

17.10.2013 19:54:31
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For play on Sony PlayStation
Presented by BoredGamer
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/12/02
Phase: Technically Complete

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The E-mail Dealy...
If you are e-mailing me about feedback, questions, or anything having to do with any FAQ, please send it to If any e-mail is sent to Blublublublu1129 that does not concern a FAQ, it will be deleted/ignored, as I primarily use this address for FAQ-related stuff.

Please stop sending me files. I will not download them unless they are someone I know, and by this I mean someone I know -personally- like family or best friends. I have suspected that some files that have been sent to me are viruses (with good justification after being persecuted) and did not download them. This also means not to send me FAQs or any other material to critique.



1/14/01- Didn't even have the structure down yet, but already added information for "Afternoon of the Wolves" mini-game.

1/20/01- Creating basic structure. I'm trying to stay consistent with the Taneo FAQ. Legal Bit and Section 5 up, along with FAQ section. There really aren't any unique questions here (unique from Taneo's FAQ anyway), but there might be in the future. Section 1 complete. FAQ now technically complete.

11/12/02- FAQ-wide update...

Reference Credit goes to:

Instruction book for a little info on Etsuko

Contents According to Joe
Section 1: Profile: Etsuko Tanamatsuri
Section 2: Walkthrough
2A: Chapter 1: Etsuko's Errands
2B: Chapter 2: Etsuko SOS
2C: Chapter 3: The Enemy From Without
Section 3: FAQ
Section 4: Legal Bit
Section 5: Thank You and Goodbye


Character: Etsuko Tanamatsuri

Age: 40

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Housewife/mother

Background: Etsuko is the wife of Taneo. A bit like Taneo, she seems not to go out of her way to seek an all out thrill, but all the same she isn't totally introverted. Etsuko thinks her life is basically bound to have a surprise hither and yon, though. Little to her knowledge that this "surprise" will come up in this game.


Chapter 1-
Afternoon of the Wolves
Pound for Pound

Chapter 2-
Etsuko and the Golden Pig
[insert name here]

Chapter 3-
Looks Like Top Gun
Bear Wars



Running the usual errands typically isn't a high stress activity for Mrs. Tanamatsuri. It's usually head out, get the money, grab the grocery items, and head home to cook dinner. Today isn't a typical day for Etsuko, though. While she is at the bank, she finds herself in the middle of a heist involving some wolf-masked gunmen.

All the chapters in Etsuko's scenario are exactly two mini-games long, making up six in all. A bit of a break from Taneo's nine mini-games in his scenario. I also find this to be one of the hardest, if not the hardest, scenario in all the game. It can be quite annoying, especially with the Golden Pig mini-game and Looks Like Top Gun.


Description: Etsuko stops at a bank to pick up some money. Little does she realize that the bank is in the process of being robbed, so she must escape by sneaking out.

Objective: Get Etsuko out the bank's door without being seen. To move Etsuko, push X. If you fear you're in danger of being seen, push Triangle to go back. The basic idea is to go when the guards aren't looking. There are a few rest points in between your initial position and the door, so it isn't one complete dash for the door.

Tips and Notes

-Make sure you have a good view of Etsuko on one of the cameras if you can.

-Pay close attention to the colors of the robbers as they walk around. They are the colored dots. It runs basically a lot like a traffic system. Green means you won't be seen, yellow means caution, and red means do not go or you will be seen.

-For the first robber, wait for him to walk to his destination, turn red, then come back. Right after he turns green from being red, start pushing X. Do not hold back. He may turn red before you get to the checkpoint, but you should make it.

-For the second robber (technically still the first, but in a different position). Only go when he's green. The instant you see him turn yellow, push Triangle and go back.

-The last one is the most difficult. Wait for all of them to turn green. The one you want to worry about the most is the one on the far left of the map. If that one turns yellow, go back. However, once you're halfway to the door from the final checkpoint, don't worry if anyone turns yellow. Just keep going because by then you should make it to the door before anyone goes red.


Description: Her attempt to escape was short-winded, and now Etsuko has been thrown into a vault to try to get a golden piggie bank off a pedestal. However, when she removes it, a bunch of spikes fall from the ceiling.

Objective: In Etsuko's bag is a bunch of groceries that you can use to place in the place of the golden pig. Each item has a set weight. When you have put a certain number of grams (g) on the pedestal, then you've succeeded. The drawback is that you can only have up to six items in the bag before placing it on the pedestal. Push Square during the game to see how much you need. Etsuko's stress meter will fill up over time, so don't take too long. If Etsuko's stress meter fills up, it's game over.

-Item List-
[in no particular order]

Buffalo's Horn- 4000 g
Snapper- 2000 g
Beast Meat- 3000 g
Chinese Cabbage- 1500 g
Bear's Paw- 5000 g
Perilla- 11 g
Green Onion- 320 g
Carrot- 140 g
Tangerine- 50 g
Tomato- 230 g
Tissue- 44 g
Medical Herb- 33 g
Raddish- 650 g
Potato- 220 g
Onion- 160 g
Curry Mix- 340 G
Dried Fish- 170 g
Potion- 560 g
Lettuce- 580 g
Pistol Magazine- 450 g
Canned Mackeral- 380 g
World Tree Leaf- 59 g

Tips and Notes

-Mathematical skills REALLY pay off here.

-Pay attention to the last digit of your set weight. Depending on what it is, you may need two spaces to "cancel out" the last digit. For example, if the last digit is 7, you'll have to place two items in your bag that have last digits that add up to 7 (in this case, Medical Herb and Tissue).

-Placing heavy items is almost necessary. Not only does this save space, but it illiminates a lot of weight. You almost can't go wrong with Buffalo's Horn, but sometimes the Bear's Paw can be nice.

-If you end up with a nine as the last digit, go for the World Tree Leaf if it's avaiable. Otherwise, you may have to restort to three medical herbs. Such a scenario is unlikely, if not impossible, but you can never be too safe.

-Snappers and Chinese Cabbage are also helpful at times. They aren't incredibly light or heavy; they're a nice medium. Recommended you use either one, but that doesn't mean they are totally necessary.

-Be fast! If you take too long, you'll wind up using a continue.

-Be sure to check your weight often and keep track of what you have in your bag. Stay attentive as this one takes a bit of thinking, logic, and reason.


So far, so good. Etsuko has succeeded in grabbing the golden piggie. The problem now is opening it...


Description: The strange gang has elected Etsuko to help open the golden piggie. Two of the members of the gang will play notes and Etsuko must play them back on the piggie using the proper buttons.

Objective: Remember Taneo Dance Fever? This is the same principle, except this one is much harder. You are shown a little window. At the bottom of the window are certain buttons: left, right, Square, and Circle. The wolves will play a tune and you will have to replicate it. The notes in the tune will begin falling down along the lines in the small window. As they approach the bottom, the notes will reach a certain button, which you must push as the note hits the bottom. Using your timing ability to hit the proper buttons in the right order. This is among the hardest mini-games in the game (next to the final one, of course).

If any notes slip by without being pushed, the wolves will blow on their instruments and cause Etsuko's stress to rise. The more you miss, the higher her stress will rise.

Tips and Notes

-You'll have to do eight rounds. However, there are only four different button combinations. The combinations come in pairs, so the first two are exactly the same, then the next two after that are the same as well, and so on.

-Watch the lights at the bottom. They will light up in the order and time interval they must be played in.

-If you can, try to keep your button pushing with the rhythm of the tune the wolves play. This may not be easy for some people, but for others this can be helpful.

-The last pair of tunes are by far the hardest and most overwhelming. However, there is a pattern. The first three notes are left, right, square. They repeat again after that, making "left, right, square, left, right, square." That actually helped me out a lot.

Tune Note Order:

First two:
Square, Right, Square, Right, Left, Left, Left, Right.

Second two:
Circle, Right, Square, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Left.

Third two:
Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Square, Sqaure, Right, Left.

Last two:
Left, Right, Square, Left, Right, Square, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Right, Left.


Description: Etsuko opened the pig and something strange came out. After much commotion, Etsuko wound up on a snowboard going downhill, trying to escape the wolf pack (so to speak).

Objective: Get to the bottom of the hill before Etsuko's stress fills up. The wolves will be attacking with guns and such. Each time they hit you or you hit the wall, your stress meter will fill up.

Tips and Notes

-Obviously enough, stay in between the two outside wolves. This can be hard since the controls on this are quite stiff.

-Try to balance Etsuko's movement by pushing back and forth a bit between left and right. Do not let Etsuko go to far right or left.

-For lord's sake, don't hit the walls!

-Pay attention to the ring leader in the back. Sometimes, she'll jump out and throw a grenade.

-When the whole group shifts to one side, stay on the side opposite of them.

-At the beginning, the wolves will take turns firing. Listen carefully and watch for their reloading phases. Stay closer to the one that isn't loading, as that one won't be attacking. When that one does begin getting ready to fire, then lean the other way.

-Careful not to overcorrect your motions.


Well, Etsuko has gotten away from the bandits, but she's wound up in an airforce flight strip of sorts. Her only way out is through a plane...


Description: In the midst of confusion, Etsuko has commandeered a plane. She is about to be sent out through a flight tunnel.

Objective: You'll be flying through a tunnel full of opening doors and other planes. Dodge all the doors and planes as they come, lest ye' should be destroyed.

Tips and Notes

-Pay close attention to where the opening on the different doors are. Some are in the middle, some are up high, and others are down low. In other cases, the doors open horiztonally; Where the opening point will be middle, left, or right.

-With planes, I've noticed staying low is usually a good strategy. Planes never seem to shift to the lower path. There also doesn't appear to be too man (if any) planes on the bottom path.

-Don't worry about hitting the ceiling, walls, or floor. It doesn't seem to do too much damange, if any.

-Do not press too hard against the ceiling, walls, or floor. This seems to cause your tail to shoot up in the air and make you vulnerable for damage.


Description: It seems the planes have all been sent out to destroy a "monster." It turns out this monster is a huge teddy bear with Ririka's face on its belly. Being the only plane out there, Etsuko now must put the bear out of comition before her fuel runs out.

Objective: You will be flying around on an auto-pilot feature of sorts. As you are automatically maneuver around the bear, it's weak spot will be exposed (it'll be marked so you know what it is). You will have to lock on and fire a missile right away. Hit the button eight times and the bear is done for. I guess this is the closest thing to a boss battle you'll find in this game.

Tips and Notes

-Watch mainly for the bear's weakness. It will sometimes pop up unexpectedly and disappear just as soon.

-Try to keep in mind your relative position to the bear. With this, you will actively know about when you'll have to fire.

-I've noticed the bear's weakness seems to come in closer to the bottom of your little screen. So, keep the cursor around the bottom, but not exactly at the bottom. This might give you a little edge towards hitting the bear a bit quicker.

Thus concludes Etsuko's walthrough. Now, it's time to move on to the shortest and easiest scenario in the game, Tsuyoshi's scenario.


Q: How do I unlock the different mini-games to play outside of the actual game?
A: You must complete a chapter in each scenario.

Q: Are there any hidden mini-games?
A: None that I know of, but I'll keep you posted.

Q: How come some mini-games do not allow me to pause?
A: Because some of them would be made easier if you just kept pausing. That way, you would be able to anticipate something as it happens. Some games draw their difficulty from being fast.

Q: Do you know any cheat codes for this game?
A: I know none. Why not go to GameSages or Game Winners and look them up yourself?

Q: Are there any hidden characters in this game?
A: Nope, just the four family members presented.

Q: How come I can't get a good control of the snowboarding mini-game?
A: It was deliberately made stiff to add to the challenge.


This FAQ is copyright 2002 to Joe Shaffer, aka BoredGamer. Any use of this FAQ for commercial purposes in any way, shape, or form without confirmed consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This can be used for personal use and freely distributed, as long as there is no profit being made off the FAQ without my approval before hand (this includes magazines). This also cannot be posted on any websites without my solid approval. Any failure to comply with said premises can, and probably will, result in legal actions.


Thank you to...

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey and GameFAQs

NeoSeeker and their staff

Everyone at PlayStation

Titus for brining Incredible Crisis to The States. If there's a sequel ever, I hope to see that as well...

(c) Joe Shaffer 2002
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