Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

17.10.2013 10:33:21
Kingdom Hearts Unofficial Secrets Guide
For latest version, check

Version - 9.6
Created on - 9-28-02
By - JC Denton DX
Size - 110.5 KB

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The Unofficial Kingdom Hearts Secrets FAQ, hosted on the websites:,, and !

9.6 - 10-22-02
Just an update on layout. Final version may be
coming soon! Now the FAQ isn't a jumble of
crap. Hope it's easier to navigate. Also, my
email is changed.

//**Coming Soon**\
A final version of this FAQ. Please people, if you
find ANYTHING wrong please email it to me. If you have
any USEFUL information please tell me before it's too

Table of Contents

Section 1 - FAQ Information

I. Introduction
II. Legal Agreement
III. Contact Information
IV. About Me and This FAQ/Version History

Section 2 - Secrets & Information

I. Postcards in Traverse Town
II. Sora/Donald/Goofy Weapons
III. Summon Spells
IV. Hidden and Optional Bosses
V. Secret Cavern in Traverse
VI. Expert Mode
VII. Gummi Ship Blueprints
VIII. Locating Synthesis Items
IX. 99 Dalmations
X. Torn Pages of the 100 Acre Wood & Mini Games
XI. Trinity Locations
XII. Secret Abilities
XIII. Spell Upgrades
XIV. Black Fungus
XV. Special Items
XVI. Optional Ending
XVII. The Ansem Report's
XVIII. Easter Eggs/Fun Stuff
XIX. Leveling Up Tricks

Section 3 - Other Stuff

I. Final Notes And Thanks
II. Version History
III. Cool Stuff

/ Section 1 - FAQ Information \
\ ____________________________________ /

I. Introduction
This guide was made so people could have fun with
Kingdom Hearts. Learning a new secret is always fun,
isn't it? Lots of secrets, and more to come soon in
later versions. Expect more secrets in the future.

This game has plenty of secrets to keep you busy and
enough optional bosses to make angry **coughcough
SEPHIROTH coughcough**. I hope it helps you!

II. Legal Agreement
Kingdom Hearts is (c) copyright Square Arts Co. LTD, all
rights reserved. Disney charactors and themes
presented in this FAQ are (c) copyrighted to Disney.
Any other things mentioned in this FAQ are
copyrighted to their respective owners. Also, just
recently found out, Tarzan is (c) copyrighted to it's
respective founder, Edgar Rice Burroughs. This FAQ is
copyright (c) 2002 Jack Bock, author.

Any site with my permission

For newest version, check

III. Contact Information
New Email :
Alright, from the flood of Instant Messages from
people saying "Hello" and "How do I beat this world"
my AIM name has been taken off. To those who actually
used my AIM name correctly and helped me, thanks a
whole bunch. I've actually made some good friends out
of this.

=What to send=
Easter Eggs and Fun Stuff
Leveling Up Strategy's of your own
Corrections(not Spelling and Grammar)
Anything this FAQ might not...explain...well

=What NOT to send=
Sephiroth Stradegy's(my god theres an FAQ for him)
Spelling Corrections and Grammar
Something that isn't optional or secret.
Some huge list of item's
A really bad strategy for a boss
Saying things like "You suck you rip-off"

Frequently Asked Questions--READ BEFORE YOU ASK!
Alright, for those who simply do not get this game, I
am tired of you asking me the same thing over and
over and over and over and over and over and over and
over again. Someone that has volunteered to answer
some questions you may have is highwind002. Instant
message him for questions, he knows just about
everything. I am taking my AIM off, so, sorry.

Q- Have you beat Kingdom Hearts?
A- I have now beat it, yes!

Q- How do I get the secret ending?
A- Beat ALL worlds,get ALL 99 dalmations, and win the
Hades Cup. You do NOT need the Ansem Reports, OR
anything else!

Q- Where are puppies 60-63?
A- You must defeat Malificient, then when returning
to Hollow Bastion go to the Chapel and go up the
stairs to the left, and they are in a chest at the

Q- After you beat Monstro, can you ever go back?
A- YES! Keep going back and forth from Agrabah to
Atlantica and vise versa. It will rarely appear.

Q- Why Don't You have Ultima Weapon?
A- I do now!!!

Q- Where do I find pups 58-60?
A- In the Queen's Castle, in the Bizzare room, use
the glide ability on the yellow pot.

Q- Is it possible to lock Monstro?
A- Nope, there is not a keyhole in Monstro. But, you
do need to complete it to get the secret ending,
because you get High Jump. High Jump is vital to
get some of the puppies, which you must have to
get the secret ending.

Q- How do I attach a torn page?
A- Just go to the book in Merlin's House, on the bed.
Some people seem to think that when you go to the
book, it should attach. Alot of people are mad
because there's nothing to do here in the 100
Acre Wood. Chances are, you haven't snuck up on
Piglet. Go up behind him in the tree and talk to
him. From here on out, Torn Page's turn into Items
once you complete a 100 Acre Wood Mini-Game.

Q- Can I go back to Neverland Clock Tower?
A- Well, YEAH to Tinkerbell in the ships

Q- Why did (blank) happen?
A- Why are you asking me? I didn't make the game...

Q- (not really a question,BUT...) You need this for
the Secret Ending.
A- No you do not.

IV. About Me and This FAQ
My user name on GameFAQs is JC DentonDX, and thats
all you need to know. I am 15, and I like RPG and FPS
games. Probably why I love Deus Ex so much. This FAQ
was created on September 28, 2002, and is on
(obviously) secrets in Square's game Kingdom Hearts.
This is version 9.6,and more are to come later in the
future when updates are needed.

/ Section 2 - Secrets & Info \
\ ____________________________________ /

I.Postcards in Traverse Town
You can get the first 5 on your first visit to
Traverse Town:
1. Hit the fan in the Item Shop

2.On top of Cid's accessory shop, this is quite
difficult to obtain.

3.Next to boot's and shoes, quite obvious

4.Use the Blue Trinity mark near the Item Shop

5.Open the blue safe behind Cid's shop after you fight
Squall (or Leon)

6 and 7. Use Thunder on the exposed wires in the 3rd
district. Go to the now active Gizmo shop and step on
the 3 buttons to get 2 postcards. You must check the
clock to get them.

8.After you have killed Guard Armor, climb the ladder
to the side of the Gizmo shop in the Second
District, jump from roof to roof to the window
entrance to the 3rd district, use target lock and
find the postcard.

9.Use the Green Trinity mark in Cid's shop, and it's
on the wall in the Synthesis shop, where there are

10.Small pot on the shelf in Gepetto's house

II. Sora/Donald/ Goofy Weapons

Jungle Key, Three Wishes, Crabclaw,Pumpkin Head and
Fairy Harp are already gotten once you lock Deep
Jungle,Agrabah, Atlantica, Halloween Town and

Spellbinder- Get all the first level spells, and talk
to Merlin in Traverse Town.
Wishing Star - When you can go to Gepetto's house,
you will get it.

Metal Chocobo - Defeat Cloud in Hercules cup

Olympia - Win the Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules

Lionheart - Defeat Squall and Cloud in the Hades

Lady Luck - Use the White Trinity in Wonderland

Divine Rose - Talk to Belle in the Hollow Bastion

Oathkeeper - Talk to Kairi in the secret waterway
of Traverse town later in the game.

Oblivion-Open the chest in Hollow Bastion Grand Hall

Ultima Weapon - Synthesis all 24 items in the
synthesis shop.

|Goofy's Sheild's|:
Knight's Sheild- Default

Stout Sheild - For Sale at Item Shop in Traverse

Smasher - For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Mythril -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Gigas Fist -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Golem Shield -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Onyx Shield -For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Adamant Shield-For Sale at the Item shop in Traverse

Herc's Shield- Beat the Hercules Cup

Genji Shield - Beat Yuffie in the Hades Cup

Defender - Rare item dropped by Defenders in
Hollow Bastion

Save the King- Beat the Hades Cup time attack

Dream Shield - When you beat a white mushroom with 3
fire spells, you get the fire arts,
and with 3 thunder spells, you get the
Thunder arts, and so on. If you get
all arts for all the spells and bring
them to Merlin, he gives you this.
White Mushrooms can be found in the
Deep Jungle later in the game. From
the camp, to where you fight Clayton,
and run back to the camp, they appear

|Donald's Staff's|:
Mage's Staff - Default

Morning Star -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Warhammer -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Shooting Star-For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Magus Staff -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Silver Mallet-For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Grand Mallet -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Wisdom Staff -For Sale at the Item Shop in Traverse

Lord Fortune -Get every summon and visit the Fairy
God Mother where Merlin is.

Violetta -White Trinity in Olympus Stadium

Wizard Relic -Rare Item dropped by Wizards in Hollow

Dream Rod -Aquire every spell and visit Merlin

Save the Queen-Beat the Hades cup with only Sora

III.Summon Gem's
Earthshine - Simba: Obtained from Leon in the Secret
Waterway in Traverse Town

Watergem - Dumbo: In Monstro's Mouth

Naturespark - Bambi: Hundread Acre Wood, a torn
page turns into this when you visit
the HAW once you have it.

Fireglow - Mushu: Defeat Dragon at Hollow Bastion

Genie joins you after you complete Agrabah, and
Tinkerbell joins you when you complete Neverland

IV. Optional and Secret Bosses
**NOTE** No more stradegy's for Sephiroth will be
accepted. For god sakes, theres an FAQ for the boss.
Just use that!

Sephiroth - The Platinum Match at the Coliseum
after locking Hollow Bastion

//****Ultimate Sephiroth Stradegy!****\
Submitted By: TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. strategy might
different and hard.
1. Aero/Aerora/Aeroga
2. Items like Elixir
I didn't know how to get Curaga at the I
just used Cura whenever I needed to.


1. 2 MP Rages, MP Haste, Second Chance, Guard, Dodge
Roll, and Superglide. Strat for 1st form: Now I've
seen people write that they used Aero/Aerora/Aeroga at
the start. Well you don't need it. Sephiroth's sword
is oh...bout as big as he is. as far as how
tall Seph is to him then just jump high enough (NOT
TOO HIGH!). If you run just close enough to him, he'll
do his horizontal slash. After jumping over his
horizontal slash, hit the X button when you're close
enough to him. Follow the hit with three more X
presses. He'll vanish after the fourth hit. Ok..I did
a little bit of experimenting...and he will appear 2
seconds after he vanishes. So..count 2 full
LOCK ON AT THE RIGHT AFTER. So it's..hit square then
R1 right after hitting square. If timed'll
block Seph's dashing slash and face him. THIS HAS
2 SECONDS. After blocking his slash, repeat the
HITTING process and then do the BLOCKING process over
and over again. If you're ever hit..keep a distance
from Seph, then CURE right away when you're health bar
is almost or drained at the half way point.
Summary of Strat 1: Run up to Seph as far as how tall
he is then quickly jump over his horizontal slash
(REMEMBER NOT TO HIGH) and then hit him once, land
back down, then follow it with 3 more hits. Count two
seconds then hit square and R1 right after that to
block his dashing slash at the right time. Repeat
these two processes over and over again til you get a
little bit past his Orange life bar. At a distance,
use CURE whenever you're health bar is almost or
drained at the half way point of your health bar. *USE

2.Strat for 2nd form: Now Seph will start to run like
hell at this point. HE ALSO HAS THE MOVE SIN FERNAL.
HIM THEN SLASH HIM FOUR TIMES. Keep your distance from
him until he vanishes. NOW WHEN HE VANISHES HE'LL
toward him. By doing this, you will roll underneath
him and his dashing slash AND NOT GET HIT. YOU SHOULD
distance from Seph. When he vanishes and reappears
behind you, quickly dodge roll toward him to evade his
slash and him. You should be close enough, so hit him
4 times. Block right away when he starts his Omnislash
type move, count three of the slashes he does After 4
blocks, run away from him and DODGE ROLL to the side
when you see the energy wave coming at you. Repeat
these three processes over and over again. USE CURE

3.Strat for 3rd and Final form: Now Seph is pissed and
use his mighty power on you. He now has a tornado type
slash and his ordinary dashing slash. He also has his
Omnislash type move and Sin Fernal. HE ALSO HAS A
SLASH. Quickly run up to him and slash him four times.
Use the same strategy used for his second form. For
his METEOR MOVE, let the comets hit you to restore
See? My strategy is different, confusing, and hard. for me. TOOK ME AN HOUR OR SO TO COOK UP MY
OWN STRATEGY TO BEAT SEPHY. But I didn't need to use
any Aero and its forms...or any elixirs. I had to rely
on Cura the entire time. Later on when I beat him
after and had helped better. Thanks for
your time.

Ice Titan - The Gold match after the Hades Cup
//**Stradegy for Ice Titan**\
Submitted By: Heyer Valice
He launches a bunch of ice crystals at you during the
fight. You have to have Sora bat them back at him.
It's best to roll around while he does any other
attack, and just keep hitting him with his own ice
shards. Eventually, he falls to his knees for a time,
where you can actually start hitting him with things
like Ragnarok. Also, you cant use Aero.

Phantom - Go to the clock tower in Neverland
after locking Hollow Bastion

//**Boss Stradegy for Phantom!**\
Submitted by: Teardrop Samurai
Use magic corrosponding to the color. For example, if
you see a yellow ball, use Thunder. A red one, use
Fire. Also, when Doom is counting down, target the
Doom Clock and cast stop on it.

Kurt Ziza - Talk to the carpet in Alladin's House
after unlocking Hollow Bastion.

//**Boss Stradegy for Kurt Ziza**\
Submitted By: honorable dragon
after talking to the carpet in aladins house and
combat esures with kurt zisa, immediately cast aero,
kurt places a spell on your party preventing ANY spell
casting, in his first stage of attack is simple
jumping around and using a slashing attack, when hes
not doing these, attack the orbs in his hands, when
both are destroyed, he sinks down and allows you to
hit his bobbing head, after sustaining good damage,
kurt gets up and moves in to his second mode, a big
barrier that envelopes him, this time only magic with
hurt him, so take his barrier down with magic and he
will sink again. do a little more damage on him and he
will get up and repeat his first set of attacks, only
this time he is faster and doesnt allow a lot of time
to attack his orbs like last time, and along with his
previous attacks, now he will go airbourne and attack
from there as well in the form of a vertical or
horizontal spinning attacks that dash at you, the best
way to dodge them is to dodge roll, for the vertical
spinning, roll to the left or the right, for the
horizontal, roll towards him right when hes baout to
hit you, repeat this strategy till the big agrabah
weapon is down for the count.

V. Secret Cavern in Traverse Town
To get the secret Cavern in Traverse, you need to have
a red trinity. Go to the Red Trinity in the Alleyway,
and you will crash through the bars. This place leads
to where you can talk to Leon(or Squall) and Aeris.
Later, much later, in the game, you will need to go
here to aquire a certain item which I do not want to
spoil. Later in the game,(spoiler) it is a critical
place where you meet Kairi, so it is a secret until
that point, really.

VI.Expert Mode
At the beggining of the game, you can choose Expert
mode as the diffuculty setting. If you pick the sword
at the begining of the game, it is considered "Ultra
Hard". When you beat expert mode on any setting
(sword/sheild/rod) you can see your overall statistics
and some art. Pretty cool.

VII. Gummi Ship Blueprints
I, personally, hate the Gummi Ship, but heres some
cool blueprints. Gepetto is the man inside Monstro the
whale, and you cannot talk to him until later.

Kingdom - Default
Hyperion - Defeat 5000 heartless, learn all summons
and talk to Gepetto
Gepetto - Complete the Monstro world and talk to
Cid - Defeat 500 heartless and talk to Gepetto
Leon - Defeat 4000 heartless and talk to Gepetto
Yuffie - Defeat 1500 heartless and talk to Gepetto
Aerith - Defeat 3000 heartless and talk to Gepetto
Cactuar - Defeat 1000 heartless and talk to Gepetto
Chocobo - Enter and leave Gepetto's house 30 times,
and go in and talk to Pinnochio to get it. If you
don't get it, leave and talk to him again, and do it
until you have it.

For these blueprints, you get them for defeating the
corrusponding blueprint for the enemy you kill. For
exaple, when you fly the Gummi ship, if you shoot out
a 'CINDY' , you will have the Cindy Blueprint. Not
everything has one of these blueprints thought.

Cindy Bomb Ifirit
Shiva Remora Odin
Lamia Ahriman Otomos
Sandy Imp Golem
Sylph Siren Diablos
Carbuncle Stingray Deathguis
Mindy Catoblepas Typoon
Goblin Adamant Alexander
Leviathan Ramuh OMEGA

Also, when you have gotten all of the 99 puppies, go
to the Dalmation house and you get a huge collection
of Gummi Ship Blue Prints.

//**Buy and Sell Gummi Ship Parts**\
Submitted By: ZidaneTribal

Cid will Buy and Sell Gummi parts once you :
Beat Cerberus
Lock Wonderland
Lock Deep Jungle
Lock Traverse Town

VIII. Locating Synthesis Items
Here are the Item's and the monsters that drop them.
To identify monsters, use the Journal.

Bright Shard - Green requiem
Blaze Shard - Red Nocturne
Frost Shard - Blue Rhapsody
Thuder Shard - Yellow Opera
Mythril Shard - Barrel Spider, Behemoth, pot spider,
Power Shard - Bouncywild, powerwild
Spirit Shard - Large Body, soldier,
Lucid Shard - Shadow

Blaze Gem - Bandit, fat bandit
Frost Gem - Sea Neon, Sheltering Zone
Thunder Gem - Aquatank, Screwdiver
Spirit Gem - Air Soldier
Mythril - Angel Star, Behemoth
Bright Gem - Search Ghost
Power Gem - Air pirate, battle ship, pirate
Lucid Gem - Gargoyle, Wight Knight

Bright Crystal - Defender
Lucid Crystal - Darkball
Mystery Goo - Rare Truffle
Power Crystal - Wyvern
Shiny Crystal - Wizard,
Orichalcum - Behemoth, Invisible
Bright Crystal - Defender
Gale - Angel Star, Invisible

//**Rare Truffles**\
Submitted By: flipside
I recently discovered a very effecient way to level up
and get items at the same time involving rare
truffles. I'd write my own faq but I really don't want
to deal with it so I'll let you do the honors if you
consider it worth mentioning. If you need mystery goo,
power gems, elixers, megalixers, and experience, you
want to fight rare truffles (those blue shrooms that
jump around a lot). A word on fighting rare truffles,
the best place to combo them is in Neverland on the
deck of the ship. The reasons for this is simple, Sora
can fly, and the rare truffles appear fairly often, I
went there originally looking for power gems but
somehow ended up getting more mystery goo than power
gems. I like it better than the end of the world
because they appear often and require less skill to
juggle. I think they appear more often after Hollow
Bastion but you can start right after Neverland. My
usual path to get them to respawn was to go back and
forth from the cabin save point to the deck of the
ship. Simply go onto the deck, start flying, pick your
target, and start hitting. The best part is that all
you have to worry about is pressing X, because Sora
will stay right under the truffle. The key to success
is to time the hits so you get into a rhythem at which
point you just start going up while juggling the
truffle. Now unfortunately it is hard to control which
way the truffles go so they will often land on the
rigging, in a crows nest, or your keyblade will simply
hit something else and fail to connect. This isn't
that big of a problem though because there are 4
truffles each time. Once you manage to make it above
the rigging which will be after 20-30 hits depending
on where you start, it's smooth sailing and all you
have to do is pay attention to how high you hit the
truffle. I usually elected to do one hit at a time as
I felt most comfortable with this technique, but you
can also time a 2 hit combo that is a bit faster. A
good tactic is switching techniques to change the
truffles direction if your near an obstacle. The two
easiest truffles to juggle are at the front and rear
of the ship since you are least likely to run into the
rigging. Once you get good at it, you can usually
juggle 2/4 of them all the way up to 100. As a final
note, as to why truffle juggling is so great, you get
MASSIVE experience points the longer you juggle. For
those of you who like math, here's a nice formula to
remember, the total experience gained from juggling a
truffle can be calculated with n(n+1)/2 where n is the
number of hits. If you make it all the way up to 100
hits, guess what, that's 5050 exp! This beats fighting
the rock and ice titan's any day becasue you'll also
get 2 elixers, 1 mega-elixer, and 2 mystery goos (and
come on, who doesn't like mystery goo). Let me know if
you wanna use this within a couple days, otherwise I'm
gonna submit it to someone else. btw, you don't have
to use what i wrote.

//**White Mushrooms**\
Submitted by: erickei
Clearing the tent area, then the Bamboo Thicket, then
the Cliff will ALWAYS result in all 3 areas respawning
(keep doing them in that order). Particularly after
Locking Hollow Bastion, this is an excellent place to
power up and get rare items, even if the white shrooms
don't show up. You fight Powerwilds (power gems),
Wizards, Darkballs, Wyverns, and the little green
wizards...and unlike HB, no Defenders! ^_^ So you can
easily rack up the Bright, Lucid, and Shiny
Crystals...and the occasional staff for Donald from
the Wizards...

//**Rare Truffles**\
Submitted by: Nick
Easiest way to get shrooms-

1. Got to Halloween town
2. Go to graveyard
3. Destroy every monster there-make sure no monster is
4. Go to the cat statue thingie-examine it
5. Kill all enemies here (note-can be black mushrooms
6. Make sure no monster is left
7. Take same route back to the graveyard
8. You should find mushrooms there
9. When done with mushrooms, save, and repeat to your
hearts content

You can find these Item's,and their location is here.
Under construction.

IX. 99 Dalmation Puppies
Upon getting these puppies, check in frequently to the
Dalmation House to receive Item's From them. Alot of
people like to say these are wrong and correct them,
but I assure you that they all are correct.

Traverse Town:

1,2, and 3 - The hard to reach Island across from
Merlin's House, get there after you
have obtained Glide in Neverland
4,5, and 6 - Behind the Red Trinity in the 1st
District Alley. You must have the Red
Trinity to get them
7,8, and 9 - In the Item Synthesis Shop, after
getting the Green Trinity they are
10,11, and 12- Hidden in the Secret Waterway, use Red
Trinity when you have it.


13,14, and 15- On a high platform in the Queen's
Castle, reachable via a hidden
Exit in the Lotus Forrest.
16,17, and 18- On one of the High plarforms in the
Lotus Forrest
19,20, and 21- In the Tea Party Garden. Sora needs
the High Jump ability, obtained after
completing the 'Monstro' level.

Olympus Coliseum:

22,23, and 24- In the blue Trinity beside the main

Deep Jungle:

25,26, and 27- On the far end of the Hippo Lagoon
28,29, and 30- In the Vines 2 area, reachable by
climbing the Ivy in the Hippos Lagoon
and swinging over to the far platform
31,32, and 33- Blue Trinity in the Climbing Trees
34,35, and 36- Blue Trinity in the Camp area


37,38, and 39- Chest in Aladdin's house
46,47, and 48- On a high point in the Palace Gates
area, reachable with the High Jump
49,50, and 51- Near the enterance of Cave of Wonders
52,53, and 54- Aladdin must be in party, bounce up
atop a treasure mound in the Cave of

Halloween Town:

40,41, and 42- Bridge area, near the enterance of
Oogie's Manor
64,65, and 66- After you defeat Oogie Booige, and his
mansion, go to Moonlight Hill.Go in a
newly accessible door, and theres a
chest. Open it.
67,68, and 69- Pull the bellrope at Jack's front door
and look below the front stairs
70,71, and 72- Guillotine Square, use Glide atop grey


55,56, and 57- In Chamber 3
73,74, and 75- When water level drops, on a stack of
76,77, and 78- Chamber 3, check all enterances
79,80, and 81- In Chamber 5


43,44, and 45- In a corner of the clock tower
82,83, and 84- When flying, on a beam in the ships
85,86, and 87- Yellow Trinity in the ships hold
88,89, and 90- Chest in the Captains Cabin, after
Shadow battle

Hollow Bastion:

61,62, and 63- Grand Hall on second visit
91,92, and 93- Bottom of the Rising Falls
94,95, and 96- Cast Gravity on the floating chest at
the castle gates
97,98, and 99- Cast Gravity on the chest in High

Check back to the Dalmation House when you have some.
12 Puppies : Curaga-G gummi block
21 Puppies : Firaga-G gummi block
30 Puppies : Thundara-G gummi block
42 Puppies : Mythril Shard(
51 Puppies : Torn Page and Mythil(now we're talkin)
60 Puppies : Megalixir
72 Puppies : Orichalum
81 Puppies : Ultima-G gummi block
90 Puppies : Ribbon
99 Puppies : Every gummi and an improved Aero spell

X.Torn Page's of the 100 Acre Wood & Mini Games
This Section will be updatedin the future, with a
small guide to the 100 Acre Wood Mini-Games.
Traverse Town : Rescue 51 Dalmations(listed above)
Agrabah : Dark Chamber in the Cave of Wonders
Monstro : Chamber 6
Halloween Town : The bookcase in the Doctor's Lab
Atlantica : Ariel's Grotto

|Pooh's House|
Pooh will leave and then go back to the Hunny Tree.
Then, go talk to Owl. He will tell you about the Torn
Pages. From now on, you will need a Torn Page(all
listed above) to move into newer area's of the 100
Acre Wood.

|Pooh's Hunny Tree|
Piglet will be beside the bush. When he see's you, he
will run away. Go around to the other side of the tree
and sneak up on him, and talk to him. Pooh comes. To
complete this, just smack the bee's and make sure they
don't pop Pooh's Balloon.

|Rabbit's House|
Follow Pooh in. Pooh gets stuck. Leave and go around
and talk to Pooh. Rabbit tells you to make Pooh some
carrot juice, but Tigger has came and bounced all
over the garden. Just try to get to where you think
Tigger is going to land before he lands there.

|The Swing|
Jump into the stream to get Eeyore. Help Eeyore find
his tail. Lock onto Pooh, and make him follow you onto
of the hill and onto the slide. This may take a few
times, but when you get it, you will know because he
will land on Eeyore's house.

|Tigger's Bouncing Spot|
Tigger will teach you how the real Tigga'z play. Just
follow what path he goes on. After you get this,
Tigger will make you play hit pot game. Just lock onto
the nuts he throws. After this you can leave and you
are done here, or talk to Tigger and Roo to get sone
rare nuts for Owl. Why can't he get the nuts, he can

|Muddy Path|
Find Pooh's Friends:

Eeyore - He's in the center of the mud hole.
Roo - Bouncing on a tree in the muddy part.
Rabbit - Bring Pooh to the holes in the wall, and
Rabbit will come out of these holes
randomly, so then talk to him.
Tigger - Lead Pooh to the Flowers and he will go up.
Jump on the stump with wind coming out, and
then lock onto the spider web in the log. Go
across to talk to Tigger.
Owl - Lead Pooh across the log, and make him get
on the flower. Owl will land next to the
Piglet - In the tree hole up where Owl. When you talk
to him with Pooh, he will go down to another
hole. Jump down and talk to him

100 Acre Wood Status : Complete

XI. Trinity Locations

Traverse Town
Blue:In Traverse Town, there is another Blue Trinity
in the 3rd District on the other side of that golden
statue/fountain looking thing. There are ramps on
either side of the wall the statue/fountain is on.
Head up either one and the blue trinity is at the top
of the ramps. Drops Munny and a Camping Set, if I
remember right.

Blue: First District, by the cafe; First District, by
the world exit.

Red: First District, alleyway; Second District, by the
grate to the Secret Waterway; Second District, atop
the Gizmo Shop.

Green: Cid's Accessory Shop.

Yellow: Behind Merlin's House.

White: In the Secret Waterway, by Leon.

Blue: Lotus Forest, in the grove near the entrance;
Lotus Forest, farther toward the back.

Green: Rabbit Hole, near the save point; Bizarre Room,
in the empty fireplace.

White: Lotus Forest, on the other side of the picture
in the Bizarre Room.

Olympus Coliseum
Blue: By the gates, on the left side; By the gates, on
the right side.

Green: In front of the Coliseum gates.

Yellow: In the lobby, by the stone block.

White: In front of the Coliseum gates.

Deep Jungle
Blue: In Jane's Camp; On a high platform in Climbing
Green: In a hidden spot in the Treehouse -- hunt
around carefully.

White: In the Waterfall Cavern, in front of the

Blue: Bazaar, atop a platform; Cave of Wonders, in
the Silent Chamber.

Red: Cave of Wonders, in the Treasure Room.

Green: Storage Room, off the Plaza.

Yellow: Cave of Wonders, in the Hall.

White: Cave of Wonders, in the main entrance.


Blue: Mouth, atop a platform; Throat, on one of the
spiral platforms; Chamber 5.

Green: Mouth, on the roof of Geppetto's shelter.
White: Chamber 6.


Red: In the entrance to Oogie's Manor, only available
before defeating Oogie.

White: Moonlight Hill.


White: Triton's Palace, in the center beneath the
purple shell.


Green: Ship's Cabin, at the entrance to Hook's cabin.

Yellow: Ship's Hold, on a platform halfway up to the

White: Up on the deck of the ship.

Hollow Bastion

Blue: Great Crest, after the large platform battle;
hidden in the Dungeon.

Green: On the second floor of the Library.

Red: Entrance Hall, second level, in front of the

White: Halfway to the top of the Rising Falls.

XII. Secret Abilities
This info was submitted by Honorable Dragon!

Basically, what this chart means is if you picked 1 of
the 3(sword, staff, or sheild), then these are the
levels you receive abilities and what the abilities

Lv. Sword | Staff | Shield |

9 |Combo Plus (1) |Scan |Guard |
12 |Vortex |Treasure Magnet [1]|Scan |
15 |Scan |MP Haste |Lucky Strike |
18 |Blitz |Counterattack |Second Chance |
21 |Berserk |Critical Plus [1] |Counterattack |
24 |Counterattack |Guard |Jackpot |
27 |Air Combo Plus [1] |Aerial Sweep |Treasure Magnet [1] |
30 |Aerial Sweep |Treasure Magnet [2]|N/A |
33 |Treasure Magnet [1]|MP Range [1] |Blitz |
36 |Guard |Berserk |MP Range [1] |
39 |N/A |Lucky Strike |Treasure Magnet [2] |
42 |N/A |N/A |Combo Plus [1] |
45 |MP Haste |N/A |Vortex |
48 |Critical Plus [1] |Second Chance |Berserk |
51 |Second Chance |MP Rage [2] |Critical Plus [1] |
54 |N/A |Jackpot |N/A |
57 |MP Rage [1] |Vortex |Air Combo Plus [1] |
60 |Treasure Magnet [2]|Air Combo Plus [1] |Aerial Sweep |
63 |Jackpot |Blitz |MP Haste |
66 |MP Rage [2] |Combo Plus [1] |MP Rage [2] |
69 |Lucky Strike |Critical Plus [2] |Critical Plus [2] |
72 |Combo Plus [2] |N/A |N/A |

|Sora's Abilities|
Dodge Roll:
After defeating the guard armor in traverse town.

fulfill the requirements for defeating each of the mini games in
hundred acre wood.

Sonic Blade:
After defeating cerberus in the coliseum.

Ars Arcanum:
After defeating captain hook in neverland.

Stirke Raid:
Win the pegasus cup in the coliseum

Defeat Riku at hollow bastion the second time.

Trinity Limit:
complete the hades cup, after defeating rock titan.

10: Berserk
15: MP Haste
20: MP Rage(1)
25: Second Chance
30: Treasure Magnet(1)
35: Second Wind
40: MP Rage(2)
45: Treasure Magnet(2)
50: Jackpot
55: Lucky Strike
Donalds cheer ability is received after you defeat malificent.

9: Rocket
12: Jackpot
15: Charge
18: Treasure Magnet(1)
21: Tornado
27: Lucky Strike
30: MP Gift
33: Second Wind
36: Second Chance
39: MP Rage(1)
42: Treasure Magnet(2)
45: MP Rage(2)
51: MP Haste
54: Berserk
Goofys Cheer ability is receieved after you defeat the parasite
cage the first time.

At the beggining of the game, when you keep certain things, and
sacrifice others, and your stats affected.

Keep Sacrifice HP MP AP STR DEF

Sword Shield 18 2 3 6 1
Sword Staff 18 2 1 6 2
Shield Staff 18 2 1 5 4
Shield Sword 18 2 3 4 4
Staff Shield 18 3 3 5 1
Staff Sword 18 3 3 3 3
To make this simply, when Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie ask you the
questions, it determines how fast you level up. Theres a mulitude
of availiable answers but to keep it simple heres what you say for
what.Answer all the questions with the first answer and you will
level up fast.Answer all the questions with the second answer and
you will have a normal level up pace.Answer all the questions with
the third answer and you will level up at a slower pace.

XIII.Spell Upgrades
It does not matter what order you get these.
Fire - After Donal and Goofy join you
Fire - After beating Genie Jafar in Agrabah
Fire - Princesses in Hollow Bastion

Blizzard - After beating Jafar in Agrabah
Blizzard - From Cheshire Cat in WonderLand
Blizzard - When you Defeat Behemoth

Thunder - Beat barrel-smashing in Olympus
Thunder - When you beat the Hades Cup, 30th Seed
Thunder - Defeat Ursula

Cure - After Beating Clayton and Stealth
Sneak in Deep Jungle
Cure - After you have sealed Hollow Bastion,
talk to Aerith in the library
Cure - Yellow Trinity in Neverland, in a
Stop - After beating Phantom in Clock Tower
Stop - After beating Parasite Cage in
Stop - When you complete the Eyore's Tail
in 100 Acre Wood. Get a score of 20-
Gravity - Winning the Phil Cup in Olympus
Gravity - After Oogie's Manor in H. Town
Gravity - Beating Hades in Olympus Coliseum

Aero - Yellow Trinity in NV's Ship Holds
Aero - After beating Opposite Armor in T.T.
Aero - Getting 99 Dalmatians

XIV. Rare Monsters

Black Fungus-
Agrabah : Bazaar
Halloween Town : Moonlight Hill
Olympus Coliseum : Pegasus Cup, 4th Seed
Olympus Coliseum : Hades Cup, 36th Seed
Hollow Bastion : Cell
End of the World : Linked World

-Rare Truffle rarely appears in Monstro and Neverland

-Screwdiver rarely appears in Atlantica

-Aquatank occasionally appears in Atlantica

-Gargoyle and Weight Knight appear in Halloween Town

-Pirate frequently appears in Neverland

-Air Pirate occasionally appears in Neverland

-Battleship rarely appears in Neverland

-Invisible and Angel Star appear in End of the World

XV. Mystery Goo
Mystery Goo can be hard to find. Here are some ways to
find them easier.

Mystery Goo

If you would like to submit how to get these in other
ways, please email meh.

XVI. Optional Ending
To get another Ending , rather than the default one,
get all 99 Dalmations, beat the Hades Cup, and lock
every single world. You do not need the 10 Ansem
Reports, even thought it's cool to have them.
**Note**Completing the game on expert mode does NOT
give you the other ending like some people have said.

XVII. The Ansem Reports
As was rumored, you do NOT need these to get the
secret ending.

Ansem Report 1 - Lock Agrabah
Ansem Report 2 - Lock Hollow Bastion, talk to Aeris
in Hollow Bastion library
Ansem Report 3 - Defeat Ursula
Ansem Report 4 - Same as #2
Ansem Report 5 - Defeat Dragon Malificent
Ansem Report 6 - Same as #2 and #4
Ansem Report 7 - Defeat 3 kids in Oogie's Manor
Ansem Report 8 - Defeat Hades in the Hades Cup
Ansem Report 9 - Defeat Captain Hook
Ansem Report 10 - Same as #2,#4. and #6

XVIII. Easter Eggs and Fun Stuff
-When in Pooh's house, you can play with the clock

-Examine the MusicBox in Ariel's Grotto to hear the
FF prelude(at least it kinda sounds like it)

-Hit the water pipes in Rabbit's garden and water
comes out

-In the Detiny Islands, if you go under where Selphie
is sitting, you can look up in first person view
and see her panties. Hey, Don't look at me,
someone on the boards posted it.

-In the Phil/Pegasus/Hades and all the other cups, if
you look at Sora, he does the victory dances of
Squall, Cloud, and Zidane(for god sakes why did
Zidane get left out??). (submitted by Teardrop

-After beating the Hades Cup, look behind the pillars
at the Cup Enterance, and you can find Orichalcum
(submitted by: Someone...tell me your name !)

-In 100 Acre Wood, theres a big honey pot. Near it
are these fruits. You cannot lock onto them, and
hit them ,and you will get them. Give them to
and he will give you items.

-In Deep Jungle Camp/Tent, you can see Jane's panties
looking in FPV.

-In the destiny Islands, when you go into the cave,
you can see drawings. You can see chocobo's,
Donald with his pointy hat, and King Mickey's or
Hollow Bastion castle.

-In Traverse Town, 3rd District, you can look at the
fountain and see the Spaghetti Scene in 'Lady and
the Tramp'.(submitted by:Housepower)

-In the hotel in Traverse Town: Look at all the
paintings in the hotel and then hit the bell on the
desk three times. Guy at the desk will tell you
paintings are nice. Hit a few times more, and he'll
tell you information about striking the clock in the
green room. Go into the green room and strike the
clock above the door many times. After awhile, a noise
will be heard and on the couch will be a treasure box.
Open it to get a Mythril.(submitted by:

-In Halloween Town, if you ring the doorbell on the
house, you can get a treasure chest.

-In Hollow Bastion, in the Grand Hall, you can slide
down the rail.(submitted by Codebanger)

-After you have done the mini games in 100 Acre Wood,
Pooh is sitting on the log, light his fire and
get a free item.

-In 100 Acre Wood, if you pull up some of Rabbit's
plants, they will have items in them.

-In the dalmation house, in one of the rooms, one of
the puppies will follow you around.

-In Neverland, the time on Big Ben is wrong, and
putting it at different times, you can receive
item's.(this was first put on here by TD Samurai)

**//**Item List for Big Ben**\***
Submitted By: Kythlyn, IM him for Questions on This
If you would like, you can submit info for this part.

Neverland Clocktower (Big Ben) Item List by Kythlyn

There are many doors on the clocktower, 12 of which
have items inside.The doors will open one at a time
depending on how long you have been playing.If you've
been playing for less than 12 hours, then the number
of hours represents which door will open.If you've
been playing for more than 12 hours, then subtract 12
hours from your total hours played to predict which
door will open.The same goes for 24, 36, etc.A light
will be visable in front of the current door with an
item. Examine it.Once you get the item, that light
will move down to the appropriate hour on the
clock.After getting through Hallow Bastion for the
FIRST time, a boss will be at the Clocktower, and you
will not be able to get the items.

The following item list was based on items found in
Expert Mode.I have not yet confirmed whether or not
the items vary based on difficulty.

01:00 - Orichalcum
02:00 - Power Up
03:00 - Mythril Shard
04:00 - Power Up
05:00 - Ap Up
06:00 - Mythril
07:00 - AP up
08:00 - Defense Up
09:00 - Orichalcum
10:00 - Defense Up
11:00 - Mythril Shard
12:00 - Megalixer

XIX. Leveling Up Tricks
Sacrificing and Keeping Items
This info was sent in by highwind002/Honorable Dragon
Email HIM any questions for this part in Stars, k?
His email is:

I am feeling typy so i will also put the starting
stats for which weapon you pick and sacrifice. To put
this simply, when you Keep or Sacrificing Item's at
the beggining of the game, it determines how you will
level up.

Keep Sacrifice HP MP AP STR DEF
Sword Shield 18 2 3 6 1
Sword Staff 18 2 1 6 2
Shield Staff 18 2 1 5 4
Shield Sword 18 2 3 4 4
Staff Shield 18 3 3 5 1
Staff Sword 18 3 3 3 3
To make this simply, when Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie
ask you the questions, it determines how fast you
level up. Theres a mulitude of availiable answers but
to keep it simple heres what you say for what.Answer
all the questions with the first answer and you will
level up fast until level 40.Answer all the questions
with the second answer and you will have a normal level
up pace.Answer all the questions with the third answer
and you will level up at a slower pace until level 40.

--|Destiny Islands|--

Yes, it's very possible to stock up on supplies, and
gain levels on the Destiny Islands. I've heard of some
people leaving at level 16, but I don't have that much
patients. When you gain a higher "score" than Riku,
you will receive a potion, and some 'Pretty Stones'.


|Battle Riku|

Experience : 5
Tech Points : 1

At first, since most people on the Destiny Islands are
first starting out, it's not as easy to fight him,

A. He is cheap(knocking you off the sides)
B. He has more life/power/techniques/ect.
C. It takes some time to beat him.

It's best to fight him once you are sure you are good
at fighting. When you block his techniques, you get 1
TECH POINT, and if you manage to defeat him, you get a
potion if your "score" is higher than his. To block
his techniqus, strike right before he strikes you,
resulting that your two wood pieces hit, making a
successfull block.

Racing Riku:
The race is easy. When Kairi calls the whistle, don't
follow Riku, no matter what. I have a route to take
that has yet to make me fail, and it's not hard,
either. When the race begins, go off the edge right of
the broken bridge(yes you heard right). Go straight
through the water onto the sand, and up the stairs.
From here, go straight and you will drop, and go
straight through the water. Go up the hill, jump on
the platforms up to the Star, and jump down between
the trees. Go straight to the right of the ract, and
back where you came(left of the cave) and about a foot
before you hit the wall, jump(in proportion of the
game). Go down the stairs, through the water, and
jump up and you have won the race. The only place you
might have trouble is jumping up those ledges.
Otherwise, it's the bets route I have found.

Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka

Experience : 2
Tech Points : 2, if you block his back flip strike

Tidus is not that hard. He does a flip strike that
will give you 2 Tech points if you block it, and once
you learn how to catch him with this, its the best way
to get tech points. Now for the easiest way....

Experience : 2
Tech Points : 1P for a regular throw, 2 for special

The only reason this is not the best way is because
it's easy to kill Wakka when you block his shots,
because they fly right back at him most of the time.
When he throws the ball, time it right, and you can
smack it back at him. For begginers.

Experience : 1
Tech Points : 1

There is not much use to fight her, other than learn
how she fights when you fight all 3 of them. You get
one tech point to block her whip, and it can be

//**For people with patients**\
Submitted by: Trealvyn_the_paladin
Hi, I read your faq on telling how to level up at
Destiny Islands and read how fighting Selphie isn't
real good exp. Well, it is. In fact, in my opinion,
she is the best one. She will do this leaping attack
and automaticly hit you with the jump rope. If you
counter in, then you will get 1 tech. But when you
counter it, the jumprope will come back and hit her
head, leaving you with one extra tech. She will keep
on doing the same attack until you either mess up, get
hit, or hit her. And the best thing is, SHE CAN NOT
DIE FROM IT! Although it will get her hp down terribly
low. I got to lvl 10 by doing this.

|Fighting All 3 of them|
Experience : None
Tech Points : Same as above
Item : Potion

This, over all, can be tough. I recommend taking out
Tidus, then Selphie, then Wakka. When Wakka is the
last one, it'll be like child's play once you have
learned how to hit his attacks back.


This was submitted by CrazyCubeMonkey:
After you reach level 40 your rate of leveling up
reverses. The slow becomes fast, the fast becomes
slow, and moderate stays the same. So it's actually
best to level up slowly at the beginning because it
takes about 100,000 less xp total to reach level 100.

YJM's way to level up!
Before sealing Hollow Bastion, the quickest way to
level up is to fight Leon and Yuffie in the Pegasus
Cup. Win the Pegasus Cup, then win again with Sora
alone, then beat the time trial (3:00). Now you can
choose to go straight to the Leon and Yuffie fight. I
would suggest removing all items from Donald and Goofy
since this is an easy fight and you don't want them
wasting your stuff. You'll get 700 exp. each time you
win. After your first visit to Hollow Bastion, the
Hades Cup becomes available. Win the cup and beat the
time trial (20:00) to choose your fights. I find that
Behemoth, Hades, and the Rock Titan are all easy
fights worth lots of experience. If you're good, you
can beat up the Ice Titan in the Gold Match for 4,000
exp. plus 28 for each icicle you deflect back at him.
Beat the Hades Cup once to unlock the Gold Match. Then
there's the Platinum Match...18,000 exp. Are you good
enough to face the One Winged Angel (I listen to that
song cool)?

Darkside20's Stradegy:
Hey, I learned through trying to get all the synthesis
items to get the ultima, just need two more goos and
can't seem to cast the right spells, but i learned a
good way to level up is simply to stay in the hotel,
battle the defenders, there are three there, then take
out the wizards, go through the red room, into the
green, defeat whatever is there, go back to the red
room and into the hall, and repeat till you reach a
satisfactory level. Right now I am at level 68. Which
is also probably because I keep going to Atlantica to
see if there are the truffles in the cave and as i go
back and forth from the palace, i fight everything,
and eventually level up. And a good way to take out
those huge jelly fish that when hit enough but not
kill burst into small ones, is to nail them with a
barage of firagas. Well.. that's the tip.

Submit your Leveling Up Stradegy's!

/ Section 3 - Other Stuff \
\ ____________________________________ /

I.Final Notes and Thanks
This FAQ is BY FAR not complete, but if you have any
additional information you want to submit, then do
so.I am open for suggestions and realize my FAQ may
not be perfect. A big thanks go's to 'kouli', 'Tidus
of FFX' , and others, for their huge contribution of
info in this FAQ. Thanks very much. Their help makes
this FAQ possible. JC DentonDX, signing off. Also,
this FAQ was edited(as in grammar and mispelling) by
DragonSlayer2002. More updates almost every other day.

II. Version History

Version History :
1.0 - Started on 9-28-02, and did all the main
secrets. Will update when more secrets are
available. I have zipped this FAQ many times
to get it to the smallest size, too.

2.0 - 9-29-02, some people submitted info, and some
corrections. Added "How to beat Sephiroth", how
to get Goofy's "Dream Shield" , and corrected.

3.0 - 9-30-02, added submitted info from people on
the boards, and IM. Easter eggs, boss
stradegy for phantom, how to get firaga,
blizzaga, and thundaga.

4.0 - 10-2-02, Completed Synthesis Item's Section,
Special Item's section and Treasure Chest
Locations are both under construction. Don't
expect too many updates for the time being.
Also, the synthesis item will have alternate
locations, soon.

5.0 - 10-3-02, Added another fan submitted Sephiroth
stradegy. I know have a "Frequently Asked
Questions" section up. Look at the new
Item List in the easter egg section to see what
Item's you can get from it. I took my AIM name
off, so email is now the only option. **Sorry
to the people who really wanted to help, but
people wanting to say "Hello" were just pissing
me off. I am not your toy that answers all of
your questions, either. Couple of easter eggs,
updates on stradegy's, corrections, and others.
Big, Big update.

6.0 - 10-7-02, Added a Boss Stradegy for Ice Titan.
From the 5 emails, I corrected that Sora does
not do Zidane's victory dance, he does Zell's.

7.0 - 10-16-02,Added this ASCII Art, thanks to the
help of a friend. Also, the Treasure Chests
section was taken out, for I may write another
FAQ for it altogether. It has been replaced by
"Leveling Up Tricks"

8.0 - 10-17-02,Added complete Ability Section, 1 more
FINAL Sephiroth Stradegy. Added Keep/Sacrifice
part in Leveling Up Section. CONGRATS to
highwind002 or honorable dragon.

9.0 - 10-22-02
Update on Contact information, all past verions
except current verion's history have all been
moved to the bottom of the FAQ. New layout to
certain sections. Added a section on the 10
Ansem Reports.

III. Cool Stuff!
Martial Arts -
GameFAQs -
Counter-Strike - Http://
Real Ultimate Power-
Square -

Visit My Webpage!

Donate a life to my friend! He needs your help!

Copyright (c) 2002 by Jack Bock, all rights reserved.

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01. Decembrie 2014
30.Ianuarie 2018
04.Martie 2019
24.Februarie 2018