Backyard Soccer

Backyard Soccer

17.10.2013 04:39:04
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~^~^~^~^~Version 1.5~^~^~^~^~

| Backyard Soccer for the PC |
| Full FAQ |
| |
| FAQ written by Veinz |
| E-mail: |
| |
| FAQ created on December 27, 2002 |
| FAQ last updated on January 12, 2003 |

Table of Contents




º [0] Table of Contents
º [1] Version History
º [2] Introduction by the Author
º [3] Controls / Basic Tips
º [4] The Clubhouse
º[4-A] Pick-Up Window
º[4-B] League Play
º[4-C] Trophy Case
º[4-D] Other Menu Items
*º[5] League Play
*º[6] Meet the Players
º[6-A] Achmed Khan
º[6-B] Amir Khan
º[6-C] Angela DelVecchio
º[6-D] Annie Frazier
º[6-E] Ashley Webber
º[6-F] Billy Jean Blackwood
º[6-G] Dante Robinson
º[6-H] Dmitri Petrovich
º[6-I] Ernie Steele
º[6-J] Gretchen Hasslehoff
º[6-K] Jocinda Smith
º[6-L] Jorge Garcia
º[6-M] Kenny Kawaguchi
º[6-N] Kiesha Phillips
º[6-O] Kimmy Eckman
º[6-P] Lisa Crocket
º[6-Q] Luanne Lui
º[6-R] Maria Luna
*[6-S] Marky Dubois
*[6-T] Mikey Thomas
*[6-U] Pablo Sanchez
*[6-V] Pete Wheeler
*[6-W] Reese Worthington
*[6-X] Ricky Johnson
*[6-Y] Ronny Dobbs
*[6-Z] Sally Dobbs
*[6-AA] Sidney Webber
*[6-BB] Stephanie Morgan
*[6-CC] Tony Delvecchio
*[6-DD] Vicki Kawaguchi
º [7] Soccer Terminology
º [8] Credits / Thank You’s
º [9] Copyright Notice

| Version History |


January 12, 2003
- > Version 1.5
Worked a little on the League Play section, and added a few more terms in the
Soccer Terminology Section.


December 27, 2002
- > Version 1.0
Well, I have decided to work on another FAQ aside from my WWF No Mercy guide
(which will probably be tough to get the motivation to write). I completed
everything except for the In-Depth of the players (which I did do a few of).

| Introduction by the Author |

I was looking through my old PC game collection when I came across the disc to
Backyard Soccer, not even in its original case. I looked at it, and thought
about playing it again, for old times sake. I popped it in, and it made me
remember how great this game is, for a children's title. It's simplisitc
playing makes for great fun, and it can be hard to stop playing.

Backyard Soccer is a game that I am not ashamed to say that I like. Even though
it is for younger children, I can't help but love this game. It's so simple,
yet every game seems like a challenge to me.

Anyways, I recommend this game if you want some good, cheap fun. It's fairly
addictive, be warned.

That's why I decided to write an FAQ for the game (that, and there were none on
this site). I hope that it can be helpful to you.

| Controls / Basic Tips |


There are two different controls set ups, both are incredibly simple.


Left Mouse Button: -Run


Left Mouse Button: -Run

Right Mouse Button: -Pass

Basic Tips

-> Be aware of each player's abilities and weaknesses.

-> To dribble, click the left mouse button slightly in front of the player who
has possesion of the ball (the cursor shall appear as a circle instead of an

-> To shoot, move the cursor somewhere inside the goal (where you want the ball
to go) and click the mouse.

-> Use power-ups to your advantage.

-> Having siblings on the same team will make them perform better.

-> The descriptions included with each player also tell you something about
their personal style of soccer. This usually has no affect on the Skill

-> When you hear your player complaining, he/she probably wants a substitution.

-> Place your players where they will be MOST helpful according to their

| The Clubhouse |

This is the main menu, set in a clubhouse overlooking a soccer field. From
here, you can utilize any feature in the game.

Pick-Up Window
This is an exhibition match between two teams, a pick-up game (hence the name
Pick-Up window). You can create your own team by clicking on the shirt, or you
get a randomized team by clicking the soccer ball. You can change the venue of
the match by clicking the arrows on either side of the binoculars that appear
on the screen. This is a good mode to use to practice your skills for League
Play. I don't use it that much, however.

League Play
This is where it gets down to the brutality of children's soccer. Ok, so maybe
it isn't so brutal, but it's definitely grueling as the manager/player. You
lead your team through three seasons (minimum), with an Indoor Soccer
Tournament in the middle of the season (invite only, if you have a good record,
you will be invited). Then, there is a large tournament at the end of each
season for the Divison Cup.

Once you win a championship, you can check out the trophy in the Trophy Case at
the Clubhouse.

Trophy Case
This is for all to admire your accomplishments as a coach. This also holds the
record books, accessible later in the game.

Other Menu Items

A profile of every player that you can control in the game.

Click this, and it replays the introduction FMV

This appears under the Trophy Case after winning the Astonishingly Shiny
Cup of All Cups. It just makes a weird noise.

A plaque is shown under the Trophy Case after you win the Division
Tournament at the end of the season.

Click this to exit the game.

| League Play |

Here is where I will run down the best strategies and teams for League Play,
where you will climb the ladder of success and (hopefully) lead your team to
the ultimate prize: the Astonishingly Shiny Cup of All Cups. Corny, I know.
Anyways, lets get started.

- > C O A C H ' S S I G N I N < -

Choose to either choose a name already on the clipboard, or create a new team
(by clicking on the pencil). If you click, the pencil, you will be prompted to
enter your name.

Clicking the eraser will allow you to erase a previously made coach, along with
his or her team. This is not recommended unless you are 100% sure that you will
not be using the team in the future.

If you already have a coach, you will proceed to the Team Bench. If not, you
will be taken to choose your team.

- > C R E A T I N G Y O U R T E A M < -

The very first thing they have you do is to choose your team name and colors.
The noun you choose for your team is what is on your team's jerseys, but the
adjective doesn't affect anything. Below are your choices for your team name:

Super Duper


There are nine different colors you can have for your team (Black, Blue, Green,
Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, Pink and White). Clicking on the shirt will make
the solid part of the jersey the color selected. The shorts color will alter
the sleeves, the collar, basically the trim of the jersey.

- > C H O O S I N G T H E P L A Y E R S < -

After you are completed with the color choosing, you must choose which players
you want on your team. There are plenty of talented players to choose from, so
it shouldn't be too tough. Here is a sample team I have made. This isn't the
best team possible, but using you shouldn't have much trouble in the season
with this team.

- > NOTE: This is using the default formation, 2-1-2 < -

Goalie: Dante Robinson

Defenders: Sidney Weber
Ashley Weber

Midfield: Kenny Kawaguchi

Forwards: Ricky Johnson
Amir Khan

Bench: Lisa Crockett
Pablo Sanchez

Like previously said, this isn't the best possible team. After you are done
with your team, you are taken to the Team Bench (where you would start if you
already had a team made).

- > T E A M B E N C H < -

This is where you control your team. Let me do a run down of all options from
this screen (going left to right, down to up) before I proceed.

Clubhouse: Go back to the main menu

Team Trophy Case: View all the trophies your team has earned, as well as your
team's all-time record, goals for, and goals against.

Game Options: Alter the in game options.

Today's Match: Play your next match.

Schedule: View your schedule, which is layed out on a calendar. You
play every team twice, once before the Off the Wall: Indoor
Invitational. At the end of the season, if you qualify, you

Division Standings: View the current rankings of your division. The flag
next to your team name (with your ranking number) is
green if you qualified for the next tournament.

Division Leaders: Allows you to view which player is the best in which
categories (Goals, Assists, etc.).

Statistics: View the statistics of your players for the season, and the
game you either just played or are currently in.

Strategy: Edit the players on the field and the formation of your

Meet the Players: View all the biographies and stats of the players
on your team. This is a good way to decide who
work best in which position.


| Meet the Players |

This is a database for all the players.

-> NOTE: Most of the following information (Name, Nickname, Birthday, Skill
Ratings, and brief biographies) came from the game itself.

|Achmed Khan|

Nickname: Axeman
Birthday: July 7

This kid really likes to rock. Achmed is also a pretty solid player. His skill
in goal is better than average. Watch for his younger brother, Amir.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O
Running: O O O

|Amir Khan|

Nickname: Sticks
Birthday: September 1

Alone, Amir is a pretty decent player. Put him on a team with his brother
Achmed, and he's a little powder keg.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O

|Angela Delvecchio|

Nickname: Sugar Pop
Birthday: December 20

She may not be the fastest kid in town, but when she boots the ball, watch out.
Her right foot is bigger than her brother Tony's hair.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O

|Annie Frazier|

Nickname: Flipper
Birthday: September 18

Annie's not too keen on running, but she sure likes kicking. She thinks that
grilled cheese sandwiches aren't bad, either.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O
Running: O O

|Amir Khan|

Nickname: Sticks
Birthday: September 1

Alone, Amir is a pretty decent player. Put him on a team with his brother
Achmed, and he's a little powder keg.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O

|Ashley Webber|

Nickname: Little Smokey
Birthday: February 18

Ashley and her twin sister Sidney love playing together. It really shows, when
they are on the same team.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O O

Other Notes:

Place with sister Sidney on a team, and her performance increases.

|Billy Jean Blackwood|

Nickname: Crazy Legs
Birthday: January 26

Billy Jean is tall. She cloese her eyes when she heads the ball though. She's
known to have good accuracy.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O

|Dante Robinson|

Nickname: Stretch
Birthday: March 3

Dante could eat all day long. If you give him enough orange slices, he'll play
all day long, and pretty well, in fact.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O O O
Running: O O

|Dmitri Petrovich|

Nickname: Paste
Birthday: June 9

Dmitri hopes to become a rocket scientist one day. Meanwhile, he'll use rocket
leg to terrorize goalies. Nice pocket protector, too.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O
Defense: O O
Running: O O

|Ernie Steele|

Nickname: Funnybones
Birthday: April 21

Ernie is one of the silliest kids around. He's also one of the tallest. Put 'em
together, and you have one tall, silly kid. That's Ernie.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O O

|Gretchen Hasslehoff|

Nickname: Jabberjaw
Birthday: May 31

If you think Gretchen's mouth is fast, you should see her dribble the ball. Her
nic etouch makes her a good choice at midfield.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O
Control: O O O O
Defense: O
Running: O O O

|Jocinda Smith|

Nickname: MVP
Birthday: September 28

At the offensive end of the field, Jocinda's pretty good at everything. When it
comes to heading the ball, she's far above the pack.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O
Defense: O
Running: O O

|Jorge Garcia|

Nickname: Bonkers
Birthday: October 7

Jorge has good overall skills, but he worries too much about getting dirty.
Jorge's favorite position is bench-warmer because he won't get dirty there.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O
Running: O O

|Kenny Kawaguchi|

Nickname: K-Man
Birthday: November 20

Kicking from a wheelchair might seem tough, but Kenny has it mastered. What he
lacks in power, he more than makes up for with accuracy.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O O
Defense: O O
Running: O O O
|Kiesha Phillips|

Nickname: Flash
Birthday: April 2

Kiesha likes to play the role of team clown. She plays a pretty solid, if not
spectacular brand of soccer, too.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O O
Defense: O
Running: O O O
|Kimmy Eckman|

Nickname: Twinkle Toes
Birthday: June 22

Kimmy has a real sweet tooth, and some pretty sweet moves with the ball. Just
don't expect a lot of mustard on her kicks.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O
Running: O
|Lisa Crocket|

Nickname: Mad Dog
Birthday: December 4

She may not be the nicest kid in town, especially if you play against her. She
doesn't like to see anyone score, period.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O O

Other Notes:

Lisa is probably the most diverse player on the team. She can play practically
any position, but I usually use her for goalie.
|Luanne Lui|

Nickname: Lulu
Birthday: January 27

Luanne moves fast for a kid with such tiny legs. But she won't go anywhere
without her teddy.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O O O
|Maria Luna|

Nickname: Pinky
Birthday: July 23

Maria could be a good player if she wasn't so concerned about her pink dress.
If you ask her, she'll tell you a lot about ponies.

Skill Ratings:

Kicking: O O
Control: O O O
Defense: O O O
Running: O O


| Soccer Terminology |

When the ball enters the goal area by crossing the goal line inside the bars.

Free Kick
A kick by the other team that in unopposed by the other team. Awarded because
of a foul, or offsides.

When an offensive player is behind the last defender of the other team, and
receives the ball. A free kick is awarded to the other team.

When a player commits a foul, he/she usually has done something physically to
an opposing player to warrant such a call. A free kick is awarded to the other

A free kick from the center of the field either to start a half, or after a
team scores a goal.

Goal Kick
When a player kicks the ball past the opposing team's goal line, but not inside
the posts. A free kick in the goal box is awarded to the opposing team.

Corner Kick
When a player kicks the ball past own goal line, but not inside the bars. A
free kick is award to the other team, on a corner of the field.

When a player kicks the ball past a sideline, the other team has a player throw
the ball back in play from out-of-bounds.

Hat Trick
When a player scores three goals in a single game, it is recorded as a hat

Penalty Kick
When a foul is committed in the penalty box, then a penalty kick is awarded.

A player is credited with an assist when they pass it to a player, who in turn
scores a goal.

Points is the amount a player contributes offensively to the team. A goal is
worth 1 point, and an assist is worth 1 point.

When a player kicks or heads the ball towards the goal in an attempt to score,
it is a shot.

Shot on Goal
When a player kicks or heads the ball towards the goal in an attempt to score,
and it is blocked by the goalie, cross bar, posts, or if it goes into the goal,
it's a shot on goal.

When a goalie prevents the ball from going into the goal by blocking it, it's
recorded as a save.

I think that pretty much covers all of the terminology you need to know for
this game. If I discover more, or if another one is brought to my attention,
I'll add it.

| Credits / Thank You's |


-Me: For writing this FAQ up
-CJayC: For posting this FAQ
-Jave 5.0: For ASCII text boxes and art
-The game itself: For various information
-SweetPimp324: For the Table of Content format


-My parents for not bothering me (too much) while I was typing this up
-CJayC for owning and operating GameFAQs
-WWEGSBers for providing me with humor everyday
-SweetPimp324 just because

| Copyright Notice |

This document is the sole property of Veinz. This FAQ may not be put on a site
unless permission is given by the aforementioned author. Taking and
redistributing this guide for monetary purposes is illegal, and will not be
tolerated. Veinz reserves the right to refuse this FAQ to be on ANY site. The
following are the only sites that may have any of my FAQs (without my

This FAQ may not be used on private sites, with maybe a SLIGHT exception.

|This FAQ may not be displayed on any website without the author's permission.|
|Contact me at ''. |
| |
|For other works by me, visit my Contributor Page: |
| |
| |

|~~~The newest version of this FAQ can always be found on|

Thanks for taking the time to read this FAQ, I hope it was of some use to you.

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Engl. FAQ

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