Zone of Enders

Zone of Enders

18.10.2013 06:58:30
Zone Of The Enders
System: Playstation 2
Version: 0.1
Author: Rithramier (Thomas A.)



Special Thanks

Legal Stuff

Version Info

Game Controls

-Part 1

-Part 2

Vs. Mode

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips and Hints

This Walkthrough was created by (Thomas A.) Rithramier. This Walkthrough covers the Playstation 2 game Zone of the Enders. This is my first walkthrough, I am making one for this game because it is short and is easy to make one for this particular game.

Special Thanks
----------------------------------------------------------------I haven't had anyone send any FAQs so I have no one to add here.

Legal Stuff
This Document Copyright © Rithramier (Thomas A.). If you want to use info from this walkthrough you must email me and I will send you a form that I will sign then copy to the computer then send to you, only way to make sure I don’t get ripped off.

Version Info
Version 0.1: Started Walkthrough added Heading, Intro, Special Thanks, Legal Stuff, Version Info, Game Controls, and Started First part of the walkthrough. Date: June 29th, 2002.

Game Controls
This is just a small explanation of the controls of the game. IF you want more in-depth just play the game and at the beginning it will tell you how to control Jehuty (Main Orbital Frame.)

X Button= Descend

Triangle Button = Ascend

Square Button = Attack, Fire Burst (R2 + Square = Burst)

Circle Button = Use Sub-Weapon, Grab and Throw

R2 Button = Dash, Burst Power up

R1 Button =

L1 Button = Escape Battle

L2 Button = Change or lock-on to target

Directional Pad = Change Sub-Weapon

Left & Right Analog Stick = Left moves Jehuty and right moves the camera.

I have split this walkthrough in to two parts; the first part is all of the missions before you deactivate the EPS shield. The second part is all of the missions after you deactivate the EPS shield.

Part 1: Before the EPS Shield is deactivated.

Mission: Get Pass_Global to get Monitor.fcmd, Fight Boss Viola, and leave area.
Location: Factory 1
Squads: 6 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

You start out in a battle with an Orbital frame called a Raptor; if you read the manual you should have no trouble killing the Raptor. After you kill it you need to grab the Metetron Orb in front of you. Once you get it follow the arrow to the upper part of the building your in. Once you get out a squad (Group of enemies) will attack you. After you defeat the squad another will come, destroy it and a different kind of orbital frame will try and attack you.

Boss: Viola Difficulty: Easy
This battle is not really a boss battle. She will try and attack with her burst attack a lot so watch out. The best strategy is to fight her hand to hand. Dash a lot and keep attacking, after you beat her around a bit she will be ordered to retreat. Then you have won the battle.

Global: Factory 1 - Town 1 (Where you go after you leave area)

Mission: Kill Boss Tempest.
Location: Town 1
Squads: 0 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

Boss: Tempest Difficulty: Easy
At first he attacks with flamethrowers and shoots fireballs at you, the best time to attack is when he stops attacking or when he is using his flamethrowers because his flamethrowers can’t hit you at a far distance. The best attack to use is the burst attack, after you get him to about half health he will transform in to a orbital frame that looks and acts like a squid. When he transforms he will fly in to the air and fall back down again, while he does that he will fire bombs and aim to land on you. Once he hits the ground try and charge a burst and when he turns at you fire the burst when you see he is come up. Repeat this then you will win the battle.

Global: Stay in this town

Missions: Kill All Squads.
Location: Town 1
Squads: 6
Optional: Get Pass_Javelin and Javelin.Drvr

Once you get control of Jehuty again it would be wise to destroy all the squads here, probably if your not level 2 already you should level up here. There is also a Sub-Weapon here called a javelin, you will see one of the squads has the word passcode under it. Destroy it to get the passcode and you will be able to get the javelin from the server.

Global: Town 1 – Town 2 Or Town 1 – Factory 1

Mission: Rescue the survivors from the enemy.
Location: Town 2
Squads: 5
Optional: Get Pass_Phalanx and Phalanx.Drvr.

The SOS missions are kind of hard to do because you can kill the survivors too. Once you get to the town lead a squad over to a clear area so that there is no risk of you blowing up any buildings. Once you have done this for all of the squads you will get a rating of how well you did. If you follow me instructions you should get an A but usually I always got a C.

Global: Town 2 – Factory 1

Mission: Get Pass_Antilia to access the local server.
Location: Factory 1
Squads: 4
Optional: None

First destroy the squad that has the passcode, and then destroy all the other ones. There aren’t very many squads here so they can’t gang up on you. After you finish them of go to the local server and get antilia.Info.

Global: Factory 1 – Town 1 or Factory 1 – City 1

Mission: Rescue the survivors from the enemy 2.
Location: Town 1
Squads: 5
Optional: None

Use the same trick that you used in the first SOS. I am not sure if you can kill the survivor because you can destroy the church. There are a lot of buildings so it would be wise to go to the river going through the middle of the town to fight.

Global: Town 1 – City 1

Mission: Destroy Relay Block: Part 1.
Location: City 1
Squads: 5
Optional: None

You can’t do anything here except destroy all the squads. You will need a long-range weapon to take out the relay block. So leave the area and go to town 2.

Global: City 1 – Town 2

Mission: Destroy Porters To Receive Sniper Sub-Weapon.
Location: Town 2
Squads: 5
Optional: None

You can do this two ways; you can either kill all the squads and then destroy the porters or just destroy the porters and squads you get in contact with. I would suggest that you destroy all the squads to get EXP (Get EXP to level up). Once you do that destroy all the porters and a vector trap will be released.
Go up to it to get the Sniper Sub-Weapon then go back to the city 1.

Global: Town 2 – City 1

Mission: Destroy Relay Block: Part 2
Location: City 1
Squads: 5
Optional: Get Pass_Geyser and Geyser.Drvr

All the squads are back weather you killed them or not so watch out. Destroy all the squads then aim at the revolving cylinder in the middle of the tower. Shoot the lights on it with the Sniper and then it will blow up.

Global: City 1 – EPS 1

Mission: Destroy The EPS 1 Power Supply.
Location: EPS 1
Squads: 7
Optional: Get Pass_Halbard and Halbard.Drvr

There is a lot of squad here but it isn’t hard not to get a lot of enemies on you. Try to attack them when they are far from the others, if they are not moving they should be fine to attack. After you destroy the squads shoot at the satellite twice and Jehuty will say that you need to go to the underground area. Look on your map to find the entrance and go there. Once in just follow the main road and you will get in to a few battles. Once you get to the generator destroy it by using burst because it looks cool. After that leave the area and head to EPS 2.

Global: EPS 1 – EPS 2

Mission: Destroy The EPS 2 Power Supply: Part 1
Location: EPS 2
Squads: 8
Optional: None

This is almost exactly like EPS 1 just destroy all the squads but be careful. After that go straight to the underground area once you enter go down the street and there will be a force field blocking your way. Jehuty explains that you need the Raptor control program so that you can send a raptor past the force field. A squad will come holding Pass_Control1 this is the first passcode for the raptor control program.

Global: EPS 1 – Town 1

Mission: Get Pass_Control2
Location: Town 1
Squads: 6
Optional: None

Start destroying the squads from the closest to farthest. Don’t go for the last squad that has the passcode till you destroy all the others. Once you destroy the others take each enemy on one at a time, use far away attack like burst and Dash attack. Once one is dead try and fight the others hand to hand dodge a lot and grab and throw a lot too. Once you have the passcode head for EPS 1.

Global: Town 1 – EPS 1

Mission: Get Rap_Ctrl.fcmd
Location: EPS 1
Squads: 7
Optional: None

Again destroy all of the Squads and be careful not to get surrounded. Once the squads are gone go back to the underground area and where you fought the first battle there go right. Once you go right you will get in to a battle or two. Go to the server and get the program. Leave the underground area then head to Town 2.

Global: EPS 1 – Town 2

Mission: Control The Unused Raptor
Location: Town 2
Squads: 6
Optional: None

Remember when it shows what around you when you enter an area? Well there was a raptor and another orbital frame on the ground, the smaller one is the one you want. You should destroy all oh the squads there. There is a risk of being surrounded so be careful. Once they are destroyed go up to the raptor and you will take control of it. Jehuty will send it to EPS 2 automatically.

Global: Raptor will be sent automatically

Mission: Destroy EPS 2 Power Supply: Part 2
Location: EPS 2
Squads: 7
Optional: None

Avoid as many battles as possible, if you do get in to one escape from it and head for the underground area. Once you get to the underground area go through the force field and get in to the first fight. After the battle go right and get the detector. Fcmd. Once you got it destroy the porters and go down the main road, get through the battles and destroy the generator.

Part 2: After The EPS Shield Is Deactivated.

Mission: Rescue The Survivors From The Enemy 3.
Location: Town 3
Squads: 11
Optional: None

This one can be hard if you’re not good at dodging, you can get up to 5 squads on you here. Try to lead them to the river in the middle of the town and fight them, if you have trouble on the high level enemies shoot them from afar. Once you destroy them you will get rated, then leave the area and go towards Mountain 1.

Global: Town 3 – Park 1

Mission: Kill Boss Raptor: Part 1
Location: Park 1
Squads: 0 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

This is the same guy you let go when you beat tempest but he has a stronger orbital frame now. You can’t do anything right now you have to leave the area right away.

Global: Park 1 – City 2 or Park 1 – Factory 2

Mission: Save the Survivors From The Enemy 4
Location: City 2
Squads: 2
Optional: Get Pass_Comet and Comet.Drvr

At first I wasn’t going to do this part because you only have 1 HP left, but I decided I needed to add this part so I did it. This is very easy, just dodge what they throw and blast them with bursts. Destroy the porters to get the Pass_Comet and then go to the server.

Global: City 2 – Factory 2

Mission: Get Pass_Vaccine and Vaccine.exec.
Location: Factory 2
Squads: 7
Optional: None

Avoid all battles till you get the vaccine since you can’t heal. Look on the map and you will see an entrance to an underground area, go there to get the passcode from an enemy. The enemy is only level 1 so you shouldn’t have a problem. Once you get the Pass_Vaccine go to the server and get the Vaccine. You will be fully healed so now just destroy all the squads. Your now Virus free but you still need a Sub-Weapon to distract the weapons the Boss Raptor uses.

Global: Factory 2 – City 1

Mission: Rescue as many people as possible from the enemy 5
Location: City 1
Squads: 5 – 7
Optional: None

This can be easy or real hard because the enemy doesn’t stop attacking the area even if you are locked on to them. First attack the squad closest to you and then go under the tower you should get 2 or 3 squads on you, kill all of them as fast as you can. If one gets destroyed you get a C.

Global: City 1 – Town 3

Mission: Get Pass_Decoy2: Part 1
Location: Town 3
Squads: 11
Optional: none

You can’t do anything here because you need the detector.Fcmd that you got with the raptor. You need to leave the area and go to EPS 2.

Global: Town 3 – EPS 2

Mission: Destroy Raptor To Get Detector.Fcmd
Location: EPS 2
Squads: 7
Optional: Get Pass_Gauntlet and Gauntlet.Drvr

Like before destroy the squads and be careful. Go to the underground area and follow the main road. Keep following it till you get in to a battle with the raptor. Once you destroy him you will get detector.Fcmd. Leave the underground area and head for Town 3 again.

Global: EPS 2 – Town 3

Mission: Get Pass_Decoy2: Part 2
Location: Town 3
Squads: 11
Optional: none

This place has the most enemies you will encounter in the whole game. It’s almost impossible to not get more the one squad on you. Once you destroy an enemy on the left the squad with the passcode will appear, you can destroy it, get the passcode, and run or destroy all the squads then leave. I would destroy them all if I were you, just for EXP.

Global: Town 3 – City 2

Mission: Get Pass_Decoy1
Location: City 2
Squads: 5
Optional: none

This is just basic, destroy all of the squads but be careful they are close together you might get 3 squads on you. Destroy the squad with Pass_Decoy1 and go to Factory 2.

Global: City 2 – Factory 2

Mission: Get Decoy.Drvr
Location: Factory 2
Squads: 7
Optional: None

Once you get there eliminate all of the squads and go to the underground area. Once there an enemy will jump out like before kill it and go the other server. Once you have it head back to the park.

Global: Factory 2 – Park 1

Mission: Kill Boss Raptor: Part 2
Location: Park 1
Squads: 0 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

Boss: Raptor Difficulty: Medium
He has a very strong beam attack that he uses that isn’t avoidable, use the decoy Sub-Weapon when there is a red circle around you to make the laser hit the decoy instead of you. Right when you use it move to the side and use as many burst shots you can. Once he gets to half health he transforms, now he tries to charge at you. When he misses then he charges charge your burst and shoot it when you have a clear shot of his mouth, you can also hit him when he attacks. Use decoy on all his attacks except the small lasers.

Global: Park 1 – Mountain 1

Mission: Get to the top of the mountain
Location: Mountain 1
Squads: 6 + 3 Optional
Optional: Get Pass_Bounder and Bounder.Fcmd

At the start there are 2 ways to go; left is the correct way to go and straight goes to the optional weapon. If you go straight you will get in 2 battles the second is kind of hard to do because the enemies are level 6 even though you should be level 7 or 8 by now. Get the passcode and the bounder, if you haven’t used a Sub-Weapon before use this one it is the best one out of them all. Now here are the directions to get to the end of the level: Left, Right, Blow a hole in the wall on the left, right, right all he way then exit.

No more Globules...

Mission: Kill Boss Nebula
Location: Mountain 1
Squads: 0 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

Boss: Nebula Difficulty: Medium

The best time to attack with burst is when he dives in to the water; he acts weird and takes forever to gain control again. You can get him about 3 or 4 times when he is doing it. Once he gets at half health he changes now he has some unavoidable attacks. Do the same and wait for him to dive in the water, hit him in the face with a burst and he will start to tip that’s when you attack his bottom part. Repeat to win the battle.

No more Globules...

Mission: Kill Boss Viola 2
Location Warehouse 1
Squads: None
Optional: None

Boss: Viola 2 Difficulty: Hard
She is really hard even after you’ve beaten the game many times, but it matters what your skills are. She is hard to hit in hand-to-hand combat so you got to shoot her from afar with burst and Dash shots. She is very fast and can dodge all your attacks; you just have to pick the right time. When she is about 1/4 health she traps you in a ball. Once you break free continue to attack from afar.

No more Globules...

Mission: Disarm Bombs
Location: Hub 1
Squad: 5
Optional: None

When you start press R2 to lock-on to an enemy before you disarm the bomb. Finish off all the enemies and disarm the bomb. Do this with all the bombs unless you are right by one then disarm it first. The last enemy is level 7 so watch out.

No more Globules...

Mission: Kill Boss Final Viola
Location: Hub 1
Squads: 0 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

Boss: Final Viola Difficulty: Medium but fun
This battle is really fun to me because she is really fun to do hand-to-hand combat with. Anyway dodge all her attacks and get really close to her to do some hand-to-hand combat. Just keep fighting her till she is dead. It is possible to die so watch yourself you might have to dodge sometimes.

No more Globules...

Mission: Final Battle
Location: Hub 1
Squad: 0 + 1 Boss
Optional: None

Boss: Anubis Difficulty: Easy
This battle is easy because all you can do is dodge his attacks. Keep dodging and you will be called by antilia and they will say to keep dodging for 15 more seconds. Do what they say and then you escape. You have beaten the game.

The End

Vs. Mode
This can be unlocked after beating the game once on any difficulty. You will have these characters: Mummy Head, Raptor, Cyclops, Jehuty, and Viola. If you beat the game again you will get Single Sword Raptor and Final Viola.

Frequently Asked Questions
No One Has Sent Any FAQs Yet...

Tips And Hints
1. The Mummy heads over level 3 are hard to kill sometimes it is best to shoot them from afar.
2. It is good to train yourself in verses against the comp; you will become better after a while.
3. When you fight Viola 2 you should hide behind the box towers. When you think she fired something, charge your burst and fire it when the boxes collapse.
4. You can block everything except bursts and grabs.

Thank you for using my FAQ/Walkthrough guide.
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