Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

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17.10.2013 13:57:05

Covert Ops FAQ


Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory


1. Table of Contents
2. About this Game
3. About the Covert Ops Class
4. Pros and Cons
5. Weapons
6. Promotions, XP, and Leveling Up
7. Voicechats & Hotkeys
8. Credits


Welcome, readers, to the Covert Ops FAQ for Enemy Territory. This
FAQ will tell you everything about the Covert Ops class. It has
tips, strategies, and useful information.

I'm a pretty good Covert Ops, and usually gain a bunch of XP. In
the game, my username is: SS loadingNOW. I usually play as a Covert
Ops with an FG42.

This FAQ came to be because I felt that there should be an FAQ for
every class. So I proposed this idea at the Game FAQs ET Message
Board, and me and a few other members agreed to make an FAQ for each
class. And thus, I created this FAQ.


The Covert Ops is the only new class in ET. This class is all
about one thing: Sabotage. You have great weapons for taking out the
enemy, and most of them are silenced. You have Sniper Rifles. You
have Satchel Charges. You have Smoke Grenades. Your Satchels will
help you in the really cool sabotage this class can do.

You could steal uniforms with this class.:) This is really cool
because then you could basically walk up to an enemy and not get shot
at. But they could still recognize you because you will have a red
band around one of your arms. To steal uniforms, first kill an
enemy. Then make sure that they are truly dead. You will know this
because they will not be moving anymore. Then walk up to their dead
bodies (as soon as possible). Look down and press the activate
button. You should see a picture of a coat with a blue bar below it.
The blue bar represents how much of the uniform you have taken so
far. You have to fill up the blue bar entirely to take their

The Covert Ops can also do a lot of other useful different stuff.
They can disrupt enemy spawns, secretly destroy objectives, spot
mines, and snipe. You can halt an enemy attack by putting a Satchel
Charge where there is a lot of Allies and blow it up, killing them.
You could do that to objectives too, with grenades also.

Spotting mines is quite useful. To spot a mine, you must first be
awarded with binoculars. You could get them by getting the first
level in Light Weapons category. Then take out your binoculars and
look where you think that there are mines, and when you see a mine,
click your attack button. A message will go out to your entire team
telling them to look at their command map to see where the mines are.

Sniping is what the Covert Ops is really about. To snipe, you must
press your secondary action button. But you must have a sniper rifle
in the first place. (See weapons section.)

So that basically sums up the Covert Ops class. You will have to
play it yourself to see how it really is. The rest of this FAQ is
basically information, strategies, tips, and that kind of stuff.


-Good weapons.
-Could spot mines.
-Could steal uniforms.
-Have Satchel Charges.
-Have the Sniping ability.
-Have Smoke Grenades.

-Start out with little ammo.
-Weak at direct fighting. (Close Quarter Combat.)


Ahhhhh, the weapons. For some reason, the Covert Ops have the
coolest weapons. Here they are:

---Main Weapons---

Silenced M1 Garand
This weapon is pretty good. It has an ammo clip of 8, it's silenced,
and it's powerful. You could also shoot it in semiautomatic mode.
But there are tow major flaws that make me want to dismiss this
weapon right away. One; you cant reload, you can only reload when
your ammo clip runs out of ammo. This brings the weapon
effectiveness down by A LOT. Two; it only has a clip of 8. Yeah,
this doesn't sound like a big difference over the K43, but if you
actually think about it, those two shots could mean the difference
between life and death. Because of these tow drawbacks, I don't
really favor this weapon.
-Could only reload when clip is out of ammo.
-Clip size of 8.
Rating: 2/5

Silenced K43 (Axis Only)
The K43 is a very effective weapon. It has a clip of 10, its
silenced, and it's very accurate. Like the Garand, you could shoot
this in semiautomatic mode too. But it has two very distinct
advantages over the Garand. One; you could reload whenever you want.
Two; it has a clip size of 10. This makes this weapon a much more
favorable one than the Garand.
-Could reload.
-Clip size of 10.
-A little less powerful than the Garand.
Rating: 4/5

FG42 (All Teams)
The FG42 is a really cool weapon. It's basically a machine gun with
a sniper scope. When in normal mode, it could shoot like a rapid
machine gun. But when in sniper mode, is can shoot like a slow
semiautomatic weapon. The only bad things in this weapon are that it
has a small clip (20), and no zoom. There is no need for zoom
anyways. Those are only minor flaws. The other good points more
than make up for this gun's flaws.
-Rapid Shooting.
-Fast Reload.
-Really Really Cool.
-No Zoom.
-Small Clip.
Rating: 5/5

Silenced Sten Submachine Gun (All Teams)
This is a really hard weapon to master, but in the right hands, it
could be a deadly weapon. It is a very powerful and accurate machine
gun, and a few bullets in the head will kill an enemy. But like all
other weapons, it has flaws. This weapon overheats after about 10-15
shots. But that is the only flaw. So, if you want to use this
weapon, master it first.
-Cool design.
-Flash Suppressor.
-Tough to master.
Rating: 4/5

---Secondary Weapons---

Grenades (All Teams, All Classes)
The grenade has been found to so useful, that at least one has been
given to each class. You could throw them over walls, around
corners, or into bunkers. They cause a small explosion that will
kill a person it it explodes on them. They have a 5 second timer.
-Useable in a lot of situations.
-One hit kills.
Rating: 5/5

Silenced Colt (Allies)
A good backup weapon. Not recommended, but it is enough to keep you
alive. At long distances it is pretty accurate. It can also fire
quite rapidly. To do that, hit the attack key rapidly.
-Rapid Fire.
-Little Ammo.
Rating: 2/5

Silenced Luger (Axis)
The Axis backup weapon. Very accurate. To fire rapidly, hit the
attack key rapidly. Looks weird though.
-Rapid Fire.
-Little Ammo.

Knife (All Players)
Your last resort weapon. No recommended at all. Has no range at
all. Stabs really fast. It also deals a lot of damage if it hits.
You could also stab people in the back with it to kill them in one
hit. That's called a backstab.
-Fast Stabbing.
-Powerful if hits.
-Useful in many situations.
-No range.
-People laugh at you.
Rating: 3/5

---Special Weapons---

Smoke Grenade
A really good weapon in many situations. Lets say that you have a
corridor full of Mobile MG's. Throw a smoke in, walk in there, and
stab em all. I seriously did that once on Siwa Oasis. This grenade
goes pretty far, and smoke a lot. Good for concealing yourself or an
-Great for concealing yourself or your teammates.
-Harasses the enemy.
-Lets out a lot of smoke.
-You can't see through the smoke.
-Unlimited supply.
-None Really.
Rating: 5/5

Satchel Charge
A very powerful explosive. You could set it off from a distance. It
could open some doors. It is also good for destroying objectives or
blocking a path.
-You could set it off from a distance.
-Opens some doors.
-Destroys some objectives.
-Could block a path.
-Unlimited Supply.
-It has a range.
Rating: 5/5

---Other Tools & Weapons---

Tank Gun
An extremely powerful gun capable of basically perforating one enemy
after another.
-Unlimited Ammo.
-Extremely Powerful.
-No reloading.
-Could be destroyed.
Rating: 4/5

Stationary MG
A very powerful gun that kills enemies fast. Its found on most maps.
A well placed MG could halt the entire team's assault.
-Unlimited Ammo.
-No Reloads.
-Very Powerful.
-Could stop enemy from advancing.
-Could be destroyed.

A pair of binoculars used for spotting mined and monitoring enemy
-Used for spotting mines.
-Used for monitoring enemy movements.
-Doesn't do anything else.
Rating: 3/5


The Covert Ops get XP like any other class. Here are ho they get XP.

Cover Ops Skill XP
3XP for every land mine spotted
3XP for kills with a bodyshot, armshot, or legshot
5XP for kills with a headshot
5XP for every time you disguise yourself in an enemy uniform
5XP for kills with a Satchel Charge
7XP for every time you use a Satchel Charge to destroy an objective

Light Weapons XP - grenades, pistols, knives, ...etc.
5XP for every headshot
3XP for every other kill

Battle Sense XP
Cold You're not engages in any combat. 0XP per 30 seconds
Warm You're dealing damage. 2XP per 30 seconds
Hot You're dealing and receiving damage. 5XP per 30 seconds
Super-Hot You're killing and receiving damage. 8XP per 30 seconds

Now here are the Levels:

***Covert Ops Skills***
-Level 1
Improved Use of Scoped Weapon Ammunition
You get an extra ammo clip for your scoped weapon every time you get
an ammo pack.

-Level 2
Improved Use of Sabotage and Misdirection
Your expertise allows you to use your Satchel Charge and Smoke
Grenades more often; your power bar usage will be reduced by 1/3rd.

-Level 3
Breath Control
You r mastery in the sniper's arts results in a 50% reduction in both
recoil jump and weapon sway from scoped weapons.

-Level 4
Your expertise with a knife allows you a kill with any backstab.

***Light Weapons Skills***
-Level 1
Improved use of Light Weapon Ammunition
You will receive an extra clip for your gun every time you spawn.

-Level 2
Faster Reload
Your expertise in gun warfare has given you the ability to reload 35%

-Level 3
Improved Light Weapon Handling
Your spread will be reduced by 35%.
Your pistol's recoil will be reduced.

-Level 4
Dual Wield Pistols
You are rewarded with the ability to use two pistols instead of one.
You will get one pistol in each hand.

***Battle Sense Skills***
-Level 1
You will be rewarded with Binoculars. You can now spot landmines and
monitor enemy movement.

-Level 2
Improved Physical Fitness
Your stamina bar will recharge faster.

-Level 3
Improved Health
You will get an extra 15HP.

-Level 4
Trap Awareness
You will be able to spot landmines without binoculars.


***Useful Voice Chats***
V-2-1: I need a medic!
V-2-2: I need ammo!
V-2-4: We need an engineer!
V-2-3: I need backup!
V-5-7: *Cheer*
V-4-1: Yes/Affirmative
V-4-2: No/Negative
V-4-3: Thanks!
V-4-5: Sorry!
V-3-2: Lets Go!
V-1-0: Enemy In Disguise!!!

1. Knife
2. Pistol
3. Main Weapon
4. Grenades
5. Smoke Grenade
6. Satchel Charge
B. Binoculars



This FAQ was written by Krzysztof Tekiela. It is copyrighted by me
in 2003. If you want to put this FAQ in your or someone else's
website, email me at loadingnow42@yahoo.com

Here are the Credits:
To me for making this FAQ.
To Splash Damage for making such an excellent game.
To all the other players who make this game so enjoyable.
To the people at gamefaqs for making and managing this site.


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