Adventures Of Lolo

Adventures Of Lolo

17.10.2013 21:09:45
Adventures of Lolo FAQ v0.2 written by Joshua Harring
( on 2/13/99

Revision History

Version 0.2 (2/13/99) - Floor 6 complete.

Version 0.1 (2/7/99) - Floors 1-5 complete.


Room 1: Get the heart on the right side. Shoot Snakey twice. Get the
top heart and then the jewel.

Room 2: Get the bottom-left heart, the top-left heart, the top-right
heart, and then the bottom-right heart. Go around the bushes to
underneath the left bridge. Run to the left quickly (so the Gol won't
shoot you in time) to the jewel.

Room 3: Get the heart near you. Shoot Snakey twice. Get the next
heart. Stand one square to the right of the middle bush and wait for
Leeper to run into you. He will fall asleep right in the center of the
little 3x3 square, not blocking either the top or bottom paths. If you
mess up and he does block one of them, you will have to kill yourself
and start again. Assuming you did it right, go around counter-clockwise
to get all the hearts and then get the jewel.

Room 4: Push the Emerald Framers near the top and bottom Skulls so that
they trap them. Get the hearts on the left side near the bridge. Go
over to the right side where the other Emerald Framers are. Push the
top one to the left, the bottom one to the left, and the middle one
either up or down. Shoot the Skull twice, grab all the hearts and run
to the jewel.

Room 5: You must make sure that you get the hearts carefully so that
the Rockies do not trap you. If they do, you will have to kill yourself
and start again. Go to the lower-left corner and push the right Emerald
Framer left. Get the heart and then leave the same way, or if a Rocky
is blocking you, push the top Emerald Framer up to get out. When the
Rockies are away, go to the upper-left corner, grab the heart and leave.
Again, when they're away, go to the upper-right corner, push the Emerald
Framer right, get the heart and then leave. And finally, go to the
lower-right corner, push the Emerald Framer down, get the heart and then
get the jewel in the center of the room. Take the stairs up to the
second floor.

* FLOOR 2 *

Room 1: Basically all you have to do is run away from Alma continuously
while picking up all the hearts and the jewel.

Room 2: Carefully move the Emerald Framers so that one each is on the
right and bottom sides of the left Medusa, and one each is on the left
and bottom sides of the right Medusa. Then go around and pick up all
the hearts and the jewel.

Room 3: Move the left Emerald Framer left, then up into Don Medusa's
path. Do the same with the right Emerald Framer. Then you can go
around and get all the hearts and the jewel.

Room 4: Run around and get all the hearts you can while avoiding the
one Rocky in the room. When you get all of them, the hammer will be
activated. Break the rock on the left side of the trapped heart, get
it, shoot Snakey twice, get the last heart and then the jewel.

Room 5: Get the heart on the top-left first. Shoot Snakey to turn him
into an egg, then push the egg up so that it blocks the Skull blocking
the Alma. Shoot the Alma in the bottom left to turn him into an egg,
then run in and get the heart. Get the heart in the top-right to
activate the One-way. Change the arrow. Move the top Emerald Framer
all the way to the left. Move the third Emerald Framer one space to the
left. Push the second one up, right, and out, and push it to the left
so that it blocks one of the Skulls. Go back and push the third Emerald
Framer out, and use it to block the other Skull. Get the last heart and
waltz to the jewel. Take the stairs up to the third floor.

* FLOOR 3 *

Room 1: Get the heart above you. Shoot Snakey to turn him into an egg,
then push the egg so that it blocks the left side of the bottom Medusa.
Get the 4 hearts. Place the Bridge across from Snakey. Push the
Emerald Framer next to the new Bridge across it and block the bottom
side of the bottom Medusa. Push the Emerald Framer below where the
first one was across the Bridge and block the left side of the top
Medusa. Push the Emerald Framer up top across the Bridge and block the
top side of the top Medusa. Get the hearts but save the bottom-right
one for last. Then run to the jewel.

Room 2: Get the heart above you. Shoot Alma as he runs at you to turn
him into an egg, then push the egg into the water. Hop on and jump off
to the island and get the heart. Hop back on the egg and float over to
the left side. Jump off above the Skull and get the three hearts. Run
to the jewel, shooting a Skull if you need to.

Room 3: Make sure you stop the two Leepers in open spaces, like the 2x3
areas on the left, bottom, and right sides. Then just get all the
hearts. Note that you cannot shoot Leeper once he's asleep.

Room 4: From where you start, push the Emerald Framer left of you left,
then push the right one right and all the way down into the corner.
Push the Emerald Framer that was below your starting point to the left.
Push the Emerald Framer in between the Skulls to the right. Get the
heart in between the Emerald Framers. Push the Emerald Framer that was
above the heart down, right, then up to block the bottom side of the
left Skull. Get the rest of the hearts and the jewel.

Room 5: Get all of the hearts except for the one in the bottom-left.
Push the Emerald Framer up, right, down, then left and block the bottom-
left Gol. Get the last heart and the jewel. Take the stairs up to the
fourth floor.

* FLOOR 4 *

Room 1: Move up immediately before the Don Medusa comes down. Then
push the Emerald Framer that is next to the heart towards the wall so
that the Don Medusa is trapped between it and the rock line in the
center. Get the two hearts and then push the same Emerald Framer up so
that the Don Medusa can't move. Then push the second Emerald Framer up
so that it blocks the jewel. Repeat this pattern for the other three

Room 2: Get the three hearts you can, then shoot the left Snakey to
turn him into an egg. Push the egg into the water and float down until
you are between the two islands. Jump off onto one of the islands, get
the heart, hop back on the egg and over to the other island, get the
other heart, then hop back onto the egg and float down to the bottom.
Jump off and get the heart, shoot Snakey out of the way, and get the

Room 3: Push the left Emerald Framer right, then up. The push the
middle Emerald Framer left, then up, but stop short of the intersection.
Go to the set of three Emerald Framers on the right side. Push the top
one right, push the bottom one right, push the middle one down, then
push the top one up so that it blocks the Gol. Push the bottom one all
the way down so that it blocks the Medusa. Then push the one next to
the Gol in front of it. Go back and push the last Emerald Framer left,
then down, so it blocks the Gol on the bottom wall. Get the jewel.

Room 4: Get the bottom-right heart when the Don Medusa goes left.
Remember that hearts protect you from him. Go back over to the Emerald
Framer when the coast is clear. Push it to the right over to the
bridge, then get on the bottom side of it. Push it up until you are
across the bridge. Get the heart next to you when the coast is clear.
Then push the Emerald Framer up so you can trap the Don Medusa in the
top-right corner. Get the heart on the left side, and make the Bridge.
Get the bottom-left heart, shoot Gol out of the way, and get the jewel.

Room 5: On the right side, push the left Emerald Framer up to block the
right side of Don Medusa. Get the heart. Shoot the bottom Snakey to
turn him into an egg, then push him left and up to block the Don
Medusa's bottom side. Get the heart. Shoot the other Snakey on the
right side to turn him into an egg, then push him left and up to block
the Medusa's bottom side. On the left side, push the right Emerald
Framer up to block the Medusa's left side. Get the heart and the jewel.
Take the stairs up to the fifth floor.

* FLOOR 5 *

Room 1: Number the Emerald Framers in the first row 1-9, from top to
bottom. Push 2 and 4 right, 3 up, get the heart. Push 6 and 8 right, 7
down, get the heart. Push 5 up and then 4 up. In the second row (1-5)
push 2 right two squares. Get the three hearts. In the third row (1-5)
push 2 right, 4 right, 3 up, and get the heart. Push 2 up and 4 down.
In the fourth row (1-9) push 4 right and 6 right, 5 up, and get the

Room 2: Get all the hearts you are able to. Number the Emerald Framers
1-5 from left to right. Push 4 all the way down, then push 5 to the
left. Push 4 all the way to the bottom-left corner. Get the three
hearts here. Then push 5 up, right, and up, and change the arrow.
Block the right side of the Medusa. Go back and push 2 up, right, up,
right and block the top side of the Medusa. Get the heart and jewel.

Room 3: Go down the left side shooting Snakeys and getting hearts, then
push the Emerald Framer to the right until it is below the rocks. Get
the heart in the alcove, then go up. Shoot the two Snakeys, but get
only the top heart. Go over to the right. Push the Emerald Framer all
the way to block the bottom side of the Medusa. Get the two hearts. Go
back, shoot the middle Snakey, then get the heart and the jewel.

Room 4: Get the two hearts that you can. Shoot the Snakey next to the
bridge, and get the heart. Shoot the Snakey in the bottom-righ to turn
him into an egg, then push the egg into the water. Cross and get the
heart. Push the Emerald Framer all the way to the right. Make a Bridge
from the top right platform (where the Gol is) to the platform with
hearts and Emerald Framers. Get all the hearts except for one. Make a
Bridge perpendicular to the one next to the Skulls. Shoot the top
skull, and get the heart. Then go back and get the heart you left and
get the jewel.

Room 5: Be careful walking around here. Go left, down, right, up,
right, and push the Emerald Framer all the way down. Then go down,
left, and get the heart. Push the Emerald Framer up and go around again
to where the heart was. Go left along the bottom and get the heart
there. Go to the left, push the Emerald Framer all the way up, and get
the two hearts. Go right, down, right, and up to get the next heart.
Then, where the two Emerald Framers are, push the top one right, the
bottom one down, and then the top one up. Get the jewel. Take the
stairs up to the sixth floor.

* FLOOR 6 *

Room 1: Push the two Emerald Framers that are near the two Medusas on
the bottom side so that they block the top side of those Medusas. Then,
push the Emerald Framers that are near the two Medusas on either side up
so that they block the side of the Medusas facing the center. Remember
that hearts protect you from Medusa as well. Go to the Emerald Framers
at the top. Number them 1-7 from left to right. Push 5 up, 7 up, 6
right, get the three hearts, then push 5 down and left so it blocks the
top side of the center Medusa. Then push 1 up, 3 up, 2 left, get the
hearts, then 3 down so that it blocks the left side of the center
Medusa. Push 4 right and down so that it blocks the right side of the
center Medusa. Then push the Emerald Framer in the bottom center right,
up, and left so that it blocks the bottom side of the center Medusa.
Get the rest of the hearts and the jewel.

Room 2: Get the heart in the center. Go to the set of two Emerald
Framers. Push the right one all the way down so that it blocks the left
side of the two Medusas on the bottom. Go to the left side to the set
of three Emerald Framers. Push the left one down, the right one down,
then the middle one left and get the 3 hearts. Go back to the set of
two and push the left one up two squares, then down, right, and down so
that it blocks the top side of BOTH Medusas on the bottom. To do this,
make sure the Emerald Framer is blocking half of each Medusa. It works
just as well. Then shoot the top Snakey to turn him into an egg. Push
the egg right so that it blocks the top side of the right Medusa. Get
the hearts in the upper-right. Push the Emerald Framer at the top right
and down so that it blocks the right side of the two Medusas on the
bottom. Get the heart and the jewel.

Room 3: Push the Emerald Framer in the center left, down, right, and up
so that it blocks the right side of the bottom Medusa. Then push the
Emerald Framer on the right up two squares so that Leeper can come out.
Have him chase you over to the flower bed. Stand in the top middle
square of the flower bed. He will run around it and touch you on the
top side, falling asleep between the Medusa and the heart. Then go back
to the right Emerald Framer and push it down, left, up, right, and down
to block the left side of the bottom Medusa. Now you can get all the
hearts and the jewel.

Room 4: Get the two hearts that you can first. Shoot Snakey to turn
him into an egg, then push the egg into the water. Push the right
Emerald Framer down so that it is blocking the right side of the center
Medusa, and wait here for the egg. Cross over to the left onto the
island, pushing the Emerald Framer left so that it is blocking the top
side of the center Medusa. Cross back over to the mainland and get the
heart. Make the bridge on the far right side, and get the heart and

Room 5: Get the heart. Shoot Snakey to turn him into an egg, then push
the egg right into the water. Hop on and ride it until you reach the
right side of the right Emerald Framer. Jump off onto the big island,
pushing the Emerald Framer left to block the bottom side of the Medusa.
Then quickly go over to the left Emerald Framer and push it right and up
to block the left side of the Medusa. You have to do this before the
egg reaches the narrow strait. Wait for the egg, then cross left onto
the island, get the two hearts, then cross back over to the big island.
Go to the bottom side and wait for the egg again, then ride it back over
to the original island with the jewel.

This FAQ is written by me, Joshua Harring (
Feel free to post it on a website as long as it is written in its
entirety and unaltered. Do not sell or take credit for this FAQ.
Thanks to CJayC of for posting this.

Adventures of Lolo is copyright Hal America.
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