Star Wars: Rogue Leader - Rogue Squadron 2

Star Wars: Rogue Leader - Rogue Squadron 2

15.10.2013 17:32:18

Star Wars: Rogue Leader - Rogue Squadron 2 inofficial walkthrough


1.)Table of contents:
1.) Table of contents
2.) Walkthrough
Training Mission on Tatooine
Mission I - Death Star Attack
Mission II - Ison Corridor Ambush
Mission III - Battle of Hoth
Mission IV - Prisons of the Maw
Mission V - Razor Rendezvous
Mission VI - Vengeance on Kothlis
Mission VII - Imperial Academy Heist
Mission VIII - Raid on Bespin
Mission IX - Battle of Endor
Mission X - Strike at the Core
Bonus Mission I - Death Star Escape
Bonus Mission II - The Asteroid Field
Bonus Mission III - Triumph of the Empire
Bonus Mission IV - Revenge on Yavin
Bonus Mission V - Endurance
3.) Ships
4.) Hints and strategies
5.) Cheats
6.) Contact
7.) Legal stuff


2.) Walkthrough

This is a little walkthrough with no huge ASCII-Arts or stuff. It's
just a little help for all those who got stuck in the game and are
about to smash their GameCube outta the window. I will not describe
the ways to get the gold medals or tech upgrades (maybe there'll be an
update later). It just leads you to the victory over the evil Empire.
Follow my advice and the Force will be with you.


Training Mission on Tatooine

Starting craft: T-16 Skyhopper
Enemies: None

How to do:
There are no real objectives here. It's just a training mission. I
don't know if there is any reward for finding all bonus items;
clearing all the training stuff or winning the races against Biggs and
Wedge because I never did it. However, it's a good possibility to get
used to the game and its controls.


Mission I - Death Star Attack

Starting craft: X-Wing
After Prisons of the Maw: Y-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Advanced, laser turrets

How to do:

OK. There it is. The Death Star. And YOU have to defeat it.

First you must take out the deflection towers on the surface. They are
easy to find (the huge dark towers). Just fly towards them and blast
'em all away.

After the towers are gone, some TIE Fighters will appear. Follow your
radar as it points to the nearest group of TIEs. Vaporize them and you
will automatically enter the trench.

If you are already a skilled pilot, you can close your S-foils all the
way, except the times when TIE-Fighters are on your tail. Let them
come very close to you, then hit the brakes like hell and all you got
to do is firing yor lasers and watch them crash. As soon as the
horizontal bricks get few, you really should close your foils to speed
up. When you hear R2D2's typical sound, there are TIEs behind you.
Later you hear Vader (Yes! Darth Vader HIMSELF!!) say "The Force is
strong with this one". Brake, let him pass ad shoot him. You can't
take him down, but it boosts your accuracy if you do so. Make your way
to the end of the trench and fire a torpedo or two in the ventilation

Oh, and don't leave the trench. You'll become Ewok food before you can
say "I'm hit".


Mission II - Ison Corridor Ambush

Starting craft: X-Wing
After completition: A-Wing
After Prisons of the Maw: Y-Wing
After Razor Rendezvous: B-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor

How to do:
A couple of Rebel vessels and the frigate Redemption are heading to
the base on Hoth. You are expected to simply escort them, but this
would be too easy, wouldn't it? To keep you from falling asleep, a
bunch of TIEs will soon appear and attack the frigate and the
transporters. The mission will fail if all the transporters and/or the
Redemption are destroyed.

After you have blasted the first wave of TIEs into the Inmperial hell,
the convoy will enter the nebula. As you might have supposed with your
little brains, a second wave will attack. You can change your ship and
take an A-Wing if you want, all you have to do is to dock at the
frigate (fly into the rebel insignia). Defeat all the fighters and the
victory is yours.


Mission III - Battle of Hoth

Starting craft: Snowspeeder
Enemies: AT-ST, AT-AT, TIE Fighter, TIE Bomber, Snowtrooper, Probe
droid, Imperial Shuttle

How to do:
You start in a mountain pass with some Probe droids in it. As soon as
you leave the pass, you have to guard the Ion cannons which keep the
Star Destroyers from reaching the planet. The AT-ATs attack the
cannons, so whatcha gotta do? Right! Erase 'em! You only gotta shoot
the ones which are marked yellow on your computer, or else you will
lose too much time.

When they're all trash, you're told to stop the AT-ATs. Approach them
and a long movie will be shown. Fly very close to them and fire your
secondary weapon to release the cable. A few turns 'round it and it
falls into the snow. Repeat it wih the other two AT-ATs and another
movie will be shown where the shield generator is blown up.

The remaining Rebel troops are told to retreat and you've got to
protect their escape. Hurry to the pit marked on your radar, change
into the X-Wing and waste all yellow-marked TIE Bombers and Fighters.
If you can manage that there are not too many victims, you'll win.


Mission IV - Prisons of the Maw

Starting craft: Y-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Space turret, Gun turret, AT-PT

How to do:
You start in an asteroid field beneath Maw. Make your way all through
the field. When the TIEs appear, wait until they're all lined up
behind you (fly some escape maneuvers if neccessary), then tell your
wingmen to attack the fighters. Continue straightforward.

You'll soon reach the force field and hear yourself say "maybe I
should use my Ion cannon". Do so and overload the circuits of two
shield generators. If you have problems with finding the generators,
there are two things you can do against: Turn on your target computer
and turn off both auto-roll and auto-level.

As soon as you have successfully deactivated the generators, you'll
fly over the surface and pick up a radio message of Karrie Neth, the
leader of the prison revolt, who is calling for help. Fly in the
direction your radar tells you and bomb all the laser turrets. Note:
Bombsight in combination with target computer helps a lot here! Once
the prisoners are free, they need to get to the armory. Follow your
radar, bomb AT-PTs all the way and bomb all six guard towers here.

Proceed to the comms station, where you need to bomb all the
communication dishes (A hole lot bombing here, isn't it?). I found out
quite a good strategy for this action: Fly very very very high and aim
for the reddish lattices at the bottom of the dishes. If you hit
correctly, they will only take one hit each, just like the guard
towers which you can ignore here.

As soon as all dishes are eliminated, the prisoners want to, as you'll
never guess, right! ESCAPE! And you got to cover them. But as the
vessel of the prisoners is quite invincible, there is no need to go
haywire. See them escape and this level is finished. Phew!


Mission V - Razor Rendezvous

Starting craft: B-Wing
After completition: X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, Turbolaser, Laser turret

How to do:
This mission would be too easy if there ain't some kinda serious trap.
Let me tell you, THERE IS ONE. As soon as you enter Kothlis airspace,
you'll notice that a Star Destroyer has captured the Razor. As if you
wouldn't have enough problems with that, the SD also attacks the

First, you have to destroy the starboard turbolasers of the SD (The
things which shoot whitish bunches of lasers), then turn on your
target computer to see which TIEs are attacking the Redemption. Take
'em out until you hear "The Frigate should be safe now" or something
like that.

Now it comes! Fire everything you have into the spherical shield
generators on top of the Star Destroyer's bridge. Once they're gone,
you need to use some tactics if you don't want to waste all the money
of the Rebel Alliance on new ships and on sticking you together again.
Fly to the rear of the SD, fly far off, dig down and attack the third
generator from the lower rear area. You propably won't make it in one
try, so repeat this until the last generator is rubbish.

Now it's time for some crazy kamikaze action! Yeah!! Approach from the
front of the SD, boost like hell and crash into the bridge. The game
won't count this as a loss of a ship. Watch the SD crash onto the
planet and be proud of your glorious death. ^_^


Mission VI - Vengeance on Kothlis

Starting craft: X-Wing
After completition: B-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Stormtrooper, E-Web blaster,
Laser turret, Turbolaser

How to do:
In the first part, you need to protect the transporter from the fire
of the TIEs. Don't lose any time, boost towards the evil and take down
as many as you can in the first approach. Continue shooting TIEs until
the freighter has landed. This doesn't mean the transporter is safe,
though! You'll soon notice some AT-ATs coming towards the landed ship.

Immediately change into the Snowspeeder and take out the nearest AT-AT
'cause it shoots your transporter, then go on with the other two.
Watch out when you approach, they maybe turn their "head" in your
direction, resulting in a crash. Oh, and don't try to blast them with
your lasers, it's senseless.

After defeating the AT-ATs, change into an Y-Wing and start bombing
the AT-PTs. Open the target computer, tap B and you'll have a gorgeous
view on the helpless AT-PTs. From time to time, search the coast line
for AT-PTs, because once they have reached the beach they'll open fire
on the Troopers which have left the transporter, and that ain't no
good. Don't try to fire on the AT-PTs while they are underwater, only
bombs help here.

After some time, you'll get the order to bomb the trunk. Unload 7
bombs on it and it'll be penetrated. All you gotta do now is wait,
eradicate some TIEs if you want to, and soon the Troops will have
gained access to the important datas. Mission accomplished!


Mission VII - Imperial Academy Heist

Starting craft: Y-Wing (6 am to 6 pm), Snowspeeder (6 pm to 6 am)
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Stormtrooper, AT-AT, AT-ST,
Laser turret, big Laser turret

How to do (Daytime):
At daytime, you'll fly an Y-Wing and start in the canyon. Immediately
drop altitude and hug the ground. Load your Ion cannon, and use it to
take out all eight sensors, because if you do so, you can take the
left path: You'll pass a lonely outpost with a parked TIE Fighter, fly
through some canyons and reach the Academy with no resistance. Not bad
for just a few disabled sensors, eh? On this way, you can also use the
TIE if you want, but you got to take out the pilot first (The small
black dot). But if you miss one or more of he sensors, you have to
take the right path:

You'll head into the compound and pass two bases full of TIE Fighters.
You can duel with these if you want to, they'll notice and chase you
anyway. Go on to the Shuttle Base, disable the four big laser turrets
surrounding it and steal away. Head to the meeting point, fire the
secondary weapon all the time and the mission will be done.

How to do (Nighttime):
At nighttime, you'll fly a Snowspeeder, but also start in the canyon.
As it is a repulsor craft, the best way will be to press up on the
Control Stick all the time (You can't collide with the ground). The
rest will be the same as daytime, you can also steal the TIE on the
left way. But you can't disable the sensors, so watch out where you're


Mission VIII - Raid on Bespin

Starting craft: A-Wing
After completition: X-Wing, Y-Wing, B-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, Laser turret,
Balloon turret

How to do:
From your starting point, you can see a Tibanna gas platform and a
balloon near it. Launch the boosters of your craft, and approach low
to the balloons (Dead angle). Open fire on the burners underneath the
balloon skin and the whole damn thing will explode. Target computer
helps here, too. As soon as the balloon is gone, take care of the TIEs
flying around. Deal with this whole part quickly, 'cause time is
victory in this mission.

Go on to the next one marked on your radar. This time you got to deal
with two balloons. Take them out first, then care about the TIEs.
Don't even think about joking around here.

The last platform is surrounded by FOUR balloons. Same procedure as
last platform? Same procedure as every platform! Remember to approach
low (Not the TIEs, you fool!), take out the Fighters and Interceptors
and everything will be fine.

In the next part, you attack the city. Follow your radar to find all
three generators. Erase some platforms if you want, but it's not
neccessary above the city.

As soon as all generators are destroyed, fire your boosters and head
for the last group of platforms. Zap all balloons here, then, if you
have a targeting secondary weapon, fire it at the TIE Bombers, as they
cause some serious damage to the gas silos. Don't worry to waste all
your ammunition here, as the mission will be over soon. Vapourize
everything what's left and wait for the mission to be finished.


Mission IX - Battle of Endor

Starting craft: X-Wing
After completition: Y-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, Laser turret, Turbolaser

How to do:
It's a trap. We all know that. What, you didn't know that?? Oh, er,
let's get serious here, as you'll be in serious trouble soon. You
approach the Death Star but realize that you're flying into the arms
of the Empire. Emergency maneuvers! Turn away!! After that you are
attacked by a VERY large amount of TIEs. Take out as many as you can.
A support fleet will soon arrive, so you don't get the chance to
complain about boredom. Kick their butts and ANOTHER fleet will show

This time they're Bombers, and they're firing at the Redemption. Do
you also get annoyed of protecting that sluggish Frigate? Shall it go
to hell! However, you must take out the Bombers to proceed to the REAL
problem. They're highlighted yellow, so concentrate on them until the
last one is stardust.

A bunch of laser makes its way through space and KABOOOOOM!! The
Cruiser Liberty is gone. Recognizing that the Death Star is ready for
duty, General Reeikan gives the order to retreat.

Now, what can you spy in the distance? Not one Star Destroyer, TWO
Star Destroyers! Help!! Let your Wingmen do the TIEs, you must take
out the SDs. Same tactic as above Kothlis: Shield generators on top,
shield generator below, and command bridge. As soon as both SDs are
trash, all crafts head for the Death Star. Han Solo has deactivated
the shield, so you can attack without danger. See the fleet heading
for the Death Star, and you got this mission done.


Mission X - Strike at the core

Starting craft: X-Wing
After completition: Millenium Falcon
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Laser turrets

How to do:
Here it is. No comparison to the first Death Star. ALL Laser Turrets
are firing at you. And you got to protect the Millenium Falcon. Always
stay close to the Falcon, 'cause it's very vulnerable here. Shoot the
yellow marked TIEs as fast as possible or you lose in about 15 secs.
It's simple but hard to do. Make your way to the tunnel system and
you'll automatically enter it.

Watch out for the pipes in the tunnel. When you hear or see the Tie's
lasers, move abit to the side, let 'em pass and blast them all away.
Oh, and make sure you ain't crashin' into the pipes here. As soon as
you can see a blue shimmering in the distance, you're almost at the
core. Take out the left and right turrets in the tunnel if you want to
stay in one piece.

In the reactor room, fire a Torpedo at the power regulator on the
north tower. The falcon will do the rest, and you'll have to leave.

Open your S-Foils only on the turns, and let them closed on the
straightways, because the fire will catch you. Don't let the
constantly switching bother you, it's neccessary. See the stars ahead?
Full steam ahead for the victory of the rebellion! Yeehaa!!


Bonus Mission I - Death Star Escape

Starting craft: Millenium Falcon
Enemies: TIE Fighter

How to do:
It isn't over yet. You successfully destroyed the Death Star, but
several TIEs are in pursuit. It's quite simple. Just fire at
everything that moves (Not the stars you fool!) and show them who's
the best gunner in the galaxy. Once you have taken out a bunch of the
Fighters, a new one will appear. Shoot them all and you will succeed.
That's it. Simple as boiling water. What? You don't know how to boil
water? Oh man...


Bonus Mission II - The Asteroid Field

Starting craft: Millenium Falcon
Enemies: TIE Fighter, Laser turret, Turbolaser

How to do:
As in the movie, you are heading into the asteroids. TIEs are on your
tail, too. Fly escape maneuvers all the time (Snaking moves) and
you'll be fine. And don't crash into one of about three billion

After some time, you fly into a hole of one of the big ones, but
you'll immediately leave again 'cause the cave already belongs to a
big fat space monster.

Same play as before, avoiding the enemie's fire. Soon you'll approach
the Star Destroyer. Fly a circle to its rear area and fly into the
Rebel Insignia.


Bonus Mission III - Triumph of the Empire

Starting craft: TIE Advanced
After completition: TIE Fighter
After earning Gold in the two Vader missions: Imperial Shuttle
Enemies: X-Wing, Y-Wing

How to do:
In the first part, you need to take down all Rebel Crafts over the
surface. Change into cockpit view and use the tiny target computer
thing on the lower half of your screen to locate all ships.

After doing so, an ally tells you that they have analyzed the pattern
of the Rebel attack, and there may be danger for the Death Star. As
you are Vader, you don't need to be afraid of the turrets here. Fly in
the direction your Force-fulled radar tells you and evapourate all
ships in the trench. Don't lose too much time here, because the Rebel
Ships are hella fast. As soon as all crafts are wasted, you won.


Bonus Mission IV - Revenge on Yavin

Starting craft: TIE Advanced
After completition: TIE Fighter
After earning Gold in the two Vader missions: Imperial Shuttle
Enemies: X-Wing, Y-Wing, Rebel Blockade Runner

How to do:
In the first part, fly from Transporter Station to Transporter
Station, eliminating all Transporters in your way. Be careful not to
let more than two of them escape, ore else you'll fail. Concentrate on
those which take off, then on those which are still on the ground. As
soon as all Transporters are crap, proceed to the big temple thingy in
the center o' the map. Wait in front of the doors, and as they open,
fly inside. Strafe back and forth inside, but save your Cluster
Missiles for escaping Transporters or X-Wings. When you wasted the
last of them, the mission is over. Oh, there's no need to destroy the
enemy fighters roaming the mission territorry, they're just there to
improve your kill score.


Bonus Mission V - Endurance

Starting craft: X-Wing
After completition: A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing etc.
Enemies: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Advanced, Imperial Shuttle

How to do:
All right. You are a lonesome X-Wing above the second Death Star.
There are lots and lots of TIEs which only want to KILL you. There is
a total amount of 1300 of them in 99 waves. After 9 completed waves,
the next one consists of Shuttles. Shoot them all to gain an extra (!)
life. These waves are there to recover yourself. Fly around and wait
until your shield is full replenished before you take down the last
Shuttle. This requires an X-Wing or a Y-Wing under your butt, of
course. If you don't have one, just go hilly-willy on them all. Take
down all 1300 TIEs and Lord vader himself challenges you. Kill him, go
to bed and sleep away your rings under your eyes. Yeah. 99 waves. 1300
TIEs. Get this! I did it, so you can make it too. It's all about


3.) Ships

I will explain each ship and its features here, including the secret ones.



Overwiev: Long nose, 4 closable wings (X-shaped if opened), R2 unit available

Weapons: 4 Lasers, Proton Torpedoes

Shields: Medium

Pros: Medium shields, good weapons, R2 unit, fast if S-Foils closed

Cons: Weak maneuverability with closed Foils

Where to use: Missions with average to high enemy fire



Overwiev: Long trunk with extended drive gondolas, R2 unit available

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Proton Bombs, Ion cannon

Shields: Strong

Pros: Strong shields, heavy weapons, R2 unit

Cons: Unbelieavably slow and sluggish

Where to use: Only in bombing missions or missions with heavy enemy fire



Overwiev: Cool looking craft, even in standstill feeling of velocity

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Concussion Missiles

Shields: Weak

Pros: Very fast, cool engine sound *g*

Cons: Weak shields, no R2 unit

Where to use: Missions based on fast attack & retreat, fights against
fast enemies. Skilled pilots use it everywhere.



Overwiev: Foils extend from cockpit, 3 Lasers at the ends

Weapons: 3 Lasers, Proton Torpedoes, Ion Cannon

Shields: More than X-Wing, less than Y-Wing

Pros: Good shields, wide spread of Lasers

Cons: Bad maneuverability with Foils closed, wide spread of Lasers

Where to use: Attacks on ground targets or heavily armored targets,
hard to get rid of TIEs with



Overwiev: Looks a bit like the A-Wing, but grey

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Tow Cable

Shields: None (!)

Pros: Good to fight against the AT-ATs

Cons: No shields, you're trash after the third direct hit or so

Where to use: Missions against AT-ATs, missions short over the ground


Millenium Falcon

Overwiev: Illegaly modified Transporter with a small radio dish on top

Weapons: 2 twin Lasers (One on top & bottom), Concussion Missiles

Shields: Very strong

Pros: Very strong shields, lower Lasers track enemies, big amount
of Missiles

Cons: Most sluggish ship in the whole game, turning circle is about
3 lightyears wide

Where to use: ONLY in heavy duty missions due to its damn slowness
(e.g. Strike at the Core)


Naboo Starfighter

Overwiev: Stylish yellow trunk with two long, tapering drive gondolas,
R2 unit available

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Proton Torpedoes

Shields: Medium

Pros: Very manoeuverable, average shields, R2 unit

Cons: No speed boost

Where to use: EVERYWHERE!!! This is the best craft in the whole game!


T-19 Skyhopper

Overwiev: Cockpit with 3 extending triangle-like wings

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Proton Torpedoes, Ion Cannon, Concussion Missiles

Shields: Medium

Pros: Fast firing Lasers, 3 (!) secondary weapons

Cons: No R2 unit, thruster need too much time to recharge

Where to use: Training Mission


Slave one

Overwiew: Frying pan-like ship, lasers at the bottom

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Cluster Missiles

Shields: Weak

Pros: Big amount of Cluster Missiles

Cons: Weak shields, Lasers are hard to target with, dead slow

Where to use: NOWHERE!!! This ship is the biggest shit in the galaxy.
It's as durable as a Snowspeeder and as fast as a Y-Wing.


TIE Fighter

Overwiev: Spherical cockpit with 2 Solar Panels on each side

Weapons: Insanely fast firing twin Lasers

Shields: None

Pros: Fast, very manoeuverable

Cons: No shields, no secondary weapon

Where to use: Missions with uncovered armored targets due to its fast
Lasers but weak durability


TIE Advanced

Overwiev: Same as the normal Fighter, but with slightly folded
Solar Panels

Weapons: Same as TIE Fighter, but with Cluster Missiles

Shields: A little more armor than the Fighter

Pros: Same as TIE Fighter, but with the Clusters, it's the better
choice to take

Cons: Weak armor

Where to use: Same as TIE Fighter, but the Advanced should be prefered.


Imperial Shuttle

Overwiev: Oval cockpit gondola, 3 Wings (2 foldable ones), rear
firing Laser

Weapons: 2 front and a twin Laser at the rear of the ship

Shields: Rather strong

Pros: Rear Laser tracks enemies

Cons: A bit slow to escape

Where to use: Only where you have to, there are better choices.


Buick convertible

Overwiev: YES!! A cool black convertible!!!!

Weapons: 2 Lasers, Concussion Missiles

Shields: Like A-Wing

Pros: Fast, maneuverable, cool boost sequency :)

Cons: No R2 unit, weak shields

Where to use: Same as A-Wing


4.) Hints and strategies

a) Combat

=> If you're attacking a TIE on collision course, aim, fire and move a
bit to the left or right immediately, because it mostly fire a last
volley of lasers at you. If you hold the course, they'll hit you.

=> Fire in bunches, don't fire all the time. It downs your accuracy,
and your shots lose power.

=> If there's a TIE behind you, fly escape maneuvers until you don't
get hit anymore. Then throw out the anchor and do a sharp turn TO THE

=> If you are attacking a static target, keep firing at it, but vary
your speed. This makes it harder for the enemy to hit you (e.g. Razor
Rendezvous). Short before it, turn away and boost your butt outta the
dangerzone. Repeat until your target is gone.

=> If you're very low on energy and you don't have a R2 unit, try at
least to crash into an enemy if your death is inevitable.

b) Defense

=> Always attack those enemies first which are closest to your ally.
Shoot your way through to the rear, but attack the single one from the
lower rear to avoid its defense fire.

=> Don't be afraid of using your secondary weapons. If you lose your
allies, you'll lose the whole mission.

=> Be careful around Cluster Missiles. They track the good too, so
only fire when there's no ally in sight.


5.) Cheats

Some cheats require two entries. They're all listed below.

LIONHEAD Monochrome graphics
BLAHBLAH Audio commentary
EXHIBIT! Art gallery
?INSIDER Documentary
THATSME! Credits
JPVI?IJC / RSBFNRL Unlimited lives
AYZB!RCL / WRKFORIT All Tech Upgrades
!??QWTTJ / CLASSIC All standard missions
PYST?OOO / DUCKSHOT Bonus Mission: Death Star Escape
TVLYBBXL / NOWAR!!! Bonus Mission: Asteroid Field
AZTBOHII / OUTCAST! Bonus Mission: Triumph of the Empire
OGGRWPDG / EEKEEK! Bonus Mission: Revenge on Yavin
?WCYBRTC / ??MBC??? Bonus Mission: Endurance
U!?!VWZC / GIVEITUP Unlock Ace Mode
CDYXF!?Q / ASEPONE! Naboo Starfighter
MVPQIU?A / OH!BUDDY Millennium Falcon
AJHH!?JY / BUSTOUR Imperial Shuttle
!ZUVIEL! / !BENZIN! Buick Convertible (replaces the 2nd A-Wing in the hangar)


6.) Contact

If you have any questions about this walkthrough, mail me. My e-mail
adress is: . Please put "Star Wars Rogue Leader"
in your subject, and make sure your question isn't answered here. Any
others containing no "Star Wars Rogue Leader" will go straight to the
junk bin.


7.) Legal stuff

This text is under the copyright of Michael Arnold. You are not
allowed to take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You
are also not allowed to alter it in any way. Don't post it on your
website unless you don't have absolute permission of me. is
the only site which is allowed to post it.


That's it! May the Force be with you!

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