Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion DX

Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion DX

17.10.2013 21:00:29
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion DX (Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion (Arcade)
Concise Guide (Version 4.3 - Text Version)

Current Update: Tuesday, 17 September 2002
Previous Update: Saturday, 7 September 2002
Created: Sunday, 20 May 2001

By Don "Gamera" Chan (

Note: This FAQ is primarily based on the first
arcade version and the second "DX" arcade version,
not the Dreamcast version or the PlayStation 2

0. Wanted
1. Acknowledgements
2. Nutrition Information
2.1 1st Impression
2.2 2nd Impression
2.3 DX Arcade Version
2.4 PlayStation 2 Version
3. Commands
3.1 Basic Commands
3.2 Advanced Commands
3.3 Hidden Commands
4. Specifications
4.1 Mobile Suits
4.2 Weapons
5. Strategies
5.1 Zion
5.2 Federation
5.3 Stages
6. Links

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


I'm looking for:
- Strategies for this game: Common, Mobile
Suit-specific, stage-specific, one-player and multi-player,
et al.
- Hints for this game, from articles in the magazine
- A complete list of all mecha in this game. (Aircraft,
ground vehicles, Mobile Armours, Mobile Suits, warships,
- Descriptions of the game endings.
- Voice actor list of this game.
- Transcripts, in Japanese or Roomaji, of General
Gihren Zabi's speeches in First Gundam.
- A Greek translation of the Disclaimer (see below).
- Osama bin Laden, dead or alive.

Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only six Websites:
- http://DLH.Net/
If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement six sites webs.
- http://DLH.Net/
Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.


Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
- Douglas Cootey, for helping me acquire a movie file
of the circa March-April 1998 Segata Sanshirou (Fujioka
Hiroshi) TV CM of Sakura Taisen 2 for SS that co-starred
Yokoyama Chisa as Shinguuji Sakura.
- GeTeny (reveragew), for the Guntank guide.
- Gordon Kam (Char), for strategies.
- Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer. (After all, Canada's official
languages are English and French.)
- Jones Kingsu of Philippines, for feedback.
- Kami Kaze no Kami, for the Char Gelgoog guide.
- Kenta, for transcripts of two of General Gihren
Zabi's speeches.
- Leper Man, for feedback.
- Philip In of Hong Kong, for being yet another
non-Japanese friend who worked in Japan.
- Raiblade, for URLs about the DX arcade version.
- Viper of Canada, for feedback.
- Wavehawk, for feedback and the Dom/Rick Dom and
Gelgoog guides.
- NATO personnel participating in Operation Enduring
Freedom. The Empire Strikes Back.

(Social democracy in action.)

No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations:
- The EVIL terrorists responsible for the attacks in
the USA in the morning on (Tuesday) 11 September 2001
(local time).
- Banpresto of Japan. (_ _) Zzz...
- M27Power.Com, for computer virus.
- Ray5555, for flaming me.
- Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda.

In memory of:
- The victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA in
the morning on 11 September 2001. God bless America.
- Inoue Daisuke. Music composer, arranger, singer, and
player of flute and saxophone. He sang several First Gundam
songs, including "Kaze ni hitori de", "Ai senshi",
"Beginning", and "Meguriai". His real name was Inoue Takao.
He was 58. He was born on 13 September 1941, and committed
suicide on 30 May 2000.
- Shiozawa Kaneto. Voice actor. In First Gundam, he
voiced the Zion REMF and Gyan pilot Colonel M'Quve. His
real name was Shiozawa Toshikazu. He was 46. He was born
on 28 January 1954, and passed away on 10 May 2000.
- The 118 sailors and officers on the Oscar II class
submarine, K-141 Kursk, of the Northern Fleet, Russian
Navy. She sank in the Barents Sea on Saturday, 12 August
2000. Her wreck was raised on Monday, 8 October 2001.

"I pray, pray to bring near the new day."
- "Ai senshi", insert song, Kidou Senshi Gundam II:
Ai Senshi Hen


Title: Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion
(Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zion)
Genre: Team battle action
Rating: ?
Players: 1-4
OS: Arcade, PlayStation 2, Dreamcast
Maker: Bandai, Banpresto, Capcom
On Sale: March 2001 (arcade), 14 September 2001 (DX arcade),
6 December 2001 (PlayStation 2), 11 April 2002

(Warning: As I'm a Gundam fan since First Gundam (I
first watched First Gundam about one year after it was first
aired in Japan), I use the old and possibly political
incorrect spelling of "Zion" (pronounced as "jee-orn"),
instead of the current "Zeon". Sieg Zion!)


This game isn't Gundam Battle Online (GBO), which is
another Dreamcast game.
Also, this game isn't Kidou Senshi Gundam (Journey to
Jaburo) or Zeonic Front: Kidou Senshi Gundam 0079, which are
other PlayStation 2 games.


In an one-player game, when the player's piloting a
Gundam, the CPU (computer-controlled) friendly MS can also
be a Gundam. Likewise, when the player's piloting a Char MS,
the CPU friendly MS can also be a Char MS.

In a two-VS-one or a two-VS-two game, to try to confuse the
hostile player(s), the two players on one side can choose
the same MS and input the same pilot name.

The MSs that appear in the CG animation before a stage
can be inconsistent. I once saw, in the CG animation before
a battle in the Jaburo Aboveground stage, a normal Gelgoog
standing beside the player's Char Gelgoog before the
player's MS steps out of the Gau's hangar. When the battle
begins, the CPU MS wasn't a normal Gelgoog.

When a MS is jumping or hovering, a fighter may crash
into the MS. I once saw, in the Jaburo Aboveground stage, a
Dopp crashed into a Gundam, but the Gundam wasn't staggered
or knocked down. The Dopp was worth a few points only.

From Wavehawk (2002.02.16):
Apparently, if you pick Amuro and your opponent is Char (in a 1 vs 1
game), everytime Amuro targets Char's MS, you can hear him say "Char!"... I
don't think this happens if you pick Amuro and go into a regular story game

From Leper Man (2002.06.08):
- In single player, enemy MS cost 75% normal.
- In a cooperative game, enemy MS cost 60% normal.
- Ally CPU MS cost 50% normal.
- Type 61 MBT (Federation tanks) and Magella Attack MBT
(Zion) have a rumored cost of about 1. (Still not sure,
can't confirm if it can really can change the outcome of the
game.) Still haven't tried it it though; some say it cost 5.
- Byg Zam and Elmeth cost 375 in single player and cost
225 in coop. Byg Zam has an I Field.
- Bygro and Graw Brow cost 150 in single player; in
coop it cost 120.
- Grabro costs 150 in single player and 120 in coop.
- Azzam costs 150 in single player and 120 in coop.
- G Fighter costs about 150, in coop 120, but if your
ally is a G Fighter, it cost only 75 if destroyed.
- Destroying ship guns/aircraft will not affect the
game resource bar.
- Core Booster appears at solomon stage and fires the
same weapon as the G Fighter (but only passes the stage in
one sweep).
- You can ride the Midea transport and not fall off!!!
So much fun!!!
- Land GM can now pair up with the Guncannon, with the
Land GM killed 2 times and GC die once. The best combo IMO.

From Zaku Pilot (2002.09.14):
Just wanted to let you know the Gyan's shield can be
blown away. I found out the hard way in one of the last
levels on Earth where you can fight as the Byg Zam when you

[Ramble ON]

After 9/11, now it's chilling to see the buildings in
this game vertically collapse.

The Federation pilots' insigniae:
Taisa (Colonel): Light blue background, two
horizontal yellow stripes, three yellow diamonds.
Chuusa (Lieutenant Colonel): Light blue background,
two horizontal yellow stripes, two yellow diamonds.
Shousa (Major): Light blue background, two
horizontal yellow stripes, one yellow diamond.
Tai'i (Captain): Light blue background, one
horizontal yellow stripe, three yellow diamonds.
Chuui (First Lieutenant): Light blue background, one
horizontal yellow stripe, two yellow diamonds.
Shoui (Second Lieutenant): Light blue background,
one horizontal yellow stripe, one yellow diamond.

(Gundam uses the rank titles of the WWII Imperial
Japanese Army. OTOH, EVA (Shinseiki Evangelion or Neon Genesis Evangelion)
uses the rank titles of the post-WWII
JSDF. For example, in the JSDF, Second Lieutenant to
Colonel are: San'i, Ni'i, Ichi'i, Sansa, Nisa, and Ichisa.
In one TV episode, Misato san was promoted from Ichi'i to
Sansa. BTW, EVA is pronounced "ever", not "yee-va".)

FYI, based on the anime and not on this game, my Top
Three of the One Year War era Zion and Federation MAs and
MSs are:
1. Gouf.
2. Ziong.
3. Gelgoog.

My favourite female and male chara of First Gundam are:
F. Sayla Mass. (No relation to Sailormars.)
M. Kai Shiden.
(But my favourite male chara amongst all Gundam anime is
(expectedly) Amuro Rei.)

"ikinukitakunai no! anata nara dekiru wa."
- Sayla Mass

BTW, to the female fans of Gundam Wing who are reading
this file: Midorikawa Hikaru (who voiced Heero Yuy) is
married, so move along. Go away.

WRT arcade fighting games with 3D mecha, no, I didn't
play Kikaioh (Tech Romancer) or Virtual-On. (But I wrote and
posted a Kikaioh command list anyway.)

Revision history of this file:

Version 0.5 (Limited Edition): Wednesday, 23 May 2001
Version 1.0: Wednesday, 11 July 2001
Version 1.5: Wednesday, 25 July 2001
Version 2.0: Wednesday, 22 August 2001
Version 2.5: Saturday, 15 September 2001
Version 3.0: Saturday, 29 September 2001
Version 3.5: Wednesday, 31 October 2001
Version 4.0: Monday, 17 December 2001
Version 4.1 [50 KB]: Thursday, 21 February 2002
Version 4.2 [52 KB, +4%]: Saturday, 15 June 2002

[Ramble OFF]


Compared to the first arcade version, the second DX
("Deluxe", not "Double X") arcade version has three more
Federation MSs, five more space-based stages, new movement
commands in space-based stages, and modified game balance
(movement rates, attacks, weapons, &c) for all MSs.

IMPORTANT! In the DX version, when one side has only
one player, that player can press the Start button to
command the friendly CPU MS. The commands are: normal,
shoot, melee, fire support, and evade.
The "fire support" command seems to be the most useful,
because the friendly CPU MS attacks the player's current
When one side has two players, a player can press the
Start button to send a message about the health of his MS to
his partner.

When a player starts a new game or joins an existing
game, he chooses a non-space MS and a space MS. The game
automatically changes the player's MS depending on whether
the next stage is space-based or not space-based.
(The Side 7 stage is considered not space-based, but
let's not debate how a Gouf or Zgok can sneak into the space

The three additional Federation MSs are:
- RX-79(G) Ground Combat Gundam
- RGM-79(G) Ground Combat GM
- RB-79 Ball

(IMO, the Ball is "Definitely the Choice of the New
Generation" in the later space-based stages, where the CPU
is deploying the Byg Zam, Elmeth, Gelgoog, Rick Dom, and
Ziong. Also, this is the RB-79 Ball in First Gundam, not the
RB-79K Ball in Gundam:08MS.)

The Ground Combat Gundam has 480 HP. It has a choice of
five shooting weapons:
- Beam Rifle (The good old BR.)
- 100 mm Machine Gun (Has good speed and tracking.)
- Rocket Launcher (Similar to bazooka.)
- 180 mm Cannon (Similar to Magella Top cannon.)
- Missile Launcher (Two missiles per shot and six
missiles per reload.)
The Ground Combat Gundam's sub weapon is its
chest-mounted Vulcan. Its mid-air dash melee attack is a
shield tackle. Its special melee is a Shouryuuken-like beam
sabre cut. Its cost is approximately less than a Guncannon.

The Ground Combat GM has 420 HP. It has a choice of
two shooting weapons:
- Beam Rifle
- 100 mm Machine Gun
The Ground Combat GM has no Vulcan. It has no sub
weapon at all.

The Ball, to be polite, s_cks so hard it can replace
gravity. It has one cannon and two pincers. Its cannon
shots are slower than snail mail. Its pincers have very
short reach. It doesn't look as cute (?) as the Zion's
Zakrello either. OTOH, the Ball's cost is extremely low.
(The Ball isn't for novice players.)

The five additional space-based stages are:
- Satellite Orbit 1
- Satellite Orbit 2
- Solomon Space
- Side 6 Space
- A Baoa Qu Space

In a space-based stage, combat is 360 degrees. The
player presses the Jump button to move in the vertical axis,
that is, to move up and down.
The distance between the player and the target, and the
edges of the battle area, are hard to estimate.

In the Satellite Orbit 1 stage, Zion units include the
Char Zaku II, Zaku II, Char Musai, Don Escargot (?), and
Musai. Federation units include the GM, Guncannon, Core
Fighter, Salamis, and White Base.
The warships will fire their guns. AFAIK, the players
can't destroy a warship, but they can lock-on the turrets of
a warship. I don't know how many HP a turret has, but it can
survive one beam rifle shot.
In the Satellite Orbit 2 stage, Zion units begin with
two Zaku II and one Zakrello. Zion replacements include the
Rick Dom. The stage has a lot of grey metal panels and the
wreck of a Federation warship.
In the Side 6 Space stage, Zion units include the Rick
Dom. Federation units include the Core Booster. The stage has
a lot of brown asteroids and grey metal panels. The
background song is "Meguriai" by Inoue Daisuke.
The A Baoa Qu Space stage has a lot of grey metal
panels and the wreck of a Zion warship. The background song
is "Meguriai" by Inoue Daisuke.

Now the MAs (Azzam, Gallop, Grublo, Zakrello, Byg
Zam, Elmeth, &c) are more aggressive.
In the Belfast stage, after the Grublo is KIA, a
normal MS, such as a Zgok, replaces the Grublo.

WRT the other MSs, now hand-held melee weapons can
parry each other, such as the Gouf's heat sabre VS the GM's
beam sabre.
Just as the Zgok's melee attacks include the Shouryuuken
(a la Ken and Ryu of the SF series), the Zaku's melee attacks
now include the Tetsuzankou (a la Akira of the VF series).
After the (RX-78-2) Gundam's shield is destroyed, in
its special melee attack, it uses both beam sabres. Also, it
can spin its Hyper Hammer like the Gelgoog's beam naginata.
The Core Fighter and Guncannon now appear even in the
first Side 7 stage.
If Matilda Ajan wasn't a Federation operator in the
first version, she's an operator in the DX version.

The DX version can be set to allow a Federation player
to use a Zion MS, and vice versa. A MS used by the opposing
side has a different paint scheme. For example, a Zion
Guncannon is green like a standard Gelgoog, instead of red.
OTOH, Zion MSs used by the Federation look like... the game
programmers gave their daughters and sons some crayons and
B&W line drawings of the MSs.
(In reality, bright colours help a vehicle radiate and
reflect heat in space, where conduction and convection don't


The PlayStation 2 version reportedly will have a
Mission Mode where the player has to gain, maintain, and
repair his MSs.
has a list of the hidden features in Kidou Senshi
Gundam: Renpou VS Zion DX for PlayStation 2. I may translate
and post that list later.


(This section is incomplete and under construction!)

Note: Correct me if I'm wrong.


[?] means hold the stick or button.


[u] Walk forwards.
[ul] Walk forwards and left.
[ur] Walk forwards and right.
[l] Walk left.
[r] Walk right.
[dl] Walk backwards and left.
[dr] Walk backwards and right.
[d] Walk backwards.
u,u Dash forwards, to dodge linear attacks from the
player's left or right.
l,l Dash or side-step left, to dodge linear attacks
from the player's front or back.
r,r Dash or side-step right, to dodge linear attacks
from the player's front or back.
d,d Dash backwards, to dodge linear attacks from the
player's left or right.

On the ground, a MS can dash or side-step in four
directions. In mid-air, while a MS is hovering or jumping,
it can dash or side-step in eight directions.
After a MS is knocked down and lands on the ground, the
player can tap the stick in a direction to roll the MS, and
get out of the way of an incoming attack or enemy, before
the MS gets up.


T Target. Choose the target (enemy unit) that the
player tries to lock-on.
[T] Hold the Target button to activate Sniper Mode,
when your MS is the Zaku II with Magella Top
cannon, Guncannon, or Guntank. While holding the
Target button, the player can use the stick to aim
the MS's beam rifle or cannon shots, and arc them
over any obstacle.
S Shoot. Attack the target with the player's
primary weapon, such as beam rifle.
[S] Hold the Shoot button to fire a burst of shots at
the target, when the player's primary weapon is a
machine gun-type weapon (Zaku, Zaku II, Gouf,
F,(F),(F) Fight. Attack the target with the player's melee
weapon, such as beam sabre.
S+F Shoot at the target with the player's secondary
weapon (sub weapon), such as Vulcan.
[J] Jump. Beware the Boost guage.
(while dashing) F+J Special fight.

When the lock-on cursor is red, the target is inside
the range of the player's shooting weapon.
When the lock-on cursor is yellow, the target is inside
the range of the player's shooting weapon, but is immune to
damage. For example, the target is knocked down.
When the lock-on cursor is green (dash line), the
target is outside the range of the player's shooting weapon.



After the Gouf launches its heat rod (whip)...
[l]+Shoot or [l]+Fight
causes the Gouf to whirl its heat rod to the left, then
[r]+Shoot or [r]+Fight
causes the Gouf to whirl its heat rod to the left, then
right, then rear.

BTW, the Gouf's heat rod can penetrate buildings.
Specifically, when your Gouf is facing the corner of a
building, and an enemy MS is standing behind and completely
concealed by the corner of the building, you can launch the
heat rod and it'll penetrate the corner of the building to
zap the enemy MS. Your Gouf doesn't have to side-step around
the corner to attack the enemy MS.


As the Ziong launches its (supposedly wire-guided)
defines the forearm's direction of attack.

3.3 HIDDEN COMMANDS (Bugs, codes, undocumented features,
urawaza, &c)

When the player inputs the pilot's name, instead of
pressing Omakase to choose a Gundam chara's name, when the
player inputs an original name, the game normally doesn't
display the pilot's appearance or quotes. But...
If the player inputs "Kyasubaru" as the pilot's name:
Char Aznable becomes the pilot. The game displays "Kyasubaru"
as the pilot's name ("Kyasubaru" is Char's real name "Casval"
in katakana), but his appearance and quotes are the same as
the regular Char's (he still wears his helmet and mask).
If the player inputs "Aruteishia" or "Seira" as the
pilot's name: Sayla Mass similarly becomes the pilot.
(I don't think this allows Char to pilot a Federation
MS, or Sayla to pilot a Zion MS.)

Evidently, inputting shortened forms of the name of a
chara already in the game, such as "Ma" (short for
"Ma-Kube"), also causes the existing chara to become the
(Unconfirmed: Christina MacKenzie of Gundam:0080 is an
hidden or time-release Federation pilot.)


The following Mobile Suit and weapon specifications are
primarily from the magazines:
- Shuukan Dreamcast Magazine, Vol.XX/2001 (2001.04.13).
- Shuukan The PlayStation 2, Vol.240 (2001.04.20).
- Shuukan Dreamcast Magazine, Vol.13/2001 (2001.05.11-18).
- Bi Weekly Dorimaga, Vol.5/2001 (2001.07.27).

These specifications currently don't include the new
Mobile Suits and weapons in the DX version.


Mobile Suit: Self-explanatory.
Terrain: E = Earth (amphibious). S = Space.
Cost: In the upper left corner of the screen, each side
has a war potential (resource) of 600 points. In a
two-player VS one-player game, the one-player side gets 750
HP: Hit Points.
Armour Class: Self-explanatory.
Lock-On Range: Self-explanatory.
Speed: Self-explanatory.

Reportedly, CPU MSs have lower Cost and HP than player
MSs (20% discount).


Mobile Suit Terrain Cost HP Armour Lock-On Speed
(Player) Class Range (m/s)

Zaku E,S 150 400 B 480 35
Zaku II E,S 160 440 B 500/800 35
Zaku II, Char E,S 175 400 C 510 35
Gouf E 200 480 B 490 45.5
Dom E 225 480 B 630 54
Rick Dom S 225 480 B 630 54
Gelgoog E,S 300 520 B 590 40.4
Gelgoog, Char E,S 325 480 C 600 42.5
Gyan E,S 245 520 B 600 39.6
Gogg E 200 640 B 550 24
Acguy E 170 440 B 550 42.5
Zock E 200 600 A 700/1400 36
Zgok E 200 520 B 580 36
Zgok, Char E 220 480 C 580 42.5
Ziong S 375 520 A 600 49.2

Mobile Suit Terrain Cost HP Armour Lock-On Speed
(CPU) Class Range (m/s)

Zaku E,S 75 320 B 480 35
Zaku II E,S 80 352 B 500/800 35
Zaku II, Char E,S 90 352 C 510 35
Gouf E 100 384 B 490 45.5
Dom E 115 384 B 630 54
Rick Dom S 115 384 B 630 54
Gelgoog E,S 150 416 B 590 40.4
Gelgoog, Char E,S 165 416 C 600 42.5
Gyan E,S 125 416 B 600 39.6
Gogg E 100 512 B 550 24
Acguy E 85 352 B 550 42.5
Zock E 100 480 A 700/1400 36
Zgok E 100 416 B 580 36
Zgok, Char E 110 352 C 580 42.5
Ziong S 190 416 A 600 49.2


The Ground Combat Gundam, Ground Combat GM, and Ball
are available in the DX version only.

Mobile Suit Terrain Cost HP Armour Lock-On Speed
(Player) Class Range (m/s)

Guntank E,S 200 640 A 760/1400 39
Guncannon E,S 250 560 B 650/800 35.4
Gundam E,S 375 520 B 600 43.4
GM E,S 195 400 D 540 38.6

Ground Combat
Gundam E 225 480 ? ? ?
Ground Combat
GM E 170 420 ? ? ?
Ball S 100 250 ? ? ?

Mobile Suit Terrain Cost HP Armour Lock-On Speed
(CPU) Class Range (m/s)

Guntank E,S 100 512 A 760/1400 39
Guncannon E,S 125 448 B 650/800 35.4
Gundam E,S 190 416 B 600 43.4
GM E,S 98 320 D 540 38.6

Ground Combat
Gundam E ? 384 ? ? ?
Ground Combat
GM E ? 336 ? ? ?
Ball S 80 200 ? ? ?



Ammo: The number of rounds a weapon can fire before
its magazine is empty and the weapon automatically
reloads. Reloading takes time, and the player can't force
a weapon to reload when its magazine isn't empty.

Mobile Suit Weapon Damage Ammo Range

MS-05 Zaku (Block 1)
Shoot 120 mm Zaku Machine 16x5 Burst 120 300
Fight Fight 40-100 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 50 150

Note: Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-05 Zaku (Block 2)
Shoot 280 mm Zaku Bazooka 80/40 20 380
Fight Fight 40-100 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 50 150

Note: Zaku Bazooka damage is hit/blast.
Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-06 Zaku II (Block 1)
Shoot 120 mm Zaku Machine 16x5 Burst 120 300
Fight Heat Hawk 80-100 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200

Note: Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-06 Zaku II (Block 2)
Shoot 280 mm Zaku Bazooka 80/40 20 380
Fight Heat Hawk 80-100 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200

Note: Zaku Bazooka damage is hit/blast.
Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-06 Zaku II (Block 3)
Shoot 175 mm Magella Top 100 30 800
Fight Heat Hawk 80-100 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200

Note: Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-06 Zaku II (Block 4)
Shoot 120 mm Zaku Machine 16x5 Burst 120 300
Fight Heat Hawk 80-100 - -
Sub Missile Pod (60/40)x3-x6 6 525

Note: Missile Pod damage is hit/blast.

MS-06S Zaku II, Char (Block 1)
Shoot 120 mm Zaku Machine 16x5 Burst 180 300
Fight Heat Hawk 80-120 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200

Note: Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-06S Zaku II, Char (Block 2)
Shoot 280 mm Zaku Bazooka 80/40 20 380
Fight Heat Hawk 80-120 - -
Sub Cracker 16/16x6/16x6 2 200

Note: Zaku Bazooka damage is hit/blast.
Cracker damage is hit/fragmentation/blast.

MS-07B Gouf
Shoot Multiple 75 mm 8x5 Burst 80 490
Machine Guns
Fight Heat Sabre 80-120 - -
Sub Heat Rod 64x? - -

"Zaku toha tigauno dayo! Zaku toha!"
- Captain Ramba Ral (KIA)

MS-09 Dom
Shoot 360 mm Giant Bazoo 60/40 10 525
Fight Heat Sword 80-120 - -
Sub Spread Beam 40 2 -

Note: Giant Bazoo damage is hit/blast.

MS-09R Rick Dom
Shoot 360 mm Giant Bazoo 60/40 10 525
Fight Heat Sword 80-120 - -
Sub Spread Beam 40 2 -

Note: Giant Bazoo damage is hit/blast.

MS-14 Gelgoog
Shoot Beam Rifle 120 10 600
Fight Beam Naginata 80-120 - -
Sub Naginata Spin 80 - -

Note: The Gelgoog's spinning Beam Naginata, like a
shield, protects the Gelgoog from most shooting weapons,
except shooting weapons that cause blast damage.
The Gelgoog always wears its shield on its back. The
Gelgoog doesn't hold its shield with its left hand, unlike
the Gouf and Gyan.

MS-14S Gelgoog, Char
Shoot Beam Rifle 120 10 600
Fight Beam Naginata 80-120 - -
Sub Naginata Spin 80 - -

Note: The Gelgoog's spinning Beam Naginata, like a
shield, protects the Gelgoog from most shooting weapons,
except shooting weapons that cause blast damage.
The Gelgoog always wears its shield on its back. The
Gelgoog doesn't hold its shield with its left hand, unlike
the Gouf and Gyan.

MS-15 Gyan
Shoot Needle Missiles 8x5 10 600
Fight Beam Sabre 90-130 - -
Sub Hide Bombs 20x5/20x5 10 -

Note: Hide Bomb damage is hit/blast. 6-7 seconds pass
before Hide Bombs explode.
The Gyan's shield cannot be damaged or destroyed.
Also designated as YMS-15, because the Zions
mass-produced the Gelgoog, instead of the Gyan.

"ano tubo wo Kisiria sama ni todoketekure yo. are ha
iimono da."
- Colonel M'Quve (KIA)

MSM-03 Gogg
Shoot Mega Particle 20x12 2 200
Fight Iron Nails 100-140 - -
Sub Torpedoes 60x2/40x2 12 300

Note: Torpedo damage is hit/blast.

MSM-04 Acguy
Shoot 105 mm Head Vulcan 10x8 Burst 20 300
Fight Claws 40-120 - -
Sub Rocket Cannon 55 10 300

MSM-05 Zock
Shoot Mega Particle 48x4 8 1000
Fight Claws 40-60 - -
Sub Head Mega Particle 120 1 1000

MSM-07 Zgok
Shoot Beam Cannon 80 10 400
Fight Claws 85-120 - -
Sub 240 mm Head Rockets 16x6 48 400

MSM-07S Zgok, Char
Shoot Beam Cannon 80 10 400
Fight Claws 85-120 - -
Sub 240 mm Head Rockets 16x6 48 400

MSN-02 Ziong
Shoot Hand Beam Cannons 42x5 50 700
Fight Head Beam Cannon 80 1 600
Sub All Range Attack 42x5 50 700

Note: The Ziong has no melee weapon.
When the Ziong is destroyed, its head doesn't detach and
continue to fight.


Mobile Suit Weapon Damage Ammo Range

RX-76 Guntank
Shoot 180 mm Recoilless 60x2 6 1000
Fight 40 mm Bob Missiles 8x8 Burst 90 150
Sub - - - -

Note: The Guntank has no melee weapon.
The Guntank cannot be knocked down.

RX-77 Guncannon
Shoot Beam Rifle 100 4 600
Fight Fight 60-80 - -
Sub 240 mm Cannons 60x2 6 800

"o, ore datte, ore dattee!"
- Kai Shiden

RX-78-2 Gundam (Block 1)
Shoot Beam Rifle 120 10 700
Fight Beam Sabre 80-120 - -
Sub Vulcan 8 50 150

"Renpou no Mobile Suit ha bakemono ka!? kore dake no
kougeki demo mada..."
- Major Char Aznable

RX-78-2 Gundam (Block 2)
Shoot Hyper Bazooka 100/40 15 600
Fight Beam Sabre 80-120 - -
Sub Vulcan 8 50 150

Note: Hyper Bazooka damage is hit/blast.

"kuyasii kedo, boka ha otoko nandana."
- Amuro Rei

RX-78-2 Gundam (Block 3)
Shoot Hyper Hammer 200 - -
Fight Beam Sabre 80-120 - -
Sub Vulcan 8 50 150

Shoot Beam Spray Gun 75 12 600
Fight Beam Sabre 70-90 - -
Sub Vulcan 6 50 150

RB-79 Ball
Shoot Cannon ? 20 ?
Fight Pincer ? - -
Sub - - - -

Note: The Ball's cannon doesn't knock down the target
it hits.


(This section is incomplete and under construction!)

Don't stand still. Keep walking, jumping, or
hovering (tap J in mid-air), unless both hostile MSs are
in front of you AND you see they aren't shooting at you.

When an hostile MS shoots at you, side-step to dodge
its shot, and shoot back at it while it's recovering from
its shooting. If it's close enough, side-step and fight
This basic tactic is especially effective against a
Guntank, which has no melee weapon. (This is also a basic
tactic in Soul Edge and Soul Calibur 1.)

Shoot at a landing MS as its feet just touch the
ground, when it has little or no time to side-step. (This
is also a basic tactic in MechWarrior 1.)

A lot of players don't use enough of the Federation
MSs' Vulcan (sub weapon). After their beam rifle or beam
spray gun has hit an enemy MS two or three times, they
waste many seconds to aim for another beam weapon hit,
when a few rounds from their Vulcan could've cheaped off
the enemy MS's remaining HP. If a Federation player thinks
the Vulcan is puny, remember the Zion players' Zaku I and
Zaku II make their livings with similar Zaku machine guns.

A beam weapon can penetrate the objects that its
shot hits, except dense objects like buildings and
warships. For example, when a Dom and a GM shoot at each
other, the GM's beam spray gun shot may hit and detonate
the Dom's giant bazoo shot, then hit and stagger the Dom,
then hit a building behind the Dom.

A cannon, like those on the Guntank or Ground Combat
Gundam, doesn't need an unblocked line-of-sight to its
locked-on target to hit the target. Cannon rounds can
arch over the object or terrain between it and its

An attack that damages or destroys a shield doesn't
damage the MS holding the shield.
The first attack that hits a shield destroys the top
half of the shield. The second attack that hits a shield
destroys the bottom half of the shield.

In a two-player game, both players shouldn't attack
the same enemy MS from the same direction, or from directly
opposite directions. A shot aimed at the enemy MS may hit
the friendly MS's back. Or, the shot may hit or miss the
enemy MS, then hit the friendly MS behind the enemy MS.
In other words, the players' MSs should stay out of
each other's line-of-sight to the same enemy MS. (The Jet
Stream Attack isn't for novice players.)
Some weapons, such as beam rifles and machine guns,
hit and stagger the target MS, but don't knock down the
target MS. Two MSs, such as two Gundams or two Zaku IIs,
shooting at the same target MS can time their shots such
that after the first shot hits and staggers the target
MS, the second shot hits and staggers the target MS again
just as it recovers from the first stagger, and so on
with the third and subsequent shots.
However, avoid target fixation and use the radar for
situational awareness. See and know where and what the
other enemy MS is doing.

From Viper (2002.02.11):
I want to provide some information to you, just trying to help.

1. BYG-ZAM is vulnerable to all kind of attacks, even Beam Swords and
Hyper Hammer, you can actually jump high with Gundam and heat him 5 times
with Hyper Hammer before you land on the ground. Of course, cannons and
bazookas are better than beam rifle.

2. I am not sure if Char's Gelgoog cost 325 points instead of 375
points, because when I lose a Gelgoog, it just like losing a Gundam.

3. The beam rifle can combo limit up to 5 times (by 2 human players),
after that, the hostile MS will be knocked down. Like you said in the FAQ,
each beam rifle will stun the enemy MS for half a second. You can even
change the last hit into an air-dashing Sabre (Gundam) or Flying Kick
(Char's Gelgoog) instead of beam rifle.

4. (For MS who have beam rifles) You have targeted an enemy, and you
walk sideways against the enemy MS. If you try to shoot, your MS will not
stop walking as you are shooting. BUT if you are walking over 90 degrees
(like backward left or right) against the enemy MS, you have to stop and
shoot, and there is a lot of recovery time.

5. For Land Gundam holding 180 mm Cannon, you can double your fire rate
by holding the target button down and keep pressing the fire button. Also,
you can do a low altitude mid-air tackle and add a 180 mm cannon shot. It's
a 2 hit combo.

6. For Dom and Rick-Dom, the second hit of the mid-air dashing sabre
attack takes off more damage than the first hit. So you can even position
yourself far enough to land only the second hit to the opponent.

There are hell lot of combos in this game too, and different
combinations of MS have different cooperative combos.

5.1 ZION

"kokumin yo! kanasimi wo ikari ni kaete, tate yo!
- General Gihren Zabi (KIA)

A confident (or bored) Gyan player may place an
hostile MS to the Gyan's front-left, and cautiously walk
towards the hostile MS.
Because the Gyan's shield is always partially
covering the Gyan's front, the hostile MS's non-explosive
shooting weapon may hit and get absorbed by the Gyan's
shield. (Likewise, I've seen GM and Gundam players place
an hostile MS to the GM or Gundam's left, and side-step
leftwards to approach the hostile MS. When the GM or
Gundam is holding its beam rifle, its shield is facing
its left.)


"boku ha ano hito ni katitai."
- Amuro Rei

From Gordon Kam:

(Note: The following strategies, contributed by Gordon
Kam, are based on the first arcade version, difficulty
level 8, damage level 4, and time limit 180 seconds.
YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).)

Basic Strategies (Single Player):

In order to succeed, it is best to defeat the
minimal amount of enemy targets as possible due to the
limit on time and ammo. This is accomplished by first
attempting to defeat the more powerful MS. For example,
in Side 7, there are 3 types of enemies: Zaku, Zaku II,
and Char Zaku II. The resource that a Char Zaku II will
take from the enemy resource bar is more than a normal
Zaku II would, and thus this method would allow you to
defeat the minimal amount of MS as possible.
In some stages, you would be coming up against enemy
MA. It is often difficult to defeat an enemy MA because
there are two other MSs that are currently attacking
either you or your NPC. So concentrating your fire on a
MA would leave yourself open to enemy attacks. As a
general rule of thumb, MA that has high mobility is
ignored and hope they don't shoot you at a bad time.
Again, exceptions to a rule, in A Baoa Qu Outside,
sometimes the Newtype MA Elmeth, piloted by Lalah Sone,
will become your enemy. The Elmeth's Bits can take
approximately 200 HP from you. It would be in your
best interest to take it out before you are obliterated,
although this is only possible with some MSs.
As mentioned before, destroying the minimal enemy
units is the key since time and ammo are not on your
side. Also, depending on computer AI level and a whole
lot of luck, your NPC is usually not long for this world.
The computer has a tendency to run into the thick of
things, ignoring the overwhelming odds, and charge the
opposition. Personally, this doesn't bother me initially,
but when your NPCs die, they take a portion of your
resource bar with them. This I cannot overlook, and
neither should you. It is often more convenient to let
the NPC handle an enemy by himself and let you take your
time at dealing with one enemy. However, sometimes the
NPC will die and it will quickly become a 2-on-1 game on
you. This at most times is inevitable, and the game could
end due to the NPC dying off. When your resource bar is
reduced to about 20 percent, it is time to protect what
is left of your NPC.

Against the Zaku II:

The Zaku II is the Zion's mass-produced MS and can be
found in many stages in this game. Due to the Zaku II's
lower cost than the GM, playing as the Federation side,
you will have to kill more units in general.
The Zaku II's major weakness is its low mobility, low
HP, and weak weaponry. The Zaku II can only carry
conventional weapons such as: Zaku machine gun, Zaku
bazooka, crackers, Magella Top cannon, and missile pods.
All Zaku IIs also carry a heat hawk as a melee weapon.
- Zaku machine gun: Most often you will be fighting
against the Zaku II equipped with this weapon. It has
continuous 5 round fire. Depending on the type of Zaku,
the speed at which the bullets come at you can vary. A
single bee sting will annoy you, but a hundred bee stings
can kill you. Keep this in mind when fighting the Zaku IIs
with machine guns. They don't do a lot of damage, but it
is easy to get nicked with a few every time they get near
you, and multiply that with the amount of Zaku IIs you have
to kill, it can be very dangerous. Avoiding machine gun
fire is not difficult, but that still depends on the MS
you are using.
- Zaku bazooka: The Zaku IIs carry this in Stage 2
mostly. Bazookas have some homing capabilities at
long-range. It is easy to get hit by them if you do not
move to avoid them early. As for other missile type
weapons, they are slower moving, but this is also how
they can hit you when you don't pay attention. Bazookas
are only powerful in long-range and short-range. In
medium-range, you are usually moving to get into firing
position and easier to avoid the bazooka round. In
short-range, they can be dangerous. When holding a
bazooka, the Zaku IIs will fire directly in your direction.
So at close-range, when they decide to fire, they will
turn and fire at you. The effective range of the bazooka
round is farther than the machine gun and the blast
radius even larger, so it is easier to get hit up close.
It would be advisable to keep your distance against a
- Cracker: This is also a very common weapon. The
cracker is a secondary weapon that appears with machine
guns, bazookas, and cannons. This is a fragmentation
device versus an explosive. When it is thrown and lands
at the target lock location when it is released, the
explosion will fragment and cause collateral damage in a
small region. This is the least damaging of the Zaku II's
weapons and often doesn't do full damage, since it
requires an enemy to stand still.
- Magella Top cannon: It is a long gun that fires
single rounds rather slowly. This only appears in one stage
and that is in Odessa. These cannons are the Zaku II's
solution for long-range fire. The single round travel speed
is comparable to the Guntank and the Guncannon's. When fired,
the Zaku II will bounce back due to recoil. This is not very
intimidating, since the animation for the gun is so long.
However, when your back is turned, it can catch you off by
- Missile pods: This is another sub weapon for the
Zaku II and can only accompany the machine gun. These
missiles can cause a lot of damage if they all hit.
However, when they are fired, the Zaku II must stand still,
which in this game means "Shoot me please." You can see
them coming, but don't be fooled at long-range. They do
have homing capabilities, so watch out.
- Heat hawk: The Zaku II's last resort. These weapons
are slower than any Federation melee weapon. They don't
pose much of a threat, due to its slow speed and lack of
range. They do serious damage, however, but all that is
needed is to stay a comfortable distance from the Zaku II.

From Don "Gamera" Chan:

Against the Bygro:

When the Bygro pauses and is facing your MS, dodge or jump out of its
front arc. It'll charge towards your MS and clothesline your MS with its

Against the Elmeth and its Bits:

Like the Ziong's forearms, the Elmeth's Bits pause
before they shoot. If your MS is minding its own business
and a cluster of Bits park themselves near your MS,
afterburn your verniers to get away from the Bits.

Against the Zock:

The Zock's quadruple Mega Particle Cannons are very
awesome, though they have a relatively long recovery time
between shots. Stay to the Zock's left or right, and shoot
at it before it can turn towards and shoot at your MS.
When the Zock pauses and is facing your MS, dodge or
jump out of its front arc. Hesitate for a fraction of a
second, and one of its beams will hit your MS.


These stages currently don't include the new stages
in the DX version.

Side 7, UC0079.09.18:

Zion units: Zaku, Zaku II, Char Zaku II
Federation units: GM, Guncannon, Guntank; Core Fighter,
Type 61 main battle tank

"ko, kore ga... ta, tatakai..."
- Amuro Rei

Great Canyon:

Zion units: Zaku II, Char Zaku II; Dopp, Gau, Magella Attack
Federation units: GM, Guncannon; Midea

New York, UC0079.10.04:

Zion units: Zaku II, Char Zaku II; Gau, Magella Attack
Federation units: GM, Gundam; White Base

Sometimes the White Base isn't parked in the stadium.

"Zion Koukoku ni eikou are!"
- Colonel Garma Zabi (KIA), UC0079.10.04

"watasi no otouto! syokun no aisitekureta Garma
Zabi ha sinda!
naze da?"
- General Gihren Zabi (KIA), UC0079.10.06

"bouya dakara sa."
- Major Char Aznable, UC0079.10.06

Takla Makan Desert (Xin Jiang Uygur Zi Zhi Qu (Xin
Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region), People's Republic of China):

Zion units: Gouf, Zaku II; Azzam, Gallop, Magella
Attack, MS trailer truck
Federation units: Guncannon, Guntank; Gunperry

IMO, when the player begins a game from this stage,
the CG animation of the Mobile Suits entering this stage
is way cool. It has Mobile Suits, armour (tanks), and
infantry (soldiers) on the ground, and close air support
(fighters) in the air.
Destroying the Azzam is worth relatively few points.

Black Sea South Coast Forest Area (Turkey):

Zion units: Dom; Dodai YS, Dopp
Federation units: G Fighter, Midea

"ore wo humidai ni sitaxa!?"
- Gaia of the Black Tri-Stars (KIA)

Odessa (Ukraine), UC0079.11.07-09:

Zion units: Magella Attack
Federation units: Big Tray, Fly Mantha; Type 61 main
battle tank

Belfast (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom):

Zion units: Gogg, Zgok; Grublo
Federation units: Gunperry, Type 61 main battle tank

Jaburo Aboveground (Venezuela), UC0079.11.30:

Zion units: Gogg, Gouf, Zgok; Dopp
Federation units: Guncannon; Fly Mantha
BGM: "Ai senshi" by Inoue Daisuke

Jaburo Underground (Venezuela), UC0079.11.30:

Zion units: Acguy, Char Zgok, Gogg, Zgok, Zock
Federation units: GM; Type 61 main battle
BGM: "Ai senshi" by Inoue Daisuke

(When the CPU deploys two Zocks, their multiple Mega
Particle Cannons are very deadly.)

Solomon, UC0079.12.24:

Zion units: Char Gelgoog, Rick Dom; Byg Zam
Federation units: Ball

(I haven't seen anyone destroy the Byg Zam, and don't
know whether it has I Field, that is, whether the Byg Zam
is vulnerable to beam weapons.
Eventually, Jones Kingsu said he destroyed the Byg
Zam a couple of times (but still lost because of his
lousy AI partner), and noticed the Byg Zam does have I
Field, since his Gundam's beam rifle doesn't seem to
hurt it.)

"mada madaxa."
- Sleggar Lau (KIA)

A Baoa Qu Outside, UC0079.12.31:

Zion units: Gelgoog, Rick Dom, Ziong; Elmeth

(I don't know whether a Federation MS can hit the
Elmeth's Bits?)

A Baoa Qu Inside, UC0079.12.31:

Zion units: Gelgoog, Rick Dom, Ziong; Zanzibar

"hurueru ka sora [kanzi: utyuu]
meguriae yo inoti"
- Kidou Senshi Gundam III: Meguriai Sora


The official HP of Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion DX.

The official HP of Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion.

Some HPs with hints, info, message boards, reviews,
screen shots, strategies, and urawaza for Kidou Senshi
Gundam: Renpou VS Zion.

Some HPs with Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou VS Zion DX
for PS2 urawaza.

Gundam Project, by fellow Usenetters and Gundam fans,
Keith Rhee and Mark Simmons.

The official HP of "GUNDAM THE RIDE: Uchuu Yousai A
Baoa Qu" in the Fujikyu Highland amusement park in
Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, Japan.

Neo Zeon Network, by Char Aznable. A Gundam fan page
with tens of WAV files of First Gundam sound effects.

Mobile Suit Z GUNDAM WEB, the time-limited (till 30
September 2001) official HP of the TV anime Kidou Senshi
Zeta Gundam.

Frau Bow.Com, by Hanabatake Sanjuurou of Japan. A Frau
Bow fan page. (-_-;)

Amuro Station, by Amuro.

Photos of a 1:3 figure or statue of the Zeta Gundam in
Japan. (!_!)

Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France.
"Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
"Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, dont
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis
de rares fans de part le monde."

The Absentminded Artist, by Douglas Cootey of USA.

The Japanese Gaming Guide to Windows XP, by Kagami of
USA. English.
"Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Japanese PC Games on Windows

The Shiori Fujisaki Shrine, by Wavehawk. English. A
Tokimemo (Tokimeki Memorial) fan page.

Inoue Daisuke fan pages.

News articles about Inoue Daisuke's death.

Zany Video Game Quotes. Has very funny quotes and
screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie files of Segata
Sanshirou TV CMs. English.

Don "Quess Paraya haters unite!" Chan
(No offense to Kawamura Maria han.)

*1 "Sakuretsu!"

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