World War 2 - Iwo Jima

World War 2 - Iwo Jima

16.10.2013 06:12:03
Written by OHMCS110
18th July 2002
Version 1.0



1. OHM's Introduction
2. OHM's Disclaimer
3. OHM's System Requirements
4. OHM's Keyboard Default Controls
5. OHM's Game's Walkthrough
6. OHM's Weapons Information
7. OHM's Notes on Weapon Usage
8. OHM's Four Possible Squad Commands
9. OHM's Credits


1. OHM's Introduction:

Hello, still remember me?! Hopefully you have enjoyed reading all my previous
FAQs on this great site. I'm so sorry because I have spent more time on
studies. So, I have no time to play games and writing FAQs. Now, mid-semester
break, so, I think that's good for me to spend a little time to answer the
questions and writing other FAQ.

This is my second FAQs for FPS game after Codename: Outbreak. Valusoft is a
new company in PC Gaming World. So, that's not fair to complain them for their
poor quality of game. For me, the sound track of the game is nice. Although
the graphic is like year 1998 FPS Games, static AI and block looking hills and
caves. But, Valusoft just tries their best. Maybe in next 3-4 years, they can
upgrade their technology and become among the best games developer in PC
Gaming World.

I hope you enjoy reading this FAQ. If there is any grammatical mistake, please
forgive me, and if you have any suggestion please not to shy to mail me. You
will get a credit. This I promise you.


2. OHM's Disclaimer:

This document was written by OHMCS110, hmm.. So, if you want to publish it for
commercial use, DON'T DO IT!! This document Copyright 2002 OHMCS110. Also note
that this FAQ may not be used or distributed for commercial use. It may not
be distributed at all without written permission from the writer.


3. OHM's System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/ME
Intel Pentium 266 MHz (or 100% compatible)
4x CD ROM Drive
DirectX 6 compatible video card
8MB Direct3D compatible hardware accelerator required
(16MB Direct3D compatible hardware accelerator recommended)
DirectX compatible sound card
50 MB of available HD space
(550MB for full install)


4. OHM's Keyboard Default Controls:

E, UpArrow = Move Forward
D, DownArrow = Move Backward
Space = Jump
S = Strafe Left
F = Strafe Right
LeftShift = Slow
LeftAlt = Strafe
C = Move Down / Crouch
LeftArrow = Turn Left
RightArrow = Turn Right
A = Look Up
Z = Look Down
CapsLock = Walk / Run Toggle

Left Mouse, Left Ctrl = Fire
Right Mouse, X = Use
Q = Throw Grenade
W = Drop Land Mine
V = Sharpshooter mode

1 = Machete
2 = Pistol
3 = Rifle (M1 Carbine or M1 Garand)
4 = Shotgun
5 = Machine gun (Thompson 45 or M3 Grease Gun)
6 = Flame thrower
7 = Bazooka

G = Next Weapon
Unassigned = Previous Weapon
R = Reload Weapon

Squad Control:
T = Squad Select
Y = Squad Next
U = Squad Previous

F1 = Select Squad Option 1
F2 = Select Squad Option 2
F3 = Select Squad Option 3
F4 = Select Squad Option 4
Tab = Squad All Follow

F5 = Load
F6 = Save
F7 = Quick Load
F8 = Quick Save
O = Objectives


5. OHM's Game's Walkthrough:

- Tarawa Atoll -
- November 1943 -
- -
- In September of 1943 at a conference in Hawaii, -
- operation Galvanic was approved and the stage set -
- for the invasion of the Gilbert Islands. The -
- first of the Pacific 'island hopping' operations -
- was about to begin. -
- -
- The first Marine landings took place landings -
- took place at Betio island, part of Tarawa Atoll, -
- on November 20th. Tarawa was the most heavily -
- defended atoll that would ever be invaded by -
- allied forces in the Pacific, and Betio, with the -
- possible exception of Iwo Jima, was better -
- protected against a landing force than any beach -
- encountered in any theatre throughout World War II. -
- -
- Rear Admiral Keiji Shibasaki, commander of the -
- Japanese forces on Betio Island, boasted "The -
- Americans could not take Tarawa with a million -
- men in a hundred years." Though the cost was -
- grave, the Americans would prove him wrong. -

Mission 1: Assault on Tarawa

- Objective: -
- The Marine divisions that landed on Betio's Red -
- beach yesterday suffered heavy casualties and are -
- running low on supplies. Take out the bunker on -
- Green beach and make your way to the airfield. -

The game started at the scenery of Green Beach. From there, kindly eliminate
all Japs there while making your way across to the bunker on the right. After
seeing the bunker, depart your way in and make sure you watch out for machine
gunners that are flooding the scene. To make it easier, just follow the map

@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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@@@@@@@@@@@ AIRFIELD
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FROM THE BEACH -------------------|

It's a simple mission, so in order to finish it, just climb up the stairs and
meet the ally soldiers on the airfield upstairs.

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Harry L. Wright - Alive -
- Pvt Perry T. Lawson - Alive -
- -
- Your success in securing green beach means we can -
- now land much needed supplies on Betio without -
- opposition. Good work, Marine. -

Mission 2: Buariki Island

- Objective: -
- Part of the Japanese contingent at Tarawa has -
- retreated across the across the atoll and is now -
- trapped on Buariki. Take 3 squad members clear -
- the resistance from the island. -

It's a straight clean-and-sweep mission; just eradicate all AIs that don't
match your character, both on the field and in the bunker. There are also
enemies on the bridge to your right, so make yourself comfortable and shoot to
kill, gentlemen. After all enemies down, make your way towards the boat. Or
you can be a yellowbelly and run for your life, that is if you manage to
escape the gunners. And yes, it's a dare, gamers.

- Squad Status -
- LCpl Evan Townsend - Alive -
- Cpl Harry L. Wright - Alive -
- Pvt Perry T. Lawson - Alive -
- -
- With you mopping up of Buariki the Tarawa atoll -
- is now secure. It wasn't easy, but you've proved -
- yourselves Marines Semper Fi! -

- The Marshall Islands -
- January - February 1944 -
- -
- With the Marshall Islands campaign of early 1944 -
- the Allies moved into Japanese territory for the -
- first time. -
- -
- Under Japanese control since World War I, the -
- Marshalls would make ideal forward bases in the -
- battle to reclaim the Pacific. -
- -
- The Primary Japanese stronghold in the Marshalls -
- was on Kwajalein Atoll, defended by nearly 5000 -
- Japanese troops. -
- -
- The assault of Kwajalein would turn out to be the -
- most perfectly executed island assault of the war,-
- with the Marines taking only light casualties -
- compared to the nearly complete loss of the -
- defending garrison. -

Mission 3: Kwajalein Atoll

- Objective: -
- Numerous heavy machine gun positions are keeping -
- our forces pinned down just off the beach. Take 3 -
- of your squad and eliminate these positions. -

Picture this, it's field full of bunkers and in those bunkers are bloodthirsty
(not really!) gunners. There are also some of them moving around the field.
You can find sanctuary behind empty bunkers. Well, again, just trash everybody
except allies while making a move towards the cave behind the beach. Simple,
ain't it?

- Squad Status -
- LCpl Andrew K. Watson - Alive -
- Cpl Stephen Farris - Alive -
- Pvt J. T. Hunt - Alive -
- -
- Great work. With the elimination of the pillboxes,-
- the landings went much more smoothly. -

Mission 4: Rescue From Kwajalein

- Objective: -
- Two of your squad was captured this morning while -
- laying mines behind Japanese lines. Finish their -
- work laying mines in the large field on your way -
- to rescue them and then return to the insertion -
- point. -

From the starting point, make your way to the POW camp. Still, it'll be no
adventure if there's no trick. Beat the hell out of your enemy. Just follow
the map below:

@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@
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@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @ @@@@
@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@
@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@
@@@ @@@ @@@@
SAVE POW HERE @@@ @@@@@ @@@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
BIG FIELD @@@@@@@@@@@


The first thing you'd have to do is save the two mates (the POW, dum dum).
Then, be in motion to the right path which is right and you'll find yourself a
small bunker. You'll notice that from the bunker, a troop of Japanese soldiers
will fry your narrow behind from below. By this time, it'll be better for you
to use your bazooka with the intention of killing every Japs on sight. After
you do that, climb down the hill and proceed back to the starting point.

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Stephen Farris - Alive -
- Pvt J. T. Hunt - Alive -
- -
- Good work. Marine Kwajalein has been secured thanks -
- in part to your hard work. -

Mission 5: Eniwetok

- Objective: -
- Eniwetok is home to a major communications bunker -
- for the Japanese forces in the Marshalls. Take -
- two men to the bunker and destroy the -
- communications equipment. -

Follow the streets in front of you and go straight to the communication
bunker, destroy all communications equipments to accomplish this mission.

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Stephen Farris - Alive -
- Pvt J. T. Hunt - Alive -
- -
- Excellent job. Marine's enemy communications in -
- the Marshalls have been severely compromised due -
- to your success. -

- The Marianas Islands -
- June - July 1944 -
- -
- In planning for the eventual invasion of the -
- Japanese home islands, the Marianas were an -
- essential acquisition needed primarily as a base -
- for the new B-29 Superfortress bomber. -
- -
- The scope of the Marianas invasion required a -
- much larger attack force than any Pacific -
- amphibious operation, with more than 160 000 men -
- in the Marianas Expiditionary Force. -
- -
- On June 15th, more than 8000 Marines landed on -
- the island of Saipan, headquarters of Japan's -
- Central Pacific Fleet, in the first 20 minutes. -
- By July 9th Saipan was firmly under American -
- control. -
- -
- On July 24th, the 4th Marine division crossed -
- from Saipan to Tinian without strong opposition -
- and by August 1st all resistance on Tinian had -
- ceased. It was from the airbase on here that the -
- Enola Gay would make her historic flight over -
- Hiroshima. -

Mission 6: Saipan Cliffs

- Objective: -
- Fight your way up the Cliffside and clear out -
- all the enemies in the caves and tunnels on the -
- way up. -

By entering the cave, eliminate all the enemies you find in the cave. Move
forward until you reach the top of the Cliffside.

- Squad Status -
- Pvt Jerry O'Shandon - Alive -
- -
- Way to go, boys. God made Marines like you to a -
- smile on my face. -

Mission 7: Saipan Tunnels

- Objective: -
- Explore the secret tunnels on your to the -
- occupied mountain village and destroy the supply -
- radio. -

Clear out all enemies along your way in the village. To finished this mission,
you need to infiltrate the dent, kill all enemies there and go forward to
destroy the supply radio.

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Lance Williams - Alive -
- Pvt Jerry O'Shandon - Alive -
- -
- Enemy communications have been destroyed. The -
- enemies supply capabilities will be greatly -
- hindered. -

Mission 8: Tinian

- Objective: -
- Clear out the remaining Japanese troops along the -
- river between your current position and the -
- waterfall at the end of this section of the -
- river. -

Eliminates all enemies you find along the river started from your starting
point until you reach a waterfall. Beware of the enemies that hiding in the
bunker. You also can use the bunker to protect you and your squad mates.

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Lance Williams - Alive -
- Pvt Jerry O'Shandon - Alive -
- -
- Now that we've gained control of the river, we -
- can conquer the rest of this island. -

Mission 9: Guam

- Objective: -
- Kill the three officers in the old sugar mill. -
- After killing all three return to the gate where -
- you entered the area. -

You need to enter all old sugar mills for searching three officers. Once you
find them, shoot them up. After killing all three officers, proceed back to
the starting point.

- Squad Status -
- Pvt Jerry O'Shandon - Alive -
- -
- Great work. We've successfully gained control of -
- the island. -

- Iwo Jima -
- February - March 1945 -
- -
- The United States' inexorable march towards the -
- Japanese homeland continued with the assault on -
- the heavily defended island of Iwo Jima. -
- -
- Crowned on its south-western end by the 169 -
- meter high Mount Suribachi, the island was -
- barely more than 7 square miles of volcanic rock -
- in the middle of the Pacific, defended by more -
- than 21 000 Japanese. -
- -
- On February 19th, 4th and 5th division Marines -
- began landing on the shores of Iwo Jima, only to -
- find themselves and their equipment bogged down -
- in the soft volcanic ash. It would take another -
- 36 days of struggle before the island was secure. -
- -
- Even before its capture was complete, Iwo Jima -
- became an invaluable emergency landing field for -
- planes returning from raids on Japan. By the end -
- of the war, more that 2200 emergency landings had -
- been made by B29 bombers that would have -
- otherwise hat to ditch in the vast expanse of sea -
- between Japan and the Marianas. -

Mission 10: Iwo Jima Caves

- Objectives: -
- Take two of your squad, make your way to the -
- caves and defend the location. -

Make your way to the large caves. By entering that caves, make sure that you
and your squad mates can defense the caves in 3 minutes. You can command you
squad mates to guard some important position to make sure you can block the
attack from Japanese soldiers.

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Andy Smith - Alive -
- Pvt Keith Harrison - Alive -
- -
- Your efforts are greatly appreciated. We'll have -
- this island yet. -

Mission 11: Iwo Jima

- Objective: -
- Battle across the burnt landscape of Iwo Jima and -
- clear out all the enemies in the many caves, -
- tunnels and bunkers. -

Eliminates all enemies in all caves, tunnels and bunkers. You'll finish the
mission once you find the ally soldier saluting you at the end of the last

- Squad Status -
- Cpl Andy Smith - Alive -
- Pvt Keith Harrison - Alive -
- -
- Another successful mission. This area is secured. -

Mission 12: Iwo Jima Airfield 1

- Objective: -
- Continue your advance across Iwo Jima your way -
- airfield number 1. This won't be easy. So you'll -
- have three of your squad along to help. -

Eliminates all remaining soldiers to clear up the airfield. By entering the
small field at the end of this level. You successfully accomplished this
taught mission. All right, now only one mission left.

- Squad Status -
- LCpl Gerald Nevins - Alive -
- Cpl Andy Smith - Alive -
- Pvt Keith Harrison - Alive -
- -
- You made it to the airfield. Get ready for your -
- final mission. -

Mission 13: Iwo Jima Airfield 2

- Objective: -
- Clear out airfield 2. So our boys in the skies -
- have somewhere to land if they're having trouble. -

Same as previous mission; clear up the airfield from the enemies. Beware to
the machine gunners that hiding in most of building. Then move out to the
small path behind the last building. Go straight and congratulation, you've
successfully finished the World War II: Iwo Jima.

- Squad Status -
- Good work, Marines. We've got B-29's coming in as -
- we speak Iwo Jima has already proven itself worth -
- its price. -

----- -----
///- Latest War News -\\
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\ //
\ /
\ Truman Announces Japanese //
\ //
\ Acceptance of Terms //
\\ ///
\\- -///
----- -----


6. OHM's Weapons Information:

Short Range: 3/5
Long Range: 0/5

Colt 45
Short Range: 4/5
Long Range: 2/5

M1 Garand Rifle
Short Range: 3/5
Long Range: 4/5

M1 Carbine Rifle
Short Range: 3/5
Long Range: 4/5

Thompson 45
Short Range: 5/5
Long Range: 3/5

M3 Greasegun
Short Range: 5/5
Long Range: 4/5

Short Range: 5/5
Long Range: 1/5

Short Range: 0/5
Long Range: 5/5

Hand Grenade
Short Range: 2/5
Long Range: 4/5

Land Mines
Short Range: 2/5
Long Range: 4/5


7. OHM's Notes on Weapon Usage:

Throwing Grenades

Grenades can be thrown varying distances using the "Throw Grenade" key, which
is set to Q by default. When you press the "Throw Grenade" button, the
grenade is readied. The grenade is not thrown, however, until you release the
"Throw Grenade" key. The longer you hold this key down, the further the
grenade will be thrown. With a little practice, you should be able to throw
grenades with a fair amount of accuracy.

Weapon Availability

During the course of the game, not all weapons are available at all times.
Which weapons are available depends on the mission objectives and the time
frame in which the mission is supposed to take place. For instance, the
earlier missions take place on Tarawa beach only shortly after the M3 "Grease
Gun" entered into regular service with the US Military.


You cannot pickup or use enemy ammunition! Enemy forces used munitions that
were incompatible with the weapons you have, so you should be careful with the
ammunition that you start a mission with.


8. OHM's Four Possible Squad Commands:


This command is very simple. It instructs the selected squad member to follow
you. This is a squad member's default action.


This command allows you to instruct a squad member to move to a certain
position and wait there. While at the position, the squad member will attack
any enemies he encounters. When you have the Guard command selected in the
squad interface a cursor will appear on the ground in front of you. Move your
view until the cursor is over the terrain you want the squad member to guard
and then use Squad Select to issue the command to guard that area. Note that
the squad member will try to take up a position near the area you selected and
not necessarily the exact location that you chose.

It is also possible that a squad member will refuse your command, either
because he couldn't find a path to that location or there were now acceptable
cover points for him to use.


The Attack command allows you to instruct a squad member to concentrate fire
on a particular target. When the Attack command is selected in the squad
interface a cursor will appear on the ground in front of you, just as when the
Guard command is selected. When using the attack command, however, you can
also select enemy soldiers as targets. If you select an area rather than an
enemy you squad member will try to find an enemy close to the position you
selected and attack him.

Squad members may refuse an Attack command for the same reasons as a Guard
command. In addition, they may decide that they cannot attack a particular
target, either because it is out of range, unreachable or they don't have the
equipment to destroy it.

When you issue the Attack command to a squad member, he will try to move to
the location or enemy you specified. One he kills the enemy or has no more
enemies in sight, he will automatically return to follow mode.


The Cancel command simply allows you to back out of the command interface
without issuing a command, should you change your mind or the situation on the
battlefield changes before you can issue your command.

In addition to selecting Cancel, you can wait for the menu to time out after a
few seconds and return to the top level of the squad interface.

9. OHM's Credits:

a. Valusoft - For creating this game.
b. Valusoft Readme Files - Useful information taken from this file.
c. Amir Affendy Mazlan - Helping me in walkthrough writing.
d. My Computer - Successfully help me test the game.
e. ABSOLUTELY YOU - For read this FAQ.

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