Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman

Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman

17.10.2013 19:52:07
Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Version: Final - October 13, 2002
Creator: Ed Osciak III
Alias: Psycho0022
Platform: Playstation
Email: Psycho0022@hotmail.com

Copyright 2002, Ed Osciak III
This walkthrough may not be changed, reproduced, or printed in any form
without the author's expressed permission. This FAQ is owned and made
by me. Feel free to print out and distribute this FAQ as long as
nothing is changed.


Section 1: The Storyline
Section 2: The Good Guys of Tsuka Town
Section 3: Weapons of the Samurai Gunman
Section 4: Items and Weapon Power-ups
Section 5: Special Attacks
Section 6: Hustle Time
Section 7: The Minions of the Jackal
Section 8: The Walkthrough
+ TRAINING: The Art of Katana and Sword
+ 1St IMPACT: Here Comes Zan
+ 2nd IMPACT: Wild in the Street
+ 3rd IMPACT: Oriental Dark Power
+ 4th IMPACT: Hell Train
+ 5th IMPACT: Shogun in a Gold Mine
+ 6th IMPACT: Zan vs. Geisha
+ 7th IMPACT: Mechanical Work Grudge
+ 8th IMPACT: It's a Kabuki Show
+ FINAL IMPACT: Rising Zan
Section 9: Rewards and Hero Badges
Section 10: Acknowledgements


During the pioneer days in America, there was a young man named
Johnny, who lived in a small gold mining town. He had many dreams, one
of which was to become the greatest hero that ever lived. He and the
Sheriff spent much of their time roaming around in search of adventure,
as everyday life in their town was for the most part peaceful...that is
until just recently, when people began being reported missing at a
nearby ravine. Sensing grave danger, Johnny went to the ravine to
explore. What he found was a dark and narrow gorge into which it would
be easy for someone to fall and into the river below. After a while,
Johnny gave up his search, convinced there was nothing to be found.

Then, just as he was turning to go home, his horse suddenly fell
out from under him. Johnny jumped off his horse and drew his gun.
"Come out! I'll kill you all!" He fired off several rounds from the
gun given to him by his late father. The only thing running through
his mind was to kill these unknown assassins and achieve his life long
dream, to become a hero. However, none of the bullets he fired found
their mark. And suddenly, with a flash of light, Johnny fell to the
floor unconscious, with blood flowing from his face. Johnny woke up in
pain, Suzuki, his father's life long friend from Zipang, saved him.
Johnny spoke of the incident at the ravine with Suzuki in hopes that
Suzuki would teach him Zipang's legendary fighting technique.

Suzuki, a master of this ancient fighting art agreed to teach
Johnny, knowing that Johnny's life would be forfeit otherwise. A few
days later, Suzuki and Johnny departed to Zipang. Many years have
passed...Johnny is now a master of both his own traditional fighting
method, and Zipang's. He wields his gun and the blade of the Samurai
with equal skill. He commits himself to his new name "ZAN" and returns
to his hometown.


ZAN: The Super Sexy Hero of the saga. This blue-eyed boy from the Old
West follows his own idea of sagebrush law to bring back justice to the
whole world. As a young 'un, he received a powerful gun specially made
by his father. Later, he trained in Zipang with Master Suzuki and
absorbed all there was to learn about Zipang's traditional fighting
method. Now, he has returned to his hometown - to find an evil bigger
than his gun!

SAPPHIRE: Granddaughter of Suzuki, ZAN's master. In Zipang, as a
ninja extraordinaire, she played a part in ZAN's training. After ZAN
left Japan, Master Suzuki summoned Sapphire to the U.S. to take part in
the taming of ZAN's hometown.

MASTER SUZUKI: Master Suzuki reigned for years in Zipang as the
ultimate master of the ninja arts. When he retired, he left Zipang to
make his home in the U.S. Settling in the Wild West, Suzuki ran into
outlaw trouble, and ZAN's father Kevin saved him. Suzuki and Kevin
became inseparable friends until Kevin's untimely death at the hands of
mysterious assassins.

VALERIE: Val is ZAN's childhood friend. She remembers ZAN as the kid
Johnny, and knows plenty about him. After ZAN left town, Val took over
as leader of the local protection. In a recent shootout, she and a
group of townspeople were captured by the Jackal's U.S. operators.


JOHNNY NO MORE GUN: ZAN's father, Kevin had this gun specially made,
and presented Johnny with it on his birthday. Soon after that, Kevin
was killed by an unknown force. The 56mm, revolver/rifle composite is
so powerful that a normal person would be shattered attempting to fire
it. It uses its own unlimited bullets, and all the special ammo ZAN
picks up in the game. ZAN calls his gun, "Johnny No More."

DEMON SLAYER: Many centuries ago in Japan, a geisha lost her lover to
a ravenous monster. In retaliation, she gathered all the gold she
could and paid a master swordsmith to make a special monster-slayer.
The swordsmith melted together four great swords and with a secret
process, created the great Demon Slayer. The Demon Slayer is so heavy
that only giants and champions can wield it. Throughout the centuries,
few men have been able to handle it, though many have tried. The
magical Demon Slayer has the power to extend its length when used by
the right swordsman. Master Suzuki presented ZAN with the Demon Slayer
when he completed his training in Zipang.


GREEN TEA/COLA: The preferred drink of the orient and of the western
hemisphere. They restore ZAN's life strength by 20.

TEMPURA/HAMBURGER: Favorite food of the orient and of the western
hemisphere. They restore ZAN's life strength by 40.

SUSHI: Restores life strength by 80. This is ZAN's personal favorite
and restores the most life strength of any food/drink found in the

BLUE KAMIKAZE SPIRIT BALL: Finding this will add a second Spirit Meter
ribbon and begins filling it with green. This energy is used first
when ZAN uses Special Attacks, allowing him to perform continuous
Special Attacks. Once gained, this remains effective for the rest of
the game.

RED SAYONARA SPIRIT BALL: Finding this springs ZAN back to life after
dying. Once gained, this will automatically kick in when ZAN's life
strength reaches zero. ZAN can only use this ball one time per Spirit

BLUE SPECIAL AUTOMATIC BULLETS: These bullets do more damage than the
normal unlimited bullets and can be rapid fired, three at a time.

MISSILE BULLETS: These bullets are very powerful if found and can
inflict major damage with just one shot. When you find these bullets,
make every shot count for maximum efficiency.


ZAN has an amazing assortment of special attacks in his arsenal
that he can perform. To be able to perform a special attack, you will
need to make sure that you have enough spirit energy in the blue meter
to the right. If the spirit energy meter is too low, ZAN will not be
able to perform it until the spirit meter recharges. It will recharge
over time. Here is a listing of the Special Attacks that can be
performed regardless of which way ZAN is facing.

HIT BACK (UP, UP + R1): Use this to defend yourself against a
projectile attack by knocking back the projectile towards the attacker.
Also, in hand to hand combat, you will be able to stun the attacker
momentarily to get a quick attack of your own in, uncontested.

based attack to swing the katana sideways in a sweeping arc. This
attack is good to clear out a band of enemies that attack in a straight

HURRICANE (LEFT, RIGHT + X or RIGHT, LEFT + X): Use this Katana based
attack to swing the katana in a 360 degree wheel while whirling in
place. This attack is best used when ZAN is totally surrounded by
enemies and cannot escape.

SOMERSAULT SPIN (UP, DOWN + X): Use this katana based attack to
perform a 360 degree roll while somersaulting forward with blades
slashing through the air. This attack is a nice surprise to an
unsuspecting enemy attacker.

RUSH (UP, UP + Hold SQUARE): Use this gun based skill to rapid fire
your gun at random. This attack is a good way to pump plenty of lead
into an enemy attacker(s) in a little amount of time.

not deplete the spirit energy meter but it will do two things for ZAN.
First, the combo is the most powerful attack in ZAN's arsenal and the
last katana strike will do a good bit of damage than the first two.
Second, it looks so darn pretty when it is pulled off and will earn you
some extra sexy points when the level is completed.


Here is a quick word about Hustle Time. For each enemy attacker
that you defeat, each hostage that you manage to rescue, and for each
All Button Event that you successfully complete, points will be given
to your Hero Meter in the upper left corner. This will contribute to
ZAN's greatest ninja art, Hustle Time. When Hustle Time is summoned,
you will be able to move at double the normal speed and your Demon
Slayer will extend to three times its normal size. All Special Attacks
during Hustle Time will not deplete energy from the spirit meter when
performed. Hustle Time is extended (up to three times) depending on
how many time you press the TRIANGLE BUTTON. When the wick for the
dynamite stick fizzles out, Hustle Time is over, and you will return
back to normal attack speed. Try to save it for special occasions like
Boss Battles.


The Jackal Organization, feared throughout Zipang, is an
underground cult that combines the powers of darkness with the strong-
arm methods of terrorism. To fulfill its evil scheme of conquering all
nations and enslaving all human, Jackal needs money - lots and lots of
it. Jackal swears to rule the world with golden power! In order of
appearance, here are the minions of the Jackal.

STRAW-STRAW or STRAWMAN: These are low level attackers, who are
magically imbued by witchcraft, and are your basic run-of-the-mill
attackers. They like to attack in packs by can be brought down very
easily. (Come on! They are made of straw.)

GREEN NINJA: Though they are minor enemies, they rank above Straw-
Straw and Strawmen in strength. They carry katana swords that are
lighting fast but not as powerful as you would expect.

RED NINJA: These ninjas are a little more dangerous than Green Ninjas
because of the sharp claws that they are equipped with. They are also
well balanced in offense and defense. They will strike without warning
and will back flip out of the way to avoid being sliced.

GOA-GOA: This samurai is the lowest rank enforcer in the Jackal
Organization. He has built a special gondola for dispensing
punishment. Also, he will use a Samurai Spirit technique to attack as
well. It is best to avoid his spinning technique when at all possible
or you will take a beating at the hands of his spiked club.

RED DRUM: These are also low level attacker, who are magically imbued
by witchcraft and are also very common. They attack in packs like
Straw-Straws and Strawmen, but are harder to defeat. Imagine getting
hit by a 40 pound oil drum and you get the picture.

FLAME SPITTERS: These sumo enemies have mastered the art of spitting
flames from their mouths. They are able to hold flammable liquid in
their mouths and spit through a flaming torch to heat up any intruder
who tries to harm the cause of the Jackal. Extremely deadly, dispose
of them with care.

DETONATOR #6: A mechanical robot that is strong enough to withstand a
lot of punishment to ensure that its mission is carried out. This is
probably a creation of Gizmo that will help to save on manpower by
being able to detonate bombs from remote distances.

BIG BELLY: These sumo enemies possess great strength in size and
power. What they lack in intelligence, they make up for in brute
strength. Also, it doesn't hurt that they carry big axes to whirl and
swing at you. Also, watch out for their big belly attacks as well or
you will be bounced back for a loop.

QUEEN SERVANT: Skilled in witchcraft and deadly with a pair of Sais,
this enemy is moderately challenging as a protector. When up close,
she is well skilled with the use of her blades. Also, she has the
power to summon Straw-Straws to do her bidding. Finally, she is able
to teleport out of danger if she is absorbing too much punishment.

SUMO CHAMP: The Jackal scouted this heavy date when he won second
place in the Mr. Zipang Sumo Beauty Contest. He has an amazing array
of sumo techniques that will bash any enemy into submission. They are
as follows: the Eight-Handed Slap Technique, the Spitting Flame
Technique, and the STONE SKIN TECHNIQUE. It will take quite a bit of
skill and intelligence to dethrone the Sumo Champ.

YELLOW NINJA: These ninja are specialized in hand-to-hand combat and
are just as strong as red ninjas. They have lighting fast attack
combos that usually involve their feet. Also, if they are getting
pummeled to hard, they will back flip out of harms way.

BIONICALLY ENHANCED SUMO: These sumo enemies are much more versatile
in their offensive firepower. They are equipped with arm cannons on
their right arm and are able to attack with cannon balls from long
range. Also, if you get too close, they will not hesitate to back hand
you with their steel cannon as well. Approach this enemy with extreme

GIZMO: Gizmo is an inventor and Chief Administrator for Intelligence.
He transforms gold into Special Energy and turns humans into his own
eerie creations to fight for the Jackal. Since he is a genius, he is
able to create many monstrous machines that each have a set of
strengths and weaknesses all their own. These creations in turn do
Gizmo evil bidding for him.

BLUE NINJA: These ninjas are bare handed and will throw skull bombs at
you if provoked. Also, their defensive moves are just as staggering
because they will back flip out of the way if you try to attack.
Finally, if you score too many attacks on them, they will disappear and
leave you an explosive surprise.

MR. SHOGUN: This shogun warrior is as big as they come. He is the
guard that makes sure that no one gets into the castle without going
through him first. He is a skilled with dual blades and has the skills
of a master shogun.

FEMALE NINJA: These ninjas are quicker that their male counterparts.
Their main weapons are bladed fans that can be used to slice or be used
as a sharp projectile attack. Pink in color, these ninjas should be
dealt with in the fastest way possible.

GEISHA: These female enemies are equipped with kendo sticks and are
able to fly through the air and charge right in. Their belief is that
a good defense is a strong offense. They are the servants and the
protectors of the Geisha Queen.

GEISHA QUEEN: This enemy is the most beautiful woman in the world and
is the envy of all men. She is a master of the fan blades and is able
to create a ring of fire around her victim. Also, she is a master of
the laser blade technique that can saw any mortal man in two. She is
the boss of the first level of the castle.

KABUKI WARRIORS: These warriors all have a different part that they
play in what is know as a Kabuki Show. Each warrior possesses it own
style with it own strengths and weaknesses. However, each warrior is
very skilled and they are very artistic in their approach. So study
and approach each one with care to figure out the holes in their

SHRINE GUARDIAN: The guardian of Loki's shrine cannot be harmed while
he drums are beating for they are the key to his power. The drums
sound like chanting. Since the guardian is a master of his witchcraft,
he will do everything in his dark power to stop you from reaching the
level on which Loki is located.

LOKI: Loki and Gizmo arrived in ZAN's hometown and started kicking up
a ruckus. Queen Jackal recognized Loki's superior skills and powers
and made him commander in chief of Jackal's U.S. operation. His main
mission is to subdue the westerners and confiscate their gold. Master
of the double katanas and keeper of the Lord's Shield, any one who has
challenged Loki to a duel, has faced certain death.



This is your final training session. If you pass, you'll have
learned all that I have to teach you and I will allow you to return to
your country. Press the D-PAD (or Left Analog) left to move left and
right to move right. Press the D-Pad (or Left Analog) up to move
forward and down to move back. Use the L1 button to change the
camera's viewpoint. First, Suzuki will test your defense in the
Defense Atrium. Press the R1 button for defense. But you have to be
careful as you cannot move while in the defense position. Let's see.
Can you defend yourself against the fireballs in front of you?
Sapphire will then take over.

Training part 1: GUARD. Press R1 Button! Here is where your
training starts. You will have to stand in the red area and there will
be two wood men hurling fireballs at you. They will be in pairs, one
behind the other. Just hold in the R1 button and after eight fireballs
have been blocked successfully you will be given further instructions.
This exercise is just to get a feel for the controls for blocking
successfully and in the actual game, it will drain spirit energy while
you are in the guard position.

Next, Suzuki will ask you to HIT BACK the Wood Men's attacks. To
HIT BACK: Right before an enemy attacks (in close combat) or right
before the enemy's projectile hits you, press UP, UP, + RI to send the
projectile flying back at the enemy. Training part 2: HIT BACK. Hit
back enemy's attack by pressing UP, UP, + R1. This time, the Wood
Men's fireballs will be spread out, left, right, left right. Perform
the command for HIT BACK when the projectile is about 3 inches away
from ZAN. Mastering this exercise will gain you Sexy Points in the
actual game. After, you have successfully knocked back four fireballs,
you will be given further instructions.

The final training exercise in the Defense Atrium is fending.
Press the R2/L2 buttons for that. You can us R2/L2 not only to fend
but also to sidestep an enemy. L2 sidesteps to the left an R2
sidesteps to the right. Training part 3: FENDING. Fend by pressing R2
or L2! The Wood Man on the left will move up to spar with you and the
Wood Man on the right will continue to hurl fireballs at you.
Mastering this exercise will improve your chances for survival and will
leave an enemy open for a counter attack after the enemy missing with
his/her attack. After you have successfully fended ten times, you will
be commended by Suzuki. Defense is the most important thing. Keep
that in mind but no single method is perfect. So don't rely on this
for every situation. Follow the green arrow on your radar and head on
through the door by pressing the X Button to open it.

Run straight through the corridor and you will enter the Atrium of
Jump. Press the O Button to jump. Jump over the obstacles in front of
you and make it to the next room! Watch your timing and press the O
Button to Jump. Here, you will have to jump across six pillars that
are constantly rising and falling. Watch as the pillar in front of you
is moving on it way down. When it descends, run forward and jump. You
should land safely on the pillar. Repeat the same process as described
above. If you fall, you will have to start back at the beginning.
When you make it across, you will automatically go to the right and
will be looking up hill. Sapphire will commend you and encourage you
to keep it up.

You must learn when to jump. Jump over the falling objects and
make it to the top. Timing your jumps right will also be a key to not
taking damage because there will be time when this skill will be
greatly needed. Now, run up the hill straight ahead and when a rolling
log gets about 2 inches in front of you, jump and safely leap over the
log. If your timing is perfect, you will only have to successfully
jump over four logs to make it to the top.

When you make it to the top, Suzuki will instruct you on how to
use your running jump. LONG JUMP, while jumping, press and hold down
the O Button. Run forward and jump over the fire. When over the fire,
hit the O Button again to turn ZAN's sword into a propeller. You will
have to jump over a total of three pits of fire. If you miss, you will
get burned so time your jumps wisely. When you reach the bottom of the
stairs, run up them and press X when you get to the door. Suzuki will
then teach you how to use offensive techniques. Prepare yourself.

Run on down the corridor and make a right when it bends to the
right and you will automatically be taken to the Atrium of Sword. Use
the X-Button and let Suzuki see what you have learned. Try these guys
first (Straw-men). Watch the range of your sword. Slice all six of
the straw-men by pressing the X Button. The first one is to your left.
Slice away and then cut through the one moving back and forth to your
right. Then, cut back to the left and cut away at the Straw-man to the
left. Next, run straight ahead and slice the one that is circling the
pillar. Then slice away at the next on the left that is circling the
pillar. Finally, but to the right and dice the one that is circling
the pillar to the right. Now you are ready to exit through the door
straight ahead by following the green arrow.

You will enter the next room. The final test is more like the
real thing. Get them all! Cut all four Wood Men using your sword.
The first two are straight ahead. Head for the on one the right and
start slashing away. Then, use your CHARGE special: UP, UP, + X to
finish it off. Then, turn to the left and start slashing away again.
Then, finish it off by using your SPIN special: DOWN, UP, + X. The
next Wood Man will appear from the left. Start cutting away at the
Wood Man. When prompted to do so, use your HURRICANE special to finish
it off. The last one will approach from the left and make get caught
in the HURRICANE attack. Practice fending for a second. When
prompted, try out your DASHING SLICE special: RIGHT, RIGHT + X or LEFT,
LEFT + X to finish off the final Wood Man. Afterwards, Suzuki will
commend you. That's my boy. Hard training pays off. Make your way up
either flight of steps to the left or right and exit through the door.

Run on through the corridor and you will automatically be taken to
the Atrium of Gun, a room made especially for you. Use the SQUARE
Button to fire. This is not a powerful gun, so use it wisely. HOW TO
MAKE A SIGHT: Press L1 once quickly to display gun sight. While the
gun sight is displayed, press the SQUARE Button to lock and fire. To
switch targets, press L1 again. Press R1 to erase the sight. Target
the first Straw-Man out of eleven to the left and when the target turns
red, fire away. Three shots will do the trick. Then target the next
one and do the same. Next, head to the right and look left. Target
the two Straw-Men and fire away at them. Then, make your way to the
left and look right. There will be two to the left to practice on.
After, tearing them apart, look to the right and practice your aiming
distance on them as well. Finally, look to the left and run to the end
where you will have to gun down the last three out of eleven. This
exercise will teach you the range of your gun as well as how to use it
effectively through the actual game. Exit through the door straight

It's going to get harder and harder ZAN. You'll need not only
defense but also R2/L2 to combine fending and attack. In this room,
you will have to shoot down two Wood-Men to advance. Target the one on
the right and get close to it. If you try to shoot it from a distance,
it will just raise its sword and block your attack. Also, you will be
able to use your Rush special: UP, UP, + SQUARE. When the Wood Man
shows that it is ready to attack, fend to either side and let loose
with the gun specialty. After, the first Wood Man is dead, concentrate
on the one that is left and repeat the same process. Suzuki will offer
some encouraging words. Your father must be proud of you. Exit
through the door and make your way down the corridor.

So far it may have been too easy for you but brace yourself for my
best...Super Wood Man! This is the final room for your training. Use
all of the techniques that you've mastered. Since this is only
training and you cannot die. Try a couple of things to conquer the
Super Wood Man. Study the Wood Man's attacks so that you'll know when
the right time to fend and counter-attack. Try using all the specials
that flash at the bottom of the screen and try to memorize them so that
they can be used in each appropriate situation. Try using the Hit Back
technique when the Super Wood Man tries to use its' cannon. When the
final strike has been given, get rid of him with your FINISHING MOVE!
Hit every single button and use the D-Pad (preferably the Left Analog
Stick) as quickly as you possible can. Then, shoot it, slice it! Use
the special combinations as much as you can until that coin drops!
Afterwards you will be rewarded. You've done well! You are a fast
learner. I never thought you'd make it so quickly. Suzuki will then
give you the Legendary "Demon Slayer" and will ask you to return home!
Bring justice back to your town. Now you are ready for the real thing.
Select story start and begin the actual game.


After a brief introduction of the storyline, ZAN will emerge from
the distance and will be shot at, from the Bartender who thinks he is
one of those unknown assassins.

BARTENDER: Who the hell are you?! You're one of them, aren't you?
I'm not going to let you get away with it anymore!
ZAN: Hey, hey...Is that any way to treat a hero?
BARTENDER: Huh? You! You're Johnny! I...I thought you've been killed.
ZAN: You're the bartender, huh? Hard to recognize you with all those
bandages and by the way, my name isn't Johnny...It's the Super, Ultra,
Sexy, Hero, ZAN!!
BARTENDER: What the hell are you talking about? And what is with that
outfit of yours? I don't have time for small talk. Our town was
attacked by some strange looking folks!
ZAN: What?!!!
BARTENDER: They came here for the Gold! We tried to fight back but...I
don't know...These people were different. Most of the townspeople were
killed and if someone doesn't step in and do something, they'll take
over the town in no time!
ZAN: The Jackal!! Well, they aren't going to get away with this!
They took my town! They better get ready for a surprise!
BARTENDER: Wait...You can't beat them alone!

Lets Rock! After ZAN meets his first meeting with Goa-Goa about
five Straw-men will appear. Slice and shoot away at them by using the
katana and gun combo to score some sexy points. As you defeat the
first five, another five will appear to take their place. For the next
five, let them all huddle around you and then use your Hurricane
Special Attack to slice them in two all at the same time. Finally,
dispatch the last two that appear in any fashion and go straight ahead
up the dusty road. After a couple of steps, more Straw-men will appear
to try to stop your progress. Use your Dashing Slice Combo to take out
four of the five Straw-men at once. Four more will appear, to take
their place. Continue to draw them in and then use the Hurricane
Special Attack to take out a crowd of them when they try to huddle
around you. Then, finish off the last wave of Straw-men by using your
katana and sword combo. Killing these Straw-men will increase your
Hero Meter.

After the Straw-Men have been dealt with, continue straight up the
dusty road until a cut-scene reveals that your next opponents are going
to be two Green Ninjas. To take care of these two ninjas, use the
katana and sword combo to score some major damage with the last sword
strike. When one of the Green Ninjas raises their hand to strike, side
step their attack either to the left or to the right. Then slice with
your katana to the back of the ninja. If they try to escape or are out
of katana reach, use your Rush Special Attack and pump some lead into
them. When these two Green Ninja have been cut down to size, two more
Green Ninjas will dive down to replace the ones that you just took out.
Deal with these Green Ninjas in the same fashion that you have dealt
with the previous two. After these two Green Ninja have been put to
pasture, continue along the dusty town road until you reach the
barricade. A brief cut-scene will show you what points to hit to
overcome the obstacle. Target each pillar and destroy them with your
gun. Each pillar will take five shots to destroy. After the last
pillar has been destroyed, the gate will open up and you will be able
to mosey on through. Head on through the gate.

When you head on through the gate, follow the dusty town path and
look to the left where you will see a crate. Crack open the crate and
you will uncover for yourself a clip of fifteen Blue Special Automatic
Bullets. Also, if you look to the right from where you have come
through the gate, you will also see another crate to crack open.
Cracking this crate open will reveal a juicy Hamburger for ZAN to snack
on. Follow the "Help Me!" cries in the distance by following the dusty
town road straight ahead. When you reach the townsperson that is
strung up on the totem poll, Goa-Goa will be surprised to see you. He
will then shoot out some Straw-men out of the three cannons for you to
play with.

Your first order of business is to side step the Straw-men by
fending and when you get in range, chop down the totem poll and free
the townsperson by slicing the ropes off of him. He will thank you.
Now draw in the groups of Straw-men and use your Hurricane Special
Attack to dispose of them. When the trio is disposed of, three more
will be shot from the cannons. Dodge them so that they do not knock
you over and slice them in the same manner as the previous ones. When
this trio has been sliced to pieces, the Goa-Goa will commend you in a
satiric way. Ticked off, he will shoot out two Red Ninjas with claws
to try to rip you a new one. Now is the time to use that Ultra Super
Sexy Combo of yours to dispose of them. When they have been ripped to
shreds, Goa-Goa will try to make a quick escape by shooting himself out
of range via the cannon. You will then be presented with a choice of
three cannons to shoot yourself out of to catch up with him. Head up
the step to the left and shoot yourself out of the cannon on the left.
It will then shoot you to the next part of the town where a Green and
Red Ninja will be there to greet and beat you.

Run up to the Red Ninja and perform the Super Ultra Sexy Combo on
him and then get ready to side step the Green Ninja's attack after
successfully completing the combo. This will leave the Green Ninja
wide open for another combo attack. When you are done screwing around
with these two goons, crash open the crate to the right to reveal some
Sushi. Two more ninjas will take the place of there fallen comrades.
You should be able to use the same attacks used on the previous two to
bring them down. Just remember to sidestep their attacks and go in
with the Ultra Super Sexy Combo when they are left open for an attack.
Afterward, follow the Green Arrow on your radar and open the door
straight ahead. Then run through the small passageway and open the
next door to find your next obstacle to overcome.

Here you will have a take on two Green Ninja who are running on a
treadmill that operates a flame throwing machine. This will put your
Long Jump and gun skills to the test. First, target the Green Ninja on
the left and fire about four shots into him. After the fourth shot,
perform your Long Jump straight up so that you are able to hop over the
fire stream as it makes its way around. Then, pump four more shots
into him and do the same thing as before by performing a Long Jump
straight up. Shoot the Green Ninja two more times and he will be
defeated. Now, target the other one on the right immediately and
squeeze of two shots. When that fire stream comes around, use that
Long Jump of yours and repeat. Then, pump three more shots into him and
do the same thing as before by performing a Long Jump straight up. Why
three shots? This is so because this sucker is spinning a little
faster now. Repeat this three more times to ensure victory and the
destruction of this machine.

You will then meet a ticked off Goa-Goa who is surprised to see
that he has been found. He will invite you inside the church for a
butt whooping. Do not do into the church just yet. Instead, search
the steps to the right and at the top of them you will find a crate to
crack open. Crack it open and you will find yourself a Blue Kamikaze
Spirit Ball. Now, head back down the chair and go into the church by
opening the door. Get ready because as you enter the church, Goa-Goa
will present to you a gift. He will give you a nice big black bomb to
cradle. Get ready for an All Button Event. When it counts down to
zero, wiggle the left analog stick in all directions and hit all of the
buttons like a raving lunatic. You will have twenty seconds to
complete this event. When the meter is all blue, ZAN will heave the
bomb at the stained glass to reveal an opening. Now, run straight
ahead to the alter area and crack open the crate to the left top reveal
a Hamburger. Break open the crate on the right to snag yourself three
Missile Bullets. Then, walk on through the opening an open the door
straight ahead to engage in battle with Goa-Goa.

GOA-GOA BOSS BATTLE: Goa-Goa will be flying around in his gondola.
Target the gondola but do not fire those precious bullets because he
has his bullet-proof shield up. The force of the gondola has sent some
explosive barrels rolling your way. So when a barrel gets about three
inches from you, Long Jump over it. After the jump, the gondola shield
will be down so fire away and stay away from the walls to avoid his
spikes. This will take a big chunk off of his life meter. Then, he
will put up his shield again and will crash the floor again. Keep
moving all around the room to avoid the falling ceiling pieces. When
Goa-Goa opens his shield again, target the gondola and blast away.
After his life has been have depleted, he will get really ticked off
that you destroyed his machine. He will then fight you on foot and
will use his Samurai Spirit Technique. Now is the time to use ZAN's
special technique from that filled up Hero Meter of his. Hit the
Triangle Button three times on your controller to activate Hustle Time!
When Goa-Goa turns red, he will spin around while wielding his mighty
Spiked Club. Just use your Long Jump to either side when he
approaches. Keep doing this until he tires himself out. (He will turn
back to normal color and will catch his breath.) When he stops, hit
him with everything you've got by using your sword and katana combo.
When his life has been fully depleted, Finish him! This is the end of
the 1st Impact.


QUEEN SERVANT: Blow up the Clock tower and annihilate the town. Go
now Detonator #6. Hurry!
DETONATOR #6: Smash It! Smash It! Smash It...
QUEEN SERVANT: Once it reaches the tower, this town will get what it
deserves. What, who are you? You won't stop Detonator #6! Straw-men
protect the Detonator!
ZAN: Let's get it on!

You will have exactly one hundred and thirty two seconds to stop
Detonator #6 so you will have to slice and gun fast in this impact.
First, take care of the three Straw-men that appear and use your
Hurricane Special Attack to slice them to pieces. Then run straight
ahead a little bit and target Detonator #6. Fire off a couple of
rounds to chip some life off of the Detonator's life meter. When the
four Straw-men appear, use your Hurricane Special Attack again to
dispose of the quartet. Then, run straight ahead and fire some more
rounds into Detonator #6. Continue to fire your gun to chip away at
Detonator #6 and slash any Straw-men who try to impede your progress.
When you get to the green barrier and Detonator #6 is too far away, you
will have to deal with a group of Red Drums that appear. Side-step
their attacks and slice and shoot away at them to cut them in two.
Defeat them quickly and the green barrier will disappear.

90 Seconds to Destruction. Continue running and targeting
Detonator #6 and continue to plug away at Detonator #6. Slice any
Straw-men who try to block your progress to build up your Hero Meter.
When you see the barrel on the right, be prepared for another green
barrier to appear and block your progress. You will then have to do
battle with two Flame Spitters at the same time. The barrel to the
left will contain the latter of the two. To defeat them, Long Jump to
the left or the right of them to avoid their stream of fire. Then,
slash away at their backs until they are cut in two. Each Flame
Spitter will probably have to be dealt a slash combo twice to be
disposed off. Do not worry; you will still have plenty of time.
After, disposing of the two, break open the crates to the right and
quench your thirst for life with a Soda.

60 Seconds and the clock is ticking. A quartet of Straw-men will
appear to impede your progress. Simply use your Special Hurricane
Attack to neatly cut all of them in two. Now, run after Detonator #6
and plug a few shot into it. When the green barrier appears, target
the Flame Spitter and shoot some lead into him. When he stop to spit,
sidestep to the right and use your Rush Gun Attack to finish him off.
Bust open the crate to the right and grab yourself a juicy Hamburger.
More groups of Straw-men will appear and you have just the attack for
it. Activate one count of your Hero Meter to enable Hustle Time and
run towards Detonator #6. Get in close and do some major damage with
katana strikes until he passes through the green barrier. Also, you
will have to sidestep attacks from some Red Drums. Defeat the Red
Drums to make the green barrier disappear.

30 Seconds and counting... Smash open the crates to the right and
grab the Missile Bullets that are revealed. Then enable Hustle Time by
using the Hero Meter twice. Target Detonator #6 and blast away. Then,
cut through the Straw-men to get to the Detonator and slash away at it.
When Detonator #6 turns red, back off for a second or two because it
will swing its robotic arms to knock you away. When it turns back to
natural color, hit it with everything you got and when it's Life Meter
is fully depleted, it will be stopped dead in its tracks with 10 to 15
seconds to spare. Finish this mechanical detonator! The town is saved
and the 2nd Impact is now completed.


QUEEN SERVANT: Mr. Sumo! This is the stranger I told you about.
SUMO CHAMP: That little $X@# is causing all these problems? Make sure
he doesn't enter my Dojo. This is the end of the line.

Let's Rock! At the beginning of this level, Sumo Champ will drop
down three demon pillars that block the entrance of the Dojo. You will
have to shoot and destroy all three pillars before proceeding. So with
that in mind, target the one to the left and fire away. When a
fireball is hurled at you and it gets a little to close, sidestep to
the left or right. When the first one is destroyed, target the middle
one and fire away. When a fireball is hurled at you and gets a little
to close to you, sidestep to the left or the right out of harm's way.
When there is only the right one left, target it and repeat the same
process to destroy it. If you want to get a little fancy during the
targeting of the three, try hitting the fireball back with your Hit
Back Special Attack to give the pillars a taste of their own medicine.
After all three pillars have been destroyed, head on into the Dojo,
through the unblocked door straight ahead.

Your next move will be to head through the next door that is
straight ahead. When you enter into the center of the room, there will
be four or five Straw-straws that appear. Take these low level enemies
out in any imaginable way. There will be about thirty in all to
defeat. This would be a good time to pull off all of the Special
Attacks that you have learned. It will earn you more Sexy Points and
gunning down all these Straw-straws will build up your Hero Meter to
just about max. When all of them have been crushed, head through the
door that is straight ahead. Then as you enter the next small
corridor, head through the door on the left. When you enter this room,
you will see two Red Ninjas torturing a hostage. Lure away the Red
Ninjas towards you and then run around them. Slice of the rope
handcuffs off of the hostage to free him and then watch out for the Red
Ninjas claws. Side step their claws attacks and then go into a Super
Ultra Sexy Combo. This should clear out the one Red Ninja if all five
hits connect. Then, do the same to the other Red Ninja who is trying
to obstruct your progress. When you have sliced this ninja into two
pieces, make your exit by using the door to the right.

You will then be lead to a long corridor that has moving platforms
for you to jump across. If you miss time your jump across the moving
platforms you will get a nice little shock from the electricity below.
This will be a good test of your Long Jump Ability. Here is the way on
how to get across safely without get electrocuted. First, hop on to
the first platform when it is all the way to the left. Once, you are
on it, wait until it slides back to the right. When it starts to slide
back to the left, use your Long Jump and jump straight ahead. The next
platform should move right underneath your feet. Repeat the same
progress for the next four jumps and you will make it safely across by
taking no damage whatsoever. Walk on through the door that is straight

Out of the flying pan and into the oven. When you enter this room
you will meet two Big Belly henchmen that do not have anything nice to
say about you. Now, before you go rushing into battle against both of
the large sumo wrestlers, wielding large axes, look to the right and
you will see a crate. If you have half or less of your energy left in
the life meter, than crack it open and eat up the Tempura. Otherwise,
save this crate for after you defeat the two Big Belly henchmen. Now,
this is how you defeat the two Big Bellies. First, run to the left or
to the right to avoid the Dashing Belly Bop attack from the first one.
Second, avoid the other one who charges at you. When you have avoided
the second one successfully, slash away him as he slowly raises his axe
to strike. When he gets it fully raised, quickly sidestep out of the
way of the overhand strike. Big Belly will get his axe stuck in the
ground. Use a quick three hit slice combo and do not get greedy,
because the other one will be charging at you with a Dashing Belly Bop
attack. Thus, the pattern repeats. Once you have sliced to pieces one
of these two Big Bellies, it gets a lot easier. After the two Big
Bellies have been successfully beheaded, head on through the door where
the green arrow on your radar is pointing to.

Take a deep breath and get ready for an All Button Event. You
will be lead to another corridor and you will have to face off against
the mighty Push Man. When it counts down to zero, wiggle the left
analog stick in all directions and hit all of the buttons like a one-
legged mule in an ass kicking contest. When you have finally pushed
harder that the Push Men and have successfully blown him through the
door, the Queen Servant will appear and will be ticked off that you
have killed him. You will then have to face off against the Servant
Queen and Straw-Men will periodically appear two at a time to aide her.
Now would be a good time to use Hustle Time but only use two counts at
the most for this battle. To defeat the Servant Queen, run up to her
and slice away at her. When she tries to use her Sais, sidestep and
try to get of a gun and slash combo. When her Life Meter has been
taken down to half mass, she will teleport after each successfully hit.
Just continue to use your Hurricane Special Attack on the Straw-men
that appear, follow her when she reappears, and strike quickly before
she can get an attack off. When you have finally sliced her in half,
walk on through the door to the right for the finale of this impact.

Walk straight through the corridor and when you get to the next
door, head on through it. The Sumo Champ will not believe his eyes.
Also, you will notice that Sapphire is in a holding cell. She must
have been captured when trying to look after you. Also, if you need
it, search the room to the right where you will have the chance to bust
open a crate to snack on a delicious Tempura. Then, get ready to
battle Sumo Champ who will use a variety of sumo techniques.

SUMO CHAMP BOSS BATTLE: Step into the squared circle with the Big One
to commence this battle. First, if you have any Hustle Time left, do
not be bashful and use it to its full extent. Sumo Champ will usually
open up with a Fire Spitting Technique by tapping his round stomach.
When, he does this, side step his stream of fire and start shooting
some bullets into him. If you try to attack him by using the gun when
this attack is not in use, he will be able to defend it by initiating
his Iron Skin Technique. Second, wait a second and watch him closely.
When he pulls his right hand back, he will initiate his Eight Hand Slap
Technique. Run around it, towards him and get off as many slashes as
you can because he is wide open for an onslaught until the technique is
totally finished. The third attack that the Sumo Champ uses is when he
turns his Skin to Iron and starts walking towards the middle of the
room. When he reaches the center, wait until he utilizes his
Earthquake Technique, in which he will stomp his foot hard enough on
the ground to shake objects loose from the ceiling. Sidestep the
falling debris and watch as the pattern repeats itself which will
usually be the Fire Spitting Technique. Repeat the same winning
strategies described above and react accordingly. With enough patience
and perseverance, the Sumo Champ's energy will be completely drained it
will be time to finish him! There is a new champion and the curtain
will close on the 3rd Impact.


ZAN: That insignia! It must be theirs!
YELLOW NINJA #1: There's lots of work at the gold mine. Mr. Gizmo is
a slave-driver.
YELLOW NINJA #2: I'd rather go beat on some humans.
BOTH YELLOW NINJAS: What? A human! This will be fun. Let's play!

Let's Get It On! When you begin in the caboose of the train, you
will have to spar with two Yellow Ninjas who want to pick a fight with
you. Try to maneuver them so that they are side by side and then use
that slash, gun, slash, gun, slash combo of yours. This should knock
one or both of them down. Wait for the one that you knocked down to
get back up, and then sidestep to the left or the right to avoid the
three kick combo that the ninja tries to pull off. Then, finish them
off with a Hurricane Special Attack. After both ninjas have been cut
down to size, run on through the door straight ahead and exit the
caboose car.
Walk onto the connection platform and before open the door to the next
car; break open the crate to the right to snag yourself some Green Tea.
Then, head on through the door.

When you enter, you will set the alarm off and will hear "Help
Me!" cries from the locked up townspeople. Intruder! This car will be
destroyed in 15 seconds. You have no time to waste here. If you don't
make it out in fifteen seconds, car goes boom and you will be sent
flying to the next car over and take a small bit of damage. So, run
straight ahead and slash away at the first barred door on the left to
set the first townsperson free. Then, run straight head and do the
same for the second hostage in the second barred cell. Next, do the
same for the third person who is being held in the barred cell. If you
have 5 seconds, slash the bars twice for the fourth one on the left and
crack open the crate to gain for yourself a Blue Kamikaze Spirit Ball.
Finally, hurry and get out of the car by heading through the door that
is straight ahead. Then, run across the small connecting platform into
the next train car.

When you enter this car, there will be a big red button that you
will have to step on to activate the next challenge. When you step on
the button, there will be electricity beams that start to move back and
forth that you will have to pass through without getting electrocuted.
To make matters worse, you will have to bust open the bars at the end
of the car to get to the next train car. To top it all off, you have
10 seconds to accomplish this or the trap resets and you have to do it
over again. So here is the easy way to get by this trap. Immediately,
run to the left (almost hugging the wall) and run straight ahead
through the first set of beams. Next, also run straight ahead by pause
for a split second, and then move forward again to bypass the second
set of beams. Keep running straight ahead and Long Jump over the third
set of beams as the one beam comes downward. Finally, run straight
ahead and bypass the fourth beam without getting a scratch. This
should leave you with about three seconds left. Slash away at the bars
that are blocking your progress five times and then quickly hurry
through the door. Run across the connecting platform and head on
through the next open air car.

This car might be a good challenge for everything that you have
learned so far. There are four posts that you are going to have to
destroy in order to get that door to open at the end of the car. It
seems to simple right? Well, there will be four Spiked Crushers
roaming around with spotlights. If they spot you with your spotlights,
they will let out a warning and then will crush you by dropping down on
you. First, move backwards to the left and target the first post and
blast away at it. When the spotlight catches you, sidestep to the
right. Six shots will take out the first post. Second, make your way
to the post on the right and slash away at it. If you get caught in
the spotlight, sidestep to the left or the right and shoot out the
post. Also, four slashes will take it out. Third, run to the post on
the left that is far off and straight ahead. Try to get spotted by a
spotlight along the way so that the spike ball drops on a place where
you once were. Then, slash away at the third post until it is no more.
Finally, run to the right and slash and gun away at the final post.
When the post is destroyed, the spiked balls will disappear and the
door will open. However, do not go through the door yet. Instead,
break open the crate in the right corner and pick up a Tempura for you
to eat. Then, head on through the door and make you way across the
next connecting platform and into the next car.

When you enter, you will set the alarm off and will hear "Help
Me!" cries from the locked up townspeople. Intruder! This car will be
destroyed in 12 seconds. The difference between this car and the
second car is that you have three less seconds to pull this off without
get blown to kingdom come. Run like the wind straight ahead and slash
open the first cage to set the townsperson free. Then, run straight
ahead to the next one to the left and do the same for the second
townsperson. Finally, slash away at the third cage on the left and set
the townsperson free with about 4 seconds to spare to get the heck out
of there. (NOTE: Either the first cage or the third cage that you set
open will contain a decoy. A decoy will be a yellow ninja. Do not
commence combat with him, just keep setting them free.) Next, if you
have time, break open the fourth cage and crack open the crate that is
in the holding room. You will then be bale to use score some Blue
Automatic Bullets for yourself. Then, make you way quickly out the
door that lies straight ahead.

This car is almost the same as the car that was previously
encountered a couple of stages back with a twist. There are four posts
that you are going to have to destroy in order to get that door to open
at the end of the car and the spiked balls that use spotlights to find
you are all here. The twist is that there is a machine that is spewing
a stream of fire out at you and going around in a circle in the middle
of the car. With that in mind, target the machine that is in the
middle and blast away at it with your just acquired Blue Machine Gun
bullets. Ten direct hits will do the trick. Also, do not forget to
jump over the flame using your Long Jump and to sidestep the spiked
balls when they spot you with the spotlight. Then, move backwards to
the left and target the first post and blast away at it. When the
spotlight catches you, sidestep to the right. Six shots will take out
the first post. Second, make your way to the post on the right and
slash away at it. If you get caught in the spotlight, sidestep to the
left or the right and shoot out the post. Four slashes will take it
out as well. Next, run to the post on the left that is far off and
straight ahead. Try to get spotted by a spotlight along the way so
that the spike ball drops on a place where you once were. Then, slash
away at the third post until it is no more. Finally, run to the right
and slash and gun away at the final post. When the post is destroyed,
the spiked balls will disappear and the door will open. Head on
through the door.

As you enter this car, the door will lock behind you and an
electrical fence will be put up. Start to run straight forward and a
powerful fan will start running and will begin to try to blow you back
into the electrical field. Get ready for an All Button Event. When it
counts down to zero, wiggle the left analog stick in all directions and
hit all of the buttons like a stubborn, dirty dog who does not want to
take a bath. After you have successfully completed the challenge by
running and slashing the fan down to shards, head on through the door
that is now unlocked straight ahead. Run across the connecting
platform and head on through the door into the next train car. Here,
you will have to face off with a Bionically Enhanced Sumo who thinks
that you are his new slave. Look to the right and break open the crate
to grab yourself some Missile Ammo for Johnny no More. Then, target
the Sumo and Blast him three times with your gun. This will take off
about a little more than half of his life meter. Then when he crouches
down to fire his cannon either sidestep his attack and fire back or Hit
Back his cannonball back at him. When he has fired off his third shot,
rush in and use your Super Ultra Sexy Hero Combo Attack. Then, defend
right away as he tries to backhand you. Finally, a couple more attacks
will bring the sumo down to his knees. Before, heading through the
door that leads to the next car, slash open the crate in the middle to
obtain a Tempura. Then, walk on through to the Conductor's Car where
you will meet Mr. Gizmo.

Run either up the left or right side of the energy conductor
until a cut-scene takes over. Mr. Gizmo will ask who you are and ZAN
will tell him. Mr. Gizmo will then proceed to tell ZAN that he has no
idea with what he is meddling with and will then sick his beloved
creation on you.

CREATION #1 BOSS BATTLE: A giant metal robot will be unleashed upon
you and you will have to run to it. Run down the left hand side and
give the robot a nice three slash combo. Then, wait for him to attack.
When you see the robot's hand goes up, jump backwards and Long Jump a
little bit out of the way because he will try to pound you with its'
fist. Then, when you land, dish out another three slash combo and
repeat the process. The second fist drop will create a little ripple,
so do not try to sidestep. After the robot's life meter is about half
way down, use your defensive block because the robot will start to
charge to the energy conductor and will try to close-line you along the
way if you try to block its path. Now is the time to use one count of
your Hero Meter to engage in Hustle Time. Follow the robot and slash
away at the cable that is refilling the robot's energy meter. If the
robot is not filled all the way, get ready to use your defensive block
because he will start to charge again to the other energy conductor and
will try to close-line you again along the way if you get in its way.
Now is the time to use the remaining two of your Hero Meter to engage
in double Hustle Time. Follow the robot like before and slash away at
the cable that is refilling the robot's energy meter. Once it has been
destroyed, the robot will be unable to recharge its energy anymore. So
with that in mind, use a five slash combo on it and then jump out of
the way when it tries to attack. Then finish the robot off by
following the same pattern that you had started out with. With the
final blow, the robot will be put out of commission and it will be time
to Finish it! This will not be the last time that you see Mr. Gizmo
and this will conclude the 4th Impact.


BLUE NINJA: We can't go into town because you destroyed the train.
Come out Red Drums. Send this kid to hell!
ZAN: Let's rock!

You will begin inside the goldmine and you will have to face off
against four Red Drums at one time. It Red will take four hits to
destroy. So with that in mind, run straight ahead to beyond the second
set of mine posts and then turn around. Start destroying each of the
four Red Drums with your gun, before they are able to bop you with
their bum rush attacks. When you have destroyed four or five, run back
to the beginning of the board, turn around, and then continue to fire
away at the replacements. When you have destroyed four or five, run
back to beyond the second set of mine posts and destroy the remaining
four or five Red Drums. When there are no more reinforcements,
continue along the mine and make a right when the corridor breaks to
the right. Here, you will have to face off against another Bionically
Enhanced Sumo who has orders from Mr. Shogun to allow no one to pass on
through. Before engaging in battle with him, run up to him and break
the crate that is behind him to grab yourself a delicious Tempura or be
sure to pick it up before you destroy the Sumo because once you defeat
him, you will not be able to break open the crate. Now, when he
crouches down to fire his cannon either sidestep his attack and fire
back or Hit Back his cannonball back at him. When he has fired off his
third shot, rush in and use your Super Ultra Sexy Hero Combo Attack.
Then, defend right away as he tries to backhand you. Repeat the same
process. Finally, a couple of more attacks will bring the sumo down to
his knees and he will allow you to pass. You will then see the hand of
Mr. Shogun crush him for not getting the job done.

ZAN will then automatically enter through the next room where you
will see a Blue Ninja single the praises of Gold Bars. When he spots
you he will then speed up production. Then he will order the Red Drums
to kill you. The game will then show you the three points of attack so
that you will be able to shut down the conveyor belt. First, run up to
the first one and slash and shoot away at it so that it will be
destroyed. If you are fast enough, you will not have to deal with any
of the Red Drums. Second, you're your Long Jump to jump over the
conveyor belt and start to attack the second computer to the right that
is running the conveyor belt. Afterwards, Long Jump back over the
conveyor belt and take out the third computer. After the third target
has been destroyed, a Blue Ninja will tell you that Mr. Shogun is going
to be angry and you will then have to defeat the two Blue Ninja that
appear. Here, you a slash, gun, slash combo but cease attacking if the
Blue Ninja flips backwards because it will plant a mine and he will
disappear. When, he reappear, finish him off with a Super Ultra Sexy
Combo. Do the same for the other Blue Ninja that tries to attack you
by throwing grenades at you. Just remember to sidestep the grenades.
After the second Blue Ninja has been slashed into two, you will have to
defeat one more. Afterwards, head on through the door that lies ahead.

Run along the corridor of the mine and go to the right as it bends
to the right. Along the way, break open the barrel to reveal for
yourself some Green Tea. Pick up this drink and then continue running
along the corridor and it will bend to the left. Finally, when it
bends to the right, you will have to use some skills to defeat the Blue
Ninja who is guarding the gate. To defeat this ninja, shoot the bomb
and the Blue Ninja will get nervous and put out the fuse. Get ready to
sidestep when his is done yelling at you. Then, target the bomb again
and fire. When the Blue Ninja comes out from his cover, shoot him with
the gun and then sidestep his grenade attack. Then, repeat the same
process six more times. The Blue Ninja will eventually fall over and
the bomb will land on top of him. The bomb will then blow up the gate
and you will be able to pass through the gate by running straight

Run on through the gate and look to the left. Break open the
barrel to snag yourself some Missile Bullets for Johnny no More. Then,
run straight ahead through the corridor and as it bends to the left,
you will have to fight two Blue Ninjas. Target the first Blue Ninja
that you see and make sure that two bullets find their mark. When he
disappears, target the other ninja and make sure that the last Missile
Bullet finds its mark. Then, finish off both ninjas with either a
Special Attack of your choice or by using the Super Ultra Sexy Combo.
When both ninjas have been eliminated, continue your progress by going
through the door and get ready for another All Button Event. Here, you
will have to destroy Mr. Shogun's Fire Cannon and listen to the Blue
Ninja's horrible singing. When it counts down to zero, wiggle the left
analog stick in all directions and hit all of the buttons like a bat
out of Hades. You will have twenty seconds to complete this event.
When the meter is all blue, ZAN will spiral through the fire and
destroy the cannon along with the ninja. Then, head on through the
gate and the door that lays straight head and get ready for a wild
ride, Indiana Jones' style!

ZAN will then hop into the mine cart and you will be given a brief
description of the controls. Then, you are off. When, you see the
first switch sign on the right, slow down and shoot it to make your
mine cart veer towards the left track. Going this way will enable you
to pick up a nice Sushi treat along the way. Follow along the track,
down the hill and up then up the hill. When you are going uphill, slow
down and target the switch and shoot it once to turn the sign to the
right. Then slow down. Look to the left and target the townsperson in
the middle and fire to set him free. You will have to hit the target
buttons four times. Then, target the next one on the right by hitting
the button four times. When he is targeted, fire and set him free as
well. Then, you will go down a small hill and then up a small hill.
Do the same thing by slowing down and looking to the left. Set those
two townspeople free but do not destroy the red barrels in the process.
If you do not have the correct target highlighted, do not take the
shot. Finally after freeing as many hostages as you can the mine cart
will pick up speed and will come crashing through a wooden barricade.

Your mine cart will then continue along the track. As it passes
through the tunnel, jump over the flame thrower gun that shoots out
fire to the left. You will then crash through two wooden doors and the
gate will open ahead of you. When the Blue Ninja, approaches from the
right track target him and fire away. Do not forget to jump over the
wooden planks that are placed to hinder your progress along the way.
After defeating the Blue Ninja on the left, target the Blue Ninja that
approaches in the mine cart to the right and fire away. After
defeating this ninja, there will only be one track that your cart will
follow and it will go uphill. As it does, you will have to jump over a
flame thrower gun that spits fire out to the right and continue along
the track. As it bends to the right, target the Blue Ninja that
appears in the mine cart to the right and do not forget to jump over
the wooden planks in the process. Then, prepare for a wild jump as the
mine cart will pick up some wicked speed on its own. After you make
the jump, slow down and target the next switch that you see and fire so
that the track will veer you off to the right. This track will then
lead you to a fight against the hell train.

To defeat the hell train, target the left rocket launcher and fire
away. When the train decides to fire two missiles at you, simply jump
over them. Then, target the right rocket launcher and begin firing
away. DO not forget to jumps over the rocket missiles because they
will put a whooping on you if they connect. The last phase of this mid
boss battle is the front of the train itself. Target the front of the
train and fire away. If you see the front grow red, get ready to jump
because the train is going to try to ram you off the track. If it gets
too close, simply jump up to avoid collision. After you have pumped
enough bullets into the train, it will derail and explode. Enjoy the
rest of the ride and you will automatically pick up a Tempura along the
way and will gain a one way ticket to meet Mr. Shogun.

MR. SHOGUN BOSS BATTLE: Mr. Shogun in the guardian of the castle
entrance. His big hand will turn into a sword. He will then challenge
you. To start of this battle, you all three counts of your Hero Meter
to enter Hustle Time. He will usually disappear to another spot. Find
him and sidestep his Shogun Wave Attack and then slice away at him with
whatever you have got. He will then transport for a second. When he
does his Charge Attack, sidestep this attack and then run after him.
When you catch up to him, slash away at him a couple of times and then
get ready to block his sword strikes. Then counter attack by slashing
away with everything you've got. Then the pattern of his attacks will
repeat. With this in mind, you should have just enough Hustle Time to
defeat him. When his Energy Meter is depleted to zero, Finish him off!
The 5th Impact will now be conquered and you will now be able to gain
access to the Castle.


FEMALE NINJA #1: It has been a long time since we've had any visitors.
Hey! No strangers allowed in the Castle.
FEMALE NINJA #2: The young people these days have no manners!
FEMALE NINJA #3: We must choose a proper form of discipline for this
FEMALE NINJA #1: The sentence for your infraction is death!

Come and get me! To start this impact off, you will have to
engage in battle against a Female Ninja first. Run up to her and begin
to go into a Super Ultra Sexy Hero Combo. This will knock her back and
she will teleport behind you out of harm's way. Then, run around
behind her and finish her off before she can throw her bladed fans up
into the air. If she gets them up into the air, run around in a circle
around her to avoid damage. When she is defeated, two more Female
ninjas will come to avenge her. Use your Somersault Spin Attack (Up,
Down + X) In case you have forgotten to get in close to one of the
ninjas. Then when she jumps back, run around to her back and finish
her off. Then, run after the other Female Ninja and repeat the same
attack. If she teleports behind you and starts spinning, get ready to
sidestep her spinning blade attacks or you will get cut to pieces.
Then, after avoiding her vicious attack, finish her off with the Ultra
Sexy Super Combo. After clearing the room that was full of the Female
Ninjas, make your way on through the door that is straight ahead.

You will see one of the townspeople that was caught, being chased
by a trio of Straw-men. Do not let him die, because his health meter
will appear in the upper-left corner. For this whole room, simply
target the Straw-men wherever they go and blast away. If they get
close to you, slash away at them. You will have to destroy twenty of
these Straw-men before the townsperson can be set free. Also, this
room is designed to bring your Hero Meter up to Level 3. Before
exiting the room to the right, run around the path to the left and
slash open the chest to reveal a Blue Kamikaze Spirit Ball. Then, run
back to where you started and run up the stairs that are now straight
ahead. Break open the coffin that is at the top of these stairs and
pick up the rare Red Sayonara Ball that you find inside. From here,
run down the stairs and walk around the corridor to the left and it
will bend to the right. Then open and walk through the next two doors.

When you walk through the second small door, you will encounter
two Geishas for the first time. They will state that their boss is the
sexiest woman in the world and they will also tell ZAN that he is not
sexy at all. Before engaging in battle with this new menace, run to
the left and break open the chest that is here to snag some Special
Blue Automatic Bullets for Johnny no More. Then, turn your attention
towards the two Geishas. Instead of attacking them, run in a circle
around the room until you can get a clear shot. When, they are in the
air, fire four to five bullets into the Geisha to kill her. This will
eliminate one of the two and make your job a lot easier. Then, watch
the other Geisha fly around, when she touches down to try to attack you
with her kendo stick, defend against her attack and then blast away as
she tries to take to the air. Four to five shots later, you will have
defeated both of these skilled warriors. Run trough the next small
door by following the Green Arrow on your radar. Then, walk through
the small room and run through the next small door that you see.

Step on that small red button to release the Straw-men. Also, you
will notice that a timer will start counting down the seconds. You
will have 73 seconds to clear a series of room so act quickly. Use you
Hurricane Special Attack on the Straw-men that appear and cut them down
as fast as you can. Save your Special Bullets for the next room.
After you have chopped up about twelve of them, the door will open
straight ahead and you will be able to advance. 65 seconds and
counting...In this room, you will have to fight a single Geisha. Here is
how you defeat her. Target her and shoot her when she is flying in the
air. When she touches down and tries to attack you with her kendo
stick, block her assault by defending. Then, target her again and blow
her behind out of the sky. The door to the next room will open, run on
through it.

58 seconds and counting...This room will contain four chests for you
to break into. Bust them all open quickly, for one will contain a
Sushi snack for ZAN. After obtaining the much needed food, head on
through the next door straight ahead. In this room, you will have to
face off against another Female Ninja. Immediately use your Somersault
Slash Special Attack to get in close. Then, try to finish her off as
quickly as possible in order to gain access to the next room. The door
will open and you will be able to run into the next room. 32 seconds
and counting...Here, you will have to fend off a Big Belly. Use one
count of your Hero Meter and kick your butt into Hustle Time! Do not
worry about patterns here. Slash away at the big guy and when he
raised his arms to strike, sidestep and slash away until this sumo is
in two pieces. The demise of this big man will end the timer countdown
and the door will open up to the right. Walk on through this door and
the next door.

Here, ZAN will automatically ring the sacred bell and three ninja
will jump down and will be ticked off about it. Then, they will show
you how they hilariously ring the Sacred Bell. Get ready for an All
Button Event. When it counts down to zero, wiggle the left analog
stick in all directions and hit all of the buttons like you should know
how to do by now. You will have twenty seconds to complete this event.
When the meter is all blue, the three Green Ninja will be bounced back,
fly through the air, and will go splat against the door. Then the
weight of the ninjas will actually jar open the door! Run on through
this door and then run along the corridor and as break to the right and
then to the right again. When you come to the next door, open it and
walk into the next room.

Here, you will have to target and destroy four Blue Ninjas in all
that are gliding across the cables that are above you. Simply target
either of the two ninjas and blast away with your gun. Occasionally,
move around so that you can avoid the grenades that they toss at you
from above. After, you defeat the first two Blue Ninjas, two more will
appear. Take them out in the same fashion. After all of the ninjas
have been defeated, the electrical fields that were blocking your path
will disappear. Before riding the cable wire to the left, break open
the chest to gain some Missile Bullets for your Johnny no More. Then,
head up the steps to the left and ride the cable wire. Enjoy the ride
and watch as ZAN crashes on through the weak wall. The only thing left
to do now is to walk on through the door, break open the chest that is
in the corridor, pick up the Tempura, and then open up and walk on
through the next door. Here, you will begin the Boss Battle against
the Geisha Queen herself.

GEISHA QUEEN BOSS BATTLE: She will strut out and proclaim that she is
the envy of all men. Get ready to battle. The Geisha Queen will open
up with a Circular Fan Fire Attack that will perform a fire ring around
her. Simply back up a little bit, target her, and fire those three
Missile Bullets that you have found into her. This will bring down
approximately one-third of her life meter. Then, perform three counts
off of your Hero Meter and enter into Triple Hustle Time. Sidestep her
dart blades and then charge on in and start swinging for the fences.
Her next attack will be her Spinning Blade Attack in which she will
spin around. When it get too close to you, simply Long Jump over it
and keep doing this until she runs out of gas. Then continue your
onslaught. She will then revert to her first attack which is the
Circular Fan Fire Attack. You know what to do here. After she has
taken enough damage, it will be time to Finish her! Defeating the
Queen Geisha will mark the end of the 6th Impact.


GIZMO CREATION: I've been ordered to eliminate you. Your death is
near! Attack my pet!
ZAN: ...

This stage begins right off the bat with and All Button Event.
You will have to face off against a version of Mini Gizmo whop expands
and comes at you like a huge bowling ball. When it counts down to
zero, wiggle the left analog stick in all directions and hit all of the
buttons like a one legged mule in an ass kicking contest. You will
have twenty seconds to complete this event. When the meter is all
blue, the pet will be destroyed and you will be able to enter the next
room which lies straight ahead. When you enter the room, the Gismo
Creation will have nothing nice to say about you. You will then have
to do battle with the Gismo Creation and will have to fend off a never
ending onslaught of trios of Straw-men. Concentrate your slash attacks
on the Gizmo Creation and Long Jump over her spinning Eyes beam. When
she stops her attack, try to do some mega damage with your Super Ultra
Sexy Hero Combo Attack. Then, back off as she spins around to knock
you back. Then slash away three times and then step back to avoid her
spin attack. When you have depleted her Life Meter, she will curse you
for it and inform Mr. Gizmo that you are still alive. Then, open up
the door that lies straight ahead and walk on through.

You will have to jump across a series of planks that are moving.
However, if you miss the planks, you will be electrocuted by the
electrified floor. Instead, jump diagonally to the left and crack open
the chest to reveal another Blue Kamikaze Spirit Ball. Then, look to
the right and target the Sumo who is firing missile rocket at you.
Fire one to two shots off and then jump over the rockets. Nine direct
hits will take down this floating menace. Then, Long Jump across the
platforms by time your jumps right to make it safely across. Break
open the chest, to reveal a Tempura that will replenish your energy and
then diagonally jump to the right to be able to open up and walk on
through the door.

This room will be filled with Straw-straws that will use spinning
blade attacks. They will attack you in groups of four so you will have
to rely on Hurricane Spinning Attacks and all the other ones you have
learned so far. After you have chopped down about twelve of these
nasty creations, run on through the door that is straight ahead of you.
In this corridor, break open the crate and snag yourself a Tempura.
Then get ready to play some cool mini games that have been created for
you. Go on through the door to the right and play the shoot the right
bad guy game. You will be encompassed in a ring of electricity. Take
out four bad guys and save the hostages. The key to this game is to
listen and keep looking around. If you hear a "Help Me!" cry, do not
target the hostage. If something comes up and you do not hear
anything, target it and blast away. If the bad guy gets his rockets
off, prepare to Long Jump. The game will end after you have destroyed
four bad guys. Also, use you radar to help you locate what is coming
up. After, you have rescued the hostages, you will run out into the
corridor with them and will be back in the corridor.

Head on through the room that was to the left and you will get to
play a game of Rising Zan Baseball. The mechanical cat will ask if you
can hit its pitch. Hit the bomb on the center icon. The key to this
game is to watch the meter at the bottom of the screen. When you see
the bomb enter the cats yellow area hit the bomb with your bat (your
sword). Too early and you will hit the hostage. A little too late and
you will hit a hostage. Way too late and it will hurt you. Five hits
to the cat will destroy the cat and you will be able to advance and the
hostages will be freed. Then, head on through the door that is now
straight ahead and then run on through the corridor and open the next

In this room, you will have to fight the second phase of the Gizmo
Creation. She will state that the gimmicks were no match for you and
that she is going to get serious now. She morphs into a pig. Then,
simply run around her and break open the chest that is behind her and
to the left to pick up some Green Tea. Next, use one count of your
Hero Meter to enter into Hustle Time. Run around the pig as she spits
Apple Force Balls at you. When she stops to catch her breath, nail her
with your slash attack combos and get ready to run again when she
starts to fire off Apple Force Balls again. After you have depleted
her life energy, she call you a fool and says that ZAN will not make it
past the next gimmick. Follow the Green Arrow on your radar and head
on through the door that it points to.

This room will be filled with a huge slot machine. This is one of
the most fun parts of the game. To start the slot machine up, step on
the big slot machine button that is located in the center of the room.
Here are the slot payoffs as follows:

Triple 777: This will opens the door to gain access to the next area.
3 Tempura: A room full of Tempura for you will appear to eat.
3 Sushi: A room full of Sushi for you will appear to eat.
3 Help Me!!: Two hostages will appear and will be saved.
3 Green Tea: A room full of Green Tea will appear for you to drink.
2 Jackal Icon + Any: Two Straw-straws will come out and attack you.

You have total control of the slot machine and can make it stop by
hitting the button at the right time. (HINT: To get the Icon that you
want to come up, watch the slot machine icons as they spin. When you
have found the one you want it to stop on, hit the button on the icon
before the one you want it to stop on.) After you are done playing
around in here, make sure that you get the slot machine to land on
Triple 777 and open the door that is straight ahead and walk on through
it. Run through the small corridor and open up the next door to engage
in a boss battle with another one of Gizmo Creations.

GIZMO MECH CREATION BOSS BATTLE: Gizmo will be impresses that you have
actually made it this far but it seems that you have used up all of
your luck. The first thing that you will need to do is to power up to
full Hustle Time by using all three counts of your Hero Meter. Then,
slash away at the Mech until it is knocked back and then wait. When it
starts spinning its fists, stand back and wait for the spinning to
stop. Then, get in there and slash away at it until it puts its hands
up to block. Now, wait again and when its fists start spinning again
like a drill, run around the Mech and slash away at its back. Now,
here is the change up, when the Life Meter of the Mech is half
depleted, it will start getting revved up and ready to charge you.
Simply sidestep this attack three times and on the third pass, follow
it to slash and hack away at its back and when it turns towards you.
Also, watch out for falling debris when the Mech hits the wall. Then
repeat the process. With enough sword strikes, this Mech will begin to
malfunction and it will be time to Finish it off! The destruction of
the Mech will mean that the 7th Impact is now completed.


Run along through the corridor and open the door that is straight
ahead to view the opening act of the Kabuki Show. Guess what, you are
the main star!

FEMALE SPIKED FAN KABUKI: Welcome to the Kabuki stage. We have
everyone on the set. It's Kabuki Showtime!
ZAN: ...

When she is done speaking, she will send out a shadow after you.
Immediately look and run to the left and break open the chest to
uncover some Special Blue Automatic Bullets for your gun. Then, if the
shadow falls over you, sidestep the Big Bell that she tries to drop on
top of you. Then, make your way back to the stage and target her.
Shoot three bullets into her and then Long Jump to the right to avoid
her Charging Bum Rush Spike Attack. Then, face her and avoid the
attack again and then again once more. After the third time, she will
stop in place. Target her and fire about four more rounds into her and
then get ready to Long Jump out of the way when she throws the Spiked
Fans at you that she had on her sleeve. Then, she will return back to
the stage and will try to thump you again with the Big Bell Attack.
Simply, target her and fire and then sidestep the Big Bell that she
tries to drop on top of you and then she will repeat the same attack
pattern that is described above. When you have blown the head off of
the Female Spiked Fan Kabuki, a door will open up behind you to the
left. Run through this door and open the door that is located to the
left. Enter the small room and crack open the chest and pick up the
Tempura. Then, wait for the electrical barrier to disappear and then
open and run through the door that is straight ahead.

When you enter into the next room, ZAN will witness a Kabuki show
that is poking fun at him. This is very comical. Let's get it on!
Before engaging in combat with the ZAN Imposter, free the townsperson
that is stuck in the barrel. Then, turn your attention to the
imposter. He will challenge you to see who the true ZAN really is.
When the imposter telegraphs when he is going to attack by pulling his
hand back, sidestep his Dashing Slice Attack and then go right into a
Super Ultra Sexy Hero Combo to knock him back. Then, when the imposter
telegraphs when he is going to attack again by pulling his hand back,
sidestep his Dashing Slice Attack repeat the same process. After the
ninja imposter has been cut to shreds, the background scenery will
change and you will have to fight another Kabuki Warrior who I will
name Master of Air Flow.

To defeat the Master of Air Flow, you will have to recognize his
attack patterns and you will have to jump your Long Jumps at the right
time. So here is how to defeat him. First, the Master will open up
with a Hoover Technique. He will try to pull you into his fan blades
with this technique, so run away from him when he does. Then, halfway
through the technique, he will fire out two sets of fan blades for you
to Long Jump over. When he lets his guard down, immediately run
towards him and let loose with an Ultra Sexy Combo of your own.
Second, the Master will then use his Leaf Blower Technique and will try
to blow you into the electrical field. So run towards him, when he
does this. About halfway through the technique, he will fire out two
set of fan blades for you to Long Jump over. When he lets his guard
down, immediately run towards him and let loose with an Ultra Sexy
Combo of your own. This pattern will continue until his Life Meter is
half depleted. When his Life Meter is half depleted, he will then
follow the same exact pattern. The exception will be that instead of
two sets of fan blades to Long Jump over, you will have to Long Jump
over four sets off fan blades. After you have slashed and diced the
Master of Air Flow, a door will open behind you to the right. Run
through this door and open the door that is located to the right.
Enter the small room and crack open the chest and pick up the Tempura.
Then, wait for the electrical barrier to disappear and then open and
run through the door that is straight ahead.

When you enter through this door, you will get to battle with two
Kabuki Warriors that you have fought before, the Big Belly Twins! Only
this time, they are much stronger. To take on these two fierce twins,
use one count of your Hero Meter to enable Hustle Time. Then, sidestep
the first Big Belly who tries to throw his weight at you and then slash
away at him. As he puts his arms up to initiate and overhand strike
with his axe, run behind him and then strike again with a fury of
slashes. Performing this will enable you to avoid the other warrior
who is trying to throw his wait at you. Then, when the Big Belly gets
his axe unstuck, immediately defend in order to block the Big Belly's
new attack, 360 Degree Slash. Then, the pattern will repeat. Try to
get defeat one of the twins in order to get this battle down to a one
on one battle. After you have slashed the second Big Belly to bits, he
will cry out the name Mr. Goemon. The background scenery will then
change again and you will then have to engage in battle with Mr.
Goemon, who is displeased that his wonderful view has been disrupted by
the likes of you.

To defeat Mr. Goemon, immediately stand off to the right and
target the frog that he is one. Fire about three shots into it. When
the frog, opens its mouth to fire, fire a shot and then move to the
left. Fire another shot and then move to the left because it will
shoot out a laser beam that will cut anything that is in it path. Move
to the top of the stage to the left and then Long Jump over the beam to
the right. Then, target the frog and continue to fire one or two shots
at the frog and keep moving to the right. Do not get greedy or you
will get hit. When the frog finally stops to take a breath, keep it
targeted and fire away at it so it cannot get its second attack off.
(Incidentally, it second attack will be to send lightning fields,
indicated by shadows after you. If you encounter them, keep moving so
that you do not get struck.) Then as the frog opens up its mouth again
move to the right and on top of the stage to the right and the Long
Jump over the beam to the left. Then continue the target and fire
practice that is described above. With enough patience and
perseverance, Mr. Goemon will be defeated and will be splattered into a
bloody mess. A door then will open up behind you to the left. Run
through this door and open the door that is located to the left. Enter
the small room and crack open the chest and pick up the Tempura. Then,
wait for the electrical barrier to disappear and then open and run
through the door that is straight ahead.

Now it will be time for Mr. Gongoro's part as dictated by the
Green Ninja who is using the level to change the scenery. He starts to
get the set ready by he feels that it is harder than usual. Get ready
for an All Button Event where you will have to turn this sucker faster
than your Green Ninja counterpart. When it counts down to zero, wiggle
the left analog stick in all directions and hit all of the buttons like
a raging bull that wants to spear the matador. You will have twenty-
five seconds to complete this event. When the meter is all blue, the
stage will remained unchanged and the Green Ninja will be caught behind
the scenes. Mr. Gongoro will be very displeased at you for ruining the
show. You have disgraced the holy Kabuki. Mr. Gongoro carries around
a huge sword and is very ticked off at you. Immediately use three
counts of the Hero Meter and enter into triple Hustle Time. First,
start attacking Mr. Gongoro with your slash attacks. When you see Mr.
Gongoro cock back with his sword, immediately block to guard against
his 360 Degree Slash Attack. Second, continue slashing the snot out of
him and when he turns red he will raise his sword to perform an
overhead strike. Immediately sidestep his Overhead Strike and then
defend by blocking to guard against his 360 Degree Slash. Continue
laying into him with those sword strikes and do not spare the Beano.
He will then repeat the same attack pattern that he just initiated.
After decapitating him, a door will open up behind you and to the

Crack open the chest on the way out to uncover another Blue
Kamikaze Spirit Ball. Then, open up the door and wait for the
electrical barrier to disappear at the end of the corridor before
heading on through the door. Run on through the door and crack open
the chest in order to gain a Tempura for you to eat. Then, make your
way up the steps that are straight ahead and then enter the Holy Shrine
of Master Loki where you will have to engage in battle with the
Guardian of this place.

GUARDIAN BOSS BATTLE: The Guardian will rise out of the ground and
will state that this is the holy shrine of Master Loki. He will also
give you a clue on how to beat him by stating that as long as these
drums beat, that he can't be defeated. With that in mind, target the
drum on the left and begin firing away. The Guardian will use one of
two attacks. The first attack will be telegraphed when he swings his
hair all around and then brings both his hands back to attack. If the
Guardian does this, then you will need to sidestep out of harm's way
because he will launch three fireballs at you. After you destroy the
first drum on the left then target the one on the right and fire away.
The second attack will be telegraphed when he swings his hair around
all around and then buries his head in the floor. If this happens, use
your Long Jump all over the place in a circular manner so you do not
get poked in the rear end by his pointy, spiky, hair. After you have
destroyed the second drum, use one count of your Hero Meter and enter
into Hustle Time. Get in close and do as much damage as you can with
your sword before two more drums replace the destroyed ones! When he
regains his beat, watch where you step because a bunch of dynamite
boxes will jump from the sky. Simply Long Jump over them to safety and
then concentrate on destroying the drums again and do not forget to
avoid his attacks. Then the pattern will repeat itself. After three
to four times of knocking out the drums and doing mega damage when he
is vulnerable, the Guardian will falter and it will be time to Finish
him! This marks the end of the 8th Impact.


After walking up a long flight of steps...
ULTIMATE STRAW-STRAWS: You have traveled far. Your journey will end
here. Don't worry though; it is an honor to be killed by us.
ZAN: ...

When you opened that door at the top of this long walk up the
stairs, you will have to face off against the ultimate is Straw-Straws.
They are the fastest attackers and they will still gang up on you in
groups of four. With that in mind, draw them into a circle around you
and then unleash your Hurricane Special Attack to send them back to
where they came from. After you defeat these four, another group of
four will try to defeat you. Do the same thing to them as before or
switch it up and use your Somersault Special Attack to slice and dice
them into pieces. A third and a fourth wave of them will appear to try
and stop you. After you are done playing with the Straw-Straws and
filling up your Hero Meter, make sure that you bash the two columns in
this room to uncover some Blue Special Automatic Bullets. You will
need them for your next opponents. Now, go through the door that the
Green Arrow on your radar is pointing to and head up the long flight of
stairs. When you get to the top, open the door and you will meet your
next victims, I mean opponents.

This time, you will have to engage in battle with the two Samurai
that guard the entrance into Loki's sanctuary. They think that it is
interesting that you have made it this far and that you have their
deepest respect. But now that you have stepped into this sanctuary,
they have no choice but to kill you. First, target the Samurai on the
right and shoot him three times with your gun so that he falls
backwards. Wait a second, make sure that he is target, and fire three
more shots into him. Then wait one more second and do the same again.
This will leave you with six bullets and his Life Meter will be nearly
depleted. Now, run towards him and stand in front of him and wait for
him to attack. When he does his Four Spinning Blade Combo Attack,
stand your guard and block his attack. When he attacks, finish him off
with a five-hit slash combo of your own. This will make it an even
one-on-one battle with the remaining Samurai. Now face him, and
sidestep his attack when he goes into his Four Spinning Blade Combo
Attack. After sidestepping his initial sword strike, run behind him
and wait for him to finish his combo. When he does, he will leave his
back open for attack. Try to rip off a three to five hit slash combo
before he can re-group. Then, anticipate his attack and repeat the
same attack pattern as described above. After, the other Samurai has
been slashed into two, the door will open and you will be able to go up
the next flight of steps in order to face off against Loki. But,
before going up the steps, slash open the chest to the right to grab a
Tempura for ZAN to replenish his Life Meter. Then, head on up the long
flight of steps and open the door.

LOKI BOSS BATTLE ROUND ONE: When you walk in, Loki will be there with
his raven and he will be a little surprised that you are alive. He
can't stand you anymore and will finally accept your challenge to a
duel. Let's see what you've got! The first thing that you need to do
is to run around Loki and get a clear shot of the raven that is flying
around. When you have got a clear shot, target the raven and squeeze
off the remaining special bullets into this bird to explode it. Now is
the time to focus solely on Loki. Target him to keep track of him.
Now, use only one count of your Hero Meter and use will then go into
Hustle Time. Avoid his projectile slash by sidestepping and then begin
slashing as much as you can into Loki. Then, when you see him try to
circle around you quickly, put your guard up to defend against his
combo attack. Then, continue the offensive onslaught until he circles
around you quickly again. Then, block again to avoid his dashing slash
attack. Follow him as he misses and slash away until you receive a
cut-scene of him kneeling.

LOKI BOSS BATTLE ROUND TWO: ZAN will be surprised to see Mr. Gizmo
still alive and Mr. Gizmo will question Loki's ability. He will tell
Loki that if he is not going to use the lord's shield than to give it
to him so that he can put it to good use. Loki than gets a little
agitated and dons the lord's shield and intends to finish this now!
Now is the time to use all three counts of your Hero Meter to enable
Triple Hustle Time. Afterwards, attack the snot out of Loki with as
many slashes as you can get in. When, he circles behind you, put your
guard up for a second and then continue the offensive onslaught.
Continue circling around him by sidestepping his attacks. If you see
him crouch down for a second and see a flash of black light, Long Jump
out of the way because this is an attack that cannot be blocked. Then,
when he misses, continue the slashing onslaught. Do not forget to
block his attacks and slash away at every chance you get. You should
be able to deplete at least 95 percent of his Life Meter this way.
Just remember to block his attacks and Long Jump out of the way of his
Un-blockable Attack. With enough skills this mortal being will fall
before your might! But it is over yet.

Loki will kneel down in pain and will utter with his last words,
"Oh, my lord, Jackal..." and will then collapse and die. Mr. Gizmo will
be surprised that you have beaten Loki and however will cease the
opportunity to make one of his dreams come true. He will then combine
the shield with his magical power and will get to put together one of
his greatest creations. He will then tell you to follow him. Do not
go up the step yet. Instead go back into the room where you have just
fought Loki and break open the chest that is in the far right corner to
replenish your Life Meter with ZAN's favorite, Sushi! Now that you are
close to 100% healed, run along and head on up the next big flight of
steps. Open the door when you get to the top and you will be able to
refill your Hero Meter by taking on another four sets of Ultimate
Straw-straws. They will still gang up on you in groups of four. With
that in mind, draw them into a circle around you and then unleash your
Hurricane Special Attack to send them back to where they came from.
After you defeat these four, another group of four will try to defeat
you. Do the same thing to them as before or switch it up and use your
Somersault Special Attack to slice and dice them into pieces. A third
and a fourth wave of them will appear to try and stop you. After you
are done playing with the Straw-Straws and filling up your Hero Meter,
make sure that you break open the chest that is in the lower right hand
corner to reveal some nice Green Tea for you to drink. Also, bashing
open the column to the left will also reveal a Tempura for you to eat.
Then, follow the Green Arrow on your radar and head on through the door
that is straight ahead.

BEST CREATION BOSS BATTLE ROUND 1: When you walk through the door, Mr.
Gizmo will claim that this creation will be the worst fear that you've
ever experienced. This creation is very metallic looking. Okay, first
things first. Target the creature, with your gun and fire a couple of
shots into it. When it charges in with a Dashing Head-butt, sidestep
to the left and wait for it to end its slide. Then, use one count of
your Hero Meter and enter into Hustle Time. Sidestep to run behind it
when it tries to slash you with its razor sharp claws. Then, once
behind it, slash away at its back. Usually, the creature will miss
with it overhand attack. When Hustle Time wears off, just block the
creature's remaining combo of Slash, Slash, and then an Overhand Bash
and then finish the creature of with a Super Ultra Sexy Combo of your
own. This beast will then be picked up by ZAN as the last All Button
Event of the game will commence. When it counts down to zero, wiggle
the left analog stick in all directions and hit all of the buttons like
(Add your own cliche here). You will have 20 seconds to complete this
event. After you have successfully completed the event by turning the
meter all to a blue color, ZAN will then toss this creature into the
fires of the next room.

BEST CREATION BOSS BATTLE ROUND 2: This action has just seemed to tick
the creature off even more. Okay, use one count of the Hero Meter here
and enter into Hustle Time. Run around this beast to the right and
when it finally decides to fire off its Hundred Shards Attack, just
keep slashing away at the creature's back yet again. The shards will
then turn to a green beam of light. Just continue slashing away. Then
the creature will then jump up onto the ceiling and start throwing out
puddles of red energy out onto the floor. Immediately run to a corner,
turn around and target this nasty beast and start squeezing rounds out
from your Johnny no More Gun. When the creature jumps down, get ready
to run and Long Jump around the room because the creature will start
spinning around the room on the back of its shell. Just remember to
long jump over the red pulls of energy. When the creature stops
spinning, get ready to dodge its attack by long Jumping out of the way
of its Charge Attack. Then, use another count of your Hero Meter to
initialize Hustle Time. Run around this beast to the right and when it
finally decides to fire off its Hundred Shards Attack, just keep
slashing away at the creature's back yet again. And guess what, this
is where the attack pattern repeats again. Use the same process as
described above to destroy the Ultimate Creature once and for all.
When the creature's life has been fully depleted, it will be time to
Finish it! After you have used your finishing move and have been
graded on how well you've handled the impact, justice will have been
served. Congratulations, you have beaten the game. Stayed tuned for
the ending sequence, partner.


In case you do not have a manual with this game, I have provided a
chart from the manual to explain the system of Hero Badges. When you
complete an Impact, you'll receive a ranking. You'll also receive Hero
Badges if your ranking is high enough.


Chicken 0 0 0
Hero 0 0 0
Sexy Hero 1 2 3
Ultra Sexy Hero 2 3 4
Super Ultra Sexy Hero 3 5 7

Here are the rewards that await you when you complete certain
modes pertaining to the level of difficulty in the game. (Rewards #2,
#3, and #4 were given to me courtesy of Dan Grobar, otherwise known as
"Krustster" on Gamefaqs.com.)

REWARD #1: If you complete the game in Normal Mode, you will unlock
Hard Mode and you will also unlock Sapphire as a playable character.

REWARD #2: If you complete the game in Hard Mode, you will unlock
Expert Mode and you will be able to unlock a mode called Serious Mode.
Once this mode is turned on, one hit from an enemy will kill you.

REWARD #3: If you complete the game in Expert Mode, you will be able
to unlock Hustle Time Mode. Once this mode turned on, you will be able
to run through the whole game with unlimited Hustle Time.

REWARD #4: If you are a Hero enough to earn 15 Hero Badges, you will
unlock the Ultimate Sexy Reward. Once this mode is turned on, you will
be able to play as ZAN in his underwear.


As always, I would like to thank Gamefaqs.com for their continued
support of my work. Special thanks go out to Krustster for giving me
the correct information for what is unlocked after beating certain
modes. Also, I would also like to thank Agetec for putting out such a
creative game that pushes the boundaries of what an original game
should be like. See you next guide...

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