Ducati World Racing Challenge

Ducati World Racing Challenge

17.10.2013 04:22:05

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Ductai World Racing Challenge

For: Playstation
Category: Mototrbike racing
Gamefaqs FAQ name: ABaker
Gamefaqs board name: wayalla
Real name: Aaron Baker
Email: azzbake@yahoo.com.au
Version: 1.0
Created: September '02
Done on: Wordpad
Posted on: Gamefaqs
Updates: 1 each month

If you would like this this FAQ on your
website, read in the latest news section.
(Ater the Table Of Contents)

Table of Contents:
-In game All you need to know to control the bike
-Menu Menu commands
-Analog Can you use analog?
2:Game modes
-Quick race Brief summary
-Ducati life Liitle description
3:Quick race
-Time trial Race for a record time
-Single race Battle the playstation
-Multiplayer Verse a friend
-Others Load,save,progress,rewards
-Control Change your button configuration
-Name Input your name for record keeping
-Game setup Adjust sound, music and steering
-Others Screen setup, records, credits
5:Buying a bike
-Where to go The best place to start off
-Money Budjet
-Buying How to buy your bike
6:Licence walk
-Basic 1 All the easy levels
-Basic 2 All the medium levels
-Full All the hard levels
7:Race types
-Vintage 50s,60s,70s,80s
-Modern Compettions for monster and sports
-Special Special leagues for champion racers
-Other 1P challenge, 2P challenge, one day races
8:Vintage era
-Type of bikes 50s,60s,70s,80s
-Races All the leagues available to you
-Prizes The cash you can win in the races
9:Modern era
-Types All the types of modern bikes
-All leagues Races to compete in
-Licence req Type of licence required in each
-Prizes Amount of money you recieve if you win
-Leather Types of leather protection
-Helmets Helemt protection
-Prices The price of protection
-Names Track names NOT COMPLETE
-Descritions Little description of the tracks NOT COMPLETE
-Hints Hints to get around it fast NOT COMPLETE
-Basic Basic cheats,tracks,money,licences
-Bikes Secret bike codes
-Gameshark Some gameshark codes I found
-Gameplay Gameplay for Ducati World
-Graphics Stunning or bad
-Sound The music and effects
-Basic Some basic tips on the road
-Crashes Avoiding crashes and what to do if you crash
-Licence Licence tips

L A T E S T N E W S updtaed 9/15/02

-----MY FAQ-----
Hello everyone, I'm back, and I have created another FAQ, this is for Ducati
World. I made it because I love this game, and it is cool. This is the forth
FAQ I have written, my others are: Tenchu 2 (Walkthrough/FAQ), This Is
Football (FAQ) and Syphon Filter 3 (Walkthrough/FAQ). All of them I update
often. I can't really type that fast, as I am only 14 years old, so it took
me 4 days to write this, but I'm not on the computer all the time

Well, I have decided to make this section here as well as at the end of this
FAQ as no one reads the bottom part of the FAQ, anyway, here are the credits:
-Aaron Baker: That's me, for creating this FAQ
-wayalla: For the review (Which is me anyway)
-CJayC: For making the best FAq site ever
-gamewinners.com: For some cheats
-gameskanker.com: Also for cheats
-xplodercodes.net: I couldn't get any, but thanks anyway
-Jarrod Baker: My brother, for letting me use the playstation all this time
to get all the information for this FAQ
-rashadburnett@hotmail.com: For the Gameshark code

-----BACK OFF-----
This FAQ is copyright ABaker and can't be sold, put in a magazine or anything
like that! If it is on your site, please leave it in it's original form, but
it shouldn't be on anyones site unless listed.
This FAQ (C) Aaron Baker. I will update the list when someone asks me for it
and I say yes. If you are reading this from gamefaqs.com, neoseeker.com,
cheatcc.com or psx.ign.com (gamesages), thats alright, but if your reading it
from a different site, please email me.

-----JUST TAKE IT-----
Please, all these websites can have my FAQ on there website without permision
from me, all the rest I would like you to please email me asking if you can
have it.
www.gamefaqs.com (Well of course)
www.neoseeker.com (My username there is Hyperactive)
www.cheatcc.com (Cheat Code Central)
www.gamesages.com (ign)
www.psx.ign.com (again, IGN)

-----HELP ME-----
Please, if you see this on someones site who isn't listed above, could you
pleases send me an email about it because it shouldn't be there. If a website
asks me, and I accept, there name will go above. It will be delt harshly.

Usually, I make my FAQs a week each update, but I have found I never stick to
that, so I have decided I will just do it 1 every month, that is what I'm
doing with my other FAQs now, so I will do it with this one as well.

As you might know, I live in Australia. But I will try to do the date in
American. Lets just say it is January the 1st in Australia, I will make it
easier by just putting it in American, but the Australian actual date, it
might not be the same date as America, but that is the best I can do, sorry
for any inconvenience.

1: The Controls

This section is about all the controls of the game:

In game:

D-Pad up: The only use that I have come across for this is that it can stop
you in a wheelie, this can come in very handy because you might crash doing a
whellie and with Up, you can stop it. It does nothing else in the racing
part. Most people think it gives you a speed burst, but it doesn't.

D-Pad Down: One of the better things of the game, the front wheel lifts up
off the ground, like a wheelie and the more you hold down, the higher the
wheel goes.

D-Pad Left: Well, everyone knows that this button when pressed makes you turn
left. Simple as that.

D-Pad Right: Press and hold this button and it will make the motorbike turn
right. As simple as that.

X: The most needed button in the whole Ducati World game. Use this to
accelerate or drive. Hold it down and keep your finger pressed on it if you
want to go faster, or just slightly take it off for a second if you are going
to fast and need to turn a corner.

Square: Use to break, not very often I use this as not all bikes go very fast
at all,only use this if the corner is very sharp and you want to get around
it without crashing. But braking slows you down alot. Just take your finger
off the accelerator if you really need to go around a not so sharp corner as
it doesn't slow you down much and you still wont crah.

Triangle: This button controls the camera view. But you don't really need to
change the view, as the default is the best for racing. The 2 up close ones
are really bad as when you turn a corner sharply or any other way, the screen
follows the guys face which makes the screen go in all directions and you
can't see properly at all. So us ehte default one, It's the best.

O: This button is for reversing, but it can also be used as another brake as
well. If your against a tight wall and need to back away from it to move, use
this button, but I have only used it about twice in the whole time I have
played this game. Use it never, there shouldn't be any time where you need to
use this if you are a good driver. Sometimes, you can drive along the wall if
you are driving slow enough, use this instead of reversing, it is much
quicker. Another bad thing about reversing is that it reverses at about 10
kilometers an hour on the fast bikes. Avoid using reverse.

R1: Use this to look at the bikes behind you, it gives youa view from the
bike of the bike looking behind. Only do this on a straight, never do it on a
shicane or any tight corners as while your doing this (looking behind) you
can't look foward at the same time so you will probably crash. Never use this
if someone is close as it puts major pressure on you knowing that someone is
right there. Only use if they are far back and you want to see how far they
are behind.

R2: A back brake, use combined with Square if you want to slow down really
quickly, for an even quicker stop, hold down R2, Square and O together all at
the same time until you stop. I hardly ever use the back brake.

L1: This only applies if you are using manual transmition, this lowers the
gear level by 1. Use it to change back a gear.

L2: Next gear, use it to change into the next gear, E.G: if you are in gear
3, you press this and it will probably (unless your going to slow) put you in
gear 4. Manual transmition is bad and sluggish, always use Automatic unless
you are used to all the driving games with the Manual Transmition.

Basic on all games, X is to select, Triangle is to go back a screen.

Also, if you want to, Ducati World can handle Analog, so you can use your
analog controller to control the bike if you want to, press the Analog button
on your controller to use it.

2: Game Modes

in Ducati World, there is 2 different game modes you can choose form on the
main Ducati World menu. they are Quick Race and Sucati life.

Quick race is just a simple race where you can do a time trial, challenge a
friend or just do a single race against the computer. Always alot of fun and
you don't compete for money, but if you win in the first 3 races in both of
the classes, 50s and Monsters, you unlock more tracks to play and more bikes.

Ducati life puts you in the real thing, buy bikes, sell bikes, get licences,
buy protection and race in over 100 races. The amin game mode, this is fun
and frilling.

3: Quick Race

Time trial

Get a best lap for all the tracks available to you. the first lap, will be
slow, because you have to start stationary form the line, but when on the
second lap, you will be at a good speed once you cross the line. As you
progress, you laps will get better and better and see how good you are.

Single Race

Battle the computer in a race with 5 other people besides you. Come first to
unlock more tracks to play and earn special bonuses at the end. Good for just
practicing your skills before racing properly in Ducati Life. I always do a
single race to improve my skills.

2 Player

Challenge your friend, brother, anyone at all to a game of Ducati World
Racing. To make it fair, at the start they only give you two bikes to choose
form, one with about the Max speed of 200 and the other with a max speed of
about 210, so roughly the same. This avoids 1 bike being to fast for the
other bike which will mean that a player would win by heaps if all bikes
wern't the same speed or around that. That would be unfair. You can also
choose how many laps there is to complete, anywhere form 1 lap (2 minutes) to
25 laps (50 minutes). the 50 minutes would be a massive endurance race,
which could get boring.


Load a game from your memeory card, usually your data is already loaded or
you mioght want to load your progress, hey wait, that automatically loads it
as well, so why is this here.


You need to come here to save your progess in the game. you even have to come
here from the Ducati Life menu, just return to the Main Menu and go save, you
don't lose your data. press X to save and overite you data and it will save
your progress.


Look at how far you are in the game, that is in the Single Race mode. Get
first to complete a course, but you have to do it in both types.


Look at all the rewards you have earn't, I haven't got anything in here yet,
so I don't know what the rewards are.

4: options

Control Config:

Change all your Controls to the commands that you wish, it could be easier
for you to change your controls if you are having trouble with the Default
ones. Just Cycle down and highlight the action you want to change and press
the button to what you want to change it to. I still think the default
controls are the best, so stick to that. But everyone is different. Also,
from this screen, you can change the 2nd players controls, but you must have
his control though. Also, this game is analog capatable and just press The
button on your controller to light up your analog. This will become your
steering now.

Enter Your Name:

Put in your name, and when in the race, once you have finished, it will come
up with your NAme in the position you came with the best lap, total time and
how amny points you have got for the series, if you are racing in one.

Game Setup:

What you can do here is control the Sound Effects for the game, highlight the
bar with the pointed up Triangle on it and use Left to make the sound lower
and right to make it higher. Same with the music, right to make it higher,
left to makes it lower. I usually don't ahve any music on, but your not me so
you will have a different opinion. Next, in here is the steering sensitivety,
E.G: If it is up really high, in game, if you press Right, it will steer very
quickly right. well, it is hard to explain.

Screen Setup:

Basically, adjust your screen for the game. Use the D-Pad up, down, left
right to move it, X to accept changes, Triangle to cancel all changes made
and O to return it to it's normal position but stay in that screen (Default).


View the top times made by you, they have to be saved though each time you
get a new high score, otherwise they will be erased, well, at least the ones
you haven't saved before.


View the great people who made this game possible.
Thanks people.

5: Starting Ducati Wolrd- buying a bike

Well, to start off in Ducati Life, of course you need to by a bike. Highlight
'Bikes' on the Ducati Life menu and press X. Look at all the different types
of bikes, there is: Vintage, Modern, Dealership, Magazine and Classifieds.
You only start with 10,000 so use it wisely. The last three are a bit to
expensive for you at the moment, how much are they! Anyway, Vintage is a bit
better, but start off with the Modern bikes, Click on Monster and see if you
can get a cheap deal on one of them> I bought a Monster bike for about 8,000
and it is good. See if you can get something between 5,000 and about 9,000.
Once bought something, you can now race, but not all modes are available to
you as you need to get your lincence and race in the better tournaments and
win more money, or you have to get the right type of bike to compete in the
mode. If you have the MOnster, you can race in the Mordern races or the One
Day races, they are the easiest. The easiest races for you without a lince is
the One day races, this gives you alot of practice on a wide selection a
courses that you can choose to race on. All slow bikes race on these and with
your monster, you should win by a few secons if you haven't crashed at all.
Moonster bikes are the perfect, cheap bike for beginners and it was the first
bike I ever bought, once you get your lincence and race in different races
and win, you get more money. But stick with your monster at the start.

6: Licence walkthrough

A full walkthrough to getting your licence:

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Basic 1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
-Start and stop 1-
Accelerate away from the start in a controlled manner, keep the bike under
control at all times, you must stop within the marked finished zone to
complete the test.

- Hold X all the way until the 90m mark.
- Start braking at the 90m mark.
- Time limit is 23 seconds.

A simple task that should only take you 2-5 goes to complete.

-Basic Cornering 1-
Here, we teach you the basics of cornering at speed. Accelerate away from the
start line and negotiate the series of bends as fast as possible. Cross the
line to complete the test.

- Go into the tunnel and use the D-Pad to steerRight to get past the first
- Continue out of the tunnel and turn right again. keep going foward and turn
right and break to get past the corner.
- Try to not slow down much anywhere on the course, but sometimes you have
- Time limit is 20 seconds.

-Basics of Cornering 2-
here we teach you to link corners and and find the smoothest racing line.
Accelerate away from the start and negotiate the Chicane. Cross the line
complete the test.

- Just watch out for the 2nd corner after the chicane.
- Try to stay in the middle of the road.
- Time limit is 20 seconds

-Basics of Conering 3-
This test requires you to cover a section of the track in the shortest time
possible. There is a series of corners and a fast straight. Maintaining your
speed into the straight is the key to a fast straight.

- Maintain your speed into the straight.
- Same as the last track.
- Slow down near the chicane.
- Time limit is 25 seconds.

-Full Lap-
Complete a full lap to pass the test, maintain a smooth line through the
corners. Minimise braking in the slower sections. Cross the line to finish
the test.

- The lap is on the Thunderpass so use your training well.
- Try to only slow down on the 3 corners after the 2nd tunnel and after the
3rd tunnel.
- Time limit is 50 seconds

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Basic 2:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
-Basic Start and Stop 2-
A repeat of the other one, But with a more powerful bike. Avoid spinning the
rear wheel under acceleration and use the brakes smoothly. Your maximum speed
will be alot more than before so you will need to break earlier.

- Press up to get out of a wheelie.
- Use both the front and the back brakes at 90m.
- Time limit is 13.50 seconds.

-Advanced Cornering-
Using a more powerful bike maintain your speed through this section of the
track. Use the extra power of the bike with care. Cross the line to complete
the test.

- The 4th corner is the hardest.
- Try to break a little near the end.
- Don't break until outside near the cement walls.
- Time limit is 21 seconds.

-Accuracy 1-
Here, we improve your cornering accuracy. Do 2 laps and pass over the red and
White curbs on each corner. Missing an apex will cause you to fail. Maintain
a smooth line around the track.

- Try to go in to the corners.
- You might need to slow down on the second lap because you can easily crash
and miss an apex.
- Time limit is 32 seconds.

-Bike Control-
He we improve your bike control over uneven ground. Control the bike over the
crestof the hill. Excessive power will cause the front wheel to rise. Cross
the line to finish.

- Hold down Right until past the big bend.
- Slow down and try to land Straight when the bike is in the air.
- Time limit is 14 seconds.

-Accuracy 2-
You must complete a full lap to complete this test. Maintain a smooth line
through the corners. Minimise braking in the slower sections. Cross the line
to complete the test.

- Pass through the 2 barricades and up farther do a massive U turn (into the
other road). Turn right, and go foward. then go Left. Turn left again and
then turn Right into the tunnel.
- Control the bike in the tunnel.
- Do a massive jump out of the tunnel and turn left to cross the line.
- Time limit is 30 seconds.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Full :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
-Bike Control 2-
Perfect the art of accelerating and rapid direction changing. Maintain a
smooth flowing line through a series of Tyre chicanes. Cross the line to
complete the test.

- Swereve in and out and slow down near the end.
- There is plaenty of time so you don't have to rush and you can slow down
alot if you want to.
- Time limit is 14 seconds.

-Bike Control 3-
A repeat of the previous test but using a more powerful bike. The extra power
must be used with care. You will find the bike will turn much quicker and
respond better.

- Just a repeat of the other test.
- Slow down in the middle and speed up near the end.
- Time limit is 13 seconds.

-Advanced Cornering 2-
Complete a section of an airfield. The corners on this track are 90 degree
turns. Cross the line to finish.

- Follow the arrows.
- You shouldn't have much trouble with this test.
- Time limit is 22.30 seconds.

-Manouvering 1-
Here, we improve your ability to manouver the bike around obsticles within
the limited space. Complete the marked cone corse within the time limit. Stop
in the black and white grid to finish the test.

- Take your time on eack gate.
- Don't hit a cone, you are penalised with 5 seconds.
- Do a U turn at the end of the track and come back.
- Follow the dirt track.
- Stop in the checkered grid to complete the test.
- Time limit is 49 seconds.

-Manouvering 2-
Peform a successful circut of this course using a powerful bike. Complete a
series of cone gates in the correct order shown on the map you are given.
Stop in the checkered line to complete the test.

- Just foolow last times tactics.
- Use the map at the beginning.


You have completed the licences and you can now ebeter just about most of the
competitions. You are on your own for Advanced.

7: Races

There are alot of races that you can race in on Ducati World, that is if you
have the right bike.

-Multi era
-Sports Touring
-Super sport
-Super bike
1p challenge
2p challenge
One Day race

The easiest to play is the one day race as it requires any bike, no lincence
and you can choose your track that you race on. All the other competitiors
have slow bikes so you should win easily. But the only problem is that you
only get 1,000 credits if you win.

8: Vintage

Vinatge is a mix of different motorbikes in each Era, E.G 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s.
You need to buy the appropriate bike to compete in each league. Lets start
off by looking in the 50s league.

League Licnece Prize
50s league 1 None 6,000
50s league 2 Basic 7,000
50s league 3 Basic 2 8,000
50s league 4 Basic 2 9,000
50s league 5 Full 10,000
50s league 6 Full 11,000
50s league 7 Advanced 12,000
50s Cuccilo None 11,000
50s 100,125 Basic 7,500
50s 175,F3 Basic 9,000
60s league 1 Basic 5,000
60s league 2 Basic 6,000
60s league 3 Basic 2 8,000
60s league 4 Full 9,000
60s league 5 Full 11,000
60s league 6 Advanced 14,000
60s daytona Basic 7,000
60s 500 G.P Basic 2 18,000
60s MACH1 Basic 2 15,000
70s league 1 Basic 5,000
70s league 2 Basic 6,000
70s league 3 Basic 2 8,000
70s league 4 Basic 2 9,000
70s league 5 Full 11,000
70s league 6 Full 14,000
70s league 7 Advanced 18,000
70s super 900 Basic 2 11,000
70s T.T 1F1 basic 2 14,000
70s mile S2 Full 16,000
80s league 1 Basic 5,000
80s league 2 Basic 6,000
80s league 3 Basic 2 8,000
80s league 4 Basic 2 9,000
80s league 5 Full 11,000
80s league 6 Full 14,000
80s league 7 Adavanced 18,000
80s PASOs Basic 2 11,000
80s T.T2F2 Full 18,000
80s 851 vs 888 Full 23,000
80s Supermono Advanced 20,000

9: Modern

Here is all, thats right ALL the races and leagues from the modern categories
Monster, Supersport, sports touring and superbike.

Monster tamed None 5,000
Monster 2 Basic 7,000
Monster 3 Basic 2 8,000
Monster 4 Basic 2 10,000
Monster 5 Basic 2 12,000
Monster 6 Full 14,000
Monster City fun Basic 10,000
Monster stock 600 Basic 6,000
Monster stock 750 Basic 9,000
Monster stock 900 Basic 11,000
Monster club 600 Basic 2 12,000
Monster club 750 Basic 2 14,000
Monster club 900 Full 16,000
Monster Pro tour Advanced 30,000
Sports Touring 1 Basic 5,000
Sports Touring 2 Basic 7,000
Sports Touring 3 Basic 2 9,000
Sports Touring 4 Full 11,000
Sports Touring 5 Advanced 15,000
Sports Touring stock Basic 2 12,000
Sports Touring club Full 20,000
Sports grand tour Advanced 20,000
Supersport 1 Basic 2 6,000
Supersport 2 Basic 2 8,000
Supersport 3 Full 9,000
Supersport 4 Full 9,000
Supersport 5 Advanced 8,000
SS stock 750 Basic 2 10,000
SS stock 900 Basic 2 12,000
SS club 750 Full 15,000
SS club 900 Full 20,000
SS 750 vs 900 Advanced 29,000
SBK 748 1 Basic 2 6,000
SBK 748 2 Basic 2 8,000
SBK 748 3 Full 9,000
SBK 748 4 Full 9,000
SBK 748 5 Advanced 8,000
SBK 996 1 Basic 2 6,000
SBK 996 2 Basic 2 8,000
SBK 996 3 Full 9,000
SBK 996 4 Full 9,000
SBK 996 5 Advanced 8,000
SBK stock 748 Basic 2 12,000
SBK stock 996 Basic 2 12,000
SBK club 748 Full 15,000
SBK club 996 Full 20,000
SBK R-class Full 19,000
SBK SPS Battle Adavnced 19,000
SBK Pro tour Advanced 40,000

Well, thats the lot of them. It was hard work but I finally got there.

10: Protection
The leather is like armour for you because you don't crash as often. Once you
do crash though, you get up faster. Here is all the prices of Leather.

Leather 1- 1,100
Leather 2- 5,500
Leather 3- 9,900
Leather 4- 24,100
Leather 5- 51,050
Leather 6- 80,100
Leather 7- 136,050
Leather 8- 262,000

Now come on, who would pay 262,000 for Leather! what a rip off.


Helmet 1- 550
Helmet 2- 1,250
Helmet 3- 3,640
Helmet 4- 5,200
Helmet 5- 11,100
Helmet 6- 33,200
Helmet 7- 84,300
Helmet 8- 136,000

Once again, astronomical!

11: Tracks

This sections is just a little section about each of the tracks and some
hints how to complete it.
As easy as pie, a very easy track to do indeed. Most corners aren't that
tricky and the track is the easiest in the game. If you can't get around this
without crashing, you will defenetly fail at all the other tracks. The only
time I could see that someone would have trouble on this is if they were
using a really fast bike (Max speed over 190km/h). But basically, this is

Greenrock TT
Now, we come to a track that has a few kinks in it that makes it hard to get
aroun dand maintain your speed at full, espicially with a very fast bike.
Zoom around the first 5 corners simply, but don't go too fast, slow down into
the bridge and another word of advice, DON'T go too fast near the end of the
track, if you do, you will do a big jump and stack (nice to watch, hey).

Neon City
How easy, simple. Just fly around this track, I never have any problems with
the corners, try to never break at all, you will never need to, well it
depends on what type of bike you have got. I can always get a good time on
this track, and anyone should be able to without too much hassle. Another
great track for beginners to improve there skills on. So, in conclusion, a
great track for getting alot of speed on.

Highland drive
This track looks very cool, because it isn't like a road and the track looks
brand new everytime. This is one of my favourites. It is hard to get around
without crashing, but no-one is perfect, hey, I kidding.

12: Cheats

Here is a cheats section. All these cheats were in my playstation cheats book
at home. All cheats I think were gotten from Gamewinners
or Gameskanker

All Tracks
Select options and go into name,
enter your name as ITSALLOVER

1 Million Dollars
Select options and go into name,
enter your name as GREEDTGIT

All Licences
Select options and go into name,
enetr your name as BADDRIVER

Fogarty's bike
Select options and go into name,
enter your name as THEDOGSNAD

Tod's bike
Select options and go into name,
enter your name as TODMCARTOR


Note: This does require a gameshark

enable the following code

D01A7D28 F7FF
D01A7D28 F7FF
801B6FCE 05F5

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Ducati World Racing Challenge

Nice any easy to control, easy to corner without to many problems, turning
good is usually a problem on games but on Ducati world, it is easy. The
controls are fine and it is easy to use the controls. There is 3 ways you can
brake in this game, so they really must want you to brake alot.
Anyway, the game is fun to play and is like Gran Turismo in it's set out with
all the Lincences and the races to play and buying all the bikes.

Graphics are suprisingly good, they have captured the road features good and
the scenery looks marvelous. The bikes are also detailed as well, when they
show your bike at the end of the race. In conclusion, the graphics are very
top for a playstation game. They have made alot of tracks, all with great

A little background music for you, but I don't like it because i love all the
sound effects of the motorbikes. The sound effects are great and the rev
sounds like a real motorbike, espicially at the start when everyone is
pushing there bikes to the limit to get the best start. Also you hear the
bang when someone hits the wall or the squeak when you break. So the Sound
Effects are great and the background music gets in the way.

I like Ducati World because it's fun and enjoyable to play, it has a Gran
Turismo like setting but with Motorbikes. You can buy bikes, get your 4
lincences, by some protection (helmets and leather), upgrade your bike with
lots of extras and race in over 100 different races. I also like it because
off hills you can do jumps, sometimes you land it and other times you don't,
oh well, if you stack it you still get some fun out of it by watching the
crash! Bad points about it is there seems to be a lack of bikes for sale,
E.G: there is 10 50s league races to race in, but there is only one 50s bike
available to you and that is the worst bike ever that only does 75
kilometers, 80 max, and it's hard when your facing motorbikes that do 50
kilometers more than you. The 50s era is all the bikes invented then, and
they all go very slow.

There is all different races for you to compete in. The most popular is the
Vintage, that comprises of 50s era, 10 races. 60s era, 10 races, and both
the 70s and 80s have 10 races each and then they have a multi era league with
a few races. That equals 42 races so far. Next, they have got a Modern
league, that comprises of: Monster, (10 races) Sports Touring (8) Super Sport
(8) and finally Super Bike (8). Now that is a lot of races, but still they
have got a special mode with the amout of races Vary. My favourite special
race is called 'Now and Then'. IT has the Cuccilo bike which was invented in
the 50s, and the MH900 which is new, it has the 50s bike which is very slow
against a very fast bike which makes it prove how much motorbikes have

Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 9/10
Sounds: 8/10
Other: 8/10

This Review is also on the 'revies' section for this game. It was written by
me, but my board user name is wayalla, even check, if you click on that, it
will come up as real name 'Aaron Baker' and the same E-Mail adress.

14:Hints and tips
-At the start of a race, just hold down X as hard as you can to get a good
start, but they all do it too.

-Single races and one day races are a good way to improve your skills, but if
you win the one day race, you only get 1,000.

-On most easy course, if you hdon't have a really fast bike, it is better to
stick to the inside of the track.

-You don't always need to break, sometimes you just have to let go of
accelerate instead.

-Try to not look at the map to see how far people are behind you, as you
could get pressured and might lose.

-Try to never go to the full speed limit of the bike unless you are a king at
Ducati World Racing.

-You can have unlimited laps on time trial so you can perfect the track as
much as possible before racing.

-When racing in a league, you can warm up on the track to get ready to race
on it, this is good for practice.

-Don't worry if you crash, just try to catch up and get back into a good
position if possible, the playastation crashes as well you know.

-Try not to make contact with any other bikes on the course as it usually
involves you crashing instead of them.

-If you reall know you are going to crash, try using all the break buttons,
for example Square,Reverse,Front break.

-Try to avoid getting your bike fully in the air, but in some places you have

-If your bike gets in the air, just don't accelerate or turn and try to land


Actually, I have already listed all the hints and tips for all the licence
tracks in the 'Licence Walkthrough' section (6). Just type in Licence in the
find box (CTRL + F), you might have to go through a few first in the top
paragraphs. Anyway, all you need to know is in that section, enjoy. I wrote
this here because I might get a few e-mails saying that I missed licence

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