Might and Magic 9

Might and Magic 9

17.10.2013 20:07:52
Might & Magic IX - Magic FAQs

Magic FAQ
Version 1.2, 19th August 2002

For PC DOS/Windows

by Lee Beng Hai a.k.a. Volume
Email: benghai@lit.a-star-edu.sg


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(c) Copyright 2002 by Lee Beng Hai


1. Introduction
2. Magic Mastery
3. Magical Items
4. Magic Guide
5. Revision History

1. Introduction

I had taken a look at the various FAQs written on Might & Magic IX on the
net. However, none of them give very details information on the spells in
the game.

In this FAQs, I will attempt to fill in the Magic portion of the game.



1st character: E - Elemental, S - Spirit, L - Light, D - Dark
2nd character: N - Normal, E - Expert, M - Master, G - Grand Master

e.g. EE = Elemental(Expert), and SG = Spirit(Grand Master)

2. Magic Mastery

Not everyone is able to master all four Magic. Here's the various classes
and their limitation. Only those highest class level are shown.

Gladiator - none
Assassin - none
Paladin - Elemental(N) Light(E) Spirit(E)
Ranger - Elemental(E) Light(N) Spirit(E)
Druid - Elemental(M) Dark(N) Light(E) Spirit(GM)
Priest - Elemental(M) Dark(E) Light(GM) Spirit(GM)
Mage - Elemental(GM) Dark(E) Light(GM) Spirit(E)
Lich - Elemental(GM) Dark(GM) Light(E) Spirit(E)

Comment: Do not expect your Paladin or Ranger to do well in their spell
casting. The best spell casters are Mage and Lich. Priests are extremely
valuable against undead.

3. Magical Items

Skills Level

You can find various items to boost your magic skills. Normal, good and
excellent items can be enchanted with the "Enchant Item" spell.

Here are what you will get:

of Sleep +1 Dark
of Mortal Rest +3 Dark
of Death +5 Dark

of Magic +1 Elemental
of Conjuring +3 Elemental
of Incantation +5 Elemental

of Life +1 Light
of Existance +3 Light
of Being +5 Light

of Spirit +1 Spirit
of Soul +3 Spirit
of Vital Force +5 Spirit

Class specific artifacts give +2 skill level.

Note: The skill level is NOT cumulative. So if you equip a +1 and +3
skill items, you get +3 skill total.

Spell Points

The spell points your get is determined by your Magic attribute. However,
the spell points you get is not really significant. Items that boost the
Magic are:

of Jarb + 5 Magic
of Punjarb +15 Magic
of Jabarb +30 Magic

Black Potion

Black Potion will boost your stats by +20 permanently. But there is a
limitation. Your base stats must be less than 40 (unconfirmed) for it
to work. To get them is quite easy, find your way to Yorick, find the
items shop. Set a beacon just infront of the shopkeeper. Quicksave (F5)
before talking to the guy. He sells clover (+1 skill level) and black
potions. If he didn't sell what you like, Quickload (F9) and talk to him
again. The shop seem to replenish the items very frequently, my guess is
daily. So drop by often and you will be rewarded.

Regeneration Rate

of Health doubles hit point regeneration
of Regeneration doubles hit point regeneration
of Meditation doubles mana regeneration
of Everlasting doubles mana regeneration
of Amelioration doubles hit point and mana regeneration

Try to get a mana regeneration items for your spell casters.

Vampiric items

of Vampiric 1/3 of damage dealt got to hit points
of Vampiric Meditation 1/3 of damage dealt got to mana
of Vampiric Drain 1/3 of damage dealt got to mana and hit points


The Green Man, amulet given to you when you complete the Druid quest.
+20 SP, +3 Meditation, +5 Light, +5 Spirit, of regeneration
Note: get this for your healers.

Pendant of the Spheres, amulet
+5 to all magic skills, +3 learning, +3 meditation
Note: I found this inside a black chest in the water just underneath the
chest which contains Everstrike (refer to Ranger quest).
Comment: The best item for a the spell casters.

4. Magic Guide

Arms of Earth Elemental(Expert) Spirit(Expert)

Description: Slow monster. All within the radius are affected.

Expert - slow to 75%. last 2 min per skill level.
Master - slow to 50%. last 2 min per skill level.
Grand Master - slow to 25%. 2-12 damage. last 30 + 5 min per skill level.

The range is determined by the highest mastery between Spirit and
Elemental. The Spirit skill improves the actual range.

(E/S)Expert radius +0.3 feet per spirit skill level.
(E/S)Master radius +0.6 feet per spirit skill level.
(E/S)Grand Master radius +0.6 feet per spirit skill level.

7EE 7SE Slow to 75%, , Radius 2 feet, last 14 min, 30 MP
4EE 10SE Slow to 75%, , Radius 3 feet, last 8 min, 30 MP
7EE 10SE Slow to 75%, , Radius 3 feet, last 14 min, 30 MP
12EM 7SM Slow to 50%, , Radius 4 feet, last 24 min, 30 MP
12EM 12SM Slow to 50%, , Radius 7 feet, last 24 min, 30 MP
12EM 15SG Slow to 50%, , Radius 8 feet, last 24 min, 30 MP
10EG 4SE Slow to 25%, 2-12 damage, Radius 2 feet, last 50 min, 30 MP
15EG 9SE Slow to 25%, 2-12 damage, Radius 5 feet, last 1 hr 15 min, 30 MP

Bless Light(Normal) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Improve the party chances to hit. Work on entire party.
Spirit skill improves duration while Light skill
improves to Hit rating.

Normal 3 + 1 bonus to hit per skill level. party. 5 MP
Expert 5 + 1 bonus to hit per skill level. party. 10 MP
Master 10 + 1 bonus to hit per skill level. party. 10 MP
Grand Master 15 + 1 bonus to hit per skill level. party. 10 MP

Normal last 3 min per skill level
Expert last 5 min per skill level
Master last 7 min per skill level
Grand Master last 10 min per skill level

2LN 2SN Bonus 5 to Hit, last 6 min, 5 MP
9LE 9SE Bonus 14 to Hit, last 45 min, 10 MP
12LM 7SM Bonus 22 to Hit, last 49 min, 10 MP
12LM 12SM Bonus 22 to Hit, last 1 hr 24 min, 10 MP
10LG 10SG Bonus 25 to Hit, last 1 hr 40 min, 10 MP
15LG 12SG Bonus 30 to Hit, last 2 hr 0 min, 10 MP
15LG 15SG Bonus 30 to Hit, last 2 hr 30 min, 10 MP

Chain Lightning Light(Normal) Elemental(Master)

Description: Deal elemental damage to a single target, then hit the
next target within the spell radius, continue for multiple
target. Elemental skill improves damage. Light skill seem
to have no effect.

Elemental skill
Master 1d 8 per skill level. Radius 8 feet
Grand Master 1d10 per skill level. Radius 17 feet

7 EM 12 LM 7- 56 damage, Radius 8 feet, 20 MP
12 EM 12 LM 12- 96 damage, Radius 8 feet, 20 MP
12 EM 15 LG 12- 96 damage, Radius 8 feet, 20 MP
15 EG 9 LE 15-120 damage, Radius 17 feet, 20 MP

Column of Fire Elemental(Master) Light(Expert)

Description: Deal damage to all creatures with a small radius. Elemental
skill increases damage while Spirit skill increases radius.

Elemental skill
Master 30 + 1d6 per skill level.
Grand Master 30 + 1d6 per skill level.

Light skill
radius +0.5 feet per skill level.

12 EM 7 LM 42-102 damage, radius 4 feet, 30 MP
7 EM 12 LM 37- 72 damage, radius 6 feet, 30 MP
12 EM 12 LM 42-102 damage, radius 6 feet, 30 MP
12 EM 15 LG 42-102 damage, radius 8 feet, 30 MP
15 EG 9 LE 45-120 damage, radius 5 feet, 30 MP

Curse Dark(Normal) Light(Normal)

Description: Curse target, give it a penalty to hit. At Dark(E) level,
attack rate is halved. At Dark(M) level, prevent spell
castors from casting. At Dark(GM) level, affects all
visible creatures. Dark skill increases penalty while
Light skill improves duration.

Normal penalty to hit
Expert all above + attack rate halved
Master all above + prevent spell castors from casting
Grand Master all above + affects all visible creatures

Normal 20 + 1 penalty to hit per skill level.
Expert 20 + 2 penalty to hit per skill level.
Master 20 + 4 penalty to hit per skill level.
Grand Master 20 + 6 penalty to hit per skill level.

Last 1 min per skill level.

2DN 7LE Penalty 22 to hit, last 7 min, 10 MP
7DE 7LE Penalty 34 to hit, attack rate halved, last 7 min, 10 MP
5DE 12LM Penalty 30 to hit, attack rate halved, last 12 min, 10 MP
5DE 15LG Penalty 30 to hit, attack rate halved, last 15 min, 10 MP
10DG 4LE Penalty 80 to hit, attack rate halved,
prevent spell castors from casting,
affects all visible creatures last 4 min, 10 MP
15DG 9LE Penalty 110 to hit, attack rate halved,
prevent spell castors from casting,
affects all visible creatures last 9 min, 10 MP

Dark Grasp Dark(Master) Spirit(Expert)

Description: Reduce target movement speed, armor class and melee damage.

Master movement speed -50%, AC -25%, melee damage -50%. 45 MP
Grand Master movement speed -75%, AC -50%, melee damage -50%. 45 MP
last +15 min per skill level.

15DG 9SE movement speed -75%, armor class -50%,
melee damage -50% last 3 hr 45 min, 45 MP

Death's Touch Dark(Grand Master) Light(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Damage target, heal player.

Dark skill
7 + 1d7 damage per level.
Casting cost = 1 MP per dark skill level.
heal ~0.4-2.15 HP per level.

Where to get this spell: I was searching high and low for this spell. In
the end, I found it inside one of the chest in Verhoffin Ruins. The next
location I found the spell is at the Magic shop at Arslegard.

17DG 24-126 damage. heal 7-37 HP. 17 MP
18DG 25-133 damage. heal 7-39 HP. 18 MP
20DG 27-147 damage. heal 8-44 HP. 20 MP
22DG 29-161 damage. heal 8-48 HP. 22 MP

Disease Dark(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Diseased target will take damage constantly until the spell

Dark Skill
Expert 2 damage per min. last 5 min per skill level. 20 MP
Master 4 damage per min. last 7 min per skill level. ?? MP
Grand Master 7 damage per min. last 10 min per skill level. 75 MP

4DE 10EE 2 damage per min, last 20 min, 20 MP
4DE 7EE 2 damage per min, last 20 min, 20 MP
7DE 10EE 2 damage per min, last 35 min, 20 MP
5DE 12EM 2 damage per min, last 25 min, 24 MP
15DG 15EG 7 damage per min, last 2 hr 30 min, 75 MP

Divine Intervention Light(Grand Master) Spirit(Normal) Elemental(Expert)

Description: Heal entire party and cure all conditions except death.
Restore all spell points and hit points. You may cast this
only once per day.

Spoiler Bug: When you set this as a quick cast spell, the once per day
restriction is removed. Comment: Built in God Mode.

15LG 12SM 12EM varies 55 MP

Elemental Aura Elemental(Expert) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Protect target and elemental damage is dealt when target is
damaged. Elemental skill improve protect. Elemental mastery
increases damage returned.

Elemental Skill
Expert + 5 protection per skill level. return 100% damage, 20 MP
Master +10 protection per skill level. return 150% damage, 30 MP
Grand Master +15 protection per skill level. return 200% damage, 40 MP

10EE 2SN 50 point protection, return 100% damage, 20 MP
12EE 2SN 60 point protection, return 100% damage, 20 MP
7EM 12SM 70 point protection, return 150% damage, 30 MP
12EM 12SM 120 point protection, return 150% damage, 30 MP
12EM 7SM 120 point protection, return 150% damage, 30 MP
12EM 15SG 120 point protection, return 150% damage, 30 MP
15EG 9SE 225 point protection, return 200% damage, 40 MP

Elemental Blast Elemental(Expert) Light(Expert)

Description: Similar to Elemental Bolt but hit all targets within range.

Elemental skill
Expert 1d 6 per skill level. 15 feet radius, 10 MP
Master 1d 8 per skill level. 20 feet radius, 15 MP
Grand Master 1d10 per skill level. 35 feet radius, 30 MP

10EE 7LE 10- 60 damage, 15 feet, 10 MP
12EE 7LE 12- 72 damage, 15 feet, 10 MP
7EM 12LM 7- 56 damage, 20 feet, 15 MP
12EM 12LM 12- 96 damage, 20 feet, 15 MP
12EM 15LG 12- 96 damage, 20 feet, 15 MP
15EG 9LE 15-150 damage, 35 feet, 30 MP

Elemental Bolt Elemental(Normal) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Deal elemental damage to a target.

Elemental skill
Normal 1d 4 per skill level. 2 MP
Expert 1d 6 per skill level. 5 MP
Master 1d 8 per skill level. 10 MP
Grand Master 1d10 per skill level. 15 MP

4EN 10SE 4- 16 damage, 2 MP
7EN 10SE 7- 28 damage, 2 MP
10EN 2SN 10- 60 damage, 2 MP
12EN 2SN 12- 72 damage, 2 MP
7EE 10SE 7- 42 damage, 5 MP
7EM 12SM 7- 56 damage, 10 MP
12EM 12SM 12- 96 damage, 10 MP
12EM 15SG 12- 96 damage, 10 MP
15EG 9SG 15-150 damage, 15 MP

Elemental Protection Spirit(Normal) Light(Normal)

Description: Protection from elemental magic. At Spirit(Master) level
work on entire party.

Normal +1 Elemental Resist, last 5 min per skill level. player, 5 MP
Expert +2 Elemental Resist, last 7 min per skill level. player, 10 MP
Master +3 Elemental Resist, last 7 min per skill level. party, 15 MP
Grand Master +4 Elemental Resist, last 7 min per skill level. party, 20 MP

2SN 2LN + 2 Elemental Resist, last 10 min, Player, 5 MP
7SE 6LE +14 Elemental Resist, last 49 min, Player, 10 MP
9SE 9LE +18 Elemental Resist, last 1 hr 3 min, Player, 10 MP
10SE 4LE +20 Elemental Resist, last 1 hr 10 min, Player, 10 MP
10SE 6LE +20 Elemental Resist, last 1 hr 10 min, Player, 10 MP
7SM 7LM +21 Elemental Resist, last 49 min, Party , 15 MP
7SM 8LM +21 Elemental Resist, last 49 min, Party , 15 MP
12SM 12LM +36 Elemental Resist, last 1 hr 24 min, Party , 15 MP
12SM 15LG +36 Elemental Resist, last 1 hr 24 min, Party , 15 MP
15SG 15LG +60 Elemental Resist, last 1 hr 45 min, Party , 20 MP

Enchant Item Elemental(Normal) Spirit(Normal)


Elemental skill
Normal work on normal items. 5 MP
Expert work on normal items. 10 MP
Master work on good items. 15 MP
Grand Master work on excellent items. 20 MP

Spirit skill
Normal 10% per skill level.
Expert 5% per skill level.
Master 10% per skill level.
Grand Master 20% per skill level.

7EN 10SE Normal Item, 100%, 5 MP
10EE 2SE Normal Item, 10%, 10 MP
7EE 10SE Normal Item, 50%, 10 MP
12EM 7SM Good Item, 70%, 15 MP
12EM 12SM Good Item, 100%, 15 MP
12EM 15SG Good Item, 100%, 15 MP
15EG 9SG Exellent Item, 100%, 20 MP

Enrage Spirit(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Target will attack nearest friend or foe.

Spirit skill
Normal last 1 min per skill level.
Expert last 1 min per skill level.
Master last 1 min per skill level.
Grand Master last 1 min per skill level.

9SE 15EG last 9 min, 15 MP
10SE 7EN last 10 min, 15 MP
10SE 4EN last 10 min, 15 MP
10SE 7EE last 10 min, 15 MP
12SM 12EM last 12 min, 15 MP
15SG 12EM last 15 min, 15 MP

Eye of Legib Dark(Expert) Spirit(Expert)

Description: Allow you to see surroundings area.

Dark skill
Normal range 25 feet per skill level. last 5 min. 20 MP
Expert range 25 feet per skill level. last 5 min. 20 MP
Master range 25 feet per skill level. last 5 min. 20 MP
Grand Master range 25 feet per skill level. last 5 min. 20 MP

4DE 12SM Range 100 feet, last 5 min, 20 MP
5DE 12SM Range 125 feet, last 5 min, 20 MP
5DE 15SG Range 175 feet, last 5 min, 20 MP
15DG 9SG Range 375 feet, last 5 min, 20 MP

Eye of the Storm Elemental(Grand Master) Spirit(Expert) Light(Expert)

Description: Throw an atomic bomb at the enemies, affect all within range.

Limitation: Can be cast once per day.

Where to find this spell: You have to get a Mage Promotion Quest from
Thjorard. Go to Verhoffin Ruins, get Verhoffin Book. Return to Thjorad,
get the book key. Go to Drangheim Village (not the City). Enter one of
the small house in the village. You will see the message "You have use
a key". Go inside, search the floor. Once you found a crack on the
floor, break it open and get the Book. The Eye of the Storm spell is
along with the book. Note: if i am not wrong, there is ONLY one copy of
this spell in this game.

Elemental Skill
Grand Master 10d2 damage per skill level. Radius 10 feet. 45 MP

10EG 100-200 damage. radius 10 feet. 45 MP
15EG 150-300 damage. radius 10 feet. 45 MP
19EG 190-380 damage. radius 10 feet. 45 MP
42EG 420-840 damage. radius 10 feet. 45 MP

Faith Light(Expert) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Increases damage dealt by party members.

Light skill
Expert bonus 5 + 1 to damage per skill level.
Master bonus 10 + 1 to damage per skill level.
Grand Master bonus 15 + 1 to damage per skill level.

Spirit skill
Normal last 5 + 1 min per skill level.
Expert last 5 + 1 min per skill level.
Master last 5 + 1 min per skill level.
Grand Master last 5 + 1 min per skill level.

4LE 2SN Bonus 9 to damage, last 7 min, player, 10 MP
9LE 7SN Bonus 14 to damage, last 12 min, player, 10 MP
9LE 9SE Bonus 14 to damage, last 14 min, party , 10 MP
7LM 7SM Bonus 17 to damage, last 12 min, party , 15 MP
12LM 12SM Bonus 22 to damage, last 17 min, party , 15 MP
15LG 12SM Bonus 30 to damage, last 17 min, party , 15 MP
15LG 15SG Bonus 30 to damage, last 20 min, party , 15 MP

Fear Dark(Expert) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Cause on target creature.

Dark skill
Expert last 5 min per skill level.
Master last 10 min per skill level.
Grand Master last 15 min per skill level.

4DE 2SN last 20 min, monster, 10 MP
4DE 12SM last 20 min, monster, 10 MP
5DE 7SM last 25 min, monster, 10 MP
5DE 12SM last 25 min, monster, 10 MP
7DE 2SN last 35 min, monster, 10 MP
7DE 15SG last 35 min, monster, 10 MP
9DE 7SN last 45 min, monster, 10 MP
15DG 9SE last 3 hr 45 min, monster, 10 MP

Feather Fall Elemental(Normal) Light(Normal)

Description: allow the party to fall from high places safely.

Elemental skill
Normal last 5 min per skill level.
Expert last 5 min per skill level.
Master last 5 min per skill level.
Grand Master last 10 min per skill level.

4EN 6LE last 20 min, 5 MP
7EN 6LE last 35 min, 5 MP
10EN 7LE last 50 min, 5 MP
12EN 7LE last 1hr , 5 MP
12EM 12LM last 1hr , 5 MP
12EM 15LG last 1hr , 5 MP
15EG 9LE last 2hr 30 min, 5 MP

Fleet Foot Elemental(Expert) Spirit(Normal)

Description: increase party movement speed.

Bug: When there are hostile creatures around, i.e. yellow or red light,
the spell is negated.

Elemental skill
Expert Increase speed 125%, last 15 min per skill level. 15 MP
Master Increase speed 150%, last 30 min per skill level. 15 MP
Grand Master Increase speed 175%, last 60 min per skill level. 15 MP

10EE 2SN Increase speed 125%, last 2 hr 30 min, 15 MP
12EE 2SN Increase speed 125%, last 3 hr , 15 MP
12EM 12SM Increase speed 150%, last 6 hr , 15 MP
12EM 15SG Increase speed 150%, last 6 hr , 15 MP
15EG 9SE Increase speed 175%, last 15 hr , 15 MP

Haste Light(Expert) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Increase player/party recovery time. Player/Party is weaken
when spell expires.

Light Skill
Expert Reduce by 1 sec, last 60 + 2 min per skill level.
Master Reduce by 3 sec, last 60 + 3 min per skill level.
Grand Master Reduce by 2 sec, last 60 + 4 min per skill level.

Spirit Skill
Grand Master last extra 4 min per skill level.

4LE 2SN Reduce recovery time by 4 sec, last 1 hr 8 min, player, 15 MP
6LE 10SE Reduce recovery time by 6 sec, last 1 hr 12 min, player, 15 MP
7LE 2SN Reduce recovery time by 7 sec, last 1 hr 14 min, player, 15 MP
9LE 9SE Reduce recovery time by 9 sec, last 1 hr 18 min, player, 15 MP
12LM 12SM Reduce recovery time by 36 sec, last 1 hr 36 min, party , 20 MP
15LM 12SM Reduce recovery time by 45 sec, last 1 hr 45 min, party , 30 MP
15LG 12SM Reduce recovery time by 30 sec, last 2 hr 0 min, party , 30 MP
15LG 15SG Reduce recovery time by 30 sec, last 2 hr 30 min, party , 30 MP

Heal Light(Normal) Spirit(Normal)

Description: heal target player.

Spirit skill
Normal Heal 5 + 2 HP per skill level. 5 MP
Expert Heal 5 + 3 HP per skill level. 8 MP
Master Heal 5 + 4 HP per skill level. 15 MP
Grand Master Heal 5 + 10 HP per skill level. 20 MP

1SN 4LN Heal 7 HP, player, 5 MP
2SN 2LN Heal 9 HP, player, 5 MP
9SE 9LE Heal 32 HP, player, 8 MP
10SE 6LE Heal 35 HP, player, 8 MP
12SM 12LM Heal 53 HP, player, 15 MP
12SM 15LG Heal 53 HP, player, 15 MP
15SG 15LG Heal 155 HP, player, 20 MP

Lloyd's Beacon Elemental(Master) Light(Expert) Spirit(Expert)

Description: Set a beacons at the current location. you may return to
the beacon from somewhere else.

Note: Maximum number of beacons for entire party is 5 even if you have
many spell castors.

Elemental skill
Master Set up to 3 beacons, last 1 week, 60 MP
Grand Master Set up to 5 beacons, last 1 week, 45 MP

7EM 7LM 7SM Set up to 3 beacons, last 1 week, 60 MP
12EM 12LM 12SM Set up to 3 beacons, last 1 week, 60 MP
12EM 15LG 12SM Set up to 3 beacons, last 1 week, 60 MP
15EG 9LE 9SE Set up to 5 beacons, last 1 week, 45 MP

Magic Mine Elemental(Expert) Dark(Normal)

Description: Set a mine on the ground. explode when someone goes near it.

10EE 2DN 7 damage, radius 2 feet, 7 MP
10EE 4DE 7 damage, radius 2 feet, 7 MP
12EE 4DE 8 damage, radius 2 feet, 7 MP
12EE 7DE 8 damage, radius 2 feet, 7 MP
12EM 5DE 11 damage, radius 3 feet, 15 MP
15EG 15DG 14 damage, radius 4 feet, 30 MP

Meteor Shower Elemental(Master) Light(Expert)

Description: Throw a meteor shower at target. All within range are

Elemental skill
Master 50 + 1 damage per skill level. 25 MP
Grand Master 50 + 1 damage per skill level. 35 MP

Light Skill
Expert radius 5 feet per skill level.
Master radius 5 feet per skill level.
Grand Master radius 5 feet per skill level.

12EM 12LM 62 damage, radius 60 feet, 25 MP
12EM 15LG 62 damage, radius 75 feet, 25 MP
15EG 9LE 65 damage, radius 45 feet, 35 MP

Natural Armor Spirit(Master) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Improve armor class, cannot work if wearing metal armor.

Spirit skill
Master Armor class + 1, last 10 min per skill level. 15 MP
Grand Master Armor class + 2, last 12 min per skill level. 30 MP

12SM 12EM Armor class +12, last 2 hr, 15 MP
15SG 12EM Armor class +30, last 3 hr, 30 MP

Pain Reflection Dark(Expert) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Any damage taken is reflected back to the enemies.

Spirit skill
Dark(Expert) last 5 min per spirit skill level.
Dark(Master) last ?? min per spirit skill level.
Dark(Grand Master) last 20 min per spirit skill level.

Dark skill
Expert Reflect 10% damage per skill level. player. 20 MP
Master Reflect 10% damage per skill level. ?? . ?? MP
Grand Master Reflect 10% damage per skill level. party. 40 MP

4DE 2SN Reflect 40% damage, last 10 min, player, 20 MP
4DE 5SN Reflect 40% damage, last 25 min, player, 20 MP
7DE 2SN Reflect 70% damage, last 10 min, player, 20 MP
5DE 12SM Reflect 50% damage, last 1 hr , player, 20 MP
7DE 15SG Reflect 70% damage, last 1 hr 15 min, player, 20 MP
10DG 4SE Reflect 100% damage, last 1 hr 20 min, party , 40 MP
15DG 9SE Reflect 150% damage, last 3 hr 0 min, party , 40 MP

Paralyze Dark(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Paralyze target.

Note: The basic assumption is that a higher dark mastery will grant a
higher sucessful rate against enemies. At grand master dark, the
sucessful should be close to 100%.

Last 1 min per dark skill level.

4DE 10EE last 4 min, 25 MP
5DE 12EM last 5 min, 25 MP
7DE 10EE last 7 min, 25 MP
15DG 15EE last 15 min, 25 MP

Phantom Fighter Spirit(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Cast on a weapon. Summon a fighter to your aid. Take the
weapon as a payment when spell expires.

Spirit skill
Expert work on lvl 1-2 non-magic item, lvl 2 fighter, 15 MP
Master work on lvl 1-3 magic item, lvl 10 fighter, 25 MP
Grand Master work on lvl 1-5 magic item, lvl 20 fighter, 30 MP

10SE 7EN work on lvl 1-2 non-magic item, lvl 2 fighter, 15 MP
9SE 15EG work on lvl 1-2 non-magic item, lvl 2 fighter, 15 MP
12SM 12EM work on lvl 1-3 magic item, lvl 10 fighter, 25 MP
15SG 12EM work on lvl 1-5 magic item, lvl 20 fighter, 30 MP

Poison Elemental(Normal) Dark(Normal)

Description: Similar to Elemental Bolt, in addition also poison the

Elemental skill
Normal 1d 4 per skill level. 5 MP
Expert 1d 6 per skill level. 8 MP
Master 1d 8 per skill level. 15 MP
Grand Master 1d10 per skill level. 25 MP

+ 1-2 damage per min per dark skill level.
always last 10 min.

4EN 2DN 4- 16 damage, + 2- 4 damage per min, last 10 min, 5 MP
7EN 2DN 7- 28 damage, + 2- 4 damage per min, last 10 min, 5 MP
10EE 4DE 10- 60 damage, + 4- 8 damage per min, last 10 min, 8 MP
10EE 7DE 10- 60 damage, + 7-14 damage per min, last 10 min, 8 MP
12EM 5DE 12- 96 damage, + 5-10 damage per min, last 10 min, 15 MP
15EG 15DG 15-150 damage, +15-30 damage per min, last 10 min, 25 MP

Poison Cloud Elemental(Master) Dark(Expert)

Description: Cast a poison cloud which will move forwards slowly. All
enemies in contact with the cloud will take damage.

Elemental skill
Master 25 + 1d10 damage per skill level. 15 MP
Grand Master 25 + 1d10 damage per skill level. 25 MP

Dark skill
range improves with a higher skill level.

7EM 4DE 32- 95 damage, range 6 feet, 20 MP
12EM 5DE 37-145 damage, range 8 feet, 20 MP
7EM 9DE 32- 95 damage, range 15 feet, 20 MP
12EM 9DE 37-145 damage, range 15 feet, 20 MP
10EM 10DE 35-125 damage, range 16 feet, 20 MP
15EM 15DE 40-175 damage, range 25 feet, 20 MP
15EM 15DM 40-175 damage, range 25 feet, 20 MP
10EG 10DG 35-125 damage, range 25 feet, 25 MP
10EG 15DG 35-125 damage, range 37 feet, 25 MP
15EG 15DG 40-175 damage, range 37 feet, 25 MP

Power Draw Spirit(Master) Light(Normal)

Description: Push spell point into target damage ratings.

Note: For some reason it always fizzles when cast on party members.
However, it seems to work with NPCs.

Spirit skill
Master last 3 min per skill level.
Grand Master last 4 min per skill level.

12SM 12LM last 36 min, player, 40 MP
12SM 15LG last 45 min, player, 40 MP
15SG 15LG last 1 hr 0 min, player, 40 MP

Purify Light(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: cure weakness, insane and other conditions. light mastery
determines it's usefulness.

Target: a single player.

Light Skill
Expert Cure weakness and insane, others reduce 1/2 duration. 15 MP
Master Cure all conditions . 25 MP
Grand Master Cure all conditions, replenish 1 HP per skill level . 30 MP

6LE 7EN Cure weakness and insane, others reduce 1/2 duration, 15 MP
9LE 15EG Cure weakness and insane, others reduce 1/2 duration, 15 MP
12LM 12EM Cure all conditions , 25 MP
15LG 12EM Cure all conditions, replenish 15 HP , 30 MP

Regeneration Light(Master) Elemental(Normal)

Description: regenerate HP for a period of time.

Light Skill
Master last 1 min per skill level. 25 MP
Grand Master last 3 min per skill level. 30 MP

regenerate 1 HP per elemental skill level.

12LM 12EM regenerate 12 HP per min, last 12 min, player, 25 MP
15LG 7EM regenerate 7 HP per min, last 45 min, party , 30 MP
15LG 12EM regenerate 12 HP per min, last 45 min, party , 30 MP

Resist Death Light(Expert) Elemental(Normal)

Description: Protect against Dark spells.

Light Skill
Expert 2 point resist, last 7 min per skill level. player. 15 MP
Master 3 point resist, last 7 min per skill level. player. 20 MP
Grand Master 4 point resist, last 7 min per skill level. party. 25 MP

4LE 12EE 8 point resist, last 28 min, player, 15 MP
6LE 4EN 12 point resist, last 42 min, player, 15 MP
6LE 7EN 12 point resist, last 42 min, player, 15 MP
7LE 12EE 14 point resist, last 49 min, player, 15 MP
9LE 15EG 18 point resist, last 1 hr 3 min, player, 15 MP
12LM 12EM 36 point resist, last 1 hr 24 min, player, 20 MP
15LG 12EM 60 point resist, last 1 hr 45 min, party , 25 MP

Resurrection Light(Master) Elemental(Expert)

Description: resurrect dead character.

Light Skill
Master resurrected character will be unconscious, 20 MP
Grand Master resurrected character will be weak , 30 MP

12LM 12EM resurrected character will be unconscious, 20 MP
15LG 12EM resurrected character will be weak , 30 MP

Shared Life Spirit(Master) Light(Normal)

Description: Pool party heal point together, then distribute them out.

12SM 12LM varies, party, 20 MP
12SM 15LG varies, party, 20 MP

SoulDrinker Dark(Grand Master) Spirit(Expert) Elemental(Expert)

Description: Damage all creatures on screen, then use it to heal the party
distribute similar to the Shared Life spell.

Dark skill
Grand Master 25 + 1d8 damage and healing per skill level.

10DG 4SE 15EG 35-105 damage and healing, on screen, 55 MP
15DG 9SE 15EG 40-145 damage and healing, on screen, 55 MP

Sparks Light(Normal), Elemental(Normal)

Description: Cast a few sparks at enemies.

Note: cannot hit target not on ground level.

Elemental skill
Normal 5 sparks. 2 + 1 damage each per skill level. 5 MP
Expert 7 sparks. 2 + 1 damage each per skill level. 10 MP
Master 9 sparks. 2 + 1 damage each per skill level. 15 MP
Grand Master 12 sparks. 2 + 1 damage each per skill level. 20 MP

4EN 6LE 5 sparks, 6 damage each, 5 MP
7EN 6LE 5 sparks, 9 damage each, 5 MP
7EE 6LE 7 sparks, 9 damage each, 10 MP
10EE 7LE 7 sparks, 12 damage each, 10 MP
12EE 7LE 7 sparks, 14 damage each, 10 MP
12EM 12LM 9 sparks, 14 damage each, 15 MP
12EM 15LG 9 sparks, 14 damage each, 15 MP
15EG 9LG 12 sparks, 17 damage each, 20 MP

Spell Reaver Light(Expert) Spirit(Expert)

Description: Dispel spells on target.

Note: An irritating spell when your party is on the receiving end of this

Radius increases with more Light and Spirit skill level and mastery.

4LE 10SE Radius 3 feet, monster, 15 MP
6LE 10SE Radius 5 feet, monster, 15 MP
9LE 9SE Radius 8 feet, monster, 15 MP
12LM 12SM Radius 15 feet, monster, 15 MP
10LG 10SG Radius 17 feet, monster, 15 MP
15LG 15SG Radius 25 feet, monster, 15 MP

TorchLight Light(Normal) Elemental(Normal)

Description: A useful light spell when exploring dark places.

Elemental skill
Normal 8 feet. last 1 hr per skill level. 5 MP
Expert 15 feet. last 1 hr per skill level. 7 MP
Master 20 feet. last 1 hr per skill level. 9 MP
Grand Master 30 feet. last 1 hr per skill level. 12 MP

4EN 6LE Radius 8 feet, last 4 hr, 5 MP
5EN 6LE Radius 8 feet, last 5 hr, 5 MP
7EN 6LE Radius 8 feet, last 7 hr, 5 MP
7EE 6LE Radius 15 feet, last 7 hr, 7 MP
7EE 7LE Radius 15 feet, last 7 hr, 7 MP
10EE 7LE Radius 15 feet, last 10 hr, 7 MP
12EE 7LE Radius 15 feet, last 12 hr, 7 MP
12EM 12LM Radius 20 feet, last 12 hr, 9 MP
12EM 15LG Radius 20 feet, last 12 hr, 9 MP
15EG 9LE Radius 30 feet, last 15 hr, 12 MP

Town Portal Elemental(Expert) Light(Normal)

Description: Teleport to town altar.

Note: you need to cleanse the altar before you can teleport to it.
There are 6 town altar in this game.

Sturmford, Drangheim, Guberland, Thjorgard, Thronheim and Frosgard.

Expert Teleport within a region. 10 MP
Master Can teleport to other regions. 15 MP
Grand Master Can teleport to other regions. 20 MP

10EE 7LE Teleport within a region , 10 MP
12EM 12LM Can teleport to other regions, 15 MP
12EM 15LG Can teleport to other regions, 15 MP
15EG 9LE Can teleport to other regions, 20 MP

Transfusion Dark(Master) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Past conditions on a player to another target.

Master condition last remaining period of time.
Grand Master begin condition as if just cast.

e.g. A player had a disease that last 60 min. 20 min had passed, you
cast Transfusion to pass it to an enemy, the enemy will be
diseased for 40 min (60 - 20) at Dark Master level. At Dark Grand
Master level, the enemy will be diseased for 60 min.

15DG 9SE begin condition as if just cast, 30 MP

Turn Undead Spirit(Normal) Light(Normal)

Description: Turn undead. Deal damage at higher spirit mastery.

Spirit skill
Normal Last 3 + 1 min per skill level, monster , 5 MP
Expert Last 3 + 3 min per skill level, monster , 10 MP
Master Last 3 + 5 min per skill level, on screen , 20 MP
Grand Master Last 3 + 2 min per skill level, on screen , 25 MP

Light skill
Spirit(Normal) no damage.
Spirit(Expert) no damage.
Spirit(Master) 8 + 1 damage per light skill level.
Spirit(Grand Master) 16 + 1d16 damage per light skill level.

Comparing Priest and Druid
Druid - Light(E) Spirit(GM)
Priest - Light(GM) Spirit(GM)

Even though a Druid is able to reach Spirit(Grand Master),
the damage dealt to undead will be much less than a Priest
who have a higher Light skill level.

2SN 2LN Last 5 min, monster , 5 MP
9SE 9LE Last 30 min, monster , 10 MP
10SE 6LE Last 33 min, monster , 10 MP
12SM 12LM 20 damage, Last 1 hr 3 min, on screen, 20 MP
12SM 15LG 23 damage, Last 1 hr 3 min, on screen, 20 MP
10SG 10LG 26-176 damage, Last 23 min, on screen, 25 MP
15SG 15LG 31-256 damage, Last 33 min, on screen, 25 MP

Wizard Eye Light(Normal) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Show immediate surroundings.

Color Notation:

Green - friendly
Yellow - hostile. (most fanatics are yellow)
Red - enemy.
Blue - treasure.

Light skill
Normal Show monster only. Last 5 min per skill level, 5 MP
Expert Show monster only. Last 10 min per skill level, 5 MP
Master Show monster and treasure. Last 10 min per skill level, 10 MP
Grand Master Show monster and treasure. Last 15 min per skill level, 10 MP

2LN 2SN last 10 min, 5 MP
6LE 10SE Show monster only , last 1 hr , 5 MP
7LE 2SN Show monster only , last 1 hr 10 min, 5 MP
9LE 9SE Show monster only , last 1 hr 30 min, 5 MP
12LM 12SM Show monster and treasure, last 2 hr 0 min, 10 MP
15LG 12SM Show monster and treasure, last 3 hr 45 min, 10 MP

Wound Dark(Expert) Spirit(Expert)

Description: Damage target. Must be within melee range.

Dark skill
Expert 10 + 2d 6 damage per skill level, 10 MP
Master 10 + 2d 8 damage per skill level, 15 MP
Grand Master 10 + 2d10 damage per skill level, 20 MP

5DE 12SM 20- 40 damage, 10 MP
7DE 15SG 24- 52 damage, 10 MP
15DG 9SE 40-160 damage, 20 MP

Wrath of the Bugs! Elemental(Master) Spirit(Normal)

Description: Slow down enemies and prevent them from attacking efficiently.

At Elemental Grand Master, prevent enemies from attacking while the bugs
are swarming them.

+(Spirit skill + Elemental skill) to Monster recovery

Spirit skill
+1 to monster recovery per skill level

Elemental skill
Master +1 to monster recovery, last 2 min per skill level, 35 MP
Grand Master +1 to monster recovery, last 3 min per skill level, 40 MP

12EM 12SM +24 to monster recovery, last 24 min, 35MP
7EM 10SG +17 to monster recovery, last 14 min, 35MP
7EM 15SG +22 to monster recovery, last 14 min, 35MP
12EM 15SG +27 to monster recovery, last 24 min, 35MP
15EG 9SE +24 to monster recovery, last 45 min, 40MP

5. Revision History

Version 1.2, 19th August 2002
Found the 2 power spell in this game. Eye of the Storm and Death's Touch.

Version 1.1, 6th August 2002
Fill in the rest of the spells.

Version 1.0, 1st August 2002
Draft out document. Fill in first portion of spells.

(c) Copyright 2002 by Lee Beng Hai

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