Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors

Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors

16.10.2013 18:50:59
A G E O F E M P I R E S I I : T H E C O N Q U E R O R S
UNIQUE TECHS FAQ | * Version 1.0 (5/3/02)

by Andy "Andy007" Banh
AIM: ultimaweapon2k
Created: 5/3/02
Last Updated: 10/26/02 (v1.01)


This guide is not to be hosted on a site without my consent by email. Please
e-mail me at if you would like to use it on your
site. DO NOT in any way modify the contents this guide, for only I can do
that. The last editions may be found at Gamefaqs. Enjoy!!!

---------------------- VERSION INFO ------------------------------------

Version 1.01(10/26/02) :: Wow its been already 5 months! Someone(mentioned
in credits) sighted an error with the background info on the Mayan unique
tech, "EL DORADO." It was a repeat of the "SHINKICHON" background. I
fixed it.

Version 1.0(5/3/02) :: New... There may be errors, if there are, email
me so I can make corrections ASAP.



I. Unique Techs

II. Miscalleneous

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ I. U N I Q U E T E C H S \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\


When the normal competition between cities and states did not produce
enough sacrificial victims for rituals, the Aztecs and their neighbors
organized garland or flower wars for the purpose of increasing supply.
The warriors of these societies went off to these wars with enthusiasm,
knowing this was their opportunity to win glory and status.

Cost: 450 F, 750 G |
Available: Imperial Age(at Castle) |
Description: +4 Infantry Attack |

Since the Aztecs main strength is based on infantry, Garland Wars
is a real booster to your Infantry attack. With everything fully
upgraded on your Infantry units, Garland Wars will add a big attack
boost, thus making your Champions, Pikes, and Eagle Warriors, and
Jaguar Warriors lethal.

- YEOMEN (Britons)

The longbow developed in Wales became a favored British weapon under
Edward I, who quickly understood how it could be effectively deployed.
British longbowmen played havoc against French armies throughout the
Hundred Year's War. British free men, called yeomen, were skilled
and highly motivated by self-interest. The pay and loot from a
successful campaign in France could set up a man in business for life.

Cost: 750 W, 450 G |
Available: Imperial Age(at Castle) |
Description: +1 foot archer range, +2 tower attack |

Adding to the deadly range of British archers, Yeomen lets your
Arbalests, Skirmishers, and Longbowmen to fire from extreme ranges, outranging
even Onagers. This gives Longbowmen the advantage they need, because of
their low HP. Also, it helps Skirmishers and Arbalests to beat other
enemy archers.

- LOGISTICA (Byzantines)

The Byzantine civilization outlived its counterpart in Rome for more than
one thousand years, mainly through the adroit employment of smaller elite
armies against more lightly equipped or less highly trained enemies. Well-
motivated troops, well-trained officers, strong military traditions, and
sound military logistics combined to create armies with fighting power
disproportionate to their size. The backbone of their armies were their
cataphract cavalry who could engage enemies at a distance with archery
or trample them down in a charge.

Cost: 1000 F, 600 G |
Available: Imperial Age(at Castle) |
Description: Cataphracts cause TRAMPLE damage. |

With the attack bonus they already have against infantry, Logistica
gives an even better bonus, as a Cataphract will be able to cause damage
to melee units attacking it. Thus groups of Cataphracts will slay
hordes of Infantry even faster.


The warriors of Celtic Britain gained a reputation as very emotional
fighters, capable of wide swings in their morale. Furor Celtica, or
Celtic Fury, was a state of highly charged aggressiveness that all enemy
armies sought to escape. If the fury could be withstood, it might vanish
suddenly and turn into panic. If the Celtic leaders could manage and
direct the fury of their soldiers, it was a daunting force multiplier.

Cost: 750 F, 450 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +50% HP for Siege Workship units. |

The FUROR CELTICA tech gives Celtic Siege superiority over all other
siege units in the game, adding more HP for them. In battle, they will
survive hits from all kinds of units more likely, and stand longer as
they back up your units.

- ROCKETRY (Chinese)

The Chinese are credited generally with the invention of the explosive we
call gunpowder today. They used it extensively to power rockets for
entertainment and military use. Although they never developed an
accurate design, rockets could be used with great effect against enemies
with no experience against these alarming weapons. Rockets were noisy,
smelly, and spewed fire while traveling at a high velocity. They
damaged anything they hit and did collateral damage if they carried an
explosive charge.

Cost: 750 W, 750 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +2 Chu Ko Nu Pierce Attack, +4 Scorpions Pierce Attack |

In addition to their rapid fire rate, Rocketry increases the
damage of the Chu Ko Nu, making them extra deadly. A legion of
Chu Ko Nus will be deadlier than before, while Chinese Scorpions
have a deadly and surpassing attack to a group of units charging
towards you. Thus, Chinese Scorpions can do up to 21 Pierce damage
(1 (Chemistry tech) + 4).

- BEARDED AXE (Franks)

The bearded axe got its name from the extended length added to the bottom
of the blade, making the blade far longer than its connection to the haft.
This axe was a further development of the Francisca, the throwing axe that
gave the Franks their name. The bearded axe could be thrown or used
hand-to-hand. Before the Franks discovered cavalry, they fought in massed
formations. As they approached the enemy the front ranks threw axes.
These disordered the enemy, caused some casualties, and stuck in shields,
making them unwieldy. The Franks then closed quickly for hand-to-hand
fighting with additional axes or swords.

Cost: 400 F, 400 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +1 Throwing Axemen Range |

One of the more useless techs, it only gives Throwing Axes ONE
more range!!! At least make it two! Throwing Axemen are already
weak as they are, and more range would help them to support the
Frankish Paladins.

- ANARCHY (Goths)

The Goth tribal system worked well for a society that seemed always on
the move, fighting here and settling there, but never for long in either
case. Their flexibility meant they could appear suddenly and without
warning, and vanish just as quickly. Their armies were never the best
equipped because they lacked any permanent industry, but no one felt
safe if they were even rumored to be on the move.

Cost: 450 F, 250 G |
Available: Castle Age (at Castle) |
Description: Ability to create Huskarls at Barracks |

If you used the Goths, you would find this tech to be useful,
since sometimes you might need to counter archer units with
Huskarls. If you have a Castle or none, you'll produce Huskarls
at a much slower rate than if you had a few barracks to produce
them from. So overall this tech is pretty good.

- PERFUSION (Goths)(2)

A migratory people like the Goths had the ability to put armies in the
field quickly. Their whole civilization was in a sense an army in the
field. The youth of the Goths learned skills of a warrior at an early
age. The entire male population could become fighters in hours. Rivals
learned not to let the Goths get close, if possible, and not to
antagonize them if they did approach.

Cost: 400 W, 600 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: Barrack units are created 50% faster. |

Contributing to the infantry unit creating bonuses the Goths
have, PERFUSION speeds up things even more. Your barracks will
be creating legions of infantry, at such a fast and surprising rate.
It helps to speed up things this much.

- ATHEISM (Huns)

The paganism or outright lack of faith of the Huns offended the Romans
who came to think of them as truly sub-human. The Huns, in turn, were
unencumbered by the laws of structured religions. Laws of social and
religious order were too restrictive for a civilization that was
constantly on the move. The Huns put little faith in monuments and
artifacts, therefore, focusing mainly on the here and now.

Cost: 500 F, 500 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +100 years Wonder/Relic victory time, |
-50% Spies/Treason research cost |

This is argubly one of the most useless techs in the game, for
rarely people play Wonder/Relic victory games. Though it reduces
the cost of SPIES, you'll still find it very expensive and gold
consuming. Thus, this is only a waste of your supplies.

- KATAPARUTO (Japanese)

For most of the period when the samurai traditions dominated Japanese
life the conduct of the individual warrior was the focus of their
culture. When more pragmatic men came to power, they put greater
emphasis on the effective employment of large armies, often including
men of low social rank. New technologies were embraced, most notably
the firearm, but also better siege weapons to force enemies from
strongholds. The last great battle of samurai was forced by a siege
that made a stronghold indefensible.

Cost: 750 W, 400 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: Trebuchets fire, pack/unpack 30% faster. |

In sieging towns, this tech is very useful in upgrading your
trebuchets. With KATAPARUTO, you can move along faster, and give
your enemies no chance in rebuilding as your trebuchets quickly
demolish everything. Great addition for the Japanese.

- SHINKICHON (Koreans)

Although the Chinese are creditied with the invention of gunpowder,
many believe it was the Korean kingdom of Koryo that first employed
rocketry and perhaps gunpowder as some sort of weapon. The
chroniclers of this period mention Koryo rockets and cannons as being
very important to the success of their armies. The long existence
of the Koryo and Choson kingdoms required a strong military because
only the sea and the Amnok River stood between them and a host of
potential enemies.

Cost: 800 W, 500 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +1 Mangonel/Onager/Siege Onager Range* |
*changed from 1.0c patch

Before 1.0c, SHINKICHON gave fully upgraded Korean Siege
Onagers devastating and deadly range. But now the tech only adds
+1 range. Yet, it is still awesome, since your Onagers will take
care of annoying archers and buildings from a far distance.

- EL DORADO (Mayans)

War is often most cruel and terrifying when markedly different cultures
collide. The native populations of South and Central America were shaken
by the appearence of Conquistadors wearing armor, wielding steel weapons,
riding horses, employing war dogs, and using firearms. The blood
sacrifices, rituals, and fanaticism of the Americans unsettled the Spanish,
in turn. The Mayans proved very tough opponents when whipped into battle
frenzy in defense of their hidden wealth.

Cost: 750 F, 450 G |
Available: Imperial Age(at Castle) |
Description: +40 HP for Eagle Warriors |

Since the Mayans lack any cavalry at all, EL DORADO makes up for
the lack of units with high HP. They can survive showers of arrows,
or even attacks from other units. It helps make their Eagle Warriors
longer lasting. In my opinion, Fully Upgraded Mayan Eagles are better
than Fully Upgraded Aztec Eagles.

- DRILL (Mongols)

One of the secrets to the great success of the Mongols was their great
discipline in battle. Where more civilized armies of the time had
complex structures of hierarchy and traditions, the Mongols countered
with endless hours of practice on the plains and hunting towns. The
speed at which Mongol armies could move and strike bewildered the more
ponderous and heavily equipped armies they often fought.

Cost: 500 W, 450 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: Siege Workshop Units move 50% faster |

In rush games, DRILL is a very essential tech to get your Siege
Onagers and Heavy Scorpions to move faster into areas. With this
tech, they easily move along the ranks of your Mangudai and cavalry.
Also, it helps Mongol siege to dodge enemy Onager shots. It's like
they have motors on them or something. Cool eh?

- MAHOUTS (Persians)

Using elephants in battle was always a challenge because the animals
have poor vision but keen smell, they are relatively slow, and don't like
being injured. The Persians developed special training for the beasts
and their riders, called Mahouts, to improve their battle performance.

Cost: 300 F, 300 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +30% War Elephant Speed |

Yes, this tech is truly worth its cost. As the Persians, it
is very likely you are using Paladins, Heavy Camels, and occasionally
the rampaging War Elephant. Since they are so slow, MAHOUTS helps to
increase their speed, and they can stomp down those annoying Monks
before being converted. This helps War Elephants to track down
enemies, and archers attempting to "Hit-and-run."

- ZEALOTRY (Saracens)

Strengths of the great Muslim armies were their speed and their absolute
faith in their destiny. Their strong religious beliefs calmed the
natural fears of any warrior and gave them a sense of invincibility
their enemies could rarely match. The effect was armies that accomplished
deeds out of proportion with their size and equipment.

Cost: 750 F, 800 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +30 Camel and Mameluke HP |

The Saracens don't have a true and strong offensive melee unit,
they lack the Paladin and even Cavalier tech!!! So, for countering
you must rely on Camels and Mamelukes. With this tech, you can
significantly boost up their HP so they survive through an extra 30
HP. Mamelukes needed this extra increase of HP, since they lacked
vitality before.

- SUPREMACY (Spanish)

The peasants of Spain lived especially hard lives in an era when life
was not easy for anyone. The difference was that Spain was a
battleground for much of the Middle Ages as the Christian kingdoms in
the north strived to reconquer the peninsula from the Saracens who had
invaded in the 8th century. Spanish peasants were therefore also
warriors part of the time. This was a fact that the French army under
Napoleon would learn the hard way in the early 19th century.

Cost: 400 F, 250 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: +40 Villager HP, +6 Villager Attack, +2 Villager A/PA |

Although some may crack up at the idea of increasing Villager
combat skills, this IS infact useful. In building in the front lines,
your Spanish Villagers last twice as long, and can even take out
enemy units with their strength. Since villagers are so cheap, you
can afford to lose as much as you want if you have a strong econ.
Along with SAPPERS, Spanish vils can even raid buildings(yes I'm
serious!). At this cheap cost, it is definitely worth upgrading.


The Teutons carried their crusade mainly into Eastern Europe while other
groups vied for the Holy Land. The Teutons became especially adept at
the art of building and using castles offensively to establish political
control of the countryside. A few knights and soldiers in a dominating
castle could control the countryside for miles.

Cost: 600 F, 400 S |
Available: Imperial Age(at Castle) |
Description: +3 Castle Range, garrisoned infantry fires arrows in Castle |

Even though the lack sufficient archers and the BRACER upgrade,
CRENELLATIONS regains the strength of Teuton range and firepower. If you
can spare that extra 400 Stone, Teuton Castles can have a maximum range of
13, which is awesome. For the Teutons, this is probably necessary if you
don't have archer civ allies.


Early firearms and cannons were operated by professionals and mercenaries
who worked for the high bidder. In the late Middle Ages, the high bidder
was often the Turks who controlled important trade routes to the East.
This gave the Turks important experience with these new weapons that
they used with effect against Constantinople and other Christian citadels.

Cost: 450 S, 500 G |
Available: Imperial Age(at Castle) |
Description: +2 Bombard Tower range, Bombard Cannons, Cannon Galleons |

Undoubtably, experts who play this game love that Turk tech, ARTILLERY.
It makes the Turks seem almost invincible. With long ranged Towers that
can snipe down Bombard Cannons and Castles, it is a great addition to
conquest and defense. Bombard Cannons can have up to 15 range, which is
very lethal. As in a naval fight, your Turkish Cannon Galleons have the
longest range for any unit in the game, 17. They can shoot down Trebuchets
and hit ships from a mile distance.


The extreme fit or form of madness that seemed to overcome Viking Beserks
was known as the Beserkergang. It was described as beginning with a
chill, shivering, and chattering of teeth. Then the body temperature
seemed to soar, swelling the face and turning it red. Now fully enraged,
a man attaining this state would howl like a wild animal, go apparently
mad(witnesses report the biting of a shield), and cut down everyone they
met indiscriminately. When the rage had passed, the Beserk fell into a
torpor or depression that may have lasted for days.

Cost: 500 F, 850 G |
Available: Imperial Age (at Castle) |
Description: Beserks regenerate HP faster. |

Unfortunately for the Vikings, they are plagued by a crappy
unique tech. Regenerating HP is still slow for their Beserks,
this tech doesn't seem to help much. Plus, there is no use
in regenerating HP unless you must save up Beserks and conserve
your resources. They will still die from multiple hits from
charges of Cavalry, or even showers of arrows.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\II. M I S C A L L E N E O U S I N F O /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

1. Corrections________________________________________________________________

If there are any corrections in this guide to be made, e-mail the error
at I would appreciate any corrections and
suggestions made. If you would also like to email me questions, feel free to
do so. Give me time to answer if possible.

2. Credits____________________________________________________________________

I have played Age Of Empires II and The Conquerors expansion since they first
came out. The world of AOK and TC has a lot to explore, and lots of
experimenting you can do in the game. Thus, I have enjoyed the game and still
enjoyed playing the game. When I stop playing, I'll never know...

Thanks to the following sources and people for help on my guide...

-- "Age of Empires II :: Age of Kings" and "The Conquerors" manuals
From the official game manuals, I received historical background info on
the units in the game.

-- GameFAQs :: Thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for posting my guide.

-- Ensemble Studios :: Thanks for making Age of Empires II such a great game.
I have been playing since it came out, and still play.

-- AGE OF EMPIRES II GAMERS :: Thanks for playing the game.

-- :: Thanks for pointing out the mistake with the Mayan
unique tech. Thanks for reading too!

-- Me :: I wrote the FAQ!

====================== COPYRIGHTÓ2002 Andy Banh ===========================
------------------------ All Rights Reserved -------------------------------

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Dt. Ressourcentrainer (für v1.0)

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