The Thing

The Thing

14.10.2013 17:12:21
TITRON™ Digital Entertainment™ PresentsTITRON™ Digital Entertainment™ Presents

THE THING (US Release) for PlayStation 2 Quick Walkthru by Alex.
Started on September 14th 2002 at 08:20 AM, ended on September 15th at 11:24 AM
Computer: AMD K6-2 500 Mhz TITRON PC


Disclaimer: This Document is copyrighted by TITRON™
Digital Entertainment™ in 2002. The Author (Alex) gives you permission
to use it as "Freeware", copying is allowed. This Walkthru is not for sale.
If you paid money for this, you have been ripped off.
I am NOT responsible for any damages on your system. Use this Walkthru at
your own risk. This Walkthru is made to help you getting thru the game.
You are not allowed to change any kind of letter or word in this walkthru
without my permission. Thank you.

Getting started
Setup your PS2 as described in the Manual, turn on your TV and your PS2.
Open the CD/DVD Drive and place the CD/DVD into the drive. Close the Drive.
Wait for THE THING being loaded.
Configure the Screen Position, Master volume and Game Controls to your match.
I used Gamepad Setup Type C and game difficulty type EASY.
If you play THE THING the first time, play it on EASY, it is still rough as

My Suggestions
- Save Ammunition
- The toughest Weapon is the Shotgun
- Examine any room; look for Fuseboxes on walls in order to restore power to an
- Thread your men well; you cannot complete the game if you don’t.
- Be careful
- Kill the small enemies with a Handgun or the Machinegun.
- Kill walkers or Big Monsters like this: Use the Shotgun to shot at the enemy
until your
aiming circle changes from green to red. If you got the enemy wounded on red,
use the
flamethrower to finish it off. If you got men with you, hand them weapons.
Give one of your
men at least one Flamethrower, they can handle it better as you sometimes.
- Watch your Health Bar
- Watch your cold/freezing Bar
- Save medipacks
- Save your game always
- Use steerable auto guns to clear a Path or shot at Explosives to gain access
to an area.
- Use Computers to gain information about codes or clues.

The Walkthru
Get ready to enter an amazing Arctic Adventure. After the movie, you find
yourself together
with 3 men in the Antarctic. If you stay too long in the cold, you and your men
are gonna die.
Always watch your Blue Cold Bar. It decreases from 100 % to 0 %.
Ok, see the fence? Go there, take the only door available and get in. while
you're in Buildings,
You’re save from freezing to death. Take the next door on the left. See the Fuse
Box that sprays
on the left hand of the door? Go there. Remember how this Fuse ox looks like,
you’ll find many of
them during the game. Get in front of the Fuse box and press X to repair it.
Learn how to give
orders or weapons to your men by pressing O.On the right side of the door is the
controls to open
or close that door. Get your men away from the door. see the Desktop Computer?
Take a good
distance, aim at the Monitor and shot like 2 to 3 Bullets. You disabled a mine
or sumthing.
Go into the room and pickup all the ammo you find there. Memorize what ammo
looks like.
Tell your men to stay. Head outside, watch a Movie. Now you can go the path that
was locked before.
Go all the way to the end, head left, leave the door to the right and follow the
blue lights, a Chopper
to your left, a big hole in the ground, take the path down and the first path to
your left. Youll
see a spaceship or sumthin. On the desk is a Key, take it. Examine the area for
ammo or whatever.
Go back to your men, tell them to follow you. Enter the Door you previously left
to your right.
Watch your men’s fear: Some of them can stand it. Take him away from a crime
scene, so
he can relax. Pick up anything and use the computer.
One of your men is an Engineer. If you cant repair a Fuse Box, the Engineer can
Go to him (He has a Symbol over his head showing a Fix tool) and press X to make
him go repair the Fuse Box. Use the Computer to obtain the access code for the
locked door.
Go thru there. on your left is a Box with medi packs, always lookout for them.
The opposite door
has a Save Point, use it. (Repair the Fuse Box to its right first). Take a
Flare, but dont light it yet.
Go outside to the left, to a Broken House or the like. Follow the Blue lights to
get there.

Leave the broken house and follow the other blue light to a broken chopper.
the Explosives and plant one of them in the Infirmary and the other one in the
Room. After that, run back to the broken Chopper behind the Infirmary, light a
Flare and
run to the red lights. watch the movie

Level 2

By now, you should have learned to play the game, lookout for Medipacks and
repair Fuse Boxes. I'll cut myself short now.
Run to the High Voltage Cables right in front of you. Watch the clip. Head
right. Take a Rest in the
Wood hut. Head outside again; follow the blue lights down to a Dead Body. Get
yourself ready for
some awesome Action, but remember to save Ammunition and don’t get hurt if you
can. Save Medipacks
as well. Go back to the Woodhut, repair the Power Source, and a Door will open.
Go there.
Watch the movie. Give him a Weapon, and you’ll raise his thrust. Watchout, see
those Explosive Barrels?
If you fire at them, they'll explode. Will come handy in some situation, but
stay away from them when
they explode.
Examine the room. Dont forget to give your man Ammo. (head towards him and press
Fire at the Explosive Barrels to clear a Path.
Once again, you need to repair a Fuse Box or the like. Your man can do that.
Use the Extinguisher on the fire that came up. Enter that Room, pickup Ammo,
Flamethrower and anything
else you can find. Give your man a MP and Ammo.
Use the Torch to see better. Use the Camera System to look into a Room. Its
beside the Save Point.
Zoom for a large piece of paper on a wall to see a 5 digit number. Save your
Head to the door with the numeric padlock and go thru. Watch the movie. Repair a
Fuse Box on the wall.
Hand the other man a Flamethrower over. They can handle it pretty good, so don’t
Look for the dead body in a corner, take his Key.
Remember the high voltage cables at the beginning? You’re clear to go there now.
Ehrm, have patience, you’ll encounter many "things" now, but just the smaller
ones, so get your
men armed, make sure they follow you.

Level 3

Follow the blue lights. Enter the Hut, shot the enemy, save game. The blue
lights heading right lead to
House that has a broken fuse box Covered by Boxes of Wood. Shoot the boxes to
gain access to
the fuse box. Enter the house. Watch the movie, find blood test kits. Take a
Key. There is a save point also.
The Blood test kits are located outside in a totally broken house with no roof.
Watch out for things.
If you get hurt too bad, i suggest to load in your save and try better next
time. It aint a long way to go either.
Tell your Engineer to repair a Fuse box next to a locked door, beside the broken
house youll find
the test kits later. Get the Ammo inside. You need to clear the whole area from
things and there is a
small Hut with another broken Fuse Box. Youll find Flamethrower Ammo there. Head
back to the
House with no Roof and open the door with the key you from where you met the guy
with the
Flamethrower. Kill things, take the Blood test Kits. Head back to the man with
the Flamethrower.
Watch the movie. Kill the 2 things with MP and Flamethrower. Take the weapons
and Ammo.
Exit the House. Watch a Movie.

Level 4

Take all the Ammo, head outside. Get your Comrade with you. Follow blue lights
to a House
with a Locked door and a Broken fuse box beside the door. Repair Fuse Box, enter
Take car of your man, you need him! Kill the things, repair a broken Fuse Box.
You man can
do that. Enter the previously locked door. Examine the Room, watch a Movie. Save
You need to kill 3 Walkers, save before. Pickup Ammo, hand your man a
Flamethrower over.
Leave the room as you entered, a walker will break thru the Door, Sot with the
MP until it gets red,
let your man finish it off with the Flamethrower. Dont come too close to the
walker, as it can hurt
you bad. Reload your save if you failed and try again. After you finished the
first walker, go to the
door thru where it came from, you wont have to wait long as you examine the next
rooms, another walker
will appear. Finish him off and lure the 3rd walker out. After you killed the
walkers, examine the rooms
to collect whatever nessesary. How do you like the game so far? :-)
Wooden Boxes are hiding a Box with a Shotgun. Shot the Boxes to clear the
Shotgun and take it.
Return back to the man. Watch the Movie and Save game. Get ready for some Raw
Go to the Comms room, 2 Walkers will come to say "your ass is mine". Not to
mention the
Footfolks.. Get rid of them. Hint: One of your men is a male nurse or sumthin,
aslong as you got him,
he will automatically heal your wounds, so you dont need to waste medi kits on
your own.
Usually, they have a red cross on their back or on their arm.
In the comms room, theres a Broken Fuse Box, a save point, Ammo for the Shotgun
and Medipacks.
Head outside, look for a House thats got a open door, go there to finish this

Level 5

Youre trapped... This level can be Hard, but if you take my advise, you should
do it easy.
Maximise your Ammo. Enter the room with all the Blood on the Walls, fix a Broken
Fuse. Close the Door again.
Make sure you have all doors closed! Open the door where the Emergency Radio is,
Footfolks will jump thru
the window. Go out of this room, close the door, now you got the Footfolks
trapped. Rest a little,
smoke a Cigarette or drink a Bud, get one of your Grenades ready, open the door
and quickly throw
a Grenade into the room, close the door again. Look thru windows to see where
the enemies are in.
Repeat this procedure around 4-5 maybe 6 times. But watch out: If you killed the
Footfolks, 2 walker
will break thru the door and youre in a little trouble. There are two ways:
Either fight against the 2 walkers
or get the hell out of there and follow the blue light again. Save game to find
out whats your choice.
Make sure you got your men alive and following you. To leave this level, kill
the footfolks, the 2 walkers
and leave this house thru the open crack done by the walkers and follow the blue

Level 6

The door the person just ran thru is locked, take the stairs up and clear the
area. Examine the Rooms.
One of your men is infected, so take a close look and finish him off (MP and
Head up to the Roof. See a fence Quarter on the roof? There are two of them, you
can shot it open
with the Pistol. A walker is in the basement, if you have Grenades left, throw
one to his feet.
Also, you can shoot the explosive barrels from the Roof to finish him almost
off. Do that before
you go down to him. Finish him off. Search for a Key in a Box. Head back to your
man. Take him with you
and unlock the previously locked door. You gained access to the weather station.
Search the Lockers for stuff, there’s footfolks and a save point. Your man is
infected, keep a look at him.
Watchout for a Firetrap! Get your Extinguisher ready. Examine the area and
pickup a Key on a Barrel.
Pickup Ammo. Head upstairs, clear area. Kill a Walker and check the PC. Check
the toilet for another
walker and some spitters and footfolks. It cost me a medipack, but you should do
Refill your ammo and head upstairs. Watch a Movie. Pickup the Rifle, check the
Check the Camera. Head outside, dont go downstairs, behind the stairs you came
up are
explosive Barrels, shoot at them from a good distance. Walk over the cleared
path to a large Building,
walk all the way around the building, kill footfolks and shoot at a Vent shaft
and get in.
Watch a Movie.

Level 7

Kill the enemies, theres a Power Supply to your right, use the torch to find it.
Repair it. Enter
the room with the guy in. Give him a Weapon. Get ready for some worse shit.
If you head downstairs to the ground, there'll be like 3 or 4 walkers with
comin up.I suggest to hand a Flamethrower to your Comrade and lure them up the
stairs while
you fire at them with the MP or Shotgun. Once you got the big ones on Red
wounded, get your
Flamethrower ready and fry them, or let your comrade help you. Dont fight
downstairs at the
ground, you have no chance. Head back for the stairs and up and finish them
I just did it that way, and my loved comrade fled and i could take care of the
whole mess.
Make sure you got atleast 5 medipacks and youre on full health, theres a boss
battle comin up.
ANd by the way, your comrade is infected. After your cleared the ground area, go
back to the
stairs and walk over a steel crane or sumthin to reach the room with the locked
door over by roof.
Jump from the roof into that room, it has a huge crack on its roof.
Use the PC, grab a Card. Go back downstairs thru the door. Save your Game. Your
comrade will
transform as you go downstairs. Get ready for a Boss battle and make sure youre
Max on Medipacks.
Head downstairs and go thru the door. Watch a Movie.

Level 8

Its the first Boss battle and its a son of a b.... Youre not just dealing with a
Boss, you got some
handshakes from right of a wall and a Footfolks/Spider nest. Thats a total of 3
At the left of the Big Boss is a Broken fuse Box that needs to be repaired.
Here's how i did it:
Get your Pump gun ready and in your left hand Medipacks. Enter the door watch
the Clip and
dance around the big Boss while shooting at him Do it from left to right, always
be in motion and
Shoot. As you got him on Red, Fry him with the Flamethrower. You cant rest yet,
theres a Snake or
sumthin on the right side punching you and the Spiders nest. Dont waste too much
ammo, go
to the Broken Fuse Box and repair it and use your medipacks while youre
repairing. When the door
opens, leave! It took me 7 Medipacks, but i did it the 1st time.

Level 9

It gets worse. Fall thru the Hole into a gangway. Head right, kill some
footfolks and go further, take
the door to the left. Theres a Save point, Also Controls to open doors, check
the cameras to know which doors to open.
Dont open door 3 yet, open door 4 and 2. Go back to where the footfolks were.
Take the only open door and watch out
for a Firetrap, get your Extinguisher ready. Examine the area, shoot the
explosive barrel from distance, check the room
behind and leave thru the other door. If you were successfull, i suggest
to save your game, as you'll encounter 3 Walkers and lots of Footfolks. Enter
the door opposite the save room.
Its a little labyrinth, but you need to kill a walker in a room with Controls in
order to restore
Power again. Search for that room and be careful. On your way, pickup Ammo and
other stuff.
Turn on the Hydraulic Override Controls and head back from where you came.
Another walker
should come towards you. Damn, i used all of my medipacks. Open Chamber 3 and 1.
Fight another
Walker and go thru Chamber 1. Examine the area for anything useful. Leave thru
the only door.
Okay, you'll have 2 Spitters to your right and two walkers in the back this is
gonna be rough.
Be in motion, shoot and Fry them. You got Medipacks on the wall and another
Comrade in a room
Examine the area for anything useful. Tell your man to repair the broken fuse on
the right hand to
open a door. Leave this room throu the other door on the right. Kill some
footfolks, head downstairs.
Check the cameras to find your Man. Press all Buttons to open the doors and head
Make your way to the left and then straight and then to the right, you should
find this man
without problems. Watch a movie.
Go back with him upstairs. On your way back, youll encounter another walker. Go
back the way
you came. Watch a movie.

Level 10

You find yourself in a Medibar without Ammo or Weapons. In a Corner is a Medibar
Power supply,
repair that one. Look behind you, you see the guy in the white clothing? Get to
him, but make sure the
walker is around the corner when you open the Gate, dont forget to close the
gate again. Repair a
broken Fuse box to get access to where the Medi man is. Close the door. Use the
Auto Rifle Fire
System to keep the walker entertained. You can find MP Ammo at the dead body,
give this ammo to
the mediman. Go back to where you started and open the opposite Gate. Your
Mediman will take care of the
footfolks. Repair a Fuse Box, a man in the back needs a Medipack, your mediman
can handle that. Take
these guys along with you. Now that you got your Engineer, go back to the other
side and let him
repair the broken Fuse Box you were unable to. Pickup all the Weapons and Ammo
in this room.
Fry the walker. Repair a Fuse Box and a Door will open. Take that way and to
your right is a save room.
Remember that. Examine the Area. Check the cameras. You can shoot with them.
Release the Walker and shoot
him from this position. To get past the red sensors with the machine gun, press
the first button
to the left and the last button to the right. Go further, open the cells. Get
rid of the walker. Use the computers.
There is a Grating in one of the cells to the left, shoot it open and go
there.There are 2
walkers, i suggest you to take them out from above and give them the rest when
you go down.
Open the door for your comrades to come in, you need your enginner to repair a
Broken Fuse Box.
Check the Computer to obtain a Code. Save your Game and exit thru the locked
door with the NumPad
Code number. Watch a movie.

Level 11

Youre under attack! Fire, Fire and Fire! Clear the area and watchout for
Automatic MPs on the
top, they can be destroyed by shooting at them. Theres also a Grating, shoot at
it. Now explore the opposite
walkway to the left of the elevator you came from. Clear that area, too. Examine
and pickup anything
nessesary. Your engineer can repair a broken fuse box. Check that room and go
back to the Grating. Have a
Flamethrower with you. Kill some walkers. Follow the path, pickup ammo. You need
to activate 2 power switches.
Take the door to the far right and clear that area. Youll find two other doors
guarded by footfolks.
Behind each door is a switch that needs to be activated. Do that. Return to the
big room, activate the switch
to fry the 2 locked walkers and hit the switches 2,3 and 4 to open doors. take
your men with you. Exit thru Door number 4.
Repair the Fuse Box for the Elevator and kill 2 Guards. Use the elevator. Watch
a movie.

Level 12

A walker to your left. Examine the Waste Disposal area. One of your men is
infected, he'll transform.
Repair a Fuse Box to your far right. Open the BIG Gate and clean this area.
Examine this area for ammo
and another comrade to the right in a room. Another Fuse Box to your top left
needs to be repaired
aswell. Check this area, its easy. Get your men out of the room on the top left,
they have fear. Enter alone.
Check the PC, check for ammo and weapons. Go downstairs, let an engineer fix a
broken Fuse Box. Enter the
Door to find a save point. Save there. Leave to the door to the far right, push
the controls left and right beside the
door to open the door behind the door revealing 3 Guards. Take em out. There is
a Lasermine on the bottom of the stairs,
shoot at it from the top of the stairs. Head downstairs. Let your men stay and
exit the door. Head right and take out some
footfolks, watchout for the explosive barrel!! Shoot it from distance.
Repair the Roadway Power left of the broken Truck. Be wise by taking out like 5
Guards to the left of the door you came in,
hide and try long distance head shots if possible. A walker is also to the left
Take them out as good as you can, and remember, you got your mediman with you at
the stairs, go to him for free medipacks.
Get your men with you and head forwards to a Huge Gate. A Fuse Box to the right
can be repaired by your engineer.
Open the Gate and get in. A infected man is standing up the stairs and some
footfolks in the corners. Take em out.
Head upstairs, theres a Save room. Check your Health, medipacks and Ammo, take a
Flamethrower with you. Head downstairs.
Let your engineer rapair the broken fuse box of the right Gate. Theres a Boss
behind this gate, youll fight him alone,
and believe me, you really wont. He is tough. Ok, the key to beat this Boss is
first of all, repair a broken fuse box right of
you. Left of the Boss is a Switch that activates electric shocks to the Fence
the Boss is surrounded with. Take your shotgun
and shoot at the boss while you move around him from left to right, you can also
go back to where you came to hide behind
Boxes. Shoot him down to red and hide again. To beat him, you need to press the
Switch at the wall left of the monster, this
will electric shock him, so his two arms or whatever will come down and that’s
the point where you take your Flamethrower
and Fry them. He wont stay down for long, so you need to repeat this procedure.
That’s how I got him finished, and it took
me a lot of medipacks. Fry both arms and the middle of the monster to beat him.
Behind the monster is a switch, press it.
The Gate to the left will open, go there, but save first and or collect ammo. Go
to to the Gate to the left, theres a switch on the
right wall. Press it, watch a movie. Now run back to the middle of the roadway
on the left hand is a elevator, go there to exit
this level.

Level 13

Follow the blue lights. There are 3 Guards: 1 in the Big Hall, 2 patrolling in
the front. Neutralize them. Enter the Big Hall.
Collect a medipack and ammo. Take the door the the left, and the next door and
get your shotgun ready, Guards are
everywhere here. Examine the area. Keep on going thru doors, examine the area
until you are in a room with 2 Guards
and a PC right to the left of the door you entered. Use the PC. Theres a locked
door in the middle of the room with a
Fuse Box you cannot repair, take door to your right, theres some footfolks and
be careful: 2 or 3 Guards together with a Walker
Behind the next door. You could throw one or two Grenades.. Whatever you do,
just take em out. Medibox in the back left.
Take the next door. There are 3 Guards in the walkway. The shotgun is very
effective, but you also need to save shotgun
Ammo for walkers or bigger monsters. Go forward to the next door. There are two
Guards, you can see atleast 1 from above
Where you entered the door. If you don’t take em out fast, they’ll push the
alarm switch and more guards will come for
Backup. I suggest to use your shotgun. Take the door down at the walkway you
just came, take out 2 Guards to
Rescue the life of a engineer. Give him a weapon and make him follow you. Tell
him to repair the cold room access Box
right where you are at. Open the door to the left, there are 2 spiders. Maximize
your ammo there.
There’s a Broken fuse box next to a save point, let him repair that too.Go back
with your engineer to the Fuse Box you
couldn’t fix and let him repair it. Open the door, get in, let your engineer
stay out. OK, you need your man to repair a
broken fuse box once again in order to access the computer. Call him to do that
and make him follow you out of the room right
after he repaired the Fuse Box. Hes in Fear, so take him away. If you didn’t do
it, walk towards him and push him out of the
room, he’ll be ok then. Use the PC to receive a code. Go back to where you
found your engineer, but this time take the door
you havent been thru yet, where you took out the 2 Guards, theres a door to the
back right. Youll find stairs, go down and
take out the spiders. Take the door at the bottom of the stairs. Let your man
repair the Fuse Box and let him stay right there.
Take the door left of the fuse box and kill the guards without too much
attention. Your men will take care of the other guards.
Push the door controls at the end of the walkway, collect ammo. Now enter
together with your engineer the next room and
Let him fix the fuse box next to the save point. Save there. Give him a
Flamethrower. Throw a good grenade right into the
Room with the Walker and 2 spiders and take em out. Enter this room to take a
Key from the dead Body. Open the other door to
See your C4 Packs, 4 at all behind laser bars. Youll release alarm, so take all
of the C4 Explosives there and leave the way you came.
Youll encounter resistance on your way back, so be prepared. Get all the way
back you came. On your way back, pick up ammo
and medipacks. You can open the previously locked door at the beginning now,
theres a Pumpgun and a save point.
Exit the big Hall the way you came to finish this level.

Level 14.

You need to plant C4 on Planes, 4 at all. Keep yourself left, facing the front
of the Fence, to see a Huge Hall with a Plane inside,
guarded ofcourse. Go inside the hall to warm yourself. Plant your C4 explosives
at the front of the Plane. Examine
the area for anything useful. Repeat this at the opposite Hall. There are 2
Halls with planes left, they are behind the building, place
there C4, too, and lookout for a sniper rifle. Okay, your next objective is to
shoot at the explosives from long distance to make
the planes explode. Don’t do that now, you need to get inside the building and
clear that area first. The Key to successful
complete this mission is, to shoot from the Top of the building with the sniper
Rifle thru the windows on each of the 4 planted
C4’s on front of the planes. You have limited time, so be fast, that’s the only
thing i can tell you. Ok, once you planted all of the C4’s
Head inside the building and prepare to fight 3 or 4 walkers. Clean and examine
the area. Theres a broken fuse box next to a door,
Repair and open the door to find a save point. Watchout for walkers. Hand your
man a Flamethrower. Use the PC, take a key from
The dead body. Take the next door after the Bathroom and repair a broken Fuse
Box. Enter the door and save the life of a mediman
from a walker. Be careful of the explosive barrels. Now you don’t need to worry
about medipacks anymore.
Let you engineer repair the other Fuse Box and enter that door. Youll find ammo
and a save point. Now go back and take the door that
has stairs, go upstairs and take out the walker and footfolks. Find the save
point and save your game. Get your sniper Rifle ready,
and practise aiming at the C4 on the planes you planted before. When you shoot 1
C4, you don’t have much time to shoot
the remaining 3 C4’s, so hurry up. Go back downstairs, kill the guards and head
to the room you saved the mediman before.
A walker and footfolks should appear, take em out. Go thru the open Gate, you
can take weapons from your men, since
they cant follow you.

Level 15
Crouch forward and find yourself in a Mine of sumthin. Memorize the elevator to
your right, which isnt functioning yet.
There’s a Hut with a walker in, kill him, examine the area for ammo and
medipacks. You can go up the Broken Gate with the stonepath
To its right. Crouch into a gate, shoot it open first. Kill some footfolks. As
you exit the gate or ventshaft, youll see a mediman
Asking you to give him a weapon, run after him and do so. Take out the Guards
comin up. From what I can tell you, this is gonna
be real tough: You need to make your way all the way down to a door at the end.
Watch out for hot steam, Automatic rifle
systems targeting you (You can destroy them by shooting at them), Guards and
walkers. Try to keep your mediman alive.
Once you get all the way down, be careful when you go through that door, youre
auto-targeted by machine guns mounted on the
Wall, either hide to your right or quickly enter the door to your left. Destroy
the auto guns.Theres a save point. Move forward
and examine the area, you need to take out more autoguns on the wall. As you
move forward, youll see a movie. The left man
is infected, so take him out. Use the PC, take the way to your right and enter
the door in the far right. Let your engineer repair the
broken fuse box. Find some MP ammo. Examine the room to find a save point.
Theres another Power supply that needs to
be repaired by your man. Go back to the controls right of the save room and
watch a movie. Wait a moment until your engineer is close
do the door, then push the switch to open it for him. You you wont doit the
first time, press the switch again, and your men will
run for another try. Use the Autogun next to the switch you pressed to take out
the spiders nest.Follow him, take out the spiders
and your Engineer who has transformed. Go thru the new door, check the other
door for ammo. Watch a movie.
Youre trapped! Hurry, theres a broken fuse box to your left on the wall between
2 Servers/Lockers, repair it. Hurry to the back
To find a camera with a Machine gun, use it. Look to the right at the wall,
theres a Deskterminal, shoot at it until it explodes.
Now check the PCs. Take ammo and medipacks. Exit to the room with the red light
you saw in the movie clip showing 2 guards
Running there. Go there too. Takeout a machine gun on the wall. Take the door,
theres a footfolks nest behind, take it out.
Push the Sentry Controls Button. Watch a Clip. Exit thru the next door. Take out
2 Guards. Repair the observation room power
Fuse Box under the stairs. Take the stairs to meet an engineer, give him a
weapon and make him follow you. Examine the area for
Ammo and anything useful. Let your engineer rapair data room 2 fuse box and
enter the door. Theres ammo and a save point.
Repair the door controls and enter the previously locked door. Use the cameras
to see sumthing. Take the stairs up where you found
Your engineer and use the camera with the Machinegun on it. Search for explosive
barrels and shoot them. Now you can enter the
other locked door. Examine the area. I suggest to save your game, cause one of
our loved Boss battles is coming up.
Remember the room with two guards in? You can access the door now. Open the
door, throw a grenade in and leave again.
then Reenter thru the next door and you got a Boss battle again. Ok, the key to
beat this Boss is to shoot at him with the shotgun,
move around in circles around him and keep shooting. Also, theres a walker in a
Glasbox or the like, don’t destroy it
accidently, this will have you dealing with him too. Once you got the Boss on
red wounded, take him down with your flamethrower.
The Walker might just appear without any reason, so don’t be too happy if you
got the boss down. Also, 2 guards will enter the
Room once you got the boss down. Stay in motion. Ok, once you got em down,
maximize your medipacks and ammo and save
Your game. You now need to get the whole way back you came. No question that you
will encounter resistance on your way back, so
take care. You need to get all the way back you cam until the very top of the
walkway, where you crouch into a ventshaft. Make your
way there through, get your Pumpgun loaded and your Extinguisher in the left
hand. It took all of my medipacks to get to
the ventshaft. If you are there, crouch thru it, remember where you are now?
Yes, where you entered this level. Remember the
Elevator i told you to memorize? That’s where you have to go. I suggest to run
down the stoneway while shooting at walkers and run
Straight to the elevator to leave this level instead of fighting against 5
walkers with footfolks. Entering the elevator will
Finish this level.

Level 16.

Youre close to the end. But it’s a tough way to get there. Youll need your
sniper rifle, the way you need to go is straight, you
Cant get lost, the problem is around 25 Guards some of them with sniper rifles.
Take them out 1 by 1 and run back to the elevator to
Regain warm, so you wont die Freezing. Always look at your freezing bar, return
to the elevator soon enough, sometimes, it’s a
Long way.My suggestion is to be patient by taking them out. Do it 1 after
another, make your way clear, in the far end of the road is 1 guard patrolling,
take him out with the sniper and run towards him, theres a rounded Hall with an
entrance right in the front. Go there. Watch a

Level 17

Okay, you cant get lost here either, you need to make your way thru the exit,
ofcourse guarded by guards, so take them out and
Look for ammo and anything useful. Theres a save point, be sure to use it once
you took the guards out, go thru the only exit door.
Watch out! To your right are snipers! Use your sniper rifle and take them out 1
after another. Once you took them out,
Run towards the collapsed building the snipers were shooting at you and take a
left and youll see a path, follow this path, guards might
Appear. Watch a Movie.

Level 18

Ok, you saw the Movieclip, you know what to do. Shoot with the Machine Gun at
the Monster to slow it down, also, shoot at
The explosive Barrels on the ground close to the monster. Don’t forget to shoot
all of them. They’ll fry the monster and you just
need to keep on shooting at it. It will fall, you won the Game. Watch another

CONGRATULATIONS, you made it!!



© 2002 by TITRON ™ Digital Entertainment™
eMail to the Author:
I cannot answer any questions about this game, so don’t ask me.
This is my 1st Walkthru ever, so don’t be too rough with me.

For Trudy and Steve, Christina, Dakota and Bobby,Little Trudy and Roger, Marilyn
& Keith,
Willie and Katarina, My Family, Mike + Michael, Steve, Markus G., Garland and
Family, Addie,
Gerda & Peter, Bigboy, George McMullen and everybody else i forgot.
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