Dynasty Warriors 3

Dynasty Warriors 3

17.10.2013 09:47:32
* Dynasty Warriors 3 *
* Ma Chao Faq *
* By Xarian *
* Copyright 2002 *
* Version 2.0 *
* Last Updated: *
* June 10, 2002 *

I. Intro
II. Copyright Info
III. Other Info
IV. Version Info
V. The Great Ma Chao
VI. Unlocking Ma Chao
VII. Ma Chao's Weapons and Attacks
VIII. Suggested Items for Ma Chao
IX. Fighting Strategies
X. Ma Chao's Musou Mode
A. Chang Ban
B. Chi Bi
C. Mountain Bandit Campaign
D. Tong Gate
E. Yi Ling
F. Nanman Campaign
G. Wu Zhang Plains
XI. Thanks/Credits

Welcome all you Dynasty Warriors 3 fans. Im your friendly neighborhood Xarian
and Ill be explaining everything there is to know about Ma Chao. I will be
explaining the historical background behind the warrior Ma Chao, how to unlock
this great character, his weapons, the items that suit Ma Chao best,
strategies on how to use Ma Chao to his potential, and I'll be reviewing his
musou mode. I hope you find this guide easy-to-use and helpful.

This FAQ is copyrighted and is not to be duplicated, edited, stolen, sold, or
put on a website unless I grant permission through e-mail. If I do find
this FAQ copied onto your site, I will take swift legal action to ensure
that you will never do anything of that sort again. If you would like to
put this FAQ on your site, e-mail me first. My e-mail is

Please contact me with suggestions, comments, errors, and any problems that you
find with the information in this FAQ or problems in the game you might have.

0.5- FAQ was created and everything up to Section X is done.
1.0- FAQ was editted and mostly everything is completed.
2.0- FAQ was editted and a major problem was fixed, the musou mode was kind of
messed up.

Yeah, yeah, get to the guide. Well, here it is. Everything you need to know
about Ma Chao.

History: Ma Chao, "The Splendid," was the son of Ma Teng, the nephew of Han
Sui, and the cousin of Ma Dai. He first made his appearance in the Battle at
Guan Du where he fought under Cao Cao's army. After his fathers death he
rebeled from Cao Cao and went to his father's sworn brother, Han Sui, who
introduced him to the Guanzhong Ten. He later led a campaign against Cao Cao at
Tong Pass, in which he nearly killed Cao Cao. Ma Chao went on to serve Liu Bei
and Shu, but died of an illness at the age of 47.

Ma Chao is an EXCELLENT horse-rider and master of the spear.
His appearance consist of golden armor in the shape form of a dragon.

Complete the game with any Shu general, or if you have any previously saved
Dynasty Warriors 2 data.

Ma Chao's Weapons:
All basic 1st-3rd weapons can have varying attributes given to them, but each
weapon has a set amount of attack, and amount of hits.

1st Weapon: Spear
-Basic Attack: 16
-Total Hits: 4

2nd Weapon: Long Spear
-Basic Attack: 32
-Total Hits: 5

3rd Weapon: Steel Stallion
-Basic Attack: 42
-Total Hits: 6

Unique Weapon: Steel Dragon
-Basic Attack: 42
-Total Hits: 6
-Element: Red(Fire)
-Added Attributes:
-Jump: 21
-Mounted Attack: 60
-Mounted Defense: 60
-Reach: 21

How to get the Steel Dragon:
Stage: Tong Gate, Allied Forces
Type: Supply Team
Have Ma Chao race toward Cao cao as soon as you can safely make it over there.
When you get near Cao, a cutscene will occur where Ma Chao, Pang De, and Ma Dai
charge Cao on horses, he will then start to travel north, across the bridge,
and up to where Xu Huang appears with his forces.
When that happens, Ma Chao will tell Han Sui, Li Kan, and Yang Qui to help
fight Cao Cao. Have Ma Chao fight by Han Sui and defeat as many generals and
soldiers as you can. Soon Cao Cao will arrive. A cutscene will occur where Cao
Cao begins to talk Han Sui into defecting to his side. Keep Han Sui safe until
it says, "The Allied Forces are reeling from reports of Han Sui's betrayal." At
this point you should head to the bridge that Cao Cao crosses when you get near
him. Just north of the two bridges. After Han Sui defects, a supply team should
appear near you. Kill the captain and get the weapon box. Waste the rest of the
people on the level until you beat it. And you have Ma Chao's Fourth Weapon.

Ma Chao's Attacks:

Running Attack: Charges forward spinning his spear in front of him.
Jump Attack: Does a sweeping attack while in the air.
Musou Attack: Spins his spear from side to side, when your musou bar runs out,
he launches himself up upon his spear, then pulls it up and does a 180 degree
slice across any enemies in front of you.

T: Unleashes a full 360 degree spin on any nearby enemies.
ST: Basic attack that knocks your enemies into the air.
SST: Does two attacks then slams his spear on the enemy, stunning them.
SSST: Three basic attacks followed by a violent strike which knocks your enemy

SSSST: Four attacks followed by an attack that knocks your enemy in the air.
SSSSTT: Knocks your enemy into the air, he then jumps into the air striking his
enemy once.

SSSSST: Five attacks followed by a lethal 360 degree slash, knocking all nearby
enemies away.

SSSSST: Five attacks followed by a lethal 360 degree slash, setting fire to all
nearby enemies as well as knocking them away.

Due to the terrible stat increase on Ma Chao's 4th weapon, I found it easier to
find a 3rd weapon that gives decent upgrades to defense and attack(+20
minimum). If you are going to use his 4th, I suggest you develope a good
fighting style on a horse, check the fighting strategies for more info.
Basic Items for 3rd Weapon:
-Peacock Urn(+30 or higher)
-Tiger Amulet(Anything above 10 works well)
-Tortoise Amulet(I suggest having this maxed at 40, but anything above 30 works
-Way of Musou(If you dont have this then just put on the Elixer or Wind Scroll)
-Red Hare Saddle, Bodygaurd Manual, or Art of War

Basic Items for 4th Weapon:
-Tortoise Amulet(+40)
-Golden Harness(MUST, if not then use the Bodyguard Manual)
-Red Hare Saddle or HexMark
-Horned Helmet(+25 or higher)
-Wind Scroll(+15 and if not then put on the Peacock Urn)

When maxed out, Ma Chao's stats are terrible, he is the most cheated character
in the game, but no need to worry with good items. Always set bodyguards to
Bow. They can save your life in many situations.

When fighting on the ground:
Use his SSSSST frequently, probably his best defensive maneuver and offensive
as well.

When fighting on a horse:
ALWAYS hold L1 while fighting on a horse. Move the joystick around rapidly or
wiggle your fingers on the D-Pad, so you are a hard target to hit. Do not worry
about archers, as long as you have the Golden Harness. If you do get knocked
off, do your SSSSST then get back on. Never forget to use the T in SSSSST on a

With technique on a horse mastered or if you have good items, fighting with Ma
Chao should be as simple as fighting with Lu Bu.

Ma Chao's Musou starts at Chang Ban, and ends at the Wu Zhang Plains. Im very
surprised at the choice of levels due to the fact that he's not in most of
them. Historically, Ma Chao died before the Nanman Campaign and Jei ting, and
he never was a part of Shu during the time of Chang Ban.
A. Chang Ban
This level shouldnt be too hard even for a novice DW3 player. Start of by
killing Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao, along with the two gate
captains. Head south, disposing of Xu Zhu, Lia Dian, and the gate
captains. Head NorthWest towards Xiahou Yuan, and lay waste him and
his subgenerals. Head south, cross the bridge, and charge toward Zhu
Ling and Zhang He. Make a circle, and defeat Xu Huang and his subofficers,
then take out Cao Cao. Do not forget to get the Dim Sum and Fairy
Wine. The Dim Sum located southwest of Zhang He’s starting
position in the southwest corner, and the Musou along the shore where
Liu Bei’s ships arrive.
B. Chi Bi
Start this level by killing the Gate Captain nearest to the Place of Prayer.
Then head north toward Xiahou Yuan. Take out the gate captain behind
him, and head east towards Li Dian and Cao Pi. Move back north and
take out the gate captain in the northwest corner, then crossover
the ship its next to for the Dim Sum, then waste the gate
captain on the other side of the ship. Head further east for the gate captains
and then move south toward Xu Huang. If you want to go out of your way, move
south and near Taishi Ci's starting position will be the musou up. Move back
north then take out Xu Zhu and Zhang Liao, then take out Cao Cao.
C. Mountain Bandit Campaign
Start off this level by killing the gate captain on the far north area. Then
take out each Lt. Commander until they are all dead. Once the Commander
appears, ignore him for the moment. Go and search for the Dim Sum, Fairy Wine,
the three weapons, and the three items. For a complete map of the level, I
suggest going to KongMing's Site (www.kongming.net), it will show you the
location of each weapon, item, and dim sum and fairy wine. Once you have found
all the items and weapons, you should finish off the commander.
D. Tong Gate
Begin this level by running past Tong Gate, then heading left. There should be
a blackened box with a weapon in it. Then head for Xiahou Yuan and take him
out. Head further back and kill the gate captain and get the item in the box
right next to it. Then move towards Cao Ren and take him out. Once he's gone,
go take out Cao Hong and the gate captain there. By this time, Xu Huang should
have already appeared. Head north across the bridges and follow the path that
goes off to the top right corner. There will be a gate captain and a fairy
wine. Then head west, past Cao Cao, and near where Jai Xiu is, there should be
a dim sum. Head south and take down Zhu Ling, Xu Huang, and Jai Xiu. If Han Sui
defects, kill him for an item, if not, its ok. Then take down Cao Cao and Xu
Zhu to complete the level.
E. Yi Ling
On Hard Difficulty, this is, by far, the hardest level. Before you have time to
think, your fellow generals die. Its almost instant. If you can kill 4 generals
in 2 minutes, scattered around an entire board, AND stop a fire attack, then I
worship you. I suggest you start by killing Gan Ning or Zhou Yu, the gate
captain at the bottom. ALLOW the fire attack to happen, so Liu Bei retreats
into Stone Warrior Formation. Kill Lu Meng and then head for Cheng Pu. Kill Zhu
Ran once the fire attack happens, he tends to make his way into SWF. Take out
Sun Shang Xiang, then move up to Lu Xun to help your dead or dying comrades. If
you are too slow to take these people out fast enough, go through SWF or the
Gate on the north side of HQ and wait with Ma Liang for anyone who is dumb
enough to try to get in. Once all the generals except Lu Xun have been
defeated, Liu Bei initiates a full scale attack. Make SURE you have at least
two other generals, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and any one or more other general.
They help alot. Once you get in the enemies base, go for the gate captains. The
reinforcements they bring are ENTIRELY archers. Beware, I played this level
once, went in there and didnt kill the gate captains, and went from full life
to nothing instantly. Make sure you have gotten the Dim Sum and Fairy Wine in
the SWF.
F. Nanman Campaign
This level will be very long, for those who havent played it before. Start the
level by killing Meng Huo, for the first time, just left of where you start.
Once he dies, run to the right, and take out Wu Tugu, Dong Tu Ne, and Meng Huo
once he appears again. Once you've completed this, go north for the Fairy Wine,
and move east and head over to King Mulu's area, kill Ahui Nan (his subgeneral)
and the gate captain, if he is still there. Move south and Meng Huo should
appear, kill him then run down and kill King Mulu and the gate captain near
him. Run back up and take out Meng Huo again, who appeared near your starting
position. Move south and kill Dailai, take his elephant, and move south to
where Meng Huo appeared for the fifth time. Run into the wall where he is and
it should break. Kill him and the gate captain, and get the Dim Sum in that
area. A cutscene will occur where Zhu Rong gets angry. Run back up to your
starting position and Meng Huo should appear again. Kill him, then move south
for Yong Kai. Meng Huo should appear in the southwest corner, and this will
initiate Zhuge Liang's full scale attack. Kill anyone in the middle, Meng You,
the gate captain behind him, then head for Zhu Rong. Take her out, then move
into the temple(?) and kill Meng Jei. If you want, run past Meng Huo, and take
out the gate captain. This may appear hard but it makes killing Meng Huo VERY
easy. Take out Meng Huo and he will surrender.
G. Wu Zhang Plains
This level is extremely boring, but it must be done. Start of by heading out of
the area you start in, and move south to either Zhang He or Cao Ren. Kill them,
then move south towards Zhao Yun's position. Take out the gate captain, then
kill Zhen Ji and Xu Huang. Move all the way north and kill Cao Hong and Xu Zhu.
Start to head east and take out the gate captain and Sima Zhao, who should be
firing catapults at Zhuge Liang. I found that this really doesnt do anything to
harm you, unless you are in the camp. Move south and take out Cao Xiu, who
should appear as reinforcements, and Sun Li. Kill all the gate captains, then
move north. By this time, Man Chong and Deng Ai should arrive as reinforcements
for Wei. Dispose of them and move onto Sima Yi. Zhuge Liang should order a full
scale attack, so you should wait for this to happen, before tackling Zhang Liao
and Sima Yi. Once your allies arrive, take out Zhang Liao, and TRY to move in
on the nearest gate captain. Once you kill him, move south for the second gate
captain and the Dim Sum right by it. Once all the gate captains are clear, the
battle is yours. If you have nothing better to do, go back to where Zhuge Liang
starts and get the Fairy Wine on the left side of the camp. Then go back and
make short work of Sima Yi.

Congratulations, you beat Ma Chao's Musou mode!

Now all you hafta do is finish maxing out Ma Chao. Unless of course, you've all
ready done that.

First, I'd like to thank Koei. This game is like, my life... Hehe
I'd like to thank Kong Ming, for his wonderful site and the level maps.
I'd like to thank GameFAQs. Yes, without you, I wouldn't be able to write a FAQ
on my favorite character.
I'd also like to thank anyone who is reading this. Send me comments,
suggestions, whatever you like. I welcome it all. Please, this is my first FAQ,
no flaming "You suck!"

THE END! Woo betcha thought this would never come...
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