Etherlords 2

Etherlords 2

17.10.2013 20:08:29
Starter Guide


This is the final version of this guide. The game is quite old and to tell
you all frankly, i don't play it anymore and that is why i will not have
any new things to show. But to all readers, if you have any ideas, tips,
suggestions about this game, send it to me, it will be very
much appreciated. If you do send anything to me, i'll see to it that it you'll
be credited here and your submission posted. Thanks a lot.

Created By: JumboLiLiT
Date Created: Nov. 14, 2003
Version 1.0

This Faq/Guide was completely written by myself, JumboLiLiT. This was made
mainly for personal use only. You are free to post this guide as long as
no changes and modifications are applied to it.

Version History:

Version 0.5 --- Initial Release.
Version 1.0 (Mar/04) --- Deck Submission update. Received a deck submission
from djsgdhsgd.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Class Descriptions
III. Hero Skills
IV. Specializations
V. Artifacts
VI. Tips
VII. Card Combos
VIII. Credits

I. Introduction

Wow, this is my first Faq. I just hope you can find something useful here to b
a better Etherlords II player. I remember I was just surfing for some
walkthroughs on Heroes of Myt & Magic when I ran into a review on Etherlords.
I read it and thought i'll give it a try. Yes! just what i've been looking for,
a turn-based strategy game that has plenty of depth and variety. I've played
HOMM and Disciples II but this one offers something new yet familiar even to
the most jaded TBS gamer. I've been playing this for sometime now yet i'm still
not finished with the campaign. I've just started the second part which is on
the Chaots and Kinets. (Chalk it up to too much Ragna..)

I must warn you first, that this guide was made especially for the newbies in
the game. I'll try to explain as much stuff as i can to help the novices. But
i also made a card combo section that shows some decks that may interest some
players.I'm planning on updating it the most and hopingfor some of your own
responses and ideas. Just email me, and i will make sure that your combo will
be shown here. Well, that's all and i hope you may find this guide worth

II. Class Descriptions

"Choose your own Poison."

------------------------<><> Vitals : The Green <><>---------------------------

Ahh.. the Vitals. That peaceful, nature-loving race. I guess it's obvious that
this clan's theme is mostly about Mother Nature. Their creatures are pretty
diverse and their enchantments are quite powerful. Vitals have very few spells
that do direct damage to enemies. You must improvise on the execution of its
other spells to compromise this especially when your enemy has lots of tough
walls and critters just won't cut it. Mostly these types of spells has a
"thorns" feel to it. It's either you must sacrifice a monster or life or some-
thing like that. The trick is you should think ahead of your spells and
estimate your chances.

------------------------<><> Kinets : The Blue <><>----------------------------

The Kinets sure do emit that kind of mysterious aura when I play them. They
seem to be from some outer planes or seem to be of an unknown type of beings.
Are they Angels? Well anyway, Kinets own really good sorcery spells and some
powerful critters to match. Their sorcery spells can dish out interesting
attacks and with the right combinations you sure can make your opponent go
nuts thinking about your next move.

------------------------<><> Chaots : The Red <><>-----------------------------

Destroy!Destroy! Hehehe, this seems to be the "feel" of this race. They are
kinda like the bad guys in this game. Their monsters looks like they have been
ripped off an RPG game: Rats, Bats, Orcs..etc. They're offensive yet at the
same time defensive as seen on the variety of their walls. They sure can finish
you off with their powerful sorceries: Comet, thunderstorm, lightning.. They're
hard to beat even if they don't summon anything.

------------------------<><> Synthets: The Black <><>--------------------------

R2D2 may very well likely pick this race. I don't know, are they cyborgs or
mutants? Androids maybe? Well, whatever they may be, this clan can sure do
whoop ass fairly quickly bec. they have some critters that enables them to
attack right after casting, or "no summoning sickness" in Magic:TG. I think
for them it is usually about speed and power. They have a wide range of
powerful critters, and using them with their sorceries, it can be pretty
sick when it gets going.

III. Hero Skills

The following are the different kinds of skills a hero can aquire to help in
battle. In the campaign mode, each level up of the hero entitles you to a skill
of your choice.

Strength.....................increases Life
Learning..................... hero earns more experience
Resources.................... hero can cast a spell more than once per combat
Artificer.................... allows use of artifacts more than once in combat
Concentration................ hero receives additional spells every few
combat rounds
Regeneration................. restores hero's health during combat
Luck......................... increases the chance of hero's specialization
to work
Suppression.................. decreases the chance an enemy's specialization
to work
Channeling................... Postpones ether disturbance for hero and
accelerates for enemy

| Hero Skill | Skill Upgrade Level |
| Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Strength | Life + 10 % | Life + 20 % | Life + 30 % |
Learning | Experience = 25% | Experience = 50% | Experience = 100% |
Resources | Can cast a spell 2x | Can cast a spell 4x| can cast a spell 7x |
Artificer | 2 artfcts per cmbat | 4 artfcts per cmbt | 8 artfcts per cmbat |
Concentration| +1 spell evry 4 rnds| +1 spell evry 3 rnd| +1 spell evry 2 rnds|
Regeneration | +1 life evry 3 rnds | +1 life evry 3 rnds| +1 life evry 1 rnds |
Luck |Slightly btter chance| improved chance | much imprved chance |
Suppression |Slightly worse chnce | worse chance | much worse chance |
Channeling |Hero=+1 ; Enemy= 1 | Hero=+2 ; enemy= -2| Hero=+3; Enemy=-3 |

Well, Im going to include my Top 5 pick for these skills. Here they are:

1. Luck - of course! dishing out your specialty often really helps a lot.
2. Suppression - lower ur enemies' chance of activating his own specialty.
3. Concentration - an extra card every other round helps. 'nuff said.
4. Resources - determines no. of times u can cast the same spell in combat.
5. Artificer - if you have powerful artfcts, then get at least 1 level.

IV. Specializations

Kobold's Cunning - Any Kobold under the hero's control has a chance to deal
double damage w/ a successful melee attack.

Orc's Thievery - Any Orc under the hero's control has a chance to remove one
spell from an enemy's hand after a successful melee attack.

Rat's Tenacity - Every rat summoned by the hero has a chance to regenerate
when it's toughness drops to zero.

Stones' Wrath - Any Wall of Stone under the heor's control has a chance to
destroy a blocked creature at the end of combat phase.

Fighter's Guile - Any Fighter under hero's control has a chance to drain
health from enemy hero and pass this health unto its master
( assumes successful melee attack against enemy hero)

Bat's Guile - Any Bat under hero's control has a chance to drain health
from the enemy hero and pass this health unto its master.
(assumes successful melee attack vs. hero)

Cutter's Restlessness - Any cutter under hero's control has a chance to ignore
"rest" phase after attacking.

Pteros' Purifying Strike- a successful attack by pteros against an enemy hero
or creature results in the target's enchantment
being displelled.

Veloses-Twins - The hero has a chance to summon 2 velos using a single
summon spell.

Dazzling Illusion - Each time an enemy creature is blocked by a wall of
illusion under the heros' control; there is chance that the
blocked creaure will be enchanted w/ the "enfeeblement"

Hornet's Interception - Any hornet under the hero's control has a chance to
attack first even if defending against a creature with
" First Strike" ability.

Treant's Guile - any treant under the hero's control has a chance to drain the
health from enemy hero and pass this health to its master
(assumes successful attack against enemy hero)

Snake's Venom - Each time a snake under this hero's control bites an enemy hero
there is a chance that the enemy hero will be enchanted by the
"envenoming spell".

Finguses' Vitality - Every fingus summoned by the hero has a chance to regen
when its toughness drops to zero.

Halos' Twins - The hero has a chance to summon two halos' using a single spell

Aviaks' Cunning - Any aviak under the hero's control has a chance to deal 2x
damage w/ a successful melee attack.

Gibbering's - Any gibbering under the hero's control has a chance not ot rest
Restlessness after attacking.

Lamias' Thievery - Any Lamia under the hero's control has a chance not ot rest
after attacking.

Winds' Wrath - Any wall of air under the hero's control has a chance to
destroy a flying creature at the end of combat phase.

Burn Relief - Hero has a chance to avoid or reduce damage received from the
"Ether Burn" spell.

Offering to Fire - Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to
survive its sacrifice to the "Burnout" spell.

Discrimination - Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to avoid
Lightning the effect of the "Lightning Storm" spell.

Smoke - Every combat round, every creature under the hero's control
Resistance has a chance to avoid the effect of the "smoke" spell for
one round.

Greater - The hero has a chance to use the recycling part of "Energize"
Energize spell more than once per turn.

Quick Repair - The hero has chance to use the recycling part of
"Repair Station" spell more than once per turn.

Suffocation - Each combat round, every creature under the hero's control
Resistance to avoid the effect of "Suffocation Gas" spell.

Selective - When using the "purify" spell, the hero has a chance to not
Purification only discard all spells from enemy hand, but also deal
1 damage for each discarded spell.

Destructive Wipe - When using "Mindwipe" spell, hero has a chance not to only
discard all spells but also deal 1 damage for each discarded

Offering to - Every creature under this heros' control has a chance to
Ether survive its sacrifice to the "Spiritual Lock" spell.

Prolonged - Each combat round, each "Bless" spell cast by the hero has a
Blessing chance to act one additional round.

Life Web - The hero has a chance to double the health gained from
"Spiritual Web" spell.

Thorn's - The hero has a chance to avoid or reduce damage received from
Protection the "Ether Thorns" Spell.

Discriminating - Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to avoid
Fury the "Fury of Nature" spell.

Enhanced - Every time the "WaterLink" Spell passes its health to hero,
Waterlink there is a chance that the actual health passed will be equal to
the sum of the target creature's power & toughness ( rather than
equal to the toughness only)

Flood Resistance - Each combat round, every creature under the hero's control
has a chance to avoid the effect of the "flood" spell for
one round.

Discriminating - Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to
Unsummoning avoid the effect of the "Greater Unsummoning" spell.

Mind Blast - The hero has a chance to cast "Mind Blast" in such a way
Protection that it will deal damage to enemy hero only.

Suicidal Hunger - Every time the hero casts "Hunger" spell, there is a chance
to prevent any regeneration ability by the target critter.

Expert Artificer - The hero has chance to use the artifact "Free-of-charge"
(w/o expending one of its charges)

Iron Skin - The hero has a chance to negate any melee damage he
received in combat.

Invulnerability - The hero has a chance to negate any non-melee damage he
received in combat.

Dexterous Hands - The hero has a chance to draw 1 additional spell at the
beginning of his attack phase.

Free Casting - The hero has a chance to cast a spell w/o paying its ether
cost. (For a spell with variable casting cost, only the
initial cost is ignored)

Thrifty Casting - The hero has a chance to cast a spell w/o expending its

Tenacious Hands - The hero has a chance to cast a spell w/removing the spell
from his hands(usual charge expenditure still occurs)

Raise Dead - Each combat round, there is a chance that a creature from the
graveyard will return to the hero's hand.

Rebirth - The hero has a chance to return to life after being fatally
wounded, but with only half of the maximum life value.

Spell Translocation - The hero has a chance to draw one more spell from the
spellbook each time he casts any spell.

Physical Resonance - The hero has a chance to deal 1 damage to every hero and
all enemy creatures every time he is damaged by a melee

Magical Resonance - The hero has a chance to deal 1 damage to the enemy hero
and all creatures very time he is damaged by a non-melee

Dragon Skin - The hero has a chance to negate any damage he received in combat
(only monsters can obtain this ability)


Im also going to include my fave 3. Remember the following are just the
specialties i use myself. Every specialty compliments a particular deck, so
it is really up to you to figure w/c one to use.

1. Rebirth ... Yeah, this has got to be my Numero Uno, it's like having
a big plus on your HP. Even Diamanda used this specialty. (-:

2. IronSkin ... A chance of negating a melee attack damage is really cool,
especially when it's crunchtime.

3. Dexterous Hands ... An extra spell can really help you specially in the
later part of the game. It may draw a particular
spell that you badly need.

V. Artifacts

There are a few items in the game that you can equip and use during combat.
These items are called "Artifacts" and they have different magical properties
that could help you greatly in battle.

Rod of Lightning______________________________________________________________

Deals 3 damage to target creature or hero

Rod of Reflection_____________________________________________________________

All damage received by the enchanted hero is reflected back at the
enemy hero at the end of combat round

Rod of Ressurection___________________________________________________________

Return target creature from graveyard to hand

Scroll of Bliss_______________________________________________________________

Power & Toughness of the enchanted creature increases by 4 until
end of round

Scroll of Dust________________________________________________________________

All creatures cannot attack until their next round

Scroll of Maggot______________________________________________________________

Summon Maggot ( Flying )

Amulet of Ether Defense_______________________________________________________

Enchanted creature cannot be target by spells or abilities

Amulet of Huntress____________________________________________________________

Summons the Huntress: First Strike. Rest:Destroy target creature
with power 4 or higher

Amulet of Purification________________________________________________________

Removes target enchantment

Amulet of Unity_______________________________________________________________

Each creature gains +1 power and toughness for every creature of the
same race currently in play

Ring of Command_______________________________________________________________

Transfers control of the targeted enemy to owner of Ring of Command

Ring of Destruction___________________________________________________________

Destroys target creature and nullifies Regen ability. This spell can be
used during block phase

Ring of Healing_______________________________________________________________

Gain 7 life

Ring of Paralysis_____________________________________________________________

Enchanted creature cannot get up. Pay 2 life to release enchanted creat.

Rod of Colossus_______________________________________________________________

Deals 9 damage to target

Rod of Defense________________________________________________________________

Toughness of all friendly creatures increases by 3 until end of block
phase. This ability can be used only during block phase.

Rod of Dominance______________________________________________________________

Power and toughness of all friendly creatures increases by 1

Rod of Insanity_______________________________________________________________

Controller of the enchanted creature is dealt 2 damage each round

Rod of Konung_________________________________________________________________

Summons Konung, a creature with Trample, First Strike, Restless, Berserk
Regeneration (3); cannot be targeted by spells or abilities.

And again, what are my Top 3 favorites?

1. Rod of Konung ........ Yes, eat 'em all alive!
2. Amulet of Ether Defense ..... Quite useful, specially if enemy likes
casting negative enchantments on you.
Of course you can use disenchant spells
but prevention is better than cure.(-:

3. Ring of Destruction ......... Send his approaching creature to hell.
Plus, this can be casted during block!


Well, as i have said earlier, this guide was created mainly for newbies. This
section of the guide was made to give some few reminders and tips when playing.

First, in every deck that your going to build, always make a theme. Don't just
mix cards in there thinking that it will be fine. Nope. Powerful cards will
not always guarantee you of victory. Remember to analyze what your strategy
will be and from there start building your deck.

Next, Visualize how the game will progress with your set of cards. You can
have a better vision of the game if you imagine how your deck will fare during
battle. As we all know in this game, there is a whole lot of possible card
attack combinations during combat proper. So what i'm stressing here is
understand every card you have, and how it will go with each other, w/c will
maximize the variety of attacks that you can dish out.

And finally, Timing plays a very important role in combat."Is this the perfect
time to cast my freshwind + mindblast attack, or should i cast it later for
higher damage? What if he discards all my spells?". Well, you can never tell,
that is why it's exciting. You see, Timing for me is included in perfect
execution of plan of attack that follows a certain strategy in your mind. It is
like chess in a way, where you think ahead of the game, of how a move will
affect the next.

VII. Card Combos

As i have said, i am no expert and that is why i can't guarantee you that these
decks will win most of the time. There are a lot of possible combos out there,
and a deck can be created to counter a specific deck. Therefore, a deck may
win against one, but maybe not against another. I remember these are the ones
i personally have used during my newbie days. Remember, it all goes down to your
own style and strategy.

..Critter Assault..__________________

Ether Harvest/Ether Tap/Strength of Woods/Endurance of Woods/Hornets/


Im going for speed and quantity here. Just cast your Ether Harvest and
then watch your ether pile up, allowing you to blow up spells from your
hands quickly.


Look for this one in the deck selection in duel mode.


During my newbie days i thought one can't win if he does'nt have any
monsters in deck. I was proved wrong by this one. It's style of attack
is cool, relying mainly on its freshwind + mindblast, and some CoC.

..Spirit Assault..__________________

1 Life Channel/1 Blast/2 less. disenchant/2 fresh wind/2 fog/1 Cleric
Spirit/2 wizard spirit/3 warrior spirit/2 unsummon


Wizards and Warriors kick ass together, not to mention they both have
lifetap & regen abilities!(that's why i added Life Channel). A fairly
fast deck to build, just summon them all when you can. Unsummon &
disenchant provides good backup. I included Blast here if ever enemy
uses that pale spelleater.

NOTE: To anyone who wants to share their combos, please feel free to e-mail me.
Give as much as you want, i will credit you here. Thanks.


MoGiBap's Death Clouds Deck
race - synthets

strong toxin - 4
wall of distortion - 4
mindwipe - 1
clone - 2
depressing gas - 2
data impulse - 3

specialization - destructive wipe
luck - 3
resources - 3
strength - 1
level - 11

VIII. Credits
Thanks to:
GameFaqs = #1 source of Faqs/Guides
Nival Interactive = 2 thumbs up for this Game.
To everybody in the Message Boards
Kuya = salamat sa datung

Deck Submissions by: MogiBap

This Guide is dedicated to my Ragna addicted dudes: In pRO (Iris):
Paulo = Ninong/danterminator
Rey = PrieSt AsaGirI/nene romanova
PB = Kuya Bigboy/chiz_wiz
Ichan = wiz kid/borotski
Jay-R = Santo FaFa
Macky = Artemizh
nosliw= _--@--_
Raffy = p@los
Alpine= Laseng

To all my classmates in BSEE III Batch 2001. AND OF COURSE TO YOU !!! (-:

Copyright 2003 Amiel Pineda

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