Delta Force - Black Hawk Down

Delta Force - Black Hawk Down

16.10.2013 05:42:00
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Delta Force Black Hawk Down Weapons FAQ
Version 1.1
By Blueberry Buttface
Table of Contents
II.a.Barrett M82A1 .50 Cal
II.b.CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR
II.c.CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR/M203 Grenade Launcher
II.d.M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR
II.e.M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR/M203 Grenade Launcher
II.f.M21 7.62mm
II.g.M24 SWS 7.62mm
II.i.M249 SAW 5.56mm MG
II.j.M60E3 7.62 GPMG
II.k.MCRT .300 Tactical
II.l.MP5A3 H&K 9mm SMG
III.a.Colt M1911A1 .45
III.b.M9 Beretta 9mm
III.c.Remington 780 Shotgun
IV.a.AN-M8 HC Smoke Grenade
IV.b.M67 Fragmentation Grenade
IV.c.XM84 Stun Grenade
V.c.Satchel Charge
VI.a.M134 7.62mm "Minigun"
VI.b.M2 .50 cal Machine Gun
VI.c.MK19 40mm Machine Gun
VII.a.AH-6 "Little Bird"
VII.b.HMMWV "Humvee"
VII.c.MH-60 "Black Hawk"
VIII.Info From Fellow Players
VIII.a.Info from Wavehawk
IX.Future Updates
X.Version Info
XII.Legal Stuff
This FAQ is meant to provide information on the many weapons of Delta Force
Black Hawk Down and to which characters each is restricted to.
II.Primary Weapons
II.a.Barrett M82A1 .50 Cal
Contributor Status: Wavhawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: Sniper
Muzzle Velocity: 853 m/s
Rate of Fire: 1 rps
Ammo Type: .50 BMG
Rounds Per Clip: 10
Rounds Carried: 100
The Barrett is the second most common sniper rifle used, behind the M21. It has
better accuracy than the M21, and offers the second highest RPC of the four
sniper rifles. The gun is a bit loud though, and it seems to be more noticable
than the other rifles. However, with enough practice, you'll be knocking guys
down before they even zero in on your position.
II.b.CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner, Medic
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 11.6 rps
Ammo Type: 5.56 mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
This gun is mainly only used by Medics. The other classes who have access to
this weapon usually take the M203 variant. This weapon has decent accuracy, has
a laser sight for better aim, is better to use than the M16, and is pretty
reliable. The only real downfall is the rate at which your ammo is depleted.
When used by a Medic, it usually is used by the clip. (one clip on one enemy)
Overall, it is a good weapon to use if you know you're never going to use a
grenade launcher.
II.c.CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR/M203 Grenade Launcher
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 11.6 rps
Ammo Type 5.56 mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
Grenade Velocity: Low
Grenade Rate of Fire: about 0.2 rps
Grenade Ammo Type: 40mm
Grenade Rounds Carried: 6
A better version of the CAR-15, it is equipped with an M203. The M203 is very
reliable in close to medium range, but may seem hard to use at first. The
grenade hits where the crosshair is centered, so if the target is moving, you
must either aim at the ground in front of it, or switch to Auto or Semi mode
and simply shoot it. When an enemy is in a Humvee or Black Hawk, however,
different strategies must be used. If the enemy is in a Black Hawk, you must
either aim at the front of the Black Hawk so it enters the Black Hawk when it
moves, or shoot from almost directly beneath it and kill the enemy with an
explosion through the floor. If the enemy is in a Humvee, it is recommended to
fire one from above, or to fire one when the enemy is facing you. This is
because it seems to have a low chance of killing the enemy if a grenade is
fired indirectly. (not directly hitting the enemy). One of the better weapons
out there, the M203 is beneficial to have on your team, but it's a pity there
are only 6 rounds for it.
II.d.M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR
Conntributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner, Medic
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 11.6 rps
Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
The other primary weapon a Medic can choose. As with the CAR-15, CQBs and
Gunners will probably choose the M203 variant over this. Unlike the CAR-15,
the M16 does not have a laser sight, instead it has the traditional sight.
(that little nitch/point found on most submachine guns and old rifles). The
rifle is equipped with two modes, Burst and Semi. This gun is pretty good,
but the CAR-15 seems to be the better choice.
II.e.M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR/M203 Grenade Launcher
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 11.6 rps
Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
Grenade Velocity: Low
Grenade Rate of Fire: about .2 rps
Grenade Ammo Type: 40mm
Grenade Rounds Carried: 6
An enhanced variant of the M16, the M16/M203 is more common than its brother.
As with the CAR-15/M203, the M16/M203 is great at close to medium range, but
may be hard to use at first. You use the same method as the CAR-15/M203 when
firing a grenade; you just center the crosshair on or near the target and
fire. I find it better to use the Burst and Semi modes when in small areas,
as you can kill yourself with the M203. A pretty decent weapon if you can
use it to its full extent, but I prefer and recommend the CAR-15/M203 instead
if you are looking for a grenade launcher.
II.f.M21 7.62mm
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: Sniper
Muzzle Velocity: 777 m/s
Rate of Fire: 2 rps
Ammo Type: 7.62 x 51mm
Rounds Per Clip: 20
Rounds Carried: 200
Probably the most common sniper rifle online, and you can see why. With a
semi-automatic rate of fire, 20 shots a clip, decent accuracy, and easiness
in use, the M21 is one of the best weapons in the game. The only real downfalls
are that the accuracy is less than that of bolt-action sniper rifles, and the
scope is relatively weak compared to the other sniper rifles.
II.g.M24 SWS 7.62mm
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: Sniper
Muzzle Velocity: 792 m/s
Rate of Fire: .6 rps
Ammo Type: 7.62 x 51mm
Rounds Per Clip: 6
Rounds Carried: 180
A step-up from the M21, the M24 is the sniper rifle I prefer. With a decent
scope, decent rate of fire, good reload, great accuracy, and 6 rounds a clip,
it is probably thr best overall sniper rifle. The only downfall is its rate
of fire. However, this should not be a problem if the gun is used correctly.
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: Gunner
Muzzle Velocity: 853 m/s
Rate of Fire: 12.5 rps
Ammo Type: 7.62mm
Rounds Per Clip: 200
Rounds Carried: 600
The M240 is also known as the FN-MAG-58. It is a pretty decent weapon, with
decent attributes. If you're looking for an easy-to-use, quick come-back
capable weapon, I'd recommend this. However, there are better weapons out
II.i.M249 SAW 5.56mm MG
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: Gunner
Muzzle Velocity: 990 m/s
Rate of Fire: 10 rps
Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Rounds Per Clip: 200
Rounds Carried: 600
The classic weapon makes a return, in better detail and with better sound than
before. The basic Gunner weapon, this is recommended for those new to the
Gunner. The M60 may be said to be better, but this fires faster, which means
more of a chance of killing the enemy. Although, this may also mean that SAW
bullets are weaker than M60 bullets...
II.j.M60E3 7.62 GPMG
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: Gunner
Muzzle Velocity: 915 m/s
Rate of Fire: 8.33 rps
Ammo Type: 7.62mm
Rounds Per Clip: 200
Rounds Carried: 600
A weapon that first appeared in Task Force Dagger, the M60 replaced the SAW
that most Gunners used in Land Warrior. In Black Hawk Down, the M60 seems to
be the best Gunner weapon, and also the most commonly used. The M60 has little
recoil, high accuracy, is very powerful, and is a step up from the SAW and/or
II.k.MCRT .300 Tactical
Character Classes: Sniper
Muzzle Velocity: 911 m/s
Rate of Fire: .6 rps
Ammo Type: .300 magnum
Rounds Per Clip: 4
Rounds Carried: 180
The sniper rifle with the best scope power, the Tactical is meant for extreme
distances, but is mostly seen used at equal distances with the other sniper
rifles. A decent weapon, but its slow reload time, low rps, low Rounds Per Clip
ratio, and its loud noise may cause some players to avoid it. However, once you
ignore these attributes, you'll see that the Tactical is something to fear.
With a skilled user behind its trigger, the Tactical can be disastrous.
II.l. MP5A3 H&K 9mm SMG
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB
Muzzle Velocity: 285 m/s
Rate of Fire: 13 rps
Ammo Type: 9mm
Rounds Per Clip: 30
Rounds Carried: 300
Perhaps the least seen used weapon of Black Hawk Down, the MP5 is called by
many the "pea shooter". It fires weak 9mm bullets, but in the right hands can
be anyone's worst enemy. Few have mastered it, and most have given up on it,
though respect is earned when you use it proficiently. The MP5 seems to have
a high chance of killing the enemy with a shot to the head, is the most silent
of the weapons, is exclusive to the CQB, is used primarily by stealthy players,
and has enough ammo for at least 100 kills. Most do not know, but the MP5 only
takes about three shots to kill if the user is proficient.
III.Secondary Weapons
III.a.Colt M1911A1 .45
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner, Medic, Sniper
Muzzle Velocity: 253 m/s
Rate of Fire: 4 rps
Ammo Type: .45 automatic
Rounds Per Clip: 7
Rounds Carried: 28
A very powerful weapon, the Colt has the ability to kill with one shot if aimed
proficiently. With only 4 clips and 28 bullets total, though, most players
rather choose the M9 as their sidearm.
III.b.M9 Beretta 9mm
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner, Medic, Sniper
Muzzle Velocity: 341 m/s
Rate of Fire: 4 rps
Ammo Type: 9mm
Rounds Per Clip: 15
Rounds Carried: 30
The most commonly seen sidearm, the M9 is the most preferred perhaps for its
rate of fire, rounds per clip, rounds carried, and its high accuracy.
III.c.Remington 780 Shotgun
Contributor Status: Wavehawk [VIII.a.]
Character Classes: CQB, Gunner
Muzzle Velocity: 388 m/s
Rate of Fire: 2 rps
Ammo Type: 00 Buck
Rounds Per Clip: 7
Rounds Carried: 14
The most powerful sidearm, the Shotgun has a wide spread and is accurate even
at great distances. Similar to the Colt, the Shotgun has the power to kill with
one hit, but unlike the Colt, the Shotgun can kill many targets with one shot.
IV.a.AN-M8 HC Smoke Grenade
The Smoke Grenade, defautlt set for key 6, is perhaps the best of the grenades,
as it has far more circumstances of use than either of the other two. The Smoke
Grenade has a blast radius of similar diameter of the blast radius of a Satchel
Charge, and offers much protection from enemy fire. One thing to not do online
in Team King of the Hill, is to throw Smoke Grenades into the Zone, as it slows
the game down greatly. The result is similar to the slow motion in Perfect Dark
if you want a better description.
IV.b.M67 Fragmentation Grenade
The Frag Grenade is the basic grenade, causing an explosion of decent radius,
and, if used correctly, is a very deadly little thing. The Frag Grenade is
second on the list of circumstances of use, as it is very helpful. However, it
isn't recommended to be used as a weapon until you are out of ammo with your
other weapons, as then you will have as amny kill as possible before getting
yourself killed.
IV.c.XM84 Stun Grenade
Commonly known as a Flash bang, the Stun Grenade has the fewest circumstantial
uses of the grenades, but is a great addition to the Delta Force series,
nonetheless. After being thrown, the Flash bang has a few seconds duration,
after which it emits a flash that blinds surrounding enemies, and yourself if
you look at it, for 3-5 seconds. During this time of blackness, the enemy may
still shoot, so it is not advisable to throw a Flash Bang at a group of
An anti-tank rocket launcher with one use, as opposed to previous Delta Force
games. As its name implies, it is to be used against tanks, but, as there are
none in Black Hawk Down, it is accepted for other uses. These other uses
include using the AT-4 against Humvees and Black Hawks, as well as against
enemies on foot. The AT-4 is exclusive to Gunners, so it is highly respected
that the Gunners of a team take out the enemies in Black Hawks and/or Humvees.
The AT-4's range seems to be indefinite, meaning that wherever or whichever you
aim or aim at, the AT-4 will travel in that direction until it hits something.
However, this may be false, but it has not yet been proven either way, and from
what many have seen, it seems true.
The Claymore is the most seen Auxiliary item used in Black Hawk Down, as it is
able to be equipped by the CQB class and the Sniper class. Clays, as they are
often called, are found usually in "T" passages and around most corners in
places where heavy foot traffic is. They are often used to protect your base,
and in some circumstances, to protect a player. Clays are easy enough to get
rid of. All you have to do, is throw a Frag, shoot an AT-4, detonate a Satchel
Charge, or launch a grenade from an M203 variant in their area, or you could
always shoot them. As for placing clays, places where they are hidden from
enemy view are recommended, as are areas where heavy foot traffic is.
V.c.Satchel Charge
The Satchel Charge's main use is to destroy enemy targets in Attack/Defend and
Search and Destroy. Although, I've seen other uses, such as using them as a
super-powered claymore, using them to protect PSPs, using them to protect the
Zone, and others. The Satchel Charge is exclusive to the CQB, so don't be
surprised to find many CQBs in Attack/Defend and Search and Destroy.
VI.Emplaced Weapons
VI.a.M134 7.62mm "Minigun"
This powerful weapon is usually found on Black Hawks, though is sometimes found
mounted on buildings. The Minigun has a very high rate of fire, and is very
accurate. Although, the Miniguns ont he Black Hawks seem to have gotten harder
to kill with in the latest version of the game. To man an Emplaced Weapon, get
in range, which is shown by the label on the weapon changing from red to green,
and press SHIFT. The Minigun is possibly the easiest of the emplaced weapons
to kill with, as you have such a high number of bullets flying towards the
target. As you can see, the attributes of the Minigun cause it to attract many
users, almost all of whom get shot. Due to this, it is advisable not to stay
on the Minigun too long, as then you will be putting yourself into much danger,
as all of your victims have now chosen you as their new target.
VI.b.M2 .50 Cal Machine Gun
This is the most common of the Emplaced Weapons, found on all Humvees and
commonly mounted on the ground or on immobile trucks. The .50 Cal is perhaps
the quickest to master, as there are so many of them to practice with. As with
the Minigun, the .50 Cal attracts some players, mostly on the Humvees, as those
are the safest of .50 Cal machine guns to man; also, partly due to the fact
that the Humvees travel around the level, thus increasing the amount of
targets and the amount of kills the player will receive. Most of the time,
however, you will get shot in the head if you man any of the Emplaced Weapons.
So, use much caution if you decide to man one.
VI.c.MK19 40mm Machine Gun
This is really an automatic grenade launcher, which is commonly called the
Auto-nade. These are very rarely found online, as they are the most powerful
of the Emplaced Weapons. The Auto-nade fires a 40mm grenade at great distances.
If there is a Black Hawk in the air, your team will most appreciate you killing
the enemy flying it. At great distances, you must raise the Auto-nade a little,
so that the grenade lands at the target. Be cautious when you man the Auto-nade
though, for if you are getting many kills, you will be the greatest threat of
the enemy, and thus the main target. The Auto-nade offers very little, if not
any at all, protection to the player, so taking a user of this out is very
VII.Vehicles (Specs of each from Black Hawk Down Instruction Manual)
VII.a.AH-6 "Little Bird"
1.Single 252 Shaft Horsepower Allison 250 C20 Gas Turbine Engine
2.70mm Folding Fin Unguided Rockets
3.Two M134 7.62mm Pod Mounted Miniguns
4.MH Variant Carries Six Soldiers Instead of Weapon Pods
5.Control Panels Modified For Night Flying
6.AAQ-16 Forward Looking Infrared Radar
7.Seating for Two Pilots
As this has yet to be seen in combat on multiplayer, no description is
available. Except, of course, that from its Specs, it would make a decent
combat vehicle.
VII.b.HMMWV "Humvee"
1.Geared Hubs raise Axle for Higher Clearance
2.Additional Armor To Counter 7.62mm Ammunition
3.Gunner Access Hatch
4.M2 .50 Cal Machine Gun or MK19 40mm Grenade Launcher
5.Run Flat Tires
6.V8, 6.5L, 160 HP, 290 lb.-ft Torque, Diesel Fuel Injection Engine
The Humvee is probably the more common of the two vehicles seen online. The .50
Cal it offers is decent, and it offers much protection from enemy fire, with
its armor and wall-guards. The set path it travels takes the player through the
level, and usually near the enemy spawn and the PSPs, offering a great
spearhead for an assault. Usually an explosion will do the trick on killing the
player inside the Humvee, but, with accuracy, a player can take the player out
just as easily with a bullet of any gun.
VII.c.MH-60 "Black Hawk"
1.Dual, 2600 Shaft Horsepower, General Electric Turboshaft Engines
2.AAQ-16 Forward Looking Infrared Radar
3.Accomodates 2 Pilots, 1 Crew Chief, 11 Combat Ready Soldiers
4.Two M134 7.62mm Door Mounted Electric Miniguns
The Black Hawk is probably the less common of the two vehicles seen online. The
two Miniguns it offers means that the player and a teammate can wreak havoc
easily. Also, if both are medics, then they might stay in the Black Hawk for
a good portion of the game. The Miniguns are accurate, but most of the time,
direct hits don't kill the target. It is believed to be a malfunction in the
new version of the game. Also, the Black Hawk offers something the Humvee
doesn't; it allows the player it's accomodating to jump on to certain
buildings, a great feature for urban Snipers, as they can find a great vantage
point on the rooftops of the many buildings in most levels. Although, if an
enemy Sniper sees you, you better take him or her out, as they will most likely
kill you as soon as you stop moving.
VIII.Info From Fellow Players
NOTE: The only changes I have made to these are spelling/grammatical
corrections, formatting them to this FAQ's format, and adding small messages in
brackets to help readers. If a contributor would like any part of his/her info
changed in any way, please contact me.
VIII.a.Info from Wavehawk:
II.a.Barrett M82A1 .50 Cal
-The Barret is designed as an anti-armor/anti-material sniper rifle. That means
that it was designed to punch through lightly-armored vehicles. However, I
prefer the lighter snipers like the M24 and M21. In real life, it's best used
at VERY long ranges.

II.b.CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR
II.c.CAR-15 Colt 5.56mm AR/M203 Grenade Launcher
-The Compact Assault Rifle #15 or CAR-15 uses an M16 firing mechanism, only
with a shorter (14.5 inch) barrel and collapsible stock for better carry and
use in close quarters. The US Marines and Army officially label this the M4,
and thus this causes some confusion. Thus, using CAR-15 or M4 Carbine
is correct for both (though officially it should be the M4).

-Special Forces like Delta Force use the M4A1, a version of this carbine with
interchangeable accessories like handgrips, laser aiming/rangefinding units,
night scopes, etc., but the in-game version is just the standard-issue
CAR-15/M4. That said, it's the best CQB weapon in the game, as it's light,
maneuverable, and full auto.

-It's ranged combat ability is fair as well. My gripe though is that they
[Nova] didn't provide a version with an underbarrel shotgun, for door
breaching and close-combat (I've griped about this for every real-weapons FPS
game I've played, though). I wouldn't recommend it to newbies, though; the
weapon empties real fast, and new players should get used to firing off
'short controlled bursts' (sic) before using this.

II.d.M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR
II.e.M16A2 Colt 5.56mm AR/M203 Grenade Launcher
-The M16A2 is equipped with a 3-round burst delimiter and is best used at
medium to long ranges. As I mentioned, full auto fire tends to kick up
the recoil and reduce accuracy, while semiauto fire is too slow for some
engagements. Controlled bursts from the M16 make it a good weapon for
beginners. Advanced players are usually smart enough to use full-auto weapons
on burst, and they're better off with the M4 (just like how Infantry and
Rangers use the M16A2 and Delta uses the M4).

-I find it a lot easier to use the M16A2/M203 rather than the M4 M203, but
maybe that's because I'm accustomed to the elevation sight on the M16. You can
(with some degree of practice) use the elevation sight to lob an M203 grenade
in an artillery-like fashion.

II.f.M21 7.62mm
-The M21 is a semiauto-only version of the M14 rifle with a match-grade barrel
and scope. As such, it does decently at mid-range combat if you're caught in
a pinch (the semiauto fire and larger clip is still better than the M24 when
someone jumps you in close combat). My favorite among the sniper rifles, I
recommend it highly for snipers whose missions require both long and short
range combat.

II.g.M24 SWS 7.62mm
-The M24 SWS (Sniper Weapon System) is a return to bolt-action rifles by the
US Army. It is one of the most accurate sniper rifles available, built on the
Remington hunting rifle and accurized to above match-grade accuracy.

-It is a 'pure' sniper rifle in this respect, meaning that if someone jumps
the gun on you in close combat, better make for your pistol and fast. That
aside, I'd say it's the best scout-sniper rifle in-game, a good blend of
accuracy, light weight, and ease of use.

-The M240 was actually adopted to replace the M60 in many roles. This was not
one of them. :) Although the M240 fires the same round and has been known to
be better than the M60 in the vehicle-mounted machine gun role, it's also a
lot heavier (and I think its rate of fire is slightly lower), thus it's not
as good as an infantry support weapon. I think the only advantage might be
its recoil reduction (lower rate of fire), but I haven't found the ideal
situation for this gun yet.

II.i.M249 SAW 5.56mm MG
-Also known as the FN Minimi. The M249 actually has two rates of fire: fast
and slow. The DF:BHD version apparently fires in "Fast" mode. Think of it as a
heavier, faster CAR15; a true automatic rifle. It's the MG [machine gun] to
use if you need to move fast and provide suppressive fire at the same time
(i.e. run and spray). It's also a wonderful weapon for CQB; multiple enemies
in a corridor is literally shooting fish in a barrel.

II.j.M60E3 7.62 GPMG
-The Saco M60E3 is a compact version of the older Colt M60, made lighter for
individual use. The E3 was designed at the behest of the US Navy for use by
Navy SEALs (who needed a weapon with 7.62mm suppressive fire, but much lighter
than the older M60GMPG). The M60E3 has a shorter barrel and is usually equipped
with a forward handgrip. It's actually a better weapon than the M249 for
medium-to-long range shots, but I find the M249 better in close combat
(particularly in the Russian Underground mission).

II.l.MP5A3 H&K 9mm SMG
-The MP5A3 has one bug in-game that few people exploit; like the rifles, it can
punch through enemy troops and hit someone on the other end (I confirmed this
in the single-player game). Realistically, the MP5's 9mm rounds should be
weaker than the Beretta since it's silenced (subsonic). I'd only really
recommend this weapon in CQB missions and in night operations. I wish they
[Nova] also had the MP5K, though, as a secondary weapon for Snipers.

-One word of warning: the MP5 has a very high rate of fire, so even a light tap
on auto may already squeeze off two or three rounds. Bear this in mind; as
this means that the MP5 on full-auto will empty much faster than an equivalent
CAR-15. Sneak in as close as possible, aim for the head, and pray to god you
hit your enemy, because if not, you'd best start running.

III.a.Colt M1911A1 .45
III.b.M9 Beretta 9mm
-I really hadn't noticed much difference between the Colt 45 and the Beretta
in-game. Theoretically, the Colt should have more stopping power (i.e. stun
you if not kill you outright) than the Beretta.

-I prefer the Beretta mainly because of the larger clip; less danger of running
out when someone surprises you and you have to shoot fast.

III.c.Remington 780 Shotgun
-I would recommend the shotgun as a backup weapon only if you're
assured of going against lots of enemies in close combat and wide corridors
(Shattered Palace mission). Otherwise, I would prefer a Colt or Beretta

-This would have been a lot more useful if you were forced to 'breach' doors
(i.e. shoot through locked doors) in the game.
IX.Future Updates
There are no planned updates at this time, but if you would like something
added, please contact me.
X.Version Info
Version 1.0:
-Introduction, Primary, Secondary, Grenades, Auxiliary, Emplaced, Vehicles,
Future Updates, Contact, Legal Stuff, and Credits done.
Version 1.1:
-Corrected spelling errors, added more to descriptions, added Info From Fellow
Players and Version Info, added Wavehawk's weapon info.
-added Contributor Status to weapons
If you would like to contact me, please e-mail me at
XII.Legal Stuff
This guide is restricted to personal, private use only, and is not to be
publicly distributed. Permission is required for this to be put on
any website.

Gamefaqs ( is the only website allowed to use this at this

All copyrighted material are property of their respective copyright holders.
-Gamefaqs for hosting this FAQ
-Many thanks to Wavehawk for his/her info on weapons
-Novalogic for creating such a great, addictive game

Copyright Jacob Kuiken 2003
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Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Multiplayer Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.3.0.37)

17.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition und Saves (für v1.2.1.1)

17.Octombrie 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.2.0.4)

16.Octombrie 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.1.0.10)

16.Octombrie 2013
Alle Missionen spielbar

16.Octombrie 2013
Cele mai MostPopulare
11.Februarie 2016
30. Decembrie 2013
13. Decembrie 2013
01. Decembrie 2014
30.Ianuarie 2018
24.Februarie 2018
04.Martie 2019