M1 Tank Platoon 2

M1 Tank Platoon 2

16.10.2013 09:27:55
M1 Tank Platoon II for Windows 95
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Last Revised: April 28, 1998

System Requirements
IBM PC 133MHz Pentium compatible or faster
Windows 95 and DirectX 5.0
Super VGA graphics for 640 x 480 x 256 colors
Hard drive (200MB free)
Quad-speed CD-ROM drive
DirectX-compatible sound card

IBM PC 200MHz Pentium compatible or faster
3Dfx-based graphics accelerator card (for Glide)
Intel 740 or Matrox Millennium graphics
accelerator card (for Direct3D)

Required for Multiplayer Option
Null-modem serial cable (2 players)
28.8kps Windows 95-compatible modem or faster (2 players)
Local area network with IPX protocol (2û5 players)

Q: When installing M1 Tank Platoon II, I get an error
message "105" indicating that a file cannot be found.

A: This is caused by your CD-ROM reader operating in DOS
Compatibility Mode (16-bit mode). Compatibility Mode
drivers do not support Windows 95's long file names.
Install the 32-bit drivers for your CD-ROM drive by
opening the Windows Start Menu and selecting Settings>
Control Panel>Add New Hardware. Follow the onscreen
instructions to complete the installation. You
can determine the properties of your CD-ROM drive
in the Windows Start Menu under Settings>Control Panel>
System>Device Manager/CD-ROM.

Q: As soon as I launch M1 Tank Platoon II, the game exits
to Windows and there isn't an error message.

A: This can occur with some video card drivers. Download
and install the latest drivers from your video card
manufacturer's Web site. If you continue to get this
problem, open the Windows Start Menu>Settings>Control
Panel>Display Properties>Settings and lower the screen
resolution to 800 x 600 and/or the color depth to
256 colors.

Make sure you do not have any programs running in the
background, such as screen savers and virus checking
programs. An example of this is Norton Crash Protector.
This kind of program can cause problems with games.

A general piece of advice (not just for our games but for
anybody's) is to make sure no background programs are
running. Before launching the game, press Ctrl-Alt-Del
to bring up the Close Program dialog box. Click
"End Task" on anything that's running besides Explorer
and Systray.

You might also want to download DirectX directly from
Microsoft. Contact Microsoft online at the following
Web site address:


Q: My 3-D graphics accelerator uses the Voodoo Rush chipset
and I am getting a blank screen when I try to enter a

A: The update now supports Voodoo Rush cards in 3Dfx Glide
mode, so the game will be fully functional when you enter
a mission.

Q: When I start up the War College, I get an error message
about QuickTime.

A: If you open your CD-ROM using Windows Explorer, you will
see a program called "QT16" in the DSG folder. Double-click
on "QT16" to install QuickTime.

Q: I have selected "Glide" in M1 Tank Platoon's video
configuration, but the game does not work.

A: You need to visit your 3Dfx card's manufacturer to download
the latest version of the Glide drivers. Our update will
add Direct3D support. This will allow the game to be
played with a wider array of 3-D graphics cards.

Q: I cannot use Alt-Tab to switch between M1 Tank Platoon II
and other Windows applications.

A: M1 Tank Platoon II is extremely resource-intensive and
should not be used with any multitasking programs. It is
strongly recommended that you shut down all programs before
launching M1 Tank Platoon II and avoid using Alt-Tab.

Q: How do I uninstall M1 Tank Platoon II?

A: Go to your Windows Control Panel and choose "Add/Remove
Programs." You will see M1 Tank Platoon II listed. Never
uninstall a Windows game by merely deleting its folder.

Q: In my Main Map screen and Battle Planner, buttons either
flicker or they cannot be seen.

A: In the update, you can press Alt-F to remove the flicker
observed in the Main Map screen and Battle Planner when
using video cards that do not support the "DDraw BlitSync"
function. (If you have the Diamond Viper 330 video card,
press Alt-F to correct the Main Screen blackout.)

Q: I do not see a "Quit" button in the Main Menu screen.
How do I exit the game?

A: After you install the update, open the Main Menu
screen and select the Configuration screen. Turn
off the "Menu Bars" in the Configuration screen so
that the animated menus become disabled. The Quit
button will now be displayed in the Main Menu screen.
Alternately, you can press the standard Windows
command, ALT-F4, to immediately exit the game.

Q: Right after the opening videos, I get a blank screen
where the main screen should be.

A: The update corrects problems with video cards that
are missing certain functions. Try pressing Alt-F.

Q: I have an Orchid 3Dfx video card and the game won't work
in 3Dfx Glide mode.

A: Visit Orchid's Web site at www.orchid.com and download
the most current video drivers. This will solve
your video card incompatibility.

Q: What cards are supported in Direct3D?

A: Direct3D may be used with the Matrox Millennium
and Intel 740 cards.

Q: When I start moving in LAN play, some users' games exit
out to Windows.

A: The game needs time when starting for everyone to get
synchronized. Before moving the platoon, everyone should
stay at the initial staging area until all players can see
one another.

Q: We're playing on a local area network (LAN), but we're
seeing "phantom" tanks or "phantom" players who appear
to be destroyed but who can still maneuver.

A: The game needs time when starting for everyone to get
synchronized. Before moving the platoon, everyone should
stay at the initial staging area until all players can
see one another.

Q: Besides being more stable and reliable, what other
enhancements does the update add to multiplayer mode?

A: The host can no longer jump into other players' tanks.
Player names are now associated with in-game chat messages
(which stay on screen much longer). Also, other players'
smoke grenades will now appear on your screen.

Q: How can I get the best modem head-to-head performance?

A: You should connect to another modem using TCP/IP.

Q: I cannot seem to get the Single Battle to work on
our LAN.

A: Multiplayer is intended for Random and Campaign modes
only. Note that some of the larger maps can cause
synchronization errors on some networks.

Q1: I'm trying to exit the mission by clicking on the "Exit"
button in my map view, but it just takes me to another

Q2: In the LAN game, the mission does not end although the
objective is complete or all players' tanks have been

A: To end a mission, type Shift-Q and wait for the commander
to issue orders to stand down.

Q: How do I play M1 Tank Platoon II on the Internet?

A: M1 Tank Platoon II is not designed for the Internet. While
it may be possible to play 2-player games via the Internet,
you will probably get unpredictable results. Network play
is limited to LANs, which can better handle the large amount
of data M1 Tank Platoon II sends and receives.

Q: We're using TCP/IP for our LAN network protocol, and it
doesn't seem to work.

A: For TCP/IP connections, ensure that Dial-Up Networking is
set to "Don't Prompt" to use "Dial-Up Networking." This is
set in the Dial-Up Networking program located in your
Start Menu>Programs>Accessories>Dial-Up Networking icon.
In addition, make sure that Dial-Up Networking is loaded
before starting any multiplayer M1 Tank Platoon II game.

Q: I seem to get better performance in multiplayer
with smaller battles, and I was wondering how I
could get smaller battles than the ones that are
available now.

A: With the update, we added some new battle scenarios
that are smaller in size; they work better in the
multiplayer environment.

Q: I designate a target for my gunner and he confirms, but
he doesn't seem to fire.

A: In the update, the gunner now drops all other tasks
and immediately engages the designated target.

Q: I installed the update, but the gunner still
does not shoot at the target I designate from the
Tank Commander's screen.

A: By default, the gunner is holding fire. Initiate
the "Fire At Will" command [key F] and the gunner
will engage your designated target.

Q: My gunners seem to automatically use up the MPAT and STAFF
rounds early on in the game. How can I get them to conserve
those types of ammo?

A: Give your platoon "Hold Fire" orders until their targets
are within 2,000 meters. If an enemy target is within 1,000
meters, the gunner will ignore the "hold fire" and engage
this close threat.

Q: I installed the update, and now my gunner keeps
changing ammo without my telling him to do anything,
or he keeps repeating "load [ammo]" like an echo.

A: This can happen if the joystick hat switch is
incorrectly calibrated because the hat switch on
your joystick now controls your ammo selection.
Recalibrate your joystick in the Window's Start
Menu>Settings>Control Panel>Game Controllers>

Q: Why doesn't the gunner shoot the ammo that I select?

A: In the update, the ammo you choose will now override
the computer gunner's choice. This will not change
until you relinquish control of the gunner or the
gunner has destroyed the current target.

Q: I was told that artillery-delivered smoke was available
in the update, but I can't find it.

A: Artillery-delivered smoke has a 40% random chance of
being available in Movement to Contact and Assault
missions. It is listed in the support section of the
Map screen as "SPM SMK."

Q: I cannot get past the Platoon Records screen to create
a platoon.

A: To create a platoon do the following: (1) Left-click on
one of the blank panels in the Platoon Records screen;
(2) Left-click on the "Create Platoon" key below your
highlighted blank panel; (3) Enter your desired platoon name
in the pop-up box and press Return; (4) select your
desired "Service;" (5) Left-click on the lower left and
right arrow buttons to select your insignia; and
(6) Left-click on the text above the insignia
(e.g., "1st Marine" or "1-32 Armor").

Q: I am having trouble saving a mission in one of the
prebuilt (NATO or Gulf War) scenarios.

A: Those missions are not meant to be modified. "Save Battle"
should be used only for Campaign or Random.

Q: How do I accurately engage targets from the Gunners
Primary Sight?

A: To hit a moving target, lase the vehicle for a couple
of seconds while keeping the reticle in one spot in the
center of the target mass. While still lasing the target,
squeeze the trigger and the round when fired will hit the
target. This is the same procedure that the military
gunners must use. (Note: If the reticle is drifting to
the front or back of the vehicle, the battle computer
will miscalculate the speed of the target, thus causing
the player's shot to miss.)

Q: How do I back up my tank?

A: After coming to a complete stop, press the down arrow
key (decelerate). When held down, you will start moving
in reverse.

Q: Why do my tank drivers run my tanks into each other?

A: This most often happens when the drivers are of skill
rating "Poor." The ranks of your drivers can be raised
though the use of medals, promotions -- and most
importantly -- experience.

Q: In the Map screen, how can I determine elevation?

A: In the update, the Map screen has been enhanced. By
pressing the "L" key, contour lines will toggle on
and off. This new feature allows you to view terrain
elevation levels much easier in the Map screen.

Q: I have the update and I cannot get the Scan/Auto
button to light either by clicking on it with the
mouse or by using the keyboard keys.

A: The Scan/Auto mode will automatically change to
the Search mode when the joystick is moved. Therefore,
if a joystick is drifting, the mode will continually
switch to Search. In your Windows Start Menu, select
Settings>Control Panel>Game Controllers>Advanced.
Confirm that the device ID number is set to #1 and
that the joystick is properly calibrated. To calibrate
your joystick, select Settings>Control Panel>Game
Controllers>General>Properties>Settings. If your
joystick manufacturer provides its own calibration,
use their designated calibration.

If you have more than one joystick port, disable
the one not in use -- an active unused port could
produce "ghost" signals. Some joysticks can experience
"heat drift" if plugged into some sound cards. If
this is a problem, you may want to consider a dedicated
game controller card. Drift can also be due to worn
parts; check your joystick's manufacturer's Web site
for their repair/replacement policies.

Q: I have a ThrustMaster joystick and I can't seem to
calibrate it.

A: ThrustMaster has a calibration program called ProPanel,
which can be downloaded from their Web site at

Q: My chase view [F8] is difficult to stabilize.

A: In the update, both the mouse and joystick
controls allow for panning in the Chase View. The
joystick functions automatically. A left-click of
the mouse initiates control and a right-click
halts panning. This feature functions like the GPS
and Commander's Outside Hatch view.

Q: I cannot tell what direction I'm facing in the Tank
Commander's Hatch view [F7].

A: In the update, the tank's hull and turret are now
visible in the Tank Commander's Out Hatch view, which
gives the Tank Commander added situational awareness.

Q: In the original M1 Tank Platoon, you could select whether
the machine gun was stable or not relative to the turret.

A: The 50-caliber will now turn and bounce relative to the
turret and to tank movement. Pressing the "K" key will
stabilize the machine gun, like in the original game.
This feature was added in the update.

Q: The turret clock in the Tank Commander's screen is too
small to read.

A: In the update, the CITV turret clock is enlarged so it
is much easier to read.

Q: It seems as if I'm not vulnerable when I stick my head
out of the Tank Commander's Hatch.

A: In the update, Tank Commanders using the 50-caliber are
now more likely to be killed by artillery and enemy fire.

Q: I can't always tell what's happening with the text
messages in the upper left corner.

A: In the update, more explanatory text messages have been
added for features such as Arrow-key Driving, Smoke
Generators on/off, and air/ground mode.

Q: The tank interiors always look the same regardless of
time of day.

A: This is changed in the update. Now, the interior cockpit
views have been altered according to the time of day
of the mission. For example, your cockpits will appear
darker in night missions than during day missions.

Q: I see a "seam" in the sky when I play in 3Dfx Glide mode.

A: This "seam" in the sky has been removed in the update.

Q: The enemy helicopters do not seem to be much of a
threat to my tanks.

A: In the update, helicopter engagements have been enhanced
so that they pose more of a threat to your tanks.

Q: When I switch to my Coax Gun and then back to the
Main Gun, the Main Gun is not loaded.

A: In the update, you can now switch back and forth
from a Main Gun round to the Coax without having
to reload the Main Gun round.

Q: Sometimes my Main Gun fires a volley.

A: In the update, the Main Gun will fire only one
main round at a time.

Q: I can still see the commander's position even
though the commander has been killed.

A: In the update, you will see a blank screen in the Tank
Commander's Cockpit when the CITV is damaged. Likewise,
if the Tank Commander is dead, you can no longer manipulate
the 50-caliber machine gun.

Q: My gunner has been killed, yet I can still see the
Gunner's Primary Sight (GPS) screen.

A: In the update, the GPS screen will be blank just like
the CITV if the gunner or both gunner and tank commander
are killed.

Q: I don't see any smoke coming from my damaged tanks.

A: In the update, both friendly and enemy vehicles will
pop smoke to cover their tracks when damaged.

Q: How do I command my driver to turn the hull to gun?

A: In the update, you can now move your hull's position
relative to the turret so that you can provide
maximum protection when engaging targets. Pressing
Shift-G in the Tank Commander's Out Hatch view will
turn the hull to the 50-caliber's current direction.
Pressing Shift-G in the Tank Commander's Cockpit will
turn the hull to the CITV's current direction.

Manual Errata
Q: The manual says there is a binocular view, but I can't
get it to work.

A: This has been corrected in the update. Binoculars and
Night Vision Goggles (NVG) have been added to the Tank
Commander's Out Hatch view. The "Z" and "X" keys toggle
the binoculars on and off, while the "T" key toggles
the NVG on and off.

Q: The manual implies that I can bring up vehicle damage
reports in the commander's cockpit [F1]. Why doesn't
this work?

A: The map screen [F3] is an enlarged view of the
IVIS. Click on the individual tank on the Map Screen
or click on the vehicle in the selected platoon on the
upper right of the side of the screen. You will then
see the damage report for the selected tank.

Q: The manual implies I can give the platoon sergeant's
vehicle separate orders and the others will follow. Why
doesn't this work?

A: Orders are given by selecting the whole platoon or by
splitting tanks off of the platoon. With this process,
each tank can be given orders.

Update Issues
Q: My computer crashes after I install the update. For
example, when I go to the Tank Commander's Out Hatch
[F1], I get the "black screen of death."

A: Confirm that you have not used a 16-bit software
program to extract the update. You will need to
use a 32-bit extraction software program such as
Pkunzip for Windows 95 (www.pkware.com) or WinZip
(www.winzip.com). These programs can be downloaded
from the Internet as free shareware programs.

Q: I cannot get all the buttons on my joystick to work,
and some key commands found in the manual and keyboard
chart do not seem to work.

A: The update now has fully functional joystick buttons
and key commands.

Q: Is there a night vision view from the Tank Commander's
Out Hatch in the update?

A: Yes. In the update, press the "T" key in the
Tank Commander's Out Hatch.

Q: Now that I have installed the update, I get an error
message when I use my saved platoons from M1 Tank
Platoon II.

A: We recommend that you create new platoons in your
updated version of M1 Tank Platoon II.

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