Unreal Championship

Unreal Championship

17.10.2013 18:33:59
* Version 1.3 *
* email: bballmaniac15@hotmail.com *
* by: bballmaniac15 *
* XBL gamertag: bballmaniac15 *
* *
* If you have any questions or comments *
* e-mail me! *
* *
* Thanks to DiSsMaStEr for the ASCII title *
* *

____ ___ .__
| | \___________ ____ _____ | |
| | / \_ __ \_/ __ \__ \ | |
| | / | \ | \/\ ___/ / __ \| |__
|______/|___| /__| \___ >____ /____/
\/ \/ \/
_________ .__ .__ .__ .__ ______
\_ ___ \| |__ _____ _____ ______ |__| ____ ____ _____| |__ |__|\___ \
/ \ \/| | \__ \ / \____ \| |/ _ \ / \ / ___/ | \| || |_> >
\ \___| Y \/ __ \| Y Y \ |_> > ( <_> ) | \___ \| Y \ || __/
\______ /___| (____ /__|_| / __/|__|\____/|___| /____ >___| /__||__|
\/ \/ \/ \/|__| \/ \/ \/

Game Info
# of Players (offline) : 1-4
Widescreen : Yes
HDTV : Yes
Xbox System Link : Yes
Xbox Live : Yes
Voice : Yes
Scoreboards : Yes
Friends : Yes
Content Download : Yes
Content Rating : Mature
# of Players (online) : 2-16


1. Introduction

2. Controls

3. Advanced Moves
3.1 Double Jump
3.2 Head Shots
3.3 Wall jumps
3.4 Elevator Jumps

4.Game Modes
4.1 Deathmatch
4.2 Team Deatmatch
4.3 Capture The lag
4.4 Double Domination
4.5 Survival
4.6 Bombing Run

5. Adrenaline
5.1 Agility
5.2 Berserk
5.3 Regeneration
5.4 Invisibility

6. Items
6.1 Health
6.2 Health Pack
6.3 Mega Health
6.4 Shield Pack
6.5 Super Shield Pack
6.6 Double Damage
6.7 Adrenaline
6.8 Bomb Gate
6.9 Domination Point
6.10 Flag Base

7. Commands
7.1 Attack
7.2 Defend
7.3 Freelance
7.4 Attack Point A/B (Only in Double Domination)

8.1 Shield Gun
8.2 Assault Rifle
8.3 Minigun
8.4 Flak Cannon 3.0
8.5 Lightning Gun
8.6 Rocket Launcher
8.7 Shock Rifle
8.8 T.A.G Rifle
8.9 Ion Cannon
8.10 Translocator
8.11 Ball Launcher
8.12 BioRifle 2.0
8.13 The Link

9. Races
9.1 Gen Mo'Kai
9.2 Automatons
9.3 Mercenaries
9.4 Juggernauts
9.5 Anubans
9.6 Nightmare

10. Mutators
10.1 Arena
10.2 Floaty Cadavers
10.3 Insta Gib
10.4 Link Gun medic
10.5 Low Grav
10.6 No Adrenaline
10.7 Big Head
10.8 Competition Mode
10.9 Regeneration
10.10 Slow-Motion Corpses
10.11 Vampire

11. Single Player

12. Playing Tips

13. Glitches
13.1 Rocket Launcher Glitch
13.2 T.A.G Rifle Glitch

14. FAQs
14.1 How do I get offline split-screen multiplayer?
14.2 How do I view the scoreboard/stats of the current game I am in?
14.3 Which character is the best?
14.4 How much lag is there on Xbox Live?

15. Xbox Live
15.1 How do I setup Xbox Live

16. Websites

17. Got Questions/comments or found errors/mistakes?

18. Credits

19. Legal Stuff


1.1- Added Frequently Asked Question section Dec.30.2002
Added Single Player section Dec.30.2002

1.2- Added Races Section Dec.31.2002
Added Mutators Section Dec.31.2002

1.3- Added Xbox Live Section Jan.6.2003
Added Websites Section Jan.6.2003

1.3- Added Glitch section Jan.14.2003

If you would like me to add something to this FAQ, email me at

1. Introduction

I started this FAQ on Dec. 28 2002 and I hope to update it as much as possible.
Here is a quick rundown of what to expect from Unreal Championship: Beatiful
graphics, Fast paced action, blood and gore, trash talking (if your on xbox
live), unique characters, and out of this world type of maps!

If you have played Unreal Tournament before you will notice that the game is a
75% port. If you are thinking of getting this game and didn't play Unreal
Tournament 2003 yet then just download the UT2003 demo because it is exactly
like getting the demo for Unreal Championship. Now onto the FAQ!

2. Controls
(L-Trigger) (R-Trigger)
* ooo ******(white)(black)*
* ooooo *XBOX* *
* ooo ****** (Y) *
* (X) (B) *
* ^ (A) *
* | ooo *
* <- -> (BACK) (START) ooooo *
* | *************** ooo *
* v * * *
* * * *
* * * *
*** ***

Left Thumbstick..................Move
Left Thumbstick button...........Jump
Directional Pad Up...............Move Forward
Directional Pad Down.............Move Back
Directional Pad Left/Right.......Strafe Left/Right
Right Thumbstick Left/Right......Turn Left/Right
Right Thumbstick Up/Down.........Look up/down
Right Thumbstick Button..........Center View
A Button.........................Jump
X Button.........................Previous Weapon
B Button.........................Next Weapon
Y Button.........................Taunt/Orders
Left Trigger.....................Secondary Fire
Right Trigger....................Primary Fire
Start Button.....................Start Menu
Back Button......................Voice Channels
White Button.....................Stats
Black Button.....................Scoreboard

3. Advanced Moves
Advance Moves are techniques you can use to dodge, move faster, and get into
places that you couldn't without these moves.

3.1 Double Jump
The double Jump can be performed by quickly pressing the Jump Button (A button)
twice. This Jump is useful for dodging bullets, especially rocket launchers.You
can also get to high places with this move.

3.2 Head Shots
The Lightning Gun is the best weapon you want if you are looking for Head
Shots. You can perform a head shot by aiming the Lightning gun at or near an
enemies head. This move is best performed when you are above your opponent and

3.3 Wall Jumps
Wall jumps can be performed when you are in between 2 walls. First press the
jump button onto the wall on your right and quickly press the jump button again
and go towards the wall on your left. This move is most effective againt the
Shock Rifle because it is very hard for opponent to aim at you when you are
bouncing around.

3.4 Elevator Jumps
An elevator jump can be performed when you are going up and elevator. Just
before the elevator is going to stop you should press the jump button, then you
will be launched into the air. This move is most effective when you are being
chased by someone.

4. Game Modes
There are tons of game modes in this game including deathmatch, team
deathmatch, capture the flag (CTF), Double Domination (DD), Survival, and the
new mode Bombing Run (BR).

4.1 Deathmatch
Deathmatch is an evry-man-for-himself shootout where you have to kill
everything you see. You can find pick-ups all around the map like health,
adrenelaine, weapons, and ammo. You get one point for every person you kill and
you lose a point for everytime you kill yourself. The first person to reach a
predetermined score or has the highest number of points when time runs out is
the winner.

4.2 Team Deathmatch
Team Deathmatch is exactly like regular deathmatch except that the players are
split into two teams (red and blue).

4.3 Capture The Flag
This is a team where you have to go to the opposing teams base, take their
flag, and return to your base. To get the flag you must run over the flag. If
both teams have each other's flag , no-one will score until one team drops the
flag and the flag gets returned base. You can also find pick-ups in the game
mode. Once a team reaches the predetermined score, that team wins.

4.4 Double Domination
This is another team game where your team has to control two points (Alpha and
Bravo) in a map. If that team controls both points for 12 seconds they get a
point. Once a team reaches a predetermined score they win the game.

4.5 Survival
This is like deathmatch one vs one. Two people battle off and whoever wins,
battles against the next opponent. Once a person reaches a predetermined score,
they win. You get one point for every person you kill.

4.6 Bombing Run
This is a team game that borrows lots of its rules and scoring from football.
To score one person from a team must take the ball (spawns in the middle of the
map) and deliver it through the other teams Bomb Gate in the opponents base. If
you run through the Bomb Gate with the ball, you get 7 points, if you throw the
ball (R-Trigger) through the Bomb Gate, you get 3 points. Once a team reaches a
predetermined score, they win.

5. Adrenelaine
This is like a health bar except it can't go down until you use it. Once you
reach 100 adrenelaine you can do a special moves which include agility,
invisibility, regeneration, and berserk.

5.1 Agility
To activate this move you have to tap down, down, up quickly and you will move
alot faster. This is very useful in Capture the Flag and Bombing Run because
you have to run from your opponents alot in those modes.

5.2 Berserk
To activate this move you have to tap up, up, up quickly. This will make you
shots more powerful. This move is most useful in deathmatch and team deatmatch
because it will get you alot of frags quickly!

5.3 Invisibility
To activate this move you have to tap right, right, left, left quickly.
Obviously this move will make you invisible. This is very useful in deathmatch,
team deathmatch, and double domination. The reason I don't think its useful in
Capture the Flag or Bombing Run is because if you are carrying the flag, it
will stick out and people will still see you. If you use it in Bombing run,
people will see you because you get these rings circling you when you have the

5.4 Regeneration
To activate Regeneration you have to tap down, down, down. This will get your
health to the maximum your character can have. This is very useful in Capture
the Flag, Bombing Run, Deathmatch, and team Deathmatch.

6. Items

6.1 Health
The Health vial is a small skinny tube that you will find when your running
around the worlds of Unreal Chapionship. Each vial gives you 5 health points
until your reach the maximum health life of 199. This item is best during team

6.2 Health Pack
The Health pack is like the Health vial but 5x stronger. It replenishes 25
points of your health up to the maximum health of your character. These are
harder to get than health viles. You'll to get one of these while playing

6.3 Mega Health
The Mega Health is 4x stronger than the health pack and 20x stronger than the
health vial. It adds 100 points to your health up to the maximum health of your
character. This item is really hard to find and are usually in the last place
you'd look. This item is useful in any match type.

6.4 Shield Pack
The shield pack protects you with 50 armor points. The maximum number of armor
points with this item is 150. The shield pack is useful when your defending a
base or your teammates.

6.5 Super Shield Pack
The Super Shield Pack protects you with 100 armor points and just like the
original shield pack the maximum armor points it adds is 150. This item is
really useful in Capture the flag.

6.6 Double Damage
This item is self explanitory ... it doubles the power of all your weapons but
only for 30 seconds. This is also most useful at any time or match type.

6.7 Adrenaline
This item adds 5 points to your adrenaline meter. Once you reach 100 you can
perform special tricks like berserk, invisibility, agility, and regeneration.
This items is most useful at any time since it gives you so many options.

6.8 Bomb Gate
The Bomb gate is found during Bombing Run, when you have the ball you will have
to get the ball through this and it is located at your enemy's base. If you
throw the ball through the Bomb gate you get 3 points, if you run with the ball
through the Bomb gate you will be awarded with 3 points.

6.9 Domination Point
This item is found during double domination, your team will have to control
both domination points for 10 seconds. All you have to do to take control of a
domination point is run through it.

6.10 Flag Base
You will find this item during Capture the flag. To get to your opponents Flag
base to get their flag you will have to go to their base and when you get to
their flag base, run over it and take the flag back to your base to score.

7. Commands

This is a very useful part of the game espacially in Capture The Flag because
you tell you A.I teammates what to do. To get your commands list press Y.

7.1 Attack
This will tell your teammates to attack the opposing teams base or if you are
in Capture the Flag it would tell them to get the enemy's flag.

7.2 Defend
This will tell your teammates to defend your base or in Team Deathmatch it will
tell them to protect you.

7.3 Freelance
This will tell your teammate to do whatever he/she wants to. The A.I. in this
game is smart so don't hesitate to use this option.

7.4 Attack Point A/B (Only in Double Domination)
In Double Domination, this will tell your teammates to attack point Alpha or
Bravo and Dominate that point. This is very useful and important to use if you
want to succeed in Double Domination.

7.4 Taunt
This will get your character to scream out a qoute that offends your enemies.

8. Weapons
This part of the FAQ is dedicated to the weapons of Unreal Championship. The
weapons are very futuristic and arcadey because of the fast paced action of
this game.

8.1 Shield Gun
The Shield Gun is a close range weapon which shoots out plasma waves. It is a
Kempier DD280 Riot Control Device which has the ability to resist and reflect
incoming projectiles and energy beams.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This weapon is really effective when your in a battle with someone who
doesnt have a rocket launcher,I would use this when my opponent is using an
Assault Rifle.

8.2 Assault Rifle
The 5.56mm AR770 has two main attacks, a pistol and a M355 Grenade Launcher.
This weapon is the most effective weapon against unarmored enemies.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: I think this is one of your best options against the rocket launcher
since it is a pistol and a grenade launcher all in one.

8.3 Minigun
The Schultz- Metzger T23-A 23mm rotary cannon is a quick an preety accurate
gun. The minigun isn't all that effective but little by little it takes away
lots of health from your opponent.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: I love this gun against just about any gun, it shoots fast and once you
find an opponent its so easy to follow him/her without missing.

8.4 Flak Cannon 3.0
This Trident Defensive Technologies Series 7 Flechette Cannon has two main
firing weapons: the ionized flechettes which shoots 3 small fire pistols and
fragment grenades which explode on impact.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This IS the best weapon to use against the rocket launcher besides
running away since the 3 fire pistols and the fragment grenades do enough

8.5 Lightning Gun
The Lightning is a sniping gun the shoots out a bolt of electricity , to zoom in
you will have to hold the secondary fire for as much as you want to zoom in.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: If your into sniping and head shots this is the weapon you should be
using. It is very accurate and powerful. I love using this weapon when covering
my teammates.

8.6 Rocket Launcher
The most powerful weapon in the game is the Trident Tri-Barrel Rocket Launcher
which can shoot out 3 rockets at one time if you hold the secondary fire

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This is one my favourite weapon in the game since it is the most
powerful weapon and it has the lock on feature which will allow you to shoot

8.7 Shock Rifle
The Shock Rifle is a high powered weapon which shoots out a high-voltage arc of
electricity. Its a very powerful weapon when your on the run.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My say: This is one of my favourite weapons because of its two different type of
shooting modes. I like using this weapon when I run out of ammo for my primary

8.8 T.A.G Rifle
Another powerful weapon in this game is the T.A.G Rifle, it has auto-aim when
you activate it with the secondary fire. When you shoot at an opponent with the
primary fire the shot will stick on your enemy and explode on him/her (after
you use the Ion Cannon) so it is advisable that you get to a safe distance from
your opponent or you will get hit by recoil.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This a rare gun in the game but it is very effective. I can use this gun
at anytime and be satisfied with its outcome.

8.9 Ion Cannon
After someone is shot by the T.A.G Rifle, you have to use this weapon to blast
the enemy.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This is a great weapon the creates a huge explosion so if your into
blasting stuff up don't hesitate to use this weapon.

8.10 Translocator
This is not exactly a weapon because it can't harm your enemies all that much.
This weapon can be shot up to very high places with the primary fire and if you
press the secondary fire you will be translocate where this weapon is. If you
press primary fire again after you shot the Translocator out you can see what
or who is around the translocator because there is also a camera in it.

Power : >>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This is very useful to get places quickly if you keep shooting it
forward and teleporting to it. It is very useful to get to the flag in Capture
the Flag but you can't use it when you are carrying the flag or you will drop
the flag. You can still shoot people with this item/weapon if you fling it at
your opponent but I wouldnt recommend you using it as a weapon the whole time.

8.11 Ball Launcher
This is the weapon that is used to carry the ball in Bombing Run. Just like the
Translocator, it can't harm your enemies but you can shoot the ball out with
the primary and use your weapon quickly, kill your enemy, and get the ball
again. You can shoot the ball into the Bomb Gate with the primary fire also to
get 3 points.

Power :
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: You can't harm your enemies so all I can say is because you cant use a
weapon while carrying the ball, everytime you meet up with an enemy, shoot out
the ball and quickly kill your enemy, and pick the ball up again.

8.12 BioRifle 2.0
This weapon is like a mine-launcher because if you shoot with this weapon, it
will release green sticky mines and when someone steps on one of them it will

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: This weapon isnt very accurate because when you shoot with it themine
will head straight down and because of that you can't shoot very far.

8.13 The Link
This is a strange but great weapon. It is used by a team and when you shoot
with it, a link will come between you and a teammate that you shoot at, so you
will be stuck with the teammate until you release the link. While your linked,
when the teammate you are stuck with shoots an opponent , the weapon will do
double damage because you two are linked. You can also link multiple teammates
together to do 3x,4x,5x,6x, or even 7x the damage.

Power : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Accuracy: >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

My Say: I don't really like this weapon because Id rather have my team split up
all over the map then stuck together.

9. Races

9.1 Gen Mo'Kai
The Gen Mo'kai are very agile and quick, not very powerful, but they are so
fast that enemies will have a hard time shooting them down.

Power :>>>>>>
Agility :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 2 3 4 5

9.2 Automatons
The fastest race in the tournament are the Automatons although moving from side
to side is very slow with the Automatons because of "Limitations in the
gyrosopic stabalizers" according to the manual. The Automatons can also jump
very high but their power isn't as great as their agility.

Power :>>>>>>>>>
Agility :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 2 3 4 5

9.3 Mercenaries
Mercanaries are powerful and agile. They aren't the best in any of those
categories but they aren't the worst in any of those categories either, they
are the "average" race in the tournament.

Power :>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Agility :>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 2 3 4 5

9.4 Juggernauts
The most powerful race in the game is also the slowest race in the game! These
guys are the toughest because of all their armor but that armor slows them
down. So you have to decide which is more important power or agility.

Power :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Agility :>>>>>
1 2 3 4 5

9.5 Anubans
Another agile race in the game are the Anubans, and like the other agile races
they aren't very powerful but they can jump very high , in fact I think they
are the highest jumpers in the game.

Power :>>>>>>>>>>>
Agility :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 2 3 4 5

9.6 Nightmare
This race is the weirdest looking but also surprisingly one of the best races
in the game. They look small and weak but they are powerful.

Power :>>>>>>>>>>>>
Agility :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 2 3 4 5

10. Mutators
10.1 Arenas
Let's you switch the weapons of a map to any that weapons you want.

10.2 Floaty Cadavers
Corpses go into low gravity so they will fly more.

10.3 Insta Gib
One shot kills with Shock Rifles.

10.4 Link Gun Medic
Allows you to heal your teammates with the link gun.

10.5 Low Grav
There is no gravity so you can jump very high even with the Juggernauts!

10.6 No Adrenelaine
You won't be able to pick up the Adrenaline pills.

10.7 Big Head
Everyone is stuck with a huge swollen head.

10.8 Competition Mode
Disables each races special skills and each characters weapon affinities.

10.9 Regeneration
Each player regenerates their health during the game.

10.10 Slow Motion Corpses
When a player dies, their corpse will take longer to disappear.

10.11 Vampire
Suck health from your opponent and add it to your health.

11. Single Player

There is not much of a single player campaign in Unreal Championship since its
just multiplayer with the A.I , so Ill just give you some hints. When your
playing Team Deathmatch, always leave your team as Freelance. During Capture
the Flag get half your team on Defense and half on Offense. Bombing Run leave
them on Freelance and on Double Domination put half team on "Attack Alpha" and
the other half on "Attack Bravo". When your picking your teammates, choose one
of each race so that you will have teammates with different talents which will
make it easier to size up to the AI opponents. Here are more tips of what type
of people you should have in each tournament:

Team Deatmatch- Use powerful characters like Juggernauts since you don't need a
fast person to get anywhere.

Capture The Flag- Mercenaries and Autons are useful in this gametype because it
needs quick and powerful character to win.

Double Domination- Anubans, Juggernauts, and Gen Mo'Kai should do the trick
since you need powerful people to kill and fast people that could touch points
Alpha and Bravo.

Bombing Run- Gen Mo'Kai and Automatons are very useful in this gametype since
your health regenerates while you are holding the ball so all you need is a
quick person to grab the ball for your team.

Survival- Whichever character you are comfortable with should be good enough to
win since the character you choose at the beginning is the only character you
can choose to fight against your opponents.

12. Playing Tips

- This is a fast paced arcade shooter so dont hesitate to shoot anything you

- Switching weapons is a matter of life or death so try to keep switching
weapons to a minimum when your in a shootout.

- Keep moving, when your standing in one spot you become an easy target.

- Don't take too long to aim, remember, shoot first... aim later!

- Aim for the head, thats where it hurts the most. But with the Rocket Launcher
aim at the stomach.

- Tryout all the weapons and see which you are the best with.

- Never underestimate your opponent because of his skin or gun he is holding.
That is the gun that they almost always use and are most likely good with it.
- Scarry Larry

13. Glitches

13.1 Rocket Launcher Glitch
Host a game with a character who has the rocket launcher. Lock on and hold the
primary fire (R-trigger), you should stay locked on until the person you are
locked on to dies.

13.2 T.A.G Rifle Glitch
Get the T.A.G Rifle and hold the primary fire, when it turns red quickly switch
weapons. Now it should say 0 for ammo but you can shoot as much as you want.

14. FAQs
1. How do I get offline split-screen multiplayer?

Go to Instant action, choose what map and gametype you want and when you enter
the game with the other controller(s) , press start and choose an account.

2. How do I view the scoreboard/stats of the current game I am in?

White button- Stats
Black button- scoreboard

3. Which character is the best?

It is all up to you, if you love blowing stuff up then take one of the
characters with a rocket launcher, if you like sniping then take a character
with the Lightning Gun. Me, I would take any character with a lightning gun,
preferrably fast.

4. How much lag is there on Xbox Live?

There is barely any, but if you see a room with 14-16 players in it, there is a
75% chance that it is full of lag.

5. Is this game good without Xbox Live?

IMHO, I would say no... this game was made for Xbox Live. If I didn't have Xbox
Live, I wouldn't have bought this game. See for yourself, if you don't have Xbox
Live then rent the game.

15. Xbox Live Setup

15.1 How do I setup Xbox Live?

You must turn off everything that you are connecting before your start!!!

Direct Connection: Take an ethernet cable (RJ-45) and plug it from your Xbox to
your modem. This is the easiest connection so once your done that, all you have
to do is pick up an Xbox Live Starter Kit. If you want to share your connection
with your PC and Xbox look at the router connection.

Router Connection: Take one ethernet cable (RJ-45) and connect it from your
modem to your router. Take another ethernet cable and connect it from your PC
NIC card to the router. With another ethernet cable, plug it from your Xbox to
the router. Now check your PC if it is connected to the internet. If it is not
you will need to configure the router using your PC. Now all you need to do is
get your Xbox Live Starter Kit, pop it in and follow the instructions.

If you need more help: www.xbox.com/live

For a list of compatible routers: http://www.xbox.com/LIVE/connect/routers.htm

If your having trouble choosing a connection: http://www.xbox.com/LIVE/connect/choose.htm

16. Websites

For more info on Unreal Championship go to:


For more games by Atari go here:

17. Got Questions/comments or found errors/mistakes?

If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me at bballmaniac15@hotmail.com

I used the Unreal Championship Instruction Booklet for alot of refference so Id
like to thank the people who made the Instruction Booklet. Anyone who had
anything to do with the making of the game and anyone who had anything to do
with the making of the Microsoft Xbox. I would also like to thank Morter and
flipsideshooze and dragonchileno@hotmail.com for helping me correct my
mistakes in the FAQ and helping me with some info. Id like to thank Scary Larry
for helping in the Playing Tips section. DiSsMaStEr has helped alot through the
making of this FAQ has given me ideas on what to put in the FAQ to make it
good. DiSsMaStEr also made the great ASCII title.

19.Legal Stuff
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright. If you would like permission to post this on your site contact me
at bballmaniac15@hotmail.com.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
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