will find a power source in the next room.

Power Storage room 056
Here shoot the switch. Now get out of here and back to Sophia J-7.

Room 043
Here you found out that the power source up on the north east map. So head back to room
040. And take the North west exit.

Tunnel 057
Exit north.

Room 058
Here is the second base of the Water cave system.
2 Missile Launcher, 3 Flying bot.

Bat cave 059
8 bats. head east.

Tunnel 060
4 Hover crafts, 4 floor gunners. Take the South west exit

Storage room 061
Here is energy and power up. then exit that take the North exit.

Storage room 062
More gun power up. then take the South east exit.

Storage Room 063
Lot of power ups.... this doesn't look good.... then that the east exit of the last room.

Switch room 064
The last switch to open the Base. Head back to Sophia J-7 and get to Room 043 and head in to the
third base.

Third base 065
Save, the head onwards.

Boss battle 066

After you beat it you will see a movie. Then you'll be at WarpGate#2 room 032.
Get in to the save next to you. Then get to the south Exit.

Climbing Training Room 067
Here you will find places to climb. Press the Triangle and hold it to climb and when you reach
the top hold the Triangle and press forward. Get to the East exit.

WarpGate#3 068
You find a third warpgate. Save and enter it.

Jungle Room 069
Here are 2 switches. Both near Fire plants. These are everywhere in this place. Then there
is a Button you need to land on to activate it. But No need to right now. Head south. Just
Hit ALL the switches in the next few rooms.

Tunnel 070
6 Ticks

Room 071
7 Plasma Cannon. Hit the switches then head north.

Room 072
4 Spider bot, Rocket Launcher. Here there is a path you can take yet. So head north after you
hit the switch.

Tunnel 073
Head South.

Battle Room 074
You'll find 3 Gun carrying, Bazooka blasting Mechs. RUN! head North threw the tunnel to the next

Switch room 075
Here you will see that you'll have to activate all the other switches to get anywhere here. Go
north. If you fall you be going to rooms 083 which leads to the Battle room 074.

Tunnel 076
Here you will find a Base. Pass it then head to the west exit.

Room 077
Here you will find another Base. Pass it to hit all the switches in the last two rooms.

Tunnel 078
Head north.

Room 079
Here you will find the second to last switch. Hit it then get to room 077 and enter the base.
6 ticks

Jungle Base 080
8 bats. Head north.

Storage room 081
Here get the power ups. Then get back to the last room and head East.

Room 082
Just sent you here to map it. then get back to Sophia J-7. And head to Switch Room 075 and
fall in the for a short cut to the Battle room.

ShortCut 083
Here you will find nothing. Head south.

ShortCut tunnel 084
6 ticks. Head West.

Battle room 074
Here are the Three mechs. Hit the switch and that will open a new Base. Then exit it and head
back to Jungle Room 069 Park Sophia J-7 on the Button and then head threw the East path. And
Make your way to Switch room 075 and walk the long bridge to the Base that is now open thanks
to Sophia holding the switch down.

Save room 085
Save. Then head onwards.

Room 086
Here you'll have a fun time getting to the next gate.

Jungle Base 087
Machine Platform, 2 Hover Bot, 2 Hover crafts. Head south.

Tunnel 087
5 Spider bots. Head east.

Tunnel 088
Head to the east exit.

Generator Room 089
Blow it up and then leave and head back to the last room and head north exit.

Tunnel 090
Head East.

Generator Room 091
Take this one out too. Then head to the last room and head to the North Exit.

Generator Room 092
And Destroy all these little ones too. Then head back to Tunnel 087 and head to the South exit.

Save room 093
Save and move on.

Rubix Cubical. Beat it then See a strange movie.

WarpGate#3 068
Quickly. Head to the next marker on the map. Take the South West exit.

Room 095
Take the north Exit.

WarpGate#4/5 096
And after the 4th gate opens. Enter the one close to the Save point.

Lave Room 097
Enter the green light.
4 Jets

Warp Trap Room 098
Here you have to find your way down. Head north.

Tick Tunnel 099
Here there is a locked door so pass it for the door on the East side.

Room 100
Here there are Vents to be blown up before we exit to the East.

Room 101
Make your way threw the Fire of enemies to the north exit.

Trap room 102
Here you make a free fall. Just fall straight down. Then Put Sophia on the button and jump off
the switch to make the platforms stop in mid air. You don't have leave good ole Sophia behind.
Then make your way to the South Exit on the platforms.

Room 103
Walk the second platform to the base.

Lava Base 104
Make your way to the South Exit.

Room 105
Head south again.

Bat's Room 106
Get to the West exit.

Room 107
The reason you came here was to save. Get back to room 105 and make the jumps to the West exit.

Room 108
Then blow up the Computer Console. Save again, Then make it back to room 103 and make it to the
South east exit.

Rolling Rock room 109
Here just blow up the Vents then make it back to the Trap Room. Then make it to the West Exit.

Room 110
Here you are going to be attack by Jets as you move along to the platforms to the West Base.

Base room 111
Take the first Room to the North.

Switch room 112
stand on it. The Go to the last room and enter the west Room.

Two Switch room 113
Here stand on the Green switch to the the gun power up then on the Red to open up the door
again. Then take the South exit in the last room.

Elevator 114
Take it to the next floor.

Elevator 115
Exit the room

2 switch room 116
Take the North door first.

Storage room 117
Get the items to heal. Then go to the last room and step on the green switch to open the
green lite door.

Computer room 118
Take it out then get back to room 103. Then go to the East Exit. Make sure Sophia is with you.

Room 119
Hit the switches. After the second bridge, you should of seen a save. Use it now. Then get to
the base on the east side.

Base room 120
Make your way over the pit to the north exit.

Pit fall 121
Make your way to the North exit.

Storage room 122
Get the power ups then return to the last room and make the way to east exit.

Room 123
Here make your way to the North exit.

Save point 124
Here save then go to the last room and get to the south exit.

Room 125
Blast the Computer in to ash. Get back to Save point 124 and save then get back to room 103.
A bridge now should be activated. Go North

Lava Cliffs 126
Time to test your jumping skills. Jump up the cliffs to another base.

Base Cliff 127
Take the north path.

Bats room 128
Take the East path

Tunnel 129

Pit Room 130
Keep going South.

Generator Room 131
Take it out. Then head back to Base Cliff 127 and take the east path.

Blasting Area 132
Here you'll be in a shooting gallery. Make your way to the East exit.

Tunnel 133
Make your way to the west exit.

Room 134
Get to the north exit.

Generator room 135
Blast it. Then go to the Bats room 128 and head to the North exit.

Elevator room 136
Go to the next floor

Elevator room 137
Exit the room

Room 138
Head to the east exit to get items.

Storage Room 139
Get the power ups then go to the last room and head west.

Storage room 140
Get the power ups then get to the north exit of the last room.

Save room 141
Save then move on.


WarpGate#4/5 096
Once done you get new stuff for Sophia J-7. Head to the save point to get new stuff then save.
Head to Water Cave Room 033 and head to Room 034, with the new Sub Gear you will be able to
float it you hold Triangle. Get to the North door.

Movie scene
And a new part of the Cave system Simply called Water.

Water Cave 142
3 Fire plant, 4 plant Bomb.

Tick Tunnel 143
6 ticks. Head East.

Water Tunnel 144
6 Bass Bots. Head North.

Water tunnel 145
Head East.

Battle Cave 146
Beat the bots then head East.

Water Cave 147
Hit the Switch.
3 BombPlants, 2 bass bots. Head North.

Water Tunnel 148
Head North.

Water Cave 149
6 Bass Bots. Head to the South exit.

Tank battle 150
Beat the tanks with Special attacks then head to the South Exit.

Water Cave 151
6 bass bots. Take the West exit.

Water cave 152
5 Bass bots. Head West.

Near Boss Area 153
Hit the switch and head back to the last room. And take the North west exit.

Dead end Tunnel 154
Save then Head East.

Near Base Cave 155
Head to the Base.

Base Cave 156
2 Machine platforms 4 hover bots. Head West.

Spider room 157
Make your way to the West Exit.

Tunnel 158
Head to the North Exit.

Generator Room 159
Blast it. Then Head Back to Base Cave 156. Then take the East Exit.

Flooded Room 160
Head North.

Flooded Tunnel 161
Take the Lower East Exit.

Storage Room 162
Head East.

Waterfall Room 163
Head to the North Exit.

Generator room 164
This time you have to Energize one. So BLAST THE RED CIRCLE! Then head back to WaterFall
room 163 and head South. And now Everything is frozen.

Hover bomb room 165
Head West.

Frosty Storage Room 166
Here you Will find a few power ups. Then head West to the Base Cave 156 And head North.

Frozen Hover Bomb Room 167
Head West.

Power Up Room 168
This is what the Level up Items are. You've seen many threw the levels. Make sure to head back
for them After you get the Hover parts For Sophia. Get it and Head back to the last level
and head North.

Elevator room 169
Going up.

Elevator Room 170
Head out.

Generator room 171
Blast them. Then get back to Sophia. And then to Near Boss Area 153. But save first at Dead end
Tunnel 154.

Tronic Copy

Then you'll get Boost part. Head back to Warp gate1 001 and go threw it. The Closed door in
Room 002 will be open to you.

Stone Cave 172
You'll have to learn how to speed jump. Just hold it down and when you see blue sparks. Run and
Jump. Get to the North Exit.
Movie Scene.

Tick Tunnel 173
ON the Left side are Power ups. Blow up the blocks to ge t to the High ledge and get them. Take
the North Exit.

Mecha Room 174
You can just run or Kick its butt. I'd run to the North exit.

Launcher room 175
Make your way up the hills to the East exit.

Tunnel 176
Exit it.

Room 177
Take the North Exit.

Power up Tunnel 178
Exit it.

Tank Room 179
Make your way to the East Exit.

Elevator Tunnel 180
Take the West Exit.

Save Room 181
Save then Head in to the last room and take the elevator to the East exit.

Base Tunnel 182
Enter the Base.

Base Room 183
Scene. Then leave and return to Sophia and return to Launcher Room 175. Movie Scene.
All doors that have been closed are now open. Head back to the Save and then Head back to
Elevator Tunnel 180 and head threw the unlocked door.

Battle Room 184
Now you have to take these Bots down to exit or move on. Here you get on the highest platform
in the Center of the map. And use Special homing Attacks. Then get back to the Save. And use it.
Then head to Base Tunnel 182 and head east.

Jump room 185
Speed jump over the hole to the East exit.

Base Room 186
Get to the base by Floating platform.

Base 187
Head to the West exit.

Elevator 188
going up

Elevator 189
Get going.

Spike room 190
Get to the north exit.

Generator room 191
take it out then head to then head back to Base 187 and head north.

Cross Tunnel 192
Head East.

Spider Tunnel 193
Head East.

Generator 194
Take it out then head back one room and take the South Exit.

Trap Storage room 195
Head to the West exit and you'll be back at the Entrance room Base 187. Head back to Generator
191 and head east.

Elevator 196
Going down.

Elevator 197
Head out. And you'll run in to the Cross Tunnel 192 and head north.

Laser Room 198
Head north.

Elevator room 199
Going down

Elevator room 200
Get going.

Save Room 201
Save then head on.

Reflection Mechanation

Once done you'll be back at Warp gate1 001. Get in to the Save point to get Hover ability.
Head all the way back to WarpGate#4/5 096 and head to the save point. Head threw Warp gate 4.
Then in the Lava room 097 Take the North Exit.

Lava Cliff jumping 202
Here you will have to scale the Cliff to get to the next Exit.

Room 203
Head to the West exit.

Vent Room 204
take the North exit.

LavaFall 205
Hover to the West Exit. Careful not to pass it.

Switch room 206
Hit it then leave. And head to the North exit of the last room.

Lava Covered Room 207
Make your way north.

Tunnel Split 208
Take the West Exit.

Electric trapped Switch 209
Here you'll have to jump over a Moving Electric trap to get to the switch. Then head back one
room and head East.

Lava fall 210
Head to the East Exit.

Guarded Switch 211
Here you'll have to jump to the Switch while jets shoot at you. Then head back one room and
head to the south Exit.

Switch room 212
Make your way Carefully to the switch then to the south Exit.

Lava room 213
Head to the south exit. Here you'll have re-enterd Lave room 203. Exit these Caves to the
Warpgate#4/5 096 And use the Save because to next room will be a battle room. Then Head back to
Lava room 213 and head to the East exit.

Launcher battle 214
Ya ya not a hard battle But After all that exploring, you don't want to be taken out because you
were caught off guard. Head to the East Exit.

Split Room 215
Head to the base on the North.

Base room 216
Take the West exit.

Storage room 217
Take the West exit.

Elevator 218
Going up

Elevator 219
Go on.

Generator room 220
Take em all out. Head south.

Generator room 221
Take it out then head back to Base room 216 and head North.

Lava Room 222
Here if you fall... no way out. Head East.

Elevator 223
Going up

Elevator 224
Go on.

Lava Room 225
Go south.

Elevator 226
Going Down.

Elevator 227
Go on.

Lava room 228
Go south.

Last Generator room 229
Take it out. Then get back to Lava Room 222. and head north.

Elevator 230
Going up.

Elevator 231
Go on.

Spider room 232
Go to East exit.

Elevator 233
Going down.

Elevator 234
Go on.

Save room 235
Save. for the next 5 minutes may be your last.

Generator room.
Blow it up then run like Hell. Get to Lava room 222. Then head East elevator. Use this path to
get to Lava room 225. Cross the lava path to the Base entrance and leave.

Split Room 215
Head to the Now open gate on the South side.

Hover Room 236
Save. Then get to the West exit.


Scene. I suggest you leave and get to a save point at Warpgate#4/5 096. Head East to the center
room. Here Eve will tell you to Go back to the last room and Get to the 5th warpgate.

Plant room 237
Take the South west Exit.

Room 238
Take the Middle South Exit

Save point 239
Save... oh? a boss so soon?
Time to Re-Fight Dragonic Fly
This time you will have to totally take down his Power bars. Just get up close and use
the Thunder attack. Then when 6 bars are left pull back. And shoot normally.
One seal down 7 to go. Save. Then get some Refill Item for your attacks.

South east Exit

Tunnel 240
Head South.

Mecha Room 241
Go south west.

Boss room 242
Here you have to get out of Sophia to fight this battle.
BionicSquid.... No harder then last time.
That's 2 of 8.
Head to the East exit.

Save Point 243
Use it. Then head back to the last room then go West.

Cross Tunnel 244
Head South.

Room 245
Go east in to the waterfall.

Boss Room 246
Here is another Roddy battle only. Rubix Cubical.... Easier now that you know how to Beat it.
5 Seals left. Head out to the last room and head East.

Save room 247
Save then head back to Tunnel 240. And take the east path.

Tunnel 248
Head east

Tunnel 249
Head North.

Room 250
Head to the East exit.

Boss room 251
Tronic Copy. Get close Zap it. Then attack from far away.
4 seals to go. Make your way back to the Save at Save point 239. Then return to Room 250 and
Take the top North east Exit. Its in the mountain.

Cross Tunnel 252
Head to the North exit.

Boss Battle room
This is another Roddy Fight.

RoboTrice will get one hit on you before you know where you are. But take it FAST and hard to
the bird.
3 Seals left. Return to Cross Tunnel 252 and Head South.

Cross Tunnels 253
Head east.

Room 254
Head to the ground floor and find the south Path.

Tunnel path 255
Take the West Path and straight down.

Save Room 256
Save. Then return to the LAst room and Enter the South East exit.

Boss Battle 257
StarFighter. Like last time.
2 seals left.
Now save at Save Room 256. Then head to the South West Exit.

Room 258
Careful If you fall. You'll land Far from here. Take the west path.

Tunnel 259
Head north.

Room 260
Head up to the West exit.

Cross Tunnel 261
Head West.

Save point 262
Save then head back to the last room and head North.

Room 263
Head West.

Boss Battle 264
Reflection Mechanation
Blast his Balls!
1 seal to go.
Get to the Save point 262. Then Return to Room 263 and head North.

Tunnel 265
You have to Kill the Ticks and Get the Energy item to boost your jump. Its tricky but possible.
Get to the base.

Base room 266
Head north

Room 267
Step on the Switch then head East.

Save room 268
Head South.

Tunnel 269
Head West. You'll run in to room 267. Return to base room 266 And head West.

Spider tunnel 270
Head West.

Storage Room 271
Step on the switch then leave North.

Acid rot 272
Shoot the Green rot. head South.

Generator Room 273
Blast it all then head North.

Elevator 274
Going up

Elevator 275
Go on.

Switch room 276
Head West.

Elevator 277
Going down

Elevator 278
Go on

Spider hall 279
Head North.

Generator 280
Blast it and Return to Switch 276 and Hit the Green switch and then head East.

Hover room 281
Head South

Elevator 282

Elevator 283
Go on.

Tunnel 284
Head east. And you'll end up in room 267 Head North.

Storage Room 285
Hit the green switch then Head east.

Tunnel 286
A cross the Spikes and over to North exit.

Generator 287
Blow it up then head back to Base Room 266 and head East.

Sophia Room 288
Scene. Then Switch room 276 and head North.

Room 289
Head East.

Spider room 290
Head north

Generator room 291
Blast it then head back to Switch room 276. And head to Storage room 285. Red Switch. Enter the
tunnel 286 and enter the East Exit.

Generator Room 292
Take it out. The head to Save room 268. Save. Then head to Spider hall 279. Head south.

Acid rot room 293
Head south.

Save room 294
Head on to the battle.

Dark beam. A very Hard battle. Because when you get here most have low gun power.
Final seal is gone. Save at Warpgate#4/5 096. Then head to the Center room After saving.
Are you ready?
If not. Explore for Power up items.
If yes.
Movie scene.
Final Battle!

Watch the movies and Credit and the Movie after the Credits.
Then the game will ask you if you'd like to save. Do so and you'll be able to play as
Sophia III when you load the game up with Save in Memory card slot 1. Just choose Sophia III.
You then can reply the game using her.
The end
4. Boss Tactics

You'll find tips and helpful tactics to fight all bosses in the game.

Dragonic Fly

It has 3 attacks. One is he shoots Missiles. Dodge them with holding the Side Jump button
and hold shoot. Another Is Photon blasts. Time your Jumps when he shoots these. Next is
the Green smog that he shoots in four Directions. Just stand in front of him. Then smog
only goes to the Left and right of him. He has a Energy Shield tho after some shots it will
fade. When he brings up the shield he will charge at you. Watch out. This hurts
If you stay Far enough away you will find that you can attack and still dodge his attacks.
When you weaken it It will only Charge at you.

He drops a Bubble and Pellets at the same time. The Pellets are time bombs and the Bubble
follows you to keep you on your toes. Then he will swing at you with his arms. When his eyes
show Yellow Triangles, He will shoot lasers from his eyes. And he will spit at you. And then
there is the Arm Plasma shots which he will aim at you.
Just dodge the Laser, spit, Arm Plasma attacks and Attack when he's recharging.

Rubix Cubical
This Rubix is a multiplying Robot. And all the Bot has these attacks.
One attack is a 3-way split Laser. One Shoots a 4-way body beam. And when the
Field has enough bots some will use a Magnetic Pulse that crosses the field. Another attack
will be a 360-way beam. Plasma beams that follow you. There will be a total of 15 Cubicles.
Soon it will be come Chaos but don't worry. Just jump from block to block laying Napalm. And
keep near mass of the Rubix to do the most damage. And just hop from one Block to the next
laying Napalm.

He is a High Speed Fire ball so Never let him touch you. He has Tracking Missile Feathers,
and Plasma cannon Beak. He'll charge you often and sometimes circle you. This may seem like
an easy battle since he has only two Power bars but he has Strong attacks. And sometimes
the Ground will erupt a fountain of Lava so watch out.
Dodging in this area Is very hard. So never get too close and time your shooting.
Let him come to you. And keep your back to him when he's outside of the Field and when he
comes to you Jump and as he passes under you SHOOT him OR when you know he's only going
to pass you by run with him and shoot. When he's down to 1 bar of health, he will explode.

Tronic Copy
Tronic Copy has All the moves of Dragonic Fly and more. ALL ATTACKS ARE FASTER!
Magnetic Pulse Mace. Two Blue energy balls linked to the Boss and swing them around.
He goes in this order At first
Missiles, Photon Blasts, 4-way blast, Laser blast, Magnetic Pulse Mace, Charge, Repeat.
He will lose the Laser Blast after you take down 2 bars. The best way to beat it is to.
Wait for it to shoot the 4-way blast. Turn on the Thunder as he shoots. Get close as you
can and just ZAP him. Pull out after 4 seconds and wait to do it again. This should attack
ALL the body parts at once.

Reflection Mechanation
This boss is Easy to beat. Just shoot the Energy Orb's he Shoots out.

There should of been more of these battles.
3 Laser Cannons that follow you. 2 Tri-Guns. Purple Targeting Missiles. Yellow Sonic blasts.
He will also turn about and shoot from its Jet.
The only Special useful to attack is the Special Blaster that you started with.
When you take out one bar. He will go nuts. And shoot everything. And a Hyper Blast.
Then he'll fly up to the Screen and if he hits you. Ouch... The Trick is to keep flying in
a circle after you take down 2 Bars THEN start using your Special attack. Lava will spurt
up often he loses a Bar.
Now Heres the kicker about this bot. If you take out its top fin. HE becomes SO easy to attack.
IT will take some practice to stay above his guns but if you weaken the Top fin and then the
body you will have a easier time since he will not attack as much. then you can take off each
part with out using the special attack till you have only 1 fin left. Which means he has 2 bars
or less. But if you take it down to its body lone. It will use Missiles all the time and Hyper
blasts. So leave the fin on and target the body.

Dark beam
Shoot Lasers, Blasts, Plasma balls, Fire breath, Charge attack, Tornados.
And this guy takes for Ever to beat if you have low gun power. Lay Napalm where he lands.
That is as easy as this battle will be.

He shoots orange Blasts, Pink Thunder, red Energy Fields, blue Crystal Spikes,
pink Energy Missiles, And LAva Blasts. But these are just his And attacks. His shoulder attack
with High attack missiles.
You can As long as you like... But the LAva burst will get you if you don't watch out.
Attack everything and Dodge Everything. If he attack with his left. Go right. If he attacks
with his Right. Go left. If you take your time and do it slowly and learn the attacks you'll
Have won half the battle. There are many ways of attacking Since you can Hover for ever if you
If you are careful and Had powered up both your Blaster and Thunder attacks threw the game then
you can easily get up closes and Hover up and down while using Thunder attack to weaken the
WHOLE body then when your out. Use the Blaster attack to beat the rest of the body.

5. Item Listing

Here Will be a listing of Items.

There are three life healing items.
These have Red triangles around them.
Small spark Heals 2 units
Big Spark Heals half the units
Blue Spark Heals All units

These refill the Energy bars for weapons.
These items have Green triangles around them.
B pow Boosts the Blaster Power
H pow Boosts the Homing Range
T pow Boosts the Thunder Power
F pow Boosts the Field Guard's Power
X pow Boosts the current weapon's Power
A pow Boosts the of Every weapon's power
U pow Boosts the Boosts Every weapon's Power Level
G pow Boosts the Increases the Players Shot power level

These are support power ups Items.
These have White Triangles around them.
Stopwatch Freezes all enemies for a period of time
Void teleport you to the adjacent area
Red spark Disintegrates all enemies in the area
Energy Action power becomes MAX for a period of time
B Increases the limit of the Blaster Gauge
H Increases the limit of the Homing Gauge
T Increases the limit of the Thunder Gauge
F Increases the limit of the Field Guard Gauge

6. Sophia Modification

Here we will explain all Modifications to Sophia J-7 that you will find in the game.

Get Homing, Shield, and Thunder Parts after beating the Dragonic Fly.

Now after beating BionicSquid. you will get Climbing gear to climb certain walls.

Once beaten RoboTrice you will get Sub Gear to swim better.

Once beaten Tronic Copy you will get Boost. This will make you go faster when holding Triangle.

Once beaten Reflection Mechanation you will get Hover. This will let you fly.
7. Credits

Written by Rovest T. Yakuto and Hosted by

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