Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - Shadow of Death

Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - Shadow of Death

18.10.2013 01:10:04
Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death FAQ

|FAQ for: Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death |
|System: DOS/Windows |
|Version: 1.00 |
|Last Updated: 2/1/03 |
|E-mail: Icewind717@hotmail.com |
|Author: CZewe |

Some of the *AMAZING* qualities of this FAQ are:

*The first guide with an actual Wlakthrough of the campaigns ever to be posted on GameFAQs!
*The most (or pretty close to it) comprehensive guide ever
*A huge database of all my HOMM III: The Shadow of Death information compiled into one big
*A whole section dedicated to helping people get started
*Everything anyone ever wanted to know about Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death
*All the codes, secrets, and little "Easter Eggs" all together!
*Lots of Hints & Tips, Frequently Asked Questions, and Battle Strategies
*A *HUGE* Walkthrough of the Campaigns
*The guide that won FAQ of the Week...(Don't I wish)
*Complete list of all the hotkeys for newbies and veterans alike
*Gigantic section with complete data on all of the different creatures
*Amazingly Detailed Spell Guide
*Helpful Dictionary for beginners
*So much more...oh so much more...

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I I. Introduction I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /

Welcome to the most comprehensive guide to Heroes of Might & Magic III! If you've read IGN's
guide, or any of the other contributor's to this site, you'll notice they lack one vital item
necessary for a FAQ. Wondering what that is? An actual _walkthrough_ for the game! And,
since Heroes of Might & Magic III is one of the hardest games out there, I figured I'd write
one. And please forgive the size of this guide, because it is necessary. When this guide is
finally finished, it will be the biggest (or at least close to it) Walkthrough on GameFAQs!
And, as some may doubt, yes, I _did_ type and gather all of this information all by myself. I
only used cheap cut-and-pasting techniques on certain parts, like making and remaking the
charts for the Creature Guide and the Spell Book section. Also, another interesting thing
about this FAQ, is that it's spawned six other FAQs so far out of certain sections of it
(all my Spell Guides and Creatures Guides). So, enjoy.

Note: Sorry about barely finishing the first Scenario of the first Campaign of the first
game, but tomorrow I'm getting a new comp and I just need t submit this as it is...there goes
any FOTW chances...sorry.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I II. Table of Contents I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /

I. Introduction*
II. Table of Contents
III. Version History
IV. Contacting Me*
V. Hotkey Listing*
VI. Beginner's Guide to HOMM III: The Shadow of Death
VII. Restoration of Erathia Walkthrough
1. Long Live the Queen
A. Homecoming*
VIII. Armageddon's Blade Walkthrough
IX. The Shadow of Death Walkthrough
X. Creature Guide
XI. Hints & Tips
XII. Codes
XIII. FAQ (^F^requently ^A^sked ^Q*uestions)
XIV. Spell Guide*
XV. Heroes of Might & Magic Dictionary
XVI. Shameless Self Promotion
XVII. Next Version
XVIII. Hall of Shame
XIX. Credits
XX. Necessary Legal Stuff*

*= Section is complete

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* |I III. Version History I| *
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Version Number: 1.00
Date Added: 2/01/03
What's New: Everything!
Total FAQ Size: 111 KB
My two cents: I originally intended on finishing the "Long Live the Queen" Walkthrough and
THEN submitting Version 1.00, but tomorrow I'm getting a new computer and getting rid of this
one. Soooooo, once this one is gone, this file will be lost and I'll need it saved somewhere,
and what better place than GameFAQs? So, again, I apologize for the abrupt ending to the
Walkthrough, but I _promise_ I will finish them all...someday.

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* |I IV. Contacting Me I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
My e-mail address is Icewind717@hotmail.com and I’ll accept e-mails that have
anything to with the stuff on the “E-mail Me With” list. But if I get anything that is on the
“Do not e-mail Me With” list I will delete it and block your e-mail address. If you just want
to talk to me you can drop me an IM on AIM at the screename Outcast717. But if you have
questions about Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death, IM me at Icewind45.

E-mail me with:
Spelling and Grammatical errors on my FAQ
Praise Letters
Asking for help on Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death as long as your question
isn’t answered on this FAQ
Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site
Constructive Criticism

Do Not E-mail me with:
If you send me spam I will obliterate you off the face of the Earth, so DO NOT spamify me.
Large Contributions (200 KB or more unless its a walkthrough for a whole campaign)
Things that have nothing to do with HOMM III: The Shadow of Death
Hate Mail/Flames
Questions about Heroes of Might & Magic III: the Shadow of Death that are answered on this FAQ
Chain Letters

You can e-mail me asking for help on any other Heroes game itself, but just don’t overdo it.
If you want to talk about anything on the not list, IM me, except the obvious like viruses and

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* |I V. Hotkey Listing I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
For those of you uneducated in computer terminology, a hotkey is a key you press on the
keyboard, and it activates a specific function in the current game, program, word document,

Adventure Map/Screen
Hotkey: Effect:
H-........................................Selects Next Hero
M-........................................Moves Current Hero
K-........................................Kingdom Overview
U-........................................Toggles Map Elevation
C-........................................Cast Spell
Z-........................................Puts Current Hero to Sleep
W-........................................Wakens Current Hero
Q-........................................Quest Log
E-........................................Ends Turn

Adventure Options Menu
Hotkey: Effect:
A-........................................Opens Adventure options menu
V-........................................View World
P-........................................Puzzle Map
I-........................................View Scenario Information

System Options Menu
Hotkey: Effect:
M-........................................Main Menu
L-........................................Load Game
R-........................................Restart Scenario
S-........................................Save Game
Q-........................................Quit to Desktop
Esc-......................................Return to Game

Miscallenous (sp???)
Hotkey: Effect:
Up Arrow-.................................Moves Current Hero Up
Down Arrow-...............................Moves Current Hero Down
Left Arrow-...............................Moves Current Hero Left
Right Arrow-..............................Moves Current Hero Right
CTRL+Up Arrow-............................Scrolls Adv. Map Up
CTRL+Down Arrow-..........................Scrolls Adv. Map Down
CTRL+Left Arrow-..........................Scrolls Adv. Map Left
CTRL+Right Arrow-.........................Scrolls Adv. Map Right
Tab-......................................Send A Chat Message (Multi-player Game only!)
Esc-......................................Quit Current Game

Combat Screen
Hotkey: Effect:
A-........................................Auto-Combat on or off (toggle)
D-........................................Order selected Creature to Defend
W-........................................Order selected Creature to Defend
C-........................................Cast Spell
O-........................................Open up Combat Options Menu
T-........................................View selected Creature Data
F5-.......................................Toggles Creature Pop-up types
F6-.......................................Toggles hex-grid display
F7-.......................................Toggles mouse shadow display
F8-.......................................Toggles movement shadow display
Up Arrow Key-.............................Scroll up through combat messages
Down Arrow Key-...........................Scroll Down through combat messages
Space Bar-................................Select next creature in Tactics Phase
S-........................................Start Combat in Tactics Phase

Town Screen
Hotkey: Effect:
Up Arrow-.................................View Previous town
Down Arrow-...............................View Next Town
Space Bar-................................Switches visiting/Garrison Heroes

Spell Book
Hotkey: Effect:
Left Arrow-................................Turn page left in Spell Book
Right Arrow-...............................Turn page right in Spell Book
A-.........................................Displays Adventure-only Spells
C-.........................................Displays Combat-only Spells

View Army Window
Hotkey: Effect:
U-........................................Upgrade Creature
D-........................................Dismiss Creature

Hotkey: Effect:
F4-.......................................Toggles window/full screen display
Esc-......................................Cancel, Exit, or No
Enter-....................................Okay, Accept, or Yes

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I VI. Beginner's Guide I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
So, you're new to the Heroes of Might & Magic series and you're a bit confused? Well then this
is the section for you. In this section I'll answer commonly asked questions about basic
things that I can give long and deatialed answers for. So, if you want to learn about things
in Heroes of Might and Magic III, then this section should answer all (or at least most) of
the questions you have.

Hmmm...where should I start? OK, if you want to know the whole story behind the three games
that make up the Shadow of Death, then I suggest you read your read-me, cause there's no way
I'm typing all of that up. So go to that and come back later. OK, now that you know all of
that, I'll just jump right into the section.

What is a Primary Skill and whats a Secondary Skill?

Primary Skills
Well, Primary Skills are your Hero's main skills. every Hero has the same four, but they all
aren't equally profficient in them. The four Primary Skills are Attack, Defense, Spell Power,
and Knowledge. Attack is an added bonus to all of that Hero's creatures, thusly allowing them
to do more damage when they attack. Defense is the same, except it helps the creatures defend
against everything. i.e. Spells, attacks, ranged attacks, retaliations, etc. Spell Power is
how effective your Hero's Spells are. Knowledge determines how many Spell Points your Hero
has. For example: Say Lord Haart has a Knowledge of 13. That means that he will have 130
total Spell Points, not including Artifacts and other altering factors. Also, the higher a
Knowledge rating is, the faster that Hero's Spell Points will recover. For more information
on Spell Power and Knowledge, see the "Spells" section.

Secondary Skills
Secondary Skills on the other hand are completely different. If you want to learn about each
of them in excruciating detail, go and read about them in the Secondary Skills section. If
you just want to know what they are, keep reading this. A Hero can gain a Secondary Skill
whenever he or she levels up. A Hero can have up to ten different Secondary Skills. Another
option a Hero has whenever they level up is to better themselves in an already know Skill.
There are three levels of Secondary Skill mastery: Basic, Advanced, and Expert. Basic will
get you the bare minimum of that skill, advanced will make it pretty useful, but if the Hero
has an Expert mastery of it, they can do great things. Well, that's about all there is to
know about Secondary Skills, besides what is said in the Secondary Skills section.

What is the difference between Hero Classes?
There are a total of 16 different Hero Classes in The Shadow of Death, and each one is
different. Ones that are alike, such as Clerics and Priests, only vary slightly, whereas
Heroes like Barbarians and Necromancers are completely different. The main differences
between classes are what kind of creatures they're good/bad with, their Secondary Skills,
their Primary Skills, and what kind of Towns they belong to. An example of of the creature
handling this is: If you had a Barbarian, such as Yog, and he had a bunch of creatures like
Death Knights and Wraiths, his army's morale would be lower than if a Necromancer or a
Beastmaster had them. In fact, if a Necromancer had those creatures, his army's morale would
be higher than usual and less likely to drop. An example of the Secondary Skill differences
is: Nearly all Heroes can't learn any type of Necromancy, but Necromancers and few others
can. But, because of that, Necromancers can't learn other Secondary Skills such as Luck. The
Primary Skill thing is something that needs an example of too. A Knight might start out with
3 Attack, 2 Defense, 1 Spell Power, and 1 Knowledge, whereas a Warlock might have 1 Attack, 2
Defense, 3 Spell Power, and 3 Knowledge. And the Town thing doesn't require much
explanation. The game will _always_ start you out with a hero that belongs to your starting
town, but if he visits a Town that is the opposite of his default Town type, his Morale and
Luck will drop. Like you should never send a Necromancer into a Rampart, or a Knight into an

What's this about an Elemental Conflux? My game doesn't have any!
The Elemental Conflux was introduced in Armageddon's blade, and unfortunately dropped in the
Beta version of The Shadow of Death. The reason I cover Elemental Confluxes (that's the
plural of Conflux, right? Or could it be "Confluxi"...?) in my FAQ, is because it covers all
three games: HOMM III, HOMM III: Armageddon's Blade, and HOMM III: The Shadow of Death.
Combined, these three games make up the one game: Heroes of Might & Magic III: Complete.
Sadly, though, CJayC has not recieved the data about this game yet, despite the fact that it
has been out for over a year. So, I decided I'd cover it all in a Shadow of Death Walkthrough.

What exactly is "Morale" and "Luck"?
Morale and Luck are two things that play sorta major roles in Combat.

Morale: Morale is how high (or in some cases, low) your army's spirits are. If it is high,
then they will perform well in Battle. Sometimes creatures with High Morale will be granted
two actions instead of one in battle. But, there is a downside, as there is to most things.
If your Army has Low Morale, they will be punished by freezeing in panic in battle sometimes.
This means that they cannot do anything in that Round. Morale can be altered in some ways,
which will now be explained.

Things That Alter Morale: Morale can be altered (affected) in the following ways.
1. Artifacts: Certain Artifacts can alter Morale (and Luck for that matter) bonuses. Things
like the Pendant of Negativity, which eliminate Morale and Luck bonuses completely for both
you and your opponent. But other Artifacts are cursed, and eliminate Morale and Luck for you
only. The only way to get rid of these is to give them to another (allied) Hero.

2. Visiting Negative Towns: Visiting Towns that are the opposite of your Hero's default Town
will decrease Morale and Luck. For example, let's say your Hero is Edric, a Knight. You go
and conquer a Necropolis, with a Morale of two, which is quite good. You foolishly send him
into the newly owned Necropolis, and his Morale is lowered by half if he has a Luck of 0 or
less. But if your Luck is above 0, then it will only be lowered to 1. Get it? No, huh? TOO

3. Other: There are other ways to increase/decrease your Morale, but there are too many to
list. Some include visiting Temples twice (negative/bad), or going to a Rally Flag

Luck: Luck is how lucky you and your Creatures are (ummm....duh). If you have a good amount
of Luck, your troops will too. Lucky creatures will do double damage in battle sometimes,
whereas unlucky creatures will sometimes do half damage. Doing half damage really sucks, so
try not to get this. Here are some ways to alter Luck.

1. 1. Artifacts: Certain Artifacts can alter Luck (and Morale for that matter) bonuses. Things
like the Pendant of Negativity, which eliminate Morale and Luck bonuses completely for both
you and your opponent. But other Artifacts are cursed, and eliminate Morale and Luck for you
only. The only way to get rid of these is to give them to another (allied) Hero.

2. Visiting Negative Towns: Visiting Towns that are the opposite of your Hero's default Town
will decrease Morale and Luck. For example, let's say your Hero is Edric, a Knight. You go
and conquer a Necropolis, with a Luck of two, which is quite good. You foolishly send him
into the newly owned Necropolis, and his Luck is lowered by half if he has a Morale of 0 or
less. But if your Luck is above 0, then it will only be lowered to 1. Get it? No, huh? TOO

3. Other: There are other ways to increase/decrease your Luck, but there are too many to
list. Some include visiting Temples twice (negative/bad), or going to a Swan Pond

How do Special Powers work?
Special Powers are actually a lot more simple than they appear to be. Although that holds
true for most, some aren't that simple. Example of a simple Special Power: 40% Magic
Resistance. That's the Power from Battle Dwarves, in case you care. Really simple to
understand, and pretty useful too. Battle Dwarves resist 40% of all negative Spells cast upon
them. Noow here's an example of a not-so-simple Special Power: Hates Arch Devils (FYI:
Archangel Special Power). "What does that mean?", you may be wondering. Well, it means that
they simply loathe Arch Devils. "Really?". Nah, j/k. It means that they do an extra 50%
damage to Arch Devils, but something that isn't explained there is that they also "Hate
Devils". They inflict _75%_ extra damage upon Devils, because Devils are weaker, and Angels
hate them too. Now here's an example of one I don't get: "Magic Damper (That's a Unicorn's
and War Unicorns Special Power, just so you know)". WTF does that mean?! "Magic Damper",
LOL, sounds funny, but not at all explanatory. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't damper
mean something like "Make wet, or wetten"?. Oh well. I assume that it means they can do bad
stuff to an enemy Hero's Magic, but that's just my _guess_.

What is this stuff about Creature Levels? They don't level up!
I never said they did. When I (and the rest of the world) say Level (Insert Number 1-7 Here),
we meanthe second creature type for that town. You know how whenever you click on a Fort,
Citadel, or Castle it brings up all of your recruitable troops from that town? Look at the
second one in the top row. That your Level 2 for that Town. Levels are given to Creatures
depending on their effectiveness in battle. Lower level creatures tend to be cheaper and die
more quickly, but higher level Creatures do a lot of damage, but can cost a ton. And "Base"
or "Base Level" Creatures are the two in the top row. Let's say that you have a Rampart
Town. On the Castle Screen there are three and a half rows. If you haven't upgraded the
buildings yet, the screen should look like this:

Centaurs Info Dwarves Info
Level 1 Info Level 2 Info
Info Info
Info Info
Info Info

Wood Elves Info Pegasi Info
Level 3 Info Level 4 Info
Info Info
Info Info
Info Info

Dendroid Guard Info Unicorn Info
Level 5 Info Level 6 Info
Info Info
Info Info
Info Info

Green Dragons Info
Level 7 Info

There we go, that took a while, but I lived. That is how the Level system for Creatures works
in all Towns. But if you built, say, an Upgraded Homestead (used to produce Wood Elves, but
now it produces Grand Elves), then they would be a Level 6 creature. To find out what Level
any upgraded Creature is, just double it's original Level. Well, that sums up the whole
Creature Level thing, so, I'm done with that.

What is an Artifact and what does it do?
Artifacts play a decently large role in all Heroes of Might & Magic games. Artifacts are
rarities that your Heroes collect throughout the course of scenarios and campaigns. I may add
an Artifact listing and guide to this Walkthrough, but then again, I may not.

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* |I VII. ROE FAQ I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
This is a Walkthrough for Heroes of Might and Magic III: Restoration of Erathia. All of these
walkthroughs for the games will make up a large majority of this FAQ. I have tried to keep
this as small as possible while still giving the needed amount of data for each Campaign. I
finished the first ROE (Restoration of Erathia) campaign in version 1.00, so I still have many
months (probably years) of work to do on this FAQ. Thanks to all the people who contributed
to this section, as the help was greatly appreciated (so far that list includes only me
though ;).

1. Campaign #1: Long live the Queen

Campaign Description: "Our landing has confirmed both our rumors and our fears. With the
death of my father, Erathia's lands are being greedily divided by her neighbors."

A. Scenario 1: Homecoming

Scenario Description: To win, you must locate and capture the town of Terraneus. Your Heroes
will be limited to the 6th level in this Scenario, but your four strongest heroes will travel
with you to the next scenario of this campaign.

Region Description: Queen Catherine has departed to elicit military support from King Gavin
Magnus of Bracada. Other generals are fanning through the region. Establish a base of
operations, rally the local militia, determine the extent of the Nighon occupation, and find
their invasion route.

Starting Bonuses:
1. Start with 14 Pikemen in your army.
2. Start with an extra 5 Sulfur, Mercury, Crystal, and Gems.*
3. Start with a first Aid Tent

*= Choose this one!

Allies: 1
Enemies: 1

Day 1: To start out, rally all of the troops around you by "fighting" them. They'll try to
join you, and you should always obviously say yes. Next, head into that Castle near you. You
will notice that there are a decent amount of troops in the Garrison. Place them all into your
army. And be sure to put the Marksmen on the left end, and the Archers on the right end. Now,
click on the Village Hall. Upgrade it to a Town Hall to increase your Gold Income. Now, go to
your Fort and recruit everything there. Put them all into your Army where they belong. Now,
leave the Castle. To your left there should be a Treasure Chest. Go to it. When you reach
it, take the Experience points, rather than the Gold. It will level your Hero up. When you
get to choose a Secondary Skill, make your Offense Basic. since you've done all you can do,
end your turn by clicking the choice or pressing "e".

Day 2: Begin the day by clicking the Castle on the right toolbar. Go to your Town Hall and
build a Blacksmith. Now move your hero to tht pile of wood. After you get it, kill all of the
Infernal Trogolodytes. Now claim the Lumber Mill by moving your Hero there. Next, go south to
the Treasure Chest, and take the experience points and not the Gold. When you level up, choose
Basic Wisdom as your secondary Skill. To end the turn, try to go to the nearby Stables, and
when you run out of Movement, end the day.

Day 3: Start by finsihing your trip to the Stables. You can just press "m" if you're too lazy
to use the toolbar. Go to the Windmill and get your weekly bonus. Next, head north and go
kill the Hell Hounds. You'll notice that they don't go down as easily as the Infernal
Trogolodytes did. But, if you play your cards right, you can escape with only a Griffin
casualty. Now, get the Treasure Chest, but take the Gold. Next, go straight until you can't
move any more. After that, click on your Castle. Build a Barracks, but do NOT, I repeat NOT
recruit the Swordsmen. Afterwards, end the turn by clicking on the corresponding button.

Day 4: Now it's time to make Royal Griffins available for your recruitment. Now that it is
possible, build an Upgraded Griffin Tower. But again, do NOT recruit them. Wondering why?
Well, we're going to upgrade the Swordsmen to Crusaders, and there are no Griffins or Royal
Griffins avialable for recruitment...yet. Now, select your Hero and move straight until you
smack into some woods. Head upward along the path until a scholar is visible. Get as near as
you can to him, and then you'll be out of movement points for the day. Now, of course, end
your turn.

Day 5: You should start day Five by going to the Scholar. He'll teach you the Basic Scholar
Skill, and disspear off the face of the Earth. Now go due North to the School of Magic. When
you get there increase your Knowledge Skill by +1 for 1,000 Gold. After that, click on the
Treasure Chest. When you stop short of it, you're out of movement, open up the Overview of
your one and only Castle. Click on the Town Hall and construct a Citadel to upgrade that
Castle's defenses and double base creature growth. This will cost 2500 Gold and five units of
Ore. With that finished, depart from the Castle and end your turn.

Day 6: The first thing you should do is select your Hero and go and get that Treasure Chest you
were going to. Choose to take the Experience Points. When you level up, choose Advanced
Offense as your Secondary Skill bonus instead of Basic Water Magic. Now go left and rid the
area of those Magogs. This isn't going to be a pretty battle. If you're lucky, you'll escape
with only a loss of six Pikemen and six Halberdiers. Now go and claim the Sulfur Mine and the
pile of Sulfur that are right above you. Next, get as near as you can to the Treasure Chest in
the West as you can. When it is not possible for you to move any further, open up your Castle
Screen. Go into the Town Hall and have a Griffin Bastion constructed. Now, end your turn.

Day 7: Start out Day 7 by getting the Treasure Chest you were after on Day 6. When given the
choice, take the experience points. You'll levl up, and for your secondary skill obnus,
choose the Basic Ballistics. Now, go down until the Entrance to the School of War becomes
visible. When it does, go into it. Choose to get a +1 Attack Skill for 1000 Gold. Go down
two spaces to the Lean-To which will conatin two units of Gems. Since you have no movement
left, go and open up your Castle screen. Go to the Town Hall and order a Castle to be built
for 10 Wood and Gem units and 5000 Gold. Now your Castle will have three Arrow Towers, a
moat, and your Garrison to defend it. Also, Base Creature Growth will be multiplied by four.
To finish off the week, end you turn.

Day 8: Begin by getting the Treasure Chest that you were after yesterday. Choose to keep the
1500 Gold, because you really need it. Now go down a little until another Treasure Chest is
visible. Obviously, you should get it, so get to it. Again, keep the Gold. Next, go
southeast to that little strip of shroud. Unfortunately, you'll run out of movement on the
way there, so go to your Castle which is named Caraytid and will be referred to by that name
for the rest of this FAQ. Open up the Town Hall and have a Marketplace Built. It will cost
five Lumber units and 500 Gold. Now, since there is nothing else that you _can_ do, end the

Day 9: You should see a Gem Pond to your right guarded by "Lots of Beholders". Double-click
it and enggage them in combat. This is a fairly simple fight. You should be able to escape
with minimal losses. To be more specific, 2 Marksmen, 2 Halberdiers, and all 6 Griffins.
Your Archers are the key to this fight. Use them to weaken, cripple, and eventually kill the
enemy units. After you slaughter the Beholders (and Evil Eyes), obviously, claim the Gem
Pond. Oops, you're out of Movement for the day. Click on your Town and have a Resource Silo
built so you can get even more Wood and the the Ore you desparately need every day. Speaking
of "days", exit the Castle and end your day.

Day 10: Claim the Gem Pond as your own, and leave no guards to guard it. You need men badly
for this scenario. Bow, beneath you, you'll see a pile of Gems. Take them and add +4 gems to
your total funds. Next, start heading east towards the Stables until you run out of your
daily allotment of Movement Points and then open up the screen for your Castle. You can't
build most of the stuff becuase you used all of your Ore on building that Resource Silo, but
trust me; it WILL pay off in the long run. Pay 5000 Gold to upgrade your Town Hall to a City
Hall so it now supplies you with 2000 Gold per day, rather than the current 1000 Gold. Now,
end they day.

Day 11: Start Day 11 by finishing your journey to the Stables. Yay! Extra Movement Points
for three days! Go south to the Windmill and the keeper will give you three units of Ore. A
bit to the east is some Sulfur hiding behind a tree. Take it, of course. Click on the Wood
to the east and try to take it. Oh wait a sec, you're out of Movement Points ;P. Instead,
click on your Castle, open up the City Hall screen, and order your little peons to build a
Monastery. Since you have done all that is possible for the day, just end it.

Day 12: Begin by taking the Wood that you were heading for, and thne go north to the Witches
Hut. She'll teach you the Secondary Skill of Navigation which increases that Hero's Movement
Points at sea by a whopping 50%. If you look northeast of your current position, you'll see
some crystals just lying on the ground. Get as near as you can to them before running out of
Movement Points, and then, when you do, open up the Town screen. build the Stables so that
whenever a Hero enters the Town he/she will get a Movement bonus for the remainder of the week
(Yay!). After you do that, exit the Town and end the day.

Day 13: Finish going to the Crystals and then move sort of north east until you're one hex
underneath the lone tree, and then move one more forward. See the Water Wheel above you? Go
to it and the keeper of the Mill will give you 1000 Gold and he will tell you to come back
next Week for 1000 more Gold. Now, move one space right and kill the Hell Hounds. This fight
is too easy. You'll only lose 4 Halberdiers if you are careful. Northeast of your current
position is a Garden of Revelation, which you should go to now. Congratulations, you get +1
Knowledge. Double click on the entrance to the Mercenary Camp and move until you're out of
Movement Points. Get into your Castle screen, enter the Tavern, and recruit the Hero Ingham
the cleric. Get out of the Castleand move Ingham on to the top boat. Once he has boarded it,
he will be out Movement Points, so just end the day.

Day 14: Begin by moving Christian to the Mercenary Camp, increasing his Attack Skill by +1.
Then move him down to fight the Gogs. When prompted to let them flee or not, choose yes.
Now, move down the Guardhouse and choose to recruit Pikemen to get a free 14 of them. Now,
get as near as you can to the Castle, and when you run out of Movement Points, switch to
Ingham. Move his boat south to the Sea Chest and get 1500 Gold. Then, move Southwest to find
a Flotsam containing 10 Wood and 500 Gold. Next, move west as the crow flies until you run
out of Movement Points for the day. Finally, open up Caryatid (that's the name of your
Castle) and build the Training Grounds. After this, end the day.

Day 15: Start by finishing Christian's trek back to Caryatid. Open up the Castle Screen and
recruit all the Pikemen and Archers, followed by all the Griffins you can afford. Then, get
out of the town and switch to Ingham. Move down below the rocks to expose 4 flotsams. Get
them in order from the one below you, then to the right, then the one above that, and then the
one to the far left. But wait. You only have enough Movement for the first two today. Get
then and end the day.

Day 16: Re-enter the Castle Screen of Caryatid and recruit the eight Griffins that you can
afford. Now go to the Garrison and move all the creatures there into Christian's Army, then
close the town up. Move Christian north to fight the Infernal Trogolodytes. Despite theire
attemps to run away, choose to attack them. Use ONLY your ranged attackers for this battle,
but finish it up with your Griffins. You can easily win this simple battle without a single
casualty. Afterwards, move Christian to the Redwood Observatory and then to the pile of Ore.
He's now out of Movement. Switch over to Ingham and finish getting the Flotsams. After you
get the last one, get the nearest Sea Chest and then move straight west until you're out of
Movement Points for the day. Finally, end the day.

Day 17: Start by moving Christian to take the Ore Mine and then move up to get 1000 Gold from
the Water Wheel. Farther up, you should see a Treasure Chest. Get as near to it as you can
before you run out Movement Points, and then switch over to Ingham. First move Ingham's boat
to the Buoy for a +1 Morale Bonus. Then move him to the Sea Chest to get the Collar of
Conjuring and 1000 Gold. Next, move to the three Flotsams. Oops. You're out of Movement.
Oh well. Open Caryatid and then the Castle Screen. Build an Upgraded Monastery so now you
can make Zealots. Since there is absolutely nothing left to do, end the day.

Day 18: Move Christian to the Treasure Chest and choose to take the 1500 Gold over the 1000
Experience Points. Next, move east to the Marletto Tower to get +1 to your Defense Skill.
Double-click the grass directly left of the mountains, so when you get there, you'll be
directly aligned with the entrance to the Marletto Tower. You won't be able to get there
today, so switch over to Ingham and get the two nearest Flotsams. Now, move down to the
Shipwreck Survivor, and he'll give you the Dragon Scale Shield(!), and then get the Flotsam to
the left. Go straight west until you can't go any further, and then open Caryatid. Enter
City Hall and have an Upgraded Archers' Tower built, and then end the day.

Day 19: Finish Christian's move and then move up and fight the Hell Hounds. As before, use
only your ranged attackers and you can EASILY win this fight without losing a single man.
With the Experience Points from winning this battle, Christian levels up to Level 6. Choose
to learn the Secondary Skill "Basic Luck" rather than "Advanced Artillery". Now, nove
straight up so that you arrive on the other side of the forest, but you're lined up precisely
with your previous spot. Use Christian's last bit of Movement to go up and get to the Star
Axis, giving him a +1 Spell Power bonus. Then, since he can't go anywhere, switch Heroes.
Move due west until a Sea Chest and a Flotsam are in sight. Get the Sea Chest first, then the
Flotsam. You'll be out of Movement after this, so open Caryatid up and go to City Hall and
have a Capitol built, doubling your daily Gold income to 4000. After this is done, end the

Day 20: Hum...I have it written out from taking the notes, but I'm too lazy to type it in this
version, sorry =/. But, basically, all you have to do move your Heroes north to the
Subterranean (Sp?) Gate and then head to the center of the Underground. It's that simple.
For a complete walkthrough, look at Version 1.02.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I X. Creatures FAQ I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
Here is a detailed listing of all of the creatures (units, troops, monsters, whatever you want
to call them) in Heroes of Might & Magic III: THe Shadow of Death.

Here is how the setup for this section will work:

Name: The creature's name
Cost: How much one single unit of that creature costs to recruit
Dwelling: What dwelling the creature can be recruited from
Attack Rating: The creature's attack rating + its master's attack rating
Defense Rating: The creature's defense rating + its master's defense rating
Speed (in hexes per turn): How many hexes per turn the creature can move across the Battlefield
HP (Hit Points): How many hit points a creature. That means "Health" for those of you new to
the video game industry.
Damage: How many HP the unit can take away from another unit whenever it attacks.
Shots: How many arrows/missilies/any projectile weapon certain creatures have.
Special: some creatures have this, some creatures don't. Special abilities are things that
some creatures can do extra on top of attacking.
My rating: My rating of the creature. It will be 1-10: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and so on and
so forth.
Description: This is my desription of the creature. It's that simple, folks.

Now, onto the actual section.

Castle Creatures:

Name: Pikeman
Cost: 60 Gold
Dwelling: Guardhouse
Attack Rating: 4
Defense Rating: 5
Speed (in hexes per turn): 4
HP (Hit points): 10
Damage: 1-3
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating (1-10): 3
Description: Pikemen are the weakest castle creatures, and nearly worthless unless you group
several hundred of them all together. When you do that they can do large amounts of damage and
kill much stronger creatures in a few turns.

Name: Halberdier
Cost: 75 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Guardhouse
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 5
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit points): 10
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating (1-10): 4
Description: Halberdiers do little more damage than Pikemen, and it's practically pointless to
waste resources upgrading a guardhouse just so you can do one more point of damage sometimes.

Name: Archer
Cost: 100 Gold
Dwelling: Archer's Tower
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 3
Speed (in hexes per turn): 4
HP (Hit points): 10
Damage: 2-3
Shots: 12
Special: N/A
My rating (1-10): 4.5
Description: Archer's are the weakest of the weak when it comes to non-melee fighting, thus the
four and a half rating. They do as much damage as Halberdiers, but usually end up doing the
two rather than three. Upgrade the Archer's Tower and stick with Marksmen.

Name: Marksman
Cost: 150 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Archer's Tower
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 3
Speed (in hexes per turn): 6
HP (Hit points): 10
Damage: 2-3
Shots: 24
Special: Shoots twice per attack
My rating (1-10): 5
Description: Marksmen would be getting a 4.5 too if it weren't for ther special ability. The
differences between them and archers are their speed, their cost, their shots, and their

Name: Griffin
Cost: 200 Gold
Dwelling: Griffin Tower
Attack Rating: 8
Defense Rating: 8
Speed (in hexes per turn): 6
HP (Hit points): 25
Damage: 3-6
Shots: N/A
Special: Retaliates two times per turn.
My rating (1-10): 6
Description: Griffin's are flying bird type things, and pretty useful. They take a big step up
in the damage and HP category, which helps them a lot. And their special ability is useful
too, but not nearly as good as the Royal Griffin's.

Name: Royal Griffin
Cost: 240 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Griffin Tower
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 9
Speed (in hexes per turn): 9
HP (Hit points): 25
Damage: 3-6
Shots: N/A
Special: Unlimited Retaliation
My rating (1-10): 7
Description: Royal Griffins have a lot in common with their predecessors, but they have some
small differences and one large one. The small ones are attack and defense rating, speed, and
cost. The big one is the Special Ability. With unlimited retaliations, Royal Griffins are
invaluable. If you put a hundred or more of these creatures in a single group and attack
nearly anything, stronger or weaker, you'll win within a few turns.

Name: Swordsman
Cost: 300 Gold
Dwelling: Barracks
Attack Rating: 10
Defense Rating: 12
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit points): 35
Damage: 6-9
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating (1-10): 6.5
Description: Swordsmen aren't as strong as Royal Griffins, but they're better than Griffins.
Hence the 6.5 rating. The main problem with them is that they need a special ability, or else
they're just an overpriced waste of time. Upgrade your Barracks immediately rather than
recruiting Swordsmen.

Name: Crusader
Cost: 400 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Barracks
Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 12
Speed (in hexes per turn): 6
HP (Hit points): 35
Damage: 7-10
Shots: N/A
Special: Strikes twice
My rating (1-10): 7.5
Description: Crusaders are a step up from Swordsmen, due to their Special Ability. I've won
countless battles because of the "Strikes Twice" special ability, so that explains the high(er)

Name: Monk
Cost: 400 Gold
Dwelling: Monastery
Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 7
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit points): 30
Damage: 10-12
Shots: 12
Special: N/A
My rating (1-10): 8
Description: Monks and Zealots are the only decent ranged attacking units in the Castle set of
creatures. With thirty HP and a 10-12 damage amount, Monks are a solid choice for any army.

Name: Zealot
Cost: 450 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Monastery
Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 10
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit points): 30
Damage: 10-12
Shots: 24
Special: No melee penalty
My rating (1-10): 8.5
Description: Zealots are an excellent choice for a Castle-based army. And with no melee
penalty (don't know what melee is? See the HOMM Dictionary section) Zealots are just as good
whenever they're being pressed back, unlike Archers. And if you really want to make the most
of they're powers, put them behind a Castle wall during a seige and trash the opposition.

Name: Cavalier
Cost: 1000 Gold
Dwelling: Training Grounds
Attack Rating: 15
Defense Rating: 15
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit points): 100
Damage: 15-25
Shots: N/A
Special: Jousting Bonus
My rating (1-10): 9
Description: Cavaliers are great. With a large movement range, a nice amount of damage, and a
fair price, Cavaliers are ideal for someone with a decent amount of Gold. And you may be
wondering what a jousting bonus is. Whenever you use a Cavalier or a Champion and you put it
beside an enemy and attack it, you'll do 25% more damage.

Name: Champion
Cost: 1200 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Training Grounds
Attack Rating: 16
Defense Rating: 16
Speed (in hexes per turn): 9
HP (Hit points): 100
Damage: 20-25
Shots: N/A
Special: Jousting Bonus
My rating (1-10): 9.5
Description: Champions are nearly perfect, except they're lacking in one thing that keeps them
from getting a 10. That's their damage statistic. There's nothing _wrong_ with a 20-25 damage
stat, it's just a ten rating would have to be higher. But with the Jousting Bonus they have,
it helps a lot.

Name: Angel
Cost: 3000 Gold + 1 Gem
Dwelling: Portal of Glory
Attack Rating: 20
Defense Rating: 20
Speed (in hexes per turn): 12
HP (Hit points): 200
Damage: 50
Shots: N/A
Special: Hates Devils
My rating (1-10): 10
Description: Angels are far superior to all of the previous Castle creatures by far. They
easily surpass the Champions and Cavaliers in every single category. If you have about twenty
of these in your army, you'll be nearly unbeatable by most armies.

Name: Archangels
Cost: 5000 Gold +3 Gems
Dwelling: Upgraded Portal of Glory
Attack Rating: 30
Defense Rating: 30
Speed (in hexes per turn): 18
HP (Hit points): 250
Damage: 50
Shots: N/A
Special: +1 morale, Hates Devils, Ressurects dead allies
My rating (1-10): 11
Description: Archangels are amazing. Just having one of them in your army gives you a +1
morale bonus, they can ressurect dead allies once per every five rounds, and they get a 50%
attack bonus whenever they're fighting Devils or Archdevils. With huge attack, defense,
speed, and HP ratings, these things are excellent. The only flaw is their price, but if you
can afford it, buy as many as you can.

Rampart Creatures

Name: Centaur
Cost: 70 Gold
Dwelling: Centaur Stables
Attack Rating: 5
Defense Rating: 3
Speed (in hexes per turn): 6
HP (Hit Points): 8
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating: 5
Description: I have no idea why, but I love the Centaurs. Due to their cheap price, I group
several hundred of them together and then send them on what would be a suicide mission at
hugely powerful cretaures like Ghost Dragons and attack them. Within a one to three rounds,
that enemy is dead. But still, they need to be grouped to be good, so they get a five rating
instead of something higher or lower.

Name: Centaur Captain
Cost: 90 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Centaur Stables
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 3
Speed (in hexes per turn): 8
HP (Hit Points): 10
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating: 5
Description: Centaur Captains aren't really much different than Centaurs. They can move
farther and have two more HP, but that's about it. They cost more too, so that cancels out
the two upgrades. In the end, stick with the Centaurs.

Name: Dwarf
Cost: 120 Gold
Dwelling: Dwarf Cottage
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 7
Speed (in hexes per turn): 3
HP (Hit Points): 20
Shots: N/A
Special: 20% Magic restistance
My rating: 3
Description: Ugh...I hate these things. They do one more damage than Centaurs and have twice
as much health, but go look at their speed. They're _way_ too slow. Three hexes per turn
would take five rounds to get across the field. And that's assuming it has no obstacles!
Dwarves would be decent, but they sink due to their speed.

Name: Battle Dwarves
Cost: 150 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Dwarf Cottage
Attack Rating: 7
Defense Rating: 7
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 20
Damage: 2-4
Shots: N/A
Special: 40% Magic Resistance
My rating: 4.5
Description: Considerably better than their predecessors, but still none too useful, Battle
Dwarves almost solve their speed problem. Still, they're a little too slow. And something
that makes them even more useful is their 40% Magic Resistance. And FYI, that _negative_
magic that they resist.

Name: Wood Elf
Cost: 200 Gold
Dwelling: Homestead
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 5
Speed (in hexes per turn): 6
HP (Hit Points): 15
Damage: 3-5
Shots: 24
Special: N/A
My rating: 5
Description: Wood Elves are pretty average all-around. They've got decent HP, a nice
quiver-full of arrows, and they do a fair amount of damage. But, don't recruit these guys,
take they're very superior upgraded forms.

Name: Grand Elf
Cost: 225 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Homestead
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 5
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 15
Damage: 3-5
Shots: 24
Special: Shoots Twice
My rating: 7
Description: Grand Elves are amazingly good. They have a great price, lots of arrows, and
decent damage. Due to their cheap price and and 2x shot special ability, they do a great
amount of damage when you put a lot together. And if you ever need them to escape from an
enemy, their big movement range si made for that. all in all, Grand Elves are one of the best
ranged attackers.

Name: Pegasus
Cost: 250 Gold
Dwelling: Enchanted Spring
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 8
Speed (in hexes per turn): 8
HP (Hit Points): 30
Damage: 5-9
Shots: N/A
Special: Magic Damper
My rating: 6
Description: Pegasi (that's the plural form of "Pegasus" for those of you uneducated in
mythology) are slightly above average. They do more damage and move slightly farther than
Grand Elves, but they're really more trouble than they're worth. I would _much_ rather have a
Grand Elf than a Pegasus or a Silver Pegasus. In the end, you should save your hard-earned

Name: Silver Pegasus
Cost: 275 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Enchanted Spring
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 10
Speed (in hexes per turn): 12
HP (Hit Points): 30
Damage: 5-9
Shots: N/A
Special: Magic Damper
My rating: 7
Description: Silver Pegasi are about equal to Grand Elves. Maybe if I had any idea what Magic
Damper does, they'd have a higher rating. Well, besides they're movement and increased cost,
they're exactly the same as regular Pegasi. But they _are_ a good addition to your army, so I
reccomend buying some.

Name: Dendroid Guard
Cost: 350 gold
Dwelling: Dendroid Arches
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 12
Speed (in hexes per turn): 3
HP (Hit Points): 55
Damage: 10-14
Shots: N/A
Special: Binds enemies in place
My rating: 6.5
Description: Dendroid Guards are pretty good. They're rating would be 7.5 if they didn't cost
so much, but they do :(. They do a good amount of damage, but move quite slowly. But to make
up for their speed, they have their special ability. They cast the Bind spell on all enemies
they attack, which renders them temporarily immobile. This is *VERY* useful.

Name: Dendroid Soldier
Cost: 425 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Dendroid Arches
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 12
Speed (in hexes per turn): 4
HP (Hit Points): 65
Damage: 10-14
Shots: N/A
Special: Binds enemies in place
My rating: 7.5
Description: Dendroid Soldiers are rather expensive, but their skills make up for that,
easily. Although they can only move four hexes per turn, they do a good amount of damage, and
have a tremendously useful special ability. as I explained in the Dendroid Guard description,
Binds makes the enemy they attack unable to move for a little bit. This abilty can easily win
you battles.

Name: Unicorn
Cost: 850 Gold
Dwelling: Unicorn Glade
Attack Rating: 15
Defense Rating: 14
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 90
Damage: 18-22
Shots: N/A
Special: Aura of Magic Resistance, Blinding Attack
My rating: 8.5
Description: Unicorns are a great unit choice for anyone. They deal a great amount of damage,
move decently, and have a reasonable price. And their best aspect is their special ability.
If you have only seven Unicorns, and you're fighting against, say...50 Skeletons, in five
groups of 10, you can wait until they come near you one at a time, then blind them. The few
that are left in that group won't be able to attack you. Repeat as needed.

Name: War Unicorns
Cost: 950 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Unicorn Glade
Attack Rating: 15
Defense Rating: 14
Speed (in hexes per turn): 9
HP (Hit Points): 110
Damage: 18-22
Shots: N/A
Special: aura of Magic Resistance, Blinding Attack
My rating: 9.5
Description: War Unicorns are a big step above Unicorns. They move two more hexes per turn,
have *20* more HP, are at a good price, and they still have their great special abilities. I
explained what Blinding Attack did in the Unicorn's description, so now I'll get to their Aura
of Magic Resistance. If an enemy hero casts, let's say, Meteor Shower on your War Unicorns.
Their Aura of Magic Resistance resists it entirely, and the bad creatures around your each
receive a fraction of that damage.

Name: Green Dragon
Cost: 2400 Gold + 1 Crystal
Dwelling: Dragon Cliffs
Attack Rating: 18
Defense Rating: 18
Speed (in hexes per turn): 10
HP (Hit Points): 180
Damage: 40-50
Shots: N/A
Special: Immune to negative spells levels 1-3
My rating: 10
Description: Green Dragons are a great creature. though the path to upgrading them is long,
hard, and expensive, they're definitly worth it. Their special ability makes them all the more
powerful, as they can resist a large variety of spells that some other creatures would die

Name: Gold Dragon
Cost: 4000 Gold + 2 Crystals
Dwelling: Upgraded Dragon Cliffs
Attack Rating: 27
Defense Rating: 27
Speed (in hexes per turn): 16
HP (Hit Points): 250
Damage: 40-50
Shots: N/A
Special: Immune to negative spells levels 1-4
My rating: 10
Description: Though they are a huge step up from their predecessors, so is their cost. The
price is doubled, and is very expensive for most people. Luckily, they have a redeeming
quality. Their special ability. It might not seem like much, but there are only five spell
levels. Levels one through four are quite strong, especially four. And most heroes aren't
willing to burn the large amount of spell points level five spells cost, so Gold Dragons are
fairly immune to negative magic in any way, shape, or form.

Tower Creatures

Name: Gremlin
Cost: 30 Gold
Dwelling: Workshop
Attack Rating: 3
Defense Rating: 3
Speed (in hexes per turn): 4
HP (Hit Points): 4
Damage: 1-2
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating: 1.5
Description: Gremlins are about as useless as they come. They can only move four hexes per
turn, and only have four HP. One hit from even a single 4+ Level creature will usually knock
a whole group out. Doing 1-2 (usually _always_ one) damage doesn't help them either. Their
saving grace is their cost, which is exceptionally cheap, making them easy to mass-produce.
But they're hardly worth it.

Name: Master Gremlin
Cost: 40 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Workshop
Attack Rating: 4
Defense Rating: 4
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 4
Damage: 1-2
Shots: 8
Special: Ranged attacker
My rating: 2
Description: Master Gremlins are only a small step above the Gremlins. The only reall
"upgrades" are their ranged attacking ability, and an extra hexadecimal in their speed rating.

Name: Stone Gargoyle
Cost: 130 Gold
Dwelling: Parapet
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 6
Speed (in hexes per turn): 6
HP (Hit Points): 16
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating: 4
Description: Stone Gargoyles are great for a base level two creature. The Base Level one that
comes before them only has 1/4 of the Stone Gargoyles's HP, and they do 1/3 less damage.
Stone Gargoyles also have the ability to fly, so they can go over Castle Walls during a Siege
and wreak havoc on the creatures on the other side of the wall.

Name: Obsidian Gargoyle
Cost: 160 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Parapet
Attack Rating: 7
Defense Rating: 7
Speed (in hexes per turn): 9
HP (Hit Points): 16
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: N/A
My rating: 4.5
Description: For and extra thirty gold per Obsidian Gargoyle you get three more hexes, and
that's it all the extras you get with Obsidian Gargoyles. In the end, screw upgrading them
and keep your regular Stone Gargoyles. Unless you have lots of Gold, don't upgrade your
Gargoyles to Obsidian ones.

Name: Stone Golem
Cost: 150 Gold
Dwelling: Golem Factory
Attack Rating: 7
Defense Rating: 10
Speed (in hexes per turn): 3
HP (Hit Points): 30
Damage: 4-5
Shots: N/A
Special: Damage from spells is reduced by 50%.
My rating: 4.5
Description: Stone Golems do a decent amount of damage, but move really slowly, so those two
factors cancel each other out. Their real highlight is that they resist 50% of any damage
done by spells to them. And, they also have 30 HP. Ultimately, Stone Golems are a good buy
(heh, good-bye).

Name: Iron Golems
Cost: 200 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Golem Factory
Attack Rating: 9
Defense Rating: 10
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 35
Damage: 4-5
Shots: N/A
Special: Damage from spells is reduced by 75%.
My rating: 5
Description: Iron Golems are a huge step up from their predecessors, the Stone Golems. With
better Defense, speed, HP, and best of all: their even more improved magic resistance. If
they didn't come with such a high price tag, the Iron Golems would probably have gotten a six
or a seven instead of a five.

Name: Mage (Plural: Magi)
Cost: 350 Gold
Dwelling: Mage Tower
Attack Rating: 11
Defense Rating: 8
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 25
Damage: 7-9
Shots: 24
Special: No melee penalty (can fight in hand-to-hand combat with no decrease in damage).
My rating: 7
Description: Mages--er... Magi are long distance fighters. They shoot balls of ligthning at
their targets and very effective against most other units. They have 24 shots, a fair amount
of HP, and a good recruiting cost. And, if they get melee attacked, they suffer no melee
penalty, unlike nearly all of the other ranged attackers. Also, they have a nice defensive
rating too, so when they do get attacked, it won't do as much damage as it would to lesser

Name: Arch Mage (Plural: Arch Magi)
Cost: 450 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Mage Tower
Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 9
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 30
Damage: 7-9
Shots: 24
Special: No melee penalty. Spell Caster
My rating: 8.5
Description: A huge step up from there already great less-skilled predecessors, the Magi, Arch
Magi have a better attack, defense, speed/movement rating than them, AND they also have the
ability to cast a few spells, depending on your Hero's known spells and secondary skills such
as Wisdom. Oh yeah, did I mention that they also have 1/6 more HP and 24 shots? Arch Magi
are a great choice for armies consisting of Tower creatures.

Name: Genie
Cost: 550 Gold
Dwelling: Altar of Wishes
Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 12
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 40
Damage: 13-16
Shots: N/A
Special: Hates Efreeti
My rating: 9
Description: WOW! Genies are possibly the best Level 5 creatures in the whole game, and they
come at a very reasonable price of only 550 Gold. First of all, their speed is great and they
are flying, so they can get over Walls in a Seige and reach the enemy in a matter of two
turns. Secondly, they have 40 HP, and with their defense rating, it'll take awhile to lose
that 40 HP. Another great qulaity of Genies is that they hate Efreeti, allowing them to do
twice as much damage when they attack ro retaliate against one. Finally, Genies do a whole
13-16 damage each time they attack or retaliate. Overall, Genies are excellent. Nine out of

Name: Master Genie
Cost: 600 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Altar of Wishes
Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 12
Speed (in hexes per turn): 11
HP (Hit Points): 40
Damage: 13-16
Shots: N/A
Special: Random Spell Casting, Hates Efreeti
My rating: 9
Description: When you buy Master Genies, you pay 50 extra Gold, just for a +4 hex bonus and a
half decent Special Ability. Random spell-casting doesn't mean that they may cast Berserk on
your own men, or that they'll let lose with an Armageddon Spell either. Master Genies ONLY
cast spells Levels 1-3, and they can tell the difference between friend and foe. So don't
worry about your own guys casting Bless on the enemy or Curse on you. In the end, the 50 Gold
is hardly ever worth it, but the +4 to their speed is sort of useful. They can get down the
battlefield faster and kill the enemies. Still a 9/10 though. If I were you, I'd stick with
regular Genies, but that's just me.

Name: Naga
Cost: 1100 Gold
Dwelling: Golden Pavilion
Attack Rating: 16
Defense Rating: 13
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 110
Damage: 20
Shots: N/A
Special: No enemy retaliation
My rating: 9
Description: If the price on Nagas wasn't so high, they probably would have scored a perfect
10, but at 1100 Gold a pop, if you only have a Capitol as your source of income you can only
buy 3 a day. Another downside of Nagas is they're incredibly slow. Sure they do 20 Damage,
but it takes like four rounds to get them down to the enemies. The no enemy retaliation
Special Ability is pretty useful, but they could stand to have another good ability,
considering their hish price tag.

Name: Naga Queen
Cost: 1600 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Golden Pavilion
Attack Rating: 16
Defense Rating: 13
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 110
Damage: 30
Shots: N/A
Special: No enemy retaliation
My rating: 9.5
Description: Naga Queens are a big step up from the regular Nagas, but they're even more
ridiculously priced. Naga Queens can move 7 hexes/turn compared to the previous five and they
can do 10 more damage, so the +500 Gold price is worth it overall, but hardly at 1600 Gold.
Again, Naga Queens have no enemy retaliation which is very useful. With about 25 of these,
you can EASILY decimate nearly any enemy troop and not have to worry about retaliation. I
suggest sending out your more powerful creatures like Dragons to weaken the larger enemies and
get your ranged attackers to take out the smaller ones, and then send the Naga Queens down to
pick at the remains.

Name: Giant
Cost: 2000 Gold + 1 Gem
Dwelling: Cloud Temple
Attack Rating: 19
Defense Rating: 16
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 150
Damage: 40-60
Shots: N/A
Special: Mind Spell immunity
My rating: 10

Name: Titan
Cost: 5000 Gold + 2 Gems
Dwelling: Upgraded Cloud Temple
Attack Rating: 24
Defense Rating: 24
Speed (in hexes per turn): 11
HP (Hit Points): 300
Damage: 40-60
Shots: 24
Special: Mind Spell Immunity, No Melee Penalty, Hates Black Dragons.
My rating: 10

Necropolis Creatures

Name: Skeleton
Cost: 60 Gold
Dwelling: Cursed Temple
Attack Rating: 5
Defense Rating: 4
Speed (in hexes per turn): 4
HP (Hit Points): 6
Damage: 1-3
Shots: N/A
Special: Undead
My rating: 2

Name: Skeleton Warrior
Cost: 70 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Cursed Temple
Attack Rating: 6
Defense Rating: 6
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 6
Damage: 1-3
Shots: N/A
Special: Undead
My rating: 2.5

Name: Walking Dead
Cost: 100 Gold
Dwelling: Graveyard
Attack Rating: 5
Defense Rating: 5
Speed (in hexes per turn): 3
HP (Hit Points): 15
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: Undead
My rating: 2.5

Name: Zombie
Cost: 125 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Graveyard
Attack Rating: 5
Defense Rating: 5
Speed (in hexes per turn): 4
HP (Hit Points): 20
Damage: 2-3
Shots: N/A
Special: Undead, Disease
My rating: 3

Name: Wight
Cost: 200 Gold
Dwelling: Tomb of Souls
Attack Rating: 7
Defense Rating: 7
Speed (in hexes per turn): 5
HP (Hit Points): 18
Damage: 3-5
Shots: N/A
Special: Undead, Regenerates
My rating: 3.5

Name: Wraith
Cost: 230 Gold
Dwelling: Upgraded Tomb of Souls
Attack Rating: 7
Defense Rating: 7
Speed (in hexes per turn): 7
HP (Hit Points): 18
Damage: 3-5
Shots: N/A
Special: Undead, Regenerates, Drains foe's Mana
My rating: 4.5

Name: Vampire
Cost: 360
Dwelling: Estate
Attack Rating:
Defense Rating:
Speed (in hexes per turn):
HP (Hit Points):
My rating:

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XI. Hints & Tips I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
In this section I'll share with you some hints and tips to help you out in HOMM III.

*Don't use cheat codes if you have any honor or are trying for a high score. If you get a high
score by using them, it will rank you as "CHEATER!", and you'll get 10th place.

*Never surrender, despite what people tell you. It's completely pointless, and does nothing
for you.

*Explore the immediate area around your starting point. Then you can see if any enemies are
around you, and you can also scout out the terrain.

*When you start out, recruit weaker heroes and give them only one creaure, then send them to
grab all of the rescources. Use your good hero(es) to kill everything.

*Here's another good use for weaker heroes: Bait.

*Try to balance out all of your Basic Skills, i.e. Attack, Defense, Spell Power, and Knowledge.

*Create an equal mixture of different creatures in your army.

*Don't forget to put some Creatures to guard towns and mines.

*Never EVER mix Castle creatures with Necropolis creatures (or vice versa). This hugely
negates everyone's morale in that army.

*Don't try to conserve your Spell Points. You need to cast spells in some battles to win.

*Near the start of a game, make an extra hero and give all his men to one good hero or put
them to guard a mine. Keep the one weakest unit in his army, and then use him to explore, but
not get into any fights. This is good for finding your opponent's Castle's, figuring out the
lay of the land, and finding mines.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XII. Codes I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
Here are all of the known codes for Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death. To use
these, simply press "tab" to type them, and then press enter when one is typed to activate

nwctrinity- Gives the selected hero 10 Archangels in all of his or her empty slots
nwcnedbuchadnezzar- Gives you unlimited movement. Really cheap, yet fun.
nwcbluepill- Lose scenario.
nwcredpill- Win scenario.
nwcneo- Selected Hero gains a Level.
nwcoracle- Reveals entire Grail Map.
nwctrinity- Fill all open slots with 5 Archangels.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XIII. FAQ I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
Here is where I'll list all of the questions I get from readers of this FAQ. I've made up a
few to start out. Feel free to send questions to me at Icewind717@hotmail.com

Q: Why can't I move my hero?
A: You've used up all that hero's movement points for that day.

Q: What is the best town type?
A: It's all a matter of personal preference, but I prefer the Necropolis over any other town

Q: How often will you update this FAQ?
A: Whenever I feel like it. Don't ask.

Q: Why didn't my question I sent to you get posted in your FAQ?
A: Not all of the questions I get are posted. Your question must clear, good in my opinion,
and I need to get it from three different people.

Q: What are the best Secondary Skills?
A: Again, that's all personal preference, but the top three in my mind are:

1. Necromancy- You can resurrect all of the enemies troops as skeletons, Wraiths, or Vampires
if you're proficient enough in it. At lower proficiencies, you can resurrect some of the
enemies as Skeletons. This Secondary Skill is easily my favorite.

2. Defense- If you're proficient enough in Defense, and you're a semi-high level Hero, this
can make you nearly invincible. What this skill does speaks for itself.

3. Archery- The Archery skill gets better and better as you progress in it. Again, it speaks
for itself, but it does have some things about it that are unseen by the name. For example,
at later Archery proficiencies, it lowers and eventually eliminates the melee penalty for your
ranged attackers. Also, at another level of proficiency, it gets rid of the obstacle penalty
for them.

Q: What do you mean when you say "proficiency"?
A: When I say proficiency, I mean how skilled your Hero is in that secondary skill; basic,
advanced, and expert.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XIV. Spell FAQ I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
Here is an extremely detailed spell guide. I have covered every little nook and cranny of
each spell, so whatever you want to know, is right here. Here is a description directly from
the readme: Here you will find descriptive listings for all spells in the _Heroes III_ game.
Each spellis from one of the four schools of magic---Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. Your heroes'
expertise in a spell increases as he gains the secondary skill for the appropriate school of
magic (see *Secondary Skills,* page 45). Heroes without such expertise may cast a school's
spells at a normal level (resulting in the same effect as a basic level spell). Increased
expertise allows for spells to be cast at the Basic, Advanced, and Expert Levels.

Heroes holding expertise in a school's secondary skill casts spells from a school at a reduced
cost. This cost reduction is the same regardless of whether a hero holds the skill at basic,
advanced, or expert level.

| Effects of School Expertise on Casting Cost |
| Spell Level I Spell Level II Spell Level III Spell Level IV Spell Level V |
| -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 |
| |

Here is the layout of how I'll do this section, and it's explained too!

Name: What the Spell is called
Type: Indicates whether the spell may be cast in combat or on the Adventure Map
Cost: How many spell poitns it takes to cast the spell
Duration: How long the Spell lasts
Basic Effect: Effect of the Spell cast at Normal or Basic Expertise
Advanced Effect: Effect of the Spell cast at Advanced Level
Expert Effect: Effect of the Spell cast at Expert Expertise

Understanding the Spell Section:
I've put previous versions of this FAQ on different web sites, and people have complained
about the Spell section being too confusing. Luckily, they're reffering to the equations for
damage. OK, who passed fifth grade math?
*Hands shoot up.
Now, who remembers order of operations?
*Hands shoot up again.
PEMDAS. Parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, then subtract. If you see an equation
like this: Target creature recieves ((Power x 10)+ 10) damage, then the answer is...?
Whatever the casting hero's Spell Power is multiplied by ten, then with ten added onto that
answer. Get it yet?

And one last note: I will divide the Spells into four sections. They are what schools they're
from. Now, shall we move on to the actual spells and what they do?

A. School of Air Magic Spells

School of Air Magic

Level I Spells

Name: Haste
Type: Combat
Cost: 6 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per spell power point
Basic Effect: Increases allied troop's speed by three hexes/turn
Advanced Effect: Increases allied troop's speed by five hexes/turn
Expert Effect: Increases allied troop's speed by five hexes/turn

Name: Magic Arrow
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +10) damage
Advanced Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +10) damage
Expert Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +10) damage

Name: View Air
Type: Adventure
Cost: 2 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Displays location of all artifacts on the View World Screen
Advanced Effect: Displays location of all artifacts and heroes on the View World Screen
Expert Effect: Displays loaction of all artifacts, heroes, and towns on the View World Screen

Level II Spells

Name: Disguise
Type: Adventure
Cost: 4 spell points
Duration: 1 day
Basic Effect: When the casting hero is right-clicked (queried) by opponents, all of the hero's
creature troops are displayed as if they were composed of the most powerful creatures in the
Hero's Army. Troop population numbers are represented normally.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except troop quantities are represented as "0"
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except all troops are represented as if populated by
the most powerful creatures in the Hero's longest owned Town.

Name: Disrupting Ray
Type: Combat
Cost: 10 Spell Points
Duration: Whole Battle
Basic Effect: Reduces' target's defense rating by three. Spell may be cast on the same unit
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, excpet Defense is lowered by 4
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except Defense is lowered by 5

Name: Fortune
Type: Combat
Cost: 7 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Increases's target creature's luck by one
Advanced Effect: Increases target creature's luck by two
Expert Effect: Iincreases luck of all allied troops by two

Name: Lightning Bolt
Type: Combat
Cost: 10 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Target creature recieves ((Spell Power x 25)+ 10) Damage
Advanced Effect: Target creature receives ((Spell Power)+ 20 Damage
Expert Effect: Target creature receives ((Spell Power)+ 50 Damage

Name: Precision
Type: Combat
Cost: 8 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Target Creature with ranged attacks has its ranged attack rating raised by three
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic, excpet it's increased by six
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced, except all allied ranged attackers are affected

Name: Visions
Type: Adventure
Cost: 4 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Displays number of of monsters in a wandering monster troop, and whether or not
the troop will offer to join the caster's army. The range is equal to the Hero's Spell Power
or three, whichever is greater.
Advanced Effect: Smae as Basic Effect, except an enemy hero's primary skill stats, and the
composition (Luck and Morale), and the quantity of that Hero's Army can be viewed. Range is
Spell Power x 2, or three, whichever is greater.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except an enemy town's statistics and Garrison
composition (Luck and Morale) and quantity may be viewed. Range is Spell Power x 3, or three,
whichever is greater.

Level III Spells

Name: Air Shield
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target Creature takes 25% less damage from Ranged Attacks
Advanced Effect: Target Creature takes 50% less damage from Ranged Attacks
Expert Effect: All allied troops takes 50% less damage from Ranged Attacks

Name: Destroy Undead
Type: Combat
Cost: 15 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: All undead creatures take ((Spell Power x 10)+ 10) Damage
Advanced Effect: All undead creatures take ((Spell Power x 10)+ 20 Damage
Expert Effect:All undead creatures take ((Spell Power x 10) + 50 Damage

Name: Protection From Earth
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Damage from all Earth Spells is reduced by 30% for target creature
Advanced Effect: Damage from all Earth Spells is reduced by 50% for target creature
Expert Effect: Damage from all Earth Spells is reduced by 50% for all allied troops

Name: Hypnotize
Type: Combat
Cost: 18 Spell Points
Duration: Special
Basic Effect: Target Creature of less than ((Power x 25)+ 10) Health is put under your
control. Allied troops may attack hypnotized troops without fear of retaliation.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Efect, except that Health must be less than ((Power x 25)+ 20)
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that Health must be less than ((Power x 25)+ 50)

Level IV Spell

Name: Chain Lightning
Type: Combat
Cost: 24 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Lighting Bolt strikes target troop ((Power x 40)+ 25) damage. Bolt then strikes
closest troop for half of the damage. Effect continues until four more untis are hit.
Advanced Effect: Like Basic Effect except that the initial strike does ((Power x 40)+ 50
Damage), and bolt strikes five creatures.
Expert Effect: Like Advanced Effect, except that initial strike does ((Power x 40)+ 100)

Name: Counterstrike
Type: Combat
Cost: 24 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target Creature can retailiate against one additional attack per round
Advanced Effect: Target Creature can retaliat against two additional attaks per round
Expert Effect: All allied troops can retaliate against two additional attacks per round

Level V

Name: Dimension Door
Type: Adventure
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Teleports casting hero to unoccupied, visible location on the Adventure Map.
Spell may be cast twice per day, and for each time it reduces the caster's movement by three
for that day. If movement is reduced to 0, 1, or 2 the spellcan't be cast anymore.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except spell can be cast three times per day.
Expert Effect: Same as Advcanced Effect except the spell may be cast four times per day, and
movement alloance is only reduced by two tiles.

Name: Fly
Type: Adventure
Cost: 20 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Day
Basic Effect: Caster can fly over terrain obstacles to an unoccupied location on the map.
Distance flown can be up to 60% of Hero's normal movement.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Hero may fly up to 80% of their normal movement.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, excep Hero may fly up to 100% of their normal movement.

Name: Magic Mirror
Type: Combat
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Enemy spells casted on target creature have a 20% chance of being deflected and
damage being given to an enemy unit.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except there is a 30% chance of the Spell being
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except there is a 40% chance of the Spell being

Name: Summon Air Elemental
Type: Combat
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: Until they die
Basic Effect: A troop containing the caster's spell power x 2 of Air Elemental is summoned.
Only one type of Elemental may be summoned per battle.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by three to
determine the number of Air Elementals.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by four to
determine the number of Air Elementals that are summoned.

B. School of Earth Magic Spells

School of Earth Magic
Level I Spells

Name: Magic Arrow
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +10) damage
Advanced Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +20) damage
Expert Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +30) damage

Name: Shield
Type: Combat
Cost: Instant
Duration: 1 Round per Power
Basic Effect: Hand-to-hand damage done to target creature is reduced by 15%
Advanced Effect: Hand-to-hand damage done to target creature is reduced by 50%
Expert Effect: Hand-to-hand damage done to all allied creatures is reduced by 40%

Name: Slow
Type: Combat
Cost: 6 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target Creature's speed is reduced by 25% of normal.
Advanced Effect: Target Creature's speed is reduced by 50% of normal.
Expert Effect: All enemy troops' speed ratings are reduced by 50%.

Name: Stone Skin
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target creature's Defense Rating is increased by three.
Advanced Effect: Target creature's Defense rating is increased by six.
Expert Effect: All allied creatures Defense ratings are increased by six.

Name: View Earth
Type: Adventure
Cost: 2 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Displays the location of all loose resources on the View World screen
Advanced Effect: Displays the location of all mines and loose resources on the View World
Expert Effect: Displays the loacation of the entire terrain, all mines, and all loose
resources on the View World Screen.

Level II Spells

Name: Death Ripple
Type: Combat
Cost: 10 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: All living (not un-dead, folks) troops take ((Spell Power x 5)+ 10) damage.
Advanced Effect: All living (not un-dead, folks) troops take ((Spell Power x 5)+ 20) damage.
Expert Effect: All living (not un-dead, folks) troops take ((Spell Power x 5)+ 30) damage.

Name: Protection from Air
Type: Combat
Cost: 7 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round/Spell Power
Basic Effect: Damage from Air Magic Spells is reduced by 30% for target creature.
Advanced Effect: Damage from Air Magic Spells is reduced by 50% for target creature.
Expert Effect: Damage from Air Magic Spells is reduced by 50% for all allied creatures.

Name: Quicksand
Type: Combat
Cost: 8 Spell Points
Duration: Until Touched
Basic Effect: Quicksand pits are placed in four random hexes. They are invisible to creatures
unless they are on native terrain. Troops stepping on pit hexes have their movement halted
for the current roun. Oce a pit is stepped in, it is visible to all.
Advanced Effect: same as Basic Effect, except six pits are placed.
Expert Effect: Same as Basic and Advanced Effects, except eight pits are placed.

Name: Visions
Type: Adventure
Cost: 4 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Displays number of of monsters in a wandering monster troop, and whether or not
the troop will offer to join the caster's army. The range is equal to the Hero's Spell POwer
or three, whichever is greater.
Advanced Effect: Smae as Basic Effect, except an enemy hero's primary skill stats, and the
composition (Luck and Morale), and the quantity of that Hero's Army can be viewed. Range is
Spell Power x 2, or three, whichever is greater.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except an enemy town's statistics and Garrison
composition (Luck and Morale) and quantity may be viewed. Range is Spell Power x 3, or three,
whichever is greater.

Level III Spells

Name: Animate Dead
Type: Combat
Cost: 15 Spell Points
Duration: Permanent
Basic Effect: Reanimates ((Power x 50)+ 30) Health Points (HP) worth of killed undead
creatures in target troop.
Advanced Effect: Reanimates ((Power x 50)+ 60) Health Points (HP) worth of killed undead
creatures in target troop.
Expert Effect: Reanimates ((Power x 50)+ 160) Health Points (HP) worth of killed undead
creatures in target troop.

Name: Anti-Magic
Type: Combat
Cost: 15 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target troop can only be affected by Level four or five Spells.
Advanced Effect: Target troop can only be affected by Level five Spells.
Expert Effect: Target troop is immune to all Spell Effects.

Name: Earthquake
Type: Combat, Siege Only
Cost: 20 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Quake
Basic Effect: Does one point of damage to two, random Castle Walls in Siege Combat.
Advanced Effect: Does one point of damage to three random Castle Walls in Seige Combat.
Expert Effect: Does one point of damage to four random Castle Walls in Seige Combat.

Name: Force Field
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 2 Rounds
Basic Effect: A two-hex wide force field is created at target hex(es). Movement through these
hexes is blocked.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Force Field is three hexes wide.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect. No change whatsoever.

Level IV Spells

Name: Meteor Shower
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Troops in target hex and adjacent hexes take ((Spell Power x 25)+ 25)damage
Advanced Effect: Troops in target hex and adjacent hexes take ((Spell Power x 25)+ 50) damage
Expert Effect: Troops in target hex and adjacent hexes take ((Spell Power x 25)+ 100) damage

Name: Resurrection
Type: Combat
Cost: 20 Spell Points
Duration: Permanent
Basic Effect: Target Creature's group with dead creatures has ((Spell Power x 50)+ 40) Health
worth of Creatures restored to life for the duration of the current battle.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that ((Spell Power x 50)+ 80) Health worth of
Creatures permanently resurrected.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced effect, except that ((Spell Power x 50)+ 160) Health worth of
Creatures are permanently resurrected.

Name: Sorrow
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target creature's Morale is reduced by one.
Advanced Effect: Target creature's Morale is reduced by two
Expert Effect: All enemy creatures' Morale is reduced by two

Name: Town Portal
Type: Adventure
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Caster is teleported to nearest, allied, and unoccupied town. 300 Movement
points are expended when Spell is cast.
Advanced Effect: Casting Hero may teleport to any allied Town with no visiting Hero. 300
Movement Points are expended when Spell is cast.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except the Movement Point reduction is 200, rather
than 300.

Level V Spells

Name: Implosion
Type: Combat
Cost: 30 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Target Creature receives ((Spell Power x 75)+ 100) damage.
Advanced Effect: Target Creature receives ((Spell Power x 75)+ 200) damage.
Expert Effect: Target Creature receives ((Spell Power x 75)+ 300) damage.

Name: Summon Earth Elemental
Type: Combat
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: Whole Battle
Basic Effect: A troop containing the caster's Spell Power x 2 of Earth Elementals is summoned.
Only one type of Elemental may be summoned per battle.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by three to
determine the number of Earth Elementals.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by four to
determine the number of Earth Elementals that are summoned.

C. School of Fire Magic Spells

School of Fire Magic
Level I Spells

Name: Bloodlust
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target Creature receives a +3 Attack Rating bonus for hand-to-hand combat.
Advanced Effect: Target Creature receives a +6 Attack Rating bonus for hand-to-hand combat.
Expert Effect: All allied troops receive a +6 Attack Rating bonus for hand-to-hand combat.

Name: Curse
Type: Combat
Cost: 6 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target creature delivers minimum damage when they attack
Advanced Effect: Target creature delivers ((80% of their minimum damage) -1) when they attack.
Expert Effect: All enemy creatures deliver ((80% of their minimum damage) -1) when they attack.

Name: Magic Arrow
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +10) damage
Advanced Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +20) damage
Expert Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10) +30) damage

Name: Protection From Water
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Damage from all Water Spells is reduced by 30% for target creature
Advanced Effect: Damage from all Water Spells is reduced by 50% for target creature
Expert Effect: Damage from all Water Spells is reduced by 50% for all allied troops

Level II Spells

Name: Blind
Type: Combat
Cost: 10 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target creature troop is frozen until they are attacked. Deactivating attack is
retaliated at 50% of Base Attack Rating.
Advanced Effect: Target creature troop is frozen until they are attacked. Deactivating attack
is retaliated at 25% of Base Attack Rating.
Expert Effect: Target creature troop is frozen until they are attacked. Deactivating attack is
not retailiated against at all.

Name: Fire Wall
Type: Combat
Cost: 8 Spell Points
Duration: 2 Rounds
Basic Effect: A two hex-wide wall of flames is produced at target hex. A troop passing through
these hexes takes ((Caster's Spell Power x 10)+ 10) damage.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that the wall of flames is three hexes wide and
damage is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 20) damage.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that damage is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 50).

Name: Visions
Type: Adventure
Cost: 4 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Displays number of of monsters in a wandering monster troop, and whether or not
the troop will offer to join the caster's army. The range is equal to the Hero's Spell Power
or three, whichever is greater.
Advanced Effect: Smae as Basic Effect, except an enemy hero's primary skill stats, and the
composition (Luck and Morale), and the quantity of that Hero's Army can be viewed. Range is
Spell Power x 2, or three, whichever is greater.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except an enemy town's statistics and Garrison
composition (Luck and Morale) and quantity may be viewed. Range is Spell Power x 3, or three,
whichever is greater.

Level III Spells

Name: Fireball
Type: Combat
Cost: 15 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Trooops in target hex and surrounding hexes take ((Spell Power x 10)+ 15) damage.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect except damage done is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 30).
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except damage done is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 60).

Name: Land Mine
Type: Combat
Cost: 18 Damage
Duration: Until touched
Basic Effect: Landmines are placed in four random hexes on the battlefield. A troop stepping
on the landmine takes ((Spell Power x 10)+ 25) damage. Enemy creatures battling on their
native terrain can see the mines and can cross over them safely. To all others, they are
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect except that six mines are placed and damage done is
((Spell Power x 10)+ 50).
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that eight mines are placed and damage done is
((Spell Power x 10)+ 100).

Name: Misfortune
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Luck of Target creature is rduced by one.
Advanced Effect: Luck of target creature is reduced by two.
Expert Effect: Luck of all enemy creatures is reduced by two.

Level IV Spells

Name: Armageddon
Type: Combat
Cost: 24 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: All creatures take ((Spell Power x 50)+ 30) points of damage.
Advanced Effect: All creatures take ((Spell Power x 50)+ 60) points of damage.
Expert Effect: All creatures take ((Spell Power x 50)+ 120) points of damage.

Name: Berserk
Type: Combat
Cost: 20 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round
Basic Effect: Target attacks nearest troop. All creatures in a one hex radius are affected.
Advanced Effect: Target attacks nearest troop. All creatures in a seven hex radius are
Expert Effect: Target Attacks nearest troop. All creatures within a 19 he radius are affected.

Name: Fire Shield
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: 20% of hand-to-hand damage inflicted on Target creature is counter-inflicted on
the attacker.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basci Effect, except that 25% of the damage is counter-inflicted.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that 30% of the damage is counter-inflicted.

Name: Frenzy
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: Until target creature's next action
Basic Effect: Target creature's Attack rating is increased to 100% of its Defense rating, and
its Defense rating is reduced to zero.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that the Attack rating is increased to 150% of
their Defense rating.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that the Attack rating is increased to 200% of
their Defense rating.

Name: Inferno
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Strikes target hex, and all within two hexes take ((Spell Power x 10)+ 20)
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that the damage is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 40).
Expert Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that the damage is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 80).

Name: Slayer
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target troop's Attack Rating is increased by eight against Behemoths, Dragons,
and Hydras.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect except that the Attack bonus also includes Devils and
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that the Attack bonus also includes Titans.

Level V Spells

Name: Sacrifice
Type: Combat
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: Permanent
Basic Effect: Targeted non-undead troop is sacrificed (destroyed). Then another target dead
has ((Spell Power + Destroyed Troop's Creature Base Health + 3)x # of Creatures Sacrificed) in
Health total of creatures returned to life.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that Health total of creatures resurrected is
((Spell Power + Destroyed Troop's Creature Base Health +6) x # of creatures sacrificed).
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that the Health total of creatures resurrected
is ((Spell Power + Destroyed Troop's Creature Base Health + 10) x # of creatures sacrificed).

Name: Summon Fire Elemental
Type: Combat
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: Whole Battle
Basic Effect: A troop containing the caster's Spell Power x 2 of Fire Elementals is summoned.
Only one type of Elemental may be summoned per battle.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by three to
determine the number of Fire Elementals.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by four to
determine the number of Fire Elementals that are summoned.

D. School of Water Magic Spells

School of Water Magic

Name: Bless
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Creatures in target troop inflict maximum damage when they attack.
Advanced Effect: Creatures in target troop inflict maximum damage + 1 when they attack.
Expert Effect: All allied creatures inflict maximum damage + 1 when they attack.

Name: Cure
Type: Combat
Cost: 6 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Removes all negative Spell effects from target troop and heals it for ((Spell
Power x 5)+ 20) Health Points.
Advanced Effect: Removes all negative Spell effects from target troop and heals it for ((Spell
Power x 5)+ 20) Health Points.
Expert Effect: Removes all negative Spell effects from all allied troops and heals each for
((Spell Power x 5)+ 30) Health Points.

Name: Magic Arrow
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: Instant Damage
Basic Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10)+ 10) damage
Advanced Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10)+ 20) damage
Expert Effect: Enemy troop recieves ((Power x 10)+ 30) damage

Name: Protection From Fire
Type: Combat
Cost: 5 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Damage from all Fire Spells is reduced by 30% for target creature
Advanced Effect: Damage from all Fire Spells is reduced by 50% for target creature
Expert Effect: Damage from all Fire Spells is reduced by 50% for all allied troops

Name: Summon Boat
Type: Adventure
Cost: 6 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Summons one of your Hero's boats to their current location. If none of those
boats are available, then one of your other Hero's boats are summoned. This spell has a 50%
chance of working :(. The spell fails if no unoccupied boats are available.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that if no boats are available, a new one is
created. The spell has a 75% chance of working :|. There are a maximum of 64(!) boats allowed
on the Adventure Map at one time. This spell fails if all are occupied (yeah right).
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except that the spell has a 100% chance of wroking :).

Level II Spells

Name: Ice Bolt
Type: Combat
Cost: 8 Spell Points
Duration: Insant Damage
Basic Effect: Target creature receives ((Spell Power x 20)+ 10) damage.
Advanced Effect: Target creature receives ((Spell Power x 20)+ 20) damage.
Expert Effect: Target creature receives ((Spell Power x 20)+ 50) damage.

Name: Remove Obstacle
Type: Combat
Cost: 7 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Removes one, non-magic obastacle from the battlefield. Integrated obstacles,
such as cliffs, are not affected.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Fire Walls (not firewalls) can also be removed.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except all, non-integrated obstacles can be removed.

Name: Scuttle Boat
Type: Adventure
Cost: 8 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Spell has a 50% (0% if occupied) chance of destroying the selected boat.
Advanced Effect: Spell has a 75% chance (0% if occupied) chance of destroying the selected
Expert Effect: Spell destroys the selected boat unless it is occupied at the time.

Name: Visions
Type: Adventure
Cost: 4 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Displays number of of monsters in a wandering monster troop, and whether or not
the troop will offer to join the caster's army. The range is equal to the Hero's Spell Power
or three, whichever is greater.
Advanced Effect: Smae as Basic Effect, except an enemy hero's primary skill stats, and the
composition (Luck and Morale), and the quantity of that Hero's Army can be viewed. Range is
Spell Power x 2, or three, whichever is greater.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except an enemy town's statistics and Garrison
composition (Luck and Morale) and quantity may be viewed. Range is Spell Power x 3, or three,
whichever is greater.

Name: Weakness
Type: Combat
Cost: 8 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target troop's Attack Rating is decreased by three.
Advanced Effect: Target troop's Attack Rating is decreased by six.
Expert Effect: All enemy troops' Attack Ratings are decreased by six.

Level III Spells

Name: Forgetfulness
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Half of the target creatures with ranged attack forget to shoot.
Advanced Effect: Target troop cannot use its ranged attack.
Expert Effect: All enemy troops cannot use their ranged attacks, provided they have one.

Name: Frost Ring
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Troops in hexes surrounding target hex receive ((Spell Power x 10)+ 15) in
damage. Target hex is unaffected.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that damage done is ((Spell Power x 10) 30).
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except damage done is ((Spell Power x 10)+ 60).

Name: Mirth
Type: Combat
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration:1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Morale of target troop is increased by one.
Advanced Effect: Morale of target troop is increased by two.
Expert Effect: Morale of all allied troops is increased by two.

Name: Teleport
Type: Combat
Cost: 15 Spell Points
Duration: Instant
Basic Effect: Target troop can teleport to any unoccupied hex. Troop cannot teleport over
Walls or Moats.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except troop can teleport over Walls.
Expert Effect: Troop can move to any unoccupied hex.

Level IV Spells

Name: Clone
Type: Combat
Cost: 24 Spell Points
Duration: Whole Battle
Basic Effect: Creates a duplicate of target creature that is Level 1-5. The duplicate can
attack, but is gone if it receives any damage. Creatures from a given town are given levels
1-7. Pikemen are Level 1, Angels are Level 7.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except the Clone can be Level 1-6.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced effect, except the Clone may be any Level.

Name: Prayer
Type: Combat
Cost: 16 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Round per Spell Power
Basic Effect: Target creature's Attack, Defense, and Speed (hexes per turn) are increased by
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except the ratings are increased by four.
Expert Effect: All allied creatures' Attack, Defense, and Speed are increased by four.

Name: Water Walk
Type: Adventure
Cost: 12 Spell Points
Duration: 1 Day
Basic Effect: The casting Hero may follow a movement path across water, provided the end
destination is an unoccupied location on the land. Water movement may be up to 60% of the
Hero's normal movement.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except that water movement may be up to 80% of the
Hero's normal movement.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except the Hero may move up to 100% of their regular

Name: Summon Water Elemental
Type: Combat
Cost: 25 Spell Points
Duration: Whole Battle
Basic Effect: A troop containing the caster's Spell Power x 2 of Water Elementals is summoned.
Only one type of Elemental may be summoned per battle.
Advanced Effect: Same as Basic Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by three to
determine the number of Water Elementals.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced Effect, except Hero's Spell Power is multiplied by four to
determine the number of Water Elementals that are summoned.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XV. HOMM Dictionary I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
About half-way through the first version of this FAQ, I realized that everyone might not know
what all of these words mean. Most people who haven't played this game probably have no idea
what a Necropolis is, or other words used in this FAQ. So, I made this section.

Hero- Heroes are the generals in HOMM. They control all of the units and cast Spells.

HOMM- Heroes of Might & Magic.

Necromancer- One who can resurrect the dead. Generally an evil character in mythology.

Necropolis- One of the town types. Houses evil and undead creatures.

Primary Skill- Primary Skills: Attack, Defense, Spell Power, and Knowledge.

Retaliation- Retaliation is whenever a unit attacks another, the remaining units of the strike
attack the unit that attacked them.

Round- One round is the equivalent of every creature on one side attacking.

Secondary Skills- Secondary Skills are skills that Hero's can learn and specialize in. The
maximum is ten per Hero.

Spam- Junk mail, messages repeating the same thing over and over (i.e. YOUR FAQ SUCKS!YOUR FAQ
SUCKS!), advertisements, etc.

Spell Points- Spell Points are "MP" for all of you RPG gamers out there. They are determined
by your Hero's Knowledge rating. Spell Points= Knowledge Rating x 10.

Spell Power- The number that represents that Hero's skill at casting spells.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XVI. Self-Promotion I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /

FAQs by me:
1. Harvest Moon 3 GBC
2. Heroes of Might and Magic GBC Spell FAQ
3. Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death FAQ (You're reading it)
4. Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Shadow of Death Spell FAQ
5. Heroes of Might & Magic III: Armageddon's Blade Spell FAQ
6. Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia Spell FAQ
7. Jumpman Junior FAQ
8. Morrowind Ingredients FAQ

1. Next time~

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XVII. Next Version I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /

What to expect in the next version:

1.01- I'll update the Capmaign Walkthroughs, add words to the HOMM III Dictionary, and do some
other stuff. Wait and see.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XVIII. Hall of Shame I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /
These are the Websites that stole my work and are NOT permitted to have any of it on them.
Please inform me if they rip anyone else off.

1. http://www.neoseeker.com
2. http://www.cheatplanet.com

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XIX. Credits I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /

Thanks to 3D0 for making this game
Thanks to New World Computing for publishing this game
Thanks to the readme for some spell information
Thanks to CjayC for posting this FAQ
Thanks to me for writing it! (see, I did all of this by myself! ;))

XX. Necessary Legal Stuff
This document has been written for it to appear at Gamefaqs.com. This script may not be copied
in any way and/or published in any way. Any commercial usage of this FAQ is strictly forbidden
and can only be used for personal use. Any necessary legal action will take place if any of
these rules are violated. Penalty for plagiarism will be convicted. Heroes of Might & Magic
III, Restoration of Erathia, Armageddon's Blade, Shadow of Death, New World Computing, and 3D0
Inc., and any related materials are copyrighted too.
NOTE: You may use this on your site as long as I say you can. To reach me e-mail me at

Want that in English?
This FAQ was made for GameFAQs. It can't be published on any site, WITHOUT my permission. You
can NOT sell this FAQ or use it to promote your website or company in any way (again) WITHOUT
my permission. I will take legal action if I ask you to remove this FAQ from your site and you
don't. The rest is self-explanatory. Now, repeat after me: "I will not use this FAQ on my
site, or alter it in any way at all without Chris Zewe's permission permission."

Now, for the condensed version:
Do NOT use this FAQ for any commercial purpose, or at all without permission.

Sites already authorized to use this FAQ: GameFAQs, Gamewinners, Gamespot and IGN. If you
would like your site to be added to that list, email me.

Sites NOT authorized to use this FAQ: Neoseeker and Cheat Planet. If you find this FAQ on any
site that does not have specific permission, notify me.

That's about as much as is possible to say, so you get the point.

/ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| \
* |I XXI. FAQ Size I| *
\ |I\\\\\\\///////////////I| /

KB: 111
Words: Some number more than one, but less than a trillion.
Pages to Print: Way too many. I'll leave it at that. I tried, but ran out of time, paper,
and ink.

Well, that took aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages. Now, excuse me while I go and visit my life. I
suggest that all of you go and do the same. That is, assuming you actually _have_ one. I
mean, you just read a FAQ that's over 100 pages long for God's sake. Later.



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