Worms - World Party

Worms - World Party

17.10.2013 20:19:28
Worms World Party Scenario Faqs
Author: C. Stoffels
Contact at: thq104@hotmail.com
Game Designer: Team 17
Publisher: Titus
Web Site: wwp.team17.com

--------------------------{ TABLE OF CONTENTS }-------------------------------

-Version History.......................1.0
Rope And Poke........................4.01
Sheep Battle.........................4.02
Grenade Wars.........................4.03
Collect Crates.......................4.04
Melee Battle.........................4.05
Advanced Sheep Battle................4.06
Grenade Wars 2.......................4.07
Loaded Up Bases......................4.08
Worm Ball............................4.09
Race To The Top......................4.10
It Gets Better.......................4.11
Animal Duel..........................4.12
Underground Worms....................4.13
Race To The Middle...................4.14
Homing Battle........................4.15
-Special Thanks........................7.0

1.0------------------------{ VERSION HISTORY }--------------------------------

Version 0.1 - September 4, 2003 -
-Began making guide
-Set up the basic outline
-Finished Intro and Controls

Version 0.3 - September 11, 2003 -
-Added Good Chunk of scenarios

Version 0.5 - September 15, 2003 -
-Added more scenarios
-Put in Contact, Copyright, Special Thanks, Conclusion

Version 0.6 - September 17, 2003 -
-Added more scenarios
-Joel edited the faq for me, so it is readable now

Version 0.62 - October 15, 2003 -
-Added a few contributed scenarios, thanks to Sonicrazy91@aol.com

2.0--------------------------{ INTRODUCTION }---------------------------------

So what is this "Scenario" faq all about? Why am I reading this? Well, the
intention of this guide is simply to provide you with fun, new ways to do
battle in Worms World Party, and to extend replay value. Many of the scenarios
in here are loads of fun, and will divert you for hours on end. With each
scenario, there is usually a certain type of map to go with it. But for now
read on, and enjoy!

You can help me! Email me with different scenarios that you have made up, or
ways to improve on mine. Or you can email just to comment on the faqs. Whatever
works. My email is at the very top of this guide, and in the contacts section.
There are endless combinations of cool scenarios, so any contributions will be
greatly appreciated. You can even attach the schemes and levels to the email,
and then send them to me.

If you want a copy of all the scenarios that I have created and the maps that
accompany them, email me and I will send them off to you. Put the Levels in the
User/SavedLevels folder, and the schemes in User/Schemes folder. Note that all
my saved levels that have a specific scenario to use with them have "aa" before
the rest of the title. Example: aaGrenadeWars or aaRopeAndPoke. Anyways, on to
the basics.

3.0----------------------------{ CONTROLS }-----------------------------------


|Button |Effect |
|Right |Moves Selected Worm Right (also controls Jetpack) |
| | (When Placing girder, changes its shape) |
| | (Changes direction the plane will come in from) |
|Left |Moves Selected Worm Left (also controls Jetpack) |
| | (When Placing girder, changes its shape) |
| | (Changes direction the plane will come in from) |
|Up |Change target direction up (also controls Jetpack) |
| | (Retracts Ninja Rope) |
|Down |Change target direction down (also controls Jetpack) |
| | (Extends Ninja Rope) |
|Space |Use current weapon (With projectiles, hold to increase power) |
|Enter |Jump Forward (Press twice to jump backwards) |
|Backspace|Jump Straight up (Press twice for a backflip) |
|F1 - F12 |Select a weapon (Five Weapons to each button) |
|1 - 5 |Sets fuse time on applicable weapons |
|Tab |Cycle through and select worms (When select worm weapon is used) |
|+ |Set weapon on Maximum bounce |
|- |Set Weapon on Minimum bounce |
|Escape |Brings up the menu |
|Insert |Change the number of backround display layers |
|Delete |Change the name display on the worms |
|Page up |Close the chat box (In multiplayer only) |
|Page Down|Open the chat box (In multiplayer only) |
|R |Replay |
|S |Slow motion in replay |


|Button |Effect |
|Move |Move the screen camera |
|L Click |Assign a target (Only applies to certain weapons) |
|R Click |Bring up Weapons menu |

4.0----------------------------{ SCENARIOS }----------------------------------

If an setting is not mentioned in the description, it is optional to you, or
leave it at the default setting.

4.01-------------[ROPE AND POKE]-----------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Ninja Rope |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Prod |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Baseball Bat |2 |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 15 seconds
Movement- No movement
Positioning- Random
Fall Damage- On
Mine, Oil Tanks- Mines only
Mine Fuse Time- 0
Mine Duds- Off
All crates and health packs off
Slot 1- Super Rope
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Unarmed Combat (optional)
Level Description--------------------------------|
Make a blank level, with an indestructable
barrier and water level about halfway up. This
will cause several little girder platforms to
appear... perfect for this scenario.
Swing from ropes to take out your freinds within
the 15 second time limit. Improves Roping and
batting skills. Use the bats sparingly, and when
you use them make them count! Aim to knock enemy
worms into other worms, thus getting two or more
kills in one turn! Rating: 4/5.

4.02-------------[SHEEP BATTLE]------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Super Sheep |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 15 seconds
Movement- No movement
Positioning- Place yourself
All crates and health packs off
Slot 1- Aqua Sheep
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Animals
Level Description--------------------------------|
Have two seperate sides, each with 3 different
overhangs. When placing worms, put 1 team on each
side. Then in the middle make a course that you
have to fly your sheep through to get to the
opposing team. Dont make it too hard, just a simple
upside down U will be good to fly through. Once
you get better, make harder paths to fly
Try to fly your sheep through the course in the
middle to get to the opposing team. Alot of fun.
Use the aqua sheep if you want. One strategy is
to blow a hole in the ground on your side, fly an
aqua sheep through and blow it up under the
opposing team! When placing worms at the begining,
make sure to put each team on their own side.
Rating: 5/5.

4.03-------------[GRENADE WARS]------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Grenades |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Cluster Bombs |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Girders |Optional |Optional|3 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 15 seconds
Movement- No movement
Positioning- Random
Mine, Oil Tanks- Both
Mine Fuse Time- 0
Mine Duds- Off
All crates and health packs off
Slot 1- Super Rope
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Explosives (optional)
Level Description--------------------------------|
Exact same as Rope and Poke- Make a blank level,
with an indestructable barrier and water level
about halfway up. This will cause several little
girder platforms to appear... perfect for this
Throw grenades from your platform to try to take
out other worms. Use cluster bombs to take out
several at a time. The biggest key to this
scenario? FUSE TIME. Set the fuse time accordingly,
and you should be good to go. To add some extra
strategy, try using and placing girders for
protection! Rating: 4/5.

4.04------------[COLLECT CRATES]-----------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
All Weapons |0 |0 |3 |5 |
Turn Time- 45 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Mine, Oil Tanks- Mines
Mine Fuse Time- 0
Slot 1- Crates, Crates, and more Crates
Slot 3- Automatic Crate Spy (optional)
Level Description--------------------------------|
Any level will do.
Starting with no weapons makes things tricky,
and mines are spread around the course to boot.
Try to collect as many crates as soon as possible.
This scenario is very optional, you can switch up
mostly whatever you want and the same concept will
still apply. My advice is if you select placing
worms, place them next to lots of crates or on top
of crates, and for the first few turns worry mostly
about picking crates up and increasing your
arsenal. Rating 3/5.

4.05-------------[MELEE BATTLE]------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Ninja Rope |Optional |0 |3 |Optional|
Prod |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Kamikaze |Infinite |0 |5 |5 |
Baseball Bat |1 |3 |3 |1 |
Fire Punch |2 |2 |3 |0 |
Dragonball |2 |1 |3 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 30 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Mine, Oil Tanks- Mines only
Mine Fuse Time- Optional
Mine Duds- Off
Slot 1- Super Rope (if ninja rope is used)
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Unarmed Combat
Level Description--------------------------------|
Any Level will do, but ones with places to fall
into the water are the funnest.
Beat those worms to Death! You have a limited
amount of good attacks, so use them when the time
is right. Maybe you can get lucky and get a base-
ball bat from a crate. Rating: 3/5.

4.06---------[ADVANCED SHEEP BATTLE]-------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Girder |Infinite |0 |- |0 |
Sheep |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Sheep Launcher|Infinite |4 |4 |0 |
Super Sheep |Infinite |8 |3 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 15 seconds
Movement- No movement
Positioning- Place yourself
Health packs- 1
Health Pack amount- 25
Slot 1- Aqua Sheep
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Animals
Level Description--------------------------------|
Have two seperate sides, terrain on each side
should be similar. When placing worms, put 1 team
on each side. Then in the middle you can either
put a path, or not.
When you place your worms, put each team on
opposite sides. By starting with only sheep, you
need to use girders to make paths across the
middle, or to set up defensive blocks. Then later
the better sheep launcher will be available, and
finally a super sheep. Rating: 4/5.

4.07----------[GRENADE WARS 2]-------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Grenades |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Cluster Bombs |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Girders |5 |4 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 15 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Positioning- Place Yourself
Mine, Oil Tanks- None
All crates and health packs off
Slot 1- 2X Damage
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Explosives (optional)
Level Description--------------------------------|
Make a Level with indestructible cieling, then
make walls and floor with regular ground. After
that, in the middle draw a vertical line about
halfway up, and make it about 1/4 the board wide.
After that, draw a horizontal line on top of the
vertical one you just drew. Make it go pretty
close to the edge, about 20 worms width on each
side. Make sure that it is pretty wide up and down
as well. Also be sure that worms can't jump from
the ground up to the horizontal platform you just
Start by placing one team on one side, and one
on the other. Then commence in throwing grenades
to the other side at the other worms. A few strat-
egies: Use girders to make it high enough to throw
all the way to the other side. Before you have
girders, bounce it off the wall to the other side.
Make sure to put a pretty high fuse time on the
grenade, and put it to max bounce. Rating: 4/5.

4.08-----------[LOADED UP BASES]-----------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Mines |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Ninja Rope |Optional |8 |3 |Optional|
Girders |3 |0 |5 |0 |
Prod |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
Kamikaze |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
Baseball Bat |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
Fire Punch |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
Dragonball |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
Grenades |Infinite |8 |1 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 30 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Positioning- Place yourself
Mine, Oil Tanks- Mines only
Mine Fuse Time- Optional
Mine Duds- Off
Slot 1- Super Rope (if ninja rope is on)
Slot 2- Extra Powerful Unarmed Combat
Slot 3- Extra Powerful Explosives
Level Description--------------------------------|
A level with two sides, both sides with hiding
places and enclosed areas.
For the first 8 turns, take time to place mines
around your base to protect it. Then, when turn 9
comes sneak out and try to Melee attack each other.
Just remember to place mines that still allow you
to get out of your base. A good strategy is to
leave one or two worms at the base, and throw
grenades with them. Just remeber that grenade
power is set to 1! Also don't forget that at the
beginning place both teams on opposite sides.
Rating: 4/5.

4.09--------------[WORM BALL]--------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Prod |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Kamikaze |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Baseball Bat |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Fire Punch |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Dragonball |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 20 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Positioning- Random Positioning
Mine, Oil Tanks- None
Slot 1- Extra Powerful Unarmed Combat
Slot 2- God Mode
No Crates Or Health Packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
Turn on indestructible border, and paint a
ground that stays about 20 Worms Length away from
the wall, and is about 1/4 the board high. then
at the end of each side of the ground you just
drew, put walls up to about 1/2 the board height,
then make sure the water level is pretty high,
just get it a little below the ground you drew.
The goal is to try to shoot the other teams
worms into the "Buckets", or sides of the level.
Use the various melee attacks to get this done.
Rating: 5/5

4.10-----------[RACE TO THE TOP]-----------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Girders |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Holy Grenade |Infinite |At Top |3 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 20 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Positioning- Place Yourself
Mine, Oil Tanks- None
No Crates Or Health Packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
Start by painting a ground. Then, in the middle
of the level, draw a skinny vertical line that
goes close to the top. Water level low.
Position your worms on opposite sides, and try
to climb to the top of the middle vertical line.
Use Girders to make your way up. No Placing girders
near the top of the vertical line. Only once you
reach the top of the line can you throw Holy Hand
Grenades. Rating: 3/5.

4.11------------[IT GETS BETTER]-----------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Girder |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Fire Punch |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Dragon Ball |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Mortar |Infinite |2 |5 |0 |
Mine |Infinite |2 |5 |0 |
Bazooka |Infinite |4 |5 |0 |
Grenades |Infinite |4 |5 |0 |
Mini Gun |Infinite |6 |5 |0 |
Homing Missile|Infinite |6 |5 |0 |
Sheep |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
Dynamite |Infinite |8 |5 |0 |
H.H. Grenade |Infinite |9 |5 |0 |
Ninja Rope |Infinite |9 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
No Crates or Health packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
Any good level will do.
You start out with weak weapons, and get better
ones as the match progresses. Eventually, holy
hand grenades and ninja ropes will be available.
Rating: 3/5.

4.12-------------[ANIMAL DUEL]-------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Sheep |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Sheep Launcher|Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Super Sheep |1 |0 |5 |0 |
Mad Cow |1 |0 |5 |0 |
Mole Bomb |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Skunk |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Homing Pigeon |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Ninja Rope |Optional |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Only health packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
Any good level will do.
Kill worms with a variety of animals. You only
get one of the really good animals, so use them
wisely. Rating: 3/5.

4.13----------[UNDERGROUND WORMS]----------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Blowtorch |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
P. Drill |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Grenade |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Mine |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Bazooka |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Cluster Bomb |Optional |0 |5 |0 |
Girder |Optional |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 30 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Positioning- Random
All crates and health packs off
Level Description--------------------------------|
Make a "full" level, completely full of ground.
The game will put platforms in the block for you
to stand on, forcing you to dig for your opponent.
Dig to reach other worms. A lot of this is
depended upon where you get placed. Higher is
better. You can use explosives to dig as well.
Make sure you leave yourself a way out once you
place a grenade or mine, though! Rating: 3/5.

4.14----------[RACE TO THE MIDDLE]---------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Girder |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Baseball Bat |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Turn Time- 15 seconds
Retreat time- 5 seconds
Movement- Allowed
Positioning- Place yourself
Mine, Oil Tanks- None
No Crates Or Health Packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
First of all, make sure there is no indistructible
border. Make two platforms on each side, similar
in size and height, both pretty close but not
touching the edge. Then if you want, Put verticle
lines or little obstacles in the way on each side,
trying to make it equally hard for each side.
Use girders to build a bridge to the other
player. The first to get to the other player with
a bat wins. Some strategies: Try to go upwards while
advancing to the middle, so you can jump the the
other persons bridge when you meet. Another good
idea is to set up defensive girders incase they
reach you first. Rating: 4/5.

4.15------------[HOMING BATTLE]------------------|
Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Girder |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Homing Missile|Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Positioning- Place yourself
No Crates Or Health Packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
A "ceiling cavern" level, one with side walls
and a ceiling but no floor.
Place your worms on opposite sides and try to
kill each other with homing missiles. This Senario
is great for developing you homing missile skills.
Rating: 3/5.
[Submitted by: Sonicrazy91@aol.com]

Weapon |Number |Delay |Power |Crates |
Petrol Bomb |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Napalm Strike |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
Flame-thrower |Infinite |0 |5 |0 |
All Others |0 |0 |0 |0 |
Positioning- Random
Slot 1- Extra Power fire weapons(optional)
Slot 3- Quick Fire/Using a weapon doesn't end your
turn mode
No Crates Or Health Packs
Level Description--------------------------------|
Any level is good.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is
to cause as much of a fiery mess as possible by
using the weapons in your inventory. Remember,
they are all affected by wind. Good luck!
Rating: 4/5.
[Submitted by: Sonicrazy91@aol.com]

5.0--------------------------------{ CONTACT }----------------------------------

Email: thq104@hotmail.com

Email me questions, comments, corrections...whatever you want. Also remember if
you want all the schemes and maps I have on here, email me about it.

6.0-------------------------------{ COPYRIGHT }---------------------------------

All of the materials in this faq is copyrighted by C. Stoffels. Some things
are taken from the game, Worms World Party, which is copyrighted by Team17.
You are not allowed to take any of this unless you receive my permission.
You will be violating International Law If you violate this or any other
standard copyright agreements. Also, this faq is also copyright protected
by all websites that post it.

If you want to post my FAQ on your site, Just ask. I dont really care who posts
it where, i just need to know. Contact me at thq104@hotmail.com, and have
something to do with "worms world party faq" in the subject line.

7.0-----------------------------{ SPECIAL THANKS }------------------------------

-Team17 for an awesome game.

-GameFAQs for posting my guide.

-MIMICMASTERAX for basic idea on how to lay out a faq.

-Joel for giving scenario suggestions and for playing the game
online for hours with to get good practice with the scenarios.
Also for editing this faq.
-Sonicrazy91@aol.com for a few good scenarios

8.0------------------------------{ CONCLUSION }---------------------------------
I hope that this guide provides you with hours of fun for WWP. It really is
a great game with killer replay value. I tried to keep things as organized as I
could, I hope that the faq is readable enough for you.

Worms World Party is a trademark of Team17.
© Copyright 2003 C. Stoffels

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