Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11

16.10.2013 15:33:43
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FAQ/Walkthrough for Final Fantasy XI v0.30
For the PC(Windows)

Author: TwistidSoul (
Game: Final Fantasy XI
Platform: PC (Windows)
Version: 0.30
Last Update: November 19, 2003
This Document is Copyright 2003 TwistidSoul

| Table of Contents |
| I. Introduction |
| II. Setup/Installation |
| III. Story |
| IV. The Basics |
| V. Your Character |
| VI. Races |
| VII. Jobs/Classes |
| VIII. Advanced Jobs/Classes |
| IX. The World of Vana'diel |
| X. Battle System |
| XI. In-Game Menus |
| XII. Quests |
| XIII. Missions |
| XIV. Leveling Guide |
| XV. Monsters |
| XVI. Magic List |
| XVII. Song List |
| XVIII. Revision History |
| XIX. Legal Disclaimer |
| XX. Author's Last Words |


-= I. Introduction =-


Hey! Welcome to my FAQ. I'm here to guide you through this wonderful MMORPG,
Final Fantasy XI. For those of you who have no clue what I or anyone else is
talking about when they say the MMORPG, it means Massive Multiplayer Online
Role Playing Game. Now that that's out of the way I guess I should get on with
the intro. Let's talk about what you can find in this FAQ and also how to use

Alright, first off, this FAQ is pretty much made solely for the importers that
have bought the Japanese version of the game. I myself am an importer. I've
been playing for almost a week now as of June 7. In this FAQ I'll give very
detailed instructions on how to install and setup your game. I know this can
be a very hard process, since nearly the whole game is in Japanese. I'm hoping
to help out any importer by giving translations of anything in the game that
needs to be translated. Eventually, I'm hoping to include everything that this
game offers.

Now, don't forget to check for anything you need in the Table of Contents. The
ToC can be a very useful thing when trying to navigate through large documents.
Also, use the "find" feature to your advantage. Look up in the ToC, find what
you are looking for and highlight and copy it. Press Ctrl+C and paste the text
into the box. Click find and after a few clicks you should be taken to what it
is you need. If you don't find it, just send me an e-mail and I'll try to fix
it. Ok, enough talking... You've gotta be dying to read the meat of the FAQ!


II. Setup/Installation


----- System Requirements --------------------

The following is a list of the minimum requirements your computer will need to
run Final Fantasy XI properly. You can run this Benchmark on your computer to
see how well you will run FFXI. You can find the benchmark at:

Download and run the benchmark and you will eventually get a final score.
Remember, if you're computer can run the benchmark, it can run Final Fantasy XI
but I'm not going to guarantee very enjoyable gameplay :-)

Final Fantasy XI, if it does run on your computer, will not run very well. If
you receive this score you probably have a couple of specs on your computer
that need some upgrading. I highly suggest not trying to play the game with
this score.

Final Fantasy XI will run with this score and you shouldn't experience too many
problems. You may not be playing the game as comfortably as you would like but
be happy cause at least you'll be playing! You will probably want to turn the
quality of the graphics down for best results.

With this score you will be playing Final Fantasy XI very comfortably. I
wouldn't turn the detail of the graphics very high, but you shouldn't have any
problems with a score of 3001-4000.

Now you're kickin' Blast the graphics and resolution and you'll be playing in
style. This is the score you really want.

Operating System:
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP

Pentium III 800MHz(or equivalent)


Video Card:
Direct X8.1 AGP Compatible

4.5 GB Hard Drive Space

CD-ROM Drive:
4x Speed

Internet Connection:

----- PlayOnline Setup/Installation --------------------

Ok, you should have 5 disks in your Final Fantasy XI box. Four of them are
numbered one through four and the last is labeled PlayOnline and Tetra Master.
Insert the disk that says PlayOnline and Tetra Master into your CD-ROM drive.

----- Final Fantasy XI Setup/Installation --------------------


-= III. Story =-


----- Prologue --------------------

The legend begins as so.
The Beginning of everything was with the stone.

A long long ago, this beautiful living stone,
With its shining of seven colors banished the darkness,
Filled the world with life,
And gave birth to powerful gods.

Happiness and light blessed ages continued,
And soon the gods have gone to their sleep.
The name of this world is Vana'diel.

Sometime after, a great tribulation
Was about to fill this blessed land of Vana'diel.
The ancient seal, after resisting dark power for thousands of years,
Was broken and awakening the ending nightmare.

Innocent blood will flow through the great land.
The world will be enveloped by fear, sadness, and disparity.

However, this does not mean there is no hope...
There exists one star, shining brightly
Even through the nights of the harshest storms.
There exists a powerful song,
Not being vanished by the howls of any beasts.

That's right.
Proud ones,
Filled with wisdom, courage, and determination...

Now, awaken from the dark slumber.
Stand now, the legendary heroes.
The crystal warriors!

----- Story --------------------

It all began with a stone,
Or so the legend says.
In ages past,
The sentient jewel,
Enormous and beautiful,
Banished the darkness.

It's many colored light
Filled the world with life,
And brought forth mighty Gods

Bathed in that light,
The world entered an age of bliss,
Until after a time,
The Gods fell into slumber.
That world was called, Vana'diel.

In the 863rd year of the Crystal Era, Vana'diel was in the midst of a great
war. Faced with invasion by the Shadow Lord and his hordes of beastmen, the
leaders of the enlightened people's united their forces in desperate alliance.
They were The Kingdom of San D'oria, The Republic of Bastok, The Federation of
Windurst, and the Grand Duchy of Jeuno. Together, they struggled for survival
in battle after battle, as chaos engulfed the land...


-= IV. The Basics =-


----- Controls --------------------


To run, point the cursor in the direction you would like to run and hold down
the left button on your mouse. You can then move the cursor around while the
left button on your mouse is being held down to change the direction that you
are running.

You walk using the same method as running, but before you begin to move press
the / button above your number pad on the right side of your keyboard. This
button toggles between run and walk. You must be standing still to switch
between run mode and walk mode.


Well, we all know that after being hurt in combat you're going to have to heal
your wounds somehow. Well, to get your hit points back up to their max you'll
have to kneel down and rest. There are two ways to do this. You can either
press the * key above your numeric keypad or you can type /rest. When you do
this you will kneel down like I said and begin regaining HP and MP.


You may think that sitting is the same thing as kneeling down and resting, but
they are two different things. Actually, you weren't able to sit down until
a patch in October 2003 made it possible. Sitting really isn't of any use, but
it does look pretty cool. To sit all you have to do is type /sit. You do not
regenerate HP or MP while doing this.

----- Stats --------------------

Stats determine how effective you are in battle. The following is a list of
all the stats and their abbreviations that are used often.

HP - This is your character's Health Points. It's pretty simple really. If
your HP is reduced to 0, you're dead. Learn more about death in the
section, "Terms to Know".

MP - This would be your character's Mana Points or Magic Points. MP is needed
to cast spelled a whole lot of Magic points is required of Mages since
they are built around their magic.

STR - This stands for Strength. Strength is just the brute power your
character has. Most melee classes will have quite a large amount of
strength because the higher your strength, the more physical damage you
will do.

DEX - This is your character's dexterity. Dexterity is how accurate your
attacks are. With a high DEX most of your physical attacks will hit.

VIT - Vitality. VIT determines how much damage you can take, kind of like HP.
If you have a rather large amount of VIT you will most likely live
longer. This is pretty nice if you are a tank because you will be
taking most of the damage.

AGI - This stands for agility. This means how agile and quick you are. A
higher amount of agility means that you will dodge more of the attacks
upon you and will be hit less.

INT - High intelligence is pretty much a requirement for a Black Mage, if you
want to be a good one at least. Intelligence determines the damage your
black magics do.

MND - Mind is similar to intelligence, but it effects the healing power of your
white magic. White mages need a high Mind rating if they want to be good
at what they do.

CHR - Charisma only effects Bards. A high charisma makes a Bard's songs more
effective. After all, a Bard needs charisma if he's going to be singing
in front of his whole party!

TP - This stands for Tactical Points and is used mostly be melee fighters since
melee fighters depend more on their weapons in combat. During battle as
you receive physical damage and give physical damage to your enemy, your
TP meter will go up. Once it reaches 100% you can use a Weapon Skill of
your choice. You can also let the meter reach its 300% max for a much
greater effect. You may relate this to Limit Breaks from Final Fantasy 7.

----- Servers/World Passes --------------------

The PlayOnline Servers are what you will be playing the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI
on. All 30 servers are exactly the same, except for their name and the number
of people in them. When you first install your game and create a character,
one of these servers will be randomly selected for you to play on. You can
however choose the server you would like to be on, by the means of a World
Pass which I will talk about next. Here is a full list of all of the Final
Fantasy XI Servers:

00: Bahamut 15: Quetzalcoatl
01: Shiva 16: Siren
02: Titan 17: Unicorn
03: Ramuh 18: Gilgamesh
04: Phoenix 19: Ragnarok
05: Carbuncle 20: Pandemonium
06: Fenrir 21: Garuda
07: Sylph 22: Cerberus
08: Valefor 23: Kujata
09: Alexander 24: Bismarck
10: Leviathan 25: Seraph
11: Odin 26: Lakshmi
12: Ifrit 27: Midgardsormr
13: Diablos
14: Caitsith

NA Playstation 2 Beta: Cactuar
NA Windows Beta: Glasyalabolas

A World Pass is something that will allow you to choose the server you wish to
play on. A World Pass can be bought from any of the multiple World Pass
Vendors throughout Vana'diel. When you purchase one of these World Passes,
the buyer will receive a 10 digit number. Be sure to write down this number
because that's what you'll have to type in at the character creation screen to
get into the server. Whichever server the World Pass is purchased in is the
server that the user of the World Pass will be granted access to. For example,
if a friend of yours is playing in the server Ragnarok and buys a World Pass
for you and gives you the password. When you use the pass, you can only choose
to play on Ragnarok.

----- Basic Commands --------------------

In Final Fantasy XI you can use commands with your keyboard to do simple
things. As you play the game you will find yourself using these commdands more
and more because they are very helpful. I suggest you learn some of them now.

/emote - This allows you to create your own emote! By typing /emote jumps off
the cliff it will show up as (your name) jumps off the cliff. It's
as simple as that.

/sea all - By typing this a list of all the characters on your server that are
logged on will pop up.

/tell - Type /tell and then the name of who you want to talk to and you will
send a private message to only that person.

/shout - this command will display your message to anyone in the area you are
in. If you're in La Theine and type /shout Hello!! Everyone in
La Theine will hear you!

/join - If someone has requested that you join their party you can simply type
/join and you will automatically join that party.

/blacklist add - Let's say that you really really hate this one guy on Final
Fantasy XI. Well, instead of putting up with his crap just
type /blacklist add his name and you won't hear or see any
/tells, /emotes, /shouts, or anything from him! Problem

/blacklist - This will show all of the people that have been blacklisted by

/blacklist remove - Alright, so you want to take someone off of your blacklist.
Type /blacklist remove then their name to remove them from
your blacklist. You can now see anything that they type.

/pcmd add - If you are the leader of your party and you want to send an
invitation to your friend, you would type /pcmd add then the name
of the person you are inviting.

/pcmd kick - This will kick someone from your PT. Type /pcmd kick the name of
the person you would like to kick from your party. You can only
do this if you are the leader of the PT.

----- Terms To Know --------------------

Throughout your Final Fantasy XI experience you may not recognize or understand
what your fellow players are saying. These basic Final Fantasy XI terms will
help you out greatly during your playing of FFXI as well as other MMORPG's.


A very basic term. RPG stands for "Role Playing Game".


Yes, some people who aren't very familiar with the gaming world do not know
what this term means. MMORPG is an acronym for Massive Multiplayer Online Role
Playing Game.


A party is a group you will form to go out and hunt together or do a quest or
mission together. A party can have a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 6.


So what is an alliance you ask? An alliance is similar to a party because it
is just two or more parties that have been combined. The maximum number of
people in an alliance is eighteen. That is because you can only have three
parties in an alliance and a party can only have six people in it. You do the

To create an alliance you must be the leader of a party. You then type
/sea all (the name of another party leader). Then click his/her name and type
form! This will combine the two parties together and bam! You have yourself
an alliance!


The two letters "PT" are used very often in Final Fantasy XI. They stand for
Party. Someone may ask, "Are you in a PT?".


Yea, I know you know what death means, but I thought I would describe it and
how it effects your character. When you die you lose 10% of the total
experience needed to reach your next level. When you die you have exactly one
hour for a whm to come and cast raise on you. Raise not only brings you back
to life, but it lowers the amount of experience you lose. Remember, you still
lose experience though.

Your second choice would be to choose to go back to the last Home Point you
touched. Doing this will cause you to lose the full 10% of the experience
needed to reach the next level.


This is a rather basic term, but it means experience. Experience is gained as
you kill monsters and you need experience to level up! As explained in the
part about "death", you lose experience when you die.

Home Point

You may have noticed blue glowing crystals around town. If you target them you
will notice that they are Home Points! By touching these you have "bound"
yourself to that Home Point so when you die you will be taken back to the last
one you have touched. Simple enough!

Notorious Monster

I have had a lot of questions from people asking me what a notorious monster
is. It is rather simple in that it is a rare monster that only appears at
certain times and places. These monsters also drop very valuable items. This
is why so many people try and fight them. People often call them NM's for

Auction House

The auction house. Well what is that? It is... well... It is just what its
name states. A house where auctions take place. You can go to this auction
house to sell off items and purchase new items. This is no doubt where most
people come to get new armor, spells, and anything else they may need. People
often use the term AH for short.

----- Forming Parties --------------------

As most of you know, soloing is near impossible once you reach higher levels.
This means that you'll be joining more and more parties at this time. A party
can get very great experience or very bad experience. It all depends on how
the party is formed really.

First of all, if you are a white mage or black mage, red mage, or bard, you
probably won't have to worry about creating your own parties, but just putting
up your party sign and waiting. As for other classes that do not get very many
invites (you know who you are) you will probably rely on your own party forming
skills for this. Here are just a few things to go by when making a party and
recruiting members.

- The first and foremost rule is to keep the levels of all the party members
very tight! I think the maximum range between the lowest member and highest
member should be 3 at the very most!

- Next, choose your members well, in that you have a nice selection of jobs. A
group with all warriors or melee fighters will not do very well without
someone to heal or buff them. Same with a party of all mages. Mages are
weak as far as physical defense goes so you'll probably be torn apart. An
ideal party would contain 2-3 fighters (warriors, monks, thieves, etc...) and
2-3 mages. A white mage and a black mage would be alright. Or a white mage,
black mage, and red mage. Or what would be even better is two white mages,
just always make sure that you at least have one white mage!

- Don't be a moron when you ask someone to party! If you are asking someone
and you are unsure if they are japanese or speak english, don't just yell,
"hey you wanna join my party in Quifim dude?!" Maybe start off with a short
line like, "hello". If they respond with something in english, then you
should ask them if they speak english. If not, then hopefully you know some
Japanese so you can ask them if they would like to party in Japanese. If
worst comes to worst you can just say to that person, "PT?" or, "Party?"
although that's a very polite way to ask a Japanese speaking player to party.

- This isn't a very big rule when forming a party, but if you can do this, you
should definitely do it. It is best if your mages aren't the highest level
characters in the party. Your fighters should be the highest levels in the


-= V. Your Character =-


Once you have installed your game you will finally be able to create your
character. In Final Fantasy XI there are many different races, jobs, and
characteristics to choose from when choosing a character. The next few
sections will give you an idea of some of the things to think about when
creating a character and will hopefully help you decide how to customize your
first character!

The first thing that you will be choosing is your Race. There are 5 different
races. Hume, Elvaan, Tarutaru, Mithra, and Galka. You can choose between male
and female for every race except Mithra and Galka. You cannot play a Male
Mithra or a Female Galka. Now, how exactly are you supposed to choose which
race you'd like to play? You might like the cute little midget Taru, or you
might like to be a badass Elvaan. Appearance may influence your decision
greatly, but each race has some advantages and disadvantages. Check out the
next section, section VI for information on each race.

Once you have finally decided on your Race and sex you will have to choose a
face. You're face does not affect anything in the game. Choose the face that
you like best and move on. Right after face you can choose the color of your
hair. Again, green hair doesn't make you stronger than blue hair or anything
so just choose your favorite! Next, choose your size and you'll be nearly
finished. There are only three different sizes. Small, medium, and large.

Finally, you get to choose your job. About time eh? You only have six jobs to
choose from at the moment. Warrior, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage,
and Thief. Later in the game you will be able to unlock many more jobs. Once
you hit level 30, there will be many advanced jobs available to you. These
include Bard, Summmoner, Beast Master, Dark Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Samurai,
Ninja, and Dragoon. Read about all of these jobs in sections VII, and VIII.

Now that you have chosen a job you are almost done. You need to enter a name
now. Choose any name you wish and hit enter. Next, a box will appear under
your name. This is your server. If you have a World Pass to a server type in
that server in this box and hit enter. If you typed in a server, another box
will appear under the server box asking for a password. Type in your World
Pass and hit enter.

Lastly, you will choose the kingdom you are to start your adventure in. There
are three kingdoms to choose from. Bastok, San D'oria, and Windurst. I can't
say that one kingdom is better than another. However, if you choose your home
kingdom, you will receive a special ring that boosts your stats. Read about
home kingdoms and each of these massive kingdoms in section IX.


-= VI. Races =-


----- Hume -------------------

The Hume are a very average species that have the ability to learn a wide range
of skills. If you are looking or a race that looks most like yourself, you
will hopefully be drawn toward this race. The Hume's home kingdom is Bastok.
If you create a Hume and choose to start in Bastok you will receive a special
stat boosting ring. As I said before, the Hume is very average as far a stats
go. No statistic is too high nor too low. The following shows the stats of
each job at level 1 if you are playing as a Hume.

Warrior Monk White Mage Black Mage Red Mage Thief
------- ---- ---------- ---------- -------- -----
Str: 8 Str: 7 Str: 6 Str: 5 Str: 6 Str: 6
Dex: 7 Dex: 7 Dex: 5 Dex: 7 Dex: 6 Dex: 8
Vit: 6 Vit: 8 Vit: 6 Vit: 5 Vit: 6 Vit: 6
Agi: 7 Agi: 5 Agi: 6 Agi: 7 Agi: 6 Agi: 7
Int: 5 Int: 5 Int: 6 Int: 8 Int: 7 Int: 7
Mnd: 5 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 8 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 7 Mnd: 5
Chr: 6 Chr: 6 Chr: 7 Chr: 6 Chr: 6 Chr: 5

----- Elvaan -------------------

You will most likely find the Elvaan race in the medieval kingdom of San
D'oria. San D'oria is their home kingdom so if you start there as an Elvaan
you'll receive the stat boosting ring! Better keep that in mind. The Elvaan
are a strong, well built race and make superior fighters. The following shows
the stats of each job at level 1 if you are playing as an Elvaan.

Warrior Monk White Mage Black Mage Red Mage Thief
------- ---- ---------- ---------- -------- -----
Str: 9 Str: 8 Str: 7 Str: 6 Str: 7 Str: 7
Dex: 7 Dex: 7 Dex: 5 Dex: 7 Dex: 6 Dex: 8
Vit: 7 Vit: 9 Vit: 7 Vit: 6 Vit: 7 Vit: 7
Agi: 6 Agi: 4 Agi: 5 Agi: 6 Agi: 5 Agi: 6
Int: 4 Int: 4 Int: 5 Int: 7 Int: 6 Int: 6
Mnd: 6 Mnd: 7 Mnd: 9 Mnd: 7 Mnd: 8 Mnd: 6
Chr: 6 Chr: 6 Chr: 7 Chr: 6 Chr: 6 Chr: 5

----- Tarutaru -------------------

These little guys make their home in the kingdom of Windurst. For your stat
boosting ring you will need to start off in Windurst as a Tarutaru. You will
usually find these tiny little fellows using their powerful black and white
magic to bring enemies to their death or heal allies with their calm and
soothing spells. The Tarutaru may be small, but they can be a very powerful
addition to your party. The following shows the stats of each job at level 1
if you are playing as a Tarutaru.

Warrior Monk White Mage Black Mage Red Mage Thief
------- ---- ---------- ---------- -------- -----
Str: 7 Str: 6 Str: 5 Str: 4 Str: 5 Str: 5
Dex: 7 Dex: 7 Dex: 5 Dex: 7 Dex: 6 Dex: 8
Vit: 6 Vit: 8 Vit: 6 Vit: 5 Vit: 6 Vit: 6
Agi: 8 Agi: 6 Agi: 7 Agi: 8 Agi: 7 Agi: 8
Int: 7 Int: 7 Int: 8 Int: 10 Int: 9 Int: 9
Mnd: 5 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 8 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 7 Mnd: 5
Chr: 6 Chr: 6 Chr: 7 Chr: 6 Chr: 6 Chr: 5

----- Mithra -------------------

The Mithra share their home with the Tarutaru's in the serene Federation of
Windurst and have some slight elvish features. The Mithra have some of the
same facial features as the Elvaan and seem cat-like as well, due to their long
tail. Yes, you have probably read earlier that you can only play as a female
Mithra. This feminine species depends greatly on their physical abilities
during combat. The following shows the stats of each job at level 1 if you are
playing as a Mithra.

Warrior Monk White Mage Black Mage Red Mage Thief
------- ---- ---------- ---------- -------- -----
Str: 8 Str: 7 Str: 6 Str: 5 Str: 6 Str: 6
Dex: 9 Dex: 9 Dex: 7 Dex: 9 Dex: 8 Dex: 10
Vit: 6 Vit: 8 Vit: 6 Vit: 5 Vit: 6 Vit: 6
Agi: 8 Agi: 6 Agi: 7 Agi: 8 Agi: 7 Agi: 8
Int: 5 Int: 5 Int: 6 Int: 8 Int: 7 Int: 7
Mnd: 5 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 8 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 7 Mnd: 5
Chr: 5 Chr: 5 Chr: 6 Chr: 5 Chr: 5 Chr: 4

----- Galka -------------------

The Galka can be found living with the Humes in the Republic of Bastok. This
species is known for it's brute strength. Galka's are huge, strong, creatures
and should probably play the job of a fighter. The Galka are quite the
opposite of the Mithra, due to the fact you can only find male Galka. The
following shows the stats of each job at level 1 if you are playing as a Galka.

Warrior Monk White Mage Black Mage Red Mage Thief
------- ---- ---------- ---------- -------- -----
Str: 9 Str: 8 Str: 7 Str: 6 Str: 7 Str: 7
Dex: 7 Dex: 7 Dex: 5 Dex: 7 Dex: 6 Dex: 8
Vit: 8 Vit: 10 Vit: 8 Vit: 7 Vit: 8 Vit: 8
Agi: 7 Agi: 5 Agi: 6 Agi: 7 Agi: 6 Agi: 7
Int: 5 Int: 5 Int: 6 Int: 8 Int: 7 Int: 7
Mnd: 5 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 8 Mnd: 6 Mnd: 7 Mnd: 5
Chr: 5 Chr: 5 Chr: 6 Chr: 5 Chr: 5 Chr: 4


-= VII. Jobs/Classes =-


----- Warrior -------------------

The Warrior is a melee class that focuses mainly on strength. This strong
class usually acts like a tank to take most of the damage and keep the enemy
away from his party members. The Warrior can wield a wide range of weapons.
The best races for this job are probably Galka and Elvaan obviously because
they have the most strength of all the races.

Warrior makes a very good subjob for multiple classes. Almost any of the other
melee classes would do great with a warrior subjob. Tanks use the warrior's
abilities the best. With warrior as your subjob you will still receive taunt!
Taunt is an ability that is almost required in a tank!

----- Monk -------------------

A Monk is also a melee class that is very strong as well. Monk's sometimes
just fight with their fists as well as all sorts of knuckles. A Monk can also
act like a tank, but isn't as effective as a warrior. Monk is a very efficient
subjob as well. If you read my race descriptions you already know that the
Mithra's depend greatly on their physical abilities so Monk and Mithra kind of
go together. Monk is actually a good job for all races.

----- White Mage -------------------

The White Mage is relied on greatly by his party members. It is a White Mage's
job to ensure that his friends stay alive by healing them with his white
magics. A White Mage doesn't doesn't have much physical strength or offensive
abilities so you probably won't find them soloing very often. I suggest if you
are wanting to be a White Mage you probably should be a Tarutaru. Taru's have
the most MP which is a nice advantage for any type of mage.

----- Black Mage -------------------

Black Mages are very heavy hitters. They deal a whole lot of damage with what
else? Their black magic of course. Before going into battle, make sure you
have plenty of MP for your attacks. Probably the best race for this job would
be a tarutaru due to their godly MP. I highly suggest having a White Mage
subjob if you are a black mage. A White Mage subjob will also boost your MP.

----- Red Mage -------------------

A Red Mage is an interesting job. The red mage offers black magics, white
magics as well as the ability to wield a sword. Anyone who wishes to do a
little bit of everything would really enjoy this job. Pretty much any race
would make a nice Red Mage, but if you were looking for the best combination
I would have to suggest an Elvaan Red Mage. Possible subjobs would be a
Warrior, Black Mage, or White Mage. Others would work as well of course.

----- Thief -------------------

Thieves are very agile and have very high dexterity. They have many useful
skills which help out in battle. Thieves use their speed and dexterity to
steal items from enemies and to easily flee from battle. Unfortunately,
thieves start out as one of the worst jobs and develop into strong and useful
characters. If you are very interested in being a thief, the best class for
you would be Mithra and if you wouldn't be caught dead as a Mithra, the next
best thing would probably be a Tarutaru.


-= VIII. Advanced Jobs/Classes =-


----- Bard -------------------


Bards are a very unique class in Final Fantasy XI. They are able to play songs
to do many different things; both offensive and defensive. If you are
interested in being a Bard, I have one word of advice for you and I suggest you
stick to it. The best subjob for a Bard is White Mage. Anyone who is forming
a party and can't find a White Mage that is on will come looking for you and
your White Mage subjob.

Another cool feature that Bards are able to take advantage of is the ability to
equip instruments. Without instruments you can still play music, but your
character will sing instead of play an instrument. Instruments provide boosts
to your song playing and also sound better than the singing. Finally, one more
thing you should remember. I don't suggest having Bard as your subjob. If
Bard is your subjob you cannot use the instruments which puts you at a
disadvantage. Well, I think that's all you should know. Good luck with your

----- Summoner -------------------


This would be a very interesting job as well. A summoners main role in a party
is to... well... summon! Summoners can gain the power to summon many different
beasts to aid them in battle. Some of the summons will fight and damage the
enemy, and others heal your party members or cast auras on them. If you have
decided for Summoner to be your main job, a fitting subjob would probably be
White Mage. This gives you an MP bonus and is a nice way to get into parties.
If a party can't find a White Mage, they'll search for someone with a White
Mage subjob!

Now, another thing that I recommend is that you don't assign the job of
Summoner as a subjob. By doing this you will not get to learn any of the more
powerful summons because you are restricted to half of your main job. Finally,
now we can decide on a race for your summoner. I would suggest a Tarutaru,
because those summons cost quite a bit of MP and Tarutaru's have that much
needed MP.

----- Beast Master -------------------


Ah, the Beast Master. As a Beast Master you have the power to master beasts!
Or more like tame them for a time. You can only tame animals: sheep, beetles,
crabs, etc... Also, you are limited to animals that are close to your level.
The Beast Master is the only job that it is possible to solo as in higher
levels. You can only solo if you are a Beast Master with a subjob of White

As for good races for this class, there are many. You could probably choose
any race and still do pretty well as a Beast Master it just depends on how you
like to play. For instance, as a Tarutaru Beast Master you would obviously
take a hit in the strength and HP department which isn't really required as a
Beast Master and you would have plenty of MP to heal yourself with your white
magic. If you have something against Tarutaru's you will be just fine with any
other race so keep that in mind.

----- Dark Knight -------------------

Ah the Dark Knight. A very cool class indeed! Dark Knights are really there
just to do damage and a lot of it. You will usually find Dark Knights with
scythes which as you probably know, do mucho damage! Also, this class gets a
little bit of magic power and along with that power they can cast black magic!
The black magic they can use is fairly weak and they learn them at high levels,
but they can prove useful at times.

If you were choosing a good race for this class you would probably want to
stick to one that has a fairly large amount of strength under their belt. You
can't go wrong with an Elvaan or a Galkan Dark Knight. You don't have as many
choices for subjobs. You should probably stick with Thief, Warrior, or Red
Mage subjob.

----- Paladin -------------------

Paladin's are there pretty much for one thing and one thing only. They are
there to tank! If you really don't like being a tank this is not the job for
you of course. If you don't like being a tank because you don't like dying,
well you really don't have too much to worry about. This takes me to why
Paladins are such great tanks. Paladins have great defense and HP. And...
that's about it! What else does a tank need, huh? The only thing you'll have
to worry about is having a white mage in your party that knows what he's doing
and you'll be fine!

Well, lets see... a possible subjob for a Paladin is Warrior, Warrior and...
Warrior! That is really your only choice if you want to be wanted in parties.
Since you will obviously be tanking as a Paladin you will need the extra
defense and HP bonus from the warrior as well as the wonderful job skill,
Taunt! Taunt will keep all the hate on you, and that's exactly what you want!
I really don't see many restrictions on race for a Paladin although if you want
to be a really good one you had better choose Elvaan, Galka. A Hume and Mithra
Paladin are the next best thing. Tarutaru's... well, I think you know the best

----- Ranger -------------------

Ah, the Ranger... One of my favorites! Rangers are very powerful characters
and do some of the top damage in the game! This very agile characters are
usually found wielding a bow or gun. Although both of these weapons have are
very slow in attacking they do loads of damage! The only downside to using
these weapons and being a Ranger is that it costs loads of money as well! As
you should know, to use a bow you need arrows, and to use a gun, you of course
will need bullets! These things cost gil and a lot of it! So if you find that
your character is financially insecure, this might not be the best job for you.

Alright, there are MANY possibilities for a race. I can see all races being
a Ranger and doing rather well at it, or at least not doing horribly. If you
want me to give you the best race I would have to go with Mithra. Mithra's
have the Dexterity and Agility needed for the job. But don't think that Mithra
is the only race suited for a Ranger. Any job would do well as a Ranger!
Finally, for the possible sub jobs. I really think you should limit your
subjobs to warrior or thief. These are the best combinations. The Warrior
sub will give you that extra strength and HP, but the Thief sub job will give
you even more Dexterity and Agility which would help you greatly as well. It's
all in how you like to play!

----- Samurai -------------------

----- Ninja -------------------

----- Dragoon -------------------


-= IX. The World of Vana'diel =-


----- Republic Of Bastok -------------------

You can find the Republic of Bastok sitting in southern Quon. This nation was
first founded by Humes who raised this republic with technology in their minds.
Bastok also has a president who is elected by the Bastokians every few years
who leads a very active role in the Government.

What lead Bastok to success was the Mythril that could be found in the mines
that this nation was built on and around. After the Hume's came the Galka who
make their home here as well. The Galka are huge beasts who are very strong
and can usually be found mining in the vast mines more often than Hume's. The
southern are of the city is where you'll find that the Galka are housed. The
Hume's usually make their home further north.

In the areas around Bastok you will not find much vegetation or any plant life
at all for that matter. The Gustaberg region is what can be found just outside
of Bastok. That is split into two sections: southern and northern. Other
areas nearby Bastok are the Palborough mines, home to the deadly Quadav, and
you can reach the Konschtat Highlands from Northern Gustaberg. Konschtat is
quite the opposite of the Gustaberg areas in that there is actually grass there
and a lot of it!

----- Kingdom of San D'oria -------------------

The Kingdom of San D'oria rests in the northern, more vegetated, section of
Quon. The city has been built on the ashes of a brutal civil war which was
fought many years ago. San D'oria is also home to only one race, the Elvaan.
The Elvaan have been there since the beginning and have also made this Kingdom
very successful. This Kingdom has been ruled by a succession of kings from the
d'Oraguille royal family for over 500 years so they must be doing something
right as well.

San D'oria is different from all the other kingdoms in every way. The city is
just one large walled castle. Inside the castle itself you really won't find
much grass, but mostly stone. The kingdom is protected by two orders of
knights: the Royal Knights, who are there to patrol the countrie's borders and
aim to expand its territories, and the Temple knights, who are responsible for
keeping near the city itself to protect it's people and keep domestic

Outside of San D'oria you will find the Ronfaure region. This is split into
two parts just like Gustaberg except Ronfaure is split into West Ronfaure and
East Ronfaure. Other areas you will find are Ghelsba Outpost and Fort, and
as you venture further away from the castle you will run into La Theine

----- Federation of Windurst -------------------

Ah, the wonderful Federation of Windurst. This nation is located in grasslands
of southern Mindartia and is home to the large tribes of Tarutaru and the
beautiful cat-like Mithra. Windurst is governed by a council representatives,
all from the five ministries of magic. All of the council's decisions are
based on the prophecies of the mystic Star Sybil who can be found inside
Heaven's Tower.

Both the Tarutaru and mithra have contributed greatly to the success of the
Federation. If you would like to know about the city of Windurst let me just
tell you this. Although rather maze-like at times, Windurst is simply
beautiful. The whole area is green and lush with beautiful streams and bridges
running through it all.

On the borders of the city you can find the Sarutabaruta region. This region
is split into east and west Sarutabaruta. Beyond Sarutabaruta you will run
into Tahrongi cavern, where most of the vegetation vanishes and is replaced
with the blood red rock like most caverns are. Other nearby areas are Shakrami
Maze, and Giddeus, both very dangerous areas that should be avoided without a
map and a weapon.

----- Grand Duchy of Jeuno -------------------


-= X. Battle System =-



-= XI. In-Game Menus =-



-= XII. Quests =-


----- San D'oria Quests --------------------

----- Bastok Quests --------------------

----- Windurst Quests --------------------

----- Chocobo Quest --------------------

----- Sub Job Quests --------------------

----- Advanced Job Quests --------------------


To begin this quest you will first have to travel to Lower Jeuno at the Merry
Minstrel. This place can be found at (I-8). Inside you will


-= XIII. Missions =-


----- San D'oria Missions --------------------

Mission One

----- Bastok Missions --------------------

Mission One

----- Windurst Missions --------------------

Mission One

To receive the mission you must talk to one of the gate guards. Go to
Leviathan's Gate in Windurst Woods and you will see three Mithra's to the left
of the gate. Their names will be in green. Talk to the Mithra in the middle.
Her name is Rakoh Buuma. You will be coming to her for many of your Windurst
Missions. You'll get a small cutscene when you talk to her. As she talks
you'll have a few boxes that will pop up and you have to choose an answer.
Just choose the top option every time. Once the gate guard is through talking,
make your way to the Orastery in Port Windurst.

In the Orastery you will find two Tarutaru's up on the stage. Talk to both of
them for a cutscene. Now move to East Sarutabaruta for the last part of the
mission. Check your map and go to the tower looking thing at J-7. Walk inside
the building and look around at the walls. You will eventually find a cracked
wall. Move on through the cracked wall and into the next area. Here you will
find a gate. Select the gate and press enter for another cutscene. After the
cutscene, search all of Inner Horutoto for the magical Gizmo's. There are
four in all. Examine all four of them and return to the Taru's on the stage in
the Orastery to complete the mission.

Mission Two

To receive the second mission talk to the Mithra at Leviathan's gate like the
first mission. Next, go to the Manustery in Windurst Woods. Behind the
counter is the Tarutaru that you need to talk to. His name is Apururu; it will
be in green. Now go to J-11 in East Sarutabaruta. At J-11 you will find
another tower. Talk to the Tarutaru named Pore Ohre at the entrance before you
go in. Inside you will notice that Outer Horutoto looks a lot like Inner

Walk around the entire area and examine all six of the magical gizmo.
Remember, some of the gizmos are behind cracked walls. Once you've examined
all of them, search behind the cracked walls for "The Door of the Magical
Gizmo". Open the door for a cutscene. After the scene examine all six of the
magical gizmo once more. Now you can exit and return to East Sarutabaruta.
When you leave you will be greeted by two cards. Return to the Orastery in
Windurst Woods and talk to Apururu to complete the mission.

Mission Three

Get the mission from the same gate guard as missions one and two. Then run to
the Rhinostery in Windurst Waters. There is a Tarutaru on the roof of the
building that you need to talk to. His name is Leepe Hoppe. To get to the
roof, climb the stairs on the left side of the Rhinostery. Leepe Hoppe will
give you food and water (These items do not appear in your inventory).

For the next part of the mission you'll have to go to Giddeus. You'll find the
entrance to Giddeus in the north west corner of West Sarutabaruta. In Giddeus
you'll find two yagudo NPC's, each at opposite ends of the area. Talk to both
of them to give them the food and water. Now return to Leepe Hoppe on the roof
of the Rhinostery and talk to him. Then talk to the gate guard for Rank 2 and
1000 gil!


-= XIV. Leveling Guide =-


----- Levels 1-10 --------------------

Gustaberg Areas

The Gustaberg areas are where you'll be hunting if your home kingdom is Bastok.
Start off by fighting the Tunnel Worms and Huge Hornets until you are at level
5 or 6. Then you should attempt the Goblins and even the Quadavs for some
better loot and better experience. If the Goblins and Quadavs are growing too
easy for you, you should move to the entrance of Dangruf Wadi to fight River
Crabs and Maneating Hornets. That should be enough to get you to level 10!

Ronfaure Areas

If you're you're home kingdom is San d'Oria these will be your hunting grounds.
I suggest at your first levels (1-4) to stick near the castle in case you need
to run back to safety. Fight the Forest Hares and Tunnel Worms. For some easy
experience. You may even find bats that offer pretty decent exp as well. Do
not stray too far from the castle because you will find many orcs further out
and they aren't very nice.

At around levels 5 or 6 move to East Ronfaure to long river that runs through
the area. Here you can fight the Pugils and Carrion worms. They offer more
experience, but the Pugils can be quite dangerous. At level 9 or possibly if
you are a lower level you can travel to Fort Ghelsba in West Ronfaure or to
Ranperres Tomb in East Ronfaure. In these areas the monsters are stronger and
you'll find yourself reaching level 10 in no time.

Sarutabaruta Areas

This is where you'll be fighting if you started out in Windurst! Sarutabaruta
is a very nice place to level up because the monsters drop many valuable things
unlike the other starting areas. At level 1 you should raise your level by
fighting the Tiny Mandragoras and Savanna Rarabs. Once you feel that the
experience you get from them is too low you should move deeper into the area.

Crawlers are great to fight. They offer some nice experience, quest items, and
also silk thread! The silk thread sells for a lot of gold at the Auction
House. If you get a stack of them you'll really be in business! Beware of the
Crawlers' poison though! The poison lasts long after the fight ends and could
very well kill you so watch out!

You can also raise your level on the Goblins. They drop gold and some nice
items for you to sell and they shouldn't be too hard for you if you can kill
the Crawlers easily. The Yagudo's in the area can be quite strong for you
since they can use magic! They do drop Yagudo Beads which are good for a quest
and you can sell them.

----- Levels 11-15 --------------------

Konschtat Highlands

La Theine Plateau

Tahrongi Canyon

Valkurm Dunes

----- Levels 16-21 --------------------

Valkrum Dunes

Buburimu Peninsula


-= XV. Monsters =-



-= XVI. Magic List =-


----- White Mage Spells --------------------

Cure 1 8 Light 5 secs 2 secs Cures any player
Dia 3 7 Light 5 secs 1 sec Light dam. Defense
Paralyze 4 6 Ice 10 secs 3 secs Paralysis to target
Banish 5 18 Light 20 secs 4 secs Light damage to target
Protect 7 9 Light 15 secs 3 secs Defense against
physical attack
raised for PT members
in range
Protectra 7 9 Light
Aquaveil 10 12 Water 10 secs 5 secs Raises chance of a
successful cast

----- Black Mage Spells --------------------

----- Red Mage Spells --------------------

----- Paladin Spells --------------------

----- Dark Knight Spells --------------------


-= XVII. Song List =-


Minne 1 24 8 Defense of party members in
range raises
Minuet 3 24 8 Attack of party members in
range raises
Pian 5 24 8 Regenerate HP of party members
in range
Requiem 7 24 2 Does damage to the enemy
Pastoral of Herb 9 24 8 Poison resistance of party
members in range raises
Srenodi of Light 10 24 2 Enemy's optical attribute goes
Madrigal 11 24 8 Hit rate of party members in
range increases
Srenodi of 12 24 2 Enemy's darkness attribute goes
Darkness down
Mambo 13 24 8 Evasion of party members in
range raises
Srenodi of Earth 14 24 2 Enemy's earth attribute goes
Pian2 15 24 8 Regenerate HP of party members
in range
Lullaby 16 24 2 Puts the enemy to sleep
Srenodi of Water 16 24 2 Enemy's water attribute goes
Requiem2 17 24 2 Does damage to the enemy
Srenodi of Wind 18 24 2 Enemy's wind attribute goes
Operetta of 19 24 8 Calmness tolerance of party
Anecdote members in range raises
Srenodi of Flame 20 24 2 Enemy's fire attribute goes
Minne2 21 24 8 Defense power of party members
in range raises
Srenodi of Ice 22 24 2 Enemy's ice attribute goes down
Etude of 22 24 8 Charisma of party members in
Fascination range raises
Minuet2 23 24 8 Attack power of party members
in range raises
Srenodi of 24 24 2 Enemy's thunder attribute goes
Thunder down
Etude of Mind 24 24 8 Mind of party members in range
Ballad 25 24 8 Magic points of party members
in range raises
Etude of 26 24 8 Intelligence of party members
Intelligence in range raises
Lullaby2 27 24 2 Put multiple enemies in range
to sleep
Etude of 28 24 8 Agility of party members in
Smartness range raises
Charge March 29 24 8 Attack intervals of party
members in range lowers
Etude of Vigor 30 24 8 Vitality of party members in
range raises
Prelude of 31 24 8 Accuracy of ranged weapons of
Ranger party members in range raises
Etude of 32 24 8 Dexterity of party members in
Skillful range raises
Obado 33 24 8 Sleep tolerance of party
members in range raises
Denouement 33 24 8 A magical effect from the enemy
of Magic is cured of a party member
Etude of 34 24 8 Strength of party members in
Power range raises
Pian3 35 24 8 Regenerate HP of party members
in range
Light Res. 36 24 8 Light attribute of party
Carol First members in range raises
Requiem3 37 24 2 Does damage to the enemy
Earth Res. 38 24 8 Earth attribute of party
Carol First members in range raises
Elegy 39 24 2 Enemy's attack is slowed down
Water Res. 40 24 8 Water attribute of party
Carol First members in range raises


-= XVIII. Revision History =-


Version 0.30 (November 19, 2003) Size: 79.2
Alright, although still pretty incomplete, the FAQ does look a little less
empty. I apoligize again for such an incomplete FAQ, but I am slowly but
surely getting some things done. I'd like some e-mails and requests on things
to add or fix in the FAQ, because I've seen a lot of complaints on the boards
about some of the FAQ's (mine included). I usually take joy in writing these
things, but when people complain about another's work makes me sick. Us FAQ
writers don't gain anything from writing these. We're just trying to help you.

Version 0.20 (October 19, 2003) Size: 58.3kb
Sorry that the guide is so incomplete. I just wanted to get this version up
before the game was released in the US so everyone can use it! I will try and
hurry to get this complete as quick as possible. If anyone sees something
incorrect in the FAQ or if you find a mistake just let me know at and I'll get back to you and you'll also get a spot in
my Credits section.


-= XIX. Legal Disclaimer =-


Alright, let's get this dirty business over with... It shouldn't take long.
I wish that people wouldn't plagiarise or steal other people's work in the
first place, but they do. It may not seem like it(actually it does), but it
does take a lot of work to write these things! I'm not benefitting any from
writing FAQ's. I just enjoy writing them and I like to help others with a
game. Please don't steal work from me or anyone else.

This FAQ was written by me, is owned by me, and you must have permission from
me, TwistidSoul, to do anything with this FAQ other than use it for your own
personal use. When I say for your own personal use I don't mean on your
website or selling it to your friends :P This FAQ cannot be changed or
altered in any way. It has to keep its original form!

If you do want to put this FAQ in your site, just ask! That's all it takes.
Email me! And if I do give you permission, do not edit the FAQ in any way! I
don't care if I spelled something wrong or anything. Don't change the font...
don't change anything... Thank you! Contact me at


If anyone finds this FAQ on a website other than these three, please let me


-= XX. Author's Last Words =-


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