Medal of Honor: Frontline

Medal of Honor: Frontline

14.10.2013 15:06:57
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mm mm e d d a a l
m m m m e d d a a l
m m m m e d d a a l
m m m eeeeeeeee d d a a l
m m e d d aaaaaaaa l
m m e d d a a l
m m e d d a a l
m m eeeeeeeee ddddddd a a llllllllll
h h ooo n n ooo rrrrrrrr
h h o o nn n o o r r
h h o o n n n o o r r
h h o o n n n o o r r
hhhhhhhhh o o n n n o o rrrrrrrr
h h o o n n n o o rrr
h h o o n n n o o r rr
h h o o n nn o o r rr
h h ooo n n ooo r rr

System: PlayStation 2
Written by: FastFurious65 (David Grace)
(NB: I can't guarantee to reply to all your e-mails, but I will read all of


Last Updated: 17-Jun-2002
Version: 1.1

1. Game Options
a. Play
b. Next Mission
c. Personal Records
d. Gallery
e. Options
i. Passwords
ii. Bonus
iii. Controller
iv. Audio
v. Difficulty
vi. Subtitles
2. Game Guide
a. Level 1: D-Day
i. Mission 1: Your Finest Hour
ii. Mission 2: Into the Breach
b. Level 2: A Storm in the Port
i. Mission 3: Seaside Stowaway
ii. Mission 4: Special Cargo
iii. Mission 5: Eye of the Storm
iv. Mission 6: A Chance Meeting
3. Weapons
a. Pistols
b. Rifles
c. Sub-Machine Guns
d. Grenades
e. Heavy Weapons
4. Medals
a. Mission Medals
b. End of Game Medals
5. Coming Soon
6. Special Thanks

(c) 2002 FastFurious65. This FAQ may NOT be used on ANY website without full
permission from the author. This FAQ can't be used in any magazine or any other
media sources! This FAQ can NOT be used in exchange for money. If you wish to
use any part of this FAQ on a non-commercial website, then please e-mail me. By
placing this FAQ on your site, you agree to keep updated versions of it. The
only sites (AT PRESENT) that may use this FAQ are,
and No contents of this FAQ may be used in exchange for money.
Similarly, you CAN'T rip off any part of this FAQ in-order to create your own
FAQ without my permission. As well as that, you can't take credit for any of
the contents that appear on this FAQ. Violating these rules will mean that I
WILL take ACTION against you and/or your organisation. It's taken me a very
long time to write this, so I seriously don't appreciate copying. If you see
anybody using my FAQ unlawfully, please e-mail me ASAP! If you feel that I have
used some information that you deserve credit for, please e-mail me with a
reason and I will try and solve the it.

12-Jun-2002 (v1.0) : Started Walkthrough (Levels 1-5), Added Weapons List, and
Added Medals List.
17-Jun-2002 (v1.1) : Added Level to Walkthrough (Level 6). Added where and how
you get some of the medals.

a. Play

This is where a list of all the missions that you have done. You can re-play
any of the levels that you have done at any time should you want to. For each
mission you successfully complete, you will be awarded with a star. The star
awarded will either be a gold, silver or bronze star. For more info see 4.

b. Next Mission

This is just a shortcut to the next stage of the game.

c. Personal Records

This keeps a record of all the statistics that you have done. Such statistics
include Number of Shots fired, Accuracy and Preferred Weapon to name a few. It
also keeps all the medals that you have recieved.

d. Gallery

This gives you the opportunity to view the credits of the game.

e. Options
i. Passwords

This is where you enter the passwords. You often find them as you are playing
the game. Other people will also put them on message boards or websites for

ii. Bonus

A list of bonuses that have been given to you.

iii. Controller

There are 5 default controller types in the game that are already set up for
you. They are;

- MOH Sharpshooter (Default)
- Classic MOH
- Easy Fire
- Easy Reload
- Classic MOH Plus
- Custom Configuration

[MOH Sharpshooter]
This is the default controller.

LEFT - Toggle Hud
UP - Sniper Zoom
START - Pause
SQUARE - Prev. Weapon
CIRCLE - Next Weapon
X - Action
L1 - Aim
L2 - Crouch
L3 (LEFT ANALOG BUTTON) - Centre View / Move or Strafe
R1 - Fire
R2 - Reload
R3 (RIGHT ANALOG BUTTON) - Melee Attack / Look or Turn

[Classic MOH]

LEFT - Toggle Hud
UP - Sniper Zoom
START - Pause
SQUARE - Reload/Action
CIRCLE - Next Weapon
X - Fire
L1 - Strafe Left
L2 - Crouch
L3 (LEFT ANALOG BUTTON) - Centre View / Move or Turn
R1 - Strafe Right
R2 - Aim/Look
R3 (RIGHT ANALOG BUTTON) - Melee Attack / Look or Turn

[Easy Fire]

LEFT - Toggle Hud
UP - Sniper Zoom
START - Pause
SQUARE - Previous Weapon
CIRCLE - Next Weapon
X - Action
L1 - Crouch
L2 - Aim
L3 (LEFT ANALOG BUTTON) - Centre View / Move or Strafe
R1 - Reload
R2 - Fire
R3 (RIGHT ANALOG BUTTON) - Melee Attack / Look or Turn

[Easy Reload]

LEFT - Toggle Hud
UP - Sniper Zoom
START - Pause
SQUARE - Previous Weapon
CIRCLE - Next Weapon
X - Action
L1 - Crouch
L2 - Aim
L3 (LEFT ANALOG BUTTON) - Centre View / Move or Strafe
R1 - Reload
R2 - Melee Attack
R3 (RIGHT ANALOG BUTTON) - Reload / Look or Turn

[Classic MOH Plus]

LEFT - Toggle Hud
UP - Sniper Zoom
START - Pause
SQUARE - Previous Weapon
CIRCLE - Next Weapon
X - Action
L1 - Aim
L2 - Crouch
L3 (LEFT ANALOG BUTTON) - Centre View / Move or Turn
R1 - Reload
R2 - Fire
R3 (RIGHT ANALOG BUTTON) - Reload / Look or Strafe

[Custom Configuration]

Gives you the opportunity to set up the controls to how YOU like it!

iv. Audio

You have a choice on which sound effects, music you want and whether you want
the audio in Mono, Stereo or Dolby Surround

v. Difficulty

You have three different difficulties in which you choose.

Easy -> If you're a wimp (like me), you can play it on easy! This means that
the player is a skilled marksman and can heal fully between missions. It also
means that the enemies are new recruits, with not much experience in fighting!

Normal -> Harder then easy (who would of guessed that?). Players and enemies
are evenly matched and some (but not all) healing occurs between missions.

Hard -> This is proper war! Your enemies are truly dangerous and no healing
occurs between levels (just like in real life).

vi. Subtitles

Either choose to have subtitles on or off during the game when a particular
person is talking.



i. MISSION 1: Your Finest Hour

You start of the game in a ship filled with about eight other squad members.
You are known as Lt. Patterson, so when your allies say that name, they know
that they are revering to you! You are constantly under attack from enemies who
are shooting at you. Your boat then gets destroyed as you head to shore. You
and your fellow allies are forced to get off the boat and swim underwater to
reach the shore. Enemy fields are still continuously shooting at you.

- Meet The Captain on Shore
- Rescue 4 Pinned Down Squad Members
- Rejoin Squad at Shingle Embankment
- Rescue Engineer at End of Embankment
- Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

[Meet The Captain on Shore]
This objective is pretty simple. You start off on the edge of the sea with the
shore insight. You then head slightly to the left where you can see the boat
that has been destroyed and ruined. Standing there is your captain. As you
approach the boat, you can hear your captain calling you to get over there.

[Rescue 4 Pinned Down Squad Members]
For this objective, you have to help out your fellow squad members. They are
either hiding in creators (the big holes in the ground), or behind obstacles
(those kind of star things that seem to be everywhere). Whenever a squad member
needs help, they will shout out to you to get over there. When you have found
someone to help out, you are then required to shoot at the enemies from where
you're positioned. Make sure you use the aim function when firing at the
enemies and aim for the flashing yellow lights ahead of you. You will need to
do this for four members. Every time you rescue a squad member, a message will
be displayed at the top of the screen. Make sure you pick up extra health
should you need it. The extra health is lying on the shore of the beach.

[Rejoin Squad at Shingle Embankment]
You now need to move as forward as you can until you reach the barbed wire,
which prevents you from going any further. You must meet your fellow squad
members in the middle of the embankment.

[Rescue Engineer at End of Embankment]
Head to the far right of the beach and you see the engineer in this kind of
container. Go behind him and start shooting towards the enemy field. Then as
he begins to move, follow him, but continue shooting at the enemies when
possible. The engineer will head to the middle of the embankment and will plant
explosives next to the barbed wire to make a gap so you and your fellow squad
members can get through it. As he does that, make sure you stand well back.

[Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker]
Now go through that gap in the barbed wire that the engineer has just made. Run
towards the left tower and meet up with your fellow squad members.

[Cross the minefield and man machine gun]
You now have to run across a mind field and take control of the machine gun. I
suggested you get across the mind field as quickly as you can and once you get
to the end of it, you will find a trench (that's the hole in the ground with the
two grey walls either side). Shoot the person in front of you, then take a
right and proceed forward. Shoot the other guy in your way and climb the
ladder. Then once you have climbed the ladder, press the 'action' button to
take control of the machine gun.

[Destroy MG Nests on Ridge]
Now you need to destroy the MG Nests that are on top of the hill. They are in-
between the two towers ahead of you.

[Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench]
Still using the machine gun, look down towards the trench and your see about
three enemy soldiers down there. Shoot them with your machine gun. Then some
more enemy soldiers will come running towards you. When you have shoot all the
enemy soldiers, go back down to the trench and wait for your fellow members to
cross the minefield. Then you have completed the level! WELL DONE :D!

ii. MISSION 2: Into the Breach

- Clear Machine Gun Bunker
- Destroy Radio Link to Upper Gun Deck
- Find Smoke Grenades
- Clear both Gun Decks
- Mark Gun Deck with Smoke Grenade

[Clear Machine Gun Bunker]
You begin this level in exactly the same place as you left the last. In the
Trenches! You still have enemy soldiers from above firing at you. Before your
start, your captain will give you a run through on what is needed to be done.
Your first task is to stop the enemies behind a machine gun shooting at you so
you can enter the bunker. Watch as one of your fellow members gets shot by it
as he attempts to enter it. The best way to do this is to keep to the left hand
side of the machine gun. Then when you have a chance, shoot the barrels below
the machine gun to cause a big explosion and the enemies will stop shooting at
you. However, I found that there are still enemy soldiers around the machine
gun area, so you will have to take care of them to pass this objective. Now
enter the bunker. If you didn't shoot the barrels on the last objective, you
will have to now, otherwise you will not be able to get through. Make sure you
stand well back when shooting the barrels as they cause an explosion. Now make
your way along the bunker on the first floor. Go right around shooting any men
in your progress. You will then see to your right that there are two men just
by the machine gun. Ensure that you shoot them.

[Destroy Radio Link to Upper Gun Deck]
Now turn around the other way and head to the end, then go left. Shoot the
enemy that is in front of you and then go left. Then right up the stairs. You
are now in this narrow corridor. You will then find another flight of stairs
with an enemy soldier at the top. Shoot him and climb up the stairs. When you
have reached the top, go right and right again. You will then see the control
room. Shoot the device that is too the far right of you when you look straight

[Find Smoke Grenades]
Come out of the control room, go left and right round the corner, through the
two holes that lead to different rooms. Then go up the ladder, which is on
your left. When you have reached the top, shoot the enemy that is sitting down
on the floor and proceed forward. Now keep going forward past the ladder and
into an old corridor. Keep going forward shooting any enemies that you come
across. Now you reach a room, with plenty of boxes. Keep proceeding forward
and you will head into another old corridor. Then you head into another storage
room. Kill the two enemies sitting on the floor by shooting the barrel either
side of them. Now you will enter another part of the old corridor and then
straight ahead your be able to see another room with enemies shooting at you.
Keep going straight ahead (till the end) and then go right and you will find the
storage room where the smoke grenades are located.

[Clear Both Gun Decks]
Come out the storage room and go left. Then go left again but be aware that
there is often an enemy soldier shooting behind you, so make sure that you are
aware of him. Then go left again and up the ladder. Once you are at the top of
the ladder. Go straight ahead and keep going straight ahead till you find a
grey door, which is shut. Head towards it and press the 'action' button to open
it. You are now on top of the right hand tower. Enemy soldiers are using
machine guns to shoot below. Make sure you shoot these enemies. Now you have
cleared the first gun deck. Start shooting at the enemies on the other tower
and a plane will come and drop a bomb at them, eliminating them.

[Mark Gun Deck with Smoke Grenade]
Now you must plant a smoke grenade on the tower that you are already on. In the
centre of it, there is a red cube, with the lines apart. Get close to it and
press the 'action' button. Now get out of they're quickly through the door and
go left, then go right. You will see that a door is open ahead of you. Go
through that and you will find that you are in some trenches again. Now go left
and right to meet your captain and fellow recruits. Your captain will talk to
you saying that you done a good job.



i. MISSION 3: Seaside Stowaway

If you have already played the demo, then this level will be familiar with you
as it is practically the same as the demo. The only thing that's different is
that there isn't a 15 minute limit :).

- Collect Resistant Drop at Insertion Point
- Man Machine Gun in Church Tower
- Secure Submarine Refuelling Roster
- Breach Wall to Docks
- Locate submarine fuelling docks
- Stow Away in Cargo Crate

[Collect Resistant Drop at Insertion Point]
As you begin the level, look to the right and you will see some boxes. You will
also come across a small white box on the ground. Press the 'action' button to
collect it.

[Man Machine Gun in Church Tower]
Now go forward and you will see one of your fellow recruit's trucks going past.
It will then crash! Get behind it and press the 'action' button. Now shoot all
the enemies about. NB: Don't shoot your own men (that is the men in yellow
suits). Shoot the men in grey suits. Ensure that you get the enemies that are
hiding behind boxes. Some are hiding in rooms. Now move forward and you will
see a car on fire. Wait there! A plane will come and drop a bomb on to the
ground. This will take out many of your enemies, but it won't take out all of
them. Ensure that you kill all your enemies around before you proceed further.
Then go to the end and on the left down a small alleyway, you will see two
medical canteens. Pick them up if you need it. Then head back in the opposite
direction and take the next right. You are heading into this building that has
been partly destroyed. Go the end until you can go no further. Then crawl
under the hole. Now when you get to the end, you will find that a tank is
continuously shooting at you and your fellow recruits. My best suggestion on
how to get past it is to leg it (run as fast as you can). Go past the tank and
head straight ahead. Try to ensure that you don't get caught up when a plane
drops bombs down towards the tank in an attempt to destroy it. As you run
ahead, you will see a church, which has been partly blown up. Head into that!
Then go round to the left of it and you will see a ladder. Climb to the very
top of it. Then take control of the Machine gun and shoot any of the enemy
soldiers that are below you.

[Secure Submarine Refuelling Roster]
Once you have shot all the enemies, go back down the bottom and out of the
church. There may be still some enemies around, so ensure that you kill them
then go right. There are some rooms on the left, which has some extra ammo and
health. Pick them up. Go Right and then go to the end where you can't go any
further. Go left and you end up in this room with two bits of wood covering the
exit. Shoot the enemy soldiers that you can see that are beyond these bits of
wood. You will then see a hole to the left. Crawl under it and continue to the
next area. How head right and go through that gap. Then you will have to go
right again (you can't go left because there is a destroyed tanker in your way).
Then turn left into a room. You will have to crawl from now into a little hole.
Keep following it around until you end up in another room. Kill the guard in it
and get the chart that is on the wall to the right of where the guard was

[Breach Wall to Docks]
Now walk outside. To the left, you will see that you are the other side of the
tank. There are enemies taking control of machine. Fortunately, your allies
take control of these people, so you don't need to. To the left you will see a
room, with a few barrels. Shoot the barrels. Make sure you are a few feet back
as this will cause an explosion and you don't want to be mixed up in it.

[Locate submarine fuelling docks]
The explosion will cause a hole in the wall. Go through it, and you will see
that you are in similar surroundings to what you were at the beginning of this
level. You then have the opportunity to go left or go right. Go right. As you
walk ahead, you will see to the right that there is an enemy guard taking
control of a machine gun. Shoot him dead and take control of that machine gun
by pressing the 'action' button. Now shoot all the enemies that are in front of
you with the machine gun. Ensure that you shoot all of them, because there is
another machine gun at the other end and you don't want to get caught up in that
otherwise you will lose a large chunk of your health. You can do it by taking
on all the men using your own weapons, but it makes life a lot more difficult
and you often lose more risk, but if you like a challenge, do it that way. Now
once they are all dead, go forward and you will see a lorry. Head towards it!

[Stow Away in Cargo Crate]
Now behind the lorry, you will see a few barrels and boxes. Head to the right
hand side of these barrels and walk forward towards them. Mission complete!

ii. MISSION 4: Special Cargo

- Sabotage U-boat engines
- Set Explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
- Disable Radio Communications
- Set explosives in Fore Torpedo Room
- Find Enigma Code Book

[Sabotage U-boat engines]
OK, you start this level in a crate. Towards you, you see a number of enemies
at work. They have not yet noticed you, but they will once you open the door to
the crate, so be careful. Open the door using the 'action' button and shoot
them dead! Head forward towards the next room. Open the door by pressing
'action'. You can hear two enemies around the corner speaking in German so be
careful. And be careful to the right and some idiot you start punching you in
the toilet area. Now go round the corner and take care of the men shooting at
you. Be careful as you go into that room as some men may just pop up to your
surprise. Now you are in the kitchen. Shoot the man to the right and then
shoot the fat chef. Make sure you shoot him quickly as he throws knifes at you,
and they do take away a large chunk of your health. Now as you go out of the
kitchen you will notice that the steamer as set off. To the right you will see
there is a big red valve. Press action to turn it, and it will stop the
steaming. Now ahead of you, you will see some enemies shooting at you. Knock
'em dead, and now start to crawl. You won't be able to go straight, so go left
under the steaming pipes and then go right. Shoot the person ahead of you and
you will see there is another red valve ahead. Again press 'action' to turn it.
Now turn round and take the NEXT left where you will see another valve. Turn
that one again by pressing the 'action' again. Now this has turned off all the
steaming which means you will now be able to get the next room. Take the next
three lefts from that valve, press 'action' to open the door. Now be careful as
there will be about four or five men on the other side waiting to shoot at you!
Keep going forward and you will see a flashing red cube shape in the centre of
the barrel. Walk up to it and press the 'action' button to plant the
explosives. As you plant the explosives, take a few steps back! The engines
have now been disabled.

[Set Explosives in Aft Torpedo Room]
To the right of that barrel that you have just blown up, you will see a little
hole in which you can get through. Press 'crawl' to go through it. When you
have reached a dead end, look to your left and you will see a ladder. Climb up
it to the top. You will hear enemies' soldiers talking in German when you reach
the top. Now you are behind a metal gate, and the only way to get past it is to
shoot you. Be careful, when you shoot the metal bar, the enemies will hear you
and come running towards you! As you walk forward, to the left, you will see
another one of these red cube shapes next to some missiles. Walk towards it and
press the 'action' button to set the explosives. Now these won't go off just
yet, because they are timed explosives, so you can proceed forward without

[Disable Radio Communications]
You hear the captain speaking to his men about the engines not working and that
his men must report to the engine room. Now press 'action' to open the door. A
small suggestion is to get the MP40 gun loaded and ready before you do this as
you will be greeted with about eight men on the other side that aren't your best
friends! Now ahead towards the door and open it. You will hear two enemies
speaking to one another. Wait until they have finished speaking to each other
then shoot 'em. Now, you go through another door and you can see someone in the
control room where the Radio Communications are. Shoot him and now shoot the
controls towards you to disable the radio communications.

[Set explosives in Fore Torpedo Room]
Now go out of there and go until you can go no further, shooting any men you see
in the process. At the end, you will see another red cube shape flashing at
you. Go towards it and press the 'action' button again to plant the explosives.

[Find Enigma Code Book]
Now turn around and go back and you will head into these cupboards. Straight
ahead of you, you will be able to see a bedroom. Head towards that. Then press
the 'action' bedroom to open the cabinet. Now look to your left to get the
enigma book, which is inside the cabinet.

Now go out of there and head in the direction you were before to get the Enigma
book, through the radio communications location. When you head into the next
room, you will see a ladder to your right. Climb up it and your mission is

iii. MISSION 5: Eye of the Storm

- Find Resistance Weapons Cache
- Find Rooftop Hatch near U-boat Pen 2
- Destroy Supply Trucks
- Acquire Development Roster
- Infiltrate Wet Docks Facility

[Find Resistance Weapons Cache]
You begin the mission behind a few boxes. Creep forward and you will see two
men. Shoot 'em! Now head forward. Keep heading forward till you can't go any
further. Then go left. Kill the person who is shooting at you. Then go left
again past the lorry and you will see some stairs to the right. Climb up them.
Just as you reach the top, you will see a ladder. Climb up it! When you get to
the top, watch out for the guy who is shooting you to your left. There is also
a guy ahead who is shooting at you. Now go forward across the railing to the
roof of the next building. On the right, you will see a small white box on the
ground. Go up to it, and press the 'action' button.

[Find Rooftop Hatch near U-boat Pen 2]
Now go back the same way as you came from, shooting the enemies to the right of
you. I suggest you use an Springfield '03 gun to shoot them as you can aim
better, seeming as they are some way away. Go down the ladder and then down the
stairs. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, go straight ahead. There are
about six enemies that are ahead of you. Some are behind boxes, so you won't
seem them until you get closer. Once again, use the Springfield '03 gun to
shoot them. Now go right and to the left, you will see a ship, with two enemies
using machine guns to shoot you. Make sure you shoot both of them as when one
of them is dead, the other takes over the machine gun. Now walk forward and
take the next right. You will see two or three more enemy soldiers shooting at
you. They may be hiding behind boxes again. Make sure you shoot them. Then go
to the end and go left and go down the stairs. Keep going and then you will
find there is a right hand corner. Be careful as there are eight enemy soldiers
ready to destroy you! Use the Springfield '03 gun again to get better aim.
Ensure you don't forget to shoot the guy at the top of the stairs. Now go up
those stairs and shoot the two men at the top. Now proceed forward. If you
look up, your be able to see a guy on the roof shooting at you. To the left you
will be able to see a train. Go to the far side of the train and go left.
Towards you, you can see some stairs. Before them, shoot the two men coming
towards you and shoot the person on top of the stairs. Now go up the stairs and
over the train. Then come down the stairs at the other end. Head forward,
making sure that you watch out for even more gangsters, which are hiding in old
door ways. To the right, there will be a ladder. Head up it. Just before you
get to the top, look up! You see a person to the left shooting. Shoot him
before you get to the top. Now you are on the top of the roof. Now head right
going across the railings from roof to roof killing any enemies in the way until
you reach the end. You will see a hole in the ground. Go down that.

[Acquire Development Roster]
Shoot the enemies that are below you and head down to the bottom. Now head
through the door. Keep going straight on through the stack of boxes. Now keep
going straight on until you reach the end. You find you are between some
railing lines. When you have got to that bit, go right. Now keep going and to
the right you will see three trucks. However, you will also have about 10
people shooting at you. My suggestion is to go up to each of these trucks and
press the 'action' button. This will plant the explosives and will make the
trucks explode! This will take out a large percentage of the men. Now shoot
the rest that are not dead. The door to the garage will open when the lorries
explode! Go through it and go right to an office. Kill the enemy that is in
there and pick up the development roster that is on his desk.

[Destroy Supply Trucks]
You have already destroyed three of the four trucks, but there is still one more
to destroy. You have to pick up the Development Roster before that comes. Go
out the way you came back in and you will see it to your left. Be careful
though as more men will come after you when you head outside. Now head to the
truck and place an explosion on it by pressing 'action'. Stand back as it gets

[Infiltrate Wet Docks Facility]
You will find that part of the edge will fall onto the crates that were by the
truck. Get up there by going behind the crates on the opposite side to where
the last truck was. Jump onto the crates and walk across the edge to the other
side of the wall.

iv. MISSION 6: A Chance Meeting

- Sabotage Engines in Research Facility
- Acquire Engine Blueprints
- Infiltrate U-boat Bunker
- Destroy All U-boats
- Blow Up Fuel Depot
- Find Dock Gates

[Sabotage Engines in Research Facility]
You start of this mission in the same place as you left the last. Jump down
onto the ground and go right. At the end go left and get past the two ememies
that are shooting at you. Now ahead of you, you will be able to see a train.
Be careful, as there are about eight men shooting at you at once. I would try
and stay behind the two walls and wait for some of the men to pop out infront
you, otherwise you will find you are seriously outnumbered. Ensure that you get
the men on the train, and there is even an enemy on the roof. There are also
some that are in the carriages and will pop up suddenly. When you have killed
all the men, head left towards the opposite end of the train. An alternative to
killing the enemies is to head along the right handside of the train. After you
walk past the last carriage with a shelter, there is a leaver! Pull the leaver
and the two carriages without a shelter will seperate from the others and move
forward. Now go towards the left hand side of these two boxes and jump up on
top of them. Then jump on top of the carriage and take control of the machine
gun that is avaliable to you. As well as beating the opponents around the train
area, it will also help you destroy some of your opponents that are beyond the
double gates that are ahead of you. When you can't see any more enemies ahead
of you, get off the carriage and head through the double gates and look to the
right. You will see a truck and you will also see an enemy shooting on the
trailer part of it. Shoot him dead and head towards that truck! Head on top of
the trailer and getting any resources you may need. Now get off the truck and
keep heading north, and make sure you keep well to the right, next to the
houses. Keep going until you can go no further. This is the best way so you
don't get caught up with the person who is using a machine gun to shoot at you.
Now turn about 135° to your left and shoot the remaining men that are infront of
you. Keep aheading forward shooting any men that you come across. Then go left
and shoot the men infront of you. Watch out for the one shooting from the roof.
Now go right and head around the other side of the train and shoot the men that
are hanging about at the station beyond you. Now walk forward and get onto that
station. Now go through the corridor shooting anyone who gets in your way. You
will come to a door and to the right, you will see someone with a right coat.
Shoot him before he notices you. You will also have about three other people to
shoot. Now go left and to the far end of the room. Now there are two rows
where the are engines. Locate your self in the middle of these engines. Jump
on the step and on the left hand engines, a red cube will pop up across each
engine you past. Press 'Action' and then move on to the next one then the next
one. Then jump on to the step and hide around the left hand corner where there
is a door as not to get caught up with the explosions.

[Acquire Engine Blueprints]
When the explosion happens, that door will open and out will come some enemies.
Get past them and go through the door and follow the corridor round. When you
can't go no further, you will see to the right there is a door that is shut. So
go in the opposite direction to your left. Shoot the bloke in a white coat and
pick up the blueprints. They are wrapped up in a kind of tube shape on the
table on the right hand side.

[Infiltrate U-boat Bunker]
The door behind you (the one that was originally shut will now open) and shoot
the men that come towards you and go through it. Follow the corridor round and
you will end up in some kind of engine room. There are a lot of people to take
care off, so be careful. There are also men shooting from the railings to the
right of you. You can go up those railings if you want if you are running low
of health. But if you decide not to then go through the double doors that is
infront of you and go up the stairs. Now go left and to your right, you will
see a metal bar. Shoot it, crouch down and go through it. You will hear some
enemies talking in German about their strategy. Go to the end on the
underground tunnel and to the left, you will come across another metal bar.
Shoot it and crawl out of the tunnel. You will have someone shooting to the
right so take care of him. Go round the edge on top of the balcony and till you
can go no further and then go through the corridor which is to your right. Then
go left and right. You will have men in white coats again shooting at you and
one in a black uniform. Go to your left and turn of the alarm by pressing the
'action' button. Then if you turn around, you will see a little leaver. Go up
to it and press the 'action' button. This will blow up the boat that is below

[Blow Up Fuel Depot]
Now head back in the way you just came from. You will have more enemies to take
care of once you have caused that explosion. Now go left and go through the
door that is open infront of you. Go down the stairs and head left. You will
now be in the area where you blew up that ship. Go round to the far end of the
ship and go right. To your right, you will see the ship that has been blown up.
Take out any enemies that interfene. Now go up the stairs that are to your
left. Follow the corridor round shooting the the bloke in a white uniform. Up
the stairs and now you are in the location where the other boat is. Shoot the
enemies that are around it and get off the balcony by going down the ladder that
is to your left. Now go forward and to the right, you will see some railings
that leads to the ship. Go on it and to the right, and you will see a 'Deck
Gun'. Now the doors to your right will open and men will start shooting at you.
Use the deck gun to shoot 'em dead. Through those doors you will see the fuel
depot towards the top of the screen. Blow that up!

[Destroy All U-boats]
To the right there is a kind of haystack. Ensure you blow that up with your
'deck gun' otherwise you will not be able to destroy the other boat. There is
also a man with a white suit on, but you will have to use your own armor to kill
him. Now go back the way you originally came to get on the boat and when you
get off the railing, go right and follow the boat round. Go through the door
with the metal wire around it. Go right onto the railing so you end up on the
boat. Then when you are on the boat, place the device by pressing 'action'.
Now quickly get off the boat, go back the way you came and go through the doors
on your right, so your well away from the boat. Wait for it to explode. If you
are still in the builiding when the boat explodes, you will lose all your health
and you will die, so be very careful and be quick.

[Find Dock Gates]
Now go through the gates that are infront of you. Mission Complete!


(Taken from the Instruction Booklet)

a. Pistols

Colt. 45 ¦ 3 ¦ 20 p/min ¦ 84 ¦ 7

Walther ¦ 3 ¦ 70 p/min ¦ 9 ¦ 8

Webley & Scott ¦ 3 ¦ 56 p/min ¦ 10 ¦ 7
Slienced Pistol

b. Rifles

M1 Grand ¦ 2 ¦ 80 p/min ¦ 12 ¦ 8

Springfield '03 ¦ 1 ¦ 25 p/min ¦ 16 ¦ 5

STG 44 ¦ 3 ¦ 240 p/min ¦ 10 ¦ 30

BAR ¦ 3 ¦ 140 p/min ¦ 10 ¦ 20

Gewehr ¦ 1 ¦ 50 p/min ¦ 16 ¦ 10

c. Sub-Machine Guns

MP40 ¦ 3 ¦ 256 p/min ¦ 6 ¦ 32

Thompson ¦ 3 ¦ 100 p/min ¦ 6 ¦ 20

d. Grenades

Mark II Frag ¦ N/A ¦ N/A ¦ Exp. ¦ N/A

Stielhandgran.. ¦ N/A ¦ N/A ¦ Exp. ¦ N/A

e. Heavy Weapons

Shotgun ¦ N/A ¦ 48 p/min ¦ 5-75 ¦ 8

Bazooka ¦ 1 ¦ 20 p/min ¦ Exp. ¦ 1

Panzerschreck ¦ 1 ¦ 20 p/min ¦ Exp. ¦ 1

(Taken from the Instruction Booklet)

If you perform well enough over a mission or over a period of time, you may be
eligible for one of the following medals;

a. Mission Medals

- Army Commendation Medal (Recieved after getting Gold Stars on ALL Level 2
- Soldier's Medal
- Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross
- Legion of Merit
- Distinguished Service Flying Cross
- Army Distinguished Service Medal (Recieved after getting Gold Stars on ALL
Level 1 Missions)

At the end of each level, you always getting a bronze, silver or gold star for
that level. To achieve these stars you must;

Bronze Star -> Complete the whole level.
Silver Star -> Complete the whole level + Neutralise 95% of enemies.
Gold Star -> Complete the whole level + Neutralise 95% of enemies + Maintain 75%
of health.

b. End of Game Medals

Once you have finished the game, you earn a medal based on your performance on
all the missions. You may receive a Distinguished Service Cross. This medal is
awarded to a soldier for any act of heroism that is so extraordinary as to set
that individual apart from the comrades.

These are the features I hope to add in the very near future
- Walkthroughs (Lvls 6-19).
- Cheats (Including Passwords).
- YOUR Questions (so get them sent in).
- Any glitches that occur in the game.
- More info on the medals
- More statistics on the weapons and which weapons you can get on a particular

- Electronic Arts (For Making this game)
- To all the sites that are using this FAQ
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Portuguese Walkthrough

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Demo Walkthrough

17.Octombrie 2013
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