Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 18:41:47

Ragnarok Online Beta 2
Secondary Classes Skill List

Translation: ZephyrJK
Email: ZephyrJK@yahoo.com
Date: 23 June 2002

Translator Note:
The following information regarding Ragnarok Online Beta 2 was taken and
translated from the following Japanese site:

The information is subject to changes as RO is still in its Beta stage.
The information may not apply to English/International services when they are

I hope I didn't make too much mistakes from a 3-4 hours straight translation
process... x_X (<-- almost brain dead again). I have tried to stick as close
to the information in the Japanese version as much as possible, but my Japanese
is not all that good to begin with (but it'll get by... no one can tell right)


Do not email me regarding anything about this faq, I just did the translation.
I don't know what 1st level skills are retained, etc etc.
So if you spam me, I'll hate you forever and curse your name whenever I see you
on RO or GameFaqs board! (ok, just kidding ^,~)

Only contact me for corrections or copy right/distro issue.

Requirement: Job Level 40
Location: Prontera, Culvert Sign Up Building
Pecopeco Rental: 2500z for the Prontera Knight Army

- Spear Mastery
* Type: Spear
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Knight Skills
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10
Increase Spear Attack damage:
- Normal: + Skill-Level x4
- Pecopeco: + Skill-Level x5
Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.
- ie. with Skill Level 1, a spear attack will do at least 4 damage.

- Pierce
* Type: Spear
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: 7 SP
* Pre-requisite: Spear Mastery Lv1
* Limitation: Spear only
* Max Level: 10
Spear attacking skill.
Multiple hits to larger enemies:
- Small: 1 Hit
- Medium: 2 Hits
- Large: 3 Hits
Attack power bases on Skill-Level:
- 100% + Skill-Level x10%

- Brandish Spear
* Type: Spear
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Trusting(Cavalier Mastery?) Lv3
Riding Lv1
* Limitation: Spear only, Pecopeco riding
* Max Level: ?
Using the Pecopeco's power to do a roundhouse splash attack
(and Magnum Break?).

- Spear Stab
* Type: Spear
* Target: 1 Enemy - Range
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Pierce Lv5
* Limitation: Spear only
* Max Level: ?
Thrust spear deep into enemy and push back to deal damage.

- Spear Boomerang
* Type: Spear
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Pierce Lv3
* Limitation: Spear only
(there was a reference to Pecopeco Riding only previously)
* Max Level: ?
Throw spear to enemy from a distance.
Spear is NOT consumed (ie. it'll return, hence boomerang), but will use SP.
Range is based on Skill-Level:
- (1 + Skill-Level x2) Cells

- Two Handed Quicken
* Type: Two Handed Sword
* Target: Immediate (Self) <-- similar to Endure
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Two Handed Sword Mastery Lv1
* Limitation: Two Handed Sword Only
* Max Level: ?
Increase Attack Speed within a given time frame.
This skill will be nullified when a non-Two Handed Sword is equiped.
ASPD increases to 200%

- Auto Counter
* Type: Two Handed Sword
* Target: Immediate (Self)
* Cost: 2 SP per counter
* Pre-requisite: Two Handed Sword Mastery Lv5
* Limitation: Two Handed Sword only
* Max Level: 5?
Enter Auto Counter Mode within a given time frame.
During this time, will counter if hit by an enemy
A non-conditional Critical Hit (not based on ATK or LUK) will be dealt.
Duration Time is based on Skill-Level:
- Skill-Level x 0.4 sec

- Bowling Bash
* Type: Two Handed Sword
* Target: 1 Enemy - Range
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Bash Lv10
Magnum Break Lv 3
Two Handed Sword Mastery Lv 5
Two Handed Quicken Lv10
Auto Counter Lv 5
* Limitation:
* Max Level: ?
Combo attack on 1 enemy that pushes enemy back and follows by Magnum Break
that will also hit surrounding enemies.

- Riding
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Endure Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable Pecopeco riding.

- Cavalier Mastery
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Riding Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 5 (above 5 unknown)
Initial Attack Speed while Pecopeco riding ois 40% of normal Attack Speed.
Aspd is based on Skill-Level:
- 50% + Skill-Level x10%

Requirement: Job Level 40
a Knife
Location: From Morroc: S, E, S, E, Assassin Guild Island
Ant Dungeon level 2 central entrance, on the right

- Right Hand Mastery
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Assassin Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 5
Increase right hand weapon attack power when using both hands.
Increase 50% of the original.

- Left Hand Mastery
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Assassin Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 5
Increase left hand weapon attack power when using both hands.
Increase 30% of the original.
Average Attack Speed when using both hands is x1.4.

- Katar Mastery
* Type: Katar
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Assassin Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Increase damage dealt with Katar.
Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.
Katar's Damage:
- Small: 75%
- Mediem: 100%
- Large: 75%
with 2 times the critial rate of normal weapons.

- Cloaking
* Type: Support
* Target: Self
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Hiding Lv2
* Limitation: Near walls or out of line of sight
* Max Level: 10?
Invisible when moving near walls.
Cancelled when away from walls.

- Sonic Blow
* Type: Katar
* Target: 1 Enemy?
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Katar Mastery Lv4
* Limitation: Katar only
* Max Level: 10?
A close combat 8 hit combo killer move.
Maximum attack power when mastered = 400%

- Grim Tooth
* Type: Katar
* Target: ?
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Cloaking Lv2
Sonic Blow Lv5
* Limitation: Hiding (Cloaking?)
* Max Level: ?
Attack with Katar during Hiding (Cloaking?).

- Enchant Poison
* Type: Poison
* Target: Player
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Envenom Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Add poison property to targetted player's weapon.

- Poison React
* Type: Poison
* Target: Player
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Enchant Poison Lv3
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 5
Give counter ability to targetted player when hitted by a poison attack.

- Venom Dust
* Type: Poison
* Target: Area
* Cost: Red Gemstone, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Enchant Poison Lv5
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Spread poison to add poison property to an area.

- Venom Splasher
* Type: Poison
* Target: ?
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Poison React Lv5 (Mastered)
Venom Dust Lv5
* Limitation: Enermy HP < 1/3
* Max Level: ?
Explode poison to surrounding monsters.
Affects enemies with HP < 1/3.

Requirement: ?
Location: ?

- Skid Trap
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell)
* Cost: Trap Item, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Hunter Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Make to skid in a desinated direction when stepped on.
Range is based on Skill-Level.

- Landmine
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell)
* Cost: Trap Item, SP10
* Pre-requisite: Basic Hunter Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 5
Deal explosive damage when stepped on.
Duration is based on Skill-Level.
- [200 - (Skill-Level -1) x40] sec

- Ankles Snare
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell)
* Cost: Trap Item, SP15
* Pre-requisite: Skid Trap Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Slow/Stop monsters for a duration of time when steppped on.
Effect on Boss monsters are 1/5 of that on normal monster.

- Flasher
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell)
* Cost: Trap Item, SP20
* Pre-requisite: Skid Trap Lv1
* Limitation: Not work on Boss and Plant monsters
* Max Level: 1?
Release bright flash that cause Darkness when stepped on.
Boss and Plant monsters are unaffected.

- Shockwave
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell)
* Cost: Trap Item x2, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Ankles Snare Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Reduce SP level bases on Trap level (?).

- Sandman
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell), 1 Enemy + Surrounding
* Cost: Trap Item, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Flasher Lv1
* Limitation: Not work on Boss monsters
* Max Level: 1?
Cause Sleep on enemy (and surrounding enemies) when stepped on.
Boss monsters are unaffected.

- Freezing Trap
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell), 1 Enemy
* Cost: Trap Item, SP20
* Pre-requisite: Flasher Lv1
* Limitation: Not work on Boss monsters
* Max Level: 1?
Cause Freeze and deal damage when stepped on.
Boss monsters are unaffected.

- Blast Mine
* Type: Trap - Fire
* Target: Land (1 Cell), 1 Enemy
* Cost: Trap Item, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Sandman Lv1
Freezing Trap Lv1
Landmine Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Trap will disappear after it is setup.
Self-destructive mine that will detonate after some time.

- Claymore Trap
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell), Multiple Enemies
* Cost: Trap Item x2, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Blast Mine Lv1
Shockwave Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Trap will disappear after it is setup.
Self-destructive mine that will detonate and surrounding enemies.

- Remove Trap
* Type: Trap
* Target: Trap
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Landmine Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Remove trap (^_^).

- Talkie Box
* Type: Trap
* Target: Land (1 Cell), Player
* Cost: Trap Item, SP1
* Pre-requisite: Remove Trap Lv1
Shockwave Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1?
Display message to any players that step on it.
Duration = 600 sec

- Beast Bane
* Type: Monster (<-- kind of like Demon Bane)
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Hunter Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Increase Attack power when combating animal type monsters (eg. Wolves).

- Falcon Mastery
* Type: Monster
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Beast Bane Lv1
* Limitation: Falcon
* Max Level: 1?
Enable Falcon renting from the Hunter Guild.
Falcon attack power is based on DEX and INT.

- Blitz Beat
* Type: Monster
* Target: 1 Enemy - Range
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Falcon Mastery Lv1
* Limitation: Falcon
* Max Level: 5
Consecutive Falcon attacks.
Effective Range is based on Skill-Level:
- 3 + Skill-Level
Hitting Range is based on Vulture's Eye.

- Steel Crow
* Type: Monster
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Blitz Beat Lv5
* Limitation: Falcon
* Max Level: 10?
Increase damage dealt with Falcon.
Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.

- Detecting
* Type: Monster
* Target: Passive?
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Falcon Mastery Lv1
Attention Concentrate Lv1
* Limitation: Falcon
* Max Level: 1?
Using Falcon to detect distant and hiding enemies.

- Spring Trap
* Type: Monster
* Target: Trap
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Falcon Mastery Lv1
Remove Trap Lv1
* Limitation: Falcon
* Max Level: 1?
Using Falcon to defuse trap.

Requirement: Jov Level 40
Location: Geffen Tower top level

- Fire Pillar
* Type: Fire
* Target: 9 Cells
* Cost: Blue Gemstone, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Firewall Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
A Fire pillar land mine that affect 9 Cells.

- Sight Rasher
* Type: Fire
* Target: Multiple Enemies
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Sight Lv1
Lighning Bolt Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Attack with the Sight Fireball.

- Meteor Storm
* Type: Fire
* Target: 7x7 Cells
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Thunder Storm Lv1
Sight Rasher Lv2
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Fire base combo attack with falling comets.
Number of comets is based on Skill-Level.
Long casting time penalty.

- Jupiter Thunder
* Type: Wind
* Target: 1 Enemy?
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Napham Beat Lv1
Lightning Bolt Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Lighning base attack that goes through objects between caster and target.

- Lord of Vermilion
* Type: Wind
* Target: Area (Full screen)
* Cost: 60 + (Skill Level -1) x4
* Pre-requisite:
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10
Wind base attack that affects large area.
Long casting time penalty.
Cast time decreases with Skill-Level up.

- Water Ball
* Type: Water
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Cold Bolt Lv1
Lighning Bolt Lv1
* Limitation: With body of water near by (eg. pond, river).
* Max Level: 10?
Water base attack.

- Ice Wall
* Type: Water (Defence)
* Target: Land, 5 Cells
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Frost Diver Lv1
Stone Curse Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Create wall of ice to trap enemy and block magic and long range(arrow) attack.
Can only be broken by normal physical attack.

- Frost Nova
* Type: Water
* Target: Player's surrounding
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Frost Diver Lv1
Ice Wall Lv1
* Limitation: Non Boss monsters
* Max Level: 10?
Freeze enemies surrounding the player.

- Storm Gust
* Type: Water
* Target: 9x9 Cells
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Frost Diver Lv1
Jupiter Thunder Lv 3
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Water base attack that affects large area with snow storm.

- Earth Spike
* Type: Earth
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Stone Curse Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Alter earth surface to damage enemy.

- Heaven Drive
* Type: Earth
* Target: 5x5 Cells, Multiple Enemies
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Earth Spike Lv3
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Alter larger area of earth surface to damage multiple enemies.

- Quag Mire
* Type: Earth
* Target: Area
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Cold Bolt Lv1
Heaven Drive Lv1
* Limitation: Non Boss monsters
* Max Level: 5
Turn an area of earth to mud, which half enemies' moving speed, AGI, DEX.

- Estimation
* Type: Support
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Wizard Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 1
Display information on a monster.
Caster and caster's party member can also see this information.

Requirement: Job Level 40
Location: Protera Cathedral

- Mace Mastery
* Type: Mace
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Priest Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 10?
Increase damage dealt with Mace.
Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.

- Impositio Manus
* Type: Blessing
* Target: 1 Player
* Cost: ?
* Duration: 40 sec
* Pre-requisite: Basic Priest Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Lay hand and prey for player.
Bless with 40 sec of increased ATK.
Multiple casting will further increase ATK, but the timer is reset to 40 sec.

- Suffragium
* Type: Blessing
* Target: 1 Player (except Self)
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Pre-requisite: Impositio Manus Lv2
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: 3
Increase Skill casting speed (decrease cast time).
Speed depends on Skill-Level.

- Aspersio
* Type: Blessing
* Target: 1 Player (except Self)
* Cost: Holy Water, SP?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Pre-requisite: Aqua Benedicta Lv1
Impositio Manus Lv3
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Baptise believer with holy water.
Add Holy property to player's weapon, duration is based on Skill-Level.
When used on Undead or Devil monsters, damage = Holy Water damage.
Holy Water damage: ignore defence, minimum damage of 40.

- Heavenly Blessing
* Type: Blessing
* Target: Area
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Pre-requisite: Aspersio Lv5
Gloria Lv3
* Limitation: 2 Acolytes on each side
* Max Level: ?
Add Holy property to party member's defence equipments, who are standing in
the casted area (surrounding the caster?).
Require 2 Acolytes, 1 on each side (left/right) of the caster (total 3 users).
Supporting Acolytes will also use up SP.

- Sanctuary
* Type: Support
* Target: Land, 21 Cells (5x5 - 4 corners?)
* Cost: Blue Gemstone, SP?
* Cast Time: ~5 sec
* Pre-requisite: Heal Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Magnetic field caused by the Holy Sprite, which Heals whoever is in it.
During casting, the caster cannot move (delay reaction).
Undead and Devil monsters will be damaged and pushed back by the Sanctuary.

- Recovery
* Type: Support
* Target: 1 Player/Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Priest Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Recover Undead, Freeze, Stone abnormal status.
Cause Darkness to Undead monsters.

- Slow Poison
* Type: Support
* Target: 1 Player
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Recovery Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Temporary delay effects of posion.
Poison will continue to drain HP after a while.

- Resurrection
* Type: Support
* Target: Dead Player/Monster
* Cost: Blue Gemstone, SP?
* Pre-requisite: SP Recovery Lv4
Recovery Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Bring dead player and monster back to life.
Restored HP is based on Skill-Level, SP is not restored.
Resurrected monsters do not give Exp or Items.

- Safety Wall
* Type: Support
* Target: Land (1 Cell)
* Cost: Blue Gemstone
* Pre-requisite: Aspersio Lv4
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Same as Magician's Safty Wall.

- Kyrie Eleison
* Type: Praise
* Target: Immediate, Party
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Pre-requisite: Angelus
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Perfect defence for all party members for 1 round(hit).
"Miss" does not count as a hit.
Effective duration is based on Skill-Level.
Multiple casting will further increase ATK, but the timer is reset.

- Magnificat
* Type: Praise
* Target: Immediate, Party
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Cast Time: ~4 sec
* Pre-requisite: Basic Priest Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Double HP, SP recovery for all party members for a duration of time.
Duration is based on Skill-Level.

- Gloria
* Type: Praise
* Target: Immediate, Party
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Pre-requisite: Kyrie Eleison Lv4
Magnificat Lv3
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Increases LUK +30 for a duration of time.
Duration is based on Skill-Level.

- Lex Divina
* Type: Exorcism
* Target: 1 Enemy, 5 Cell Range
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Depends on Skill-Level
* Pre-requisite: Ruwach Lv1
* Limitation: Non Boss monster
* Max Level: ?
Silence targer for a duration of time.
Duration is based on Skill-Level.

- Turn Undead
* Type: Exorcism
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Resurrection Lv1
Lex Divina Lv3
* Limitation: Undead monsters only
* Max Level: ?
1 Hit kill for Undead Monsters with high accuracy.
Deal large amount of damage if not killed.

- Lex Aeterna
* Type: Exorcism
* Target: 1 Enemy
* Cost: Blue Gemstone
* Pre-requisite: Lex Divina
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Deal double damage for 1 hit to the target.

- Magnus exorcism
* Type: Exorcism
* Target: Land
* Cost: Blue Gemstone
* Pre-requisite: Turn Undead Lv3
Lex Aeterna
* Limitation: Undead and Devil monsters
* Max Level: ?
A cross shape Fire Pillar/Thunder Storm mine trap.
Multiple hits with higher Skill-Level.

Requirement: Job Level 40
Location: Archer Village - Archer Guild

- Iron Making
* Type: Refinement
* Target: -
* Cost: Iron Ore, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Blasksmith Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Iron.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
- Iron x1 <- Iron Ore x1

- Steel Making
* Type: Refinement
* Target: -
* Cost: Iron x5, Coal, SP?
* Pre-requisite: Iron Making Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Steel.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
- Steel x1 <- Iron x5 + Coal x1

- Enchanted Stone
* Type: Refinement
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Iron Making Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Produce 4 types of stones with different properties.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
- Flame Heart <- Red Blood x10
- Mystic Frozen <- Crystal Blue x10
- Great Earth <- Freen Life x10
- Rough Wind <- Wind of Bodiyuo x10

- Orideocon Research
* Type: Refinement
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Enchanted Stone Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Can make Orideocon enhanced weapon after Skill-Level 3.
Higher Skill-Level has higher successful rate.

- Dagger Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Blacksmith Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Dagger.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Knife <- Iron x 1 + Jellopy x10
- Cutter <- Iron x25
- Main-gauche <- Iron x50
- Dirk <- Steel x17
- Dagger <- Steel x30
- Stiletto <- Steel x40
- Gladius <- Orideocon x1 + Steel x40 + Sappire
- Damascus <- Orideocon x1 + Steel x60 + Zargon

- Sword Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Dagger Forging Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Sword.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Sword <- Iron x 2
- Falchion <- Iron x30
- Blade <- Iron x45 + Tooth of Bat x25
- Rapier <- Steel x25
- Scimiter <- Steel x35
- Ring Pommel Saber <- Steel x40 + Claw of Wolves x50
- Tsurugi <- Orideocon x2 + Steel x15 + Garnet
- Saber <- Orideocon x2 + Steel x 5 + Opal
- Hae Dong Gum <- Orideocon x2 + Steel x 5 + Topaz
- Franberuju <- Orideocon x4 + Cursed Ruby

- Two Handed Sword Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Sword Forging Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Two Handed Sword.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Katana <- Iron x35 + Horrendous Mouth x15
- Slayer <- Steal x25 + Decayed Nail x20
- Bastard Sword <- Steel x45
- Twp Handed Sword <- Orideocon x3 + Steel x10
- Broad Sword <- Orideocon x3 + Steel x20
- Claymore <- Orideocon x4 + Steel x20 + Flaw Diamond

- Axe Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Sword Forging Lv2
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Axe.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Axe <- Iron x 10
- Battle Axe <- Iron x110
- War Hammer <- Steel x30
- Buster <- Orideocon x1 + Steel x20 + Orcish Cuspid x30
- Two-handed Axe <- Orideocon x2 + Steel x10 + Amethyst

- Knuckle Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Dagger Forging Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Knuckle.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Bug Knuck <- Iron x160 + Pearl
- Knuckle Buster <- Steel x50
- Gora(?) <- Steel x65
- Fist <- Orideocon x1 + Ruby x10
- Craw <- Orideocon x2 + Topaz x10
- Finger <- Orideocon x1 + Opal x10

- Mace Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Knuckle Forging Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Mace.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Club <- Iron x 3
- Mace <- Iron x30
- Smasher <- Steel x 20
- Flail <- Steel x 33
- Chain <- Steel x 40
- Morning Star <- Steel x 85 + 1 Carat Diamond
- Sword Mace <- Steel x100 + Sharp Scale/Fin(?) x20
- Stono (?) <- Steel x120 + Voucher of Orcish Hero

- Spear Forging
* Type: Weapon Forging
* Target: -
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Dagger Forging Lv2
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Enable production of Spear.
Successful rate depends on Base-Level, Skill-Level, LUK, DEX.
Failing rate of producing higher level weapon is higher.
- Javelin <- Iron x 3
- Spear <- Iron x35
- Pike <- Iron x70
- Guisarme <- Steel x25
- Glaive <- Steel x40
- Partizan <- Steel x55
- Trident <- Orideocon x2 + Steel x10 + Aquamarine
- Halberd <- Orideocon x3 + Steel x10
- Lance <- Orideocon x3 + Ruby x3 + Evil Horn x2

- Hilt Binding
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Basic Blacksmith Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Prevent dropping of equipments when died in dungeon.

- Finding Ore
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Hilt Binding Lv1
Steel Making Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Increase Ore discovery rate (monster drop).

- Research Weapon
* Type: Support
* Target: Passive
* Cost: -
* Pre-requisite: Hilt Binding Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Increase understanding of weapon.
ATK +1, HIT +1, weapon forging successful rate +1% per Skill-Level increase.

- Repair Weapon
* Type: Support
* Target: ?
* Cost: Item Tray
Steel Hammer
* Pre-requisite: Research Weapon Lv1
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Repair broken weapon.

- Skin Tempering
* Type: Battle Support
* Target: Immediate (Self)
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Blacksmith Skill
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Increase Fire resistance.

- Hammer Fall
* Type: Battle Support
* Target: Area
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Basic Blacksmith Skill
* Limitation: Non Boss monster
* Max Level: ?
Stop surrounding enemies' movement for a duration of time.
Does not affect Boss monster.

- Adrenaline Rush
* Type: Battle Support
* Target: Self, Party
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Skill-Level x10 sec
* Pre-requisite: Hammer Fall Lv2
* Limitation: Axe and blunt weapon only
* Max Level: ?
Double caster's attacking speed for a duration of time.
At the same time, increase party member's attack speed x 1.25.
No weapon type restriction.

- Weapon Perfection
* Type: Battle Support
* Target: Self, Party
* Cost: ?
* Duration: Skill-Level x10 sec
* Pre-requisite: Adrenaline Rush Lv2
Research Weapon Lv2
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
100% damage to all size of monsters for a duration of time.
At the same time, same effect is applied to party member for 1/5 or the time.

- Over Thrust
* Type: Battle Support
* Target: Self, Party
* Cost: ?
* Pre-requisite: Adrenaline Rush Lv3
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Increase attacking power, but also increase chances of breaking the weapon.
At the same time, same effect is applied to party member for 1/10 or the time.

- Maximize Power
* Type: Battle Support
* Target:
* Cost: Skill-Level 1 = 1SP/sec
* Pre-requisite: Weapon Perfection Lv3
Over Thrust Lv2
* Limitation: -
* Max Level: ?
Add Max MATK to Attack power, ignoring enemy's defence.
This skill will drain SP, cancel skill by casting it again (like Hiding).


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