Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem

15.10.2013 12:27:59
Fire Emblem Gaiden- Nintendo- 1991
FAQ by Alex Deerkop Copyright 2001.
GameFAQ name x countryguy

1. My inspiration

I got interested in this game after I heard that two characters from this
game were in Super Smash Brothers Melee. I started to play it and was
impressed by its graphics. Since I saw no FAQ was written for this game I
took it upon myself to write it. Note this is my FIRST FAQ, and I am
probably in way over my head here. But if I get some support I just might
finish this thing. Feel free to e-mail me just label the message “Fire
Emblem” or something and I will give any credit where it is due.

2. Table of Contents:

1. My inspiration
2. Table of Contents
3. Version History
4. Characters
5. Controls
6. Menus and commands
7. Battle screens and menus
8. Battle Setup
9. Battle Process
10. Magic Use
11. Class Changes
12. Walkthrough
A. Chapter 1- To Sophia
B. Chapter 2- To Titt
C. Chapter 3- To ???

3. Version History:

V 1.0- December 7, 2001- I just started this thing, and it’s going to take
me a while to beat the game and write the FAQ. Bear with me.

V 1.1- December 9, 2001- I started making my FAQ a little more substantial
by adding magic use, menus, and battle operations. Plus I am about halfway
through the first map. I’ll get there eventually.

V 1.2- December 10, 2001- I finished the first chapter and started the next.
I made the guide a little easier to read by defining the sections a little
better. Thanks for the tip from Matt about the non-connection between Alm
and Prince Marth.

V 1.3- December 13, 2001- I finished the second chapter. I added info on
magic and things like that.

V 1.4- January 3, 2002- Note that this is Fire Emblem 2. I did half of
chapter three. I also got info on magic and will start a class list soon.
Sorry for not updating for a while but I got busy.

4. Characters:

Alm- Seeming protagonist of the story. Blue hair and armor. Grandson of
General Misen.

General Misen- Old man in purple armor. He is the grandfather of Alm.

General Tozeh- First villain you hear of.

Ruka- Leader of a rebel group against General Tozeh. Red hair and armor,
although during battle, his armor is green.

Princess Sofia- The person you need to rescue in the first chapter.

5. Controls

A Button- confirm, pull up menus, get info on highlighted item.
B Button- cancel, scroll through characters in battle mode. Returns cursor
to character’s location on world map.
Start Button- no use
Select- Pull up menu in battle mode.

6. Menus and commands
Move- Move along your current path. Choose direction with d pad.
Rank- Switch party order. Press A to highlight a name and press a on the
name you ant to change it with.
Item- Trade items with members of your party and your inventory
Info- Shows player stats
Item- Shows how many enemies are left and how many turns you have taken
Save- Save or erase your game

7. Battle screens and menus

To access the battle menu, make sure nothing is highlighted and press A or

Roster- Shows level, exp, and a picture of what they look like
Assault- Your fighters move as close as they can to the enemy or attacks the
nearest one.
Gather- Your fighters move as close together as they can
Remove- Shows what map you are on and how many turns out of 40 you have
taken. I imagine that it is a draw if you don’t finish the battle in 40
Quit- My game screws up when I do this. But I think it means run.
Config- Set options
Music- on or off
Animation- on or off
Wait timer- 1-5
End Turn- Duh!

8. Battle Setup:

You are the blue team, the enemy is red. You should notice the all-useful
cursor on the screen. You can move and click on an enemy to see his class,
level, and hp. Once you have checked out your enemy’s strength, you can
start issuing commands to your troops. Just highlight them and press A.
After their stats come up press A again and the cursor will re-appear. Move
the cursor and press A to move to a location. You can only move so far each
turn so learn your limits and adjust your strategy accordingly. If you
click on the square right next to an enemy, an option screen will come up
and say fight or end.

During a battle you go through a pre set number of moves and the fight ends.
You get exp based on the amount of damage you inflict. If you kill your
enemy, you get a larger amount of exp. A little bar appears after each
battle and fills up accordingly. You level up when the bar resets.

You should notice that usually there are these two by two grids of squares.
This is a recovery square. There you can slowly recover your health. You
can move off at any time and you can only put one person there at a time.
If an enemy attacks you while you are on a square, you will still fight back
so don’t worry.

You win the battle by killing all of the enemies.

9. Battle Process:

After you initiate a battle, or vice versa, you are taken to a black screen.
Now you automatically do whatever moves your class entitles you to do. So
even if you are attacked first you can still attack back twice if you do
that. Magic and archers use long range attacks, so if you have a square in
between you and your enemy, you can attack and he cannot as long as he does
not have a long range attack. This also is true if your stand diagonally to
each other.

The white bars along the top of the battle menu are the character’s hit
points. Once all of the hit points are gone the character dies. Once a
character is dead THAT’S IT! You cannot revive people. The three status
bars from top to bottom are Accuracy percentage, Attack power, and defense
power. This value change when you are faced against magic or melee battles.

10. Magic Use:

Magic is different in this game than in most others. Instead of costing mp
to cast a spell, it costs hp to cast a spell. There are some spells that do
not cost hp though.

When I put _ space range it means that is the farthest you can be and still
cast the spell. Cast anytime is obvious in meaning.

Here is my list of magic spells and their casting cost that I know of.

Recover- 1 hp. Heals depending on the power of the healer. One square
Ibro- 3 hp. Heals depending on the power of the healer. Can heal anyone on
the screen.
Illusion- 12 hp. Creates about five soldiers. Expendable but not
controllable. Cast anytime. The soldiers do not gain experience for anyone

Drain- 0 hp. Drains about 8 hp. Two square range.
Fire- 1 hp. Fire elemental attack. Decent damage, 2 space range.
Thunder- 2 hp. Lightning elemental attack. Higher damage, 3 space range.
Excalibur- 3 hp. Non elemental, powerful. 2 space range.
Angel- 4 hp. Holy attack, massive damage especially against undead
creatures. 2 space range.
Aura- 6 hp. Non elemental but very powerful. 2 space range.

11. Class Changes:

Your guess is as good as mine on this one but I do have some good guesses
about them. Three of your starting characters start as villagers. After
they level up a couple of times, a screen will come up after all of the
stats are advanced. It will say the character’s name and some more
scribbles. The translation of my copy only covers dialog. Anyway, after
the screen mentions that you should be able to change your class at these
goddess statues. The first one you come across is in the thieves’ shrine.

When you do class change, however, your level goes back to one.

12. Walkthrough

A. Chapter 1: To Sophia

You start out with Alm pacing back and forth and speaks to Misen. After
Misen speaks walk east to the group of people. Speak to the man all the way
east. This is Ruka. He asks you to go talk Misen into joining them. Misen
is in the building north of where you started. Leave and talk to Ruka
again. This time he is on the left side of the group. After a brief
conversation, Ruka will join you. Talk to the other people and they will
join you as well. Once everyone joins you, save your game and exit to the

Here is what you can expect from your characters.
Alm is the strongest, toughest and can move the farthest. Attacks twice per
Ruka is as strong as Alm but moves a little less than Alm. Attacks twice.
Grey starts at level five and is the strongest of the villagers. Attacks
Bird is pretty weak but still attacks twice.
Cliff is the weakest and only attacks once. Soften enemies up for him and
let him make a few kills, it should help him some.

After leaving the village, you automatically enter into a fight.

There are five level one thieves in this fight. Nobody has an item. The
recovery square is located on your left. This battle isn’t hard, just
select the assault option and you will be fine, in case anyone does get low
on hp just have them fall back and go to the recovery square.

Ok, now that you beat that one. Save and move on to the next fight.
Take note that your party heals completely between battles.

This battle contains six level one thieves and a level one archer. Archers
are a pain in the butt. They can attack from a distance and from a diagonal
direction so you can not counterattack them. Concentrate your attacks on
the archer, then the rest of the battle is easy. The trees slow your
progress just to let you know. Nobody has an item. There are two recovery
squares. They are located to the left of Alm’s starting point and on to the
north that is covered by an enemy.

Not too bad, was it? Save your game and head north to the thief shrine.

Once inside, walk north and (surprise) you get attacked by thieves. Five of
them in fact. Nothing to worry about, either attack them one by one or use
the assault command. No recovery squares so watch it.

Head north to find a girl in the room. Her name is Silk. Talk to her and
find that she was kidnapped. She joins your party and guess what? She
knows how to use magic, cool. There is also a statue to the north. You
should be able to change the class of a couple of the villagers if you want.
I say go for it since it is better than the villager class. I’m no expert
on classes but the class changes do seem to be random. If you can help me
out here I would appreciate it. Also, every time you come back here you get
attacked by the thieves again.

This next battle is tough and the only recovery square is deep within enemy
territory. There are seven level one thieves, one level three thief, a
level one archer, and a level 4 mercenary with a leather shield. The
mercenary is really tough to kill so watch it. Silk knows Drain and
recovery. Don’t get surrounded.

Save and head north for yet another fight.

There are six level one soldiers here. They aren’t too much worry. The big
threat is the archer with the steel bow. His attack power is high and the
steel bow gives him a longer range so don’t get in his line of sight. Also
be careful of the narrow passageways since you can only fit one person
through at a time. There are three recovery squares in the fort.

Now that you bet that group head inside the fort. Inside you will find
another captive. Her name is Clea and is a knight of Sophie’s. Talk to her
and she will join you. There is a treasure chest containing a thunder
sword. It will equip itself to Alm.

Save and head to the next battle.

In this next battle, there are 7 level one soldiers, a level one archer, and
a level one knight. The only recovery square is located in a small fort to
the north. It will take the knight a few turns to get to the battlefield,
so use that time to get rid of the archer and a few soldiers. Soldiers are
stronger than thieves. If you get into trouble fall back to Silk and have
her heal you. I don’t suggest having Silk engaging in combat, she doesn’t
fight well.

Save and go north for the next battle. Don’t worry, you have almost made it
to the liberation HQ!

This battlefield is pretty large. There is a narrow river running through
the field. The only enemies are six level one knights, two south of the
river and four north. Knights can cover a lot of ground, so just take
notice of that. There are two recovery squares to the north, but the only
way to get there is through a narrow bridge. One excellent strategy is to
quickly kill the two southern knights. Then surround the bottom of the
bridge so that one knight can move one square out below the bridge. Use
your short range fighter to attack them from the sides and use your magic
users, Silk, a wizard if you have one, or Alm with the thunder sword to
attack diagonally.

All right, you have made it to Liberation HQ. Save before you enter then do
just that. A guy at the entrance will yell at you then let you pass,
warning you of the monsters (great.)

The next battle starts when you reach the top of the screen. Your
opposition is 8 zombies and 2 skeletons. Undead monsters lurking about in a
populated headquarters? Whatever, the zombies are really weak, but they
have a lot of hp. The skeletons are really tough. They are weaker against
magic than physical attacks, use that to your advantage.

After that, head north and speak with both of these people. I’m not
revealing plot here so just talk to them yourselves. They both join your
group. Kreb is a knight and Fols is a soldier. If anyone needs their class
to be changed you can do so at the goddess statue. Head out of the
headquarters, but talk to the guy who yelled at you before. His name is Pay
and he is an archer. Equip Pay with the steel bow you got earlier and he
will be all set.

This next battle has a ton of enemies so listen up. There are six knights,
five archers, two soldiers, a paladin, a wizard, one armor class, and the
Baron who yelled a you when you entered the battle. Everyone is level one
but the Baron has a dragon shield. His power is 22, his defense is 31, and
his magic defense is 20.
As for basic strategies, they won’t come after you so you must attack them.
Also on of the doors to the castle are closed, you can’t open it so you only
have one place to enter. Have your team gather first and then make your
move. Have Pay snipe out some of the archers and have the rest of your
party advance. Clea can also fly over the walls and help with that nest of
enemies. Remember that Baron I warned you about? He will run away if you
kill his paladin. Just remember to use long range attacks on the paladin
and you will be fine.

If you made it through, good! If not, try again. Save and enter the

Inside you will find many grateful people and a treasure chest east of the
entrance. Inside is a knights lance, it will equip itself to Ruka. On the
other side is an already opened treasure chest. Go up the stairs to the
east and you’ll find that Misen is already there. Talk to him and
afterwards a save screen will come up. Congratulations. You have beaten
the first chapter!

B. Chapter 2- To Titt

Yeah, I know it looks perverse but that’s what it says.

Now you start off with a new character. Her name is Celica, a priest. Talk
to the three ladies ahead of you. The middle one is Boey, a wizard. The
one on the left is Jeni, a sister, (Similar to Silk.) The one on the right
is a witch, May. Boey and Celica know fire and May knows both fire and
thunder. Jeni knows Drain and recover.

After you acquire your party leave by going north.

Once you leave, you automatically go into battle. This battle just has
seven zombies. Nothing too big, just make sure Jeni doesn’t get her butt
kicked, Sisters are not good fighters.

Once this battle is completed save and head to the town of Nowhere. I’m not
making this up here.

The town is not large. Go into the tavern and you see a guy drinking at the
bar. Talk to him and he joins. Sevr is a mercenary. After that, hop onto
the boat and set sail.

Once you get on the boat you start your next battle automatically. You are
back to your basic thieves again. Seven of them in fact. You have a
recovery square on your ship, make good use of it. There is only one path
between the boats, use the strategy that you used before about surrounding
the path. I suggest having Boey, the wizard, attack from the side since she
has a higher defense than May. The thieves will go after Celica so make
sure you send Jeni out to heal her.

I think you have figured out what to do next.

You have some tougher enemies here. First you have your basic seven level
one thieves and an archer. However, the two people hoddled up in the corner
of the boat are much stronger. The level three thief is not that much
stronger but the person to worry about is the level four mercenary with the
leather shield. Use long range attacks on the mercenary. Jeni’s drain
attack seems particularly effective on the mercenary, be careful since she
can’t take a lot of abuse. You cannot blockade the bridge in time to stop
their advance.

I equipped the shield to Jeni to make her a little tougher. Next comes a
land battle and a fortress to contend with.

Looks like you are going to get some help with this one. Once you enter the
battlefield, a rather large man says something to you and he and two others
will help you in your effort to take the fort. Baro, (the big guy) is an
armor class, Cami is a mercenary, and Leo is an ever important archer. You
can’t control them though. Any help is a good thing since there are 13,
count ‘em, 13 thieves on this stage. The seven closest to the boat are
level one, all the rest are level five except for the notorious pirate
leader, Dach. He is level ten, however, his stats are not much greater than
the level one thieves. Magic attacks are still as effective as ever. One
good strategy is to move your people up the right side. This draws the fire
from the other three since they can’t heal themselves.

After the battle enter the pirate fortress. Once you are inside whoever
survived from the battle will join your group. The treasure box has a steel
sword inside. It will equip itself to Celica.

You have got your work cut out for you on this one. It’s only one person
but she is tough. She can create zombies, A LOT OF ZOMBIES! She will not
move from the recovery square she starts on. I beat her by coming from the
side of her. The thunder spells work okay, but if you actually get close
enough to fight her do that. Apparently she will only cast her spell once
against attackers but you will get two chances to get her. Give her
everything you have got but be aware of the zombies, they can finish you off
if you are weak. Healing is crucial so make sure Jeni can be gotten to.
The zombies will disappear when she is killed.

*Whew!* If you managed to not have anyone killed, then good. Save and move
on. Make sure you go north because you will get your butt kicked so fast if
you fight the dragon zombie now.

Okay, this one is not tough. It is just a compliment of four level one
thieves, two level one archers, and four mercenaries. Three are level one
but one is level four. Don’t worry though, he does not have a shield. Just
block the bridge between the ships and let them come to you. See if you can
get some of your magic users up a level. They should be learning new spells
pretty soon.

After brushing those guys away. Sail to the next boat.

This boat holds seven level one wizards. Susceptible to physical attacks
but strong magic users. There is not too much strategy involved here. Just
attack and fall back when your hp gets low. Jeni has a very high magic
defense so you can put her up front.

This is just a little checkup. Is Celica level five yet? If not, go to the
Thieves Shrine and fight the thieves until she is level five. At level five
she will learn Angel. This is a very powerful attack which works great on
the undead. Especially the dragon zombie in the Sea Shrine. Hint, hint.

Now that you have taken my advice and gone to the Sea Shrine, this is what
you have to do. This is a tough battle since Celica will not last long
against the dragon. Make sure she has the leather shield equipped before
you head out. Now have Celica move out and have Jeni right behind her. The
dragon will come to you. Now you have to hope for some luck since Celica
needs to dodge a few attacks before she can cast twice. Have Jeni heal
Celica, and have Celica use angel magic on the dragon. And that’s that,
good luck. I took me a few tries but don’t worry.

Did you beat the dragon? Good, SAVE and enter the Sea Shrine.

Inside you find a large group of undead monsters. There are eight zombies
and two skeletons. Make sure you drop the skeletons before they cause you
undue trouble.

After beating that group, go north through the graves. Go north past the
statue and initiate another battle.

In this battle there are three zombies, five skeletons, and two gargoyles.
This one is hard since the skeletons and the gargoyles are pretty powerful.
The zombies are not much threat but they can finish off a real weak
character is they attack first. Have Jeni drain off of the zombies and keep
her healing others. I put the Holy pendant on May so she can recover some
hit points between rounds. She is still pretty vulnerable though.

Make it through this one and you can claim your hard earned prize: the Holy
Sword. Make sure it gets equipped to someone who actually uses a sword.
After that leave the shrine. Keep going on until you get to Sophia Castle.
Once inside talk to Misen. He is up next to the stairs in the northwest
corner. After that talk to Alm who is waiting there. They talk and you can
save your game and start chapter three.

C. Chapter 3: To ???

The question marks are there since the name is not in English.
All right, you are now in control of Alm again. Go downstairs and an
earthquake hits. A man frantically talks to you then leaves, you should
too. Now both Alm’s party and Celica’s party can be controlled.

Since they are separated I will do one party at a time.


You have a whole lot of adversaries on this level. There are fourteen level
five thieves along with, two level five mercenaries, a level five archer,
and Gaha, a level ten thief. Don’t panic because the two people you met in
town where Celica went just before you went to the castle come to help. And
help they do. Both of them are Pegasus knights. Pala is the one on top,
she is level eight and the one beneath her, Catu is level five. Of course,
you can’t control them, but you can heal them.

Now, note that your party is split into two groups, one is in the lower left
and the other is on a small island in the middle. You can leave the island
but they are surrounded to begin with. First off, try to surround the
bridges that are north of both parties. Also see if Boey can successfully
cast thunder on the boss thief. The Pegasus knights will help relieve the
northern party so don’t worry about May too much. Make sure Jeni heals the
southern party, the archer and the boss thief will cause you some headaches
if you don’t. It will be tricky to have everyone alive in this one, make
sure Jeni drains a thief every now and then to keep her hp up.

If you did this congratulate yourself and go to the city to pick up your two
new recruits. You should know who they are.

Now go north to the mountain graveyard. There you will be ambushed, (big
surprise), by ten level five skeletons. Their defense and offense are high
but their magic defense is practically non-existent. Also they are weak
against angel magic. Keep that in mind. Keep everyone healed and it might
be worth it to cast illusion just so the skeletons have more people to slash
through before they can get to you.

Save after you beat them and go into the Mountain Village. In the village
the man standing north of the houses in the village will join you. Atla is
a level ten villager. His attack is high but his defense is only moderate.

Once you leave the village you will be attacked in the graveyard again.
This time it is only a few zombies so don’t worry. This is a good
opportunity to get some of your weaker characters a chance to level up.
Also there might be a few mummies in the mix. They are not any stronger
than the zombies but they give you a lot of experience. By now that
creature that moved around by itself should be right on top of you by now.

The fight involves one of those zombie creators. The only thing is that it
does not create zombies. Hmmm. Just attack it like crazy since it is not
any stronger than the last one you fought. Strangely enough Atla disappears
for that battle. Might be a glitch.

At this point you have a choice of going north or east. The battle to the
north is hard so you should probably go east into the desert. If you decide
to go north I will make a little bold mark for you later on.

The battle to the east has a lot of enemies. There are two wizards, four
mercenaries, and nine archers. They are all level one. The guy you have to
worry about is Wolf the sniper. He has a steel bow and his attack power is
16. That’s enough to get an armor shaking in his boots. A big problem with
the desert is that you can only move one space at a time through the sand.
By the time you make it up there the archers will have kicked your butt.
Also, since Wolf can cause 16 damage to a character you had better hope that
he misses a lot, (which he does.) This is really the time for your Pegasus
knights to shine since the sand wont slow them down.

Save and go into the desert fortress. The mercenary Jesi is being held
there. He will give you some important information. Pick up the steel
lance while you are there too and then leave.

At this point you have a choice of going north or south. South leads you to
a lot of witches. The north leads you to a whole bunch of mercenaries. The
choice is up to you. I suggest leaving the witches alone since you get a
powerful wizard if you do.

If you went north, read on. If you went south go to the next paragraph.
Okay, in this round you are up against nine level five mercenaries and a
level five sword master. The sword master is the boss and the toughest one
there so be wary of him. Mercenaries have practically non-existent magic
defense. The sword master is very strong but his defense is manageable.
Pala’s attack works well and she can survive a set of his attacks assuming
she is at full HP. Magic is also effective. Make sure you use the sand to
your advantage since you can’t move fast through the sand. After the battle
the witch on the bottom of the screen will run into the fortress at the

If you went south read this paragraph. All of the enemies on this map are
witches. All but the boss are level one and know fire. The boss, Ean, is
level five and knows Excalibur. Catu has a high magic defense and high
mobility despite the sand. Pala is also excellent here. Be careful since
the witches can TELEPORT with no penalty to their movement or attacks. They
can gang up and kill a member of your party very easily. Catu is speedy and
with the magic defense she can take some hits from Ean and hopefully can
drain her to a point until she cannot cast anymore. Excalibur costs three
hp. After the battle the sword master runs into the castle.

After either battle, save and go into Fort Geeth. This fort practically
holds an army. There are two level one sword masters, one of which is in
the recovery square to the right of your starting point. Two level five
mercenaries and thieves. Three level one wizards and a level five wizard.
Two level one snipers and a level five sniper. Three level one witches. A
sham and the boss. While nobody is very powerful (except the boss), they
have strength in numbers. Your priorities should be the center and right
snipers, the sword master to the east and the witches that pop by for a
visit first. Then deal with the mercenaries, thieves, or skeletons that
come by. Work your way up to the central wizard and have your armor class,
Baro, beat up on the boss. Make sure you kill the shaman as fast as you can
since the skeletons can overwhelm you quickly. Once the sham is killed all
of the skeletons will disappear. Finish off the sniper and the wizard to
the west and you will be all set. There are plenty of places to heal so
make sure you use them.

Now that you have finally made it through the desert enter Fort Geeth.
Inside the fort you will find the boss of the group you decided not to
attack. In the left cell is the Pegasus knights’ sister. She will join
you. The girl in the middle knows Celica and tells her about her mother.
After the conversation, she will give Celica a circlet. This will change
Celica’s class from a priest to a royal. Once everyone has joined exit and
go all the way back to the west. You will also get attacked by the zombies
again as you go through the graveyard. Brush them away and go north to yet
another battle.

If you went north earlier

The battle has three level five mercenaries, a level one witch, and the boss
is a level one sword master. The regular enemies are easy, just far away.
The boss has a dark sword which gives him a power of 24! What you can do is
move everyone to the east and kill the weaker enemies. Then gather everyone
and have Jeni cast illusion. After all of the soldiers come out have Baro
follow them and let them all attack the sword master. You should be able to
finish off the sword master without any casualties.

By this time you may be attacked by a paladin coming from the temple up
north. This is just three level one paladins. While they are pretty
strong, they are not god-like at this point. These guys aren’t too tough
just make sure they don’t gang up on anybody weak.

Now, enter the Dragon Temple, (kind of ominous, don’t you think?) This is a
good name for the temple since you attacked by three dragon zombies in
there. They are still strong but you are stronger than before. The trick
is to take them out quick. Angel magic is a must, any long range attack is
good, and they still won’t be able to touch Baro. Try to pull a few shots
off at them with your long range people. Then as they move closer send
everything you have got at them, (while keeping you distance.) If your
lucky you can beat this without losing anyone. This is good since you can
probably class change a whole lot of people by now.

Leave and save and go north to the Mira Temple. This battle has seven level
one wizards, two level one snipers, and the boss is a level five shaman.
This shaman creates gargoyles. This will be a big problem if you don’t take
care of him fast. If you get one of your Pegasus knights on the inside of
the door, she can open it and you can attack the shaman quicker.

Once you complete this battle, you can finally go inside the Mira Temple.
You won’t be able to do much so just leave her alone.

Alm’s quest

Hey, it’s Alm. Remember him? Now you control him. So take him up north to
his first battle.

The regular enemies are four knights, four soldiers, two archers, two
armors, a wizard and a witch. The “boss” of this level is a level five
armor up in the corner. Like all armors, he has virtually no magic defense.
The key thing here is to get as many people as you can before the boss
armor, Zack, can finally reach you. Set up your magic users and hit him
with all of the magic you have.

You that you beat that, save and enter Sofia Woods. Here you find a horde
of wizards there. Six of them are level one and the last on is level three.
Just send up some people with decent magic defense and you will be fine.
Don’t forget about the recovery square that is near where you start.

Save and move on. This battle is just against three paladins. This isn’t
too bad just make sure anybody who falls low in hp falls back.

Now enter the village. Talk to everybody and a wizard named Ryu will join
you. What is it with people named Ken and Ryu in video games? Oh well,
exit and save.

This battle has a level five wizard, a level one shaman, four level one
armors, and three level one archers. The shaman generates zombies so he is
not much of a factor. Use Alm’s thunder sword to get the baron. Everything
else should be straight forward.

Once you beat that, enter Tozeh Fort. Don’t forget to save though. Inside
the fort you get to recruit the paladin that was helping you before. Also
the treasure chest holds the royal sword. Save again and go north to the
next battle.
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