Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 07:22:38
Alternate Second Class Skills FAQ by PsoRaven

1.0 Contents
1.0 Contents
1.1 Version History
1.2 Plans for Future Versions
1.3 Introduction

2.0 Crusader
2.1 Basic Details of Crusader Job
2.2 Crusader Skills

3.0 Rogue
3.1 Basic Details of Rogue Job
3.2 Rogue Skills

4.0 Sage
4.1 Basic Details of Sage Job
4.2 Sage Skills

5.0 Monk
5.1 Basic Details of Monk Job
5.2 Monk Skills

6.0 Bard/Dancer
6.1 Basic Details of Bard/Dancer Job
6.2 Bard Skills
6.2 Dancer Skills
6.4 Ensemble skills of Bard and Dancer

7.0 Alchemist
7.1 Basic Details of Alchemist Job
7.2 Alchemist Skills

8.0 End Stuff
8.1 Contact
8.2 Thanks
8.3 Sources
8.4 Links
8.5 Legal

1.1 Version History

v1.0 - First version of this guide, containing details posted about 2-2 class
skills on the official site during May 2003.

1.2 Plans for Future Versions

- Correct any grammar and spelling mistakes made by Gravity.
- Add any extra information as and when it is availible.

1.3 Introduction

This FAQ contains all the currently released information about the 2-2 class
skill for Ragnarok Online, these job classes are due to be released during
June on the Korean servers. I'll continue to update this guide as and when
more information becomes availible, but for now it is just a resource that
can be used to answer questions posted on the message boards.

This FAQ contains no rumors, only information posted on the official site or
gained from official sources. All the information is formatted for easy

*** Please Read***

I hope you enjoy it.

2.0 Crusader

2.1 Basic Details of Crusader job

Requirement: Job Level 40 Swordsman
Location: Unknown
Pecopeco Rental: 2500z for the Prontera Knight Army(Not confrimed for
Stats Bonus: Unknown

2.2 Crusader Skills

Faith (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase Maximum HP and Resistance to Holy Attack

Guard (10)

Type : Active

Description : Shiled physical/short range attack by chance for a skill
duration. After shielding an attack, caster cannot move for 0.3
second. This skill only activates with a shield.

Shield Charge (5)

Type: Active

Description : Hit an enemy with might and mane. The enemy is forced back and
stunned by chance. A Shield needed.

Shield Boomerang (5)

Type : Active

Description : Throw a shiled to an enemy in a distance. Weight of the shiled
and Upgrade status of the shild affect on the damage dealt with.
A shiled needed.

Shield Reflect (10)

Type : Active

Description : Counterattck an enemy in a short distance with a certain amount
of physical/short range damage taken by the enemy. A shield

Holy Cross (10)

Type : Active

Description : Deliver 2 cross-shaped blows to an enemy at a time. The enemy
would go blind by chance. Holy property, physical/short range

Grand Cross (10)

Type : Active

Description : Summon a Grand cross on the ground around the caster. Casting
time is 2 seconds, the caster takes a small amount of damage
with this skill.
This skill attacks enemies in the range of skill by 3 times per
0.3 for 0.9 a skill duration.While the skill duration, the
caster cannot move. Cannot be dispelled even if the caster is
hit by enemies. However while casting, the defence of caster
reduces into 2/3 of original defence. For a skill duration, the
caster takes 1/4 of total damages dealt with enemies in the
range of skill.
All of demons and the undead (except Bosses) are cursed blind by
this skill.

Sacrifice (5)

Type : Active

Description : Receive all damages instead of a party or a guild of the caster.
Party members or guildsmen should be near the caster in the same
map, when they are apart from the caster,move to the other map
or die, the skill is canceled.
Damages done on the caster instead of party members/guildsmen
don't be affected by the defence of them but can be affected by
Guard the crusader skill. And this skill cannot be activated for
other crusader members.

Providence (5)

Type : Active

Description: Increase resistance to the damage taken from demons and to the
holy property attack

Defender (5)

Type : Active

Description : Reduce the amount of damages dealt by physical,short ranged
attack. Skill level affects on damage reduction,the caster moves
slow (same effect as Decrease AGI of acolyte) while the skill is
being activated. And members of a party or guild also are in the
same status with the caster moving slow in case they are all in
"Sacrifice" duration. Double use of the skill cancels the skill.
A shiled needed.

Spear Mastery (10)

- Same skill as the Knight one

Peco Peco Ride (1)

- Same skill as the Knight one

Cavalier Mastery (5)

- Same skill as the Knight one

Heal (10)

- Same skill as the acolyte one

Demon Bane (10)

- Same skill as the acolyte one

Divine Protection (10)

- Same skill as the acolyte one

Cure (1)

- Same skill as the acolyte one

3.0 Rogue

3.1 Basic Details of Rogue Job

Requirement: Job Level 40 Thief
Location: Unknown
Stats Bonus: Unknown

3.2 Rogue Skills

Snatcher (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Automatically steal items from an enemy while attacking. Steal
rate is affected by the level of [Steal], the thief skill.

Steel Coin (10)

Type : Active

Description : Extort zeny from monsters(users are not applicable). The monster
already stolen zeny cannot be affected by the skill again, but
the monster stolen items can be affected. The amount of zeny
from a monster is affected by the monster level. This skill
taunts enemies just like the other skills as Steal, Provoke.

Back Stab (10)

Type : Active

Description : Only usable from the behind of an enemy. The enemy can never
avoid the attack.

Tunnel Drive (5)

Type : Passive

Description : Move while hiding. But the moving speed is slow than the normal
of a character.

Raid (5)

Type : Active

Description : Only usable while hiding. When used, it curses stun and blind to
the enemies In the skill range.
Neutral, Splashed attack

Sword Mastery (10)

- Same as the Swordsman Skill

Strip Weapon (5)

Type : Active

Description : Unequip weapons of an enemy. When used to a player in PvP, the
weapons of the player will be Taken off, the player cannot be
re-equip the weapons for a while. For monsters, 10% of original
ATK is decreased for a skill duration, they won't be taken off
their weapons.
If there is not any target in a rage, the skill cancels.
The bosses are not applicable.
[Chemical Protection : Weapon] of the Alchemist ignores the

Strip Shield (5)

Type : Active

Description : Unequip shield of an enemy. When used to a player in PvP, the
shiled of the player will be Taken off, the player cannot be
re-equip the shiled for a while. For monsters, 10% of original
DEF is decreased for a skill duration, they won't be taken off
their shileds.
[Chemical Protection : Shield] of the Alchemist ignores the

Strip Armor (5)

Type : Active

Description : Unequip armor of an enemy. When used to a player in PvP, the
armor of the player will be Taken off, the player cannot be
re-equip the armor for a while. For monsters, 10% of original
DEF is decreased for a skill duration, they won't be taken off
their armors.
[Chemical Protection : Armor] of the Alchemist ignores the

Strip Helm (5)

Type : Active

Description : Unequip helm of an enemy. When used to a player in PvP, the helm
of the player will be Taken off, the player cannot be re-equip
the helm for a while. For monsters, 10% of original DEF is
decreased for a skill duration, they won't be taken off their
[Chemical Protection : Helm] of the Alchemist ignores the skill.

Vulture's Eye (10)

- Same skill of Archer

Double Strafe (10)

- Same skill of Archer

Ankle Snare (5)

- Same skill of Hunter

Skid Trap (5)

- Same skill of Hunter

Remove Trap (1)

- Same skill of Hunter

Intimidate (5)

Type : Active

Description : Attack an enemy and teleport with the target to a random area of
the map. The bosses are not applicable.

Graffiti (1)

Type : Active

Description : Scribble graffities by 5*5 cells around a chosen cell. The
caster can enter the contents of graffiti about 20 characters.
Font of graffiti is Goong-seo(only for Korean). Impossible to
cast another graffiti until the graffiti already scribbled is
deleted. It consumes a [Giant Paint Brush].

Flag Graffiti (5)

Type : Active

Description : Show a random graffiti on the Guild Flag instead of the guild
emblem. Consumes a [Small Paint Brush].

Remover (1)

Type : Active

Description : Remove graffiti from the Guild Flag
Consumes a [Wet Duster].

Gangster Paradise (1)

Type : Passive

Description : When sit near the cell of another rogue sitting down, monsters
do not approach.

Compulsion Discount (5)

Type : Passive

Description : Buy items from NPC shop at the low price When mastered, it
possess 1% more efficiency comparing The discount skill of

Plagiarism (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Remember/mimic the last skill of enemy that the caster's
taken. Skill levels affects on the level of skill used by enemy.
However the caster only can remember the skills from another
Player, monster skills are not applicable.
i.e) When hit by Bash 5 at Plagiarism 5, the caster can remember
and use Bash 5.

4.0 Sage

4.1 Basic Details of Sage Job

Requirement: Job Level 40 Mage
Location: Unknown
Stats Bonus: Unknown

4.2 Sage Skills

Advanced Book (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase physical damage of book type weapons

Cast Cancel (5)

Type : Active

Description : Usable only during casting a spell. It allows its caster to
cancel a spell immediately while casting. Even though the spell
still consumes SP after being canceled, That SP consumption is
reduced by Cast cancel skill level.

Magic Rod (5)

Type : Active

Description : Gain SP as much as the SP consumption of the magic spells used
to attack the caster by chance. Also when succeeded, the caster
can do perfect dodge of the magic spell aimed the one. All
ground-targeted magic spells are not applicable.
If an enemy uses [Break Spell] skill to attack the caster, and
the caster counters the spell with this Magic Rod, The enemy
will be taken damages on the SP by 20%.

Break Spell (5)

Type : Active

Description : When used onto an enemy who is casting a magic spell, this skill
cancels the casting and gain SP as much as the magic spell's
needed. It ignores the effect of Phen Card which blocks its user
to be dispelled.
If the target counter this skill using [Magic Rod], Caster will
be taken damage onto SP by 20%.

Freedom of Casting (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Enables its caster to move or attack while casting spells.
Moving speed and attack speed are affected by skill level.

Auto Casting (10)

Type : Active

Description : When Select one skill from skills the caster has been learned,
caster can use the skill without casting while physically
attacking enemies. Also the skill consumes 2/3 SP of normal
casting consumption. When run out of SP, cannot be activated.

Blaze Launcher (5)

Type : Active

Description : Enchant a targeted weapon with the fire property for a kill
duration. There is possibilities to be failed following the
skill level, when failed the weapon is destroyed.
[Red Blood] needed.

Frost Weapon (5)

Type : Active

Description : Enchant a targeted weapon with the water property for a skill
duration. There is possibilities to be failed following the
skill level, when failed the weapon is destroyed.
[Crystal Blue] needed.

Lightening Loader (5)

Type : Active

Description : Enchant a targeted weapon with the wind property. There is
possibilities to be failed following the skill level, when
failed the weapon is destroyed.
[Wind of Verdure] needed.

Seismic Weapon (5)

Type : Active

Description : Enchant a targeted weapon with the earth property. There is
possibilities to be failed following the skill level, when
failed the weapon is destroyed.
[Green Live] needed.

Dragonology (5)

Type : Passive

Description : Through the study of the dragon, increase the attack strength
and the resist to the dragons.

Volcano (5)

Type : Active

Description : Make a chosen cell increase attack strength of the fire
property. While onto the cell, ATK of every character of fire
property increases. Ice wall is not activated onto the chosen
[Yellow Gemstone] needed.
Double cast is impossible on the cell, cannot be overlapped with
any other Ground-targeted spells.

Deluge (5)

Type : Active Skill
Description : Make a chosen cell increase attack strength of the water
property. While onto the cell, MHP of every character of the
water property increases. Also while onto the cell, all possible
water-required spells(Water ball, Aqua Benedicta) can be
activated without restriction.
[Yellow Gemstone] needed, double cast is impossible on the cell,
cannot be overlapped with any other Ground-targeted spells.

Violent Gale (5)

Type : Active Skill

Description : Make a chosen cell increase attack strength of the wind
property. While onto the cell, flee rate of every character of
the wind property increases. Also the duration of fire wall onto
the cell is increased.
[Yellow Gemstone] needed, double cast is impossible on the cell,
cannot be overlapped with any other Ground-targeted spells.

Land Protector (5)

Type : Active Skill

Description : Shield an area from all magic spells. Also this spell removes
all ground-targeted spells already set on the desired area.
[Blue Gemstone]+[Yellow Gemstone] needed

Dispell (5)

Type : Active

Description : Cancel all magical effects on a target by chance.
2 [Yellow Gemstone] needed

Abracadabra (10)

Type : Active

Description : Activate a random skill of the caster. Skill level affects on the
numbers of skills the caster can activates with the skill.
2 [Yellow Gemstone] needed

Earth Spike (5)

- Same skill of Wizard

Heaven's Drive

- Same skill of Wizard

Sense (1)

- Same skill of Wizard

Sword Mastery (10)

- Same as the Swordsman Skill

5.0 Monk

5.1 Basic Details of Monk Job

Requirement: Job Level 40 Acolyte
Location: Unknown
Stats Bonus: Unknown

5.2 Monk Skills

Iron Palm (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase damage of knuckle class weapons and the amount of
damage dealt with bare hands.
Spiritual Relaxation (5)

Type : Passive

Description : Restore Extra HP/SP per 10 seconds while sitting. When the
weight is over 50%, it goes per 20 seconds. Total amount of
restoration equals to the HP recovery of swordman and the SP
recovery of Mage. Also affected by VIT and INT

Spirit Sphere

Type : Active

Description : Accumulate Spiritual energy into visualized ball. Spirit Sphere
follows the caster and aid in battles while using spells. The
numbers of Spirit Spheres are affected by skill level.

Inhale Spirit Sphere

Type : Active

Description : Inhale spirit spheres and restore SP from them. 1 spirit sphere
restores 10 SP. When used against another monk player in the PvP
zone, This skill removes the person's spirit spheres and
restore SP from them.

Triple Blows (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Deliver 3 blows attack by chance. The maximum damage is 400% of
normal damage, It occurs a delay time after the activation. DEX
and AGI reduce the delay time.

Quadruple Blows (5)

Type : Active

Description : Only usable during the delay time occurred by Triple blows.
Swings an enemy while showering 4 blows. Also occurs a delay

The Way of the Dragon (5)

Type : Active

Description : Only usable during the delay time occurred by Quadruple blows.
With a big Boom effect, the target is forced back and taken
damage at the same time. Also occurs a delay time.
1 [Spirit Sphere] needed

Dash Like a Bullet (1)

Type : Active Skill

Description : Teleport to a choseb cell. Cannot be used in case of any red
cell or a higher ground in a straight line between the
destination cell and the cell the caster's standing.

Falling Pear Petals (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Flee attacks from an enemy. Increase flee rate at 20 for the

Manipulate Spirit Sphere (5)

Type : Active

Description : Throw Spirit Spheres to an enemy in a distance. Numbers of
spirit spheres which can be thrown at a time is determined by
skill level.

Psychic Wave (5)

Type : Active

Description : Give a great impact inside the body of target using psychic
power. When the target possesses more Defense, it does more
1 [Spirit Sphere] needed


Type : Active

Description : When used, both the caster and the attacker cannot move for a
skill duration. It is canceled either one of those died.

Critical Explosion

Type : Active

Description : Increase Critical rate
5 [Spirit Sphere] needed, SP can not be naturally restored for a
skill duration.

Physical Immune

Type : Active

Description : For a skill duration, caster takes only 1 amount of damage done
by enemies. (applicable for all physical/magical attacks, but
bosses are not affected by the skill.)However for the duration
caster cannot use any skills, attack speed is reduced by 75%.
(Passive skills are still activated but active skills are not
Besides monsters except bosses cannot recognize the caster.
5 [Spirit Sphere] needed

Asura Strike (5)

Type : Active Skill

Description : Only usable during the [Critical Explosion] status. Spend all
remained SP to give a huge damage to a target. Critical
Explosion status is canceled immediately after the skill. The
most powerful skill of Monk.
5 [Spirit Sphere] needed.
After Asura Strike, SP cannot be naturally restored for 5
minutes. Also blessing skills for restoring SP is not applicable
for the duration, Only items are usable.

6.0 Bard/Dancer

Requirement: Job Level 40 Archer (Male becomes Bard, female becomes
Location: Unknown
Stats Bonus: Unknown

6.1 Basic Details of Bard/Dancer Job

Distinctive Feature of Bard/Dancer Job

- DEX affects on the weapon damage of Bard/Dancer just like archer and hunter.

- Double Strafe is applicable on the damage of musical instruments or whips,
but the range of those weapons are limited unlike bows.

- Arrow Shower is not applicable for musical instruments or whips unlike bows.

Distinctive Feature of musical skills

What is musical skills?

- Musical skills are distinguished into [Play skills] of Bard and
[Dancing skills] of dancer.

- Due to the characteristic, same kind of skills(play, dancing skills) cannot
be overlapped. For instance, when try a B type play skill on the cell which
a A type play skill is already installed, the musically overlapped cell
occurs [Discord] effect. However Play skills and Dancing skills can be used

Common characteristic of musical skills

- During the musical skill duration , other skills except some special ones
Can not be used. (Quick Wits , Adlib , Melody Strike)

- During the musical skill duration , moving speed reduced into 1/2 of normal

- Musical skills cannot be stopped for 5 seconds after the activation, even by
the [Quick Wits].

- It cannot be dispelled even while the caster's being hit. However when the
caster takes certain amount of damages more than ù of maximum HP , those
musical skills are canceled.

- Those skills are only usable with musical instruments weapons.

- Dancing skills are only usable with Whip weapons.

- Skills are canceled when the caster turns into any kind of abnormal status
as Frozen, Stone Curst or stun.

Details of Ensemble skills

- Ensemble skills need at least 1 bard and 1 dancer in a party to be

- For playing ensemble skills, both bard and dancer must have learned
pertinent skills.

- Ensemble skill goes the average skill level of both casters' skill levels.
For instance in case of ensemble skill activated by a Bard at skill level 5
and a dancer at skill level 1, the level of the skill becomes 3 level.

- If a person(whoever the dancer or the bard in a party trying to use a
ensemble skill) starts a ensemble skill first, both players' status turn
into the ensemble skill status, they cannot move for the skill duration.

6.2 Bard Skills

Music Lesson (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase Physical damage of musical instrument weapons, and the
value of Play skills.

Melody Strike (5)

Type : Active

Description : Shoot Powerful arrow using musical instrument weapons. It can
be even usable with other play skills. Only usable with musical
instrument weapons. Melody arrow gets affected by the property
of arrows the caster equips.

Dissonance (5)

Type : Play skill

Description : Does regular damage to enemies in a range per certain time. It
starts with 1 time damage and keep doing damage per 3 seconds,
attacks enemies total 11 times for a skill duration.
It is neutral attack and pierce the defense of enemies.
In case of [Discord] occurred by same play skill overlapping
doesn't have Skill duration, the skill level is 1 doing 40
damage without condition.

Dumb Joke (5)

Type : Active

Description : Curse frozen onto all targets including players in a range.

Whistle tune (10)

Type : Play Skill

Description : Increase Flee Rate and perfect dodge rate of all players in a

Assassin Cross in the sunset (10)

Type : Play skill

Description : Increase attack speed of all players in a range Attack speed
equals to skills as Two-Hand Quicken or Adrenalin Rush, But this
skill cannot be used for players who are already in Two-Hand
Quicken or Adrenalin Rush status.

A Poem of Bragi (10)

Type : Play Skill

Description : Reduce the magic casting time and the delay of those skills. It
adds the casting time reduction for [Suffragium]the skill of

The Apple of Idun (10)

Type : Play Skill

Description : Increase HP of all party/guildsmen in a range and also restore
certain amount of HP per 6 seconds. This skill restores HP
immediately it's activated and restores HP per 6 seconds, so
total amount of HP restoration occurred by the skill will be 31
Never does damages on the Undead.

6.3 Dancer Skills

Dance Lesson (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase Physical damage of whip class weapons and the value of
dancing skills

Arrow Whipping (5)

Type : Active

Description : Wind arrows with a whip and shoot the arrows with might. Usable
for another musical skill duration. Usable only with whip class
weapons, Attack property is affected by the arrows the caster

Wacky Dance (5)

Type : Dancing Skill

Description : Does regular damages onto the SP of targets in a range for a
skill duration . Starts with 1 time damage, and keep doing
damages per 3 seconds, totally does 11 time damages for a skill
Overlapped wacky dance doesn't have any duration, its skill
level is fixed at 1, and reduces 10 SP of targets.

Scream (5)

Type : Active

Description : Stun all characters including players in a range by skill level.

Humming (10)

Type : Dancing Skill

Description : Increase Accuracy of players in a range

Forget Me Not (10)

Type : Dancing Skill

Description : Decrease moving speed and attack speed of enemies in a range.
It speed down movement and attack speed by -1 step, All blessing
skills will be canceled by this skill.

Lady Luck (10)

Type : Dancing Skill

Description : Increase Critical Rate of players in a range

Only You (10)

Type : Dancing Skill

Description : Increase maximum amount of SP of players in a range for a skill
duarion, also reduce the consumption of skills at the same time.

Ensemble skills of Bard and Dancer

Lullaby (1)

Type : Ensemble Skill

Description : Curse sleep on the targets in a range by chance. Starts 1 time
cursing and keep cursing targets per 6 seconds, Totally curse
sleep for 11 times. Bosses are not applicable.

Get the party started (5)

Type : Ensemble skill

Description : Increase EXP obtained by killing monsters for players in a range

Eternal Chaos (1)

Type : Ensemble skill

Description : Makes the defense of all characters including players into 0
without condition

Drum signal in the battle field (5)

Type : Ensemble skill

Description : Increase ATK and DEF of party members in a range

The ring of Nubelungen (5)

Type : Ensemble skill

Description : Increase Level 4 Weapon damages of party members in a range

Wailing Loki (1)

Type : Ensemble Skill

Description : Block all skills including magic ones of characters including
players in a range.
Bosses are not applicable.

Into the Abyss (1)

Type : Ensemble skill

Description : Enables party members to use certain skills which needs
gemstones or traps without them.

Invulnerable Siegfried (5)

Type : Ensemble Skill

Description : Increase resistance to the Fire and the Water of party members
in a range

Ragnarok (1)

Type : Ensemble skill

Description : Activate the most powerful skills of all classes randomly.
Only ground-targeted skills are applicable, Skills affects onto
all characters including Players without condition.
Starts with 1 time attack and keep activating per 2 seconds,
Totally 31 times attacks are activated for a skill duration.
Never be dispelled. Even the caster dies, this skill is in
activation to the end.

Applicable skills : Lord of Vermilion, Storm Gust, Meteor Storm,
Heaven's Drive , Fire wall, Magnus Exorcismus,
Safety wall, Pnuma, Sanctuary, Poison Dust , Grand Cross,
Land Protector
7.0 Alchemist

7.1 Basic Deatils of Alchemist Job

Requirement: Job Level 40 Merchant
Location: Unknown
Stats Bonus: Unknown

7.2 Alchemist Skills

Axe Mastery (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase Axe Class Damage

Potion Study (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase Potion value and affects on the potion craft. Potion
Study adds more HP restoration besides of VIT and HP restoration

Pharmacy (10)

Type : Active

Description : Produce Potion or chemical prodcts. It consumes 1
[Medicine Bowl], and needs the [Product Manual] of each potion.

Demonstration (5)

Type : Active

Description : Bomb a bottle grenade to the ground to set the fire on. It does
fire damages to enemies walking through, but does not shove them
back. [Bottle Grenade] needed.

Acid Terror (5)

Type : Active

Description : Throw Acid Bottle to a target. It damages the armor of target by
chance. [Acid Bottle] needed.

Potion Pitcher (5)

Type : Active

Description : Throw potions to a party member/guildsman or Homunculus. Value
of the potion gets effected by Skil level, Also skill level
effects on the kinds of potion that the caster can use.

Bio Cannibalize (5)

Type : Active

Description : Summon the monster [Flora] on a chosen cell that attacks enemies
for the caster. Flora is disappeared after a skill duration, MHP
of the flora gets affected by Skill level. [Man-eater Bottle]
- Maximum numbers of Flora can be summoned at a time is 3.
- EXP that Flora obtains from enemies cannot be handed down to
the caster.

Spear Mine (5)

Type : Active

Description : Summon [Marine Spear] on a chosen cell that attacks enemies for
the caster.
Summoned Marine Spear cast [Suicidal Explosion] without
condition. [Mine Bottle] needed.
- Maximum numbers of Marine Spear can be summoned at a time is 3.

Chemical Protection Weapon (5)

Type : Active

Description : Preserve a target weapon from being damaged for a skill
duration. [Coat Potion] needed.

Chemical Protection Shield (5)

Type : Active

Description : Preserve a target shield from being damaged for a skill
duration. [Coat Potion] needed.

Chemical Protection Helm (5)

Type : Active

Description : Preserve a target helm from being damaged for a skill duration.
[Coat Potion] needed.

Bioethics (1)

Type : Passive

Description : Start skill for the skill tree creating homunculus.

Biotechnology (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Study basic theory of life creation. Increase the chance of life
creation and MHP of homunculus.

Life Creation (5)

Type : Active

Description : Manufacture [Embryo] the life item. Skill level affects on the
chance of creation

Cultivation (5)

Type : Active

Description : Create a homunculus from an embryo. Skill level affects on the
chance of cultivation. In case of homunculus already exists, it
is impossible to create another one.

Flame Control (5)

Type : Passive

Description : Control flame using a brazier. Increase the chance of
Cultivation and the resist to the fire of the caster.

Call Homunculus (1)

Type : Active

Description : Summon/recall the homunculus of the caster.

Sabbath (1)

Type : Active

Description : Lead a homunculus to the eternal rest. Delete a current

Drillmaster (10)

Type : Passive

Description : Increase attack strength of Homunculus

Heal Homunculus (10)

Type : Active

Description : Restore HP of homunculus. The amount of HP restoration equals to
the [heal] of acolyte.

Resurrection Homunculus (5)

Type : Active

Description : Revive a homunculus

Sword Mastery (10)

- Same as the Swordsman Skill

8.0 End Stuff

8.1 Contact/About Me

Email - psoraven@hotmail.com

RO characters - Chaos

Watarigarasu - Mage
Karasu - Hunter
Stealth Raven - Assassin

RO characters - Loki

Watarigarasu - Agi Aco
Raven - Vit Swordsman

8.2 Thanks

- Thanks to CJayC for running this here site.
- Thanks to Gravity for making and running the game.
- Thanks to um...you for reading the guide.

8.3 Sources

- Gravity's official Ragnarok Online website (http://enweb.ragnarok.co.kr)

8.4 Links
My site. ^^

Lots of stuff here

TONS of Beta 2 stuff, way before everyone else had it.

8.5 Legal

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

The most up-to-date version will always be here


- PsoRaven

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