Mechwarrior 4 - Mercenaries

Mechwarrior 4 - Mercenaries

16.10.2013 16:37:51
MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries Walkthrough
by Brian Au , ver 0.8666...... from 6/5/2003

Table of Contents
2-Walkthrough buildup history
3-MW4Mercs History and Mercenary Units Briefing
4-Weapons,Equipments Briefing
5-Mechs,Vehicles,Turrets,Buildings and Mobile Enemies Briefing
6-Suggestions on customizing a 'Mech
7-General Tactics

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This document is Copyright of Brian Au(Brian General),2003;unauthorized
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OK,I'll talk something about me.My name is Brian Au Man Hon,a 15-year-old
boy(or teenager?),living in Hong Kong.Why I wrote this Walkthrough?I played
MW4Mercs for some times,and I wanted to tell others about my tactics.Also,I
wanted to gain some good fame for Hong Kong.Yes,I am a HK cilivian.But this
document contains no SARS!Ha ha ha ha:-)

As I am a HK cilivian,so my grammar won't be as good as others in UK or US,or
other westerns.Please let me say sorry for it.

I play this game in Regular level.If you have any additional data for other
levels,or you have any comments about this Walkthrough are welcome.If you have
any,please mail to,you can find me frequently at
RuneScape(My username is BrianGeneral).BUT,don't send any mail or messages
about taking CD keys,talking about crimes or about all other illegal
things.(But military is welcome.Haha)

2-Walkthrough buildup history
6/5/2003:Finish typing up to part 4.That's good for me coz I have no time to do
much.(ver 0.333......)

7/5/2003:My school's Test day is coming,also for a personal reason,I have only
finished the part of energy weapon.(Slow,isn't it?)(0.333......)

8/5/2003:Tomorrow is my test day,also because a "little" accident,the work
becomes much slower......(All "Missile" modified work has been
deleted......)But then,I found the "missing" documents!Is there someone playing
me!?(version 0.366.......)

9/5/2003-11/5/2003:Finished MRMs' part.SRM......(sigh)(ver 0.366......)

12/5/2003:Finished part 4,but not time to finish part 5,so I starts part
6.Faster than I calculated.(ver 0.4)

13/5/2003:Finished part 6 and start to do some work on part 5(all light Mech
finished).I think I can post this in 1 or 2 months.(ver 0.6......)

14/5/2003:The time for finishing part 5 and 8 will be very long,so I finished
part 9 and 10 first.Finished Medium Mech's description.(ver 0.8)

15/5/2003:Finished the hell part 5 about all Mechs.(sigh)But some data is
having errors in my sources,I have to check them later....../_\(ver

17/5/2003:Finished to take information in MW4Mercs......

18/5/2003:I start to write about the campaign,nearly finished Eaton's
one.(Sigh)The additional data for Mechs and Weapons had been filled,I think it
will be finished soon!!(ver 0.8333......)

19/5/2003:Tests ended,so my work can be a bit more faster.Finished Eaton
Campaigns,and started to write Halloran part.Those "moving enemies" had been
finished......for Water part.(ver 0.8333......)

20/5/2003:Finished Halloran part,Ground units and Water units briefing.I think
I have to play more to get more information......(ver 0.9?)

21/5/2003:Today I haven't play MW4Mercs,so I only start to write about
Solaris(by memories......).(ver 0.8666......)

22/5/2003:Doing works like yesterday's......But I starts to write Styk
Campaign.(ver 0.8666......)

26/5/2003:Before today I am very busy on those homeworks and projects,so I have
no enough time to write this......(ver 0.8666......)
3-MW4Mercs History and Mercenary Units Briefing
The year is now 3066,and the political backdrop is the civil war between the
Federated Commonwealth and the Lyran Alliance.The strife began with Prince
Victor Davion's call to arms against his sister,Lyran Archon Katrina
Steiner,following the assassination of their brother Arthur.

In this struggle,talented MechWarriors like yourself are in hot demand.The MRBC
has just authorized your new company for mercenary work.The Big four----Wolf's
Dragoons,Northwind Highlanders,Kell Hounds and Grey Death Legion----one of you
will be your sponsors and help you to fight along the war.
(Picked and retyped from MechWarrior4:Mercenaries official Manual)

About the Mercernary Units,here is their rough data:

Wolf's Dragoons:
"Considered the definitive mercenary unit of the Inner Sphere, the Dragoons
origin lie in Clan Space. Since their arrival in 3005 they have time and again
proven themselves both deadly efficient and reliable. Commanders sponsored by
Wolf's Dragoons can expect to start with Clan level technology and have greater
access to purchasing more."
They start the game with Clan technology.Start with 4500000 C-Bills,with 2
Cougar,4 Flea and 2 Uller.They will always have 1 CLRM20,1 CSTRK4,1 CSTRK6 and
1 CLBX10 in their armoury.

Kell Hounds:
"The Kell Hounds are a top-rated mercenary unit that has grown to the size of a
small, but formidable, military nation unto itself. Once staunch supporters of
the Lyran Alliance throne, the Hounds have begun moving against the current
archon, Katrina Steiner. Commanders sponsored by the Kell Hounds can expect
better than average starting equipment and early access to Clan technology."
They have earlier access with Clan technology,but not as fast as Wolf's
Dragoons.Start with 5500000 C-Bills,with 1 Flea,1 Osiris and 2 Wolfhound.They
will always have 1 LRM20,1 SRM6,1 CSTRK4 and 1 AC10 in their armoury.

Northwind Highlanders:
"This unit's illustrious history dates back to early Terra. A mercenary unit
founded on the precepts of steadfast loyalty and honor, the Highlanders enjoy a
sterling reputation throughout the Inner Sphere. Commanders sponsored by the
Highlanders can expect a higher rate of pay than average for all missions they
They can have more paid for all payable missions than average paid.Start with
6500000 C-Bills,with 2 Chimera,2 Flea,2 Osiris and 2 Raven.They will always
have 1 LRM20,1 SRM6,1 SCTRK4 and 1 AC10 in their armoury.

Grey Death Legion:
"A regiment of great renown, the Gray Death Legion is undergoing substantial
rebuilding following its recent decimation on Hesperus II. Alexander Carlyle,
heir to the legion's founder, has authorized Daniel Brewster to head the
rebuilding. Commanders sponsored by the Gray Death Legion can expect more than
average starting money and early access to powerful 'Lostech' weapons."
They have some various Lost-tech weapons(IS's old-fashioned weapons).Start with
1 Flea,1 Hellspawn,1 Osiris,1 Owens and 1 Raven.They will always have 2 Lg
X-PLs,2 Med X-PLs,2 Sm X-PLs,1 LRM10,1 LRM20,2 CSMRM10,1 CSMRM20,1 SRM6 and 2
AC5 in their armoury.

4-Weapons,Equipments Briefing
There are 3 types of weapons in MW4Mercs(I didn't play other before,so I don't
know about them):Energy weapons(red in colour),Missiles(in green) and
Ballistics(in yellow).They can only mounted on a Mech if the same-coloured
weapon bay is exist.On some Mech,there are some white-coloured weapon bay.They
are known as Omni Rack which can mount any types of weapons on.Also,most of the
Mechs have their own equipments to help them to fight,but some mech can have
nothing(Like Argus,no equipment at all).All missiles and Ballistics always hold
a ton of ammos,depending on what the weapons are.All the costs of the weapons
are NOT FIXED in campaigns(their price are depending on the amount of that
weapon in Free Market),and their cost are counted in the unit of C-Bills.

Energy weapons:The official manual form Microsoft Game Studios said that it is
a firearm that emits a highly amplified beam of electromagnetic radiation(I
hate physics>_<). Actually,It is the only weapon which needs no ammo(but lots
of heat......If your Mech produces too much heat by all means it will
shutdown),so that is good for a Mech to arm some.Additionally,except X-Pulse
Lasers,all the energy weapons have Clan versions,for more damage,longer
range(so they are called as ER----Extended Range),lighter tonnage(Small PLs
isn't!),but more heat generates.How to choose,it's up to you.

Standard Lasers:I think it is a bit useless......coz it needs time to
recycle,and it can't fire rapidly,if a target is moving then you can hardly hit
them(even use zoom window on a Nightwind......this is a fact).But its less
weight and 1-shot damage is good(for grounded targets?),so I prefer to arm some
of them on your Mech for some tremendous damage(Clan Extended Range Lasers is
good to use,although producing more heat).

Large Lasers/ER Large Lasers:(LGLAS/CERLGL in short)
Heat generates:6(IS),9(Clan)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:6(IS),5(Clan)
Cost in game:438281(IS),492188(Clan)

Medium Lasers/ER Medium Lasers:(MDLAS/CERMDL in short)
Heat generates:1.5(IS),2.5(Clan)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:3(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:115556(IS),149920(Clan)

Small Lasers/ER Small Lasers:(SMLAS/CERSML in short)
Heat generates:0.85(IS),1.5(Clan)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:2(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:77160(IS),101120(Clan)

Pulse Lasers:There are two types of Pulse Lasers:Standard Pulse Lasers and
X-Pulse Lasers.When I starded to play MW4Mercs,I usually use Large X-Pulse
Lasers.But now,I would like to use Standards(after the calculation on
damage*recycle time,Standards are better).It is firing like a machine gun,only
the "ammos" are lasers.Actually,I think it is only:
Autocannon tech+Laser tech=Pulse Lasers.Simple,isn't it?

Standard Pulse Lasers:Although I would like to use standard Large PLs,but I
DON'T use the Large Pulse Laser from IS.Heavier,shorter range,lesser damage,so
in my campaigns(I plays 8 campaigns),CLGPLS(Clan Extended Range Large Pulse
Laser)will always out of stock.Med PLs and Sm PLs are also useful in
150-400m,so for my Fafnir,I would like to mount 2 Clan Med PLs or some Sm PLs
on it to have additional firepower in short range.

Large Pulse Lasers/ER Large Pulse Lasers:(LGPLS/CLGPLS in short)
Heat generates:5(IS),5.6(Clan)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:0.75(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:629200(IS),772333(Clan)

Medium Pulse Lasers/ER Medium Pulse Lasers(MDPLS/CMDPLS in short)
Heat generates:1.25(IS),1.35(Clan)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:0.5(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:186615(IS),219333(Clan)

Small Pulse Laser/ER Small Pulse Lasers(SMPLS/CSMPLS in short)
Heat generates:0.4(IS),0.6(Clan)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:0.25(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:122987(IS),155306(Clan)

X-Pulse Lasers:It is the only(?)weapon with no Clan versions,so it is the
private ownership of IS......Its damage is better than Standard PLs,but it is
the exchange for generating more heat and low recycle rate.The range of Lg
X-PLs is slightly smaller,also.However,the stats for Med X-PLs and Sm X-PLs is
better than Lg's,so I would like to use them more(the use on one of my Awesome
is very terrible......Awwwww)

Large X-Pulse Laser(LGXPLS in short)
Heat generates:7
Slot uses:2
Recycle time:1.75
Cost in game:545168

Medium Pulse Laser(MDXPLS in short)
Heat generates:2.6
Slot uses:1
Recycle time:0.75
Cost in game:312003

Small X-Pulse Laser(SMXPLS in short)
Heat generates:0.8
Slot uses:1
Recycle time:0.3
Cost in game:200686

Particle Projection Cannon(PPC in short) to explain about PPC isn't
difficult,because it is called as "Cannon"......PPC is the most powerful energy
weapon(But CERPPC is better than PPC),with longest range,most damage for
1-shot,and most heat produced(Is it a good property for a most powerful
weapon?).For a Mech,if it can mount 4(Like Black Knight,Sunder or Gladiator and
blablabla......),then it can destroy a light or even medium Mech in 1-shot
salvo(if hit on Center Torso).Its "projection"is fast enough to
hit-when-see,and the Mech being hit will have a short circult.But,like standard
lasers,it is very inaccruate......

Particle Projection Cannon/ER Particle Projection Cannon(PPC/ER PPC in short)
Heat generates:11(IS)/16(Clan)
Slot uses:3(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:6(IS),8(Clan)
Cost in game:356738(IS),653333(Clan)

Flamer:Flamer!?Yes.When I first played MW4Mercs,I like to use Flamers(All of
the Mech mounted Flamer still here).But now,I won't.Flamer is a good weapon on
1-on-1 combat,especially for enabling heat counters ,because it can increase
enemy's Mech temperature,forcing it shutting down.But in a water-containing
scene,it is useless.

Flamer/Clan Flamer(FLAMR/CFLAMR in short)
Heat generates:4(IS,Clan)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:4(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:14555(IS),29109(Clan)

Missile Weapons:They need ammo,of course.They are firearms launches a
self-propelled explosive projectile(I hate physics>_<).There are 7 main types
of missile weapons:Long-Range Missiles(LRM),Medium-Range
Missiles(MRM),Short-Range Missiles(SRM),Arrow IV Missiles(ARWs),Narc
Beacons(Narc),Flare Launcher(Is it a kind of missile at all?) and Aritillery
Beacon.Except Arrow IVs,Flare Launcher and Aritillery Beacon,all other missile
weapons have Clan version,but no ER this time......Not as powerful as
Ballistics,but still have there usage:mainly for long-range
sniping(1000m-1200m) or use in close combat(250m-400m).In campaigns,I would
like to use Clan LRMs,IS MRMs,Clan and IS SRMs,and mostly use ARWs.

Long-Range Missiles(LRM in short):Although called as Long-Range,its range is
only 1000m......cannot reach the range of 1200m.LRM is one kind of missile
which can lock-on targets,which can spend the missiles in an efficient way(How
to label "efficient way"?A Longbow can carries 6 CLRM20s,but it will soon out
of ammo!).But,if using a Narc beacon,LRMs will be redirected to the target
which a Narc beacon had been placed on,no need to lock-on.There are 4 types of
LRMs:LRM5,LRM10,LRM15 and LRM20.The higher the number which following LRM,more
damage will be produced,and more missile will be used in a salvo.1 ton LRM ammo
contains 240 missiles(but will be used up soon).

Heat generates:0.8(IS),1.2(Clan)
Missiles per ton:240(48 salvos)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:4(IS),6(Clan)
Cost in game:74078(IS),103704(Clan)

LRM10/Clan LRM10(CLRM10)
Heat generates:1.6(IS),2.4(Clan)
Missile per ton:240(24 salvos)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:4(IS),6(Clan)
Cost in game:148148(IS),237037(Clan)

LRM15/Clan LRM15(CLRM15)
Heat generates:2(IS),3(Clan)
Missile per ton:240(16 salvos)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:4(IS),6(Clan)
Cost in game:260000(IS),426667(Clan)

LRM20/Clan LRM20(CLRM20)
Heat generates:2.4(IS),3.6(Clan)
Missile per ton:240(12 salvos)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:4(IS),6(Clan)
Cost in game:344781(IS),579424(Clan)

Medium-Range Missiles(MRMs):For Missiles,MRMs are quite a big pain for enemies
within 400m.Their damage,even for MRM10,its damage is also terrible.However,in
exchange for their high damage,they use more missiles in a salvo.The Clan MRMs
are all Clan Streak Missiles(CSMs):they have self-guidence warhead,so they can
search targets by themselves,saving ammo.But their damage is lesser than the
IS' MRMs,so,for believing "damage over all",I seldom use CSMRMs(But tons of
CSMRMs are still destructive,like Kodiak.2 CSMRM40!).There are 4 types of
MRMs:MRM10,MRM20,MRM30 and MRM40.The higher the number which following MRM,more
damage will be produced,and more missile will be used in a salvo.1 ton MRM ammo
contains 240 missiles(but will be used up soon,really).MRMs are not
Narc-compatible but CSMRMs are.

MRM10/Clan MRM10(CSMRM10)
Heat generates:2.4(IS,Clan)
Missile per ton:240(24 salvos)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:5(IS),7(Clan)
Cost in game:69127(IS),124800(Clan)

MRM20/Clan MRM20(CSMRM20)
Heat generates:4.8(IS,Clan)
Missile per ton:240(12 salvos)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:5(IS),7(Clan)
Cost in game:172817(IS),312000(Clan)

MRM30/Clan MRM30(CSMRM30)
Heat generates:6(IS,Clan)
Missile per ton:240(8 salvos)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:5(IS),7(Clan)
Cost in game:291722(IS),525132(Clan)

MRM40/Clan MRM40(CSMRM40)
Heat generates:7.2(IS,Clan)
Missile per ton:240(6 salvos)
Slot uses:3(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:5(IS),7(Clan)
Cost in game:447785(IS),804571(Clan)

Short-Range Missiles(SRMs):A former Britain Admiral said:"Speed is strongest
defense."So,SRMs is a kind of speed weapon.Although range is shorter,damage is
lesser,its recycle speed is more lesser than other missiles.Comparing with LRMs
or MRMs,SRMs are more compatible with close combat.There are 3 types of
SRMs:SRM2,SRM4 and SRM6The higher the number which following SRM,more damage
will be produced,and more missile will be used in a salvo..The Clan SRMs are
all Clan Streak Missiles(CSSRMs,or CSTRKs):they have self-guidence warhead,so
they can search targets by themselves,saving ammo.Only CSTRKs are
Narc-compatible.So,for moving targets,even in short range,those IS' SRMs aren't
very useful.Each ton of ammo carries 120 missiles.

SRM2/Clan Streak SRM2(CSTRK2)
Heat generates:0.4(IS),0.6(Clan)
Missile per ton:120(60 salvos)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:2(IS),3(Clan)
Cost in game:53625(IS),87841(Clan)

SRM4/Clan Streak SRM4(CSTRK4)
Heat generates:0.6(IS),0.9(Clan)
Missile per ton:120(30 salvos)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:2(IS),3(Clan)
Cost in game:156000(IS),250000(Clan)

SRM6/Clan Streak SRM6(CSTRK6)
Heat generates:0.8(IS),1.2(Clan)
Missile per ton:120(20 salvos)
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:2(IS),3(Clan)
Cost in game:274219(IS),435059(Clan)

Arrow IV Missiles(ARWs):ARWs are another private ownership of IS.I think only
ARWs can be called as missiles:Longer range,higher damage,and carries more
ammo.ARWs is another kind of missile which can lock-on targets,but not
Narc-compatible(needs to be tested),and you won't use it in an efficient
way(Sometimes it will miss the targets and explode itself or crash on something
and explodes).Anyway,ARWs are powerful missiles(especially Cluster
Missiles).Although they are heavier than MRMs(which has similar damage),they
have more ammos than MRMs.For example,ARW Thunderbolt have same damage as
CSMRM30,but ARW can fire 15 missiles and CSMRM30 can fire only 8 salvos.There
are two types of ARWs:ARW Cluster MIssiles and ARW Thunderbolt Missiles.For
Cluster Missiles,it will cause spalsh damages around the explosion point.An
important note is that ARWs can't be destroyed by LAMS(Even can,it flys at an
high speed so that you are hard to hit it).

Arrow IV Cluster Missile(ARW CLS)
Heat generates:7
Missile per ton:15(15 shots)
Slot uses:3
Recycle time:10
Cost in game:1051111

Arrow IV Thunderbolt Missile(ARW TRT)
Heat generates:7
Missile per ton:15(15 shots)
Slot uses:3
Recycle time:6.5
Cost in game:1010625

Narc Beacons(Narc):I think it is a very intresting weapon.Narc is a beacon
which gives away the location of an enemy by emitting a targeting signal for
missiles and artillery(I hate physics>_<).It can helps targeting for friendly
missiles,especially LRMs,CSMRMs and CSTRKs.Missiles above will automatically
"fly" to the nearest Narc beacon,but each Narc can only attract missiles for a
short period of time.Those "Narced" Mechs will be attacked by missiles even
they hasn't been locked-on.But for those target-locked-on missiles,they will
still fly to the locked target but not Narced one.If Mech A mounts Narc and it
has placed a Narc on Mech B,but then Mech A placed another Narc on Mech C,the
Narc on Mech B will expire,no matter its expire time left.Both IS and Clan have
their own Narc,but the Clan one is lighter.

Narc Beacon/Clan Narc Beacon(Narc/CNarc)
Heat generates:1(IS,Clan)
Beacons per ton:6(IS,Clan)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:3(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:15838(IS),21452(Clan)

Flare Launcher(Flare):Is it a "missile" which is another private ownership of
IS?Needs to do some research.....Its uses is to enlight a dark place,of
course.Useless since every Mech has Light Amplification(press "A" key).

Flare Launcher(Flare)
Heat generates:2
Flares per ton:300
Slot uses:1
Recycle time:2
Cost in game:12111

Artillery Beacon(ARTLRY):Wow!The most powerful 1-shot weapon in the game!And it
is the proud of IS!But,It is also the most useless weapon in the game.Only 2
beacons per ton!So it can only show its power if it is used by Mech with Jump
Jets and with "unlimited ammo" options or cheats......Unavailable to buy in

Artillery Beacon(ARTLRY)
Heat generates:5
Flares per ton:2
Slot uses:1
Recycle time:6
Cost in game:750000

Ballistic Weapons:They need ammos,of course.They are firearms discharges a
free-falling projectile(I hate physics>_<),usually explosive.There are 7 main
types of Ballistics:Standard ACs,LBX ACs,Rotary ACs,Ultra ACs,Gauss
Rifles,Machine Guns and Long Tom.I found an intresting data on most
Ballistics:The lower damage of the weapon,the greater range,more ammo it
carries.The higher damage of the weapon,the shorter range,and less ammo it
carries.That means,damage of the weapon is the indirect proportional of its
range and ammo carries(I hate Maths too\_/).But,the Ballistics are the most
powerful weapon in the game(excludes ARTLRY),and most of them can cause enemy
Mech twists to another side.Because I always use Fafnir in campaigns,so Heavy
Gauss Rifles is my best choice for Ballistics(For myself only!).

Standard Autocannons(ACs):They are another private ownership of IS.By the
development of Ultra ACs,they are becoming useless.But,they still have their
own benefits:Lesser tonnage and greater range.They have AC5,AC10 and AC20.

Heat generates:0.2
Ammo per ton:120
Slot uses:1
Recycle time:1
Cost in game:91875

Heat generates:0.6
Ammo per ton:36
Slot uses:2
Recycle time:3
Cost in game:290769

Heat generates:1.8
Ammo per ton:20
Slot uses:3
Recycle time:5
Cost in game:436590

Luxor Ballistic Autocannons(LBX ACs,or LBXs):I don't know what the name
means......It is the 5th-6th powerful weapon in the game(LBX20),but this
doesn't mean LBX10 is useless.LBXs can scatters ammos in an area,and its power
usually used to head-shooting.One of my Fafnir mount 2 CLBX20(Clan LBX
AC20),and it can KO another Fafnir in 2 salvos(On center torso)!Very
powerful,indeed.The only weakness of LBXs are they only have a short range,and
IS' LBXs is heavier.

LBX AC10/Clan LBX AC10(CLBX10)
Heat generates:1(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:36(IS,Clan)
Slot uses:2
Recycle time:4(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:425177(IS),510213(Clan)

LBX AC20/Clan LBX AC20(CLBX20)
Heat generates:2(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:20(IS,Clan)
Slot uses:3(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:6(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:908279(IS),1135348(Clan)

Rotary Autocannons(RACs):They are another private ownership of IS.They have 2
types:RAC2 and RAC5.RAC2 have longer range and more ammo,but produces lesser
damage.RAC5 is its converse.Fire rate is very high,just like Machine Gun,but if
fires continously it will jam for a short while(about 6 seconds).Suitable to
use in medium range.Don't say it is useless.

Range:900 meters
Heat generates:0.15
Ammo per ton:120
Slot uses:2
Slot uses:2
Recycle time:0.25
Cost in game:334272

Range:550 meters
Heat generates:0.20
Ammo per ton:60
Tonnage:10 tons
Slot uses:2
Recycle time:0.3
Cost in game:513907

Ultra Autocannons(ULTRs):I don't know why they are called as "ultra"......why
it can't be replaced with"super"?Just kidding......They have
ULTR2,ULTR5,ULTR10and ULTR20.ULTR2 have most ammo and range,but least
damage.ULTR20 is the most powerful ULTRs,but have shortest range and least
ammo.But I seldom use ULTR20,since it has lesser range than AC20,and heavier,I
rather use 2 Heavy Gauss Rifles......I use ULTR2 most,one of my Fafnir mounted
8,very efficient against vehicles.

Heat generates:0.1(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:240
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:1(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:94792(IS),126389(Clan)

Heat generates:0.15(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:120
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:1.5
Cost in game:142222(IS),194444(Clan)

Heat generates:0.75(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:36
Slot uses:2(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:4(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:472500(IS),581538(Clan)

Heat generates:1.5(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:20
Slot uses:3(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:6(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:933120(IS),1036800(Clan)

Gauss Rifles:There are 3 kinds of Gauss Rifles:Light Gauss Rifle(LGAUSS,with
longest range),Gauss Rifles(GAUSS,between LGAUSS and HGAUSS) and Heavy Gauss
Rifle(HGAUSS,most powerful of all).Its projectiles goes very fast,and lesser
heat generates.I have 3 Fafnirs carries different Gauss Rifles:1 with 2
HGAUSSs,1 with 4 LGAUSSs,1 with 2 CGAUSSs(Clan GAUSS),all their combat
efficiency is very good.Even carries 2 LGAUSS,the Mech is still powerful(for
sniping).So,it can be a good choice for Omni Mechs.Only GAUSS have Clan
versions and it is lighter than IS's,but all other data is the same.Their
common weakness is about their weight.All are too heavy!

Heat generates:0.8
Ammo per ton:30
Slot uses:2
Recycle time:6
Cost in game:379077

Heat generates:1(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:24
Slot uses:3(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:8(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:438580(IS),539791(Clan)

Heat generates:2
Ammo per ton:16
Slot uses:4
Recycle time:8
Cost in game:658275

Machine Gun Arrays(MG):Useless if only have 1 or 2.I have to use about 30 ammos
to destroy a Myrimidon!Its range is very small,too.But it have very high fire
rate,and it never jams,also produces no heat.Tons of MGs can kill a light
Mech.However,Its ammo will soon be used up soon.So it can only show its
power(groups,at least 5-6) if it is used by Mech with Jump Jets and with
"unlimited ammo" options or cheats......Both IS and Clan have their MGs,but
Clan's have more ammo and higher damage.

Heat generates:0(IS,Clan)
Ammo per ton:450(IS),600(Clan)
Slot uses:1(IS,Clan)
Recycle time:0.3(IS,Clan)
Cost in game:59168(IS),77280(Clan)

Long Tom Artillery(LNGTOM):This is another private ownership of IS.The 3rd
powerful weapon in the game.Damage is high,range is high,but heat produces is
high too.Useless for attacking fast-moving targets.Although it can produce
splash damage,it is better to use Gauss Rifles.You can only get one LNGTOM at
Eaton in campaign and unavaliable to buy.

Heat generates:20
Ammo per ton:18
Slot uses:3
Recycle time:7
Cost in game:489375

Mech Equipments:Divides into Armours,Internal Structure and Internal

Types of Armour:There are 3 types.

Ferro Fibrous(FF):Armour which provides general protection.Absorbs all attacks.
Reactive Armour(R):Effective against Ballistic weapons.Absorb Energy weapons'
Reflective Armour(Ref):Effective against Energy weapons.Absorb Ballistic
weapons' attack.

Types of Internal Structure:There are 2 types.

Standard:Weighs heavier,absorb attacks like FF.
Endo Steel:Weighs only half of Standards but absorb more damage.

Types of Internal Equipments:There are 7 types.

Light Amplification:Provides Night Vision.Internally mounted on Mechs.
Electronic Counter-Measures(ECM):Decrease enemy Mech's sensor range.
Beagle Active Probe(BAP):Increase your Mech's sensor range(up to 1200m).
Jump Jets:Let the Mech fly for a short time to pass through difficult terrains
or avoid enemy from targeting.
Laser Anti-Missile System(LAMS):Destroy LRMs,MRMs,SRMs by lasers of your Mech.
Enhanced Optics:Increase the zoom window of your Mech.
Identification Frendly or Foe Jammer(IFF Jammer):Let your Mech appears as
neutral units at enemy's sensors.
Advanced Gyro:Prevent your Mech being knocked down(Mech falls onto the ground
and can't move for a while).

5-Mechs,Vehicles,Turrets,Buildings and Mobile Enemies Briefing
Note:For this part,sorry that I haven't got enough time to finish it.I will
write about 1 or 2 each time.And I will only put all basic,standard data for
them.For advanced data......I have to confirm that I have enough time to


Light Class Mech:

Armour type,tonnage:FF,4.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:97kph
Standard Equipments:BAP
Standard weapon loadout:1 ER LgLas,1 ER MedLas,1 ER SmLas,2 CLRM10
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:1.4
Torso Twist(degrees):140
Twist speed:80
Having execllent firepower among the Light Mechs,but its speed,for Light
Mech,is a bit slow.Try to increase its speed.

Tonnage:20(lightest Mech in the game)
Armour type,tonnage:FF,4.5
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:132kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 SmLas,3 MG
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:1.22
Torso Twist(degrees):140
Twist speed:80
Poorly armed.Although it has very fast speed,it is the useless Mech in the
game.Usually used as recons.How about arm it with 2 Med-X-PLs?

Armour type,tonnage:FF,5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:130kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:5 MedLas,1 SRM6,1 MG
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:1.22
Torso Twist(degrees):90
Twist speed:70
Having good firepower within 350m as it has 5 MedLas.If change them into 5 ER
MedLas,it will be better.I can say that SRM6 is useless.Change it.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,6.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:102kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 MedLas,2 LRM15
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:1.22
Torso Twist(degrees):90
Twist speed:80
Contains LRMs,so that it can attack targets at range.It's better to change both
LRM into Clan versions,to have more ammo.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,7
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:83kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 ERPPC
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.79
Torso Twist(degrees):90
Twist speed:60
I don't know why such a Mech can have firepower like a Medium.Having fierce
firepower,especially when you first face it at Halloran.Can have faster

Armour type,tonnage:FF,6.5
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:100kph
Standard Equipment:BAP,ECM
Standard weapon loadout:1 SmLas,2 SmPLs,1 LRM15,1 Narc
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:1.4
Torso Twist(degrees):360
Twist speed:80
Those weapons are old-fashioned,especiallly the SmLas.Try change all weapon
into Clan versions.Also,increases its speed and equip more equipments is good.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,4.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:125kph
Standard Equipment:ECM
Standard weapon loadout:1 ER LgLas,1 ER MedLas,2 CLRM10
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:1.22
Torso Twist(degrees):140
Twist speed:80
A useless version of Cougar,isn't it?Change that MedLas into LgLas will be
better in firepower.Armour......don't care about it.It can't upgrade too much.

Armour type,tonnage:Ref,10
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:100kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:1 Lg X-PLs,2 MedPLs
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:1.4
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
Looks like have heavy armour,but it isn't.Change armour back into FF and it
will be.Weapons......Use CLGPLS instead of X-PLs,and use Clan Lasers.

Medium Mechs:

Armour type,tonnage:FF,8.5
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:85kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 MedPLs,1 LRM5, 1 LRM10,1 AC10
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.79
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
A standard Medium battlemech.Has quite fast and quite good firepower among
Mediums.If can,try to arm it with ARWs and use CLGPLS.

Armour type,tonnage:Ref,9.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:102kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:1 LgLas,1 MedLas,1 MRM20,1 MG
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:1.32
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
An useless Medium Mech.Firepower is too weak,just like Lights.I hate to use
this Mech.Great improvments needed or it will only looks like a Light Mech.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,8.5
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:98kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 ER LgLas,1 CSTRK6,1 CLBX10
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:1.22
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
A Mech which fits to fight in short range.It's not too good that its
Long-ranged weapon is only those 2 ER LgLas.Try to mount more Long-ranged
weapon like CLGPLS.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,8
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:106kph
Standard Equipment:ECM
Standard weapon loadout:3 MedPLs,2 SRM6
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:1.05
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
A pretty good Mech.Its weakness is lacks of Long-ranged fire.I prefer to change
those MedPLs into Med X-PLs,and mount some LRM.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,8.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:85kph
Standard Equipment:BAP
Standard weapon loadout:2 ER LgLas,2 ER MedLas,2 CLRM15
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.79
Torso Twist(degrees):140
Twist speed:90
A Medium Mech which can be a missile boat.Although can mount 4 CLRM20,it lacks
tonnage to fit some Lasers.Try not to use CLRM20 only.

Shadow Cat
Armour type,tonnage:FF,9
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:102kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:1 ER LgLas,1 ER SmLas,3 ER MedPLs,1 CSTRK6,2 CMG
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:1.13
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
The most powerful Medium Mech in speed,armour and firepower.Most people
consider it is the best Mech in its grade.Prefer to change LgLas and 1 MedPLs
into CLGPLS.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,8
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:95kph
Standard Equipment:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 PPC,1 SRM6,2 MG
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:0.91
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
Nothing to say.Just change the 2 PPC into 2 ERPPC.For missiles,I suggest to use
LRMs or MRMs.Also,upgrading its speed can makes it can duel with Heavies.

Heavy Mechs:

Armour type,tonnage:Ref,12
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:82kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 MedLas,1 LRM10,1 MG,2 ULTR5
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.79
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:70
A quite powerful Mech at first half of campaign if you don't take
care,especially equips with 2 CLGPLS and 1 ARW CLS.However,it lacks supporting
equipments,makes it hard to attack when the target is within 1200m.Speed
upgrade recommended.

Black Knight
Armour type,tonnage:FF,13
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:75kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 LgLas,1 MedLas,2 PPC
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:90
Excellent Main Battle Mech with firepower likes Assaults,and quite fast in
speed among Heavies.Actually,it can duel with Assaults.Although it can mounts
Jump Jets,it is NOT recommended.Can Just mount 4 ERPPC on and 1 Med X-PLs.

Armour type,tonnage:R,12.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:76kph
Standard Equipments:BAP
Standard weapon loadout:1 LgLas,1 SmPLs,2 LRM20
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:0.49
Torso Twist(degrees):100
Twist speed:60
Excellent fire support Mech.With the help of BAP,it can attack enemies at
1200m.If you want heavy fire support,just mount 2 ARW TRT and ER MedPLs or Med
X-PLs on.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,9.5
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:83kph
Standard Equipments:ECM,LAMS
Standard weapon loadout:4 ER MedLas,1 CSTRK6,2 CLBX10
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.52
Torso Twist(degrees):140
Twist speed:60
Try not to duel with it within 0-400m or you will see the powerfulness of
LBX.Its customizion is very easy,easy to have good firepower,but armour isn't
thick enough.For me,arm 2 ERPPC,1 CLGPLS and 1 CLRM20 is enough.

Mad Cat
Armour type,tonnage:FF,11.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:80kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 ER LgLas,2 ER MedPLs,2 CMG,2 CLRM10
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.39
Torso Twist(degrees):100
Twist speed:60
A Mech fits combat for all range.The Missile Bay is quite big,so try to arm
ARWs for great punches.If you like,mount Enhanced Optics for
aim-sniping.Also,use BAP.

Nova Cat
Armour type,tonnage:Ref,14
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:73kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 ERPPC,3 ER LgLas
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):100
Twist speed:60
Have firepower like Black Knight,and its speed is faster.There is a quite large
Omni Bay,but actually you won't need them because 4 ERPPC,1 Med X-PLs and 1
CLGPLS is enough.With its speed,it can easily destroy a Mad Cat MKII.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,13
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:75
Standard Equipments:ECM
Standard weapon loadout:3 MedPLs,1 MRM20,1 LBX20
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):360
Twist speed:70
Again,don't go too close with it or you will see the powerfulness of LBX20 and
MRM20.To customize it,just mount 2 ER LgLas,1 RAC2 and 1 ARW CLS will be very
good.Jump Jets can be included.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,10.5
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:85kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:4 ER MedLas,1 CLRM15,2 CULTR5
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):360
Twist speed:45
Just looks like Loki......not so a big threat,though.But is it real?No.Ultra
AC5 will easily shoot out from the cockpit.For Lasers......Nothing to worry.I
can use 2 HGAUSS to destroy it outright.It can have no time to fight back!

Armour type,tonnage:R,12
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:80kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:4 ER MedPLs,2 CLRM20
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.52
Torso Twist(degrees):360
Twist speed:45
To duel with it,just don't go into the range of MedPLs.To customize it,just
like Catapult,4 CLRM20 and 1 ER LgLas.Mounting Enhanced Optics will help you to
fight,like Mad Cat.

Assault Mechs:

Armour type,tonnage:FF,18
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:51kph
Standard Equipments:ECM,LAMS,IFF Jammer
Standard weapon loadout:1 GAUSS,1 LRM15,3 SmLas,2 PPC
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.35
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
It is called as the most powerul Mech in the game.It is true,as I have to use
2-3 twin HGAUSS salvo to destroy it.The main weapon isn't too
powerful,though.To make it more powerful,for me,use 5 CLGPLS,1 RAC2 and/or 2
CLRM20.Actually,you can customize it yourself,as Atlas it always powerful,no
matter what weapons it mounts.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,15
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:70kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:3 PPC,2 MedLas,1 SRM4
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.35
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:60
I think it is the weaknest Assault Mech in the game......Although it walks
fast,its firepower isn't good enough,even it can mount 3 ERPPC.It lacks of
armour,too.If you get Hamptmann or Gladiator or others,forget it.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,18
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:51kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:4 ER LgLas,2 CULTR5,1 CLRM20
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.35
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
I think it is the "absolutely" 2nd powerful Mech in the game.Its firepower is
tremendous,if arms with 6 CLGPLS,1 salvo can destroy a DemolisherII.Nothing to
say,BUT don't arm it with HGAUSS.It is useless.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,18
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:53kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 HGAUSS,2 LgLas,3 MedLas
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.26
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
The "absolutely" most powerful Mech in the game.2 HGAUSS can bring a nightmare
to its enemies,and its LgLas can let Fafnir to have some extra fire support.To
customize it,KEEPING 2 HGAUSS is recommended,and mount 3 CLGPLS is OK,or change
2 CLGPLS into 2 ERPPC.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,18
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:57kph
Standard Equipments:ECM
Standard weapon loadout:1 ER LgLas,1 ER MedLas,1 ERPPC,1 CULTR20
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):90
Twist speed:50
Its looking isn't too good......It is powerful in 350m,though.So,again,don't
stand too close at it,or that hell Ultra AC20 can destroy you outright.I don't
like it,and I rather use Hamptmann,though I heard a method to customize it and
make it can destroy a Daishi in 2 hit......

Armour type,tonnage:FF,18
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:58kph
Standard Equipments:LAMS
Standard weapon loadout:2 LgLas,1 SmLas,2 MedPLs,1 LRM15,1 LBX20
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
I am becoming annoyed......Don't stand too close at Hamptmann!A quite good
Mech,but lacks heavy punches at over-eyesight range.To solve this problem,mount
1 ARW CLS,3 ERPPC and 1 CLGPLS and its firepower will be better.I don't know
why Nondi Steiner doesn't as wise as me......(laughing wickly)

Armour type,tonnage:FF,16
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:69kph
Standard Equipments:BAP,LAMS
Standard weapon loadout:2 LRM20,1 LRM15,1 LRM10,3 MedLas
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
An excellent fast Assault Mech at long-range.Though it can mount 6 CLRM20,it
lacks extra firepower to fight when ammos are used up......Rumours that there
is a method to make it more powerful than 6 CLRM20......Tests needed.

Mad Cat MKII
Armour type,tonnage:FF,13.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:65kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:2 CLRM20,4 ER MedLas,2 CGAUSS
With Jump Jets:Yes
Turn Rate:0.39
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
An useless Mech even it is the "Mark II" of Mad Cat.Needless to say more.But
you can try to make it into a powerful Mech......

Armour type,tonnage:R,13
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:65kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:4 MedLas,2 LRM10,2ULTR2
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):80
Twist speed:50
Useless if haven't been modified.I think 2 ARW CLS and 2 CLGPLS can get the
point,or you can change ARWs into CGAUSS.A good-looking Mech,right?......

Armour type,tonnage:FF,16.5
Internal Structure:Endo Steel
Max Speed:69kph
Standard Equipments:None
Standard weapon loadout:4 LgLas,2 MedLas,1 LBX20
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.35
Torso Twist(degrees):120
Twist speed:50
I won't say it again(can I?)!Don't stand too close with it!But actually it have
the weapons simliar to Daishi.So,even with thinner armour,it is 4th powerful
Mech in the game(but it may be replaced with Hamptmann now......).Arm it with 6
CLGPLS and 1 ARW CLS is excellent.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,13
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:69kph
Standard Equipments:LAMS
Standard weapon loadout:2 Lg X-PLs,2 LGAUSS
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):100
Twist speed:50
A bit useless as I have already get Fafnir,Atlas and blablabla when I get it at
Talon.Still powerful at 1200m,but DON'T use Lg-X-PLs.Use CLGPLS instead,and
AVOID to mount Jump Jets.Use CGAUSS may be better.

Armour type,tonnage:FF,15
Internal Structure:Standard
Max Speed:72
Standard Equipments:LAMS
Standard weapon loadout:1 HGAUSS,1 GAUSS,2 MedPLs,1 SRM4
With Jump Jets:No
Turn Rate:0.44
Torso Twist(degrees):100
Twist speed:50
Useless,but DON'T underestimate the powerfulness of 2 Gauss Rifles,So DON'T
stand at them within 0-600m!It is powerful in 0-600m,but it lacks long-range
weapon,so you know what to do.

Ground Vehicles:
Note:To punch them outfaster,try to hit them on their turret.

Type:Tracked Medium Tanks
Max Speed:72kph
Body Armour:2
Turret Armour:2
Weapons:1 PPC,1 SRM6
Pretty strong,since their weapon is quite powerful and body armour is quite
thick(usually have to take out all its health to destroy it).Try to destroy
them at 900-1200m.

LRM Carriers
Type:Wheeled Mobile Missile Launchers
Max Speed:53kph
Body Armour:2
Turret Armour:2
Weapons:3 LRM10
A threat at Long-Range,but lacks close-combat weapons.You know what to do.

Demolisher IIs
Type:Tracked Heavy Tanks
Max Speed:43kph
Body Armour:15
Turret Armour:15
Weapons:1 AC20,1 LBX20,1 MG
The strongest non-Mech ground unit in the game,but its only weakness is:it
lacks of Long-Range weapons.Destroy them at range of 500-1200m(but make sure
that you won't walk too near them).

Type:Tracked Light Tanks
Max Speed:82kph
Body Armour:2
Turret Armour:2
Weapons:1 ULTR5,1 MG
A fast tank.Just go towards them and punch them out as they lack heavy
punches,or destroy them at range of 800m-1200m.

Type:Tracked Medium Tanks
Max Speed:65kph
Body Armour:2
Turret Armour:2
Weapons:1 LgLas,1 MG,1 SRM2
The most common tank.Not a great threat at all ranges if there is only 1.Just
destroy them at any range.

SRM Carriers
Type:Wheeled Mobile Missile Launchers
Max Speed:82kph
Body Armour:2
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:3 SRM6
The brother of LRM Carriers.Its weakness is just the opposite of LRM
Carriers.Very easy to destroy them by any means.

Quad Panzers
Type:Tracked Light Tanks
Max Speed:82kph
Body Armour:2
Turret Armour:2
Weapons:4 LgPLs
Not a real threat,but if you are not careful you will be badly hurt,as 4 LgPLs
can be quite painful to any Mech.Take them out at 700-1200m range.

Type:Light Hovercrafts
Max Speed:97kph
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:1
Weapons:3 SRM4
Useless.Like Peregines,they can only attack at range of 250m and they can
produce very small damage.Take them out at 300-1200m.

Type:Medium Hovercrafts
Max Speed:86kph
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:1
Weapons:2 MedLas,1 AC5,1 MG
A heavlier armed version of Harassers,but still no use though they can attack
at 750m.Destroy them at long range.

Turret Control APC
Type:Tracked Light Vehicles
Max Speed:?
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:1
Controls some turrets near it.Just take them out at long range to disable those
Turrets around and avoiding being attacked by those turrets.

Type:Tracked Light Tanks
Max Speed:?
Body Armour:?
Turret Armour:?
Weapons:2 LgLas,2 MG
A very rare vehicle and mysterious vehicle.Firepower isn't good(though they
have 2 LgLas,but I haven't seen they fire at my Mech),and poorly armoured.Take
them away outright.

Other unarmed and neutral(or friendly) vehicles in the game you will meet
are:buses,vans,cars,Cargo vehicles,Limos,fuel trucks(if you destroy them they
will explode),Artillery Launchers,Humvees,Panel trucks,Combines,Swiftwinds,
ammo carriers(like fuel trucks,if you destroy them they will

If you have any others,please mail me.

Water Units:

Max Speed:95kph
Body Armour:120
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:2 LRM20,4 LngTom
One of the destroyer you will meet at Halloran V(Offshore).I seldom see they
fire LngTom.Though slow in speed,it is heavily armoured and heavily armed.If
your Mech is fast enough or contains LAMS,no need to worry the missiles.

Max Speed:95kph
Body Armour:120
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:2 LRM20,4 LngTom
One of the destroyer you will meet at Halloran V(Offshore A).I seldom see they
fire LngTom.Though slow in speed,it is heavily armoured and heavily armed.If
your Mech is fast enough or contains LAMS,no need to worry the missiles.

Max Speed:95kph
Body Armour:120
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:2 LRM20,4 LngTom
One of the destroyer you will meet at Halloran V(Offshore A).I seldom see they
fire LngTom.Though slow in speed,it is heavily armoured and heavily armed.If
your Mech is fast enough or contains LAMS,no need to worry the missiles.

Patrol Boats
Max Speed:95kph
Body Armour:1
Turret armour:n/a
Weapons:1 ULTR5
Fast armed speedboat.Not a real threat,so they are useless.Can take them out
very fast.

Type:Cargo Ships
Max Speed:?
Body Armour:1?
Turret Armour:n/a
A moving target only.Can sink them very fast.

Air Units:
Note:If they are being hit and fall onto the ground,even "landed" on your
Mech,no need to worry,as that hit causes no damage,nor the explosions will.

Max Speed:126kph
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:1 MG?,1 SRM4
Useless.They have to move towards targets to attack,but then they will fall
onto the ground because of their light armour.Take them out at long range.

Max Speed:108kph
Body Armour:6
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:1 LgPLs,2 LRM10
A quite powerful plane.Since it can attack at 1000m,and their firepower can be
a nightmare if there are many of them.Take them out quick,or you will suffer.

Max Speed:300kph
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:n/a
They are fast fighters,making them hard to be targeted.But like Peregines,they
have the same problem.So,crush them down at long range.

Type:Fighter Bombers
Max Speed:300kph
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:1 ULTR2,Bombs
Another fast fighters.Their benefits are just like Nightshade's,and they can
attack long range,but the punch isn't too great.Sometimes they will carry some
bombs for fire support and their bombs are quite powerful.Maintain good watch
at them.

Max Speed:300kph
Body Armour:1
Turret Armour:n/a
A very rare plane and it can only attack you when it is upon you.You know what
to do.

A type of unarmed and neutral,friendly or enemy is Transport Helicopter.If it
is enemy,just shoot it down at any range.

Note:If you attack Dropships' engine nozzle,it can bring more damage to that

Type:Spherical Dropships
Max Speed:n/a
Body Armour:190
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:4 PPC,4 Gauss,4 LgLas
A real threat if you meet it.4 PPC can attack enemy at 850m,4 Gauss can attack
at 800m,and 4 LgLas 650m.Also,it is impervious to many attack.Concertrate fire
on them------attack at fast speed,keep moving,and produce heavy punches.

Type:Cylindricial(?) Dropships
Max Speed:n/a
Body Armour:
Turret Armour:
Weapons:4 LGAUSS,4 CGAUSS,various Lasers(Most likely is LgLas......)
The strongest target in the game.The weakness of Hrothgars had been solved,and
its weapons had been upgraded a lot.4 LGAUSS can attack at 1200m,so using ARWs
are not safe too.Same as Hrothgars,concertrate fire on them------attack at fast
speed,keep moving,and produce heavy punches.

Type:Standard-looking(?) Dropship
Max Speed:n/a
Body Armour:90
Turret Armour:n/a
Weapons:4 LgLas,4 ER LgLas,3 LRM10
Your dropship.You don't need to duel with any one of them.

Note:If you see some turrets,then there will be something like Turret Control
APC,Turret Control Tower or Generator.Take them away at long range to disable
those turrets.BUT,Strone Point Defense and Guard Tower aren't need them,so be

For this part,sorry that I don't know why my game don't show their data for
me......So I will only put seeable and most possible weapon data to you,if you
have any additional data,please mail me.

Laser Turret(based)
Weapon:2 ER LgLas
Quite powerful and dangerous.Take them away at long range.

Laser Turret(standard)
Weapon:1 ER LgLas?
As same as above.Nuff said.

Missile Turret:
Weapon:1 LRM15?
Like Laser Turret,but use missiles instead of Lasers.Their missiles are very
inaccurate,so move fast towards them to crump them.

Mobile Turret
Weapon:1 ULTR5?
A moveable turret(I doubt it can't).Its movement is depends of the existance of
the Turret Control APC,so you know what to do.

Calliope Turret
Weapon:2 LRM15,2 ER LgPLs
A powerful and very dangerous turret,as their LRM15 shots are quite
accurate.Their Lasers are also powerful,so try to take them out as far as

Strong Point Defense
Weapon:1 Gauss,1 LRM15?,etc
I think it can't bear the name of "strong",becauss it can be destroyed by 2
HGAUSS salvo......Excellent firepower,but their weapons are very

Guard Tower
I hadn't seen they fire any weapon at all......

If you have some additional datas for above things,please mail me.
6-Suggestions on customizing a 'Mech
To customize a Mech,for me,it is better to have all kinds of weapons to mount
on.If it can't,use the most powerful weapons of the existed types.Maximum
armour and speed are a defensive measure,while adding heat sinks or ammos are
for efficient attack.If tons left after max armour and their number in 1st
decimal place isn't 0 or 5(I hate Maths>_<),then take out some armour until its
number is 0 or 5.For weapons,I like weapons which can have rapid-rated fire.
Here are my some suggestions:

For Light Mechs,most of them can't carry heavy weapons.So,use tonnages to equip
more equipments,max armour,and max speed to let them survive or executing
Hit-and-Run(I think using Jump Jets will be good).If it can carries heavy
weapons(like Cougar,Owens,Osiris and Uller and blablabla),add more heat sinks
instead,so your Mech won't shutdown easily.Also,changing some weapons of a Mech
is also good.
Since Light Mechs are usually used for recons,so just keep their high speed and
adding amounts of ammo(if can).

Here are some of my examples:
Osiris:Change all MedLasers into SmPLs.Get rid of the MG.Change SRM6 into
CSTRK6.Max speed and armour.
Flea:Strip all weapons.Loadup 2 Med X-PLs.Max armour and speed.
OR Strip all weapons.Loadup 1 CULTR2 and 2 ER Sm Lasers.
Note for Wolfhound:It is better to use FF than Ref.

For Medium Mechs,they can carry heavier weapons.To keeping their firepower,add
ammos and heat sinks.By contrast,you can change some weapons for more
ammos(Like LRM15 change into CLRM15,to have spare 720 missiles)or having more
firepower.If some of them carries IS's weapons,which have same data as Clan's
but heavier,change it!
If the Mech have LAMS,mount it.From Medium Mechs and higher,the use of Missiles
will be much more than Light's.I think you don't want your Mech has any
missiles from LRM20 or MRMs fly to you,and you had punched out.Speed is also
important for Mediums,so you can increase their speed if possible.If some tons
are left,max armour or heat sinks.
So,the conclusion of customizing Light and Medium Mechs is:Max armour->Loadup
weapons->Arm equipments->Max the speed.If you want,you can add heat sinks.

Here are some of my examples:
Hellspawn:Strip all weapons.Mount 3Med X-PLs and SRMs or LRMs as you like(For
more heat sinks and armours,I won't mount them).Mount all equipments and max
speed,armour and heat sinks.
Uziel:Change 2 PPCs into 2 ERPPCs.Add heat sinks.Change 2 MGs into 2
CMGs.Change SRM6 into CSTRK6.

From Heavy Mechs,including destructive firepower,the defensive measure is also
important.I think a Mech with armour with only yellow colour isn't enough.If it
do,max armour or change ALL armour into FF.If it is still yellow after max
armour,then try to increase the speed.Bar indicates firepower for Heavy may
become long green bar or even touch the side.That's normal,nothing to
worry.LAMS is still the first choice of equipments,and Advanced Gyro also
important.If the Mech have Jump Jets but it uses lots of tons,then remove it.
Those Mech which their main weapon is Missiles(Like Catapult)or weapons with
1000m range,BAP must be mounted or you are hard to detect those enemy in
1000m-1200m.If you are playing sniping,then Enhanced Optics in
needed.Actually,zoom window can help you to choose where you want to hit.I use
this method to knock out Nako Toyoma in 1 hit(I used Fafnir,2 HGAUSS,see
"Solaris" part below).
About weapon,you can actually mount anything you like.1 thing to remind is
bewareing not enough heat sinks.Also,if there are some tons left after mounted
weapons,equipments,max armour(actually it usually will be none left),max speed.

Here are some of my examples:
Nova Cat:Strip all weapons except those 2 ERPPCs.Change armour into FF and max
armour.Loadup 2 more ERPPCs,1 Med X-PLs and 1 CLGPLS.Max speed.If some tons
left,mount equipments.
Argus:Change armour into FF and max it.Loadup 2 CLGPLS and 1 ARW CLS.Add
speed,then add ammo or heat sinks(If some tons left).

For Assault Mechs(I use them most),it is not necessary to increase their
speed(May be this is their charactstics!).Instead,any deadly weapons should be
load up.Also,Max armour and adding heat sinks are the most important
procedure.In Assault class,all weapons can be loaded up,so,use your own
creativity(but take care of the heat sinks!),mount any deadly weapon you can
think of.In addition,ranged weapons(Like ARW CLS or LGAUSS) are
recommended.Preventing lack of fire in short range,Lasers from 450m-150m is
also needed.
LAMS is still important even it can't destroy ARWs.If you can,mount
BAP,Advanced Gyro and/or ECM.If you are playing multiplayer,IFF Jammer is also
necessary,BUT Jump Jets are not recommended as Assault Mech isn't agile enough
to execute Death rom Above.However,some Assault Mechs can also adding speed to
have sudden assault on enemies,just like one of my Daishi.
So,the conclusion for costumizing Heavy and Assault Mechs is:Max armour->Loadup
weapons->Arm equipments->Add heat sinks.If you want,you can max the speed.

Here are some of my examples:
Daishi(for fast attack):Strip all weapons and remove all heat sinks.Loadup 6
CLGPLS and,if you wish,loadup a CLRM20.Use heat sinks removed to max speed and
armour.If tons left,add heat sinks.(P.S.I think I can destroy a DemolisherII by
1 salvo.)
Fafnir(for sniping):Remove all heat sinks and loadup 4 LGAUSS.Then do anything
you like(I mounted a CLGPLS to fit the tons).
Hamptmann:Remove all heat sinks.Loadup 3 ERPPC,1 CLGPLS and 1 ARW CLS.Add ammo
for ARW.Max armour.Add heat sinks and/or max speed.
Awesome:Take out all heat sinks.Loadup as many Med X-PLs as you can.Max armour
and heat sinks.(Very awesome,isn't it?)

If there are any comments on above suggestions,or have some own
suggestions,please send e-mail to

7-General Tactics

Well,general tatics isn't hard to write......because of this,and saving time,I
will try to write as less words as possable,but I will try to make you

Firstly,keep fast-moving.It is the most important thing,because if you don't
move or move slowly,you will be only a fixed target,and waste materials
later.Try to move as fast as you can.
Secondly,try to use lancemates(I think it is for campaigns and Instant Actions
only).Bringing lancemates can let you having more fire support,and needn't to
fight alone(But some missions need to do alone,like those on Styk).
Thirdly,try to use Jump Jets.Using Jump Jets can let enemy hard to target
you,and if you can land on enemy Mech's head,it can do serious damage(One of my
Hellspawn destroys a Medium Mech by stepping on its head twice,sometimes one
only.It is also called as Death from Above).
Fourthly,try to use passive sensors(Press Ctrl+R).Running passive can let enemy
Mech can only detect you by 250m range.If you use ECM,then you can only be
detected by 200m range.
Fifthly,try to memorize datas of all enemies.Concepts of Chiense:Knowing your
enemies,winning continously.
Sixthly,if you think enemy Mech is more powerful than you(like a Hellspawn
facing an Argus),hit their legs instead of their Center Torso(When Center Torso
remains no hit point the Mech will explode),as legs' hit points is lesser than
the Center Torso's.This may be time-consuming,but if you make that Mech
Crippled then you can run away or Destroy another leg to make it kiss the

If you have some more tactics,please send e-mail to


Although I have no enough time to play MW4Mercs and drop down notes,I will try
to provide the basic datas you need.For the EXACT number and varities of
enemies......I will add them later......

At all time of the game,you will be called as Spectre,no matter what your name
you typed before.Also,I play this game in Regular level.

The mission objectives have 3 types:Primary,Secondary and Optional.
Primary Objectives(#) is objective MUST be finished,of course.
Secondary Objectives($) are attached objectives against Primaries.Always have
special rewards,mostly C-bills.But sometimes it didn't,like
Styk-Reinforcement,the reward is +3 Noblity point.
Optional Objectives(or Discreationary Objectives)(@) is either choose one
objective to do,or can be ignored.Usually have no great effects on that
Example for "either choose one objective to do" is HesperusII-Mech Works
Attack,you can either destroy the Weapon Intergration Lab,or just go to Nav
Example for "can be ignored" objectives is Talon-Night Op,you can choose not to
keep stealth(But better not).

After each mission,you will always get something.Nobility point will be added
when you do the mission very well,especially for "protect something"
missions.Infamy point will be added if you do something very bad,like that in
Styk-Assassination.Increasing Infamy isn't so good at all.Salvage will not
always the same,or may have none.And I don't know how to get them......So
please help.For many missions,you can get some points(?)on Stenier and Davion
list,this means how good cooperation you and they are.

Oh yes,try don't let your lancemates KIA(Killed in Action) or MIA(Missed in
Action).It is not good(I tried that when Mustang and Hannibal were KIA......I
reloaded).If it happens,then I suggest you to reload the game if that guy is an
excellent Lance Commander.If a Mech shows "Damaged" or "Crippled",then you can
repair them at MechLab.If it shows "Destroyed"......I can't say
anything......Every lancemates will increase their skills if they are on the
field.So,ignoring drop fee,you can send more lancemates onto the field.

I have played 8 campaigns,all are finished and all roads had been go through.I
think I have to start another 4 to write this FAQ......The order of this
Mission Walkthrough isn't fixed,you can do anyone first as you like.Here we go!

The star system where you start the game and qualified as a MechWarrior.No
missions can be played here.

Location: Lyran Alliance
Eaton is primarily a desert world, with sparse vegetation and craggy, rocky
hills broken up by occasional areas of denser forest as well. Like many planets
in the Inner Sphere, Eaton is currently wracked by civil war, with the Skye
separatist movement agitating against the current government. The governer of
the planet is offering excellent pay for missions against the rebels;
unsurpringly, the rebels are hiring as well.

Mission:Merc Alley
Pay:1250000 C-Bills
#Stop the Lyran convoys by eliminating their escorts.
#Eliminate all Lyran Forces in this area.
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:85%
Employer:Skye Separaists
Type of Mission:Convoy Capture
Company Profile Changes:Steiner-1,Davion+2,Infamy+3
Note:Very easy mission.You can just eliminate all resistance by Light Mech(But
not Flea) because there will be no Mech.

Go towards Nav Alpha.You will encounter some vehicles like Vedettes,LRM
Carriers(Be careful,they can attack at range of 1000m),Bulldogs and
Harassers,easy job,BUT don't destroy the vehicles marked as green(neutral) unit
on your radar.When taking out them,Castle will inform you that 5-6 enemy
choppers(Nightwind) and 5-6 Medium Tanks(Myrimidons) are going to your
location.Myrimidons are pretty strong,concertrate fire on them,then take out
all choppers.Once all vehicles had been destroyed,mission will over.

Mission:Merc Alley A
Pay:1350000 C-Bills
#Stop the Lyran convoys by eliminating their escorts.
#Eliminate all Lyran Forces in this area.
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:85%
Employer:Skye Separaists
Type of Mission:Convoy Capture
Company Profile Changes:Steiner-2,Davion+1,Infamy+5
Note:This mission is a bit harder.You must eliminate all resistance by using
strong Light Mechs or Medium Mechs because there will be 2 Mechs.

Go towards Nav Alpha.You will encounter 2 Demolisher IIs first,take them out
fast.Then rush towards Nav Alpha and destroy all vehicles (Vedettes,Harassers,
Bulldogs,LRM Carriers and Condors?) first(stop them from attacking you when
taking out the Mechs).Sometimes later,5-6 Nightwinds will come and attack
you,but your Allies will also send some Nightwinds to help you.When friendly
Nightwinds arrived,concertrate fire on that 2 Mechs(Chimera and Argus),then
attack those choppers.Once all enemies had been destroyed,mission will over.

Mission:Merc Alley B
Pay:1475000 C-Bills
#Stop the Lyran convoys by eliminating their escorts.
#Eliminate all Lyran Forces in this area.
Threat Level:Medium
Heat Sink Efficiency:85%
Employer:Skye Separaists
Type of Mission:Convoy Capture
Company Profile Changes:Steiner-3,Davion+2,Infamy+7
Note:I will hide some important informations first......(laughing wickly)Send
your best Mechs to go for this run.

As same as last time,just go towards Nav Alpha,when a Catapult,an Argus,a
Hellspawn and an Uziel will go towards you.Concertarate fire on them and
destroy them as soon as possible.Suddenly,you will lose radio contact with
Castle,because the transmission had been jammed.Meanwhile,some more enemies
will come,including 4-5 Demolisher IIs,a Mauler,an Argus and 2 Catapults.After
you destroy some more enemies,the objective box will appear as follows(When I
first saw this box,I was scared!):

#Disengage from the Lyran Ambush at Nav Beta or destroy all Lyran Mechs.
#Failed:It's a trap! There is no Lyran convoy.

Then,you will know this is a trap from Lyran Alliance.You can choose to
disengage or destroy all enemies.The danger for staying is:your lance(including
you) may be destroyed.So,I prefer to escape.In either cases,the mission will
Note:If you destroy all Mechs,then you will get an Argus and a Catapult
afterwards(but both are Crippled).

Mission:Bandit Hideaway
Pay:3750000 C-Bills
#Eliminate all base defenders.
#Destroy all buildings in the base.
$Destroy all fleeing vehicles(additional 150k).
Threat Level:Medium
Heat Sink Efficiency:105%
Employer:Skye Separaists
Type of Mission:Night Assault
Company Profile Changes:Steiner-2,Davion+3,Infamy+7
Note:Send all your best Mech and Lancemates,like Arguses,Catapult and
blablabla.But strong Light Mechs is alright.BEWARE OF THOSE TURRETS.You will
always get a Catapult and the only Long Tom Artillery in the Campaign.

Go to Nav Alpha,while many friendly vehicles(Myrimidons,Demolisher IIs,Quad
Panzers,etc) are duelling with enemy vehicles(Demolisher IIs,Quad Panzers,LRM
Carriers,Bulldogs,etc).When helping friendly vehicles to fight,take out as many
Laser Turrets as you can.Then,an Argus and 2 Osirises will become
active.Destroy them as soon as possible because enemy Nightwinds and Peregines
will come and attack you.Also,Neutral vehicles will flee away.Take them out
fast to get additional 150k.After destroy all enemy vehicles,choppers,turrets
and Mechs,take out all objective buildings with the help of friendly.When no
objetive buildings stand,mission will over.

Mission:Governor's Mansion
Pay:3125000 C-Bills
#Protect the Mansion at Nav Alpha.
#Destroy all Steiner forces in this area.
$Protect all Mansions along the river(additional 500k).
Threat Level:Medium
Heat Sink Efficiency:100%
Employer:Skye Separaists
Type of Mission:VIP Defense
Company Profile Changes:Steiner-2,Davion+5,Nobility+7
Note:Send ALL your best,fast Mech and Lancemates(Flea is okay too),like
Arguses,Catapult and blablabla.Always keep at max speed.If you can protect all
Mansions from destruction,you will get additional 500000 C-Bills.Long-Range
weapons recommended.

A quite easy but complicated mission.Go towards Nav Gamma first,and destroy all
Harassers and Condors you see.Then go to Nav Beta to fight against first wave
of Mech.They have 1 Wolfhound,1 Flea,1 Osiris and 1 Raven.When you are fighting
them another lance of 2 Flea,1 Osiris and 1 Raven will come to join the
attack,so concertrate fire on each Mech of First lance,then the second.When you
fight against the second Lance,Castle will inform you that a third Lance is
coming.The third,and the last,also is the most powerful lance,contains 1
Uziel,1 Cougar and 2 Osiris.I think you will be damaged a lot and out of ammo
at now,but use all your power to defeat them.Once last Mech kisses the
ground,the mission is over.

Pay:3450000 C-Bills
#Go to Nav Beta and eliminate all enemies there.
$Protect the Mobile Field Base at Nav Alpha(additional 150k).
Threat Level:Medium
Heat Sink Efficiency:100%
Employer:Skye Separaists
Type of Mission:Hold Battle Line
Company Profile Changes:Steiner-2,Davion+5,Nobility+3
Note:Send all your best Mech and Lancemates,like Arguses,Catapult and
blablabla.LIGHT MECH IS AVOIDED.You will salvage a Black Knight and a Loki
afterwards(but may not earn back the Mech you lost......).

The most difficult mission in Eaton.When you start,go towards Nav Alpha.Some
Nightwinds will attack the Mobile Field Base,when they saw you they will launch
tons of nasty missiles at you.Shoot them down,and you can use the Mobile Field
Base afterwards.After some repair and rearm,all people go to Nav Beta and start
the tough fight.There are 1 Argus,1 Bushwacker and 2 Wolfhound.Take them out
fast togather with Black Six Lance,because some Peregines,Myrimidons,and some
Quad Panzers,LRM Carriers,plus 1 Black Knight,1 Loki,1 Argus and 1 Wolfhound
will reinforce the first Lance.Concertrate fire on those Heavy Mechs and
Vehicles,then destroy ohers.Once last red spot on your radar disapperars,the
mission is over.

You have finished the Eaton Campaign!
Eaton Summary:
Merc Alley->Merc Alley A->Merc Alley B--->Bandit Hideaway->
\________________________/ \______
Governor's Mansion->Revolution

Halloran V
Location: Federated Commonwealth
Much of Halloran V resembles the tundra regions of Terra. With expanses of ice
and snow a common sight, the planet is largely composed of mountainous terrain
and forested regions. Oil rigs dot the coastline. The Transpax and Corvatti
Corporations both have a number of facilities on Halloran V and frequently hire
mercenary units for protection and escort duty. Recent reports place Burr's
Black Cobras on-planet, although additional employment opportunities may still
be present.

Pay:1750000 C-Bills
#Protect all Oil Rigs at Nav Alpha.
#Protect all Oil Rigs at Nav Beta.
$Protect all Fuel Industry's Buildings and Vehicles(Additional 500000 C-Bills)
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:110%
Employer:Transpax Cooperation
Type of Mission:Coastal Defense
Company Profile Changes:Steiner+3,Nobility+3
Note:Due to the high heat efficiency of this mission and mostly fights on
water,more heat sinks can be avoided.Fast Light or Medium Mechs
recommended.Heavy Mechs with Long-Range weapon also works good.

An easy mission.Go down to Nav Alpha and sink Barges and Patrol Boats
there.Then go to Nav Beta with full throttle,because there will be 3 Harassers
and 3 Condors are going to welcome you with bullets.When 3 Harassers rush
towards you the Condors will move to Nav Gamma and blast off the oil tanks
there.Destroy all Harassers as soon as possible,then follow the Condors and
bomb them.If they reach Nav Delta and shoot,you lose 500000 C-Bills.When all
hovercrafts are destroyed,Castle will inform that Destroyer Reynolds arrives at
the Harbour,and called Nightshades to support.Shoot down all Nightshades,and
let Reyonlds sleeps with Titanic to end the mission before it destroys any Oil
Rigs.Jump Jets works well on it.I used Jump Jets to step on it,and its was
damaged for nearly 75% of its health!

Pay:2115000 C-Bills
#Destroy Tents and hostiles at Nav Alpha.
#Destroy hostiles at Nav Beta.
#Destroy hostiles at Nav Gamma.
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:110%
Employer:Transpax Cooperation
Type of Mission:Search and Destroy
Company Profile Changes:Steiner+1,Infamy+1
Note:Strong Light Mech,fast Medium Mechs or Heavy Mechs with Close-Range or
Long-Range weapon works well.You will always get a Hellspawn.

Go stright to Nav Alpha.Take out the Turret Control APC at range to disable
those Mobile Turrets,then start to duel with 2-3 SRM Carriers,3-4 Bulldogs and
1 Owens.After that,shoot out the tents.Move towards Nav Beta,when some
Peregines interrupt your action(Sometimes I saw Nightwinds inetead),take them
out too.At Nav Beta there are 1 Owens,1 Mobile HQ,1 Turret Control APC(take it
out first)and 2 Mobile Turrets.Take them out,of course.When you are going to
Nav Gamma,1 Owens and 1 Puma(duel it with care) will come to welcome you.Let
them kiss the ground,and blast 2-3 LRM Carriers,2-3 Bulldogs and the Mobile HQ
there.When there are no red spots on your radar,mission will over.

Mission:Offshore A
Pay:2000000 C-Bills
#Protect all Oil Rigs at Nav Alpha.
#Protect all Oil Rigs at Nav Beta.
$Protect all Fuel Industry's Buildings and Vehicles(Additional 500000 C-Bills)
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:110%
Employer:Transpax Cooperation
Type of Mission:Coastal Defense
Company Profile Changes:Steiner+3,Nobility+4
Note:Due to the high heat efficiency of this mission and mostly fights on
water,more heat sinks can be avoided.Fast Light or Medium Mechs
recommended.Heavy Mechs with Long-Range weapon also works good.

As same as last time,there are Patrol Boats go towards Nav Alpha.Destroy
them,then Castle will tell you that both Destroyers,Arbold and Harrington,had
come into this harbour,and Harpy had sent some Stilettos to come and help.Go
towards Nav Beta,and destroy the Harassers and Condors.This time Condors won't
go to Nav Delta,so that 500000 C-Bills bonus can be safe.When all hovercrafts
destroyed,Arbold will appear and the Stilettos will help you to sink it.Call
your Lancemates to attack Arbold,and when you see Harrington,sink it by
yourself first,because when Arbold sinks those Stilettos will leave for repair
and rearm.If Harrigton sinks(I use 3 ARW CLS missiles and shots of CLGPLS to
sink it),sink Arbold to end this mission.Otherwise,if you sink Arbold
first,then you have to use lots of power to sink Harrington.

Mission:Industry Raid
Pay:2455000 C-Bills
#Destroy the generator at Nav Beta.
#Destroy the large factory at Nav Gamma.
#Destroy the factory at Nav Gamma.
#Search and destroy the Fuel Supply.
@Let Black Cobra's Mechs to disengage.
@Destroy all Black Cobra's Mechs.
Threat Level:Medium
Heat Sink Efficiency:110%
Type of Mission:Industrial Satobarge
Company Profile Changes:Steiner+3,Infamy+13
Note:Long-Range weapons needed.Medium and Heavy Mechs recommended.LIGHT MECHS

As the main enterance has 2 Calliope Turrets,so Castle suggests you go to Nav
Alpha and destroy the generator first.Once you are at Nav Alpha,walk slowly
towards Nav Beta and use Passive Sensors.You must see the generator, if you see
it,destroy it and use Active Sensors again.Those Myrimidons and Quad Panzers
will come to welcome you,finish them fast because Black Cobra's Mechs(2
Bushwacker and 2 Chimera) will rush to Nav Beta and attack you.After finishing
off those vehicles,concertrate fire on those Mechs to destroy them,or you can
go to finish all Primary Objectives.Once all Primary Objectives are
finished,you can choose to let them to disengage or destroy them all.In either
cases it will end this mission.But for better salvage,I prefer to destroy them

Pay:2220000 C-Bills
#Escort convoys to Nav Alpha.
#Escort convoys to Nav Beta.
#Escort convoys to Nav Gamma.
#Escort convoys to Nav Delta.
#Protect the base from attackers.
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:100%
Type of Mission:Convoy escort
Company Profile Changes:Steiner+7,Nobility+2,Davion-2
Note:Close-Range weapons needed.Medium and Heavy Mechs recommended,but
fast,strong Light Mech are okay too.

This mission is more difficult than others,because you have to protect 3
Artillery Launchers.They are unarmed,and if 1 of them had been
destroyed,mission will fail,so you have to keep near to them.At Nav Alpha,there
will be no enemies.But when they are going to Nav Beta,1 Owens will become
active and run down.Concertrate fire on it and don't let it explodes beside a
convoy.After that Owens had been destroyed,go to Nav Beta and destroy all
Vedettes(4-5) there.Then move at full throttle to Nav Gamma and duel with 1
Owens,1 Hellhound and 1 Chimera with your Lancemates.When they all had kissed
the ground,go to Nav Delta,having repair and rearm there.With the help of the
friendly Hrothgar,destroy 1 Owens,1 Hellhound and 1 Chimera which coming
towards the base.When the last Mech downed,mission ends.

Mission:Offshore B
Pay:2000000 C-Bills
#Protect all Oil Rigs at Nav Alpha.
#Protect all Oil Rigs at Nav Beta.
$Protect all Fuel Industry's Buildings and Vehicles(Additional 500000 C-Bills)
Threat Level:Light
Heat Sink Efficiency:110%
Employer:Transpax Cooperation
Type of Mission:Coastal Defense
Company Profile Changes:Steiner+3,Nobility+4
Note:Due to the high heat efficiency of this mission and mostly fights on
water,more heat sinks can be avoided.Medium Mechs and Heavy Mechs are

As usual,some Patrol Boats will go to Nav Alpha.After destroying them,move to
Nav Beta.As usual,there are 3 Harassers and 3 Condors,punch them out.But then
Castle will inform you that enemy Mechs(1 Argus,1 Uziel,1 Bushwacker and 1
Wolfhound) from Black Cobras will invade the harbour.In addition,enemy
planes(6-8 Nightwinds and 5-8 Nightshades) will also come to support.But
now,you won't have any air support,so destroy those planes(which disturbs you
from attacking Mechs)first,then the Mechs.Let your Lancemates have free
engagement will be good.Concertrate fire on 1 Mech is also good too.Once all
enemies sink with Titanic,the mission will be over.
Note:If you play Eaton first,then you can send all Heavy Mechs to run for this
job.I have 2 Argus,1 Black Knight,1 Loki,2 Catapult to play this for my nearest

You have finished the Halloran V Campaign!
Halloran V Summary:
Offshore->Checkpoint->Offshore B--->Industry Raid->
\___________________/ \____
Escort->Offshore B

Solaris VII
Location: Lyran Alliance
Solaris VII mixes attributes from several entertainment centers of ancient
Terra. When battling on Solaris, while you¡¦re often fighting for your life,
you are first and foremost entertaining the masses. Artificial battle
environments are recreated in vast indoor arenas located in the heart of
Solaris City. The districts around these arenas are bathed in artificial light
from innumerable signs and advertisements. The businesses run 24/7 and anything
can be found for a price. Compete in three famous battle arenas on Solaris -
the Coliseum (Steiner Stadium), the Factory, and the Jungle - and all offer
opportunity for budding MechWarriors to make a name for themselves.

Solaris......Actually it is not a mission area,but a place to let you earn very
fast and serious money and fame.It is a planet for gladiator games,which is a
very popular game throughout the IS.If you want thousands of rabid fans
cheering at you,or you don't afraid people jeering at you,go to Solaris.

There are 3 type of arenas in Solaris:Jungle,Factory and Colliseum arenas.And
there are 4 weight classes:Light,Medium,Heavy and Assault Classes.The higher
the class,more money you will get,and more dangerous.Also,you can choose to
dedicate the victory to House Davion or House Steiner,to boost your approval
rate in the eyes of the House you had
You can always play Classes between Light and Assault(but sometimes I played
many Assault Class and it doesn't let me to play more),but not those
Championships,as they can only play once.
When you go to Solaris for first time,you can only play Light class,and only
Jungle arena(I first go to Solaris after finishing Eaton and Halloran).As you
finish Jungle-Light,you can play other arenas and higher classes(after playing
some more Star Systems).All matches contain 8-10 Mechs(includes you) excludes
Championships,which contain 14-16 Mechs.All classes can only use Mechs of that
class,except those Championships,which all Mechs can be used(But I think you
won't mad enough to use a Flea in Grand Championship,right?).

Solaris Summary:
3 Light Matches(All 3 arenas)->3 Medium Matches(All 3 arenas)->3 Heavy
Matches(All 3 arenas)->3 Assault Matches(All 3 arenas)->3 Championship
Matches(All 3 arenas)->1 Grand Championship Match(Colleseum arena)

OK,now is the rules of Solaris.There is only one rule------Try to be the last
one Mech standing on the field by all means.You have to destroy at least 1 Mech
in each game to qualify to higher level.There are no lancemates or friendly to
help you.You are fighting all alone------except for one case.Sometimes an
unnamed pilot will help you to fight,and your radar will show that Mech is
friendly.I found a method to find friendly------hit rate is 50-70%.When the
match starts,attack your nearest enemy hardly.If one of the part of that Mech
becomes brink red,there may have a radio call from other pilots,says he/she
will help you.That Mech will still appears friendly until he/she has been
killed,you shoot at him/her or he/she is the last Mech stands before you.

There are 2 kinds of pilot in Solaris:unnamed pilots and nameds pilot.Unnamed
pilots are usually with standard configuation of that Mech,can be harmful if
you don't care.As mensioned above,one of them may become your friends------for
a short while.Their number will become less as you going up.

Named pilots are experts,or even eilte pilots controlling a Mech.They are
always dangerous.A list(not completed)below will show the Mech configuation and
the pilot name,also their skills(I think) and the classes they will join:

Nako Toyoma
His/her Mech:Fafnir(2 HGAUSS,2 ER LgLas)
Classes he/she will join:Assault,Championships
May be it is the only Fafnir in those matches(but I saw Elle Neils has Fafnir
too.Also,I will always use Fafnir in those matches).He(?) is a dangerous
pilot,though it is not so aggressive as others,his Fafnir can use its twin
HGAUSS to punch you out.So,keep moving when fasing him.But one time I saw him
standing on a cliff but without moving(at that time I stand below him but he
didn't attack me),so I switched on zoom window and target at his Center
Torso,and 2 HGAUSS,and knocked him out by 1 hit(his CT is brown
and that time is in Grand Championship)......Also,because his skills and his
Fafnir,he is a strengthened pilot and he can KO some enemy before he goes down.

Fen Cheng
His/her Mech:Vulture(2 ARW TRT)
Classes he/she will join:Heavy,Championships
A powerful Mech and pilot.He(?) will try to knout you out first,and his Vulture
can really do it.2 ARW TRT will be a great pain to any Mech,and the worst thing
of all is,it can't be destroyed by LAMS.But,I had mensioned,ARWs are very
inaccruate,and needs time to recycle.It is also the weakness of it:It has no
other weapons,so you can hit him hard when his ARWs are recycling,though I can
destroy it very fast by my Fafnir and Argus......Sometimes later(counting),RUN

Some more pilots will come......

Solaris Arenas:For entering each arenas,you have to pay 1/10 C-Bills of that
arena's prize.

Jungle Arena
Cathay Sector, Solaris City
This indoor arena provides stark contrasts in its battlefield. Tropical flora
is cultivated and sustained in a sort of high tech greenhouse fashion. The
arena obstacles are laid out in appealing patterns, giving the effect of a
mammoth, indoor Japanese rock garden. Waterworks irrigate the arena with small
geysers and simulated springs of various size. Contrasting the lush vegetation
that fills the arena are the same metallic walls that enclose the Factory and
the numerous camera towers. Large Concrete walls are also periodically placed
within the arena to provide more sustainable cover than the vegetation
provides, and increase aesthetic appeal where needed. It shares the holocast
lighting system that illuminates the Factory arena. It is roughly square, about
1500 meters to a side.

There are 2 types of Jungle Arena:One of them has 2 pools of water and have
some hills(A1),when another one has 2 big islands,and filled with water for
left areas(A2).

Prize:1500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:150000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Prize:2000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:200000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Prize:2500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:250000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Prize:3000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:300000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Prize:3500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:350000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Factory Arena
Montenegro Sector, Solaris City
This arena's battlefield is enclosed by mammoth metal walls often festooned
with graffiti and advertisements. A holocast lighting system that keeps every
section well-lit and visible to the numerous camera posts. Within these walls a
vast sprawl of heavy industrial machines and reinforced earthworks has been
crafted into a multilevel battlefield. For some matches molten slag pits are
added. The arena is roughly square, measuring roughly 1000 meters to a side.
The overall visual impression of the arena is a blend of earthworks and metal.
Tall industrial walls create maze-like environments.

There are 2 types of Factory Arena:One of them have 1 pool of water(A1),when
another one has a flatland on a round-topped hill,and a valley around the
hill(I hate geography>_<)(A2).

Prize:1500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:150000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Prize:2000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:200000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Prize:2500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:250000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Prize:3000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:300000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Prize:3500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:350000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Colliseum Arena
Aka Steiner Stadium
Silesia Sector, Solaris City

This classic open-air design was built in painstaking detail on the
architectural style of ancient Rome. Its headline feature, unique among all
stadiums, is its detonator grid and ferroglass shielding which allows for live
viewing of the battles. Unlike the other arenas the Coliseum uses little in the
way of battlefield cover and obstacles. At most a few columns or pillars are
raised from the arena floor depending on the class of match about to be fought.
Unlike the Factory and Jungle which portray the Mech fights as techno
extravaganzas reminiscent of ancient Las Vegas, the Coliseum portrays the
conflicts as high class sport for refined people of substance. The ornate walls
are free of gaudy advertisements and in place of holocast overhead lighting it
boasts only the open sky. It is considered the most prestigious of venues for
Mech combat on Solaris. It is roughly oval (angular section are used on each
end) measuring 1500 by 1000 meters.

There are 2 types of Colliseum Arena:One of them is a flat land with 3-5 Arches
and pillars(A1),when another one has a rectangular area in the center of this
arena,with a river runs around it and separates the arena into 3 parts:center
rectangular area,river and outer land around the river(A2).
Note:Colliseums has more prize than other 2 Arenas,but more dangerous,of
course."What you had paid then what you will get",like Chinese's ideas.

Prize:2000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:200000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Prize:2500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:250000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Prize:3000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:300000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Prize:3500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:350000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Prize:4000000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:400000 C-Bills
Arena type:A1

Grand Championship
Prize:4500000 C-Bills
Entry Fee:450000 C-Bills
Arena type:A2

Then,here is the tactics on Solaris.They are very simple:
1.If you can,mount ECM on your Mech and use passive sensors in the
games.Then,you can only be spotted by range of 250m-200m.Also,enemy can't lock
missiles on you(At New exford you will know this).
2.At Solaris,MAX ARMOUR IS MOST IMPORTANT.So,always max armour on your Mech.But
by contrast,heavy firepower is also important too.So,customizing Mechs should
follow the rule below:
Max Armour->Arm weapons->Add heak sinks or speed.
you being hard-hitting by most weapons.In addition,you should change your
direction of the Mech's movement,BUT don't move backwards!
4.Prepare lots of Mech of that class.Then,if one of your Mech had been
destroyed,then you still have spare Mechs to fight again(This situation mostly
happens above Heavy Classes,but mostly if you defeat you will
reload,right?).Also,save some money to buy more powerful Mechs at free
market,and customize it,so that you can use it for the remaining Campaigns.

Location: Chaos March
Styk has long been a source of conflict between House Liao and House Davion.
Currently the planet and its sister world Gan Singh have used the turmoil
surrounding the Federated Commonwealth civil war to free themselves of the
previous Davion-backed government, forming the independent Styk Commonality.
However, there is serious concern about the stability of the newly-formed
state. In terms of mercenary employment opportunities, Styk is rich indeed:
Lindon's Battalion is one of several groups known to be on station, although
recent reports suggest a Capellan offensive in force could be giving them some
trouble. Both sides in the conflict are likely anxious to bolster their forces
with some soldiers for hire.

Pay:4860000 C-Bills
#Defeat enemies at Nav Alpha.
#Protect the base at Nav Beta from Destruction.
$Save Hammer Lance from destruction(+3 Nobility Point).
Threat Level:Heavy
Heat Sink Efficiency:100%
Employer:Styk Commonality
Type of Mission:Reinforcement
Company Profile Changes:Nobility+8
Note:Send ALL your best Heavy or Medium Mechs and Lancemates,like
Arguses,Catapult and blablabla.Always keep at max speed.Long-Range weapons

When you start for a while,you can see Watch Dog One(A badly damaged Raven) is
chased by many vehicles.Let Watch Dog leaves this area and fight against those
Myrimidons,Bulldogs and Vedettes,or ignore them and let friendly Stilettos to
blast them off.In both cases,rush to Nav Alpha and destroy all enemies there(2
Bushwacker and 2 Thanatos) with Hammer Lance(2 Uziel and 2 Chimera),if you can
save them you will gain 3 Nobility points.

After that,rush to Nav Beta and duel with assault team formed by Patrol
Boats,Condors,2 Bushwacker and 2 Thanatos.There are some Turrets which prepare
to help you.So,very simple:crush all enemies you see.

Pay:5325000 C-Bills
#Go to Nav Alpha.
#Destroy Chopper Prime at Nav Alpha.
#Go to Nav Beta.
#Destroy Limo Prime at Nav Beta.
#Go to Nav Gamma.
#Destroy Mech Prime at Nav Gamma.
#Go to Nav Delta for extraction.
Threat Level:Heavy
Heat Sink Efficiency:100%
Employer:Capellan Contact
Type of Mission:Turncoat
Company Profile Changes:Nobility-5,Davion-2,Infamy+20
Note:Send your best,fast Heavy or Medium Mech,like Arguses,Catapult and
blablabla.Always keep at max speed.Long-Range weapons recommended.Thost targets
will try to leave the mission area,if this happens,your mission
fails.High-Infamy required.If you do this mission,you can't do Peace Talks
afterwards even you can do it.

Move to Nav Alpha.On your radar,you may see Chopper Prime even you are not at
Nav Alpha,so you can shoot it down outright.If you do this,those 4 Nightwinds
will attack you,so after shoot down Chopper Prime,proceed to Nav Beta,those
Nightwinds can't chase you(I used Argus at 85kph).Then you reach Nav Beta,you
will see Limo Prime on your radar.Limo Prime is heavily guarded:2-4 Bulldogs,2
Uziel,some DemolisherIIs.They can be very dangerous at short range,so snipe the
Limo at Long Range and rush to Nav Gamma with your life.

When you reach Nav Gamma,Mech Prime will appear(A Dragon,with 1 AC5,1 LRM15,1
HGAUSS and 1 MedLas,FF8.5).Those Uziels will see you and attack you,so work
fast.When you destroy Mech Prime,rush to Nav Delta and end the mission.In this
area you may see 2 Commonality Police(Chimera) with Bulldogs.Not a big
threat,but you won't want to duel with them,right?So ignore them and it won't
affect your mission.


There are 3 endings for MW4Mercs:Davion,Steiner and Neutral(or Rogue)
endings.Note:You MUST choose either one side(Davion and Steiner)to play at
HesperusII.At New Avalon,you have to choose if becoming a member of Clans or
being Neutral.

Method to reach Davion Ending:

1.Play the campaign ignoring ALL Steiner missions(so don't go to
Halloran!).After playing Mech Works Attack at HesperusII,go to Tharkad and play
all missions there.

2.You can do any contracts as you like,BUT you MUST play Mech Works Attack at
HesperusII(Hesperus:Raid->Stealth->Mech Works Attack).Then go to Tharkad and
play all missions there.You MUST finish mission "Checkmate" at there to reach
Davion Ending.

It is called as Davion Ending because you obey the command of Prince Davion,and
help him to defeat Nondi Steiner.With the defeat of Nondi,Davion offers you a
long-term security contract.A standard ending,because it is the thinking of
"evil will always be beaten".

Method to reach Steiner Ending:

1.Play the campaign ignoring ALL Davion missions.After mission Mech Works
Defense at HesperusII,go to New Avalon and play missions there.After you
finished New Avalon's missions,go to Carse and play mission "Wolf Trial" there.

2.You can do any contracts as you like,BUT you MUST play Mech Works Defense at
HesperusII(Hesperus:Escort->Assault->Mech Works Defense).Then go to New Avalon
and play missions there.After you finished New Avalon's missions,go to Carse
and play mission "Wolf Trial" there.You MUST finish that mission to reach
Steiner Ending.

It is called as Steiner Ending because you obey the orders of Rabid Fox to join
Clan Wolf,and helps him to ensure the safety of Kartina Steiner.I think it is
pretty an evil ending as those Clans kill many people,includes Castle's

Method to reach Neutral Ending:

1.You can do any contracts as you like,BUT you MUST play Mech Works Defense at
HesperusII(Hesperus:Escort->Assault->Mech Works Defense).Then go to New Avalon
and play missions there.After you finished New Avalon's missions,go to New
Canton and play mission "Griffon Base" there.

2.You can do any contracts as you like,BUT you MUST play Mech Works Defense at
HesperusII(Hesperus:Escort->Assault->Mech Works Defense).Then go to New Avalon
and play missions there.After you finished New Avalon's missions,go to New
Canton and play mission "Griffon Base" there.You MUST finish this mission to
reach Neutral Ending.

It is called as Neutral Ending because you choose to breakaway from Lyran
Alliance Armed Forces(LAAF,Steiner's forces) and own a landhold yourself.I
think that's what Chinese says "leave the aggreable life and live secretly in
the world"......


I think I will only post this FAQ at at now,so first thanks is for addition,thanks for Microsoft Game Studios,which had made this
great game.Moreover,their Manual are also helpful along my writing.

Also,I have to thanks Briareos Kerensky.Without his FAQ for references and his
supports by words,I think I can't write this FAQ,or no potentials to write it.

Then,I have to thank a few(?)of things:My computer,the game MW4Mercs(of
course),my hard disk(for storing datas of 12 campaigns),my 8 Fafnirs in those
campaigns,my 161 Variants Mercs,my music soundtracks (From the band group
Beyond,Roman Tam,Dandel on Love,The Power of Love,etc.),RuneScape,Ace
Combat2,and others that I can't list all out.

In addition,I have to thank for my mother,sister(as they don't spot that I
write this FAQ)and my uncles and aunts.Also,I have to thank you!Yes,the readers
of this FAQ!

To ask authorization for copying this FAQ,or you have any comments about this
Walkthrough,please mail to,you can find me frequently
at RuneScape(My username is BrianGeneral).BUT,don't send any mail or messages
about taking CD keys,talking about crimes or about all other illegal
things.(But military is welcome.Haha)

Data Source:MW4Mercs Official Website,MW4Mercs official manuals,Brianeos
Kerensky's FAQ,etc.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.Unauthorized reproduction of this
document as same as it is or in part is forbidden.

Copyright (c) Brian Au,2003.

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