Baseball Stars

Baseball Stars

18.10.2013 06:45:31

Baseball Stars FAQ v 1.25

Notice : All Contents Copyright 2001, Charles L. Gibbs. (
This FAQ is designed with in mind.
It may be redistributed in any not-for-profit manner as
long as it is complete, unmodified, and proper credit given
to the author. Please notify the author before posting this
FAQ on a web site. In other words, don't steal my info, bub...
GameFAQ's ID : Aarrgus

The Baseball Stars Shrine:
"The Official Site of Charles Gibbs, Baseball Stars, and the Baseball Stars FAQ"
Part of the Infrequently Updated Nintendo Entertainment System Web Site

Questions, Comments, Additional Info:
Any feedback may be sent directly to the author, Charles L.
Gibbs, at the e-mail address Any errors
corrected will be greatly appreciated and will warrant posting
of your name and/or e-mail address in the "Credits" section.
1.1 Overview
1.2 History
1.3 Glossary of Terms

2.1 Controls
2.2 Game Options

3.1 The Hiring Guide
3.2 Player Stats
3.3 Super Secrets, Hints, and Tips

4.1 Maxing Your Team Out : 125 Games or Less
4.2 The Ultimate Team Challenge

5.1 Special Thanks
5.2 Credits
1.1 Overview
Pitch, hit, catch, steal, you can do it all in the greatest baseball game made
for the Nintendo Entertainment System (possibly the greatest baseball game
of all time). Most people only know of the first Baseball Stars, but in fact
there are two for the NES and one for Neo Geo Pocket Color (and maybe one for
the black and white version as well). This game was the first to allow the
"training" of players to help build stats. I remember fondly in the early
1990's going over to my friend's house and seeing the bright yellow labeled cart.
I thought it was going to be another unrealistic game like MLB (where it is
almost impossible to keep the opponent from scoring) or RBI Baseball (where
you had ultra pudgy characters and no modification possibilities). He had
bought the game at "Toys 'R Us" for $20 in a big video game clearance sale.
Sadly, I was not able to find the game until a few years later when I bought a
copy at a local pawn shop. I now own three copies of this somewhat rare gem
and play it often using the emulator NESTICLE. I conservatively estimate that
I have played 3000 games (I have finished at least fifteen 125 game seasons).
I currently have a team "completely" maxed out (as much as possible, see
"Maxing Your Team Out" for more info.)

1.2 History
Release Date: 05/19/89 (Ironically, my 11th birthday)
Copyright Date: 1989
Genre: Sports(Baseball)
System: Nintendo Entertainment System
Manufacturer: SNK
Retail Price On Release: $39.99

On a side note, SNK produced another baseball game for the NES entitled
Little League Baseball. I call it "Baseball Stars Lite" since it retains
a lot of the game play of Baseball Stars, but without a lot of the player
management options (and no battery backup).

1.3 Glossary of Terms
This is intended to clear up some of the terms that I may use in this
FAQ that may seem vague or downright confusing.

84 -- The highest max point number one can get when hiring a player without
paying for a nearly three million dollar star player. Rookies are the
only other option to get players with the 84 max point stat.

Ghost -- A fired players spot on the roster. The fired player is
still available, but with 0 in every stat.

"Perfect 90" -- A player whose Max Points total 90. His or her stats
can be completely filled, and thus is a "Perfect"
Pickoff -- When a pitcher tries to throw out a runner from the mound
without delivering the pitch to the plate.

2.1 Controls

Arrow Pad / Base Guide :

Arrow Bases

U 2
L R 3 1

R = Right Arrow 1 = First Base
U = Up Arrow 2 = Second Base
L = Left Arrow 3 = Third Base
D = Down Arrow H = Home Plate

Keys While Fielding

A = Throw Ball(with arrow)
B = Run to Base(with arrow)
Start = None
Select = None

R = Move Right / (With A) Throw to First Base* / (With B) Run to First Base**
U = Move Up / (With A) Throw to Second Base / (With B) Run to Second Base
L = Move Left / (With A) Throw to Third Base / (With B) Run to Third Base
D = Move Down / (With A) Throw to Home / (With B) Run to Home Plate

* While fielding, pressing the A button alone automatically throws to
First Base
** While fielding, pressing the B button alone automatically moves the
player with possession of the ball to first base

Keys While Batting

A = Swing Bat
B = Steal (See Base Running)
Start = Pause*
Select = None

R = Move Right in Batters Box
U = Move Up in Batters Box
L = Move Left in Batters Box
D = Move Down in Batters Box

* After Pausing, one can bring up the Change Player(Batter and/or Base
Runner) by pressing the A button.

Keys While Pitching

A = Throw Pitch
B = Pickoff (Use Fielding Keys)
Start = Pause*
Select = None

R = Move Pitcher to the Right on the Mound / Curve Pitch to the Right
U = Sinker/Drop Pitch. Keep it held down and it may go under a swinging bat.
L = Move Pitcher to the Left on the Mound / Curve Pitch to the Left
D = FASTBALL! Keep it held down!

* After Pausing, one can bring up the Change Player(Pitcher and/or Fielder)
by pressing the A button.

Side note: It is possible to start a pitch out as a regular fastball,
then curve it slightly in mid-flight.

Keys While Base Running
A = (With Arrow)Return to Base
B = (With Arrow)Advance to Base / Steal* / Lead Off Base**
Start = None
Select = None

R = (With A Button) Return to First
U = (With A Button) Return to Second / (With B Button) Advance, Steal Second
L = (With A Button) Return to Third / (With B Button) Advance, Steal Third
D = (With B Button) Advance to Home Plate

* To steal, one must use the arrow key to select the base(while at the bat),
by holding the arrow key for the next base and pressing the B button at
least two times.
** Gaining a lead off of a base allows for the runner to take a step or two
off the base to gain an advantage over the pitcher, without using a full
blown steal which usually results in being thrown out when the pickoff
is used. To gain a lead off a base push the arrow key towards the next
base, and push the B button once.

Keys While On Menus

A = Confirm Selection
B = Cancel Selection
Start = None
Select = None

R = Move Selector to the Right
U = Move Selector Up
L = Move Selector to the Left
D = Move Selector Down

2.2 Game Options

The Main Menu

___________________ __________________
| League Play | | V S |
------------------- ------------------
| Trade Player | | Hire Player |
------------------- ------------------
| View Team | | Make Team |
------------------- ------------------
| Remove Team | | Fire Player |
------------------- ------------------
| End Play |

League Play
This is the bread and butter option of the game. You can select as few as
two and as many as six teams, and 1 to 25 games against every team. This
is the only mode in which stats are kept, and only for the current season.

Trade Player
This option allows for one user-created team (not any of the pre-made teams)
to trade with another user-created team. When trading a player, the stats
of both players CHANGE(!). The game tries to balance the players somewhat,
taking around 1/3 of the stats that the superior player has beyond the
inferior player and transfers it to him/her.

View Team
The primary option of this mode is to view the stats of individual players
on teams. For user-created teams, this mode allows for the renaming of
players (unless you like the name CA-2, et al), and the "training" of
players for a fee. As long as you have the same or more than the amount
listed at the top right of the screen, and you have not maxed out on your
"MAX Points" you can "train" your player. Just select "Power Up" by moving
your arrow keys left or right and pressing A, as long as you have enough
cash to do so.

Remove Team
Get 'da bums outta here! Use this option to remove a user-created team
that you no longer want to mess with. Careful... it will be gone forever!

End Play
When you have finished playing, select this so that when you power off the NES
you don't lose all of your data.

In this option, one can select "1 Player" for you versus the computer,
"2 Player" for two player action without the computer, or "Computer Play"
where you just sit there and watch the computer play itself. One can
earn money in this mode, but only using the "1 Player" option.

Hire Player
This is how you acquire fresh talent. When you start a new team, there
will probably be one player worth keeping (sometimes none), so that is
where hiring comes in. For more data on Hiring Players, see the section
"The Hiring Guide."

Make Team
This is it, the best option of all. Make Team allows the user to make
an all new team. Once the team is made, the user can modify the team
to their liking. You may create up to six teams.

Fire Player
Bye, bye, bad player. Use this option to dump a player you no longer
want on your team. When you do, an empty slot opens on your team, and
you will be able to hire a new player in that slot. The empty slot,
however, is still occupied with the "ghost" of the dearly departed
player. The "ghost" has the same stat "MAX" value, but a big fat zero
in every stat, and no name. You may give stats to the player if you
wish, and can even rename the "ghost" but for hiring purposes you will
be a player down (unless you trade a "ghost" player, in which case
he/she becomes an active player again, even if he/she has 0 stats).

3.1 The Hiring Guide
When you start a new team, you may notice one thing in particular...
your players stink! This section will help guide you through the
perils and pitfalls of hiring new players.

Firstly, and most important, there must be an empty spot on the team
to hire a player. This usually entails the firing of a player, so make
sure you really do want to fire the player before you do it.

Once you have an empty slot, go to the main menu and choose the "Hire
Player" option, then select the team. You will now see a new menu, in
which you can select the type of new player you want.

Once you select the player, you will be given 1 to 6 training points
to distribute as you see fit.

Rookie, Veteran, Star Player
There are three classes of players that one can hire, and they increase
in value as you advance through the classes. There are three different
sets of beginning points and player values as well... one is for Pitchers
and Batters with the "Good Hitter" option, another for "Good Runners,"
and a third for "Good Defense."

The "Rookie" Class
This class contains some of the weakest players, but they have the best
potential in the game. Because their stats are so low to begin with,
they are easily affordable, and with enough time and training they will
become formidable players.

The Pitchers and Good Hitter(Rookie Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 5,000 70 - 84 9
$ 5,000 70 - 84 10
$ 10,000 70 - 84 16
$ 20,000 70 - 84 20
$ 64,000 70 - 84 30

The Good Runner(Rookie Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 5,000 70 - 84 10
$ 5,000 70 - 84 13
$ 10,000 70 - 84 16
$ 10,000 70 - 84 16
$ 20,000 70 - 84 22

The Good Defense(Rookie Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 5,000 70 - 84 10
$ 5,000 70 - 84 10
$ 10,000 70 - 84 16
$ 10,000 70 - 84 16
$ 20,000 70 - 84 22

Many times as one goes to hire a player, the Max Points (ex. 84 in Rookie
class) infrequently comes up as an option. Just continue to cycle through
the players until the desired Max Point number comes up. This is the best
place to shop for players with a new team (See "Super Secrets..." and
"Maxing Out...").

The "Veteran" Class
This class contains the middling players. There is little, if any, room
for advancement with these players, since they are the "veterans" of the
league. They cost a lot to acquire, but require almost no "training."

The Pitchers and Good Batters(Veteran Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 64,000 23 - 30 23
$ 78,000 37 - 44 37
$ 141,000 43 - 50 43
$ 314,000 56 - 63 56
$ 777,000 70 - 77 70

The Good Runner(Veteran Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 64,000 22 - 29 22
$ 78,000 35 - 42 35
$ 78,000 38 - 45 38
$ 141,000 44 - 51 44
$ 141,000 44 - 51 44

The Good Defense(Veteran Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 64,000 22 - 29 22
$ 78,000 35 - 42 35
$ 78,000 38 - 45 38
$ 141,000 44 - 51 44
$ 141,000 44 - 51 44

If you are going to waste money on this class, spend as big as you can.
The low end veterans are just too much money for too little ability.

The "Star Player" Class
This is the best, most established player class. This is the only place
one can go to get a "Perfect 90" player. But watch out, however, the
prices are very high.

The Pitchers and Good Hitting(Star Player Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 314,000 47 - 54 47
$ 512,000 53 - 60 53
$ 777,000 62 - 69 62
$ 777,000 62 - 69 62
$2,980,000 84 - 90 84

The Good Runner(Star Player Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 78,000 35 - 42 35
$ 141,000 44 - 51 44
$ 314,000 50 - 57 50
$ 314,000 50 - 57 50
$ 512,000 56 - 63 56

The Good Defense(Star Player Class) Table of Players to Hire:

Cost Max Point Range Beginning Total Points
---- --------------- ----------------------
$ 78,000 35 - 42 35
$ 141,000 44 - 51 44
$ 141,000 50 - 57 50
$ 314,000 50 - 57 50
$ 512,000 56 - 63 56

The only player worth buying is the "Perfect 90" player. Anything less
just go for the best Veteran if you want an established player.

Pitcher-Overhand, Pitcher-Sidearm
If you have at least one of the five pitching slots open on a team, you
can hire a new pitcher.

Overhand Pitcher - the traditional pitching style. Hand and arm is
vertical upon release of the ball.
Sidearm Pitcher - also known as submarine style. Hand and arm is
horizontal to the ground, and ball cuts toward
or away from batter. Very difficult to hit in
Baseball Stars, because you do not face many.

Special Note: Although you cannot view it while hiring a pitcher, they
do have the same Batting/Fielding stats as regular players, but with
much lower "MAX" point totals. The max point range is 32 - 50 pts.
They can be improved in the "View Team" screen.

Batter-Good Hitter, Batter-Good Runner, Batter-Good Defense
If you have at least one of the thirteen batter slots open on a team,
you can hire a new batter/fielder.

Good Hitter - the players stats are distributed in favor of
"Batting" and "Hitting" at the expense of the
other stats.
Good Runner - the stats are overly generous to the "Running"
stat, at the expense of the other stats.
Good Defense - the stats are generous to the "Defense" stat,
at the expense of the other stats.

Right, Left
This is how you want your batter to swing.

Right - batter stands in the left batters box. Has a
more difficult time with left handed pitchers.
Left - batter stands in the right batters box. Has a
more difficult time with right handed pitchers.

Male, Female (Hidden Option)
By pushing the arrow past the last visible option, you can decide
the sex of the player. There is no statistical difference between
men and women in the game.

3.2 Players Stats
Every player has a set of basic stats for each facet of the game,
and pitchers have two sets(one for batting and fielding, and one
for pitching). These stats are rated 0 to 15, and the higher they
are, the more proficient the player is in that area of the game.

Batter Ratings
Every player has a set of Batter Ratings, even the pitchers.

Hitting - this rating reflects how well the player is able to get
base hits.
Batting - this is the power number. The higher the stat, the more
likely a player is to launch a home run.
Running - this is the raw speed of the player. Fast players can
often steal bases with ease. This stat also makes the
player move faster while fielding.
Defense - this is the fielding ability of a player. It does
reflects the ability and speed of a player to throw the
ball to a base and diving and jumping and the speed at
which he or she moves in the field. --Mark Jerome
Luck - this is the ability for a player to "pull off a good
move." I really believe that this stat only allows for
a player to catch a ball from a fielder who is very close
and avoid the dreaded "ball flying past the 1st, 2nd, or
3rd baseman and into the outfield" syndrome.
Prestige- this is how popular a player is. The higher the number,
the larger the gate at the game is, and the larger the
sum of money is upon winning the game. Pitchers have
this stat overlapping between Pitching and Batting
status screens.

Pitching Ratings
This set of stats is reserved for the five pitchers per team.

Stamina - this stat reflects the number of pitches a pitcher can
throw before he becomes tired and the speed and break of
the pitch suffers.
Speed - the raw speed of the pitches. Without a lot of stamina,
the throwing of fastballs can burn a pitcher out fast.
L Curve - the amount of break a pitch can make to the left of the
R Curve - the amount of break a pitch can make to the right of the
Drop - the most wicked pitch in the game, when it works. It
essentially is a "Drop Ball," which drops around the plate
almost or to the ground and goes under the bat of a
swinging player. The pitch gives itself away with a
different tone. The computer rarely falls for it, however.
It works best in a 2 player game.
UPDATE: SharkScott2 has some new info on this pitch. He
says that if your have a little on the Drop skill
you can throw the ball for a strike, but the computer
will not swing thinking it will drop to the plate.
If your drop stat is too high it will hit the ground
and be called a ball.
Prestige- same as the one for batters.

3.3 Super Secrets, Hints, and Tips
>> UPDATE: Originally I said that it was impossible to climb the wall
and rob someone of a homerun. I was very wrong. Thanks to proof from
SharkScott2, in the form of a .nsm movie, I now know it is very possible.
In fact, the day after he e-mailed me the .nsm I actually was able to
catch a ball just over the left field fence. It seems to be easiest in
>> If at the end of an inning a team is ahead by 10 or more runs, the game
will be called and that team will automatically win the game.
>> Be very careful throwing the ball to a player when you are within an
inch or two from him/her. You will often throw the ball past the
player and into the outfield or behind the base/plate. This can be
devastating with a weak team with little speed in the field, and
often ends in an in-the-park home run. Also make sure that there IS a
player covering the base when throwing to the base or a similar situation
will result. These two examples are the only ways to get errors in the game.
>> If you play the American Dreams team in "VS" play, you earn a lot
more money for a win than in "League Play." But they are still just
as difficult to defeat, however.
>> Defeating the Lovely Ladies team in "League Play" nets a lot of money,
and they are not that tough to beat with a decent team. Build a
team up a little bit before you play them, or they will beat you.
>> You can bunt as well. To bunt, just tap the A button. If you hold
the bat horizontal you will most likely tap it forward to the pitcher
(which is a decent sacrifice, sometimes), and if you angle it towards
first or third you will tap it down the line (a good sacrifice and
ok for attempting to bunt your way on with a fast player). Bunting
is good with a weak team to advance runners into scoring position,
but once your "Hitting" and "Batting" stats improve it becomes
useless. When those stats are high you will most likely bunt so
sharply that the fielder gets to the ball(or the ball gets to him)
too quickly and he easily makes the play or you pop up the ball to
the pitcher or catcher.
>> Only use the "Drop" pitch in a two player game versus another
human player. The computer does not often fall for the ruse. It
is best done with a player with 15 in "Drop" and 15 in "Speed."
By mixing the Fastballs and Drop Balls, you can throw your opponent
off easily.
>> When you first create a team, they really suck. To get great players,
with lots of potential, but cheap on the pocket, look to the $5,000
rookies. Rookies have the best potential, for the least amount of
money. Keep scrolling through until you get to a $5,000 rookie with
an 84 max. This is the highest one can get without spending the nearly
three million dollars to acquire a star player "Perfect 90". They start
out with only 9, 10, or 13 total points, but they can be shaped easily to
suit your needs!
>> There are currently NO GAME GENIE CODES for Baseball Stars. I tried
to find some a long time ago, but only found one that caused the game
to freeze when a player hit the ball. I don't think anyone really
wants to know that code anyway.
>> To get a strong team to start out, go to the selection screen after
selecting the "Make Team" option. Press arrows D,R,L,D,D,R and press
the A button. The naming screen should say the phrase "WHEN ISN'T IT?"
Erase the message and put "WHEN" in the first line, and "IT IS." in the
second line. Select "End" and select your team logo, and you will have
a stronger than normal team.
>> To get an all woman team to start out, go to the selection screen after
selecting the "Make Team" option. Press the arrows D,R,L,D,D,R,U,U,D,U,
D,U and press the A button. The naming screen should say the phrase
"WHAT IS A WREN?" Erase this message and respond on one line with
"A BIRD." Then another message will appear. Erase the message "WHEN
ISN'T IT?" and put "WHEN" in the first line, and "IT IS." in the second
line. Select "End" and select your team logo, and you will have an
all female team.
>> Loyal and trusted reader Mark Jerome sent this tip in on how to get
a "Perfect 90" pitcher on the cheap side!

"There is a rather simple way to get full 90 pitcherson a custom team.
Here's an example:

Let's say a pitcher is an overall 78. In order to get him to a full 90
he must have 3 or less in prestige and he must have at least 12 free
points in his other abilities. Fill him up in to 15 in all his pitching
abilities exceptprestige and making sure to leave 12 points in other
abilities. He should have 78 points, his maximum. Now just go to his
other abilities and fill the prestige up there. Since it's a shared
attribute, it will fill up in his pitching abilities as well. Presto!
Perfect 90 pitcher. You can also do it with, say, and 84 pitcher with 9
prestige already or a 75 pitcher with 0 prestige; as long as theirs
enough room in his other abilities." -- Mark Jerome

4.1 Maxing Your Team Out : 125 Games or Less
People who love Baseball Stars, really love Maxing a team out. It is really
satisfying to begin a season against the SNK Crushers winning games 3-2
and finishing the season with 10-0 pastings of the American Dreams. In this
section, I will give a handy guide on how to use the 125 game schedule to
create a team that is second only to a team of "Perfect 90's."

1. Create a new team. Don't use any of the two tricks to create a super
powered team, or an all woman team, it kills the challenge. Try to get a
team with the Shortstop (SS) as the lead off hitter (the sixth position in
the left column) and the Catcher(CA) or First Baseman(1B) in the cleanup
position(the last spot in the left column). Keep recreating your team until
you get it they way you want it (unless you like re-doing your lineup every
time you play a new league).

2. Start a 6 team, 25 game league with 5 computer players and your new team.
Yea, I know that you can create one with all human players, and bean
people till the 10-run rule stops the game, but where is the fun in
that??? These are the six teams I would use:

1. (CPU)American Dreams
2. (CPU)Ninja Blacksox
3. (CPU)Brave Warriors
4. (CPU)Lovely Ladies
5. (CPU)SNK Crushers
6. (Human)Your Team

3. Take a good look at your team. Does anyone have a max point total of
84 or higher? If they do (they usually are in the 4th or 5th batting
position, if you have any), then rename them and keep them. The rest
of the team is expendable. As long as your top two pitchers have
decent speed and stamina stats, keep them for a little while.

4. With your initial pittance, fire your lead-off shortstop. Go to the
hire screen, and choose "Good Runner." Scroll through until you get
a $5,000, 84 max player (I usually pick a woman for shortstop, but
that is just personal preference), and right handed (which makes no
real difference in Baseball Stars, but does in real baseball). The
Shortstop is the lynchpin of your team. You want to "train" this
player every couple of games for 10 or 15 games. Work on the stats
in this order:
1. Running (try to get between 8 and 12)
2. Hitting (try to get between 9 and 12)
3. Defense (try to get at least 7 or 8)
Ignore Luck and Batting for now. As the lead-off hitter you want
this player to get on base often, and be able to manufacture runs
by stealing bases. Speed and defense also help this player throw
out most of the ground balls that come their way. Luck is a
useless stat... ignore it until there is nothing left to fill.

5. This is my own super tip... every time you go to power up a player,
no matter the number of points that the computer gives you (1 to 6),
ALWAYS put 1 point on "Prestige." Even if you only get 1 point, do
it! In the long run you will be better off, and will not get stuck
playing 2 and 3 games to power up one player. Eventually you
will be completely full of prestige, and will make bookoo's of bucks
for a win.

6. Start playing the SNK Crushers. After every win, fire a player, and
hire a $5,000, 84 max point rookie in that position. Leave your top
two pitchers for the last, if they have halfway decent stats. And
don't forget to hire at least a couple of off-hand players. I usually
have 6 right handed batters and 2 lefties. This will help out a lot
against those tricky side-arm pitchers, especially if your lefties
have high batting stats. Each player has certain stats that help him
or her out (in order of priority):
1. Shortstop (See point 4)
2. Cleanup Catcher or First Base -- Batting and Hitting
3. Catcher or First Base(in general) -- Hitting and Batting
4. Third Base -- Defense, Running, Hitting
5. Second Base -- Defense, Hitting, Running
6. Center Fielder -- Running, Hitting, Batting
7. Left and Right Field -- Hitting, Batting, Running
Note: You want a strong defensive infield. This means that their
offensive output will suffer. Make it up with you outfielders
as best you can.
Remember: Power up your shortstop often! The better he/she is, the
greater the chance of easy runs being scored early in games.

7. Relief pitchers. You have 3 of them. I usually pick one left-hander,
one right-hander(both overhand), and one side-arm pitcher. Fill the
side arm pitcher up with a lot of "Stamina" and a little (2 to 5) in
"Speed." This will be your long reliever, in case you need 4 or 5
good innings to bail out a bad performance by your starters. The
other two have 4 to 6 in both "Speed" and "Stamina." These two will be
your closers. Make sure to work on their "Speed" from time to time.
They do not need much "Stamina," because you only want them to go
two innings (three max). Now you can fire your two starters (if you
have not already), and replace them with $5,000 rookies. Every three
or four games fill their "Speed" and "Stamina" stats until those of the
two starters are both 15's. Once those two stats are full, make sure
the "Prestige" is full and leave the starters alone, you will not need
to go back to them at all (unless you like throwing curveballs, which
I do not). Ignore the Drop stat, since the computer rarely falls
for the pitch, until there is nothing left to fill.

8. Your bench. On your bench you have five players. Fire these players
and hire them with a planned role for each one:
1. Hire "Good Hitter" -- Fill his Hitting and Running
2. Hire "Good Hitter" -- Fill his Batting first, then Hitting
3. Hire "Good Defense" -- Fill his Defense and Running to 15
4. Hire "Good Runner" -- Fill his Running to 15
5. Hire "Good Hitter" -- Fill all his stats(except Luck) evenly.
This allows you to have a role player for every situation. Don't
overlook the defensive player in close games... he can be a good late
game substitute in a close contest.

9. The Lovely Ladies will give you lots of money, so you should be glad
I said to put 1 on prestige every time you power up. Keep with the
plan and you will be pounding them with ease.

10. After the Lovely Ladies, you'll face the Brave Warriors. Suddenly
your glaring weaknesses will rear their ugly heads. Your outfielders
are too slow and weak defensively, so that is where you need to
concentrate on them. Your catcher will need Defense as well, or he
or she will give up a lot of stolen bases. Also use this opportunity
to upgrade the Hitting of your infielders.

11. Use the Ninja Blacksox to round out your players a bit. You can fill
most of your players out with the 25 games against the 'Sox, and you
will need it to take on the American Dreams.

12. By the time you get to the Dreams, you should be able to compete with
them. In fact, if you do as I have said, they can't beat you. Sure,
there may be some games that are somewhat close, and you might give up
a few home runs a game to them, but you should prevail. After 25 games
against the Dreams, enjoy the ending for the season (as long as you
actually WIN the season).

13. You should have a team of "84's" almost or completely full. If you
want you can go on and try to get a team of "Perfect 90's" (see
The Ultimate Team Challenge).

4.2 The Ultimate Team Challenge
This is my challenge... to create an entire team of "Perfect 90's." Thus
far I have only had the patience to get one "Perfect 90" player on any of
my many teams. I currently have a team with "84's" that are full, and I am
beginning to work on creating the Ultimate Team of "Perfect 90's." If you
have one, and you can send me proof of it (a NESTICLE save state would be
proof), then send it to me and I will print your name here for all to see.
So far I have not heard of anyone with this accomplishment, since it would
take around 450 games to just get enough money to do it.

# Player Team Name Date
= ====== ========= ====

1. Charles L. Gibbs Ultimate Champion 4-10-01 (9:24PM)
Nickname: Aarrgus

2. Mark Jerome Sarnia Dozers 4-18-01
Comment From Author: Amazing pitchers, all with 70+ max batting stats.
One has a batting/fielding max stat of 80!

I DID IT!!! After literally hundreds of games, I have a "Perfect 90" team with
all the stats filled completely! I will be posting the save state on my brand
spanking new web site titled "Baseball Stars: The Shrine." Everyone go visit,
marvel at what is the first documented "Perfect 90" team!!!!

5.1 Special Thanks
Big Time thanks goes to these groups, organizations, individuals, companies.

Nintendo -- For creating the Nintendo Entertainment System
SNK -- For creating the greatest baseball game ever
My Father -- For taking me to that pawn shop in 1994... thanks dad...
My Friend Nick Wise -- For introducing me to Baseball Stars
GameFAQ's -- For posting this FAQ
Polyurethane Foam -- For supporting my bottom so well during this FAQ

5.2 Credits
World Of Nintendo -- the codes for Strong and all Woman teams

dgiglio84 and -- the arrow pad to base diagram...
his Baseball I actually wasn't trying to copy it, but it looks almost
Stars FAQ exactly the same so I give him the credit for coming up
with it, and me copying it.'s -- the release date of Baseball Stars.
"Data Sheet" and
the contributor "JP"

SharkScott2 -- the real proof of catching a ball at the fence and the
legitimate use of the drop pitch against the computer.

Mark Jerome -- the "Perfect 90" pitcher tip, and how Defense impacts
speed in the field, not Speed as I stated.

FAQ's By The Author
Baseball Stars FAQ v1.25
(that's all)

Notice : All Contents Copyright 2001, Charles L. Gibbs. (
This FAQ is designed with in mind.
It may be redistributed in any not-for-profit manner as
long as it is complete, unmodified, and proper credit given
to the author. Please notify the author before posting this
FAQ on a web site. In other words, don't steal my info, bub...

The Baseball Stars Shrine:
"The Official Site of Charles Gibbs, Baseball Stars, and the Baseball Stars FAQ"
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