Moorhuhn 3

Moorhuhn 3

17.10.2013 11:14:16
MOORHUHN 3 bonuses and secrets explanation guide v1.0
by PantheR,

II. Events and secrets
III. Game bonuses


This guide is absolutely free and may be distributed freely among all the
global web $) Use it on your own risk ! Gwa ha ha!
I beg my pardon for all of those horrible mEstakes i've made on english ;)
And the last one - if you have some info for me on this game send it to
my e-mail.

Game Requirements:
Processor - Pentium 233 MHz
Op Memory - 64 MB RAM
Graph Card - DirectX-compatible with 2 MB memory chip
Sound Card - DirectX-compatible card
OS - Windows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP

Version history:
v1.0 - The first one!

II. Events and secrets
1. HENS. This item contains the information on the main heroes of game.
Here all as always: for near hen 5 points, for average -10, for distant -25.
But, for the especially perverted and advanced players I offer to became a
real sadist for a poor hens. For this purpose shoot 5 times before "nose" of
the hen and the birdy will not sustain it - fall to the ground because of
break of heart. It is possible and to not shoot at all at the hens, then at
the end of a session of game to be highlighted an inscription MOORHUHNFRIEND,
that the friend Moorhuhn "and 250 completely not superfluous points means ".
Kill for game 50 or more hens to receive the deserved inscription
MOORHUHNKILLER and together with it 100 bonus points.
2. DUCKS. Ducks is some novelty in game, for hits in them the points do
not summarizing, as we have got used, and substracting, and in geometrical
progression. In game this bird named simple Lesshuhn. So in what the reason?
Why the points for it are taken away? All is simple: Lesshuhn-especially
rare breed of ducks, which is on the verge of disappearance and is brought
in " the Red Book ". Mine to you advice: do not abuse with hits in this bird.
3. "KNOCKING BIRD". This bird can fill up your points stock. But it can be
made with a different degree of efficiency. For a shot on it - 25 points, for
a shot in last 5 seconds - 50 points.
4. SHARK. The hit in a shark guarantees to you 25 points and occurrence of
a plenty of fishes.
5. FISH. You receive for each fish 5 points. For 5 with succession killed
by you fishes you receive a proud inscription FISHKILLER.
6. TURTLE. In game the turtle on the first sight is similar to a stone. To
distinguish her it is possible by two ways:
1) To shoot her and to find out, that from yours stock 25 points were lowered.
2) To determine on appearance and to not shoot at her. There is a question:
whether It is possible to kill this turtle? Certainly it is possible, but for
this purpose are necessary special ammo with the mysterious name 1A AMMO.
Having received these ammo you should wait, while the turtle will pull out a
head and strike precisely in the target, for what to you the award 50 points.
7. RABBIT & PRICKLY BEAST. These heroes meet in this game for the first time.
They can bring to you enough plenty of points:
1) Or 25 point for everyone.
2) Or 100 points for two. To receive 100 points it is necessary: at the moment
of time 0:31 second in the left part of the screen "catch" them and kill
rabbit at first , well and then this prickly beast.
8. LURKING BIRD. This bird is hidden in a wood, in the right part of a game
field, for hit in it 30 points.
9. DRIED TREE. For hits in leaves on this tree it is possible to receive
points, and also for hit in "skin" of a tree. On identification marks it is
possible to determine, where lays Moorhuhn treasure. Look in item "TREASURE"
for more details.
10. HUNTERS HUT. In this house lives your partner - hunter which sometimes
helps and sometimes prevents you in your hard business. Having shot on windows
of a house you receive a minus 25 points, but 10 additional seconds and there
are a lot of hens, each of which till 25 points. (Also he will start to act in
the game with its AIM). Take some more hits on windows of a house and light
will lit up. Having extinguished all light by shots is received 50 points.
11. TREE IN THE WOOD. This tree settles down in a wood. It differs with the
splendour and height. Shoot in it with usual ammo (25 points), armor piercing
(50 points), 1A AMMO (100 points).
12. STONES. Stones in Moorhuhn at all innovation. They were in Moorhuhn2 and
Moorhuhn WE. But their purpose has not changed: beating out all stones gives
you armor piercing ammo.
13. SHIP. There is a ship stands here not simply so. It is possible to
receive 200 points for it. It is necessary to do some things:
1) To receive armor piercing ammo (see previous item).
2) To kill 8 fishes in succession.
3) To wait while the ship will sail and to shoot it by 8 shots. SHIPKILLER and
200 points worthy award for it.
14. LEAVES ON A TREE. Every shotted leave gives to you 1 point. But not all
so simple: some of them have bonuses - both positive and negative.
15. BOAT. In the beginning we shoot on a boat three times. After the boat
will finish the way we must drown it with the several shots (50 points).
16. STUPID FROG. In last versions the creators of game create so-called
"quick heroes". You must use all of your force to hit this one. Now the
character of these heroes in 3rd version is frog. She is killed as follows:
1) We kill a shark and after it - 15 fishes in succession.
2) We receive armor piercing ammo.
3) We receive "green" ammo, or 1A AMMO.

III. Game Bonuses
Leaves table(the number of leaves - from left to right):

1 GIMMEAMMO 12 ammo in your weapon
2 TIME OUT Time counts to 0:09, and then sets to normal again
3 -100 You know it :)
4 DISCOUNT ?????
5 GENESIS Fish flow increases
6 MINUS/PLUS BAD… all plus-like points goes to minus and reverse
7 10 RULEZ All hits gives +10/-10
9 ANTIGRAV Killed birds flies up
10 BIG BONUS +1 to hitted flower
11 TRY TO HIT ME Hens avoiding your aim
11 HEAVY METAL "armored" hens - double amount of points for hens
11 MOORHUHN COUNT +(amount of killed huhns * 2)
11 HEBEL -100
11 EVERYTHING COUNTS + points that grabbed your little helper-hunter
11 FIVE MORE For each killed hen (+5) additional points
11 MORETIME +10 seconds
11 LESSMUN -2 ammo from your stock
11 -100 Again…
11 SLOWMO Slows down the game for a while
11 HURRY UP -5 seconds
12 TURBO MODE Speeds up the game
13 CRAZY Mouse buttons inverted
14 TIME AND MOOR +10 seconds
15 EXTENDED ?????
15 SUNDAY ?????flowers gone???
15 FAMOU S ?????
15 MIX ?????
15 FUNNY ?????
16 LEAF BONUS +10 for each leaf
17 TIME IS MONEY +1 for each second
18 ANTICLOCK Time goes backward
19 ROSWELL Hens teleport to nowhere if you point at them with aim for a while
20 FREEZE Hens a freezed in the air for a while
21 unnamed All eaves falling down
22 SUMMER Flowers gone…
23 COUNTDOWN Points for each killled hen is decreasing with each hit
23 GONE All hens are gone...
24 VIRTUAL5 All received point multiplied by 5 (if you will end the game with
this bonus active - all points will remain overwrise points will
count as usuals when this bonus gone)
25 MISSED IT ?????
26 CARPE DIEM +5 sec for each shotted flying baloon
27 BIG PENALTY ?????

Flowers table:

MORETIME +10 sec
FIVE MORE For each killed hen +5 points
LESSMUN -2 ammo from your stock
MOREMUN +2 ammo to your stock
TRY TO HIT ME Hens avoiding your aim
MOORHUHN COUNT +(amount of killed hens * 2)
HEAVY METAL "armored" hens - double points for hitted huhn
STRANGE NEW WORLD Inverted scroll of the screen
HEBEL -100
SLOWMO Game slow down
HURRY UP -5 sec
JAM SESSION Your weapon is jammed for a while :(
EVERYTHING COUNTS All hens hitted by the helper-hunter counts to your score
GIMMEAMMO 12 ammo to your stock
CATCH THE SEED +50 after 10th flower
CAUGHT THE SEED +50 after 20th flower
CARPE DIEM +5 sec for every shotted flying baloon
BIG BONUS +1 for each flower hit
MINUS/PLUS BAD… all plus-like points goes to minus and reverse
10 RULEZ Al hits +10/-10
ANTIGRAV Killed hens flies up
TURBO MODE Speed up the game
CRAZY Invert mouse buttons (+5 more points for shotted hens)
TIME IS MONEY For each sec (+1)
LEAF BONUS For each leaf (+10)
ROSWELL Hens teleport (ook in upper table for details)
COUNTDOWN Next killed hen brings 25, 24, ... 0 points, then -1, -2, ...
JUST KIDDING Time returns to normal, some new hens arriving
TIME OUT Time return to 0:09
NERVOUS Crazy aim :)
LOSER Total gameover
TICK TACK Time not showed but it's running
VIRTUAL 5 Look upper table for details…
INVISIBLE Aim is invisible for a while
SUMMER No more flowers…
SUNDAY ?????
FAMOUS ?????
FUNNY ?????

1. Heard that in game there are 3 kinds of ammo, what behind they?
Standart, AP, green -1 AMMO
The comparative characteristic:
- Standard you receive right at the beginning of game -5 for reload
- AP allow to flood the ship, boat, high tree in a wood receive (+50) instead
of (+25), price for reload - 7
- 1 AMMO bonus ammo

2. How i will receive 1A AMMO?
To receive them it is necessary to bring down 10 fishes and to receive bonus -
TRIPLE KILL (for this purpose it is necessary during two seconds to bring down
3 hens).

3. Is there any new ways to destroy the boat?
If the treasure in the left rock - the part of a rock will destroy the boat
(+100 points).

4. What the hell treasure is?How i will get it?
The map of treasures is on a tree. It is necessary shoot in a tree and you
will know where to search treasures. Rocks there are symbolically drawn
and one of a bottom is designated by a cross (left, central, right). Now you
need to get 1 AMMO and in fight!!

5. What about leaves on a tree?
Various bonues... A code leaf is 3rd shooted. For an activation of any bonus
is nessecary to brought down 7 leaves.

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Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013
Bonuses and Secrets Explanation Guide by PantheR
Engl. Leitfaden

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