Half-Life - Day of Defeat

Half-Life - Day of Defeat

17.10.2013 04:48:24
Mulliga's FAQ/Guide to
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---BETA 3.1---

Guide Version 1.03
Submitted 8/30/2002
by Andrew Kwan
This document copyright 2002

This document can be copied without my permission for personal use, exhibited
on a website, or otherwise distributed AS LONG AS the following conditions are

1) The document's contents are not changed in any way.
2) The document is freely available to the public; for example, it cannot be
on a pay site or on a retail CD.


1.0 - General Information
1.1 - What is Day of Defeat?
1.2 - How do I get DoD?
1.3 - What is this guide meant for?
1.4 - Can you give me specific statistics?
1.5 - Who is this guide for?
1.6 - What exactly are the changes in version 3.0 of DoD?
1.7 - Past Version Changes
2.0 - Gameplay Specifics
2.1 - Proning
2.2 - Crouching
2.3 - Recoil
2.4 - Accuracy
2.5 - Stamina and Sprinting
2.6 - Swimming and climbing
2.7 - Jumping
2.8 - Bandaging
2.9 - Reloading
2.10 - Sound and Sight
2.11 - Using Machine Guns
2.12 - Capturing Flags
2.13 - Respawning
2.14 - Getting Hit
2.15 - Mission Timer
2.16 - VGUI
2.17 - Para Gameplay
2.18 - Enhanced Spectator Mode
3.0 - Classes
3.1 - Rifleman
3.2 - Sergeant
3.3 - Support Infantry
3.4 - Sniper
3.5 - Machine Gunner
3.6 - Grenadier
3.7 - Unteroffizier
3.8 - Scharfuhrer
3.9 - Scharfschuetze
3.10 - MG-Schutze
4.0 - Weapons
4.1 - M1 Garand
4.2 - Thompson SMG
4.3 - M1 Carbine
4.4 - M3 Greasegun
4.5 - BAR
4.6 - Springfield '03
4.7 - .30-Cal MG
4.8 - Colt 1911 Pistol
4.9 - U.S. Issue Knife
4.10 - Fragmentation Grenade
4.11 - Mauser Karbiner 98K
4.12 - K43 Rifle
4.13 - MP40
4.14 - MP44
4.15 - FG42 Assault Rifle
4.16 - Mauser Karbiner 98K Sniper Rifle
4.17 - MG34
4.18 - MG42
4.19 - P08 Luger
4.20 - Spade
4.21 - SS Knife
4.22 - Stielhandgranate 24
5.0 - Maps
5.1 - Overlord
5.2 - Dog 1
5.3 - Avalanche
5.4 - Caen2
5.5 - Anzio
5.6 - Zafod
5.7 - Thunder
5.8 - Ramelle
5.9 - Heutau
5.10 - Schwetzingen
5.11 - Cherbourg
5.12 - Koln
5.13 - Kraftsoff
5.14 - Glider
5.15 - Hedgerow
6.0 - Elements of Online Play
6.1 - Lag
6.2 - Dealing with lag
6.3 - Teamplay and You
6.4 - They're beating the @#$% out of us!
6.5 - Tricks and Techniques
6.6 - Day of Defeat British Pak Beta 2.0
6.7 - Anti-cheat Programs
7.0 - Voice Communication
7.1 - How do I set up voice communication?
7.2 - I need more than that!
7.3 - Strategies for voice chat
8.0 - Conclusion, Version History, Other Stuff, and Acknowledgements
8.1 - Conclusion
8.2 - Other Stuff
8.3 - Version History
8.4 - Acknowledgments


1.1 What is Day of Defeat?

Day of Defeat (DoD) is a total conversion for Half-Life that attempts to
recreate the great feel of WWII small unit tactics in the Western European
theater. Currently, it is multiplayer-only (though you can download bots like
the excellent Sturmbot available from
http://www.wantahome.com/sturmbot/files.html [Thanks to trob32 for this
recommendation!]). DoD is free for download, and playable by anyone who has
Half-Life or Counter-Strike Retail. Its official headquarters can be found at
http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com. As evinced by this guide, it comes highly

1.2 How do I get DoD?

DoD is a monster download (146.5 MBs!), and that is why I've included here a
brief plan for getting this MOD. You can get DoD from the April 2002 edition
of PC Gamer magazine (back order it from them), but this version requires a
patch from the DoD website to get it to version 3.0. 56kers who are craving
their DoD fix must often endure 10 or more hours of downloading from a mirror.
First, grab a download manager ("GetRight" works fine). Second, find a mirror
that seems stable (FilePlanet never works for me, so I found a third-party
site from the table of links at the DoD website). Third, try to download it
all at one time, preferably overnight. If none of this works, get a friend to
burn the beta onto a CD or something.

1.3 What is this guide meant for?

I'm no big authority on DoD, so comments/flames/tips/errors/whatever are
welcome. I have put in plenty of time, and usually place first in the public
servers (unless somebody is using a cheat), so I have some knowledge of what
I'm writing about. This guide is meant to help the legit player, not the cheap
person who hacks the game or exploits bugs in the maps or the program. It also
assumes you want to help your team complete the mission (i.e., you don't hang
back with an MG and score a lot of kills with no deaths while your team
suffers for the lack of a machine gunner). It is meant to be a supplement for
the excellent documentation included both with the mod and on the official DoD
website. I really don't want to write the bloated FAQ/Strategy Guides that
tell you how to wipe your butt; I assume you have at least a passing
familiarity with FPS conventions like moving, shooting, and reloading.

1.4 Can you give me specific statistics?

I don't really have the inclination to test all the game's weapons in a
controlled setting against a bunch of targets, or to test actual damages by
the numbers (all the weapons, even the melee ones, are very deadly anyway).
What I _can_ write from is firsthand experience with all the weapons and the
strategies for using each. I'm sure future FAQs will go into such detail, but
I personally do not see the point.

1.5 Who is this guide for?

Although truly advanced players should find no real surprises here, novice and
even intermediate players will learn quite a bit. Also, with every version
change, I plan to update accordingly, so look here for the newest strategies
for new versions and maps.

1.6 What exactly are the changes in version 3.1 of DoD?

Here are the changes from 3.0 to 3.1, complete with my ramblings.

1.7 Past Version Changes

Here are the changes from 2.1 to 3.0, along with my usual ranting.

- Added para gameplay (CS meets DoD! Purists may scoff, but para is ok to me,
not to mention mappers can choose to use infinite DoD wave respawn _anyway_)
- Added Hedgerow, Kraftstoff, and Glider (decent para maps)
- Added para models (buzz cuts anyone?)
- Added FG42 scoped and bi-pod versions (a good addition, and seems balanced)
- Added K43 rifle (old Axis sniper rifle from past versions. Now functions
almost identically to the Garand)
- Added M1 Carbine with collapsible stock (really just a new skin)
- Added Greasegun (a weapon that you have to get used to)
- Added Cutscenes (some are very cool, some are just okay)
- Added removable helmets (NICE, later versions will extend the support to all
classes instead of just para)
- Added enhanced HLTV mode and enhanced spectator features (all those goodies
CS players have? We got 'em too!)
- Added custom HUD objective icons (they fit in quite nicely)
- Added object required capture areas (a must for para)
- Added new player joining server code (seems about the same to me)
- Added env_model for model placement (don't quite understand this
one...probably for map makers, I'd wager)
- Added team chat for dead clients (good for strategy while waiting for the
last guy on your team to die)
- Added new sniper zoomed-in view graphics (pretty good, but annoyingly low-
res...unless they made their sights blocky in WWII)
- fixed basic gameplay system issues
- fixed hitboxes on players
- fixed player animation alignments
- fixed sniper rifle accuracy while unzoomed
- fixed prone bounding box issues
- major updates to DoD manual (but you already know that, right?)

Here are the changes from 2.0 to 2.1, along with my bit commentary.

- Added Koln and Cherbourg (maps from previous versions of DoD)
- Map tweaks and fixes (Heutau respawn advance, for example)
- Reduction in map texture usage (not really noticeable for me)
- Reduced Kar accuracy (still pretty darn accurate)
- Grenadier down to three grenades (good change, I think)
- Increased Garand damage (this one IS observable)
- Decreased Garand recoil (still pretty hard recoil)
- Reduced grenade damage (observable, but they're still deadly)
- Increased grenade throwing time (prevents spamming...sort of)
- Decreased MG accuracy (visible mostly on MG42 and when undeployed)
- Increased sniper rifle damage (observable)
- Fixed sniper sway (not too much change here)
- Fixed MG42 overheating speed (hmm...never used MG42s that long anyway)
- Improved HLTV support (yep)
- Optimized netcode (a bit better)
- Fixed lag on map start (I think they fixed this one)
- Fixed cheats/exploits (some are gone)
- Sharp crosshair (a matter of preference)
- Removed water sniping (yep)


Day of Defeat has many gameplay elements that may be unfamiliar to newbies.
The following is a listing of explanations and strategies of DoD-specific
elements aimed at getting people up to speed. A lot of standard FPS
conventions work rather poorly in DoD; circle-strafing, for example, is almost
always suicide (note the "almost"). You may have to unlearn old habits to be
successful in DoD.

2.1 Proning

DoD, like other realistic games, features the ability to lie prone (default
"q" key), called "proning" for short. Proning is an important facet of DoD,
and it will increase your chances of survival considerably. Proning has a
number of distinct advantages; it renders you much smaller to the enemy (most
of the time - watch out if they get the "top shot" on you) and so you avoid
most incoming fire. You are also much harder to see, as well, and can hide
behind low barriers that would only come up to your knees if you were
standing. Your shots are more accurate, and recoil is greatly reduced. The
problems? You only move slowly while proning, and you can't shoot and move at
the same time. After moving when prone, and upon first going prone, you are
also unable to draw your weapon for a split-second (bad news if an enemy runs
around the corner while you're creeping up). You also are less mobile since
you cannot stand up and move around instantly (again, this is a real problem
if a grenade lands in front of you). Proning is good if there's a lot of
cover, a large elevation difference between you and your enemy, or if the map
is complex and they won't come upon you. Proning is generally bad in the
middle of city streets and near corners, though of course there are

2.2 Crouching

Crouching (default is holding "Ctrl") offers a happy medium between proning
and standing, and is ideal for Garand users and the like who need to be
stationary to fire, but also want to stay mobile. Unlike most games, DoD has
no "walk" command, so this is your only option if you wish to move silently.
You can instantly and quietly go in and out of a crouch with your weapon ready
to fire at all times, eliminating the vulnerable split-second it takes to draw
your weapon after going up from a prone position. In fact, whenever I fire a
weapon and don't need to shoot over an obstruction, I always crouch to make my
shots more accurate. There's only one real downside to crouching - good
enemies will adjust their aim rapidly, and thus enemy rounds will generally
score head and chest hits instead of leg or stomach hits. Crouching first may
also waste valuable time; sometimes it's better to get the first shot in a
firefight instead of crouching. Finally, crouching eliminates the tactical
option of running around while firing, which is sometimes a necessary tactic
in close quarters.

2.3 Recoil

DoD has a recoil system that drives the muzzle of a weapon up as it is fired.
This is especially noticeable with the M1 Garand and other powerful guns.
While there is always a raging debate over whether the recoils are too hard or
too soft, dealing with recoil is the same across the board. Either aim low and
let the recoil take the weapon up (lazy man's approach) or manually adjust the
recoil while shooting. I personally prefer the latter since it conserves
accuracy and ammunition, but sometimes careful aim just isn't possible or
expedient. Use the white puffs of bullet impacts to help train your hands to
deal with the recoil of DoD's many weapons.

2.4 Accuracy

Hitting what you shoot at is always critical, and chest and head hits will do
substantially more damage than limb hits. Moving in DoD sucks away your
accuracy, just as in real life. This decrease is represented by the moving
center part of the crosshair that represents the muzzle of your weapon
swinging around. While a stationary shooter can usually land his first shot no
matter what his weapon is, this changes when you are jogging around the map.
Few weapons are effective on the run; careful control and good strafing skill
will expand that selection as a DoD player's experience rises. In my time, I
have seen plenty of skilled players nail enemies with weapons like the MP44
and even the Garand when in motion. In very close quarters, however, accuracy
concerns go out the window; don't be afraid to move around in confined

2.5 Stamina and Sprinting

Hold the sprint key to move faster (default is "shift key"). You will lower
your weapon while running, so beware. Additionally, bunny-hops and wild
sprinting are prevented in DoD by the stamina meter, a multicolored vertical
column in the lower left part of the screen that rises and falls according to
how much physical action you undergo. Jumping, sprinting, and firing a machine
gun while moving will all significantly eat away from your stamina (firing
other weapons while moving doesn't seem to affect the meter much). Crouching
or standing allows you to catch your breath. Keep in mind that THE LOWER THE
not pay to sprint at the beginning of the round in an attempt to save time, as
soon you will be huffing and puffing as the stamina bar dwindles. Even if you
don't let it all run out, you will still go much slower (unlike the stamina
system of "Diablo II", for example). Sprinting is extremely useful for
slipping past enemy overwatch - if an alley is heavily guarded, toss a grenade
and sprint by when it goes off.

2.6 Swimming and Climbing

Many maps have ropes, ladders, and other implements to enable you to climb to
another level. Simply move forward face first (or very carefully in other
directions,) into these objects to climb up or down automatically. Beware,
however; weapons are unusable while on a ladder, you make a recognizable
metallic noise climbing them, and fall damage can easily kill. Swimming is
fairly straightforward in DoD, as the movement controls are the same
underwater as on land. Again, it is impossible to use most weapons while
underwater (though floating on the service allows you to shoot), and enemy
fire can shoot through water to kill pretty easily. Note that MELEE WEAPONS
CAN BE USED UNDERWATER. It IS possible to drown, but you have to stay under
the water for a long while, and popping up replenishes your air supply

2.7 Jumping

As stated before, jumping (hit the space bar) to avoid incoming fire is
ineffective, as when you come out of the jump, you move more slowly. It
deserves mention that the Half-Life convention of "crouch-jumping" (hit the
space bar and then "Ctrl" while in the air while moving forward) is in DoD; it
provides a way to get your legs over tall obstacles. Also note that fall
damage is modeled in DoD; drop anything more than about 20 meters, and you die
(or at least get hurt badly). Jumping is a good way to get into sniper perches
and the like, but jumping up and looking over an obstacle can also provide a
glimpse of approaching enemies.

2.8 Bandaging

Some nasty hits, particularly with explosions and high-caliber weapons to the
torso, cause bleeding (a blood drop icon appears at the left of the screen,
and your health slowly drains away until you die or bandage yourself). Get
away from the enemy (eliminate him FIRST if you can) and bandage immediately
(default is "z"). You are defenseless while bandaging (indicated by a bandage
icon of the left of the screen), so find cover or another teammate to guard
you (preferably both). The pain sound you make when bleeding is audible to

2.9 Reloading

Reloading in DoD is much like real life; that is, when you reload, you lose
the entire clip, instead of having the empty portion subtracted out of an
abstracted "ammo supply." Take this into consideration when using weapons with
limited numbers of magazines (i.e., anything that isn't a rifle) and try not
to fire any potshots. Ammo can be dropped with the "j" key, but this function
of DoD is very rarely employed. Note also that Light Infantry/Grenadier
players can drop MG ammo (default is "H" key) to supply MG players who have
run out of ammo. This is really only necessary in sustained firefights, or if
the machine gunner is either very bad (held down the trigger and burned his
supply) or very good (expended his ammo killing the enemy). Reloading an MG
takes an eternity, so don't do it on the front lines unless absolutely

2.10 Sound and Sight

Listening to your surroundings is vitally important in DoD. Learn the weapon
sounds and you'll know whether you're dealing with an MP40 or an MG42. Key on
movement sounds like people running around, going up ladders, opening doors,
reloading, going prone, etc.; these clues will give you advance intelligence
on the enemy, especially in a dark house or a crowded alley. Visually, learn
to discern the trajectory of incoming fire that is being directed at your
teammates, then flank and attack. When you see the corpse of a teammate, be
cautious and try not to suffer the same fate. Look closely for flying
grenades, hidden snipers, and other elements of the battlefield, but try to
keep moving, as a stationary target is much easier to hit.

2.11 Using Machine Guns

Machine guns are basically worthless when not deployed (sure they can "spray
and pray" up close, but so can other weapons, and a lot more effectively). In
3.0 machine gunners who are undeployed get no weapon crosshairs, either. To
deploy an MG, go prone and use the secondary fire key (default is right
click). In a split-second, the bipod is down, and you are ready to rock and
roll. Your range of motion will be restricted however, both horizontally and
vertically, so be careful about where you deploy. Also, it seems that you
cannot "undeploy" as fast as you can deploy. Alternately, you can search for
MG nests (windowsills, barricades, and bunkers that you can steady the MG
bipod on) and simply right click when the "MG Nest" icon appears to the left
of the screen (it may take a bit of fiddling around with your placement).
Additionally, MGs can only be reloaded when deployed.

2.12 Capturing Flags

Capturing flags in DoD is done in two ways. Some flags need merely to be run
over to be taken. Other flags, however, require one or more teammates to
capture and hold the position. The required number of men will be shown under
the flag in question as a fraction, colored green for Allies and red for Axis.
Your progress will be shown by the flag icon (at the top of the screen)
gradually turning into your flag. Note, however, that enemies see this icon as
well, and will come to off you while you hold the objective to break your
capture attempt. Some flags take practically forever to capture, so this can
be a major concern.

2.13 Getting Hit

Unlike many other Half-Life engine games, DoD does not feature the standard
directional indicator that tells where damage is coming from. In addition to
causing damage that is registered on the (rather thin) red "health bar" and
body picture in the lower left portion of the screen, getting hit by either
friendly or enemy fire flashes your screen red and will also slow you down, if
not stopping you in your tracks. Headshots are basically fatal, and chest
shots are pretty deadly as well. When fired upon, your first instinct may be
to go prone or to whirl around to see who's firing, but most guns don't have
tracers. Instead, sprint to hard cover, juking around randomly with your
strafe keys.

2.14 Respawning

When you get killed in DoD, you do not respawn immediately. Instead, you must
wait for the next wave of your team to be sent out. At the bottom of the
screen is a digital clock representing the time until this next wave can be
spawned; this timer is started by the first death on your team and remains the
same, no matter how many people die in the intervening time. This is
tactically VERY dangerous; smart teams kill off a bunch of enemies
simultaneously, and then capture flags or move up their MGs to squeeze their
opponents in the time it takes to respawn the wave. On the other hand, in
beachhead maps, you can more readily overwhelm the enemy using a large wave
attack than with a one-by-one spawning style.

2.15 Mission Timer

Another small clock, located at the top of the screen, represents the time
left to complete the mission. Watch your time and plan your strategy
accordingly, as losing the round means your team gets ZERO points. As time
winds down, don't waste time being defensive; rush and take those flags!

2.16 VGUI

The VGUI is a menu that can be brought up using the "k" key. Unfortunately,
most of its commands are redundant. Team changes and class changes can be
accomplished more efficiently using the specific hotkeys for both. Voice
commands are often pointless compared to real-time voice communication and
even a quick team chat (press the "u" key); if you're going to use them, you
might as well bind keys for the important ones anyway (such as "Grenade!").
Almost nobody ever uses the hand signals on the field of battle, and stopping
bleeding should be an instant reflex, not something where you have to go into
a menu. When all is said and done, the VGUI is a convenience, but nothing

2.17 Para Gameplay

An entirely new way to play DoD, Para(trooper) maps are the ultimate remedy
for those sick of taking those flags. Instead, you will take objectives and/or
defend objectives as a timer runs down. Para maps may also have CS round-style
respawn (games are split into rounds where if you die, you stay dead until
that round is over) and cutscenes (short scenes made using the HL engine that
explain your objectives...sort of). Para gameplay is loved by some and hated
by others, but it's good that the DoD team is trying new things.

2.18 Enhanced Spectator Mode

With the advent of the round-based gameplay option in Para maps, the advanced
spectator features introduced in beta 3.0 of DoD have become important. While
the longest a normal DoD player could spectate under the old game was a scant
15 seconds, watching how others play and how the maps are structured gives
dead players insight into the objectives and time to strategize. There are now
several modes available, depending on the server you play on: free-look
(essentially a no-clipping, maneuverable floating camera), chase camera
(follows a player), first-person (puts you in other people's views), map view
(a squished, 2D map with funny little helmets that represent players), and
free map view. Jerry Stevenson points out that it's best to scour the maps for
good sniper and MG positions, as well as watching the top players' techniques.
Observation is what separates the good player from the mediocre player.


DoD is class-based, and after picking your side (or pressing the "change
sides" key; default is "v") or upon pressing the "class change" key (default
is "c"), a menu will appear that allows you to select your class. Each class
has default weapons; you cannot order up a specific loadout. Unlike previous
versions of DoD, Beta 3.0's classes move at fairly equal rates of speed.
Stamina drain when carrying larger weapons like machine guns or sniper rifles
is much greater, however. Allies have light tan/olive uniforms while Axis
players wear dark gray or camouflage.


3.1 Rifleman

LOADOUT: M1 Garand w/ 11 clips, Colt 1911 w/ 3 clips, U.S. Knife, 2 Grenades

The Rifleman (formerly Light Infantry in previous versions) is a class that
can be fairly difficult to play. Lacking an automatic fire weapon, Riflemen
must stay out of close combat but must also avoid long-range engagements with
snipers, as the Garand isn't accurate enough to make it reliable against an
entrenched sniper. In truth, the M1 is best used while completely stationary;
wait for Axis troops to advance into your killing zone, fire a few rounds, and
then advance or retreat depending on how you fared. Some Garand users even
become accustomed to drawing their pistols as soon as the battle comes to
close quarters. Crouching is almost mandatory for this class, as the heavy
recoil of the M1 becomes much easier to control. Grenade use is also key to
performing well; try never to die without first using up your grenades on
common camping spots and/or entrenched enemies.

3.2 Sergeant

LOADOUT: M1 Carbine w/ 11 clips *or* Thompson SMG w/ 7 clips, Colt 1911 w/ 3
clips, U.S. Knife, 1 or 2 Grenades (see below)

This is the class for assaults. Sergeants have a weapon (be it either the
Thompson SMG or the M1 carbine) that allows them to fire on the move, avoiding
many of the fixed ambushes and grenades that would befall a less mobile class
like the Rifleman. They are practically useless against distant foes when
moving; however, even a Tommygun can turn into an accurate weapon when used in
a prone position (perfect for setting up an impromptu defense). In a battle,
Sergeant-class players should seek the hidden alleys and tunnels that
honeycomb most DoD maps. They should then flank the enemy or support their
squad at that advanced position. It is suicide for them to engage MGs,
snipers, or assault rifles in the open unless there is a lot of cover.
Choosing the Thompson M1 means a deadly close-range attack, good mid-range
capabilities, but less effective long range firepower; the M1 carbine is worse
at close range, but gives a better chance of hitting the enemy from medium and
long range. Additionally, Carbine users get an extra grenade to offset the
sheer killing power of the SMG.

3.3 Support Infantry

LOADOUT: BAR w/ 12 clips, Colt 1911 w/ 3 clips, U.S. Knife, 1 Grenade

Wielding the Browning Automatic Rifle, the Support Infantryman is able to do
most of the things the other classes can do. He can spray in close range
fights, but the recoil and slow cyclic speed of the BAR makes this difficult
against MP40-using Unteroffiziers. He can successfully tag enemies with 5-6
rounds in medium range confrontations, but a good Grenadier can kill in a
single hit. He can unload into enemy bunkers and sniping nests, but he cannot
sustain this fire, nor can he ever achieve the accuracy of a true sniping
weapon or light machine gun. In light of these shortcomings, stick with a
teammate or two and take the point - you are more likely to survive an enemy
attack than the other classes because you are more versatile. That said, the
Support Infantry class is probably the best class for beginners, and its
versatility means that veteran players will rack up A LOT of kills.
Additionally, a responsibility for the BAR man is the penetration of cover -
use the BAR to shoot through thin obstacles enemies may be hiding behind.

3.4 Sniper

LOADOUT: Springfield '03 w/ 11 clips, Colt 1911 w/ 3 clips, U.S. Knife

Although real WWII sharpshooters were perhaps not quite as important to the
war effort, in DoD, they are essential in many situations. Snipers, especially
in "Beachhead" maps, _must_ hunt for enemy players at all times. I realize
looking around with the scope can be tiresome, but it is a necessity given how
fast enemies can pop up. Targets should be queued in priority order: enemy
snipers (including "true" snipers and Grenadiers) first, MGs second, and then
everything else. When playing a sniper, find a spot and start sniping; trying
to be mobile may be more fun, but sticking to a good perch that overlooks a
high-traffic area is far more helpful (if you're into mobile sniping, try the
Rifleman class). Note that sniper rounds can penetrate thin walls and
barricades like other rifle rounds; use this to kill off concealed crouching
and prone enemies. Always crouch or prone when sniping, and once the enemy
knows where you are, displace to a new position. Draw your pistol when on the
move, as the unzoomed sniper in DoD is far more vulnerable than in other games
like CS.

3.5 Machine Gunner

LOADOUT: M1919A4 .30 Caliber Machine Gun w/ two 150-round belts

Suppression is the name of the game here. What the .30-cal lacks in accuracy
or raw power compared to the Axis MGs is made up by the ability to keep enemy
heads down, and a good machine gunner allows his squad to move up the
battlefield at will. When an appropriate nest can be found, you can almost
play sniper; the deployed machine gun is surprisingly accurate and spits out a
lot of rounds. At other times, simply cover advances and routes towards the
enemy spawning point by laying down a continuous barrage of fire whenever you
sense movement. Alternately, when there is no set path of advance, set up in a
corner of the map and just wait for the enemy before plastering him with
bullets. Shoot at anything that doesn't look right; you can sustain the
longest period of fire in the game. Be sure, though, to move up when team
members clear the visible area. Undeployed, you are totally defenseless except
at point-blank range, but if you have quick reflexes, you can kill a lot of
enemies in narrow alleys and cramped rooms.


3.6 Grenadier

LOADOUT: Kar 98 w/ 13 clips, Luger P08 w/ 3 clips, Spade, 3 Stick Grenades

With three grenades, the Grenadier has less power than in version 2.0, but
that doesn't stop him from being extremely lethal. More important than grenade
volume is grenade placement; when in doubt about a door or blind corner, toss
a grenade, and then advance. After enemies start to get wise, toss a grenade,
wait a few seconds, then toss another one. Enemies running through after the
first blast will get caught by the second. A few quick grenades can provide
enough cover to get into a position to kill off that annoying MG or sniper.
The Mauser bolt-action rifle served Germany through TWO World Wars for a
reason; a single hit in the chest or head will drop an enemy, no questions
asked. It is also easier to hit enemies while moving with the K98 than with
other rifles; a common strategy is to pop out of cover and fire a potshot at
an approaching enemy. If you miss, retreat and prepare again.

3.7 Unteroffizier

LOADOUT: MP40 w/ 7 clips, Luger P08 w/ 3 clips, Spade, 1 Stick Grenade

Extremely similar to the American Sergeant, the Unteroffizier is adept at
battling just about anything at close range. The Unteroffizier is ideal for
sweeping the side areas of the map, though he is slightly less suited to
turning into a static defender than the Sergeant. He can kill off many
unprepared opponents at a time in close quarters. Because of the nature of the
other German troops' weapons, you may want to lead teammates into hostile
territory, as your weapon puts out a good amount of lead on the move more
accurately than the MP44 or the K98, enabling them to get in position to
attack. If you encounter a long range weapon, use cover and keep weaving in
and out of sight to make your way to a medium range where your weapon will be
more effective.

3.8 Scharfuhrer

LOADOUT: MP44 w/ 7 clips, Luger P08 w/ 3 clips, Spade, 1 Stick Grenade

The Scharfuhrer is a very balanced class much like the Support Infantry of the
Allies, but this class is more weighted towards closer, faster firefights with
enemies than long range combat. While the Support Infantry takes a forward
position in a squad to provide overwatch and cover, the Scharfuhrer class
should play lone wolf or hang back and guard the sides and rear. This class is
brutally effective in close combat, and competent in medium engagements, as
well. Long ranges present a slight problem, so use cover and move up on the
enemy, or prone and burst to get good shots off. Moving and firing is less of
an option than with other classes, but certainly doable. This class should be
the first to confront enemy attackers breaking through the lines, and the
first to counterattack.

3.9 Scharfschuetze

LOADOUT: Scoped Kar 98 w/ 13 clips, Luger P08 w/ 3 clips, SS Knife

The German sniper class is basically identical to the American sniper class.
Even the American sniping weapon, the Springfield '03, is basically a copy of
the German Mauser. Play with both classes is essentially identical.

3.10 MG-Schutze

LOADOUT: MG42 w/ 2 250-round belts *or* MG34 w/ 5 75-round assault drums

Again, this class is much like the American machine gunner. Keep in mind that
the machine gun is critical to German tactics; German machine gunners must
accompany team members into battle to prevent crowds of distant Garand and BAR
users from ripping apart a squad. Get others to distract the enemy, and
quickly deploy. With any luck, your MG will suddenly become the center of
attention, and your teammates can take their shots at leisure. Avoid deploying
near blind corners and overhangs, lest an enemy toss a grenade or flank you.
The tactical needs of the map should determine your selection of machine guns;
the MG42 is ideal for most maps for general purpose firepower. The MG34 is
_much_ better at long ranges and can shoot decently undeployed; try sneaking
past enemy lines and ambushing enemies from a position that overlooks their
attack lines from a distance.


Day of Defeat brings a good deal of famous WWII-era weapons to life. Each
weapon has its own "sweet spots" and quirks that may not be obvious upon first
playing. With the Allied Sergeant and the Axis MG-Schutze, you can select the
weapon type you want simply by clicking on the image of the weapon you want. I
have elected not to put weapon accuracies, damages, and recoils in a big table
since the values of such numbers change dynamically in combat.

The new "Para" class in DoD is fairly easy to use, as all you have to do is
pick a weapon and you will spawn as a "Para Greasegun" or a "Fallschirmjager
K98". The only exception here is for the Axis; the FG42 is available in scoped
and bipod forms.


4.1 M1 Garand

This .30-06 semiautomatic rifle was the primary weapon of most American
infantry squads in 1944. In DoD, it kills in a single hit to the chest or
head, but the recoil is fairly heavy. Version 2.1 reduced this recoil slightly
and brought up the Garand's damage, making the weapon a little bit more
effective. It has a fast rate of fire compared to bolt-action weapons and a
larger clip (eight rounds versus five) than most rifles. Control the recoil
either by pushing down hard when the weapon kicks, or by going prone. The
Garand is inaccurate on the move; the "movement sway" is fairly large. The
rifle is best at medium and long ranges, as the Garand's relatively slow rate
of fire pales in comparison to automatic German weapons. The only major flaw
of the weapon is that partially fired magazines cannot be unloaded, as the
internal magazine ejection mechanism is powered by the same gas blowback that
works the bolt. The practical upshot of this is that to get a fresh clip, you
must first fire off your remaining rounds, revealing your position. When the
Garand runs out of ammo, the empty magazine is ejected, letting out a "ping"
sound that alerts everyone around you that you're out of ammo. Of course, you
should have never let the enemy get that close in the first place...

4.2 Thompson Submachine Gun

Developed as a "trench broom" for close quarters, the "Tommygun" was much less
common on the battlefield than the M1 rifle, primarily due to its maximum
effective range of 50 meters and its rather complex design. Unlike the rifle
rounds used by other weapons in the game, the .45 ACP rounds used by the
Thompson cannot penetrate walls and doors (Strangely enough, however, I have
seen cases of SMG bullets penetrating doors - a bug in the game?). A large
rate of fire (around 900 rounds per minute) and decent damage per bullet makes
the Tommygun a devastatingly effective weapon for close and close-to-medium
engagements, however; two to three good hits will down an opponent, and the
weapon can be used fairly easily while moving. For players with less precise
aim, the Tommygun allows a high degree of combat effectiveness, especially
those who are cursed with a poor mouse or connection. Proning makes the
Tommygun accurate to medium range, but this gun should never be used against
long-range opponents, except as maybe a distraction or to add suppressing fire
to help other teammates, since three out of four rounds you fire will miss.

4.3 M1 Carbine

Issued to "second line" personnel (such as artillery crews and the like), the
M1 Carbine is smaller, easier to handle, and easier to shoot than the full-
sized Garand, just as in real life. While this weapon didn't see as much
rigorous front-line combat as the Garand (save for the folding stock variants
used by the airborne), the carbine in DoD provides a longer-ranged alternative
to the Thompson. Its shortened .30-06 rounds do far less damage than the other
rifle rounds in the game (they are basically equivalent to the .45 ACP
Tommygun rounds in terms of stopping power, perhaps maybe even a little
weaker), but its recoil is _very_ forgiving. The carbine has a magazine that
is twice as large as the Garand's, shoots about twice as fast, and, unlike the
Garand, can be reloaded at any time. The carbine is almost an ideal medium
range weapon, and can deliver decent long-range fire when used while prone. It
is obviously less effective in close quarters than the Tommygun, but can be
fired on the run, as well. Whenever you use the carbine, tap like mad on your
mouse; single shots are ineffective unless you are sniping a distant enemy
(you shouldn't be doing that anyway, but sometimes it happens). Despite its
weakened caliber, the carbine seems to have some penetrating power. The
folding stock M1 Carbine in version 3.0 functions identically to the regular
one. Additional note: the carbine's report has been beefed up considerably -
much scarier!

4.4 M3 Greasegun

Making its first appearance in DoD, the "Greasegun" was a cheaper, less
complicated alternative to the M1 Thompson for the Allies in WWII. Shell
casings were simply thrown out of the top of the gun, the muzzle was
unprotected, and the weapon's stock was a simple bent piece of steel. Its
crudity, however, masks its better qualities. The M3 SMG fires _much_ more
slowly than the Thompson - it is ill-suited for close quarters unless you can
hit the enemy in the head. It's best to think of the weapon as a modified M1
Carbine - larger clip, same decent rate of fire, same low recoil, less
accurate. It reminds me of the HK UMP45 of CS - that is, it possesses a slow
cyclic rate, higher accuracy than most SMGs, and good damage. Aim for the
heads of your enemies, and you will do well. The greasegun has a distinctive
"pum-pum-pum" report that will soon become feared by your enemies!

4.5 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)

Another Browning innovation, the BAR saw limited action in WWI but was
standard issue to U.S. infantry throughout WWII. A combination of the mobility
of the rifle and the power of the machine gun, the BAR is the rare weapon that
can potentially win any confrontation, and often does. It is a jack-of-all-
trades, but a master of none. Therefore, your playing style with the BAR will
be dictated by what your teammates lack. Crouching makes short bursts deadly
accurate and automatic fire plausible. Proning turns the rifle into a mini-
machine gun; basically all the benefits of the .30-cal, but with a much
smaller clip. As your skill improves, standing and firing (as the gangsters of
the 1920s did) becomes more of an option. Sometimes, especially when firing
from an elevated position, it is best to let the recoil guide your crosshairs
across a line of enemy soldiers. Unless you are at close range, you will miss
a lot when on the move, so don't move when firing at medium or long range
unless you wish to suppress enemies and get teammates in supporting positions.

4.6 Springfield '03 Sniper Rifle

The primary rifle of the U.S. forces in WWI, leftover Springfields were fitted
with scopes and were employed by American sharpshooters. The rifle is very
accurate and can drop a man with a chest or a head hit. The damage was brought
up in version 2.1, and you can kill wounded enemies off with limb hits, as
well as always killing with a chest hit. The bolt-action design means that the
rate of fire is substantially slower than the other Allied weapons. Pressing
the secondary fire option zooms in; it takes a little bit of time to level the
rifle and a fading in of the scope reflects this. Keep in mind that moving
while zoomed in instantly and automatically takes you out of zoom. You can,
however, move _very_ slowly by gently tapping your movement keys or even
holding them down when crouched (I don't know whether this is an exploit, but
it makes sense in real life; it simulates the sniper slowly shifting his
position). Eventually you will pop out unzoomed, however. Your breathing
affects your aim, and going prone helps alleviate this natural movement of the
crosshairs. There are no crosshairs at all when unzoomed; firing while
unzoomed should only be a panic measure employed when the enemy is very close
to you and there is no time to draw your Colt (except for experts - more on
that later).

4.7 .30 Caliber Machine Gun

Although it was substantially heavier than the German machine guns (and in
real life was rarely served by a single man), the air-cooled M1919A4 .30-cal
is the most balanced MG in DoD. It has a slower rate of fire than the MG42 but
a larger belt than the MG34, and its accuracy and recoil are somewhere between
the two (its accuracy was decreased in version 2.1, but you'll hardly notice
with this MG). It can cover a window or alley with continuous suppressing
fire, as it does not overheat its barrel as the MG42 does. Fire off about five
rounds at a time at irregular intervals to give your team time to move up. In
the context of the other Allied weapons available in DoD, the .30-cal is
perfect for providing heavy automatic fire for assaults, especially if
teammates drop ammo boxes for you to use. It is slightly less effective on the
defensive, as either German machine gun can defeat the .30-cal under the
correct conditions.

4.8 Colt Model 1911 Pistol

An incredibly popular .45 ACP semiautomatic pistol, the classic Colt is
available to all U.S. classes but the machine gunner. Pistols in DoD are not
as strong as other games (i.e., the "Deagle" of CS which is commonly used as a
primary weapon); they are less accurate and much less powerful than almost
every other weapon. As such, they should only be drawn when your primary
magazine is empty or if you are moving from place to place with your sniper
rifle. Point the pistol in the direction of a nearby enemy chest or head and
unload, as usually you'll need most, if not all, of the magazine to kill,
though sometimes you'll luck out and get a head shot. If you can attack an
opponent from behind or from the sides, you're almost certain to kill him,
however. Though the lack of stopping power for a .45 pistol may seem
surprising, note that the military had to use full metal jacketed (FMJ)
bullets; these bullets had somewhat less manstopping power than the jacketed
hollow points of today. The Colt is basically equivalent to the Luger, since a
slightly smaller clip offsets its slightly better power.

4.9 U.S. Issue Knife

Though normally called on more for cutting rope and tubing than killing off
the enemy, all Allied classes except the machine gunner have a knife at their
disposal. It doesn't do much damage, and it can only be used when touching the
enemy, so draw it when both you and your enemy have run out of pistol ammo. By
this time you should both be hurt pretty bad, so a good hit to the chest or
head will probably end the fight. The knife is the only weapon that can be
used while swimming (mostly in Ramelle and Schwetzingen). The only other real
application of the knife is to breech doors and windows silently and without
wasting ammo, but there is rarely a need to do so. Even the killing of an
enemy silently is rendered pretty moot since a knife kill is fairly noticeable
on the kills board, tipping off the other side to your new position. Some
servers even have special scripts that applaud a knife kill, so this may even
be a goal for those seeking to demonstrate their bravado. Thankfully, if you
can surprise an opponent, the knife will kill in one or two quick slashes.

4.10 Fragmentation Grenade

While grenades in the real war were rather limited because of their range
compared to the more powerful mortars, they are _extremely_ important in DoD.
Unlike the weaker grenades in other games like Counter-Strike that cannot
really kill healthy opponents, a grenade in DoD shreds basically everyone
within a ten yard radius. In version 2.1, the grenade damage was toned down
(enough so you can just barely survive at about ten yards out), but the
grenade is still extremely formidable. The Allied "pineapple" grenade is
smaller and darker than the German stick grenade, making it slightly harder to
see on most maps. Note that a well-thrown grenade can shatter a window and
travel through, surprising the heck out of any enemies lurking inside.
Grenades take some of your momentum; moving forward, for example, slings a
grenade hard and long. Grenades should be employed to thin out German MG
users, annihilate approaching squads, and to clear out any suspect perches or
rooms. If you are fighting an opponent who is hiding, reloading, or
retreating, a well-placed grenade will flush them out...explosively. Grenades
also generate smoke and noise that can help to cover the advance or retreat of
a team.


4.11 Mauser Karbiner 98K

Using the heavy 8mm Mauser round, the bolt-action K98 was nearly a half a
century old by the end of WWII, but still served the German army well. The K98
is, like the Garand, primarily a medium and long-range weapon capable of
putting down an enemy with a chest or head hit. It is slightly lighter and
thus more accurate on the move than the Garand. This makes it suitable for
"pop-and-shoot" tactics - just make sure you're behind something solid! It has
very good accuracy and good range, and proning isn't really necessary to
increase the accuracy - just stand still. While the accuracy was decreased in
version 2.1, the Kar is _still_ more accurate than the Garand, and can nail
people on the beach in Overlord without too much trouble. Do not ignore the
bayonet at the end of the rifle; it is useful for conserving ammunition by
breaking through windows and doors without shooting a round from the K98's
small clip, and for stabbing extremely close enemies when your first shot
misses (which tends to happen when you are nose to nose with another soldier).
The secondary fire key (again, default is right click) delivers a sharp jab;
it stabs slower than you might expect, so charge your enemy with it to ensure
a hit.

4.12 K43 Rifle

Veteran DoD players will recognize the K43 from previous betas where it served
as a sniping weapon. Ultimately, its semi-automatic design and ten round
magazine made it unbalanced compared to the good old Springfield, but it
returns in beta 3.0 as an alternative to the Kar98. It is essentially a Garand
for the Axis now; it has good accuracy, a decent rate of fire, and does a good
amount of damage. The advantage of having a bigger clip that can be reloaded
at any time is offset by slightly reduced accuracy compared to the Garand -
your first shot will probably be wide on distant targets, so don't duel with
snipers unless you are skilled at aiming.

4.13 MP40 Maschinenpistole

The distinct outline of the MP40 should be familiar to anyone who has seen
"Raiders of the Lost Ark." While it certainly didn't reach the level of
proliferation of the Mauser, the MP40 was streamlined and easy to use. This
German SMG chambered for the 9mm round is very comparable to the Thompson M1;
it's quite a bit lighter, has a very slightly larger magazine (32 rounds), and
fires slightly weaker rounds, but all this is not really noticeable in-game.
It can be used on the run, and is even more important for people who like the
security of automatic fire, as the main German infantry weapon is a bolt-
action rifle that takes a moderate amount of skill to employ and that cannot
deal with multiple close opponents. It often brings down multiple foes, but is
quickly thwarted by cover of any kind (Again, I have seen SMGs penetrating
doors and I think it's a bug). It is slightly less accurate than the Tommygun
but has slightly less recoil, and so is more effective for assault and less
effective for defense.

4.14 MP44 Assault Rifle

The MP44 fires shortened 8mm Kurz ammo, just as the M1 carbine fires special
.30 carbine rounds. It has a little bit more punch than the MP40, but a good
deal more recoil that must be controlled even when crouched. When in motion,
you will only be able to hit targets consistently in close and sometimes
close-medium ranges. When prone, though, you can kill enemies from a
surprisingly long distance (as far as from the edge of the cliff to the ocean
in Overlord), as long as you shoot off enough rounds to guarantee hits; the
recoil of the gun rears its ugly head even when prone, and you'll be hitting
more beach than enemy. Be wary, then, when facing BAR users - their weapon
will win at long range. The MP44 is a very versatile weapon overall, and it
can penetrate doors, windows, and even bodies. This is especially effective
considering the large clip of the weapon. For best results, find a good ambush
spot and let 'em have it when they come into view.

4.15 FG42 Assault Rifle

This is not a true assault rifle like the MP44, as the FG42 has so-so accuracy
and hideous recoil. It should not be used on the move save for the most dire
circumstances. This gun is best at close or at most close-to-medium range - it
will make short work of almost any other class in the game. The bipod version
offers one way to get reliable medium range performance out of the gun, but
twenty rounds is not a lot of ammo, so be VERY careful about your firing and
stay light on the trigger. The scoped version offers another way to be
effective at mid-ranges; in scoped mode, the weapon is about as accurate as an
M1 Carbine, but it can't compete with good Garand and Springfield users.

4.16 Mauser Karbiner 98K Sniper Rifle

The sniping variant of the K98 has a scope and can be told from its
counterpart at a distance by its lighter color. It lacks a bayonet, and thus
is only useful at range. Substantially heavier than the standard German rifle,
the scoped K98 is just as effective as the Springfield '03 (perhaps even a
little bit more so, as the DoD manual reports that it is even more accurate
than the Springfield '03). It kills with a head or a chest hit (this damage
was increased noticeably in version 2.1), and it can cut through cover as
well. An extra bit of strategy worth mentioning is that unlike other games,
DoD does not let you take a sniper shot instantly after switching a weapon,
hopefully preventing the (somewhat) cheap tactic of traveling with a pistol
and using a script to instantly switch to a sniper rifle, zoom in, and shoot
an accurate shot. DoD 3.0 changed the graphic for the zoomed-in view, but it
functions identically.

4.17 MG34 Machine Gun

This is the older model machine gun for the Axis (it borrowed elements from
the Mauser design) and also the first truly mobile machine gun. The MG34 is
seriously handicapped by its use of the 75-round assault drum, as the ammo
often runs out in the middle of an assault. Thus there is little to recommend
the MG34 over the deadly MG42 for close and medium range purposes, except for
the fact that it doesn't overheat. At long range, though, the MG34 is a _lot_
more effective, as its accuracy begins to conserve ammo and kill enemies
faster compared to the bullet-hosing MG42 (the MG42 is also more likely to
overheat, as well). The accuracy of all machine guns was decreased with
version 2.1, so the MG34 is now even more valuable. At long range, fire in
short bursts of around five rounds for best results (you may even want to lead
the target slightly). The MG34 is also usable undeployed (crouch or prone and
hold the trigger to get accuracy roughly equivalent to a moving MP44 user), a
fairly useful attribute which makes it good for getting across a map solo or
lending some temporary supporting fire. In fact, it makes sense to think of
the MG34, at least in game terms, as a bigger, badder MP44.

4.18 MG42 Machine Gun

Feared by many Allied soldiers for its furious report and ability to turn the
battlefield into a bullet-ridden hell, the MG42 fires at approximately 1200
rounds per minute - basically the equivalent of around 40 Mauser rifleman
firing as fast as they can. Undeployed, you literally cannot hit the broadside
of a barn with the MG42 - especially if you are standing (its accuracy was
even further reduced with version 2.1). Deployed, you become practically
invincible to any attack except grenades and snipers. Ammunition comes on a
plentiful 250-round belt, and the weapon has great penetrating power, easily
killing through obstacles. The only significant downside to deploying is that
the gun must cool down between attacks (no barrel change option,
unfortunately); the barrel icon on the right of the screen shows how much heat
the barrel can stand before the gun starts to jam (MG42 overheating was
"fixed" in 2.1). Although personally I've never seen any team take advantage
of this weakness, it is important not to be careless with the weapon on
distant targets when an MG34 would be a better option. I've seen MG42 users
that use this weapon quite effectively, undeployed, and at close range - it
becomes like a gigantic shotgun (2.1 decreases the effectiveness of this
tactic somewhat).

4.19 P08 Luger Pistol

The Luger 9mm was seen in both World Wars, and its precision design made it
highly reliable and accurate, if very hard to produce. Like the Colt 1911, the
Luger is essentially ineffective at even medium range, even though its recoil
is slightly lower. It is similarly weak versus any other primary weapon, but
is the best option when your clip runs dry and the enemy is near. It is the
second line of defense for every Axis class except the MG-Schutze, and has a
slightly larger clip than its Allied counterpart. It is therefore a little bit
better for people who just want to put up a lot of rounds without much
precision. One advantage of using pistols is that they are relatively quiet
weapons; shoot someone from cover, and it is likely your enemies won't know
where you are. It can kill in about three shots, depending on how healthy your
target is.

4.20 Spade

This entrenching tool does more damage than other melee weapons in the game.
You don't see kills with this one too often, if only for the fact that if
someone has unloaded both his primary and secondary magazines, it's fairly
unlikely they have the skill or the time to pull out another weapon and
physically hit an enemy. If you do find yourself in a sticky situation, the
spade can kill with a hit to the chest or head. It swings pretty quickly and
it can be used underwater, so, when entering extremely close quarters (the
winding tower staircase in Avalanche, for instance), go ahead and pull it out
to mash anyone you run into.

4.21 SS Knife

Only issued to the Scharfschuetze class, longtime DoD players will recognize
this knife - it was the standard emergency weapon for every Axis class in
previous versions. Historically, knives like the SS knife came from Solingen,
Germany, in an effort to improve the economy of Germany. In game terms, it
does less damage than the spade, but, again, this shouldn't really matter
much. It sees a little bit more action as snipers often run out of ammo using
pistols as their only defense while moving, so get in there and slash the heck
out of the enemy. As with the Allied knife, it is usable underwater.

4.22 Stielhandgranate 24

The good old German "potato masher" hand grenade is a commonly seen weapon
that scores more kills than the Allied grenade if only because Grenadiers get
three grenades to play around with. Grenades are able to roll down hills, so
Axis players commonly throw grenades down to the beaches to make life
miserable for the invaders. While it is theoretically possible to pick up a
grenade with the "use key" (default is "e") and hurl it right back, it is
nearly impossible to do in practice against decent opponents (they will place
it right in front of their field of fire). By picking up the grenade, however,
you prevent teammates around you from dying on a non-FF (friendly fire) server
[Thanks to Alex Smack for this tip I missed]. An Axis Grenadier or two can
turn large swathes of the map into rubble, so be mindful of that. Also be
careful when "spamming" grenades - you can easily kill yourself or your
teammates if FF is on. Don't spam by throwing all three grenades one after the
other; you're just wasting perfectly good bombs.

===5.0 MAPS===

DoD version 3.1 comes with 15 maps (3 new ones added). That might seem
inadequate, but not when you consider many maps have completely differing
objectives for each team. While the only real way to learn a map is to play
it, having help in addition to the rather vague information in the manual
couldn't hurt. There are also many excellent tactical maps on the Internet;
the DoD website usually has a current table of links to clan sites that have
such resources. Here, I'll outline useful features of each map and strategies
for each side, though many of the strategies could be used either way (if it's
important for one side to hold a bunker, it's important for the other side to
take that bunker, etc.). In the future, I plan to cover popular custom maps
like "Flash". When I refer to the "Allies' second flag," I mean the flag that
one encounters second if one were to walk from the Allied spawn area to the
Axis spawn area. Direction indications follow this same convention.

Beachhead maps

These maps pit the Allied invaders versus the Axis defenders. They are thus
slanted in favor of the Axis, and it takes a good deal of cooperation and
communication for the Allies to succeed. The Allies must capture all the flags
within a set time period; the Axis must stop them.

5.1 Overlord

General Tips
- Controlling the beach is the key to winning this map for either side.
- The back area of the map is unimportant until the Allies capture the first
three MG nests. The map then switches over to "the Allies are inland" mode and
gives the Allies a whole new timer.
- The bunkers overlooking the beach are impossible to enter for the Allies
(results in a kill if an Allied soldier attempts to enter).
- The beach area is impossible to enter for Axis troops as well.
- Only twenty minutes for the Allies to complete each set of objectives.
- SMGs are essentially useless in the first part of this map.

- Get off the beach ASAP! Mortars, mines, and barbed wire will make this
difficult, but try to blow a hole in the barbed wire with bangalores, and then
go past the wire and head to either the left or right beach exits.
- Avoid those big craters. Explosions will probably kill you.
- Don't stand still on the beach at ANY time. Sprint until you get to a
hedgehog (those spiky rusty things that prevent armor from landing on the
beach) and then crouch behind it to regain stamina and help you hide from the
inevitable MG and sniper fire headed your way.
- The only weapon accurate enough to reliably score kills from the beach to
the cliff top is the sniper rifle. Don't take potshots with your M1 or BAR -
enemy K98s will kill you before you kill them.
- Deploy at least one sniper on a beach, preferably nestled next to a hedgehog
for cover. This sniper should guard all the bunkers overlooking the beach, as
well as the open top nests on the cliff.
- Lob grenades when you get to the ridge. Be wary of Axis stick grenades
coming your way, however. And make sure you get the grenade OVER the ridge, or
it'll come bouncing back at you.
- Throwing a grenade into a bunker opening may sound cool, but will often get
you killed as enemy soldiers rush forward to stem your advance. Enemies can
also see incoming grenades and will retreat into the bunkers temporarily to
avoid such attacks, so if you want to attempt it, throw two.
- Set up an MG to provide some overwatch once you've finally gotten on the
- Ambushes could happen at any time, so carry grenades and use them in and
around the trenches and emplacements.
- The second part of the mission (taking care of the strongholds and blowing
up the flak cannons) is usually a pushover compared to the first.

- Use MG34s to catch Allied troops who have just spawned or who are on the
beach. MG42s should either defend the two beach exits or the interior line
(out of Allied grenade range, preferably). MG42s can also go to the extreme
right or left of each bunker to defend the two inland entrances.
- K98s are very good at picking off Allies here. Step up to the bunker window,
choose a target (look for movement), shoot, and step back quickly to avoid
sniper retaliation. The unscoped K98 can even take out snipers if you're good
- Chuck grenades down the hills whenever possible. You won't hit any of your
teammates, and anything that increases the confusion of the battlefield is
good. With a little finesse, you can sling grenades almost all the way to the
enemy spawn.
- If all the MGs, grenadiers, and sniper slots are taken and you are anxious
to keep the Allies on the beach, become a Scharfuhrer, go prone, and edge over
the cliff. Unload the MP44 into any visible soldiers; you _will_ score kills
and, at the very least, provide another target for snipers. Needless to say,
edge away and reload when you run out of ammo.
- It is very difficult to snipe Allied sharpshooters lying prone on the beach
standing from within the bunkers. It can take two good hits to bring them
down, as the prone position and cover protects them.
- You might try sniping the enemy from the sides of the sandbag barricades or
the sides of the bunkers while prone.
- If the Allies manage to gain a foothold, and time is short, have everyone
become Grenadiers and lob grenades EVERYWHERE. Properly executed, this
maneuver can torch most of the upper section of the map.

5.2 Dog 1

General Tips
- Dog 1 is much like Overlord, except more complex in the rear and underground
and simpler from the beach. There is only 1 "MG nest" bunker covering your
position, but there is no spawn protection here.
- The green and yellow colored central bunker offers a great vantage point for
Allies and Axis alike.
- Don't run through or against barbed wire. It hurts you.
- Channels inside the ground limit your freedom of movement. Stay in the open
at all costs.
- There is a treeline obscuring a whole second part of the map.

- Dog 1 is more dangerous than Overlord on the top of the cliff, but less
dangerous than Overlord on the beach, as there is less horizon to cover with a
sniper rifle, and thus fewer people firing at the Allies on the beach. There
is more mortar fire and artillery fire though, and the MGs are still extremely
threatening. Make a suicide run to blow up the shingle with the bangalores.
- German grenades and sometimes soldiers flow down the gray ramp or the path
on the left side to meet you. Be ready for them and toss some grenades of your
- It might be fun to play Rambo if you do manage to get to the rear of the
map, but you aren't really helping your team. Instead, set up near the green
central bunker and start keeping one of the exits clear (most likely the left
one) of snipers and MGs. If enough people get over, you can start taking
- The map seems biased towards the Axis...there are a _lot_ of flags to
capture, and you need a bunch of people to hold them all.

- There is a large underground complex and plenty of other things you needn't
fuss about unless the Allies have broken through and/or you are having a hard
time defending with just plain MGs and sniper rifles.
- You will get numerous messages about the Allies breaking through. Use these
to your advantage if you have a long range weapon.
- The simplest way to win is to pound the beach and the boats with MG fire.
Allied snipers will eventually get you, however.
- The beach itself seems to be smaller - the MG42 is probably the weapon of
choice here.
- There is a portable radio in a radio room underground (The room has a
lightning bolt and a black box inside). Touch it and bring it to the cliff top
gun bunker (on the far right of the map) and set up an observation post to
increase the mortar fire on the beach. Don't know how effective this is for
small games, but there is a marked difference in large games.
- You can take artillery shells from the ammo store to the bunker artillery
piece to fire on the beach.

Capture and Hold Maps

These maps are pretty much symmetrical, sometimes with identical but opposing
sniper windows and MG nests. Capture all the flags to win.

5.3 Avalanche

General Tips
- As the name of the map suggests, the action here is quick and dangerous,
with one side often overwhelming the other. You even start new rounds with all
but the middle flag taken by either side, making for quick innings.
- Eyes on the skies - enemies in buildings will inflict heavy casualties if
you aren't wary, even near your spawn.
- This is a small map; automatic weapons are the rule of the day on the
- There are a lot of MG nests available for both sides.
- The central control point requires two men and is often heavily covered by
both sides from the buildings above; be careful when capturing. It captures
fairly fast, though.
- Plenty of side alleys and ruined buildings circling the main area make this
a deceptively complex map. Use these alleys to avoid the deadly streets and to
capture faraway enemy flags.

- The essential point to hold is the 2nd flag and the corridor above it - a
passage left of the spawn point provides access to it.
- Snipers need not be solely perched on the roofs and windows - a sniper on
the ground can surprise enemies as they pop out of the archway.
- Stick grenades will pound the entire map and can knock out several people at
a time - it's best to go the roundabout way than to run into an ambush. Stay
dispersed for maximum protection.
- The .30-cal is especially useful in this map, as the windows of the town
must periodically be "brushed over" with MG fire to kill off any snipers or
enemy MGs. A .30-cal on the ground is unable to hit the tower, however, so
- Watch out for spawn campers in the big ruined building, as they can knock
out a whole squad.

- Get an MG34 in the 2nd flag and keep the Allies in the building to your left
busy as they stumble out of the doorway to attack. You can also cover most of
the map here.
- Taking control of the building near the Allied start position can win the
entire map - focus on putting an MG42 on the windowsill overlooking their
spawn. If that fails, getting to the top of the building and sitting over the
Allied spawn works well, but veterans know this trick all too well.
- Prone and sit near the first flag with an MP40 or MP44. Kill off Allies as
they pass.
- Lob stick grenades out of windows and from roofs - they'll fly far and kill
fast, as there is precious little room to maneuver here.
- An MG42 in the tower provides an almost insurmountable obstacle for
disorganized Allied teams.
- The regular K98 is probably just as effective as the sniper rifle due to the
cramped nature of the map, and you get three grenades besides.

5.4 Caen2

General Tips
- This is the DoD equivalent of "De_Dust" for Counter-Strike, so you'll be
spending a lot of time on this map. There are plenty of "Caen2 24/7" servers
out there, as well.
- Artillery pounds most of the map, so listen up and stick to the sides of the
map. It's hard to dodge artillery fire (you will hear a large crash...right
before you get blown to smithereens).
- A strong central thrust can cut off the enemy for a while.
- Plant TNT merely by running into the section of wall or door you want to
burst open. Note that you must approach it from the correct side (if you try
to plant and nothing happens, the spot is designed for the enemy).
- TNT is generally useful for breaking out if you are defending against an
entrenched attacker that is killing you near your second flag. It gives you a
third path of attack to play with, and will make your team that much deadlier.
Thus, it is less useful for attacking, as it gives enemies more chances to
break out. Of course, stay away from dynamite when it's about to blow!
- Coordinated teams (i.e. in clan matches) must plan which places to bomb and
which places NOT too. Some sites give a huge advantage to the enemy if
detonated too soon in the course of a game.
- Buildings with shooters litter the whole map; a penetrating weapon can save
a lot of headaches in dealing with them, as your aim need not be perfect.
- Don't linger near the electric wires or you're toast. You can't duck and go
through them safely, either. It's more practical to run through, staying hard
to the opposite wall.
- The map is almost perfectly symmetrical.
- Lots of creaky doors can be used to detect or fake out opponents.

- The BAR is useful here. You can travel the whole map - alleys, rooms,
windows, rooftops and all - while Ramboing through with the BAR.
- Take aim from the high roof of the building near the second flag if the Axis
are invading - they'll generally have to bring in a sniper to kill you if you
get an MG there.
- Garand users are also good here; hide somewhere high and down enemies with
single shots for maximum impact.

- Look out for the overhangs past the second flag; they often contain Allies
ready to snipe.
- A small opening in the wall of the building after passing the first flag is
often a spot for Allied snipers.
- The bar after the fourth flag is an ideal ambush spot.

5.5 Anzio

General Tips
- While anti spawn-camping methods are active, good overlooks (the window
overlooking the beach, the top of the Axis base ramp) on both sides of the map
can swing the tide of battle.
- The bridge is easy to take, but hard to keep. Setting up an MG in one of the
MG nest positions may sound like a good idea, but enemies just have too many
ways to break such positions.
- While setting a sniper on the tower might sound like fun, an MG would really
serve better.
- Many flags have hiding positions located near them where smart opponents
will camp in the rubble. Sniff out these ambushes and lob a grenade to break

- Don't get too attached to the storefront. You can easily be shot from the
dark recesses of the cellar behind it, as one cellar path leads almost
directly to the bridge.
- The Hill (the flag nearest the Axis spawn) is easy to take, as it has
several openings that allow you to rain MG fire on approaching Axis.
- Take the ladder near the church that leads to the window and hold it with a
long-range weapon. There is no MG nest there, but a good Garand user should
score plenty of kills. If anyone tries to sling a grenade, retreat temporarily
or throw it back at them; it's a fairly safe position otherwise to guard most
of the common Axis lines of attack on the map.
- Watch out for that long alleyway leading up to the Axis spawn. An MG42 is
usually lying in wait.

- The sewers are the best way to crack a determined Allied defense. They are
slightly easier for the Axis troops to access (the crack in the floor near the
bridge); use that to your advantage.
- Grenades are useful to secure the twists of the streets near the Allied
spawn, so don't skimp.
- The dark house near the beach can be used rather unsportingly to kill off
approaching Allied foes; deploy an MG42 and shoot as they open the door.
Alternately, you can hide in the crack in the floor, but that is even cheaper.
- When you are pinned and the Allies are holding The Hill, take the alternate
path that leads to the ruined courtyard and spread from there (watch the
church tower, however).

5.6 Zafod

General Tips
- Take the bridge and hold it. Your team will spawn in a more forward
position, making the going MUCH easier.
- There is more than one way to get across the river; it is often easier to go
in the river and storm over the top using one of the ladders than to run
across a bridge laced with MG fire.
- The sides of the map to either side of the bridge offer great sniping
positions. Go prone and watch the kills pile up.
- In the new 2.1 revision of this map, a new attack path has been added via
the side of the map (the treeline). It is EXTREMELY useful.

- When heading for the bridge, save a little time by veering towards the right
after the well and cutting through the house.
- Overwatch is very important here - get a .30-cal up in the open part of the
ruined building on your side of the bridge pronto to provide cover.
- Waste anyone you see making their way up the left ladder to the forested
area on the left side. An MG42 can literally mean disaster.
- The church tower is a fantastic way to stop the Axis from penetrating too
deeply if they manage to get control of the bridge. Kill a few soldiers off,
and then counterattack to retake the bridge.
- Beyond the bridge and in the Axis castle, there is a square tunnel in the
shadows to the right of the entranceway to Axis territory - don't overlook it,
as it's rarely guarded as heavily as the main entrance. When it is guarded,
though, hurl grenades and get a BAR man to fire down the hole.

- The doors to your fortress can be shot through with MG fire - use an MG34
and shoot through them when Allies have set MGs on their perch overlooking the
- When the Allies pin you to the second flag (or worse), spawn as a Grenadier,
take the door on your right after the first flag, and make your way up the
staircase up into the house. Toss all three grenades from different directions
on the balcony to get some easy kills.
- The inner structure of the Axis castle has changed in 2.1, so make sure you
guard every way in.
- The big castle the Axis control is much easier to snipe from than the
Allies' stronghold. Watch out for enemies coming up the stairwell.
- The church tower presents an imposing obstacle, but once in Allied
territory, the enemy will have a hard time tracking you; it's like a maze.

5.7 Thunder

General Tips
- Fires are all over this map. Be careful, and run quickly around them.
- Rain and thunder make identifying enemies by sight or sound difficult. On a
non-FF server, shoot anything you don't recognize.
- Don't use the MG nests when fighting a clever enemy. Instead, set up in a
side alley and riddle anyone who comes by with bullets, then displace to
another position.
- The middle flag requires two men but is relatively easy to take, as the tank
and rubble provide a lot of cover. Be wary of grenades.
- The pools of water can hide you for a while if you prone, but don't dawdle.
While you may look like a corpse, the mud doesn't protect you from grenades.

- The left path to the Axis base is always tempting, but ends in an alley that
is often covered extremely well.
- The Axis don't have much of a chance if you get to deploy right near the
ramp that leads from their spawn to the map proper.

- When going for the throat, deploy an MG42 right outside the Allies' base to
create a lot of havoc.
- The map has a lot of alleyways, corners, and cover, perfect fodder for
grenades. Hurl a couple at an Allied flag from a distance and watch the

5.8 Ramelle

General Tips
- This is a popular DoD map, as it is taken from the movie "Saving Private
Ryan." See the movie, as it does give you sort of a layout of the map and an
appreciation of how to play it (not to mention being pretty good in its own
- With version 2.1, Allies now spawn from the previous Axis spawn point, and
Axis now spawn from the previous Allies spawn point (necessitating a rewrite
of this whole map strategy; thanks DoD team :P)!)
- The bridge will probably have MG fire and grenades from both sides flying
over it, as well as planes bombarding it sporadically. Don't stay there longer
than you have to, and _don't_ set up an MG on top of the bridge.
- Use a melee weapon when swimming, and don't spend too much time in the
water, as many players routinely spray rounds into the river.
- Unlike Zafod, there is no special bonus for holding the bridge, so pass it
up if you can't capture and hold it.
- Each side's part of the map is hard to take, but each also has numerous MG
nests that can be used against the enemy.

- An MG on the riverside facing the window overlooking the river can make
mincemeat out of anyone jumping out the window to avoid crossing the bridge.
Spray around the window slightly to kill anyone inside.
- Grenades can be tossed from the surface of the river to many surprising
locations, including the Axis' window and deep into the Axis side of the
bridge. Practice this, however.
- The fields are a great place for a skilled Garand user - you can often kill
multiple unsuspecting men in a row from a prone position beyond the tree.
- If a single enemy gets behind the front line, don't chase after him, since
the map is too complex. Merely prone and wait for him to pass by.

- After spawning, you will be pushed forward a short ways towards your first
flag. I always thought this was just my computer, but skapunk2x and Alex Smack
reported the same thing happening. This is the anti-spawn camp part of the
map, so just run through it.
- Get an MG to guard the bridge via the second story window overlooking the
bridge, firing over the slight rise of the bridge to the building beyond. It
may never hit anybody, but it will provide a nice scare to the enemy and
dissuade enemy grenade use. Keep their window intact (if it has not been
broken); enemies will have to break it to shoot, alerting you to their
- Hold the dark second floor of the building near the bridge (the one with the
ladder leading up) at all costs. It provides the enemy with an easy-to-defend
staging area for attacks against you.
- The most-often missed flag is the Stronghold flag deep inside the upper
stories of a building near the big boxes. Capture it, and wait there for any
Americans who try to retake it.

5.9 Heutau

General Tips
- This is a big map. It will take a coordinated push from most, if not all, of
your team to win. In fact, it's extremely hard to capture every flag because
of the sheer distances you have to travel.
- Capturing the center is VITAL to winning after version 2.1 modified this
map. Just like Zafod, this map will now advance the respawn point of whichever
side holds the center flag (Effektor Place).
- The center flag is hotly contested with snipers and machine gunners
jockeying for position; it is almost never *safe* to capture unless you KNOW
the area is clear. However, contrary to what you might expect, it changes
sides with a single touch, so if you're low on health, you might as well "take
one for the team" and sprint over the flag (probably getting killed in the
- There are several side paths in this map, but eventually you will have to
fight through a single lane to reach the enemy's final flag. All flags have
been moved closer to the "center" in 2.1, so it is MUCH easier to win on this
map now.

- Keep a sniper prone in the corner near the white double doors near the
residence. He should keep Axis snipers and MGs out of the ruined building.
- It's best not to wind through the residence's many doors unless you have to;
use the path to the left of the residence entrance to speed up your assault.
Keep in mind there is now a flag _inside_ the building, so if it's your last
flag, two or more people should guard it.
- The BAR is really the best overall choice for this map - you'll encounter
enemies at basically all ranges and situations, and you'll need firepower.
Barring that, sniper rifles are also more useful than usual.
- Set up an MG on the little ramp overlooking the Axis path of advance (get
there by getting up the multiple ramps into the ruined building beyond the
middle flag). They'll be expecting you, though, so set up fast and spray the
double windows opposite you.
- Don't ignore the window exit out of the Residence - it might be the best way
to get out, as it is less vulnerable to grenades.

- Grenades are useful in this map not so much because of enclosed spaces but
because of the fairly small selection of possible routes. When you finally get
near the Allied base, lob grenades for every dozen or so meters you travel.
- The little L-curved tunnel leading towards the middle flag area is a risky
proposition, but don't toss grenades - they'll just alert the enemy to your
presence. Instead, sidle out and be cautious.
- Jump on top of the little diagonal patch of roof overlooking the hall near
the Allies' second flag. Use a K98 to kill enemies as they come, and be
precise, so people following your victims can't see where you're shooting
from. You will be unstoppable until someone wises up and tosses a grenade.
- Taking the last Allied flag is much simpler in 2.1. Get a few runners and
get the flag inside the building before the enemy can move up.

5.10 Schwetzingen

General Tips
- Schwetzingen is a unique map in that the sides alternate. For example, if
the Axis starts off defending, the Allies attack. The Allies must capture all
flags within 15 minutes. If they fail, the Axis get points, and another round
starts. If they win, the Allies get points, and it is now their turn to defend
against the Axis' attack.
- The map is a city, with breakable windows, many doors, and plenty of cover
in the form of vehicles in the road. Not too many alleyways, however.
- The map is large, with an _extremely_ hazardous no man's land between the
two riverbanks.
- Don't try to swim in the river for too long.
- Most of the flags need multiple men to capture.
- [A good suggestion by theREALbbobb] I've changed the names of the sides here
because they can change from round to round as described above.

Assaulting Team
- Running across the bridge with no support is suicide. If the other team is
any good, they'll have set up snipers and machine guns to stop your approach.
- Instead, stay inside the building you spawn in and look through the windows
overlooking the riverbank and start countersniping and countermachine-gunning.
You'll suffer casualties, but it's better than running into enemy fire.
- After the defenders are a little softened up, you can THEN get men behind
cover on the bridge or through the window.
- The map is won from the top down. Use ropes to get to the roofs of buildings
and proceed down, sweeping for enemies. A few snipers should guard the street
exit to the riverbank.

Defending Team
- Sniping is important here, so don't skimp. Shoot at the obscured windows
even if you are unsure if there is a sniper there. It may be easier if you
snipe from the streets instead of the buildings.
- If the attackers take care of your long-range defenses, set up shop on the
streets and on the roofs of buildings, away from the edges. Throw grenades
down and guard the flags.
- The center building is a tantalizing position, but snipers often heavily
cover it. A perch on the ground, nestled near a building, can be very
- When it comes down to a single flag, use the entire team to guard it. Do
whatever it takes to hold out. It is difficult, as most flags have two
approaches to them.

5.11 Cherbourg

General Tips
- There are two main paths in this map - the central path that includes the v-
shaped ramps, and the right path that cuts through the German outpost and the
- A "minor path" for each side leads to the courtyard (I consider it minor
because it doesn't lead straight to the other teams' spawn. These minor paths,
however, can be useful flanking tools, and, if the flag near the spawn is
overrun, last-ditch strongholds.
- Clotheslines and planks provide impromptu but effective catwalks throughout
the map.
- An extremely common (and admittedly effective strategy) is lobbing grenades
down the center ramp to kill anyone trying to capture and hold the central
flag. Consider going through the alternate path, laying siege to the enemy,
and THEN safely capturing the central flag.
- MG nests are on the railings of many fences and guardrails (particularly
overlooking the courtyard flag).
- Deadly overwatch points on the top of the central building overlook both
spawns; point your muzzle at these cracks and let loose a few rounds.

- The central path is fairly obvious. The minor path is to the left of it, and
the other path is to the right.
- There is plenty of cover available in the initial courtyard if enemies take
the tower above the center flag.

- Get out of the spawn area pronto. There's seldom time to dilly-dally.
- For the Germans, the minor path is to the right, while the other one is to
the left.
- The railings near the spawn are useful for bringing up MGs to guard the

5.12 Koln

General Tips

- Koln is probably the single most confusing map in DoD. Take heart, though,
as you WILL learn it eventually.
- The central railyard is often guarded by MGs and campers waiting to strike.
Run quickly in between the railway cars to avoid most incoming fire.
- Tunnels, ladders, holes, and catwalks not only provide a means of getting
around, but a LOT of ambush opportunities. When in doubt, blow 'em out.
- The central flag is the hardest to take - it's fairly open to fire from two
sides, and enemies often lob grenades right near the flag. It's also
frustrating to get anyone to back you up, especially on a public server :P.
- Surprisingly enough, the map is fairly symmetrical, at least on a
superficial level. Very few servers run this map, though.

- Watch out when exiting the spawn, as a window overlooks the exit ramp. An MG
or even an MP44 there can rip apart a squad.
- Get familiar with the three story sniper's nest...it covers most of the
major thoroughfares of the map, and it's usually the first target of the
German advance.
- The large factory area should be guarded if at all possible by a Sergeant-
class player.

- The doorway past the fountain is often inhabited by a spawn camper.
- The Railway Arch is tricky to defend from on the ground...set up shop above
it for best results.
- The best weapon for this map is probably the MP44 - its versatility and
emphasis on short-to-mid-range combat make it a way to get some quick kills.

5.13 Kraftsoff

General Tips

- This is a Para map, and most often (at least on the servers I frequent) it
is round respawn.
- There are three main paths bridging the Axis and the Allied start points.
- Axis are trying to capture a fuel truck. Allies are trying to stop them.
- The bushes littering the map are great for concealment but poor for actual
hard cover. Stick to the sandbags if you have an MG or are guarding a

- There are _two_ trucks. Split the team up and guard both. If it is apparent
the Germans are rushing hard to one truck, some of the other truck's guard
should go and support (this takes communication, since once you see the icon
changing possession at the top, it's too late). Beware, though: smart
opponents will fake a rush.
- Have no shame about camping. Take a .30-cal and set up near the doorways
present on either the left or right side, out of grenade range.
- Don't go into the Axis side unless you outnumber them and you want to finish
them off. There are many ambush spots on various elevations.

- It takes two people to capture a truck, but the capture itself happens
fairly quickly. There are several options: split your team and head for both
trucks, rush one truck and hold it before the Allies flank you, wait for the
Allies to get anxious and THEN make a move, or even neglect the objective
altogether and search and destroy (somewhat "gamey", but it's good to have
- Use your grenades. Rather than popping out from cover, hurl them at angles,
and then advance after you kill something.

5.14 Glider

General Tips

- This is a Para map, and it is usually on round respawn.
- Again, there are three main paths to the objectives.
- Allies are trying to bomb the radio room or the two guns. Axis are trying to
stop them.
- Remember that messages pop up when certain actions are taken ("The Allies
are in the Radio Room!"). Plan your actions accordingly.
- The vent at the top of the tunnel ramp (with the boxes) is mostly useless.
If an enemy is in there, chuck a grenade and laugh as they struggle to escape.

- It will take _two_ gammon bombs to win (either bomb the two guns, or bomb a
path to the radio room and bomb the radio room itself). Everyone should pick
up a bomb.
- There is an extra bomb upstairs in the building overlooking the river on the
Allies' side. Don't miss it in large games!
- In large games, bombholders should hang behind. They won't get as many kills
or deaths, but the objectives are too important.
- The Germans initially have the high ground (on all paths). Move fast and get
one or two people to give covering fire.
- Again, you have several tactical options - split, rush, wait, hunt, etc.

- MG42s are very useful on this map. Two of them guarding the field in front
of the guns can be virtually impenetrable.
- Once the first path to the radio room has been opened, new defensive options
are available in the form of more building beyond the radio room door.
- If the Allies rush, grenades can decimate entire squads of them in the
narrow paths to the guns.
- Destroying the bridge is usually not worth it. The Allies commonly watch
carefully and kill anyone attempting to do this.
- Stay with the objectives. It is _very_ difficult to kill off that last
annoying camper, so don't try to and your team will win.

5.15 Hedgerow

- This is a Para map. It is usually round respawn. The Axis are constrained to
non-Para classes (depending on the server).
- There are three main paths to the objectives (sort of, the map is _very_
- Allies are trying to blow up the 88s. Axis are trying to stop them.
- The map is dark. Watch for muzzle flashes and other signs of the enemy.
- The infamous bocage hedgerows of Western France are as thick as a wall and
just as strong. The dips and curves in the hedgerows make excellent cover.

- Unlike most maps of this kind, it is best to split up. With grenades and
gunfire from all directions, the Axis won't be able to zero in on lone
- Grenades are essential. DO NOT WASTE THEM. There will likely be a dozen
Germans camping the entrances of the guns.
- Take a bundle of TNT.
- Stay mobile when you are near the 88s. You will be harder to hit and will
draw attention away from your teammates.

- Camp. Camp hard. Perhaps one or two snipers can cover the long path near the
estate, but even this is redundant. Camp well, and most of the time you will
- The trenches dug into the ground are usually used by the Allies. Wait near
them to give anyone popping up a warm welcome.
- While all the weapons are good here, I lean towards the MP40, since it works
at exactly the ranges present near the 88s.


Here is an outline of many strategies for playing in the great morass that is
the Internet. Playing online is fundamentally different from playing offline,
as greater amounts of interactivity and chaos often push you to new limits as
a general and a soldier.

6.1 Lag

In general, there are two different types of lag - client-side and server-
side. A sputtering computer, a poor phone line, a bad ISP, or a big slowdown
in your region can cause client-side lag. Server-side lag is a result of the
server itself becoming unable to handle all the data being sent to and fro
across it. Which is which? Client-side lag is what many 56k users suffer
through every day - that is, the periodic freezes where you see the game
moving around you and you cannot move yourself. It can also manifest itself as
a general slowness of the game world to respond to your reactions (shooting
rounds and having them appear on a wall a split-second later). Parts of your
HUD (the ammo counter, for instance) may flash in and out. Server-side lag was
somewhat common with Beta 2.0, but has been fixed (mostly). Server-side lag
causes a "slideshow effect" (no matter how fast your computer or connection
is) and slowdown for everyone on the server.

6.2 Dealing With Lag

While many of the above problems can be solved relatively simply (upgrade your
PC, get a new ISP, play on off-hours, play on a server with fewer people,
etc.), sometimes you will have to just choke through lag in the game itself. I
personally live in the boonies and have zero access to broadband (aside from
the satellite-based networks, and I refuse to deal with those headaches), so I
know what I'm talking about. If you have cable or DSL, skip to 6.3...

- Choose a good server - You're going to have to make ping your priority.
Fastest servers first. Use the console and judge from the "seconds count" that
appears after you're connected to gauge the lag (I usually bail out after it
goes below a certain amount of "seconds left").

- Choose a good weapon - You won't get many kills with a single shot weapon.
The SMGs and assault rifles are a decent compromise.

- Camp. You aren't going to win a "run and gun" encounter. It may be frowned
upon in typical shooters, but DoD practically encourages camping with elements
like proning, MG nests, and sniper rifles. The enemy has grenades to drive you
out anyway.

- Lead. Perhaps the hardest skill of all to learn, you must sometimes shoot
where your opponent is GOING to go. Usually only necessary in 300+ ms

- Help out in other ways. Dog 1 is a great example of this. You can help
defend by taking artillery shells and the radio to the cliff bunker instead of
duking it out on a lagged connection with hard-to-kill Allied snipers.

6.3 Teamplay and You

Getting people to play like a team on a public server is often pretty hard,
but it happens if YOU make it happen. Something as simple as a teammate
covering your flank or shooting an enemy that had ambushed you is enough to
reinforce the DoD feeling and throw off the deathmatch doldrums.

- When you spawn, stick with somebody and cover each other. This "buddy
system" is by far the easiest way to team up with strangers. Take turns going
first through alleyways and rooms.

- Something as simple as looking at a teammate (turning to face them) can
provoke them to at least stay with you. Adding voice communication only
strengthens the message.

- DoD is a team game for a reason. If anyone hangs back to get easy kills,
they are hurting the team. For instance, one time in Zafod, a stupid machine-
gunner just parked himself in the tower and never helped in my team's assault.
If something like this happens to you, just go up to the guy in question and
keep hitting him with your melee weapon until he gets the message or leaves
the server.

- Drop ammo for machine gunners whenever you get the chance. They WILL
appreciate it.

- Suppressing fire was a hallmark of WWII strategy, and DoD is no different.
Empty your clip into halls and windows where enemies might be to cover the
advance of your teammates. Don't forget to shoot through walls and doors to
cover routes whenever possible.

- Though this may be a bit underhanded, after you die, tell your teammates,
preferably through voice chat or team chat, about the sniper or MG emplacement
that took you out. No reason THEY should get ambushed, too.

- Wait for people. Especially in maps where teamwork is essential to capture
multiple flags, you have to stay around for a bit of backup before you

6.4 They're beating the @#$% out of us!

Sometimes, it seems like you just can't win. Your team is on the ropes, losing
multiple rounds in a row or barely holding on to the last flag while the other
side outpaces you in scoring. There are only so many things you can do,
however. Here are a few of them.

- Wait. When you control only the last flag, don't run off and try to capture
another one. Kill a few enemies, make sure the flag is guarded, and then try
to capture more territory. I don't know how many times I've run from the
Fields in Ramelle only to have a hidden Allied soldier pop up and take the

- Take a different route. This is often essential if the map is new to you.
Try any path you can find - dark hallways, the sewers, windows, the bombed-out
hulks of buildings - and follow it. Be alert, and you might find a good

- Learn how to take rooms. This is important in door-to-door combat. First,
use a BAR or MG to make sure no one is on the other side of the door. Then,
have one man run up and quickly open the door. Two (or more) others should lob
grenades inside, just as the door closes.

- Track your enemies. This could be seen as cheap, I suppose, but the game
gives you a little message saying when, who, and where a flag capture happens.
Learn to track people (especially good players) by the flags they capture.
Wait for them in a logical place and open fire when they come across you.

- Grenades. Throw one before you stick your head out. Don't throw blindly,
however - pop out to see what's there, and then chuck the grenade.

- Snipers. When in MG42 in the window has pinned your whole team to one side
of the bridge in Ramelle, a sniper is the only class that can take him out.
Good snipers can turn the tide, or at least make the other team work a little

- Do a team rush. Especially in maps like Schwetzingen, the enemy may have
trouble taking on all of you at once, rather than the "sniper-bait" one at a
time deployment.

- Stay in it. No matter how badly you lose, you always learn something. Or at
least you should. Quitting every server where you suck is easy; you will
always find newbies to kill off and increase your score. Turning around a
losing battle - well, that's another story.

6.5 Tricks and Techniques

- With experience, you may be able to use sniper rifles unzoomed. In close
combat situations, it is sometimes impractical to draw a pistol. Point the
rifle in the direction of the enemy, squeeze the trigger, and get ready to
hightail it out if you miss. Bumping into someone in a narrow alley while you
wield the sniper rifle usually nets you a kill if your reflexes are fast. If
you're lucky and/or skilled, you could try using the sniper rifle at medium
range in this fashion.

- While you may think that you throw away old, partially loaded clips when you
reload, you don't. While having a handful of rounds left in your last magazine
may not sound useful, every bullet counts in DoD. Hide in the shadows and
unload into someone's back as they pass, then whip out the knife for a last,
desperate charge.

- The flashlight (defult is "f" key) is a major liability in most situations -
it lights your immediate area up, giving enemies a large target. That said,
newbies should never neglect the usefulness of the flashlight in rummaging
around the guts of dark buildings.

- Try not to screw up when you pass through a door - go through straight and
fast. If not, you may get caught in the door, creating the distinct Half-Life
door sound - an extremely loud creaking. If you DO happen to hear this while
opening a door, open fire on the door at once! An enemy is usually on the
opposite side.

- You gain velocity going down a flight of stairs - this makes you nearly
impossible to hit if you're coming down on an enemy who is traversing up the

- Think the knife is useless? Try hiding in a shadowy area near the enemy
spawn. Wait for a group of people to pass, and sprint to catch up with the
last one. Knife him in the back and retreat ASAP to your hiding place.
Annoying and sweet use of the knife [Disco Joe's "Koln knifing post"].

6.6 Day of Defeat British Pak Beta 2.0

What's this? A mod within a mod? Well, sort of. Captain Glimsharp and his team
have made a neat collection of British skins and weapon models for download.
Their Pak also modifies the flags and even the splash screen to more
accurately reflect the importance of "that other country" fighting against
Hitler. What's more, most of them are on par with what the Day of Defeat
people have done (Lee Enfield rocks pretty hard); the Pak was even featured on
the Day of Defeat website - high praise indeed! If you'd like to see some
Limeys in action, get it at http://glimsharp.pyr0.com!

6.7 Anti-cheat Programs

Sadly, some people cheat in DoD. Maybe they lack the mad skillz, maybe their
mothers spanked them too hard, maybe they're just bored...who knows? There are
quite a few anti-cheat programs out there, but there is no "magic bullet" for
the cheating phenomenon. Several popular ones are CSGuard, HLGuard, and
Cheating-Death. With Cheating-Death you must download a client-side program to
be authenticated; the other two do not use such programs. Personally, I have
seen auto-aim programs at work...be aware and be active in spotting nay
cheaters. Use spectator mode and look for people who magically seem to snap
their reticle to enemies EVERY time. Don't accuse people unless you are sure,


Got a decent sound card and a microphone? You can use voice to communicate
with your teammates, bringing a whole new level of coordination to DoD, even
on public servers with total strangers.

7.1 How do I set up voice communication?

This is really dependent on your system. Most of the time, if you plug in a
microphone and can set that to work using Valve's "voice setup" utility,
you're in business.

7.2 I need more than that!

Talk to others in the DoD (or even Counter-Strike) forums. Most of them are
techheads, and they can help you with that stuff.

7.3 Strategies for Voice Chat

- Command...but don't conquer. No one minds a leader requesting people fulfill
certain roles for team survival, but everyone minds a you-know-what TELLING
people what to do. Often, asking whether someone wants to do something
("Private, can you follow me? I'm going to the left flank.") is a lot more
effective, and certainly more polite. It _is_ a game, after all.

- Keep it simple. The best voice messages are not too complicated. You aren't
talking on the telephone, after all. When someone's shooting at an enemy to
save his life, he doesn't want to hear your doctoral dissertation on the
strategy of Ramelle.

- Repeat. Explosions and gunfire can swallow up even urgent messages. When you
shout warnings or other important messages, be sure to say them again. If
there's a sniper in the tower, say "sniper in the tower, guys" twice.

- Cut the chatter. Make sure what you say is game related. Often, it helps to
be "in character" (the immersion factor is one of the strengths of DoD, after
all). Scrounge up every war movie you've ever seen and play the part of an
embattled WWII squad leader (especially eerie if you speak German). And
please, please, PLEASE no stupid racist/homophobic/rude remarks. The
occasional obscenity, is, I think, okay, but a "Fargo"-esque stream of
vulgarities helps no one.

- Make sure of the volume. Sort of a Goldilocks phenomena here; you must not
be so soft as to be incomprehensible and not be so loud as to have your words
blurred into a meaningless slurry. That transmission symbol other players get
doesn't tell you squat about whether other players hear you.

- Don't criticize. Life is hard enough without people busting your chops over
a GAME. When someone is playing poorly, just suck it up and tell yourself the
other side has poor guys, too, making it just like the real war. If the other
side doesn't have poor guys...well, that's just like the real war, too.

- 56kers need a break. I speak from experience here. While the occasional
command or warning is great, a constant stream of "enemy down" and "okay,
let's go on the bridge" is unnecessary and adds to the lag. No one needs a
running commentary of where and what you are doing.

- There is no overhead map. Unlike other online games like CS, there is no
radar that indicates where you are when you voice chat. When you do say
something like "I need ammo," tell where you are in a simple fashion with
landmarks ("Need ammo, I'm in the tower!").


8.1 Conclusion

3.1 is here, and is generating controversy. There is apparently a lot the
hardcore DoD players will have to get used to as DoD becomes a AAA mod, so be
sure to keep playing.

Well, DoD is a great game. A great, free game. There are still some balance
issues and bugs, but, overall, it is a fantastic approximation of the feel of
WWII. The bottom line is to have fun. Next version of this FAQ, I hope to
cover all new version changes, and everything you can think of besides.

This is Captain Mulliga, signing off...

8.2 Other Stuff

Here are some random gripes, wishes, and thoughts for anyone interested...

- I think DoD is better than Counter-Strike. Why? CS is totally unbalanced. In
serious play, no one ever uses the semi-auto sniper rifles, the AK-47 is
ridiculously cheap in view of its effectiveness, and most of the pistols are
crap compared to the mighty Deagle. In DoD, no major weapon imbalances are

- The DoD team should really add more team types to the game. Although
modeling Japanese, Russian, Italian, Free French, and British soldiers would
be an incredible challenge, the game would probably live on forever.

- In addition to the above, new theatres would be FANTASTIC - imagine crawling
through the jungle in Iwo Jima or fighting through the rubble of Stalingrad in
the winter snow!

- New weapons would also be sweet. Usable mortars, flamethrowers, rifle
grenades...there's a lot more WWII goodness to come.

- The invasion maps are heavily tilted towards the Axis, especially on public
servers. If this was how D-Day really went, we'd all be under Nazi rule.

- DoD doesn't really glorify Nazi ideology. It's obvious (and was obvious to
many even then) that the extremist policies of Hitler and his cronies both
started the war and ensured German defeat (the resources spent on the
Holocaust, the war on Russia). The individual soldier certainly had no say in
the insane strategy and racism of the leaders of the Third Reich. While making
them out to be heroes may be out of line, they certainly demonstrated bravery
and to forget lives lost on any side is a tragedy indeed.

8.3 Version History

Version 1.03 - Submitted September 4, 2002. Version 3.1 has been released!
This is a big revision, so it took awhile. Para gameplay, three para maps,
more tweaks, new weapons. "Past version changes" section introduced. Converted
to Word XP format (new computer). Still stomping errors, but the damn thing is
40 pages long!.

Version 1.02 - Submitted May 30, 2002. Version 2.1 released! Plenty of tweaks
to the map write-ups, and two new map strategies covered. Expanded "Elements
of Online Play" section. Errors and other gremlins squashed.

Version 1.01 - Submitted February 26, 2002. Converted to Word 2000 format (for
my convenience mainly, as I disabled all the automated features). Added an
index at the front. Structure change. Added section on "Elements of Online
Play" that will be much expanded in the future. Small things added and general
errors fixed. Changed my position on Dog 1 after a LOT of time on it. Added
some truly l337 ASCII artwork for the title. Gotta love that crazy medieval
type! Man, this thing is getting big...

Version 1.0 - Submitted February 23, 2002. Basic guide, including general
info, gameplay, classes, weapons, maps, voice communication tips, and a

8.4 Acknowledgements

I'm ashamed I forgot this...thanks to GameFAQs and Jeff for a wonderful site
and for showing my FAQ. If you're reading this on another site (and it should
be free to view), I thank that site as well.

Thanks to Valve for creating and maintaining the best FPS ever!

Much thanks to the entire DoD team for creating and maintaining such a
fantastic MOD!

Thanks to the DoD website forumgoers and the GameFAQs forumgoers; plenty of
good players influenced me.

Thanks to anybody who still believes in acting civil online!

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