Well Of Souls

Well Of Souls

17.10.2013 12:33:10
Well Of Souls: FAQ\Walkthrough for the world of Aerianell
Author: Jdude84 [Last Update: 4/13/03]
Contact: See Copyright\Notes
Version: 0.25

Table of Contents
1] Version History
2] About Aerianell
3] Character Types
4] Crystal List
5] Quest Walkthrough
6] Experience Chart
7] Copyright
8] Notes

1] Version History

[Version 0.25 - 4/13/03]
* Small correction to crystal list
* Quest Walkthrough has an index at the start now
* One more quest added to Quest Walkthrough

[Version 0.2 - 3/30/03]
* Experience Chart added\finished.
* Character Types section now lists special attributes. If the attribute is
listed, it's a special attribute to the character (EG: Nature 8 means the class
can use up to level 8 nature spells). Anything that is not listed, the
character does not have. Special attributes listed are: spell levels, ability
to tame wild monsters.
* Two new quests added to walkthrough

[Version 0.15 - 3/23/03]
* Crystal list finished
* Quest Walkthrough started, first quest added.
* Information in guide accurate as of Version 2.13 of Aerianell

[Initial Version - 3/17/03]
* Crystal list started. There's far too many of them.
* Character Types finished. Not too in depth though.
* About Aerianell section has some basic information

2] About Aerianell

[I've heard of Well of Souls, what's this Aerianell business?]

In case you didn't know, Well of Souls is a multi-world game. The default
world, 'Evergreen' comes with the game. Aerianell is a different world, with
different rules, characters, and quests. If you're looking for help with
Evergreen, check out my "main" FAQ for this game, which covers Evergreen.

[Eh? I don't even know what Well of Souls IS.]

Well, you should. http://www.synthetic-reality.com is home to this creative
multiplayer game. Information about the well of souls client, and it's various
worlds can be found there.

[I only have Evergreen, how do I get this world too?]

When you load up your WoS client, go to the option saying "Check online for new
worlds", you can download Aerianell there, and any future updates to it. You
can also download the many other worlds.

[Can I transfer characters from another world to Aerianell?]

You wish. Characters are unique to their own worlds, and cannot be transferred.
You'll have to start off fresh in this world.

[Is there anything else I should know?]

If you are like most people who have only played Evergreen, this world is very
different. The quests are harder, the setup is a bit different, and the enemies
are a whole lot tougher. This guide should help you get through it, whether
you're new to the world, or are just looking for some additional information.

3] Character Types

Class: Warrior
Hand: 100%
Magic: 30%
* Warfare 9

Class: Paladin
Hand: 90%
Magic: 50%
* Healing 6
* Elemental 6
* Warfare 7

Class: Anti-Paladin
Hand: 90%
Magic: 40%
* Chaos 7
* Warfare 7
* Necromancy 7

Class: Monk
Hand: 80%
Magic: 40%
* Healing 8
* Elemental 4
* Warfare 8
* Illusion 6

Class: Ranger
Hand: 85%
Magic: 50%
* Healing 5
* Nature 8
* Elemental 6
* Warfare 7
* Can tame pets

Class: Beast Master
Hand: 85%
Magic: 30%
* Healing 3
* Nature 8
* Elemental 3
* Warfare 7
* Illusion 4
* Can tame pets

Class: Barbarian
Hand: 100%
Magic: 5%
* Warfare 9

Class: Cleric
Hand: 80%
Magic: 35%
* Healing 9
* Nature 7
* Warfare 6

Class: Druid
Hand: 40%
Magic: 100%
* Healing 6
* Nature 9
* Elemental 9
* Chaos 7
* Necromancy 2
* Illusion 5
* Wizardry 2
* Can tame pets

Class: Elementalist
Hand: 40%
Magic: 100%
* Nature 9
* Elemental 9
* Chaos 8
* Necromancy 5
* Illusion 2
* Wizardry 7

Class: Sorcerer
Hand: 40%
Magic: 100%
* Nature 7
* Elemental 8
* Chaos 9
* Necromancy 9
* Illusion 7
* Wizardry 2

Class: Necromancer
Hand: 40%
Magic: 100%
* Nature 2
* Elemental 5
* Chaos 9
* Necromancy 9
* Illusion 8
* Wizardry 7
* Can tame pets

Class: Illusionist
Hand: 40%
Magic: 100%
* Nature 5
* Elemental 2
* Chaos 7
* Necromancy 8
* Illusion 9
* Wizardry 9

Class: Wizard
Hand: 40%
Magic: 100%
* Nature 8
* Elemental 5
* Chaos 2
* Necromancy 7
* Illusion 9
* Wizardry 9

Class: Bard
Hand: 30%
Magic: 100%
* Warfare 9

Class: Golem
Hand: 10%
Magic: 0%
* Special rules apply to golems only

4] Crystal List

Blood Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 100 GP
Effect: Restores 270 HP

Crystal of the Heavens [Item 0]
Cost: 1500 GP
Effect: Restores 1500 HP and MP

Dragon Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 500 GP
Efect: Restores 650 HP

Dream Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 1000 GP
Effect: Restores 750 HP and MP

Earth Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: Cannot be bought
Effect: Restores 2500 HP

Falcon Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 300 GP
Effect: Restores 400 MP

Fenris Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 50 GP
Effect: Restores 120 HP

Moon Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 20 GP
Effect: Restores 65 MP

Nature Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: This item cannot be bought
Effect: Restores 2000 HP and MP

Nova Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 500 GP
Effect: Restores 650 MP

Sky Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: Cannot be bought
Effect: Restores 2500 MP

Solar Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 50 GP
Effect: Restores 115 MP

Star Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 100 GP
Effect: Restores 245 MP

Victrix Crystal [Item 0]
Cost: 20 GP
Effect: Restores 50 HP

5] Quest Walkthrough

Quests Covered:
Gnome's Shoe Plans \ Kronia's Quest
The Palteas Bandits
Save Athedia's Baby \ Boots of Swiftness
Treasure of Spooky Cave

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Important Note:
Aerianell's quest system is creative in that different classes of characters
will actually have different quests. As such, some classes can only get certain
items, and complete certain objectives. Most early quests are availible to all,
but eventually this guide will tell you which are availible to whom, and give
instructions for all sixteen classes.

================[Gnome's Shoe Plans \ Kronia's Quest]==================

Suggested Level: 15
Reward: 1,000GP, Sandals of Zephyrus
Cost of Quest: 0GP
Fights: 4 on 1 (Lvs. 4, 6, 8, 10)
1 on 1 (Lv. 15)
Availible To: Warrior Druid
Paladin Elementalist
Anti-Paladin Sorcerer
Monk Necromancer
Ranger Illusionist
Beast Master Wizard
Barbarian Bard
Cleric Golem

Enter the Mystic Grotto and head to the jewelry shop. The owner will inform you
of a group of gnomes with plans to make special shoes. Exit the grotto and head
southeast to the Drumman Burrows. Go all the way northeast until you come to
the Gnomish Palace. Enter and tell the gnomish king "yes" at the "?" prompt. A
4 on 1 battle will ensue. Take out the highest levels first if you can, then
heal if needed before you kill the level 4. Immediately you will battle the
level 15 king. Upon winning, return to the Mystic Grotto and give the plans to
the shopkeeper. You will be rewarded with 1000GP. Then head to the armory in
the Mystic Grotto (it's in the northeast corner) and the shopkeeper will make
you Sandals of Zephyrus. [Quest Complete!]

=========================[The Palteas Bandits]=========================

Suggested Level: 15
Reward: 500GP, Free passage to the Forest of Palteas
Cost of Quest: 0GP
Fights: 2 on 1 (Lvs. 10, 10)
3 on 1 (Lvs. 10, 10, 12)
Availible To: Warrior Druid
Paladin Elementalist
Anti-Paladin Sorcerer
Monk Necromancer
Ranger Illusionist
Beast Master Wizard
Barbarian Bard
Cleric Golem

As soon as you reach level 15, bandits will appear at the entrance to the
Forest of Palteas, blocking your way. You can get through if you pay them 100GP
each time, although there is a simpler way to deal with them. Simply beat the 5
bandits in the two fights, you'll get a small amount of GP, and Palteas will be
freely accessible.
[Quest Complete!]

==============[Save Athedia's Baby \ Boots of Swiftness]===============

Suggested Level: 29
Reward: Boots of Swiftness
Cost of Quest: 0GP
Fights: 3 on 1 (Lvs. 27, 28, 29)
Availible To: Warrior Druid
Paladin Elementalist
Anti-Paladin Sorcerer
Monk Necromancer
Ranger Illusionist
Beast Master Wizard
Barbarian Bard
Cleric Golem

Once you reach level 25, go to the Mystic Grotto and enter Athedia's house on
the eastern side. She will tell you of her story, and ask you to save her baby.
Head to the Eirinnal Tunnels, which is just south of the burrows and make your
way to the north east corner, where Gremlin Cave is located. Enter and you will
need to beat 3 almost level-30 gremlins. I'd suggest having a high powered all
spell if you're a magic user, or being a level 29 power-house such as a warrior
or barbarian. It's not too hard, you'll have enough time to heal. Afterwards
return back to athedia's house and she will reward you with the boots. If you
don't, she (and the gremlins) will follow you until you do so.
[Quest Complete!]

=======================[Treasure of Spooky Cave]=======================

Suggested Level: 50
Reward: 150,000 GP, Psychedelic Shades, HP\MP Recharge Area
Cost of Quest: 0GP
Fights: 1 on 1 (Lv. 50)
Availible To: Warrior Druid
Paladin Elementalist
Anti-Paladin Sorcerer
Monk Necromancer
Ranger Illusionist
Beast Master Wizard
Barbarian Bard
Cleric Golem

Head to the Spooky Cave, which is to the south-west of Innleach (along the
right side of the large mountain in the middle of the world) and enter. Inside
near the middle part of the cave you'll see some mushroom looking things. Enter
and talk to the actor to learn about some treasure. Type 'yes' at the '?'
prompt and he will tell you how to destroy the shrine. Continue to the top left
portion of the cave and enter the shrine, which you will destroy. This changes
the level of the demon guarding the treasure from 500 to a more manageable 50.
Go to the southeast corner of the cave and destroy the demon, gathering the
300,000 in gold. Return to the actor and give him his share of the money (right
click and select give money, it's automatic). Your reward for your honesty is a
HP\MP recharge whenever you visit him and the Psychedelic Shades.

[WARNING: Do *NOT* kill him. You will retain the additional 150k, but you will
not get the unique shades item or the healing spot, both of which are more
valuable than 150,000GP. This descision cannot be undone, so don't get greedy]

[Quest Complete!]

6] Experience Chart

Pretty simple. Shows EXP. needed to reach next level (TNL) as well as total
amount of EXP. you'll have at that level.

-- Level -- TNL -- EXP -- Level -- TNL -- EXP --
-- 1 -- 14 -- 0 -- 26 -- 15521 -- 100K --
-- 2 -- 21 -- 14 -- 27 -- 17055 -- 116K --
-- 3 -- 31 -- 35 -- 28 -- 18678 -- 133K --
-- 4 -- 46 -- 66 -- 29 -- 20390 -- 152K --
-- 5 -- 69 -- 112 -- 30 -- 22192 -- 172K --
-- 6 -- 103 -- 181 -- 31 -- 24087 -- 194K --
-- 7 -- 154 -- 284 -- 32 -- 26076 -- 218K --
-- 8 -- 231 -- 438 -- 33 -- 28161 -- 244K --
-- 9 -- 346 -- 669 -- 34 -- 30342 -- 272K --
-- 10 -- 519 -- 1015 -- 35 -- 32622 -- 303K --
-- 11 -- 778 -- 1534 -- 36 -- 35002 -- 335K --
-- 12 -- 1167 -- 2312 -- 37 -- 37482 -- 370K --
-- 13 -- 1750 -- 3479 -- 38 -- 40066 -- 408K --
-- 14 -- 2625 -- 5229 -- 39 -- 42753 -- 448K --
-- 15 -- 3931 -- 7854 -- 40 -- 45546 -- 491K --
-- 16 -- 4618 -- 11785 -- 41 -- 48446 -- 536K --
-- 17 -- 5372 -- 16403 -- 42 -- 51454 -- 585K --
-- 18 -- 6195 -- 21775 -- 43 -- 54571 -- 636K --
-- 19 -- 7091 -- 27970 -- 44 -- 57798 -- 691K --
-- 20 -- 8059 -- 35061 -- 45 -- -- 748K --
-- 21 -- 9104 -- 43120 -- 46 -- -- 809K --
-- 22 -- 10225 -- 52224 -- 47 -- -- 874K --
-- 23 -- 11426 -- 62449 -- 48 -- -- 942K --
-- 24 -- 12708 -- 73875 -- 49 -- -- 1.01M --
-- 25 -- 14072 -- 86583 -- 50 -- -- 1.09M --
-- Level -- TNL -- EXP -- Level -- TNL -- EXP --
-- 51 -- -- 1.16M -- 76 -- -- 4.80M --
-- 52 -- -- 1.24M -- 77 -- -- 5.02M --
-- 53 -- -- 1.34M -- 78 -- -- 5.26M --
-- 54 -- -- 1.43M -- 79 -- -- 5.49M --
-- 55 -- -- 1.52M -- 80 -- -- 5.75M --
-- 56 -- -- 1.63M -- 81 -- -- 6.01M --
-- 57 -- -- 1.73M -- 82 -- -- 6.27M --
-- 58 -- -- 1.84M -- 83 -- -- 6.55M --
-- 59 -- -- 1.96M -- 84 -- -- 6.83M --
-- 60 -- -- 2.08M -- 85 -- -- 7.12M --
-- 61 -- -- 2.20M -- 86 -- -- 7.42M --
-- 62 -- -- 2.32M -- 87 -- -- 7.73M --
-- 63 -- -- 2.47M -- 88 -- -- 8.04M --
-- 64 -- -- 2.61M -- 89 -- -- 8.37M --
-- 65 -- -- 2.76M -- 90 -- -- 8.71M --
-- 66 -- -- 2.91M -- 91 -- -- 9.05M --
-- 67 -- -- 3.07M -- 92 -- -- 9.41M --
-- 68 -- -- 3.24M -- 93 -- -- 9.78M --
-- 69 -- -- 3.41M -- 94 -- -- 10.2M --
-- 70 -- -- 3.59M -- 95 -- -- 10.5M --
-- 71 -- -- 3.77M -- 96 -- -- 10.9M --
-- 72 -- -- 3.96M -- 97 -- -- 11.3M --
-- 73 -- -- 4.16M -- 98 -- -- 11.8M --
-- 74 -- -- 4.37M -- 99 -- 439K -- 12.2M --
-- 75 -- -- 4.58M -- 100 -- 0 -- 12.6M --

7] Copyright

This document ©2003 Jdude84. You may not use this document in any other way
besides printing and using it to help you through this game. If you wish to use
this for any other purpose, please contact me at JGameFAQs@hotmail.com

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

8] Notes

If you're entirely lost, you can download this game and it's updates from
http://www.synthetic-reality.com - It updates often, you'll want to check it

While mostly "complete", this guide isn't entirely comprehensive. If you have
anything you'd like to see added, just send me an e-mail
(JGameFAQs@hotmail.com) and I'll see what I can do.

Don't e-mail me about stupid things. As a high school and college student, I
have enough to do as it is. I like to use my free time to enjoy myself and do a
bit of gaming\gaming help. I'm not here to talk to you about your secret way of
using your pet goldfish to get 3 million gold per minute. That's about it. I
hope you enjoyed the guide.


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FAQ/Walkthrough for the world of Aerianell
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17.Octombrie 2013
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