Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

17.10.2013 20:20:12
"This document Copyright 2002-2003 Nathan Norris"


Grand Theft Auto Vice City: PS2 Version
FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.6
Last Updated: 1/21/03
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris)
Email: minesweeper2[at]hotmail[dot]com


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1: Introduction
2: Revision History
3: Contact Policy
4: Game Basics
4A - Controls
4B - Vehicles
4C - Getting Busted/Wasted
4D - Finding Work
5: Storyline Missions Walkthrough
5A - Ken Rosenburg
5B - Juan Garcia Cortez
5C - Ricardo Diaz
5D - Kent Paul
5E - Tommy Vercetti
6: Property Missions Walkthrough
6A - Boatyard
6B - Ice Cream Factory
6C - Pole Position Club
6D - Taxi Firm
6E - Car Showroom
6F - Film Studio
6G - Print Works
6H - Malibu Club
7: Side Missions Walkthrough
7A - Avery Carrington
7B - Umberto Robina
7C - Auntie Poulet
7D - Love Fist
7E - Mitch Baker
7F - Phil Cassidy
7G - Phone
7H - Stadium
7I - Rifle Range
7J - Top Fun
7K - Helicopter
7L - Miscellaneous
8: R3 Vehicle Missions Walkthrough
8A - Taxi Driver
8B - Pizza Boy
8C - Fire Fighter
8D - Vigilante
8E - Paramedic
9: Buildings FAQ
9A - Stores to Shop At
9B - Stores to Rob
9C - Safehouse List
9D - Properties
10: Hidden Packages List
10A - Eastern Vice City Packages
10B - Central Islands Packages
10C - Western Vice City Packages
11: Rampages Walkthrough
11A - Eastern Vice City and Central Islands Rampages
11B - Western Vice City Rampages
12: Unique Stunts List
12A - Eastern Vice City and Central Islands Unique Stunts
12B - Western Vice City Unique Stunts
13: Weapons FAQ
14: Cheat Codes
15: Frequently Asked Questions
16: Miscellaneous
16A - Miscellaneous Ways to Get Cash
16B - Special Cars
16C - Freebie Item Vehicles
16D - Websites
16E - Flying Rhino
17: Contributing Readers
18: Thanks
19: Copyright


1: Introduction

I'm back! I'm sure most of you remember me from my Grand Theft Auto 3
guide. I felt that my GTA3 guide was definitely informative and covered
everything important in the game, but I also felt it was poorly organized.
This time around though with Grand Theft Auto Vice City (henceforth known as
GTAVC), I'm making every effort possible to make this guide much better than
my GTA3 guide ever was. I hope you appreciate my efforts in trying to make
this the best FAQ I've ever made.


2: Revision History

VERSION 1.0 - 12/01/02 - 297 KB

First edition.


VERSION 1.5 - 12/21/02 - 362 KB

The Hidden Packages section is now up and running. I've got 82 hidden
packages on the list right now. I would be eternally grateful if somebody
would send me the last 18. The stadium missions have now been added to the
Side Missions section, and there are some more subsections in the
Miscellaneous section. Also, some readers' contributions have been added,
and several mistakes and typos have been fixed.


VERSION 2.0 - 12/23/02 - 407 KB

Merry Christmas! After watching my favorite Christmas movie ever (Die Hard)
I worked some more on this guide. Two more packages have been found and
added to the list, bringing the total to 84. I've also added onto the
Rampages Walkthrough. 33 rampages have been covered, and that means there
are two left to find. I would be really happy if somebody would send me the
locations of the last two rampages, as well as the hidden packages I haven't
found yet. On a more minor note, I've completed the stadium missions
walkthroughs and added on the rifle range section.


VERSION 2.1 - 12/27/02 - 422 KB

Thanks to THAguyINgta3, the Hidden Packages List and the Rampages
Walkthrough are now completed! Not only that, but I've finished writing for
the helicopter missions, so the Side Missions Walkthrough is also completed
now! Also, I've added more readers' contributions.


VERSION 2.5 12/31/02 - 452 KB

I hope you all have a great New Year's Eve! The Unique Stunts section has
now been started on, but I'm missing five unique stunts. I would really
like it if somebody would send them in! Also, I've taken care of the line
breaks problem the last version my guide had.


VERSION 2.6 1/21/03 - 464 KB

Thanks to several contributors, the Unique Stunts section is now completed!
I have also added numerous other contributions, and I've added on the Flying
Rhino section to the Miscellaneous section.


3: Contact Policy

Please DO:

- put the name of the game in the subject title and/or in the message
itself. It's VERY IMPORTANT the name of the game is in the subject. I have
numerous spam filters set up to catch certain messages. If you only put in
the game's title in the subject I guarantee you the message will get
through. Not only that, I will know what game you're talking about. I've
got more guides out there than just this one, so it's critical I know what
game you need help on.

- read the guide to answer a question you may have BEFORE you send an email.
At least read the sections that could probably answer your question. Use
Ctrl + F to help you seek out specific items. If you have time to waste
your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my document
for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- use proper spelling and grammar. Don't write something like: "hym an dou
ha vecodez furt his game." You may not think it's a big deal, but I
appreciate it when somebody takes the time to type out a message correctly.

- send a message in English. English is the only language I can effectively
communicate with. I know a little Spanish, and a handful of random words
from other languages, but that's about as far as my knowledge of foreign
languages goes.

Please DO NOT:

- ask me anything about getting 100% completion yet. Since I haven't
actually gotten 100% game completion, I can't help you on this.

- send emails in excess of 100KB without prior warning. The Klez virus
emails have been pouring into my email accounts every day. Since the emails
always exceed 100KB, I delete them the moment I see them. If you send some
large attachment, then there's a very good chance I'll delete the message
right away without looking at it.

- ask me to send you a copy of my guide. If you want a copy of my guide,
just go to an address where it's being displayed, click "File" on top of
your screen, and then click "Save As."

- send several messages at once. It's okay if you accidentally hit the send
button twice, but please don't spam my inbox with three or more messages at
the same time. Put everything that you need to talk about in one email.

What I DO and DO NOT want contributed to this guide:

Please DO contribute:
- unique stunt jump locations

- mission walkthroughs
- rampage walkthroughs
(I would like it if the walkthroughs you contribute are significantly
different from what's already in the guide. Also, if a mission already has
three or more walkthroughs, there's not much hope of another one getting

- corrections
- just about anything that's not in the "DO NOT contribute" list below

- major glitches
(like flying around under the city)

Please DO NOT contribute:
- weapon locations
- vehicle locations
(I want to work on these things by myself for now. You can contribute them
once I get the respective sections up and running.)

- minor glitches
("OMG OMG i hit teh car & it vansihed it was soooo kewlz LOLOLOLOLOL")

- little, unimportant things
(like GTA3 guy's picture in the hotel)


(Replace the "[at]" with "@" and the "[dot]" with ".")

4: Game Basics

TRIANGLE - enter a vehicle
CIRCLE - use a weapon or your fists
X - run
SQUARE - jump
L2, R2 - change weapons
L1 - center camera
R1 - use weapon's aiming mode
L2, R2 - cycle through targets in lock-on aiming mode
L3 - duck
SELECT - change camera view
START - bring up pause menu
R3 - look behind you

TRIANGLE - exit vehicle
CIRCLE - fire vehicle's weapon (if it has one)
- shoot a machine gun when holding L2 or R2
X - accelerate
SQUARE - brake, reverse if sitting still
L2, R2 - look left or right, if pressed together look behind
L1 - change radio station
R1 - handbrake
D PAD, LEFT STICK - turn left or right
RIGHT STICK - rotate vehicle's cannon (Firetruck and Rhino only)
SELECT - change camera view
START - bring up pause menu
L3 - horn, light tap activates siren if vehicle has one
R3 - trigger vehicle mission if inside a special vehicle

TRIANGLE - exit vehicle
X - go up
SQUARE - go down
CIRCLE - fire missiles (Hunter only)
L1 - change radio station
R1 - fire machine gun (Hunter and Sea Sparrow only)
L2, R2 - turn left or right, if pressed together look behind
D PAD, LEFT STICK - go forwards, backwards, and side to side
RIGHT STICK - rotate left and right, and go up and down
SELECT - change camera view
START - bring up pause menu
L3 - level helicopter
R3 - trigger "Brown Thunder" mission (Hunter only)

TRIANGLE - exit vehicle
X - accelerate
SQUARE - brake
CIRCLE - shoot machine gun when holding L2 or R2
L1 - change radio station
L2, R2 - turn left or right, if pressed together look behind
D PAD, LEFT STICK - ascend, descend, and turn left and right
SELECT - change camera view
START - bring up pause menu

To run while on foot, hold down the X button. Until you get the Infinite
Run powerup from the Paramedic mission, you will run out of breath after a
period of time and you'll have to walk at a normal speed until Tommy can
catch his breath again. Despite this, run as much as possible. The more
time you spend running, the longer Tommy can run without catching his
breath. Even without the powerup though, there is a way to keep running for
a much longer time. Keep tapping X while you run, and you'll be able to
sprint a much longer distance.

To fire a gun when on foot, press the CIRCLE button. Your weapon may have a
targeting mode you can use if you press R1. There are two kinds of aiming:
lock-on, and manual. Lock-on weapons lock onto what the game deems the most
dangerous target when you press the button. You can cycle through all the
available targets with R2 and L2. Manual aiming is when an aiming sight of
some kind comes up when you press R1. Use the D PAD or the LEFT STICK to
aim up, down, left or right. If you duck down with L3, you'll have greater
accuracy since you can control the gun's recoil better in this position.

To fire a gun while in a vehicle, you need a machine gun. These weapons are
indicated by yellow when you select them on your gameplay screen. They are
also surrounded by a yellow glow in the gaming field. Get inside a vehicle,
and then press R2 or L2 to look to the side. Press CIRCLE to fire in the
direction you're looking. If you're on a motorcycle, you can shoot in front
of you by pressing the CIRCLE button by itself.

You can also use a machine gun in a helicopter, however you must be in the
cinematic camera mode so it'll be near impossible to see what you're trying
to hit.

Source: GTAVC messageboard

To enter a vehicle, press TRIANGLE. You will then run over to the closest
vehicle and you'll attempt to get inside it. If someone is in the car, you
will automatically throw him out to get in the driver's seat. Unless you
got in on the passenger's side though, his passengers will stay in the car
until they decide to run for it.

To get out of a vehicle, press TRIANGLE when not accelerating. A new
addition to GTAVC over GTA3 is that you no longer have to wait for the
vehicle to completely stop before you can get out. However, the faster the
vehicle is moving when you jump out, the more damage you will take when you
hit the ground. If you're moving slow enough though, you won't get any
damage. If you can, stop your vehicle before you get out of it.

If you're getting in a boat, you don't have to get inside the boat first to
take control of it. Just tap TRIANGLE when standing next to a boat on a
dock to automatically board it. When you want to get out of a boat, press
TRIANGLE to stop driving. Press SQUARE when standing next to the edge of a
boat to jump out of it. If you're next land, the leaps should always land
you on solid ground.

You should abandon the vehicle you are in if its about to be destroyed.
Your car is about to blow up once the engine starts spewing black smoke. If
your car catches fire, GET OUT. That's the signal your car is about to
explode. Once it does blow up, it's going to heavily damage if not destroy
everything around it.

If your car has flipped over and you can't get it to roll back onto its
wheels, then get out of there fast. Rolled-over vehicles will catch fire
and blow up after a short period of time. Note that if your vehicle is
laying on its side, you might be able to get back on your wheels by pressing
X and pressing the D PAD in the direction the car is lying on the ground.

Most people you steal cars from won't try to fight back. A few of them will
though. In particular, the guy who drives the taxis almost always does
this. Drive away fast if you notice the driver is walking back towards you
after you threw him out of the car.

The police cars on the road always have their doors locked. There is a way
to get them to unlock their doors though. Try to open one of the car's
doors, and the cop will jump out to arrest you. After he's closed his door,
the police car's doors will be unlocked. You can then quickly hop in and
speed away. Do it fast before the cop can arrest you.

Stealing a gang car is also a little trickier than a stealing a civilian
vehicle. If you steal a gang car in front of members of the same gang,
they'll all come over to attack you. So, you should try to steal gang cars
when none of the other gang members are looking.

Some of the parked cars you see have their doors locked, and sometimes the
car alarm will activate if you take one of them. You should wait in a quiet
area for the alarm to stop, because if a cop sees you driving a vehicle with
the car alarm on, you'll get a one-star wanted level. Thankfully, in GTAVC,
car alarms and locked cars are far less common than they were in GTA3.

To fire a gun while in a vehicle, you need a machine gun. These weapons are
indicated by yellow when you select them on your gameplay screen. They are
also surrounded by a yellow glow in the gaming field. Get inside a vehicle,
and then press R2 or L2 to look to the side. Press CIRCLE to fire in the
direction you're looking. If you're on a motorcycle, you can shoot in front
of you by pressing the CIRCLE button by itself.

You can also use a machine gun in a helicopter, however you must be in the
cinematic camera mode so it'll be near impossible to see what you're trying
to hit.

Source: GTAVC messageboard

To honk the horn in a road vehicle, press the L3 button. You press the L3
button by pressing down on your LEFT STICK like it's a button. To activate
the siren (if the vehicle has one) tap the L3 button.

There are a few vehicles that have their own weapons on them. They include
the Firetruck, the Rhino, the Predator, the Hunter, and the Sea Sparrow.
Press the CIRCLE button to use the weapons. The Firetruck shoots water, the
Rhino's cannon fires, the Predator's machine guns fire, and the Hunter's
missile launcher fires by pressing that button. Note that in the Firetruck
and Rhino you can rotate the cannon with the RIGHT STICK. Also, in the
Hunter and the Sea Sparrow, you can fire machine guns with R1. (Contributed
by: Finny Merrill)

This function is exclusive to the Voodoo. Press L3 like you were honking
your horn. The car will bounce higher into the air on its suspension. You
can also use the R3 button to tilt the car around with its hydraulics.

If you're driving a special vehicle like a taxi, you can press the R3 button
to trigger a special mission. You press the R3 button by pressing down on
your RIGHT STICK like it's a button. You can read about these more in the
R3 Vehicle Missions FAQ.

These aren't a new addition to the GTA series, but we haven't seen
motorcycles in a GTA game for quite awhile. Most of the motorcycles are
really fast, but you're also extremely vulnerable while riding one. If you
hit anything hard enough, you'll fly right off and take some damage.
However, their spectacular acceleration and high top speed makes them
fantastic choices for timed missions. Being able to accelerate quickly in
small spaces also makes them great for doing the unique stunt jumps.

You can also pull off some cool moves on motorcycles that you can't do in
cars, namely wheelies and stoppies.

Accelerate quickly, and press down on the D-pad. Your front wheel will rise
into the air. Be careful not to pull too far back on the D-pad, or the bike
will flip over and you'll fall off. You need to keep the wheelie going for
several seconds for the game to count it on the stats screen.

Get up to a high speed, then hold down the brake and press up on the D-pad
at the same time. The back wheel will rise into the air as the bike slides
to a stop. Don't stop too quickly though, or the bike will flip over and
you'll fall off. Like wheelies, you need to keep stoppies going for awhile
if you want the game to count them on your stats screen.

You won't be flying any of these until you unlock western Vice City.
They're mostly on top of skyscrapers in the Downtown area. In case you want
to know, these are all the places you can get helicopters from in Downtown:

- on top of Hyman Condo
- on top of the police station
- on top of the VCN Building

Note that the VCN Building and the Hyman Condo have doors at ground level
that take you quickly to the roof where the helicopter is. However, you
must purchase Hyman Condo for $14,000 before you can use its door to get to
the roof. The police station has stairs on the side of the building to let
you up to the helicopter.

My preferred way of operating the helicopter is to use the LEFT STICK for
navigating, the RIGHT STICK for turning the helicopter in the right
direction, and the X button and SQUARE button for ascending and descending.
For the first few minutes, you should practice in a wide open space with the
helicopter some so you can get used to its odd physics. It's nowhere near
as difficult as flying the Dodo was in GTA3 though.

When flying a helicopter in the air, try to keep it out of tight spots.
Every time you hit the helicopter's blades on something, you'll damage the
helicopter. It doesn't take very long to blow up the helicopter by doing
this, so try very hard not to touch anything.

There's only one plane in this game that you can fly, and it's called the
Skimmer. It looks like the Dodo from GTA3, only now it has full wings and
pontoons so it can land and take off on water. There is only one location
to get the plane as well. Beat the mission DILDO DODO after you buy the
Film Studio, and the Skimmer will always be parked on the dock behind the
studio lot in Prawn Island. You have to unlock western Vice City and have
beaten the mission SHAKEDOWN to purchase the studio.

If you were never able to master the Dodo in GTA3, don't sweat it! The
Skimmer is a lot easier to fly than the Dodo in GTA3 ever was. If you DID
master the Dodo in GTA3 though, you'll already have a headstart on learning
how to fly this plane! I prefer using the LEFT STICK over the D PAD for
flying this plane, since the stick is better suited for flying. Remember
that in the Skimmer, pressing up makes you go down, and pressing down makes
you go up.

First, there's the takeoff. Simply hold down the X button and pull back on
the LEFT STICK hard. Make sure you're going in a straight line and don't
turn while doing this. The plane will slowly rise into the air. The next
thing you probably want to do is get some altitude.

Well, in this game you got altitude in a similar way to how you did in the
Dodo in GTA3. After you've gotten a decent sized distance from the ground,
push forward on the stick to do a nose dive. Pull back on the stick after
you've built up some speed to rise up into the air. You could have also
gotten a little altitude just by pulling back on the stick, but that doesn't
work very well. There's a good chance the plane could stall and go down
when you try to pull up without good speed. One of the few edges the
Skimmer has on the helicopters is that it can reach higher altitudes.

No more tapping the stick to turn! Just push hard on the stick in the
direction you want to go. Don't turn too close to the water though, or you
could wipe out! Landing is easy. Just set your plane down on water. You
could also do it on land, but don't count on being able to get the Skimmer
back in the water very easily considering it has pontoons and not wheels.

Despite the fact the Skimmer isn't near as useful as the helicopter is,
there are some pretty fun acrobatic stunts you can try.

Try flying as low as possible to the ground. It's lots of fun around Little
Haiti. Also, try nose-diving towards the ground and then pulling up just in
time so you only just tap the ground.

I learned this stunt from the Ace Combat 04 board. It's
strange that this trick somewhat works in a completely different game.
(Check out the game on PS2 if you can, because it rocks! I also have an
FAQ/Walkthrough on it too if you want to read about it.)

First, dive towards the ground to pick up some speed, then pull up really
hard. Keep pulling up and look at the plane from the side view. If you
have enough speed, the plane will stop with its nose vertical in the air.
Once you've stopped in mid air, the plane will start falling backwards to
the ground. If you keep tapping the sticks correctly, you can keep it
falling backwards until you hit the ground. However, you might want to let
the plane go horizontal again, because you might flip over when you hit the

This is what will happen if you get arrested by a cop with a wanted level.
They can arrest you when you're lying down on the ground, or when they
manage to open the door of the car you're driving. You will then be warped
to the police station. You'll lose all the weapons you had, some money, and
if you were working on a mission at the time, you will fail it.

This indicates how badly the cops want to get you. This is what each star
on your wanted level meter indicates:

1 STAR - The police seem to be more interested in finishing their donuts
than catching you. There will be only one car with one cop in it chasing
you if there's anyone at all. They won't even use their guns. If a cop
catches up to you he'll just beat you with his nightstick.

2 STARS - Now it gets a little challenging. More patrol cars will come, and
there are two cops inside each one.

3 STARS - The police are really starting to get fed up with you at this
point. There will be many cars in pursuit, and they'll even call a
helicopter to the scene to shoot at you. They will start setting up
roadblocks and putting down spike strips to stop you. There will be
undercover Cheetahs chasing you. The cops inside them are equipped with

4 STARS - This is where the cops really start to pull out the heavy
artillery. SWAT trucks full of SWAT cops with Uzis will begin coming after
you. There will be police cars everywhere you turn, not to mention
barricades of SWAT trucks. SWAT teams will even rappel from the helicopter
to flush you out of hiding places like garages.

5 STARS - Prepare for big trouble if you manage to last long enough to get
this far. The police will still be in pursuit, but now the FBI will do most
of the chasing. They'll come after you in black Ranchers that have four
doors instead of two. Each truck has four FBI agents in it, and each of
these agents is equipped with an MP5. Find someplace to hide or prepare to

6 STARS - You've caused so much havoc that the army is going to come after
you now! They will chase after you with Barracks OLs full of guys with
MP5s. There are even some Rhino tanks after you! If you just TOUCH a Rhino
tank, your car will be blown up. You might want to consider suicide...

First, never do anything illegal in front of a cop. This is much harder
than it sounds. Those cops on foot seem to be just about everywhere in this
game, and they're often difficult to pick out of crowds of pedestrians.
Never attack a cop. Just aiming a gun at a cop will earn you two stars.

- Hide somewhere and don't do anything. The star will go away by itself.
- Change clothes
- Go to a Pay 'N' Spray
- Collect one Police Bribe

- Change clothes
- Go to a Pay 'N' Spray
- Collect two Police Bribe

- Go to a Pay 'N' Spray
- Collect the number of Police Bribes that are on your wanted level
- Finishing a mission will usually cause you to lose your wanted level
completely, so if you are near mission completion, don't bother hunting for
Police Bribes or going to the Pay 'N' Spray.

I am assuming you are trying to do this so you can get hold of a Rhino, a
Rancher, etc. There are lots of good ways to do this. You can:

- Fire weapons
- Blow up lots of cars
- Kill lots of pedestrians
- Steal lots of cars

- Try to steal a police car with a cop in it
- Shoot at a police car, even if there's no cop inside it
- Shoot a gun in front of a cop
- Attack a civilian in front of a cop
- Steal a car in front of a cop
- Steal two money items from a store
- Shoot the clerk in a store

- Go into the VCPD HQ building in Vice Point when not dressed as a policeman
- Aim a gun at a policeman
- Kill a policeman
- Steal three money items from a store
- Allow the clerk in a store to set off the alarm

- Steal four money items from a store
- Blow up the Dodo flying around in the sky over the city (Contributed by:

- Kill lots of law enforcement people
- Blow up lots of law enforcement vehicles
- Shoot down the police helicopters

Notice you have an armor meter and a health meter in the upper-right corner.
As you take damage, you'll lose armor points until you're out of armor.
At that time, you'll start losing health. When your health is gone, you are
wasted. You'll be transported to the nearest hospital when you die. You
will lose some money and all your guns. If you were working on a mission at
the time, you'll fail it.

- Get shot, punched, burned, hit by melee weapons, or get caught in
- Fall for a long distance
- Dive out of a vehicle while it's traveling at a medium speed
- Fall off of a bike when traveling at a medium speed
- Fall in ocean water (usually certain death)
- Sit in a vehicle when it explodes (instant death)

- Find a health icon, which looks like a heart on a pink disc
- Order some food at a restaurant if your health is under 100
- Pick up a prostitute in a car, go to a dark place, and watch (I'm serious
about this one!)
- Get inside an ambulance

There are some things to note about these ways to get health. Food you buy
at restaurants can only bring your health to 100. Prostitutes can bring
your health only up to 125. If you got the 150-health powerup from the
Pizza Boy mission, your health will be taken down to 125 when the hooker
does her thing. Ambulances will take you to your normal maximum health. If
you got 125 health from a hooker and your maximum health is 100, your health
will go down to 100.

- Find a body armor icon
- Purchase body armor at an Ammu-Nation store for $200
- Get inside an Enforcer

In GTA3, just about every gang out there hated you by the end of the game.
It was impossible to travel anywhere in the city without getting shot at by
somebody. Thankfully though, gangs that hate you in this game are far less
common. In fact, only one gang truly gets to the point where they hate you
enough to shoot at you. The gang is *spoiler* the Haitians. They'll begin
to hate you after you beat the mission TROJAN VOODOO by Umberto Robina.

You should do everything that has to be done in enemy gang territory before
they start attacking you whenever you come to their territory. Collect the
hidden packages in the area, do the rampages, look for unique stunts, etc.

If a gang hates you, they'll shoot at you every time you pass through their
territory. If you're going fast enough though, the enemy gang won't have
enough time to identify you. If you stop your car, they'll run over and try
to throw you out of your car. Never stop moving while passing through enemy

If you want to make it in this town, you're going to need to get hold of
some cash. And to do that, you have to get a job! There are many ways to
get employment in Vice City.

A large portion of the work you'll do in this game is from the major
employers in the city, like Colonel Cortez. These are the most important
missions in the game you'll play, since you need to beat them to unlock
western Vice City, the ability to buy properties, and to see what happens at
the end of the game. Completing storyline missions is also the only way to
meet a lot of your side bosses, like Love Fist. They're all represented on
the radar by their initial in a blue box. You'll meet them through
completing missions for the other storyline bosses. Check out the Storyline
Missions Walkthrough below this section to find walkthroughs for these

Once you beat the mission SHAKEDOWN, you'll be able to buy certain
businesses around the map, like the Ice Cream Factory. Look for the green
house icon in front of the business and press L1 on it to buy it, if you
have enough money. You should buy as many of the businesses as you can. The
reason is because after you finish most of or all the missions for a
property, a money icon will appear at the business. The business will now
generate a certain amount of money a day. You can pick up this money at the
business and add it to your own wallet. Look at the Property Missions
Walkthrough of this guide for more information.

These missions come in various forms. In some of them, you get missions
from a boss like the Property and Storyline missions. The boss missions
you'll meet through the storyline missions. They're represented on the
radar, so you won't have to go searching for them. In other side missions
however, you might get in a certain vehicle in the gaming environment and
then the mission will automatically start. Keep your eyes sharp for parked
vehicles in out of the way places, because they might just be hiding
something... Check out the Side Missions Walkthrough for more information.

There are special missions you can play in the game if you get hold of a
certain vehicle. For example, if you find a taxi, you can play the Taxi
Driver game. Press R3 to start these missions. To press the R3 button,
press down on your RIGHT STICK like it's a button. Read the R3 Missions
section for more information.

These are side quests where you collect things. Things to collect include
finding hidden packages, completing rampages, completing unique jumps, and
robbing every robbable store. These quests tend to be difficult to
complete, since it's so hard to find everything. However, I've got lists on
some of these things in sections 10-12.


5: Storyline Missions Walkthrough

MARCO'S BISTRO, LIBERTY CITY, 1986 (Hmm...I would have been one year old

The Forellis are discussing what to do with Tommy Vercetti. He's fresh out
of jail after 15 years. They can't let him continue to work in Liberty
City, because everybody's going to be keeping an eye on him. Sonny decides
to send Tommy down south with some cash to expand the Forelli's influence.
He's sending him to Vice City.


Ken Rosenburg greets the Forellis at the airport. He drives them to the
docks while discussing what kind of business they're about to do with the


A helicopter lands at the docks near Ken Rosenburg's car. The Forellis get
out of the car while the Colombian gets out of the helicopter. As they walk
towards each other, we see some heavily armed men hiding behind a crate.
The Colombian drops a case of drugs in front of Tommy, while Tommy's
partners show him two cases of cash. They're about to trade when suddenly
the attack team springs an ambush. They manage to kill everybody except
Tommy. He runs back towards Ken's car, and leaves the drugs and money
behind. As Tommy escapes with Ken, the chopper lifts off and flees as well.


Tommy tells Ken to go get some sleep, and says he'll come over tomorrow
morning to start sorting this mess out.

Reach the Ocean View Hotel in Ocean Beach and contact Sonny Forelli.

- Your first safehouse, Ocean View Hotel

Get in a vehicle, and travel to the Ocean View Hotel in Ocean Beach. While
you're on the way there, several message boxes will appear on the screen to
explain the game's controls, maps, etc. If you haven't played GTA3 before
this game, you should pay attention to these message boxes.

Anyway, once you get to the hotel, walk inside. You'll be told how to save
in the lobby. Simply walk up to the cassette tape icon in the lobby to do
it. Go towards the pink marker to head up to your room.

In the room, Sonny greets Tommy heartily on the phone, and asks how the deal
went down. Tommy says that it was an ambush, and that Harry and Lee are
dead. Sonny yells at Tommy that if he were anybody else, he'd already be
dead for his mistake. Since he's got history with Sonny though, he's going
to give Tommy a chance to clean up the mess. Tommy swears he's going to
take care of everything. He then slams the phone on the floor in


NOTE: While you were on the way to the hotel, you were told about a
hurricane that is approaching Vice City on the radio. The announcement says
that roads to western Vice City will be closed until the hurricane passes.
You'll have to beat some missions before you'll be able to travel over

ANOTHER NOTE: You're now free to explore eastern Vice City at your leisure.
I suggest you go do some side quests like the R3 vehicle missions, the
hidden packages, the rampages, etc. since you don't have any money. Doing
the side quests is a great way to get acquainted with Vice City, not to
mention you'll get some bonus perks like 150 maximum health and 150 maximum

5A - Ken Rosenburg
|__/ |__ |\ |
| \ |__ | \|

When you're ready to start playing the main missions again, head for Ken
Rosenburg's office, which is marked with an "L" icon. His office is in
Washington Beach, near Washington Mall. I'll list his missions below.

Attend Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez's party on his yacht, but get some nicer
clothes at Rafael's first.

- $100
- Street outfit delivered to safehouses
- Soiree outfit delivered to Rafael's

Follow the T-shirt icon to Rafael's in Ocean Beach. Walk inside and you'll
be given a new outfit. Once you step outside, you'll see somebody pull up
nearby on a Freeway bike. Steal it if you want to, then go to Cortez's
party at the marina. It's also in the Ocean Beach area.

Tommy will chat with Cortez for awhile about the rotten business deal.
Cortez says he'll try to help Tommy in the future, and that they will
discuss this later. He'll introduce Tommy to Mercedes, who in turn will
introduce him to all the major guests at the party.

Mercedes says she wants to go to the Pole Position Club now. Get in a car
with her, and drive her over there. Again this location is in Ocean Beach.
She'll walk inside and the mission will be over.

Meet Kent Paul at the Malibu Club to dig up a lead, then go after the lead.

- $200
- a cell-phone

Go drive to the Malibu Club at Vice Point and walk inside. The security
guard will point Tommy towards Kent Paul. He'll tell you to go talk to a
chef at Ocean Drive for a lead. Go back to Ocean Beach and drive into the
back alley behind Ocean Drive. The chef will bad-mouth Tommy, and then they
both decide to pick a fight. Despite what the game tells you about how to
punch, you don't have to kill him with your fists. You can run him over or
shoot him if you want to. Just kill the chef in whatever way you find most
amusing, then pick up his cell phone. You can now get phone calls.

A black guy in a white suit will then pop up. His name is Lance. He'll
criticize Tommy for killing his only lead in getting his money and Tommy's
money back. Lance says he wants to help you out in sorting out this mess.
Tommy refuses the help, but suddenly three more chefs come out to fight.
Lance tosses him a pistol and yells at Tommy to follow him.

You don't have to kill the chefs if you don't want to, but it could be good
target practice for using guns. Either way, follow Lance to his white
Infernus and get in with him. He tells you to drive to Ammu-Nation. Do as
he says. When you get there, you'll get a tutorial on how to buy weapons
and how your weapons inventory works. Next, you'll be told to drive back to
your hotel. Lance will tell you he'll be watching you before driving off in
his Infernus.

If you drive fast enough towards the chef when you're about to meet him, you
can run him over in the cutscene without having to listen to the dialog.


CELL-PHONE CALL: After the mission, you'll receive a call on the cell
phone. The guy will talk about getting a buyer for Diaz's merchandise.
Unfortunately, he hangs up when he realizes that your voice is different
from Leo's. Apparently Leo is the person who owns the phone.

Convince the jury members to change their minds.

- $400

As soon as you exit the office, a carpenter will get run over by a car and
he'll drop a hammer. Take it if you want to. Travel to the first juror's
location. He's just southeast of where you are right now. Hit him once and
he'll run to his car. Remember, you're supposed to intimidate the juror,
not kill him. He'll jump in his Admiral and try to flee, but a truck will
ram his car before he can get far.

He'll lock his door so you can't get at him. Take a hammer from the truck
if you don't have a melee weapon, and use the hammer to knock the door off.
Throw the juror out of the car, and he will then run away scared. One down,
one to go.

Go to Vice Point towards the blue beachfront hotel. Here you will find the
second juror's car. Vandalize it in whatever way you find the most amusing.
The juror will come out of the hotel, and of course he'll be quite upset
with what you did to his car. He'll then also run away scared. Mission


CELL-PHONE CALLS: You'll receive two calls once the mission is over. The
first one is Sonny Forelli, who tells Tommy to hurry up and get his money
back. The second one is from an unknown person who asks you to go to a
payphone near the mall at Washington. I suggest you finish up working for
Ken though before you start talking to mysterious strangers.

Start a riot at the Spand Express delivery company, then destroy their
trucks to put them out of business.

- $1,000
- you get a new boss, Avery Carrington
- you get a new boss, Cortez (see CELL-PHONE CALL below this mission
- coveralls outfit delivered to "Tooled Up" at the North Point Mall
- Body Armor is now on sale at Ammu-Nation in Ocean Beach
- Baseball Bat is now on sale at Bunch of Tools in Washington Beach

First, head over to Rafael's to get workman's clothes if you want them. You
also might want to take the time to get hold of body armor and a gun. Next,
go to Spand Express in Vice Point. It turns out there's a strike going on
at this place. You need to fight with at least four of the workers to begin
a riot. Attack four people one time, and the workers will all start

The delivery company will then open up the front gate to allow security
guards to bring the riot under control. Now, you have to get inside the
compound and blow up the trucks. If you don't have a gun, kill one of the
security guards to get one. Target the explosive barrels near the truck to
cause an explosion. This will wipe out the trucks. Do this fast, because
the rioters and the security guards will attack you while you're trying to
do this.

Instead of punching or shooting the workers, just plow a car through the
middle of the crowd. This will probably get you a star. Once the riot
starts, drive away for a little while. If you wait, the workers and
security guards will kill most of themselves off, allowing you to work on
the trucks without much interruption. Just be careful, because the workers
and security guards tend to follow you around if you leave the compound.
However, you should be able to easily run them down with a car or something.

There are also several other ways to blow the trucks up without using the
barrels. If you do this while the workers are still mostly alive though,
you should steal them and take them to a quieter place. Once you're in a
safe place, drop them into the ocean, shoot them, ram them into things, park
burning cars next to them, just do whatever you want basically.


It's also possible to get inside the Spand Express lot without having to
fight with the workers. Behind the Spand Express building, you can use a
bike on the third floor of the construction building to jump into the back
of the lot. When you go to blow up the trucks, you'll only have to deal
with three security guards. This is much better than a legion of angry
workers plus the guards. The gate will open up after the mission's over.


CELL-PHONE CALL: Cortez will call after the mission, and he'll offer you
work at his yacht in the marina.

5B - Juan Garcia Cortez
___ __ __ ___ __ __
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Cortez gives out his missions at his yacht in the marina at Washington
Beach. He is marked on the radar with a "C".

Kill Gonzales because of his loose tongue.

- $250
- Casual outfit delivered to Gash in the North Point Mall
- Machete is now on sale at Bunch of Tools in Washington Beach

At the start of the mission Cortez will hand you a chainsaw. Despite what
Cortez told you to do, you don't have to kill Gonzales with it. I just shot
him. Cruise over to Gonzales's condo in Vice Point. When you walk into the
front door, you'll be taken to the roof. Gonzales will spot you and he'll
run away. Meanwhile, his men will come over to stop you. Slice them up
with the chainsaw, and kill Gonzales before he can escape if you can. He'll
try to get through the lower exit door, so you can jump over the railing and
get in his way. If you didn't manage to get him, you'll follow Gonzales
back to the street. You'll have to kill him then.

When you do kill him, you'll get a two star wanted level. Quickly get in a
car. There should be a Police Bribe right next to Gonzales's condo
building, so grab it to take the level down to one star. After you've done
that, head for the Pay 'N' Spray in Vice Point. Drive inside to get your
car sprayed to lose your wanted level.

Instead of going to the Pay 'N' Spray after grabbing the first police bribe,
go into the alleys across the street from the Pay 'N' Spray to get another
police bribe. Or, you can go change your clothes, or you can hide somewhere
till the star goes away by itself. You'll save $100 by doing this.

Meet a courier of Cortez's at the mall.

- $500

Head for Washington Mall. Go up the escalator in the middle of the mall,
and talk to your French contact. Suddenly, you'll be attacked by French
government troops. The courier will run away while yelling at you for
allowing the soldiers to follow. You have to hunt down the courier, kill
him, and get the chips back.

First though, get out of the mall while dodging gunfire from the French
soldiers. Next, grab a car (or a bike if you have a machine gun) and chase
after the courier. If you've got a car, ram him off his bike and run him
down. If you're on the bike and have a machine gun, press CIRCLE to fire in
front of you. After you kill the courier, take the chips back to Cortez.
You can stop at the Pay 'N' Spray if you feel you need to though.


CELL-PHONE CALL: You get a call from an unknown person asking you to answer
a pay phone in Vice Point, assuming you did the last phone mission he gave
to you. If not, he'll call you after you complete that mission.

Get some supplies at the multistory carpark, and then stand guard over a
business deal being run by Diaz.

- $1,000
- you get a new boss, Diaz (see CELL-PHONE CALL beneath this mission
- Starfish Island is opened up
- Shotgun is now on sale at Ammu-Nation in Ocean Beach
- Ruger is now on sale at Ammu-Nation in Ocean Beach

First, travel to the multistory carpark in Ocean Beach. Get the Ruger rifle
that was left for you on the first floor of the garage. Lance will then
appear again in his white Infernus. Tommy asks him to come with him to the
deal, and Lance decides to do it. Drive down to the back alley of Ocean
Drive in Washington Beach with Lance. You'll get message boxes explaining
how to use assault rifles while on the way there.

Diaz will arrive in an Admiral with some other men. Tommy says they should
get ready for the meeting by getting into shooting positions. Lance says
he'll cover the deal from the balcony, and he tells Tommy to cover from the
other roof. Go up there and walk into the circle. The Cubans will arrive,
and the deal will commence. Unfortunately, the Haitians will interfere with
the deal. Snipe them all from the ledge with the rifle before they can kill
Diaz or Lance. You should worry more about Diaz, since he's on the ground
and in the heat of the action. Most of the enemies appear from the street
to your right. Later in the gunfight though, a van will come from the alley
to the left.

After you've killed everybody, two guys on Sanchez dirt bikes will zip down
the alley. One of them will swipe the money while he's zooming past.
Fortunately, the other one gets knocked off his bike with a gunshot. You
need to grab his bike and chase after the other biker who took the money.
Grab a machine gun and get on the bike, then chase after the thief. While
you're chasing him, you'll be told how to do driveby shootings. After you
kill the biker, take the money and get it back to Diaz. Where'd Lance run
off to though?

Instead of using the Ruger, you could purchase some grenades at the
Ammu-Nation at North Point Mall and use those to blow up the Haitians' cars.
Unfortunately, you also run a good risk of blowing up Diaz too. The
rifle's not the only good gun for this mission either. The shotgun can be
just as effective too if the target's close enough!

Despite what the game tells you, you can chase the Haitian that flees with
the money in a car, but it's a bad idea. Cars are hard to navigate down the
tight little alleyways the bike goes in. However, later in the chase the
Haitian will leave the alleys, and you can easily knock him off his bike


CELL-PHONE CALL: Diaz thanks Tommy again for protecting him. He says he'd
like Tommy to come work for him. You've got another boss now.

NOTE: To play Cortez's next mission, you must complete the mission PHNOM
PENH '86 which Ricardo Diaz gives out.

Steal a tank from a military convoy and deliver it to one of Cortez's

- $2,000

Drive over to the eastern highway of western Vice City where the convoy is
traveling. Once you're there, you need to figure out how to get the troops
tounlock the Rhino tank's doors so you can get inside it. There are a few
ways to do this.

1. First, there's the obvious path of launching an full-out attack on the
convoy. However, this is a really stupid idea, considering you're very
outgunned. If you must though, I recommend you get the rocket launcher from
the Hooker Inn in Viceport. Use that to blow up the Barracks OLs, and all
the troops. After all the outside troops are dead, the ones inside the tank
will jump out. Take the tank, or stick around to kill the tank soldiers if
you want to.

2. Try to snipe the soldier on the tank's top hatch to get the soldiers to
come out. Block the street with a vehicle so they'll stop temporarily, or
wait till they get to a red light. This will make it easier to hit the
gunner. If you use a car, shoot the gunner fast since the privates can move
cars out of the way. However, they can't do anything if you use a
helicopter to block the road. Once you shoot the gunner, the soldier inside
the tank will get out to see what's wrong. Quickly run over and get inside
the Rhino. If you don't hurry, the army will open fire on you.

3. You can follow the convoy until they get to the delicatessen. A soldier
will hop out of the tank to get some donuts. The doors of the tank will now
be unlocked. Quickly jump inside the tank.

Source: GTAVC messageboard at

Once you're actually inside the tank, you should be relatively safe even
though you have a three-star wanted level. Just don't get pulled out of the
tank by a soldier or arrested by a cop and everything will be fine. Deliver
the tank quickly to Cortez's garage in Little Havana, since the army has
activated a self-destruct system on the tank. Once the tank's been
delivered, the mission will be over.

NOTE: Instead of taking the tank to Cortez's garage, you might want to keep
it for yourself. Make sure you've purchased a property with a big enough
garage ahead of time. You can't keep the tank if your garage isn't big
enough to hold it! Some good properties to leave it would be Hyman Condo or
Sunshine Autos. After getting the tank, rotate the cannon backwards and
shoot the gun over and over for extra speed. Zoom it to one of your
properties, and put it in a garage. Let the self-destruct system blow it up
for you. Getting to hear the tank's computer say "Prepare to die Communist
scum!" is also a nice side benefit. :)

CELL-PHONE CALL: If you have completed missions for all the major bosses at
this point, Kent Paul will call you and he'll ask you to meet him at the
Club Malibu.

NOTE: To play Cortez's last mission, you must complete the mission DEATH ROW
that Kent Paul gives out.

Defend Cortez and his yacht while they try to escape Vice City's waters.

- $5,000
- You can now play the helicopter checkpoint missions

Before you take on this mission, I highly advise you get together a lot of
rifle ammunition, and be sure you collect the rocket launcher from the
Hooker Inn at Viceport a couple times. As the yacht leaves the docks,
French government agents pull up to the docks in black Washingtons. They
quickly hop inside three boats and give pursuit to Cortez's boat.

As the mission begins, start shooting at the boats with your rifle. One
will stay behind the boat, and the other two will take the left and right
sides of the yacht. Listen to Cortez's warnings of where the boats are.
Remember that "port" means the left side of the boat, and "starboard" means
the right side of the boat. Unless you have ten or more rockets, you should
save the rocket launcher for later.

After you blow up some boats, you'll see the French have set up a roadblock
of boats to stop the yacht. You need to shoot them out of your way. Shoot
the three center boats only. You don't need to hit any of the others.
Again, only shoot them with rockets if you have a surplus of them. At this
point, French agents will attempt to board the yacht in small inflatable
rafts. They'll pause for a moment when you first see the roadblock, so this
is your prime opportunity to destroy them. Blow them up if you can. When
an agent manages to get on the boat, Cortez will call out the warning,
"Tommy, we are being overrun by the French."

Also, at this time, helicopters will attack one at a time. Make sure to
listen for when Cortez warns you one is coming. The helicopters will all
approach from the right side of the front of the yacht. Shoot them down
quickly with the rocket launcher before they can get over the boat to let
the agents out. If one manages to get close, don't shoot it or you'll blow
yourself up along with it. Aim for the agents instead.

After the regular helicopters have been taken down, a military helicopter
will attack you. It won't let out any passengers, but it will continually
fly over the boat while shooting down at you. Just like the other choppers,
use your rocket launcher to shoot it down. It'll take at least three
rockets to destroy it. After the helicopter is down and the blockade of
boats has been cleared, the mission will be complete. Cortez will thank you
for your help, and he'll give you his private launch as a gift.

NOTE: If you run low on rifle ammo or health, there are supplies underneath
the canopy on the top of the yacht.


CELL-PHONE CALL: Kent Paul will call Tommy and criticize him for being an
arrogant bigshot. He also warns Tommy to watch his back, because somebody
has put a price on his head.

5C - Ricardo Diaz
___ __ _
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Ricardo Diaz will give out his missions to you at his mansion on Starfish
Island. His hideout is marked with a "D" on the radar.

Go to the thief's house and find out where he is hiding Diaz's money.

- $1,000
- Stubby Shotgun is now on sale at Ammu-Nation in North Point Mall at Vice
- Katana is now on sale at Tooled Up in North Point Mall at Vice Point

This would probably be a good mission to try out your indestructible Admiral
on. Travel to the thief's apartment in Vice Point. When you get there, go
up the stairs and look in through his window. The thief will then spot you
from an above balcony and he'll make a run for it. You have to chase him
across the rooftops without killing him. When you get to the top balcony,
he'll fire some rounds your way, but Tommy will automatically duck them.

Run across the rooftops after him. If you're too slow, he'll shoot some oil
drums to block your path with flames. It's no big deal though, because you
don't have to stick to the roof anymore. Just drop to the sidewalk and keep
following. In a little bit, the thief will jump down from the roof, and
he'll hop into a BF Injection and take off. Find a car as fast as you can!

After you've got wheels, chase after the thief. Be careful while you're
chasing the target, because he'll shoot at you with his rifle from the car
while his partner drives. Remember that you're still supposed to only
follow the thief, not kill him. Keep a distance so he won't be able to hit
you well. Just keep the pink arrow in sight. His route will take you
around the North Point Mall and then to Prawn Island. When he stops the
car, drive up to him and you'll see him run into one of the mansions. So
that's where he's hiding the money...

Fly over Prawn Island in a helicopter and shoot all the gang members below,
then get inside the mansion and get back the money from the thief.

- $2,000
- western Vice City is now open
- you can now get a five-star wanted level
- Cortez offers you work again (see CELL-PHONE CALL below this mission
- Avery offers you work again
- Sniper Rifle is now on sale in Ammu-Nation in North Point Mall in Vice

If you want to, you can practice your aim with the M60 on the boats,
Caddies, and other helicopters on the way there. You've got infinite ammo
when you're in the helicopter, so fire away! The second part of the mission
will begin once you're over the island, but it doesn't require much
strategy. Just shoot the guys before they can shoot the helicopter down.

Lance will first stop over the roof of the yellow mansion, and the war will
begin. You're first up against six guys on the roof. Two of them can be
taken out by shooting the oil drums next to the roof entrance. After
eliminating them, you'll go down towards the balconies. There's three guys
on the top balcony, and two on the bottom. After you kill them, you'll fly
over to the blue mansion.

There will be a very large amount of guys around in the blue mansion's
backyard. Shoot the vehicles if there are enemies close to them. The
vehicles are easier to hit than the guys standing next to them. There will
also be two people in the pool, and one near the small shed to the right.
Next, aim for the two vehicles near the tennis court to the right, and blow
them up before you get in range of the guys behind them. Kill the two men
in the tennis court, and the one that's beneath you near the shed.

You'll now be taken to the roof of the green mansion. You can take out the
three guys on the left side of the roof by hitting the oil drum next to the
small building on the roof. Kill the last two people, and then you'll be
taken to the front of the blue mansion. There's two guys on the upper
balcony, and three on the lower porch. You should take out the guys on the
upper balcony first since they're closer to you and have a better shot.

Finally, you'll be taken to the last part. The thief will be on the roof of
the yellow mansion, and he'll yell that you're going down since you're on
his turf. Be sure you pick these guys off fast since they have Rugers.
After those three guys are dead, Lance will drop you on the ground. You're
on your own now.

In this part, you have to fight your way to the roof of the yellow mansion
to get the money back. Before you go inside though, you should grab a car
and park it in front of the front door. This will give you some cover while
you shoot the guys inside the mansion's foyer. Use the M60's scope to pick
them off in the room. You'll have to move the car aside though to hit the
gunmen on the balcony. After the six guys in the room are dead, go up to
the balcony. Turn to your right to find the stairs leading to the roof.
Kill the man in front of the door, and head out onto the roof. Take the
money, and then Lance will pick you up. Mission complete!

CELL-PHONE CALL: Cortez will call you, and he'll say he needs you to help
him with some more things. He's now available for work again at his yacht.

NOTE: When you get in a car, you'll be given a special radio announcement
that all bridges leading to western Vice City again, since Hurricane
Hermione's threat has now passed.

Steal the fastest boat from the boatyard and bring it to Diaz.

- $4,000

First, head over to Vice Port where the boat is being constructed, and make
sure you have a durable car. You also might want to pick up the body armor
at the north entrance's gates to the docks. You're going for a ram raid on
the enemies protecting the boat. Run over all the guys surrounding the
boathouse. You may need to get another car midway through running them
over, since they all have Rugers. After you've killed everyone outside, run
over the mechanics with the hammers inside the boathouse.

Park your car at the door, and then press the switch inside the boathouse to
drop the boat in the water. You now have a bunch of guys coming in through
the garage door to kill you. Shoot the car you parked in the garage door
till it explodes, and it will take out a lot of the guys with it. Kill off
the survivors, and then hop inside the Squalo boat you dropped from the
crane. You now have a three-star wanted level and police boats are after
you. Don't pay much attention to them though, because as soon as you drop
off the boat at Diaz's place, you'll lose the wanted level.

Before going to Diaz, obtain a sniper rifle with a bunch of ammo, a shotgun,
and a kevlar vest.

First, steal a packer. Then drive it to the lot that's across the road from
the target area (the correct one has a pony and a sub-machine gun in it.
There will be a building with an overhanging roof. Drive the Packer so that
the "ramp" part of the Packer goes right up onto that roof. From here, you
will have vision of most of the yard (you'll have to move around to find the
point where you can see down the whole corridor, also make sure to watch out
for guys to your left). You can now snipe away at all of the goons. You
should be able to kill 80% of them.

Now jump down, run across the road. As you approach the yard you will notice
the road is at a slight incline as you enter the target lot. Crouch here
(with L3), and put sniper vision on. The rest of the goons (the ones that
were around the corner and not visible from the roof's vantage point) will
be "aggro" on you now, so will make themselves visible and start shooting.
However, they will have a lot of trouble shooting at you if you have
positioned yourself correctly, as most of their shots will harmlessly
rebound off the lip of the road infront of you. Snipe them at your leisure
-- you should even have time to aim for headshots if you are an ammo

After that, switch to the shotgun, run towards the boat, hang a left and go
into the garage. There will be 3 guys with hammers. Shotty makes fairly
quick work of them. Step on the pink circle, quickly turn and start shooting
goons as they appear (I pick the shotgun, as it auto aims and kills in one
shot. So just hold R1, fire, release, hold R1, fire, release, etc). There
should be about six of them that appear. After they are dead, run to the

When you fire up the boat, police pursuit will start. Even though, it's
still a fairly sedate trip back to the mansion, as long as you don't mind
the hum of the occasional bullet over your shoulder.

Contributed by: Andrew

NOTE: If you want to, you can take the Squalo for a ride again after you've
dropped it off at the mansion. Just hop in the boat again.

CELL-PHONE CALL: If you completed the two previous phone missions, you'll
get another phone call from the unknown man who passes out the phone
missions. He asks you to go to the payphone at Washington Mall again.

Get the cargo from the yacht before the other boats do, and bring it back to

- $10,000
- Tracksuit outfit delivered to Jocksport in Downtown

First, travel to the Squalo parked at the jetty behind the mansion. Lance
is in the boat already, and he wants to come along with Tommy on the chase.
Follow after the other boats headed for the yacht. Lance will shoot at the
boats while you drive. After you pass the other boats, travel through the
waterway between Leaf Links and Vice Point. Once you get to the yacht and
get the stuff, you get to switch places with Lance. He'll drive while you
shoot. You've got infinite ammo, so fire away all you like.

Aim for the driver or the gunman in each boat. If you hit one of them, the
boat will fall back. You can also shoot the boat itself until it blows up
if you have bad aim. After a little while, your boat will be attacked by
gunmen on a jetty on the right side of the waterway, if you're facing
forward. Shoot the oil drums they are standing next to, and you'll
eliminate most of them quickly. A helicopter will also attack from the air
at this time. If you hit the pilot, the helicopter will fall back and it
will cease pursuit like the boats. If your aim is poor though, shoot at the
helicopter itself.

Next, you'll get attacked by another boat that appears in front of you.
Treat it like the other vehicles. Either hit the gunman or the boat itself.
You will then arrive at Diaz's place and the mission will be over. Lance
will say he'll talk to you later, and he'll zip off in the Squalo.


CELL-PHONE CALL: You'll get a call from Lance. Tommy says they'd better
hurry up and get the money back, and he says he'll talk to Lance later.

NOTE: To play Diaz's last mission, you must complete the mission DEATH ROW
that Kent Paul gives out.

Kill Diaz!

- $50,000
- you can now get a six-star wanted level
- the Colt Python, MP5, Spaz Shotgun, M4, and PSG1 are now on sale at Ammu-
Nation in Downtown
- You get a new boss, Love Fist (see CELL-PHONE CALL after this mission
- Diaz's mansion becomes a safehouse
- the name of Diaz's mansion is switched to the Vercetti Estate
- Lance's Infernus will be parked in front of the mansion
- health, body armor, shotgun, and M4 pickups will appear in a room at
the bottom of the spiral staircase in the mansion
- a helicopter will be parked on the roof of the mansion
- hidden package reward items appear on the east side of the mansion,
near the courtyard

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!: Numerous people have complained to me about a
glitch in this mission. Sometimes if you get killed after going inside
Diaz's mansion during this mission, all of the mansion's doors will refuse
to open the next time you play the mission. If reloading your file doesn't
work, the only way out is to start a new file.

At the start of the mission, Lance will hand you an M4. You're probably
going to need it if you want to be subtle and snipe the bad guys from afar.
If that's too inaccurate for you, you could try to use a sniper rifle
instead. If the guards start to catch on to where you are though, using the
Uzi's lock-on feature is a good way to take them out quick. There's also
the choice of running the enemies over with cars, but that can get tricky
once you start trying to take out guys in the backyard, thanks to the
elaborate landscaping.

To get inside the mansion where Diaz is, you need to get to the backdoor of
the mansion, which is near the swimming pool. You can either get to the
backdoor by heading through the hedge maze to the east, or across the
courtyard to the west. I prefer the courtyard, because it's a much simpler
path to follow. There's also enough space to use cars to run over people
with. However, there is a shortcut path to the pool on the west side of the
hedge maze. It's your call how you want to get in.

If Lance is following you closely, he'll suddenly shout "This way!" at one
point while you're heading towards the rear entrance. He'll then run
straight for the backdoor. Follow after him, but make sure to give him some
covering fire in case he runs straight into an ambush. Head inside the
mansion with him when you get to the back entrance.

Once you're inside the mansion, walk forward and shoot the guy standing on
the spiral stairs. Continue going up the stairs while shooting more
enemies. Bypass the first hall you see, because it leads to the bottom
floor of the main hall. You'll be vulnerable during a gunfight there. Take
the second hall that's further up the stairs instead. Walk down this hall
until come to the main hall of the mansion. Kill the guards that confront
you in here. When you start to walk towards Diaz's room at the top of the
grand staircase, he'll come out to fight with you.

Diaz is heavily armored, so you'll have a hard time trying to kill him with
your guns. Shoot him from a distance until he retreats to his room. After
he runs into his room, stand just below the top of the grand staircase.
Make sure you can shoot inside the room Diaz retreated into. From here, you
can shoot at Diaz, but he'll have a hard time hitting you. After Diaz is
dead, you complete the mission.

NOTE: If you get heavily damaged during the gunfight in the main hall, you
can grab a health powerup in the downstairs bar room. Also, there's an
Adrenaline Pill on the roof you can use to increase your reaction time to
the enemies.

You don't have to enter the mansion through the back door. There's also the
choice of coming into the mansion through the roof. Use a helicopter to get
up there. If you're bringing a helicopter ahead of time though, be sure to
park it far away enough from Lance's meeting place so that it doesn't vanish
during the cutscene. Once you're inside the mansion, it's only a short trip
down the stairs to the corridor to the main hall. You can avoid a fighting
a lot of enemies by coming in this way. Kill the guards and Diaz in the
main hall to end the mission.


You can also get access to the back door of the mansion by using a boat to
come in through the mansion's dock, or you can land the helicopter in the
backyard too. This is another way to easily get inside the mansion.


If you want to kill Diaz in an easier way, I advise you get the rocket
launcher from the Hooker Inn in Viceport. Shoot at Diaz with the rocket
launcher when he appears. The rounds are so powerful Diaz will be blown off
his feet. About two or three rockets should be enough to kill him.

NOTE: Don't you think the "D" should have been an "L" instead to represent
Lance? I mean, come on, why in the world would Diaz order you to kill
himself? That is, unless the Sons of Liberty needs his vital signs to
activate Metal Gear or something...

CELL-PHONE CALL: You'll get two calls. The first call is from Kent Paul
asking you to meet with him and Love Fist at the recording studio in
Downtown. The second call is from Sonny, who says he wants Tommy to
continue supporting the Forellis...or else...

5D - Kent Paul
__ ___
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| \ |__ | \| |

Kent Paul passes out his mission at the Club Malibu, in Vice Point. He is
marked on the radar with a "K".

Rescue Lance from Diaz's men at the Junkyard.

- Diaz offers you work again
- Cortez offers you work again (see CELL-PHONE CALL after this mission

After the mission begins, note Lance's life meter that appears on the
screen. During this mission, Lance is being slowly tortured to death. So,
his health meter will continue to drop as the mission wears on. You have to
save Lance before he dies from the torture.

Get over to the Junkyard near Little Haiti as fast as you can. When you
arrive at the entrance to the scrap yard, you'll notice Diaz's men have
barricaded the entrance with a Sentinel. Either ram the car aside with a
heavy vehicle, or stand next to the gate and shoot the car until it blows
up. Duck down with L3 so your bullets will have greater accuracy.

Once you're in the junkyard, kill everybody who gets in your way. My
preferred way of doing this is to auto-aim everybody with the Uzi and then
shoot them dead. Watch out, because a few of Diaz's men will also try to
sneak up behind you during the gunfight. Lance is in a hangar-type building
in the scrapyard. It's behind the crane that has a sniper on it. Kill all
the men guarding the hangar, and touch the torture chair Lance is sitting in
to free him.

Tommy yells at Lance for blowing his plan to pieces, and Lance counters by
saying he had to do it to avenge his brother. Tommy says they have to kill
Diaz before he hunts them down and kills them. After the conversation,
you'll be told you'll have to get Lance to the hospital. There are two
models of vehicles in this area you can use to get away. You can either
take the Sentinel parked to the left of the hangar (or the one that might
still be at the gate), or you can get in the Trashmaster parked in the
middle of the yard. I advise you take the Trashmaster. You'll see why in a

As you leave the yard, Diaz's men will attack you. They're driving really
fast Comets, so it will be hard to get away from them. If you took the
Trashmaster though, they shouldn't be any threat. They'll bounce off the
Trashmaster's heavily armored body like ping-pong balls. If you took the
Sentinel, try ducking down some side alleys to give them the slip. Anyway,
get Lance over to the hospital in Downtown. After you get there, the two
will decide to meet outside Diaz's mansion after Lance gets his injuries

If you get badly hurt during this mission, there's a health powerup on top
of the garbage machine next to the crane. You can also run to the nearby
pizza restaurant to get food to heal up. Getting more health will waste
quite a bit of time though, so be fast in traveling back and forth.

The really easy way to beat this mission is to use the indestructible
Admiral from the mission GUARDIAN ANGELS, or the Rhino from the mission SIR,
YES SIR! You can just run over everybody, get Lance inside the vehicle, and
then drive away. This is even more fun with the Rhino, since you have a
cannon to blow up everybody with! Just make sure you rotate the cannon
behind you and fire to get over to the scrapyard in time.


There's also the choice of using a helicopter to quickly fly over to the
scrap yard. If you do use the helicopter, land the helicopter in the
northeast corner of the yard. There may just be barely enough room to set
down, but there aren't any bad guys over here to shoot you up while you're
trying to land. If you're have trouble fitting chopper in tight spaces, use
the VCN Maverick helicopter on the VCN building. It's smaller than a Police
Maverick or a regular Maverick.

After landing, you can then shoot up the guards and go into the hangar.
After you free Lance, you can go to the helicopter, and fly right over to
the hospital without having to deal with Diaz's Comets.


You could also land the helicopter on the roof of the large building on the
east side of the scrap yard. From here, you can snipe a lot of people down
below with a sniper rifle. After you've killed off a lot of the people,
land the helicopter in the yard and kill off the survivors. Pick up Lance
and take him to the hospital.


CELL-PHONE CALL: Cortez will call you, and he'll say he needs your help
dealing with the French.

5E - Tommy Vercetti
__ __ __ __ ___ ___
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\__/ |__ | \ |__ |__ | | |

Now that you've made a name for yourself and you've got your very own
mansion, it's time to work for yourself! To take missions from yourself, go
to the Vercetti Estat on Starfish Island. A "V" on the radar represents
you. The pink circle will be at some place on the grounds, depending upon
the mission.

Smash out the storefront windows in the mall so businesses around town will
pay protection money again.

- $2,000
- you can now purchase properties around the map

You might want to get the rocket launcher from the Hooker Inn in Viceport
again for this mission. You have five minutes to get down to the mall and
destroy all the panes of glass on the right storefronts. Thankfully,
there's a Stinger with an Uzi parked nearby. Not only will you be able to
get to the mall fast, you'll have some firepower to shoot out the glass
windows. Once you're at the mall, these are the stores you have to destroy:

- Jewelry Store in northeastern corner
- Book Store in northwestern corner
- Tarbrush Cafe in southeastern corner
- first floor of Gash on the southern side

- second floor of Gash on the southern side
- Vinyl Countdown on the western side

Destroy the glass windows any way you want to. Blast them with your guns
(preferably a shotgun or a machine gun), or hit them with your melee
weapons. You could even steal the Infernus on display in the northwestern
corner of the mall and crash it through those windows. Also, if you stand
inside stores and get a wanted level, sometimes the cops can help you out in
breaking the windows. They'll try to shoot you through the windows, so the
windows will take damage and subsequently break.

If you need health at any time, go to the food court and purchase some food
there, or get some from the giant soda cup in the northwestern corner of the
mall. If you need armor or weapons, buy some from Ammu-Nation.

Leave a bike outside the mansion so its waiting for you after you start the
mission. This allows you to get there fast, and its also brilliant for
manoevering in the mall, as you get to the shops a lot quicker.
Contributed by: Stephen Pratt


CELL-PHONE CALL: You'll get two calls this time. First, Avery will call
you, and he'll advise you to keep your eyes open for businesses to buy. The
second call (assuming you've done the previous phone missions) is from the
mystery man who again asks you to answer another payphone. This one is at
the airport terminal.

Kill the guards protecting the Front Page Bar so the bar will pay protection
money again.

- $2,000

First, get in the nearby Sentinel with your two lackeys, and take off for
the Front Page Bar at Ocean Beach. Blow away the two security guards
protecting the entrance, and then speak with the bar owner. He says the
people who were supposed to be protecting his business were DBP Security,
and that you should go deal with them since they're stealing your business.

You now have five minutes to take out the DBP Security members before they
manage to clear out. Go to their building nearby. Note that there's an
Oceanic parked in their fenced off lot. Shoot it until it blows up, and it
will take out a lot of the guards. Kill off the survivors, and then two
guards will flee the scene on bikes.

You have to kill them to complete the mission. Watch out though, because
they've got a Securicar covering them. Knock them off their bikes. Kill
them fast because once they're off the bikes they can use their M4s.

If you wait long enough, they'll go by the light house and jump off their
bikes. They'll be a little easier to kill once they do this. Just be
careful not to fall in the water.


CELL-PHONE CALL: Lance yells at Tommy to give him a fair share of the
leadership of the business. Tommy calmly says he'll come over later to talk
over this disagreement with him.

Disguise yourself and Lance as cops, and get a squad car. Next, sneak into
North Point Mall and detonate the bomb that Mike set at the Tarbrush Cafe.

- $10,000
- Cop outfit delivered to Police Station in Washington Beach
- The Vercetti Estate will now generate revenue up to $5,000 a day

First, go get a two-star wanted level. The easiest way to do that would
probably be to run over or shoot a cop. Drive inside the lock-up garage and
allow two policemen to get inside the garage with you. Tommy and Lance will
automatically knock out the policemen and put on their uniforms.

After you're suited up, walk around behind the wall to the right of the
garage to find a police car. Get inside and head for North Point Mall.
Once you get close to the barricade blocking off the mall, slow down or the
police will see through your disguise. Now that you're in cop territory,
don't do anything illegal or the cops will be onto you. Stop at the front
of the mall and go inside. Walk over to Tarbrush Cafe in the southeast
corner of the mall.

Arm the bomb at the Tarbrush Cafe, then get the heck out of there! Run for
the nearest exit while the bomb detonates. When the bomb blows, you're
going to have a five-star wanted level! Now, there is an exit on the second
floor to the parking garage, but Lance will probably get lost, so take one
of the southern exits on the first floor. It will let you out in a plaza
where there's a police bribe and a car. If you take the bribe, that should
take a little weight off your shoulders.

Get in the nearby car and head for Starfish Island. If you take the
westernmost road on this island, you should come to a Pay 'N' Spray on the
way there. Stop in to get rid of your wanted level completely. Afterwards,
get back to the Vercetti Estate on Starfish Island.

Use a helicopter instead of a cop car, the Sparrow in Vice Point is near the
garage so it's easy to get.

Contributed by: Finny Merrill

CELL-PHONE CALL: Lance will call Tommy, asking him to give him a fair share
of the business, and not to treat him like a little kid like he's been
treated his whole life.

NOTE: You must have completed the mission CAP THE COLLECTOR from the Print
Works before you can play your final mission.

Defend your money safe from the Mafia, and kill Lance and Sonny.

- $30,000
- Python and Body Armor pickups will appear in the lounge on the right side
the main hall in the Vercetti Estate
- the Vercetti gang now carries Uzis
- the Hunter appears at the army base in Escobar International, or the
helipad mansion in Ocean Beach if you found all 100 hidden
packages.(contributed by: kaanchtoofan)

First, pick up the Python nearby, and stand in front of the safe in this
room. Stay there and use the Python to blast anybody who tries to get in
the room. Just press R1 + CIRCLE for a quick kill. Eventually, you'll get
a message telling you to kill Lance. Walk outside the room, and Lance will
yell at you that you don't have anybody to cover you anymore since he's
changed sides.

After the scene, run left and go up around the balcony this way so the guys
on the ground floor can't shoot you. Blast all the guys on the balcony,
then follow Lance down the hall. Just run towards him instead of shooting
him. You'll scare him into retreating down the hall. Keep running after
Lance so he can't stop at the next corner in the hall to take shots. Chase
him into the stairwell and run up the stairs after him so he'll get scared
and run away again. Do this even though the Mafia steals your money while
you ignore the safe. It's not worth the trouble because more Mafia will
keep coming as you kill them.

You'll now be at the heliport. Stand behind the barricade of oil drums
here, and use your Python to blast everybody including Lance. If your
health drops a lot, run back inside and go to the weapons room at the bottom
of the stairs. There's also a health powerup next to the helipad behind
Lance. Another way to kill everybody is to run past them when you first
appear on the heliport. Stand on top of the heliport and edge forward just
enough so that you can see the enemies' heads. Snipe them all with a rifle
for easy kills. After Lance is dead, run to the bottom of the stairwell and
get the supplies from the weapons room if you haven't already. Go up the
stairs, and head through the first hall you come to. Walk inside the main
hall, and head up the stairs towards the room with the safe.

Sonny will now appear and Tommy yells that he's going to make him pay for
leaving him in that cell for fifteen years. It's time for the final
battle... Run to one of the side balconies of the room after the scene
ends. Edge forward to the railing and duck down. Most of the Mafia guys
will ignore you and they'll just run for the safe. Pull out a rifle and
shoot at Sonny down below. Hopefully you'll be able to kill him before he
kills you. If you don't like doing it that way, you could quickly pull out
a rocket launcher and blast Sonny over and over with it until he dies.

Do everything as you describe until you kill Lance on the roof. Then walk
over to the side of the roof (the side facing the mansion entrance) and use
the rocket launcher on the three limos parked in front of the main entrance
stairway. This clears the limos from the entrance. Make your way from the
roof to the office to trigger the scene where Sonny bursts in. Then, RUN
down the stairs and out of the mansion. Either use the Infernus parked next
to the stairs, or run out to the street and jack a car (I used a Phoenix).
Rev it up and go full speed up the mansion stairs and right into the doorway
(where Sonny camps out). Guaranteed to squash Sonny in one go. This way is
great because it fits with the "auto" theme of GTA.

Contributed by: totokeke
Needed for this mission: Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Sea Sparrow unlocked
behind the Mansion (or some other helicopter)

When the mission starts, don't move. Just use your infra-red scope snipe
rifle and zoom in enough so that your retical shows barely a sliver of
doorway on either side. Just snipe all of Forrelli's guys as they approach
(about 15 or 20) until you get the message to go take out Lance.

Switch weapons to something you can run with and head out of your office to
trigger the cinematic between Tommy and Lance. When it finishes, don't run
after Lance, just haul ass out the front door and then immediately to your
right and over the balcony railing. You will pick up a few stray bullets,
but nothing serious. Pick up the body armor (you should have lost very
little armor so far, but you might as well pick it up) and head around the
back of the mansion. Jump into the Sea Sparrow, (or get another helicopter
somewhere) elevate up to the roof and take out everybody up there.

Land on the roof and head down to the main hall. You will notice that a
bunch of Mafia guys are walking toward the main hall; away from the roof,
just pop them in the back of the head, none of them ever turn around to see
what's going on.

As soon as you get to the main hall, run to the opposite corner of the
second level to get a good view of your office. You will see Lance bent over
at the safe stealing money. Pop him with your rifle and run to the landing
in front of your office. Don't worry about the guys standing with Lance in
your office, they will disapear as soon as the cinematic between Sonny and
Tommy is triggered. After the cinematic, whip out the rocket launcher and
take a few steps forward to get a good aim at Sonny. You will get hit a few
times while you are aiming, but as soon as you let go with a rocket,
everyone at the entryway will be on their ass. Since these are the only
people left in the mansion, just wait for them to stand back up and repeat
your offensive. After 2 or 3 rockets, Sonny will be toast and the mission
will finish.

I tried about three or four different strategies at this last mission and
found this one to be absolutely dead simple. I don't think my armor health
ever went below %50.

Contributed by: Matt

CELL-PHONE CALL: You'll get three calls. The first one is another
meaningless call from Kent. This time he describes how he met Mercedes, and
how she's all fine and everything.

Next, Cortez will call you, and he's very scared that Mercedes might become
a lawyer. Tommy confirms that the rumor isn't true, and Cortez is very
happy of that. He says he has to meet the "new minister of the interior"
soon, and that he must be polite since he killed his father in a failed

The third call is from a very drunk Paul. He says he wants a cut of your
business, since he showed you around in this town and introduced you to
people. Tommy gently advises him to get some sleep.

You'll also get a call from some of the businesses you've completed work for
when you walk around near them.


6: Property Missions Walkthrough

After you beat the mission SHAKEDOWN, you'll be able to start buying certain
businesses around town. In turn, these businesses will create more missions
for you to complete. Once you beat all or most of the missions (depending
upon the business) these businesses will start generating revenue for you to
pick up. Just walk through the dollar sign icon that appears outside the
business to get the money.

These properties are organized according to price. The cheapest properties
are first, and the most expensive properties are last. I strongly encourage
you to buy the Car Showroom first, since it's the biggest money-maker out of
the bunch. You can rack up quite a bit of money from the street races in a
short amount of time. Not to mention it's got four two-car garages. The
Malibu Club can also get you some good money once it starts generating
revenue for you to pick up.

The only business you absolutely have to buy to advance the story of the
game is the Print Works. However, try to get hold of all the properties if
you can, since they generate a lot of revenue.

6A - Boatyard
___ __ __ ___ __ __ __
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Viceport/If you start in Viceport at the bridge that leads to Ocean Beach,
you want to turn left. Go down this road on the left side of the road. The
boathouse is on the left after you pass by the blue and white freighter.
After you buy the property, it will be represented on the map by an anchor
in a blue square.

- $10,000

- A Squalo and a Cuban Jetmax will appear at the boatyard's docks
- the Boatyard generates revenue up to a maximum of $2,000 a day after you
complete all missions

Pass through all the checkpoints to get all the drugs.

- $5,000 (+ more money if you beat your old time)
- the Boatyard will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $2,000 a day

This checkpoint race is more difficult than most other checkpoint races,
because the next checkpoint that you need to hit after the current one is
not marked on your radar. You may have to play the course a few times to
learn where all the checkpoints appear.

Next, I must discuss some control issues with the boats. I prefer using the
LEFT STICK to the D PAD in this mission. The LEFT STICK gives you more
precise control over the boat. You'll also be needing to pull off some
sharp turns in this challenge. There's a way to make a quick turn around in
a boat though. While you're speeding forward, let go of the X button for a
second, and then press X while pushing left or right on the stick to make a
sharp turn in that direction.

Now, there are two boats you can choose to play this mission: the Squalo and
the Cuban Jetmax. The Squalo has better acceleration and speed, but it's
quite unstable and liable to flip over. The Cuban Jetmax is more stable,
but it has less speed. You should try out both of them to see which one you
like better. I prefer the Squalo, but it depends upon your personal taste
which boat you like better.

Let's begin with the walkthrough. After you choose your boat, zoom straight
ahead through checkpoints 1 - 3. Get ready to make a quick right turn after
you get checkpoint 4 though. Turn a little to the right to get checkpoint 5
near the offshore dock. Make a fast U-turn around the dock and head back
towards land for checkpoint 6. Go straight for checkpoint 7, but get ready
to line up for a jump over Marina Pier 2 for checkpoint 8.

You need to go straight here, because there's another leap over a dock right
after the first one for checkpoint 9. After snagging checkpoint 9, curve a
little to the left and jump for checkpoint 10. Be very careful during the
jumps part, because a missed jump will cost you a lot of time here. If you
don't have enough speed for a jump, make a quick U-turn to gather some.

After you get checkpoint 11 straight ahead, turn to the right a little to
grab checkpoint 12 under the bridge. Make another right turn to go after
checkpoint 13. Checkpoints 14 - 17 will be in a canal. Try to stay off the
walls if you can. Turn to the left after snagging checkpoint 17 to get to
checkpoint 18. Make a sharp left turn while grabbing checkpoint 18 to avoid
running aground. This checkpoint will lead you into another canal traveling
along Leaf Links.

Make a sharp right turn after taking checkpoint 19. Take checkpoint 20
while you pass underneath a bridge to the south island of Leaf Links.
Prepare to make another sharp turn to the right while getting checkpoint 21.
Take checkpoint 22 from under the bridge near Leaf Links. Continue
following the edge of Leaf Links to your left to get checkpoints 23 and 24.
Drive under some bridges and then make a sharp left while getting checkpoint
25. Finally, go down a short canal to get the last checkpoint, number 26.

6B - Ice Cream Factory
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Saving at the Ice Cream Factory can glitch up your game so it's unplayable.
The file could refuse to load when you start the game. Also, you might not
be able to get any more cell-phone calls. This will make it impossible to
start several missions, like the last two missions (CAP THE COLLECTOR and
FACTORY! If you have already saved there though and your game has been
glitched, the only way out is to start a new file. (contributed by: meboy)

Little Havana/If you start from the Vercetti Estate on Starfish Island, turn
left when you pull out of the driveway and go west. Drive over the bridge
into western Vice City. If you look across the street from the left side of
the bridge, you should see the giant swirls of ice cream on top of the
building. This should make it easy to spot. After you buy the property, a
pair of cherries will indicate it on the map.

- $20,000

- you can now play the Ice Cream Distribution vehicle mission
- the Ice Cream Factory generates revenue up to a maximum of $3,000 a day
after you complete all missions

Distribute the 'ice cream' to 50 people in one run. (Contributed by: Finny

- $15 per deal
- the Ice Cream Factory will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $3,000
a day

Oh, I'm SO glad we only need to talk to that crazy ice cream lady only once.
She...scares me... Anyway, You need to give out 50 products, and you have
to do this all in the same run. If you get out of your van, or if an enemy
throws you out of it, the run will end and you'll have to start the mission
all over again at the ice cream factory.

This is more or less like another R3 vehicle mission. You simply need to
give out the products to the customers. To do business with customers, turn
on the jingles by tapping the L3 button, and stop next to a group of people.
Hopefully some will come over to get 'ice cream' from you. If they don't,
try driving forward some and stopping again. They might change their mind
that they want ice cream if you do that.

The more 'ice cream' you give out, the more police attention you'll get.
Your wanted level tends to go up faster if you do deals in front of
policemen, so avoid doing business when they're around. After you get one
star, give out ice cream to a few more customers and then take off. If
there's a policeman around, you should take off immediately before he
arrests you. Drive around until the star goes away (or look for a Police
Bribe), and then continue to passing out the goods. It's difficult to elude
the police long enough in this van to get rid of a wanted level. You should
never let your wanted level get to two or above, unless you know where a
nearby Police Bribe or a Pay 'N' Spray is.

Avoid working in areas that are gang territory. If you do that, the gang
will attack you while you're trying to do business. This can really disrupt
things, and it'll cause you to have to abandon a lot of customers. Also, be
careful when working in areas where security guards are on patrol. They
tend not to be as aggressive as criminal gangs (since they walk alone), but
they can cause problems. If you notice a security guard heading towards you
while you're doing deals, then drive away. In my opinion eastern Vice City
is an excellent place to do this job. These are my favorite locations to

1. In front of a Pay 'N' Spray. When you start to get a wanted level, you
can quickly drive in and get resprayed. Then, you cand park outside again
to get more custmoers.

1. The North Point Mall area in Vice Point. There's always a crowd of
people there. But, keep an eye out for the security guards and the
Streetwannabe's patrolling the area. If you can avoid them however, you can
make a lot of deals in a short amount of time.

2. Starfish Island. There tends to be a bunch of people walking around,
and you only need to beware the occasional security guard. There tends to
be fewer cops walking around here as well.

3. Downtown. There are a lot of people walking around, and there aren't
even security guards to interfere with your business.

4. The beach in eastern Vice City. There's usually a good amount of people
around there, and not too many cops. The police cars usually won't even
chase you out here in cars until you get to higher wanted levels.

6C - Pole Position Club
___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __
|__| | | | |__ |__| | | |__ | | | | | |\ |
| |__| |__ |__ | |__| __| | | | |__| | \|

Ocean Beach/To find this business, start at the Ocean View Hotel. Drive
right around the corner next to the hotel. Turn left at the next
intersection. The club will be on your right at this T-junction. After you
buy the property, it will be indicated on the may by a pink "P" in a pink

- $30,000

- Mr. Vercetti outfit delivered to Collar & Cuffs on Ocean Beach
- generates revenue up to $4,000 a day after you complete all missions

Watch the model dance until you have spent $600

- the Pole Position Club will now generate a revenue of up to a maximum of
$4,000 a day

This actually isn't a mission, but I thought it was worth mentioning since
you need to do this to get this business to generate revenue for you. Go
into the hall to the left of the stage in the front room. Take the first
door on your left.

You'll now be in a room where one of the club's girls will perform for you,
for a fee of course. You need to stay in the room until you have lost $600.
The performer will take $5 about every five seconds, so it'll take about
ten minutes to lose enough money. Maybe you could do your homework or
something while you're waiting, unless you like watching polygonal women
dance, you pervert! Exit the room after ten minutes have passed to complete
the mission.

6D - Taxi Firm
___ __ __ __ ___
.| |__| \__/ | |__ | |__| | | |
.| | | / \ | | | | \ | | |

This business is in Little Haiti. Starting at the western end of the bridge
that leads to Leaf Links, drive on the road into Little Haiti. You'll see
the Cafe Under the Tree restaurant on your left. Follow the road until you
get to a T-junction where you can turn left. Turn to the left here. Turn
right at the next T-junction and Kaufman Cabs will be on the right. After
you buy the property, a black "K" inside a yellow box will indicate it.

- $40,000

- the Taxi Firm generates revenue up to a maximum of $5,000 a day after you
complete all missions

Pick up the V.I.P. from Starfish Island and take him to his flight at the

- $1,000

This mission will start you off in a Kaufman Cab. You only have one minute
to get to your fare, so you'd better move fast. Get onto the highway to the
east as fast as you can. Drive across the bridge into Starfish Island and
park in the pink marker here. Aim your car back towards the way you came if
you have time. Sound your horn to call your customer out of the house.
Unfortunately, a Vice City taxi grabs the fare before he can get into your
car. Catch him before he can get your customer to his destination.

You need to damage the other taxi enough so your fare will get out of it.
When you've damaged the other car enough, your customer will jump out of the
cab. Stop your car so he can get into your taxi. Don't accidentally run
over him! Drive the fare over to Escobar International and drop him off at
the terminal to complete the mission.

You don't have to do finish mission in a Kaufman Cab if you don't want to.
You just need the cab to do the part where you pick up the V.I.P. at
Starfish Island. You can feel free to take any other car afterwards and use
that instead. Just make the change fast if you haven't taken out the rival
taxi yet.

Destroy three Vice City taxis.

- $2,000

Like last time, you'll begin in a Kaufman Cab, but you don't have to stay in
it. Basically just destroy the other taxis any way you feel like doing it.
Shoot them in drive-by shootings, ram them off the road, steal them and then
push them into the water, etc. My personal favorite way to beat this
mission is to steal one of the rival taxis, and then use that car to attack
the other rival taxis. When the other cab's about to blow, park your taxi
next to it so it gets blown up too. It's funny to do it this way because of
the irony. :)

Pick up Mercedes at the docks.

- $5,000
- the Zebra Cab is now parked inside the Taxi Firm
- the Taxi Firm generates revenue up to $5,000 a day after you complete all

Drive over to Viceport and stop in the pink marker where you need to get
Mercedes. Honk your horn, and nobody will come... All of a sudden, a whole
fleet of VC taxis will come in through the gate to 0wnz0r you! They even
stop to line up in a row! I can almost hear a sergeant yelling "All right
men! Fall in! Line! ATTACK!"

You now have to survive the VC taxis' attacks for one minute or destroy them
to escape this destruction derby. You can't leave the lot, since they've
closed the gate behind them. First, don't let them surround you or you'll
get crushed like an eggshell! Try turning your car slowly in a big circle.
This can be effective in eluding the cars. Also, try driving shalom between
the pillars on the sides of the buildings. This is can really screw up the
other cabs.

Once all the other cabs have been destroyed or the time limit runs out,
you'll be attacked by a Zebra Cab, which my friends jokingly call the King
Cab. Either blow up the Zebra Cab, or ram it into a corner. Force the
driver out of the car and kill him when he's on foot.

Before you honk the horn at the meeting place, leave your Kaufman Cab there
and go get a big heavy vehicle like a Packer or a Rhino. Come back to the
yard in it. There should be a Packer in a truck lot just down the road from
the lot you're in. After you get one, park it near the pink circle where
you left the Kaufman Cab. Honk the horn in the cab and let the VC taxis
come. Before the taxis come to ram you to death, they will pause a moment.

Use this time to quickly jump inside your heavy vehicle. It should last you
through the attacks since the taxis will bounce off of you like ping-pong
balls. This is especially fun to do in the Packer because they can't hit
you good from the back. They might run over your ramps instead and fall to
the ground. What's even better is that they could flip over and blow up by
doing this. When the Zebra Cab comes, you can just ram him to death rather
easily, or you can throw the driver out and kill him.

6E - Car Showroom
___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
| |__| |__| |__ |__| | | | | | |__| | | | | | | |
|__ | | | \ __| | | |__| |_|_| | \ |__| |__| | | |

This business is in an open field in Little Havana. To find it, start at
the bridge in Viceport that leads to Ocean Beach. Turn left at the
T-junction you come to. In a little bit, you should see a road on the
right. Turn onto this street and go down it. At the intersection you come
to next, make a right turn. You should see Sunshine Autos on your right in
a minute. Just look for the "Sunshine Autos" sign.

- $50,000

- you can now use the four two-car garages behind the dealership building
- you can now participate in street races
- the Car Showroom generates revenue up to a maximum of $9,000 a day after
you complete the A + B AUTO COLLECTION mission.

Bring every car on the list to A + B Auto

- $500 for every car delivered
For finishing first list:
- $20,000
- you can now get the Deluxo from the showroom
- the Car Showroom generates revenue up to $1,500 a day
For finishing second list:
- $20,000
- you can now get the Sabre Turbo from the showroom
- the Car Showroom generates revenue up to $4,000 a day
For finishing third list:
- $20,000
- you can now get the Sandking from the showroom
- the Car Showroom generates revenue up to $6,500 a day
For finishing fourth list:
- $20,000
- you can now get the Hotring Racer from the showroom
- the Car Showroom generates revenue up to $9,000 a day

You have four lists to go through to complete this entire job. You only
work on one list at a time. After you complete one list, you'll move onto
the next list. The current list you'll be working on is posted next to the
A + B Auto garage behind in the lot behind Sunshine Autos. You'll see the
garage and the list next to the street racing map.

I have some general tips for helping you to find cars easier. Drive a car
similar to the one you're looking for. Sports cars tend to spawn other
sports cars, SUVs tend to spawn other SUVs, etc. The game does this to save
memory. Use this trick in the program to your advantage. After you get
your car, you'll start seeing tons of other cars that are the same model as
yours. Like I said before, the game does this to save memory. If you
destroy your car on the way to the garage though, you can easily find
another car of the same model. This car-spawning trick also applies to
parking garages too as well as cars on the road.

Usually, you'll see one model of car all over the place while you're
driving. Suddenly though, you'll start seeing a different model driving all
over the place. It's kind of like the game is going through a cycle of
which cars to generate. Maybe this is to spice up the variety of cars a
little. If you can't find the car you're looking for, but you see this
other car everywhere, be patient for awhile. You may be in the middle of a
spawn fest for that other car. If you wait, you may eventually start seeing
the car you're looking for on every street!

I also have some more general tips. To save time later, look at the future
lists here that you'll be doing beyond the one you're currently on. When
you notice a car on a future list, store it in one of the garages behind
Sunshine Autos or someplace else until it's needed. Try to do this mission
while doing other missions. Look for the cars while you're doing jobs for
other people. The cars seem to appear more often when you're NOT looking
for them! Look in places you would expect to see the cars appear. Those
exotic and expensive Cheetahs aren't very likely to be seen in a poor
neighborhood like Little Haiti, right? Likewise, you wouldn't go looking
for a huge Flatbed on Ocean Beach.

These are the lists you have to complete. I also have one permanent parking
location for every car that has one, and where they can be found on the

- Landstalker
- Idaho
- Esperanto
- Stallion
- Rancher
- Blista Compact

- STALLION/Ocean Beach/parked on top of the parking garage in (the one with
greenery hanging down the sides of it). Cancel the CONE CRAZY mission when
you get inside it.
- LANDSTALKER/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Turn
onto the northern street at the first T-junction. The second mansion on the
left has a Landstalker parked in the front drive.

- IDAHO/around Little Haiti
- ESPERANTO/around Downtown, Little Haiti, or Little Havana
- RANCHER/around Vice Point

NOTE: The garage will not accept a FBI Rancher, but you could use it to
spawn regular Ranchers.

- Sabre
- Virgo
- Sentinel
- Stretch
- Washington
- Admiral

- SENTINEL/Little Havana/parked in the car showroom at Sunshine Autos
- STRETCH/Starfish Island/parked in front of the Vercetti Estate
- ADMIRAL/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Turn onto
the northern street at the first T-junction. The first mansion on the left
has an Admiral parked in the front drive. Use a car to jump over the wall
to get to it. Afterwards, use the ramp in here to get out of the yard with
the car.

- SABRE, VIRGO/anywhere in western Vice City, mostly in Downtown
- SENTINEL/around Escobar International
- STRETCH/nowhere
- WASHINGTON/around Starfish Island or Downtown
- ADMIRAL/around Starfish Island

NOTE: The garage will not accept a FBI Washington, but you could use it to
spawn regular Washingtons.
ANOTHER NOTE: The garage will not accept a Sentinel XS, but you could use it
to spawn regular Sentinels.

- Cheetah
- Infernus
- Banshee
- Phoenix
- Comet
- Stinger

- CHEETAH/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Turn left
at the last T-junction before you leave the island. The first mansion on
the right has a Cheetah parked in the front drive.
- INFERNUS/Starfish Island/parked in front of the Vercetti Estate
- BANSHEE/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Go
straight at the T-junction. The first mansion on the left has a Banshee
parked in the front drive.
- PHOENIX/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Turn onto
the northern street at the first T-junction. The fourth mansion on the left
has a Phoenix parked in the garage. Use a car to jump over the wall to get
to it. Afterwards, use the ramp in here to get out of the yard with the
- COMET/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Turn left
at the last T-junction before you leave the island. The second mansion on
the right has a Comet parked in the garage.
- STINGER/Starfish Island/enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Drive
straight down the road you're on. The second mansion on the right has a
Stinger parked in the front drive. Use a car to jump over the wall to get
to it. Afterwards, use the ramp in here to get out of the yard with the


NOTE: From the locations of the cars, you can obviously tell this is the
easiest of all the lists to complete. :)

- Voodoo
- Cuban Hermes
- Caddy
- Baggage
- Mr Whoopee
- Pizza Boy

- VOODOO/Little Haiti/near Auntie Poulet's house
- CADDY/Leaf Links/the road in front of the golf course during the daytime
- BAGGAGE CARRIER/Escobar International/on the north side of the passenger
- MR WHOOPEE/Little Havana/at Ice Cream Factory (you must have purchased the
factory to get this vehicle)
- PIZZA BOY/Little Haiti, Downtown, Vice Point/behind the Well-Stacked Pizza

- VOODOO/around Little Haiti
- CUBAN HERMES/around Little Havana
- CADDY/around Leaf Links
- BAGGAGE CARRIER/around Escobar International
- MR WHOOPEE/nowhere
- PIZZA BOY/nowhere

To be honest, these street races are the easiest races in the game. The
other three drivers you race against are just plain awful. It seems they
always crash whenever they get the opportunity. Still, do not underestimate
them, because their fast cars can get them back up to speed in a flash.
Obviously, you should bring a fast vehicle to this race. My preferred car
is the Cheetah, but just about any sports car will do. The PCJ-600 and the
Freeway are also good choices for the races.

There are some driving tactics I should explain for you. If you want to
make the other cars spin out to buy you some time, get the front of your car
alongside one of the other car's back wheels. Push into the back wheel of
the other car to do what police call a PIT maneuver. This will make the
other car spin out. You can now use this time to get further ahead. To
take on sharp corners easily, like at intersections, use the R1 handbrake to
powerslide around the corners.

You should try to keep your car in good condition for as long as possible.
This is especially important in the V.C. ENDURANCE race. If your car gets
blown up, it could be over a minute before you find another car. This will
give the other drivers a lot of time to catch up. Thankfully though, you'll
be seeing a lot of other sports cars driving around during these races
should you lose your first car.

Make sure you don't have a wanted level when you're racing and try hard not
to get one. You have enough to worry about with trying to beat the other
racers. If your tire gets shot out, then find another car. Unless you're
near the finish line, you're not going to be able to stay ahead of the other
racers with your car like that.

There's also a way to get the lead easy at the start of the race. Instead
of pulling up to your place in the starting grid, get some running room
behind the starting line, and zoom towards the other cars. Either bump one
of the cars or do a drive-by shooting to make the race begin instantly. The
other cars will have to get up to speed from a still position, while you'll
already be moving at high speed. You could also try blocking the other
racers with heavy vehicles. I find tagging the cars to instantly start the
race to be more effective in getting the lead easy though. I'm saying it up
here so I won't have to say it six times for each race below.

Before the race starts, don't go in the pink marker. Pull out a rocket
launcher and shoot it in the middle of the cars. It should blow up all three
cars, and you will be able to win easily.

Contributed by: GTAMasTeR
Finish the race in first place.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/in front of the passenger terminal.

- $100

- $400

This race in my opinion is the most challenging of the six races because
it's so short. If you have a wreck, then there's a good chance the other
cars will be able to get in the lead. When they do, there's a good chance
you won't have time to get the lead back. So, try hard not to have a major
crash. This would be a good mission for hitting the other cars to instantly
start the race.

To begin, drive through checkpoint 1 straight ahead. Make a quick left turn
after going through checkpoint 2 onto the next street. Fly through
checkpoint 3 and 4 while heading down the road. Powerslide to the left
through checkpoint 5. Go down this road to collect checkpoints 6-9.
Powerslide again to the left through checkpoint 10. Hit checkpoint 11, then
turn to the left for checkpoint 12.

Keep turning to the left after hitting the checkpoint to make a U-turn.
Forgetting to make a U-turn here tends to confuse people the first time they
play this race. Hit checkpoint 13, then make a quick right through
checkpoint 14. Hit checkpoint 15, and make another right through checkpoint
16. Go straight down this road to hit checkpoints 17 and 18. Turn to the
left while getting checkpoint 19. Make a right turn after hitting
checkpoint 20 to get onto the drive in front of the terminal. Get
checkpoint 21 in front of the terminal and turn to the right while getting
checkpoint 22. Drive through checkpoint 23 to finish the race.

Finish the race in first place.

WASHINGTON BEACH/at the north end of Ocean Drive.

- $500

- $2,000

This race is also one of the trickier races. It's quite short and it has
some long straights for building speed, so the other cars won't have much
trouble keeping up with you. It's also quite a bit of fun, especially at
night time when Ocean Drive is as colorful as a rainbow with those neon
lights. I also recommend hitting the cars at the starting grid for this
race to get an early start.

After the race starts, make a right turn through checkpoint 1. Drive down
Ocean Drive while collecting checkpoints 2-10. Drive on the dividing line
in the middle of the road or on the sidewalk to avoid traffic. Make a fast
right turn when passing through checkpoints 11 and 12. Now, go straight
down this road to gather checkpoints 13-23. Again either drive on the
sidewalk some to dodge traffic or on the center lane to avoid traffic. Make
a fast right through checkpoint 24 to hit the final checkpoint, number 25.
Whew, I'm glad this race is simple. That makes my job of writing about it
easy. :)

Finish the race in first place.

LITTLE HAVANA/near Cafe Robina.

- $1,000

- $4,000

This race leads you through the winding streets of Little Havana and Little
Haiti. There's a lot of telephone poles, street lights, etc. for you car to
get stuck on the sidewalks, so stay off of them as much as possible.
Thankfully though, the other drivers get stuck on the obstacles a lot as
well too!

To start, drive forward through checkpoint 1 and make a right turn. Hit
checkpoint 2, and then turn to the left for checkpoint 3. Be careful not to
get jacked up on the poles on the side of the road here. Make another left
at the next intersection to hit checkpoint 4. Turn to the right while
passing through checkpoint 5 and zoom down the residential street. Tag
checkpoints 6 and 7.

Turn right to shortcut across the Laundromat's parking lot to hit checkpoint
8. Follow the road to get checkpoint 9. Turn with the road to the right
when checkpoint 10 comes up. Make a sharp left at the intersection to get
checkpoint 11. Follow this road to collect checkpoints 12-14. Beware the
S-curve between checkpoints 13 and 14 though. Make the turn with the road
to the right at checkpoint 15. Hit checkpoints 16 and 17 on this road, and
make a sharp right onto the highway with checkpoint 18.

Tag checkpoint 19 on the highway, and turn right past the highway bridge to
get checkpoint 20. Cut over the grass to save some time. Make a fast left
turn at checkpoint 21, then drive straight through the housing street to get
checkpoint 22. Turn left at checkpoint 23 when you get to the T-junction.
Turn right onto the highway again for checkpoint 24. Hit checkpoints 25 and
26 on the highway road, and turn right at the Delicatessen for checkpoint
27. Drive down this road to hit the last checkpoint, which is checkpoint

Finish the race in first place.

VICE POINT/in between the two construction sites.

- $2,000

- $8,000

This race is kind of like RACE 2: OCEAN DRIVE. You have streets that you
drive down for a long time, with a tricky corner every now and then. Only
this time the streets are more narrow, so traffic is harder to avoid in
addition to obstacles on the sidewalks.

Drive straight ahead from the starting line to hit checkpoints 1-7. This
road has some gentle curves and a bridge, but nothing that should cause much
trouble. Watch out for traffaic, especially when you get near the mall. A
car might suddenly pull out of the parking lot in front of you. Turn right
in front of the hospital for checkpoint 8. Hit checkpoint 9, then turn
right at the next T-junction for checkpoint 10. Checkpoint 10 is kind of
hard to see behind the wall before the turn, so watch your radar.

Fly down this road for checkpoints 11-18. The curves are a little trickier
in here since the road is narrower and it's got palm trees on the median.
Get ready to turn when you pass the street Ammu-Nation is on. Make a hard
left onto the next street for checkpoint 19. Drive down this street for
checkpoints 20-34. There's some gentle curves, but watch for traffic since
the street is narrow. When you get to the intersection in front of the
police station, make a gentle left turn onto the road leading past the
beachfront hotels.

Hit checkpoints 35-39 on this road. You can go through the Malibu Club's
drive for a shortcut that'll save a few seconds. At checkpoint 40, make a
sharp U-turn to the left. Go past Well-Stacked Pizza for checkpoints 41 and
42. Take a quick left at checkpoint 43, and motor down this road through
checkpoints 44-46 for the finish at the construction site.

Finish the race in first place.

VICE POINT/in between the two construction sites.

- $5,000

- $20,000

This race is kind of like a blend of BORDER RUN'S corners and OCEAN DRIVE'S
wide streets. It's fun driving down these nice wide roads and then going
through those sharp corners.

Drive down the road straight ahead for checkpoints 1-3. Make a quick right
turn at checkpoint 4. Drive over the bridge for checkpoint 5, then make a
left turn past Well-Stacked Pizza for checkpoint 6. Turn right, then left
again onto the street heading north after taking checkpoint 7. Go down this
street for checkpoints 8-10. Make a right turn when you get to the hospital
for checkpoint 11, then turn left again onto the beachfront hotel road.

This is the easiest part of the course, since the road here is nice and
wide. Grab checkpoints 12-15 on this fairly straight road, but watch out
for the relatively sharp curve at checkpoint 16. Nab checkpoints 17 and 18
on the next straightway. Be careful of the nasty hairpin while you're
getting checkpoint 19. Go through the S-curve for checkpoint 20. Head down
the road for checkpoints 21-25. Be careful though, because you'll have to
go through another sharp left corner at checkpoint 26. Get checkpoint 27,
and turn right after checkpoint 28 for checkpoint 29.

After getting checkpoint 30, turn to the left for checkpoint 31. Get
checkpoint 32 and immediately turn right again onto the beachfront motel
road for checkpoint 33. Drive down this wide straight road for checkpoints
34-36. After checkpoint 26, turn to the right for checkpoint 27. Go past
Well-Stacked Pizza and over the bridge for checkpoint 28. Make a quick left
turn for checkpoint 29. Go down this road through checkpoints 30 and 31.
Turn to the right after grabbing 31. Head down this street for checkpoints
32-36. Make a quick U-turn to the right after grabbing checkpoint 37.
Drive around the planter to get checkpoint 38. Head down the road for final
checkpoint 39.

Finish the race in first place.

LITTLE HAVANA/near Sunshine Autos.

- $10,000

- $40,000

This is my favorite out of the six races. It's got a little bit of
everything. You will drive a ring all the way around Vice City before this
race is done! The whole race should take about five minutes though, so it's
not that long. The length of the race can help you a lot in this course.
If you fall behind, you'll have a lot of time to catch up again. Just be
sure not to crash a lot, so you won't be forced to stop in the middle of the
race to change or fix your car.

Head straight ahead through checkpoint 1 after the start. Take a left turn
over the grass at the next intersection for a shortcut. Hit checkpoint 2,
then turn left onto the highway to hit checkpoint 3. Stay on the wrong side
of the road to grab checkpoint 4, then turn right onto the bridge to Ocean
Beach. Grab checkpoints 5-11 while crossing the bridge. Continue heading
straight down this narrow street for checkpoints 12-23. There will be some
bumps and some gentle curves, but nothing too serious. Just beware traffic
on this narrow road.

Take a quick right turn at checkpoint 24 and head over the bridge to get
checkpoint 25. Turn left past Well-Stacked Pizza to get checkpoint 26. Get
checkpoint 27, then turn left when the street ends to get checkpoint 28.
Make another right turn onto another street to get checkpoint 29. Drive
straight down this road while gathering checkpoints 30-33. Turn left when
the street ends for checkpoint 34. Hit checkpoint 35, then turn right
through the hairpin while getting checkpoints 36-38. Fly down this road to
get checkpoints 39-43.

You'll now come to North Point Mall. Make a fast left turn through the
curves at checkpoints 44 and 45. Head down this road for checkpoints 46-48.
Make a sharp right corner to grab checkpoint 49. On this road you'll get
checkpoints 50-55. Make a right turn at the hospital for checkpoint 56.
Take another right turn to drive in front of the hospital to get checkpoint

Follow this road over the bridge to Prawn Island. You'll pick up
checkpoints 58-62. Make a quick left turn after you get off the bridge for
checkpoint 63. Go down the road for checkpoint 64, and then make a right
turn for checkpoint 65. Take another right turn to get checkpoint 66. Grab
checkpoints 67 and 68 while taking on the hairpin curve in front of the
mansions. Turn right to get checkpoint 69.

Drive down this road and over the bridge into Downtown. Continue heading on
down the road. You'll get checkpoints 70-77. Make a left turn in front of
the VRock building for checkpoint 78. Head down the road to get checkpoints
79-81. Take a left turn for checkpoint 82 at Well-Stacked Pizza. Hit
checkpoint 83, and make a fast right turn onto the highway for checkpoint
84. Drive down the highway for checkpoints 85-88. Make a right turn into
Little Haiti for checkpoint 89. Go straight down this road for checkpoints
90 and 91. Take a sharp left at checkpoint 92.

Drive down the road past Kaufman Cabs for checkpoint 93. Continue going
down this street through the curves for checkpoints 94-96. Turn right after
checkpoint 96 onto another street with checkpoint 97. Drive down this road
to gather checkpoints 98, 99 andthe big 100. Take a right turn when the
street ends for checkpoint 101. You should be in Little Havana now.
Continue onward down the road for checkpoint 102. Turn left for checkpoint
103, and turn right again for checkpoint 104. Zig zag left and right again
for checkpoints 105 and 106.

Turn right yet again for checkpoint 107 at the street's end, and is anybody
even keeping up with how many checkpoints we've passed at this point? Hit
checkpoint 108, then turn left for checkpoint 109. Drive down the road for
checkpoints 110 and 111 to finish the race. Whew... I don't even know what
possessed me to write this the walkthrough for this mission...

6F - Film Studio
___ ___ __ ___ __ __
|__ | | | | | |__ | | | | \ | | |
| | |__ | | | __| | |__| |__/ | |__|

The studio is located on Prawn Island. If you're coming onto Prawn Island
from Vice Point, turn left at the second intersection. The film studio
entrance is on your right.

- $60,000

- the Film Studio gates open up so you can easily get inside
- the Film Studio generates revenue up to a maximum of $9,000 a day after
you complete all missions

Find some actors for Scott's movie.

- $1,000

Right away at the start of the mission you'll be informed of your first
actor to pick up: Candy Suxxx. Drive over to Downtown and walk (not drive)
into the pink circle. Make sure you've got a powerful gun equipped. Candy
will arrive in her Stretch, and Tommy will offer her the job for the movie.
Before he can take off with her though, Candy's pimp shows up in his
Sentinel. He orders his lackeys to kill you before taking off.

Shoot up the three thugs that come after you, and then chase after the
Sentinel. Whenever you get close to the car, the pimp will drop off three
more of his thugs to attack you (where do they keep coming from?!) Anyway,
when he drops the three guys out, you should just forget about them and
continue chasing the Sentinel. Otherwise, the pimp might have time to fill
up his car with thugs again. After you kill the pimp, go back to where you
met Candy in Downtown and pick her up.

Drive over to Well-Stacked Pizza in Downtown and Tommy will meet Mercedes
there. He offers her the role in the movie, and she agrees to do the job.
Thankfully, this time you won't get any nasty surprises when you pick up
Mercedes. Get in a four-passenger car with the girls, and take them to the
film studio on Prawn Island to complete the mission.

After the pimp appears, you could probably blow his car up outright with a
rocket launcher or something from a distance before he can drop out the

CELL-PHONE CALL: Sonny will make it very loud and clear that he wants a
slice of Tommy's business revenue right away.

Use the seaplane behind the studio to drop flyers advertising Scott's movie.

- $2,000

Walk around to the back of the lot and walk through the small door in the
back wall. Jump in the Skimmer plane floating next to the dock. Looks like
our old friend Dodo returns from GTA3, only this time he's got full wings,
and pontoons so he can land in water! Heh heh, I guess there won't be any
Full-wing Dodo rumors this time around! :) Anyway, the new (or rather old)
Dodo flies much better than what it did in GTA3. It should only take a
short time for you to get used to flying this plane.

To drop the fliers, you have to fly through one of the blue checkpoints
hovering over western Vice City. Once you do that, Tommy will start
dropping flyers. You then have to go through the red checkpoint that
appears after hitting the blue checkpoint to stop dropping the fliers. You
need to pass through all the checkpoints kind of fast, because you need to
drop off the flyers before the plane runs out of fuel.

My preferred route is to start out with the checkpoint hovering over the
middle of Little Haiti. Beginning here gives you some time for your plane
to get altitude. After you tag the checkpoint over Little Haiti, fly south
over to the red checkpoint hovering over Escobar International's passenger
terminal. After you get that, fly southeast over to Viceport. Snag the
checkpoint here, and fly north along the edge of western Vice City to the
red checkpoint in Little Havana. This one's a little high up, so make sure
you gain some altitude.

Take the next checkpoint over the waterfront of Little Havana. It should be
just to the north of you. The next red checkpoint is in a tricky spot
between two sky scrapers. You have to fly in between them to get the
checkpoint. Fly inland over Little Haiti. The checkpoint is in between a
very large skyscraper and a much smaller skyscraper across the street. You
can't really miss the big one. Now, turn away from the checkpoint some, to
give yourself some room to line up with the opening between the buildings.
Turn towards the buildings and make sure you're ready. Fly between the two
buildings and hit the checkpoint.

You should see your next blue checkpoint a little to the north, near
Downtown's waterfront. Collect that checkpoint, and fly north along the
edge of western Vice City to the red checkpoint. Continue to follow the
edge of the island north to the next checkpoint over the dirt bike track.
Fly through it, and make a turn to the southwest for the red checkpoint. Be
careful with this checkpoint, because it's precariously close to a building
on the right.

Continue flying south to the very last blue checkpoint. Go down south some
more over Little Haiti to tag the last red checkpoint. Mission complete!

Follow Candy to her meeting with Alex Shrub, and then snap three blackmail
photographs of him with Candy.

- $4,000

First, get in the Sparrow parked near the UFO. The helicopter is marked on
your radar if you can't find it. Now, you need to follow Candy's Stretch.
Eventually, she will lead you to Gonzales' old condo building. Candy will
get out and meet Alex Shrub at the roof top pool.

What you have to do now is use the hotel across the street as a vantage
point to photograph Alex and Candy. The side door you need to use to get
inside the hotel is on the left side of the hotel, on a walkway. Before you
head inside though, park the helicopter in the grass next to the walkway.
You'll need it again in a minute. Parking the helicopter in front of the
hotel tends to cause it to vanish.

Head upstairs through the side door. Go to the window and zoom in on Candy
and Alex. Snap three photographs of them together. After you take the
third picture, Candy says she sees somebody watching them. You now have a
five-star wanted level! Head back down the stairs, and get ready for action
when you hear an FBI Agent call out "You! Give me that camera!" That means
you're two more staircases away from having to fight the FBI.

Two agents will be standing at the bottom of one of the staircases. Use a
shotgun or the Python to kill them quickly before they can damage you too
much. You'll also have to blast two more FBI agents at the bottom of the
next staircase. Switch to a more long range weapon when you get to the
first floor. Shoot the FBI agents standing in front of the exit door from a

Run outside, and head towards the beach. Hopefully, the game didn't decide
to be evil by making your helicopter vanish. If the helicopter's there,
then fantastic! Get rid of any police that are uncomfortably close, and
then take off. Fly back towards the film studio on Prawn Island. Be sure
you don't fly over the front gates when you get there, because the FBI have
set themselves up a barricade in front of the gates. They'll shoot at your
helicopter while you fly past. Quickly land in the pink circle to end the

If the game did decide to be evil and remove your helicopter after you took
the pictures, there's a BF Injection parked behind the hotel to the south of
the one you took the pictures from. Get inside it and go to a Pay 'N' Spray
as fast as possible. Once you've got your car sprayed, drive over to Prawn

Be careful though, because the FBI will still shoot at you from their
barricades in front of the studio anyway. Now, there are two gates you can
use to get through: the larger gate to the south, or the smaller gate to the
north. If you're getting in through the smaller gate, blow up the Rancher
they have blocking the front gate to quickly kill the FBI agents. If you're
coming in through the larger gate, you could also do that, but it's much
easier just to get a large vehicle and crash through the opening between the
two Ranchers. Drop off the film at the studio to complete the mission.


There's also some remote grenades behind a blue hotel to the north of this
one. You can toss them down the stairwells when the FBI come without having
to show yourself in front of them. Just make sure you use a gentle toss by
tapping the CIRCLE button. High throws tend to bounce all over the walls.
Now, when you've thrown the grenade, move upstairs out of the blast radius
and detonate it. Regular grenades are not recommended for this job because
you could easily blow yourself up.


When you are flying the sparrow and Candy Suxxx arrives at the motel to meet
the politician, land the helicopter on the small roof/balcony/platform above
the doors of the hotel next door (the green one.) The ledge/roof is black
and big enough to land your sparrow on without crashing. The best thing is,
you can take great pictures here that qualify for the mission and the escape
is hella easy: just get back in your sparrow and fly back to the film
studiio! No hassling with the FBI, and even the other choppers can't reach
you because you escape so quickly!

Contributed by: Chris _
An alternate way of getting in the studio if you have to drive is to use the
back door where the plane is. No one is blocking that way.
Contributed by: Haunter XZ2

NOTE: Try shooting the driver in Candy's Stretch, but don't get inside it.
The car will drive itself to Alex's place! Perhaps the ghost of the driver
has been possessed to continue to do his job for Candy, despite the fact
he's dead.

Jump across the rooftops to a spotlight, then use the spotlight to advertise
Steve's movie before morning comes.

- $8,000
- the elevator in an office building will now open up to let you get on the
- the Film Studio will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $9,000 a day

You need to fix the spotlight before 07:00, otherwise the sun will be too
bright for you to get on the roof there unseen. This level always starts at
17:00, so you have 14 minutes to beat this level. That should be plenty of
time unless you wipe out a lot. Get on the nearby PCJ-600 and drive over to
the office building the dot on your radar indicates. Drive up the stairs
like the game tells you. Eventually, you should see an office on the left.
Drive your motorbike in through the door. Get on the elevator with your
bike to get to a higher floor.

Now, the fun begins! It's time to begin jumping over just about every roof
in Downtown. The pink markers will guide you to the next roof you need to
jump to. If you should fall though, you can take the elevator at the office
building again. To start, get in the pink marker, and then zoom through the
office. Crash through the far window to land on the next skyscraper's sky
lobby. Zoom north through the sky lobby to the next building across the
street. Don't go too fast though, or you'll wipe out against the wall on
the roof.

Back up to the northeast corner of the roof, and accelerate through the
western gap in the roof railing. Be sure you aim a little to the right, or
you might fall off the next building when you land. After you're on the
next building, use the slanted roof here to jump over to the next roof. Aim
a little to the right for this jump. Drive straight ahead over the right
ramp, because the right ramp has more landing room. You will land on top of
the hospital. Go around the square roof.

Back up, and get ready to jump across a wide street onto the electronics
shops. Motor up the stairs here. Turn a little to the right to line up
with your next ramp. Accelerate over the ramp to land on a building near
Hyman Condo. Back up to the western side of this roof, and accelerate to
jump across to yet another roof. Drive forward, and turn right at the ramp.
Back up to the wall, and zoom across this ramp to another roof.

Turn right when you pass the wall of the building on your right. You can
see the next ramp here, waiting for you to jump over it. The next building
is a checkpoint of sorts. If you should fall off the building from now
until the end of the ramps, a set of stairs on the side of this building
will lower so you can easily get to this point in the course again. Also,
the dirt bike course is nearby, so you could grab a Sanchez bike there if
your PCJ-600 is almost thrashed to death.

Go up the stairs here. Back up to the edge of the roof across from the ramp
up here, and like always jump to the next building. Don't lay off the speed
when you land, because you're already about lined up with the next ramp.
After you land on the next roof, back up to the edge of the roof opposite
the ramp and speed across it to the next building. Do the same on this
building to get to the next building. Fly over the ramp to yet another
roof. This is really starting to get monotonous isn't it? Don't worry
though, because there's only two more jumps left.

Zoom across the ramp on the southern end of the roof. When you land, keep
going so you'll have the speed for the next jump. Motor up the stairs here,
and use the ramp to jump to the higher roof. Finally, speed across the
building roof here to the last ramp. After landing, you'll finally be on
the building you need to get to. The stairs leading up to this building
will also lower if you should fall down. Walk over to the spotlight and do
what you came here to do.

As much fun as jumping from roof to roof is on a motorbike, you could do the
job much more easily and quickly with a helicopter. Consider grabbing a
helicopter if you should fall off the roofs on your bike before you get to
the part where the stairs lower for you.


CELL-PHONE CALL: Kent Paul will call you and he'll ask if he can be in one
of your movies. There's not really any meaning to this cell-phone call.

6G - Print Works
___ __ ___ __ __ __
|__| |__| | |\ | | | | | | | |__| |__/ |__
| | \ | | \| | |_|_| |__| | \ | \ __|

This place is in Little Havana. Start from the bridge leading to Little
Havana from Starfish Island. Turn right and drive down the highway a
little. You should see a building with an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing
over the entrance. Turn left onto the street just past the building. The
Print Works is the large yellow warehouse you can see in front of you now.

- $70,000

- the Print Works generates revenue up to a maximum of $8,000 a day after
complete the first two missions

Talk to Kent Paul about the money-printing syndicate

- $2,000

Get in the nearby taxi if you want to get to the Malibu Club in Vice Point
quickly. $9 should be chump change to you right now. You can drive
yourself over there if you want too though. However you get there, go
inside and talk to Kent. Kent tells you that the printing syndicate is the
Triad gang, and he says you could probably find out when they're going to be
shipped in from the boss man at the docks. You now have to drive over to
the Chartered Libertine Lines boat docked at Viceport.

Underneath the ramp leading onto the ship is some health, and there's some
body armor on the steps of the guardhouse at the front of the docks. You
might need them in a minute. When you walk onto the ship, all the security
guards will attack you. Gun them down if they get in your way, but don't
shoot them for too long because they're infinite. Walk up the stairs on the
back side of the ship. Pause just before you walk over the top of each
staircase, and aim a rifle around over the edge to see if there is a guard
there. If there is, you can shoot him and he won't be able to shoot you
very good.

Once you get up to the right door on the stairs, Tommy will go inside and
"persuade" the boss to give him the information. After you've got the
information, jump down from the catwalks to solid ground. If you go down
the stairs again you'll probably get shot up bad by security guards. After
you leap from the ship's catwalks to the ground below, go to the Print Works
to deliver the information. You could stop at the Pay 'N' Spray on the way
there if you want to.

Instead of coming into the ship at ground level, you could get into a
helicopter, and fly over the boat. Jump from the helicopter near the door
you need to go inside. You won't be able to land anywhere, so just jump
from your helicopter and let the it crash land. Just watch out though,
there will be guards shooting at you while you're doing this, plus you'll be
surrounded once you're on the boat. Complete the rest of the mission as

Steal the plates from the courier, lose the cops, and then bring the plates
back to the Print Works.

- $4,000
- the Print Works will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $8,000 a day

At the start of the mission you'll be told the courier is coming to the
docks via helicopter. Whatever you do, don't shoot down the helicopter or
it's a mission failure. Drive over to Viceport near the location. But,
don't bust into that place like Rambo or you'll get blown to crap by
approximately 1.8 billion chicks packing some serious heat. Instead, hide
behind the warehouse across from the lot the girls are in and wait a few
minutes. Make sure you have a fast and somewhat strong vehicle. Point it
towards the road to the dock gate while you're waiting.

The courier will get in a car, and then one of the girls will yell "KILL
HIM!" The courier will flee the scene in a black Sentinel, while other
Sentinels full of girls with guns will chase you. Fighting the girls in the
other Sentinels is a bad idea because some of them have shotguns. The
shotgun girls are real cheap, because they blast you off your feet, and when
you get up again you get knocked down again, and etc., etc. till you die.

You have to kill the courier to get her plates. Do it before she can arrive
at her destination. Her destination is in an alley near Kaufman Cabs in
Little Haiti. Watch out, because her passenger will stand up through the
sunroof to shoot at you. Ram the car off the road or shoot at it enough so
the courier jumps out. If you kill her by blowing up her car when she's in
it, you'll fail the mission. Shoot the courier once she steps out of the
car. Watch out for her shotgun and her backup guards. Once the courier is
dead, take the plates to the Print Works in Little Havana.

Now if YOU'RE packing some serious heat like the girls, namely a Rhino tank,
you can blow up and run over all of them. Don't destroy the Sentinels
though. If you do, she'll just run away in the helicopter and you'll fail
the mission. Kill her before she can get to the black Sentinel, take the
plates, and finish the mission. This method can also be done in a
bulletproof car, just with some more difficulty.

NOTE: If you fail the mission, the game will tell you that the courier has
arrived at "his" destination. Yet, the courier is clearly a woman judging
from her looks, unless the courier is a cross-dressing man? Yuck...


When you've got 60% game completion, you'll get these cell-phone calls to
trigger the Print Works' next mission. (Contributed by: Finny Merrill)

CELL-PHONE CALL: You'll get two calls. Mr. Kelly will call you first on the
phone, and he says there's some trouble at the Print Works. He needs you to
come over to help him out. The next call is a frantic one from Ken. He
said that Sonny might be planning to take him out. Tommy tells him to calm
down, and he says he'll see him later.

Kill the Mafia men who are taxing your businesses.

- $30,000

This mission's not all that hard. The Mafia will just run around to the
businesses you own and they take money from them. Shoot the collectors off
their bikes or ram them off their bikes and then run them down. If you're
going to run them over, do it quick because each pair of collectors is
equipped with a shotgun and an M4. You could also try drive-by shootings on
a bike since you can shoot in front of you on those. Just kill the Mafia
men any way you feel like doing it. You'll have to go through three bikes
of collectors to finish the mission.

CELL-PHONE CALL: Lance will call you, and he says that they have big
problems. He needs Tommy to come to the Vercetti Estate right away.

6H - Malibu Club
____ __ __ __ __
| | | |__| | | |__| | | | | | | |__|
| | | | | |__ | |__| |__| |__ |__ |__| |__|

This club is located in Vice Point. If you start at your Ocean View hotel,
drive north down the beachfront street. Go around the corner you come to,
and turn right at the intersection. The club will be the first building you
see on the left.

- $120,000 (no, I didn't accidentally put an extra zero in there)

- you can now walk around upstairs in the Malibu Club without being attacked
- the Malibu Club generates revenue up to a maximum of $10,000 a day after
you complete all missions

Free Cam Jones from his jail cell at the VCPD HQ building and take him to
his place.

- $1,000

First, drive over to the VCPD HQ building in Washington Beach. Put away your
weapons when you go inside like the cop behind the counter tells you to. If
you walk inside the locker room or into the hall with a weapon equipped,
you'll automatically get a four-star wanted level and you won't be able to
sneak into the station without a gunfight.

Walk into the locker room on the right side of the lobby and change into a
cop's uniform. This way you can walk around the police station without
getting shot at. The police won't even care now if you walk around with a
rocket launcher! Just don't attack anybody and you won't get attacked
yourself. Go into the hall and head upstairs to get the keycard out of the
upstairs office.

Next, go back downstairs to the first floor hall and take the stairs leading
down to the jail cells. You might want to get a shotgun or something
equipped right now. Use the keycard on the card swipe to open Cam's cell.
Now cops with Uzis will be after you. Get out of the building ASAP before
you get shot up too much. Just run past any cops you see, because there are
too many to kill. Grab the Sentinel parked to your left and drive as fast
as you can to the Pay 'N' Spray to lose your wanted level. Do this even if
you leave Cam behind.

Now, go get Cam (unless he's already with you) and head for his business,
Cam's Can Openers, in Viceport. After you drop him off, he agrees to help
you with a job you're pulling since you busted him out of jail.

Go to the rifle range to recruit Phil Cassidy for your job.

- $2,000
- you can now participate in shooting competitions at the rifle range.

First, get over to the Ammu-Nation in Downtown. Walk through the door in
the back of the store to enter the rifle range. Tommy asks Phil if he wants
to help him out in the job, but Phil says he wants Tommy to show his
shooting skills first. He hands him a pistol. You need to get a score of
60 in this shooting competition to convince Phil to help you. You can
cancel any round by pressing the SQUARE button. If you run out of time or
ammunition, the round you are playing will end. You begin with 100 rounds
of ammunition. If you run out, you will be given 50 bullets for the next

You start out at a basic firing range with two minutes of time to shoot.
Three dummies will move across the range, each at a different distance from
you. To get points for destroying the dummy, you must hit all four sectiosn
of its chest and its head. Destroying the farthest dummy awards you three
points, destroying the middle dummy awards you two points, and destroying
the closest dummy awards you one point. Try waiting until the targets line
up, and then shoot like crazy to hit a lot of the areas on the dummies.
Also, try the "trapping" maneuver. Put your aiming dot in front of the path
of the dummy, and then fire when it passes over the dot.

After you have finished this round, walk through the door nearby into a
hallway. Take the left door when you get to two doors. You'll now be in a
shooting range designed to look like a small city street. This round is one
minute long. Every cardboard target in this round is worth one point and
only needs one bullet to destroy. Watch the set of six windows in the
building at the end of the street. That's where all the targets will

After that round is over, walk forward into the next pink circle. This is
the third and final round. Like the last round, all targets are worth one
point, and you have a one minute time limit. Targets will appear from
basically every nook and cranny in this part. Just keep your eyes sharp in
trying to spot them.

If you managed to get enough points, go back to the firing range and talk to
Phil. He'll agree to help you out on your job since you're such an

For the first portion, I would recommend that you clear the third target 11
times with the second and first target's bodies shot out(leave the heads).
Remember to set yourself up for a headshot each time it comes out. However,
after the 33, begin shooting out BOTH the 2 AND the 3. 3 more clears on the
2 and 2 more on the 3 makes the mission simple, and doesn't take up too much
more time when you shoot them both out at about the same more time.

For the second portion, point your gun at the two windows on the left. Shoot
them out constantly. For the third, simply shoot whatever you feel like. By
this time, you should have at least 80 points if you were putting in a large

Contributed by: Yuri SEAL


CELL-PHONE CALL: If you've completed all the previous phone missions,
you'll receive one final call from the unknown stranger asking you to answer
a payphone in Little Havana.

Beat Hilary in a street race to recruit him for your job.

- $3,000

First, I must say Hilary is one excellent driver. He's probably the only
great driver in this game apart from you. So, you'll probably have a hard
time trying to beat him with skill alone. However, there's a cheap trick
that'll put him out of the running for awhile. Get the front of your car
next to the rear of one of the sides of Hilary's car, and push into one of
his rear tires. Cops call this the PIT maneuver. If you push into his tire
right, Hilary will spin out and crash, and you'll be able to get a
significant lead while he's recovering from the spin out. Watch out though,
because Hilary's recoveries are fairly quick.

At the start of the race, go straight down the road through checkpoints 1-3.
When you get in front of the police station, make a right down this road.
Pass through checkpoints 4-6. As you drive past the police station though,
you'll get two stars because you're having an illegal street race. Make a
quick left turn at Rafael's to checkpoint 7. Immediately make a quick right
while taking checkpoint 7. Snag checkpoint 8 near the underground mall.
Make a fast right turn at the Pole Position Club to get checkpoint 9.

Make another fast left at the corner where Ocean Heights Apartment is. Take
another fast right corner and go down the street past the marina. Get
checkpoints 10 and 11 here. Make a fast left turn when you come to the T-
junction. Turn right again after snagging checkpoint 12, but watch out for
the police cars that come in from both sides here.

Go straight all the way down this street and don't go down any other
streets. You'll snag checkpoints 13-15 while on the way through. Hang a
left at the end of the road and hop over the bridge. Hit checkpoint 16, and
cut through the foliage on your right as a little shortcut to checkpoint 17.
Drive past the Malibu club again to snag final checkpoint 18.

Rob the El Banco Corrupto Grande.

- $50,000
- Bank Job outfit delivered to Malibu Club in Vice Point
- the Malibu Club will now generate revenue up to a maximum of $10,000 a day
- you get a new boss, Phil Cassidy (see CELL-PHONE CALL after this mission

This is one of the more complex missions in the game. It may sound somewhat
simple to just go rob a bank, but there's going to be lots of obstacles
you're going to need to overcome before you can get out with the money.
Anyway, get in the taxi with your other team members, and drive over to El
Banco Corrupto Grande in Little Havana. Everyone will get out of the car,
and Tommy will tell Hilary to keep driving around the block awhile.

Next, walk across the street and get in the bushes next to the bank to
change into your proper bank robbing clothes. Phil will also give you a
Python. Walk inside the bank. Tommy and the crew will automatically
commandeer the place. Tommy orders Phil to keep the hostages under control,
and tells Cam to follow him to the upstairs vault. Go through the door
behind the counter near the civilians.

When you get into the upstairs office, some guards will appear from doors on
the other side of the room. Shoot them both. If you need health, there's
some in the private office through the door on the far wall. If you need
body armor, look in the security room through the left door. If you want
to, you can look at the security monitors in here for a bit. Press X to
cancel out from monitor view.

Take the next set of stairs onto the lobby balcony. Blast the guards that
appear from the doorway to the right. Walk into the door they came from and
board the elevator here. You're now in the vault corridor. Shoot the guard
standing in front of the vault. Cam says this vault is very strong, and
that it could take hours for him to crack it. Tommy says he'll go look for
the manager so he'll open it for them.

Take the elevator back down and go into the upstairs office. Go into the
private office on the far wall and get the bank manager to follow you. Take
the elevator back to the vault corridor with the manager in tow. Tommy
leaves the bank manager with Cam so he can see about bypassing the time
lock. Go back downstairs to check on Phil. Unfortunately, one of the
people decides to play hero and trips the alarm. You'll now have a
three-star wanted level. Kill the security guard that tripped the alarm.

Get behind the counter marked by the pink circle and get ready for a fight
with SWAT. They'll enter the building through the air vents. Target and
kill every one of them as quickly as possible. Be careful, SWAT cops can
sometimes take more than one shot from the Python to kill. Phil and Cam
will help you out some. After the SWAT team has been eliminated, take
supplies from upstairs if they're still there, and walk outside. Hilary
pulls up in the taxi, but unfortunately he gets shot to death trying to
cover you. Kill all the SWAT cops in the immediate vicinity, then get in
the taxi with Cam and Phil.

Drive over to the nearby Pay 'N' Spray to lose your wanted level, then drive
over to Cam's Can Openers in Viceport. Watch out though, because the SWAT
team will still shoot at you some while you drive past the bank. Pull up
inside the garage at Cam's place to get down to dividing the cash amongst

After Cam cracks the safe, you can let him die. If Cam dies before you
leave the bank, the scene outside the bank and the ending scene will be
slightly different. If he dies after leaving the bank, only the ending
scene will be different. By the way, you DO NOT get a bigger share of the
money at the end of the mission by letting Cam die.

Source: GTAVC messageboard

NOTE: If you kill three hostages in the lobby, the hostages will become
rebellious and they'll all decide to attack you. You will also get a
three-star wanted level. Phil will also follow you around rather than watch
the hostages. Strangely though, you'll still get all the scenes and dialog
even though the characters aren't in the right places. It's funny as heck
to hear Tommy say "I'll go check on Phil," when Phil is standing right next
to him, or Phil laughing at the SWAT team while he's getting beaten up by
the hostages. You should take the time to watch this happen at least once!

CELL-PHONE CALL: Phil will call Tommy, and he says he enjoyed working with
him. He says he can help Tommy out if he should need something.


7: Side Missions Walkthrough

All of the missions in this section are purely optional. You can easily get
through the main game without playing any of them. However, you should try
them out since you can get quite a bit of money (among other things) out of
them. Not to mention, you need to play these missions if you want to get
100% game completion.

7A - Avery Carrington
___ __ __
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Avery's meeting place is located at the construction site in Vice Point.
He's marked on the radar with an "A".

Get golf clothes from Jocksport, then kill a landowner at the golf club so
Avery can get his land.

- $500
- Country Club clothes delivered to the Golf Club in Leaf Links
- the Golf Club front gate is now open

This mission makes me think of the FAREWELL 'CHUNKY' LEE CHONG mission from
GTA3, because at the end part you get to kill a guy just about any way you
find most amusing.

First, go to Jocksport at Vice Point. If you try to go to the golf course
before you change clothes your target won't be there. After you've changed
into that ridiculous-looking outfit, drive over the nearby bridge into Leaf
Links. Drive up to the main entrance on the right side of the road. When
you go into the pink circle, you'll find out that your target is at the
golfing range. Now you have to decide how to get inside the golf club.
There's a total of four ways to get into the course:

1. The first way in is the most obvious: the front entrance. You'll have to
drop your weapons at the gate since the guards have a metal detector. Don't
bother shooting the guards. You'll still have to leave your weapons behind
even if the guards are dead, and you'll now have a wanted level.

2. The second one is right next to the main entrance. To the left of the
main entrance you'll see a round cylinder with flags laying on top of it.
If you jump on top of your car, you can use it to jump over the flags and
into the club.

3. The third one is at the construction site across the street from the one
where Avery is. Go to the northwest corner of the western construction
site, and you should notice a hole in the railing. Nearby is the southern
island of the Leaf Links golf club. If you get a fast car, you can jump
from the construction site to Leaf Links. Not only will you have your
weapons, but you'll also have a different car besides a Caddy for the grand
finale of the level.

4. The fourth way is a ramp at a dead end street in Vice Point, near Well-
stacked Pizza. It's hard to get enough speed to make the jump, so I
wouldn't recommend trying to get in this way.

Now that we're in the course, travel to the range where he's practicing his
game. It's time to decide how you want to kill the man you're after.
There's like an endless variety of ways to do this, so do whatever works
best for you. I'll list every way my imagination has been able to think up,
in order of easiest to hardest:

1. Use the lock-on feature of a gun to target the man before he sees you,
and shoot him to death. You should be able to kill him before he can get to
the Caddy. You could also snipe him with a rifle to kill him with one

2. Steal the Greenwood car he has waiting for him at the front gate after
he discovers you, and then run him over with it when he comes out through
the main entrance.

3. Chase after him when he gets in his Caddy, and do driveby shootings on
him until his golf cart blows up.

4. Chase after him when he gets in his Caddy, and knock him into the water
when he gets close to the edge of the island.

There's quite a few other ways to kill him. Just do whatever you feel is
the most entertaining and/or easiest.

Blow up an office building that's under construction, so Avery can step in
and build his own building on the site.

- $1,000

First, go to the Top Fun van that's just down the road from where you are
and get inside it. You now get to use a cute little RC controlled
helicopter to transport four bombs to critical parts of the building to be
destroyed. This is probably the most unique mission I've seen yet in a
video game, and that makes it all the more fun. :D

You have seven minutes to drop the bombs in the proper spots after picking
up the first bomb. You pick up bombs automatically when you get near them,
and you can only carry one bomb at a time. Bombs you've dropped can be
picked up again. The central stairway of the building provides access to
all floors. A triangle pointing up indicates the drop off point is above
you, and a downward-pointing triangle indicates the target is below you. A
square means you're even with the target.

There are also security guards and construction workers in the building who
will try to destroy your helicopter. If your helicopter gets blown up, you
fail the mission. The workers aren't any big deal, because they only have
hammers. They can only hit your helicopter when they're right next to it.
Even then, they run the risk of getting chopped up by your blades. Security
guards though have guns, so you might want to slice them up with your blades
so they can't hurt your helicopter too much.

Since the timer doesn't start until you actually pick up the first bomb, you
might want to play around with the helicopter some to get used to it. These
are the controls:

X - go up
SQUARE - go down
CIRCLE - drop a bomb after picking one up.
L2 - turn left
R2 - turn right
Left stick - go forwards, backwards, and side to side
Right stick - rotate left and right, and go up and down

Go near a bomb to pick it up. Travel to the first place to drop it, which
is on the west side of the building on the ground level. Go back to pick up
another bomb. The second target is on the northeastern corner of the second
floor. After collecting another bomb, go to the southern side of the third
floor where the next target is. Watch out for the security guards with the
guns, because they could shoot down your helicopter. The last bomb needs to
be taken to the southeast corner of the fourth floor. After you drop the
last of the bombs, the building will be blown up and you'll complete the

NOTE: To play Avery's last mission, you must complete the mission PHNOM
PENH '86 which Ricardo Diaz gives out.

Disguise yourself as a Cuban, then kill the Haitian gang lord at a funeral.
After he's dead, get out of Little Haiti as quickly as possible.

- $2,500
- Havana outfit delivered to Little Havana Streetwear in Little Havana
- You have a new boss, Umberto Robina (see CELL-PHONE CALL after this

First, head over to Little Havana Streetwear in Little Havana. Next, you
need to go to Romero's Funeral Parlor in Little Haiti to make your hit.
Move fast, since the Haitians on the streets will shoot at you while you're
on the way there. Once you're at the parlor, kill the gang lord quickly
before he can get in the hearse. The fastest way to kill him is to run him
over with your car. Then, quickly get out of Little Haiti before your car
gets shot up too much. The indestructible Admiral is ideal for doing this.

If the gang lord does manage to get to the hearse though, you're going to
have an interesting car chase ahead of you. The Haitians will open the back
door of the hearse, and they'll drop exploding caskets through it. So,
don't follow right behind the car. Instead, ram it off the road from the
side, or do drive-by shootings on it. Once the hearse is heavily damaged
enough, the guys inside will jump out. Kill the gang lord at that time. If
you're lucky, the car chase will have already taken you out of Little Haiti
and the mission will end immediately.

Instead of beating this mission in a car, try coming in by helicopter.
You'll be able to quickly travel to your destinations, and the Haitians
won't be able to shoot at you on the way there if you fly high enough.

The helicopter has the advantage of surprise once you're ready to attack,
since you won't be spotted till you get relatively close. You can drop in
fast by the pizza restaurant, and shoot the gang lord. Then you can quickly
get out of Little Haiti in one of the nearby cars. It will take too long
for the rotors to warm up for you to escape. However, you can get around
this by landing the helicopter on the building across the street. From
there, you can quickly snipe him before he gets in the hearse. You can then
get in the helicopter for a quick getaway.

The way I beat it was to do a drive by shooting on a motorcyle then went
around the block so that I was on the other side of the fence from the
hearse. All I needed to do was toss a grenade over the fence and killed the

Contributed by: Ed
Go to the North Point Mall and buy a sniper rifle from the Ammu-Nation
there. It should be in stock by now. Go and grab the Cuban clothes, and get
a reasonably fast car. Drive to where the gang lord is at the funeral,
coming in from the south. You should see a Voodoo car blocking the road. If
you drive up really close to it, you'll get the message you've been spotted.
Drive back down the road a bit. Make sure you don't go any closer to the
gang lord than the Voodoo car. Then get out, take down any nearby Haitians
who may be shooting at you, and snipe off the gang lord.

Contributed by: Thomas Stark

NOTE: Donald Love from GTA3 makes a cameo appearance in the briefing for
this mission. Avery asks Donald to write down his strategy of driving down
land prices by causing a gang war. Note that Donald asks you to perform a
mission using this same strategy in GTA3. It's neat how this game ties in
with GTA3 in the future.


CELL-PHONE CALL: You'll get phoned by a Cuban looking for Leo, the original
owner of the CELL-PHONE. After Tommy tells the Cuban he's killed Leo, the
Cuban on the other end is impressed, and says he wants you to come work for

7B - Umberto Robina
__ __ __ ___ __
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Umberto gives out his missions at Cafe Robina in Little Havana. He is
marked on the radar with a crown symbol.

Pass through all the checkpoints on the stunt boat course.

- $1,000
- You get a new boss, Auntie Poulet (see CELL-PHONE CALL below this mission

Tommy will automatically get in the boat with Rico, and the boat ride will
begin. You have three minutes to get the 27 checkpoints. Speed ahead
through Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2. Use the ramp to jump over Leaf Links
and to get Checkpoint 3. Turn east when you get to a canal between Vice
Point and Leaf Links. Collect Checkpoints 4 - 6 here. Jump over another
ramp to collect Checkpoint 7. You also need to hit Checkpoint 8 by a ramp.
While traveling the rest of the way down the canal, you'll get Checkpoints

Once you hit open water, you'll then get Checkpoints 13 - 16 while curving
around the bridge supports. Checkpoints 17 - 19 will lead you back into the
canal. Use a ramp to hit Checkpoint 20, and collect Checkpoint 21 in the
water. Use yet another ramp to get Checkpoint 22. Checkpoints 23 - 25
should lead you west, through the middle of Leaf Links. Turn south and get
Checkpoints 26 and 27 to end the mission.

CELL-PHONE CALL: Miss Cleo...I mean Auntie Poulet will call you. She'll ask
you to come to her house in Little Haiti.

Attack the Haitians' warehouse, and steal their drug van.

- $2,000

First, get hold of a car that can seat four people. Three Cubans will run
out of the cafe and get into your car. Head for Little Haiti. The place
where the fight is taking place is near Romero's Funeral Parlor. The Cubans
will greet Tommy and the gang. Notice that the Haitians have barricaded
themselves in a lot at the end of the alley with a Stinger parked in the way
for cover.

If you've got the sniper rifle ammo, try sniping them from down the alley.
If you don't want to do that though, go a little down the street and take a
side alley to where the entrance to the Haitians' lot is. Don't try a ram
raid on the car though, because your car will instantly catch fire when you
get close to it, and the explosion won't even kill anyone or damage the
Stinger. If you get in the Stinger the car will also instantly blow up.

Duck down with L3 and shoot the Stinger car until it blows up. This will
kill a lot of the Haitians. Next, hop over the car and kill off the
survivors of the blast. The Cubans will then move up from the alley, but a
sniper on the roof will stop their advance. Use a manual-aiming weapon to
kill the sniper on the roof. If you don't have one, take the laser scope
rifle nearby and use that.

After the sniper is gone, kill all the Haitians on the ground. Again the
Cubans will move forward to the next lot. Quickly get inside the drug van
nearby and drive it out of there before the Haitians can shoot it up too
badly. Run over the Haitians standing at the gate on the way out. Since
you have a two-star wanted level, you might want to go to the Pay 'N' Spray
on the eastern highway. It's kind of hard to evade the cops if you have
flat tires on this slow moving slug. Take the Rumpo to the alley behind
Cafe Robina.

NOTE: If you get badly hurt during the gunfight in this mission, you can go
to the nearby pizza restaurant and get some food to recover your health.

Start the mission as normal, and kill the first round of Haitians however
you wish. Then, once the sniper comes into play, get a helicopter and land
on the same roof as the sniper, but get behind him. You can now get out of
the chopper, and walk right up to him and shoot him point blank in the face.
You can now proceed to snipe the rest of the Haitians from various points on
that roof. The sniper sometimes turns round to face you, but sometimes
doesn't. Either way, you can get up close and he won't shoot you. Note also,
that if you get the helicopter earlier in the mission, there is a good
chance it will disappear before you need it.

Contributed by: Andrew Lindsey

Attack the Haitians during their business deal and steal their drugs.

- $4,000

First, you should have body armor, a machine gun, and a rifle. Go meet Rico
down by Vice Port and get in his boat. He'll drive you over to where the
Haitians are conducting their drug deal. Use a lock on weapon to target the
Haitians on the boats. Don't press L2 or R2 to cycle through the targets,
or you might target the enemies on the dock. You should only be interested
right now in killing the enemies on the boats. Release and hold R1 instead.
You could also use a rocket launcher here to blow up the boats, but it's a
bad idea. The enemy boats are too close to risk explosions. Besides,
you'll need one of those boats for your escape.

After they're dead, Rico will drop you on land. Quickly run to the left and
take cover behind the wall there. Use your rifle to pick off all the
targets at the mansion from a distance. Take the drugs near the house, then
take the drugs at the docks. You've got the stuff, but unfortunately Rico's
boat gets blown up. Looks like you'll have to escape by yourself. If
that's not bad enough, you now have a four-star wanted level. If one of the
boats at the dock is intact, take that and use it to get to Little Haiti.

Steal a civilian car as fast as you can and head for the nearby Pay 'N'
Spray. After you've resprayed your car, deliver the drugs to Umberto.

Wait until you get 80 packages the Sea Sparrow is at Diaz's (or your)
mansion. What you do is come rolling up and shoot 3 rockets to blow
everything sky high. Then, use the sniper rifle and take out the rest of the
goons. Get one of the cases but do -not- get the other yet.

Instead, run like crazy and get the Sea Sparrow. Bring it back to the other
case, get the case, and watch the cutscene. Then, get in the Sparrow and
avoid all those enemies and cops. Its quick and if you -would- run into a
police chopper you can shoot it down with the R1 button.

You could probably also use the Maverick on top of your mansion if you've
earned the mansion already.

Contributed by: What_would_Zakk_do


NOTE: You can't play Umberto's last mission until you beat all of Auntie
Poulet's missions.

ANOTHER (IMPORTANT) NOTE: After you beat this mission, (SPOILER) the
Haitians will start to hate you, and they'll shoot at you whenever you pass
through Little Haiti. Finish up looking for the Hidden Packages, beating
the Rampages, and doing the Unique Jumps in this area before you take on
this mission.

Use a Voodoo car to infiltrate the Haitians' factory, and then use their own
solvent to blow up the factory.

- $10,000
- the Haitians hate you now and will shoot at you whenever you go into

First, get a Voodoo car from the Haitians in Little Haiti. They're brown,
have two doors, and they're long and low. You can find one next to Auntie
Poulet's house. Get in with Pepe, and drive to the meeting place near where
the other Cubans are waiting to start the surprise attack. Follow them to
the entrance to the Haitian factory.

Now in this part don't get out of your car until you are told to do so.
Follow the other Voodoos into the factory, and park in the pink marker.
After you do that, jump out and kill all the Haitians inside the factory.
It's time to set up the fireworks show. Drop the bombs near the fuse boxes.
They're in corners of the room that glow a tan color. One is upstairs,
and the other two are downstairs.

Once the first bomb is set, you'll have 45 seconds to set the others and get
out of the blast radius. If you're too slow, the explosion will be aborted
and you'll fail the mission. You should plant the first bomb on the second
floor. After the bombs are set, you need to get out of the compound. You
can't get out through the front gate, so you have to find another way out.
There should be a set of stairs to the left of the front gate, if you're
facing towards the factory. Go up the stairs and run across the rooftops to
escape the blast.

When you get the van, don't take it and run out right away. You have at
-least- a 2 star wanted level and those cops -will- flip that van unless
your GREAT with it. Instead use the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher
and just leave everyone but your guys dead. Then, RUN LIKE THE DEVIL (don't
forget to kill the 3 guards who try and stop you on the way out) and evade
the cops till you get a police bribe or get to the pay and spray. Then, you
can drive the van back in peace. This is easier considering the damn thing
flips every turn you take moving quicker then a snail.

Contributed by: What_would_Zakk_do


CELL-PHONE CALL: Umberto will call you and congratulate you upon your
success in destroying the factory. He says that from his and his papi's
viewpoint, you are Cuban and you'll always be welcome in Little Havana. Too
bad things aren't so good with the Haitians though...

7C - Auntie Poulet
___ __ __ ___
|__| | | | | | |__ |
| |__| |__| |__ |__ |

Auntie Poulet gives out her missions at her house in Little Haiti. She is
marked on the map with a black and white symbol.

Get Auntie Poulet's powder stashes before the police do.

- $1,000

Go down by the scrap yard. The first stash of powders is on top of a
building nearby, so use the stairs to get up there. Make sure you park your
car close to the stairs. Once you do get the powders, SWAT cops will appear
and you'll get a two-star wanted level. You now have one minute to get to
the next stash before the police do. The next stash is a couple of blocks
away, in the housing area. Get in your car fast and bug out of there before
you get arrested or killed.

Once you get it, you'll now have a four-star wanted level. Turn north and
drive down that road. Ahead, you should see a warehouse with an alley on
the left. Drive through this alley to pick up the police bribe. That will
at least take the SWAT off your back for a moment. The last stash is
further north, near Downtown. After you grab it, your stars will be taken
up to five.

Now, quickly get back to Auntie Poulet's house and drop off the powders
before the FBI comes in and pwnz j00. You could probably even get back to
the house on foot if you wanted to, since the alleys provide excellent cover
while you're on the way there. I *would* recommend going to the Pay 'N'
Spray first, but since Auntie Poulet's house is closer and finishing the
mission gets rid of your wanted level, I don't really see much point to it.
;) The only edge the Pay 'N' Spray has really is that it's easier to find.

Use the "flying bombs" to destroy the Cubans and their boats.

- $2,000

Drive over to the waterfront and get inside the Top Fun van. You have three
RC planes (counting the one you're using already) to drop bombs on the
boats. The controls for the RC planes are:

D-pad UP - descend
D-pad DOWN - ascend
D-pad LEFT - turn left
D-Pad RIGHT - turn right
X - accelerate
CIRCLE - drop a bomb
TRIANGLE - cancel plane

First, you should get some altitude before you head out over the water. You
don't want your planes to drown before they can do their work, do you? Keep
pulling up and the plane should get enough altitude. If that doesn't work
though, try pulling up when the plane drifts downward. Once you're high
enough, fly over to Diaz's mansion on Starfish Island and drop your bombs in
the middle of the Cubans. If you focus on the Cubans first, some of the
boats might not have gunners, drivers, or even both for that matter! The
Cubans will now try to flee the scene.

You have to destroy every vehicle the Cubans are fleeing in. While you
chase after the boats that managed to get away, the Cubans will try to shoot
down the plane if they have gunners. There's a risky but effective maneuver
that allows you to destroy the boats pretty easily. Dive-bomb a boat from
behind, drop a bomb, and then immediately pull up before you get caught in
the explosion.

After you have destroyed all the boats, you'll be told that one of the
Cubans is fleeing in a car. Before you do that though, kill the Cubans and
boats that got left behind on the dock. Dive-bomb the car like the boats to
destroy it. This time though, you don't really need to worry about keeping
your plane in one piece. As long as the car is destroyed, it doesn't matter
if you blew up your last plane with the explosions.

If you want to, you can blow up the car BEFORE you go after the boats. It
will be parked just a short distance away from the docks.

Land on the pier near all of the Cubans. Then slowly, one by one, push them
into the water with the RC plane! Quite entertaining as well!

It's also possible to kill the Cubans by hitting them with the plane while
traveling at a high speed. You'll always kill them if you're in the air.

Contributed by: Tony Vialls


OBJECTIVE: Snipe the Cubans with a sniper rifle while they're having a
fistfight with the Haitians.

- $5,000

First, go to the sniper nest on top of the warehouse. Grab the Adrenaline
Pill on the way up. If you shoot from anywhere else, you'll alert the
Cubans and the fight will be called off. Move fast before the Haitians get
beaten down too much. Now, carefully pick off the Cubans while they're
punching the Haitians. Try shooting the Cubans the Haitians knock down,
since they'll be sitting still for several seconds. Also, focus on the
fights where the Haitians are outnumbered. This gives the lone Haitians
more of a chance, and it reduces the risk of accidentally hitting one of the
guys on your side.

After awhile, the Cubans will come in with reinforcements via a van. Take
them out as well. After those guys are taken out, more Cubans will appear
from underneath your sniper nest. One of the Cubans has a deadly Katana
with him, so make it your first priority to kill him before he slices and
dices up too many Haitians.

CELL-PHONE CALL: Auntie Poulet will give you a brief call and she'll say she
doesn't want to see you anymore. No big deal, because we're done working
for her.

7D - Love Fist
__ __ __ __ ___
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|__ |__| \__/ |__ | | __| |

Love Fist's meeting place is at the VRock building in Downtown. They are
indicated on the map with a skull icon.

Get the "Love Juice" for Love Fist.

- $2,000
- you have a new boss, Mitch Baker (see CELL-PHONE CALL after this mission

I recommend you get a fast car or a motorbike for this mission. Go to the
pink circle marked on the radar in Downtown. Make sure your car is aimed
towards the road. After you honk the horn, a drug dealer will come over.
He'll take your money, but then he'll run away without giving you the Love
Juice! Take down that prick!

Kill him in whatever way you find most amusing, and then get the suitcase of
drugs from him. Kent will call you on the CELL-PHONE, and he says the guys
want a little love action with their Love Juice. Tommy says he knows just
who to ask for that. You now have to go over to Mercedes' apartment in Vice
Point. Make sure you have a really fast vehicle.

After you pick up Mercedes, you'll have a minute and a half to get back to
the VRock building before they need to get on stage. The fastest way there
is to take the nearby bridge through Leaf Links. When you get over the
highway in Little Haiti, jump off the bridge onto the highway to save a
little time. Go north down the highway. When the right side of the road
curves off to the right, go onto the left side of the road, and turn left at
the first intersection you come to. Follow the road and you'll eventually
come to the VRock building. After you give the drugs and Mercedes to Love
Fist, the mission will be complete.

After you kill the drug dealer, go get a helicopter and pick up Mercedes in
that. You can just fly straight to the VRock building without having to
deal with navigating the streets.


CELL-PHONE CALL: Kent will call Tommy. He says he needs Tommy to meet with
a biker gang led by one Mitch Baker. He needs the gang to help out with
security at Love Fist's concert. You can now go over to the Greasy Chopper
to work for Baker.

Kill the psycho killer before he kills Love Fist.

- $4,000

First, get in the Love Fist limo and drive it to the signing event at Rock
City. This will hopefully motivate the killer to show himself. Once you're
there, you'll see a large crowd of cheering fans. The psycho gunman will
then pull out a gun and he'll start shooting all over the place.
Afterwards, he'll jump in a Sentinel to run away. You have to hunt him down
and kill him. Damage his car enough so that he jumps out. Kill him when he
gets out of the car, but watch out for his Uzi. After he is dead, the
mission will be complete.

If you wait a little, the psycho will crash his car into a Trashmaster
pulling out of an alley. This is an excellent time to move in and kill him.


NOTE: You can't play Love Fist's last mission until you beat all of Mitch
Baker's missions.

Drive the Love Fist limo to the concert.

- $8,000

Since Love Fist has discovered that the psycho killer is still alive, they
want Tommy to drive them to the concert. Well, everything seems okay, until
a certain cassette tape is played on the car stereo. The psycho killer
tells the band via the tape that the car has been wired with a
speed-sensitive bomb. If you drive too slow, the detonation meter will fill
up. If it gets full, the bomb will explode and you'll fail the mission.
Drive fast to get the meter to go down again. You need to keep driving
until the Love Fist members can figure out how to defuse the bomb. Hmm, now
doesn't this plot sound kind of familiar? Like that one movie that had the
speeding bus?

I find this to be one of the funniest missions in the entire game. It's
because of the hilarious conversation that's going on while Love Fist is
trying to disarm the bomb. I tell you, those Scottish guys make me laugh so
much I forget to keep going fast and then we all get blown up. :)

Anyway, you should try to find a long straight stretch of road to drive on
while you wait for the guys to defuse the bomb. The entire time it will
take them to defuse the bomb will be about one minute and 50 seconds. My
favorite way of beating this level is to go straight at the start. Drive
down the road, and jump over the curb at the left-hand turn to keep your
speed up. Make another speedy turn to the right at the next intersection.
You are now on the highway leading along most of the length of western Vice

In this part, just barely keep your speed up enough (by tapping X rapidly)
so that the detonation meter doesn't fill up. You need to go slow enough so
you don't run out of straight road too fast. Besides, going slower
decreases the chance you'll hit other cars. Drive on the median or the
sidewalk when you can to avoid traffic. When you get close to Viceport's
front gate, make a U-turn as fast as you can so the detonation meter doesn't
fill up. This is quite dangerous to pull off, so you need to keep your
speed during the turn as high as possible.

Once the bomb is defused, drive Love Fist to the auditorium where they're
playing in Downtown. Love Fist will take Tommy inside and show him their
"Temple of Rock."

CELL-PHONE CALL: Mitch will call Tommy, and he'll say that he enjoyed the
Love Fist concert. On the behalf of his gang, he thanks Tommy for the
concert, and he also says he has their respect.

7E - Mitch Baker
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Mitch Baker gives out his missions at the Greasy Chopper in Downtown. He is
marked on the radar with a spade card suit symbol.

Come in first place in the motorcycle race.

- $1,000

Before I actually discuss the course, I'll give out some general tips.
You're only allowed to use a Freeway or an Angel bike for this mission.
Fortunately, there should be an Angel or two parked right next to the bar
for you to use. During the race, don't kill the bikers. If you do, it's an
automatic mission failure. Avoid driving beside the other bikers. They
tend to weave back and forth across the road a lot. If you get in their
way, they might sideswipe you off the road. On the other hand, you can also
sideswipe them to knock them off their bikes. It's okay to do this since it
doesn't kill them.

When taking on corners, my favorite approach is to use the regular brake to
slow down for the turn. I then use the handbrake on R1 to powerslide around
the corner. Don't worry about taking an early lead, because the bikers tend
to have a lot of trouble making the right angle turns in the second part of
the race. This will really slow them down a lot. Remember that it's not
important who's in first until you cross the finish line.

Now for the walkthrough through the course. Drive straight ahead through
checkpoint 1 and take a left turn. Fly down this straightway through
checkpoints 2-4. At checkpoint 5, make a quick left turn. Go through
checkpoint 6, and hang a right at checkpoint 7 near Hyman Condo. This is
where the other racers start to get slowed down. Even if you're far behind
at this point, the corners at this part can screw up the other bikers enough
for you to catch up. At this particular part for example, the bikers might
accidentally go into the Hyman Condo alley, and that will slow them down a

Take a right at the next intersection and pass through checkpoint 8. Hang a
left at the intersection you come to next. Tag checkpoint 9 while turning
right. Take another right while going through checkpoint 10. Go around a
right-turn corner near Big Bill's Bowls, and hit checkpoint 11 at the
intersection you come to. Turn left at the next intersection for checkpoint
12. I hope you got a good lead now, because we're going to get back to long
straightways. Get checkpoints 13 and 14 while going down this long strip.
Make a sharp left at checkpoint 15. Get checkpoints 16 and 17, and make a
sharp right for checkpoint 18. Go around the corner to get checkpoint 19 at
the Greasy Chopper. If you're in first, the mission will be complete.

There's a way to get a headstart on the bikers at the beginning of the
mission. Get some running room and drive past the bikers while firing a
machine gun, but make sure you don't kill them. The bikers will
automatically take off when you do this, but you'll already be at a high
speed while they have to accelerate from a still position. You can also
cause an automatic start by bumping one of them while going past.

When you are told to go and find a bike, go and find a large truck. Park it
infront of two of the racers, then steal the third's bike. This eliminates
him from the race. The race will then start and you will have a large head
start. It's almost impossible to lose even if you crash a lot.

Contributed by: Ladas Vercetti

Cause enough mayhem to fill up your Chaos meter during the time limit.

- $2,000

This mission's basically a rampage where you kill everybody and everything
in sight. Just kill everybody you see and shoot at the cars on the road.
Keep in mind you get points for just shooting at the cars. You don't have
to blow them up. You get more points for killing police, so don't be afraid
of getting their attention. Before you start this mission, make sure your
health is completely filled up, and that you've got full armor as well. You
should also get quite a bit of firepower as well. Now, there are a lot of
ways to take on this mission. These are a few methods that work for me:

1. Use a Rhino tank to kill everything that's stupid enough to get in your
way! You should be able to easily cause enough mass mayhem to complete the
mission, and you'll be able to get it all done in a very quick amount of
time. This method works even better once you start getting to higher wanted
levels! Law enforcement cars will run into you over and over, and this will
blow up them up really fast. That will do wonders for your Chaos meter.
Not only that, but you'll be well protected while you're trying to get rid
of your wanted level after the mission.

2. You can also use the indestructible Admiral from GUARDIAN ANGELS to do
this mission in an approach similar to method 1, but it's less effective
than a Rhino, considering it doesn't have a cannon and other cars don't blow
up instantly when they touch it.

3. Go to Little Haiti/Havana and run over the crowds of gang members while
they're talking to each other. You should fill up your Chaos meter fairly
quickly this way. Little Haiti's a better place to do the rampage though,
since there's a Pay 'N' Spray there to lose your wanted level after the
mission's over.

4. Do what Mitch advises during the cutscene and use a bike to do lots of
drive-by shootings. You also have the advantage of shooting in front of you
with a machine gun on a bike. Just be careful the police don't knock you
off your bike.

You can blend these methods together some if you want to. Make sure you
have an escape planned too once the mission is over, since you will still
have your wanted level after the mission ends. The easiest way is of course
going to the Pay 'N' Spray in Little Haiti, so your rampage should take
place around there.

Try getting a wanted level before the mission begins, so the police will
already be after you. You'll have a lot more targets to shoot when you
start out this way. This is especially helpful when using the Rhino.

Someone on the boards found this trick. Before you start the mission, be
sure to have lots of assault rifle rounds. Then, start the mission, and
immediately jack a car. The drive to a hidden lot or back alley somewhere
nearby. (There's one past the stairs where "G-spotlight started). Park the
car, get out, and walk some distacne away so you won't be killed by the
explosion. Then just start riddling the car with bullets. Even after it
explodes, the meter will still go up as long as you keep the trigger pulled.
Just keep aimed at the car, and your finger on circle. I think it took about
45 seconds (maybe less?), for the meter to fill completly. Piece of cake.
This is especially handy because if you're secluded enough, you will obtain
no wanted level. At least I didn't.

Contributed by: Bryon Palmer
I usually select the mini-gun and blast the Police Helicopter. The bar will
go up rapidly, and the helicopter wont be destroyed. It gets the mission
done in 10 seconds.

Contributed by: Chris Smith

Get back Mitch's bike from a local street gang.

- $4,000

You need something fast enough to make the jump over Ammu-Nation into the
lot the gang is hiding in. Despite what the game tells you, you don't need
to use a bike. You could get in using a fast sports car or something, or
you could forget the ramp altogether and fly in via helicopter. Once you're
in the lot, the gang members will spot you and they'll start shooting at
you. Don't spend too much time killing them, because they'll spawn
infinitely from the doorways in the lot they are in.

Get over to the garage where the bike is stored as quickly as possible.
Kill all the enemies in the immediate vicinity so they won't punch you off
the bike while you try to flee. Get on the bike and get out of there before
more members respawn. Now, there's a small staircase in this lot you can
use as a ramp to leap out of here. (I would also recommend the roof you got
in through, but there's a small wall around the edge that makes jumping off
difficult) To find the small staircase, turn right out of the garage.
Follow the wall and you will eventually come to the stairs.

Once you're out you'll be chased by Gang Burritos. Just try to outrun them
and don't bother fighting. It's not worth the trouble. Get the bike back
to the Greasy Chopper to complete the mission.

CELL-PHONE CALL: Mitch will call Tommy, and he'll congratulate him on
getting his bike back. He also says he's going to get his gang to do
security in the concert in exchange for everything Tommy's done.

7F - Phil Cassidy
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Phil gives out his missions at his lot called Phil's Place in Little Haiti.
He is marked on the radar with a "P."

Steal the guns from the Mexican arms dealer's trucks, and then destroy the
trucks to put him out of business.

- $2,000

Get the detonator grenades nearby and hop inside the Patriot. The trucks
you need to attack are driving in two groups of two trucks each. One is in
Little Haiti, and the other in Downtown. Attack the ones in Little Haiti
since they're closer. Kill the gunner and then start ramming the trucks to
get the weapons. If you want to, you could lay down a detonator grenade in
a truck's path, and then detonate it when the truck is about to drive over
it. This will destroy the truck outright.

In any case, you need to knock the crates out of the trucks. You can do
this in four ways. You can ram the truck hard enough that the crate falls
out, you can shoot it out of the truck with gunfire, you can knock it out
with an explosion, or you can knock it out by blowing up the truck. The
truck with the gunner will drop a Spaz Shotgun, and the one without a gunner
will drop a Python.

After you collect these two weapons, the Mexicans will call for backup. A
fleet of guys on Faggios with Uzis will come after you now. They're not
much of a serious threat as long as they don't surround you. For every guy
you kill on a moped, you'll get a bonus $100.

Next, attack the trucks in Downtown like you did the ones in Little Haiti.
Kill the gunner in one of the trucks, and then knock the weapons out of the
vehicles. The one without the gunner will have an Ingram, and the one that
does have a gunner will have an M60. Once you've gathered up all the
weapons, destroy all the trucks that are still intact. You will complete
the mission once they're all reduced to burning metal.

CELL-PHONE CALL: Phil will call you, and he'll ask you to come over to his
place to try out some of his new boomshine.

Get Phil to the hospital to get his injury treated.

- $4,000
- the Remote Grenades, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, and M60 are now on sale at
Phil's Place in Little Haiti.

WALKTHROUGH:'re drunk'
see...clearly....why does everything...look's made of...jelly?
Unfortunately, you need to get Phil to the hospital as fast as he can before
he bleeds to death. There's no time to wait for you to get sober, so you'll
have to drive him while in this state. Despite the crazy camera tilting all
over the place, remember that your car is always moving straight unless
you're turning. The camera just makes the car look like it's turning all
over the place.

I advise you get on the highway to the east as soon as you can. It's hard
to navigate the confusing streets of Little Haiti and Little Havana while
everything is so blurry. When you pull up to the hospital, Phil says he
can't get healed up here, because of the Vietcong and the cops. He says you
should take him to his old army surgeon friend in Little Havana. Drive him
over there as fast as you can while the camera tilts all over the place.

NOTE: Phil also makes an appearance in GTA3, only without his arm. The
briefing of this level explains why he lost his arm in the first place. It
got blown off because he was playing around with boomshine. There's an
inconsistency here though. In GTA3, Phil says he lost his arm at war.
Maybe he was too drunk to remember how he lost his arm? He does keep
mumbling about the Vietnam War the whole time during this level...


CELL-PHONE CALL: Phil thanks you for helping him get medical treatment
before he died. He says it looks like he won't be defrauding the government
anymore with his disability check.

7G - Phone
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The person who gives out these missions never meets you in person. I heard
on GTAVC's official website his name is Mr. Black. He always calls you on
your cell phone and asks you to get directions from him at various payphones
around the city. In the mission walkthroughs, I have written down the
location of the payphones you need to answer to get those missions.

WASHINGTON BEACH/near the mall.

Kill Carl Pearson, the pizza guy, before he can complete his 50 deliveries.

- $500

This mission is super easy. Simply track down Carl Pearson by the yellow
dot, and then ram him with a car to knock him flying off the bike. Run him
over and make him street pizza to end the mission. This mission's so short
and easy you could take him down even if he had only five deliveries to

VICE POINT/near the jewelry store.

Kill Mrs. Dawson, but make sure it looks like a car accident.

- $2,000

The jewelry store should be only about a block from where you are. Park in
the circle in front of the store. Mrs. Dawson will come out and get in her
Comet. You will be told you must ram her Comet until it explodes, and that
you're not allowed to use weapons to kill her. After you hit her the first
time though, she'll try to flee. Keep ramming the car catches fire, and
then run away when it does. When her car blows up, you win the mission.

WASHINGTON BEACH/at the payphones near Washington Mall.

Kill nine members of a new European gang in Vice City before they knock off

- $4,000

First, collect the sniper rifle and the Uzi at the apartments nearby. The
first target is Mike Griffin in Washington Beach. Note the clue that he's
working on a billboard. When you get to the yellow dot, look up and use the
sniper rifle to shoot Mike. Next, you need to kill Dick Tanner at Ocean
Drive. He's parked in a Securicar around there. Don't get too close or
he'll see you. If he hasn't seen you yet, snipe him through his windshield.
If he saw you, you'll have to run him off the road in his truck and then
kill him.

The next two targets are Marcus Hammond and Franco Carter near the jewelry
shop in Vice Point. Quickly get down there. Like last time though, you
should try to snipe them before they can see you. Hit the driver of their
Bobcat first, since he'll take off if you shoot the passenger. After you've
hit the guy in the truck, shoot your other target before he can get up close
and pump you full of shotgun shells. If they did see you first though,
you'll have to deal with a car case and a guy with a shotgun.

Next, you need to take out Nick Kong who's in his boat off of Washington
Beach. Go into the apartment complex near where his boat is. You can snipe
him from there. You can also take your own boat out to his boat and shoot
him from there. Despite the warning, he won't see you even if you ram your
boat into his boat.

Next, you need to assassinate Charlie Dilson who's riding his motorcycle
around Washington Beach. You could snipe him like the others if you want
to. But this time, I think you should take a direct approach and just ram
him off his bike with a fast car. After he's down on the pavement, run him
over. You've now assassinated all your targets.

Instead of using a Sniper Rifle, why not take a Rocket Launcher and blow all
your targets to kingdom come? You can get one at the Hooker Inn's pool in
Viceport. You can just blow up your targets' vehicles, rather than having
to make precise shots through their windshields and stuff.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/inside the passenger terminal.

Watch the woman standing on the balcony. After she speaks with a certain
man, kill him and take his briefcase to Ammu-Nation in Downtown.

- $8,000

You have to drop off your guns outside the terminal before the mission.
because of the metal detector. Take the sniper rifle from behind the plants
like the man on the phone told you to, then walk towards where the woman is.
You should stop walking once the distance bar starts to get close to full.
Zoom in on the woman and watch her talk with a man who has a body guard.
Kill the man after the woman walks away, but don't shoot the woman herself.
After you shoot him, shoot his bodyguard as well before he can fire on you.
Don't take his Uzi though. Do all this before the man can board his flight.

Grab the man's briefcase and run outside to collect your weapons again. Get
in a car and drive as quickly as possible away from the terminal. When
you're about to pass by the gate to the parking lot on the left though, slow
down a bit. Two black Admirals will come flying through the gate, and you
would have run right into them if you hadn't slowed down. There will be
guys standing up through the sun roofs of these black cars, and they'll be
firing Uzis at you.

A third black Admiral will join the chase when you get close to Hooker Inn.
You should stop by Sunshine Autos and get your car sprayed in the shop
behind it to lose the cops. However, the black Admirals will continue to
pursue you despite the respray, so watch out for them. Once you manage to
deliver the suitcase to Ammu-Nation, you complete the mission.

NOTE: If you ignored me and took the bodyguard's Uzi, you'll only have the
30 rounds he had instead of all the ammunition you had for your machine guns
if you walk through the metal detector.

Try coming to the mission in a helicopter, but make sure you park it in one
of the lots behind the fences. This way, the police won't shoot your
helicopter to death while you're trying to take off. You can easily get
over to Ammu-Nation without having to worry about the police or the black


If you don't mind losing your weapons, you can drive a motorcycle inside the
terminal. After completing the assassination as usual, you can just zoom
right out the door without having to look for a car.


LITTLE HAVANA/near the back gate of the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory.

Ambush an exchange taking place on the roof of the Cherry Popper Ice Cream
Factory and steal the merchandise. Then, take the merchandise to the
helipad at Escobar International.

- $16,000

I highly advise getting a sniper rifle for this mission. Walk through the
back gate of the ice cream factory to your left. Grab the M4 to the right
and snipe the guards behind the Admiral. Snipe the guard on the stairs next
to the factory. When you walk past the car, you'll see some guards jumping
out of cars to the right. Shoot the oil drum to destroy the vehicles and
the guards. Take our your sniper rifle and hide behind one of the blown-up
cars. Snipe everybody in the yard that you can. Next, go up on the catwalk
behind the factory. Take the Spaz Shotgun. From this position, snipe
everybody you can on the rooftops.

After you've done that, move carefully past the boxes in the yard to the
stairs leading onto the rooftops. Sometimes enemies like hide behind boxes.
They'll wait for you to pass and then pump a full clip into your back.
Before you take the stairs to the roof, grab the body armor in the
northwestern corner of the yard. Equip your Spaz Shotgun on the roof, since
there's likely to be some survivors from your sniper fest. If you need
health, you'll pass two health icons while on the way across the roofs.

Once you're on the roof of the ice cream factory, shoot the guard between
the two giant swirls of ice cream. Walk up the stairs some more. You can
finally see the merchandise you came for in front of you. However, don't
charge straight over to get it. There are enemies hiding behind the ramps
on either side of the case. If you have a grenade or a rocket launcher,
make an explosion to take them out before you see them. If you don't try
slowly walking beside the ramps to make one of them come out. You can take
them on one on one this way, rather than five against one. Get in the
nearby helicopter and leave for the helipad in Escobar International.
Deliver the goods and the mission will be over.

There's a much easier and faster way to get at the merchandise. Get a
helicopter, and land it on the roof of the building to the north of the ice
cream factory. Blast the four guards who are around the merchandise from up
here. Jump down to the roof of the factory, get the goods, and then jump in
the nearby parked helicopter. Fly over to the helipad at the airport and
the mission will be over. Just don't fly over the back yard of the factory
or the guys with the MP5s will all shoot at you.

7H - Stadium
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If you want to, you can go to participate in competitions at Hyman Stadium.
The stadium opens at 20:00 and closes at 00:00. There's a different event
every night. Look at the billboards around the stadium to see what the
event is going to be that night. To get there, start from the bridge that
leads to Prawn Island. Drive down this road until it ends at the VRock
building. Make a right turn here. Turn left at the first intersection you
come to. The stadium should be right in front of you now. To go inside,
head up the stairs and walk through the door in the center of the upper

Come in first, second, or third place in the race to win a cash prize.

- First place: $5,000
- Second place: $1,500
- Third place: $500

This is my favorite out of the three stadium events. It's so much fun to
drive around a ring while the other cars are crashing all over the place and
blowing up like crazy. Anyway, the race is 12 laps long. Your car has a
damage meter, and it will run out as you take damage. If your car is
destroyed, you'll be disqualified. However, there is a pit area midway
through the course for you to get your car repaired. The longer you park in
the pink circle, the more your car's damage meter will go down.

A good start is critical to securing a good position in this race. When the
race begins, you should stick to the outer wall until you manage to clear
the pack. They'll be crashing all over the place, so take care not to get
stuck behind anybody while you're trying to take the lead. Once you're
clear of the initial rush hour, you need to think about getting ahead of the
cars that are still in front of you.

Stick close to the inner wall of the track for the most speed. Gently tap
you brakes while accelerating to go around corners. Only slam on them if
you need ot avoid a wreck. Once you're near a competitor's car, try to bump
them. The other cars in this race tend to spin out a lot if they are hit.
Pushing into their rear tire with the front of your car is quite effective.
Be careful when passing by the garage near the starting line. Every time a
car is destroyed, another car will appear from the garage. If you don't
watch out, you could crash into a car when it flies out of the garage!

Once you're in the lead, think more about keeping your car in good shape
rather than trying to keep a high speed. Especially take care to avoid
pileups. It's better to take a few seconds to avoid a crash rather than to
risk severely damaging your car. You should try to keep your car in a good
enough shape so that you don't have to pit during the entire race. Pitting
wastes a lot of time, and it gives your opponents a chance to catch up.
Never pit unless your car is near death, or if you're sure you're way out in

Gather enough checkpoints around the arena to get your clock's time above
target time.

- $1,000

To sum up this level, a checkpoint will appear in the arena at a random
location. You need to drive through this checkpoint to increase your time.
You will gain around 13 seconds per checkpoint. If your time runs out, you
lose. You need to keep hitting checkpoints until your time is over the
target time. The first time through, the target time will be one minute.
Every time you manage to beat the target time, the target time will be
increased another minute the next time you play the event. If you flip over
your car, it will be automatically put back on its wheels again. It's a
good thing they put in that feature, otherwise this level would be near
impossible to complete.

At the start of the level, you should stay in your starting position for a
moment. In this way, you can see where the checkpoint will appear, and you
won't get stuck in the initial pileup. Try to stick to the outer rim of the
track if you can and avoid the middle of the course. There tends to be a
lot more crossfire in the center of the ring. Make nice slow turns. Sudden
corners get rid of your speed, and make you a prime target for the other

Pileups in this mission are BAD! Even though your car is very durable,
you'll get tossed around like a leaf in the wind in a pileup. Look for an
opening to escape the pileup as quickly as possible. Precious time is
ticking away while you're trying to get out of there. Also, there could be
the chance you'll get caught next to a burning car. Explosions are VERY BAD
in this mission! An explosion equals instant death if you get caught in
one, because your car will blow up too.

Get all 32 checkpoints in as little time as possible.

- time under 5 minutes: $50,000
- time between 5 and 9 minutes: $10,000
- time over 9 minutes: $5,000

In my opinion, this is the most difficult of the three events. You have to
do all these crazy stunts to nab a lot of the checkpoints. However, I guess
you could also say it's the easiest, since you have infinite time to
complete the course. Let's say it's the hardest one to do well on. Here
are some tactics that will allow you to nab all the checkpoints:

- Some of the first checkpoints you should go after are the ones on the
track that goes around the arena. If the checkpoint is a little high off
the ground, pop a wheelie to get it, or look for something nearby you could
use to catch some air.

- If a checkpoint's on top of a wall, look for the end of the wall that you
can ramp up on. Align Tommy's head with the wall, and you should be able to
get on the wall and ride on it without falling off. This also works if you
are crossing over planks of wood.

- Checkpoints that are in the air shouldn't be any trouble. Just get a lot
of running room, and accelerate hard over nearby ramps. Pop a wheelie
before the jump for more air.

- Loop checkpoints also aren't any big deal really. Accelerate hard while
coming up to them, and drive up the center of the loops. Gently turn in the
direction of the loop if you're afraid you'll fall off.

- Sometimes you can bypass tricky stunts like driving over planks by ramping
off of cars. For example, you can get the one checkpoint on the stack of
four cars by ramping over the single car behind it. Just make sure to pop a
wheelie so there will be less chance of a spill.

This is my preferred order to snag the checkpoints in:

1. Drive through the fire ring and the car ramp after that to get the first
two checkpoints.

2. Head counter-clockwise around the track in the middle of the course while
snagging all the checkpoints on it. The second checkpoint after the FINISH
banner is where you need to get off the track.

3. Get all the checkpoints on the eastern side of the arena.

4. Hit the two loop checkpoints and the fire ring checkpoint in the middle
of the arena.

5. Get all the checkpoints on the western side of the arena.

7I - Rifle Range
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At the Ammu-Nation in Downtown there's a firing range you can use for target
practice. To find this firing range, come into Downtown via the bridge from
Prawn Island. At the first intersection you come to, Ammu-Nation will be on
the right. Walk through the door in the store to enter the firing range.
You can start participating in shooting competitions here once you complete
the mission THE SHOOTIST. You get that mission from the Malibu Club

Get the highest score you can by shooting the dumies.

- score over 30 points:
- $500
- score over 45 points:
- $500
- fast reloading

This mission is exactly like the first round of the shooting competition in
the mission THE SHOOTIST. You're at a firing range with two minutes of time
and 100 bullets to shoot. Three dummies will move across the range, each at
a different distance from you. To get points for destroying the dummy, you
must hit all four sections of its chest and its head. Destroying the
farthest dummy awards you three points, destroying the middle dummy awards
you two points, and destroying the closest dummy awards you one point.

Try waiting until the targets line up, and then shoot like crazy to hit a
lot of the areas on the dummies. Also, try the "trapping" maneuver. Put
your aiming dot in front of the path of the dummy, and then fire when it
passes over the dot. You can also duck for greater control over gun recoil,
but the counter might get in your way.

Just about the only way to get speed reloading from this mission is to shoot
out the two dummies in the front (minus the heads), and focus all your shots
on the three-point dummy in the back. After you've shot out all parts of
the three-point dummy, put your aiming dot at the hole where the dummy will
reappear. You'll be able to shoot out the sections really fast and send the
dummy back to be replaced again. When you get over 40 points, hit the heads
of the two front dummies for three quick points.

Source: GTAVC messageboard

7J - Top Fun
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There are three of these Top Fun vans scattered throughout the city, two in
eastern Vice City, one in western Vice City. You start these missions by
getting in the Top Fun van parked at the location. You can cancel any of
these missions at any time by pressing CIRCLE to detonate your vehicle.

VICE POINT/on the south side of the dirt bike track on the northern end of
the beach

Come in first place in the race.

- $100

This is probably the easiest of the three Top Fun missions. You simply need
to beat the other three RC cars to the finish line. The race lasts two laps
around the track.

I have some general tips for the race. First, don't use the regular brake
on the SQUARE button. You should only use the handbrake on the R1 button.
The regular brake isn't strong enough. Next, you should avoid hitting the
sides of the track. Those walls will slow you down a lot, and you might
accidentally slide past a checkpoint. Third, don't worry about colliding
with the other cars, because they don't have collision detection. You'll
pass right through them.

This mission doesn't really need a walkthrough, since it's easy to follow
the course. The corners aren't that hard to take on with the R1 handbrake.

VICE POINT/on the very top floor of North Point Mall's parking garage.

Come in first place in the race.

- $100

First, some general tips. I advise you use the LEFT STICK for this mission
instead of a D PAD. This plane tends to stall somewhat easily, so don't
pull up too hard on the stick. The easiest way to maintain altitude and
your lead in this level is to get up high as soon as you can, above the
checkpoints and the other planes. When you're about to get to a checkpoint,
dive bomb down to it. After you have passed the checkpoint, the plane
should curve upward again.

Now for the walkthrough. At the start of the level, accelerate hard and
pull back on the stick. Hit checkpoint 1 while you're taking off. Keep
pulling up as you head for checkpoint 2, and dive down to it. Hit
checkpoint 3 by flying over the bridge to Prawn Island. Tag checkpoint 4 in
front of the hotel. While you're going towards checkpoint 5, swing hard to
the left. Fly over the water to checkpoint 6. Swing to the right while
you're going through this checkpoint. You'll now be flying south over a
street. Hit checkpoints 7 and 8 here.

Checkpoints 9 and 10 will lead you over some buildings. Turn to the right
while passing through checkpoint 10. Hit checkpoint 11 while turning a
little to the left. Checkpoints 12-15 will lead you south down the road
past the construction sites. Watch out for checkpoint 16, because you'll
have to drift close to the road to hit it. Tag checkpoint 17, and make a
gentle right turn at checkpoint 18. After passing through checkpoint 19,
leave the road and fly over the hospital's gardens. Make a fast right turn
at checkpoint 20.

Checkpoint 21 is probably the most difficult checkpoint to hit on the
course, since you have to ascend to hit it. There's the possibility the
plane could stall before you hit it, hence the danger. After hitting
checkpoint 21, duck down beneath the billboard over the road and stay low to
hit checkpoint 22 beyond it. Fly underneath another billboard to tag
checkpoint 23. Follow the road to hit checkpoints 24-27. Checkpoint 27 is
the finishing checkpoint.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/in the cargo yard to the right of the freight and
cargo terminal. If you don't know where that is, I'll give directions.
Start at the Viceport end of the southernmost bridge in the city. Make a
left at the intersection and drive until you get to the first intersection
where you can turn right. Turn right onto this road and drive straight when
you come to the next intersection.

You should see a large sign over the road showing directions to all places
in the airport. The sign says to turn left for the cargo terminal, so do
that at the next intersection. This road ends at the front of the cargo
building. Just to the right is a gate. You should be able to see the Top
Fun van parked past the chain-link fence.

Gather all 20 checkpoints without crashing your helicopter.

- $100

The very first thing I must tell you to do is TAKE YOUR TIME. You have no
time limit to beat, so there is no need to hurry. Besides, hurrying through
this mission is not advised, since you are bound to make mistakes and crash
into things. Second, since there is no need to hurry, treat your helicopter
gently. It has very sensitive controls, so you should make only careful
maneuvers. This vehicle has the same controls as a human-sized helicopter.

To start the level, fly southwest over the cargo terminal to checkpoint 1 on
top of some cargo containers. Fly southwest some more over to the helipad,
where checkpoint 2 is. Continue flying southwest some more to pick up
checkpoint 3 in the middle of the runway. Fly southwest EVEN MORE towards
checkpoint 4 on top of the radar building. Now, these have all been fairly
easy checkpoints to get, but now the game is going to turn up the heat a

Fly southwest some more towards where some ramp-like structures are near the
hangars. Checkpoint 5 is between the first and second ramps, if you're
looking at it from the direction you're coming. Line yourself up with the
ramps, and carefully descend from above to grab the checkpoint. Fly
straight up out of the ramps, and go north to get checkpoint 6 hovering over
a hangar. Checkpoint 7 is to the northeast, in between some ramps like
checkpoint 5. The checkpoint is in between the left and center ramps. Like
last time, line yourself up with the ramps, and carefully descend from

Checkpoint 8 is in a rather sticky spot underneath a jumbo jet. Fly
northwest over to it. When you get close, float down to the ground, and tap
at the X button to make the helicopter just barely hover over the ground to
the checkpoint under the plane. Now, tap the X button again to hover out
from underneath the plane. After you get out, fly north over to the
building with a small observation tower on top of it, like the one on a
control tower.

Checkpoint 9 is between this building and the hangar next to it. Like the
ramp checkpoints, line up and carefully descend from above. Once you get
it, fly straight up and out again. Checkpoint 10 is hovering over a radar
tower on top of the building next to you. Fly straight up, and tag the
checkpoint, while being careful not to hit the tower beneath it. Well,
you're halfway done now!

Checkpoint 11 is to the southeast, underneath a ramp at the end of a runway.
Float down to the ground, and tap X to hover over the ground to it. Watch
out when you're dropping into the small pit with the checkpoint. Head to
the northeast towards checkpoint 12. This one is hovering over a plane
boarding ramp. Move over to it, but be careful not to go too fast and crash
into the

The next few checkpoints are around the boarding bridges leading to the
jets. Checkpoint 13 is underneath the bridge to the south of checkpoint 12.
It should not be hard to hit it though, because you have a lot more space
compared to the one underneath the plane. Checkpoint 14 is in another
tricky place. It's underneath the terminal's canopy and on top of the
boarding bridge. Set down on top of the bridge and tap X to hover over to
the checkpoint.

Checkpoint 15 is underneath the other boarding bridge, to the southeast.
This one is easy to get to. Checkpoint 16 is a doozy though. It's to the
north, behind the wave on the "Vice Surf" sign in front of the terminal.
Line yourself up to fly between the sign board and the wave. Very
carefully, navigate your helicopter to grab the checkpoint. Thankfully,
checkpoint 17 is much easier. It's on top of a hangar to the southeast.

Checkpoint 18 is to the south, underneath another ramp at the end of a
runway. Float down to the ground and tap X again to hover over to it.
Watch out for the drop into the pit. Checkpoint 19 is on top of another
hangar to the south, so you should have little trouble getting it. Just one
more checkpoint to go...

Checkpoint 20 is in the maze of cargo containers below to the south. Fly
along the west side of the boxes to see where it is, and then line up your
helicopter one last time to fly into a tight spot. Descend from above to
hit the final checkpoint.

7K - Helicopter
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There are four Sparrow helicopters hidden across Vice City. They are
located in Vice Point, Ocean Beach, Downtown, and Little Haiti. Once you
get inside one of these Sparrows, you'll be given a mission of collecting
all the checkpoints as quickly as possible. They might not pay much, but at
least they provide more locations to pick up helicopters at. You can play
the helicopter missions after you beat Cortez's ALL HANDS ON DECK! mission.

When playing these helicopter missions, remember to take your time if you
need to. You have an infinite amount of time, so there's no need to hurry
through these missions and crash. Also, if a checkpoint is in the middle of
a lot of obstacles, try dropping in from above if you can. Beware vertical
objects like poles and trees. However, don't worry about the horizontal
poles the traffic lights are on, because you can pass through them without
hitting them.

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn south and drive down the
road next to the beach. Go through the first intersection you come to, and
turn right at the second one. Pass through two intersections, and there
should be an apartment building with a pink roof on your left. The
helicopter is up there. You can either get up there in your own helicopter,
or you can use the unique stunt jump to the north of the nearby Pay 'N'
Spray to leap to this roof. Drive up the stairs in the parking lot under
the building to jump.

Pass through all the checkpoints without destroying or getting out of the

- $100

Get a little altitude, then head northeast to get checkpoint 1. Get
checkpoint 2 to the north, then turn to the east to get checkpoint 3. Fly
through the rest of the alley, and then go south on Ocean Drive to get
checkpoint 4. Rise up into the air to clear the buildings to the right, and
then fly west over them to get checkpoint 5. Fly west more to get
checkpoint 6, then fly south down the street for checkpoint 7. Fly west
again over the buildings to get checkpoint 8 and 9. Be careful, checkpoint
9's in a tight spot in the middle of a lot of objects. Head south down the
road to get checkpoints 10-12.

After getting checkpoint 12, fly east some, then turn north to fly between
the Ocean Heights Apartment and another building to checkpoint 13. Turn to
the northeast, and get checkpoint 14 near the Pole Position Club. Go north
down the street and get checkpoint 15. Go north some more to the parking
garage, then turn left to get checkpoint 16 between the garage and a white
and yellow building. After that, go to the southwest to get final
checkpoint 17 where you started this mission.

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a left
turn at the first intersection that you can turn left at. Look to your
right for an alley. Drive into the alley, and you'll be on a small road
bordered by wooden fences and trees. Turn through the first left opening in
the wooden fence, and you'll find the helicopter in this grassy lot.

Pass through all the checkpoints without destroying or getting out of the

- $100

In this mission, be careful of the trees and the poles on the street.
However, it's safe to pass through the horizontal bars that have traffic
lights on them. After getting in the helicopter, rise up into the air and
fly north to get checkpoints 1 and 2. Next, fly northwest over the Tiki
Pool, as I call it, to checkpoint 3. Rise up into the air, and fly north
over the trees. Go down again to get checkpoint 4 in front of El Swanko
Casa. After doing that, go up into the air, and fly north down the street
to get checkpoints 5 and 6.

Turn east and fly past the southern side of North Point Mall to get
checkpoint 7. When you get to the street, make a right turn and head south
to get checkpoints 8-10. Head west down the street at checkpoint 10 for
checkpoint 11. Turn south and get checkpoint 12 in front of El Swanko Casa
again. Rise up into the air to clear the trees, and then head southwest for
checkpoint 13. Hit this one slow, because it's very close to the trees.

Fly south some more down the street for checkpoints 14 and 15. Go southeast
for checkpoint 16, then turn around and get final checkpoint 17 on top of
the Links View Apartment.

DOWNTOWN/Drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off
the bridge onto the highway below. Follow the highway north into Downtown.
Stay on the right side of the road. After you pass the right turn near the
Greasy Chopper, turn left into the first alley you come to. You should see
some stairs going up the side of an office building. The Sparrow is parked
on a platform at the top of these stairs.

Pass through all the checkpoints without destroying or getting out of the

- $100

After starting, get a lot of altitude and fly to the southwest. Get
checkpoint 1 on top of the police station's radio tower. Turn to the north
and get checkpoint 2 at the fire station's lot. Fly north down the street
and over Ammu-Nation to get checkpoints 3-5. Make a left turn to the
northwest and get checkpoints 6-8 over Ammu-Nation's back lot and a nearby
street. Turn north down the street and get checkpoint 9. After getting
that, fly east to get checkpoints 10-12.

Turn to the southeast over the grassy lot to get checkpoint 13. Fly east
down this road for checkpoints 14 and 15. After getting checkpoint 15, turn
to the right into V.A.J. Finance's courtyard. Get checkpoint 16 to the left
of the statue, and fly through the area beneath the building for checkpoint
17. Rise up over the VCN building while getting checkpoints 18 and 19.
Turn to the southwest and get checkpoint 20, then fly into a skyscraper's
sky lobby to get checkpoint 21. Fly down the sky lobby corridor for
checkpoint 22.

Turn to the southeast and go down to get checkpoint 23. Head south some to
get checkpoint 24, then turn west to get checkpoints 25-27. Go to the north
to get checkpoint 28, and final checkpoint 29.

LITTE HAITI/Drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump
off the bridge onto the highway below. Turn left at the first intersection
you come to. After you pass the first intersection on this road, there
should be some stores on the right. The Sparrow is on top of these stores.
Use your own helicopter or the jump behind the stores to get up to the

Pass through all the checkpoints without destroying or getting out of the

- $100

After starting up the helicopter, fly north to get checkpoint 1 in the
middle of some warehouses. Turn to the southwest and get checkpoint 2 over
Auntie Poulet's hut neighborhood. Next, head to the south to tag
checkpoints 3-5. Fly up and get checkpoint 6 over the top of the Print
Works. Go south more and get checkpoint 7 near the Little Havana houses.
Checkpoint 8 is in front of the garage where you dropped off the tank in
SIR, YES SIR! Beware the telephone poles here. Rise up over the buildings
and get checkpoint 8 over the rooftops.

Fly southwest over the buildings to get checkpoint 9, then turn northwest
and get the checkpoint near Cafe Robina. Head north to get checkpoints 11
and 12 near the Little Havana houses. After that, turn some to the
northeast to get checkpoint 13. Fly to the north some more over the
rooftops to get checkpoints 14 and 15. Turn northeast and get checkpoint 16
near the Little Haiti houses, then checkpoint 17 over the funeral parlor.
Fly northeast even more and get checkpoint 18 over Auntie Poulet's
neighborhood, then checkpoint 19 over the rundown apartments near Kaufman
Cabs. Final checkpoint 20 is on top of the warehouse to the north of where
you began the mission.

7L - Miscellaneous
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These mission aren't really given out by any bosses. You just get inside a
car parked at a certain location, and the mission will start.

OCEAN BEACH/get in the Stallion on the top floor of the parking garage. To
get there, start at the Ocean View Hotel. Drive around the corner next to
the hotel, and turn right at the T-junction you come to. On your left, you
should see the entrance to the parking garage. Drive in there and go up to
the top floor via the ramps. You'll see the Stallion on the far side of the
top floor.

Drive through five checkpoints without destroying any cones. The timer
starts when you hit the first checkpoint, and you'll get 12 seconds for each
checkpoint you pass through.

- $200

The first two checkpoints you should go after are the ones on the small
building on the southwestern corner of the roof. Carefully drive up the
ramp, hit checkpoint 1, then carefully drive past the cone on the right and
over the left gap in the platform to get checkpoint 2. Drive down the ramp
on this side, and be careful not to hit the cone on the way down.

The next checkpoint to go for is ahead and on the left. It's protected by
cones lined up beside it. Carefully back your car between the cones to hit
checkpoint 3, then carefully drive back out again. Next, let's get the
checkpoint in the middle of the roof. It's surrounded by a circle of cones.
Carefully drive inside the circle through the gap in them to get
checkpoint 4, then drive around the circle of cones to get out via the cap

The last checkpoint is in the northwestern corner of the roof. Drive into
the coned-off area carefully and collect checkpoint 5 to end the level.

It should be noted that you can gently push aside a cone without destroying
it. Therefore, if you gently push your way through the cones, you can get
to the checkpoints faster than if you didn't try to hit the cones at all.

WASHINGTON BEACH/get on the PCJ-600 next to the southernmost beachfront
motel. To find that place, start at Ocean View Hotel. Drive north down the
street. When the road curves to the left, keep going straight into the
grass. The PCJ-600 should be parked on one of the sides of the building
facing the road.

Collect all 24 checkpoints in 120 seconds.

- $1,000

To start, drive straight ahead and use the wooden boards put here as a ramp
to jump up on top of the buildings. Grab checkpoint 1 here. Drive over the
roof some and get checkpoint 2. Drop down into the alley on the left. Get
some running room, and use the wooden stairs on the right side of the end of
the alley to jump up to checkpoint 3. Get checkpoints 4 and 5 while
traveling down the alleyway. Use the wooden stairs on the right side of the
end of the alley to grab checkpoint 6 and to leap onto the roof of the
building across the street.

Snag checkpoint 7 up here, and drop down into the alley on the right again.
Get checkpoints 8-10 while driving down the alley. It's time for another
ramp jump. This time, use some pallets on the right side at the end of the
alley to snag checkpoint 11. Watch out for the Yankee that crosses the road
at this time. Drive down the alleyway to get checkpoints 12-14. By the
way, ignore the blue glow you see in a door on the right side of the alley.
That's just a baseball bat pickup and not a checkpoint.

Get ready to make a quick left turn into the alley across the street after
checkpoint 14, or you might hit a wall. Get checkpoints 15 and 16, then
turn right through a gap in the buildings after getting #16. Hit checkpoint
17 here. Jump into the underground mall across the street while grabbing
checkpoint 18. Hit checkpoint 19 behind the central column in the mall, and
then use the stairs to jump up to checkpoint 20. Turn right and go down the

Hit checkpoint 21 on the left sidewalk, and then turn left onto the street
just past that checkpoint. Hit checkpoint 22, and turn right into a parking
lot under a building. Now, you should get some running room in that alley
across the street from the parking lot. Drive up the stairs in this parking
lot. Use it as a ramp to get checkpoint 23. Hopefully you also have enough
speed to land on the pink roof ahead of you to get final checkpoint 24.

You don't have to jump all the way to the pink roof from the ramp to get
checkpoint 24. You can also get just enough speed to land on the roof of
the Pay 'N' Spray between the ramp and the pink roof. The roof of the Pay
'N' Spray is high enough to let you jump down to the right corner of the
pink roof.

DOWNTOWN/get in the Landstalker near the dirt bike track. To find your way
there, look at your map on your pause screen. Do you see that green area on
the northeastern edge of western Vice City? That's where the dirt bike
track is located

Do two laps counter-clockwise around the race course, while collecting all
the checkpoints as you go.

- $100 (+ more money each time you manage to beat your best time)

I have some general tips. Be careful with the Landstalker, because it flips
over very easily. Drive straight over the bumps about midway over the
course. If you take them on crooked, you might flip. When taking on
corners, drive on the outer, slanted part of the corner. This will also
help to prevent flipping. Don't drive over the apex of the corner, or the
truck might flip on the sudden bump. Use your R1 handbrake to slow down
rather than use the regular SQUARE break. SQUARE doesn't slow you down fast
enough. This mission doesn't really need a walkthrough, since it's easy to
follow the course.

Since you get rewarded for beating your time on this race, you might want to
deliberately get a bad time the first time through so you can easily beat
the race over and over with bad times to get more cash.

DOWNTOWN/get on the Sanchez near the dirt bike track. To find your way
there, look at your map on your pause screen. Do you see that green area on
the northeastern edge of western Vice City? That's where the dirt bike
track is located.

Do two laps clockwise around the race course, while collecting all the
checkpoints as you go.

- $100 (+ more money each time you manage to beat your best time)

It's much easier to do this course on the dirt bike, since you won't have to
abandon your vehicle if you flip off. Just like the Landstalker, drive
straight over the bumps about midway over the course. If you take them on
crooked, you might flip. When taking on corners, drive on the outer,
slanted part of the corner. This will also help to prevent flipping. Don't
drive over the apex of the corner, or you might flip over on the sudden
bump. Use your R1 handbrake to slow down rather than use the regular SQUARE
break. SQUARE doesn't slow you down fast enough.

There is also an extra threat in this mission in the form of three Haitians
riding black Sanchezs. They aren't any big deal really. Just shoot them or
something while they're chasing you. This mission doesn't really need a
walkthrough, since it's easy to follow the course. Since you get rewarded
for beating your time on this race, you might want to deliberately get a bad
time the first time through so you can easily beat the race over and over
with bad times to get more cash.

8: R3 Vehicle Missions Walkthrough

- TAXI/can be found driving on the streets, or in parking spots or garages.
- KAUFMAN CAB/can be found driving on the streets, or in parking spots or
- CABBIE/can be found driving on the streets, or in parking spots or
- ZEBRA CAB/spawns inside the Taxi Firm building after you complete the

Pick up fares and take them to their destinations.

This is the probably the easiest of the R3 Vehicle Missions. It's a really
good idea to do this first once you begin a new game, since it will get you
acquainted with the city as well as getting you easy cash. It tests your
patience more than your gaming skills. I don't even really feel this
strategy section's necessary. But anyway, here's some tidbits that will
help you in the taxi missions.

Try to deliver your fares as quickly as possible. If you get them to their
destination quickly, you might get a Speed Bonus and you'll be given extra
cash. Also, as much as the taxi missions bore you, you should try to keep
them going as long as possible. You get bonus cash for every five
passengers you drop off. The bonus cash also increases as you deliver more
fares. You get $500 for the first five fares in a row, then $1,000 for ten
fares in a row, and so on. You may not get much money from the taxi
missions at first, but the money you get will start to snowball over time.

Try to keep your taxi in good condition. If your taxi's banged up, your
fares won't ride in it. Specifically they'll stop riding in your taxi once
the engine starts to spew black smoke. Take it to a Pay 'N' Spray if this

When I was doing the Taxi Driver R3 mission in little havannah (or however u
spell it) i had just dropped off a client with one second left. After that i
got 10 seconds to pick up a new one. Quickly i found one and i managed to
get him in right when the timer reached zero. To my pleasant surprise my run
was not over. But i also saw that the timer had dissapeared. My mission was
still going so i dropped the guy off. It then told me to find another
passenger. I did about 5 more fares with unlimited time, but i eventually
stopped out of boredom. It's a hard trick to do, but if you can you can get
200 in a row.

Contributed by: Sandy Ito Maitland

NOTE: This trick might work in other missions as well. In GTA3 the infinite
time bug worked in the taxi missions, the offroad missions, and in the fire
fighter missions too.

For delivering 100 fares, you get Taxi Boost Jumps. Whenever you're riding
in a taxi, you can press the L3 button and your taxi will hop into the air.
Note that you don't have to do the 100 fares all at once to get the prize.

- PIZZA BOY BIKE/can be found behind any of the three pizza restaurants.
The pizza restaurants are located in Vice Point, Little Haiti, and Downtown.

Deliver pizzas to the people that order them before they call another pizza

This mission is probably about as easy as Taxi, only this time you have to
do it all in one sitting. This mission actually isn't divided into levels,
but I feel it should have. First, at "Level 1" you'll have to deliver a
pizza to one person, at "Level 2" you'll have to deliver pizzas to two
people, and so on up. You have only five minutes to complete each level, so
you had better be quick once you start getting above five customers in a

You can only hold six pizzas on your bike. If you run out you'll have to go
back to the restaurant to get more. Stop in the pink circle to receive your
next load. However, you don't have to wait until you run out of pizzas
though to get more from the restaurant. Just briefly stop next to the
drive-through window (even though there's no pink circle) to get your supply
of pizzas filled up again. Make sure you resupply whenever you happen to go
by the pizza restaurant. It will help keep down incidents where you run out
of pizza while you have several waiting customers around.

To throw the pizza to the customer, look left or right with L2 or R2, and
press CIRCLE to toss the pizza. If you hit them with the pizza or if it
lands near them, the customer will pick it up. While you CAN just drive by
while tossing the pizza to them, I advise you don't do this. You have a
very good chance of missing the person, and you'll probably have to waste
time going back to the restaurant to get more pizzas. Just stop next to the
person and toss it right at them. You'll almost never miss with your throws
if you do this.

For reaching Pizza Boy Level 10, you'll get $5,000 and your maximum health
level will be increased to 150.

FIRETRUCK/can be found at the fire station in Downtown, or you can burn
people with a fire weapon. A Fire Truck will appear to put out the fires.

Put out the fires that are reported around the city. This game is divided
into levels. At level 1, you'll put out one burning vehicle. At level 2,
you'll put out a burning vehicle's fire and a person who's on fire inside
the car. At level 3, you'll need to put out a car and two people on fire.
Once you get to level 4, you'll need to put out a fire on a moving car. At
level 5, you'll start having to put out fires on multiple cars, and so on.
If any of the people on fire die, or if the flaming cars explode, you'll
fail the mission.

You need to get good at steering this large vehicle. This is one level that
I would recommend using the siren on to clear cars away. When you actually
get to the scene of the fire, start pressing circle to shoot water over the
burning car. Notice the white smoke that comes from the cars when it's
sprayed. Keep spraying until you hear the "blink" sound. This indicates
the fire is out. However, if you're at level 2 or higher, you should keep
spraying even after you hear the "blink" noise.

The reason is because burning people will get out of the car after the fire
has been put out. They'll run all over the place and that will make them
difficult to hit with the hose. If you keep spraying even after the fire is
out, you might knock them down. This will give you time to spray them until
they aren't on fire anymore. You should keep spraying a pile of burning
vehicles like this until you stop seeing white smoke appear from the flames.
Whenever you see white, that means you're hitting an active fire. Also,
spray the vehicle that's furthest away from you, and make sure the other
burning cars are in between. If your water stream passes over a burning
car, it will help put out that car's fire too.

If the burning people do manage to run though, they're easy to spot. Just
look for the orange flame running down the sidewalk and squirt water at it
to knock the person down. Spray until you hear the "blink" sound effect.
Remember that you can rotate the water cannon with the RIGHT STICK.

When you're putting out fires on more than one burning vehicle at a time,
keep in mind that one of the cars could start driving away. Who's the moron
in that car?! Anyway, when chasing a burning vehicle, stay behind it and
spray it with water until the fire is out. Don't stop spraying though,
because you'll need to put out the burning people too.

In this mini-game, using the siren could help you. The Firetruck is a large
vehicle. It's helpful to be able to get the other cars out of the way.
Just watch out, they might swerve in front of you instead of away from you.

For reaching Fire Fighter Level 12, you will get the Flameproof powerup.
Fire weapons can no longer harm you at all. You can still catch on fire
though, but it won't do any damage.

- POLICE CAR/can be found driving on the streets, or parked at police
- UNDERCOVER CHEETAH/will begin to chase you when you get a two-star wanted
- ENFORCERS/will begin to chase you when you get a four-star wanted level.
- FBI RANCHER/will begin to chase you when you get a five-star wanted level.
- An FBI WASHINGTON/can be found parked behind the Rock City store in
- RHINO/will begin to chase you when you get a six-star wanted level. You
can also get a Rhino to appear at the Fort Baxter Air Base after you get 90
Hidden Packages
- HUNTER/will be parked at the Fort Baxter Air base after you complete the
main missions or finding all 100 hidden packages(use a cop uniform to get
past the army guards without being shot at). (Contributed by: kaanchtoofan)
If you do both though, you can get a Hunter at the southern mansion's
helipad in Ocean Beach.

Kill the criminals that are running around Vice City. The game is organized
into levels. At level 1 you need to kill one criminal, at level 2 you need
to kill two criminals, and so on up. Once you get to level 5 though, you'll
have to chase more than one car to kill all the criminals. There will be
four people in one car, and the fifth person will be in another car.

There are a number of different ways to take on this mission, since you have
a wide variety of vehicles to choose from. My favorite way to beat this
mission early in the game is to get a ton of machine gun ammo, and do
drive-by shootings on all the cars. When the criminals get out, keep doing
a drive-by shooting on the car and don't go for the criminals. Try circling
the car after the criminals stop to give them a harder target. The
explosion usually wipes out the criminals fast. Just make sure your car
doesn't get caught in the blast.

Another way is to get a lot of rocket launcher ammo. You can get a rocket
launcher at the Hooker Inn's swimming pool in Viceport. Come back over and
over to get more ammo for the gun. You could also get 70 packages to get a
rocket launcher at your hideout. Get in front of the cars, and fire a
rocket at them to destroy their cars quickly.

If you want to, you could also be patient and wait until you get hold of a
Rhino or a Hunter. This mission is really easy in a Rhino, because you can
just ram the cars and they'll blow up. It may be slow, but you can fix that
by rotating the cannon behind you and firing for a turbo boost. The Hunter
is even easier to use. The lock-on targeting of its minigun makes for easy
kills. The rockets are even better once you get used to using them. You'll
blow up so many cars so quickly with its weapons that reaching Vigilante
Level 12 will be a breeze.

Keeping your vehicle in a good state is critical to completing this mission.
You don't want to blow up your police car and then you can't get to another
police car in one minute since the station is two miles away. Watch out for
when criminals get out of the car. Some of them have shotguns that can blow
up your car in no time at all. You should keep shooting at the criminals'
car even after they've gotten out to blow it up. If you're fast in blowing
up the car, they won't have time to shoot at your car a lot.

You should switch your vigilante vehicle or repair it when you have time.
The more safehouses you have with garages, the better. You can pull in for
a free repair quick there, or you could store backup law enforcement cars in
them. If your car is sprayable at the Pay 'N' Spray, then that's also a big
plus to you. The law enforcement cars that you can spray are: undercover
Cheetahs, FBI Ranchers, and FBI Washingtons. This is also a great way of
keeping your wanted level down as well.

The one vehicle that doesn't really apply to this is the Hunter. Every time
you move up another Vigilante Level, the Hunter gets repaired some.

You're going to be killing a lot of people and blowing up a lot of cars, so
naturally the law enforcement are going to be taking an interest in you.
You need to be focused on keeping your wanted level down just as much as
killing the criminals. Don't think it's a big waste of time though, because
you tend to get a large time limit in Vigilante mode. You'll usually have
lots of time to get rid of your stars.

Never let your wanted level get above two stars. Once you hit three stars
and above it's very hard to elude the police AND kill the criminals at the
same time. If you notice you've gotten one star, you should stop attacking
the criminals' cars with your guns and just ram them. Ramming them won't
attract police attention, plus there's the chance you could flip their car
over. Keep doing this until your star goes away.

When you play this level, make sure you get a feel of where all the police
bribes, clothing shops, and Pay 'N' Sprays are. The more outfits you have
unlocked around the city, the better. You can get a quick change of clothes
somewhere to quickly lose one or two stars. This can even be done if you're
changing into the same outfit you're wearing. I would also recommend using
a law enforcement vehicle that can be sprayed at the Pay 'N' Spray.

However, if you're driving the Rhino or Hunter, you don't really need to
worry about keeping your wanted level down. You're quite safe while
traveling in the Rhino, even when you have a wanted level of 6. The only
thing that can get the Hunter in the sky is the police helicopter, and even
then it can't do much damage. Just don't fly too low or the enemies on the
ground can shoot up at the Hunter.

You should probably avoid using the siren if you're in a small vehicle. If
you do, the other cars will swerve in unpredictable directions. They might
get in your way instead of getting out of the way. Your small car should be
able to get around the other cars fairly easy. However, with a large
vehicle like the Enforcer, it can be beneficial to have the other cars move
out of the way since this vehicle is too large to maneuver well.

For reaching Vigilante level 12, your maximum armor level will be increased
to 150.

- AMBULANCE/can be found parked at hospitals. You can also attack people
until an Ambulance arrives to heal the wounded people.

Take the wounded people around the city to the hospital. This game is
organized into levels. At Level 1 you rescue one person, at Level 2 you
rescue two people, and so on up.

This is quite possibly the most hated R3 mission out of the bunch. The
Ambulance is a horrible vehicle, because it flips over very easily. You
have to stay in your Ambulance throughout this entire ordeal to get to Level
12, and you can't get it repaired at the Pay 'N' Spray. You also can't let
any of the patients die, or you'll have to start all over again.

I would say the best place to try this difficult mission is eastern Vice
City. The best hospital to drop off patients at would be the Shady Palms
Hospital in Vice Point, since it's somewhat centrally located on the island.
The roads aren't as confusing as in western Vice City here. The patients
will usually be either to the north or the south of the hospital. In this
way, you can quickly check your radar and see whether you should focus to
the north or the south more.

Not only that, you have the advantage of patients being at the beach. You
can just drive straight up to them on the beach without having to navigate
confusing streets. Just be careful you don't flip the ambulance while
you're driving over the beach's little hills. Also, be careful that you
take into account your brakes don't work as well on sand. You'll travel
farther before coming to a complete stop on sand.

You should probably avoid using the siren. If you do, the other cars will
swerve in unpredictable directions. They might get in your way instead of
getting out of the way. Also, there's the chance that they may pull off to
the side of the road and run over a patient, ending your run instantly. >_<

The ambulance is arguably the easiest vehicle to flip over in. In fact,
it's so easy to flip over in, people have had contests with it in GTA3 to
see who can make it roll over the most. Thankfully though, Vice City is
much flatter than Liberty City. Therefore, there's less chance of a
rollover from traveling over hills and such.

Stay on the road as much as possible. The off-road areas tend to be a lot
more bumpy than the roads, so you have a greater chance of flipping over and
ending your Paramedic mission prematurely. Use your brakes a lot. Brake
before you turn, and then accelerate through a turn to get moving again.
Usually, you'll have a decent amount of time to get to whoever you're
picking up, so go fast but not so fast that you crash. It's better to take
a few seconds to avoid a crash than to risk a rollover. Besides, if you're
carrying a patient, crashing into things will hurt your patients and lower
your time limit.

When picking up patients, be sure to stop close to them, but not too close.
You don't want to accidentally run over the person you're trying to save!
Also, never drive straight at a patient and then stop. Pull up beside them
instead. This is especially important when you're traveling across the
beach in eastern Vice City, since your brakes don't work as well on sand.
When your patient begins to open the door to get inside the ambulance, you
can take off. They won't fall once they start opening the door. This is a
good way to save a few seconds.

Your ambulance can only hold three patients, so you'll need to make regular
drop-offs at the hospital to gather more people up. You should collect the
patients nearest the hospital first, so you can get quick time bonuses to
get to the patients in the more obscure locations. If you're working from
the hospital in Vice Point like I recommend you do, look at the radar and
see whether there are more patients to the north or south. Focus on the
direction that has more patients to gather.

For completing Paramedic Level 12, you will get $15,000 and the Infinite Run
powerup. You can now run forever on foot without having to stop to catch
your breath.


9: Buildings FAQ


These are the places around town you can shop at for weapons, armor,
medicine, and even dinner!

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn
right onto a street next to a blue building. Turn left at the next
intersection. Look for the sign "Dispensary" on the left to find the store
you're after.

Health Pickup - $20
Adrenaline Pill - $10

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge that leads to Leaf Links.
Turn left the first chance you can. "Well-Stacked Pizza" will be on your
left when you get to the end of the street.

100 Health - $(equals how much health you need to get to 100 health)

WASHINGTON BEACH/Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish
Island. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. "Tooled Up" will
be on your left. If you still can't find the store, it's marked on your

Screwdriver - $10
Hammer - $20
Meat Cleaver - $50
Baseball Bat - $80 (on sale after RIOT is completed)
Machete - $100 (on sale after TREACHEROUS SWINE is completed)

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean Beach Hotel. Drive south down the road in
front of the hotel. Look for a fountain on the right side of the road.
Turn onto the street before the fountain. "Ammu-Nation" will be on your
right. If you still can't find the store, it's marked on your radar.

Colt 45 - $100
Ingram Mac 10 - $300
Shotgun - $500 (on sale after GUARDIAN ANGELS is completed)
Ruger - $1,000 (on sale after GUARDIAN ANGELS is completed)
Body Armor - $200 (on sale after RIOT is completed)

The rest of the stores to shop at in eastern Vice City are all in North
Point Mall. I'll give directions to the mall here so I won't have to repeat
myself several times. Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island.
Turn left onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again.
The western entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. Use the
icons representing "Ammu-Nation" and "Bunch of Tools" inside the mall to
find where the mall is if you're having trouble.

VICE POINT/NORTH POINT MALL/Come into the mall via the western entrance.
Walk straight ahead through the food court. Turn left after you pass the
escalator. "Bunch of Tools" will be on your right. If you can't find it
use the icon on your radar.

Screwdriver - $10
Hammer - $20
Meat Cleaver - $50
Knife - $90
Katana - $300 (on sale after THE CHASE is completed)

VICE POINT/NORTH POINT MALL/Come into the mall via the western entrance.
Walk straight ahead through the food court. Turn left after you pass the
escalator. "Ammu-Nation" will be on your right. If you can't find it use
the icon on your radar.

Colt 45 - $100
Uzi 9mm - $400
Stubby Shotgun - $600 (on sale after THE CHASE is completed)
Sniper Rifle - $1,500 (on sale after PHNOM PENH '86 is completed)
Grenades - $300
Body Armor - $200

VICE POINT/NORTH POINT MALL/Come into the mall via the western entrance.
You'll already be in the food court. There's four food stands to choose
from here. There are also four more stands on the opposite wall where the
rest of the food court is.

100 Health - $(equals how much health you need to get to 100 health)

LITTLE HAITI/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn right onto the highway. Look on your radar for the Pay 'N' Spray.
"Ryton Aide" is just to the right of the Pay 'N' Spray on the left side of
the road.

Health Pickup - $20
Adrenaline Pill - $10

LITTLE HAITI/Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive
down the road, and turn to the right at the first set of stoplights. Make a
left turn at Kaufman Cabs. Drive down the street a little, and you'll see
"Well-Stacked Pizza" on the left side of the road.

100 Health - $(equals how much health you need to get to 100 health)

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come
to. "Screw This" will be on the left. Look for its sign. If you can't
find it, use the icon that represents it on the map.

Screwdriver - $10
Hammer - $20
Meat Cleaver - $50
Machete - $100
Chainsaw - $500

LITTLE HAITI/Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump
off of the bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set
of stoplights you come to. When the road goes left, keep going straight
into an alley. This alley leads to Phil's Place. You can use the icon on
your map if you can't find the place.

Detonator grenades - $1,000
Minigun - $10,000
M60 - $8,000
Rocket Launcher - $8,000

NOTE: You must have completed the mission BOOMSHINE SAIGON to shop at this

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
when the street dead ends at the VRock building. Turn left when the road
does. You should see the "Dispensary" sign on the right side of the road
just after making the turn.

Health Pickup - $20
Adrenaline Pill - $10

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
when the street dead ends at the VRock building. The restaurant is on the
right side of the road where the road curves to the left.

100 Health - $(equals how much health you need to get to 100 health)

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Look on the
right side of the road for the Ammu-Nation sign. The store is at the first
intersection on this road.

Colt Python - $2,000 (on sale after RUB OUT is completed)
MP5 - $3,000 (on sale after RUB OUT is completed)
Spaz Shotgun - $4,000 (on sale after RUB OUT is completed)
M4 - $5,000 (on sale after RUB OUT is completed)
PSG1 - $6,000 (on sale after RUB OUT is completed)
Body Armor - $200


Robbing stores is a good way to get a quick $1,000. This is especially
helpful when you're just starting out in your game and you're hurting for
cash. You only need one thing to rob a store: a gun with lock-on targeting.
However, having a getaway vehicle close at hand is also good too.

To rob a store, walk inside, and lock onto the clerk behind the counter with
your gun. Don't shoot him! The longer you aim your gun at him, the more
money he puts on the counter. For each stack of bills he puts on the
counter (except the first one) you'll get another star in your wanted level.
When he's put four stacks of bills on the counter, take the money and run
because he won't give you any more. Lose the three-star wanted level you
have afterwards.

If you just want to get the credit for robbing the store on your stats
screen, just hold up the store until the clerk gives you one stack of bills.
You only need to take one stack for the robbery to count on the stats
screen. However, the clerk will trigger a two-star wanted level when he
hits the alarm, or you'll trigger one star when you shoot him. So, you
might as well take two stacks of bills since you have to get at least a
one-star wanted level when robbing a store.

Don't try to rob Ammu-Nation. The guy behind the counter will either cower
in fright and won't do anything, or he'll pull out a gun to shoot you.
However, this is a good way to get a little bit of ammo free. This is the
list of stores, and where you can find them. Also, don't bother robbing
restaurants apart from the ones on this list. The guy behind the counter
will just get scared and won't do anything.

WASHINGTON BEACH/Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish
Island. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. "Tooled Up" will
be on your left. If you still can't find the store, it's marked on your

VICE POINT/Drive into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Go past
the first two intersections and turn right at the third one. The Jewelry
Store is the second store on the right.

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. On this
street, look for a building on the left side of the road that is colored
peach and white. It will be on a street corner. It's right next to the
Shady Palms Hospital.

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn
right onto a street next to a blue building. Turn left at the next
intersection. Look for the sign "Dispensary" on the left to find the store
you're after.

The rest of the robbable stores in eastern Vice City are all in North Point
Mall in Vice Point. I'll give directions to the mall here so I won't have to
repeat myself four times. Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn
Island. Turn left onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn
left again. The eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left.
Use the icons representing "Ammu-Nation" and "Bunch of Tools" inside the
mall to find where the mall is if you're having trouble.

NORTH POINT MALL/Come into the mall via the western entrance. Walk straight
ahead through the food court. Turn left after you pass the escalator.
"Bunch of Tools" will be on your right. If you can't find it use the icon
on your radar.

NORTH POINT MALL/Come into the mall via the western entrance. Walk straight
ahead through the food court. Look to your left. "Gash" is the store on
the far wall, behind the two escalators. The clerk is on the first floor of
the two-story shop.

NORTH POINT MALL/Come into the mall via the western entrance. Walk straight
ahead through the food court. Look to your right. The Jewelry store is on
the right side of this part of the mall. Look for a store with breakable
glass windows along the western wall. That's the store you need to rob.

NORTH POINT MALL/Come in through the western entrance. Take one of the
escalators in front of you up to the second floor. Vinyl Countdown is on
the western wall, near the central bridge you're on.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come
to. "Screw This" will be on the left. Look for its sign. If you can't
find it, use the icon that represents it on the map.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn left onto the highway. The Delicatessen will be on the right street
corner at the first intersection you come to.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Across the street, you should see the West Haven Community Healthcare Center
to the right. Take the street to the right of the hospital. Turn right
when the street ends. Turn left with the road, and keep going straight
until the road you're on turns left again. The Laundromat will be on your
right just before the turn.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come
to. Drive straight down this road and don't go onto any other streets.
Follow the road you're on when it turns to the right. The cafe is on your
right when the road turns to the right again.

LITTLE HAITI/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn right onto the highway. Look on your radar for the Pay 'N' Spray.
"Ryton Aide" is just to the right of the Pay 'N' Spray on the left side of
the road.

NOTE: "Ryton Aide" is the easiest store to rob in the game, since it's right
next door to a Pay 'N' Spray. In fact, you can rob it multiple times for
even more cash because of this.

Downtown/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
when the street dead ends at the VRock building. Look on the left side of
the road before the road turns left for a business that you can walk inside.
This is the Jewelry Store.

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
when the street dead ends at the VRock building. Turn left when the road
does. You should see the "Dispensary" sign on the right side of the road
just after making the turn.


These are properties you can buy to use as save points. They don't generate
any revenue (except the Vercetti Estate), but it's always good to have an
extra few places to save apart from the out of the way Ocean Hotel.

OCEAN BEACH/ there even really a need to describe where this place is?
I mean you always own this property, even at the very start of the game.


- hidden package reward items appear here
- Street outfit appears here

WASHINGTON BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn south and drive down
the road next to the beach. Don't go onto any side streets. Turn to the
left when this road ends. When the next road ends, turn right. The
safehouse is across the street from Ken's office.

PRICE: $3,000

- none

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn south and drive down the
road next to the beach. Go through the first intersection you come to, and
turn right at the second one. When you get to the first stoplight on this
street, the apartment building will be on your right.

PRICE: $7,000

- one-car garage

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
at the first intersection. Turn right when you get to the end of this
street. You'll pass by the mall on the left. When you get to a point where
the road turns to the left, look on the right side of the road for a white
and green building. This is the building you're after.

PRICE: $2,500

- none

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn left
at the second intersection. The second building you see on the left side of
the road is the building you're looking for.

PRICE: $6,000

- one-car garage

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Follow the
street until it dead ends. The large house at the end of the road is the
building you want.

PRICE: $8,000

- one-car garage

DOWNTOWN/Drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off
the bridge onto the highway below. Follow the highway north into Downtown.
Stay on the right side of the road. When you see the Greasy Chopper on the
right, look on the left side of the road just ahead for a set of wooden
stairs. Walk up these stairs, and you'll see the shack on the left side of
the roof.

PRICE: $1,000

- none

Downtown/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Vice Point. Drive down this
road until it ends at the VRock building. Turn to the right here. Look on
the right side of the road for an alley. It shouldn't be very far from
where you turned. This is where you purchase Hyman Condo.

PRICE: $14,000

- one four-car garage
- two two-car garages
- package reward items appear here
- street outfit appears here
- helipad on roof

NOTE: The garages at this safehouse are quite unreliable in keeping your
cars safe. Sometimes after you load a game, cars will be missing from the
garages. The other garages do this too, but not near as much as the Hyman
Condo's garages. So, don't store any rare cars here unless you want them to
wind up missing.

Because of the design, if you run to save the save icon, the 4 car garage
opens up, which could be the cause of cars not being saved. This is easy to
fix, just simply walk towards the save icon and wait for all doors to be
fully closed indicated by the clang. I do this every time and I haven't lost
a car yet

Contributed by: Andy

ANOTHER NOTE: I encourage you to wait until you find 70 hidden packages
before you buy this safehouse. The reason is because this way you can get
all the weapon pickups there. If you buy it before you get 70 packages,
you'll only get the pickups you earned at the time you purchased the
safehouse. Getting the packages afterwards will not make the rest of the
pickups appear.

Source: GTAVC messageboard

STARFISH ISLAND/Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Vice Point.
Turn into the first driveway on your left. This property is automatically
acquired after you beat the mission RUB OUT. You can't buy it.

PRICE: beat the mission RUB OUT

- one-two car garage
- helipad on roof
- generates revenue up to $5,000 a day
- package reward items appear here

These are the same properties listed in the Properties Missions Walkthrough
of my guide. I don't want to waste space in this document by writing them
down twice. So, go to the Property Missions Walkthrough to find out where
to buy them.


10: Hidden Packages List

There are 100 hidden packages in this game. A hidden package looks like a
small green and yellow bird statue. You'll get $100 for each one you find.
They are hard to see, so keep your eyes sharp when you're looking for them.
For the most part though, a lot of these packages aren't in out of the way
places like you'd think they would be. They could just be hidden behind a
sign next to the road! If you can't find them though, I've got a list of
most of the packages here. A big, big thanks to THAguyINgta3 for
contributing the packages I was missing. All packages marked with a "*"
were contributed by him.

10 - Body Armor delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

20 - Chainsaw delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

30 - Python delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

40 - Flame-thrower delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

50 - PSG1 delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

60 - Minigun delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

70 - Rocket Launcher delivered to Ocean View Hotel.

80 - Sea Sparrow available from backyard of Vercetti Estate on Starfish

90 - Rhino available from Fort Baxter Air Base in Escobar International.

100 - $100,000
- Hunter available from Fort Baxter Air Base in Escobar International,
or the helipad mansion in Ocean Beach if you completed the game.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Turn right at the first
intersection you come to. Turn right again at the next intersection.
Follow this road past a long white building on the right side of the road.
Turn onto the driveway just past this building. This is the place where
Cortez gives out his missions. Turn into the parking garage on the right
near where you enter Cortez's meeting place. The package is hidden in the
left corner of this garage. Look for green lights to indicate where the
package is.

Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Look to the right across the beach from the
hotel's front door. You should see the lightouse in the distance. Go over
to it. The package is at the entrance door on the bottom the lighthouse.

Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn right and follow the road south. Look
for a mansion on the left side of the road with a helipad. It should be the
only building you see on that side of the road before you get to the marina.
The package is to the right of the back door of this mansion.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a right turn, and
make another right turn into the hospital's grounds. Drive around behind
the hospital by going around the building's right side. After you've turned
left into the area behind the hospital, you should see a tall white building
next to the edge of the island. Look behind this building for the package.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Turn left after getting
off the bridge and get on the grass. Look at the support column next to the
bridge, and you'll see a small walkway. Follow this walkway under the
bridge and you'll find the package.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a right turn at
the first intersection. Take a left turn when you get to the next
intersection. At the next intersection, turn left again. Do you see the
two-story buildings on your right? The package is on the roofs of those
buildings. Use a helicopter to get up there.

Get a boat, and head to the south end of the central water channel. You
should see several houses over the water when you're about to hit open sea.
One of these house platforms has been destroyed. The package is on the pile
of rocks in the water to the east of these houses.

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Make a left
turn at the first intersection you come to. After you pass the construction
site on the left, drive behind the white and gree apartment buildings just
past it. The package is on a boat dock behind these buildings.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a right turn at
the first intersection and follow the road until you come to where it comes
to a T-junction. The Well-stacked Pizza restaurant should be on your left.
Walk inside to get the package on the right side of the counter.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive straight down
this road until you come to a T-junction. Turn right here. Follow the road
north. Drive down the road until you see the Malibu Club on the left. It's
the building at the place where the road makes an S-curve. The package is
hidden in the parking lot behind the club.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn right onto the
second street that allows you a right turn. The jewelry store should be on
your right after you make the turn. Get the package from behind the counter
in here.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn left into the
driveway of the building on the left. Jump down to the lowest level of this
building's platforms. Follow the walkway to the hidden package in front of
this building's service door. It's on the north side of the building.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive past the first
two intersections, and look for stairs on an apartment building on the left.
Go all the way up these stairs and walk through the door at the top. Turn
left after going through the door, then turn right on the rooftop. Jump
down to the next roof, and then turn around. You'll see the package near a
ramp here.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a left turn at
the second intersection. Turn into the second alley you see on the right.
Turn into the third gap of the fence on the left. The package is in the
northwestern corner of this lot, behind a palm tree.

It's helpful to get this package during the mission TREACHEROUS SWINE. Come
into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive straight down this
road until you come to a T-junction. Turn right here. Follow the road
south. Go to the first building on the left side of the road after you pass
the Malibu Club. If you've already beaten the mission TREACHEROUS SWINE,
you'll have to get up to the roof in a helicopter. The package is in a
corner of the roof opposite the roof entrance doors.

It's helpful to have beaten the mission RIOT before you go after this
package. Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Turn right
at the first intersection. Drive down the road until it T's, then turn
right and drive over a bridge. Turn left at the next intersection. Make
another left turn at the next intersection. Look on the right side of the
road for an opening for a car to go through. There should be a SPAND
EXPRESS sign next to the opening. Drive through the gate in this lot in
front of a warehouse. Look behind the warehouse for the package. It's also
possible to get into the Spand Express lot before it opens by jumping with a
bike from the third floor of the construction building behind the warehouse.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the
first street that goes right. When the road you're on comes to a
T-junction, turn left. Drive up the stairs in front of the large hotel
you're in front of and head to the right. The package is in the corner of
the fence in front of you. It's colored similar to the plants it's in front
of, so you might not see it until it glows.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the
first street that goes right. When the road you're on comes to a
T-junction, turn left. Drive up the stairs in front of the large hotel
you're in front of. Go to the pool in the back of the hotel. The package
is on the highest diving board above the pool.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the
first street that goes right. When the road you're on comes to a
T-junction, turn right. Look to the left side of the road when you're about
to go under the bridge to Prawn Island. The package is next to the bridge's
large support column here. It's behind some large bushes, so you'll need ot
be close to see it.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right onto the
first street that goes right. Turn right again when you get to where the
road ends at a T-junction. Drive down this road until you see North Point
Mall's parking garage on the right. Take the right door into the garage.
The package is around the corner to the right of this entrance.

Start at your Ocean View hotel, and drive north down the beachfront street.
Go around the corner you come to, and turn right at the intersection. When
you get to the Malibu Club, the package will be on top of the green, blue
and white building across the street. You'll need a helicopter to get up
there so you can get the package.

Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a right turn at
the first intersection and follow the road until you come to where it comes
to a T-junction. Take a left turn. After you pass through the next
intersection, look behind the stairs on the apartment building to your left.
The package should be back there.

Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first
street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The eastern entrance to
North Point Mall will be on your left. On the right is the building you
want to look behind. The package is on the small porch behind the building.

Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first
street that you can turn left on. Drive straight ahead through the bushes
the T-junction you come to. You'll get on the beach here. The dirtbike
track will be on the right. Look behind the "Jocksport" sign on the east
side of the track for the package.

Drive into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Drive straight on the
road until it comes to a T-junction. Make a right turn here. Look on the
left side of the road for a building that has a "VICE POINT LANGER" sign
over its front doors. The package is at the pool area behind this building.

Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto the first
street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The eastern entrance to
North Point Mall will be on your left. Drive into the grassy area to the
right of the entrance. Drive around to the northern side of the building.
The package is in the alley between the two western entrances.

The rest of the packages in Vice Point are all in North Point Mall. I'll
give directions to the mall here so I won't have to repeat myself a few
times. Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left onto
the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The eastern
entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. Use the icons
representing "Ammu-Nation" and "Bunch of Tools" inside the mall to find
where the mall is if you're having trouble.

Walk straight ahead through the food court in North Point Mall, and turn
left at the escelator. Go inside the Gash store straight ahead. It's
behind the two banks of escelators you can see on the far wall. Go inside
the store and take the escelator in here to the upper floor. The hidden
packages is behind you, on a ledge above the escelators.

The package should be directly above you if you came in via the eastern
entrance. Take an escalator up to the bridge in the middle of the mall, and
walk east towards the "SALE" store where the package is.

Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn left from the entrance and head north.
At the second intersection you come to, make a left turn. After you cross
through another intersection, look on the left side of the road for a broad
set of stairs. A pink skyscraper should be past these stairs. The package
is in the pool area behind this building.

Start at the Ocean Beach Hotel. Turn left from the entrance and head north
down this street. At the third intersection you come to on this road, make
a left turn. The building on your left with the fenced lot before the
T-junction is the DBP Security building. The package is on the roof of this
building. You can either jump up there with a motorcycle by using the
nearby stairs as a ramp, or you can use a helicopter.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. After you pass two
intersections on this road, you should come to a bridge. The package is
behind the right side of the bridge before you cross it.

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Go straight
on the road you're on and you'll cross over a bridge. Turn right when the
road T's after you cross the bridge. Make a left turn at the next
intersection. The package is on the roof of the tall building on your
right. You'll need a helicopter to get up there.

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. You should
see a set of stairs to the right just after getting off the bridge. Go up
these stairs into an apartment complex. On your right you should see a
multicolored structure. The package is hidden in the peach-colored section
of the building. It's the section of the building nearest the stairs.

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. You should
see a set of stairs to the right just after getting off the bridge. Go up
these stairs into an apartment complex. In the middle of this area, there
should be a pink building. The package is on the south side of this

It's helpful to unlock the cop uniform before going for this package. Come
into Washington Beach via the brdige from Starfish Island. Go straight down
this road and head over the bridge. Make a left turn when the road T's, and
then turn right into the courtyard in front of the police station. Head
inside the police station.

If you've unlocked the cop uniform, go into the locker room to the left and
put on the cop clothes so the police won't attack you. Go into the corridor
from the central lobby, and walk down the hall. Take the stairs up into the
upstairs office. The package is hidden in the glass-windowed office across
the room from the stairs entrance.

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Turn right
and follow the road over a bridge. Turn right into the lot of the first
building you see on the right side of the road. It's the 1102 Washington
Street building that's across the street from Ken's office for reference.
The package is on the porch on the back side of the 1102 Washington Street

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Immediately
after getting off the bridge, jump over the low wall on the left side of the
road to get into the construction site. Walk to the western side of the
construction site so you're facing Starfish Island. Turn to the left and
walk under the bridge to that island. The package is underneath the bridge.

Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Make a left
turn at the first intersection. Turn right into the eastern construction
site. It's the one where Avery gives out his missions. Use the ramps on
the building under construction to climb up to the second highest floor.
It's the one with a yellow-orange floor sitting on red construction beams.
On the westernmost part of this floor, you'll notice a red construction beam
jutting out away fromthe building, towards the other construction site.
Carefully walk down the red beam to get the package.

Start at Ocean View Hotel. Go into the park across the street, and head for
the northern part of the park. Walk through the northernmost gap in the
fence and onto the beach. The package is at the lifeguard station to the
southeast of your position here.

Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf
club through the main entrance. Use your map to get to the southern-most
part of the golf course. The package is on the bridge leading to the
southern island of Leaf Links.

Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf
club through the main entrance. Turn right from the entrance. Follow the
wall of the building and then the hedge to an area underneath the bridge to
Vice Point. The package is here.

Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf
club through the main entrance. Follow the path that leads north across a
bridge. Walk north across the grass to the golf range. The package is on
the lower level of the golf range building.

Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf
club through the main entrance. Turn left from the main entrance and follow
the road up some S-curves. When you get to the end of the road, the package
will be in one of the sandtraps to your left.

Come into Leaf Links via the bridge from Vice Point. Go inside the golf
club through the main entrance. Head for the southern half of the island
and use your radar to find the ponds on this part of the golf course. An
island in one of the ponds has the package on it.

Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn left at the
first intersection. You should be on the southernmost road on the island.
Look for an alley on the right. The package is at the end of this alley.

Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn into the drive
on the right that passes in front of the mansions. Go to the green mansion
to the northwest. The hidden package is on the back porch of this mansion.

Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn into the drive
on the right that passes in front of the mansions. Go to the yellow mansion
to the northeast. Walk inside through the front door. Go up the stairs
onto the balcony, and stand near where the balcony floor has collapsed. Do
you see the room with the hole in the ceiling beneath you here? The package
is in that room. The easiest way to get in there is to jump from the
southern side of the gap in the balcony into the room. Get the package in
here, and use the pallets stacked in here to get out again.

Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Make a left turn at
the second intersection. Walk into the InterGlobal Films studio lot through
the front gate on your right. Go into the first studio building on the
right. This is Studio C. The package is to the left of the entrance.

Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Make a left turn at
the second intersection. Walk into the InterGlobal Films studio lot through
the front gate on your right. Go to the blue building you see to the left
near Stage B. The hidden package is on top of the building. Use a
helicopter to get up to the package.

There's a set of stairs between two buildings to the east of the blue
building the package is on. Back a tall vehicle like a Gang Burrito to the
top of the stiars, and jump on top of it. Use the vehicle to jump on the
studio's outer wall. Turn to the left, and you should see a hump in the
wall that's slightly higher than the rest of the wall. Stand on top of this
hump to jump on top of a building to the right of the wall. The building
you need to jump to is to the west. Make a running leap, and you might be
able to get over there.

Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Turn right
at the first intersection. The second mansion on the right is the one that
has the package at its front door.

Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Go straight
at the first intersection. The first mansion on the right is the one that
you want to go to. Jump over the low fence, and go to the hot tub by the
pool to get the package.

Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Viceport. Go straight at the
first intersection. The first mansion on the left is the one you want to go
to. Walk around the back of the mansion. Take the stairs back here up to
the back porch of the mansion. The package is on this balcony near the
picnic tables.

Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Go straight
at the first intersection. Turn left into the front drive of Diaz's
mansion. Walk into the courtyard where a pool of water is. Turn left here
and walk between some hedges and past two more pools to the eastern dock.
The package is hidden on the right side of the stairs coming down to the

Come into Starfish Island via the bridge from Washington Beach. Go straight
at the first intersection. Turn left into the front drive of Diaz's
mansion. Follow the fence behind the trees on the right. You'll eventually
come to the back corner that the package is hidden in.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Vice Point. Drive down this road
until it ends at the VRock building. Turn to the right here. Look on the
right side of the road for an alley. It shouldn't be very far from where
you turned. In the Hyman Condo alley, look for a passageway on the right
side of the alley to walk into. The package is at the end of this alley.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Vice Point. Drive down this road
until it ends at the VRock building. Turn to the right here. Look on the
right side of the road for the Hyman Condo alley. It shouldn't be very far
from where you turned. Go through the alley and head straight when you get
onto the road again. Follow this road a little while, and you should see a
sign on the right side of the road that says "V.A.J. FINANCE." Look for a
strange statue in the middle of the building courtyard behind the sign. THe
package is next to this statue.

If you've played G-SPOTLIGHT before, the package is in the office that has
the elevator you use to get to upper floors. For those who don't know where
that is, drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off
the bridge onto the highway below. Follow the highway north into Downtown.
Stay on the right side of the road.

When you see the Greasy Chopper on the right, look on the left side of the
road for a set of concrete stairs leading onto a balcony of a skyscraper.
They are past the set of wooden stairs on the left that you'll see going up
to Skumole Shack. Once you find the concrete stairs, use them to get onto
an upstairs balcony. Follow this balcony ledge, and eventually you'll see
an office on your left through a glass window. Go inside this office. The
package is behind an office desk in here.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. The first building on
the right after you get off the bridge is the VCN building. There should be
a door down here that will take you straight to the rooftop. Head up the
ramp to the helipad. The package is on your left just before you get onto
the helipad from the ramp.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Follow this road until
it comes to a T-junction. The last building on the left before the
intersection is the hospital. Look at the lower level of the parking lot
near the ambulance for the package.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Get on the street
beneath the bridge. If you're facing Prawn Island from under the bridge,
the package is behind the building to the left of the bridge.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Follow this road until
it comes to a T-junction. Make a right turn here, then make a left turn at
the next intersection. Drive along the southern side of the stadium. You
should see the package next to the wall of the stadium in a corner somewhere
if you keep your eyes peeled for it.

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge
on the right side and follow the highway north. Before the highway roads
split off into two different directions, look on the left side of the road
for a large building that has the sign "Moist Palms Hotel" next to it. The
hidden package is in the southewestern corner of the hotel's fenced lot.
Look behind the ramp that you find there.

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge
on the right side and follow the highway north. Look on the left side of
the road for a building painted green on the bottom. Walk around behind the
building via the space on the north side of it. From here, walk west.
You'll walk onto an old cobble-stoned dock. The package is on the northwest
corner of this dock.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the eastern bording ramp
next to the terminal. The package is at the end of this ramp. Use a
helicopter or the nearby Packer to get up there.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the western bording ramp
next to the terminal. The package is underneath the southwestern jet.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the western bording ramp
next to the terminal. The package is above the southwestern jet. Use a
helicopter to get up there, or use the nearby Packer.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Notice how the roof of the building has
three "waves." The package is between the central and western waves. You
can either get up there using the nearby Vice Surf sign as a ramp, or you
can use a helicopter.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield gate on the left
that's just before the terminal. Follow the ternimal's glass wall on the
right, and you should see the tall control tower to the west. Drive over to
it. Just to the west of this control tower, you should see a small building
with a little glass observation tower on top of it. The package is behind
this building.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Follow the ternimal's glass wall
on the right, and you should see the tall control tower to the west. Drive
over to it. To the southwest of this control tower, you should see airplane
hangars. One of these has a large jumbo jet in it. The package is
underneath that plane.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Oceaan Beach. Turn left
onto thehighway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Walk inside the terminal. Notice the gray
walls in front of the large glass window on the other side of the room. The
package is behind the northernmost wall.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Walk inside the terminal. Take the
escalator to the second floor of the terminal, and walk inside Gate 1-8 on
the south side of the terminal. The package will be to the right at the end
of the passageway.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through
the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past
the overhead directions sign. At the end of this road, you should see a
gate on your right. From the gate, you should see a blue warehouse-type
building on the right. The package is on top of this blue building. Use
the nearby ramp to get up there.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through
the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past
the overhead directions sign. At the end of this road, you should see a
gate on your right. From the gate, drive to the left, past the cargo
containers. The heliport should be in front of you. Go up there and get
the package on top of it.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through
the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past
the overhead directions sign. At the end of this road, you'll see the cargo
terminal. The package is on the roof of this building. You can either use
a helicopter or use the ramps in the cargo lot to the right to jump up

Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto
the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. Follow this
road until it turns right. Drive into the alley behind the buildings after
the right turn. Back here, you should see a hole in a fence that will let
you get behind the airport's billboards. Follow the line of billboards
north. The package is behind the third last billboard in the line.

Make a left turn at the next instersection. On your right you should see a
gate leading into a part of the airfield. Turn into there, and follow the
airplane road. The last airplane at the end of the road is where the
package is.

It would be a good idea to put on a cop uniform before you try to get this
package. Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn
left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road
into Escobar International. Drive straight on this road and don't turn onto
any side roads. When you get to the grassy area past the chainlink fence
street, make a right turn at the first intersection. Drive down this road.
After it curves to the left, make a right turn. Eventually you should see
the air base on the right. Look behind the sign to the left of the entrance
to find the package.

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off of the
bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set of
stoplights you come to. When the road goes left, keep going straight into
an alley. This alley leads to Phil's Place. You can use the icon on your
map if you can't find the place.

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off of the
bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set of
stoplights you come to. Follow this road until you see Well-stacked Pizza
on the left. Funeraria Romero will be the building just past it. There
should be a small alley on the front of this building. Go down to the end
of it, and you'll find the package.

Start from the bridge leading to Little Havana from Starfish Island. Turn
right and drive down the highway a little. You should see a building with
an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing over the entrance. Turn left onto the
street just past the building. The Print Works is the large yellow
warehouse you can see in front of you now.

Walk to the northwest corner of the Print Works' lot. There will be a
wooden fence there that you can walk through. Go to the northeastern corner
of this lot. Walk into the alley the passageway there leads you to. Turn
right when you come into this alley, and there will be a set of stairs at
the end of it. Go up the stairs and you'll be on the roof of an apartment
building. The package is on this roof, and it's hidden in the middle of
some air conditioning units.

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off of the
bridge to the right onto the highway. Turn left at the first set of
stoplights you come to. When the road turns to the left, look behind the
red and yellow building on the left side of the road. Run straight down the
alley into a lot. There should be a set of stairs going down to a basement
door of a white and purple building here. Get the package at the basement

Start from the bridge leading to Little Havana from Starfish Island. Turn
right and drive down the highway a little. You should see a building with
an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing over the entrance. Turn left onto the
street just past the building. At the first intersection you come to, you
should see the "LITTLE HAITI" billboard on the right. Look in the bushes
beneath the sign for the package.

Drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge
onto the highway below. Turn left at the first intersection you come to.
After you pass the first intersection on this road, there should be some
stores on the right with red white and blue fronts. The package is on top
of these stores. Use a helicopter or the jump behind the stores to get up
to there. The package is on the roof of the store with no billboard

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a left turn at
the first intersection. Go straight through the first intersection on this
street. When you get to the second intersection, look to the right. You
should see an alley with some tall grass in it. This is the area where the
abandoned apartments are. Most of the buildings in this area have stairs
leading to their second floors. The package is at the top of the stairs of
one of the apartments next to the Kaufman Cab building.

Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Across the
street, you should see the West Haven Community Healthcare Center to the
right. Take the street to the right of the hospital. Turn right when the
street ends. Turn left with the road, and keep going straight until the
road you're on turns left again. The Laundromat will be on your right just
before the turn. The package is hidden behind a rack of clothes that's
behind the counter.

Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto
the highway. The Delicatessen will be on the right street corner at the
first intersection you come to. Look behind the counter for the package.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that leads to Ocean Beach. Turn left at the
T-junction you come to. In a little bit, you should see a road on the
right. Turn onto this street and go down it. At the intersection you come
to next, make a right turn. Look for the "Sunshine Autos" sign on the right
and head into the car showroom behind it. The package is on the second
floor of the building.

Start from the bridge leading to Little Havana from Starfish Island. Turn
right and drive down the highway a little. You should see a building with
an "El Banco Corrupto Grande" sing over the entrance. Turn left onto the
street just past the building. Follow this road straight until you come to
a T-junction. Make a right turn here. The house you are looking for is the
blue one on the left just past the first intersection you come to.

Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto
the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. Follow this
road until it gets to the second right turn. Drive straight ahead at this
turn into an alley. Go into the lot on the right side of this alleyway.
The package is in this garbage place.

Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island. Turn left onto
the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. When the
road you're on makes a right turn, look on the left side of the road for a
building with a red and white awning. The package is on top of this
building. Use the stairs behind the building to get up there.

Come into Little Havana via the bridge from. Turn left onto the highway.
Turn right at the first intersection you come to. After you pass two right
turns, look on the right side of the road for an empty lot. The "Kaufman
Cabs" billboard is above this lot. Land a helicopter on the roof next to
the sign, and then walk across the ledge in front of the sign to get the

Start at the bridge in Viceport that leads to Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and then turn right at the first intersection you come to.
Turn left at the next intersection. When you see a blue and white warehouse
on your right, make a right turn and go through the gate you see. The
package is in front of the entrance door at the end of the warehouse on your

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. After you pass the next
intersection, you should start seeing chainlink fences on both sides of the
road. Watch the right side of the road for an entrance into a parking lot.
The package is in this lot. It's between two trailers in the southwest
corner of the lot.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road through
the first intersection, and make a left turn when you come to the fork past
the overhead directions sign. Make another left turn at the next fork in
the road. Look for a small door leading into a building on the left. When
you go inside, you should see a small building on your left. Go inside this
little office within this hangar to find the package.

Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and stay on the right side of the road. Follow this street
until it ends at a T-junction. The sign the package is behind will be on
your right here.

Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the
highway and get on the left side of the road. After you pass through the
dock's gates, look for a boat on the left that's white and blue. This is
the boat you want to get on. Board the boat via the ramp nearest the gates.
Go through one of the passageways to the east side of the boat. There
should be some containers blocking off this walkway. The package is on the
north side of these containers.

Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the
highway and get on the left side of the road. After the road you're on
makes a sharp right turn behind a warehouse, look for a blue and white ship
on the left side of the road. The hidden package is on this ship. The
package is at thenortheastern corner of the ship's control bridge. The
bridge is to the west.

Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the
highway, and turn right at the next intersection. Drive down this road and
don't go onto any side streets. Eventually, you'll come to an area where
chainlink fences are on both sides of the road. Look on the right side of a
road for a building that says "VICE CITY TRANSPORT POLICE" on it. Drive
around the right side of the building. Head to the right more after you
pass the building, and you'll see an area with four large storage silos.
The package is next to a pipe in the middle of these four silos.

Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto the
highway. Notice the apartments on the right side of the road. Also notice
that they're divided into three-walled "blocks" as I call them. If you
count the last two-walled block, the package is hidden in the third from
last block nearest the docks.

Get a boat, and head to the south end of the central water channel. You
should see several houses over the water when you're about to hit open sea.
One of these house platforms has been destroyed. The package is on the
upper floor of that one.


11: Rampages Walkthrough

You trigger these missions by grabbing a skull icon surrounded by a pink
disc. Each of these rampages has you destroying a quota of something within
a two-minute time limit with a certain weapon. Here are some general tips
for all of the rampages:

- The rampages are slightly easier to complete if you do them before you get
the gangs mad at you. If a gang is angry at you, they'll attack you on
sight rather than waiting for you to attack them first. You get the
Colombians mad at you by completing RUB OUT, and you get the Haitians angry
at you by completing TROJAN VOODOO.

- If you kill a lot of enemies, an ambulance might arrive. Don't kill the
paramedics. Let them heal the enemies you've killed, and you'll be able to
get another point for killing them again.

- Remember that you can duck down using the L3 button for greater accuracy.
This is especially useful in rampages that use rifles.

- If you run out of targets in an area, try looking away and then looking
back. Also, try running around some. Both of these could trigger the
appearances of more enemies.

- If cops are chasing you, gangs won't attack you. This can be helpful if
you're facing off against gangs that hate you.

- In rampages where you destroy vehicles, you do not have to destroy them
with only the weapon the rampage gives you. You can also destroy vehicles
in drive-by shootings, and you can use vehicle weapons like the Rhino's

- In rampages where you kill enemies via drive-by shootings, you can kill
the enemies with vehicle weapons as well.


RAMPAGE 1 - Kill 30 gang members with Moltov Cocktails.

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn right and walk south down
the street. Look for a gravel road on the left that leads towards the
lighthouse. Get on the gravel road, and you'll see the icon on the right in
a little bit.

Run around the gravel road you're at after you get this rampage. Look for
groups of gang members who are standing together and talking. Toss a Moltov
in the middle of them and watch them all get fried to a crisp. Since a lot
of your targets like to stand in groups, it'll be easy to meet the kill
quota in time. Just be careful that you don't accidentally burn yourself.

RAMPAGE 2 - Run over 30 gang members with a vehicle.

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Look to the right. See the
lightouse in the distance? The icon is just to the north of the lighthouse
on the beach.

Make sure you've got a vehicle that can drive fast on sand before you start
this rampage, like a Cheetah. It's handy that it be a bulletproof vehicle
too. Aim your car towards the grass nearby before you start too, since cars
can drive faster on grass than on sand. After you start the rampage, get
back on the road as fast as possible. Run over the packs of enemies on the
sidewalks. Make sure you're driving fast when you run over them, because
running over them at slow speeds won't get you many kills. Lots of enemies
also appear around the gravel road in the lighthouse park.


RAMPAGE 3 - Kill 30 gang members with a Spaz Shotgun.

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn left and head north down
the road. Make a right turn at the intersection you come to after the
road's left turn. The rampage is behind the hotel on your right.
(contributed by:

You might want to get your health and armor up before you play this rampage.
After grabbing the icon, head for the sidewalk near the beach in the
beachfront park. Lots of enemies like to stand around on this sidewalk.
You should be able to mow down enemies quickly since the Spaz Shotgun fires
shells very rapidly. Just make sure not to get surrouded by the enemies.

RAMPAGE 4 - Kill 25 gang members with a PSG1.

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn right, and make a right
turn at the first intersection. Take another right turn at the next
intersection. You should see an entrance to the parking garage on your
left. Turn left, then turn right again in the alley to enter the garage.
Jump over one of the walls to get on the roofs surrounding the garage. The
icon is on the southwest corner of the roofs around the warehouse.

Get on the edge of the roof, duck down, and look up and down the street for
targets. They'll all be standing around on the sidewalks. Shoot them when
you see them. When you run out of targets, look away and look back. More
might appear when you do this. Also, if you can't seem to find any targets,
you can always jump down and shoot from up close.

RAMPAGE 5 - Kill 20 gang members with a Chainsaw.

OCEAN BEACH/Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a
right turn at the first intersection. On this street, make a left turn at
the first intersection you come to. When this street ends, make a right
turn. You should see a gas station on the right. Just past the gas station
is a pink fence with an open gate. When you walk through this gate, the
icon will be to your left.

After getting the rampage, run into the street as fast as you can with that
heavy chainsaw. Look for a group of enemies, and charge into them while
you're revving your saw by holding down CIRCLE. Slice and dice up all of
them, then repeat with the next group. This is even easier to do when the
gang hates you since they'll run right up to you!

RAMPAGE 6 - Kill 10 gang members with a Katana.

OCEAN BEACH/Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a
right turn at the first intersection. On this street, make a left turn at
the third intersection you come to. You should see green and white
apartment buildings on the left side of the road. After you make the turn,
look for a hole in the hedges on the left for you to walk through. You'll
now be inside the green and white apartment buildings' lot. Turn right in
this alley after you pass the first two buildings, and you'll find the icon
behind a palm tree.

I strongly encourage you to get full health and armor before you play this
mission. The katana sword may be deadly, but you'll get killed easily by a
pack of gang members with pistols. Make sure you focus on enemies that are
isloated from the other enemies. For a quick kill, hold down the CIRCLE
button while standing still. Tommy will either do an overhead slash which
slices off an enemy's head, or he'll stab an enemy in the chest. If you
stand next to a group of enemies, you can kill multiple enemies with one

My favorite way to take on this rampage is to get a lot of enemies angry.
Next, hide in the parking lot across the street from the apartments. You
can lure the enemies in here in small groups rather than all at once. It's
much easier to kill the enemeies when they're alone. Plus, if you get hurt
a lot, you can go up the stairs in this lot to find body armor.

RAMPAGE 7 - Kill 25 gang members with a M4.

OCEAN BEACH/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Drive down this road and don't
go onto any side streets. After you pass by the marina (the long white
building on the left) look on the left side of the road for a skyscraper
with a wide set of stairs in front of it. The package is on a ledge just to
the right of this building's entrance. You might need to stand on a car to
get up there.

Move to the edge of the ledge nearest the street, duck down, and snipe the
enemy gang members on the sidewalks from here. When you run out of targets
to one side, look away and then look back again. More enemies might appear
when you do this. I feel this is a much safer way of completing this job
than duking it out in the open with the enemies.

RAMPAGE 8 - Kill 10 gang members with a PSG1.

VICE POINT/Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Turn left from the hotel entrance
and head north down the road that runs past the beach. After the road makes
a left turn, turn right at the intersection you come to. Look for a hotel
on the right that has a "Standing Vice Point" sign over the front doors.
The rampage is in the pool area behind this hotel. It's on top of the
highest diving board over the pool.

After you pick up the icon, stand on the right side of the diving board and
aim down at the area in front of the hotel. Snipe all the gang members you
see. When you run out of targets, look away and then look back again. More
enemies might appear when you do this. I feel this is a much safer way of
completing this job than duking it out in the open with the enemies.

RAMPAGE 9 - Kill 35 gang members in drive-by shootings with an Uzi.

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Make a
right turn at the first intersection, then make another right turn at the
end of this street. Drive over the small bridge, and make another right
turn at the next intersection. The icon is at the U-turn at the end of this

You might want to get a motorbike before you begin this rampage. Get the
icon, and drive down the sidewalks while shooting the Uzi in front of you.
Make sure you kill off all the enemies in a group before you drive towards
the next one. Also, if the gang you're fighting hates you, be careful not
to get punched off the bike by them. If you want more protection, there's
still the choice of using a car. You won't be able to shoot forwards

RAMPAGE 10 - Kill 20 gang members with a Chainsaw.

VICE POINT/Come into Vice Point via the bridge from Leaf Links. Right after
you get off the bridge, turn left into a little park. The icon should be
just to your left.

After getting the rampage, run into the street as fast as you can with that
heavy chainsaw. Look for a group of enemies, and charge into them while
you're revving your saw by holding down CIRCLE. Slice and dice up all of
them, then repeat with the next group. This is even easier to do when the
gang hates you since they'll run right up to you!

RAMPAGE 11 - Kill 30 gang members in drive-by shootings with an Uzi.

VICE POINT/Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. After
the road you're on makes a left turn, look for a building on the left side
of the road that has a random car parked in front of it. The building is
white and peach. The icon is behind this building.

You might want to get a motorbike before you begin this rampage. Get the
icon, and drive down the sidewalks while shooting the Uzi in front of you.
Make sure you kill off all the enemies in a group before you drive towards
the nextone. Also, if the gang you're fighting hates you, be careful not to
get punched off the bike by them. If you want more protection, there's
still the choice of using a car. You won't be able to shoot forwards

RAMPAGE 12 - Kill 35 gang members with a M4.

VICE POINT/Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The
eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. The icon is just
to the left of this entrance door.

Make sure you bring a car with you before you start this rampage. Pick up
the icon, and park the car behind the wall where the icon is. Stand on top
of the car, duck down, and snipe the enemy gang members on the sidewalk from
here. When you run out of targets to one side, look away and then look back
again. More enemies might appear when you do this. I feel this is a much
safer way of completing this job than duking it out in the open with the

RAMPAGE 13 - Kill 25 gang members with a Python.

VICE POINT/Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The
eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. On the right is
the yellow and white building you want to look behind. The icon is on the
grass behind this building.

Run back onto the street in front of North Point Mall. Completing the
rampage from here is pretty simple. Stand near a group of enemies and hit
R1 + CIRCLE over and over to shoot lots of gang members. Since the Python
is very powerful, it usually kills an enemy with only one bullet. You'll
get enough points very quickly in this way. Just make sure your health and
armor are high enough to survive the return fire. If the gang members get
in a fight with the security guards though, they'll be too distracted by
them to think about you.

RAMPAGE 14 - Kill 30 gang members with a Rocket Launcher.

VICE POINT/Enter Vice Point via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn left
onto the first street that you can turn left on. Turn left again. The
eastern entrance to North Point Mall will be on your left. Go inside and
walk straight ahead. Take one of the escalators nearby to the second floor
bridge. The icon is in a planter to the west, near "Vinyl Countdown."

Go down to the main floor and snipe the groups of gang members from afar
with the rocket launcher. Be careful you don't get surrounded by enemies,
because you can't jump or run while carrying this heavy weapon. The wide
open space of the main floor should keep that from happening though. Run up
an escalator if that happens to lose the pack. A lot of the gang members
tend to hang around the food courts and the planter between the two courts.

RAMPAGE 15 - Kill 25 gang members with a Chrome Shotgun.

WASHINGTON BEACH/Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Viceport.
Drive past the first intersection. Turn into the Washington Mall parking
lot through a gate on the right side of the road. After you come through
the gate, turn left and drive down the road here. You'll come to a ramp
leading into a parking garage. Drive up the ramps until you get to the top
of the mall's garage. Drive down the ramp to the left up here. You'll see
the icon to the right of the next ramp.

After getting the rampage, jump down into the mall from the balcony on your
right. Look for gang members in groups and start blasting them all down.
Do it at close range to maximize the shotgun's damage. If you're not very
close, it could take more than one blast to kill the enemy. The enemies
tend to hang out more on the upper balconies rather than in the central

RAMPAGE 16 - Kill 25 gang members with a MP5.

WASHINGTON BEACH/Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish
Island. After getting off the bridge you should see a set of stairs on the
right. Drive up these stairs and you'll be in a condo complex. There's a
pink building in the middle of this area. The icon is on the eastern side
of this building.

After getting the rampage, go out into the street. Press R1 + CIRCLE to
target and shoot at an enemy. Your MP5 should be powerful enough to kill
the enemies with few bullets. If you duck you can kill them with even fewer
shots. Keep locking onto more enemies as you kill them to complete the
rampage. Your armor and health should be able to last you through the
return fire if they're high enough. You will not get points for killing
enemies in drive-by shootings.

RAMPAGE 17 - Run over 35 gang members with a vehicle.

STARFISH ISLAND/Enter the island via Viceport's bridge. Turn onto the
northern street at the first T-junction. The first mansion on the left has
the icon near its front driveway. Use a car to jump over the wall to get to
it. Afterwards, use the ramp in here to get out of the yard.

It could be handy to get a bulletproof vehicle for this mission.
Immediately after getting the rampage, use the ramp to the east to jump into
the next yard. Get out of that yard, and get to a car. Head for the street
that goes past the front of Diaz's mansion. Run over the packs of enemies
on the sidewalks. Make sure you're driving fast when you run over them,
because running over them at slow speeds won't get you many kills.


RAMPAGE 18 - Kill 30 gang members with a Flame-thrower.

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Turn right
when the street you're on ends at a T-junction. Make a left turn at the
next intersection. Hyman Stadium should be in front of you now. The
rampage is near the helipads on the north side of the stadium. Look to the
left of the walkway leading out to the helipads.

After you get the rampage, turn around and go to the area underneath the
stadium's canopy across the street. Lots of gang members like to hang out
here. Stand next to a group of gang members and then torch them for lots of
kills. If you run around some, more enemies will spawn. If you keep
moving, you should be able to meet the kill quota in time.

RAMPAGE 19 - Kill 30 gang members with a M60.

DOWNTOWN/Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off
the bridge on the right side and follow the highway north. Before the
highway roads split off into two different directions, look on the left side
of the road for a large building that has the sign "Moist Palms Hotel" next
to it. Turn into the hotel's driveway. After you pass underneath the
building, the rampage will be hidden behind the wall to your right.

Walk back down the hotel driveway towards the highway until you see the
packs of enemies standing on the sidewalks. The gang members tend to gather
around on the sidewalks near the hotel's driveway. Duck down and snipe them
from a distance with the M60. This way you'll be able to avoid taking
damage from up-close fights. If you can't see any more targets, look away
and then look back, or walk around some. That will make more enemies

RAMPAGE 20 - Kill 40 gang members with Moltov Cocktails

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. After you get
off the bridge, look on the right side of a road for a building raised above
ground with pillars. There should be a small set of stairs at this
building. At the top of the stairs is the icon.

Run out into the street after you get this icon. Look for groups of gang
members who are standing together and talking. Toss a Moltov in the middle
of them and watch them all get fried to a crisp. Since a lot of your
targets like to stand in groups, it'll be easy to meet the kill quota in
time. Just becareful that you don't accidentally burn yourself.


RAMPAGE 21 - Kill 25 gang members with a Python.

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Make a left
turn at the first intersection you come to. Notice the set of stairs on
your left right after you make the turn. The rampage icon is at the top of
these stairs.

Jump down from the high stairs that you're on top of after getting the icon.
Completing the rampage from here is pretty simple. Stand near a group of
enemies and hit R1 + CIRCLE over and over to shoot lots of gang members.
Since the Python is very powerful, it usually kills an enemy with only one
bullet. You'll get enough points very quickly in this way. Just make sure
your health and armor are high enough to survive the return fire.

RAMPAGE 22 - Kill 30 gang members with an Minigun.

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Vice Point. Drive down this
road until it ends at the VRock building. Turn to the right here. Look on
the right side of the road for the Hyman Condo alley. It shouldn't be very
far from where you turned. Go through the alley and head straight when you
get onto the road again. Follow this road a little while, and you should
see a sign on the right side of the road that says "V.A.J. FINANCE." The
icon should be on the opposite side of the courtyard of the V.A.J. Building.

Run into the street as fast as you can. Here comes the fun part.
Basically, just hold down the CIRCLE button while rotating left and right to
pump all the gang members around full of lead with your minigun. If you run
out of targets, try walking around some. That might spawn more enemies.

RAMPAGE 23 - Kill 35 gang members in drive-by shootings with an Uzi.

DOWNTOWN/Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. Drive down
road you're on until it ends at a T-junction. Make a left turn here. When
the road turns to the left, you should see the store "Rock City" in front of
you. Go down the alley to the right of this store. After you make a left
turn in the alley, you'll see the icon.

You might want to get a motorbike before you begin this rampage. Get the
icon, and head out into the street. You should hang out in the park-like
area near Well-stacked Pizza because a lot of gang members spawn here.
Drive down the sidewalks while shooting the Uzi in front of you. Make sure
you kill off all the enemies in a group before you drive towards the next
one. Also, if the gang you're fighting hates you, be careful not to get
punched off the bike by them. If you want more protection, there's still
the choice of using a car. You won't be able to shoot forwards though.

RAMPAGE 24 - Destroy 12 vehicles with a Rocket Launcher.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean
Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection.
Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and
you should see the passenger terminal on the left. The rampage is on the
roof of the terminal. It's on the side facing the road. You can either get
up there using the nearby Vice Surf sign as a ramp, or you can use a

Jump down from the roof and shoot every car you see on the roads. To the
northwest is a parking lot where there are several vehicles parked. You
should be able to get a lot of points there. You could also try attracting
police attention so you'll be able to blow up police cars when they come
after you.

RAMPAGE 25 - Destroy 15 vehicles with a Minigun.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean
Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection.
Follow this road into Escobar International. Drive straight on this road
and don't turn onto any side roads. When you get to the grassy area past
the chainlink fence street, make a right turn at the first intersection.
Drive down this road. After it curves to the left, make a right turn.
Before you get to the air base on the right, search the trees on the right
side of the road. The icon is hidden behind one of the trees.

It would be a good idea to set up a roadblock to trap cars before you begin
the rampage. After getting the rampage, blow up the cars stuck on your
roadblock if you made one. Walk out into the street against the flow of
traffic. Don't pay much attention to the gang members that are attacking
you. Whenever a car comes, blow it up with the minigun. The wrecks will
create roadblocks that will cause more cars to become easy targets for your
shots. If the police gets involved, that could also make things easier as
well. You can blow up their cars as they come to you. Don't forget to blow
up ambulances that come to try to heal the people you kill.

You could get a car and drive to the airport's parking lot. There's several
vehicles parked there that you can blow up to build up your score.

RAMPAGE 26 - Kill 25 gang members with a Spaz Shotgun.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean
Beach. Turn left onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection.
Follow this road into Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and
you should see the passenger terminal on the left. Walk insiide the
terminal. Notice the gray walls in front of the large glass window on the
other side of the room. The icon is behind the second northernmost wall.

You might want to get your health and armor up before you play this rampage.
Also, play this rampage during the daytime. If you fight at night, you
might be all alone by yourself. After grabbing the icon, run into the lobby
in the middle of the terminal. Target groups of enemies with your Spaz
Shotgun. You should be able to mow down enemies quickly since the Spaz
Shotgun fires shells very rapidly. Just make sure not to get surrouded by
the enemies.

RAMPAGE 27 - Kill 30 gang members with a Tec-9.

LITTLE HAITI/Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. After
you get off the bridge, there should be another road just to the let of the
one you're on. Drive across the grass onto that road. Follow this road
through a left turn. After you pass the second intersection on this street,
the rampage icon will be hidden behind the second house on the right.

Head out into the street after you get the rampage. Target groups of
enemeis with the Tec-9 and let the lead fly. Remember that you can fire on
the run while using the Tec-9. If you circle strafe enemies by pressing the
D PAD while holding R1, you can avoid a lot of bullets while racking up


RAMPAGE 28 - Kill 35 gang members with a Spaz Shotgun.

ESCOBAR INTERNATIONAL/Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links.
After you get off the bridge, you should see a street just to the left of
the one you're on. Drive across the grass and get on this other road.
Drive past the first intersection and turn left with the road. Make a right
turn at the next intersection. Take a right turn when this road ends, and
then turn left at the next intersection you come to.

The junkyard entrance should be in front of you now. Before you get there
though, look on the left side of the road for an alley. Drive through this
alley and cross a small red bridge. Make a right turn when the dock you
drive on ends at a wall. The icon will be on your left when you pass the
wall on your left.

You might want to get your health and armor up before you play this rampage.
After grabbing the icon, run down the narrow dock you used to get to this
icon. There's an alley in front of you that will let you get back to the
street. Run out into the street and target groups of enemies with your Spaz
Shotgun. You should be able to mow down enemies quickly since the Spaz
Shotgun fires shells very rapidly. Just make sure not to get surrouded by
the enemies.

RAMPAGE 29 - Kill 10 gang members with a Katana.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridgee from Starfish Island.
Makea right turn onto the highway. When you get to the second intersection,
you should see the "El Banco Corrupto" on the left side of the highway. The
icon is behind this building on its loading dock. Use an alleyway to get
back there.

I strongly encourage you to get full health and armor before you play this
mission. The katana sword may be deadly, but you'll get killed easily by a
pack of gang members with pistols. Make sure you focus on enemies that are
isloated from the other enemies. For a quick kill, hold down the CIRCLE
button while standing still. Tommy will either do an overhead slash which
slices off an enemy's head, or he'll stab an enemy in the chest. If you
stand next to a group of enemies, you can kill multiple enemies with one

RAMPAGE 30 - Kill 20 gang members with a Sniper Rifle.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
See the Ice Cream Factory in front of you? The rampage is on the roof of
the hospital to the right of the factory. You'll need a helicopter to get
up there.

Get on the edge of the roof facing the street, duck down, and start sniping
the gang members from up here. They'll all appear on the sidewalk on your
side of the street. If you have killed all the targets in sight, try
looking away and then looking back again. This may cause more to appear.
However, if that still doesn't work, try jumping down to the street to
finish off the last ones that you need.

RAMPAGE 31 - Kill 25 gang members with a Chrome Shotgun.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn right onto the highway. Make a left turn at the second intersection
you come to. After you drive around the road's left turn, make a right turn
at the second intersection past it. Drive past the next intersection. See
the block on the left side of the street with the houses? The rampage is in
a basketball court in the center of this block.

Run to the street as quickly as you can when the rampage starts. Target and
blast every group of gang members out there with your shotgun. Fire from as
close as possible so your shotgun can do more damage. It might take more
than one shot to kill an enemy if you fire from a distance.

RAMPAGE 32 - Kill 20 gang members with a Ruger.

LITTLE HAVANA/Come into Little Havana via the bridge to Starfish Island.
Turn left onto the highway. Turn right at the first intersection you come
to. When the road you're on makes a right turn, look on the left side of
the road for a building with a red and white awning. The icon is on top of
this building. Use the stairs behind the building to get up there.

Get on the edge of the roof facing the street, duck down, and start sniping
the gang members from up here. If you have killed all the targets in sight,
try looking away and then looking back again. This may cause more to
appear. However, if that still doesn't work, try jumping down to the street
to finish off the last ones that you need.

RAMPAGE 33 - Kill 35 gang members with Grenades.

VICEPORT/Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Make a left
turn onto the highway, then make a right turn at the first intersection. Go
straight at the next intersection, and then look to the left. You should
see the Hooker Inn there. The icon is in the trees behind that building.

Run out into the street after you get this icon. Most of the targets hang
out on the road that heads towards the warehouses here. Look for groups of
gang members who are standing together and talking. Toss a grenade in the
middle of them and watch them all get blown up. Also, try running up to a
group, and then tapping the CIRCLE button to slip a grenade in the middle of
them. You can then run away before the grenade blows. Since a lot of your
targets like to stand in groups, it'll be easy to meet the kill quota in
time. Just be careful that you don't accidentally blow yourself up.

RAMPAGE 34 - Destroy 10 vehicles with a Rocket Launcher.

VICEPORT/Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway. Look on the left side of the road for a boat dock. Grab a
boat here. It's a bit tricky to get in the boat here though, so you could
get one from the Boatyard (if you purchased it) or you could get one from
the marina in Ocean Beach. Anyway, once you have a boat, head to the south.
You should see several houses over the water when you're about to hit open
sea. One of these house platforms has been destroyed. The package is on
the upper floor of that one.

After getting this rampage, get back in your boat and head east to the
marina at Ocean Beach. Destroy the boats you see on the way there. Blow up
all the boats at the marina when you get there. After you've done that,
drive around in the waters between Viceport and Ocean Beach to get the rest
of the boats you need.

If you come in a helicopter, you can land the chopper on the broken
platform, get the rampage, and then fly to Ocean Beach. You can destroy all
the cars at the marina. There's a bunch in the parking garage and two more
parked next to the docks. After that, you can get the rest of the vehicles
you need on the roads. This even works better in a Hunter or a Sea Sparrow,
since you can fire on vehicles with the chopper weapons to get points.

RAMPAGE 35 - Destroy 15 vehicles with a Rocket Launcher.

VICEPORT/Come into Viceport via the bridge from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway and get on the left side of the road. After you pass through
the dock's gates, look for a boat on the left that's white and blue. This
is the boat you want to get on. Board the boat via the ramp to the south.
The icon is behind the white pillar in front of you.

It would be a good idea to set up a roadblock to trap cars before you begin
the rampage. After getting the rampage, blow up the cars stuck on your
roadblock if you made one. Walk out into the streets against the flow of
traffic. Don't pay much attention to the gang members that are attacking
you. Whenever a car comes, blow it up with the rocket launcher. The wrecks
will create roadblocks that will cause more cars to become easy targets for
your shots. If the police gets involved, that could also make things easier
as well. You can blow up their cars as they come to you. Don't forget to
blow up ambulances that come to try to heal the people you kill.

If you're hurt, you can get body armor from the security building at the
gates of the docks. You can also get health beneath the other ramp of the
cargo ship where you got the icon.


12: Unique Stunts List

The unique stunts are jumps that you can complete to get extra cash. When
you hit a unique stunt ramp, your game will go into slow motion as your car
flies through the air to complete the jump. If you land a certain distance
away from the ramp, you'll get some money. Some of the ramps are obvious,
while other ramps are quite hard to pick out. Here are some general tips
for unique stunts:

- use a fast vehicle, preferrably a PCJ 600 or a Cheetah. They can
accelerate quickly in small areas, which will give you a better chance at
completing the jump. The Hotring Racer's also not a bad idea if you're
patient enough to wait until you totally complete the A + B AUTO COLLECTION
at Sunshine Autos.

- when using a motorbike, pull back on the LEFT STICK or press up on the D
PAD, like when you do wheelies. This can give you a little more air time.

(Somebody please contribute the last five unique stunts I don't have! Also,
I would really appreciate it if somebody would give an explanation on how to
do Unique Stunt 9.


Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Drive around the corner next to the hotel,
and turn right at the T-junction you come to. On your left, you should see
the entrance to the parking garage. Drive in there and go up to the top
floor via the ramps. The ramp is on the southwest corner of the garage. It
looks like the entrance to a stairwell or something. You must cross the
ramp going south.

Get at the north end of the garage and face the ramp. Accelerate as hard as
you can. You must land on the roof of the next building to get credit for
this jump.

NOTE: These next two jumps are right after one another. So, don't let off
the accelerator after the first jump because you'll need the speed for the
next jump.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a right turn at
the first intersection. On this street, make a left turn at the third
intersection you come to. On the right side of the road, you should see a
parking lot beneath a building. The ramp is here. It's the large set of

To make this jump, go to the corner of the alley across the street and
accelerate hard. You'll get credit for the jump when you land on a pink
roof of an apartment building. Get ready for the next jump below.


This next jump is right after the one jump written above. Use the ramp on
the pink apartment building that you're facing when you land to make this

Don't let off the accelerate from the last jump, or you probably won't get
this jump. Get across the street to get credit for the jump. It's okay if
you hit the front of the next building head on.

NOTE: These next two jumps are right after one another. So, don't let off
the accelerator after the first jump because you'll need the speed for the
next jump.

OCEAN BEACH/Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Turn right
at the first intersection you come to. Turn right again at the next
intersection. Follow this road past a long white building on the right side
of the road. Turn onto the driveway just past this building. This is the
place where Cortez gives out his missions. Go to the northern pier. The
jump is a ramp at the southern end of this pier.

Accelerate hard from the pier's intersection south towards the jump and land
on the next section of the pier. Keep your speed up, because the next jump
below is coming right up.


This stunt is right after the one written above. Use the ramp at the end of
the pier you land on to get to the last section of the pier.

Don't let down your acceleration from the last jump, or you won't be able to
get enough speed to make it over the water. There's a ramp on the east end
of this pier to let you get back to shore after you've made it over this

NOTE: After this jump, stay on the rooftops you land on for Unique Stunt 7.

Come into Ocean Beach via the bridge from Viceport. Make a right turn at
the first intersection. Turn left at the next intersection, then turn left
again at the end of this street. Look on the right side of the road for a
parking garage's spiral ramps. Use the ramps to get to the parking lot on
top of Washington Mall. Go onto the left side of the parking lot, and turn
around. You should see a shotgun pickup. The ramp to the right of the
shotgun is the one you need to hit.

Go to the opposite end of the lot, and accelerate hard over the ramp to jump
to the building across the street from the mall.


(Contributed by: Arwin Jewell)
After Unique Stunt 6, you should be near some wooden stairs. Jump over the
wooden stairs onto the roof of a building with three ramps. You want to use
the ramp on the northeastern corner of the building.

Accelerate across the roof towards that ramp, and use the jump to get up to
the roof across the street for credit.

NOTE: For Unique Stunts 8-12, keep in mind that the first intersection that
you pass by isn't another street. It's an alley. Since the game map counts
the alley as a street though, I'm counting it too.

Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Make a left turn and follow the beachfront
road north. At the first intersection, make a left turn. Look on the left
side of the road for an alley. The ramp is there. It's a small stack of
wooden pallets.

This jump will probably require a motorbike. Go to the south end of the
alley the ramp is on. Go down the alley a few times to get a feel for its
twists and turns. When you're ready, accelerate hard down the alley. When
you get to the jump, pull back on the stick to get some more height. You
need to land on the rooftop on the left side of the alley across the street.


Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Make a left turn and follow the beachfront
road north. At the second intersection, make a left turn. Look on the
right side of the road for an alley. The ramp is there. It's a small stack
of wooden pallets.

This jump will probably require a motorbike. Go to the north end of the
alley the ramp is on, where the alley is intersected by a street. Go down
the alley a few times to get a feel for its twists and turns. When you're
ready, accelerate hard down the alley. When you get to the jump, pull back
on the stick to get some more height. You need to land on the rooftop on
the right side of the alley across the street.


Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Make a left turn and follow the beachfront
road north. At the third intersection, make a left turn. Look on the right
side of the road for an alley. The ramp is there. It's a set of wooden
stairs on the left side of the alley.

This jump will probably require a motorbike. Go to the north end of the
alley the ramp is on, where the alley is intersected by a street. Go down
the alley a few times to get a feel for its twists and turns. When you're
ready, accelerate hard down the alley. When you get to the jump, pull back
on the stick to get some more height. You need to land on the rooftop on
the right side of the alley across the street.

Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Make a left turn and follow the beachfront
road north. At the fourth intersection, make a left turn. Look on the
right side of the road for a set of wooden stairs pointing towards the
police station. That's the ramp.

This jump will probably require a motorbike. Go to the park to the east,
and get against the guardrail next to the beach. Accelerate across the
grass towards the stairs, and go over the jump. If you land on the grass
next to the police station, you should get credit for the jump.


Start at the Ocean View Hotel. Make a left turn and follow the beachfront
road north. At the fourth intersection, make a left turn. Look on the
right side of the road for an alley. The ramp is there. It's a set of
wooden stairs on the left side of the alley.

This jump will probably require a motorbike. Go to the north end of the
alley the ramp is on, where the alley is intersected by a street. Go down
the alley a few times to get a feel for its twists and turns. When you're
ready, accelerate hard down the alley. When you get to the jump, pull back
on the stick to get some more height. You need to land on the rooftop on
the right side of the alley across the street.


Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Follow the
road until it ends at a T-junction. Make a left turn here. When you get to
an intersection where five roads come together, go straight, towards the
Malibu Club. The jump will be on your left after you pass through the
intesection. It's a concrete block with an angled side for the ramp.

Go north towards the Malibu Club. Stay in the grass on the left side of the
road. Accelerate over this grass towards the jump. You have to leap all
the ay over the bridge you're jumping over to get credit for the jump. Try
not to hit a lamp post, or you won't get credited.


Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Follow this
road until it ends at a T-junction. Make a right turn here. At the next
intersection you come to, the jump will be on your right. It's a concrete
block with an angled side for the ramp.

Go to the end of the street facing the jump, and accelerate hard to jump
over the canal past the jump. Land on the opposite side of the canal to get
credit for the jump.


Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Follow the
road until it ends at a T-junction. Make a left turn here. When you get to
an intersection where five roads come together, the jump will be on your
right. It's a pile of boards stacked on top of a crate.

Head north down the street and start accelerating towards the jump from the
Malibu Club. Cut across the grass on the left side of the road so you can
keep a straight course for the ramp. Land on the rooftop above the ramp to
get credit for the jump.


Come into Washington Beach via the bridge from Starfish Island. Go through
the first intersection. At the second intersection, turn right. On your
left right after the turn will be the ramp. It's a pile of sand next to a
hole in a fence.

Start at the bridge to Starfish Island when you're ready to make the jump.
Accelerate down the street. At the second intersection, make a quick right
turn to make the jump. Cross over the canal to get credit for the jump. If
you hit the concrete block on the other side of the river though, you might
not get credit for the jump.

Start at your Ocean View hotel and drive north down the beachfront street.
Go around the corner you come to, and turn right at the intersection. Drive
until you get to the Malibu Club on the left side of the road. The ramp
should be nearby, on the left side of the road right before the club. It's
a concrete block with one slanted end as the ramp.

There's a hole in the fence across the S-curve from the jump. Accelerate
from this lot to the jump. Land on the other side of the canal to get
credit for the jump.


(Contributed by: VC Freak)
Get a fast bike before doing this jump. Come into Washington Beach via the
bridge from Starfish Island. Make a left turn at the first intersection and
head north into Vice Point. Look on the right side of the road for a wooden
fence. Drive through the opening into the construction site where Avery
gives out his missions. Use the ramps in the construction building to reach
the fourth floor. This is where the floor is only a wooden catwalk. There
should be a long red beam aimed to the north. That's the jump you're after.

Drive all the way down this long red beam. You must land across the street
from the construction site to get credit for the jump.

Come into Prawn Island via the bridge from Vice Point. Turn left at the
first intersection. Use the ramp on the right side of the road to get onto
the rooftops. Next, use another ramp to get onto a higher rooftop. The
ramp you're looking for is on your right, facing the Film Studio.

Get at the edge of the roof opposite the ramp and accelerate towards it.
You have to land inside the Film Studio's lot to get credit for the jump.

(Contributed by: Sephiroth _)
Get a fast bike before doing this jump. Come into Starfish Island via the
bridge from Washington Beach. Make a right at the first intersection. When
you get to an intersection on this road, look on the right side of the
street for an alley. Go into this alley. When you get to the end of the
alley where it's facing the water, look on your right for a small gate. The
ramp is in this area. It's the front stairs of the yellow mansion in this

There should be a gate on the opposite side of the yard from the stairs.
This gate lets into another area of the yard. Line yourself up with the
gate and the stairs, and then accelerate. Zoom through the gate, then hit
the stairs to go over the hedges. Land in the next yard to get credit for
the jump.

Come into Downtown via the bridge from Prawn Island. At the first
intersection, make a left turn. On the left side of the road right after
you turn is the ramp. It's a large set of stairs aimed towards Ammu-Nation.

Get far down the street with a motorbike and accelerate hard. If you have
enough room, you should be able to jump on the roof of Ammu-Nation. You
need to get on the roof to get the credit for the jump.

NOTE: The next three jumps you should get during the G-SPOTLIGHT mission
which is given out by the Film Studio. You won't be able to do the first
jump until you complete that mission, and the other two will be quite hard
to do as well. Refer to my walkthrough on that level to find these jumps.

The way I got up to the roofs without the elevator is by jumping just right
south off of the southwest end of Hyman Condo (do a wheelie with a bike to
get over the rail, and I always fly off, but the bike lands after me). Then
you're on the buildings, and can start jumping the ramps. I don't think you
can make it up to the sky lobby though. So, you keep jumping, over to the
unique stunts that you need to do.

Contributed by: j c

Follow the walkthrough of G-SPOTLIGHT up until you're about to take the
first jump. It's jumping from an office building's room to the sky lobby of
the next building over.

Start at the end of the office corridor that goes between the cubicles, and
go full blast through the window. Land in the sky lobby across the way to
get credit for the jump. The farther you jump, the better chance you have
of getting credit.


Follow the walkthrough of G-SPOTLIGHT up until you're getting ready to jump
from the hospital's roof. It's the ramp on the northwestern corner of the

Accelerate hard across the roof to this jump, and land on the eletronics
shops across the road to get credit for the jump. The farther you jump, the
better chance you have of getting credit.


Follow the walkthrough of G-SPOTLIGHT up until you're to the very last jump
where you go over the bridge to Prawn Island.

Accelerate hard across the roof to this jump, and land on the eletronics
shops across the road to get credit for the jump. The farther you jump, the
better chance you have of getting credit.

Start at the Viceport end of the southernmost bridge in the city. Make a
left at the intersection and drive until you get to the first intersection
where you can turn right. Turn right onto this road and drive straight when
you come to the next intersection.

You should see a large sign over the road showing directions to all places
in the airport. The sign says to turn left for the cargo terminal, so do
that at the next intersection. This road ends at the front of the cargo
building. Just to the right is a gate. Drive through it and head southwest
to where two runways intersect on your map. You should see a radar building
here. The small yellow sign to the north of the radar building is actually
the ramp.

Accelerate southwest towards this ramp, but don't hit this ramp straight on.
You need to hit it so you fly over the right side of the building and not
into the radar dish. If you manage to get over the building without
touching it, you'll get credit for the jump.


Start at the Viceport end of the southernmost bridge in the city. Make a
left at the intersection and drive until you get to the first intersection
where you can turn right. Turn right onto this road and drive straight when
you come to the next intersection.

You should see a large sign over the road showing directions to all places
in the airport. The sign says to turn left for the cargo terminal, so do
that at the next intersection. This road ends at the front of the cargo
building. Just to the right is a gate. Drive through it and head southwest
to where two runways intersect on your map. You should see a radar building
here. The boarding stair ramp to the southwest of the radar building is the
ramp you want to hit.

Accelerate northeast towards this ramp. Fly over the front of the radar
building to get credit for the jump.


Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the western bording bridge
next to the terminal. The ramp you need to go over is the eastern stairs
ramp facing the boarding bridge.

Approach this ramp by driving east and use it to jump over the boarding
bridge. If you land on top of the bridge, the game will probably give you
credit for the jump. You'll definitely be credited for the jump if you get
all the way over.


Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the western bording bridge
next to the terminal. The ramp you need to go over is the western stair
ramp facing the boarding bridge.

Approach this ramp by driving west and use it to jump over the boarding
bridge. If you land on top of the bridge, the game will probably give you
credit for the jump. You'll definitely be credited for the jump if you get
all the way over.


Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Ocean Beach. Turn left onto
the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Turn onto the airfield through the gate on
the left that's just before the terminal. Go to the eastern bording bridge
next to the terminal. The ramp you need to go over is the western stair
ramp facing the boarding bridge.

Approach this ramp by driving west and use it to jump over the boarding
bridge. If you land on top of the bridge, the game will probably give you
credit for the jump. You'll definitely be credited for the jump if you get
all the way over.


Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Oceaan Beach. Turn left
onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Before you get there, turn through the gate
on the left. If you drive south from the gate, you should come to a runway.
At the northeastern end of the runway there are two ramps. The ramp
that's taller is the ramp you want to go over.

Accelerate down the runway and go over the ramp. If you land on the street
outside the airfield, you'll get credit for the jump.


Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Oceaan Beach. Turn left
onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see the
passenger terminal on the left. Before you get there, turn through the gate
on the left. If you follow the left fence, you should come to a boarding
stairs ramp aimed towards a building across the street. This is the ramp
you want to jump over.

Make sure you've got plenty of running room to get speed, because you have
to land on the roof of the building you see across the road.


Start at the bridge in Viceport that comes from Oceaan Beach. Turn left
onto the highway, and turn right at the intersection. Follow this road into
Escobar International. Keep driving down the road and you should see a
"Vice Surf" sign on the right side of the road. This sign is the ramp. You
need to jump off it so you land on the roof of the passenger terminal.

Near the ramp's entrance point, there's a gate that lets you into a section
of the airfield. Accelerate from the airfield, go through the gate, and up
across the "Vice Surf" sign to jump to the roof of the passenger terminal.
You need to get on top of the terminal to get credit for the jump.

Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. After you get off
the bridge, drive to the road to the left of the road you're on by cutting
over the grass. Turn right at the first intersection you come to. The ramp
you're after is in an alley on the right just after you make the turn onto
this road.

There's a long stretch of running room behind the ramp, so drive to the end
of the alley and accelerate hard to the ramp. You should get credit for the
jump if you leap a house or two.


Come into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. After you get off
the bridge, drive to the road to the left of the road you're on by cutting
over the grass. At the second intersection, look on the left side of the
road for a ramp of boards. That's the ramp you're after.

Go down the street to the west, and accelerate down the sidewalk towards the
ramp. Cross the street and go between the houses to hit the ramp. If you
manage to get all the way over the canal and hit the Pay 'N' Spray, you
should get credit for the jump.


Drive into Little Haiti via the bridge from Leaf Links. Jump off the bridge
onto the highway below. Turn left at the second intersection you come to.
Drive through the intersection you come to on this street, and then look on
the left side of the road for an alley. You should see some cargo
containers at the end of this alley with boards stacked on top of them.
This is the ramp you're after.

Use the small area across the street to get some speed, and zoom down the
alley. Use the ramp to jump on top of a store past the ramp. If you at
least get to the billboard on top of the store, you'll get credit.

(Contributed by: Armin Jewell)
You should get a bike before you try this stunt. Come into Little Havana
via the bridge from Starfish Island. Make a left turn onto the highway.
Turn right at the first intersection. Turn right again at the next
intersection. Turn left at the next intersection. Calle 8 Cafeteria will
be on your right. The jump is on top of this building.

To get up there, make a right turn at the next intersection. Follow this
road until you see a building on the right that's yellow and has "PARKING"
written on it. Make a right turn into the alley just before you get to that
building, then make another right after you pass the wall on your right.
You should see a ramp leading up to the roof. Go across this roof, and use
another ramp to get up to the higher roof. The ramp on Calle 8 is right
below you.

You should go back to the last roof, and start at the far end of it to get
the most speed. Accelerate across the roof and jump to the higher roof. Go
over the gap before Calle 8, and then hit the Calle 8 ramp to get across the
street. Land on the roof over there to get credit.


13: Weapons FAQ

There's two types of fists you can use in hand to hand combat. Neither is
terribly useful, but they're good if you want to watch Tommy do some karate.
One good benefit is that fist fights don't attract much attention from the

FIST - The weakest attack in the whole game. Only use it if you're
COMPLETELY out of ammo, or if you want to avoid police attention.

BRASS KNUCKLES - Getting the Brass Knuckles gives your punching power quite
an upgrade. You can knock people flat with one punch when you get this

Unlike GTA3, there are a lot more melee weapons to use this time around.
They may not be as useful as firearms, but they can be fun for taking out
random pedestrians, or a cop that's unfortunate enough to get within arms

SCREWDRIVER - It's not bad for its price. Sometimes you can stab people and
kill them in one hit with it. It's super cheap to buy at any tool store.

HAMMER - One edge this weapon has on the screwdriver is that it takes longer
for people to recover being hit by the hammer. This will give you time to
hit them again. You can also hammer people on the ground.

MEAT CLEAVER - I don't really like this melee weapon. You can slash people
up a lot, but it doesn't kill them quickly enough.

KNIFE - Like the screwdriver, you can stab people with this for instant
kills. It also takes much fewer slashes to kill than the meat cleaver.
However, it attracts quite a bit of police attention.

BASEBALL BAT - Your favorite blunt object from GTA3 returns. You can knock
people off their feet easily and then smack them on the ground.

NIGHTSTICK - It's kind of like a baseball bat, but it's more powerful.

MACHETE - It's like the knife, except it has a longer reach.

GOLF CLUB - "Fore!" You can knock people around a lot with this since it's
got a fairly long reach.

CHAINSAW - This is a car vandal's best friend! You can tear up cars really
fast with this piece of hardware. It's really fun to stand next to a lane
of traffic and chop up the cars as they pass. However, you move slowly with
it, so it's kind of hard to keep up with people you want to maim with it.
However, when you do catch somebody you can kill them almost instantly.
You'll also arouse a lot of police attention just by revving it up.

KATANA - Tommy's no Samanosuke, but this is one of the best melee weapon for
killing people with. One swipe with it can cut a person's head right off.
However, using this weapon attracts quite a lot of police attention.

These are explosives that are thrown. They're not as destructive or as easy
to use as the heavy weapons further down the list, but they can be handy if
you want to get rid of somebody on the other side of a wall. The longer you
hold the CIRCLE button, the further you'll throw the grenade.

GRENADES - These are your basic grenades. Simply pull the pin and throw.
Just be careful when using them in enclosed spaces, or the grenade might
bounce back and hit you.

TEAR GAS - This grenade causes a large cloud of tear gas to appear when it
goes off. It doesn't harm vehicles, so it can be useful for subduing people
when you need to keep cars intact. If you get in the cloud, your health
will gradually whittle down, so stay out of it.

MOLOTOV COCKTAILS - This bottle full of gasoline causes a big blaze to
appear wherever it lands. People will be burned up, but cars won't take a
lot of damage. This weapon is deadly if it accidentally bounces back your
way, because you'll catch on fire and lose a lot of health. However, one
edge it has on the other grenades is that it can blow up tanks much more

DETONATOR GRENADES - This is the same as a regular grenade, only now you
toss it, and then press the button on a detonator to make the grenade

Pistols are the basis of projectile weaponry, at least as long as you have
the basic Handgun. Your pistol power will get a significant upgrade once
you get the Python.

HANDGUN - This will probably be the first firearm you lay your hands on.
Lots of different characters carry around this weapon, so you can accumulate
ammo for it very quickly. It's okay for the first part of the game, but
it's not going to do you a whole lot of good once you get into later
missions. At least it's accurate over long distances and you can run while

COLT PYTHON - This is one of my favorite Resident Evil weapons. It's also
one of my favorite GTAVC weapons! You can kill just about anybody with only
one bullet from this gun. Not only that, but it's accurate over long
distances. This an excellent weapon for shootouts with small groups of
enemies. Unfortunately, there's a good-sized time lag between shots, and it
only has a six round magazine. The Python also uses different ammunition
from the Handgun, so you'll have to go looking for its special bullets.

I prefer these for zombie hunting, but they're good for quick close range
kills. If you shoot somebody with a shotgun, they'll be knocked off their
feet. You can then blast them on the ground until they die.

CHROME SHOTGUN - This gun is quite powerful for such a weapon that you
receive early in the game. A relatively long time lag between shots hurts
its usefulness though.

STUBBY SHOTGUN - This shotgun is more powerful than the CHROME SHOTGUN.
However, you have to be at close range to your target for it to do a lot of
damage. You also can't lock onto enemies unless they're relatively close.

SPAZ SHOTGUN - You won't get hold of one of these till you access western
Vice City (not counting rampages). It shoots very fast, but it also has to
reload every seven shells. However, anything that's in your way will
probably be obliterated before you need to reload.

These are the weapons you use for drive-by shootings in cars. You can fling
lead everywhere with these guns in a very short amount of time, but each
individual bullet isn't very strong.

TEC-9 - I don't really like this because it's got a lot of recoil and you
can't target enemies from very far away. The bullets are fairly powerful
though. It's best used at close range. You don't have to reload as often
too, because it has a 50-round magazine. You can also fire while moving

INGRAM - Your only weapon for drive-by shootings in GTA3 returns. You can
still fire on the run with it, which is a pretty big plus. However, this
gun's not very accurate, and the bullets are fairly weak.

UZI 9MM - This is like an upgraded version of the INGRAM. The bullets it
fires are quite powerful. Unfortunately, you have to stand still while
you're firing this gun.

MP5 - This is the most powerful of the machine guns, but it's also the
hardest to come by. You either have to purchase one at the Downtown
Ammu-Nation for $3,000, or steal one from an FBI agent or a soldier.
However, once you do get one, you'll be able to kill just about everybody
easily. This gun is quite powerful, and it's accurate over long distances

These are like machine guns, except you can't shoot them from cars, and they
have manual targeting instead of auto-aim. They're great for blowing up
cars, and decent for sniping if your target is close enough. Just make sure
you duck down with L3 for greater accuracy.

RUGER - This weapon is kind of like a toned down version of the M4. Its
fire rate isn't as fast, and it's more inaccurate. However, it's an decent
weapon for making manually targeted shots. It's also a lot cheaper than the
M4 at Ammu-Nation.

M4 - This weapon improves upon the Ruger in almost every category. Greater
accuracy, greater fire rate, etc. The one downside is that it's harder to
come by, because it costs a lot more and you don't find it as much in the

These are the ultimate long distance killers. You can easily snipe people
in their vehicles with these. They're also great for shooting the pilots
flying those police helicopters.

SNIPER RIFLE - This weapon is perfect for picking off targets at long range.
You have to reload after every shot, but as long as you only use it from a
distance, that shouldn't be a problem.

PSG1 - Solid Snake's long distance killer of choice. It's a lot like the
sniper rifle. This gun though has a laser scope and a seven-round clip,
meaning it doesn't have to reload after every shot.

I'm guessing these are the weapons that were too different to fit into any
other categories. You'll move slowly when carrying most of these weapons
(hence the word "heavy") so be careful with them.

M60 - think of this as a really powerful rifle. It has manual targeting and
it can blow up cars in a hurry. It even has a 100-round magazine! The only
bad part is that it's hard to come by.

FLAME-THROWER - this weapon can be fun to use, since you can go around
barbecuing people. It's not terribly useful though, since you have to be at
close range for it to hit anybody. It's better for just playing around with
rather than for serious killing. Don't let the people you burn touch you,
or you'll catch on fire too! An edge it does have on the other heavy
weapons is that the flames can penetrate walls. It can also blow up tanks
much more quickly than the other weapons.

MINIGUN - Can you say...Terminator 2? You can do exactly what Arnie did in
that movie by tearing up cars with it. It flings lead around like a
hailstorm. However, despite the incredible power of this weapon, it's very
unwieldy. You can't target manually OR auto-aim with this gun. All you can
do is point it in the general direction of your target and hope you hit it.
Also, you can't run when you have this gun equipped. You also have to stand
completely still while you are firing. Like the flame-thrower, this is more
of a gun to just play around with rather than to seriously use for killing.

ROCKET LAUNCHER - Fsssh.....BOOM! In my opinion this is the most useful of
the heavy weapons. You can destroy any vehicle with one shot, except for
the Rhino and the Hunter. This is also a really great weapon for killing
off crowds of enemies. Fire a rocket in the middle of them and they'll all
be dead when the smoke clears. Just don't use it at close range or you'll
get blown up yourself. Also, beware the long time lag between shots.


14: Cheat Codes

Go here for cheat codes:

Be careful though! Some of them are permanent if you've saved! I'm going
to get some more detailed information on the effects codes have on your game


15: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I buy businesses?

A: After you beat the mission SHAKEDOWN, you'll be able to buy all the
businesses you see on the map.


Q: How come I'm not getting any cell-phone calls when your guide says I'm
supposed to?

A: You must have saved at the Ice Cream Factory. Saving there causes a bug
that won't let you get any more calls. This can make the game impossible to
complete, since you need to get called on your phone to trigger a few


Q: How do I get to play the final two missions, CAP THE COLLECTOR and KEEP

A: Buy the Print Works, beat that business's missions, and get 60% game


Q: How do I unglitch my file if I've already saved with a glitch on it?

A: You can't. The only way out is to start a new file.


Q: When are you going to update your guide again?

A: When I get a lot of new and noteworthy information.


16: Miscellaneous

If it doesn't belong anywhere else in the guide or if it's too small to have
its own section, it's here.


This one's kind of obvious, but I'll put it anyway. Kill people on the
street and take their money. The amount is always random. Sometimes you
get nothing, other times the person will drop over a dozen bundles of cash.

Sometimes if you pull a stunt, you'll get a little money. The stunts that
give you money are:

- jumping vehicles over long distances
- riding your car on two wheels
- pulling wheelies and stoppies on motorcycles

The longer you can keep these stunts going, the more money you get.

Run over parking meters and they'll drop some cash.

Get inside a Coach parked at a bus stop. Now, keep the bus at the bus stop.
Every time somebody gets on, you'll get $5. You could also drive it to
other bus stops marked by the bus stop sign.

Notice that the police sometimes chase other criminals besides yourself. If
you punch the criminal the policeman is chasing, you'll earn $50. Just make
sure you don't use a gun or a bladed weapon to kill the criminal or you'll
get a wanted level.

Source: GTAVC messageboard


This is a list of all the rare cars you can get in the game. These cars
only appear in one or two missions a game, and then never again. Since
they're so rare, I'm making a list of them. Note that special cars like the
Zebra Cab, White Infernus, etc. aren't on here. That's because they have
respawn points. If the vehicle has a respawn point, then it's not
considered rare enough to be on this list.

Check Out at the Check In, Loose Ends

This car is tricky to catch since the vehicles have locked doors and you
can't shoot the drivers. You somehow have to get one of those Admirals to
drive inside one of your safehouse garages, and then close the door on them.
My favorite way is to have purchased Hyman Condo, and then empty out one
of my two-car garages. After you get the case from the man you killed,
drive to Hyman Condo instead of Ammu-Nation.

Now, wait around here for one of the black Admirals to show up, and then run
inside one of your garages. Hopefully, the Admiral will chase you inside
the garage. After the Admiral is in, quickly run out and let the door slam
on the car. Complete the mission as usual, and the guys inside the cars
will vanish. If the car was completely inside the garage, the doors will be
unlocked and you now have a special black Admiral. If not, push the car in
until the door closes over the car completely.

None of the black Admirals behind the ice cream factory are unlocked.
You'll probably have to wait until the mission is over, since the front gate
won't open wide enough to let a car out until the mission is over. You just
have to hope the cars stay where they are and don't vanish. There's also
the choice of driving them out over the roof, but it's quite hard to do.

Leave a door on the vehicle open during the mission so it won't vanish.
Bring two Packers to the Ice Cream Factory, and use one Packer to get the
other packer inside the lot where the vehicle is. Drive the vehicle out
over the Packer's ramp.

Contributed by: THAguyINgta3


When you get to the part where you kill Marcus Hammond and Franco Carter in
the Bobcat, snipe them through the windshield of the car. Target the driver
first, because he'll drive away in the truck if you don't kill him. Take
the Bobcat to one of your garages afterwards.

Loose Ends

The black Pony behind the ice cream factory is unlocked. Be careful you
don't accidentally blow it up during the first part of the gunfight. You'll
probably have to wait until the mission is over, since the front gate won't
open wide enough to let a car out until the mission is over. You just have
to hope the car stays where it is and doesn't vanish. There's also the
choice of driving it out over the roof, but it's quite hard to do.

Leave a door on the vehicle open during the mission so it won't vanish.
Bring two Packers to the Ice Cream Factory, and use one Packer to get the
other packer inside the lot where the vehicle is. Drive the vehicle out
over the Packer's ramp.

Contributed by: THAguyINgta3

Trial By Dirt

I wouldn't really count this as a rare car, since you can get it any time
you like by repeating this mission. However, I'm sure I'll get bugged about
this vehicle if I don't post it, so I'm putting it up. During the race,
you'll be attacked by Haitians riding black Sanchezs. Kill one of them and
take his bike. You can finish the race on that bike before you take it to a

Hit The Courier

The courier's black Sentinel in this mission is locked. To get it from the
courier, try forcing her car into a corner. Once she's stuck, use a rifle
or something to shoot her through the windows. The door will open and her
body will fall out. You can now take the car to one of your garages.

Two Bit Hit

This car will be parked at the funeral parlor when you get ready to kill the
Haitian gang lord. Steal this car from the Haitian driving it and take the
car to one of your garages. Don't worry about losing the Haitian gang lord
while he escapes, because his hearse will just drive around until you kill

All Hands On Deck!

When the mission starts out, kill all the people on the boat except Cortez
(I did this to buy me time although I'm not sure if it really does). Jump
down to the back of the boat and then on to the Speeder as it passes by.
Kill the guy on the boat and then drive it back to the dock. Go to the black
Washington and get ready to push it to your Ocean Heights Apartment. To push
it, make sure you position yourself in the center of the front of the
vehicle and then run forward (infinite run helps a lot on this mission).

When you get to the intersection before the street that your hideout is on,
it gets tough to push it. Try to avoid this intersection as much as
possible. Make sure that the Washington doesn't explode because if it does,
it will disappear when you push it close to your garage. There is a time
limit so push it into your garage quickly. You will appear on the ship
automatically for the second part of the mission, and that could keep you
from pushing it to the garage. After the mission, go back to your garage and
the black washington should still be there.

Contributed by: Rusty Zufall

Martha's Mug Shot

Shoot the driver of the Stretch through the window before Candy gets inside
it. Kill Candy, and then take the car to one of your garages.


Take the PCJ 600 parked near the weapons cache at the start of the mission
one of your garages.

An Old Friend

This Admiral is the one Ken Rosenburg drives during the opening. It will be
parked next to you once you first gain control after the introduction. It
will be difficult to keep this white Admiral since you don't have a
safehouse with a garage yet. Try getting a gun and holding up some stores
to get the money to buy a safehouse. Don't sweat it if you lose it though,
because you'll get another chance at a white Admiral later. Not only that,
but the Admiral you get later is everything-proof!

Gun Runner

Steal one of the white Waltons one of the Mexicans are transporting the
weapons in. If you blow it up in one of your safehouse garages you can
still complete the mission and keep the truck at the same time.

Psycho Killer, Publicity Tour

Just drive the limo to one of your garages after you complete either

Two Bit Hit

There will be two of these cars parked at the funeral parlor when you get
ready to kill the Haitian gang lord. Steal one of them and take the car to
one of your garages. Don't worry about losing the Haitian gang lord while
he escapes, because his hearse will just drive around until you kill him.

Jury Fury, Riot

After you beat on the man who tries to flee in his Admiral, he'll crash into
a Spand Express truck. Take the truck to one of your garages.

After you get the security guards to open the front gates of the Spand
Express building, steal one of the Spand Express trucks and take it to a
garage. Blow it up in there to complete the mission and keep the truck at
the same time.


The good ole' lightless Taxi bug from GTA3 makes a return appearance in
GTAVC. The lightless taxi looks like your average taxi, apart from the fact
it has no light on the top. There is absolutely nothing else on it that
makes this car special. The lightless Taxi is difficult to find, because
it's a graphical glitch. I found one of these while it was driving around
in front of the passenger terminal at Escobar International. My advice on
finding it is to check the roof of every taxi you see. Drive your own taxi
to encourage more taxis to spawn too. I've also heard they tend to appear
more often right after you've loaded your game.

Guardian Angels

Diaz's white Admiral in this mission is an indestructible vehicle. It
doesn't take physical damage when you run it into things, it's bulletproof,
and explosions do also not damage it. To get it, simply kill Diaz or Lance
when you arrive at the deal location instead of going to play sniper. Make
sure you've got a safehouse garage reserved for this sweet baby!

You don't have to fail "Guardian Angels" to get the Bulletproof White
Admiral. After you complete the mission, just run out on the street and it
will be parked at the intersection.

Contributed by: Rusty Zufall


Finish the race with Hilary close to you. After the race is over, Hilary
will vanish from his car and the car will stop. The doors are locked, so
you'll have to push it to one of your hideouts to unlock it.

I've discovered another way that can make getting the car back much easier.
Only do this if you're a skilled sniper. Stand next to the Well-stacked
Pizza restaurant to the north and face the bridge nearby. Set up a
barricade of cars at the bridge. On the left side of the road there will be
Gonzales's apartment building. When the timer gets close to 2:00, run
behind the apartment building and get the Adrenaline Pill there. Come back
and equip a rifle (my preferred one is a PSG1).

When Hilary comes, try to snipe him through his windshield. His body might
fall out of the car, which will open the door. Drive it to your hideout but
don't close the door on the way there, otherwise the car will be locked.
Even if you do miss here, you could still do it the old fashioned way of
ramming the car back to a safehouse.

Source: GTAVC messageboard

Car Showroom street races

To get them just do a drive-by on the racing cars after the race and the
person should get out. Make sure you don't close the door if you get out of
it because the doors will lock. Take it back to your garage to make the
doors unlock.

Guardian Angels

After the mission has ended, simply take one of the Voodoos or the Cuban
Hermes that appeared during the mission. However, once you save it in a
garage, it won't have pop-proof tires anymore.

Contributed by: Rusty Zufall

There are a handful of vehicles in this game that you'll get free stuff from
if you get inside them. However, you only get the free item once per
vehicle. So, for example, don't try getting in and out of the ambulance
over and over to get more health.

- 20 health. You can only go up to your normal maximum health though. For
example, if you got 125 health from a hooker and your maximum health is 100,
you'll go down to 100 when you get in an ambulance.

- Golf Club if you don't have a melee weapon.

- maximum armor.

- five shotgun shells, and a Chrome Shotgun if you don't have a shotgun.

Rockstar's official GTAVC website. 'Nuff said.

This is Kent Paul's 80's Nostalgia Zone. Check out what Kent Paul remembers
from when he was still living in the 80's in Vice City.

Ever wanted to play the Degenatron that keeps getting advertised on the
radio in this game? Well, now you can! Go to this website, and you'll get
to play Degenatron for real! My favorite game is Penetrator. Shooting
those green dots with my red square cannon is pretty fun!


Just like in GTA3, if you input the flying cars code, you can fly the Rhino
tank infinitely. Input the code (go to the link in the Cheat Codes section
to get it), and then find a Rhino and a long straight stretch for a runway.
Rotate the cannon behind you and rapidly tap CIRCLE to fire you cannon.
Once you get enough speed, pull back on the stick to rise into the air.
Now, as long as you keep hitting CIRCLE, you can stay in the air and fly.
Use the D PAD or the LEFT STICK to steer the tank in the air. It's kind of
like flying the Skimmer. However, the tank has no maximum height it can
reach, unlike the regular flying vehicles. So, you can go as high as you
like for the most part.


17: Contributing Readers

This is where I will write down everybody who's ever contributed something
to this guide. If you want to get on the list, just send something in! As
long as it's not fake, you'll be on the list for the rest of the time this
document is around. So, I thank:

- kaanchtoofan for telling when the Hunter is unlocked at the Army Base.

- meboy for saying that saving at the Ice Cream Factory can glitch up your
game so it won't work properly.

- Rusty Zufall for numerous things about the rare cars.

- totokeke for a KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE walkthrough.

- Chris _ for a MARTHA'S MUG SHOT walkthrough.

- Bryon Palmer for a MESSING WITH THE MAN walkthrough.

- J. J. Ward for a correction to the GOOD CITIZEN BONUS note.

- melon head for another way to trigger three stars.

- Finny Merrill for a few corrections, a COP LAND walkthrough, and telling
the Sea Sparrow has a machine gun.

- THAguyINgta3 for a way to get the black Admiral and black Pony out of the
lot in the LOOSE ENDS mission, and for the packages and the one rampage I
hadn't found.

- Matt for a KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE walkthrough.

- Chris Smith for a MESSING WITH THE MAN walkthrough.

- Jaime Tennant for a correction over wanted levels.

- Jeremy Brock for a correction on El Swanko Casa's price.

- Andrew for a THE FASTEST BOAT walkthrough.

- Andy for a way to fix the Hyman Condo disappearing car glitch.

- Ed for a TWO BIT HIT walkthrough.

- Yuri SEAL for a THE SHOOTIST walkthrough.

- What_would_Zakk_do for NAVAL ENGAGEMENT and TROJAN VOODOO walkthroughs.

- HaunterXZ2 for a MARTHA'S MUG SHOT walkthrough.

- Stephen Pratt for a SHAKEDOWN walkthrough.

- Thomas Stark for a TWO BIT HIT walkthrough.

- xDavidx for a correction to Hidden Package 15's walkthrough.

- Thomas Tate for a correction to the walkthrough for PCJ PLAYGROUND.

- Andrew Lindsey for a CANNON FODDER walkthrough.

- Ladas Vercetti for an ALLOY WHEELS OF STEEL walkthrough.

- GTAMasTeR for an addition to the Street Races strategy section.

- Brad Fyffe for confirming one of the jumps in my Unique Jumps list wasn't
a real one.

- VC Freak for a Unique Stunt.

- Sephiroth _ for a Unique Stunt.

- j c for an alternate way to reach the Downtown rooftops without the
G-SPOTLIGHT elevator.

18: Thanks...

- to everybody who gave me praise on my GTA3 guide.
- to everybody who motivated me to write this guide.
- to everyone on the Contributing Readers' list for contributing what they
- to all the sites for hosting this document, especially
- to Rockstar and Rockstar North for producing the GTA series.


19: Copyright

This document is the intellectual property of Nathan Norris. This document
is only for private use. You may save it to your hard drive, and print it
out without permission. What you may NOT do without permission is post it
on a website (for profitable or non-profitable reasons). This document may
not be sold or bought for any reason. It must be accessible free of charge
on any website it is displayed on. Only these sites have permission to use
my guides:

If you find this guide on some other site, and it is incomplete, go to before requesting help from me. is the
first place I send every piece of my work, so they are sure to have the most
up-to-date version of my guides.



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