V-Rally 3

V-Rally 3

17.10.2013 01:58:32
V V R R A A L L Y Y 3 3
V V R R A A L L Y 3 3


Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather

Initial Version Completed: February 14, 2003
FINAL VERSION Completed: February 21, 2003


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Stage Overviews
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V-Rally 3 is the first appearance of the V-Rally series on
PlayStation2. Not surprisingly, its graphics are excellent,
the cars have many more tuning options, the sounds are better
and more convincing, and the fun factor has been raised :-)

This guide is designed to present an overview of each stage
in the game, sector by sector. Granted, this runs counter to
one of the main concepts or tenants of rally racing - that
the driver/navigator have extremely little familiarity (if
any) with each stage of a rally - but some advance knowledge
about each stage can provide a 'security blanket' for some
players, especially those new to rally-based racing games.
However, this guide does not cover weather conditions, which
are selected at random for many stages and which can
obviously make a given stage 'harder' or 'more difficult.'


The stage overviews are presented in the order presented in
Time Attack Mode. For each country (remember that this game
treats all of Africa as a single 'country'), only the four
forward-configuration stages are listed in this section; the
player can sort things out for the reverse configuration of
each stage :-)

Note that driving instructions are not included in these
stage overviews; that would most definitely defeat the
purpose of even playing a rally-based racing game, which
relies HEAVILY upon the navigator's instructions. Also, all
pre-contract team vehicle tests in V-Rally Mode (the game's
career mode) and all challenges in Challenge Mode use only
the first four sectors of a given stage, not the full six

Stage 1
Sector 1
This opening sector primarily runs through a wooded
area; the muddy roadway is nice and wide, allowing
for a good amount of recovery room should a driver
overcommit to a corner. A small farmlike area and a
group of excited fans are on the left of the roadway
just before the beginning of Sector 2.
Sector 2
Shortly beyond the farmlike area, the left side of
the roadway 'opens' as the roadway passes alongside
a beautiful, serene lake. After a right-hand
corner, a second body of water appears on the right
side of the roadway briefly before the stage runs
through an area of small mounds.
Sector 3
Beginning where the mounds end, the first part of
the third sector sees a return of the wooded area on
the right side of the roadway while a vast rolling
grassy area appears on the left. About halfway
through the stage, a lake appears on the right side
of the roadway, and the various signs of logging
appear alongside the roadway - providing extra
Sector 4
There is an abrupt transition here from mud to
gravel. The roadway narrows a bit and an uphill run
begins with the hairpin corner. Drivers must take
care here, as a cliff face runs up against the
roadway on the right, and there is a nice vehicle-
damaging drop on the right-side looking out briefly
over a beautiful, serene lake. The roadway quickly
re-enters the woods, and throngs of fans on either
side of the roadway signal the end of Sector 4
Sector 5
For this entire sector, there are woods on the left
and a wide rolling grassy area on the right. Just
at the end of the sector, spectators once again line
the roadway.
Sector 6
For this entire sector, there are woods on the left
and a wide rolling grassy area on the right. Just
at the end of the stage, spectators once again line
the roadway.
Stage 2
Sector 1
The gravel roadway is nicely wide, much like the
opening sectors of Stage 1. Similar to the
beginning of Stage 1, the roadway runs through a
wooded area, although seemingly a bit more dense in
Stage 2 than in Stage 1.
Sector 2
Shortly after the beginning of Sector 2, the roadway
transitions to soft gravel, which is a darker,
grayish color. The woods go away, but there are
still plenty of trees and spectators and other
obstacles to damage wayward vehicles.
Sector 3
Sector 3 transitions back to gravel. For the first
half of the sector, the woods are thick on the left
side of the roadway while the right side is a bit
more open; the second half has the roadway flanked
by the thick woods on both sides.
Sector 4
With a transition back to soft gravel, the woods end
and the roadway passes through a small semi-rural
town filled with eager spectators.
Sector 5
Still on the soft gravel, the town gives way and it
is somewhat open on both sides of the roadway, but
the fans on the left side are held back by fencing.
Eventually, the roadway re-enters the wooded area,
makes a sharp turn, and crosses a wooden bridge over
a small river, remaining in the woods on the other
side of the river.
Sector 6
The woods suddenly give way and the final sector
runs past several barns. There are a number of
eager spectators on both sides of the roadway.
Stage 3
Sector 1
This all-gravel stage begins with a thick wooded
area to the left of the roadway and a short grassy
area leading toward a large lake to the right.
About two-thirds of the way through the stage, the
signs of logging are visible, providing a few
extra obstacles for wayward vehicles.
Sector 2
The wooded area to the left side of the roadway
gives way to a more open area. Shortly into this
second sector, there is a long fence on the left
side of the roadway, followed by cheering fans kept
back behind barriers. Just before the end of the
sector, the roadway passes between some tall dunes.
Sector 3
Passing through more dunes, the roadway soon runs
along the shore of a lake (to the left side of the
roadway); there is also a short bridge, so drivers
must take care to not hit its edges.
Sector 4
Sector 4 begins shortly beyond the bridge and
features the lake on the left and the thick wooded
area on the right of the roadway. A barn signals
the end of the sector.
Sector 5
Beginning parallel with the red barn on the right
side of the roadway, the first half of Sector 5 is
located within the thick wooded area. The remainder
of the sector returns to the shore of the lake.
Sector 6
The final sector begins by running alongside the
lake (with some signs of logging), then turns away
from the lake and heads into the wooded area, with
the trees becoming thicker and thicker.
Stage 4
Sector 1
The entire opening sector takes place in a wooded
area. The roadway is fairly wide, so drivers should
not have too much trouble recovering from any
Sector 2
The first part of this second sector has a sheer
cliff face directly against the roadway on the left,
and a significant drop on the right side; the
roadway will quickly come down to the bottom of this
drop. Shortly afterward, the roadway is flanked on
the left side by thick woods, whereas the right side
is a bit more open and offers glimpses of yet
another lake.
Sector 3
Shortly into Sector 3, the woods appear on the right
side of the roadway with the left side being a bit
more open. This sector is greatly littered with
evidence of logging, which can cause problems in
several corners.
Sector 4
The woods return again on the left side of the
roadway while the lake makes another appearance on
the right side. The last half of the sector takes
place entirely in the woods.
Sector 5
The first half of this penultimate sector runs
through the woods. The final half opens up a bit,
then passes between some dunes.
Sector 6
This final sector is shorter than the others. The
sector opens with the roadway running through a
small rural community, then finishes in the woods.
Stage 1
Sector 1
Stage 1 begins high up on a mountain, so this
opening sector is largely a downhill run. The
roadway has essentially been chiseled out of the
mountain stone, so there are often tall rock faces
flush against the roadway - however, there are brief
moments when one or both sides of the roadway will
open up a bit with a small grassy area. There is
also a rock tunnel near the end of this opening
Sector 2
Continuing the long downhill trajectory of the
stage, large rock formations flank the
roadway in the initial portion of this sector.
The roadway then passes through a small town,
where an ascent begins.
Sector 3
Beginning just after leaving a French village,
this sector begins with an uphill slope which runs
through an even smaller village. About halfway
through the stage, a descent begins anew, with the
roadway flanked by tall rock formations.
Sector 4
This sector runs around two bays while maintaining
a downhill trajectory. To some extent, it is
possible to see where the roadway is far ahead on
the other side of the bay. Tall rock formations
flank the roadway on the left; to the right is the
water (the bays), and there is not usually a
guardrail to keep vehicles from flying off the
mountain and into the water below.
Sector 5
A slow, long ascent begins with Sector 5. Much of
this sector is more open, with grass on either side
of the roadway. However, the sector eventually
runs through yet another French town. Here, it is
important to keep off the sidewalks, as there is no
gentle slope or lip to them as there are with the
rumble strips at actual race circuits (such as
Circuit Dijon-Prenois); therefore, hitting a
sidewalk at high speed (especially with a hard
suspension setting, which is generally recommended
for asphalt surfaces) will quite likely result in
the vehicle bouncing into the air, meaning a loss
of control and significantly increasing the chances
of an accident.
Sector 6
This sector begins in the sidewalked village, but
quickly leaves the village for a downhill run
flanked closely by rock formations on both sides
of the roadway.
Stage 2
Sector 1
The all-asphalt roadway is wide enough for two-way
traffic under normal circumstances, but high-speed
cornering could be a problem for those drivers
unable to keep a tight racing line. The right side
of the roadway is lined with rock formations. The
left side is mostly open, but there are a number of
rock formations, trees, and other obstacles -
usually in key areas - to provide problems for
'wandering' vehicles.
Sector 2
This sector features a roadway closely bounded on
both sides, either by rock outcroppings or by
steep embankments. The very end of the sector
hosts 'The Castle,' which features several SHARP
corners and a very narrow passageway/tunnel right
where Sector 2 meets Sector 3.
Sector 3
There are a few more SHARP corners, then the roadway
heads back into the mountains. The roadway is again
closely bounded on both sides, so precision
cornering is key to success here.
Sector 4
Again, the roadway is closely bounded on both sides
for much of the sector. However, on the right side
just before Sector 5, there is a gap in the fence
which holds back the spectators; this gap is just
large enough for a vehicle to slip through if the
preceding corner is taken too wide and too quickly.
Sector 5
While there is plenty to wreck a wayward vehicle on
either side of the roadway, the right side does open
up a bit to provide some nice scenic views... but
admiring the scenery will result in the near-total
destruction of the vehicle :-( The right side is
often - but not always - blocked by some sort of
Sector 6
This extremely-short sector is essentially just like
Sector 5.
Stage 3
Sector 1
Starting high up on a mountainside, Sector 1 begins
by running through a small French village. The
second half of this opening sector features a
guardrail on the right side of the roadway and large
mountain cliffs on the left side.
Sector 2
This is identical to the second half of Sector 1,
but with more sharp corners.
Sector 3
This is much like Sector 2, but with even MORE sharp
corners and a tiny village near the end of the
sector. The descent also seems a little steeper
overall in this sector.
Sector 4
This is one long, steep descent with mostly-gentle
corners, so those using a high gear ratio can make
use of its higher top-end speed here - so long as
all cornering is EXTREMELY precise.
Sector 5
The sector begins with a bridge over a stream, then
the roadway begins a long uphill run among twisty
corners. There is NO room for error in this sector.
Sector 6
This continues the pattern begun in Sector 5. The
stage comes to an end about 300 meters beyond the
second tunnel.
Stage 4
Sector 1
This stage begins in a mountain village; drivers
must try to keep off the sidewalks, as hitting them
at high speeds is quite likely to send the vehicle
airborne, meaning a loss of control and a greater
possibility of an accident. Once out of the small
village, there is even less room for error with
cliffs and trees and other obstacles flanking the
roadway. Only precision driving will provide
success here!!!
Sector 2
Continuing down the mountainside, there is not much
room for error at all, much like the end of the
opening sector. After the second hairpin corner,
the right side is guarded only by a guardrail, but
even then it is still possible to miss the beginning
of the guardrail and plunge toward the bay far
Sector 3
With the bay to the right and rock walls to the
left, the descent continues for just a moment before
the elevation essentially levels. There are a few
rock tunnels in this sector. The view out across
the water is definitely beautiful, but any attempts
to enjoy the scenery will result in the destruction
of the vehicle!!!
Sector 4
The first half of the stage is fairly level, then
the overall elevation begins to drop again. The
roadway leaves the first bay and then runs along a
second bay, much like Stage 1.
Sector 5
Transitioning to poor asphalt, the second bay is
quickly left behind as the roadway runs along the
mountainside. Trees, rock formations, and other
obstacles await wayward vehicles. The corners here
are generally not very tight, so good speeds can be
attained here.
Sector 6
Once past the waterfall, the roadway ascends slowly.
There is still no room for error. The stage ends as
the second bay far below again comes into view.
Stage 1
Sector 1
This all-mud stage can be tricky due to the lack of
traction, especially when attempting strong
acceleration out of tight corners or at the start
of the stage. This opening sector runs through the
woods. At the end of the sector, a building in a
clearing can be seen just ahead.
Sector 2
Sector 2 begins in a clearing, passing by a building
on the left. This area is used for logging; as
such, there are plenty of logs, trucks, and other
obstacles scattered about. The roadway will curve
around all this, then return to the woods
momentarily to emerge with a farm on the left
(protected by a long fence) and eventually passing
through a small village.
Sector 3
Once past the few buildings of the village, the
roadway returns to the woods. The sector ends at
the next clearing.
Sector 4
The fourth sector is somewhat open, although tall
embankments and trees generally line the roadway.
There are many fans perched along the roadway in
this sector.
Sector 5
The first part of this sector runs through the
woods, with a building and a group of spectators
on the right side of the roadway early in the
sector. Once across the wooden bridge, the right
side of the roadway is flanked by a long semi-steep
grassy embankment.
Sector 6
The final sector is quite open on both sides, but
with numerous tight corners, some of which have
obstacles at the apex to thwart any attempts at
shortcutting. There are numerous spectators along
this last sector, all protected by fencing or
other barriers.
Stage 2
Sector 1
This opening sector runs through the woods. The
roadway is fairly wide, providing plenty of room for
recovery in case of a minor mistake. The entire
sector runs slowly downhill, but there are too many
corners to allow for much high-speed driving.
Sector 2
The long downhill run continues, with even tighter
corners (in general) than in the opening sector.
The end of the sector is another logging area, so
any off-course excursions could result in vehicle
Sector 3
Still in a semi-wooded area, there are a number of
spectators along much of this sector. Drivers must
beware the barriers on the stone bridge at the end
of this sector.
Sector 4
This semi-wooded area is also characterized by
tight corners. Fencing in the last two-thirds of
the sector protects many spectators and also
prevents any shortcutting possibilities.
Sector 5
The roadway continues winding through the semi-
wooded area. The main 'obstacle' here is a river
crossing; those using lower-than-default Ride Height
settings will definitely need to slow for the river
crossing, or else the vehicle will bottom out and
potentially create a loss of control.
Sector 6
The woods thicken as the final sector runs uphill.
The right side of the roadway is initially protected
by a long guardrail. Near the end of the stage is
another building (on the left) surrounded by signs
of logging, and a nice throng of spectators await
the drivers at the end of the stage.
Stage 3
Special Weather Note
At least in Time Attack Mode, this stage is run in
foggy conditions, which makes clear visibility
almost impossible. This can make it quite difficult
to correctly judge distances between a navigator's
call and the associated corner or obstacle.
Therefore, special caution must be made here;
however, this is one of the best stages in the game
to truly attack and gain a major lead over the
competition in V-Rally Mode.
Sector 1
Stage 3 opens in the woods, although the roadway is
fairly wide at most points. Near the end of this
initial sector is a river crossing; it is best to
slow for the river crossing to avoid a loss of
vehicle control.
Sector 2
Heading uphill, the roadway gains more tight twists
and turns.
Sector 3
This third sector is more open on either side of the
roadway, but there are still plenty of trees and
rocks (as well as some fans) to provide incentive to
remain firmly ON the roadway.
Sector 4
This sector transitions from woods to clearing and
back to woods, with a bridge thrown in. About
halfway through the sector is a think-log fence on
the right side; this fence is breakable, and it is
thus possible to have a collision with something
normally protected by the fence.
Sector 5
The first half of this sector has the woods on the
right side of the roadway, with an open area on the
left side; the left side also sports a few buildings
and several groups of spectators. The second half
of the sector is run fully in the woods.
Sector 6
This final sector emerges from the woods into a
logging area, with several groups of stacked logs
near the roadway. The roadway then re-enters the
woods for the final run to the end of the stage.
Stage 4
Sector 1
This opening sector is wide open on both sides of
the roadway, but there are still a number of trees
and rocks near the roadway on either side. The
sector ends near the top of a crest.
Sector 2
This second sector slowly climbs the mountainside.
There are several tall rock embankments and stone
guardrails in this sector. However, the main
danger is the steep ditch on the left side of the
roadway at one point; slipping into this ditch will
DEFINITELY create vehicle damage.
Sector 3
Running through the woods, there is a small logging
area early in the sector, and many lengthy
guardrails throughout the sector. Near the end of
this third sector, the woods on the right side of
the roadway give way to a view of the countryside.
Sector 4
The first half of the sector returns to the woods,
then the second half of the sector opens to grassy
plains to the right side of the roadway. This is a
relatively-short sector overall.
Sector 5
The first half of this penultimate sector runs
through the woods, emerging to the woods on the left
side of the roadway and a logging operation on the
right side.
Sector 6
This final sector runs slowly uphill and is fairly
open on both sides of the roadway. The stage comes
to an end just beyond the wooden bridge.
Special Border Note
Virtually every millimeter of roadway in the Sweden
stages is bounded on both sides by a bank of snow from
where the snowplows have 'cleared' the roadway. In
some sectors, these snow banks are taller than in other
sectors. Thus, for the most part, it is virtually
impossible to leave the roadway, as these snow banks
will almost always force the vehicle to bounce back
across the roadway toward the other snow bank.
Stage 1
Sector 1
This opening sector is mostly wide open on both
sides of the roadway, with plenty of spectators in
the first half of the stage.
Sector 2
This second sector runs entirely through a lightly-
wooded area.
Sector 3
The trees thin somewhat in this sector, which
features some tight corners to slow the vehicle's
average speed.
Sector 4
The roadway passes alongside a farming area in this
Sector 5
The area slowly opens on either side of the
roadway to provide a nice panoramic view of the
Sector 6
While the sector begins in the vast clear panoramic
area, the roadway quickly returns to the woods,
where the corners become tighter and tighter.
Stage 2
Sector 1
There are A LOT of spectators at the start of this
very short sector. The area is mostly clear and
open, providing a nice distant view to either side
of the roadway.
Sector 2
The first two-thirds of this second sector is nice
and open, with a significant throng of spectators
about one-third of the way through this sector.
The roadway then re-enters the woods.
Sector 3
The first half of this sector runs through the
woods, with A LOT of spectators lining the left
side of the roadway. The final segment of the
sector opens up on either side of the roadway.
Sector 4
The first half of the fourth sector is in a wide
open area, with the second half taking place back
in the wooded area.
Sector 5
This somewhat-short penultimate sector runs entirely
through the woods.
Sector 6
This final sector runs entirely through the woods
and features some tricky corner combinations.
Stage 3
Sector 1
The opening sector of Stage 3 is rather lengthy, and
the snow banks on either side of the roadway are
rather high. Trees line the roadway throughout much
of the sector, but there is a brief moment of
openness to either side of the roadway about
halfway through the sector.
Sector 2
For much of the second sector, the left side of the
roadway is immediately bounded by rock embankments.
A pair of 'jumps' ends the sector, with Sector 3
beginning at the crest of the second 'jump.'
Sector 3
This is a rather easy, high-speed sector, with
plenty of trees and spectators along the roadway.
One section has the roadway bounded by more rocks.
Sector 4
Sector 4 is mostly open, and is a great place for a
full-throttle high-speed run. Telephone poles line
the left side of the roadway, and can therefore be
used as a great device for anticipating the
placement of the upcoming corners.
Sector 5
Again, this is a high-speed sector, with telephone
poles available for corner anticipation. A large
red covered bridge appears about halfway through the
stage, just after the telephone poles move from the
left side of the roadway to the right side.
Sector 6
This final sector runs through wide-open farmland,
with plenty of spectators lining the roadway (on the
opposite side of the snowbanks). The final sector
also transitions quickly to ice.
Stage 4
Sector 1
Spectators spectators everywhere!!!!! This opening
sector is wide open on both sides of the roadway,
with hordes of spectators seemingly as far as the
eye can see, especially near the Starting Line.
Sector 2
This is essentially like the first sector, but with
tighter corners and fewer spectators.
Sector 3
This is essentially like the second sector, but with
even tighter corners.
Sector 4
This is essentially like the third sector, but on
snowy gravel.
Sector 5
The roadway keeps transitioning between snowy gravel
and deep snow.
Sector 6
The trees and the spectators both become much more
numerous in this sector as the corners get tighter
and tighter.
Stage 1
Sector 1
Beginning on snowy asphalt, this stage primarily has
tall rocks on the right side of the roadway and
either guardrails or trees on the left side. The
sector ends halfway through the tunnel.
Sector 2
This is much the same as the opening sector, but
without the snow on much of the roadway and some
rock barriers on the left side of the roadway.
Sector 3
This is much like Sector 2.
Sector 4
Here, the rocks give way to trees on either side of
the roadway for the first half of the sector, then
the mountain rocks and a tunnel return in the second
half of the sector. The sector ends just beyond the
Sector 5
This is much like the opening sector, but without
the snow on the asphalt. About two-thirds of the
way through the sector, the roadway passes
underneath a ski lift :-)
Sector 6
This final uphill run sees snow lightly covering the
roadway. This is in many respects just like the
opening sector.
Stage 2
Sector 1
The stage begins in a lightly-wooded area, but
eventually a guardrail on the right side of the
roadway prevents vehicles from falling off the short
but sheer drop into the river below.
Sector 2
Now away from the river, there are rock embankments
along much of the roadway in this second sector, as
well as many signs of logging - some of which are
rather close to the roadway.
Sector 3
The rocks give way to a lightly-wooded area. Soon,
a rail line appears on the right side of the
roadway, and there may be a railroad engine used for
logging slowly moving along. However, the roadway
soon turns away from the rail line, ending this
third sector.
Sector 4
Beginning bounded by rocks and trees, this sector
turns back toward the rail line, then turns away
again. The sector ends just before reaching the
town ahead.
Sector 5
Much of this penultimate sector runs through a
fan-filled town. The entryway to the town is a
minor tunnel, and there are sidewalks along the
roadway which could cause a vehicle to bounce and
lose control if hit at high speeds. The roadway
eventually leaves the town, heading back out
into the woods (with a brief segment bounded on
both sides by tall rock embankments).
Sector 6
This is a fairly-open sector, with mostly gentle
corners conducive to a high-speed run. There are
also numerous fans (in groups) along the roadway
in this final sector. The stage ends shortly
beyond the building on the left.
Stage 3
Sector 1
This stage begins in a lightly-wooded area, but then
the trees give way to rock embankments. The sector
ends just before the pile of logs on the left side
of the roadway.
Sector 2
Primarily trees bound the roadway in this sector,
but there are also a significant number of steep
embankments (primarily rocks). Some fans can be
seen in this sector, and the few signs of logging
are fortunately well away from the roadway itself.
Sector 3
This is primarily a light-wooded sector, with
some steep embankments (primarily grassy) in some
Sector 4
This is primarily a light-wooded sector, with
some steep embankments (primarily rocky) in some
areas. The roadway transitions to icy asphalt at
the end of the sector.
Sector 5
The first half of this penultimate sector is lined
with tall rock embankments or even cliffs, and the
corners are many and somewhat sharp. The second
half of the sector opens up a bit, but there are
still A LOT of trees lining the roadway.
Sector 6
This final sector begins the way Sector 5 ends, but
then returns to rocky cliffs. There is also a
tunnel near the end of the stage.
Stage 4
Special Weather Note
At least in Time Attack Mode, this stage is run in
foggy conditions, which makes clear visibility
almost impossible. This can make it quite difficult
to correctly judge distances between a navigator's
call and the associated corner or obstacle.
Therefore, special caution must be made here;
however, this is one of the best stages in the game
to truly attack and gain a major lead over the
competition in V-Rally Mode.
Sector 1
The opening sector of this stage runs through
vineyards and is LOADED with nasty, sharp corners.
Those drivers who can deftly handle these corners
will have a great advantage over the competition (in
V-Rally Mode) heading into Sector 2.
Sector 2
This second sector runs initially through more
vineyards with tight corners, then heads into the
woods. Those drivers who can deftly handle these
corners will have a great advantage over the
competition (in V-Rally Mode) heading into Sector 3.
Sector 3
As this sector progresses, there are more and more
rock embankments flanking the roadway, with each
embankment seemingly taller than the one before it.
Sector 4
The fourth sector opens up a bit, then passes by
several buildings and groups of spectators. The
second half of the sector runs between tall rock
Sector 5
The roadway here runs through a lightly-wooded
area, with spectators in the small clearings. There
are also some more rock embankments.
Sector 6
This final sector is much like Sector 5, but ending
at another vineyard.
Special Visibility Note
Most of the Africa stages are extremely sunny, and do
not have much (if anything) nearby to block the
sunlight from shining upon the roadway. This can
produce severe visibility problems when heading toward
the sun, and adjusting the camera view will not usually
provide better visibility. In this case, it is best to
try to use tall trees near the roadway to anticipate
upcoming corners.
Stage 1
Sector 1
There are A LOT of spectators lining the roadway in
this initial sector. While the corners are not at
all difficult, the apexes often have small rises
which are just tall enough to knock the vehicle out
of control. Some apexes are flat, but just sandy
enough to seriously slow the vehicle.
Sector 2
The first two-thirds of this sector are essentially
like the opening sector, although the embankments
alongside the roadway tend to get progressively
taller. However, the final third of the sector has
some nasty corners between these tall embankments,
which can potentially cause some trouble.
Sector 3
There are fewer embankments in this third sector,
and the corners are not quite as sharp as before.
However, it is still easy to stray off the roadway
and damage the vehicle.
Sector 4
The second corner of this sector is by far the most
difficult in all of the Africa stages, with a cliff
face essentially protruding into the roadway from
the right side, and a unguarded catastrophic descent
on the left side of the roadway. Once past this
nasty corner, the roadway tends to run along the
plateau, with embankments and spectators on both
sides of the roadway.
Sector 5
This penultimate sector is really one super-lengthy
straightaway, with only one true corner; with
precision steering, even this corner can be safely
cleared at full-throttle acceleration. This sector
ends just before the wooden archway.
Sector 6
This short sector is a high-speed run to the Finish
Line. However, straightlining the many gentle
corners is not a good idea, as the grass at the apex
of each corner will slow the vehicle significantly.
Stage 2
Sector 1
Many embankments and trees line the roadway
throughout this opening sector.
Sector 2
The many corners come fast and furious in this
sector. There is also a railroad crossing, almost
directly underneath the point where the telephone
lines cross over the roadway.
Sector 3
Much of this sector runs along a twisty, narrow
plateau. There is NO room for error, as the tall
cliff face bounds the roadway on the left side, and
the right side is a severe drop to the valley floor
far below. There are also trees and embankments
strategically placed on the left side of the
roadway to create more concern for those drivers who
slide to the outside in the left-hand corners.
Sector 4
Now off the plateau, the roadway is primarily
bounded by more embankments, although the corners
are not quite as severe here.
Sector 5
The corners are more gentle here as the roadway
leads up to a wooden bridge. Once across the
bridge, the roadway winds through a tiny village
filled with spectators. Ahead is a second railroad
crossing, but a vehicle with sufficient speed and
the correct suspension setting can easily speed up
the slight slope and jump over the railroad crossing
without any need to slow to more safely cross the
Sector 6
Embankments and minor ditches characterize this
closing sector, which is also heavily lined with
cheering spectators.
Stage 3
Sector 1
Until the very end of the sector, this is a very
high-speed run with only the gentlest of corners.
Embankments and trees line the roadway in this
sector. There is also a shallow river crossing
quite early in the sector, but it can easily be
cleared at full acceleration.
Sector 2
This is another very high-speed run, with more
embankments and trees lining the roadway.
Sector 3
Here, the roadway runs along a shallow lake bed.
There are the usual trees and embankments.
Sector 4
In this short sector, the roadway climbs up a
rather narrow plateau. There is a sheer cliff face
bounding the roadway (and sometimes protruding
slightly into it) on the right side, and some
unprotected drops on the left side of the roadway.
Sector 5
In this short sector, the roadway descends back to
the valley floor and also contains a wider shallow
river crossing.
Sector 6
The first half of this final sector runs along the
shallow lake bed again, then heads away from the
lake. The corners are rather gentle, making this
sector a rather high-speed run to the Finish Line.
Stage 4
Sector 1
With the exception of one corner, this is yet
another high-speed run through the desert. However,
care must be taken to not slide off the roadway, as
the grass will significantly slow vehicles.
Sector 2
This is yet another high-speed run, but with some
embankments and trees closer to the roadway.
Sector 3
This is YET ANOTHER high-speed run, with some
taller embankments and more trees. Some spectators
await by the building on the right side of the
roadway about halfway through this sector.
Sector 4
The weeds on either side of the roadway are taller
now, slowing stray vehicles even more quickly.
Sector 5
Except for one 'chicane,' this is another high-speed
Sector 6
There are practically no embankments here, but still
plenty of trees and grass along this rather short
final sector. The Finish Line is about halfway
along the final corner called by the navigator.


For questions, rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc.,
or to be added to my e-mail list for updates to this driving
guide, please contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if
you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful
to you, I would certainly appreciate a small donation via
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To find the latest version of this and all my other
PSX/PS2/DC/Mac game guides, visit FeatherGuides at


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