Survivor: Ultimate Challenge

Survivor: Ultimate Challenge

14.10.2013 04:24:44
Survivor: Ultimate (PC)
Challenge FAQ
Version 1.4

Author: DGH25


1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Challenges found in Practice Mode
a. Attack of the No Nos
b. Blowgun Challenge
c. Box Your Mind
d. Bug Trails
e. Fiji Scramble
f. Fish Finder
g. Going Coconuts
h. Island Slots
i. Life's a Tapestry
j. Numismatics
k. Picture Perfect
l. Quick Pick
m. Shadow Boxing
n. Sounds of the Island
o. Speed Puzzles
p. Temple Paths
q. Thai Twisters
r. Tiki Towers
s. Tomahawk Targets
t. tTt
u. Typhoon
4. Challenges (and other events) not found in Practice Mode
a. Survivor Switch
b. Tribal Folklore
c. Survivor History 101
5. Credits
6. Copyright/Info

1. Version History

Version 1.0 (12/30/2002)
-First version

Version 1.1 (2/5/2003)
-Small spelling mistake corrected
-Challenges section split in two:
-Challenges found in Practice Mode
-Challenges (and other events) not found in Practice Mode

Version 1.2 (3/15/2003)
-A challenge has been added to Challenges (and other events) not found in
Practice Mode section
-Some more info added to Copyright/Info section

Version 1.3 (9/19/2003)
-It's actually been a while since the last time I played this game, and
Survivor: Pearl Islands recently began airing on TV, I decided to get back
-Added another challenge to Challenges (and other events) not found in
Mode section
-Added Tree Mail quotes from the game for some of the challenges and hope to
add more soon
-Fixed a minor mistake or two

Version 1.4 (8/13/2005)
-I've been busy in the past couple of years, but I've finally decided to get
this updated; this will likely be the final update I make to this FAQ
-Added Tree Mail quotes from the game for the rest of the challenges
-Added a small bit to the Introduction
-Added a bit to the Blowgun Challenge which I had never realized until
last year
-New e-mail address

2. Introduction

Okay, if you're a fan of the TV show Survivor (like me), then you know the
whole point to the game (so you can skip to the next paragraph). Basically,
people are stranded on an island for 39 days. (The number of people on the
show has been raised to 18 since All-Stars, though.) They have to live on
island with limited resources in order to survive. They also participate in
various challenges in an attempt to win various rewards (including food,
survival gear, and the coveted Immunity). Every few days, at Tribal
one person gets voted out of the game by the others. In the end, only 1
will remain, and that person wins $1,000,000.

In the PC game, you go through a challenge or two, then before Tribal
(if you have to go), you have a chance to form an alliance to target
You then go to Tribal Council to vote someone out. The point of this FAQ is
to help you with the challenges. I can't help with the other stuff; you're
your own there.

(BTW, you don't win any real money when you play the PC game.)

3. Challenges found in Practice Mode

And now for the challenges. This section covers challenges that can be
in Practice Mode.

a. Attack of the No Nos

Tree Mail:
Right before your eyes,
A cloud of buzzing flies
Can make your life unbearable.
Their tiny bites are terrible.
The only thing that you can do
Is slap and slap till they are through.

In this one, you have 2 minutes to swat flies (called No Nos) as they land
on a
bunch of bananas. You simply move your leaf (with your mouse) over a fly
click to swat it. Whoever swats the most flies wins.

-You basically have to be pretty good with your mouse. When a fly lands, it
won't stay there forever, so you have to be quick.

b. Blowgun Challenge

Tree Mail:
Think you've got the right stuff?
Let's see how you huff and puff.
What goes up must go pop.
If you want to end on top.

Here, you have to shoot balloons with a blowgun. The smaller (and farther
away) the balloon, the more points it's worth. But each time you miss, you
lose 5 points. On the right of the screen is a breath meter. When you
you have to wait until it refills to the top before shooting again. But
it has done that, it will start to decrease until you take another shot. As
decreases, your aim becomes a little more shaky. Most points in 2 minutes

-Once again, you have to be pretty good with your mouse.
-Shoot quickly, even when you have nothing to shoot at, so that when you
something to shoot at, your aim won't be too shaky. However, be careful
this tactic, since you do lose 5 points for each miss.

c. Box Your Mind

Tree Mail:
Just how well does your memory rate?
Can you focus your mind and concentrate?
You'll only get a little glance,
So pay attention while you've got the chance.

You'll be shown a circular box with 9 slots in a 3x3 square, and each slot
have an object inside. After a few moments, it will be replaced by an empty
box, and some objects will appear on the left side. You have to drag 9 of
those objects into the slots that you saw them in before. Once you're
have it checked. The more objects you have in the correct slots, the more
points you get. You'll then be shown another box with a new pattern for you
match as closely as possible. You'll keep going like this for 2 minutes,
which whoever has the most points wins.

-Do your best to note which objects were seen where. If you can't memorize
everything, then at least try to get a certain section, then get those and
check so you can move on to the next box.

d. Bug Trails

Tree Mail:
Look around
For food on the ground,
'Cause you're in control
Of a bug on a stroll.

Here, you have to move a bug around a sandy field, getting fruit. However,
you hit an obstacle or cross your own path, you'll go "splat", and after a
seconds, you'll move on to another field. Each fruit is worth a point, and
whoever has the most points after 2 minutes wins.

-Although you can click on the arrows on the screen with your mouse to move
bug, I recommend using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
-The bug is always moving, and since you can't cross your path, the best
to do is to quickly plot out a path as you go that will allow you to get all
of the fruit without crossing your path.

e. Fiji Scramble

Tree Mail:
We confess
It's a mess.
Take a gamble
And unscramble.
If you spell
Very well,
Make them cross
And you'll be boss.

This is a basic word search using words related to Survivor. You simply
to find the given words (seen on the right side of the screen) in the grid
the left. The each word could be seen horizontally (forward or backward),
vertically (up or down), or diagonally (in any of 4 directions). But be
because the first person to complete the word search wins.

-Treat this like a normal word search, but remember that you're racing
to be the first to complete it.

f. Fish Finder

Tree Mail:
In a clear pond
Ten koi quietly swim
Look but don't disturb

This challenge is similar to the game Minesweeper, except the mines are
replaced by fish. You have a grid, in which some fish are hidden. You have
uncover squares on the grid (with a left click) without uncovering the fish.
If you uncover a fish, you'll get a new grid. You can right-click a square
mark where you think a fish might be at. If you uncover a number, that
is equal to the number of fishes that are touching that square (above,
to the left or right, or diagonally). If you can uncover the whole grid
(except for the squares with the fish), you'll score points and get a new
Whoever has the most points after 3 minutes wins.

-Check out one of the Minesweeper FAQs on GameFAQs for tips on this.

g. Going Coconuts

Tree Mail:
We've got a little job for you.
Things are hidden two by two.
Pay attention, make it snappy.
Match them up and you'll be happy.

This is basically a memory game. You have to uncover 2 coconuts at a time.
the objects inside those coconuts match, they remain uncovered. If not,
they'll be covered up again when you select another coconut. First player
successfully uncover everything wins.

-If you don't have a match, try to remember what you saw there so that if
see a similar object elsewhere, you'll know where a pair can be found.

h. Island Slots

Tree Mail:
Step right up and take a spin.
If you're clever enough, you can win.
Keep the big ones and toss out the small,
But don't be too slow, 'cause winner takes all.

This is sort of like a combination of Slots and Yahtzee. When the 5 wheels
stop, it may or may not result in a scoring combination. If there is a
combination, you can either add it to your point total by clicking Bank, or
can hold some wheels and spin again in the hopes of getting a better
combination. You can hold and spin as much as you want, but you only have 3
minutes to get as many points as possible. Most points wins.

-These are the scoring combinations and their values:
One Pair - 2
Two Pairs - 3
3 of a Kind - 5
Full House - 10
4 of a Kind - 25
5 of a Kind - 50
-This depends mainly on luck, but some strategy is also involved. You might
want to go for the big points early on, but when time is running low, you
might want to consider Banking whatever scoring combinations you get.

i. Life's a Tapestry

Tree Mail:
Look for the pattern
Or you may be leaving
The key to victory
Is all in the weaving
You need to be wary
Of the time you're consuming
If you take too long
Eviction is looming

Here, you have to slide strips of the tapestry on the left side of the
so that it forms an image that looks like the image on the right. Once you
think the images match, click Check This. The first player to match the 2
images wins.

-Some sections of a strip may look similar, so be careful.

j. Numismatics

Tree Mail:
Money comes in bunches,
But don't just leave it anywhere --
Listen to your hunches
And make it fit into a square.

Here, you have to place sets of coins (in various shapes) on a grid. The
current shape you'll be dropping is shown on the right. You can rotate the
shape by right-clicking. When you place the shape, the gold coin in that
will be placed in the spot where you clicked. The object is to form
squares/rectangles of coins of at least a 3x3 size. When you do, the coins
the square/rectangle will disappear and you'll score points. If the field
too full, you'll have to wait a few seconds, then the grid will be cleared.
Most points after 2 minutes wins.

-Try not to leave gaps or open holes on the field that are inaccessible by
shape. If you end up with one, try to clear the coins surrounding it to
room for it.

k. Picture Perfect

Tree Mail:
Elephant's memory? Eagle's eyes?
Speed of a cheetah? Take the prize!

You'll be shown a picture that came from any of the first 4 seasons of
Survivor. Memorize the picture as best you can, then click Begin to cover
the picture. You'll then be asked 3 questions based on the picture. You
get 5
points per correct answer. After 3 questions, you can choose to either go
the next picture or answer a 10 point bonus question based on the current
picture. If you take that question, you'll have the option afterward of
another bonus question worth 15 points before moving on to the next picture.
Most points after 2 minutes wins.

-Only take the bonus questions if you think you still know enough about the
current picture. Remember, you do have a time limit, and there are more
pictures that you could go after.

l. Quick Pick

Tree Mail:
As challenges go,
This doesn't look too sticky.
But by now we hope you know
What looks easy can be tricky.

You'll see a group of tiles on the left, and you have to click on the one
matches the tile on the right. You get a point if you're right. Most
after 2 minutes wins.

-Take it slowly at first. The tiles do look similar, but with different
patterns, so try to be careful.

m. Shadow Boxing

Tree Mail:
Shapes and colors in the dark
Will trouble and tease your mind.
Can you match the shadow's mark?
The key is for you to find.

You'll see an image on the right side. Along the bottom of the screen are a
bunch of slides, and you have to drag 3 of them to the left projector to
an image similar to the one on the right. If you're successful, you'll get
point and you'll get a new image to form. Most points in 3 minutes wins.

-The colours of the shapes on the 3 slides are red, blue, and yellow. In
image, you may also see other colours. Remember:
Red + Blue = Purple
Red + Yellow = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Gray (don't ask; I know it doesn't make sense, but that's
way it appears for some reason)

n. Sounds of the Island

Tree Mail:
When you were just a little tyke,
Before you even rode a bike,
You probably liked to play this game.
"Follow the leader" is its name.
So here's your chance to play once more.
The better you follow, the higher you score.

You'll be given a sequence of notes, and you simply have to repeat it.
note is added to the sequence each time that you're successful. If you
up, you'll have to start at the beginning of a new sequence. After 2
whoever has successfully completed the longest sequence wins.

-Remember to pay attention. If you have to write the sequence down, do it.
-Since only your longest completed sequence counts, if you screw up, the
way to increase your score is to get back up to where you were at before and
continue from there.

o. Speed Puzzles

Tree Mail:
When the clock starts to tick,
Get to work real quick.
When the squares are unmixed
The picture will be fixed.

You'll be shown a 4x4 picture on the left. It will then be split into 16
pieces and placed on the right. You have to quickly and correctly
the picture back on the left. Once you succeed, you'll get another picture.
Whoever correctly reassembles the most pictures in 3 minutes wins.

-Not much to say here. Just remember what the picture looks like and
reassemble it.

p. Temple Paths

Tree Mail:
Words of wisdom
Known to every nation:
Even a crooked path
Has a destination.

You'll be given a map, and using the tiles at the bottom of the screen,
assemble a path between the 2 temples. The path must also include parts of
path already placed on the map, and the path cannot go through squares
with a forest, mountain, or river. The first person to correctly assemble
path wins.

-There is a limited number of tiles to be used, so don't waste them.
-There is usually only one solution, and you usually need all of the tiles
complete the path.

q. Thai Twisters

Tree Mail:
It's Greek to me.
Well, not quite.
Try it and see.
You'll put things right.

You'll be given a set of letters which, when unscrambled, forms a word or
phrase. You'll also get a clue for the word/phrase. Assemble the
then have it checked. If it's right, you get a point. But if it's wrong,
lose a point and you'll have to try again. You can choose to skip to
word, but that'll cost a point as well. Most points after 2 minutes wins.

-If you've built up a good lead and you think no one else can catch your
current score before time runs out, and you get stuck on a word/phrase, you
could consider waiting for time to run out and not risk losing points.

r. Tiki Towers

Tree Mail:
Not a game of muscle
It's a strain upon your mind
It's time to pick up the pieces
And hope they stack up in time

You'll see 4 tiki towers on the right side. Try to memorize what they look
like, because after a few moments, they'll be taken apart and all but the
bottom pieces will be placed on the left side. You have to reassemble the 4
towers from the bottom up, keeping the patterns consistent. The first
to correctly reassemble the 4 towers wins.

-Try to focus on 1 tower at a time, but if you get stuck, then turn your
attention to another.

s. Tomahawk Targets

Tree Mail:
Now you must throw with skill and with might
To send your steel on its glinting flight.
A sharp eye with a steady aim
Is what you will need to win this game.

You're basically throwing tomahawks at targets. The tomahawk will be moving
horizontally until you click, then it'll move vertically. Click again at
right height to throw. There are 5 rounds, each round has a different
formation, and you'll have 45 seconds in each round to throw 4 tomahawks at
targets. Most points after the 5 rounds wins.

-Once the tomahawk is moving vertically, wait for it to move down, then
when the lower part of the handle is over the intended target. It may take
few tries to get the timing down.

t. tTt

Tree Mail:
It seems so easy,
But don't let it fool you.
If you don't rule the Tower,
The Tower will rule you.

tTt stands for Thai Tiki Towers. Here, you have to remove a set of tiles,
at a time, from a pile. But to score, the tiles in the set must be either
similar or all different. Once you've cleared a pile, you'll be given a new
pile. Most points after 2 minutes wins.

-Take a moment to see whether you should go for all similar or all different
before removing tiles. Remember, you can only remove tiles that are not
covered by other tiles, so be careful.

u. Typhoon

Tree Mail:
^>From Vegas to Monte Carlo,
The savvy players know
That the ones who push their luck
Win enough to fill a truck.
Until their luck runs out.
Come back, luck! they shout.

Here, you have a rock spinning around on a wheel, and you click Stop to stop
the rock. There are various point values that you can land on (from 1 to
and when you land on one, you get that amount of points. But if you want a
more points, there is also a Jackpot space, which starts with a value of 50
increases as you land on it. There are some bad spaces, though. Half takes
away half of your points, and Bankrupt takes away all of your points. You
spinning for 2 minutes, after which whoever has the best score wins.

-If you're confident with your timing, go for the Jackpot. But remember
it is surrounded by a Half and a Bankrupt, so be careful when going for the
-If you think no one can catch you, then stick with the smaller point
You don't want to lose all of those points, after all...

4. Challenges (and other events) not found in Practice Mode

You'll come across each of these challenges and events at certain points in
main game. You can't play these in Practice Mode, so I guess I'll help you
prepare for them. (I'm not sure if I'm still missing a challenge or two,
I'll update this FAQ if I do find something new.)

a. Survivor Switch

Tree Mail:
Challenges of brain and brawn
Are nothing compared to this
Your world will turn
Your head will spin
As you stand upon the disc

This is always done at Episode 4, Day 1. At this point, things could very
change for you and the others. You'll pick a wooden disk. Underneath it is
colour corresponding to one of the tribes. That colour determines which
you'll be in for the next few episodes. You might stay with your current
tribe, or you might switch to the other tribe. It all depends on luck.

-You'll get 10 seconds to pick a disk before the others start claiming them.
You don't have to pick before the 10 seconds are up, so you can wait until
there are fewer choices if you want.
-If you've picked a disk, and there are still some unclaimed disks left, you
can switch to another disk as long as it hasn't been claimed yet. You can
this as much as you want until all disks are claimed.

b. Tribal Folklore

Tree Mail:
You've been here a while
So your very next trial
Will allow you to show
Just how much you know
About the many faces
Of the Marquesas.

This is basically a trivia challenge. You have 2 minutes to answer as many
questions as you can. These questions will be about the locations and tribe
names from the first 4 seasons of Survivor. Each question is multiple
and there are 2 possible responses to choose from in each question. The
who has correctly answered the most questions wins.

-You'll have to know various things about Pulau Tiga, the Australian
Africa, and the Marquesas. You'll also have to know the meanings and other
things of the tribe names from those first 4 seasons. You might have to do
some research on those things to do well here.
-If you've played the challenge before, and you get a question that you've
already seen, try to remember what you responded the first time and if you
were right or wrong. Remember, there are only 2 choices for each question.

c. Survivor History 101

Tree Mail:
How well do you know your mates?
Have you learned their story?
How much you know will determine your fates.
Will you win Survivor glory?

This is another trivia challenge. This time, you'll be answering 10
about the contestants from the first 4 seasons of Survivor. You'll have 10
seconds to select one of 2 possible answers to each question, and you can
change your answer until time is up for that question. Whoever has the most
correct answers wins.

-It helps to have watched the first 4 seasons of Survivor (and remember most
the things that happened during those seasons) if you want to do well here.
If you haven't, then I guess you could try searching the internet for a site
that has details of each episode and try to remember as much as you can (or
maybe print out a few things).
-Remember, you can switch answers during the 10 seconds, so if you're
just pick one, and if you suddenly realize what the correct answer is before
time runs out, then quickly make the appropriate adjustment if you need to.
-As in Tribal Folklore, it is possible that if you've played the challenge
before, you might see a question that you've already seen. Once again, try
remember what answer you chose before, and if it was right or wrong.

5. Credits

-CBS - for airing the TV show that this game is based on

-Atari (formerly Infogrames) - for making this game, which is definitely
than the first one; for the Tree Mail quotes in this FAQ

-GameFAQs; DLH.Net - for hosting this FAQ

-Myself - for writing this FAQ

-And, of course, you - for reading this FAQ

6. Copyright/Info

If you have any questions or comments about this FAQ, if you want to
some extra tips to this FAQ, or if you see this on any site other than those
listed below, please contact me at If you are going to
me about this FAQ, please put "Re: Survivor FAQ" in the subject line so I
accidentally delete it (just to be safe, since I've been getting plenty of
lately, and I hate spam). If you do contribute extra tips, and I decide to
them to this FAQ, you will get full credit for those tips.

Copyright 2002-2005 DGH25
You may not place this FAQ or any part of it on your site without my
Only the following sites have my permission to show this version of this
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