Max Payne

Max Payne

17.10.2013 13:34:39

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A very short word from the author...

Welcome. The Max Payne character thrives on speed and
surprise. In fact, the game's success is built around his
unique ability to dive in where angels fear to tread. But
sometimes it pays to look before you leap and this is the
purpose of my walkthrough –- a modestly cautious method for
those who want a pause or two between adrenaline rushes.

Much has been written about the Max Payne story line, so
I'm gonna jump straight to the walkthrough. Hope you enjoy
reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Jedi Writer (aka Ed Hassler)
Copyright (c) 2002
All rights reserved.

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PART I: The American Dream


"They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation
mark to everything that led to this point. I released my
finger from the trigger -- and then it was all over."

Max stands in the front entry of his home in Jersey --
something is terribly wrong. Examine the graffiti on the
wall of the entryway. Answer the phone in the hall, then
turn around and open the cabinet with the louvered doors
and pick up the shotgun. Go through the living room and
head up the stairs, turn left, and run to the door straight
ahead. Shoot the thug in the nursery then another behind
him and look at the lifeless child. Collect the dual
Berettas from the dead thug as you head through the open
door into Max's reading room, then pick up the baseball bat
in the corner by the window. Dive into the bedroom through
the closed door and kill the remaining assassin. Max
grieves his slain wife.

Chapter One: Roscoe Street Station

Max stands on a vacant subway platform looking for Alex.
Head through the door to the left marked PERSONNEL ONLY.
Search the lockers and cabinets for Beretta ammo and
painkillers. Return to the subway platform and ambush the
two goons ahead. Grab their Desert Eagles and go up the
stairs through the now-open gates.

Dive through the doorway at the top and cap the two thugs
to the right. At the end of the passageway, dive to the
left and kill a third behind the locked turnstile. Go down
the stairs, turn left and as you approach the subway
platform, a goon is coughing. He's around to the left in
the passageway marked Transfer 2 -- eliminate him and get
his pump shotgun. Examine the security panel to the right
of the doors ahead marked Subway Control Room.

As you approach the bottom of the stairs through the gate
marked MAINTENANCE WORK to your left, three goons chat and
detect your presence. If you run down, you'll have to deal
with all of them at once. If you wait, one comes up to
investigate and the others disappear through the open door
to the right marked PERSONNEL ONLY. Decide on a strategy
and go for it. Once they're down, search the lockers and
cabinets in the Personnel room for supplies. The passageway
at the end of the room and to the left (steam wafting
through the wall grates) leads to a locked gate and two
thugs chat on the abandoned train tracks beyond -- you'll
have to shoot between the bars of the gate. They're
standing near oxyacetylene welding tanks that explode when
the valves are shot. Take them out now or later.

Return to the subway platform and head toward the other
end. Go through another door on the left marked PERSONNEL
ONLY and cap the goon wielding the shotgun, but do NOT harm
the guy cowering to the right -- he's a transit cop. Hear
him out, then search the room (ignore his impatience) for
more supplies before leading the way back upstairs.

The transit cop unlocks the doors to the Subway Control
Room and is gunned down by a thug. Activate the security
panel, proceed through the lobby, and be prepared to battle
four goons in the Control Room. Smoke the first as the
sliding doors open, then dive straight ahead for cover
behind the long curved console. Stay crouched and pick off
the others one-by-one. Enter the next room through the open
door on the right and check out the surveillance monitor
where another dead transit cop was sitting. Press the
yellow button marked LINE 2 on the tall control panel, then
take a look at the monitor again. Before you leave, grab
the painkillers from the first aid cabinet.

Head back down the stairs and take the supplies from the
small room opposite the train before you board. Activate
the small "steering" wheel and crash the train through the
barrier at the other end of the station, then exit through
the front door between the two control consoles. Jump over
the debris on the track and take out the goons by the
familiar locked gate ahead. There's a total of four...
unless you've already waxed one or two earlier from behind
the locked gate. Step over a fifth corpse in the dark
passageway and head though the door into the next

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PART I: The American Dream

Chapter Two: Live From The Crime Scene

Max is in an old abandoned section of the NYC subway
system. Kill the thugs just beyond the second turn in the
passageway. Don't forget to smash the small crate (with the
lead pipe if you're low on ammo) and get the shotgun
shells. Open the rusty steel door and cap the goon on the
left, then walk down the stairs ahead and peek around the
corner at another. When he sees you he dashes down to the
bottom of the stairs, so follow and make him wish he'd
stayed home.

Slog through the flooded train tunnel and listen to the
three nervous goons chatting ahead on the platform to the
right. Sneak up on them and dive back and forth until
they're down. Take their weapons and the shotgun shells in
the small crate to the right of the stairs, then head up
the stairs as a distant explosion shakes the ground. The
tiled waiting room at the top of the stairs is infested
with rats: no need to kill them (this isn't Tomb Raider)
and besides we're after bigger prey.

As you climb the next set of stairs, four more thugs argue
about a detonator. Head on up and crouch behind the stacked
crates directly ahead for cover -- one-by-one they'll run
around into your line of fire. (There's Desert Eagle ammo
in the small crate to the right. By now, you're familiar
with supply acquisition, so not another word about it
unless it's in a not so obvious place.) Examine the rusty
steel door and head down the stairs to another rat-infested
waiting area.

A hole blasted in the far wall leads to Roscoe Bank's Vault
B and as you approach, four thugs discuss the robbery.
Enter the vault and eliminate them through the door in the
vault foyer by diving back and forth in front of the round
vault door. Dive through the opening and finish off the
last one. Press the access panel by the door to the right
and take out four more goons in the same manner. Enter the
vault control room, answer the phone on the counter of the
central console, shoot the alarm horn on the ceiling, press
the red button on the vault control monitor, and examine
the Aesir documents in Vault C. Press the red button again
and grab the detonator in Vault A, then let yourself out
the way you came in.

Head back through the gaping hole, across the rat-infested
floor, and run up and dive toward three thugs at the top of
the stairs. If you're quick, one of them doesn't get to lob
a grenade. Activate the detonator on the rusty steel door
and run for cover behind the crates as the explosion rips a
hole in the wall leading back to the active subway. In the
cut scene Max chats from behind a locked gate with Alex,
whose words and life are cut short by an assassin's bullet.
Don't grieve the loss of your friend too long: three of
Jack Lupino's henchmen run down the stairs behind and to
the right. It's amazing what a shotgun can do at close
range. There's a first aid cabinet in the ticket booth if
you need painkillers.

Head up the short flight of stairs then up another and feed
hot lead to a foursome of goons in another ticketing area.
Pull the lever marked EXIT GATE CONTROL in the ticket booth
and stroll up the stairs through the now-open gate and on
out into the dark cold of the night and the next chapter...

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Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Three: Playing It Bogart

Max strolls into Lupino's seedy hotel and stands face to
face with the equally seedy Finito brothers -- get ready
for a fight. A few moments after they're face down, three
of their buddies announce themselves at the double doors.
Position yourself in the near corner next to the sofa and
smoke them as they enter one-at-a-time. Read the letter on
the desk, check the drawers and the safe, then head on out
into the hallway and down the stairs. Search the sleazy
apartment -- no one's home. Listen to the radio and check
out the vibrating bed. Nope, nothing under this one.

Shatter the picture (some picture!) window by simply
walking though it, step out onto the snowy terrace, turn
left, and listen to three agitated thugs as you approach
the second door. They'll be out in a moment. Crouch down
and casually blast them one-by-one with the pump shotgun.
Or, barge through the door and shoot the valve of one of
the propane tanks. Either way, these guys are losers.
(Note: For those of you who went into the game in developer
mode and typed "god" in the console, there really isn't
anything down there should you decide to leap off the sixth
floor terrace to the street below. Also, there's no way to
get back up. See the car at the end of the block? It's a
phantom. That's because you're dead.)

There's a small storage room at the end of the service
hallway. Take the door to the right, go down the stairs,
through the next door into the hotel hallway, and pay a
visit to the occupant in room 301. Continue past the leaky
ceiling, hang a left, and sneak up on the oaf watching the
soap opera. When his world has turned, two more barge
through the door at the end of the hallway -- end the days
of their lives. Room 302 is empty except for painkillers.
There's a junkie in the bathroom near the end of the
hallway -- you decide.

Open the double exit doors and cap the goon fumbling with
his shotgun. Ditto for another who appears. Rooms 305 and
306 are both empty but the vending machines work. Shoot the
lock on the next exit door, cross the empty room, and wait
for the four gabby morons as they stroll down the hallway
past the open door. Take their Berettas then go into the
open room on the right and watch the TV news. Examine the
corpse on the vibrating bed in the next room.

Continue down the hallway, turn right, and put the armed
junkie out of his misery in the open room to the left.
Nudge the door open the on the far side of the room, then
take a few steps to the left, and crouch so you can see
through the doorway of the small octagonal hall beyond.
Wait for the goon to walk past and when you fire, three
more come a-runnin'. It's truly amazing what that shotgun
can do at close range. Grab the Molotov cocktail and go
through the eight-sided hall and into the hallway on the

When you open the door to 313, a rigged shotgun on a chair
straight ahead goes off, so don't just stand there. Run
into the room and avoid the blast or step to the left. If
you take more than a few steps to the right, two oblivious
thugs open the locked single door in the octagonal hall and
stroll your way. Regardless of what steps you take, enter
Muerte's room, read the letter on the desk, and have a look
around. Continue to the end of the hallway, hook around to
the left, and pop the junkie in the bathroom. When you step
through the doorway, a goon in the last stall on the right
flushes and comes out.

Shoot the plywood-covered doorway opposite the bathroom,
walk through the open window on the other side of the
abandoned room, and follow the bloody tracks on the narrow
ledge. Shoot the plywood-covered window and enter the next
room. Ignore the guy on the floor with the knife in his
back. Return to the hallway in front of Muerte's room and,
if you haven't disturbed the two aforementioned thugs, do
so now. Go through the now-open door, shoot the boiler in
the small room beyond, and watch it explode and fall
through the floor.

Jump down through the hole to the floor below and
permanently shut the mouths of two goons in the hallway
investigating the noise. A third is hiding behind a crate
in the next hallway to the left. Euthanize the junkie in
the room opposite the crate, then head across the hall to
room 216. Read the hooker's diary, find the secret door to
the room with the video camera, then leave through the next
door. Head down the hallway and smoke the thug in the next
hallway to the left. There's two more farther down around
the corner to the right. When all is quiet on the 2nd
floor, get in the elevator and ride down to the next

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Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Four: The Blood Veins of New York

The old service elevator rumbles down to the bowels of Jack
Lupino's hotel. Three goons sit drinking at a small table
at the far left corner of the laundry area. Choose the
manner and time of their death, catch the weather report on
the TV, then check the cardboard boxes on the shelving for
supplies. Open the door under the green light and two of
their buddies barge through the door ahead across the room.
Shoot them or the propane tanks on the crate to the left of
their door or all of the above. (They may even blow
themselves up. The possibilities are endless.) Check the
small crates and the boxes on the shelves for supplies
(yes, this is tedious, but the crates in front of the door
on the right need to be smashed so you can open it).

Open the door and wax the goon, left, in the hallway. If
you wait, he'll run around and come through the door his
buddies entered. Grab the baseball bat (handy for smashing
those hard-to-reach boxes) in the boiler room and read the
newspaper. Two goons gab in the kitchen as you walk up the
steel stairs. Dive in guns blazing so they don't have time
to scatter, then cap a third as he runs in from the open
hallway ahead and to the left. Not much here except

Head up the stairs, and as you go through the door into the
hotel lobby, four goons chat in the room through the double
doors to the left. Want the easy solution? Kick a door
open, take a shot, then run back down the stairs and wait
for them to follow one-by-one. Enter their room and grab
the key on the small coffee table to the right, then open
the two briefcases on the conference table. As always,
check the cabinets for supplies.

Continue to the other end of the wide hallway. (When you
need painkillers they're in the bathroom straight ahead.)
Head for the door to the right marked Bar. Rico Muerte and
his slutty lady friend are engaged in, uh, conversation.
Muerte is one tough dude with a fully automatic Ingram, so
let him escape through the far door to the left of the bar.
The easy way out of this mess is to concentrate on the
other goon -- use the wall to the right of the door as
cover and cap him. Three more will come running through the
far door, so retreat to the lobby, stay close to the wall,
and dive at them as they round the vending machine single
file. Head back to the Bar and walk directly toward the
dame -- the beer taps block her fire (and yours). Candy is
one tough bitch with a Kevlar bra, so mix her a cocktail
she won't forget. Sounds cruel, but as I said, she's one
tough bitch.

Go after Muerte. If you haven't used bullet-time yet, do so
now. Dive (shoot-dodge) through the door then switch to
bullet-time only and slowly circle around him firing
continuously at his head (Desert Eagle works fine). You can
do this without getting so much as a scratch. Muerte needs
to go down here and now -- if he's allowed to retreat to
the other end of the hallway, he regroups with two thugs
and then you're in real trouble. Run down the hallway and
take out the two thugs who appear, one through the far door
on the left (he hides behind the check-in desk) and the
other from the right. Seems like a piece of cake compared
to their boss.

Activate the antique switchboard in the back room, then
hook around to the right in the reception area and head up
the stairs. Run through the hallways, go through the doors
marked CLUB, past the bathroom, then peek around the left
corner and listen to the goon pissed off at the slot
machine. Whack him as he approaches, then head up the short
flight of stairs and whack the other. Play some roulette,
have a soft drink, then head through the double doors onto
the roof.

Break one of the panes in the main lobby skylight, drop
down to the crates below, and immediately take cover behind
them as four thugs rush in though the doors. After the
excitement is over, stroll back through the now-open gate
and return to the check-in desk. Buzz yourself out by
pressing the red button on the wall marked EXIT, then run
through both sets of double doors in the main lobby and
into the next chapter...

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Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Five: Let the Gun Do the Talking

Max is on a street corner in Lupino's sleazy corner of the
Bronx. Head for the pawnshop, kick open the door, step
back, and wait for the two thugs to come out into the
street. (You might have to go in after the one with the
shotgun.) Break the display case in the other small room
and grab the hocked Ingram. Return to the street, continue
around the corner and read the newspaper headlines, grab a
shotgun in the back of the parked van, then head down the
concrete steps in the corner of the buildings.

Kick open the door, fire a shot or two at the three thugs,
then step out of the doorway and pick them off one-by-one.
Go through the left door, down the short hallway, put the
two Valkyr-crazed junkies out of their misery in the room
on the left, then continue toward the locked door at the
end of the hallway. As you round the corner toward the
locked door, an explosion from behind blocks your escape
route. Stand with your back to the fire and shoot one of
the propane tanks, using the wall for cover. A thug
immediately comes through the door. If the blast hasn't
killed the other, do so.

Continue into the dimly lit storage area and smoke the
armed junkies at the other end, then come back and head
through the other door into the well-lit storage room.
Pause at the far door -- peek to the right and let the goon
see you, then cap him as he tries to rush in. There's
another crouched in the corner to the left, so dive in and
make his day. As you start up the L-shaped brick stairway,
an Ingram-toting thug runs down.

Continue up the stairs and head across the boiler room and
answer the phone in the hallway. At the end of the hallway,
two goons chat in a large multi-balconied ballroom that's
seen better days. What a dump! Shoot the goons through the
doorway. (If you retreat, you may find them in a small
storage room to the right.) As you step into the large
room, an explosion collapses a section of the first balcony
on the opposite side. You'll need a key for the double
doors to the left, there's nothing in the room on the far
right, so head into the small storage room and shoot the
padlock on the next door. Ah, it's the cashier room of the
pawnshop and inside is a key on the shelf and a letter on
the counter. Get the key first, then read the letter and
scram as the police raid the joint. Don't even think about

Open the staircase door and rip the thug on his way down.
As you round the first landing, listen for the telltale
clink of a grenade and run down for cover. Continue up the
stairs to the second floor and take out a shotgun-wielding
goon and his grenade-tossing buddy before he has a chance
to lob another. Careful -- there's a third packing dual
Ingrams on the landing higher up. Get ammo and painkillers
in the ladies room if you need them. What a dump!

Head up to the third floor and an explosion collapses the
stairway to the fourth. Run around the balcony, jump over
the missing section, and as you step through the wide
doorway into the hallway on the other side, another
explosion collapses the section of the balcony behind you.
Oops, looks like we're gonna be going through that next
door into an apartment with four thugs. No need to rush in
-- open the door and take out three from the hallway, then
dive in and finish off the fourth in the kitchen to the
right. And those Ingrams make it soooo easy. Leave through
the kitchen window to the fire escape and the next

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Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Six: Fear That Gives Men Wings

Directly from the previous chapter, Max finds himself on
the fire escape landing. Jump to the stairs below, then
jump to the dumpster from the lower landing and kill the
armed junkies huddled by the incinerator barrel. Cross the
alley and head through the door in the next building. You
need to find a key to unlock the door marked Luigi's
Laundry. Head out the other door, cross the next alley, and
open another lighted door in yet another building.

To the right of the dimly lit rat-infested ground floor
hallway is a dark supply room. Ahead and to the right,
three hallucinating junkies huddle in the corner. As you
hook around to the left to go up the stairs, three thugs
greet you by name. When the noise of your guns subsides,
climb the stairs to the first floor landing, hook left,
shoot the first junkie, then two more goons, then the other
junkie. Head on up to the second floor and open the door on
the right. Two more junkies are huddled by an incinerator
barrel, but don't kill the one who seems cooperative.

Lead the way back to Luigi's Laundry and let the junkie do
the talking. When the door opens, he tips them off -- cap
him in the back of the head, dive in, and do likewise to
the two goons. A third appears from the doorway to the
left. Laundry my ass -- that's a high-speed duplex color
copier there in the corner printing counterfeit bills. Walk
through the real laundry area, check behind the counter in
the office, then get in the elevator and silence the
speaker in the ceiling.

Go to the end of the dilapidated hallway and open the door
to the efficiency apartment. A thug's in the bathroom ahead
-- he flushes and comes out. Watch the TV news, then jump
through the window (it shatters) onto the low roof between
the two taller buildings. Jump onto the pipes leading to
the next building, walk over, then peek through the window
and notice the goon to the left sitting watching the TV --
PBS this is not. When you can't stand it any more, inch
over to the right pipe to get a clean shot, then shoot the
goon in the head and crouch and cap two more as they rush
in through the kitchen doorway in the far left corner.
Don't forget the Ingram ammo in the cabinet, then jump
through the kitchen window onto the next roof.

Head across the pipes to yet another tenement, go through
the door, and as you near the end of the hallway, an
explosion rocks the stairway around to the right. When you
step onto the landing, two thugs one floor up on the far
balcony of the multi-balconied room ahead start firing.
Hang a right on the balcony and run to the doorway at the
other end. Two more thugs are trying to rig an explosion
around to the left. Wait until they blow themselves up,
then as you try the far door, a section of the wall

Hop through the hole into the next hallway, and as you
leave the small lounge area, get ready to meet four goons
running down an inclined section of collapsed hallway
ceiling straight ahead. Stay in the cover of the lounge
area and whack 'em as they approach or spice things up and
dance with them on the balcony. The fourth may remain at
his position on the balcony above, so walk up the incline
(it's very dark), turn around, and whack him where he
stands. As you step out on the top balcony, another goon
approaches from the open doorway on the far side.

Run around the balcony, open the closed door, and listen to
Vinnie Gognitti screaming at his boys. Before you head
through the closed door on the left, grab the painkillers
from the kitchen stove and the Ingram ammo (hint) in the
far cabinet. In the cut scene, Max and Gognitti meet face
to face, Max puts a slug in his stomach but he escapes.
You'll be slugging it out with the three boys up close and
personal. When the dust settles, read the letter on the
desk and follow Gognitti out the window in the next room.

Backtrack across the pipes to the previous tenement
building, head through the now-open door in the apartment,
turn right, and run up the stairs around to the left. The
door to the right opens to a rooftop and Gognitti jumps
down onto a passing train -- follow him into the next

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Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Seven: Police Brutality

Max has jumped off the elevated train to a rooftop, hot on
the heels of Vinnie Gognitti. Jump down to the pipes
paralleling the building, then quickly cross over to the
next rooftop and take cover behind the brick chimney to the
right. Two goons approach from the lighted area beyond so
meet them head-on as they round the corner. Head across the
lower roof toward the Choir Communications billboard and
jump over the alley to the next roof. Two thugs emerge from
a door on the roof of the building across the street and
shoot from the Aesir billboard. Crouch behind one of the
small square vents (the closer the better) and take them
out. Continue counterclockwise around the roof, ignore the
police chopper, and go through door.

As soon as you approach the stairwell, Gognitti rallies his
troops on the ground floor and they start running up. Kill
the one who makes it to the top, then take out two more on
the 2nd floor. Easy. Run down to the first floor then
through the door into the alley. Peek around the corner to
the left and attract the attention of the goon with the
dual Ingrams at the end of the alley, then duck back for
cover and wait for another who comes running through the
doorway of the fenced-in basketball court. Charge the first
one head-on with your Desert Eagle, take his hardware,
catch your breath, then dive to the right and cap a third
who opens and waits at the recessed gate in the brick
building. Don't miss the Ingram ammo behind the overturned

Head through the gate and as you step into a small
courtyard, Gognitti shoots from a construction lift and
goes up to the top. As you run up the alley stairs, a thug
approaches and jumps into the excavation ahead -- simply
lob a Molotov cocktail if you like. Enter the construction
site and check the excavation -- what's this, one of New
York's finest face down in a box -- and the trailer for
supplies. A sniper's across the street on the roof in front
of the Choir Communications billboard, so don't get too
close to the mesh fence.

Press the button on the concrete column to call the lift,
get in, and as you press the next button to go up, be
prepared for a thug with an Ingram in the far right corner
of the second story. As soon as the lift stops at the third
story, run straight ahead for cover behind the unfinished
concrete stairwell and crouch -- the sniper in front of the
billboard is firing. If you capped the guy on the floor
below as the lift ascended, great. If not, he's running up
the stairwell so take him out from your crouched position
as he rounds the corner. Then focus your attention and
Desert Eagle on the guy across the street. Stay crouched,
aim at him, then pop up and down until his head is in your
sights. Cool.

As you've probably noticed, Gognitti is leaving a trail of
blood, so follow it up the plywood ramp to the roof beyond.
Here's the layout. Peek around the brick corner to the
right and notice a thug with a shotgun within arm's length.
Behind him, out of sight, is another. A grenade-tossing
third is waiting behind the wall to the left of the
billboard. A fourth is up there too, but he doesn't come
down to play. Do it any way you want. You can give the
first thug the finger then run back to the unfinished
concrete stairwell and whack them as they follow (their own
grenade may kill them), play cat and mouse in the
construction site, or run in with guns a-blazin'. Lot's of
fun. When you're done, follow the ramp up to the billboard,
go across the catwalk, and smoke a fifth waiting around the
first corner to the left.

Continue along the billboard catwalks until you come to a
skylight where two goons are gloating over their loot in
the storeroom below. Shoot through the glass at a propane
tank, the goons, or both. If one happens to escape through
the door to the right, he'll be at the top of the stairs
ready to lob a grenade. Jump down being careful to land on
one of the crates, then collect the goodies. Head up the
stairs and exit to the roof through the door to the left.
Turn left again and hop over to the fire escape of the
tenement, go down to the apartment below, notice the corpse
in the kitchen, and watch the news bulletin on the TV.
Listen to the five thugs prepare for your entrance through
the door at end of the hall.

Kick open the door and kill the first one in the tenement
hallway. There are two more waiting around to the left, and
two more farther down to the right -- one of them throws a
grenade, so scurry back to the cover of the first turn in
the hallway. Then chase them and dive for cover in a short
hallway halfway down on the left. If any escape, they'll go
through the door at the end, cross a small roof, and head
through a door and into the hallway of another tenement on
the opposite side. No problem, that's where you're going

Assuming the quintet is no longer breathing, head into the
other building and notice the boarded up stairs to your
left. Move ahead slowly, and about halfway down when you
hear the clink of the grenade, run back for the cover of
these stairs. Or, simply run down the hallway, turn left,
ignore the grenade, and dive and whack the goon at the end
of the hallway to the left guarding the exit. Open the door
and watch Gognitti plead for help in the alley below.

A foolish thug runs up the brick stairway ahead. Go out
onto the small roof and peek down over the low brick wall.
You've got the high ground, so finish off these bastards
any way you choose. Hint: grenades and Molotov cocktails
work splendidly. When Gognitti is down, listen as he
demands his rights and pleads for his life. You're headed
for the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Eight: Ragna Rock

Max stands in the entrance to Jack Lupino's deserted gothic
nightclub, Ragna Rock. Go into the ticket booth and pull
the lever marked SECURITY. A hidden door behind you opens,
and as you go up the short ramp, a goon fires and joins his
buddy at the far end of the room to the left. They're
rookies. Read the book on the table and take anything you
might need from the shelves.

The next door leads to the area behind the liquor bar of
the disco. There's a thug directly ahead -- shoot him and
immediately step back to avoid a grenade. Bump the door
open again and use the left side of the doorway as cover to
take out another dancing around on the floor at about 10
o'clock. A third is up on far right end of the balcony
across the floor, so run to the safety of other end of the
bar. Hook left around the front of the bar and run for
cover behind the last stone pillar -- a fourth on the
balcony directly overhead tosses a Molotov cocktail which
lands harmlessly on the floor in front of the table across
the room. Dash for the doors behind the lighted platform
and run through the second from the left into the small
vestibule -- ignore the hail of Molotov cocktails and
bullets, we'll deal with these guys later.

Peek around to the right through the open door and notice
two goons -- one in front of and one behind a beer bar
beyond the small dark hallway. If you don't kill the one
behind, he'll either run around the bar and rush you or run
across the room and hide behind an identical bar on the
opposite wall. In any event, a third goon down at the other
end of the floor comes running. Peek around the corner of
the small dark hallway until he gets within range, dive
out, and smoke him. Live it up a little and take Max out to
the pentagram on the dance floor -- forward, crouch, back,
crouch, left, crouch, right, crouch -- Yeah, baby!... you
get the idea.

After working up a sweat, head through the archway by the
"BAR=>" sign and get ready for three more thugs to the left
in the next room. Bust through the door without knocking
and dive straight ahead -- there's lots of stuff to provide
cover. Read the books on the table in the far right corner.
Press the button to open the gate and cap the joker who
comes tumbling down the stairs to the right.

The stone stairway leads to the disco balcony -- remember
the two goons up there? They each have a buddy now. Let's
play a little trick on them. Backtrack to the open door of
the disco, crouch, and pop the unsuspecting one up on the
right, then stay crouched and inch out onto the floor until
the one on the other side is in your sights. Run back up
the stone stairway, crouch, nudge open the left side of the
double doors (the door keeps opening and closing), and inch
to the right while drawing a bead on the third on the far
balcony. Then open the door, turn left and dive for the
fourth. If you need supplies, cross over to the far balcony
on the steel girders.

Head through the small gothic vestibule, through the next
door into the gallery over the dance floor, and smoke two
thugs in the darkness running towards you from the right.
Mount the console and play with the Pyro Control (a little
out of sync to my ears) and damn, there's no way to put on
a different tune. The small private balcony in the far
right corner has a cache of Ingram ammo if you need it; you
can also examine the sound system up close -- eighteen inch
JBLs all around, I think. If you fall off the railing, no
big deal.

OK, party's over, back to business. Leave through the far
door and climb the open wooden stairs. In the large room
through the door at the top, three of Lupino's henchmen are
standing around a table discussing how to get rid of you.
Two of them are those aggressive black overcoat types who
will chase you all the way back to Ragna Rock's entrance
(woohoo, what a chase!) and the third hides behind the
table. Decide on a strategy and go for it. When all three
are dead, three more sneak up from behind the wine cask
racks at the other end of the room. Pour yourself a glass
of Château Lafite Rothschild, then find the hallway in the
far left corner and peek around to the right.

At the end of the hallway is a large doorway and winding
open wooden stairs. Cap the goon who appears in the doorway
-- if you get him while he's standing there in the open, he
falls backward and through a trapdoor rigged especially for
you. A second goon is on the first landing and a third, a
little higher up on the stairs, runs up to the second
landing if he's allowed to escape. Go to the bottom of the
stairs, look up and a little to the left, then pull the
trigger a few times when you see his ugly face. There's a
fourth up there too -- run up to the first landing, then
walk up the stairs backward until you see his head. Run on
up to the top, go through the door, and head out onto the
roof in the freezing New York night. Remember the big room
with the wine casks? And those flapping shutters (narrow
doors, really) high up? One of them is to the right and
that's where you're going.

Be careful not to slip off the edge of the steep roof. On
second thought, let's slip off and have some more fun. Save
your game and assuming you entered in Developer Mode, type
GOD in the console, then send Max hurtling off into the
darkness. No, wait!... jump up on the railing and look down
and send him hurtling off where you can see him splat on
the sidewalk. Better still, hit the bullet-time key and
watch it in slo-mo. Kewl. Limp around Ragna Rock
(unfortunately the front door is locked, but you can shoot
out the CLOSED sign), go up the short snowy steps on the
other side, jump up on the wrought iron railing, and scoot
to the street. Either end of the street is a dead end, but
you can run all the way around the phantom buildings --
quite the set. You can even jump back over the fence from
the top of one of the cars. Had enough? Head to the
intersection, turn right, then another right behind the
phantom building...

Meanwhile, back at the narrow door, shoot the thug far
below on the floor, then walk across the beams and head for
another roof through the other door. Follow the roof to the
tall lighted windows, walk the girders to the left to get
to the snowy ledge, then head for the open door straight
ahead. To the left is a winding steel and flagstone
staircase with an unsuspecting thug on the landing. Two
more run up directly into your line of fire. Head on down
to the door.

Inside and straight ahead, a long catwalk stretches high
above Ragna Rock's live stage. One of those tough overcoat
guys stands near the other end of the catwalk, and a
generic goon is perched on the stairs down and immediately
to the left. Select something suitable for the overcoat,
press the button to open the door, dive in and whack him,
then run a few more steps, turn around, and whack the goon
coming up the stairs. Three more follow and it's like
shooting fish in a barrel. Run down the steel steps to the

Aah, drums! Pearl, Yamaha, Ludwig, Tama? Can't quite make
out the name. Funny, they all sound like wood blocks. Hey,
but the Hamer on the floor is plugged in. Check out the
consoles on the platform at the other end of the stage --
the panel marked STAGE CONTROL lifts the backdrop with the
band's name and two nervous stagehands come running through
the opening. Mr. Shotgun will come after you if you happen
to miss. Run up the incline surrounding the drums to the
opening and step out on the catwalk. (Woooa, the backstage
area is huge -- too bad we don't get to see the main

This next scenario deserves special note. Ahead, spanning
the backstage, is a series of large backdrops, four of
which can be moved via the control console on the small
platform up a short flight of stairs to the right. All the
way to the left, beyond the backdrops, stands a lone thug
with a grenade. You can get his attention by: a) going left
and looking at him through the narrow opening through which
you can easily shoot him, or b) activating levers 1, 2 and
4 on the console (lever 3 is optional), going down to the
floor, and making your way to the other side. Either way,
he throws the grenade when he sees you and sprays wildly
with his Ingram as he runs up the stairs in the far left
corner, then crosses the high catwalk along the back wall.
You can follow him up the stairs (you'll be going up there
anyway) or shoot him from the floor. But here's the
interesting part -- see the section of the catwalk with the
single plank? It breaks and the screaming idiot falls to
his death. If you position Max on the floor about ten feet
to the right of the wall light (and don't mind taking a
slug or two) he'll fall right on top of you.

Run up the stairs, jump over the empty section of catwalk
(or run over the single plank without stopping if you
couldn't resist smoking him) and go through the door into -
- you guessed it -- the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part I: The American Dream

Chapter Nine: An Empire of Evil

Max finds himself in Jack Lupino's wacko room. (But we want
to see the main arena and play with the sound system.) Read
the torn-up letter from Punchinello on the sofa, Lupino's
notes on the table, and his notebook on the pedestal.
Ignore the dead bodies, climb the stairs, listen to
Lupino's maniacal rant, find the door, push the button, go
in the room, look at all the stuff on the tables, press
F12, type GOD, hit Return, press F12 two more times, get
out your baseball bat, and limp around smashing everyone's
head in. (Or you could quit the game and go play Doom.)

Can't reach the goons on the balconies? Shoot them with the
weapon of your choice, but it MUST be done while standing
in the pink birdbath in the middle of the room. No cheating

Jack says, "I have tasted the flesh of fallen angels." Pull
out the Louisville Slugger again and give him a taste of
premium grade Northern White Ash.

When they're all dead, breathe a sigh of relief and
transport into Part 2, Chapter 3...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part II: A Cold Day in Hell


The mickey in the drink has made Max delusional. You begin
in the dark surrealistic closet of Max's tormented mind.
Enter the hallway and take left turns only to reach Max's
living room. Look at the pictures on the wall and over the
mantle, make your way upstairs and go through the door to
your immediate right, then down the wallpapered hallway.

You're at a trail of blood. Remain on the path, otherwise
Max falls into oblivion. Walk across the second broken
trail to the left. At the next junction, there's a larger
break straight ahead and an unbroken trail to he right --
jump straight ahead but be careful not to jump too far, the
laws of physics have been suspended. The next junction is
similar but with no break -- go straight ahead. The trail
then splits into two parallel paths resembling the letter
Y. Take the path on the right.

Enter another green hallway and the baby's room beyond.
Look at the baby. Go through the next door, into another
hallway, and into Max's reading room. Read Michelle's diary
on the table then exit through the door to Part 1 Chapter

Chapter One: The Baseball Bat

Max is tied to a chair in the boiler room in the basement
of Lupino's hotel. Knock the padlock off the cabinet with
the baseball bat and grab the painkillers. Your job is to
get weapons and ammo. If you try to bludgeon a goon, or if
even one of them sees you, they'll be all over you like a
cheap suit.

Open the door on the opposite wall and peek around to the
left to the corridor ahead and listen to the goons talking.
Watch three of them patrol from left to right
(counterclockwise around the walls of a large storage
area), first one and then a pair about twelve seconds
later. As they pass from view, run out into the short
hallway, peek around the corner to the right, and watch
them disappear down the corridor to the left. Head to the
next corner, peek around to the left and watch again. Hug
the left wall and follow them when they're about halfway
down. When they disappear around the next corner, peek into
the partially open overhead door of the storage area --
when the goon guarding the door inside looks away
momentarily, run to other end of the overhead door, then
run across the corridor through the closed door into a
small storage room.

The door remains open and other patrolling goons may see
you, so as quickly as you can, smash the two crates on the
shelves ahead for ammo, then circle the room and grab
weapons and some painkillers. If you aren't able to pick up
everything within, say, fifteen seconds, run to the door
and wait for them to pass. Max doesn't have to hide behind
the door, just make sure no part of his body extends beyond
the open doorway -- they'll stroll past and not see him. As
soon as you can, peek to the left through the doorway and
watch for another pair of goons. If you see one, simply
retreat to the position described above and wait. The idea
is to kill as many as possible at once -- this is simply a
numbers strategy. (Don't worry about being seen by the
guard across the corridor in the large storage area.)

Once you launch the attack everything happens fast and
there's little time to think. When you spot a pair coming
down the corridor, back up and position yourself to throw a
grenade (you have two) on the floor directly under the
overhead door -- time it so the blast kills the patrolling
goons as well as the guard, step to the left to avoid being
shot by the guard before the grenade goes off, then line up
the shot again and throw the other. Spin around and shoot
the small upright propane tank behind you (Max's weapon
defaults to the pump shotgun), move to the left for cover
near the left wall (continue facing the door), and wait for
the upright tank to ignite the tank lying on its side and
rocket out the door.

If you're lucky, the grenades and the scooting tank will
kill most of the mobsters. Those who are still on they're
feet will try to storm the room, so it's shoot-dodge all
the way. Try to kill them in the doorway, grab some of
their Ingrams, and at all costs avoid diving into the
corridor -- a latecomer positions himself in the corridor
(to the left) and waits with a sawed-off shotgun. When the
dust settles, catch your breath, dive out, and finish him
off. There should be nine corpses.

Search the large storage room for goodies, then head out
the rear door, turn right, and kick open the door near the
end of the corridor. Wait for the two thugs to come out,
then smoke them. Go into the room, read the newspaper on
the floor, and pick up Beretta ammo on the floor along the
left wall and in the small crate behind. Head back into the
corridor, hang a left, and take the elevator up.

As the door opens, shoot two goons to the left in the brick
storage room before they have time to retreat to the
shipping area. As you approach the open overhead door, a
grenade explodes harmlessly ahead. There's a thug hiding
behind the empty meat saw and two more around to the right
behind boxes in the meat cutting room. To get their
attention, run across and back in front of the open
overhead door, then choose a place to nail them when they
pursue. There's one more wielding dual Ingrams hiding at
the other end of the meat locker. He'll stay put as you
ambush him from the loading dock but chase you if you enter
from the meat cutting room. After the last carcass has been
tenderized, take the alley to the street, turn left and
head for the familiar hotel.

Walk in and listen to three goons gloat over Mona's fate as
you approach the Lounge door. Dive in and kill two, or open
the door and let them come to you. The third hides at the
end of the conference table in the Cabinet room. Listen to
the news bulletin on the radio, then catch the thug with
his pants down in the bathroom at the end of the hallway.
Here we go again -- into the Bar. Frank Niagara and the
boys are having a beer. He's forgotten his baseball bat.
Take them out from the cover of the wall by the doorway or
retreat around the corner by the vending machine. Diving in
for all four is not recommended.

If you decide to remain by the door, easily shoot the thug
who appears on the other side of the doorway, then be
prepared to immediately take out another coming through the
door wielding a shotgun. Fade back down the short steps and
use your Desert Eagle to pop the head of the guy hiding
behind the bar. If you wait by the vending machine, Frankie
may eventually come after you. Either way, it's bullet-
time. When Niagara falls, quickly grab his Ingrams before
the cut scene and the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part II: A Cold Day in Hell

Chapter Two: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Max teams up with Vladimir and begins searching for the
Russian's cargo ship Charon on the Brooklyn riverfront.
Kill the goon in the security shed and press the button to
open the main gate. Around to the right, two more are
guarding the truck loading docks.

Press the button to open the overhead door to Warehouse 4.
There's a thug up on the far catwalk and two more down on
the floor straight ahead. The no-pain method is to raise
the door a few times, wait until it starts closing, then
run parallel to it while shooting the two on the floor (the
guy on the catwalk tosses a grenade). Then run into the
warehouse and take cover behind the stacked pallets in the
center, jump up on the pallet behind the central pillar,
and smoke the remaining thug. Jump from the pallets to the
broken stairs in the corner and grab the goodies at the far
end of the catwalk. Notice the painkillers atop the pallets
across the room.

Open the door to the right of the forklift and whack the
goon outside on the ground, then sneak up on the other
hiding in the back of the parked truck. See the red barrel
across on the far loading dock? It's the exploding type --
take note.

Open the overhead door to Warehouse 5 and run for the cover
of the pallets inside and to the left. The thug on the
catwalk on the far side fires his Ingram but he's too far
away to do any damage -- he runs to the corner to the left
and pulls out a grenade. The idea is to kill him after he
puts the Ingram away but before he throws the grenade (we
want one). Take the lift up and pull the lever on the
yellow control box to move the pallet blocking the door
below. As we watch in amazement, the overhead door opens
and two goons enter -- shoot the one who's running, the
other is hiding behind the stacked pallets. Run back along
the catwalk until you see him. Take the lift down and exit
though the now-accessible door onto another loading dock
and shoot the fool whistling in the dark, walking away from
you on the ground to the right.

Get his shotgun and as you round the cargo container on
your left, kill another thug ahead in the light. As you
continue toward the crane, another comes a-runnin' followed
by two of his buddies. Pop them as they approach single
file or -- remember the red barrel by the exit door in
Warehouse 5? -- run back inside, take cover behind the
fallen stairs, and shoot the barrel as two come through the
door. Return to the lighted area for the third, then grab
the supplies in the tent to the right.

Observe how you're going to get that red shipping container
out of your path. Jump up on the crane, but before you
enter the cab, turn around and notice the building behind
you across the yard. When you pull the lever a sniper
appears on the second story catwalk and positions himself
to the right of the door. Also, two goons run out through
the opening under the now-suspended container. Walk around
on top of the crane to get an idea where Max needs to stand
to avoid the fire of the sniper. Standing up here to kill
the goons is a lot easier and you won't have to worry about
getting shot in the back while wrestling with them on the
ground. Taking out the sniper is optional -- you'll be
visiting that building later. I'm just trying to spare Max

Run under the container and... oops, we forgot to set the
brake on the crane. Shoot the thug approaching in the alley
between the containers, then hook around to the right and
size up the situation. There's another container blocking
the path and that yellow hoist is going to move it out of
the way, but how do we get the damn thing going? As you
approach, it roars to life and speeds forward, picks up the
cargo, then roars back to the end of the long alley (Aisle
3) and crashes. Seems the bored operator has been drinking,
but he's of no concern to us. You have two choices: a) See
the lighted doorway on the left beyond the hoist? You can
run under the machine and take cover there (it's a small
shed with supplies) and watch up close as it crashes, or b)
Let it pass over you and while it's lifting the container,
run back to the short alley from which you entered and
watch up close as it hoists. Either way, two goons come
gunning for you through the now-unblocked Aisle 3.

When the night returns to the sound of foghorns and
seagulls, there's a thug with a grenade in a short alley to
the right beyond the stacked crates as you continue.
Depending on how you play it, get either his grenade or
Ingram. As you hook around to the right, another container
hoist in the Aisle 2 roars to life -- don't worry, it's not
going to run you over. Use the crates on either side of the
alley for cover and take out the operator. When he's down,
the cargo raises and two thugs run from a cross alley
beyond to the left and position themselves underneath. The
first attacks when he sees you and the other moves closer.
As you pass under the hoist, two more come running out from
the same short dark alley -- use the front of the hoist for
cover. As you turn into the short alley, yet another fires
with a sawed-off.

Peek around to the left into Aisle 1 and two goons spot
you. One attacks and his grenade-toting pal retreats into a
short alley to the right with a raised automated bridge at
the end. Let the grenade guy go for the moment, and wait
for the other to come after you. As you continue down Aisle
1, stop and listen to a thug mistaking Max for Rico Muerte
-- the first gray shipping container on the left is being
used as a shed and the unsuspecting thug will be out
shortly. Take the -- YES! -- sniper rifle and read the
letter on the table.

As you round the next alley to the right, two goons patrol
in front of a warehouse beyond a barge moored in a narrow
canal -- however you decide to handle it, do NOT fall into
the water: Max will drown instantly. Head toward the
warehouse and shoot the padlock on the gate and grab the
goodies inside. OK, now what? The overhead door won't open
and we can't use the rowboat. See the semi trailer parked
behind the fence and the CAUTION SIGNS posted on the
walls? Shoot the wheel block and watch the trailer roll and
crash into the raised bridge.

As you return across the barge, two thugs appear from the
left in Aisle 1 (don't fall in the water while dodging
them), then get ready for two more at the far end of Aisle
1. Stay in the alley and get the first one's attention and
wait for him to round the corner. Ditto for the second. Yet
another is hiding in the alley leading to the bridge.

When you step onto the collapsed half of the bridge, a goon
opens the door just beyond the AUTOMATED BRIDGES sign to
the right. Another may appear from the warehouse door at
the end of the alley. Go through the near door into the
office and look at the surveillance monitor to the right of
the first aid cabinet. Press the button by the door and
grab the supplies in the small storage room, then cap the
thug entering the office as you leave.

Finally, head for the distant door and the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part II: A Cold Day in Hell

Chapter Three: With Rats and Oily Water

Ahead in the warehouse are stacks of bundled cardboard
cartons. Beyond, high atop a shipping container, is a
sentry with his back to you and the moment you take a step
he turns around and starts firing. Ignore him for the
moment, dash around the right side of the bundled cartons,
and dive to whack a goon who approaches from the corridor
behind the cartons. (Don't dive down the corridor;
otherwise the sentry will hit you.) Continue to the other
side of the warehouse and grab all the supplies off the

Now were gonna do some fancy shootin' with -- YES! -- the
sniper rifle.* Peek through the narrow opening between the
gray shipping container and the steel column at the thug
down at the far end under the ramp to the catwalk. Step
into the breach, zoom the scope to maximum, nudge to the
right so that the muzzle of his weapon is hidden behind the
edge of the crate, and squeeze the trigger. Woohoo! The
sentry's next. Walk to the narrow opening between the
stacked wooden crates and the red shipping containers and
locate his head. When he sees you he'll start firing, but
his gun is too low to cause any damage. Zoom the scope and
if he crouches, wait until his head pops up again, then let
him have it between the eyes. Whee!

*Note: The sniper rifle is deadly accurate, but using the
scope to shoot through very narrow slits can be tricky. If
you don't hit the target with the first shot, notice the
hole of the slug, make adjustments, then fire another
round. Also, you'll find that the wavering of the scope's
cross hairs is reduced when shooting from a crouched

Go back and take a look at the corridor behind the bundled
cartons. When you enter, two goons appear -- one behind the
shelving ahead, then another on the cross catwalk above it.
Choose a strategy -- rush in guns a-blazin' (the one on the
catwalk throws a grenade, but it falls well behind you) or
retreat and take them out individually. Snipe Mr. Catwalk
from behind the pillar closest to the forklift, then move
in with something more conventional for Mr. Shelving.

As you pass the dark end of the red shipping container
toward the open area under the long catwalk, dash back for
cover when you hear the clink of a grenade. Head out into
the open area and run around the stacked crates to the left
and whack the thug behind the column ahead, then take cover
from another who has run up onto the catwalk.

Catch your breath and hook around to the left at the end of
the building, find the shelves, and stock up on supplies.
(The shelves are on the same wall as you entered the
warehouse. Too bad there's no vending machine on this end.)
Snipe the thug on the catwalk across the warehouse, but do
it quickly -- he can hit you through the space between the
shipping containers and the column. Crouch behind the
container, zoom the scope, inch to the right, and let him
have it before he sees you and starts firing.

Head up the ramp to the catwalk, smoke the goon who comes
out the door to the left of the obstructing crate, then
make your way around the catwalk. The tallest red shipping
container (the only one stacked three high) is open at both
ends, so if you need shotguns or painkillers, you can reach
it from the crates stacked four high.

Proceed to the end of the catwalk, bump open the door, and
step away. Outside, beyond a small platform high above the
huge well-lit shipping yard, an enormous container lift on
rails roars to life and lumbers toward the warehouse. When
it stops, dive through the door, kill the operator and hop
on. (Good -- more sniper ammo -- we'll be doing some
serious sniping from up here.) Four levers mounted on
consoles control the direction, so put it in gear and let's
get this thing moving.

When it stops at the rail intersection, shoot the guard in
the tower far ahead and to the right of the tracks, then
turn your attention and rifle to the other in the tower to
the left (right of the crane). Rumble toward the crane and
the waterfront, and when the lift stops, shoot both guards
in the towers at either end of the rails. Send the lift
toward the near tower by the warehouse you just vacated,
and as you hop onto the tower, get ready to shoot three
goons down on the rails between the two intersections.
Before you move down to the far tower, collect the
painkillers and sniper rifle -- if necessary, reload to
make room for the new ammo.

Same thing happens when you hop onto the far tower -- two
goons fire from the intersection rails. They're close
enough to do some damage, so go to work quickly. Grab the
guard's stuff and move the lift around to the last
accessible guard tower. Again, two more thugs run out and
take up positions in front of and on either side of the
container lying on the rails. Before you head through the
door of the building, make sure you have all the sniper
rifle ammo you can carry -- there should be five rounds in
the clip plus fifteen more in your pocket.

Put the rifle away and choose something suitable for medium
range. Bust through the door into the warehouse, run down
the catwalk to the left, drop down onto the crates at the
end, then drop to the floor. There's no advantage up there
-- Max is a sitting duck. Stay behind the crates and cap
the first fool that attacks, then the second. Two more run
out from left to right across the far catwalk, so run down
your side of the building and wait for them to come down
the ramp, then whack 'em one-at-a-time as they cross over.
Help yourself to some refreshments in the corner.

In the opposite corner is a fenced-off room with a locked
gate. Sneak up on the goon inside and shoot him through the
wire mesh, then run up the ramp behind you and down to the
far end of the catwalk. As you approach the door, another
runs out. Go into the small room and look out the window at
the ship you've been searching for -- the Charon. Cap the
unsuspecting thug on board directly ahead, then press the
button by the door to unlock the gate, and get ready to for
two more goons coming down the catwalk. Don't wait in the
room -- as soon as the cut scene is over, bolt down the
catwalk and dive at the first one, ditto for the second.

Return to the fenced-off room, grab stuff you need, and get
ready to set sail. Kick open the door and meet two thugs
patrolling the dock to the left -- they'll chase you back
through the warehouse if both see you. Regardless, one
comes in. If you run out and smoke them where they stand,
be careful not to slide off into the East River -- it's a
long swim to Manhattan.

Head up the gangplank and as you set foot in the ship, get
ready for a thug making an appearance from behind the
stacked red shipping containers to the left. (If you hadn't
already killed the one by the door to the bridge, you could
have climbed up the cables of the crane and taken him out
from there.) A crazed thug fires ahead from the port side
of the bridge deck as you step into the shadow of the
containers and another appears from the corridor to the
left as you round the corner. Grab the goodies on the crate
on the starboard side, then head up the ramp to the bridge,
wax the goon inside, and answer the phone. Or are you still
itching to use that sniper rifle? If so, don't kill the
goon on the bridge, just activate him first by walking up
either ramp and noticing that he's there. Head back to the
crane, face the stern, jump up and carefully climb the
right cable (it's slippery) and check though the scope
until you see his head and shoulders through the window.

Back on the bridge, open the door and step aside and the
sailor down below may blow himself up with a grenade --
shoot him if he doesn't, then jump down the stairs and
shoot another to the left. There's a third on the landing
below, then take out two more at the bottom with a grenade.

When you open the door on the right, Boris Dime stands at
the far end of the engine room. Spray him and the wall
behind him with bullets to ignite the propane tanks, then
toss a grenade just beyond the boiler to kill the three
mates. Max is quite vulnerable standing in the doorway, so
it's best to step sideways to the right, up the stairs,
between shots. Boris lobs a Molotov cocktail and fires a
sawed-off shotgun. When you kill the mates, he'll come
after you -- shoot him repeatedly with the sniper rifle, no
scope necessary. It takes about four well-placed slugs to
bring him down.

Getting low on painkillers? Wondering how far he'll chase
you? To the bridge. Yes, you can take out Boris from the
crane just like the others. Locate his head and put a few
sniper rifle slugs through it. If he stands near the door
so that his vision of the bow is blocked, you're home free.
Again, be careful up there -- climb a single cable until
you get near the top where the footing becomes more stable.

When Boris is down, return to the engine room, head for the
far right corner, and open the door -- Vladimir was telling
the truth. Collect all the loot -- Colt Commandos complete
your arsenal -- and return to the stairway and the next

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part II: A Cold Day in Hell

Chapter Four: Put Out My Fires With Gasoline

Max has been double-crossed -- Punchinello's restaurant is
booby-trapped. Trip wires set off a series of explosions
and the place is engulfed in flames. It's all or nothing.
One wrong move, one hesitation and Max's goose is cooked.
No shoot-dodge or bullet-time here, nothin' fancy. Stay
focused, keep moving, run the shortest line between two
points... and don't look back.

You want to go through the barely visible double doors on
the opposite wall of the luncheon room, beyond and to the
right of the dimly lit lunch counter. Take a deep breath,
then run to the right, turn left down the aisle between the
booths, and head for the doors.

Run through the kitchen aiming for another set of double
doors on the left side of the opposite wall.

Turn right in the storage room and head down the aisle
between the first and second racks of shelving (the columns
will be on your right) to the door on the far wall in the
right corner. The room bursts into flames and the shelving
begins to fall domino-style, but just concentrate on making
it to the door.

Burst through the door, turn right, and run down the middle
of the burning hallway then left through the inferno into
the first ornate dining area. Keep to the middle of the
room and head toward the hallway on the opposite wall.

Turn left in the hallway, then right into the second dining
room hugging the wall on your left as an explosion rocks
the foundation. Run straight ahead along the wall and
execute a single well-timed jump over the low tables and
continue to the staircase at the other end of the room.

Take a left up the stairs, a right on the landing, another
right up the rest of the stairs, run almost to the end of
the hallway and barge through the door on the left, then
head diagonally through the exploding office to another
door in the far corner.

Turn right and hug the right wall of a short tiled hallway
as it ignites and tall pastry carts topple. As you approach
the left turn into a pantry, avoid the extended part of the
industrial-sized ductwork in the corner directly ahead as
an exploding propane tank knocks over more pastry carts.
Cut the corner with a diagonal jump to the left, then
immediately jump over the flaming pastry carts to the
double doors directly ahead on the near wall and burst into
another kitchen.

The good news is that the kitchen is not on fire. The bad
news is that there's a goon at the other end. You can fry
his butt two ways -- the usual, or dive left to the end of
the island counter and shoot the valve of the propane tank
lying on its side which explodes at the top of the
stairwell where the goon is hiding. Then relax (no more
fire), have a look around, and pick up supplies.

See the dumbwaiter in the corner to the right of the
stairwell? Two more goons are in the basement patiently
waiting for their now deceased friend to finish tossing a
salad. Make them a treat they won't forget and toss a
grenade in the dumbwaiter.

Head to the far right corner to the basement and jump
through the trapdoor into the sewer. Three thugs are
waiting on the catwalk to the left, with two more behind
them. If you're not already wet, get down into the water
and continue through the sewer and smoke two more at the
next turn, then two more guarding the stairs. Go up the
stairs and through the door to the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part II: A Cold Day in Hell

Chapter Five: Angel of Death

You're in Angelo Punchinello's manor at the top of the
stairs leading to the cellar. Go down and through the door
on the left and examine the body. Shoot the gas cans to
dispatch the first thug coming though the other doorway.
(Painkillers are in a box on the shelf opposite the
doorway.) Then dive into the concrete passageway and take
care of the other two. At the end of the corridor is a door
to a small room containing a thug and more painkillers.

As you enter the boiler room a thug sprays his Ingram and a
braggart with a shotgun announces he's comin' to get ya!
Make him real sorry. Beyond the boiler on the left,
opposite the shelves, is a wine cellar with two goons on
the left. Dive in sideways and cap 'em. Make for the stairs
and through the door into the kitchen.

A henchman announces your arrival and flees through the
door. Pick up supplies, read Mrs. Punchinello's tarot
cards, and follow him into the dining room. Pilate "Big
Brother" Providence and two of his two bodyguards are
waiting behind an overturned table. It's all shoot-dodge in
here. Take out Providence, center, first. Gotta love that
Colt Commando. Hearing the commotion, two more thugs run in
from the kitchen. No sweat.

Head back to the kitchen, side-dive through the other door
into the Display room, and shoot the goon hiding behind a
display case to the left. Someone up on the far balcony
fires a single wild shot and flees. There's plenty of time
to line up a move to drill the third guy on the balcony
directly above the first goon.

On to the Music room where a thug is hiding behind the
large potted plant to the left, about the middle of the
wall. Plant some large caliber lead in his heart so he
doesn't damage the piano, then stroll over and play a few
bars of the Max Payne theme.

Here's the deal. One of the two goons hiding behind the bar
in the far left corner of the next room tosses a grenade.
If you open the double doors and quickly sidestep against
the wall out of their view, the grenade goes off harmlessly
in the Bar room. One of the goons then rushes through the
door. If the other doesn't follow, he'll be in the far
right corner. Either way it's any easy kill.

The next set of double doors leads to the manor's ornate
foyer and a thug is standing atop one of the massive fluted
newel posts on the far side of the grand staircase's
landing. Run in and duck for cover to the right. A second
thug hiding on the other side of the staircase eventually
ascends to take up a position on the balcony to the left of
the first. You might be able to pop him on the way up, but
he's quick and throws a grenade. Simply run a wide arc
around the front of the stairs and duck out of sight under
the far balcony. (Apparently the two have been drinking
with their buddies in the previous room and can't hit the
side of a barn.) Pick off the first baddie with a sideways
dive toward the front of the room, then walk back directly
under the second and terminate him with a backwards dive.
Yes, gotta love that Colt Commando.

Run up the stairs and head to the door directly over the
one from which you entered the foyer. Inside is Joe
"Deadpan" Salem and a couple of bodyguards spread out
across the wall to the right. Try to get between them so
they get caught in the crossfire. Leaving this room alive
requires lots of fancy footwork and painkillers and many
Max's died taking these guys out. Two down, one to go.
There's another bottle of pills in the small table against
the wall.

As you open the door to exit this room, a thug runs back
through the door on the opposite balcony announcing your
presence. So let's give Max a break -- he's riddled with
holes and groggy from the pills. The yonder door remains
open long enough to cap the loudmouth with a few well-
placed rounds from the Colt Commando. One less goon to deal
with up close. Run around the balconies to the locked door
and eavesdrop on their plan: to end your career with an M-
79 grenade launcher. Take a few steps to the right to avoid
the blast and then take your pick. You can dive into the
room and nail the guy with the heavy artillery or -- and
this is fun -- run back to Joe's door and casually take him
out with the scoped sniper rifle. (He'll blast away when he
sees you but his grenades keep hitting his balcony
railing.) Either way, proceed into the room and blow the
nose of the sissy hiding behind the bed to the left.

Grab the M-79 and the ammo, dive into the bathroom, and
give the wimp a blood bath. Before grabbing the painkillers
from the first aid cabinet, waste the guy who rushes in
from the opposite door.

Go into the next room, examine the female body on the bed,
then answer the phone.

When you open the door to the right of the phone, you'll be
greeted by Vince Mugnaio across on a balcony on the other
side of the room. He's going to retreat through the door in
the far right corner to join his two bodyguards. Divided
they fall, so take out Vince now. A full clip from the Colt
Commando or three rounds from the sniper rifle will do the
trick. When he's down, head into the room and finish off
the others. Both shotgun-toting goons are positioned at the
right wall -- the first in the near corner, the other about
two-thirds the way down.

The Trio's boss, Punchinello, is in the next room unarmed
and tries to bargain his way out of the predicament. Three
men in black suits and Colt Commandos come rushing in --
Max has his hands full again. Forget about Punchinello.
Concentrate on the men in black and when they're no longer
moving, you'll move on to the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven


With a Valkyr-soaked brain, Max floats through another
drug-induced psychosis.

On the Trail of Blood, jump down to the trail to the right,
continue, and jump to the trail straight ahead -- there's
nowhere else to go. The unbroken trail turns to the right -
- take it. The next junction consists of a broken trail
straight ahead, one down to the left, and one directly
below to the right. Angle to the right and walk off and
land on the trail below. Remember, things are not as they
appear -- Max will overshoot if he tries simply to walk off
and land on the bloody splatter. Proceed and jump to the
right -- there's nowhere else to go. At the next junction,
jump straight ahead -- you can see the baby's crib to your
right. Jump to the candlelit platform and walk to the crib.

Max encounters the murderer of his wife and child in their
bedroom. Shoot him in spite of what your eyes tell you.

Chapter One: Take Me To Cold Steel

Max finds himself on a small platform on the roof of the
Cold Steel Mill. Smash the glass skylight and jump down
onto the crates. From the safety of this room, shoot any of
the three laser-triggered bombs and head into the room
beyond. Grab the gear and listen to the weather forecast.

The next door leads to a catwalk above a warehouse. Below
on the floor, two masked goons are patrolling. Run to the
right and shoot the first with the Beretta, then shoot the
barrels as the second begins to run up the ramp. Finish him
off with a shot or two. Before heading down to the floor,
grab the Colt Commando and ammo from the rack at the far
end of the catwalk.

Head down the ramp and check for supplies in the Cold Steel
shipping containers. A third goon is in the one opposite
the office door. As you enter the office, your presence is
announced on the intercom and yet another goon comes to

Press the switch to open the overhead door in the corner
diagonally from the ramp. Smoke the first thug as another
rushes in behind him.

Ignore the booby-trap in the small room beyond. Instead,
head through the door at a forty-five degree angle, walk to
the center of the room near the laser tripwire, and then
back out as fast as you can (a backward roll helps). You'll
know if you've walked in far enough if you hear a grenade
clinking on the floor. After the explosion, cut down the
masked goon who rushes out a few seconds later.

Head on in, go through the door with the square opening,
and get ready to battle three more guys in the smelting
room through the far overhead door. Two are directly ahead
on the control platform -- take out the first, then the
second who will also lob a grenade. Rush up the ramp to the
immediate left (the steel I-beams provide protection) and
finish off the third up on the catwalk. Grab the
painkillers from the first aid cabinet before heading back
down, then take their stuff from the control platform and
from a second one behind the molten crucible.

Open the next overhead door and make your way to the other
side of the room by walking the handrail and jumping the
mounds of slag in the molten pit. Grab the supplies and as
you jump on the first crate to return to the smelting room,
the same overhead door opens revealing a masked goon. You
can wait until the door goes down, climb over the crates,
open the door again and waste him. Or if you want to be
sporting about it, continue over the crates and give him a
fair fight.

Turn right and head over to the door opposite the second
control platform. Toss a grenade (or shoot it out -- your
choice) through the door and take out two thugs and a
booby-trap. Grab the goods -- there's a shotgun in the
cabinet in the supply crib.

Get ready to go through the door on the left into a large
room divided by molten sluices. There's a thug on a catwalk
in the middle of the left wall and another thug who runs
from left to right across the back wall of the room and
throws a grenade, then hides behind crates. Run into the
room and pause a moment while the thug with the grenade
tries to get into position, then run and dive to the left
about halfway across the floor and take out the thug on the
catwalk. Retrace your steps to the near steel column, then
run and shoot and dive for cover behind the crates against
the right wall. If the thug doesn't go down on the first
pass, line up just behind the steel column to the left for
cover and dive and shoot again. If all goes well, he'll be
dead and a stray bullet will not have hit the explosive
barrel (comes in handy shortly) behind you.

Head up the catwalk stairs, activate the retractable
walkway to the other side, and as you step onto it a third
thug appears through the door from the previous room.
Detonate the barrel, continue across the catwalk and down
the other side, and run toward the other side of the room.
A fourth -- we'll call him Easy Pickins -- comes running
down a long open ramp. Don't forget the ammo on the crate.

Run up the ramp and across the expanded metal balcony, go
through the far door into a long hallway, and a masked goon
comes around the corner from the opposite end to greet you.
Two of his buddies wait just around each corner.

Proceed through the door into a long storage area, turn
left, dive and take out a thug in front of the dim crates,
then smoke the other (he doesn't know what hits him) who
runs up and stands on the crates to the left.

Head up the short flight of wooden stairs, through the
door, down the hallway, and pause at the window opening on
the left, just out of sight of the two thugs inside. When
they're done talking, they'll come running out the door.
Backward-dive and shoot the first; forward dive and shoot
the second. Go into their room, take their stuff, and
listen in on the walkie-talkie (let's hope their buddies
weren't listening in on their conversation). Then make for
the door at the end of the hallway and the end of the

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Two: Hidden Truths

Max is standing in a small supply room within the Cold
Steel Mill. There's an office ahead and as soon as you move
forward, a masked goon comes bursting through the other
door to the left. Dive into the corner to the right of the
office door, take out the first, then smoke the second in
the office. Read the notes, grab the supplies, then dive
through the other door and pump the third. If you're low on
painkillers, there's more in the small crate. Shoot the
booby-trap and uh-oh, the steam pipe is punctured. No
problem -- turn the valve.

Go through the next door onto a high catwalk and mow down a
thug running on the catwalk across to the right. A bomb
explodes below destroying a low bridge over the conveyors
while another thug down on the floor comes running in from
the right. Continue to the other end of the catwalk, go
into the next room, toss a grenade (run back out onto the
catwalk until after the explosion) to detonate the booby-
traps and barrels, then go back, pick up the fresh grenade,
and bump open the door leading to the other catwalk then
stand back. A third thug appears on the first catwalk where
you entered the conveyor room. Run back to the previous
door, dive through at an angle onto the catwalk, and pry
the Colt from his lifeless fingers.

Make your way across both catwalks to the last door, open
it, stand back as far as you can and shoot the booby-trap.
(Use a grenade if you're in the mood.) Oh no -- two more
busted steam pipes and no valve. Time your move to get past
the first steam jet. See the Ingram on the floor just
beyond the second? If it looks too easy, you're right. Time
a dive and take out the thug around the corner waiting for
you to pick up the bait. Through the window bars, shoot the
arcing switch in the small room to open the door, then hop
over the railing and go in and shut off the steam. And how
about that shelf full of goodies! "My health is good," Max
must be thinking. "And I'm tired, really tired. I got all
these extra painkillers so why don't I..." Don't even think
it, Max.

The now-accessible door is booby-trapped. Opening it sets
off a chain of explosions on the upper floor of the large
room beyond, so open it and step back. (Adventuresome? Rush
in and dance around avoiding them -- the barrels go off in
succession from far to near and blow gaping holes in the
expanded metal floor.) When the dust settles, a masked goon
starts shooting from a control room window diagonally
across the large room. Hug the wall to the right and run,
avoiding the holes, for the other side of the room. Walk
over behind the cover of the red crates near the window,
dive toward the railing, and smoke him. Use the crate on
the forklift to get down to the main floor.

Head for the stairs to the catwalk over the conveyors,
extend the retractable bridge, then run across and dive and
blast the goon emerging from the back of the shipping
container to your left. Take his gear, shoot the barrels on
the forklift, and kick open the newly accessible door.

Startled, the goon in the next small room blows himself up
while rigging a booby-trap. His buddy rushes in and bursts
through the door straight into your line of fire. There's a
first aid cabinet in there if you need anything.

Head on through and kick the door on the right. Another
explosion rocks the foundation. Jeez, these guys are a
bunch of idiots. Stay put and one of the idiots tries to
bang his way through the door you're blocking. Fade
backward and put him out of his misery. Now don't get too
cocky. Inside and across the room is a guy up on a catwalk
at two o'clock and he throws a grenade as soon as you walk
in. Rush in and fire while running sideways to the right
along the wire mesh conveyor cage. When he's down, hop up
on the cage (or run down to the other end and climb up on
the crates). When you jump to the damaged ramp and run up
to the catwalk, another guy emerges from the door at the
top. Not too difficult. Turn around and note the shelves in
the far corner. The stack of crates to the right blocks the
catwalk, so use the I-beams. After a few steps another
hapless soul bursts in through the door below: he's no
match for Max "Flying Wallenda" Payne. Get the goodies and
head back to the door at the top of the broken ramp.

At the left end of the small room ahead, a pair of thugs
start shooting from behind a wire mesh screen. Rush the
door and dive behind the crates. Dive back and forth
between the cover of the crates and the door or just lob a
grenade over the crates. Walk through the next door into
the control room (you've already killed the guy in here),
take his supplies, and take a look at the surveillance
monitor. Kill the unsuspecting fool about to storm the
control room.

Head out and around to the right, run through the door and
to the railing of the balcony. Shoot the hooded thug below
on the warehouse floor as he tries to run up the short
flight of stairs to the control platform. Immediately dive
to the right and shoot the second one in the middle of the
floor. If he doesn't go down, try another pass. (Or, from
the cover of the steel column, carom a grenade off the
yellow crane girder.)

Head down the ramp in the far left corner and collect
goodies from the shipping container under the ramp. Move on
to the control platform, check the cabinets and... what's
Operate the crane and watch it smash the overhead door.
Yup. Crouch on the single steel slab in the middle of the
floor and shoot out a portion of the cracked overhead door.
Keep shooting and nail the goon in the shipping room next
to the pallet of yellow concrete bags. A second runs to the
right of the opening, just out of sight. Dive through and
make him wish he'd stayed home.

Kick open the door behind the pallet, step back, and shoot
the booby-trap. Side-dive through the door and mow down the
thug to the left. Oh look at this -- a bounty of pills and
guns... and not enough pockets.

Walk over to the remaining door and kick it open. Whew! --
a bank of blast furnaces. The place isn't as dangerous as
it appears. Step into the corner to the left and shoot the
booby-trap. Here's the plan: hop into the rail cart and
press the lever in the front. It starts to roll. As soon as
it hits and clears the hot obstruction on the track, jump
out the rear and go back to the corner to watch. As it
reaches the other end, the overhead door down there opens
and a pair of thugs -- idiots really -- start firing. The
cart squashes the one in the middle of the tracks. When the
overhead door closes, make your way on foot, avoiding the
two hot spots on the track. Don't forget to shoot the other
booby-trap and don't try to pick up the sniper rifle, at
least not yet.

Press the switch in the left corner to open the overhead
door and wait for it to start closing before diving
sideways to the right (the idea is to remain in the blast
furnace room) to take out the second thug waiting directly
beyond the switch. Open the overhead door again and run for
cover behind the unused carts on the far wall. Crouch down
facing the second overhead door that begins to open as soon
as you set foot in here. Another cart filled with molten
steel and a large hot ingot rolls in and crashes into your
cart. After the explosion, move a couple of steps (still
crouched) to your left and shoot the barrel behind the
third thug. Three down, one to go. He's on the control
platform to the right. When the second overhead door
closes, walk over and press the button on the left (take
care not to touch to flaming cart), dive in and finish him
off. Simple. (By the way, had you not killed the second
thug, judging by the position of the carcass there's a good
possibility the second cart would have squashed him too.
Idiots.) Collect the loot and pull the EMERGENCY SHUT OFF
VALVE lever so you can go back into the blast furnace room
and retrieve the sniper rifle.

Dive through the remaining door in the cart collision room
and cap the first masked goon hiding behind the toppled
shelving. Another rushes in. Detonate the booby-traps and
get ready for the next room.

Another conveyor room. The bad news is it contains four
thugs. The good news is that two of them are dead. (Have we
been here before or are they really idiots?) Now you could
shoot it out with them, but to leave without a scratch...
Run through the door, head to the left, and dive for the
cover of the crates in the corner. (It's OK to stand up as
long as Max's nose is pressed up against the crates.) Inch
to the right as far as possible without exposing yourself
to the thug on the broken bridge over the conveyors. Step
backward against the wall and drill the thug on the
catwalk. Switch to the M79, dive sideways to the right, and
plant a grenade on the second story rear wall that extends
out behind and above the thug on the bridge -- there's a
convenient vertical tie beam to aim for. (If you miss,
you'll have the bridge stairs for cover.) Mount the stairs
and line up a jump over the conveyors to the jutting
stringer beam on the left.

Open the overhead door and a masked thug ahead throws a
grenade. Run to the cover of the wall to the left of the
door, wait for the detonation, then dive in and waste him.

Call the D-6 elevator and battle a couple of masked goons
up close when the door opens. Or stroll back to the corner
opposite the overhead door button and take 'em out with the
M79. Get in the elevator and descend into the next

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Three: The Deep Six

The elevator disgorges Max in the bowels of the Cold Steel
Mill -- the secret Valkyr manufacturing facility about to
self-destruct. After their squabble, the boys in suits
start firing through the glass doors of the elevator lock,
so dodge back and forth between the cover of the crates. Go
through the door marked PROCESSING, shoot the thug to the
left who's back is turned, then shoot the valve of the
horizontal propane bottle atop the red boxes to his left to
finish off his two buddies as they try to flee. Marvel at
the bubbling Valkyr vats, then exit through the door marked
TEST FACILITIES. (Break those annoying sirens as you go.)

Keep heading to the right through the security locks and
find and examine the CELL ACCESS security panel, then
double back and head through the doors marked LABORATORIES.
Stop at the three active control panels, read the one
marked 665 and now that you have the code number, double
back and activate the CELL ACCESS panel -- the doors marked
BLOCK-B open. Before you hop in the elevator and descend to
the BLOCK-B detention cells, stock up on painkillers in the
small storage room to the left of the dead lab technician.

The only warm bodies down here are a drugged test subject
in cell B1 and the scientist in B7 you heard about in the
previous chapter. Free the impatient man of science (whom
you need to get through the decontamination chamber lock)
and hop into the BLOCK-A elevator with him. Let your
conscience be your guide regarding the poor soul in B1.

Your companion takes you up to the familiar previous floor.
Be prepared to take down two masked goons who want to spoil
the party. If they kill the scientist, the party's over.
Follow him back through the LABORATORIES door to the three
active panels. (Don't worry if he's lost you -- the guy is
very impatient -- he'll be hard at work tapping on the
keyboard of the Airlock Access panel.) Do as he says and
get in the decontamination chamber. After he activates the
door on the other side of the airlock, he flees and is
gunned down -- not your fault.

As you step out into the next room with a small steam leak,
notice the large glass window behind and to the left. When
you approach, two thugs chase down another technician.
There's nothing you can do to help and you'll get yourself
killed if you stand there and watch. Run into the next room
with the massive steam leak and head straight for the white
cabinets. Hop up onto the counter and cross over out of
harm's way. Head to the elevator door marked LABORATORIES
2, get in, and press the button.

The Laboratory is booby-trapped with a tangle of laser
tripwires. Use several grenades or shoot them out
individually. The only dangerous one is at the right of the
elevator doors, but if you stand blocking the left door
from closing then time a backward move into the elevator
and shoot, you won't get hurt. Activate the computer
monitor ahead and learn the terrible truth about Project
Valhalla, then head for the elevator door marked STORAGE.

After the ride down, enter the room where the two thugs
executed the technician and use the control panel to
activate another decontamination chamber. Get in and
prepare for the dispassionate female voice to announce a
thirty-second countdown. Step back into the corner of the
chamber and shoot the booby-trap through the window.
Proceed through the remaining door, head for the elevator
marked SURFACE STORAGE, get in and press the button, and
enjoy the ride topside to the next chapter... Oh, and one
more thing -- don't stand on the grate.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Four: Backstabbing Bastard

Max finds himself on the roof of a five-level parking
garage and a black van tries to run him over. He's been
double-crossed by a former colleague named B.B (looks like
the same guy who shot Alex at the beginning of this caper).
Smoke the two goons as they come running or shoot the gray
barrel by the dumpster as one of them passes. Two more
thugs in overcoats approach from the opposite corner. Head
in their direction toward the sign PARK and a goon appears
at the bottom of the ramp.

As you run down the ramp, another thug appears from the
right. Take his dual Ingrams and dive for cover to the left
of the crates. Eliminate two more goons in the parking area
beyond the gate. As you step through the gate of Level 5 of
the garage (moving clockwise), the black van screeches in
the far corner and a thug rushes up. Use the cover of the
concrete support columns to cap the other one standing
behind the parked white sedan. As you near the PARK sign
next to the car, shoot the goon running out from behind the
yellow guardrail ahead and to the left, then dive sideways
to the left and wax his pal along the right wall.

Ahead is the ramp down to Level 4 and the idling van.
Racing down with guns blazing is not advisable. A thug
crouched behind the vehicle opens fire, the van backs up as
gunmen inside let loose with automatic weapons, a hapless
motorist coming from the other direction gets caught in the
hail and crashes into the wall, and the van speeds off. So
duck around the corner and watch. After the fiery
explosion, shoot the lone thug running up the ramp. Grab
the supplies on the crates behind the yellow guardrail,
then head down the ramp and peek around the corner -- the
black van again.

When you step out, it speeds off to the right and two goons
(the one on the right has a grenade) position themselves
beyond the next gate on either side. Pick them off. When
you venture into the Level 4 parking area, steer clear of
the white sedan on the right. A barrage of gunfire from the
van sends it into flames and another goon comes running
from behind the far concrete column. No problem. A fourth
goon is waiting to the left of the brown sedan. Take your
pick. Grab the goodies from the back of the parked white
van. As you approach the gates to the next ramp, a pair of
thugs -- they seem to know who you are -- appear down and
to the left. A bit more challenging. As you head down the
ramp to Level 3, a thug steps out at the bottom. Thud.

At the bottom, clockwise, a goon with a lot of firepower
waits behind the locked gate and the black van at the far
end screeches away. Do some fancy footwork, shoot the lock,
briefly stick your head in the parking area, and the van
peals off to the left in a hail of bullets. Was that a
black Mercedes in front? The short route through this floor
has been fenced off and beyond is a thug with a shotgun.
Simply run sideways along the fence firing at him. (If you
dive, the rounds hit the sawhorse.) Run around the other
fence behind you and take the fallen goon's Ingrams and
ammo -- you're gonna need it. Around the next corner is a
thug with three more on the way. Dive toward the concrete
column with Ingrams blazing, then use the column and the
green van as cover to finish off the others. Look at them -
- they're all smoking. Haven't they heard about the Surgeon
General's warning?

But wait, there's more. The next corner reveals a thug by
the parked SUV and another beyond, so don't head to the
alcove for the first aid cabinet yet. Dive for the cover of
the first concrete column and cap them both. Just when you
think it's safe, three more goons come a-hollerin'. Shoot
it out right then and there or run back around the corner
and mow 'em down one at a time. If you need painkillers,
you know where to find them. Continue clockwise, check out
the supply closet, listen to the news bulletin on the
radio, and grab more goodies. A goon at the top of the ramp
leading down to Level 2 parking makes his move as you
approach, and another at the bottom runs up to help. Help
them both to an early retirement.

Run down to the bottom of the ramp and watch the fireworks.
Two thugs shoot from a distance as the black van, on fire,
turns and runs over them, then crashes and overturns at the
far end of the garage. Must've been that unintended
acceleration thing. There are still a few live ones. As you
head into the parking area, a goon by the burning van at
the far end starts to shoot and another advances from the
right. You pick the place and time -- they'll even follow
you back up the ramp onto Level 3 parking. Around the
corner a goon is hiding behind the white sedan parked on
the right (they all look like '65 Chevy Novas from the
front). Run to the cover of the column, sneak up to the
next one, and waste him. Take a few more steps and two more
will join the fray, one from the left near the lavender
sedan and the other from the right. They too will follow --
how far is anyone's guess -- so choose your favorite
tactic. If you run to the other white sedan and peek around
the concrete column, you'll see another thug near the
yellow guardrail opposite the entrance to the ramp down to
Level 1 parking. He's been ordered to remain at his
position, so we're gonna send a sniper rifle slug his way

Run down to and around the back of the smoldering black
van, open the back door of the silver van, and take
whatever you need. Run straight past the near lavender
sedan and buttonhook left around the back of the concrete
column by the alcove. The goon at the far end sees you, but
chances of him scoring a hit at that distance are slim.
Load the sniper rifle, crouch and step into the narrow
opening between the column and the wall, zoom the scope and
let her rip.

As you reach the bottom of the ramp to Level 1, catch a
glimpse of the mysterious black car speeding off at the far
end of the garage. Don't linger -- you've attracted the
attention of three goons but only one follows. Take out the
energetic one on the ramp, then return, crouch behind the
stacked barrels, dive backward, and nail number two on the
left before he knows what hit him. The third goon standing
behind the concrete column beyond the portion of the closed
gate seems oblivious. Run into the alcove behind the yellow
guardrail, get out the sniper rifle (a well-placed shot
with the Desert Eagle or Colt works) and pop him between
the eyes.

Before going through the gate, detonate the gray barrel in
front of the brown sedan. The route beyond has been fenced,
so you have only one way to go. Move out into the parking
area and witness two vehicles crash head-on to the right.
B.B. is comin' for ya. In the meantime, the gate closes
behind you and a thug by the front of the lavender sedan
tosses a grenade. Duck behind the column and stacked
dumpsters, then immediately run out and cap him by diving
for the back of the sedan -- you're gonna need the cover
because another dude with some new heavy artillery appears
from around the right corner. Dive over the trunk and waste
him before he has a chance to pull the trigger, then take
his Jackhammer.

There it is! -- the garage door out of this hellhole, but
damn, the attendant is nowhere to be seen and you don't
have your credit cards. Make the best of it -- go in the
office and get a can of soda. As you pass the burning
vehicles and approach the brown sedan, a trio of goons
arrives one after the other from around the left corner
ahead. As soon as the first one appears, dive back and
forth between the cover of the concrete column and the back
of the green van. Take their stuff and as you walk past the
front of the van, B.B. who is down at the far end by the
white sedan flings a grenade that falls short, then starts
shooting. Take cover by taking a few steps back.

You can take B.B. out from here with three rounds from the
M79 by standing in the parking space to the right of the
brown sedan (the brown sedan is to your left, the green van
is straight ahead and the concrete column is ahead and to
your right). But it's risky -- you'll be firing grenades no
more than a foot over the hood of the van and if one hits
the hood, it's curtains. The sniper rifle also works from
the same spot. If you line up the shot so that all you see
is his head through the scope, he'll keep shooting but
nothing hits you. Here's the dilemma: if you kill B.B. now,
you won't get to hear him out. If you decide you want to
hear what he has to say, run over to alcove, then head up
along the wall. When you reach the crates, the bastard
talks. Heard enough of his taunts? Run after him and keep
your finger on the Jackhammer trigger. He'll throw a
grenade or two, but they're easy to dodge. Want to hear
more? Let him go and he'll eventually reappear behind you.
A word of caution -- this kid is tough, he grew up in the

Once he's down, the pay phone rings. Answer it and connect
with the next chapter…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Five: In the Land of the Blind

Max has narrowly escaped another double-cross and finds
himself outside in the courtyard of Brooklyn's venerable
Asgard Building. Head diagonally across the courtyard and
go down the cellar steps. Shoot the laser booby-trap and
prepare for a masked goon to enter from the right in front
of the barred door. Take out two more goons as you make
your way through the stone passageway, then head up the
stairs, go through the door, and take a few steps to the

Notice the laser scanning the chamber ahead. It's best to
ignore the thug up on the balcony, so run straight ahead,
go through the door on the right with the active keypad and
enter the surveillance room. Take out the two goons who
barge through the door on the left, then activate the main
surveillance monitor and discover the truth about Alfred
Woden. Continue out into the hallway and prepare for a thug
at the other end. Enter the door of the lighted center
hallway and dive under a Molotov cocktail being served your
way, flame the baddie and then another who joins the party.

Shaken but not stirred, proceed into the first floor
elevator lobby and smoke the thug coming down the stairs on
the right. Cap another at the second stair landing and
prepare for a third who tosses a grenade from the elevator
beyond (3). Head for the stairs to the third floor elevator
lobby, avoid the grenade bouncing down as you approach,
then eliminate the scumbag who follows.

Head on up and go through the double doors to the left. Lob
a grenade over the cubicle partition to the left to
detonate the booby-trap. Beyond, a goon lurks behind the
short partition and pushes it over as you approach.
(There's a first aid cabinet to the right where you entered
this room.) Listen to the radio report, shoot the booby-
traps to the left, and collect the M79 and ammo in the last
cubicle. Head back, jump over the low booby-trap, and go
through the door marked EXIT. Get the jump on a pair of
thugs coming down the hall and head through the last door
on the left.

Watch the videotape in Woden's first office, read the Aesir
blueprints and watch the TV report in the next, then take
the ammo from the tall cabinet behind the desk in the last.
As you open the door with the active keypad, a goon fires
from across a balcony. (He'll chase Max all the way back
into the cubicles, but pity he won't venture to the end of
the corridor and trip the booby-trap.) Two more thugs are
waiting on the balcony directly below. Return the
hospitality and offer each of them the cocktail du Molotov,
then open the door marked EXIT and offer hot lead to a
third running up the stairs.

Crouch by the railing overlooking the stairwell, shoot the
booby-trap, remain crouched and wait for the next two
unsuspecting slobs to run up the stairs. Run down and
through the open door, hang a left at the end of the hall
and get the Colt Commando by the bench in the balcony to
the left. Return to the stair landing and open the far

Around the corner to the left, two idiots somehow get
themselves blown up. When you step onto the balcony, a
third approaches from the far end. If you decide to dive
in, stay against the wall -- a trigger-happy fourth is on
the floor below. Crouch along the wall or run and take the
Colt, then continue running counter-clockwise around the
balcony (picking up two more Colts from the idiots) and out
the same door. Head down the stairs and wax that guy on the
main floor. Say, are those metal detectors over there by
the exits?

The opposite door with the active keypad leads to the
basement stairs and two bored goons are down on the second
landing discussing their favorite films. If you want to
listen in, you can duke it out with them in the small room
at the bottom of the stairs. Or, with a well-timed and
well-placed grenade, you can take them out where they stand
along with the booby-trap. The choices are almost infinite.

Run through the basement door and dive for the cover of the
crates on the left while firing at the killer suit down the
passageway, then shoot-dodge back and forth until he's
down. Shoot the booby-traps from a safe distance, then
stand in the corner by the locked barred door and shoot the
remaining ones. Head through the door on the left into the
next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Six: Byzantine Power Game

Max learns more about Nicole Horne and finds himself on a
small platform at one end of a cavernous file storage room
beneath the Asgard Building. A lone killer suit approaches
out of sight from the aisle to the right and two more,
joined at the hip, from the left. Immediately move down the
stairs to the cover of the right concrete column and
surprise him when he gets near, then play peek-a-boo with
the other two. Read the notes on the table, then trip the
laser rigged booby-traps. Watch the left row of massive
file cabinets topple domino-style, then take out two masked
thugs who appear up on the right side of the catwalk.

The door at the other end remains locked, so use the
toppled file cabinets to get to the ramp leading to the
catwalk. As you reach the top, another thug appears on the
far side and runs around to meet you. Continue around and
dive through the door to cap yet another waiting at the top
of the stairs with a grenade. Before ascending the next
stairs, get painkillers from the first aid cabinet to the
right of the door marked EXIT.

Go up the stairs, head for the library door beyond the
vending machine, and prepare to battle at least three agile
well-trained masked thugs. When you enter, two slide down
ropes from the second story balcony and a third comes
running down the aisle straight ahead. Depending how fast
you take them all out, the one on the far rope runs around
and arms up to three booby-traps -- the charge at the end
destroys the stairs and one in the middle of the room
knocks over a massive fluted pillar you can use as a ramp
to reach the balcony. To get the action over quickly,
immediately shoot the near thug as he descends the rope,
dive and shoot the one on foot, then attack the third. Lots
of possibilities here.

When the dust settles, make your way to the balcony and go
through the door over the one through which you entered the
library. As you head down the hallway, two killer suits
emerge one at a time from the far door on the left. Shoot
them right through the glass. (There's painkillers and a
sniper rifle at the end of the dim hallway.)

Open the door to the press room and peek around the corner
-- an unsuspecting killer suit emerges from the open double
doors to the right and walks along the wall opposite the
podium. Smoke him from a distance, ditto for his buddy who
comes running out, and get the sniper rifle and ammo on the
far chest of drawers.

Go through the next set of double doors (opposite the
vending machine) into the rotunda and an unsuspecting well-
dressed thug strolls toward you from the right. Surprise
him then duck for cover behind the wide support wall -- his
pal across the balcony starts firing with a sniper rifle.
If you don't pursue, he'll come to you from the other
direction. Get his rifle, grab the Colt Commando ammo in
the far corner, continue clockwise around to the place
where you entered, and a gunman on the balcony one floor
below starts firing. Walk counterclockwise and stand behind
the second fluted column, then inch your way a bit more
until he sees you and begins firing again. Here's the cool
part -- both he and Max are right handed, so while Max can
get a bead on him with the sniper rifle, he's blasting away
into the column he's standing behind.

Head through the next door marked EXIT, then stop, turn to
the right, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness of the
staircase. The moment you enter, two masked goons break
through the far left skylight and drop down one at a time
on a single rope, firing. No problem -- dive down to the
landing and shoot 'em in the ass as they descend. (Berettas
work fine.) Continue down the stairs and go through the
door with the active keypad (a locked gate is to your

Midway down the hall and to the left is the balcony with
the corpse you created a short time ago with the sniper
rifle -- another thug waits to toss a couple of grenades.
At the end of hall is a locked door and as you approach, a
goon on the other side opens it -- he waits a few moments
before coming through. Suggested strategy is as follows.
Run down and give the finger to the guy across on the
balcony so he hurls his grenades, then run back out of
harm's way. After the blasts, dive back and forth along the
railing as necessary to bring him down. Then venture to the
other end of the hall, wait for the goon to come through
the door, and waste him. (No need to go in -- it leads to
the library.)

Hang a left down the short hallway, open -- don't go
through -- the EXIT door to the rotunda and quickly step to
the right to avoid a hail of bullets. Step back and wait
for the assailant to burst through the door. There are two
more gunmen firing -- one across the balcony at 9 o'clock
and the other one floor up at 12 o'clock. Let's give them a
little surprise.

Backtrack to the railing from which you flipped off the
grenade-tossing thug and locate the guy one floor up across
the rotunda -- he's too far away to do any damage. Take him
out with the sniper rifle then head on up to his position,
moving clockwise around the balcony, and spot the clueless
goon partially hidden behind a column on the floor below
(you'll be positioned almost on top of the guy who just
went down). Stand, don't crouch, zoom in and send a slug
though his shoulder into his spine. After Max's hectic
airborne antics, there's nothing more satisfying than the
patience and precision of the marksman. Don't forget the
Colt Commando before you head back down to the middle

Run around the balcony and grab all the guns and ammo, then
proceed to the EXIT door and continue down the dark
stairwell. At the bottom, listen in on the two killer
suits' conversation through the open door of the boardroom.
Their backs are turned to the doorway, so pop the first
from the hallway, then dive in for the other. Smash the
laptop and shoot the overhead projector before you go.

When you head for the next door marked EXIT, which opens
onto the rotunda's main floor, a suit orders his goon
platoon to "Shoot to kill". Yeah, right, as if they were
trying to stun you up until now. Prepare for a firefight --
you won't have the luxury of sniping them from a safe perch
or even retreating through the door. Cock the Colt
Commando. Ready, set, go!

After the cut scene, run along the wall to your left just
past the columns, dive and take out the suit, then scurry
back for the cover of the massive dark support leg and the
fluted column. Relax for a moment and peek around the
column -- there's the silhouette of a thug on the other
side of the rotunda, past the base of the fallen obelisk.
Peek around the left side of the support -- there's another
with Ingrams straight ahead in the shadows and he's as
dangerous as a loose queen in a chess game. Take him out
next by diving backward and shooting between the support
legs. Once he's down, two masked goons swarm in from the
lighted front door area. Dive left and take out the first,
then dive ahead and to the right, for cover between the
support legs, taking out the second. Spin around and dive
sideways to the left and nail the guy who has run over here
from behind the obelisk and wants to ambush you from

Five carcasses in all. The sounds of the city streets are
comforting. Take the main doors into the next chapter...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Seven: Nothing To Lose

Frozen with cold revenge, Max stands in the lobby of the
Aesir Building thinking of nothing but Nicole Horne. When
you pass through a metal detector, three security guards
rush in from the far left corridor. They're heavily armed
and wearing flak jackets. Get out the M79, run through the
right metal detector and straight ahead. Pulverize all
three with one shot.

The next part is tricky, but if you follow these
directions, you'll do fine. Head over to the end of the
bank of elevators, turn right, and stand facing the farther
column. Be careful not to step out into the large area to
your left. Peek around the column and survey the far wall -
- three guards with M79s are perched on high catwalks, one
centered near the top of the wall and two below him. Study
the wall and make a mental note of the position of the
uppermost guard. Turn around and, keeping to the left of
the benches, make your way to the wall at the end of the
corridor -- stay out of the light. Load the sniper rifle
and slip around the pilaster that separates the corridor
from the larger area, crouch, and when you turn around,
keep your eyes on the floor --that's right, don't look up
and make eye contact. Stay crouched and as quickly as you
can, swing the sniper rifle up, zoom the scope to maximum,
and take down the top guard. He'll send one or two blasts
your way, but the damage won't be anything a couple of
bottles of painkillers won't fix. Relax -- as you can see
through the scope, the girders block the view of the other
two. Take them out also.

As you approach the other end of the building, two killer
suits emerge from a sliding door in the far right corner.
Play it safe and run back behind the bank of elevators
where you can smoke them one at a time. As always, search
their carcasses for supplies.

Go through the sliding door, turn right, and head for the
non-functioning escalator. Shoot the booby-trap, then toss
a grenade to the top landing to detonate two more. Run up
the escalator, turn around, and wait for a guard to appear
at the railing at the top. Another waits at the top of the
second escalator, hidden by the column. Shoot the booby-
trap higher up. When you reach the top, there's a third
guard near the opposite wall, then a fourth appears with a

If you explore the open area ahead and beyond the bank of
elevators (there's nothing down there but a nice view of
the snowy street), you'll meet another guard as you return,
but if you head directly for the next escalator he's
nowhere to be seen. Strange. Instead of taking the next
flight up, go through the sliding door leading to the lower
catwalk where you sniped the two thugs earlier and wax the
guard on a balcony to the left before he throws a grenade.

Return and shoot the booby-traps on the escalator, then run
up, hook around to the left, and waste the killer suit at
the end of the hallway. (To the left is the sliding door to
the upper catwalk -- help yourself if you need M79 ammo.)
Go through the hallway to the right and... what the... a
passageway rigged with moving lasers. As soon as you get
past the third, a guard appears at the end. When you reach
the end, another comes running from the right with a third
not far behind.

Head for the elevators beyond the corrugated partition, and
before you press the button, switch to the M79 if you want
the next encounter short, sweet and messy. (In the cut
scene, Max chats with Mona Sax -- What a dame! What a name!
-- but a trio of killer suits interrupts their
conversation.) Spin around and disembowel all three. Call
the elevator again. (Max has a revelation.) Get in and look
up through the glass ceiling at the booby-trapped shaft.
Shoot out the glass, press the button, then shoot each
booby-trap as you ascend.

When the elevator door opens, two suits, left, are talking
about their favorite movie special effects, the slo-mo
action scenes -- they call it "bullet-time." Overhead, also
to the left, two more are keeping guard on a balcony. Well,
we can take a hint. Switch back to the M79, step out of the
elevator, put an end to their prattle, and dive for cover
under the balcony or behind the pillar straight ahead --
your choice depending on how you want to prosecute this
war. When everything's quiet, head for either sliding door
at the opposite end of the room. The suit in the high tech
control room is nearer the one on the left. Raid the first
aid cabinet and walk over and activate the yellow button
that gives you elevator access to the mainframe. Three more
killer suits are waiting out in the other room. One more
thing -- the wall between the sliding doors is made of
glass. So... dive out the door farthest from the yellow
button console and split their skulls with the Jackhammer.

An elevator under the balcony is now open. Get in and press
the button. The beautiful view of the city is cut short by
a helicopter's machine gun. Stand back in the left corner
so you don't get hit and when the lift's left glass wall is
shattered by the chopper's fire, climb through the opening
onto the top of the next elevator. The glass top breaks
depositing you inside, and you can now press the button.
But do it fast -- Nicole's thugs in the chopper want Max

The door opens to a narrow corridor separating the
mainframe computer floor from the bank of elevators. Two
suits are chatting at the end to the left -- can you
believe they're talking about their families? Rush them and
immediately dive back to take out another who appears at
the other end. Here's the plan. When two of the mainframe
units (there are four in a circle) are destroyed, either by
Max or the two suits firing from the other side of the
floor (one is on the catwalk up and to the right and runs
up and down the stairs at the far end), two security guards
appear from the elevator. Keep the odds in your favor --
peek around the left end of the partition and watch the
suits. When the coast is momentarily clear, step out and
shoot the vertical lighted panel of the exposed mainframe.
Repeat the procedure from the right end, then dive back
into the corridor and take out the guards. Five down, two
to go.

Run to the cover of the farthest mainframe and notice the
position of the guy on the catwalk. Get out the sniper
rifle and when he disappears halfway down the stairs, take
a step back and put one between his eyes (no scope) when he
comes back into view. The last guy's heartbeats are
numbered. When all four mainframe units are destroyed, Max
gains access to the penthouse. The elevator opens by the
two family-oriented thugs, so cap the guard inside, take
his painkillers, then take the elevator.

When the door opens, head to the right and when you step
out into the large room, two guards and a killer suit come
down the open stairway above you. Duke it out under the
stairs and before you head on up, be sure to jump onto the
cantilevered window and check out the view of the city. As
you go up the stairs, three more guards swarm out from both
sides. If you're tired of all the fast-paced action, simply
jump off about halfway up and retreat to the cover of the
pillar by the elevator. A round or two from the M79 should
take them all out when they reach the bottom. Run up the
stairs again, head to the right on the balcony, then turn
left, go through the sliding door, and notice the suit in
his private digs, all smug and oblivious. Make your way to
Horne's private office and activate her computer, then call
the elevator and ascend to the final chapter…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part III: A Bit Closer to Heaven

Chapter Eight: Pain and Suffering

For all his courage, skill, speed, luck and hell-bent
determination, Max is now in a really tight spot -- he's in
a corner, literally, in a room high in the Aesir Building.
Everything happens fast, so don't lose your head. Pack the
M79 and run along the wall to your left toward the steel
rail wall (it has bulletproof glass) to avoid the grenade,
then dive back to the right and smoke two killer suits as
they attempt to run behind the sculpture. Switch to
something more appropriate for close range and meet the
other two as they run around the central pillar. Just when
you think it's over, a blast door covering the entire outer
window wall opens and the chopper starts tearing things up.
Get directly behind the sculpture and crouch until the
blast door closes. Finally, two more of Horne's gang come
through the sliding doors farthest from the sculpture, but
there's plenty of time to prepare for them.

Head through the sliding doors and as you round the turn, a
bell signals a thug about to get off the elevator to the
left. When he's no longer breathing, go through the sliding
door to the right, into the reading room (Is that a first
edition Dickens up there in the bookcase?) and out on the
snowy corner terrace. What a magnificent view! Beyond the
railing to the left is narrow catwalk -- so what are you
waiting for? Jump over the railing, dash to the other end
of the building, and jump to the safety of another terrace
and through the sliding door. Don't hesitate for a moment -
- the chopper is back.

Hmm, what do we have here? Nicole's sculpture collection --
a couple of Moores, perhaps a Brancusi, definitely a
Giacometti. As you approach the sliding door in the corner,
listen for the telltale ring of the elevator bell as Horne
speaks on the intercom -- a killer suit barges in shortly.
Go through and as you head for the glass block stairway to
the right, a goon announces your presence and sends a
grenade clinking down the steps. After dodging the grenade,
walk up to the second landing amid the automatic weapons
fire and note the bullet holes in the wall -- they're just
over Max's head. Stand on the landing and maneuver into
position to see the flaming Ingrams of the goon crouching
in the offset hallway, then throw a grenade. If you're
lucky, it will also take out the other goon (you can see
him too) on the other side and a bit farther back. Once
they're down, the elevator rings and another killer suit
throws a grenade. Oops, seems like he's blown up more of
his buddies. Kill him when he comes down the stairs.

Walk on up to the north lounge and open the sliding door to
the right. Three suits will come out one-by-one; there's
plenty of time to pop them all. Walk into the skylight
lounge and note the sliding door on the left. Two heavily
armed thugs have barricaded themselves behind chairs at the
near end of the east lounge. Run around the skylight
counterclockwise (ignore the room on the right) and run
past the door to get a glimpse of them, then when the door
closes, stand by the wall facing in their direction, step
back to activate the door and carom a grenade off the glass
block wall. Or dive in sideways if Max wants excitement. Go
into to next room (south lounge?) and listen to Horne give
her boys a pep talk. As you approach, a suit comes through
the door to the right and another waits to the right of the
stairs beyond.

At the top of the stairs we hear Horne's voice again and a
suit appears from around the corner to the right, then one
from the left, then another and another from the long neo-
Gothic hall -- there's enough time between each one for Max
to casually light a cigarette, that is, if he hadn't quit.
Stroll to the other end of the fancy hall and press the red
button on the corner edge of the desk. Go through the door
that opens and head up the long flight of stairs. Enjoy the
calm before the storm. About a third of the way up, Nicole
Horne opens the door at the top, fires, and throws a
grenade. Scurry down to avoid the blast. Don't waste ammo
or energy, she's not gonna die here.

As you go through the door at the top of the stairs, two
things happen. First, you watch Max shoot at Horne on the
roof as she dashes through a gate toward the helicopter
trying to land in the howling winter night. Second, the do-
or-die countdown begins. After the first cut scene, Max has
exactly one minute to get to work uninterrupted. In the
next cut scene, the chopper lands and the bitch gets in.
Max now has one minute and ten seconds more to finish the
job, which includes neutralizing four determined goons with
major artillery who swarm out through the large locked
glass sliding doors around to the left. Once Horne is
airborne, all Max's efforts are down the drain. I don't
even want to talk about it.

So here's the plan. As you noticed in the first cut scene,
the swaying central tower on the roof has broken two of its
four cable moorings. The two remaining will have to be
shot, specifically the bolt that anchors them to the large
steel booms at the corners of the building. When either
cable is released, the goons swarm out. (As mentioned
earlier, after one minute has elapsed, the second cut scene
starts and then they'll be in your face regardless.) Use
the whole first minute to relax, gather your nerve, and
line up a shot with the M79. Turn around and jump up onto
the low roof of the long structure behind you and stand at
the edge, about halfway down. Aim for the middle of the
sliding glass doors. As soon as the cut scene ends, the
goons rush the door, so pull the trigger as it opens. The
idea is to get them all at once; otherwise you've got

Don't panic; there's plenty of time to spare. Jump down to
the main roof and stand on the small platform in the corner
by the steel boom. Load the sniper rifle and use the scope
to sight the anchor bolt of the distant cable, then load
the Colt Commando and fire at the anchor bolt of the near
cable. One last thing -- simply fire away at the base of
the central tower, then sit back and watch Nicole Horne get
what she deserves.

"They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation
mark to everything that led to this point. I released my
finger from the trigger -- and then it was all over."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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Trainer für Gesundheit, Bullettime und Munition

17.Octombrie 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.05)

18.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Max Payne Series Plot
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Game Script
Engl. Hinweise

16.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Cheats & Tipps

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Alle Level sind freigeschaltet

17.Octombrie 2013
Savegame für den letzten Level

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade

15.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013
Ihr seid unverwundbar, habt alle Waffen und vieles mehr (funktioniert nur mit beigelegtem mod)

18.Octombrie 2013
MaxPayne mit Cheatmodus starten

18.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Bullet-Time FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013
Unendlich Bullet Time, Munition, Unsichtbarkeit, God-Modus sowie Timer Aus im Timed-Mode(für v1.01)

14.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013
God-Modus, Unendlich Bullet-Time, Special Single Shot Munition und unbegrenzt Munition

17.Octombrie 2013
Dieses Reg-File schaltet alle vorhandenen Spielmodi frei. Damit wird es möglich, auch ohne das Spiel komplett durchgespielt zu haben, Hard-Boiled, Dead on Arrival und New York Minute von Anfang an zu spielen

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